Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1889)
Peculiar In the combination, proportion, and prep aration ot ita ingredients, Hood's Sarsapa .1, T. Fortw'fa w:il rebuild bis saloon itt once. rilla accomppsb»*« cun « where <»ther reme This is our week. Th. K'*n»» r> 11« r null is reported to bv a suc dies entirely fail. I,♦•culiar in its g«jod Warth« uses fail oí grain. cess. tiamc at home, winch is a” tower ot strength i « fuchi p *!» e ^ n.i ncœii saino D. G. Mclnl **h offers th«* Snug hot« lat Link- Town and fa r grounds itili of people abroad, peen! ar >n »h*» phe.tomrnal sale* I vii • fur Ihe big advertisement iur ■jur it has attained. H«»«‘d’s SaF*aparilla is lb«. ; W;r. * i in.lz» , late of K» no, is now at Fr«*sno* most s iccpatdnl medic n * i«»r purifying the j THUltötMk ........ n E/ i EMDKR J i. tiWU. CaHfornia. Too many stands and boo h* tor proñt to I»1 o * m 1, giving M'ei'gth, and creating aa ap- ; i Si,»»•••rz » n” barbershop will be located in the owners, on the fair ¿rounds. I Juilg. Smith’* stole* budding. G ovkji . vok I’ innu . :! a « cali'.J Gov. I Our enterprising town is gttting the A tmmb«*r «<1 buildings relieve the* mon -to MARRIKP. Waterman's a:lentiun to li.v daui iu tuv ny of th»* burnt di«tii«-t Mt Linkville. lion’s «bare of nttentton this w*ek. Klamath rivor at Matiiotee which he (’. Crad«lo< k inutllritod his left arm badly by j The query fa, w n it u mdjr fjerk proof JONES -(’LARK- In Grant’s Pass Sept. I7th, ailegew to be an obstruction to tlie mi a tall at ttu* K«.*n<> •«aw-mill n^ecntly. reader mat i«K*ated i’entrai Point in Dong- nt the Commercial hot«*!, by Rev. Rubt. Mc Clerk l^-avttt advertliies fur 2Wcords j , gration t>f salmon, whicli are killed there Lean, Jasper N. Joncft and Lydia N. (’lark, la* county ? i»f dry pin«* w«»«*d for tb<* court ht»us«. both of Jackson county. by the thousand. The Medford Matt* team took a si in < n Sportsim n have beguu th** regular annual its « wn account one «ia this we< k. but uid PETERS-PE( O- In Grant’s Pas«. Sept. 17th ex« cut hi .4» the young mallar«! ducks. by Ab«* Axtell, J. P., Jackson !*« t« rs ana 1 r was a simple tui'iL’ tor tile bento- Mr. Dentiia*-f Bonanza tlr«»v« a uic«* bunch i no limit amount ui damage Mary Peco. eratic tummirnioner oi i'viisivtts Black, «.f uvt i c.uth* uver t«» A»hiand last week. I’ T. Banlctt an«! J. S. P»»nnebMker ui RODGEILH-DI RKEE-At th«» r»wi«lenc»» of J. to ditbuise uidliuns ui dollars, but when C. >. >' rgviu is building a neat dwelling in Aalilan«! are both ruiploycd in ll<e planing C. Duiker, on Tuesday, S«»pt. 15th, by Rev. F. K. Van Tassil, M. (’. Rodgers of Yolo it tell to me lot of the I>.nuia K *a<noy oi th«* rear «»f his Mure r«>oin In East Linkville. in>11 at this place. county. Cal., an«! MI hs Eva Durke«». G'*o. T. Baldwin last week purchase«! the 1’he sa-h and d«>. r fa« lory and planing the G. A K.,thu mail wtiu fattens Oil Furbcs bhak n« xt the bridge in Linkville fur mil! "f this i lace started up this week ai d DFNGAN-DVNGAN-At Central Point, at ttie tolly ot others,! Iiausand dl-grace le- $150). the r»*id«*nce of W. B. A. Temp!«», 8«»pt. 21st iired- inga good busint*».* already. • uc- suited, says the llr/eowo'. by M. Purkeypile, J. P., Thus. M. Dungan an«! James A. M tT.ut <»f L mg Pralrtc bos b«*en Miss Lily Dungan. app ¡lut.-d d«*puty atmk iusp»*etor for Wood cess io thrill. Central Point is full t > overflowing this FLIPPIN HAYS—In Central Point. Sept. 22d, I'KKsmxxT H. kkisv N redeems his nv. r precinct. week. The visitors are well pleas» «1 with bv M. Purkeypile, J. P.. Wm. Flippin aud Th** various r«*ads I catling to the rallr«»ad are pledge to ex t-iid the civil service refo-m Mins E. J. Hays. r. jHirt u as tiring unusually rough for this o«ir town anti no doubt some of them will by turning out twenty puettcaateia in mm* of the ytur. DAHACK—ALLEN—At the court-htMiae in lo«*Nte among us. one day stiu| ly lacau-H- they were lh*m- Jacksonville, Sept. S3d, by J. H. Hutter, re B«*n M< nru«* has Nuff«*rcd greatly with his Tne session laws hn-at»» the t«»wn of Cen cord« r. Eli I)ahack and Mrs. Martha Allen. ocrats. Here we have tire <ntf. eoce l>e- rigiat baud, wuich was burned much worse tral Po»ir in towtvhip 23 S »nth. range 2 \S IP »th of Little Butte precinct. ta'een |> la-tore election and ac num at first supposed. in Dunalas ountv, but she's here, all ii»e Judg.- Smith s nt w warchoufH iu th«* rear of tion» alter, aaya the >-oo»rna ittmucrut. tii. r»t 4b **«11'1 tb«* phivmx act” during «¡tut and marching o«i. Go to Dr. Hinkle’s «!rug store for school w«*t k at Linkvilk*. T he lax>or union* oi >an Francigcu arc The* r« *«-rv.ition buys demonstrated thvir bo .ks oi every dcM-npi i' ll. Reader» aud considering the advisability ui sending ahi.tty to play ball Mt Ashland on Pioneer day, Hrithinetica exchanged t«»r the new series levtiirerg throughout the eastern States t»,vily beating the pick sl nine of valley buy». free until October 1. 1!W9. ('raubt .n A Parker have be< n mgiig«*d dur Much intertst is taken »n the vein ot so t<> present ti>e advauldges to Im gained ing tm wcikin building a nww law office on by renewed ggitat.o'i lor the enact cranston corm*r. J. t. Kvrtcbeiu whi have da w «t-r L»*t week tap|»e(l by the xaell borers on P. W. Olwed’s place in the < n- ment ui inure atr*ngenl laws his real « state uttive lit the saiuc building. Pr. sid« nl McLaughlin of the Mamstvv luin- vir«»ns of t«»w»». li will doubtless make a ( hinese uninigraiio », fuv >cult l*w vekv ear u. ring <*.»mpany tiaa been baying m number of iu»ted summer lesuKot tilts place. can nut be lutpioved upon, the umy mmc* in Klamath county rcc« ntiy tor urn* at The firm of N ncross A Lnrson, engage»! tiling necessary living it* vidorceuient. iur luma. Mules usually lind a ready market* in the nur>erv business,has b en dissolved, E. Eg erf will soon open up his stock of bar- I the latter retiring. Mr N wi l continue !h ring the coining vuiuiue TA' lVn» n* *4 m a n> w building un the h»t lie rw« utly tlie business at the ol*i stun 1. am! will purchii*«* t from t h»t>. Humphrey, between f'ry ¡a to have an LiU'HiaUai senes oi iu- *»l«i poMviti«*»* uic au«i the St. Charles hotel -pare nu pains to me«t all driiiamls will» the cLoiiesl oi trees, shrubbery, etc. article« on the French salon« ui the iut. Th«* county vault is slowly approaching cuin- neventetiKh and r.gbtttnth centuries, ihe “Mail” man was surpristi to lied plvtmn. Its dim* ustons are 14x21» outside that the Central I‘« i it people icmenibcred including pen portrait» ui many ui the .u» Msur«*n»«*nt, Mii't sxhi inside, having 3-foot hisunkimt stii»*iures un their town for leadera and a detailed account ui the or al.*. It will *•« rtaiuly be iirvprouf if not bur showing the ne< essiry enterprise to orga ganization and coinpoaitiuu ui several glar proof. The i*. gulat.ns ar«* *aid to be contemplating nise ilie local fair association, wlun he historical salon*. A g>eat number oi in adi.m with certain parties wtm arc came ‘round begging our mti chan C- for su| - tercHting |>orlra.ts aid I m ? given with the -uuimuiy Naturaby it tar iiubil < f appropriating and branding port for a lair d^ily I »st week. serie«. cattle n<»i tneir own tn tne neighborhood of hey failed to put Dim h « ontiden« e i.i his K«*IK . earnesl pr«»fess.ons of m vhang» of heart, large frame building erect»xl on th«* site whereat hr squeal* gio i «usly in h.s last Tu i. nheritfd of the different eastern >f Eg« rt harness shop by J«»un (Heim, at issue. < tfeRon cuuunes are i 1 .tin mt a call for a Liukx ci«*, during thv we« k ant be occupied sheriffs’ convention, tue object oi which t»y R. Hui»■*. Martin X ( «». and Frank Bros, «lur- L’b«* brst named firm will REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. is to organize and p riict plans to co- .ng tin* winter. i udn a*ttrv-priM»f l»n« k next spring. « operate witu oue aiiotlier tor me dette Dr. DePuy t.Ha season demonstrated beyond The full«»wing deeds lmvr been filed for rrc- tion and capture oi horse-thieves and i doubt t oiit p. a« nv*«»t rare excellence can la* other e> muríais. Asimilar uigauizatiui: ;>t .biC'Mi in K.auiath county, a Hinali tree m ord tn th»* <»thv«* of the county clerk since the last report of the T imen : exists la Iowa and is sai.i to be tar u-o.e .us gar.ivu Having i»*»rn« tuis vcur'235 pounds James Carr to H. K. Baker; »«outh J21> acre» .t d. in n u* ! i ml • «¡uai t«» the R.»guu rivt rvai- twp. 37 S.. 1!. I W; $7lW. effective than tin- present plan by which 1« y product. t price the tree hurt* «>f I >t 4, .*«■« tion L. L. Angle to H«»ward Winter; 5 6 n -1«A í acre* there IH little co Operation amuiig tile $L>.ad world ul lruit. In twp. 37, K. '4 W. TbiR powder nc v » t varicw. A inarv» l of puri the riffs. A num1»«, r » ! cua«*s «»f cattle poisoning from D. T. Ewen t«> Carolin«* S. K. Story; jMacrc* ty. strength and wboh*A«»nirtH M.*. More ecou- • m tug wilu parsnip, tne u. iu E m . k p«»is.»n ut the in twp. 35 S., R. 1 w.; omietil tluiu the ordinary kind*, mid cannot he .nd«.ut.s. ar«-1» p.4 led. Thu pluul is abundant H. B. Cart, r to G. F. Billing*; JD acre»» in sold in votnpi-titiou with the iniignitudv of low iu1: deafening cheers which thr ill maifaz«) localities an«! wuvu cat ie pull up twit, .»S . K. I E.; RWM. test, short weight, alum »ruhosphnte powdeva. :.*.* | .iut au«i «at tn. r.»ot it cmusvs death very J. ( . ( «»ruin t»t E. W. Hutchison; lots iu Park Sold «»nK in run-. IL>yal Baking Powder Co., name ui t leveland an 1 the Ub.ntiun oi tui« kiy. though st « k van ■> .mctiim s graze on add. to Medford; $l,70t’. Mr. Wall Ft.. N. Y tariff refur-n and higher wages were re uie lu rouge t«»r tn »uttis with«>ut injury . Marietta Fox i»> Benjamin F >\; lot 3. block 5, ceived in th,» recent Democratic State V. c. Dr.ffi IJ, special agent of the Auglo- Ashland, and lot 3, t»l < k **T," railroad ad«!, to Convention in I'enn-ylvani.. iiulicate-l N vada A*.'uri»nve company, has turu«i»iivd ■lu.. un i lOacr.-s m twp. «♦ S„ K. I E . <’»,000. C. \V. » «ikt r to S H. Murray ; P> acr« H in twp •a L . k. ttl Xur ’ wit.« tu« f.iilowing «’ata very plainly tl)« sentiment of the ts*i .. 4 id'iiruiu .u*j«.*tni« nt ot h»sett L>y IU»-Link- 37 S. R. I W |2l»«0. In eveiy bciii'x-rat e Stat.- Conienti'.! |{ral<>n Fox to Marietta Fox; 40 acres in hi,.- Ma tu Jk < » tn. Angto- lid'! this year similar demonstrations ui N« v.»d.i, $1.».«M*. Hal'twiti X F«»rberi. in the two ¡W S, R 1 E.. and lots 2 au«i 3 in block “T,1 Fireman's I uu-i, $ti,.W, I-.. E. KvdUcid, **ninv. railroad add. t«> Ashland.; JTAIUO. I’rin» »• ami Peasant, the Millionaire and enthusiasm have occurred There is a *G«i; u. W. >mitii, un buildings, in American H. R. t arter to F. Sh»*ph**r«!; lot V». Pay Laborer, by their common use of very k'Kaltliv sentiment throughout li e ru s 1,2. m «. I'n.enix <•! tJr<»« kiyu, $l,25H; P< nn- Prachl’s add., and l<»t 2. block 45, in Summit sylvaiualrir . ¿1. A»r. I’hcrm.x ot Lon«l«»n, $""»0; add. t.» Ashlami; RMW. tiiis r«*m«*»!v. attest the uorld-wi«k* rep. party of .tnti-nionoi>olv. A. E. Izaran t«» W. H. Norcross; land in twp s’lat«- lavtstiuviit. *7.’>0*, Furin» rs’ and Mvr- utation of Ayer'» Pills. Leading phy ciiaiiis,«'f Albany, «-ti turmturv, total, 37 S. K 2 W IltOO. W. H Eark.T G» Mi'.o Cabm ; lot in Jackson- sicians r«*<*otnint*nd these pills for r>iE uppreheiiaiun of another peri»*i <« ■ u, John ti.« iHi. m l.' ii'b.ii X Lun*a«btre, 'l..*2fa; r ank Hr»»* hup t Co.. >n Amt man rilh ; $325. Stomach aud Lixer Troubles, Costive oi -tringency in die n*•»ivy inaikrt is i ir*, ¿.AX’; total, $.k>,*.7s. J. II. < '.»ttle to Lo«*tte S« rgent; lots 1 and 2. ness. BilivU'.n. -s, ami Sick Headache ; still felt in \» «11 ritetrt. The uncasinesi» In tiu* y« ¡»r ut »can ity of grass the I jcal blink 14. Phivnix; $5<X). II Eug . to Anna M. En<«*l; W acr»*s ;n also, for Kin umatHin, Jaundice, aud tocMIitvb. I* w.i > slivt j'. Cattle of '□ il’sV rai.s- twp can not, however be attributed to ba«l 3s - R 1 w.; «21M>| t a | r« ms but iittn* -yinputiiy for th'* preua- Ni-ura’.g a They ar»* sugar-coated ; con crop rv|N>rta. Fiom Ch cago, Detr«.it, * rs, zk. C. H» «iu to G. < . Coy ; t»»md for d«***d to 10 i y ow n« r-i .4 large h. rd.s .»t st. ck wbo uavt* tain no »ab'tmd : u«* prompt, but mild, st. Loll:.*, Kansas City, Omaha, Cleve <uiicr< »1 IT miu shoit rang < tins season un their aero* m twp 31» S. R. 1 E T. E. J»»n« s t»» D. Whrf>*ton<*; lot 9, bhak in operation; and, therefore, th»* v«*rv land, Pittsburg. Phi!a«ielpuia and Bufl annual dm« tar-»ugh t.o* c»*untry. Tbvsv nliy ar- m the tiaUii «>t sw««ping <»v**r the ••!), ' ruilroa<t add. to Ashland : $525. best medicine f< r Family I’s» .as urll as ton « onie a«■couiiH of a n«»table awukrn- and Edward Brae»* to Th »mas J Carder; lots 3 w.t, their ail devouring h« r»Ls, consum for Travelers an.I Tourists. ing in th«* held «H ti.r r sev«iai sihci . i ’ ing every spv.irot gra.-* ui their imv of march, and 4, block. J. GoH"*ay’s a«id. to Medford; «IH». mg n • t.t\<-, iUimng tie* rang«- tor other •‘I ha\o den\«*«l great relief from tie.*. The p«»li«*y uf tl c Uva-tiry «lepatl- R. H. M«»orr. assignee, to ( has. Nickell ; lots -1..« ki»u i u.iv h . m a .*.->-t i us « if vet on tut Ayer's P ills. Fixe years ago I was tnent ia much to S* looked t • iur a r •* i*»eal niHik ts. Il is ii .»1 a* tuougb tn« y m< rely 10 an I IL bhn k It. (* »11 Hill; $»-** taken su ill with T. L. Ball to J. H. Williams; sain«* lot* ns 1 toration «4 «•onti«le*»re. W. 1 it b.» ««pia. lr«.v--through tu«- c.-t.iitry, tor tncy *«»it. r it ->14 »iiiuugn lie « nlir. ■■> d.««»n and their in- above ; $3«J0. t; 1 to tlie emergency ?. F Roper to E. V. Carter; i »t< 1 and 2, block cursioiis . i < •• uly tots* Ilk «».«1 t«>ap!a*ut* of i 1 i * i i.H-UaU. With ihe rapid Svttb tut ut of the 49. Summit add. to Ashland; ¿12.5. that I was nnab’.e to do any work. I II I’ru« to L. A. N» il; «piitclaim t«> hit 6, ¡ ' J ' ! 1» ginning t » iov»k t«» the settler IT1E I -ilteii X;it -s i.«s, jH-j liai-s, licen < ouutry t 7"' bio« k J, Ashlan«!. took three boxes of A>«r * Pills and i ” T : * .z » brav« .* ih. i< rr 4 ■ 4 tn«* w ildvrucsa tu 11| f i » ! more generous with its , hi hol4 e s than tWlild iHiie li m duiuv its though he sh'»u>d be was entiiely cured. Since that time I ’ Ì any other I. »tion. Its )>eu.-ioii rolls cor- pr»>l«« « d I. • some . xt« ut against th« su preda- atu never without a box of these pills. ” An Interesting Caso. ..»iy Vitu.i.ti- a u gruz « v« n tne U«*rt»rtg. from Peter Christ«n-.-n, Sherwood, Wis. • mi nearly hail a million n.m> s, an ) uis <!»>»-i y ai-I. U nat s th« niMit. i with enavt- Barr, P.vkef and i o-)p» r have the < xpenditiKrs foi prn-iona fust yi at •‘Ayer’s Pills have be.-n in in mv Hg a :.. u t. > pi v« nt a man i r> iu ht nling stock r<»u. Id ‘ •lib atain-* Wm. Gite-, and the family upward* of tx\«nf\ years ami an.onnte<l to fs2,Ut)0,00(), while tie- iota, m- r.* man iiv« imivs laud owned by lum- shet If. at ‘h’-.r «liicction, Im* levteP ut.» n have completely xcniieti ail that is - >t, r t > i.t « ui'.vmg iit-rds in each county outlay of ihe nat ona‘ goveii.ii'- i.t w.i- tne import*.! Gab »w y rari** » f H. claim»»»! for tlieiu. In att.v ks of piles, wh.t-. tli y j'dso. f2t>7,OOlhfxs». ’ilie p-iisiuns were there ..ti Lewi* u’i 'tint <-f .*> »me s-uppost* i inter from whi'h I sntte**« I many years, fh»y fore an > in mcr.iie item in tli- t< al i,.:i esu of Gaies m the cattle. Mr. Lewi* in- afford g“»*ater relief than any other JOSEPHINE » OL NTY ITERS. It would hove been staitungiy laig' th,- tem’-e-i to exhibit li.**-e catti • at the fan, medicine I ever tried,”—T. F. Adams, bu r was prevented from doing so on ac The new bai.k at the Paes i* about r»*ady for .‘ear had i ouiim-sioner lami. r r, iuai*i- Holly Springs, Texas. £:^eCorrespo oloi.i-i* Ii. ife.l awt busiir *.*. count of Cii ’ i Httarnm» n ‘ . It i* to I m re ed in offi e. An it m, he g-t-allv increased ” I have used Ayer's Pills for a num gret ’ »* I that tin» « xh'bit was not made, a* it N w buildii.g* ar«* gum.«; up alin<«&t daily nt the outlay, wittiout good reasons. ber of years, and have never found any won! » h .ve a ided g.«‘ittly to tlie mtere-t < f Gnuit’.- 1‘usw. thing equal to them for gi’-mg me an Mr*. E. (’. N- well ha* been visiting iu Ash- Mtotknifn ana b<en the no an* vf g- nerallv appetite itnl imparting energy and in’roducing »Lese Celebrated <*»»tlle into r>!E administration h be»ng liberally aaa during tn«* w v k. strength to th»* system. I always k«*ep MiHlforcl < >i-«»g'<>i3 We pii ier-tand that Mr. Lewi» ( . B. Wat.* n and G«»org(* D« an of Ashlaud ti:e •» ate i riticieeu by 'be Grami Aiiuy oi tne K>- them in the house.**—R. D- Ja<kson, li.i*» wrought *uit ag-'iii't bherift Bo 1 c phbbc fur removing Cuiporxl Tanner, x i tl« «1 th» I’ m *** Rifat we« k. Wilmington, Del. A full pr»»c« *.* roll r mill w ill ««ion be in for the p' -’-»•-*:on ot th«**e cattle and daui- many pt sts ot which, like H. C. Huff *• Two boxes of Ayer’s Pills cure«! me n ’♦ • for wrongtul *• iz ire. •p- rati hi in J .-t-phiii»» < <4inty. man post of Eimira, N. \ . has unani ' Arthur the live r«-al »Mute agent. of severe mou.-iv adopted resolutions in condemna ‘ visit»*! in Sam’* valley last we, k. Personal. tion ot th*- a 1mm.str -lion for deer and* r. • Dr. J. St»*«*! Is the latest addition t »th> med- tl.e lesigna'iun of their “honest ami hon .cai liati.rnity of Grant's Pa***. from wltieh I was long a sufferer. — N. H b'rvhii«:’>stein, of .Mobile, Al.«, Emma Key*. HiibLard-t- n. Mass. orable citairade, James Tanner, of Thi.* ci.'.inty i.* making a fir*r-cla*.* *h«»wing writ *• I ake ¡¿rent pe»-ure in r«c»uu integrity and loyalty liiere car. b* t.o at tuu ur Cn<l luir. nieixLi) * L>r h i»4’s N’* w Discovery (<»r ••Whenever I atn tr< itMed with con stipation. or - iffer from !•->. appeiite, question.’’ ntifl il r prusuient Was light. | Thl't-e < nrlou«!* « ( fruit left Grant's P ham for con*un,|'rion. havi ng Used ¿t for a -‘V.*te San 4 lanci*«* . on. day last we« k. at’a> k <*i bruiicnif’* dipi cat fi b It gave Aver’* P.ll- set nn right i_.un. —A.J. I'.i the i x-eoinmisH.uner had no q-i »io,- Mi*. >. M. WJc >x d* part«*! f r Adiland from •re infant r-*‘i*f un«! ci tirtly cur <1 ine Ki^cr, Jr , Kock House. \ a. ealioas tor the pia-itioii he eo sham- loir, |t*n* !*,«.■** on dn«**d.iy of '.u»t week. *nd I have n-*t atllic.e I sun •»•. I also •‘Ayer s Pills are in g* ti-¡al •!» maml abased. I; \. T T.. .1. n> * returned fr>>in hi* northern beg to slate that I bad trud other reme among our customer*. Our sales •>! tr:;> «»n We«ln***«ia\ tv mug of la.*t w*»« k »lie* with no goo i result, Hav»* h I- u use I them exceed those of all otlo r pill* com •>.»». M G«u>»f Williams « r«*«k raised corn hl‘ctr'c B tters «ini Dr. King’s New Life bined. Wc hax<* never kti iwn th'-na T he 1* aii * « urr.*Ap<»ni!ent <d" tim r/..Ks » this y« ar no a.-uring 13 1«*»*t in height. i’ll-, b 'h of wi ie’i I rtcoinm-nd. Pr. fail to give cntiie Hiiisfaction.” — raya Hie < !r<*Uon in I r*»i.ce r<*>u«t«.«i in .» Wtitf r «p| ! * i n Josuphin«* are commanding K g’w New PU» »very for conMimp’i n. Wright & Hannelly, San Diego. Texas. cnibhirg defeat tu the B<ai!angist*, u! > J from >•'t .0 cent* pe r bu*hvl I* x in the «>r- t (H’gbs, and L 'd-. i*» ‘0 d on a |>o i ivr return only 21 nmniltvi* and ultUbff CTi*” guarantee. Tri 1 b »41 a Irte nt al. drug Mr* I .» - . • (.rant - Pa-' ha* b«*en vi* .ting store.*. tire representation in the new t haiti's r. . i un»t it. r, Mr-. >« an*, at I..nkviL«* during t Iu* i after reba.loting.wUI not exi ted 3o. Tin ;• «*t w. « k. A FKEFAKKt» BV Religion» .New». coiiaerva'ivew elected 131 niemb.*.-s an-, W. T. p. • k ¡-putting up a n«*at dwelling Dr. J. C- Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. will get 3*) more. The Republicans ie- j i* >»«*♦• in Grant - Pass not far from thcsch«»ul- I'ntil forth.r notice, 'he following are Bold by ail j>cah*M m Mvdkms. lurned 21k, and will secure over bln I hou-*»*. the ap: ointments tor f’atbolie servi, es at I B II' tch ha- lias«*! th.* Pa lace hotel at the different »tati. n< tn southern Ortgon. mote, making their total stiength 1-- ‘ twe'-ii US um I 30. .i.-ttt -t 23) or J., ' «•> .itit'* Paand i* again a permanent r«*.«i- Ou me 24 Su .dar < f the month, wan w ill ; ut of «»ur <• unty. lepr.-c-.t ng tl.e o; position. Die sue ; .L > (? • d ha- *»»Id "lit hisilruy bnsin« ** and be -a d in Ja. k-onville at IVA M . v-’pers at 7 r m ' Ji th 3d Sun lav, servic-s at •' ■ - ■ ' the Repni'licans and defeat! f the >. n.i •••«1 . a-t t > Gardner city . M w here he I ■ n iri-hv an I < r -ar'.-m is a happy i.u•; I ill m..kv :»i* futur»- home. ii.:v' at A-Id u d. at I" « m ; « n the 5<b o i . ..t >:«-still claiming th * att«*ntion idimluv. mfi-s at Gr n< > Pa*«*, .t lo t m ; Dissolution of Co-partnership 1 lie reeint of tlie e • c.. n put.“ an etnl to t :i ii- • f William- t r>» k and *«»m»* the Boulangiat meiian n.-t c uspiraev. un the Dt >un hiv « f eich lminth the 1st l i » -uit* are l.k' ly to ;rro«v .»ut of them. otice is hereby given that the ni.V“ Will b«* celebrated at Jacksouvill«», at co-partm rship h«*r«-tofor»* existing b«*t ween I r.inigr i>.f‘* nr * »!■ lighted w ith everything 7 a m , th«* 2 i mass al M»«lf* r I at 10 a . m W. H. Nurcr«*»* and A. E. Larson, under th« • ur - »unlx •xcupiin«* r«m*!.*, and we hup»* Si.« likTAKY Nt hi i*. un motion tor a re K kv . F. S. N«« ei . firm name of Norcross A Lirson, nurserymen, view made l»y the fatal«* » I (h»*gun ill lEr ' i • ..npt' X th« 1.1 rapnily in th«* n«ar future. at < entrai Point, Oregon, is thia day dissolx »*<1 The i»»ll«»wi«)g are Rev. R Ennis ap by mutual Dr B* tin« rt. w h--wa* <*alb*l t«» Michigan in ' consent. A. E. Larson retiring from Hwamp lan«i list review«-«! by S.*«*retarv ; >-■«•« r t . a di- .it« h r<s*» iv. I >•-hurt time ago, pointment« ‘hi every Mindav morning, the firm and W. II. Norcross continuing the \ da* on De»-enibt*r 17, IsSS, has denied 1 w ill r.-turu w ith hi* family t » Grant’s Pass !«*•- excepting th»* third. !m will liold services business, to whom all accounts are payable 11 mi motion. The amount <>f laid ur;g- | tore apt mg. nt thr Preeby terian < hurcb in Phoenix : or ami who assumi * .ill liabilities of said firm. w. H. N’oltf Ros\ .1 < ph W.MHlruff and family, who live away •he thir<! Sunday ruonung and everv Sun nally was‘»I.CMiG acres; ui this auu.i.n A E. LARSON «»n I ni.-n« r»*'k n ar th«**H«xul of R <gu»* day evening hr will nrrach at the Presby 12,lk>) M« r. s by former dt «*>MionM Were ! up Central Point, Oregon. Sept. 24tb, ls*9. ■ r. p. - • «1 t. ruiigli tin* Pass on th« ir way terian church in Jacksonville. paten. I to the stat»* Under the «!••<•» I home rr«Hii the hop ii» Ids a tew days Miner. ion ui Janna« v is, 1SS9, 2i*.('0 a«-e- »*i T II. lb »<1. payma*t. r «»f th«* S. P. hn«*s in Notice for Publication. this ulh'ged sl .4Ut|> land v. rr pal- nt I |»»i*"g n, «*uj »y ■ »1 th» tin«* ti*hing along llotni«* t'.v rf i • v- nil days last w«.« k. while tin • L andopfk e at K oseih hg . i > r .,( M the Mat «. l n«h*r the <1 * **on ot Jan- guest «.f .I.T. Galvin. S«.-pt**mb< r 24, lss’.i. l" uarv IS, lSS’l, 2D,OOl) acre» cttln aJcge : T IS HEIH'BY GIVEN TH AT TH! II II ^parl’n. R. Big. I w, J. I.. Powell, G. B. 1 tollowing-naiiH d setth r ii«*fll«*d notice of swamp ran«! Her»* d ride«! l«j be hilly . Wil' u. Mr. Nat',« •». Big* low, Jas. « r< »w'• y ' his inl«*ntion t«» in.«k«* tinul pro«»f in *mpp«>rt of aud iiiuiin’a.num. of o S/ m ) a. *. • j.’ • .tn*! H.i'i pr unin' nt « iti/.fns of Willimns his claim, mid that said pr«»of will be made b»*- er k xv.-r nt Ja« k*oi«vil!'* during th»* w-. k. niaining. s«-eretan N‘ ?.!» t .b i hi f.»re th«* ch i k "f the county court of Jacksou i »• > « .:;/. ii . lat* t .!.« k n <• unty, J p» r will iua ent. rt<i ii a inetio?: fur review. «•ounty. < >r.. at J.iefcsoin ill»*. Or., on Saturday, \. J n - »in .«nd Mr . Ly H»i N. < ’ark. w» rJ »in<*«i Nov. 2. INS’.», viz; >t.*ph<*n Dister, pre-emption »1 th s i »i • ! '•-- i l»’Ht 1- l»y R*-v H M<*- I> - x . . r. r th« SW >4 uf NK. «*4 and w. I, !i tin ' nun-r< aai h t. I in Grant* ■> Puss 'v of SE M, -e J-, tp .tt* S„ K. 4 w«*at. W. M 4i Tuu-day cv« n.tig of hist w«*» k. < UUIMW I’hh F, *».’ «in» I>. truer;».ti * H'* name- th** following witn«*s*«*s to i»rov*J Extension of Exchange*. Tw«my th«4;s*.«nd pounds t f onion-» from nati« hai » ' tîiliiit!» «», lias « n ¡i; < r- his <• mtiniious r«‘«*id€*nce unon and cultiva i ii •-'¡u.irt r* t ana«*r«*j* the pre*«*nt m a- i'h -t ho -I book p; i lir-b»x* granit <1 tion of. suid l.m<l, viz: Tnornrts Me«», J. H. viewcil. He « vin I«*.-» aiih <x l’i--.»le».! i - -o'- *. i. ! ! •' »»• »i-Ttd by W. T. S. Patt hi , living Knutz»*n, I’et. r Brcvert an«! ,1. 1’. Caver, all «»f □ il additi >n tl iu«»btli - tin »• for th«* tree ex- ( !•• .vlan»I. a iio rus a’-«> sp. k«»n un the . ,t t «. i ui. - P «--. Tin* in-an* a mark* t value • L ; 'rj'i rvHu«*rs. «» a n : h» »•;♦* r in* Appl«*gat., Jack*<>n countx*. < >r. siiEj ** t. Iir.*«‘ - hvh ; “I ! i..i.» l-.i a' nt *MM ♦ *r tin » rup, a pt« tty g .<»•! ¡n- I HAS. W. Jollxsritx. it.Xi-l'-r. to »ijpily th** d-*n: *.mi indy li» rv’"toi e. »lon* l»»w pric si I mu »!*. ♦ ,<i'.r « *1 »* • pÎRtiorm u I »pe «I òy t¡. Dr. lh»b- 1 .;i-i I* *‘»1* st».*kn< * I • pr . ailing on WiU- Th* rX'L.'U ;« «an fe • iiect»*(1 Ob.«j I t ’n m . a: I t**«»tily join in ile Public Auction. -t re tinti N-»v 1-t. Term.*» • r> k »1 pre*» >>i. K *on of H-*i;»*y J «new | .t’ ». n- d> i «..* • w *i.i. . and it « t»itr«*l H im ! • f < xchiiu^e if «jîl ‘*r ext book- mil be eiul »»*eii *’>!. Ob.o Pein'* :dcv's ’ •i. r of >• * ir« u will i«l*<» «1;«*. Mt. itta lr Kt.* »%’ti there »> i *q ¡ >«*nt»nieiii in th» ;*i ••»■*. oí tar«il r**f»»*n» fpHE VNDF.RSIGNED wild. »»FFER l «»R V •vig : a • it:i«i at .’.o»*t to ■ * i*n • tin«»*, A, ‘■al»* ;»t public auction at th«* Davidson aie mx own .My *rotmr»nt.*» in tegar»! I p.. ui fcv. r is th»* pr«*va»«irg <iisi a «• My ranch n *»ir Sl» «!f. r»l on Mr. Luce cf Salt iJike Get* Ills Money. Ju ll.e ?a Jr '.avu ’..«v«* r.ot i.•»•.,*( h a •« « by : evi» .'* an infabm«*’ «*f ih»* . . ¿'id growth « f trade yt-m-toy, S'/.t' Hil- r .W, 1SS9, As was stat I in the Salt I >«k«* “Tribune,’ dv .*•»?. A.-> A* «*!.airman »4 ».| lit lii » nabixi..., ■soulii’ i n • h* g a may » .* *»i n:n»n** I th«* «.t that lie ra.o-uad is - -riuusly coiisi«!. ring II« nry Luv . th** |»ro|*ri*'t«>rof tn«* Mint -al »on, at I «•’« l«»< k r. xf_. a Inrgc amount of farm «■«jii.inilC •v I «‘uiniot pie.-un *• to • xmv- . j • a.ix’i ¡ii'i’.iy "f putting <4i a dally freigbt was riie Su< ky holder "f on»*-twcnti«*th part ot st«»« k and inii«-l)i nery, consisting of seven head the opinions •1r»'intn tfee, l-tt! I ,* • iraui. Th« 11 • i-iht w hu ll I- ft Grant's Pass «»n tic k t No. .'»s.tiiJÇ in th** Ixiuisiana Stat«* I/»tt« ry t»f tin* It- t >»i s. 2U hea<! of cattle, including II cars, in which dr«*w the s«*eoiid capital priz-* ot <100.- 1» » v« -. r* head of liogs. ab mt 400 chick *ns. free to >,iv»» mv wn opinion^, wh rh are T ip - .« <>t last w»*t k c.»nsist« «1 of exprerMMi n •h«* in I vm I way by Uiv Ohio t»«.. s.-et.... . fid 14 I ;v i«*-1 ears had to Lvsid»« OUO at th«* last drawing. -Salt Lak** Ctab Tri gc< se, 't« ; also abitut ;jo tons of tine hay; bun»*, Aug. 10. trri< kvu a* *!• it alrtogood Ku tubs ni«>w»r and nikt», wagon p'atíurm.” an I 2 « *ts burn' --. 2 plows, harrows, «tc., t * t |«nn«..ii*; <»f .4■--••pilin'* uomity.agirr»*- Iio !« h -id and kttcli. n furniture. *.i .ng iib* 'U* *. > • a • -. ' . x. in nu n off to ,rly , TERMS «»f >.\I.E Ali sums under $|0.rHsh ...» at - 1 - t i .ii • to .in« • ; • >:*.g « «it #» ‘ i' »rt • r»iK ir in 1 an !. • io sum* • v. r that ainounf on«* > <*ar’* •. -.A i »i. >• no-; o. t *ii day - ago. !>unóyer » kai i n» r title will I*»* giv«*i). purt-haser giving n«ttc Thei «• w»*r* a I m - i k> r* employ«'! «hiring 1 OR. CUNWB IMPROVED UVER RILLS v j i it • • ->riur» - w*. k ’ i.«t th« *' a.«on Id.-n-'i. | Cure Sick-H>adach«. by cWractlng the Stomach, Dow w th ;t| tu - v <1 - luiiivj.'iinnir ten per cent. at le.iAf in » tu >ra! • t , *»\ ■ •. « ■:« n i i trouj . x» iv part «.f the . els. Liver and Kidnets: beautify the complexion by pu- int< r»*f. BE II EMA VER BROS. «-it .zeli in l»is Hut is tu Mi df«»r«t, < n*.. August 2N, l*av. i v ii.» y u.irii« ii’. tu«! in ihe labor. ribing the blood; mild in their action, pleasant to take, law* t»nl«»r<vtl. Fisi ir never gripe or sicken One for a doso 25 eta. a box. Drug and General Stoats or by mail. Samples tree. Í Celibi in *l.r. « I v.< ’. t;-Vh r. TO NOTH) IIS. Ordinance No. 103 THS OR. BO8ANKO MEO. COM Piqua, O- reason l;«v prd ev«-n adn.d'i tg that tt»e Mrs. V»’ii-l'>*’s tO' .up, for cliil- isti.« p»*r-rrd't-oii governor r z* a tinged wilh |*>r.*u!:al rlre.i'irto . Uli.! |>“,>!> "f one of n oltlilNANVE GKANTING FltANC’HISE uui-i • - aliti and "hv»h*i**!i ' by-ici-n« in fijrhf'g in iht »natlrr, Io**»'i th t’ght tl e '."--I f'-t" 4 hUr-i an I right-«.f.wny for «1<*< tri«* railway ulth- 1ra»*k *n I » • <*fl ns to ! a\ » I5.» vu’.VOr* the I -i’e-1 .'tai , n:*.d Ims been nseii f *r j in th»* < <»rp rat« limits of the Town of Jnck- t-r .... • - -t*.<* • - by sonv’.llc, < iregon, an«l through the ®tr«*cts of brought tr j '¡git»*- *. V/»' i.a.e jn«t ex- torn y »r- w h • * • ’ ”eir « lii’drt • Dur- *alu Town. îiiiLh»t» »>f tu perirti»*** I (.«•• ; oiv*t k :■*<»'» .»v**r ki>j* •' «e» thing 4s valu»* if in- 1rs •:»•• prier; lli< people ihe Toxvn of Jacksonville do in the saui “¡1 fUbirg ¡ndtt-ri of t»*r canudabN. ’t F- i * i de ciz'od ¡rom pain. I or.lain ms follows; » (* . "r|ue J K-rii ¡j,g m Coln’ubia, un«» : *' «• in«., t m . n cur» «tystiitfi • Sf.rTtox L-Tn.-.t pi rmission and authority be the ip rtliwe*!. at.*! a”v vio‘:G*»r •* of lie ,»|P bowels, ; v,in** • •<..!•*•, By giving j HnH the name are h«-r«-by grant« <! fora period «if tw, ntv-tlve ’Zo) year* from the passage of FOR NEURALGIA. laws that liave ta-r. tu keep it hea!tL t»» ibe < ild U r.-’- th» oi**..■■■•r. treet this orilinanr*. unto F B. Converse, a r* Mid« ut fi«in» uth r dvt av ought to U» *i<cdi!y fri. • -«*. a is ot p<>rtland. < >r« gon. hip *ucc«*ssors or assigns, SACRAMENTO, CAL. pnnisL«*»! Hon. I. STACY HILL, Treas to »r« < t. construct and maintain an * |e««_ Pbotw. Prices. . trie railway through th«* cent» r of such Fane» Goods Cloaks Dress Goods, Doini slics, Clotliln?, FuntUhlaf Cintrar i<<» I wu*..» i» » .’»»il attbefuîlow- urer Cincinnati Incline Plane Rail str«.Tt or streets as he or they may d» sir«* to Goods Notion', Hats, Shoes, M'llluery, Trunks, Baby in ■ rate** : I < ■ •rporat«* limits of the town of T hb nuvtiri'.’ f'i the Anifrie" i ÍUr A i -xl*», C'arr:a<M, Household Sup'.lien, ete. way : “I u;as hardly a*>le to move , J.u k-"Ui ill«*, Or«*g«*n, u«* it is now or as it inav gr«*up or ri’dfie. per <h ¿ ...JI2‘"‘ | b»* h<T**aft» r ♦ nlarged or extend».*!; provi<i«*<l. eoviMtion ul Cliiceito la,t monili r> .»nted In*!»- r” I“ (*0 that sm h railway shall I»«» laid to gra.ieofall iu .» niniil-er ut pracùi id .uzue-Gons Or Bottd« r, ” 7 -M) with rheumatism, or what physicians | Ptr*** ts up«»n wbieh it «»perates. and that the Rinipi'iyitiit Uw* aiui Imiening litization. tub-nets, “ “ $1 an'15OJ grantee shrill maintain and keep in repair a'l “ “ 3 (4) ot th«* str«*« t or str«*« ts within th«* rails «>f such Lawyer« collectively apfaientlv favor i'arte«’** v site, “ tailed sciatica. The first applica \ railway . anti for a «iistancu of two f.*, r on reform cf law a in thia m inner, t'" J. W. WALKER J. H. GRIFFIS the out-id«* of such rails. B i g y ur i r ul on 1 h v< a group lawyer* individual!» pri tit hv rh- ci n u- S e < tio . x 2.—That permission an«! authority tak* n before it s <>») !«*»• tion of St. Jaeobs Oil relieved me, be grunt« d the said grant«*«* to croct, operate, mon and uncertainty that now pr.-v > W inter P ii «» to . C o construct and maintain pol«*s an<! wires for «•ne »>( the evils ui litigation ci uu « from the conveyance <4 clevtrical currents for the and after the third I went about purpose hasty, ill-cun.iJ.rril ami til-drawn law« M onderfu! Cures. of supply ing municipal and private lighting, and the furnishing of «l«***triv pow«*r that are I itched tlirongli lenii atuiTc at B. II yt A Co., wh »less1« an d to up* rttt« such railway upon thestre*ts. ave- MANCI A« TT HERS of with perfect ease and comfort. I in iv* '-I K“iue. (»a . *ays : We have every aaeamn. A committee «I the bar' nu»*s, lane«. u]|,*y M and piiidlc ground* oi the *rl ing Dr. K *’gs_ New Dise-verx. asaociation that cunsitlered tins subject -ani town of J»u ksonville. as it is pow or a-» it Burklvit ’ a Ari i a r'c But«:* and inaile a »ugrfMtfon that may prove of I dorse it as the most remarkable med- may be her» aft«*r <*n!arg«*d or extended; pro Il .ve r.evcr h »ndlrd vid«*!, that such construction shall in no wise some value. *'ln view of the growing r. nie.Lts that -eli-v» tie| <» auch uni- ¡nterf« i with traffic upon th«’ public high evil of luiaty anil ill conaklcred legisla v» r-' ! *<» i-f»o on. Thcr- Lave beeu s me way«; and that the »¡aid grantee, his succes sors or assigns, shall prot»* t the town from nil tion and defective phraseology in Hie w«»r»f.*i ?»il cu e« ♦ rt-cicd hi iLese ni«, dirii es damagf-s, of whatever kind, arising from their statute law,” eays the resolution of the ìnthiatiiv V«*v» r. l ca*« s <4 pronuunced occupation of said streets, avenues, u!!«*ys, lane»» or public grounds. <ummittee,it is ricumniemled that a per- von«nu*plh n bave b» • iientireìy Ciired bv S e * tion 3.—That thia fraiit bi-«' shall take maaeot legislative committee he appoint- oi a h-w b»»lth s oi I>r. Kirus New D'?- • 'fleet fi »tu tb«* «late of its paaAage. covrry ’ a*» n in connection wilh El*rtric ted to revise anil maturu acts introduced I S e < tion That this 1 ranch*seshall become Bitter* We «Mutante*iheni a!way». r’old null and Void, provide«! th«* grant«*«* shall not into th» legislature ami that it receive b> a>* drugg am . i have couunenerd work tu g«»o*l talth upon the tiie aid of the attorney-general 'n its | construction of sal«! el«*ctri<sal plant within a ■work. The committee of. the associ | peri'«! «»f four 4) months fr»nu the date of its F»r bale. passage. ation has pteparej a lull to thia effect, j .s >iue tboroughtiie.l !*<»laii I iti'uipig*: Passed Kept. 23d. 1*?9. w I ik L the state aaeoeiationa arc request- . h ... ><>ii o! Jorse» cows. »Inch I I) LINN. ■cd to urge on the several legislature».— | Mould sell or trade lor wlieit. Trewdent of the R< ard of Trustee**. W. H. r.nKis. Attest ; J. H-HLrrLR, Recorder. £gaminer. * ¿he^vuiuúdi’i cinni KLAMATH CoVNTY ITEMS. REAL-ESTATE. CESTJUl POINT rolXTERf. I i ¡REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. lias been platted and thrown upon the market in lots ranging in size ft rom two to eight acres, at prices I varying from $18.00 to $40.00 per a< re—figures which barely cover the original cost of the propertv and expense of surveying This property was purchased anil subdivided, NOT TOR THE PURPOSE OF GAIN, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Jackson County € Securities Bought and Sold. i ! but to induce a desirable class of immigration to settle in what is acknowledged to be the most desirable fruit section in Southern Oregon. The land is deep, rich soil, a large portion of it being sub-irrigated by CONCERN TNG ONE OF THE drainage from the mountain and is covered with a thrifty growth of pine, laurel and manzantia brush, the MOST REMARKABLE I value of which for tirewood will more than pay the cost of »•learing the land, as wood is worth $3.00 per TOWNS ON THE Farms, Village Lete. Improved cord on the ground. The entire trad lies directly in the B’TtO94T-l>l«<><>K Iltirr NORTH PACI- 131'divr of Jackson county There has never been a season when orchards on adjoining land have failed to pro duce a good crop. It is one of the few sections in the »-ounty where the jiaper-shcll almond will produce E Y . The certainty of an annual crop will make this land infinitely more valuable in the near future of fruit-growing than those sections subject to killing spring frost.-. FIC COAST f HAVE FOR SALE THE F o LL o WIN i . DI- 1 hcnln*«! property: N<> I. One hundr«*d and sixty aerct* of No. I choice, level land, ov«*r one-half i n« l<»*«*l with a mb- Mtantial »«*nc<-; on«*uftbe Very la-at truit ami v»*g«*table ranch«** in th«* county; rich, handy T! loam, wate red by Applegut«' cr« • k; improv«.*! w ith a good dweiiing-hourie w ith six ruuius, a J J J good log barn, grauariu»* and other uulbuiid- ings; two hundred begring fruit tre«**. M**ort«*d vuri«*tn*a. mostly fail uud * into apphs, plenty of smau fruit*, near a good m*m»«d. goc-d «»ut- Bid«* range for *t4«ck; guv«*rnuH nt tith . Pric«. $5000, half cash, balaneu in on«* am! two y «nib, deferred payments to b«* h « x -ured by a mort gage on the pr«*inifM*. No. 2 A good farm »»f 200 M«*r«*s on Evans «*r<*< k. In tiie Meadow•>, lmpi*ov«*i with a dwelling RjjCN Grant’s Pass, the Trade Cen- feet with five rooms, a barn ami btui»i«*». MJ acr«*s fenc«.*i. <0 acres in cuitiVuUt-u, well wat ami a lim* «»utsi«!»* rang«* foi *t«ick. A No. ter of the Largest and Rich- ered 1 stock tarm. Pric«*. title« n <i«.»ilar* per act», ä ’ I cash. Tith* |M*rf<*ct. No. 3. est Gold Producing Region Four mil«*** from < « ntral P«»int raid'.ad *t*i tion. a st«-« k tarm «»f biOacre**, ou a v«uu»y in the United States. r«»a«l, alnnit turty :«< r< s of w hich ie»g«M«d rimhi land and forty a< i • »• g-»«»d innt land. Unpr»«v- «*! w it li a dwelling-lion*«. Tit>«* ¡ m rt« rt. Pi le« . $.<«(» fit«, cash. No. 4. A tin«* Kt<M*k and grain farm of 4<KJ acr« s; 3«?' uz-r«*« under fence; JIA)a« r«> tarm land; lUt>a< i- ► pari urea n«i woo«! laud; ten acr«*»« ol a g«»<»4 young orchard umi a nice young viucyard; two uweiUng-houacb an-i two good w« Ils un tiie place. T imt « will 1« Hold With tuu tarm a iarg«* amount of agricuiturai imphin« tits .*ud sum«* houscuoid furniture; also a nurnla r <»f gur«l« n tools. Ail go with the place. G«*«*! outbid«* MEDFORD, ORECON. rang«* for st.»« k. Pnv<*. £'».5U(r, half cash, t>al- aiicc in two « qua! yearly pay munts, to uraw 1«- gal int«*t«-bt from uay «>! sol« , to I m »«cured; « r iUi cash, at option of tm* pun hatRr. This inml is situated west of Ui« l)ubiug«-r Gap. Title p«*rt‘cet. A g'wnl bom« tor somvtxMly . rpoWX PKoPEllTY. FAllMS, VINEYAKDS No. 5. 1 and Mining < hum* bought and sold «>n com Tin• Wl* of >Wi4 of NWV4 of i».x li.»n ; ai ,1 u mission. twp. 36 south, rang«* 1. cast, being purt oi 1IIN1NG PATENTS obtained at reasonaN»-«"«! at a most pl< tur»**«p»«* and e«nn- donation ciium ui J. Bozarth, <»n w«st sjdi o! 41 rat«*s and w itb «h-pitU ti. inauding point in th»* famous Rogue River Alltel« p«* er« « k: g'»«ai grain Mild stoxk-turm. lyHOMPl ATTENTION given to all bu-mess Valley, thr« «* liuudrud mll«*a south of _ Port- F21' pci- acre. 1 c»'tui' • t«*«i x* ith tie Land Other. land,’is tb« phumuncnal city ot GRANT S No.«. PASS. Forty acres of limber lam! <*l-»sr to tn« c.»un- Th«* town is six years <»ld. has a ¡»«»pulafion LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. rua<! i< a/ling to tne Big Bull- saw-null; x .tl- of «>v«*r 2.ÜU0. and is growing faster than any ty uahl«i ubietly tor rail tiinb« r. Government ti I'M No. 12. 31U acres. tuw u in tb»* State. JHO aert-ts <>f unnnprox >xl land, ¡W acre* of It ha* twenty larg«* *aw-mills in «»pcratXon tle. Th- ««w □« r lb out ot th* stat«-and t n< land unirti is prairir land and th»» halan«*»* good within a radius ot twenty mile««, am! ship* ; U .1, I- Mold fur lix • do':.O - |M*i* acr«’, cash. A tiuib« r lamí. AU k . rm I truit and rain land, more lumber and manufactured w«K*lwork 1 bargain for »*uiucl»ody. 1 u'itn tv o living Hpt'iug* of uat»r. n «.. :. 'uur milfH (ban any town in Oreg«»n, exc«*pt Portland. t coin Jack*«>uv ill»’. It has t w«> Sa’di ami «hmr factories, employ I Two huiidr«-d an«! f-»rty a< ru> sixty a<*r«> ing over 150 men. ! f« need and in cua ivalioti; improv«*! wttu u A $30.UUU brick opera hous«* !n Cours« ut c«»n- i nie«* bearing or<*tiur«l l'WO Nu. hi. lùO a«*rca. _ I of till« iibs-»it-«i truit I ntnipi-ox • ■-!; w Il wat»W«l, and a first-chi** st ruction, b-*snl«*s s«*v« ral oth <*r brick struct- i tr«*o; a dwelling ii'-u*«', a barn uu«l ««theruut- urea under way. U«Hib«*. Two btreuiub «4 wal« r run through place to make a g-snl liolii^ Has ten gea«*rul merchandise st«>r»-.*, doing pia< •■. It ib suuciptib«« ' 1 living uivutv«] t4»y«« No. . m . acres. an aggregate cash business of Î2.ÛÜ0 per day. i tni* into two pietM-ot on« buiidii-«! and fu« uty R«* « iv«*s and *hit»b through Wills. r'arg-»A acres «•«u ii. Tiie north halt of this place is un I nimpt x • d, i'-x •■!. rich gra-s and fruit land; running wat«*i; tit • , donation ciaim. A gr* at ('«»irioany and «>tb«*r (ourcea over $3UU,0U0 improved. 'J it«* improved ou a« r« » are w.-rtii wortu of gold «lust annually. mrgain; 7 miles » a-t vt ( viitral Point. ¿I m MJ. The ««ther l*u avr«-, *'.«•». F..ur mio* Has daily stag« communication w ith Cres tr<»ni Central p. mt rai.r--u-1 sfation. i itl« p> i - M). cent city ami oth« r coast point«», and is situat fret. (HJavirM Z.M'acre* rich, level, bottom laud, ed at m |»oint on tb«* main line of the (iregon N«>. K • iu » 'i; 1U acr« s t< licvd; -mall bouse and sta- X California Railroad wb«*re a division of t«*r- A tarm of 12üacr«*s, improve«! with« com :»b ; b« armg urvhard ut clioic«* variety of aj>- ritory takeapiace between Portland mi l san fortable dwelling; t« I« a< i «> 1« m. <*1 and in cul !>»' s; ~’**J a» f s ot yellow mid sugar-pinr tim- Francisco, tiiu* affording tivation, witn a ;vu)g spring near th«* dwell o-i; go-si site t- i -■iw-miii. g« roa«ls sum- ing une ut th«-very (•«-t et* k rango lutti«* .11« r and winter. Lvaiis < rv» k runs on vast county . Ì aiikc«* ci «*k flow s through this land. i»»MiU‘larx <>t rxtitl land and cun I*'utiiurd for Title p< rtect. Prie», irrigation, .'ix mil's from R. H. d'*|mt; t»nc- tiiuitb unlv trotn smwl and postoftirv. Price, No. 1». per acre. A g«M»d place of itkiHvr«*«-, im¡»r<>vt*d with a H. giMxl. tu w residence*, burn un i granai y; ul*»ut acres, unimproved; all level, rich, bot sixty acres fenced, with an «4« nani ul ub«»ut tom laud; wed WztUTrd. plenty oi timl»t*r, land ohe huuiATvd assoit «xi lru.t tre« ?. on«* lurg« an be made tm >t uairy rancii in tbc Mate* spring um! «»tini siual;« r «»n« s «»n tue laun. olOftgou; tnih-s troni Asniaud. Prie»* Ù ank• «• urc« k runs through th- place. Spi« u- per acre. T»-riiu, halt casti in Hand, balance diU st-»« k rung«. witn gov« i uiu« til liti«*. Prie«* oil easy terms. $LUW, cash. R!. No. 10. Grant'» Pass, in addition tu having a large I 177 acres; W acres tenced au<l in cultivation. I A Ian k Imus«* and larg«* l"t in Jiu ks«»iivtll« House, bitru. orvmird, ima»tow. «>tn«-uaii inter- and extremely f«ml« couutry at its back, it* ' with a Btabli-. A «»«-ujL-rtiibu ti«»m« . .«nd till- 't in water-dit* n anti vatcr-ngbt. and syst»*m surround«*! by what will eventually prove to I Pri«*v, jUMs. $2UU<xubb««- in • I '.nigation by u inch 12.» a< t\s tuaj I*-’ irri- be th«* lurg«*t and tne richest gold producing p«rt«x.*t. «-qual pay m«-uts «»t six. twuiv« aud t igh- gatrd. Mream ot water tuuniug on north region iu the L'niuxi States. There are placer tiirix* t<* n in-»nthb. «1« 1« i red payni* lite t«« draw lui mm«* now in operation wituiu forty unu* of o Hindary ot tu«* piucv. T«*u uul'-s trom coun ty >»-at. and on- and a halt miles from |H»st- the town yi»*ldmg as high as $160.‘«JU per an percent, intercut. No. 11. num « Ttu re is on«* «¡uartz mine (the Ex- oitive ami schoolhouse. Prive. <juUU. chequet . w it bin JL mil«** of tow n, shipping A com forte, bh tram« bouw<-in Ja« ks«»n\ill» st». (♦¡7 iui<*s, all fcnc<*d and id cultivation. It is or in <*ari«»a»i lots to th«*Selby Smelting Work.* , for sal«- «4- r« nt on r<-;iM>ual»i«- t« rrus; tbr«x -ituat'*d in tn«- i. art <»t K-»gm river vallvy,»»uv ■»1 Sail I•■rancirtco. thut go«* from $l‘Wt<» *7UU * r«M«nu« ami kitcb»-n; l«s*4it«<l «-n Tuii'l Mt«*», uni' ti an ( I’ >iut depot. Three c«»ui- pet t«»n iu gold and tb«r«* is iitth* doubt but I ' and linfa a g'HKl w uh of w at« r m ( the «u»« r. wim u; Is *old vh< ap, tortabl»* uw. lungs and tniev uat us are on tun» what buminxts ut «»tber num* m JoM-pbin«* ali n<x*«-*sary outbouM-s the «-WU- r is in « ast' i ii on g« hi ami ha- n«« tr •* t, ,tl—» au r ot a vtioiec vanrtj «»1 county w-oul<7 pr«»v«* e«iualiy as rood if thor- truit. in soil is II«-» . riel», blu< k loam, and «»ugblyzdvvchiped. It has* b«s n rs>tiinat«*! that 1 urti»« r um * t«»r ttu- pn»p«*rty . win grow aitaita without tirigatiun. WiUla.- th«, placer g«>lu output tr«»m Jacks->uamt J«»>»*. Nu. 12. - *id .i- a wu-m* or sulxiividvd into# lanns ot pbim- c«»uuti<*B trutn 1*19 up t«» tb<* provul Th- S’u.'f >E‘-4 sud NWij..! *L'4rtw!NE’4 Her»* the ques _ t "‘, 1'.',, 2'.V-.terc tracts, i’ner«* is uo waste hm»i urn«* will foot up I of ‘ 4 «■! *«* 15. twp. -Miutli. rang* 1 « usi. on mi* tr.K t. and it is without «¡Uvatioii ou<* <•! tion of det« ruiinlng the tru«* value o! th« I u«»ntainiug hJ' acr«**. Ant« i«»i»«* «r««k run* tn« I "-»I lariui* m Jack^ni county. bort»TUia county as a mining regi«»n naturally arise« ' tnrougii t.«is ph»«-«*; a g«««»d bt«s*L-tarni. I' ik «, and prices » ad on of addrvae the undersigu* d Did this eiioruH'Us y ’«id «>f coarse gold corn» i $5.’A» per a« i• . A k «»« a 1 investment. down from the clouds, or did it c«»me from th»* at M> ’dot -1, «lr»*g.»n. mother lodes still undisturbed iu th« uiuuii- '* taiu rang«* of southern Oregon? Judg«- for A two-story brick U«» um * in Ja« k*<»nx ill«. 1»?'.« i : Itwi aeres feuevd aud incultivutiou ; yourself. C'ity ami suburban property in tb«* with uater pip«*s to th« pr«*iniM *, ami tur«>ugh tlV.’.ivr-Mt) Vi» hard ; UW< iilUg al»<! bm U UUU tow u of Grant’s Pass is one tu five bundr«*! r«H>ui in tn«* b«)«is«*. tt"iu a living .-piiug good I- IK*. S. A' pliM_*. . Nim lUll’-S per c«*ut. cb»*aper than it is in any town of «•a«*b 1 Lie bou&«-is l«K*atvd ou a full half block <»t !i»in i oii-.a-i ti. p.d. Price, <y»t; twv-thirdu hk» populati«»u ou the Pacific coast. Wecau lami, inox?««' !«•« t m siz«-, aud has all th«* truii« v . imi <lou n , bala ric< oil i * h \ i (crins. -*••11 you choice busiu»*s lots, 50xlGP. on irn- ' gr-using tbereju n«-c«*bnry !«»r a family t«» us«*. pr«.v«*i streets.till l«*v«*i, aud within ;mo f«*»*» of ; l iu- premi»«* u«»w r«*nt t"i* $20 ¡-« r month, !*«♦. i -a lj -ining the corporate limit* of a $30.(0» brick opera hous«*, for $200 < acb. We I priv« $i5«U hi tim- of Mii«*. dct*r«*«i puy- tn»- im nt) and gr owing <*ity of Medlord, all can riell you uicc residence lots, fix*«* block* ’ m«*utfa to b« *«vur«x! Ly k iu«»rtgag«' on tn« ; and in cultivation; a go»si dwelling- trom the center of th«-city, iu the midst of premi*«*, « i nil cabli at «»pfi«-n «»t tu«* pur«•luu*- ’ it i-« .tula v«r\ targe baru; muh U oreUard. modern dwelling» aud baudAom«* church«*, all cr. This is a v. ry «:«-a al».«* h»e;«th»u, being ill» i.- i- no wasiv iiiibi »*ii tala piner; ttjr soil level, ci«*Mr»*d uti«i <»n 1 inpr«>ved str»*»*t*», from among th«* v« ry t»«>1 tamii) r« bid. m « * in t to i- a n»*ii, black ioam uiui tree, t as\ locuitl- $35 to $100 each. As a buy«»r, you w ould nat t«»w n—tit i« p« 11« « i. k at • aii'i \ • i y pr-siuelivc. Ttiis farm w in I m urally usk, how ran x«»u nffonl to sell at th»*«* Nu. 14. •*ul»divid«HÍ into i0-acrc tract*, it tlvsirvd. pile«* with a p«*rt«*ct tith*, if everything is as A nic<* |rla« u. partly • m•h»*v«l. an i k l»«»\- i’ricv. per acre. repn s«-nte«i? The answer is. we are the llOUM* Oil it. b« Illg tl»« ilolUVbtt H«1 «1MI1II «1 90. John McConnell, in >«xti< n- «»ami 7. twp 35 2(MJ acres—knoxvn as th«* Hock.'»nj«»J‘ or Col- iMHitb. rang«* 1 wot. containing h<» acr« 1:it*' put« •*. al» ut i.iree miles tiuin M'dford. i G« mm 1 outbid«* rang« tor cattle. Prie«*. $1'M»» ou tn* t’h'vni.x .mu Eagle Point road, oontitin- ] per acr«*. mg 14d acr« s »»I l ieu t.irming land, all uudvr ft nv . a ith « omt.u talih hou-« and barn, N«». L5. iu w outhuu-svs. w« li, etc. l tns place lies wen 126 avr«*s, w ithin ! mile* of G«4d lliil. K. H. t-• tin sun, is xt t U draiuud, and well adapt«s', station, imprux «.-d with a dw «ib ng - >ou>*« ani for «itu. r iruit »-i tanning land. Ph niy ol stable, a bear,ng orchard Iruit tr«*«-, mid timbtrforau us« > wtu place. It is situated known as th«- upp«r Rails j la« •. prie«* ?llAW within on- aud tiirvu-t«>uitns mil« sol I'tnunix Aud could sell at on«*-balt tbesc prices if uo per acre. Hull cash, baiarne ili «- ih * y « mi ; d« raiir«»i«d depot. (’;m «*iifaiiy I m * made «>n«* of th«* «iisjH•*««•!, ami make m«»u« y.jiist au the Tacoma ferns! pay m« nt* I«» s«x*ur**«l by ui->rtg;ig« bust ran«-.}» *on tin east side ut lh*ur cr«*«k. 1-md Company di«l when they sold busi on prop« i ty . A nice iltll> hum« i*>r *oim tar.y nes» lot* in tiie tiourlbhing seaport of Tacoma I’m « . >i2 50 p« r acre. for $75 that ar«- now worth $50.00U. We can \ M 91. l«J0 acr«*fa : l'H> ten<*ed ; 45 in cultivation ; eight s»*li tnr«*v-fourths of our presuut j*»ss«»asioiib Lots numb«*r«xl one aud tw<» of b«'t-li<»t* »!. m acr«*s ot alfatfa; young «»r<*liar«l oi ;klUvtiuic«* at current prices and still make the remain L«»w nship f.-iith. «>! rang* i w • *4; io—• tin ...» varn*t\ of truit trvs; small viu«*yar«i; g«*»d, ing fourth worth twice—vus, teu tim»*s, h - tiu in bur« *d I of s«t-tion ti. in tow usiti p ;><» Mouth, new dxvlljng-n.Hisv, l>;irti and «»uttn»us« *, much money as the whole originally was. of rang« 1 w«>t, in a.i • -a«r«•*. runnitig wat« r tiuotign the tann; good «,ut- I nn* is tb« result of multiplied owncrabip, ami Price. Mi ¡»er a«*r« . ' rang« tor *t»»« k flin t»« n miles tr<>m rairoad wt know it. WeareMatisthxl that the lots w« No. 17. ar«* now s«*liiug l«»i $2Wi wltt* sell for $21«». ami tl«*f >t. I’ i ¡c* t'»»r < top Hint tar'ii *3*xil A coinf<irtabl«* tram«* In » um - wit ha v« ry «rg* ¡M»sbibly mure, hi leas than fix«* yeara.liut th«*y 92. l«»t in ,l;i«k*.»nvili« . ilia g«*»d m igbi* i h *1. wouldn't do it it we w er«* t«» put a Imrb«*«! wire li?' a«T«** I’JU fenc'd, 50 :i«*r«*s in cultivation, f<*nee around the town and wait fortliHt stat«* for »Hile on r«*M*oiiabl« t« rm.*; ha* alare- - t- , iiiuu low* of aitaita iitni timothy. go«*! orchard, of f ing-ruom with a good fireplace. 1« <• g«..*! I--1 affairs. Great plenty ot tirst-c lrissgarden land, allc«»vvrud by txivius ami a kitch«*n. a g>>si w-ll<>t wai»i at water fr.»in two irrigating dit«*he*, two mih*s ¡ th«* dour. w<«odh«»u»M*. etc. Prie«*, $*•'. from saw-mill, uiu mil«' troiu sciKsd-boua«*. N<». I«. •vih niak«* a hist-« la** dairy ranch; fencing i l«an«l-in b«x*ti«»ns7, J**. !V, 2>». 29. ami N,1-? • in -pluti'inl condttii»n. t»uil«liiigs only lair, lutn- «»vvtbui in t«>w nsbip 35 *»«, rang« 1 ««•*». I tn i « neap and handy; 15 mil« s f rum railroad «■«»niaining 11.16 act « »»; ami lands in *• « iu»iifa 12. I ■!» pot. i’l icu, $2W0, crop iuclud«*d. j4, 23. 24 ami 25. iu t«>w nship 35 s«»ut it, «»! lanu- I w* . 2 west, containing KM» :nt«*. It ah «ft* 126 :n i < •* -OOaci* s f» need and 30 aer«*s in cu’- I fixation; nve acres hi alfalfa, *tnall orciiar«!, There!« a -plundid opportunity in Grant* ii I mx «-in« ntmmu lami hh«-.uld be s--iu in «ne ■ «iwullint’-liouse, small barn,etc., running water I’;«-* for th«* eMHblwhmrnt of a good bank, m lasly . $i» i»« r :u*r« ib lin* prie«.*, T1 sohl in <iuan- n«>t lostluiu 4H acr« «, ut «in t-Sl* p* i • thruugn ttu piav. Price, bn w’urx. a flouring mill, a foundry, n maciiim tifi«*fa j 9L «hop, a l>ak»*ry .N restaurant, a fint-rlHM* hotel, u«-r« . a«*coi'«hng to th«-<jiiadty nn«í -jiianiify >1 ¡«2b :icr< * JM)*:icr«*s f«*ticod and ]5»t m-res in furniture fa<*t«»ry, broom factory, tih* and lami M»ld. T’« nus, «»tu* fidi«! « a-hat tun' . ( • cultivation, go«*! hou**«*. barn nn«l «.Hitlious«**, pn-sfacd brick factory, fruit canning and com bill«*, iniiam * <-n tum* to suit | nicha*« r; «1« 1« i - ‘ g«M»»i <»r«*iiar.i an.I vineyard, s« veral large mission war-houH«* ami innumerable other «*n- «xl pay in« nt* t«i be »>«x*ur«d by a iin.itg.'g« « n i ■ ring*, a fiord i ng plenty ol water f«>r gat'd«*!! tvrpri*«**. There is not an idle man or a vacant th«* pr«*nii*«*. Tin* lumi i* ti->M y *i *.’«•(•' i*1» I irt igatioii. pi jh i t m *»f timothy incudow; six building of any kind iuth« town.and we might ing umy -M »H, an«i i* mir nig the i««*t u uii i.< b* ; mil«*« fnjin Grant * Pass. ITi<*«*’$5U00. A great sax, by way <»f parenth« *l*, that ther»* are sev in Ja« k.'uii count y . ’ bargain. T» i ms, on« -half cash, brilan«*«* on eral MHkHHiH in Grant t. P miw taking in troiu N<». lu. ! < Msy terms. $50 t«> JlUl) p«*r day <*Mch in cash. To inanufac- ' 3(j0 a«n•«•*, mostly fenced, and iinpi • v -t. »« it !« 95. turer* or others w ishing to engage in busi- 120 :ier«*s of fruit land, withintwo miles of n«*Ha, or to Rp»«culators d«*sinnis of securing » :l «Jw eiliiig - hou*« . and ii go«-«l li«rg< I-at ft. with (»rant 's Pass, w ill b< subdivided in ¡0or SU-acre iargt* number of lot*, we can quot«* s doni.*h- rt lix iug spring <>t wat« r n«ar i..« -.»«i, u-m A tracts jjf delirisi. Price $7 ¿ mi per acre ingiy low figuntt. Don't fouloround w ith wild . Antic«*!« s«*h«M»l h«»us< , pi u « * •.’(» ja » I'« i ;»< :• cat investm« nt* until this opportunity is gone go«si bargain. N«». 30. f?-"I have Great Bargains t'»<»ff«*r aud it will Mild then *'kick” yourself tor not gi fting in pay you to « xamine* niy IM carefully b«*fore but buy Mt on»*«* am! we will guarantee y«»u Lund in sectp«n 3», 1« w iibhiji 35 m »util, rang» pnrcnasing cl.-rwh-rt■_ It you have nnv prop 2 weft; also I kik I s in Mxti< ns -ilundtl»« i.Oi erty tor sal«*, com»* and >»« me and 1 willjio my halt «»fMcth n 3>. tow nsbip 35 M»utli. lang«* I best for you. wurtt. containing I50U a<-r< x; al! »« nc«xl with h Ollie«* next door to Gran«! C»*ntrul Hotel, good rail t« nc«* ami runs I«- Rogue nv« r. XX o’ M«*dfor<L 1 >rvg«»n. On ili«* invt stment for the next five vean« be s<»|«l cluapin tuts tu suit pui« i>as< r*. and HENRY KLIPPEL. The history of Spokane Falls is going to t»e reí at price* aec«»r«ltng to s« 1«.« ti«>u* mad«-. p«*:<t»*i in Grunt s Pam* in the next tw«> y««ar* No. ±!. ju*t as *ure ms that fini»* arri vea. W(- nr« A N«». I grain Hnd st •« k farm «»1‘a« i- . '» ready t<» wag. i $KMIh. to I m * d»*|»o**tt«*! in any Card to the Public bank in the state, that lots w«* are now bulling mil«* from » « titra! l’uint rai.i< :t«l tali’ n and for$ft«i wilt «.ell for puilnshb* of five v.-anT jMir mil«* from M«Hi< rd rai!r«»a«i stati. n; ali -TI i F IS HI'.ltlHV GIVEN To THE Prit- For maps. t»nc«*a mid any ot her d. siri-d hilor- 1« v< |. bia< k land ami < m !«»b<*1 ««if n a nim-t.»i. h,- timt I hav»* thSdiij g ■ x • u my s«»n. Rolu mntioii, call on or ad«!r«-ss 1«u«*«. uni ail und«r cuiliVHthui. Imii.x««! nt II. Wimer. hi* cm**, an«! I will n 4 I»»* rc- witn a small dweinng-lmu*“*. a bat u ;n'» 1« «1. Mio11*4 bi e t«»r any «I* bt* uni»** contracted Ly larg«» granary . a g'HKl *-pi it g w t... ii lumir-h«* mwlf. J.O.Ç. WIMER. ;pl«uty «-t wut«r l«»r d«»im>tic and »t-< k pur- bated at Ashlan I. Oregon. I hi* 25th da v <»1 i I«*'*. Thi- tai m is sub.•« plihl. pt kM ingdixid August, !’»*<». I «xi into two, tin« «' anti t-'ur turn»*, a-» «x-ry I acre of it is grxMt lami and n- ar .« s« h«»««l mid ■ poatoffice. Iitl«* p« rl«« t. l’n«*«*. $5ti p« i acr«’. Lumber to Exchange No. 31. A farm <»f 124 a« r«*. all 1« v«*l land, four mih s I from ('« ntral Point rHi»r«»a«l siHii« n, ait 1. m*«d N AND AFTER THIS DATE WE WILL with u rail f« n« • afid uv< r 1«■ • ,«« r«* >u cult tx a « xchang.* lumber an«! building material for tion. Black soil. impruXtxl with adweliiug- grain and hay. and will receive hay nt ntn bov»6>* 24x24 f«*« t with f'-wr ro«rtDM, a barn 20x2b station <»n th»* hn<* of tic O. AC. liai 1 rond. f<*vt, w-oodhousr 3'x*JH *«x t. near a g«».»u *.« bool Correspun«!« nee s<'licit«*!. twnw«»<Kl w«*llsuf water and good «47tfud« rang*« * W. B. TAYIXIR A Co. for ®t«M*k. Guvvrnm« nt tltk*. I’M«*«*, jm juy ( Grant’s Pass, August 2!. ’ö*J. No. ». A comfortable fram* hou«« in Jrt< k*<-nx*ill«*. Six»* of iut. .*«2x274 left, has a stab)« and other RESIDENCE FOR SALE out-hou-« s. «n MSMortim nt«»! iruit tr«*« s. ha- n good w« 11 of wat« r at the d«»«»r. Pric**. $350. OREGON T OITF.K l oll > \I.F. MY HE^IDEM E PKUP- PORTLAND, No. 34. 1 erty at Gold HUI, consisttn* of two large Thu I M Fred« nburg fat tn. pHuabd in mm *. lots, well improv«*«!, h u < m *I dwclIing-boii»«*, non i,>. towii*fii|» ut suoni, range .»uu-t. u. tion 15. township:«» M»uth. 3 w«*»4, e« <*«,u- outbuildings.«.tc. Ih-siring to leave H«>utiit*rn taming 150 arr«*; m I h » uî 4M a<*n - t« u<*«xl w ith m Oregon for the bem tit of my health. I will give g«»«si rati f»*uvc and bi » ultivalion, bulane«' un- r 4 ‘ aux I mm B u isbing to invest a t»Hrgahi. improv»*! lami; two Mining- <i iraprffxaxi land; surings of »-f wat« r. <>n« n« ar St SAN DODGE. th«* liuufaft; huUMx RogiP* l<*»gu«- river rlx«r forms form* th«* flu- wt^ Goh! Hill. Sept. 2, lSBW. boundary of this plan«*. Improved with « dwelling 14x2* fcx< with 4 r»M-uix. ohoi l»aru 17x36 feat ami other «»utbuildings. This pliu*«* Vacant State University I ¡8 <>n th«* cMxt side of llogu«* riv< r. *4 <»f a mile ! frotn Gold Hi!I ruifruad statiun. Guv< mim-nt Scholarships. ’ titJc. prlcc l-'.kili. X»3ui». Utiu-Urilf easb ut ii»ur t of mu '*. f abiure «>n «»Uc yeàr'a tim«*, t<» bu MUTKE !> HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUEHE jcurm! Uva inortgagv un tb«* prciaut,-»; m all If are two vacant scholarships tn the State ICU3U ut uptlun ul pui vliucvr. Lnivtrsity at Eug-ne city and two at Mon mouth N 'ruirt) Sch«M»l. at the «lisp»sal <»t Jack- Parti« s wiabiur t«« purvbay «ny uf tbv •b«»vt -on «-ounty. Appi.* -,.t■» t"t' srh«»!»irs!.n*a will i MU'ds. uuu btup un ut M««ifurd. w m r tb»*y wih plea- « forward tU< ir aphbeetions in wifi ng to I IK ui«*t ut tb«* rajh«>ad d« iM»t on ttir urrfval ot the county sup* riuten«leut before August 25, •trains by Mew-r* Wrlal.y a ('«»., regi m »- l.W. as r«*iutt ed by uiw. tw, wb<» w iU t*onx-»7 th« ui in k < mm | U H MITCHELL. UyoX tb» burla Ibu-ufa bâlu.arvu C'Minry'SupcriDtoptfcnt of Bcbdub. JacIcMDson^-lue, Aug. 9,1&9, BILA3 J. D4y. It is All in the Thermal Belt, and will produce every variety of semi-tropical ft nits in the highest perfection. Intending settlers should inspect this property closely before investing elsewhere, u> eveiy (ot will have a permanent ami intrinsic value for fruit-growing, regardless of surroundings. The property is al! ? )PIT WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE COUNTY COURT-HOUSE. attd the Jacksonville Public Schools, which rank among the bc>t in the rdate. The entire tract .idjoim- the corporate limits of Jacksonville. The branch line of railroad from the O. .V C. tn the county-seat will undoubtedly be built soon. NOW POWDER Absolutely Pure. i>i rj Aii*: 'mis io MAN’l'EAClTRERS <>F Rich and Poor, CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION Rheumatism It's Especially adapted Ik Farms, ¡{¡inches. Orchards. (¡¡iiikus and Lawns. NEAT, DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP BARR Ü GALLOWAY, H eadache, Ayer’s Pills, I NE- THIS WEEK N Noll« 1 , Fast Mail, Express or Freight placo the advantages presented by our etore within quick and easy reach of customers living hundreds of miles from Sacramento. Think of what that means I IT MEANS That your orders will be filled from the largest gen eral stock of merchandise on tho coast, and as care fully as if you were present to choose for yourself. The privilege to return, at our expense, anything not as ordered, is a guarantee that the style and quality of the goods will bo as near right a9 wa know how to have them. IT MEANS That von will get the benofit of the lowest market prices. We have facilities for buying which few merchants anywhere enjoy, and the result ie that we generally effect for customers a saving of from 10 to 25 per cent. We have but Ono Price, and all goods are marked in plain figures. SICK-HEADACHE! IT MEANS Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. 5^JAC0BS0H A That if not already provided with a copy-of our large Illustrated Catalogue, that it will pay to scud for it. Free to any address. U1EINST0CK, UUBIN & CO. 400, 402, 404, 406, 40S, 410 K S , GRIFFIS * WALKER, t : HENRY KLIPPEL, Real Estate Agent. Conveyancingin all its Branches. T I I'ine, Yellow I'iue, lieil and Yellow Fir Liinilier,! . GOLD HILT, OREGON. --- CUHEB---- Wounds, Cuta, Scalds and Burns. ur Inferior fruit land is elsewhere selling for five times the figure at which these desirable lots are offered. For fufthcr particulars upply to A. L. REUTER, Trustee, Jacksonville, Oregon BARR an " GALLO WAY SÀSÜ AND DOORS \.XD SEASONED FINISHING M.VfEHIM. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. and Unimproved for Sale or Rent CITIES ARENDT BULT THAT WAY. 100 Per Cent Per Annnm K O