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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1889)
- • ¡¿lit aiotralii Simes Îlwÿmurùiiii eiduu rubliahrd cwry Thursday by the ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK. TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y Adv»»rti«emenu will be inserted in the TiMig Ht the following rate«: I T»-n line», onemaertion ........................ fc! 00 “ “ eweh hu barquent insertion. 7i • F“ L**giil ad vert iwmcDb married reaaonablg A fair reduction from the above rat remade to i yearly and time advertlarra. CR IM. 3« KELL, Editor. NEW TIMES BUILDINC. Oflb-e—<’«»rner Thin! an«! (.’ Str»*cta. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE Rat«*« of Sulaa ri pt ion: One copy per annum, in advance. “ ‘r nix month.« ............... •• three montiiN ............... $2 50. 1 50 75. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1 1889 VOL. XIX PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MORRIS M. HARKNESS, lira ul'a Tanfi, Evt rybody Should Go nod See the GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION P. P. PRIM, ATTonXF.T ANI» I O<’X:<F.L<>K AT l.AW. Latest Colors in Wool Fabries, CLOTHING, Jacknonvitlr, Or, Will pra< ti<*e m ail courts of the^tate. tjffice iu the Court lb»use, tlr»t d<»»»r to left »»f en- trance. H. K. HANNA, ATToBNEY' ANO CUl’XSEL»lit AT LAW. I Caclieinire, Biege, Sicilian Suitinga, 40c to 05c per yd. BOOTS ani SHOES, Double fold, Reversible Cloth, 15c to 20c per yd. TOBACCO, GROCERIES. Nun's Veiling, Cream, Blue and Black, 20e per yd. Bunting in Colors, Cambrics, Lawns, Piquas. Dragon Black and Figured Organdie, J Ofc pe- yd. Zanzibar, Palmer and Anioskeag Ginghams. L-oteh Ginghams (like summer silk) 25e. and Brown Cottons, Cabot “W” 7Jc. New Buttons, New Parasols, New Calicoes, (In digo and Standard), Etc., Etc. We also carry in stock CROCKERY, ETC. JaeknaavlU-, Or, R. uitiaber. thcMC g.MxU are n»*w and txnight Will practice in all court« of the btute. OIBce | rince the wur in railroad rat»*» and aro sold In Orth’« brick, up-atalr«. CJliosip tor Countrj Produce bought and Hold; also Wool Hid« s. Fun* and Detr Skin». Solicit orders fur Luinb«*r. GoM Hill, (frryon. Will attend to all buain«*aa In m> lin»* with promptneea and at reasonable rat«*s. MAX MULLER, WM. M. COLVIC, VTTolLNEY ANI» COf.NSELOR AT LAW Boots, Shoes, lLits, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, etc. THE PLACE Jarkmtnclllc, Oreyaa. Wil! jir.K tic»- in all the courts of th»* Stat«* Pi-itHvcHring Attorney for First Ju»licial i l)i«trivt. <>ihc«* in Uourt-houa«-. Can truthfully say all of above goods are entirely new, having purchased them personallv this Spring. We buy •TO GET TOt’K— BLACKSMITHING J. N. PHILLIPS, AND UOl'NHKLoR AT LAW, Ashland. Oregon. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ill large quantities and can give special inducements to intending buyers. u V"' Will exchange for farm products, allowing highest market price for same. Thankful for past favors and hoping for a like continuance, — DONE IN O. F. DEMOREST, R K S 1 D E N T DENTIST. Redbird. Oregon. ANI» AT- I AND B C It G K O X. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE — IS AT — D. CRONEMILLER & SON S, I JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. NEW COODS, NEW PRICES AT l ui no to CaHibnria BONANZA I FREICHTS &. FARES THE LOWEST STEAMER HAILING DATES FROM SAN FRAN Cl SCO rROM YAQCINA. >lb ¡Willamette Valley.Tun«l.y.September 24 th Willatnvtt«* Valley, Saturday, Sept»- hi I mt -irr • .. .. ■ * TÜ ur8 - dày, öctobrr 3.1. 7tli -------- •• Monday. Oci«»b« r. 13th. Saturday. *• '• WeUiiewday, “ .......... Will I Th. oornpanj rwnr.flr the right to chance aaihn< data« without notice. S. DANIELSON, Physio-Medi«*:i I | n. OATMAN. SUCCESSOR TO J. O. HAM P II Y S I < I A N A N I» STEG F. <> N, »J • aker A C<>. of thtnanza. Klamath county. Or., ' haa purchfu-ed a larg»» and first-das* st«»ck of g ><»ds which are now <»n th» way from Portland, Bedford, Or«*goa. and will be «old Cheap for < a»h. Everyrxxiy 1» Train.« connect with the O. A C. R. R. anil River Beata at CorvaUia and Albany. invittai to call and examine good* and prices be Special attention given to Chronic Diseaiwa. REMEMBER THE OHEGON OREGON PACIKK' PACIHC I TOPI ’OPI LAK EX( I'ltSlONS TO YAQT1XA. YAQflNA. LOW fore purchasing »•laewhere. You can always find rat»* tickets are now «»n sale, good every Wcdnendav and Saturday from Albany, Corvallis ana on han«i a full line of A. C. CALDWELL, Pbfl«»inath. C. C. HOGUE, MEi II\NI< Al. AMPOPEKATlVt HENTtST. Clothing. Boots and Shoes. C. H. HASWELL Gen l F. a 1’. Ag't. O P. K. R. (-<». Gvn'l F. A P. Ag’t, Oregon Development (’<»., Cor villi*. Oregon. Anhlnntl, Or^jnn 304 Montgomery St.. Han Francisco. Cal. Groceries, Hardwi re Nitr>»us Ovid»- Gas a»lniinist» r» »i f<»r the pain and everythin» generally to be found in a first- less »■ «traction of teeth. clan». ( «»untry Store. ;r” othc»- over the Ashland Bank. J AH. MORTON. Manager Bonanza. April IS lbhK. P II Y b I r I A N AND R V K G E <> N. Redford, Oregon, Ofllc«* iu H.iinlln’s Bln» k Kt root. BEEKMAN & REAMES’ General Merchandise BANKING HOUSE, Successors to C. c. Bcckmaa’s Bank, Redford, Oregon. I'ulU promptly Atti-ndvd to Day »>r Night. Ofllce on 11 street. We keep Constantly <>n Hand a Cúmplete anil Well Selected As- eortment’ of DR. L. WICCIN, HE I NbF.BSIGXED HAVE FOIIMFI) A with au authorize«! capital of T I copartnership >55I(JOO. for the purport«* «>f earn ing <»n a Gcxier- Jose phlne Co., Or. Otlirc and rcsld«*nce a f»*w mil«** went of Grant'! P ash . B»-«t of r«»frrence giv» u ami satiNfaction guarant«*«*d. DR. W. STANFIELD, K L ECT I <’ Pll VSICI A N. lias k>cat»*d in Ashland. Or., for the practice of hia prof»*spb»n. Mak**« all chronic du«'-aMt*, such a.*s Itfieuniatisru. A**ti»inn. Piles. Kidney I'oinplaints. »de., a *|»eviRltj . J. ! al BariKing Bu»ln<-«H iu all «»f its branch«.*»» in Jackrtonviih*. Oregon. Office Htth«*ol<! stand 1 »»f He« kman’H Banking H ouhv , S. E. corner Cal ifornia and Thin! streets. C. C. BEEKMAN. TIH>\ U REAMES. All ..f wliieli wiU be wold at the i 8*“ Satisfaction Guaranteed. for yourselves. —and — (»rant*!* P äm *. Oregon. VINES A1TD SCRUBBER? OfBri at present at the Bagby lintel. on the northweat count. W. H. SOMMERS, M. D.v PHYHICIAN, SVRGEON A A<TOt'( HE!'R. Professional call« promptly ntt«*nded today or night. Consultation* tn either English or G«'rtnan. (iffluoaud r»‘«i«lence on California str»*«*t. cor ner of Fifth street. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING LOOK OUT FOR . $ 5 to fit) per ino Appi«- Tre»*«....................... 10 “ If» “ “ P»ach •* . H •* l»> ” “ Plura and Prune Tr»*»-a Ot»b«*r tree* and ahmbberj furnished reaaona- bly. Hend for Fatalogue to J. H HETTLEMIER. Wo»»dbum. Or. If yon K< t cRiurht. tooo*o no finir in jr. tilng M..Heine flint will eure every tini.- if tuken ftK directed. Brook« Keeps It, Jacknonvi I e, Or No chill aft«*r the first done. Perf»*ctlv safe for young or »»Id. Go where you pleas« and »‘at «nd arlnk what you please. IBS? J. C. CARSON, ENGEL BROS.» Manufacturer of B B DIARRHŒA ELIXIR. Sash. Doors, Blinds Cur»* from the light to th»* worst form of Chronic Diarrhmu. Brooks keeps it. Suf«* and aure DEALERS IN I bi L j * General Merchandise I)« iiier in CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA OS ASHLAND, OR., I am prepared to eontiact for the delivery of good merchantable saw logs of the following kinds- Entónate* and price, lint a»*nt on application. COVNTRÏ ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Factory at Wefdbr’s Mil). H h U shmuiim cor Taint ami E afreet», Portland, Oregon. SUGAR PINE, FIR AND YELLOW PINE, FRUIT TREES delivered on the banks of Rogue River at any point between the month of Butte Creek and the mouth of Red Blanket creek, and will pay cash on delivery for same in quantities from By the Thousand ! ur. rx'DEKsicxED is now taking oh - through JiukMon and Josephine coun- T I d«-r« t i»‘H f«»|- Late of California, Ten Thousand to Ten Million Feet. FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, Apply Are now prepared to furniah th»» lw»at of music for public or private Paitiew. Ball«, Pi«.»ice. Ac . An} kind riiUvd in n Nursery. at any p»«int on the coaat. A'l tlie new popular music is played by this Th«»s<-wanting tr«*« *4 will d«>w»*ll to giv«* me Orcheat ra. <»»•«!• -r*». as I will guarante«* sat i**f»u*tn»n. Having employed a Urge number of musician« tli« I ir warrant all my tre»-*, if pr«»perly ear«*«! for. we are able to furnmh any number <»f band*. 'Ferms «tf pa\ no nt «-ibj . P i « h 1 u <*«' t.,k'n at CHAS. E. WOLVERTON. President Any in«ti umentN or acalUr fumiahad toother mark« t prit« . ’ of I’» a*, b S« •«•»! want»«l. hand*. All orilerN by mail <»r telegraph prompt, J. W. CUSICK. Tr^unu- A. S JOHNSON. ly attended t«» Term?« alwayn rmaonabm. Ad- Ja« k**"iiviII« . Or« g«»n. Aug. 1. IhKL dr*» PROF. GANIA RD. Ashland Or. J. R. WRITSMAN , Vice-PrsBid n J. K. ELDERKIN , Rec. nnd Mana<ei PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM i Í ’Ci»-an ! N lutirles the Lair. i , . I i I * xu riant grow *h. E Rxvtr Faila to R*«*ora Gray Hair to t« Vouthtii Color. SKIN DISEASES MOORE’S CELEBRATEDP01S0N OAI REMEDY ft kill« all lDfianim«tL>n and Irritation, and 1« the ••nly sure destroyer of Microbes aad other BkiA >arwiUs c»• ,CurtH»«- »'P'*J«ra.-»M»3io? LairQUUn* ‘___________________ f-v »»»■ »‘» »¿r. Kf-x, ? r(.', ! - vtni 1 • #GO,OOO.oo Ul». ALBANY. OREGON Fih«a«t!on. ■ Ti. V 3A«3SR SHOP, I WM. ULRICH. Disvici Agent MLOFORD, OREGON. CALIFORNIA STREET. JACKSONVILLE. Price, 25 cents a Box* 1*ÆII> PARXCR’SëîNCERTONIC T»rr»',nl -—UM— OREGON ---- ASK FOR---- Madame Gnigon, LJL to loan on l «». ng time Low Rat,won Eatat >■ curiti M oney tau un or addi-, -e AT VAWTER A WHITMAN, M»*lford. rii vgun I «1IO r Agtn“111** Afir, r Agro. ) Lf W. MTKKAION, our uuthurU^l ageht« J I ind.>bn«l to the «-.tato of Dr. J. H. Ihtt- A woo l by not. or book ai-coiint. ara hrraby noti- AKIN, ti»d to ».ttle thn aau-.H within thn n»it thirty day. or rondar tbom.olva. nabla to coat, of *nit. ! C. B. WATHON, Att’y for Eatata. I Aahland. Or..Oct. 1. lkSb. FROM And all of Settle Up. U. PEIUJOXH KNOWING THEMHELVEH T Ask For Ayer’s OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., A CARRICK, SELLINC & CO.’S UNRIVALED GOODS! Will be Sold for $200; EasyPajments. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY MEMORY Passengers taken at Reasonable Rates. i ESMOND HOTEL, Museum of Anatemy PARIS. PROP. HAVE YOU GOT PILES CENTRAL HOUSE, Ashland, - - - - Oregon. fl V For CATARRH. S. S. SMITH, Prop’r. MRS. JANE REDDING, ProDriclress. for terms to FRED. II. ROWE, Tolo, Or. n - PILES HARDWARE, Saw Logs. Saw Logs. T MINER'S ADDITION TO ASHLAND WINÛ0W AND PLATE GLASS D1UGGISTS, A full line in Htock «»f GENERAL BCILOING MATEKIAL. OREGON I PHOENIX, WE INVITE INSPECTION JOS. G. SHERIDAH, PROPRIETOR Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc., PRICES 18.Y7 n Please give ns a trial and judge INLOW «fe ASIIPOLE. NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES Jarhvomille, Oregon. Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Cemetery Work a Specially MOST REASONABLE RATES Frait. Shade Omajiental aad Nut Trees H. BENNETT, M. D., The following graphic description of a Il-y—$13(<z 14 per ton. ride over the Siskiyou mountains from Hops—Quote fialOc per pound. the facile pen of Joaquin Miller, ap Fgga- 25 • p«*r do«. peared in a recent number of the New Potatoes—90» • per hundred, Lard — Kegs, or gallon tins , 7«l!t;-3c ork Indtfftndenl: “Let it» go down in per 0» Oregon, «iod's country, and eat red a[e Odt-:—Market improving. Quote 37@38c pies.” This is an old expression of the per bushel California miner. It meant a great deal Wool—Quote spring 17 <820c: estern in the dear old days. For it cost more Oregon 14c. Provisions—Bacon. Il(<tl3c; bam«, 13c< time and a deal more money to cross the huge black mountains that hung in shoulders. Bi Wheat-Valley ,$1 J)a|l 22. Walla Walla, the clouds between Oregon and Califor 11 12 a ctl nia then, than it does to make the trip to Barley—Brew ing, whole, SOafiOe; ground, Europe now. per ton. >22^25 01» This glorious black mountain, dense (’orn- JI 50 ¡»er cental. Flour—-Valley standards quoted at |4.25: with pine and fir and cedar, spotted with snow- white clouds, green with grasses, Walia Walla brand«. |3 75 Fee«l Bran.fll 5O(.i|16 00.shortOlft 00 too, under ttie tremendous trees, sits se »•bop. fltt<ft20; chopped barley, J2O^t23 renely between the two great Pacific per ton. States, quite as notable and far more Bntter—Quote extra choice creamery, magnificent than the Alps that divide 25^.10»-; fair to choice, 2uu25c; store, 13ig, the nations of Europe. 20c ¡»er tb And now the bush of woods “where Meat- Steady Beef, wholesale, 3c; dressed. fll^c: sheep. 3»^e per fi>; dress«-d, rolls the Oregon” has at last been bro 0Hc; hogs, dressed, 7)$C; veal. 64&8c.; ken by the thunder of the engine. This lamb.«. |2 each. splendid array of mountains was the last Poultry—Quote chickens. |3 50(M 50. for in all the vast dotrrnion of the Union to young. an<l |5 .50 for old; old ducks, 17; surrender. This was the “old guard.” geese JSalO per doz; turkeys. 15c per lb; It deserves more than a passing mention. Fresh I- ruits—Hicilv lemons, ; peaches. It is destined to be the most famous pas I «50 per box , plums, 75 per box Hides—1 fio market is weak and heavily sage in all the extended route of travel sto<k«d. Quote dry hides 10?. green that reaches from Mexico to British 3«<5c. sheep, pelts, short wool. 25^C40c. me- America; because it is the most magnifi «huiu 5U(4i7Uc. long 80(41 fK). shearing 10(4 cent. Indeed, I take the responsibility 20c; deerskins, 32a37: tallow, good to of saying that it presents the grandest choice. 3(43’2. and most inspiring spectacle to be en Dried b nuts—Sun-dried »quartered ap ple«. 4(45, factory sliced fir, Oregon plums countered on this continent. Bear with me. I do not intend to 5(g7. Oregon prunes 7<4Sc. pears MalOc, attempts description. I have not the au peaches, Ma 12c. dacity to undertake the impossible. Be F a M rKAXClSOO. Wheat—No 1 shipping. JI 25(41 28. sides that, these papers are meant to be Bariev Feed, c< nimon to fair, 66a67c; of a very practical character. I am to g«»«»d to choice. 67(&70c; br» wing, 80ca keep down out ot the clouds and set niv II Oat |1 <Mi(i/$l 22 for common to choice, feet solidly on tillable soil. But a brief P«»t:itoes— P»-« ertesi Burbank teed* outline of the nature and name of this lings ♦/»(al <• Garnet < hile. 5,5c. Early matchless cloud-land will not be lost ou Rose 7basot,i the reader, I am sure. For this is new. H“j - Quotations rang»* from 10a!4c. The roid by rail is only last year com- W«»« 1— H urn bold i ami Memncin«». 22c: pleted, anil the glorious scenery here sit* eastern Oregon. Lhzl.Sr . valley. 19a23c; waiting for its poet. fall, mountain frev,t2’2« . Sail Joaquin ami Ttie Cts-ca-yu mountains! Forty years Southern. 14c. Butter—For good to fancy, quote 19a24c; ago this was a name of terror. Savages prowled here and made the only land pickled, 2<»o<25c. way to California impossible for half a Egg—25a38c. Hay—Quotati ons range from J6il2 per year together. Besides that the moun ton. tain trail, muddy at all times from the Bags—Firm, at b-*4c. continuous clouds and mountain springs, Onions—30a40c per cental blocked with fallen timber, ,>eriloue from Sarsaparilla CLOTHINC, HARDWARE, ORUCS, MEDICINES, ETC. WOODBURN NURSERY Hardware, Tinware Crockery, axqC12X-»8 DBUQS MARBLE WORKS ! OREGON. EAGLE POINT JACKSONVILLE, OR. V K T F. K I X AHI’ !» V R O K O X. iXiti kling;. Fostofllee I* II V S I <• I A X A X 1» H r K a E »> X. A EINE RACE. Free from Rheumatism DEALKRS IN R* «i«b nc<* on C E. B. PICKEL, M. D., ASHPOLE, INLOW E. P. GEARY, M. D. DOWN IN OREGON. The following description of the con test in the 3-minute class at the stat« fair, in which two of the produce of Al tamont were the gatneet in the bunch, Of the Cure of Skin Diseases will be of especial interest to Jackson when all other Meth county from the fact that Stemwinder, the w inner of the fastest heat, in the ex ods Fail. traordinary- time of 2 ;25.V*, is a product —AT— r«uria*l« 5 yeam, covering focr. head, and an- of this county, having been bred and tire laxly with white M-abn. Skin red. itchy, raised by James McDonough of thia and ble»*ding. Hair all g«»ne. spent hun place. He had no record heretofore, dreds of dollar». Pronounced incurable. Cured by ( uticura Remedies. having l»een in training but one season, and his performance can be called little My diai-atie (paoriaftib) first br«»k<- out on my left cheek, spreading acroae in}- nose and af- short of phenomenal. Had his old in«»Ht covering my face. It ran into my ey»-e driver, Peacock, held the reins over him and the phvsician wax afraid I would I omc my fie would unquestionably have won the eyesight altr»g»*ther. It spread all over my head and inv hair fell out until 1 wan entirely race from Lady Beach, as lie was much bald-headed; it then broke out on my arm* the tqieedier animal, but his new owner and sh< ulders until my arms were just on»* made the very common mistake of put »ore. It covered my entir«- body, my face, head and should»-™ being the worst. The ting the animal into the hands of strange white scabs fell constantly from my face, men on the eve of his first race. The should its and arms; the skin would thicken get of Altamont bad everything their and lx* r»*d atxi very itchy, and would crack and bleed if scratched. After spending many own way at the state fair, and the great hundreds of dollars I was pronounced meura- son of Almont now haa six in the 2 JO •N**. J board of the CuUcura Remedies, and list with a number of others near the after using two bottles of Cutlcura lUmdvent. 1 could see a change, and after I had tak»-n edge of tlie charmed circle; notably Al- four lx»ttles I was almost cured; ami when I tao, the fine 3-year old stallion that made h»*<l used six botth*» of ('uticura Re?*olv«-nt and the best time ever made by an animal of We have on hand a full Mock in the above one I m » x of ('uticura and one cake of (’uticura line, nt goods which we can sell cheaper than Soap, 1 was cured of the dreadful dist-aM* from his age in Oregon, 2:31, on the day fol they own be cold anywhere In southern Oreaon. which J had suffered for five years. 1 thought lowing the race chronicled below : iu we have out v.wy few espeuaee. All kinds the disease woui«l leave a very de«*n sear, but First heat—In the draw for positior the ('uticura Remedietf cur«*d it without any nf produce taken In exchange and scars. I cannot express with a pen what 1 xuf- Hannibal, Jr., got the pole. May F. frred lM*fore using ('uti<*ura R« in»dies. They HIGHEST MARKET PRICE second, Della A. third, Stemwinder saved my life and I f«*el It my duty to recom fourth and Lady Beach outside. The »Howl'd for same. CaU and see for yoursel vet mend them. My hair is restored as g«Mxi as ever and so 1« iny eyesight. 1 know of a num start wae made without any preliminary JACOBY BHUS. ber of different persons who have used th«- scoring, May F. breaking after passing Cutlcura Remedies, and all have received under the wire, snd running the entire great benefit from tneir use. MRS. ROSA KELLY. distance around the track. Stemwinder Rockwell City, Calhoun Co., Iowa. took the lead, but soon after the quarter I>ole was passed Lady Beach went to the Ci’TICL’KA REMEDIES AT CENTRAL POINT. fore w ith apparent ease, and Stemwinder ('lire ev«*r\ sp«-<*i«-s of agonizing humiliating, breaking, Della A. took second place, itching, bic<.-ding, burning, scaly, blotchy an«l and in tins order they finished. M. H. pimpl) di seas»*.« of the akin, scalp and I»1« mm I, with loss of hair, from ?pinipk« t<» scrofula, Mann, the driver of May F.. made a exc«-pt possibly ichtliyosf?». claim before the judges' stand that it Sold everywhere. In-ice, ('uticura, 50r; Re Where 1« k<-pt constantly ou hand a complete was impossible to stop his filly from run solvent, 31; Soap, 25c. Prepar«d bj the Potter and ttrat-ulaaa «tock of Dnig and ('h»*m!cal Corporation. Boston. ning because the check rein broke, be ST8«*n«l for “lLiw to (hir<- Sklu OtaeMoa,"* sides she was limning when the judges M pages, 5U illustrations, and 100 t«*stimonialr. taiqwd the bell. The judges did not take ni|U|rLES, bhickheiKlH, r»-d. rough, chapped this view of the case and ruled the horse I 1 1 ’ 1 and oily bkin ¡»revente»! by < 'utlriiru s«»ap off the track. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Second heat—Three scorings were necessary to get a start, Lady Beach and PAIXTS Della A. getting off even, with Stem winder and Hannibal, Jr., half a length OILS OF ALL KINDS, behind. Stemwinder broke at the quar ter, but quickly recovered, and before Mschanics’ Tools, the ball was reached swung by Della A. precipitous locks—well it was a dreadful in a good easy pace. At the three-quar I way at best; and yesterday when I heard ters he ove-hauled Lady Beach, but the AN ASTONISHING a kid-glove geutleraan fiom San Fran little black mare made a gallant fight for Complete External ami Internal Treatment for cisco say that it was a “pity to spoil such first place, and for a few seconds drew NAILS, ROPE. One Dollar. scenery by building a railroad through rapidly away from the bay. The race And everything oiae imaginable in this line. it,” 1 almost wanted to lift him up by down the home stretch was a pretty one, T<» in- fr«-«*d from tin- dang«-rs of suffocation My goods are new and Jf the best branda, and the hair and let him fall a few thousand almost neck and neck, but a few rods while lying down; t<» brialh»* fr«*«-l>. «1« • P will b<* fold at the Moundlv and undiKturi»vd; to ris«* r»-fr»*h»-d: feet “down into Oregqji ” If this man from ttie wire the little mare broke just h«-ad clear, brain a« tiv«- and fr«-»* from pain or had struggled u t!u - ■ ■ | erv steeps on long enough to give Stemwinder the lead Lowest Ruling Prioes. fu-h»-; to know that no poisonous, putrid mat foot, or even clung to me back of a mule, and the heat by half a length, Della A. ter «b-tll«*F th»- breath and rota away th«- deli- Give me a rad befor«* going rbywhcTe. rat«- machinery of smt il, tast«- am! h<-aring, as we Oiegoniatis so often had to do in three lengths back and Hannibal. Jr., J. C. 5HKR1D.VN. to f«-<4 that th»-system d«»»-s not, through inx the old days, he would have been better distanced. Time bv quaiters, 38, 1 .15, veins an«! nrt«-ri«-s. sin k on th»- ¡»ois«»n that is able to appreciate what the builders of , j 1:53*-, 2 :30. sure to undermine and d«-str<»y. i** indetxl a blt-Msing beyond most Iniiiiiin <-njoy incuts. ’I'.» this newest and noblest piec • of engin- ; Third heat—A fine start was made, purrha««-iinummtj from such a tat«- ahould but at the turn Stemwinder and Lady be the object of all afllictAMl. But thoMe who •* My dr«r madam, I never you lookiac to eering Lave done for civilization. Tins mountain range runs at right j ■ Beach collided, taking a spoke out of the have tri«xl many r«-inedi«* am! physicians d«*- well, and you were « » poorly, too.” BfMdr »»t relief or cure. “Ye«, doctor, Joy’« Vegetable b»r«;>urh!& 1« angles With the ocean bank, sixty miles former’s wheel. Neither driver was to Hanford's Radical Cur«- ni«‘«-ts evt ry phase of catarrh, from a simp!»' In-ad c«»ld to th«- most the grandest thing in the world for run down, distant to the west where her ewe cross blame, so far as could be asceitained. loathsome and destructive stages. It is local nervous and debilitated women. That'« the it, and here is set up, by nature, a single By tins untimely accident I»ella A. took ANDERSON CREEK, and constitutional, instant in r«'li« ving. p»*r- secret <»f my appearance.'* tower of granite hundreds of feet altove ttie lead, which she kept till the half, man« nt in curing, safe, <•» «»mimical, and rare Up to ti month ago Mrs. Belden, an elderly the clouds. This marge the line be when Lady Beach broke into a wild run ly failing. lady, living nt 510 Mason street, San F rancisco, tween Oregon and California Here is and got a lead of several lengths. Stem was f illing iu health and flesh so rapidly as to rudely outlined the portrait of a hor«e. winder also broke, but bis driver held Sanford « Radical Cure for Catarrh seriously alarm her relatives. She now writes- Consists of on».* botth* <»f the Radical Cure, one hie The “olilest inhabitant” tells in« that him down, and when he recovered ___ ___ box of Catarrhal Solvent, and on«* lmprov«*d "I have taken but one bottle of Joy’s Vegetable tins gave the name to this remarkable letft lie trotted lieautifully, passing ig Della HE SUBSCRIBER TAKEN PLEASFRR IN Inhaler. n»*atly wrapped in one packag«-. with S rsj arilla, but it is astonishing. I am regain announcing that bit Hteam saw-mill la cow treatis»- and directions, and sold by all drug- -,**» wv ■»» not auiv luvavcll I.ady range of mountains In the old we | I ... A. «.«•«..j easily, , but was abletocatcli ing my lost flesh and base nut felt us well io runntnx on full time and turning out a large gists for fll.tM). did not call a horse a horse, we ays Beach. She passed tinder the wire eev- quantity of lumber. He 1« prepared to fill all reara." called him a eoyuse, the Indian name eral lengths in the lead of Stemwinder ord«-ra with dlapatch, and at the most reasona P otter D rug A C hkmical ( orforation , B oston , M ass . ble rat»-«. A fine quality of for a horse, and so the mountains came and ltella A. was behind the distance La tifu' flfwarf to be called Coyuse mountain*. But flag. On account of the breaking the Of thoM» cosmetic» wbtebgive to the face a ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, judges decided it a dead beat between gbast'y <yea. ghostly) whiteness. Such years after when a trail was broken over including the brat rustic, oeiling and flooring, « In one minute the ( uticunt Antl- preparations contain lead or some other the black barrier rnto California then the Stemwinder and and Lady Beach, and furniah«xi on short notice. \ <^^Pain Planter r«*licves rheumatic, equally injurious and dangerous sub Oregonian began to say “Cta-coy-use;" Della A. was not distanced. i^"Satlsfaction guaranty«!. ’ ■ bciatic, hip, ki«in« y. ch«-«t am! mus- Fourth heat—Lady Beach took the * cular pain« and w\ akn«*as«*s. Th«* stances. the use of which, if long contin or, this side of the Coyuse, just a* the S S. SMITH. ued will, besides giving the skin a rough Romans used to say Cis, or this side of lead and made the first quarter in 364, firat and only pain-kiUing plaster. and leathery appearance, ultimately pro the Alps. Later on the spelling was and the heat was decided right there, for duce paralysis ol the nerves. This state phonetically rounded down into Sis-ki- it was too hot a pace for the little mare. JACKSONVILLE ment is no “bug-a-boo,” but facts, well- She kept it right nobly, however, and known tn chemists and physicians, based you. Today the northern county of was unable ---------------------- to catch her un- . oi the well-known physiological effects of California which finds its limit here . fltemwinder «*,e three-quarter pole was passed, such substances whose presence in prepar against the granite formation of “the | ations for the complexion are indicated by horse” is called Siskiyou county on the 1« was a beautiful race down the home such outward aims as before stated It maps. But tire prauunciation all over stretch, nose and nose, but the yelling Sarsaparilla, ami I m * sui»* y«*ti get «it, you would use an article which will at the land is now simply “bis-kew.” 1 crowd caused Lady Beach to h ave her when you want the best blood-purifier. »»nee produce natural activity and beauti I have been thus teiiicns over the for-1 fee«, an'l Stemwinder passed under the With its f«»rty years ful complexion try Wisdom’s Robertire. J. C. WHIFF of unexampled suc- which is guaranteed under a forfeiture of mation of this word *'.Sis kew"—ati.D «be a winner by a neck. Della A. waa •>s in the cure of $1<MO to be absolutely free from ail poi ha\ e taken great pains to get at the ; distanced.^ Time by quarters, 36%’, sonous and injurious substances. Pro truth, at the same time admitting that 1 ‘ 1 ;12‘a, 1 :50, 2:25^. < ascs, you nounced by leading ladies of society and am far from certain that this is entirely Fifth »'eat—Stemwinder’e driver mis * no tuis- the stage superior to anytmng ever pro right; for like many another pretty name i took the word go from the judges' stand prvferring dined for beautifying and preserving the to come back and pulled up its origin grows dim with the obscurity * for an order j — . G« nor,I f\intr»ctor In Ayers complexion of time—because, as sa d liefore, this is | on the first turn, but raw hie mistake and made a tine trot to »«ave _______ his distance, destined to be one of the most notable , Sensible Advice. KABBLE, STONE OR GRANITZ points, simply because of its supreme Lady Beach winning easily in 2:32. Farmers,orchaidisH an»l fruit growers, splendor, on all the circuit of railroad 1 Sixth to any other. The —Stemwinder ui"“' heat ‘ c*------ *"—*“ ~ broke on the protect \our>civ»s from insect pests bv firat turn, but recovered his feet ____ and i«»r< -runner of mod __ ____ spraying your fruit trees. A. H. Carson A travel in the United States. ern blood m»*»li< incs, The two huge engines here, specially j trotted finely to the turn on the home Son' f R'dlmd nursery. (¡»oatofticeGrant’s built for the purpose, puliyou up through j *ttetch, where lie again broke, which Ayer’» Sarsaparilla Pas^ i have s?< ured the agercy < f the P. Lew’*• combination fore c an 1 spray pump, the precipitous black woods that shut in ' lf»st him the heat an<l race; time, 2:J3. is still the most pep- which in trained hands is equal to spraving Oregon, with an effort that amounts ai- I •< was a game race and a big surprise to ular. b»*ing in great icn acres of orchard in one day. It is most to human agony. And you are everybody, more e.|>e<ially to the owner er <1» maud thau all equally w» 11 adapted to cxtingiiUhing afire, Prompt Atti ation fivun to all Order« by Mail. and trainer of Lady Beach, who did not others combine«!. and a steady stream can be in-tantly glad to the heart when they cease to (hanged tn a fine spray, an advantage groan and bury their black faces in consider the little mare in the beet con ** Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is selling faster wh'ch no »»tlier hand pump po«-e*f*es. A the long tunnel that opens into Oregon. dition. Mayor DeLuhmutt was any i than ever l»»-foi«-. I never hesitate to It is in the tortuous descent heie that thing but pleased to think his horse had fu 1 lineuf recipesfor «praung compounds rcconimrn«l it.” —George W. Whitman, w 11 be furnished wi h the pump, all for the sublimity breaks in u)>on you in all ruade a record of 2:2H^t and yet lost first Druggist, Albany, I ml. Merchant Tailor the low price of 00. Buy one, it may its cloud-built splendor. For, far below money. •' 1 am safe in saying that my sales of save yonr residence or barn from destruc lie the emerald valleys of Oregon in all The record made in this race was not Ayer’» Sarsaparilla fur ex« «1 those of tion as wed as enable you to successfully And Importer of any other, ami it gives thorough satisfac their sunlit glory. The clouds are still only the best 5-year-old, but was also combat insec t pe-ts. tion.”— L. II. Bush, lh-s Moines, Iowa. below you as you twist and turn and dart the best 4-year-old time ever made in “Aver’s Sarsaparilla ami Ayer's Pills and dash around ttie granite peaks and Oregon. State .Normal. are tiie Ix-st selling inv«li«-ines in my The Ashland State Normal school offers through the somber trees, but far below store. I can r«,< «»mm»*nd them conscien U regox W heat .—It is yearly becom- the pub!i<* eveiv advantage that is given bv the clouds at your feet lie the sunlit val tiously. ” — C. Bickhaus, Pharmacist, MEDFORD, OREGON all | racti< al institutions of learning. In ad- leys of Oregon. And you can see orch . ing more apparent that the wheat grow- Roseland, III. diti«-n to the usual advantages of a g«»»»d ards looking down over and through the i »*rs of Oreg»>n Hhould pay more attention “ W«* have sold Ayer’s Sar«apariiiu school, it has a mo lt 1 training school in tree-tops, and down over and through i to changing their need wheat. The oth here for over thirty years au<l always 4 FILL LINK OF THE BEST AND MOST wliirb the student tea« her is required to the clouds I h -I ow you. And you can see er »lay at Portland ____ ____ ri__. who was r<‘<-omm<-n«l it when a>k«-«l tn name the a t«hip|»er .1 r«*hlun»Llr cloth*. tlDtehlnir.. <*c.. cou- work, under ski lful direction. Ashland flocks and herds, no larger than fly-j looking ¡»est blood-purifier.” — W. T. McLean, ntantlf kept oil hand, and nothin* but ftr*t- wheat'said: ___ liMikllik’ at a lot of whpat aairl ; ‘‘Th® also has the tine«t climate in the ^tate for c -I haa work turned out. Druggist, Augusta. Ohio. h«al:h an«! » «'inL»rt. It« pure col l water specks, resting by the silver river as it wheatoftheWillamettevalleyisdeterio- AH ord »»re filled promptly at rra eon able “I have sob I your medicines for the ratca and aatlafaction guaranteed The favorite old white winter fr« m the mountains, its white sulphur and winds and winds and winds away toward ¡rating. last seventeen years, and always keep w- . .. A. GARRICK. >odu spring« are a dvli-ht to the bfal’h the ocean. There are roads and lanes ! wheat, which has been grown so long Medford. May 13. 1W». them in stock, as they ar«* staples. seeker. \\ e should he el «'I to receive that look to be no larger (han the lines j and w hich made such white flour, is get- * Titer»* is nothing so g«»«»«i for the youth stu«4ents tr«»m all ¡»arts of the slate. Ask on the paper on which you w rite. There I ting mixed with red wheat. Several car- ful bioo«r as Aver’s Sarsaparilla.” — y«»ur senator or representative for a tree are many little towns; the houses look loads have been rejected this season on R. L. Parker, F«»x Lak«-. Wis. s< holarship, or address. to be no bigger than the alphal>et blocks that account. Wheat that will make “ Aver’s Sarsaparilla gi\«-s the hrst J. 8. M ukkt , A. M.. President, s.itisfa« tion of any m«-di<-in«- I have in Ash anl. Or that your baby plays with at your feet , the whitest flour is always in the best de stfM-k. I r»-c«»mm«ini it, <»r, as the More tunnels! Ami now the swift and ; manti, man.t, brings the highest price, and this —IN— I>« m n»rs say, ‘I pre--rib«- it over the precipitous railroad ties a knot in itself! is uhy ‘ va'lev wheat has always brought Mill Men. Ahoy! <oiinter.’ It nev«-r fails to m«-»*t the ’1 he St«»k» l mill property on lower Ev This is called “the loop." It is the sec more than Walla Walla wheat. There » um x for which 1 i ••«•«• iiiiih - ik I it, ev« n ans vr* ♦ k in now for sab*, it is now paying ond one that those daring engineers have i can be plenty of wheat secured that will m I iit »* th»* d«»ctors* pres« iiptions have ovt r lifte«n per »e.i».» n ttie money anked built out here. I)o you understand what 5 make yellow flower, but wheat that will L«-»*n of tin avail.” — C. F. Calhoun, hese hoi’s ark muh » feet and ark tor it. »nd with new improved machinery “the loop” is? Briefly, the railroad make the finest grade of flour is not so Monmouth, Kansas. the Choicest Runidcnoe Ix»u* in Ashland. w< u’»i pay tilty per cent on the entire track ties a knot in itself, makes a ' plentiful. Tlioughout the valley the money expended. It is only three miles from a good railroad depot,over g* «><1 roa»i “loop,’’ run« under and over itself, in i bran is getting thicker and the wheat is order to get down out of the clouds into , losing its strength, and the white wheat Plenty of timber ami water. A No. 1 grist Oregon. FRBPARF.D BV > is getting red or so mixed with the red mill site, ( all on or address Iaonk at thfwa lots liefore purchasing elsewhere Down at the base of this steep and A. C. S pkkb , that it will not now rank as first-class.” an»l remember they are situated on Main street Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lov.cll, Mais, within 5oo yards of the New Depot Hotel now be W i odvi lc. JarKson Countv, Ore gon. stupendous mountain of snow-white I This is because farmers do not pay at ----------- •----- - „ g built. Enquire»»! Trice $1. aix botth*«. $.». Worth | . a bottle. clouds an,l somber black forests nestles tention enough to changing their seed. E. MINER. Ashland House Consumption Surely Cured. the new city of Ashland. It looks very They should import new seed. If the To the F2 dit (» r Flense inform your mu< h like the citv of San Bernaidino in farmers would take up the seed question readers that I h.«ve a p s tiv** remedy for the above n*nr«l <1 ‘ca*e. By iisi timely southern California and is as pretty as they would find it a profitable one. An MARVELOUS Los Angeles. Only the long rows of ap effort was made to get them to introduce ple trees are not olive tree", as in the the Scotch Fife wheat a short time sinew MAIL ROUTE south. But the miles and miles of and some millers offered to pay 5 cents peach orchards seem so much like the a bushel more for this variety, but the oiange groves in the south that the farmers would not favor the scheme. ■ Something must he done to give our sweet delil-ion is complete. S tages leave J acksonville every Monday and Friday nt R o’clj»ck a . m . for Hundreds of pretty cottages of the wheat strength, as if the strength is not W i Id ervi 1 lc,r<*tu rni ng Tu»*sd ays and Sat u rd a ya. Queen Anne fashion of architecture, in tlie wheat good flour cannot be made. Stag«- fi-axi-H for Uniontown on Wcdn<**dayH DISCOVERY. most of them not at all inferior to the Prumpi nriM. nt lOo chH-k a . M.. returning Thuradaya. <>»:!y Genuine »▼stein ef Memory Trnlnlna» Four llsoks Learned in one reading. (ontumptinn C»«rrrf First it cold, then a rough, then con Long Branch or Newport cottage save in Miud wanderin« cured. aurtipiion. then death. ‘‘I took Dr.Acker’s size, cling to the wooded hillsides hero or An »-Id physician, retired from practice, Et' ry child and adult areally brnefltfrd- English remedy for Consumption the mo [xrepout from oaks down by the stream Gtvxt induoements to C«>m*puudf’nce CI mms . having ha»i ; laced in his hand« by an East ment I began to cough, ami I believed it let’s bank. Fat cows,corn fields, a «alley India missionary the formula of a simple Prospectus, mth opinion« of !>r. Wm. A, Ham mond, the world-famed Special mt in Mind ¡•ave my life.”—W. N Wallace. Washing two, ten, twenty miles wide, then hills i vegetatile remedy for the speedy and per' Huciicl (-rrrnlraf Thompson, the »mat Psvchof- '*>««, J. M. Buckley, D.I>.. »»ditorof the Christian ton. For sale bj’ E. C. Brooks. marient - cure of consumption, bronchitis that climb to the clouds on either aide I j---------- Cor. Front nnd Morrison Sts. ...-------- ..... A trocafc. N. y, liirbard Proctor, the Hrieuti««. for a few hours, then a narrow valley catarrh, arthma and all throat and lung af • Ilona. W. w. A»Uor, Judge t-lbson, Jodah P. School Books Eichanged f«« tion«. h I« o a positive and radical cure OREGON Bcnjnmin, and otb#*r«, aentjxwt tiw» by PORTLAND Prof. A. LOIMETTE, «¿7 Fifth Ave-, N. Y. At the Citv Ding Store. Readers exchang- and a tumbling swift river, with entirely for nervous debility and all nervous com »•«1 free. For further particulars apply at too many new towns on its banka; anti plaint«, after having tested its wonderful New flrc-pr.xil Briuk. Flrat-claaa in this is w hat is called “Southern Ore- i cnr.itive |H>n-era in thousand* of rases, has all Respinta. drug -tore before October 1st. next. gon.” felt it his duty to make it known to his suf DR. JORDAN'S TROS. GUINEAN, Pr<»Pr Land is about five times as high lieie j fering fellow« Actuated by this motive as it w hs a few years ago. Still it is not I and a desire to relieve human suffering. I rr"Th* Esmond IhvdaunlBt is u n sur pass» d Will ec d free of charge,to all who daaire il, n every particular. 751 Mark« t St., Ham Frnncico. Itching Piles are known by mo»shire Ilk« perspiration, nearly so high as in California, and can Go and b urn how to avoid dis causing inienxe itching when warm. This form as wtM be safely bought at higher figures. The i this refine, in German. Freneh or English, ♦*♦<*«•, and how w»»nd« rful ) <»u are as Blind, Bleedin- and Protruding, yield at ance t*» climate 1« fine. When a lad I was hired with full di-e< tion« for preparing and using' Sent by mail by addressing with stamp mafic. Private <»flic«‘. 21 (ihai) St oat todrive an ox team at the plow in , nmni'ig this paper W A. Noyea.l«» Pow C.»nHultati«»n on 1 x » m MMiihcNtd B0*8AN*K0'S PILE REMEDY, this valley, and 1 remember that we did and al! dta atuw of men.Send for DR. er a Block. Rochester K. Y. * which acts directly on ths parts affoctad. absorbs tu book. not rest all Hie winter through. Th? E. K. BREITMAN, Proprietor, mors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. plow a'opped not a single day for either Druggists or man treatiw free Dr Bosanke. Piqua. 0. G«nl Ntoek. (mod Orrhard,. frost or rain. SETTLE-UP NOTICE. I M»uv of the best orrharih in the sowth. may ba ftwtwd o» the (»ate have bee* aupphed ll those knowing themselves in A A arrow Escape I ernpartof flic at Grò. F. Thia wall.knowu b«»oaa haa bren rrnovata dehted to the undersigned, either by note oi witl. niinery atoex from Redland auraery - -------- ---------- H owkll A Col •Fur want of a nail, a «hoe wa* »»st; for A If Cm n& Son, proprietor!, Granf« hr<»ughout and book account, ar« hereby earneeti} requested !<» call and «ettln at their earheet convenience. Our Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Bprnos want of a »hoe. a boree was lost; for want l a««, Oregon, and satisfaction baa been NEWLY FURNISHED. Ftroeti,where advm wwn*as uswawg> bneinee« must be chmed. of a horse, a rider was lost. * Never neglect given m ever» instance. Ihev pnw have on t .hor eontiact* may llEMf Y||HK PRYCEAGLARV A < < d aairplrroom for com tnereial travel I m » mads for U ft IVEW IWHIV small things*. 1 he first signs of pneumo h" nd the chop eat lot of 250.000 f nut twee Bedford. Ma> 12.1888. a a«r fitted u ain connection with the hotel. nia and consumption can ‘positively** be all of standard varieties, readv for fall de Itchy, Ü9a ly, Torture. checked by Dr. Acaer’s Engfith Remedy livery. Write for terms. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Bedford, Orrtfoa. DR STARTLING EVIDENCE PORTLAND. SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE J. NUN AN. Jacksonville, Or. THE LOWEST RATES, Jarhs»>aville, Oregon. Otticv and r» Mid»*ne»* on < aliforma Htre»s. < 'ails attend«*»! promptly day or uight. CLOTHING, AXEIN-’S AND T3OAT’ C.llforni. S«r,-«-t. Ja« kM>n.-i1lc, Or riffle«-nt William-» Brick lh»!l<hng, up-•‘tairv TUE MABKE1K. CROCODILE CREEH, RESIDA, OEM D'ARME BLUE, TAH, LEAD, CRANUT, TERRA COTTA ETC. DRY GOODS CLOTHMO HATS CAPS FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, J. R. NEIL, ATTOHXEY AXt> COl'XSELOH XT LAW. CEO. DE BAR, M. D., MEDICAL. BARGAINS!! U2\JSU Rl’ASKliD ! ! DRY AND FANCY COODS, Will praeftc«* In nil court« »»f th»- Stat«-. Offic«* in the C«»urt II »us«-, third «!«»< to left «»f i-n- tranre. !• H Y 6 1 » ' I A X ? OF NEW SUMMER Jarknonrillr, Ornjan. ATTORNEY ñ Nimaii's ATTOItXKY AXI» eol'NSF.LOIt AT l.AW. Qflloe in AhlFa building. Front Htr»*«*t. XO. 39 ». ; 1» more complete by far than any other In . I . f i Oregon, »■«.'.«w.kflk kkMil a i ., i Southern and oom pare» favorably | with With unv Jrth Pnntin» «w—w uny in th«* StJits* Suite. Job Printing z\F of every imaginable d<*a*-ripti(»u done at Kao Franciaeo rate», and in a prompt and firat-claaa manner. THI8 PAPER A Hiuxu entirely new method for w<w>hluv for consumption. For tale by E. C. tine embrotderti-k, l.c* curtains, frlnm. The «impie application of Swayne's Ointment, Brook». inuAUns. Ince, ¡white and Ua<kJ, uil kind* <1 without any internal medicine«, will cure any woolen*, lad IK ttaun«L« aul other w«ar> C*ttl*branded D andm*rktocr*>p*nd*quar« crpo of T**(ter. Kalt Rheum, Ringworm. Piles, Io»f apparel: akao rent’s *l<jth«a cluanad and re ■>d*rb>t tn l.ft Mr and ■nd.ralop* in Fur Sale. AT EIGHT PERCENT. PER .LNN’VM. FOR Itch. Horea. Pimples. Externa, all Scaly. Itchy, pair«! on short nottce. Lana curtain clous- thr,i , r , i . o P j and apward* Sa.a th* point Five thousand i-ounds of nice lard for [»articular« enquire of Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long io, a specialty Trice* In- and sarisfnHMn ngbl burn MXrrd ..ff, Banaroo ApplevaU. juarantW*. standing. It is potent, effective and coat» but a sale, as good a* can be had in ihev.ilcy, norw* bru>d«d D on right hip. trifle st T. J. Kenney's. • N. S. DREW. $100.000 T0 LOAN. *be i* "UratBtWI.” •'I >sv«i the life nt my little cirl by a prompt use of Dr Acker's Enirlub Beruedy ^<-'«'^>iroptio0. --Mr:^Wm. V Hint ton. Ftft sal* by X. C. Brock*.