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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1889)
J dhuuiuuc V he dime*» imeé. rul.iish.-i) every Thursday by the TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y (HAH. XHKKLL. Editor. NEW TIMES BUILDING. ~4'«»rn«-r Third and U Str«-«'tM. Kates of Milaa riptinu: JACKSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ill, 1889 ,(s sn. t w On«* copy |»«*r annum, in advance. •• mix mnnthrt •• ** three in*»nt ha..................... . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MORRIS M. HARKNESS, ATTOHNEY ANI» Col NsEladt AT I.AW, Or»o«H MISCELLANEOUS. « 5 SPRING! 1889 SUMMER! 9 Evr**yt**b Should Go «nd 9«*v «he OfHc* in Aliir* luilldlnx. Front Str.-, t. GRANDEST tfcLARGEST COLLECTION Will practice in all «-«wirt« <»f th«- Stal« . (Mh«-<- in th»* t ourt II lit**«*, third «loor t«» l«-ft of en tra nrr. DRY AND FANCY COODS, J. R. NEIL. CLOTHING, ATTOICNEY AND foCXSKLOH ST LAW .hickaonrillr. Or. J. J. HOUCK, NttTAllY PrilLIC AND CONVEYANCEK. G•«»< Hill, Omjon, Will attend to ali buain»***«* in my lini- with pr<»mptn«--M* anti at reHMonabh* rates. Caehenure. Biegc, Sicilian SnitiiigH, 40<;to»>.r>c per yd. Double fold, Reversible Cloth, 15c to 20e per yd. TOBACCO. GROCERIES. Nutt’s Veiling, Cream, Blue and Black, 20c J>er v«i. CROCKERY,ETC Bunting HI in V(»K»r»S Colors, Villllinive, Cambrics, la^vs.iK, Lawns, . 1 -i** itpias. Dlinilllg — • Dragon Black and Fignreti Organdie, 16}c jxtr yd. n. inemtM-r, the»«’ tn‘“df» are new and I h .tight Zanzibar, Palmer and Atnwkeug Gingltaitn. aiiKv tlu* war in railroad rat«*« and ar«- so hl Imported Scotch Ginghams (like summer silk) 25e. (>li«‘Jip loi* (' hw I i ! Bleached and Brown Cottons, Cabot “W” 7jc. New Buttons. New Parasols, New Calicoes, (In digo and Standard), Ete., Ete. C«)iintr) Pro«hic«-ts'oght and ><>ld; als«» AS ool Hid«-», Furs und Derr Skins. Solicit order» fur We also carry in stock LUU,b*r- MAX MULLER, THEJIV’S JX-INTD BOY’S CLOTHING, California Str.*<*t. Ja<*k«onvillf. Or WM. M. COLVIC, Jticlcaunt'tll*', Orr{/>tn. Wi!l (irartic«* in all thè <-«»nrt* of thè State. i’ro’M'cutinjc Attorney f«>r First Judicial Diatnrt. otti«-«- in t.\»urt-h«»u*«-. J. N. Boots, Shoes. Hats, Furnishing Goods, Trunks. Satchels, THE PLACE ATToKNEV AND COl \>EL<»R AT LAW. BLACKSMITHING PHILLIPS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS O. F. DEMOREST, Il F. ' I D E NT DENTIS T. THE BEST STYLE Medford, Orerò». -AND AT — Jarkxout ill«*. Orrgtin. 1- li V ICIAN hi D. CRONEMILLER & SON S, A N* D S I RG Ho X. Will;.mi-. Ilrick BuiMim?. iip-staii*. SKIAS NEW COODS, NEW PRICES AT A S I» S f It O EON. Pliy sio-Mi.lieal I it. OATMAN. HCCCE8SOR TO J. O. HAM- J, skwACo. ef llonansa. Klamath county. Or., P II Y S I C I A N A N I» S C R O E <> X. has purchase.) a large and hreurlw. »lock <>t g M*<ls which are now on the was from Portland, Wr«lfor«l, Oregon. an.l will ba «.Id Cheap for Cash. Every!*.sly 1» invited to call an«i eaamtne go««)« and pri es be ?«p«xml attention given tn « hronic Di-ea-e«. for«* pur. basil's els. where. You can always hod on l.aiul a full line of A. C. CALDWELL, M«*<lfor«l, Oregon. R»**i«l«Tire <»n <’ E. B. PICKEL, M. D., HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR Short I^iuo to Califonriíi Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Hardwire STEAMER SAILING DATES I KK<»M SAN FKANCIH«X): • HOM XAuriNC . »i'll. . ;kl |Willamctt«- Valh-y, Tu«-s*lay, July Willanii-tt«- Valley, Saturday, August . .Sth. 1,1th •• •* Thunuiay. Aug - •• Tuesday. |Ht h 22d; “ “ Sunday. “ * •• “ Thursday, rth .31st| •• ’* TiHsday, •• *• Saturday. Th* company reaerver tho right to chauga aailiiig «latw» without notice. Train» n.nuert w ith the O. 4 C. R. R. an.l River H.*at<i at Con alii» and Albany. REMEMBER THE OREGON PACIFIC POPELAR INS T< AyEIN A 1,<»W Fol-FLAR EXI EX< CRSK I RSloNx To > Y YAyCIN rat»- ti«-k* ti* arc nt»w on sale, K‘»<‘d everv VVedn«-Mlav and Saturday from Albanj . < orviilltB anu Philomath. BEEKMAN & REAMES’ BANKING HOUSE, C. C. HOCUE, C. H. HASWELL G hq i F. A P. Aft. O I’. R. R. < n. Gan'l F. A P. Ag’t. Ure<«»n development < o., A I Montjotn**r7 Ht.. San Fr»nci»*c<». ('al. Nitrou« « »xi«h- Gasa>iminiatcrv«i for th«-pain- an-l everythin^ generally to be found in a first- »-«traction <*f teeth. ciass Country Store. lif" <»ffn»- «»wr the Aahland Bank. J AS. MORTON, Manar* R«»nanza. April 1R 1*88. O!fi«-v in Hamlin'** Bl«M-k. Htrwt. Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. FREIGHTS & FARES THE LOWEST DR. S. DANIELSON, .îahhtntl, QH0CEBI1F, DRUGS BON ANZ A. ( mirai Point. Orrgou. ME« HANH AL AND OPERATIVE DEX n>T. Hardware. Tinware Crockery, i IAt’KSOXV11.LE. ORE(JOS. DR. A. J. LAPPEUS, r h r (’or¥««lliH, OriMron. INLOW * ASHPOLE, DR. L. WICCIN, «ETERI X ARY S I' It G F. o X, rrilE l’NDERSIGNED H.WE FOR.MED A 1 «-Kpartn» rship with un MUth«»r«z»xi capitai oi |55.«w. t«»r ih«- purp<»He«if CHrry ing«»n a G« wj « t - m ! Banainir BusintwM ¡u all ut it* brMnrbm in otfi< r and r«**»id«*nce » f«-w mil«** w«-«t of J»ck*onvilh*. (»r«a«»n. offì«-«- atth«-«»l<i M«m-I Grant’s Pa*»«. «4 B«-« kmaii H Biinaing H«> umo , i4. E.corner Cal- Beet of r«-fer«-n<••* giv» n nnd satisfaction if«»rnla and Thirti strv»-ts. guarantr««d. « . C. BEEKMAN, THOS. G REAMES. J«»N«*phin*> Ce.. Or. E !. E ( T 1 C P II Y S I C 1 A X. (.rant . P m ». Oregon. VINES AND SHRUBBERY W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., THE i SI HM’RIBER TAKES FLEAM RE IN . I ..mourn «ni ing that his *4«aui saw-unll it* now running on full time nnd turning out n large quantity of lurnlHT. H<-I m pr«-pared to til! all order»« with dispatch, and at th«- iu«»M r«-a><uia- bl<- rat« s. A tine quality of J. C. WHIFF, ORECON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., MARBLE, STOHE OR SRAllITZ Cemetery Work a Specialty. All <>f which will be sohl at the Prompt Attention given to all Ordert* by Mail. Jarkxnn* ¡lie, Oregon. Please give n.a a trial and judge INLOW ASHFOLE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. f..r yourselves. A LOOK OUT FOR PRICES : ProfuMiornai «-nil»* pr«»inptly att«-n«l<*d t«> day or Apple Tr«-«-s « r>iofii>i>< r ino night. m •• is •• Peach “ ....... <’«»owllalhtn* tn cither EnglHh orG^-nnan. .. S " IB “ •• Offior aud reñidme* « n < ’allforni» Kirret, cor Plum and Prune Tr«-«-» (>tb«-r trees and »»hrubbery fiirnisliol reasona- ner t'f Fifth Ntrvct. bly. Sen«! for Catnl<»rm* to J. If SEtTLEMIER. Woodburn. <>r. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. _ 1851 . 1887 J. C. CARSON, ENCEL BROS., CARRICK, Merchant Tailor NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES PHYSICIAN, Hl'HUEOX ,t At COCCHECK. MEDFORD, OREGON. Brooks K«‘<‘ps It. JaekHonvil <*, Or No chill Mftrr the first «In»«-. P«-rf«'<-tly ant«- for young or <>I<1. Go where you ph and eat and drink what you ph-as«-. rh « 1 FULL LINE OF THE BEST AND MOST A faahionabl«- «-loth«*, tlnishing-s, «*tr., con stantly kept on baud, and nothing but tirst- clnse work turn«xl out. All order* fill«*d proinptlv at r«*«HonHblc rate« and satisfaction guarant«><-d. A. GARRICK. M^xlfor«!, May 13, IH89. B B DIARRHŒA ELIXIR. DEALERS IN Sash. Doors, Blinds Renerai Merchandise IN — Dealer in WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS Dlil (¡GISTS, OREGON. PHOENIX, A full bn«- In sto« k of Saw Logs. Saw Logs. GENERAL Bl ¡LD1NG MATERIAL. Estlni:ites ami pri.'e-list s«-nt oli application. COI NTRY OKldlRS A SPWIALTY. Faci olì ri Wildlcr's Mill. Hah»rr«onis cor Tinnì mi'l E strvets. PoriInnd. Oregon. WE INVITE INSPECTION. FRUIT TREES CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA By the Thousand ! OF ASHLAND, OR., T Late of California, (’ ndersigned is now taking or - «b rs through J;u ksvn und Jos«-pbinc coun ties f«»r he saw logs <>f the following SUGAR PINE, FIR AND YELLOW PINE, delivered on the banks of Rogue River at any point between the mouth of Butte Creek and the mouth of Red Blanket ereek, and will pay cash on delivery for same in quantities from PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Jlrar.Am iuw1 bratillfl^« th« hair. Promotes» luiu riant growth. WALDO. OREGON. Never Faile to Restore Grey Heir to ite Yo«itlin.i Color. QTtGES LEAVE JACKSONVILLE EVERY k» M«in«!»n nnd Friday at 6 <»’el«»ck a . m . for Wildervilk*.r«-turning Tm-sdnys and Satunlaya. Stag«- IvnvcM f«»r I’niontown on W«-dn« Mdny»< at lOit'cliM-k A. M., r«*turning Thun*da>H. Passengers taken at Reasonable Rates. ESMOND HOTEL, Cor. Front and Morriaon Sts. MtDFORD, OREGON. WM. ULRICH, District Agent tT^Tlie Esmond ll<*atnurHiit is iinsurpaasisl n every particular. CENTRAL HOUSE, E. K. BREITMAN, Proprietor, < AI.1FOHN1A STREET. JACKSONVILLE, ORECON ---- ASK FOR— Ashland, - - - ■ Oregon. THE BOSS BOOTS «» n long time . AT E>t»t<-S«vurity. And all of Settle Up. VAWTER A. WHITMAN, U. PEKSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES to the «^tate of Dr. J. H. I hit* A w indebted »»»-I by not« «»r b<» »k account, are hereby notl AKIN, .Medford, Urrffon TUIC BÄDCD,’Anftl*‘,n Fhiìe«ielph1» I nio rAitn "••• ‘--«'i «pr * .r I tie«I to aottl»» th»» Ran-.»» within the next thirty tiavN or r«»ndHr theraselre» liable t«» co*t* «»f amt. C. B. WA THON. Att’y for E»tate. Ashland. Or..Oct. I. Iff*. ORECON THOS. CUINEAN, Propr AT.BAXY, OREGON. he undersigned mavì taken charge I SELLINC & CO.’S UNRIVALED Madame Gnigon. GOODS! FROM PARIS. Sanford’s Radical Cure For Catarrh. PROP. Thi» well-known house him been renovate hronffhontand I NEWLY FURNISHED. A • < <t mn* p It room for oom morcial trav**l i < • r fitter! u tin oonnartion with the botoL common sen * i: uressi ng . roKTLANU. H.-»y—$13(<tll pertoii. llops- Quote 10417« per pound. u - li» <k»z. Eggs- 2«» » « ¿<- Putatues- -Nrw $1 IO per nundft-d; La rd—Kegs, „ , or gallon tina , "SiÀffsC per th Oats—Mrket itdproving. Qu >t« 33&4OC pt r bushel. Wool—Quote bpring 17iJ2O<': estern Oregon 10u<Uc. Provisions—Baton. lloilSc; hams, 13c^ shoulders, 9c Wheat—Valley fl *Jia$l 22, Walla Walla, 11 13 a ct I Barley Brewing,whole, K m $100; ground, p« r ton. 1224/7 25 00 (’orn- ^1 per cental. H«»ur— Valiev Mamiards quoted at $4.25: Walla Walla hraii<is, $3 75 Feed Bran,$11 5O(<£$16 0<T;shorts,!18 00. chop, $l«et2U; chopped barley. $20(^23 per Ion. Butter—Quote »-xtra choice creamery. 2.r»^3*k-; fair to choice, 20a25c; store, 13<d 20c per 11. Meat St.-ady Beef, wholesale, 3c; dressed, G’^c; sb«-ep, <3¿c per ft), dressed, ♦»,’ac, hogs, «tressed. 7^a'c; veal. 64iSc.; lumt's, $2 50 eacii. Poultry—Quote chickens. $4 (M)<<»5 50. for young, amt $(» .>*j for old; old ducks, $7; g««-e f*> per doz; turkeys, 15c per ft-; i resh Fruits -Sicily lemons, $H; peaches, 1 5o per box, plums, 75 per box 11 t«k s—1 he market is weak and heavily Quote «irv hid«-- 10'. gr«-en 3(*’5<-, sheep, pelts, short wool. 25(&40u. me dium 5ou£70c lung so(<il 00, shearing l<»(it 2<k-. deerskins, 32a.37; ta low. good to choice, * •J • Dried Fruits—Hun-dried Quartered ap ples. 4<«45, factory slicc«l O. Oregon plums 54i7. Oregon prunes 7(«X8c. pears fialOc, pea* hes, 8a 12c. A correq»ondent writes tu the Portland Orfffonian, ua follow« concerning the pro duction uf chickens an«] «-ggn in suuthern Oregon : There are too many people in southern Oregon, from the Willamette valley tu Asliland, m well as among the professional fariner«, who think no en terprise will ¡my, simply liecause they are too lazy or too timid to make an effort tO' improve their material condi tion. Yet it is m |»oor and disgraceful business for any community to be satis- fied witii simply enough to sustain life, or a little more. This is not t»«« spirit by which the world was built up to its present state of grandeur,flor will it ever raise Oregon to the position she ought tu occupy. Let our moss-backs read the following paragraph and learn to take advantage of the opportunities the mar kets uf the coast offerreven in the matter of eggs. It is taken from a recent issue of the San Francisco Chronifb-: “But few people realize the large sum of mon«-y that San Francisco pays to ttie egg Miip|H-rs of the « astern states every day,** eaid an attachée of th«? slate hoa»d of trade to-day. “La?t wu k this city paid $3.3,150 for eastern eggs, or $47.50 a •lay. Tins was pai«i in addition to what California eggs sold for.” The larger pro portion of foreign eggs come f rom Missouri and Illinois, and they sell for al »out 5 to 7 cents a dozen less than California eggs. The statement was made officially by the San Francisco buar«l of tradet witi* tiie object, I Hupi»ose, «>f stirring up the l»eople of California to a sense of their duty in the matter; but the rebuke it contains, applies »-«pially to Oregon, per- bapti more so. The statement shows clearly that if the ¡»copie of southern Oregon W’ould combine and have an au thorized agent in San Francisco to sell their eggs on commission, the same a« j the ¡M»oph* of Illinois and Missoui!, they might gobble up a large portion uf tiie $1.591,(>o ) which the people of San Fran ; cisco annually, it ap|»ears, pay those two states. It the l upines» will pay the ¡»oo- : pie of Illinois and Missouri, it will pay the people of Oregon, for they can pio duce fresher eggs than those distant states. Had not some of our timid un believers, m« ii of “innocuous desuetude,” better rise up to the occasion .’ Perhaps, in pure, old Oregon fashion, they think $1,591,000 a year is not worth struggling for in such a trifling ami contemptible matter as raising eggs for oth^r folks to eat. People of that class ought to starve , themselves when th» y presistently nog- ; lect such gulden opportunities. Is it 1 ever to be so? It is a hopeful ttign for the pretteni-ttmo that dress reform movements are asinm- ing real reforms, without departing into radical crates that defeat all advance ment. Yet w ith all thia, isolated catted of extreme follv lu dress ate numerous. The Isjiidon et states that rational ideas prevail and that light lacing ought to be unkuown. A case of sudden death lately re|K>rted from B.rmingham pioves that it is still too early to indulge in illusory ideas. The deceased, a servant g.rl uf excitable leintwrament, died sud denly in an epileptoid tit, and the evi dence given before the coroner respecting her death attubiiied the fatal issue to a-phyxia. due in a great measure to the fact that both neck and waist were un naturally constricted by her clothing,the former by a tight collar, the latter by a lielt worn under the stays. We have here certainly those very co iditiotie which would lead us toexpect the worst possible consequences fioin a convulsive senurv. There is no organ of tiie whose free movement is at such tun«*« more important than the heart. Yet here we find, on the one hand, its move ment hampeted by a tight g.roie so placed that it could with dilti. uliy Io undone st a critical moment; oil the other, a contrivance admirably adapted tu allow the passage ot the blood tu the brain, while impeding its return. This is no isolated case as regards its essen tial character, though, unhappily, soine- wuat singular in its termination. -Minor degrees of asphyxiation, we fear, are still submitted to by a good niHliy of the self-torturing children of vanity. The tight corset and the high heel still Work mischief on the bodies of their devoted wearers. Taste and reason, indeed, combine to dep.ecnta their injurious and vulgar bondage, and by no unans unsuccessfully. Still, the evil main tains itself. Cases like that alove men- tlulied ought to, if they do not, <>|>cil tho eves of toii.c self-wor.-hipers ot the other sex who heedlessly strive hv such m«*ans to excel in a sickly grace. We would strongly impress on all of tills class tiie fact that beauty is impossible without health, and would advise them, in the name of taste as well as comfort, to avoid those method* of contort ions one mid all, by which elegance is oi ly cari catured, and health may Is* painfully and permanently injured. S.4S »KAN« IS' O. Wh» at — N«» 1 shipping, $1 32(dl !«». Barley—Feed, common to fair, <2»aC»7c; good to choice. 07(^70c; brewing, HUca 85 Oats $1 u0(A$l 24 for common tu choice. Potatoes Peerless »-OaT.»; Burbank seed lings 70(&l •*»; Garnet ( hde, 55c; Early Rose 3>a«»tJ. Hops—Qi>otati«»ns range from lOallc. \Vo« l—Humboldt mul Mendocino. 22c; eastern Oregon. 13««'2<».-, valley. 29«23c ; fall, mountain fr*‘«-.’2\- . San Joaquin ami southern,I it . Butter—For goo«i to fan« y. «juote 19a24c ; pickled. 2*»6/ 2.3c. Egg—-17a 22c. Hay Quotations range from $8al4 per ton. Hags—Firm, at <>;,'«*. Onions—$1 10a$l 2Ur i»er cental WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS Best of All "Twenty years ago I was troubled with a disease ol the lungs. Doctors afforded me no relief ami considered niv case hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and. before I luid timsli.'d one bottle, found relief I eontininsl to take tins medicine until a cur.* was effected. I believe that Ayer's Clurry Pectoral saved my life." — Samuel Griggs. Waukegan, III. “Six years ago I contracted a Severn colli, which settled on ray lungs and soon develo|>ed all the alarming symp toms of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats, bleediug of the lungs, pains in chest and sides, and was so l*ro*trated as to Im confined to mv !*<■*! mont ot the time After trying prescriptions, without benefit, an physician limilly determined to give .u** AVer's Cherry l’«*etoral. I took it, ;*!.*! tin* effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the first dose of this r: .1 • me. and. after using only three II .'les. am i- well and sound as ever.” — ibsln. v Johnson, Springfield. III. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, rilLl'AUKU BY Or. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Ma**, ioid by oll Drugip.i». I’ri« «1. "* bstUe».t«- MARVELOUS EMORY DISCOVERY. (I lr c.enalae ftvatem at Mernnre Training. I nur B.ok. I.earned In nne reading. Mind wnnderln* enre.1. fiere child nnd ndnl< ar.allr beneiltled. l.reiV inilnonnimit. U> 0 >rra.poii<l.*nc C U,.« a 1>e..1«.tna. wna Opinijn, of Dr. We. A.lInm. mon.!, th. w*.«*ld.f»m~l hpeeuli.C in It.rl lhM-, l»ilnlrl<;reenlenfTha>npsnn. th««rn«t P«Trt> I <■■<. J. M. nnckley, lt.l»..«hloro(th. ( hntfmt ^ïlrl^iÎÂ'AW/îîîÎ’Ar.., N. Y. DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy ,51 Marki t St., San Fruncico. G<> and learn how to avoid dis «i«w*. and how w < ind«-rf uI you un made. Private <»fti<t‘, 21 G«-nry St. ('onHUltation <»n Lost Manhood ami all diavaMvs of rncn.S«-n«l for book. SETTLE-UP NOTICE. 4 I.L THOME KNOWING THEMSELVES IN a 1. «iebted to the und«*rsigned.either by noteoi book account..»™ her«i»y earneatly r»»qneHted tn call au«i settle at their earliest oonvenmnee. Our business must be closed. • PRYCKAGEAKY Hue an «-nUr«-iy new unshod fur washing fine embroid«ri«*. lace curtain*, frlngetc muslin»*, lac-e «whit«» and black;, ail kind» wiM»l«-ns. ladtea* tbinn<*U anu other wear ( ’»ttle branded D «nd mark«*d crop and ^uar* ing apparel; uiao gent’« ehrthi« cleaned and nv onderbit in left e»r and under»lo|»a in nghn AT EIGHT PER CENT. PER AN XT’M nnirtd on abort d «»U cv . luu-v curtain Ntwn- thraa-year-of r-okb particular* cwpnnwjf ‘ and npwarda Ea»e the point of !□< a npJTJalty. IT1c«e low and-a M*f act low right horn n MÒrad off. Ramr*vo Applegate, guaranreod. D on right hip. Ho o ee branded I N. S. DREW. a arr.iors Btrttnrit. Ai.t-gt A simai Lift.— Vaska fairly teems with animal hie. The sea along its shotea and the rivers, inlets and lakes are tilled with an inexliaii-tible supply of the largest ai d finest food fish. Fish ing is one of the principal lmluslr es of <>< E ans or Mui; —**T r ,i«i« are «2,- ‘ the country, an 1 fuliv fifty large facto 000,500,OuO I II vested i.i . «. airying bust-> ness in thia country,” said a ciiir n w dh ' ries ar«- engaged in packing the ti—ti are bhip|s-d to almost every country in a predilection for statistics, to a l’liiia- ; the world. It is a paradise fur sportsmen, delldtia J'rrtf reporter. “That amount is l'tie islands in Behring sea, says the almost double the uionev inv.sted in Arturian, a- well as tl,e maim to I, w««ro banking ami commercial industries. I greatly ovenun with gnat hetdso» all is estimated that It n quires 15,000,HW kinds of fur-l»eari'ig animal-. Mong the cows to supply the deuiaml for milk ami north coast are great herds of walrus, its products in the United States. To which are valuable for their meat arid feed these cows 60,000,(100 acres of land ivory tusks. The vea cow, which used are under cultivation. The agricultural and dairy machinery and implements in to lie found here, has become extinct In the interior parts ol the country and use are worth over (2*t0,0lt l,0b0. The in the nottli are the greatest breeding men employed in the bu-iness ntiuilier places for birds in the w arid. For miles 7*50,000 and the horses over 1,000,000. the country will be covered with myriads Tire cows ami horses r onsume annually of geese, swan, «lucks and a hundred 3* 1,000.«'ywt tons of hay, nearly 93,000,000 other vari« ties of the feathered tribe. nusliels of cornmeal, alsyut the same They feed on the wil l ts-rries and be amount ol oatmeal. 275,OOi),<K)O bushels come so fat toward tire < lose of the sea- of oats, 2,0t*l,H<li> busiieis ol loan. an*l i son that they can hardly tiy. and the na- 30,000,000 bushels of corn, tosay nottiing , lives knock tuern over with <lui>s by the of the brewery grains, sprouts ami other hundreds. Ths earn as-back «luck iiav« questionable feed uf various kinds that their breeding places on the Yukon, the aie used to a great extent. Ir costs (4-50.■ I principal river of Ala-ka. There is one Olkl.OOl) to feed these cows and horses | l«olnt on the western coast of Alaska The average price paid to the laborer * where, on a clear day. it is j useible to necessary in the dairy business is prob ' see the Asiatic coast, thirty-eight miles ably (20 a month, amounting to (ISO.- away, the natives of eastern Sils-ria 000,000 a year. “The average cow anil Alaska often exchange trading visits yields about 450 gallons of milk a vear, an«l cross the straits in open boats. which gives a total product of 6,750,000,- 000 gallons. Twelve cents a gallon is a A n U nparalleled K ecokd .—TiieCiii- fair price to estimate the value of this CAgo Trihum buys that the l’acrfi«* coast at a tolal return to the dairy farmers of (610,000,000, it they sold all their may well claim thu distinction of being ttie luri*l section of the United Mates tn as milk. But 50 per cent, of the milk is made into cheese ami butter It takes Issa. The entire loe««*s by laige eoi.Ua- 27 |>ouuds of milk to make one pu.itbl ci grations in this country since the first of January last amount to »01,3)5 <*) I, <«f butter, ami about 10 |s>utidstoni «ke one of cheese. There is the *-;x*n«i arn«nint of which large sum California and Wash nutrition in KU, pound-oi mdk trial tliere ington Territoiy alone eontribute (3),- 3 sl,<k)0or nearly one half Tue t:ems in is in one pound of beef. A fat steer fut - nishes 50 |a*r cent, of itonelexs beef, but California aiw as follows: February 21, It woulJ require about 24,000,1100 st.eis, t.iiernevile. $3*«,0»K>; June 25, 1'. nvia, weighing 1,500 pounds each, to product* «22j,tklO; July 7, Ihirango, »3*)0.i»i«i, the same amount of nutrition as the an July 12, Fresno, $2,)0,<W0. August 20, Truckee, «75,000; August 2*’>, 1‘uit Costa, nual tniik product does. ’ « 'JO.OoO. Washington has five large lues to its cted't fixiting up «27,330.t«io, G ood bvk to the St an t s —Tin* pub as follows: April 19, Cheney, »2*>,<X)0; lic debt statement for August shows an June G, Seattle, «15,000,000, June 22, increase of over (6,000.009, following an Vancouver,(100,000, July 5,Ellensburg, inctease of (1,317,000 in July. During «2,000,000; August S.Fpoitane Fads.« 10,- the coire-iionding two months in eacli 000,000. Then comes the fire at the lit year of the Democratic administration tle town of Linkville in this state last there was an average decrease of about week, which destroyed neatly (200,000 (10,000,000. There is perhaps nothing worth of property. In these tires the surprising about this. Tlie Ropublic ins business inteiests of each of the twelve eatm* mto )iowi«r to spend the surplus. towus were substantially wiped out. Wiffi tlie able assistance of Corjxiral Such a destruction as this is almost un Tanner, who carried out President Har paralleled in the record uf fires in the rison’s admonition to lie “libelal with the country and o|x*ns up a most suggestive old soldiers’’ by* disbursing (20,243.000 field for investigation for the insurance state Normal. The AJiland State Normal school oiT«rs for |ier.siori3 during August, they* have companies. the public «-very advantage that is given by not only made a big hole in the surplus al! i racti-. al institutions of learning. In ad but began nn increase in the pulilic debt. T he OkEtrob 1' acifk —Yesterday we dili« n t«> the Usual advantages« ! a gn« d It is not strange that President Harrison stated tl.a' Work was to prorwtl eastward sch«i«»l, it h i- a mod« ! training s«-h«» •! in is afraid to cali an extra session of con on the O. I*, with new impetus. It is whi<h the student i<a«h«ri> rv< pii reti t«> gress liefore the fall eleelions. To re-in U0K 1-ained that it is ptoposed to push work, under ski lful direction. Ashland force the executive surpliis-spemleis grading and tracklaying thia winter to a al?< has the finest chinate in the state for h«alth and comfort. Ils pure « old water with legislative surplus-grabbers would |«uint tiity-three rnnes beyond Gatesville, fr« m the mountains, its white sulphur and give the tax payers a scare which might ninety-two miles l»eyon<l Albany. Thia soda springs are a d- li^ht to lhe health stan)|>e«le even Ohio from the Republi will lake the ioa«l to the end of ttic eight seeker. Ave sliouhl be gl id to receive can column Th«« campaign of education miles gtaded by Hunt. The present bit- I uation is al»«ut like this: The road is students troni all parts of the siate. A.-k is expensive but it educates! your «enator or tepreseutalive for a ire»- graded, including Antoneile'b contract s< holar-hip. «ir a«l ir«-ss. b.yond Gatesville .M o *K H ate L and —Tlie luaril of twenty-four miles J. S. » et . A. M., Piesident, Ashland, Or truste«-» of tin- O i » a !-» u insane asylum winch is tiiiity-iuue miles east of Albany, n-cehtly ('oiiMiimnatol ilie purchase of that leaves thirty-one miles of grading Mill Mm. Ahoy! the remaining 320 acres of the James to be dune to reach the Hunt grading on flu* stc( krl mil pr«»p«*rty on htwer Ev Stanley estate. They purchased 1(e) acres the summit. Kails have I k - cii lai<i live ans «-reek is now for sal«*. It is now paying of E. M. Croisan mid wife fur »7200 and tniles lieyond Gatesville. The pro- ov< r tifte« n per cent.« n the money asked 170 acres of Leo IViilis and wife for »(>,- , gramme is to grade and lay rails the lull for it. nnd with new improved machinery torty-eight miles from the end of the would pay filty per cent, on the entire 4 )0. This gives the state, for tin- nae of money expemi«*!. It is uniy three miles the asylum, a farm ol 320 acres. This is I track this winter and to let new con fr m ago<nl railroad dtp »l.ovtr g «»d road most desirable land and is situated in tracts in the spring, ami continue right Plenty of timber ami water. A No. 1 grist township eiubt south, range two west, ' along to Boise City. One thuii-and or mill *itv. ( all on or adthess being three an<l one-half miles from the 1 more men will Is« w.inte«i as marly as A. C. Srr.FK. asylum, and in a southeasterly direction. we can learn. Too Oiegon Pacific may W oudviile, Jackson County, Oregon. The other half of this seeti ri was pur 1 be slow in getting slatted ; but is getting chased a few weeks sgoat the executor'r along all the same, and will in no great Consumtition Surely Cured. ' length of lune lie a part of a great trar.s- To Tin*: EniT<«a:—l’lease inform your sale of F. larvv and for it was paid «14,- , continental line. The piubabiiity is, it readers that I Irivt* a p sitive remedy l«*r 440. Tl><* trustet s have under consider will real'll Boise City ahead of the Chi- the aliove iranitd doea-e. By its timely ation plans for Die erection of a i onven- use thousands of h<»K'ess cases have been ient farm bouse on this tract and there i ago A Xurthwestern —Albany brmr" r<itt p**rman«*ntly < tired. I shall be glad to send the convalescing patients w ill Is- given Sept. 11th. two bottles of my rcimdy free to any* of an opportunity to exercise themselves. your readers who have consumption if E mk . iiatius io Bi Esoe Av re » —Be- they will send in«* ihr ¡^express and iswt- 1 fure leaving Bueno* Ayrea fur bomn O ik Court i . sobv F chooi . I. aw . — A otfice address. Rest eetluilv. law passed by the state legislaluie I tiited Staten Miaiater Bayleo« W. A. S loccm . M I).. 1st i ea:l S:reet. New York. makes it compulsory for parents ami Hann» wrote a abort report to the State guardians send their children who 1 department on immigration into tlu» Ar Terrible. are between the ages of eight and four gentine republic. He eava it it Setting Two third* of ull death* iu N«-w York teen to school for at least twelve weeks ! in from all countries of Euro|*e, and the City are from consumption or pneumonia in each year and eight of them must lie j great numlier ot arrival* is niarveloti*. I he-•anie proporti«»n holds for most other consecutive. A violation of this law by ; They are generally aaaiaterl by the Ar < itie**. Delays are dangerous. Dr. Acker’s the parents or guardians i« a mi-de gentine government to the extent of English Remedy for Consumpti«»n will al I at leant having their )>ai-«age paid from ways relieve and may >ave your life. Sold meanor and punishable by a tine of not the starting point to dentinatious tn the less than f'> or more than |2o tor the by E. <• Brook*. The amount tlnu paid tn first offense, and not less than »25 nor , interior. more than $."»o for the sets,nd and each March is eritimated at (1 .Ssl.UOO. or at For Sale. 'lie rate of (12,000,000 a year. Already Five thousand |>..unda of nice lard for su^eipient offense. In case the bodily this vast itifiux, the minister says, is be- sail , as good a-ran be hsd in the valley, or mental condition of the child or chil dren is such as to prevent their attend ginning to tell on the exports of corn. ’s. at T. J. Kenney Kenney's. • ance, then those who have the care of Last year the country shipfied 445,000 such children are not liable to the pro I tons of com. Thia year it w dl go al>ove School Book« Exchanged 2.000,000 tons. Mr. Hanna further says : At the City Drug Store. Readers exebang- visions of this law. "In the va*t fleet of merchant ships ed free. For _ ______ ____________ apply at further r particulars , and great steamer* coming here to trade drug <tore before October 1st. next. Conan mjftlfin < . A Lady Nearly Prostrated by a ratent M rd ictne. A lady we’.’ known in the 'X extern Addition hat b< eu a great sufferer f< *.- years with Indiges tion and dyspepsia. Struck with the tettimo- nia.s praising Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla, »be sent for a bottle. The druggist, not having it, talked them into taking another sarsaparilla. As the leading *ar>»*p:-r lias use mineral UvX>J pdribers, t t* effect of the emptying of i«>u;dv of pot into a stomach already distressingly delicate was disas-rout, a.most prostrating her b.»fore the mistake was rectifie«L She thei called upon Mrs. Fowler, of 327 Ellis street, whose name w..» among those cured by Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Fowler said it Mas true that it bad cured her. Again reassured, the vegetable compouud was sent for and gotteu. The geutlo action of its vegetable stimulant» upon the liver, kidneys and diges tive organs, and it* warm stomach tonics, were Sanibnl’f Ra«licnl Cure for Cntarrli C<»nt»ii»t« of on«- liottlc of tH*• !ln<li< h I < Hr«-, on« the very things neude«l, and she began improv I h » x «if (. Mtarrlinl S«dv« nt. Mìni one Improv« «1 ing and wm her old w-lf * ¡thin a fortnight IniiHh-r, ncHtiy wrap|xxi in otv paekAK«*. w ith This Mounds like fiction, h it the names can tw full (iir<-vti«»iib, priée, Sold «-v«-i y w b«-rv. given if necessary.—Son F anctsco £xa»*utfr. POTTEH 1)!<UG & < HEM1< \l. < UHPoH ATI« >*. B ost «»5, M ass . I.<i<he»' Ihictirr Of fht>w «-o-’netv’c vhirhRive t«»th(* «‘are a gtiusth (yea. ghostly) whiteness. Such Kidnvy am! utcrim- pan>**aml wcak- preparations contain lead or some other (•«jually injnr’.ou** anti dangerous* Mib- ih * km * h rvli«*y<xi in «»n<* rninut«- by th« C'utlcnr» Antj-pRin 1’laMer. th«-’H im stances*, the ti*e of which, if Jong contin and «»lily pain-killmg plHM«-r. N«-w. instim- ued will, besides giving the skin a rough tan<x»UH. infallitile. i’ric«-, 25 «•♦•nt«. and leathery appearance, ultimately pro* ducr paralysis ot the nerves. This -»tate- ment is no "hug a-boo,” but facts, well- known to chemists and physicians, hated on the well-known physiological effects of such Mib'tanves whnse presence in prepar ations for the complexion are indicated by such outward <irns as before state«l 1! fough mediciues, Ayer’s Cherry Pec you wouhi use an article which * ill at toral is iu greater daiuand tbau ever. one«- prodine natural activity and beauti No preparation for Throat and Lung ful vunplvxioii try Wisdom’s Robertine, Troubles is so prompt in its effects, so which is gnarant«••«! under a forfeiture «if agreeable to the taste, and so widely $loo«i to b«* absolutely- free from all poi- sonou- and injurious substances. Pro* known, as this. It is the family rnedi- nounce«! I.\ leading ladies <»f society ana ciue m thousands of households. the -tage sup rior t«> anything <v.-i pro- •• I have RtifL-re«! for years from a duerd f<»r beautify ing ami preserving the l«r«»n« hial trouble that, whenever I tako complexion cold or am « xpos«-«! to inclement weath er. show* itself by a very annoying beiwible Adiicr. ti. kling sensation in the thr«<at amt by «liiEiciilty in breathing. I have tried a F irniet-. orrhurdists and tru t-grower»*. gr« at many remedies, but none d*h«s so pr« tect yunrselv«s fr«»tn in-e< t pots bv v.-ll HS Ayer s Cherry Pectoral winch ««praying your fruit tree- A. H. Carsun & always gi\« s prompt relief in return» of Hun of Roll ii.*1 nuisi-rv. < joi- tli« <• (¡rant’? my oht complaint Erin-st A. Hepler. i’Hs-) have secured ’lie agency <•( th«* P C. Inspe«-tor of Public Roads» Parish Ter L«*wi‘ combination ( gti * i*n I spray pump, re Bonne, La. win« h in Gained h:in«l* i*e«|ual to .-praving ivn acres «»f «u<h-«rd in eiir «lay. It is •• I consider Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral a equally w« Il:i<Upt«dtoextinruishing afire, most important remedy and a sie«.dy >tieatn can be instantly <bang(«l to a line spray, an advantage For Home Use. wlrcb no other hand pninp poswe'sr«. A I have t.*.t<*<l itJ curative power, in mr lu 1 line «»f r« i ip«-> f »r >pr i\ing compounds family, tunny time« .luring the past \\ .lll»e furnished wi h the pump, all for thirty yoarB, and have never known it die low price «»f <■). lhiy one; it may to fail ’ It will relieve the mont »erions -ave your residence or barn from «iestruc- affoctioua of the throat nnd lungs, t»on as w«* 1 ms eiiable you to succesirfully whether in clyl.iren or adult*.'' — Mrs. combat insect j o^b- E G Edgerly. Council Blutfs, Iowa. Medford. May 12 1W>. $100,000 TO LOAN .tdvertlsciuenls will be lnM*rt<*d .u the TlMka ! • I the following rst<v: Ten line«, oneinserttuir. .......... .. S2 <», ’* each ■ulsu*qu<*nt ins« rthm. 7V ! y Legaladi crtis.-mi ntsiiisi-rted i ■ ,i A fan reduction fr *m Iheabov«-nit«" mud' to yearly and time adv« rtlMTs. THE TIMES JOU OFHt I. Is mors complete by tar limn any orh«*i in Southern Oregon, and compan*« favorablv wtrh any In tfi*- State. Job Printing of civvy luiaghiabl«-d>-M*ripth«n don«* at sHn rrancl«-*li rales and In m prompt ami tirst-clas* manner. EGGS IN SAN FRANCISCO. New nr«*-pr.H>l Brick. First-class in all Hespiste. S60.000.OO UP. PARKERSCINCERTONIO BARBER SHOP. MA IE ROUTE CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 Invaluable for Cough», Cold«. Inward I’n/M, Exhaustion. twMt <»f Wm»»*, I.G|iu>rR. an«i Cigars. Give us a call W h will treat y«»u w»*IL SOWELL A YABRROUGH JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY PORTLAND ilpdtiaraMMMd heir talllnc »V <t r>nirr1i<a of Frank Bryan's «»hi stami in Wal«i<». J«a»e- T phtne «-oiintjr. Mn<i will k»s»p it Mtocked witii the CITY Look at the«o lota before purcha«iuR elsewhere arid remember they are tdtuated on Main ntr«»et within 500 yards of the New Depot Hotel now bo g built. Enquireof E. MINER. Ashland Honne MRS. JANE REDDING, Proprietress. Ten Thousand to Ten Million Feet FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, MINER’S EXCHANGE, MINER S ADDITION TO ASHLAND loth are mumo fett and are the Choicest Residence Lob* in Axhlund. T hese Will be Sold for §200; Easy Payments. Appi}- for forms to Aren..« prepared to furnish Om host *d muele Ari} kind i:ii*«xl in a IIr«t-«-hi*« Xuix-ry. for public or private Haiti««, hell-. I’lemce. Ac., FRED. H. ROWE. Tolo, Or. at an, point on th«* coast. Th '<«'wanting tr«-« *» will «!«» w« II I«» giv«- nw- All the new popular music is plsjed h> this th«-ir «»r«b r**. ai* I will gnarant«-«- HMii**fa« ti«»n. Orc beatm. I warrant all my tr«■••**. if prop« rly car<-«l for. liarme employed a 1-rae number of musicians f |i:i\m» nt <•:«>*' Prodm-«- ink-n at •i* are ahi- to furnish any number of bonds m. T«Tm>» J. R. r CHAS. E. WOLVERTON, I,r-1.i™t h kef in ice. |tj«m>w. «>t I’encli S«-«xi wiint«-d. Any instruments or e -aller fnmiahe«l to ««tlmr A s. .h)||XS«»X. band*. All orders by mall or teiesraph prompt, J. K. ELDERKIN, Her. nnd Managet J. W. CUSICK, rreaeurer .1.«« k-«»nvill«-. Or«-g«»n; Aug. 1, k'i». ly attend») b* Terina alway« reasonable A'l- .Iress ri«»». «iAN I ARI). Ash'and Or. M S. SMITH, Prop’r. Generili Contractor In on the north went coast. loan h 1 s MOST REASONABLE RATES fruit. State Orwietlal ani N it Trees D., -and— L*»w Hut« * u R C»U <»n «»r M<ldr«*«*M IJ OREGON. CLOTHINC, HARDWARE, ¿RUCS, MEDICINES, ETC. D À D V’Q bkln an*I s. nip privèrent and l«cair DADI 0 titbxl by ( Uli« uru Nosp. Al«ia,lur<- ly pure._______________________ ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK rut: M iuKKiK. < ur«- Bejjins fr««ni Find Apjdication.and i'>lla|»i«i. Ilatlical and I’« ruian«-ut. NAILS, ROPE. I» in th«* limcoUM ineinbrHn«-. that wond«rful «•«uni-fluid enve lop«- «*urr«»unding the d«-licat«- An«! evt-rvthlng rl«e itnair nable in tbi« linr. tiHii«*» of th«- air and f4M»d pMs>ag«*-. that My ar*- new and ot th«*bctrt brand«, and catarrh uiuk« »• itnetronghuld. Un< «-cstabli-h« d will bv Sold «t th«' it • nt'* into the very vitab», nnd r«-nd«-rs iif«- but n hmgdrau n breath of niiM«-ry and direa?*«-, dulling the h « n»«e of h«-armg. trammelling th«- Lowest Ruling Prices. powtr of MM-«ch, d« Mr-ymg th«- facultx of t«in<-ll. tainting ti»«-brt at It. and killing th<-r<~ Giv«- in«- a <*all before going «•!•»« wh»-rc. fitn-d pl«-a»*ur«> «»f Jaste, liiridiomdy. by creep J. ( . SHERIDAN. ing on from a simple c«»l«l in th«- head, it a>- Hults the ni«-nibran >u** linn g and «nvelop* th«-i»on«-rt. «-ating through tin <!« Iient« coats 1 and causing iiitL-iminatioii, «loughing, and otlo-r dang«-r<»UH syinntuin*» Nothing short «4 total eradication will s«x ur«j health to the path nt. and all mi-\ .;*t.\. - are -imply pro- cmsti!iat«xl sufferings. Sanfoni'H Ujeheal lYirv. b> inhalation an<i In internal adminis tration. rar«-ly fails; even when th«- diiM-Hs«- has made fright fui inroads on delieat«- <-• »nstitu- ANDERSON CREEK, tiuna. hearing. sui»-ll and tast«- hav« !•«•< n r< - covered, and the disease thoroughly driven out. MARBLE WORKS! rtuildiiiK. We keep Coiotantly on Hand :i Complete und Well Selected As- ftortineiif oi WOODBURN NURSERY r n y > i c i a X a s h s r it g e o X, oney t «» AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS JACKSONVILLE DR. W. STANFIELD, Has located in Ashland. Or , f«»r the i.rm-ticc «»f his pr«»f«••»ai n. Makes all chronie <li*-Hs« s. such na Rh«-uinati*ni, Aethiua. Pfl« «. Knln«-y C«»inplMintM, ete., a spe« talty. Mschanics’ Teals, General Merchandise EAGLE POINT JACKSONVILLE, OR OF ALL KINDS, ALL KINDSOF LUMBER, Medford, Orrirnn. « all-* pF iinptl-» Art* ndvd t«> Day ..r Nigbt. < )«fic«« on B street. OILS DEALERS IN l’oMtofllo«? ( uticura Keniedw-s ('ur«-«-v«-ry J»p«Tlet* of Hir«»ntariiig. humiliating itching, burning, m-aly and pimply dls«-a»*«-b of tht-bkiu, ncalp and bLood, with*lo»Mof hair, and all bumora, blotch«*, eruption», aorc**. scalea and cruatt*. wlu-tle-r aiutpl*-. acrofuloua «»r contagious, when physicians and all other r« im-diea fail. Sold ev«-r> wh«-r«-. I’ric«-, ( uticura. V»e ; Rc- ho Ivent, $1 ; Stai», is-. Pr«-par«x1 b> the Potter Drug and ('hcmicul Corporation. Boston. • »"Send for “Howto ('uro >km Dis. as«-s,” 64 pag«*, 50 illustrations, and KN) testimoniala. PAINTS including the b«*f*t rustle, ceiling an<i fi««oring, furnish«xl «»n -<b«»rt notice. i^"Satisfaction guaranteed. S. s. SMITH. P H Y S 1 C I A X AND S V It G F. I • X. J. H. BENNETT, M Further Great Cures of Skiu Diseases by the Cuticura Remedies. Boy one year and a half old. F rcf and I mm I v in a terrible <*<»nditi<»n. being covered with sores. Sulphur springh fail. Cured by the Cuticura Remedies. 1 have used your ('uticura R«-iu«s!i< s in two r»«M«-s when* it provtxl to b<* suc«-«-ssful. The Urst whs in th«- cab«- «»f a ts»y a y« ar and a bait 'I old. His face and bod) were ni aterribl«* con dition, th«« former being voiapl«*tely covered dealcm in with Aon-M. I took hit*, to th»* Massena Sul phur Springs, but h<-did not improve any. I wan then advisixi to try Cuticura R<-inrdh*. which I did. He took oil«* and om-.hnlf botth-e ofCuiicura Risailvent. when his skin was as smooth as could be. ami is to-dav. 1 uited tlu- BOOTS and SHOES Cuticura on his sorewand th«-Cuticura Soap in washing him. H c I h Wow J> years of age, and all right. Th«- other caac wks a diw-Mse of the Kcal|», which was curtsl by washing with the CuUcuraSoap atid rubbing in the ( uticura, on«-bottle of t uticura R«w<»lvent b«*ing used. They have proved successful in «-very cmm - wh«*re I have .-dvtfU'd the in»«' of them, it is surprlaing h.»w rapidly a child will linpr«A’«- uuuer their tn-Mtment. I recommend th«*m for any diaease <»i tn«« skin as being th«- beet in th«- world. This is niv eYp«»r1»*n<-< . and 1 am W»- hav«-on hand a full »took in the u I mivc r«-ady to stand by my »statement. lin«-H of stood-i. which we can well < h«-ap«*r than J ohn R. B eiu », th«-y own be H«»ld anywhere in southern <»r«-Kon. American Hous«*. Hoganshtugli, N. Y, mx w<- have nut very tew expel»««-*. All kinds of produce taken in exchange and An UniM-arabie Skin Itiaeaae Cured. I have been afflicted since last March as ith a hichest market price «kin diaea««-th«- doctors valu'd E«-z«-ina. My fac« was covered with w-abs and nor«-«, and allowisl for same. Call and six* fory<»urs«*l vea th«- itching and burning were almost unbeara JACO1ÍY BROS. ble. Seeing y«»ur Cuticura Remedies go highly rcvominenutxi, concluded to give them a rial, using the Cuticura and < uticura Snap ex ternally, and R«*Holv«-nt internally for four month«. I «-all my wit cured, in gratitude for which I make this public ntatement. M rs . C lara a . F rederick . AT CENTRAL POINT, Broad Brook, Conn. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE -I-* AT — N?«lfor«l' Oregon. • uh«-«- Now is Tour Tbne to Qet BARGAINS!! J. NUNAN. Jacksonville. Or. THE LOWEST RATES. R. PRYCE, M. D., BEST IN THE WORLD. in large quantities ami can give special inducements to intending buyers. , HARDWARE, Will exchange for farm products, allowing highest market price for same. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Thankful for past favors and hoping for a like continuance. —DONE IN Vhtand. Oregon. alises, etc. Can truthfully say .ill of above goods are entirely new, having purchased them personally this Spring. We buv -TO GET VOL K \XD ( í H N**F.L o R AT LAW. ATTORNEY Free Bridge Across Rogue River CROCODILE GREEN, RESIDA, GENDARME BLUE, TAH, LEAD, DRY GOODS CLOTHWG HATS CAPS CRANUT, TERRA COTTA ETC. FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, 302TS and SHOES, Will |»ru*-ti«v i»» all •••»»irta vt th«- Stale. O|W<-e in Orth •* brick, up-atain». MEDICAL. —AT** OF NEW SUMMER ,htcfc*<»nrlllr, llrnjon. MISCET¿AHEOÜ8. J NO. 38. : j . OcJÌHMocratkiimei HAVE YOU 60T PILES Itching Pile, ar« knewn by moUhir» Ilk« p«riplratk><i, coating lntcn>e itching wnan warm. Thli term a» wvtt M Blind. Bbrnlin- bnd Protruding, yield at one« «■> DR. B0*8AN*X0*8 PILE REMEDY, which acts directh on tho ports affected, obsorfa tu- mon antys itching and effects a per-nan oat oars. 80c. Druggists or man treatise free Dr B omrk «. H qus , 0. L'n«<mn, itrhy, Urn ly, AA*«n T»rturr. The simple apnliratton of Hsrayna'. Ointment, without hd > internal medicines, will cnreaz:> caw* of Tetter. Halt Kheum, Kingvoim. Pilaw. FOR Itch. 8«.re*. Pimples, Ecaemn. all bcaly. Itchy, 8k*n Eruptions. iui matter how obstinate or lou< •tandimi. It ta potent, effective and coat« but a irtfla An old physician, retirvd from practice, having h.ul placed in his hands by an East India ini'-ionary the f rmtila of’a simple vegetable iemedy for the s|«e<ly amt per manent cine of <«.n-uinpt on. l>r nclntis, catarrh, asthma and all tlir* at ami lui g af feetions. also a ]H>sitive and radi* al cure for nervous debility at-.d all nervous coin plaint«, after having teste«! it- wonderful curative power, in ihouaands of case., has felt it bis «Inly to make 11 known to bis sut- fering fellows. Ac uatvd by tbi- motive and a ncaire to relieve human suffinng. 1 will ac* d free of <*i argc.u, all who desirv it, this recipe. iiGenuin. hr mb or Eng i-b. with fullill'e* tfoiis for preparing un i using. Sent by mull by addressing with stump oomiai oamipg th » s yttper, paper, W A. Noves,IP» Tow- BB c F, . IfJchVt R’chfcstcr N. Y, at A s BrMr from every European |>ort the United state* flag ;s rarely seen,but it is hoped, I perhaps vainly,that the|*o!icy of the new 1 administration on tiie Hiil ject of an en couraged steam navigation between the I tilled States and tiie South American potts will successfully solve thia ernbar- nwsment. Good Stork, Good Orchard«. M nv of the I ext or« barda in th“ south ern part of the «fate have he» d «oppi ed with d iT-crv st'M'k ir«»in Ke II» a«l fl'ir-» i v A H. Car* d <L S »n, j«rot-ri*ior^, Gr«Dt -* Par*. Or»gen. and ratudavli« n has Iccn ¡riven in »* vc * a - in.-'t.arre 1 li»a n w haveutj hnnd the ch ¡< e»t i«»t of 2ÓO .(XMru t tre“*, a l of standard variwues, ready for fall de livery. Writa for farms.