¿ur democratic ¿im«. 11EKK AND TIIEBE. I A Wondcrfiil Record. PERSONAL MENTION The week has been a busy one at the CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. For Sale. Prepared bv a «ombination, proportion and process pec-i’itr to i’self flood's Sar­ Elk creek bridge site, the contractor W. C. Five thousand pounds of nice lard i >r Tay tbe printer. Daley having several men engaged in fram ­ saparilla accompli s lies cures hitherto un­ J. W. Wylie of Phoenix cal led on us last Nine new buildings going up in town. sale, as good as can be bad in the vsl'ey, ing the timbers, already on tbe ground. 3 iturday. known. Sanshine after smoke. at T. J, Kenney's. • ThftJ)ridge will be ready for crossing in a F. T. Downing visited the county-seat THURSDAY Read the new advertisements. Evan Ream 's returned from San Jose few weeks, the frame being already in po­ AVGV8T 2», 1st®. C. K. Frank of Medford called last Hatur- last Friday. u- incss i; nov.’: > great that if located last week, having determined to attend the sition. •See the district fair advertisement. day on burines School Book» Exchanged G. F. Herslibarger was in Jacksonvi le Fishing tackle at lhe 8. F Variety Store. Bute University at Eugene the coaling I W. W Bretherton. taxandt l tim a*, ent New Yi-rk. Clr’- ag«» cr Phi'a«:e!pl;ia, At the City Drug Store. Readers exchang­ W. M. (')lv'it relu ».cd io . a t ip u> last Thursday. year. Important Manufaetnrim Enteryrite. of the 8. P. lin^s in Oregon, hus been in Roseburg last Thursday. «•>!:— reui^'ju Ashland September ed free. For further particulars apply at i ailov.i’!g !« r the difk rct.ee in popu­ J. 8. Mowrer is now sole proprietor of drug store before October 1st, next. In cotopatnr with J. 8 Howatd ut Med Util. ThoM. E. Church co ifenn 'c was begun Juan lor several «I'ys endeavoring t«> se- Tbo*. P. Kahler of Desk'ns was in town the new planing mill at this p'ace. ford and t.. t.. barkman ot Jacksonville a at Portland yes’erdny, but appointments < ure a reduction of the railroad a»s«’s*ment lation, it l>e from three to live Straw hah at cost at the 8. F. Variety for the eribUing year have not yet been I especially on rolling st«x*k, much of which, last Friday and Saturday. Tint* rrpreaantaUre inspected the new District Fair. six race horses are now iu training at * made public. times larger than any of the largest stores i’i those j lantn« mill ai Central Point lail Monday, Store. i it is alleged Is greatly depreciated in value Jas Elliott returned during the week the fair grounds and others are exjiccted Those wishing pool or booth privileges ! bv long usage. and all »xpreiatd astonishiuent at the ex­ "• K. Price ui Tolu was iu town last soon. from his trip to tbe Columbia country. The Klamath ci ’ y aw mill building is cities. This is a v. <.»;:< ’ vrful reco.d :’pproach«.d by 11» should apply to Robt. A. Miller, secretary, tent »nd variety o( the equipment and Thursday. being rapidly complete 1 and every freight ; Sufferers from indigestion, loss of appe B. S Aiken of Red Blanket visited the plant of machinery All of the later mod­ Jas. H. Gay and family moved down to Jacksonville Oregon without delay. ■ tile, liver or kidney complaints, rheuma other store oil the C Wasbingti n, to represent them in AS TO ‘SV-’S T’l^RITY OF OUR GOOD!’. tesy ot Dr. Whitney, and of the foreman sound cities. vertisiug with all ths papers of the district. their lund interest before the interior de- evening from a month’s vidil to > Colestein the practical workings of the picket ma- dam's va'l«y. There will be no ser rices next Sunday at partineut. He will go via. Reno, and will Our Catalogue . v.h. h e tend free to any address) and Ashland. A good idea. Tbe Central Point schools, under tbe the Catholic church in Jacksonville.during chine were shown, and it waa the unani­ E. W. t'srrer of Phœnix called on us be abseut »evvral weeks, says the Lakeview mous opinion of those prrsent that that this morning. in itself is <»’ie . ..» .". .\ glance through its j ages, Frank Lnngell departed for Klamath piiticipalship of Prof. E. E. Smith open the absence of Father Noel at Colestein. I his seems to be a g*»o 1 year for bolding “Examiner.” The regular appointment- for holding ser­ machine alone should pay interest on the county lapt Saturday, but may return to next Monday fairs, all the county and district organiza­ Those wh > have so reckles.sly burned off Jacksonville boon. will show that we are haudliugthe goods t-f thc best The Widamette valley had refreshing tion* in California so far reporting success­ vice* at the different stations in this mis ­ investment, it kept constantly at work, as News has been received that there wdl the mountain side? this summer -hould sion will be given in our next issue. the most ornamental pickets conceivable »boaers last week. ful meetings. ’C manufacturers i.i tl. s country and Europe, 1-or take iieel»oul! no» forget that tbe 8tates ofti ’ials are out looking up testimo­ visi’ed the family of L. Wirt of Woodville Curry county alone. Second Annual Fnut Exhibit. *?T one ma" operating tho machine. many of these r.rikcrs we are ageuts. It pav: tbe llesnies ,k White's. greatest bargains in fashionable millinery ny to visit the wra’h of tbe federul govern­ show that in that otb 1er ir.iporl- liis new house as soon ns th«» contractor, was in town lust Saturday iu the intercut of tently arranged interior. In common with other like products of ttie district tor exhi­ Cost and freight is all Fisher wants. with his wife. the district board. Mr. McDonald, has finished tlie dwelling his paper, and called on the T imer . all wood workers, Mr Simmons was loud His goods must go. bition. This display is to be taken to the • ant quality — 5/1/. — our goods are second to none in F. B. Inlow-elsewhere in the T imes ad­ now I m ing erect» d for Evelyn btory on the Rippey s “l’erclieron” sprinter is being North Pacific Industrial fair at Portland in bis uraiae of tne “working qualitie.” of Mr»-». Grace Gillingham, who has been worked at lhe track daily. His despised for exhibition and it is to be hoped enough The la*»t cider vinegar for sale cheap at vertises a halt interest in a paying mercan­ Booihby ranch the country. We have many buyers, and our one sugar-pine lumber, especially lO’.X’l- tile business for sale. It is a good invest that irom tbe head of Rogue river, where 8. F. Variety Store For tlie best turnouts for all occasions Uniting in Ashland lor a month past, re­ 1’ne.ige doesn’t prevent him from “getting will be furnished fur a separate display lor lev; 1 tics and new fashions as fa. t as they ap turned to h»*r b um in «Saleiu last batur- u t'.:j int nt for anyone. the state immigration board. Members of there, just lhe same.” the noble pine shoots heavenward from the call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack­ John M P«, of P.ioenix, called on the flic horticultural and fruit associations Plymale’s prices are quite rea­ day. puiuiuicetoruiation to a height ot hundreds TtNkS last Thursday. markets of the world. Thos. Martin of Trail creek is in town sonville Central Point's detractors, who come to of feet, “unshaken by winds fur centu- Hon. E. B. Watson and family will ie- town tu gibe, “remain to praise,” like the throughout tlie northwest are earnestly in­ an i reports having ki*l«:: sket ami participate in an old fashioned being now about roofed tn, and the pros­ the disease, I was promptly relieve«! by gerald accompanied them. .Surveyor Harvey of Del N irte county The planing mill proprietor recently Will. Jac-iby ami A. A. Bashor oi Gold basket dinner. No charges for admission I pects are that the coming winter will wit­ has u government contra* t I’ r surveying a the s /« / large tract in southern Cn:ry county and “Argus.” Table Rock, Neb. wife and < hiij, accompanied by Mt*< Allie Meadows, for <¡0,000 feet of lumber, tobe lash. Everybody invited. New stuck of ladies and g>-nt's fine shoes began work last week. J. J. Houck of (¡old Hill is organizing a Farlow, to the Dead Indian springs last furnished before the rainy season sets in. i'S, tl.. By order ot the president. G. P. and C. C. Rallrewd. just in at Kearnes Jt Whites. silver cornet band at that place, and will week, for a summer vacation ll-OIXItT A. M1LI.UI. it is rumored that the directors of tlie Numerous citize i* have appeared before probably be ready for partit ipation in the ro ! San Francisco correspondent of the Mount P.tt lo mu up as natural as eter John Peebles and Coolce Patton have the board of equalization during the contest at the fair. Peter Cbavner a few gone to Newport for a week among the fair county fair association have negotiated for -‘Oregonian,” in a dispatch dated August when the smoke clears away. the sale of tw enty acr« s of the fair grounds p*st few d ivs iti the endeavor to secure a days since purchased a tine tuba from W. bel'eswhoare encamped there, says the 23d says; Superior Judge James Murphy, MARRIED. lying west of tbe track and outside the en­ L. Ply male of this olive, which will be ucd The a»«essor returned the number oi d assebsment. of D»I Norte county, Vai . chairman of the Salem “Statesman" of last Friday. closure. L El of in ti e new Gol i lldibmd. committee to eonsult with the Southern polls in thf county as 1121. Cl'MMONS-SMITH-Al Abhland. August 22, •ids wi l be receive«! by tha mayor r 1‘a.ific ra'lroad officials in regard to a rail Hon. JI K. Hanna left on the train Sun­ k An intereslin: «-a«o is pn»n,i el in th- Cha*. Ingan of A-diland was in town a IKK», by Milt«»ti Berry. J. I*., S|M»nccr A The S. F. Variety 8>ure keeps a full line now those AsliLuul L r tlie cor.-trtif.i >n of th» 1 road from Grant's pass. Or., to Cre c-tii day morning for Oakland, I'd., whither be ('iiiniiions and M ikh Anna Belle Siuilb. water work- in »h it city up t«» the first Uti uit court ai the Svptembrr »erm. b ing was summoned bv dispatches from Mrs few days since, making arrangements to C ist'liners City, a distance ot eighiy-ae»vn m le.-. is of articles for therobmd»*i*riiiiinulcaseaga n«t well- t !»•*.»• n xt.’ liotiHe, AugiiKt 24. l*K(i, by Rev. M. A. Wil­ in lhe city. “We have lately held public • itizens of Little Butte pre« iivt for alleged Hsnna, who ha* been <|uite id for a week which to erect a permanent building fur a i C w iilinjncss liam»«, H«,nry Griffin and Mins Belle True. meetings at Crescent City,’’ said Jttlge to i h-tr?h al Ashland last Eunday. Our lora! nrti ts prnnii>e t*» exh bit a malit i»»u* killing t sundry h >gs belong­ past. photograph gallery. Murphy, “and the tiiix-ns of Grant's Pan BENSON -MATHEWSON.-ln Grant’* Pa**. is done ! as iu the la.». Trask of Grint's Pas» was in town nunibt r ot sp.-ennens «if their -k II at the ing to neighbors, the result of undertaking J C. Williams of WiniHr poitoftice ca’led Dr. Hinkle otters h .> new variety store Ana. 14, at the r«^idenc«’ <»f W. T. P**rkiin«, have done lhe ssnre. We are verv anxious and district fair at Central Point. to raise <<»rn with a rifle eucios'.ir«'. csl'ed on us this morning. to >ee us yesterday, while in town on busi­ loom for rent on reasonable term* for one l»v th«' R»’v. T. L. Jon«*. Enti T. B« uhoii and to get the road and would be willing to it« • t wants. It should be generally known that Dr. ness. He wa* loo^in » for a tva« hvr for tbe fiattie E. Mat li«*wtM»ti. Close Bros.. <»i Ashlat d. I st Monday year from September 1st, los:!. The room give Some sort of subsidy in its aid. A First-class c-dar fence posts for sale in <'v> ning ir.iv« a nin-icrl ■■ ti ! h iinoniu- cn- Henley’s Dan :c*hon runic insures a I «*.trtj dish id school in that section to teach a is elegantly finished.*t tiin*«l and varnished, rai'roud is the one thing we need. There quantities to suit at the T imes office r QITSTICN. K|»p«-tiie and increased digvsii >n. «li-p. Is fall term. trrtainnH-nt at Eag «- I ’ oint.ihnt was well »wid one ut the finest .-tore-room- in tbe are frvtu 3000 tu RM» peo| le iu Del Norte “ H o ­ nervous depression and low spirits, over­ wie N. E. J. Shore« -ni family rc-en'ly from attended ami a decided s ice« customers? ' is an county. Apply at the drug store. county ¿done. The course of the road K v Father Nod ba* be«n at Cu'estein comes lack uf energy and wakvitilncis and would be southwest from Grant’s Pass, California have located in Ashland. The largest anti best slot k of deeds, will infuse new lne and strength into the springs since Inst Monday, in th«* ho|H* ot l S Many have erroneously gotten the im It keeps u.s con- Or , through the Rogue river and I.linoia rc< uper:iiin r bis strength at that retreat < f pre.—mn that there will b- an additional VIJibl'K.- In Linkvilh*. Aug-. 17. to Mr. xml Frank X. Musty is manufacturing tight mortgages and ali kind* ot real-estate and weakest invalid. Kuhl by E. ('. Biouks. valleys, a distance uf f. rty miles, to the cooperage at his ranch near Trail creek. exj-erinu nt:; It rest, after nis recent severe trip through fee of adinisMMi to tbe grand stand, after Mr*. I hi vid Vudder, n g-irl. l*g.il blanks south of Sulem is kept at the (’.tiz ns of Jacksonville will find a-i even­ the eastern counties. top of tbe Coast range. Tbe pass is ab >ut ri.ME.s office and &«»ld at Portland rates paying admittance to lhe race course at WIF j SOX.—In f.inkvllh*. Au*r. 21, to Mr. ami uriii h by mouth, year by ing’s entertainment at the vcl<»cipede ew school house at 2tw feet high, aud only a »mall tunnel Mr*. Charlo Wi’aon. a daughter. J.C. WUipp and f«roily returned from the district fair, but such is nut tbecase. <4-1 Hi l will be opened next Monday Miss <’e!5a Brown of Eagle Point is ill swing above the planing mill to be a harm­ would be needed there. Tbe rest of th . more and more pcr- with typho malarial f«*ver, contracted at less and che-ip form of amusement for the their trip to ’lie Dead Indian country last Tickets uf admission to the race course enti- I STKANGEy—In Ashland. Aug. hl. to th»* wife road, down Smith river, prestnls noeb ties the holder to gran l eland privileges. The Da.Its Dr. 1’riee of Medford is attend next two weeks. Only 5 cents a ride and Saturday. Whipp holds championship of Kcv. F. G. btrauge. a daughter. «taeles ot coimquence. At present there at the T imes office at 50 centsa hundred. i:i having all its couat- oceans of tun thrown in. Also a cane rack hon rs as the bo-* fleheroian, having ng her. an 1 predicts a >pee»ly recovery. J. S, Howard of Medford was in towr MAGKITER — War Jacksonville. AugiiRt 21st. »rebut two sliugt pieces of lumbering rai'- combined witlp7»X) canes. caught 1575 trout while at the springs. a::d saiibfacturily. last Monday on road business, an 1 while A nnmlier of Yreka parties have located road tu the country, one owned by A. M. to Mr. and Mr*. John Magritvr, a daughter. State Fi-h Com mi-si oner Reed was at J. W Wot i. Manager. eimpson, and only three or four miles limber claims in th • J ennie creek country. (¡ol«l Hili Tu»-day and ve.-t rdiy examin­ Mrs McClallen, Misses Josie and Emma here visited the fair grounds. He unhesi­ 0. a ILLI »TS IT long, and tbe oilier by Hobbs, Wall A Co., !T$ vnt f’-f b ar; Uir.-M. Prof. P. A. Getz,the new principal of the Orth, Josie Nunan and Mamie Donegan, tatingly pronounce»! lhe track to he the ing the matter oi the alleg«d maintaining John Orth received some line beet from of dams without providing fish way.*. both firms of this city. Villard's surve«'- Ashland ptibli« school«, arrived with his George Bloomer ami John Orth, Jr., drove best in the state, per hap- on the coast; and, hied . wife from Hazelton, Pa., on Mon lay of up to Ashland last Sunday morning to fur- in common with other visitors, expressed ors weie in there two or three years, but Alfred Gordon's place near town last Mon F’« l gant quarter* h:«ve been fitted up in last week, ami took up his residence iu the ni-h sacred music at tbe Catholic church his surprise at the work already dene on since the Oregon A California road was day. LEHNERS— In Ph«enix, August 27tb, of con- the grounds. bought by tbe Southern Pacific, we do not Scott Griffin of Tolo will take pleasure in ihe R* ; »1 M« n’• lu 1 ling. fo-inerlv occupied Granite? city for the season. Prof. Ixyroy «»pening at the Granite city. sum pt ion. <'ora, wife of Diedrich Lehner*, bv J. W Meir tt. f r ihr S F. Variety V. Wells, vice-princip.il, also arrived from expect Villard to come to us Our hope is showing strangers town and country prop- and daughter of M. V. B. Soule. Aged ala»ut Before the end of the week the follow ing ♦ Miss Mattie Taylor, little daughter of Store. P »--^ •»’on will In taken on Sept Albuquvr«}ue, New .Mexico daring tbe with Senator Stanford and thu Southern erty. 19 years. • • • •» «•« horses will be in training at the coun ­ CommissionerC. W. Taylor and wife of Pacific." week. Id. 4« A.lkt/. Jack-onvi'le nt,-p'*li.nits have a fine trade Eagle Point, departed in care of Wm. Han­ ty fair grounds John Banks of Ashland The State B »anl of Agriculture have The timber prospect or*, who lari week now has two trotter-. Hambletonian and tlii* season, dest ite the hard times pre- ey List Bunday evening for Victoria. B. C.. Crop Bulletin. •••Y V bkk»Lhr Ja went to the 1 iph »1 of R •[ •gue river, intend to substitute«! a free-'or-.ill race, purse of wh» re she will make an expended vi* HEREBY GIVEN THAT BIDS tend» (I, in the county. The store r*»om ’ furth« r parti ’ularM apply to the undvrsigivd portions uf lhe W ilia me tie ami Umpqua made a rem,rd of 2 'J1*1, at Anaconda,Mon., The Douglas county Agri t. Ituri.l As-o I a last f« Tuesday. II be revidvi’d at the County < 'lerk’-ofllee w months, and lhe affliction to the 0 e. iiruper is large and wed lighted and wi l on < the premises. valleys. Much inure poor wheat in quality last week. riation will iiubl its tir.r l annual exhibition I family is doubly felt, following so closelv in Jack-onvili»*. <»rcg«>n. until 12o'clock. ikmhi , Ore from the Humbug mine of Boyle F B. INLOW. have ta*tj’ counters and shelving on on* will i>e marketed this year than last, but at th«' county fair grot.n l« it t'lvil bend ' on lSagle Point. Oregou. Augunt 24. 18W. Dr. H. M. Gill is occupying his new resi­ near R• »-eburg, b.’irinning Oerober I. and I upon thedeathof her mother, Mrs M. V. <’o. near Yreka continues to average about side and -bort tables fur the display of the increase in acreage will make the state s Wfdnc^day, 8«pitmLcr i, B. S nil«». Th«* insidious work ««f consuinp- $75 to the ton. clothing on tlie other side. The second surplus fully as large as last year. First- dence at Mani'ti '.h aving taken possession continuing two days. to build stone abutment* or piers for a bridge tion cut short her y mug life in its prim« . floor will be divided into compartments Twetire-uititli Annual Exhibition al grade new wheat was selling al Pendleton last week. at th»* er«tewing <>f Hi!’ercf $’» a month. For . A large cns on til«’ in the dry weather. Short hay crops are reported I>. T. S.ars who h is been .¡uite ill. is stork C:o e Bros.' band will furnish the music lie, t’oujmh-i »to r Patterson being now en- 1 complished daughter of Mr. ami Mr-. J. P. amount of gold will be taken out. of tine hor-« s. 2U head *»f «-attJe. including U Clerk's oflive. Reuben creek prospectors report the about again. throughout the eastern counties Tne wa­ foe the moneer gathering at Ashland Sep­ ga-.«din tiling in the approaches It is I Tru-. man and wife. Rev. M A. Williams iierves, 3? head of hogs, ala»ut 44M chickens. | Done to ord«’r»»fth» tio:> is bothering county have curuplied with the law in rela­ book form, handy and tirst-das.», at the was a pronounced success. with approved s«*ciirity. bearing ten per cent, through Ashland for tbe Dead Indian coun­ quartz t iken out at th * Withered ledge on the city louned. • tion to reaiatrriiiK with the countv clerk Tutu office. interest. BIHLMAYEK BROS. The prevailing winds appear to simply try two week« ag » ami it i- -ai• Administrator ’ s Notice W, Kohmson, Ja-ksonville, E. P. Geaiy, .* ’• i¿tai*cos J. W. Fanningund Ed. Hamlin are spend­ secured such larg hoi lings in Washing­ l>!ue chan tel gravd under a stratum of People whose hearts hive long been un­ Hire in almost every dire« t»• n. Si ufiril; R. Pryce. M«Hliurcarf pit-.-, ; J. Myer«, «m“ of Linn county’s A»!-ury Heliu, Ashlan-I; Cha». E. ,ain recently. tbe next few mouth-. A? SEED oth e is hereby given that the bilities at Me livid i:i a short time. ’ons ci»*,, in .-outliern Oregon rcMjntaiivi’s in th* Li t generai i B-ebe, Ashland; Mrs. Pamela M. Wrbaler, Uli«:« r»«iKii<‘d ha- been ajq»ointt-i by the For Agricultural. Stock. Dairy atul M., haul­ B. W. Hu-ton and R. F. Dean of Willow coliar-bi.t ANNUAL 1». ,1. M. McCoy «and have about who enjoyed the i siin -tion o can al^rnv- be found at the S. b Variety I county « ’ »»urt <»f Jackson county. Oregon, *1t- A-hlanil; W. W.btanfield, Ashland: Jesse springs were in Jacksonville last Monday cat exhibit«, tor work» of art and fancy The ladies all praise the new roller f ro- > thiK in Probat«•. administrator <»f the estate <»f (omp’e'ed the buiiditig of a wing tam in been thv y mog t member of tl Store. Call cud - for yourselves. work, and fur triala of Sficed. llinklr, Central Point; G--orue Kah er. for a few hours. f-i front of the town of Goll Hill, and are cess flour made by the Medtord mill«. ' Th«»-. H. Hayni<»nd. dveea.-c-i accompanie«! hy his iritn l L. L Phoenix ; W W. Rivers. Eaule Point; T. 11. ALL ' All p'T-t»n- indebt«*d to sai'l «’-tar» ar*' r«*- Gen r.*l Err gl. A' -nt E I’. Ilog« r>-d «haw. a rising y.-ting s»t »rney of read» to begin work on the gravel in the Frill. Cro'-eiuiller now runs the “Blade” theS. P. Ln“- in (Lcg'-n has instructed Meil'ord artists intend t> contribute I<)u<*Me«i to aettS«’ tin bMine iinmvdiatrly. and West, Phoerrx; Wm. M. Marsters, Eagle . r.cd river bed that has never been mined in largely to the success < f the district fair. .iw»U*C Point; E. D. Fickil. Medford; Wm H. al B .ker city, vice E. G. Hursh tlie new agents not to receive d er- kins for hip- ton, W. T. have been vi iting in t non«* having claims against thv ».stated ill . •» f *th- that quarter. The low water materially vilie since Tuesday. nrcMent them to me at my plac»- of imsinesM at Sommers, Jacksonville; C. Minnis, Med­ pension ex tu ner. l . U’< * me:it, a* he construes them to be contra­ aids tbe enterprise. Tue Medford roller nulls shipped their Rock P<»int. Jackson county. Oregon, with ford; W. 8. Jones. Medford; A. I). D-slson, »•roBV Wash Grimes ami E l. Farra had bail EACH DAY Dr. Bruien has returned to(¡ol 1 Hillard band goods under the new gime 1 iw first carload of flour to Yreka last Friday. the proper voucher- atta<’h<*d. within six * ’u wane Central Point. The majority hold diplo­ Hick last week in delivering G. Karewski's Th » river miners on the Klamath are months f rom the tir-l nubli« ati«»n <»f Ibis will soon resume w >rs on the ditch out of iowe; mas from medic.. 1 schools of approved Three hi lies belonging to anex^U’s’inn ¡lour to Wa du. A broken axle on the big conimen',ing to hoist pay gravel again, Dr. Geary’s line ranch on Griffin i-rrek is notice. BENJ. If M<»ND. n i C m alandinff. and »11 who do not are expe­ Rogue river we leant. par«y on .'J >unt llu >d lu- ’ im* lost ro u I ' wagon detained them on tlie out trip, ami ’In ir wing dams an 1 machinery having this year yielding some exceedingly tine Administrator of tin estat» of Th«»-. H. , , A . ¿r«»« rienced practi.ivttsrs. Therearo a few res­ Haymond. d<*e»’ascd. Yreka is boasting of a building boom in their frit tils one evening last week ami ! * b. foro reach:ng horn»* Mr I< ’s fine mare been repair* d and rtbuilt since Hie terrific fruit. D. M- F r *ia Hat»-1 August 22. ltWL ident phyaniaiia in tbe county who have common with the other railroad towns of w ier-d t’.ur'”’ i-i/ht until ne ir ! “Nellie” was taken suddenly sick and had cloudburst n. C jttoi.wo >d creek all the way down to immigrants. NOTICE. A member of th * executive < omnnttee ot «oon after*ar»H dir 1. The boys are rustlin'» 'round for partners Men's Dav tickets, .'si Men's season I'kt.*2m*> The Sou’bern Oiegun i-’tate board of Ag­ Happy Camp. the »li-tricl fair a-.'ocia’i- n. de-ire.- to -tat»* for a social t artv toccieb'ate their return DIG A DITCH AMINC. GRAVE en t < I Women’s Dai ticket.25 Women'»“ 1.'») A Hue .School. Dr. Pryce now has attractive offi.-e apart­ To all to whom thcs<- present- shall conic, take The Pordaml company, as the Portland that a tii ket of a l:ui“nn<>r of Mrs. Stanley')! notice : • uhlii ation of a pamt hlet descriptive of Wagoi f»2 per day; board $4 . j O per Ditch and Hydraulic (¡¡old Mining Com« coni mets, »>ur-e wdl« ntiilc th.* holder therco’ to a Tbe seventh annual catalogue of the ny and all persons are hereby week. Imiuirv <>f Pocket, the slay er of Catchings of Canyon­ seat in the grand s‘and at tue distri«* fair th‘seven « « unties composing t!ie egon »tale normaE-ahoul is on our table. notith-l n<»t to buy, n<-g(»tiat«- tor. or II w. (MilLBE. l:i-t. J.T. Al'PEItMIN, with the object of encourag.ng immigra­ pl *ved in their min ngoperations on Grave Tbi-i excellent school his u-uully a pretty ville some wreks ago, is still at large in the have anything to do w ith any i.rrs-in or per- Eneimi-r I’acific 1» A II. G. M. Co.. W. H. Cooper of this pl ice is having his Prceidj-Ut. Many cit /e is of ill's vadev « xpress . ’ rear tion to this section. \n edi ion of upwards creek. About five miles of new ditch will tine VeriiKiut Inuter developed at Hie nons claiming to own or have the authority fair representation from this valley, but is I'mpqua mountains. Junction Wolf and Gravi* cn- k. J. T. GREGG. >r, ei-tarj . confidence in ’ he < ¡rant ’ s Pi-sand Crcs- of '.M.oon <• *: .» s w dl l»u issue 1 arid cannot be ipade this season, and the old ones Jackson county fair grounds. to sell or traiibh-r a certain promisory note in We need money, ami those indebted tn deserving of a more extensive patronage. ce? f < ty railroad, a”d believe tha’ the substantially the following wonts and figiiro cl .me.i out and pul in thorough repair. As a means of enabling teacher» anil th ire the T imes offi-'e should n >1 neglect to settle line wid t»e rx’e ’ i* »11«> th.* big timber re fall luilo much good. Lumber to Exchange Pro!. W. Crawford, of McMinnville, the < O-wit : intending to become teachers to obtain ■ without further delay. There is no lung uncertain about tne When th? fall season o»r mining opens up, new •*J4U) 0”. <’al. June 1. ls«7. gi n at :hv hta i of Ibv.ue river as so >n a-1 principal ot ti e Medturd schools ha- better libera: education there are R-w .. ••On <»i• bc!«»re th«* 1st day of June. iShh, we effect* of (’liainb. ru n « Golic, (Tiok ra and the inir ot rive pipe- will tumble through A few more o! those nic» straw lists are :-u It. the pii e f'.r* sts of Grave creek, and 30,000 been in town lot ten days past. S AND tri Eli TIIIS II t i r. WE WILL •‘or cithi r of hr promise 1»»*pM> to th«* order of srh ><>U can be recommend <1 in the le'tal the 8 F. Variety Store, at.il they Diurrhci'a Remedy. The fuel is, it is the exchange lunile raiid tailldlug mali-rial for Alh-ii, four hundr.-l dollar»« with in- northwe»'. Jac.son county is e ilill -d to will lie closed out at cost, Ex’en-iv»* •»•«•■« were raging about tlie only preparation in tin* market that can inches of water at high pressure will be Wheat i, rolling in lapiJIy at Medford, ••John M. graie and bay. and will n-veivi- hav al any then-on at the rate of ten iht c«*iit. per three free scholarships in the ins i ut on, head of th»* Sfrbng mining ditch i few always ’ e «! penued upon, un»l th.it is forced against the goid-b6aiing ground. prim i| ally lor storHge. Bike has up ••ler«--t station oli thè line of thè <>. A C. lbiilroad. ••annum, from dat<* until paid. Principal and Mrs. Mattie Kiiprcl is reported v-r ■ ill day- ago. burning over much range .’.nd pleasant and f«’io take. 25 and 50 < ent Miningon Gra\ <• ervk has long ago passed wards of 140 carioads on hand already. for which appliratio i Tiu»t be mad*- to the •‘intcrot pavabiconly in gold coin of the t’nit- Corrcapoudeiice solici!ed. W. II. TAYLOR A Co. county school superintendent. The i •.*»> 1 I will) fever nt the re-i lence uf her uncle. E. d» sieving s me fen ing ami tl line. It is i»ottl» s for Side at City Drug Ftore, Jack­ tne experimental stag-. it is now an estab* ••ed State*. For value received. li-hvd business, paying handsome returns R Westlake, late of Shasta <• runty. Cali­ GranC» Pai*. Auguat 21. »1*. tutlon is not couiuicd to the wo, k of edu­ . I>. Fuinlray.at Plio-nix. known wh » pul out the fire and trouble sonville. and Engle Bros., Piioeirx. A. B. CVMMIXGS, ) up ign«-i. tin* owner hibits for the district fair and quite a J u«lg»' W I'hiie of Lsk“vicw last wet k t*e*l at any other place. It answers better than it indispensable. Pul ill alkali water numoer of our merchants will have Istotlis thereof, and paynwnt of tlie -aim* has I htii The following is the outline of the pro- all the letters you can write. tbe nuptial knot for a young couple from This is the season of the year when the found Calico», Lawns, Diet-» :uid Millin duly -lopped. an.l it iniparts a p easant taste and prevents gramm« for Ibc annual meeting of the Pi­ JOHN M ALLF.N. The 8. F. “Examiner” is the best paper H’skiyou county ami th«’ girl's parent* soon raw,cold winds create sad bavoewith the the priiulul diarrh.vt which ataali water on the ground. cry Goosltj, Ladies’ Jerw’V?, Ril>- oneer Society of southern Oregon to be held on the coast Don’t fail to leave your sub- afterwards appeared on the scene and hands and complexion. Soft, whitehands Susanville, La-sm Co., Cal.. ’ Aug. 21, 1SW». W. B. Adkins is lecturing in northern in Asblaid, Thursday, Sept. 12th Iks!): ■criptions at the T imes office. ruthlessly b ue away lhe bride from her ami a clear, “peachy” complexion can be produces. I could not feel safe without it Oregon bonis,Ilii<-liiiigK, Hats, trimmed and Wa.-hlngton territory on the my bouse.” 2.', and and ¿0 cent bottles Meet on f lax* square al 10 o'clock a. M ; husband's arm<. assuredly pre«ervr«l by the frequent appli­ ill themes, “What is man’.’“ and “What and untiimmed, Einc Shoet>, form an I march to grove under diiection Manistee will bt provi-leil at once with cation of Duturd’s Specific. If rubbed into lor sale at City Drug Store. Jacksonville, America most needs.” Marriage license i-smd August 2»Hh to the skin it wi l leave no grei*y surface. ami Euc. I Bros , Phoenix. of Gen. J. M. Mcf’all. Prayer by Chaplain. water works, getting tier supply from two Slipper»*, Panieols, «11 White Frenk Am “ * mi I Ms* Luniili J. Rams ­ Rev M. A. William» of Medford. Reading fine si rings in the inouutains. E. F. Walker, who has been lain up for dell; .b o to E M. Dciivnul and Miss Min­ The skin absorbs it. Sold l-y E. C. Brooks Summer Goods, Men’s Dissolution Notice. memorials by bee-. Silas J. Day. Orali--n four weeks with a bailty sprained ankle is Panthers are agoin devastating the M. F. Hull. C. P. Parker and M. Her­ nie M. S'anfie’d, a l of Ashland precinct. by lie-,. W. Dnnn. instrumental nius-c by The firm tn run n. Taylor. Taylor A Co., able to be about again out still sutlers muck Dusters, Etc. ! ranges <»ii Elk cr»ek ami tbe local stock­ On Aii-''ist 2Sth till. bert »re each constructing comfortable ( ’ . Faber ainl Miss Close Bros , band. Following committees men will find it necessary to offer special ded- r< in lumber anil other building mate inconvenience from his hurt. Nettie I> »wning. ««reappointed: On vocal music, Mrs. M dwelling houses in Gold Hill. bounties to secure their extermimation A rial, at Grant’s Pass, has been dissolved by Rriurnil» The Monarch «aloon at Medford, under I. Alford; on ground«, (’apt. I’hix. Smith. A S. Rami, railway mail clerk, between Win. D. W’oijdi. late Sixty 1 layb, when we will : large one killed a y. iriing « a'f at H<»lme-> mutual consent, Taylor A Allen retiring. management of 11. H. Wolters, is prov­ E M. Miller, J. Wagner; on basket dinner, Spok me and Portland,has been transferred Montague station, died at the Sacramento ; Bros.'ranch last w-« k. ami tbe harnyar«! Bii-iness will lie continued at the old staud the ing a popular resort. The best of every­ A l> H, Iman, H. F. Mverand .1. H. Kus to Portland -Man FrancUcu run. railroad hospital la-t Thursday eyrning, of of William Pence was also invaded by one by W 11. Taylor, L. E. Hoover A. A. Ross thing in that line is kept there t sei A general invitation to all idoneers typhoid fever, aged about 30 year«. He 1 of the brutes at alrnohl the same time. and W. B. Ni lson, under the firm nama of Harry Hull ba 1 a narrow escape front came west from Illinois ami was a most de­ and their fitends to attend and help make The wife of Frank Davis and two daugh ­ W. B. Tavlor.tCo, Thaakful for past fa ­ The immediate symptoms of dysprptia, tbe day a pleasant reniindnr of ihs pioneer lockjaw a few nights avo. having taken serving young null. or indigestion, are a distres.-ing sense of vors. so liberally extended, wc sol Icit their ters arrived from Minnesota a few days days of southern Oregon. By order of tlie cold after having a tooth extracted. since to reside jiermnnently in Medford; continuance for the new company. It is rumored th it Tr.til « reek precinct weight, oppression anl fulness in the coimuittee. Title«. T' avi . oh A Co. where Mr. Davis has been for sometime. Col. R. F. Maury favored our sanctum will soon Lave another store. Ir is reported I ¡stomach, n» arthti« n. I js * of ap| elite, foul THOS. SMITH. Chairman. Grant’s Puss, Aug. 10, llWII. with some ihoice sample» of late Crawford also that a stuck of groceries has been put breath, belching, tl«»tilvncy, nausea, pains One of our pbv-icians whose practice ex­ W. N.Lltx», Sec'y. and Thurber peaches ibis morning. in above Floun<'.e Rock by W. II. Bootnby - in tbe sh'Milder.t and breast. Dr. Henley 's tends over tbe county last week had six­ The work done by l/’gan, the Ashland Wnt. Gates of Central Point,accompanied to acc »mnv>en a real-estate office ing entire the store house and stock of taries to the Mt Shasta district fair at Portland by the V. S. marshal lost week, valley drug store last Sunday afternoon connected with bi* art, tbe productions of in Pendleton soon. He formerly resided This ¡»owder ticv«r varie*. A marv«*l <»f puri­ good» of Sol. Abraham and the residences Yreka, the first week in October next. waived examination. They were bound The f»»rce wa* sufficiently powerful to rock his gallerv are deservedly popular. No in M-dfotd His little soi, E tdie recently ty. wtrength and wboloMoincmw. M»»r<* « toii - of Calvin AVriaht and D. Tucker, adjoin­ over in $5.010 b< nds each, in default of r the whole building ami to pi baif the form* nvre acceptable token of afiectiot. or love w-,n renown :,s a hero in rescuing a baby omical than the ordinary kinds. mi e furnished lumber, brick anil test, short weight, alum or phosphate j*ow«l»’rs. --■ Tlie w l»i g» «*■*«• are reported to he he id building material at tlie lowest price. • sonville k»)umhs ami budge are not dan Sold only in can-. Royal Baking Powder Co., the lo»e much heavier tn Mr. .\brah«n> go f th»» mp <ptes of tlie American Settler»’ i Mrs. Winslow’» Soothing Syrup, lor chil­ the liar with the linest wines, li.|ui>i« a-.i.l mm h more vxtt nL doz°n li«»uses. Mnlf N9 Mlttakf in tbe world. Among the useful and valu­ ing the process of teething its value is in­ tent*. able product.* of the webfoot stale may be in Cush By dispelling the symptoms aooften mis­ The wife of J A .Bean of Myrtb- creek. It relieves thecbildfrom pain, —— T----------- mill-ite. midrace and sidetrack will I menljoned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has calculable. Dmula» countv, coniinitted silicide of te ftirnijfhed cures dysentery ,ml diarrhoea, gripingin taken for consumption. Santa Abie has tatbolte- t hareb Opened. by the Tolo Townsite __ and 2 I proved a boon to thousands afflicted with brought gladness to manv a household. We-ine-dav of last week by shooting her­ Milling Company, for a nominal sum, to the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving Tbrrr la the Bent Mile Flare-Track iu the FARMS SALE Die nr w i'aUiobechurch ai A.hlaml w»» 1 naiu in th»* bark and kidney difficulties. By its prompt use for breaking up the cold State on the ground»*. and there will be run­ any responsible party who will put up a ‘ Iti* pure’y of veg* tab'e composition and health to trie child it rests the mother. that two often develops into that fatal dis­ ning and trotting races each day. opened by Rev Father F. 8. Noel of Jack­ self. OFFFIt FOB SALK GN HEABONABLKtorm« Price 25c. a bottle. The noted Dahack-Wilson horse case flour mill at Tolo. For particulars address » never fails. Sold by E. 0. Brooks. one *»f th«* l>e*t Btnck *»r Dairy Farm» io txmtL- sonville. with tbe celebrarion of high mas«, ease, Lhousand* can be .saved from an un­ ern Oregon, «ituated <«n Deer Creek. JoecpLiue last Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. There will engn s? a large portion of the time ot or call on the secretary, Scott Griffin. • Have you heard what Mr. G. L. Weast of timely grave. Y«»u make no mistake hy I.et us give lhe readers of the T imes a PRICES OF ADMISSION: county, com xiii ing lJUacreeof rich bottom land was a very targe congregation present »nd the circuit court at tlie coming beptember Thos. P. B‘»y«l. Jr . of Ashland an I his little tint«lv advice. Hot weather is coin­ Cambridge city. Ind , says of Chamber­ keeping a tiuttle of thi* pleasant remedy in napeciMlb M*lat»ttMl to the growth of timothy hay the • apacitv of the building, a very neat term. California Cut-R Cure is Men r day ticket. .'«) Men’« eoaaon tk't, *2.00 and rimer. About one-half it cleared and id wife(n e.Mi-s Mittie Ru til) arr-ved in ing an t w ith it colic, cholera morbns, dys­ lain's Colic, Coolers an 1 Diarrhtoa Reme­ your house. church edifice, was tee’ed to tbe ntmi-st “ .75 cultivation, ar.d muet of tbe balance can be eaealy . A rartv of men left Roseburg last we-k the city last Sunday, an I I ft for the con­ entery ant diari hrra The only s.ife way dy ? If t.oi, here it is: “During last sum­ equal effective in eradicating all traces of Woman's day ticket .2^ Women’« " c»an nd. There ie a etreas of water running The Jacksonville choir, consisting tot MtsMS itmi.r the leadership of E D,x m.m search ference at P»Ttlaml the following day. Mr to Combat thvae disease* is to keep some mer I was troubled very much with severe nasal catarrh. Both of these wonderful lb rough the place the year round, affording Jisieand Emma Orili. Mamie D-negan. of tbe lost cabin in ne in tlie Cascade B >yd wi l probably take work a-a minister • rvliab’e remedy at band, ami til who have pains in the stomach mid bowels, and whs California run-dies arc -old and warranted Send tn the S« • xtf ry at Jacksonville for Pn- of wator Lu «tock and come for irrigating. Th* Mr», l eda Mcl tall.il and George B'oomer. induced by a friend to try Ibis Remedy. by all drugguts at fl a package,'8 for $2.50. slum list J . B. RIDDLE. tried Chamberlain ’ s Coltc. Cholera ami Di- this year, -ays the “ Salem Statesman. ” place» it all mcloeed by a good rail feoce. There Josie Nunan, organisi, assisted in the rer- rauge. Prwldcut. arih-eii Remedy wiff admit that it is the I took one dose, as per directions, and it it a houbc and barn and JOO young fruit treea on Rev. II. A. Newell, of Salem, after taking ’ moat prompt, reliabb* ami successful luydi- gave me almost in-taut relief. I cheer­ H. A. MILLER» bocrctary. vii-r», and Unir singing wa« highly com­ \ tine lineot bamboo tishpnles has just Do Not Suffer any Longer. th* plaru. It aieo haa the beet nutaida range in the county; alau another osoallent plane contain. been received at tbe S. F. V snety Store, a tour through southern Califon.ia said, • c;ne known fur these coinphrnts. It costs fully rw omni-nd it to the afllicied.” 25 plimented. Knowing that a cough can be checked in ir.e iSQacree. Jacksonville; also all kinds of fisbiug alter his return : “I think I pre'er tbe big ■ but 25 or 50 cent*, and may be the means and 50 cent bottles for sale at City Drug a da .•, and the first stages of consumption For full particulars cnll upon or addreea red apple <»f <*reg»m to »he figs of Lo? Ange­ of saving you ur your family much suffer Store, Jacksonville, and Engle Bros., Phoe­ broki n in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. tackle. School Opening O. J.TARkOl. les.’ It is singular with what- unanimity ing, if not lite its/ If. before the sumrne»' is nix. Bids Wautda Acker'» English Remedy tor consumption Kerbyrille Orrgrn IT e 8 ilern horse Nick L. lias made a re- all Oregonians express the same sentiment. over. For sale at City Drug 8 to re, Jack­ The fall term of Central Point eehooi and will refund the money to all w ho buy will begin Srrt. 2«1. We h«*pe thvt a’l whw rnr.l of 2 2i;'ll Seattle. The name doubt­ sonville and Engle Bios., l’hoenix. Take It tn Time. »>ID. F<>K Ul'JLDINQ A NEW M’HOOL- ake it as per directions, and do not tin 1 Tlie regular qn irti-rly examination tor are interr-te«! will realize tne importance less nas something to do with his “getting teacher’s < e-Mlicate-« is 1» ing conducted bj* liuua-' iu Gold Ulli suiuiul dlmrim No.5t l’rof. Watt’* party rd (’rater lake excur- “For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; for ur statem mt correct. For sa|e by E. C <> «TU tK' rvwivul und -qsmud by thu Uuutx) <>t u( entering school at the beginning of the there.” i sionist* arrive 1 in town after a dusty t ip want of a »hoe,a horse was lost; for waut rooks Sti| cribtem ’ tmt M t he! , a — Gted by Prof. PROMPTLY Dirccton Auguat 81.1»©, at 2 r. m . Tbe Di- scho«»l yenr. and aturdm? regu’auy. Gee T 'V teft an estate, consisting prinks G. G. I Newbnrv nt th- court house, but last Tursuav evening, without serious mis­ ■' - «------- -— u horse, a rider was lost.” Never nezlect r-stui-» nw-rrv tlic rurht ton-Sl uuj und all There will be a vacation of «»ne week «lur­ ..^llv of'Cbiiia groceries and nicknacast we n-e t-»rbi !d«*n the pr.vilc »e of giving lhe hap , cl- K. E S nitu . Fr n. ttcatlon» ™ tu- »een ut thc offlec of Jaouby Arthur Conklin, th« icalctat« ’ agent o- ; Kuh i.Jr.. Everett Mingu«,and Misses Car-. I checked hy Dr. Acker's English Remedy |y divi e 1 a* t i in iivi ii ality, then» I *ing ba'uruav. Bro«.. Gold Hiil. Oregon. a «m.Ter per c:.t than u-ual of y *ung ’ ne an I Nina Beekman in«] th.ti-gue-t Miss or consumption. For sale by E C. Brooks. Granl’s l’axs, lia- tuon-y to loan on itul AT nnl’GClSTS AMD DEAIXBS. W H«»want. Howard, oi of .wetuor'i. Medford, • an-1 • Special E. RAY. ) G • \V. ” Pasts Far Salt. proved real-csta'e in «unis of JOT and up­ I «» .> I irance r»i n ft» j lady <«ppi cant*, th - ><*>».? the firs» mass i Br \ inar» <»f Saietn . 1 li“v w» r- fortunate J W. MARKSHUBl’,» Aacnt G. ... W. B <--r. Of at th« .. Stato ln- wards. for six per cent. iut< reat an i taxes. i ?iiuugb t” bav« on« beautilully clear day examined where tbe ma'e sex almost , D. W. MASTERSOii. j Tw > hundred fine, large cedar poMf can cLpwiy Sk'«n’i <<*Bo-l on U» last I Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castana. Give him a cat!. while at th* " M. r. J acobi ’. Clerk. predominates. be obtain,d < heap by apply.ng to th« T ims » | Thursday. office at once. T T Commencing Monday, Septemkr 16, OVER $15000 N M A O Durini? the Next till Davs, District Fair Southern Oregon CENTRAL POINT, Liberal Premiums $3,000 POWDER Absolutely Pure. ÂlJaœusOil >«✓ ) THZ1 VETERAN'S FRIEND, Cures Bruises, Strains, Aches and Pains Rheumatic, Neuralgic Sciatic. FOR i ft