HEUE AND THERE. íhe|}mocratic®ime¿ I.akev ewa » ci ci izens izens an- nr- preparing preparing to try I .< I.aVeve» to try LOCAL NOTES, A mad mad . dog was killed in the streets of PERSONAL MENTION MARRIED. ine expe inn nt of bor ng for rtesian ware-. . ! ___ Lakeview -z one day last week. 'Ih*-re is at *’*"1 Geo. 11 or ken jos, who nas been in Port­ . vety little in the general aspect of eouthea’t- 8. JC. Keenan of Medford called last WELCH—BURNS.—At Caniua Prairie, August The weather has been quite warm again land for t e past I» w year», his returned, ern Oregon to excite hydrophobia this during Thursday. the week. 11, 1 k *9, Mr. N. F. Welch, of Summer Lak«*, am! is assisting his lathe in farming oper­ . summer, and this case cf rabies is some­ THVRSDAY.. to Misa Mdggle Burns, Judge Wilshire of­ AUGUST 31, ISSO. D. Bloomer of Dardanelles district called A. Bieberstedt. of Little Butte precinct, ations. what uf an anomaly. ficiating. on Tuesday. John Bigg* and family, <>f Cr«w>k connty, Mr. and Mrs. t'rydcrman of Hamburg called Tuesday. J B. Adams of Big Butte wxs in town R. V. Eeill and family visited at Union­ who have been vLiting at AihUnu for bar, Siskiyou connty. have removed to A Singular Bird. last Thursday. sometime, returned ca a of the iuoumaius Ashland for permanent residence. Their town last 8u 'n« DIED. Some very entertaining reading ia aff rd- last week. daughter. Mr-*. Evans, accompanied them lIon.Tnen Cameron has returned from R. A. Fc I »w.*, •’ i’ ‘.•»en ard of Agriculture handles the subjec t turned from their trip to the mountains. Ayer'» Pills, on the contiary. being sugar le -r'* ^^r/ivors i nr engaged in locating k nij ñev< ur nTV1 John 8. Carter of L ikevi w ai d Mr. *hort i-oateil, are eagerly swallow,-d by the little with hi* usual caution, and state* th «t the ware, at Jackson's. ^Geo. E. Neuber left for Portland last HIG1NBOTHAM—In Big Butte precinct on Joule t- stifv against Walter and medicine. first broml uf eighteen to twenty chirks are 8. F. Variety Store. y< on the present waguu--roa4. Mm. H. C. Higinbothain. a son, weight llJi C. Magruder and W. A. Owen of (’entral l)odd, the stage rublx-r*. hatched the ma'e takes chai ge of them and pounds. Accidents are 1 able to happen nt any John A. Love is in the mountains for the Point were in Jacksonville during the week. Sealed proposal* will be reccTVYff untT another brood of from fifteen to eighte«-*n is benefit ol bls health. N. Langell’s residence has received the rime.and it is well to be prepared for them. DEARMON —In Table Rock precinct, July September 3«i tor furnishing Fort Klamath Mrs. Hoagland of Central Point called am n ming’ing with the first. If the season finishing t niches of new paint, appd *d by 19th. to Mr. and Mm. Robert De Armona Mark Watkins of Big Applegate was Messrs. Kitssit Fhcher, and now presents Every family should keep a bottle of Du Wi'h25 barrels of Hour. Only a few sol­ on the T imes while in town last Thursday. daughter. 1« propitious another lot are hatched before lard's Sfiecitic tn the honre at ull times. It diers are stationed there now. winter.” Col. Miller also states that it is« here durlug the week. a very handsome appearance. Henry Blecher of this precinct has been STAGY—In Table Rock precinct, July 21st. to is worth its weight ir gold for bum«, seal.I-, Attention is called to the combination quite ill, E hi is somewhat improved at this Mr. and Mrs. George Stacy, a «laughter. mooted question about lheir citing wheat Earthern jars, jug«, etc., of all sizes at McDonough’s Altam »nt filly Alten.» has bruises, old sores and skin diseases. Sold f n e advertisement of Gal owav & Barr of time. or destroying grain If ihe two Colonels thep. F. Variety btvre. DALEY—In Little Butte precinct, Aug.‘Arth, been entered for th«» 2:l»0 trot at the Port­ by E. C. Brooks. Medford, who will continue the business to Mr. anti Mrs. John Daley, a daughter. are both right in lheir premise**, nnd the Mrs. I. M. Canning of Portland is paving R»ul estate transactions ar» getting light­ land races. Stenivxindei will b ■ in several For the best turnouts tor all occasions lately conducted by E. G. Hurt. mal« pheasant has the maiumii'ary devel­ er than a lew weeks since. of the races ut tli«* State fuir. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Prim, a SIMON.—In Eagle Point, on August 20th. to call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack­ Mr. and Mm. E. F. Simon a won; weight 9^4 opment complete tifen inde «1 is tiie pheas­ Frank Beach of the Lakeview “Exami visit. Chi is Ulrich is bui ding an addition in sonville i’lvniale’a pr.- es are quite rea­ A good supply of Geo. Jackson's best pounds. ant a “rara avis” ami deserving uf f h * li"P to act oinmodat*» u lathe observation. XV’e cannot avoid the con- en rout« to Newport, to attend the meeting You will also do wi ll to pation- town yesterday , en route home from Port­ \S . C. Myer is bui.ding a tine residence and to give Mtlfi. ient ro -m to handle extra faction clus <»n that it is a **L>ui' asp.«rsion l .; . upon land. izo bis stage lit.« running between this i the Oregon Editorial Association. lengths of lumber at the planer. NEW THIS WEEK. t he « harac er < t a d-servi**g bird. Henry on hu la: m adjoining A hl»nd. place and Medford. D. II. Mill»;r and (^ba* Bruus returned Frank B. Lan?ell, who has been paying Prof. White'ow. well-known in *ou hern Kl'Ppel, of Me-Mord, in his careful- J. 8. lloin ha.« returned from his trip a:.d last week fr<»m a euecessful huniing trip in TheB. I ’ . K R. Co., tax agent is here en ­ his eld fioiue a visit returned to Linkyllie Oregon as a t- a-her of vocal am! instru­ ly worded ieply dipu>matual»v evades will probably locate at Gold Hill. mental rnusi«, die 1 in Coos county 1 «u ly. deavoring to have that corporation's assess­ theD«al Ind an country. A. 1>. Naylor this week. Administrator’s Notice the «luestlun and gives well cutben- Thus. Vilielpley, ol Flounce Rock,was in He leaves two ¿i >wn daughters. ment reduced, notwithstanding that the and John B. Griffin accoiupauied them. li'-ated figures concerning the W. C. Eufli*dow of Central Point visited -------------- w---- “salmon town after supplies last Saturday. Mrs. Evan*, mother of Mrs. A. Pool, of Jacksonville Tuesday, accompanied by hi* In tli** mailer of tiie eataSeof Gee Toy. de­ that run up Rogue river and weigh from 15 Tl.e - ext quart?rly examination of appli­ s uae k ti l cf property i- taxed four times T be S. F. Variety Store keeps a full line cants tor tea« h»’rs’ cc:'¡¡e at s will be held as high in S skivoucounty. <’al. It is not Eagle Point, hurt herself seriously one day mother. ci wRed. to 40 pound*.' Mr. Khppel bad not hisen- VOTK'E IS KEllEIIY GIVEN THAT THE likely that the board of equalization will of articles lor thecboicest lunches. recenily by slipping while getting into « clvcopedia at hand when he wrote or he at Jacksonville next Wednesday. Read W. H. Atkinson, a prominent buair.es* a , ha« been appointed by the make any reduction. tiuggy, but wa» much better at Ja*t ac ­ First-ela'.s cedar fence posts for sale in would doubtless have been more explicit. Superintendent Mitchcli’s not.ee. man of Ashland, visited our town one Lay county court of Jackson county, Oregon, »11- Le'ters of administration in the e-t ite of count*. All concur in denying that the strange quad titles to suit at the T imes cilice tintf tn Prolmte. administrator <»f the otale of this week. Attenti;»n is r illed to the advertisement Get* Toy, deceased. treuture has effected a Judgment in ih:5 In “ weighing in” after their return from Gid papers, u. quantities to suit, for sale of the P. I>. A H. G. M Co., who want to Gee Toy* were issued this week to Toy N D. Young and family have removed All persons indebted to said estate are re­ county. at the I imeh oilire at 5u cents a hundred. hire men tod g a ditch in the Grave creek Ymu, commonly known as To.v Jim. who Cinnabar, the party who came in Tuesday to Medford, where Mrs. Y. is conducting u quested to settle the same immediately, and elsewhere gives notice to creditors. This evening discovered that they had gained those having claim» »Kuinst th*- estate will J A Cardwellis remodeling and renovat- inn: ng district, Ju.*t*phine county. is tbe first tune in the history of the county <»n an average six pound- per head since restaurant. present them to tne at the United States Hotel, Joeephinc County Institute. tif:g li.s bii bain in tins place. I!. C fimps in, formerly of Trail creek, where a < liinaman lias adtninistered upon W. XV. Breth**rt« n, of Portland, an cm in Jacks-inville. their departure from Jacksonville. Jackson county, Orewon, with The teachers of Josephine ct ui.ty will [•loveof the 8. P. R. R. Co., spent Tuesday the proper vouchers attached, within six L-uis l'ly male has appeared in public wr.t' S the T imes that the hay crop n Crook the estate of a countryman. icounty is g- o«l, but m I n • .r;y so much H. ( '. Doi arhide’s residence on the Si* at Jacksonville. hold their annual association niceiing on again af’er his recent severe illness months from the first publication of this no­ On thili'hw.August llth. 11 A. Traylor, kiyou mountain was de>t»oye.l by fire one grain as former y will be threshed. Munday and Tuesday, the2t ,h ami 27tb TOY Y1NN, Mr. Pleasants, who was here last spring, tice. Mis-e- Minnie Don gan and Ida C ui living * n the Bvhcc ranch lie ir Rogue riv of August. At that tinm the fi 1 owing borsky have leturi.ed troiu California. Administrator of said estate. The somewhat unusual spe t .< 1- of late .*r l.ri’lgr. »as thrown from a horse which • lay th s "e k and nearly ali of its contents has returned from Nebraska and will per­ Dated Autotst 21. ts»9. pr.«gramme will be carried out; years is pr<-.-ent«d (lib* s< a*on of dwellers he was r-dit'g after a row. and «a» bad y c Mounted A defective H up is said t-»le manently locate. J. W. li.g am and Ja«. McDonough Ol eistufthe immoiuins haul ng grain over , the cau-e of the accidi nt. 1 heie was s«»me Opening ud«lre*s by Superintendent Mas­ hurt. Iteing un* ns* h. is (or sometime alter in*uran< e on the property. Widow springs ware in town yesterday. tic. E I. Schieflelin, the well-known discover­ the dividt > from ib gue river valley. Administratrix’s Notice the a* ei-b-h'. Dr. K ’ Ver" of K tgle I'- ’ nt FirM T« me. School Govemnu nt. Dis­ Jaiob Martin, the pioneer livery man Ol Th<» fir.oral ot Gcc To\ la-t Saturd.-ij' was er 1 of quarfz nrn'-s. i* in thi*« section on a ucht « ' io. Frank Ril -y. wl.o ha* b< eu very >;1 on i »Itet.deil flint and I««* •« row prospecting expedition . cussed by J. D. Haye», H. L B nson, (>. Yreka visited m Ashland during last week. w i attended by al if C’i n.ituwn and I In th«- matter of the estate of M. A. Brentauo, Upper K ama h »iver at Tiu It’s springs Ano'lter se is >n Wil ui'ii.-s inn-h deal many of « ur « itTen*, 1» wh-m i’ is yet a ('«»line ly, M. H Jackson, G. D. Bul«»u,J. T. H. Rowe, the well-known manufac­ 1. Meudtrson and H Vick of Grant's H Rubin*on and Mi-tn»s Mit*nie Tuff, Ida Pass were lu town ibe forepart of the week. for some time, is reported in.pmvwg, but , timber on the tnoiintaitis. a« not o:i!r th-. nuYtliy to observe ihe celvetial’s funeral turer I <»t lumber, has returned from a busi­ N otice is hereby ’ given that the will remain tip ie a few w« tk* longer. umkrsigned has b<*< n ap|>oint«d by the tir-s but tl.e long conlinu d drought l.a- Wad*. Josie Hayes an l Allie Carson. Fhe buruing of the personal < ff«- t> ness i trip tu^an Francisco. wills of the late Martiu Peterson ami county court of Jackson county. Oregon, sit­ many tree« oil*■ iglt’ in* lii-itn : it-aoy at the grave was a part of the ceremony, Ja< »by l’ro ’ th»» m»krgeri<- Go’d Hill kil-ed I Second Topic, (’orpure.d Punishment.— M. The Jas. Drum, who n ’ cently re»urno.<«• having claims against th«-estate will past. Wade an 1 Carrie Farr. weather. E. Manderson Smith was in Jackson i R. vneampme’ t al Milwaukee, lelt Port- left | for Reno. Nev . this week, where he present them to H. K. Hanna, at his law office Third Topic, School Organization.—Dis- A good digesrf tn waits on appetite and Ian , Scott Griffin of l'olo will take pleasure in county last week’uot-ing L«r men to .ig a I l.i*l Monday. Ukmg w.th them a ear , will remain for sometime. in Jackstmvilie, Jackson county, Oregon, with- rii**edby J H. Robinson, J. B. Pollock, showing strangers town ami country prop­ ditch for the l’aciii’’ 1>. A 11. G. M. Co in ¿ a good ate elite is < n • of Hie surest «igns of load . inulx months from th«- first’ publication of of Oregon production* f«»r exhibition XV. M. Hedrick and Mi-sea Lillian Trem­ erty. • Grave creek district, Josephine county. • perfect hea th. If v tn are low spirited, ir­ and subsequent distribution at the enc amp- . Ja <»b 8chm»dling left for Seatt'e, W. T., this notice. OTEL1A BRENTANO, last Mon lay .where he uiJ follow his trade, ble. Alice Smith, Gertie Pollock, Elva Administratrix of the estate of M. A. Bren- ritable, bilious, or have an irregular aiq e J Bead the card of Dr. liennett, physician merit. The largest and be*t stock of deeds. 1 tano. deceased. being a good stone-mason. XVbeeler. Ida York and Arm field Cooper. tite, then we ndvi«e volt by ad means to and surgeon, who has 1 cated at Gram s mortgages amt all kinds of n al-cstate and ’ Dated Augu 22,1HS9. We rect ived convincing proof of the de- Forth Topic, Systematic Classification in Pass. I’r. Henley's liandelicu Tonic. It Geo. Beck has removed to (¡rant’s Pass legal blanks south of Salem is kept atibe take 1 str.ictiveness of the dry weather last M< n- , with hi« family, where he has entered the Ungraded 8ch »«'l*.—Disru-sed by XV. A. will make a new nun of you. Sold by E. * Chas. L. Thurman and family of Ster- T imes office and sold at Portland rates day morning, in the shape of a spray oi <■ ’ mploy of the 8. I*. D A L. Co. Massie. J. D Hayes, H. L. Benson. Ed. F. ids Wantea Sol. Abraham s store building, at Glen- C. * Brooks. silv r | runes nre-ented us by Ed Far- ’ Hatbawav, Mrs. May Tyh*r, Mrs. McGal- lingviile precinct spent last Tuesday in Several finesia*cime'is have b eu secured H. C. Kinney, superintendent of the 8. town. ra, from ’he Dean orchard at XX’illo*v dHhnb’gvtl" r wi:h if-• »ntert- was burned li «r»J and Gertie Po.lock. >S FOR BCILDING A NEW S( HoOU week front soutbetn Oregon for the Springs. The spray was le*s than three P. \V. I.sue ii‘»l learned thi« ' 1 D A’ L. Co.*8 factory at (¡rant’s Pass, T here has been a c n-iderable change in one . ’g »t I st w»-» a The committee hive decided to have a h«»iiM- in Gold Hill s<*h«M>l «listrict No.57 coilepe musenni here. One i« a board of ‘ le** number of topics than is usually di*- tit« weather and many are utlenng wiiii h<> v h fir migin it-u o.-•. h «• th«» loss is. * sttgar-pitie, *’* i"clies wide and S feet l*,nc ; f« « t 1 »ng and was almost hidden by s »me- 1 was in town last Frid ay evening. I h - r«*ceived and opened by the Board of Is ia«'XVo< If < f Me 1f*»rd and J »h" Rob­ ircctors August 31. isso, at 2 >’. M. Th«j Di- rus1 g<» <1 q i 1 >y is b inking (¡5 ‘ another, a chip from att oak tree al*o*it four ’king less than a hundre«! monster prunes, n*ctora reserve th«* right to reject any and all -li the *ize f a -ma I hen egg; the fruit < erts, recently fr< in Missouri, called at tb teachers w 11 participate freely in th re­ Mr. Gray, who ba be« n absent from this cents in th • local market, l’ne new crop i ;nl cut on t' e in« *1- s-y- a t'orvi ll s cor ( bonds for fulfilling contract. Plans and «peci- te » r ir ds. Southern (.Oregon against the tical teach» r . Senator St ’nb y ef Sam’s valley’ cubed tivations j -ixty cents a bu*l e . according to quality. 'e.;.* n*Ient. can l»e seen at the office of Jacoby since. woil . for plums : n i prune* , yesterday. He informs us that the infant Bros.. On Monday e '«nin«g, Augu*i 2drh. there J Gold Hill, Or« g«»n. W • a v sending statements to sub.-c liiers TbL See ih - Slate Fair a Iverlisement. A-en'I'l -i It of the Farmers and Mer- E. RAY. ) will be a 1-chire b\ R- v it. Mcl. an On .ear’s uttr..clious are greater than ever in arrear-, an i h p • ail tno «* rec« ivin / II ive \«»u h"ar L. Henderson, of XVoodville picom t, the lb d Men’s bu 1 ling, formerly occupied which were insured, contrary to supposi­ pains in the stomach and bowels, and wa- tains. county. WANTED Railroad to Oescent City. bvJ.W Merritt, f« r the s. F. Variety tion. Tlte damage to the house was great­ induce d by a friend to trv this Remedy. whs at ihe couiVv seat Ja-t Monday accom­ J. O. Johnson has gone to Calif mia on Professor J. A. Peebles is this year en- btore. Possession uill be taken on Sept ( er by 11. X'lck, of Grant’s Pass. Hun James E. ______ .................. .. ...... Murphy went to San titan at fird litmght. business. I took "Be dos«-, M per direction*, nnd it panied I en to dig a There is nothing uncertain about tiie . ave me almost instant relief I cheer­ I ritnciBCu bv last steamer, says the Cres­ gaged as principal of the Prineville public 1st. The Bohemian editor. James O’Meara, . «•re« k. Wil! lu Frank Kinley and family have returned ot Chamberlain a Colic, (’hob rt and fully recommend it to the artlirted.” 25 passed cent City “News,” m res|M»n«e to a reaueat schools. through the valley last week, en < contracts. Wngos A large tire fell across a box ,'ar on«» day effects ' I to Nebraska. Twenty-ninth Annual Exhibition at Mi-« Ida Siseniore of Sam's valley visit­ last week near West F«»rk, damaging it Hiarrhaa Itemedv. lite tact i", it is the and we«k. luquiro of from office rs of the Southern Pacific R. K. route for San Francisco trum Portland. 50 cent butties for sale at City Drug i E. G. Hurt is in Josephine county on preparation in tiie market that can Store, Jacksonville, and Engle Bros.. Phoe­ Co. for a conference relative to building a ed toe family of John Felton al Ashland considerably ant defining the tr.”in. only 1 P. D. Hull has returned from his trip to mining business. rmlruad t«> Crescent City. This company last week. Strange as it may appear no one was in­ always be depended upon, amt that is nix. i the upper Rogue river cyuntty. and pleasant and safe to take. 21 and .io cent is determined to tap our timber belt ami Frank Eiihelman The“Recoid" says that Ashland's fruit jured. brought sixty gallons of huckleberries with 1 The w»nk done by Logan, the Ashland bottlts for «ale at City-Drug Store, Jat k- wc he ieve they are sat sfied that the most crop is bringing in about HOU) per day to Ohio this week. II. P. Kubli h bi the mi-fortune to 1 >se a him. nh«»N«grapher, ha* never n»»en surpa.»isee im­ days past. week. The companies are to unite under to Ashland, for tbe practice <*f his profes­ agined. A call at HsgaUsry will convince to Gasquet’s, then a^nz Middle folk to stantly on hand at toe 8. F. Variety Store. charge. the name of “ Oregon Short Line A Utah sion. A Betz and wife, of Little Butte precinc^ doit g’. those unfamiliar with bis wvrk. of its ex­ Elk valley, leaving Waldo to the left, and Jacksonville. Mr* Sarah Zigh r l ist week returned to arrived in town a few days ago. accom’ Northern Railway.' 'I he capital stock is Some of the full blown ' regulars ' Grant's Vass shipped twelve car-loads of • from Elk valley into Illinois river valley. Roseburg after a plea-ant vi>it t > friends watermelons last week wh'ch brought in cellence. panied by Mis. F. Luv, who has been pay' f24.73b,O3i). e of ing them a visit. Mr. Cooper .«ays that the route is an easy book form, handy amt first-class, at the ir» Jackson » ounty. Her niece, Miss Nora abnit $2u<10 be-ides the fruit shipments. Phis consolidation incln«les all the lines Saturday. • and practical our, and that the road ia cer­ Plvmale oí Medí >rd accompanied her for a Ashland places her income from her shii*- Roseburg, wn* awarded a handsome silver Win. F. Herrin, formerly of Jackson andbranchts owned by the above several IN CASH — Mr. Wooly ef Butte creek is in Medford. I tain to be built within a few years at tbe Tieu office. medal for excelling m iatin at the Mon­ brief visit. companies, and assessments a ” d dividends mn Kidney Tea i" put up in nir tight insetiption ’ A. Lane, Montreal c< 1 ege. in the Deneile- ba- furnished I For Agricultural. Stock. Dairy anti Mechani­ 17, IMS!». reports ceol weather prevailing eam* cooler. Clay M-ir'in ami wire of Silver lake went tin 1> ixcs wit i lt I r «erve mt .ct it pecit'i tr l^S‘i. ’ Arthur also receiver! three prizes, during the week. cal exhibits, for works of art and fancy John He-b rg-r i« building a substantial east Oregon line) via Lakeview to San Fran- entertainment to the young folks of Med- | over the slate, with showers of rain in to tue Wdlam-tte valfi v thi«* week. Miss medicinal ptoperttes. Full tlite. tions f ir and live honorable mention 1 in other work, and for trials of Speed. Mrs E C. Kane and h-»r children, who c SCO. ford during tbe week. some section*. Forest fires con’inue to ami com'uo lions barn for II. Wendt of Annie Mi ler oí tha' s •• -ti >n a> «• nnpinied preparing the t* a. acromreuiv each pack s udie*.—. Rev ew. have b> ♦ n visiting N. DeLamatter and work much damage I at E ¡gene the age. It i - as a put un in liquid lor tn. a eon Another Pioneer (¡one. F J. .Smith, < «l.tor of th? Ft. Abcrerom fam’lv of Kerbv viile,return. «1 home to Ash- Cascade m< untains, and smoke hangs Deputy Sheriff Win. Den- fl is serving jurv coming winter. mountain tup to the Dead In han country, cenlratrd ex'ract. Your druggist is au- l>i-*. Dakota, “Herahl’’ says: “Th«* most a n 1 last Mun lay evening. M A. Brentano, whose death occurred much improvi il in health. heavily over the greater portion of the summons lortlm September term ot circuit thoiiz.d to refund the ntoti y. if Oregon womhrful medicine I have ever met with Lakevi w is n«»w supoli-ni with pure last Tliursdav »-wning at Medford . w hi 'e H R. Brown of Brownsboro made us call alate. While wheat and oats yielded bet­ court this week. Considerable baled bay i« being de tve*eJ I ' mountain water from the h -at! i f Bullard Ki Iney T* a does not do what is claim'd t> Cbamberhin’s Colic, Cholera ami Di- yesterday. He informed us that crops in he was being sh iv»»d, was one of rhe pio- EACH DAY ter in most sections of the state then wa* 8«lem is to have street car connection creek, which i- flume ! a distime ot up f. r it. Soi l by E. C. Brooks. by James Bigham of Hig Sticky »1 the I arrhma Remedy. In case of colic it gives neers of *011 them < > r<-gon flic immediate the Butte creek section are goo«!, which ex pec ted, yet in sections of eastern Oregon with the lair grounds. The work isulready vardsof throa m 1 - .i' a ( at of a little Medford yards for shipment We trit't that our attorneys will not all Ini|*««rtant Tinprovt-rm'nt«« made in Pn inimn speedy relief. On hunting trips I have cail*e ot death was apoplexy or softening prices range exceedingly high, wheat sell­ about completed. List. R«*dii<-«si rat«-* t<»i f«r«*s and mure than 11000. leave for Caos connty on reading the fol­ found it indispensable. Put in alkali water «peaks in its praise. Dr. Geary has fitted tip a if* itliec in of the brain He was enterprising and ing at >2 ar.d oats at 11.30 per bushel in fr«-ights <»n all transportation The “ Tidings ’ ’ editor, accompanied by lowing front tiie Band n Recorder. " "We The party who took tiie lead bars fr-'in Mrs. Stanley's building, white he will ami it imparts a pleasant taste and prevents John Hockenj'is h is recently g’wn his portions of Crook, Malheur and Grant lines to and from the Fair. E I. Swope of Portland and J. R Norris, generous, and had been engaged at various count»?? The Umpqua section will have W. J. Piymale’» stable is requested to re­ resider.ee in J ♦-'r-o ivi fi an «nr.-ide «Iress are informed that J. Al. S'glii- is rel.-tined ihe painiul diatrba'.t which alkali water -pent last week tishing ami hunting in the times in mining atnl meremm iising enter­ henceforth make bis headqusrttrs prises in the vallcv. For the pa«t year Mr. of olive gray with darker trimming-, th«* with a fee ot $3oi»> in the Gilman mu.tier produces. I could not fet I safe without it Dead Indi in country. A. J. Daley exhibited peai-ln s in Medic:*i PRICES OF ADMISSION: a larger surplus than last year for export. turn them at once. B. has hadrh.rgeof the Grand Central ho­ last week weighing 12?, ounce«, and mess Curry county wilt redeem all warrants well known pa.uh r- Kr« -sA r'is her d-.ing c ,se. Ilie large"’eV r pin I a la« v r m i in my house ’ 25 and and 50 cent botlle.« Exixrin»enta with n«»w produus -figs, sor­ s ite e ea»e. in ronthern Oregon. Mr. Sig ­ John XVo»s n ami wife, who have been in .or .-ale at City Drug Store, Jacksonville, tel and *al<»on yt Medford, retiring from uring 11'- inches tn circumference Men’s tickets. Ml Men*« Mami I'kt.ffOB ghum and cotton—have been successful in protested prmr to Jail. 12, ISO, ami is prac­ th«» art's!!« work. that s »f ir as he has invest! a- ami Engel Bios., Phoenix. Maine for s»um time past, returned during tiie uianageine'.t of the hues a few weeks l. c .-e whatever appea's aga.U't Mis. ago because of impaired health The de ­ of the spring'* and creeks in eastern Ore­ arm owned by him in 1 >wer Sam's Valiev Acting Citv M irshal Bir t Howell called permanent residents of Jacksonville. Nearly all who have liccn in th» moon Medford and it is thought tiie experiment ceased had nianv friends and his funeral s *n«l to the Secretary ut Salem for Premium gon are dry and water is scarce in nianv tain« »ml at the ditierent «utumer resorts to 11. G. K-*ter-»n or Montesano. W. T. Gilman." la*t Friday to explain why he did not soon­ last. .1. H Lowell of Althotiso, one of the pio­ on Friday was largely attrruled. The re­ will be made to bore for it before long. The miners of the Klamath bars were in- er sound the alarm of tire a! the little blaze /J.T. APPEKSON. l'hc pl ire emit «i! * 12un a< r< s and the c< n- sections. Fruit is generally turning off are returning home. Tbe last of the Fort Klamath troops, mains were interred in the Jacksonville neer residents of J« sephine county, was in President. c’ined to believe that the construetion of •f 1 .*t week. He spates that at the lime the sideraiion wasfOGuO. wel'. while the vegetab’e crop of the stale J. T. GREGG, Secretary. Tl.e Shasta land office wlii* h has been who were ordered to Vancouver barracks, Jacksonville the forepart of the week, ac ­ cemetery. ih ■ flam of the Klamath city impr.tvernent i i >li. rt in most districts. fir tcry was raised he was «n his beat in Already d weders in th»* mountains are closed for «*ime weeks, will re open Sep- passed up the road from Medf >rd last Sat ­ / wa« in a mca«ure responsible for the neighborhood of Ulrich’s planing mi I companied by bis son Joe and bis wife. beginning to prepare 1 >r winter, getting contpanv teniber 2d, proximo. Results of Cultivation. urday. XVm. Finch, of Germantown. Cal., a A (»/Kid Lady Gone. fall haulin' done. e r. The impression the de«t'nrtivene«" of tiie recent clond- at the opp site end uf town from th»» tire Observing or« haidists quot'» the fact that D. A ■ H b ug returned last week lrotn a We need money, and those indebted to prevails i burst on the Klamath river atnl appointed am! the echo from the hi:l ronfus?«i him a* bro'lierof Mr*. J. 8. Higinbotham of Med g< n *r i ly that we wiil have an I Mrs 8$ rah Autenrieth, of Yreka, who the T iwk «office should n >t neglect to settle a committee to investigate th** inatier last ■.<• th«* whereab'.ut* ot the alarm Iti* but ford, is paying ihe valley a vi-it. His sis­ the bu’h and dry ”< r« hauls tint have been trout fishing excur-t n to the head of early winter this year. died last Sunday at the age of 77 years and without further delay. week, Thev found tliat tiie ditnt was not iust to state, what we were not aware of ter will return to Coins i county with him vigorously cu t vatt d this year, have been Rogue river He ale the trout alter they s months, had been a resident of Yreka The board of cq i d z i’iuii wilt sit next tin* cause, the cloudburst Iteing an extra­ last week, that be arrived at ’he enrine the ores to yield the best fruit in the coun­ were caught. A few m re ot those nice straw hat« are week, since 1<>!». end was well known among the (’apt. Caton. J. ('. MiCully.T. J Kenney. c »mni n'ing on M n lav. the 2(» h house about the same time as JIarrv Hull, Ed. Helms, XV.C. Y<»ung and I*. Hagglund ty Tiie rerson is obvious. The roots |»en- D. T. Lawton litis week ordered .'sri rods older residents of northern California and lelt at the S F. V iriety Store, nnd they Thu e who ar - nn sitis s.-or Ci.il h r*, can then porous, and draw their nour shnvnt from | :an out th»» hose cart, t ’ ln* fire teriuinahd Be-tr crick valley at the time of the Wa:- I Ei H. Auteur eth, who former!* res ati*ii«*1. but remain- d with him Pleasant creek precinct, were in town last sonpfiine pa-t. «-tarted on their return to mellow -.’il on top ol t he iglitest ridge will build up a tine trade m the product of their full arrangements, call on or address the surface became dry enough. Such men are weather la-t*. at Punaina during the yean of cholera ami Tuesday on business intent. Indiana last Monday, accompanied by cause it to teem with life, while the baked new roller mills. stcretarv. Scott Griffin. • reaping their reward this summer in a- line yellow fever scourge al that place until Mrs. Kime. MINING NEWS. A great many of the p.-imptdi ts issued by crust on the surface of the richest black al Send the T imes to your friends East, or Mr. Shoemaker, who recently was ap­ fruit as was raised last season, with all its To make room tor our large, new Fall and 1856. when they came to this coast. Mrs. Mis* Otelia Brentano arrived from iivium wi 1 deaden it* productiveness and the Medford board of trade w.ll be uiatrib- Ba Icy A Davidson sti I obtain favorub’e Oakland Winter Stock: Autenrietb had had an operation reformed, al any other place, i * “ *■-—«eiieitet than pointed -pretal timber inspector, a posi­ wealth of showers. list Sa ’ urdav. being summoned uted at tiie G. A. R. encampment at Mil­ rob it of er livening fertility f r an entire _ p osptcls of posses*i. g a rich and extensive tion be h« I I during Arthur's administra ­ the attempted removal of the cancer in her ud^MMetleesrTrci'can write^^^^ Wm. Thiel of Oakland has a government home bv the news of the dentil of her fath ­ obi Hiïr it waukee this month. tion, is in this section examining some al­ contract for surveying land in townships quartz ledge on Missouri fiat, and have er. XI. A. Brentano Miss Ou-lia returned season. chest, some days previous to her death, but rThe board of directors of the G< W. H. litrr last Saturday returned from Calicos, Lawns, Dress and Millin­ too late to prolong life. She was a lady of school district elsewhere call for bid* bid d leged violations of th»* law. 22 and 23, range 12. and tp., 27, range 11 hv< n pounding out several dollars a day to Oakland on Tuesday l ist. Gold Hill, where he liougut 15o ton« of Another Roller Mill. ery Goods, Ladies' Jerseys, Rib­ -- many estimable quadties, ami her death is ^building anew *■!■« .! The increase of saw-mills ami output of west. His contract is for 72 n.ifes,wiiii li will from the ore with the help of a hand mor­ George 8chumpf ha* be» n handling his Not t » be outdone in the march of pro hav front J. B. Dungan for baling ami mourned by al' who knew her. "'The S. F ' KaaintTier" 1« the best paper lumber in south* rn Oregon, together with fct iipv him fi r iilamt H weeks. 11» begin.** tar. They have just received a quartz razor- with an airier grace than ever f«»r a bons,Rueliings, Hats, trimmed shipping to distant market-. on the coast Don’t fail to leave your sub­ the decrease of bud ling operations has his work near Srhofield. opp >siteGardiner. crusher with the aid of which they ci»n few days past, having Iwen inform« d by ^T' S*. the citizens in the vicinity <»f Eagle and untiimmed, Fine Shoes, The Monarch saloou at Medford, under A Murderer Elndrs the Officer««. caused a considerable surplus of material It is b lieved that the remaining unsurvey crush several hundred pound of quartz te'egrauh ii*t S.tturdav that his pension Point are discu.**ii«g pl ms for a new grist scriptions at the Tturs office. mill to be equipped with the roller system the management of H. H. Wolters, is prov­ • il lands in this section of the state will ««aily. It is the r i».t«n.mn to thoroughly The “Oregonian” says that Lewis Bucket, Slippers, Parasols, all White All those on the sick list in Jacksonville of all kinds to accumulate. has at List been increased to a respectable prospect their le lge before inventing in any Jiroughout. which they purpose building ing a popular resort. The best of every ­ a ho murdered J. S. Catching at Canyon­ are c mvalescen*, an I public health is as It is reported that A. Lefnvre of Dayton, set ut have the lines run out. i figure. ma«-hinery, and w« hope that their labors near tne present Catholic church building Summer Goods, Men’s thing tn that line is kept there $ ville recently, is still lrdii g in the moun­ sinning a no ut il condition again. Harry Barbour's house in Ashland wa" will be liberally rewaidcJ. Y.»inhi I • ounty. w< II known here, has con­ J«.hn XVatson ami wife re urmd to Ja< k- • n Buttecreek, when? they can utilize the Work on Angle A Plvmale’» new atore- tains. H«* Iiu«I a narrow escape from cap­ Dusters, Etc. onville Sunday evening last from their tnHgnifi ent water privilege of that stream. Gold lldi i« «till t ibl . XVhen they went Sam’s Valley, Oregon, July 25, I860. Mr. Landen, of Coos bay has moved to ha* adjusted the loss bu*tained by Ed*in designed for end adarted to the work of m W. D. Sult, druggist. B pniis, Ind., testi­ John Robert" and John Wright, recen ly into the h »use, ¡Ticket whs s iting in a Ashland to reside, 1 living purchased John Morgan at the late lire i i 1 hmnix. I he th» Normal st ho d The a* h*tol had grown “Another wonderful discovery has been ebrated at Ashland at 10 o’clock front Missouri are in Medford and looking Tbf opening services to bp he'd at (be fies; “lean recommend Electric Bitters le and that too by a lM«iy in thio < <>un»2 chair before them. Kecoirnixing ihe new­ Howell'« he use in the latter plain. a location on which to settle iiernta- "o large that its b'liblincs were inadequate, ma sum agr«e«l upon w i* |55S.5O. Disease fasten-»d i’s clutches upon her arid Cath >)i<* enun h in A>l»l m i will lake a* the very best remedy. Every bottle for comers ha jumped up and grabbed his kniie and ft this new amt h***iutiltil building is l- r stvt n 5 ears sl.e withstood ibs M-veres* pew Iff YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVE« John G. Sohm, who lias be-n a resident Physicians in regular p-attire should :dl sold has given relief in every case. One nently in this county. plac e 1 ext Sunday ar ten < ’ clock in the and gun, backed out of the hou*e and of this pre* inct for the past year, return« Mrs. D. T. Lawton suffered a severe dis­ comply with »lie law erarte 1 bv the la-t b* ing erected a« the gift of p.-Ik county t« Nts, but her vital organ* were undermined morning. Father McGrah oiYnkiami man took six bottle« ami was cured of jumping over a fence hurried away. 8MITH & W ESSO IT 8 to th'* Normal sclo-ol. ft is 1111 fe* t 1. n_* to Siskiyou count y, Cal., this week. legislature requiring ih' in to register, else Abra­ location of ih” Knee joint one evening last aid death scemtd immin *nt For three Father <’l «rk of Ko eourg are expecie 1 t«> rheumatism of 10 5 c.ir.*’ standing. Ftneat email arms ever Mrs S Arrasmith of Rig Applegate, who the state baard of examiners will compel ami SI feet wide, atnl contains am; 1» room months she coughed iuce sautlv ami could assist Father N« h 1 in tl.e ciati n of ham Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, af­ week, while preparing to mount a horse Dellriou» I’earhe«. for the growing demands of the actio 1 manufactured firms: “The In si selling dicine I have from a horse-block sonic mil«-* out o' ton n, 1 of sei p Mie bought of u* a b »ttle of I)». mass on that occasion. Ibe T imk force and ihe editoti.il »>inc- was reported a» h iv'*ng died, is »till »live, ¡hem 11 haul in their »binUes. an-1 the Ante ever h im!I <1 n mv 20 years experience, is Wh»n all other rente lies fail, Oregon Kuig's New Discovery f >r consumption and expert«. In < Ti.e eomnany of 30 troops of company B shop Morris wi.l h 4 1 services in the Ebctii - Buteis” Thomamls have adi- but has about recovered at this w iting, we tuni were »¡ike regaled on Tue-dav last b. alihough in a precarious condition. learn. »i and 4^ioa angle or *as so much relieve«! on taking first dose ” K 14th Infuiitrv.undercommand<>f ( ai t. Kidney Tea routes to the front like a true, J. H. Gridin ’ saw-mill, which ha« been Baptist church at Ashland, Sunday, Aug. eawford and Safety H J. S. li ginbotham, one of our wheel­ douiaaaction. merleaa and Taryvc mot Brigs»' »eedling peaches ihat were equal t<> * making a successful run at Gold Hill, G. 8. Carpenter arrived at Medford from faitlifiil friend. For kidney anil urinary that she slept all night and with one bottle 25tb, at 2 o ’ c I ch k r. m .. ano in ih«- Ep s< «> 111.amnions that Electric Bitters d » cure all wrights. tlted last week of corigesri-m of Ft. Klamath l ist Friday and embarked for • troubles, s tell as pa:n in the back, ntri- ha« h en niiraeulotisi}* cured. Her name pal church at Medlord at M o’ch < k r m •mbrotiu. They were the product of the will soon be moved to Sam’s creek. cu >ns ami milky discharges, bri k dust de­ is Mr*. L uber Lutz ’’ Thu« write W. C on the same Sumia. ; also in («rani’s Pa>» di'cai-o» of the hv< r. kidnevs < r blood. the brain after a short illness. He had or< hard of James J. Fryer of Eagle Point, The Modoc county pioneers include all Vancouver on Friday ami Saturday. Oniv a halt dollar a b-'t le at aLirng store’s. been a resident of this i* untyfor a 1 mg ll.niirK k (’o . <»f Mieiny. N C. -li t a on Mo iday, the 26th posit in the urine, I *«» cf appetite, weak who has established the reputation of be­ whocame to that county prior to lHfS. They E. G Hur* h, formerly of Roseburg,who ' it"’« and general debility, Oregon Ki.ln. v tr. e t< ial lx>r 1 r at al dr g s oits. time past, and was bigLIy respected bt ing one of our most successful horticultur­ meet at Lake city October 12tH. next. i* now editor of the Baker citv ‘Blade.’’ Te t has r o cqii**l ft never f **1« and l*e n * all wuo knew him. A wile anl several ists Not alone for size and l>e»utr of color­ Mr. Tm lor aril w ife were nt the county- has r.rcive«! th* :«p:*ointnient of special ' ..f ptlrel-,- veg tall* C.tmposi’ oil d.*i . I.,, children, as will as many friends, mourn .Xot »» California It« ar, ing, but fr i!e|i«acv of flavor is liis fmit se:ton Monday Th» v will purcl nse ti n pen-’« n examiner with a salary of $14 ’ o lv Cun cat« li ae hi this ii <1 «»( per annum and traveling e\pen-»’s. Messrs. Kress A Fischer, the Jackson­ ieaturee of his system is the fa t tbat be It is rumored th it Rev. Esther Noel w I w- a h r. The tr« ub « I n t • et go, like th? The nobbiest an 1 latest styles of hats, Judge Day has b< e:i making a nun b r of ville artists, have been in town since Tues­ nevi r fail." to "remember the p’in'er with o| en a "i h > *1 for >»»•< in thi« * la e dur n * mail who < aught the b ar. Uc advise our I Idris. • I.i'c*. collars, cut!-, scarf pins, improve» ent« about h'« premi-es recently, day painting the M. E. church at this di- io purchase of ih«*u druggist a hot • some of tlw choicest specimens of I . o-bul’on*. etc., in southern Oregon ' tlifc im n tall, which we t:u-t wi 1 prove ft place. The structure will be about the duetion. and bestows hl« favors with a lib­ I repa.ring ami pain'irg bis dwelling, e* It i« 'l-ii -ta'cd tb it tic, tic "t S.nitt Abe toe C liloinia king of ' an ; F-vay* lx* found at the 8. F Variety toll 'forte I I The Rag«dale I arty of picnickers r tu n best church building in southern Oregon ; erality that i" well nigh pr nilgai- Lon,: is n vefti f it“ | rosp ct of having the Ss c o suujpt « ,*( P o t-c-s irom KI tm uh county state shat tli” Sis i r- of S* Joseph about ftcembi r p‘ tl.e taste au ! death to the above oes without saying when the above fiuu having one of the best orchards in the rusticating in the Dead Indian country. pr«»;»erty has 1 it« l.y Ivcndc*- l.t net . Ottr citizen** earne«tl>-hope t!m vim’ I i it*. ><» (1 at on a bottle or three o tbe work. Parties desiring to Imild in Tolu tin* conidia"' county. _____ _ tro.\ ed and mm h «hi:>i.iL.e «I me by tire in 50. Camortiia ('at-R-Cure gives im- spring will be furnished lumber, brick and all'1» mav b** the case. The a Ivaplagt* o' lor H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, has re­ Laf g«*ll valley. Toe confiagr ition is sup- nir.rtced by Hs beaiii.g and penetraiing Many of mir citizens are comt laining <*f Carlson, thoroughly refitting it and mak­ A few copies of the American Settlers’ There are indefinite rumors to the effect 1 the utter disregard of law shown bv the ing many iiiiprovemeiitz. He has supplied The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the nature, (five it a trial. Six months treat­ 40 YEARS’ CHRONIC PAINS. fishermen who continue lo trap Tallin n In Guide, standard authority cn all land that the Southern Pacific railroad will be­ . Oregon »late fair commences at Salem on ment 11.00, sent by mail $1 10. the bar with the finest wines, liquors and matters, mav be found al the T imes office. gin the work of constructing a raiiroed cigars, and a tine billiard table can also be the ue gbborhood of Gohl Hill. SCIATIC RHEUMATISM [ Mordav. September ltith, and continues down Rogue river to Crescent city during found there. Give hint a call for he will standing the fact that the < b»*e season ba« Pioip'es. boils and other humors are lia­ ■ one week. Over $l.5,00u in caslt premiiinis ABVICE TO MOTHKKN. AFTER ff YEARS. treat you well. * been in since Augnet Lit. Ue learn that ble to appear when the l loo-l gets heated. 1»<|O The work surely will not be delayed 1 is i ffcred for sgri ultnr.»I, s o**». dairy nnd many years. the fi«her* Maim that the recent law en To cure them, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, for chil­ The pamphlet issued front the "Mafl' mechanical exhibits, for works ot art amt ItkMB, W T-. a« te 1 f r the preservation of the salmon office by the board of trade of Medfor l has Jalp », 1MV The 13th annual reunion of ihe Pion»i r R. Fri the Evst Portl.m I merchant, fancy work, ami for trials of s 'ed. Rut, dren teething, ii the prescription of one of o» iy pertains t»> the Columbia river and jts Society of-oiithirn Oregon, wid be litldat who bad his foot crushed at Colesiein a id i ning and trait ng race wi 1 t ike p'a finally appeared and is a most creditable tl.e b«-st ieiuale iiur.sey and phy>icir.ns ¡1, Buffered wuy jtmliw — tr’butane* Stich was certainly not the in­ A-inand on Thursday. September 13th. afterwards amputated at Yreka, is still in i each day. Rai rna 1 eompa-i;- will g:-.nt the I nilrd Stat*!*, kd <1 ha?* been used for production, being gotten up in a neat, ar­ iajwry to hip rwwltlng ia tention i f the framer* of thy law. and we forty year* with never-failing Bucees* by tistic style, while the subject matter of tbe I reduced rates for fur.- and freight to and the latter placa undergoing treatment, and rh««mttiMB, mucilar truNi the proper officia*.* will begin pro- 1889. document is well chosen, iteing a fair, con­ niiilioitM of in*. mg the process of teething its value , 8an Francisco. tnkine ci *aluion at ihta season, ehe wc Dead bl l a" c iuntrv ibis week. He says e«»rd» Two boUlM St resources of the valley, calling particular Low Kat«*» <.u E-Wlc Bvouritr. calculable- It relieved the child from pain, let ua "ite the readers of theTlMr a cures dysentery-nd diurrbtva, griping in Call on or addjXM ail! h « h n Leve no Ü4» in Rogue river a’ all. that J. C. Wbipp will rt.urn home this I A party returned from the soda springs , attention to the advantages offered by Oil relhvod no to I on Butte creek l ist Friday, consist »g of f lit'le timrlv advice. Ho* weather is entn- tne bowels, and wind-colic. By giving week. Medford to the hvmeseeker from the East. that X walk aboil VAWTER A WHITMAN, Ten thousand copies ot tbe book will be is­ i Jacksou' ille an < Uadford are connect­ I Tho*. Ross an I wife. Miss Minnie Ross, , ing anri with it colic, cholera ntnrmt« I health to the cliikl it rests the mother. School Land*. ta4 attend to dally 4a- Medford. Orw* 8vhtnidl and wifeand Geo. Schmidt, , entery and diarrmea. Tim omv sa4 wav Pi ice 25c. a buttle. sued and its publication is a most judicious Acting l.ind (Vmmis^mner Stone, in rc- ed bv t>»t'i the Western Union and Pos­ Julius Uuates x heartily is- who have been r i*tirating in that section to combat tbeee diseases ts to keep some measure anl shows Medford's busine»* •l ••n'«* to i’.quiri- * from interested pxrti*’* tal lints. The nites are 2i tents per ten I SeTM ft reliable rente ly at lis'id, ami all who have men to b.- i ossessed ot great foresight for some week*. i t le r »pl rd U e register* and receiver* i » words. tried Chamberlain's t oll,, t h, ]era a,p, Educational Lecturer. job enuu. \ tine fine line lineot Hshpo.'es nas has jus'. just , C. W. r. yl r ami Georg«* Brown o 1*.; gle ' arrh ra Remedy w 1 a 'mit th p it i< ti,.. nt bamboo nsnpnies Or»gon that he had n<»t dwi«le<1, r< port­ Profc—nr .1. S Swe-t, president of the NOTICE C3LIPPL1D CÀUS THX0W AWAY OUTCSZA. ed. that ii'denmitv SC ** ’ «» 1 *<■'<“ t:OU< lllll’t been re< tivrrton i . most prompt, reliable t n«| «•tece-sf* | med ■ A-h and St.iie Normal Sch i**l, wul lecture CÜXXD PEXMAltlVTLT b» uontij.n’u-« He h< ld*. h'»we» er, that Jack onvilie; al o nil kinds of h^hine pl nil in full ¡ loom, h..m seed furnished 1 I cine known for the- • c..mp,a:lif- 1; This powder never varies. A marvel of puri­ a' the i 1 *■■ i* g time« an i piares: Gold » lyl’r. Rive”» from E h Southern p ar:ta- ibnt 25 or 5ii-int-. a. .1 on **• U, they nu»*t be as iKar'y so a* may be. tackle. ty. strength ami whoh-someucss. More econ­ I HAVE THIS DAYGIVEN’MV KON.FILAXK TUTiKoirtALi cttEurtnxT BntrwiD. I«» » >h«'Tt her • tor the ' ,of saving vmi or y*.Hmi'v much s'llTe,*. Hi t. 1 h .isdav , August 22; t'-nlral P.iiid, in-no« — ia< ly adjmniog omical than tar ordinary kin«1s, and cannot be I Hainm.»n«i. his tiin«-. tn «1 . his own dum - Wh»rr th»* land’* ........ - CSBOtne CXStl. BUT CUBXS Jani H () M ar. told a ‘ Record” reporter x ti - »n n The se-«-o»> v ¡n. Frmn>. Au i-i 2.1; Merit .id, .«uturday. sold in competition with th« magnitude ofjow netie and to hold property in his own name, pnd ’ ablv. »• .t the ether *<• 1 < ti- ar»- mr»’int*i,‘' or wh-Te b >11* to traiure « ol '|ing.if not lift- t*.*|- Im! re’the .utunitr - Augii-1 2i. T leur. Mondai. Aii.it-t from awl after tLU date. ibn “ t. h v. l .y is the be*f adapted on tost, short wi lght, uhitu <>r « n\I« .*. r,\ftN <»r oth’T p 1T11»al <»bstael s Sold bi/ and Dealer i Ew j/uhere. greater, ' fruì orchard in the p'ant«* ar** • crrtd'l'l a- tin if ty looking as l.orer. For ' I » »’ t ire Drug Store fa* k- i Aduna 1 >ii free. Lecune lo Ligia az 4 r. M. E. HAXXVNP. Boy al Baking Powtfer Co., e^rtli f'>r the 1 4 ♦ 1 -o ‘t lcc»i««»'< m »v be made from the ¡In their native habitat. , in thHir i’M I lonTii*« and Englu Bros., Fhoeui*. ' THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. 8*ftlW«H. M< S|>UT:nBr