X rtuotraticSimci (The fkiuííívaiií ïimes ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK I Published every Thur* la y by the TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y CUM. JIXCKKLL. Editor. NEW TIMES BUILDING Office—Corner Third and C Htreeta. Rafe* of Subscription : 1 M MX lllolttlw •• ** three month*................................. JACKSON VILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1889 VOL. XIX. (hie copy |M*r annum, in advance ............ $2 'A NO. 31 Advert leemvnte will be inserted in the T imes at the following rati-*: Ten il nee, one insert Inn ...................... $2 <*» 2 ’’ each fubsequeni insertion.. . 75 toir"I/egaladv<*rtie*-mentM!nsert4ER OF J. S. CATCHING'. < 1IIEF JUSTICE FULLER. In the circuniHlances given of the kill­ The Chief Justice of the United States ing of J. 8. Catching by LewiB Puckett live» on a beautiful knoll in the nuburhs ATTORNEY AND COCNSKLOR AT LAW, at Canyonville last Thursday we have a oi Washington, writes M. D. in July Further Great Cures of Skin sickening and fearful illustration of the IIJu*« Ice. Hig elegant home called tZrant’a >*«««, Orejea. Everybody Should Go and See I he Diseases by the Cuticura vicious propensities of human nature “Belmont,” with turrets and spires, Office in Ahira building. Front Mr,*et. fed by self-indulgence and uncontrolled built of rough light-colored stone, is on­ Remedies. by fear of consequences. Two men, ly a few roils from the Fourteenth-street P. P. PRIM, Roy one y>ar and a half old. Fare and l»ody in friends and having intimate business re­ car line that leads to the White House — AT — a terrible condition. l>eing covered with *ore*. ATTORNEY AND COl’NSELOR AT LAW. lations, a hasty word, a lie that passed, and capitol. As I was hurriedly passing OF NEW SUMMER Snlphur »prings rail. Cured hy the < uticura Remedies. and nothing but human life will satisfy his _________ ________ z in ___ ______ „ ____ home z yesterday the , pouring rain fl the demoniacal temper of the other. If I saw three little girls all in a flutter of I have lived y our ('uticura Roinediee in two Will nracticr in all court* of th«’ State. Office Latest Colors in Wool Fabries, the value which is given to property haste and excitement—wrapped in gos- where it proved to l»e Nuec»*^ful. The LHlVV.j VVt in the Court Hou.*<*. third door to left of en­ find wan in the chmc of a boy a year and a half and the cheapness with which human | earners, with school bags tucked away trance. old. Hi* face and lM*jy were in a terrible con­ life is regarded is an evidence of pro­ I out of the wet—running to catch the car. dition, the former being CQiupIf-tely coverwl DEALERS IN with KoruM. I took bin. to tiie MaMhuna Sul­ gress and advanced civilization, then j Just behind them walked a scholarly- J. R. NEIL, phur Spring*, but lie did not improve any. J are we fast becoming so highly and fine­ ! looking, gray-haired gentleman with a ATTORNEY AND COFN>ELOR AT LAW. tix'ii advised to try ('uticura Renxdie»», ly civilized that we differ from the bar­ ! most kindly, sunny face shin ingout from which I did. He took one and one.balf botth*« «JarlraoMrilfe« Or. of ( uticura Reffolvent, when hi* *k!n was hh barian of the middle ages. Puckett is a ' under the umbrella. fftnooth uh could be. mid is to-dMV. I uM«i the wealthy man and runs a grist mill at BOOTS and SHOES. “Oh, papa; papa! do hurry up ;you're Will practice In «Il emiri» of the State. Office (’uticura on his «ore* and the ('uticura Soap 330TS anà SHOES, Cachcmire, Biege, Sicilian Suitings, 40c to 65c per y P hm ’. uc »’ beiixlit and *old; HlwoWiMd l’uckett picked up a long piece of iron belied an ol 1 colored woman with a huge >Iid«>, Fura and D« vr bkina. Solicit order« for I have been afflicted since last March with a G.M MUI. OrsgoH. hichest market price set in a wooden handle. At one end of basket of clothes to place it beside him ; skin disease the doctor* called Eczema. My Lumber. _ We altio carry in etock face was covered with scabs and sores, and MAX MULLER, Will atlcii'l to all buHincHS In my line with it there was an iron hook. Armed and when the “transfers” were given for aUoW.-d for smile. Cull and »'*e for younel ve» the itching anti bunting were almost unbenra- pronipInvHS ami At rcaaoimble rates. JACOBY BKO8. with this weapon, he attacked Catching Pennsylvania avenue and the little faru- Culi forni« Stre< t. Juek.sonvilh’, Or ivrTmv’R 2A.PJ33 DOY’S CLOTHING, b’e. Seeing your ('uticura Remedies so highh and felled hint with a blow on the side ! ily “changed car»” a murmur of inquiry recommcndetl, concluded to give them a trial, WM. M. COLVIC, using the (’uticura and ( uticura Soap ex­ of the head. Catching attempted to rise j and pleasure swept over the faces of ternally, ami Resolvent internally for four Boots, Shues, Hats, Furnishing (lumi-, Trunks. Satchels, \ alises, etc. and Puckett raised the weapon. ATTORNEY AND col NSELOR AT LAW. those left. “Who was that gentleman? month*. 1 call myself cured, in gratitude for “For God's sake don’t strike him Do you know him T” which 1 make this public statement. «/ark’fOMrilie, Oregon. again!’’ cried an old man named J. M r *. C lara a . F rederick . The conductor walked through, very AT CENTRAL POINT, Will practice in all the courts »»t the state. Castro, who was a witnesstottie assault. straight, and looked very promt as he Broad Brot»k. Conn. Hr.'*»’uiitIng Attorney for First Judicial Puckett paid no attention to what Mr. said: “That man was Chief Justice District, tube«* tn Court-house. UiMkura Remedies Castro sai l, but brought the weapon Fuller, and lie ri-lcs on mv car every day. Cure every specie* of agonizing, humiliating, down upon Catching's head, driving tiie We like him. We like him and all his itching, burning, scaly and pimply diseases of J. N. PHILLIPS, sharp point of the hook into the brain. family They ain’t a bit proud nor stuck th«-skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, and all humors, blotch»*, » ruptlon*. son**, ATTORNEY AND COt'X’SELOlt AT LAW. Catching lav in a pxil of blood for I up, and they know good manners from scale* and cru*ts. whether simple, *cr»»fulou* in large quantities and can give «peeial indiwetnents to inteinling Mr. Chief some time. Shortly after the fatal blow I shoddy onea every time. or contagious, wncii physician* and all other Ashland. Oregon. was given Puckett was seen in company Justice talks to us conductors just as remedies fail. buyers. Sold everywhere. Price, ('uticura. .’A ; R»*- with several other men looking at Catch­ ' kind and good as lie does to the Will exchange for farm prothiets, allowing liighent n arket solvcnt. $1 ; Soap. 25»-. I’r« parli«>n ami ull OILS OF ALL KINDS, impossible to decide the matter accu­ oth»*r bunine««r» entruatoi to n»e. will receive mountains. When last seen he was go­ rately. it is generally believed that 400 prompt attention. Loans negotiat'd. ing up Umpqua river towards them. -I- ar — cubic feet in a large.bay taking it right OtM< e on corner, oppoaite the Court -Houae. He first went to II. Wallenberg A Bro’s through, or 500 on a iong, wide, deep store at Canyonville and drew money. scaffold will represent a ton. nays a con­ O. ff. DEMOREST, At Thomas' livery stable he got two tributor to Pionr.r I‘rtx. When the hay KNIGHT <»N RAILROADS. Cun* Begin- t'nnu FliM Appliration.fiii life P H Y S 1 C I A N AND S (’ R G E <» N. hut a longdrawn breath of mi*»’iy an»l dtaeftse. lies in the diversity of its resources. That train leaving California is crowded to its giass is allowed to stand until nearly Lowest Ruling Prices. dulling th* *en«<* of bearing, trammelling the is what made California a great state, and utmost capacity, and th** r.iilr»id com­ ripe before cutting, it will occupy nearly J«rks«*viHe, Oregon. power of Rperch. dcNtrojIng tlx* faculty of the -ame unerring law of natnre will pre­ AT BONANZA. if not quite 25 per cent, more bulk, es­ Give in»* a viill before going rlscw her«*. smell, tainting tlx* l»r»*ath*. ami killing the re- vail in the development of thia *tate. lhe pany is seriously ccn.-i ivr.ug the ques­ Offler and r»wid«ncc on Calif-»rnia Street. I t . Mil Rih \\. tion of putting another train on the route. pecially on a scaffold, than theeariv cut, tinod pleasure* of taste. Immliously. hj creep­ i alls atten !•*! promptly day or night. lime will come, and within five years too, ing oil from a simple cold in the li<*ad. It as- These t>eople are not only resident« of and require about that many more cubic Hiilt* the memliramaiM lining ami envelop* when this country will be networked with feet for a ton. Coarse hay, as timothy R. PRYCE, M. D., the bones, f ating through tlx* delicate <*oats railroads, piriiculdily the southern por­ California who have disposed of their and causing Intlammation, sloughing, ami tion • t the state, and tlmnsands nf men property there and are moving to the and clover, will not weigh as heavy.bulk STEAMER SAILING DATES PHYSICIAN AND S l’ R G E O N. other ilangerous “\ niptouis. Nothing-bort ol aftorded employment in the fore’-ta end north, where as good and cheaper Ian 1» for bulk, as that which is fine like com­ FBOM RAN FHAKf'IHCO: HIOM TKyriNA: total eradication will secure health to th»’ mines of that eve:i*m now lying dormant. . Jiotli. M»’llford. Oregoa. can be secured, I,ut also people from the mon prairio or wild hay. It H much .U Iwillainett» Valley, Tuc-aday. July Willamette Valles, Saturday. August patient, aixl all allcviafivc* are simplx t>r<»- 1 *t h. 13th’ ” ” Thursday, Aug ” ” ’ Tuesday. » rastinated sutTvilng*. Sunford’* Rmlicnl 1 am satisfied that the period referred to east who have been induced to go to more satisfactory to both buyer and sell­ [ n. OATMAN. SUCCESSOR TO J. O. HAM . 1st n otnrei» William«» Briek Buihiing. up-Mair». •• •• Sunday. ” . •• ” Thursday, J» ak“rACo. of Bonunza. Klamath county. Or., <'ure. by inhalation am! by interna! adminis­ will witness the building of a railroad from California, only to fin.l how badly, in er to weigh the hay when |>ossible. Iu .27th :jlst “ ’* Tuesday. “ •• “ Saturday. tration. rarely fails; » x»*n when the disca.*»-has Crex » nt city to some vsiley point, possibly some respects, the country ha 1 i«*en estimating by measurement, multiply has purchased ir iarise and first-clam» Mock of ANDERSON CREEK, < M»»\ on sale, go<»d every Wednesday and Saturday from Albany, Corvallis ami ly advanced the price of lands to a figure I in a ton. Santcnl b Rmlical Cure f<»r Catarrh I>o you know anything of the rumored that is unreasonable, and which the ('alia alivn x of Catarrhal Solvent, and on»- lmpro\<-»l exi< n-ion of tiie >. n Frant iscu A North TUB M IN .. KIBElt ........................ .......... A B uave B oa .—R. Koehler, manager, C. C. HOGUE, C. H. HASWELL I announcing fliMt his st» am saw-mill is now Inhaler, neat!) wnipp»-»! in »an* nai-kage. with i’at ¡iic railroad from Ukiah to Crescent quality of land will not justify. Conse­ DR. S. DANIELSON, (ion I F. A 1*. Ag t, U i‘. K. it. ( »», Gen’l F. A I’. Ag’t, Oregon ih*v.*l<»p:nent < <»., Groceries. Hardware punning on lull time and turning out a large quently people of moderate means can­ in behalf of the S. P. Co., has presented Corv till?, Oregon. »luantity ••! Iumb-T. lit is prepand to till nil fid! dir«’etit.n-:: priee, $l.W. Sold everywhere. Ci tv ? was asked. 3 I Montgomery St.. Hnn FmociHco, Cal. PhyidoMNUml No, I can t say that _ 1 do. ........ but . I am — well ----- not affoid to purchase, and this fa< t pre­ i a nice silver Catch to llu«sell Coleman, • •rt’» rs with dispatch, and at th» most reasona­ POTTEH !>«(<; «V (HEMKAL CflHrnR ATION. and everythin« generally to be found in a fir*t- fiiquainted with Mr. Mervm Dmahue, lhe vents wealthy people from leaving for , the boy who brought in word to the de- ble rates. A tine quality of B oston . M (RH. PHYSICIAN ANDPl’KOE O N. <-la*«Country Store. principal owner of that system, and from the purpose of si»ecul.ition. Tiie price i pot of the burning bridge near Salem, J AH. MOUTON. Manager ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, Bonanza, April Id 1S88. my knowledge of hnn as a tinancer, as that is asked for land in Oregon is rea­ July 29lh. Coleman is a grandson of Nr.lfonl, Orfgon. well a> a thorough knowledge of the won­ sonable. and in some instances is aston- an<1 weak- DEALERS IN S V"Sati*f*A*tion guaranteed. netme* reUev*«d in oue minute by th»* would pa.-*. I have no hesitancy in sav­ igratiun, and will cunliuue to do so, un­ an appropriate letter ti*>m Mr. Koahler. S. S. >MITH. A. C. CALDWELL, Cntlrura Anti*rain Plaster, the firnt ing that the rumor is liable to be sop- less the property owners of the state re­ The inscription in as follows; “Present­ and only pain-killing planter. X» w. inetan- planted at any time by a fact. MECHANICAL AND OPERATI VE DENTIST. Have you ever heard of overtures being fuse to profit by the exfatrience of Cali­ ed to Kasaell Coleman by the Southern tnnemiR. infallible. Priev, 25<’entR. made lor the purchase of that system by fornia, and demand outrageously high Pacific railroad company, in apprecia­ JACKSONVILLE A»hhtntl, Oregon. the Oregon Short Line and Cnion Pacific?'’ prices for their lands. This we do not tion of his services in notifying the com­ Yes. I haze beard that, and also that believe will be the case in d'lregon, pany of the burning of bridge No. 148, Nitrou* 4? w -i the Cniun Pacific has made a survey from although land will continue to increase on July 2*.», 1886.” Gen. Miller tell? a ItWM » YtTHCt loll of tr«’th. Offii’e uv» r tb<- .Vhlmiii Hank. Huntington to a coast point in the vicinity in value, for in many eases it is actually portion ot the boy’s action not before re­ of <'rescent city, but whether there is any « -, <•’ í tl worth double and treble the price asked. lated, says the S'llcni .Statciniax. Be­ E. P. CEARY, M. D.« truth in ¡tor not. 1 am unable to say.” Arc you personally acquainted with the Oregon offers inducements that are with­ fore going to the depot he went to his o cured by P H T S I C I A N AMD » f K G E O N. JACKSONVILLE, OR. country in the vicinity of Crescent in the reach of every industrious person. grandfather and asked for some kind of ot Ayer’s coast uiiy " Homes can be provided for thousands cloth with which to flag any approach­ Mpiifor»!. Orriron. ing train. Gen. Miller had nothing of “Yes. I know evciy fool of it, and a more. We keep ( .nTai.tly on li ami a Complete ami Well Selected As ­ Offire in Hamlin** Block. Keauhnue on C wonderful country it is too. I spent my the kind handy except a bandanna hand­ •athr. a;,.I str4«'t. HE FNDEKSIGNF.D HAVE FoltMED A sortment ot bo>ii»»od ’ay* in Humboldt, one of the kerchief with which he liel|>ed to nom­ copartnership with an authorized capital of < »pilot s Coxr.Miisuxs.— Benjamin Hai- adjoining counties, going there in 1853, at inate Thurman at St. Ixinis and this lie J.V>,f»«<. for the purpooeot carrying«» a Gener­ rison. in his letter of acceptance, Sep­ E. B. PICKEL, M. D., thu a-e of two years, ami remaining there al Banking Busineae inali of ir» I,ranche« in gave to the boy. The lad tore the ban­ until 1>78. 1 am thoroughly conversant tember 11, 1888, said. "We believe it (¡enera! Contractor in .lai k«onvilh*. Oregon. Office at the old «tumi F II Y « I <• 1 A N AND S r H G E O N. with the great milling and mining possi­ to be one of the worthy objects of tariff; danna in two and set a flag up at each of B.*. kman » Baukina House, ». E.corncrCal- bilities of Mendocino, Humboldt and Del legislation to preseive tiie American I ; end of the bridge, and now the general .fornla and mini Mreet«.. c BEEKM AN Medford, Oregon. says “if that handkerchief never did any Norte counties in California, and through THOS. G. HEA.'IES. them, with the possibilities of Jackson, market for the American prodacern. and i good before, it did that time.” ( all* promptly Attended to Day or Night. to maintain the American scale of wages Oflie» till II street. Josephine. Curry, Coos and Douglas coun­ ties in Oiegon. and that b why I take -uoh by adequate discriminating duties upon A T kcthfci . M ax .—Hon. David Davie DR. L. WICCIN, a hopeful view of the future of southern foreign competing products. Les» work tells the frozen truth when he says: Oregon. ” and lower wages must be accepted as the \ E T E K I X A R y HERO EO N. “Each year every local paper gives from inevitable result of the increased ofler- »DIO to »5000 in free lines for the benefit JI »or phi nr C«.. Or. Keep* the largest stock of ings of foreign goods in our markets. ” HE TOOK IDE WKONG MEDICINE, of the community in which it is located. A» if to furnish the most striking com ­ a few mile* went of oAre and Robert Stewart of Tetaluma recently had a mentary possible on the hypocritical na­ No other agency can or will do this. The Gnint's Pa.MM. local editor, in proportion to hie means, queer cxperlcnc»'. II« writes: B»-»r of ruf« r» n<’u given und Ratinfactlon ture of these assertion», it fell out that does more for his town than any other "Carbuncles nn ! boils afflicted rny face and guarantee«!. on the very day General Harrison rode —and— neck for we< k«. F.nally J procured a bottle of ten men and in all fairness, man witli one of the 1 adinp sarbtparinss. To my sur­ through Pennsylvania on hi« way to hi» man, l:e ought to be snpjiorted, not be­ DR. W. STANFIELD, inauguration, four large manufacturing VINES AND SHBUBBEBÎ prise it made nr tters woise. This made me cause yon haiqien to like hnn or to ad­ K I. F. IT I <’ P II Y SIC I A N. lose faith iu s TsapTr:'. is, but seeing a state­ concern» in that state posted notice» of a mire his writings, but because a local reduction of wage«. Since that time re ­ on the north wt *t coast. ment that Joy's Ve o >t..b c SirFaparil ’ a dried up II.« l.«*nt.*«l In Ashland. Or., fur »be practice And lm|H>rt»-r of pa|>er is the beet investment a man can boils »«nd face crop iustcad of foTciugmore ductions, shut downs, strikes and fail­ make. It may not be brilliant or crowd­ -.1 h.. |>r"ft — lull Mak'« «II chronic ill«.*a».*«. -u' h a- Hbt*iimati»in, Asthma. Pile«. Kidney out as the potanh s - parillaa d \ 1 bought a ures have followed in quick succession, ed with thoughts, but financially it is « "lupi.uni-, eie., a spiflalty. botile. The eflet. ’>» -••* astonishing. The car­ leaving thousand» of workingmen to in­ buncles and boil* be. an to dry up, and in two quire what benefit the Republican policy more of a benefit to a community than a weeks my face nat os well and fhwoth as ever. of unneceessary duties upon article» oj,- preacher or a teacher. U nderstand us PRICES J. H. BENNETT, M. 0., I now, we do not mean morally or intellec­ MEDFORD, ORECON. My brother also took a bottle with the same daily consumption has been tn them. .1 * ! . « Apple Tree* < f 5to $10 p<*r 100 tually hut Qnanciallv ; and as to the mo­ bejiefit, R obert E tewaxt , r Il Y MCI AN AN 1» st KG EON, Peach ” *? *.* J2 o ». ral question you will find the majority oi “retaluma. Cat” Plurn an«l Prune Tree« " FCI.L LINE OF THE BEST AND MOST A Rtcn F ind .—Says the Coquille city local papers are on the right side of the [Explanatory Note —The mineral iodide of 11 Other Ireland ahrubbery furnished reasona­ __ fashionable cloths, finishing**, »*tc.. con­ brant* Pa**. Oregon. potash, which is the basis of nearly all other Ilrrald: The greatest excitement pre­ nioial question. To-day the editors of r > I < bly. stantly kept un hand, nothing but first- Send for ( Htaloinie to i sarsaparilla*, att .cks the blool direct, hence vails at Sucker creek on upper Johnson local papers do most the work for the least claws work turn<*d out. Offi,*,*wt priwni nt th«* Baxlry Hotel. J. H. SETTLEMIER, Woo«lburn, Or. i All order« filled promptly at reasonable forces impurit;«'- through the akfn, creating creek. The Divilbiss boys have just fin­ money of any men on earth. Subscribe rate« and satisfaction guarantueti. more boils au 1 piiup'.es. Joy's Vegetable Sar- ished up an analysis of the ledge lately for your local pai>er, uoLas a charity but W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., A. GARRICK. hi aapArilla acts oppos.tely. Its vegetable altera­ discovered by them,and it showsnp from as an investment.” 1887 1857 Medford. May 13, 1JW. PHY-K IAN. SEKGEON k ACCOfCHEfR, tives stimulate the v&iom secretive organa and »40 to »569.75 per ton in a ledge 50 feet No chili after th»’ first dose. P»*rfe<*t!y safe for younjr or old. G<> when* you please And » at and drink what you please. thus eliminate all impurities through th« nat­ deep and exposed for over 1000 feet. J ark «o* v ill*. Orffgo*. if I A B ig C itv .—By recent annexations ural channels, hsne« dries up pimples snd skin Manufacturer of u. eruptions at once. Th« above testimonial is s The roek grows gradually richer from the of territory the city of Chicago liae in­ l*r,'r>*««i<>iuU calls promptly ntt.*nd«*d to day or top. At the liottom is one foot of sul­ creased iu area more than four-fold. The B B DIARRHŒA ELIXIR. night. . _ ease in point] < ■ >n*ultation* in either English or German. phates that is sup|>osed to run up in the former area waa thirty-nine tqtiare ( Hht • anti residence on California street, cor­ IN — Cur.*« troll) till* llaht to till* worst forni of Chronic Dlurrh.va. Brooks kei ps it. Safe and sure thousands, though they are not prepared miles; the present area is 175 »quare ner of Fifth «treet. ’ Religious News. to make an analysis in sulphates. A nnles. The city now has a total length Dealer In Liberal Sunday-school am! Bible class rich vein of galena ore underlies the from north to south of twenty-four meets every Sunday at 11 o’clock a . u. at hanging wall assaying »250 in silver. miles; its greatest width is ten miles, the F. M. L. Hal! Talent hese lots are so » i « o feet and abe The whole is underlaid with i “ —»•■—•• and Its least width is »even mites. Tiie porphyry the Choieost Keeidcuce IjOts in Ashland. ll<*v. E. Wood will hold » basket meet- and the top is slate. Jas. Aiken lia» next largest American city in ar -a ia A full line in stock of inR at the Devenger school-house in I able just returned from there and says it is Philadelphia, which contains 129«, square GENF.KAL Bl ILDIN’G MATEKIAL. Kock precinct on tiie third holiday in the richest find he ever saw. miles. New Y'ork city haw 41L. and August, and there will also be preaching at Brooklyn 26*^ square miles. London EstimateH and price-list sent on application. Antioch school-house in lhe evening of the s Look at the*« lots before purchasing oleewhere ’f OCAL... IM has 140 square miles. Other Euro)>ean VnMble Advfee. -anie day. This will end the conference (01 NTKY ORDEKS A SPECIALTY. and remember they are aitunted on Main street rnrr^nro by year. He will not j,reach but once this within 500 yards of the New Depot Hotel now be Fnrmers, orchar«li»t« and fruit-grower«, cities have comparatively small areas of Pact cry at W< ldhr> Mill. Hnhsr«»oui8 cor K built. Enquire»»! t . J. C. Ay?-' Co., Lowell, Mas». month, on account of ill health. Thin! and E Mrert». Portland. Oregou. protect yourselves from insect by territory. It is «uppo«ed that Chicago's F MINER. Auhland House population lias been increased bv the re­ . . '5 ■ os*e-se?. A tages leave J acksonville every F ireman ' s Tot bnaxext .—The North­ ond and fourth Sundays in the Baptist fud line of redp»*:« for spra\ing compounds M<»mla\ ami Friday’ at »5 o’clock a . m . for Wil1""* lasting three days. It will la> the great- Every child and ndulc greatly benefftted. I warrant all mv ire. «. If »’pZ'XmOak. n at CHAS. E. WOLVEHTCN, Presidimi. J. R. WRITSMAN, Vicr-Prwid-n <. .-at ln.lu. eni.ot« to Oorrwpoodenee Ol«»we. Of those cosmetics whiebgive tothe face a cst event in the history of the as»'*..a Ttrni-of pax m»*nt <*aav. 1 tmhx » tnk ri a Pri. '* “f •■’•XV johnson : p, ,.n«<*tn with opinion« of Dr. Wm. A. Hnm- ghastly (vea. ghostly) whiteness. Such Forest (¡rove Poultry Yards. lion, else the following list of very large J. K. ELD ER KIN, Sec. and Managet I. th. w..rl.l-fMi«d Bt-wu.lu.1 in J. W. CUSICK, Tourer . Off ASHLAND, OR., preparations contain lead or aoma other Wyandottes. Plymouth Kocks. prizes is no indication. Jacksonville. Oregon. Aug, i. D**1-_________ (’or. Front and Morrison Sts. equally injurious and dangerous sub­ Light Brahma*. Wet test—First prize, 11000. second. stances, the use of which, if long contin­ Rose and Single Comb Brow n l^*ghoi rns. PORTLAND • - • ORECON »800, third, »100. ued will, besides giving the skin axougb White Legh<»rn«. PARKER’S I Dry test—First prize, »400, •ecaiid. and leathery appearance, ultimately pro­ White Wyamhdte*. V New tlre-proot Brick. First-claw In V*' vrepHrt’ui»li< »»r private Patti««« BulD, Picuic«. Ac « ment is no “bug a-boo,” but facts, well- Speed race—First prize, »S50; secund, A '** |1B>T KHEED8. l’rvD»« >U-3 a luxuriant growth. *’ ni mint on (I» m »*<»ai»t. .. DR. JORDAN’S known to chemists and physicians, based My fowls AMEKK ! THOS. GUINEAN, Propri.tor. Never feile to RaMgre Gray have no superiors Have won »100; third, »50. Kll tliH t. «w pwf>ttlAr miwic i» pl*y«d by toi« on the well-known physiological effect» of Hair to it» Yoathrvi Color. the highest honor* at all exhibitions for the Association championship race—Fir-t OrrhHHtr*. _ . . JWTIi'* Esmond R<*«i«uruiit Is iin«urpiuwi*d r»ntM’idpd!MMW8and hair tailing such substances whose presence in prepar­ past eleven year*. Having »*mploy*d a !»»rg* Bumb*r of prize, »500; second, »200; third, »100. fir- nt PnyyiirtA n every particular. ation» fur the complexion are indicated by • «-•• Mbl» t»» furnieh any number of nana». 751 Market St., ban Fruncico. Eggs, per sitting. |3; two sittings. |5. Hook and ladder race—First prize, Viy iDMtrumffntA or acaller farniahed toother Go and learn how to avoid al iw 'rk in In« line in the be«t manner Madame Guigon. given m every instance They now have on your reader* who have consumption if call and eettle at their earliest convenience. Our Fhakof and Shingles. NEWLY FURNISHED. and at r«a«MM»ble price*. ?c,1L-MrF hand the chobest lot of 250.00hfruit tre* s. they will send me th« if exprees aud pOat- bnam.MmuMb.clo.ffil. pRYCK40EAM Bet: ectfu ly, i A supply of the best shakes and wh ngles all of t'andird varietic» ready for fall de­ «•tfice address. A »cod mw pl* room for commercial travel FROM PARIS. PROP. ab been fitted u^ in connection with the hotel. M*dford. May 12.1W. ▲. 5 l 0 ctx . M D. ha? fa&t teen race] edved at thb Jfttxê office, livery. Write for terms. And all of T1" ' - I. s IGXFDIUVF TAKEN CHARGE 1SJ Feaxl £:roct. N’tw Yoik. wh ch wi.l be soli 'did In «frantiti^ to edit at t * c k ’byrm'. old stand in Wald». J<*e- I reasonable rate?. ITas an entirely new method for washing .................................. - • with ...i- •' tj. tn«l will k»**»p it stocked the T&r« sod Glassware. - «. oviranNS KNOWING THEMSELVTS fine vmbroidert»*s, Ince curtains. fring»e. Settle Up Notte». ■•f Win..«, L diuohi . and Cigar*. Given« a -A"'/’¿«rk«Xn'.»nre her«", no!',' muslin.«, Ince« (white and black*, all kinds of The undersignrd ha« a large »««ortnient A. All those indebted lo th» undesigned W*» will trnat v«»u w®ll. Pont» For Sale. I woolens, woolens. ladies ladira ’ Hann« ttann. is I- and hih I other wenr- w«r- ( ‘ attlebrancled I> and murkedcr, parol atjuarr of Mason’» and P* rh-cti' n fruit jar«, half either l>y note or book acc.iitt ere hereby HOWELL A YABBBOUGH. I Ing appart 1; also g» nt’s clothe»« cleaned and re- underbit in loft ear and underelvpe in right: AT EIGHT PERCENT PER ANN IM. FOR I Two hundred fine, lafge cedar po.*t* can gsdon and pint measure, also jelly gla-ses, notified to call an*l settle fvr'liwi'h.as 1 am particulars enquire of I pa trod ou short notify. Luce » iirtalD eje^n- tl,roo-yar-ol'la and npwarda have the point of ng out my business and must have ng bt born eawrti off. Range op Applegate. f< on HjAfn Phlladefahl« UNRIVALED GOODS! gukraxS*'ifItT’ Att y fur Estate. J. N vsaf , Jacksonville. j office at once. money. N. fuBXk. abrasa branded X> on right bip. at th»» !<♦•»-paper A»jvi r- MORRIS M. HARKNESS, I’ow is Your Timo to Get t ? GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION V > « LT It 1 BEST IN THE WORLD. BARGAINS!! SSBD ! ! Cl 1 CROCODILE GREEN, RESIDA, CEN D’ARME BLUE, TAH, LEAD, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS CLOTHING HATS CAPS CRAHUT, TERRA COTTA ETC. FURNISHING GOODS. HATS: Hardware. Tinware Crockery, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. CJlienp lor I THE PLACE HMUnVXRE AND TINWARE DOT BLACKSMITHING JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS HARDWARE, THE BEST STYLE PAINTS, 0. CRONEMILLER & SONS, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES ÎÎ2.hanic3' Tools, YAQUINA BAY ROUTE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Sanford’s Radical Cure For Catarrh. 41ioi*l I. in.* to Citi Mon fin FREICHTS & FARES THE LOWEST. STEJ J1J k S S. SMITH, Prop’r INLOW & ASHPOLE, BEEKMAN & REAMES’ BANKING HOUSE, Successors to C. C. Bcckman:s Bank, WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS General Merchandise MARBLE WORKS! L’oss toililM OREGON EAGLE POINT ßüinii J. C. WHIPP. OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., T HiBBLE. STONE OH SBASITE WOODBURN NURSERY Fruit, Sbatte Ornamental and Nut Trees CLOTHING, HARDWARE, DRUCS, MEDICINES, ETC. Cemetery Work a Specialty. MOST REASONABLE RATES A CARRICK, Merchant rriiiloi- NO APHIS ORLICE ONTREES LOOK OUT FOR A Ih-ooks Keeps It, Jaeksonvilhi, Or J. C. CARSON, Sash. Doors, Blinds WINDOW AND PLATE GUSS ENGEL Cenerai Merchandise DRUGGISTS, PHOENIX, FRUIT TREES MINER’S ADDITION TO ASHLAND Saw Logs. Saw Logs. T Will be Sold for $200; Easy Payments. SUGAR PINE, FIR AND YELLOW PINE, OREGON. JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY MRS. JANE REDDING. Proprietress. S FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, Sarsaparilla, I DISCOVERY. Pass-wers taken at Reasonable Rates. CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA ESMOND HOTEL, Late of California, It'lliilliS Company, CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. CASH PAID up . $00,000.00 ALlkVNY. OTLEGOIST. WM. ULRICH, District Agent. - - MtDFORD. OREGON. MINER’S EXCHANGE, Museum of Anatomy CENTRAL HOUSE, Ashland, Oregon. TIIE BOSS BOOTS ! Settle Up. N. S. DREW. A«» IM r of Ji, uor uuUxwrUcd ageUU 1 AahUnd. 0c..Oct. L W. $100,000 TO LOAN Hay-413(414 per ton. Hops—Quote lOdlTcper pound. 22\i,c perdaz. Potatoes—Ntw $ 1 10 per nundred; Lard—Kegs, or gallon tin* (»,>¿(410’¿c |«*r 11, Oats—Market improving. Quote .38(«n. Hop« Quotalions range from Plait'*. Wm.1—Humboldt and Mendocino. 22c; » a «tern Oregon. 13(