MISCELLANEOUS GENEKÄL N0TE8 AND NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. •ÍF1BI.U PAPÍí FJS JUMS IN COUNTY __. THUKSUAY... ... ■ ■ 1 . Al G US r 15, 1M9. TO ADVERTISERS i A tannery is to be established at Cres­ cent City. • •The assessment roll for I)«-l Norte county this jour foots up to $1,924,501. **The chamber of deputies at Brussels, voted »2,000,000 for the new Congo rail­ way. The total amount of insmanee at Spo­ The TIM ICS !••• a elrcMlatlon of 2300 kane held by companies which report tu« Imrgwwl eujuycd by any nrwapnper to Portland umounts to $573,»350. published borweeo Porllaud »ud Red Hiutr,t'nl. a dlwtmiace ot OOO mile*. It ______ loss by _ _____ Spokane r___________ ______ The the fire ____ is now es- therefore olfer* the be*€ inducomeui* ti mated at not less than $10,000,000, With HEALTH .’>»*2 «..ri I « «on i r. d . ï««i ■ lor «I II •ed H« alp, an.I m di«ea«K> kn wn a.» I) p r UwHl« il Ralvam No. 4 V» Ill« htotUv <• n f ' ;» ■ Ile Rh» u Cur *• *»1.. rr, • I’-.;»«*, ¡‘ a !>« in th-j nuitiau>. I'Ain-* i'i t ■»«tot. kuk U ü * N *»k. li. rated So.-«- Thrv .t, Ry ph .4 c l’a«! !i, Liitn;'-* *.;»! con a of »lie I .iub*. as ! traced < «J» « s>: in lh>-* the ty«» i » rviiciu* «•”« *- •••* «’ hem inflen r abu whether cau-el . f >(■ un, I ng the b: am ! pure anal |..»**l . I’rJrw *'» «KJ pei* I ottlr. t,»« K ichau'd Gohlen s»»enhh An J- •loin f r î o tir of ikmorrhtrx, bl«**. Irr.t Di- n Biava I, a.n l all I‘r.iivv or U«. t.J d •ar-aj.gfinvnts I’rhr $ 3 ."»O per Bott Io. I.e Kirhau’4 Cohien Spanish Kit- jwrtlnn, f rn- v.ie lao * per Buttle. ].e lllchnu'« G,»ltlrrt Ontinrnf f >r t! <» e'.T clive healing« t Hvphibtie s»*r» «, -. tv ! . re n« PriceSl O |M-r Bo-.« ,*c I X« » v i »»♦•, •. a ver .1 here, U. o. P., «r* irwfy packed k r expveaa < .. ItllHlHIIMJL CO. . Atf.nts 4. ;. M » "3 S im »*■¡nt» Btr* « t, « orner 1 laj, Sau Fnncfctc*'. t'ai. «laCVLAR MAI!.LU FR KM* THE STATE Agricultural to Advertiser*. Our lint in prlairipnlly routine«! to Jarkvou, Josephine »»aid Klaasitlh roiinlir». Bnsluean nieu should take note of this. It take« the p’.ace of a doctor and i*re- FOR WHOSt *cri|»i ion*, •\llwlioliad ». ihntury hvv* u . rimi BENEFIT It the I m - n Î prevent » v«i of and cu’-e for Indite-.t ion, Constipation, iiea«l .»rhe. llilionsnr»». Pile« and .Mrn».»l l»«*|»rv«4i<»ii. No loss of t line, no inter i. i » n< »• with busines* while taking. F««i children if ia most in­ n««rqt aiiff harmli^s. No danger from exposure after taking, i'urra Colic, l>i- arrlio'a, lk»w«*l I...,.» ■ < « omplniait*. Feverish- ....... C -Id*, ... . Invalid* and ne»« an«4 Erverish delirate jm r-ons will " ** find “ I It the inihiest Al»« riMlt and Tonic Toi,i<-lh. AiH-ri4kt Hi« y \ can ea u»«- A little taaen al night !n*ui r«-fi« «hing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowel«. A little taken in the morning sharpen* the appetite, < !e:»ii«.« s the stomach uud •WwcteuH the brenth. A I’HYHU 1 IN’*» Of’tNION. •‘1 have been pt., u- ing medicine for twenty years an ! haw >»• r Eeru able to Lut up a veget.? 1 « »• , *. that uould, ke Simmons Liver F - • r. promptly *■4 effectively move t • I ocrlo ncUon, an.! at the sain* t. tve.^- •ning) the digestive .a.d assimilative powers of the system L. M. H inton , m d ., Washington, Ark. Marks of Genninen«*«*» L«»«»k forth»'red Trade-Mark on front ot \\ .; • r. and the fUul and >ignatur«‘ of J. ¡1. /• mu A Co., IQ rod, uu the side. Take n<>oilier. College, CUR VAI. US, OK EGON. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. Taras Commaao.a Wednesday, Sap. tambar 12, 1888. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. FACULTT. A full c« rpa of expvneucod Prufessort» and Teacher*. COUlvSE OF STUDY. Arrant»««I expi«»**ly tu meet th»» demands and n« «*d<» ot the fanning ¡utered»* wf th« Stutv. PRI l ARATORY Di PARI MI X r. For Htud«*ntM over 15 >«*an» of Mg»» wh«» detore to eut»*r th»* (’»»liege but are n*»‘. pr««pared tu en­ ter (’»«*«• 4«5 class««»* by exam mat »«»n. MILITARY rHUNiNG. To the extent r«*qaired by lew. BUILDINGS. Large, Uu.umuiiioaH and w«tll \ enlilat«.»»!. UX’ATION. 1 q a cultivated *nd Ck«n»tian community, and uae of the healthivat in the State. EXPERIMENTAL S1ATION. Circulars, containing matter full uf interest to farmers, will be regularly ieaue«i ami copies iaail»*d to each patron of the College. EXPENSES K»*daeed to lowest tkguree. Fw«» or more free •cholarshipa from every county. Commit your County Superintendent. We confidently appeal to th« farmers and grange* of Oregon t«» ¡»atrom/.e the only ach«M»l ••tabhshed by Or»*gou fuf the promotion of her agricnitursi iutertarfe. For catal«»gue »»r »»tuer »nf«»rniatu»n, addretHt. H. L ARNOLD. Prudent. Cor in11!», Oregon. JOHN MILLER, Manufacturer anil Dealer in The Mt. Shasta Route. insurance at about $2,500,(MX). Overproduction of yarn has it-Hiilted in a reduction ol wages uf neatly 700 hands ut Hiidk>epoit, l‘a., worsted niills. Jdlrnfii la u D(I) hj >, i ' oiii 1'autt In the kidneys. When tn ic’ive thev speed­ ily fall into disrepair. Those obstinate ami fatal nuila.iits, Bright's disease and dia­ betes. ensue with terrible certainty upon the ac‘ion of the organs affected. Catarrh of the bladder, enuresis, gravel and stran­ gury are also to be apprehended from a pari al paralysis of the bladder, of whi h weakness and sluggishness are the cause*. Ilestrt er's Stomach Bitters is a tine tonic and promoter of activity for the renalor- g m*, and » u»‘ which can be relied upon to at!»»r I th1 in the requisite stimulus without ex» if in » tin iu —an effect to be feared from the uninedicaied alcoholic excitant of com­ merce. A further benefice nt effect if the Bitters, by renewing activity of the kid­ ney s, is to enable them to drain from the blood in its passage through them, impuri­ ties productive of iheuniatism and ur«»|»*y. Nervousness, lever :>ihl a: ue.ioi.snput »»n and dyspepsia are coiiq'h red by the Bi'tvr . MILLER OF DEE. AST ALL PRECEDENT ! ASTORIA “Caatoria ¡1 io well adapted to children that I recommend it u «upenor to any prescription known to me." IL A. Aacnin. M. D., U1 Bo. Oxford SA, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jacksonville, Oregon. failed to ( lose out my bus - inees in JackMonville. :w* I hud wished to do, H aving 1 hare concluded to continue the «»une on a larger soaleth&u ever, 1 was m San Francisco recently, where I laid m urt Tuesday, September 3. 1SMW. at the hour 10 o'clock a . m .. is set for hearing. All i»cr- --------------- - -------------------------- sons iut»*r»*ted ar«* hereby notified to appear and til»* hi» or her objections to said account We have now or our shelvt* the m»H-t Elegant AMs»rtni«*ut of on or before said day. We the undersigned Banks ami Bankers will Published by order of Hon. J. K. Neil, Judge pay all Prizes drawn in the Louisiana State of said court. MARY A. WOOD. Lotteri«* which may be presented at our coun­ Administrati ix of said estate. ter». K. M WALMSLEY, Dated Aug. 1, I ksm ._________ _ Pre*. Louisiana National Bank. P. LANA VX, Pri s. Stat«- National Bank. In the very latest shades of (’ashmen s. Sv ges, Henriettas Sicilians, Alma». Combination» Man­ A. BALDWIN. chester Cashmeres, Bunting'4, Sat teens, I jhwiis , Ginghams, Prints, Percales, Etc., Etc. Pres. N. <). National Bank. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, ( AHL KOHN. for the County of Jackson. Pres. Union National Bank. In the matter uf thecetatc* ot Sarah i'ruinur, dec«*as«*d. Ladies Fine Dress Goods Jacksonville to Medford. IN WHITE GOODS Patronize the only wagon that connects with every train, rain or shine, am! carries the V. S. mail amt Wells, Fmeo A Co.'s express. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jons I»vsn, Diiv* r. We have Piques, Zephyr, Plaids, Fancy Lace Check«. India Linens, Victoria and Bishop Lawns, Putted Swiss, Swiss Flouncing and All-ovex Embroideries. liver 3’t liinti' Ho, lor C.nlrttl Point, The undersigned ba-1 fitt.d up a stage, which will mak ■ regular trips between Jacksonville unit Central Point, connecting with all trains, from ami alt* r April 1,18.0. Jons A L ive. Ttie destruction of timber by tiro bids fair to be more disastrous to our future lumber interests tins season than for sev­ eral years past. News of fiercely raging 3:4.» I’. M. Portland lias 24 miles of wat r main forest tires conies from all directions,and ----- THE LIN'D OF THE----- tun a . M. piping from 4 to 12 inches in diameter. the smoke that tills the air is annoying ♦ She now wants a 10,000,0110gallon pump. pioof of the reports. The New York chamber of commerce A Marion county correspondent of the has appointed a committee of sixty of its Silverton A/i/»e*if says “ Chas, and H. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, memts-isto make preliminary arrange­ Hartman threshed 2 ) acres of wheat that See that our trade-mark, Santa Abie, is < For arc »minodatum et s»*c«»n«l-. lass pausen» ments for a world's fair and exposition yielded 51 bushels per acre. Mr. R. every bottle <»f tiiai (»leaaant California rein g. rs, at tallirti t«> Ex pi« ss Trains. in 1892. If. Scott thieshed one field of 42 acres dy. Sat iilai-tion tfuaruuteed or money r av.-raged 42 bushels per acre. funded. The Mirxi^ip pi liver coinmi—ioii esti­ that mates that it will take $4.000,900 next Another field of 3.5 acres went 4834 bush­ year to carry on the work of repairs,etc., els per acre.” on ttie Mississippi from its head to Hie Since March 4 last, of the 55,000 We.t Side Diviaion. HI. rw ..I N imKl 1. »MliimtV Al.LIS muutli of the Ohio liver. fotu th-* lass postmasters in the United MAI*. THAIS- DAILY LA*HIT sl'XDAY.) As a result of the reinaikahle peiforin- States, nearly 13,000 changes have been ance of the 3-year-old trotting horse Ax­ made, ami of this number about PiND 12:i"> I*. M \rr:\«‘ < «ivalh* L» iv« 1..JU P. M tell at Minnehaha, Kobert Bonner of were the removals of Democratic officials At All any au 11 «»rvaUisi >>nnuct with traili» New Yoik, telegraphed the owner recent­ and tl.e app**intm* r.ts of Republican suc­ of UrrguU Pacific Railroad. ly that lie would pay $05,000 for him but cessors. The daily changes now average UAIIA EXPIO" TKAI5* .EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 100. the offer was refused. CALIFORNIA sinil Grand Monthly Drawing. At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, St]>t. D), 1889. is hereby given that the administrator of thecMatcof Sarah • romer N otice deceased, has filed In the County Court uf Jacks»»n County. Oregon hi* final account aa such administrat«»r. and by onicv ot said Court Tmsday, Sept»mber 3, lbH*. nt the hour uf 10 o'clock. 4 M . is act for hearing. All P« r- hoiih inten*t«d are In r« by notified tu app» ar 100.000 Ticket' at $20. Halve* at and file bis or her »»bjections to said account ¿10* Quarters$5« Tenths 82. Twen­ on or b«*forc«?aaid daj . Published l»y order uf Hon. J. R. Nel!. Judge tieths $1. uf said court. . ¡.1ST OF PRIZES: BIRD JOHNSTON, 1 PRIZE OF MK».UH0 is...................... An OF -VI are <>regon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on Saturday. August 31. Isay, viz; Oscar Swack< r bume- stead entry No. 45ftn, for thcN. Vtt«’i NW. M. W» PRIZES OF ‘••.•.MOO >W. >4 ul NW. ‘4 hii «1 NW. >4 of SV . ace. 7, PRIZES OF tp. 37 S.. K. 3 west. W. M. He names tile follow­ ing w’ltnessca to prove his c«>ntinuous rrwi- 3,134 Prizes, amounting to............... »1« nee upon and cultivation of. said land, viz; N ote Tickets drawing Capital Thomas Carr. Jt>ari»h Goldsworthy. Jas. Bo»« not « ntitn-d to terminal prizes. mix ! R<»b«-rt Cook, ail of Draper, Jacksun coun­ ty, Oregon. CHAS. W. JOHNSTON’. Register. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. Wo bave al*o ju.*t opened up ti e largest block of Gent’s Clothing An«l finest I’.-e of Hate, Faruishing G ><» !■*. Boots a ni Shoe», Etc., over brought toJSouthern Oregon DISCOVERIES ! Notice of Final Settlement. Decorative Wall Papers — luto roll«, all beautiful pet.ernR ever displayed in thia section ire the venF lowest figure» on (ir»»ceri* assunsi by your en­ closing an envelope bearing your full address. Iu the matt« r of theestate uf James T. Barnes, «ieccasisj. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has be« n appointed bj the c«»unty cuurt <»1 Jacksou county, ong«>u, wit­ ting in Pr«»batc. executor ot the (Mule uf Jam»* T. Barnt s, u« c«-as« <1. All person!' indebted to said estate are re- m« at my i*«*id* nevin >prague river valley. Khunuth county. Oregon. n r«*g:trding rat« «*, maps*, etc.( Adtlrrss Rfgidtrrd Letters Containing Cur­ i ca I • t» < <>ii>i>any 's agent at M«.I?D ’b»* ,h‘ payment of all ished. The brick work was commenced money expended in direct bribes to in­ KLM LM 1)LK )!!/•* 18 (H ARA.XTtED BY F<»1 R NATIONAL BANKS of New Or­ fluence change of votes, or in yielding to last week. The plans of the building leans, and the fick« ts are signed by the l’r«*i- Ul -south rn Or- g»»n are hen by informed that the demand for pay for voting at all.” have been changed so as to make the d« ut ot an institution, v. h«»s« chan« red rights in additi» n to a large mid ch-gant.liuc of wing three stories high, the same as the are I • C(»gniz«-«1 in the highest courts ; there­ The Portland Sunday Mercury says main building. The mills will be in for«, beware of ail imitations or Hi.nunymou« i that t'ougressman Hermann has made operation the first of the year. schein« s. ONE DO14.AR isthe price of th«- smallest an agreement with Charley Fulton of part or fraction of a tn k« t 1SSI ED BY I S in Aitmny, Aug. 9.—Barney Wilson, who I Astoria whereby he is to give Fnllonthe any drawing. Anything incur name offered was arrested at Montague, Cal , for nomination for congress next time, an 1 1 for less than a dollar is a sw indie. RAKE NO MISTAKE. in return Fulton is to suppoit Hermann shi.siling Nick Zimmerman in this ci’y Ry dispelling the symptoms so often mis ­ last Friday, will arrive to-yiorrow in the for senator hefirr the next legislature. custody of an otficer from that place. taken for consumpti«»n. Santa Abie has brought g!adn«*ssto mauy household* and by Down at Needles in San ‘lernardino The * xamin ition will occur to-morrow. promj-tly br«*aking up the cough and cold that county, Cal., on the banks of the Colora­ Zimmerman is still Ivmg in a critical too ort« n •l«*vi I«»!»«* into that latnl disease, wil do the mercury stood 118, 119. 119 and condition, with small chances of re­ y»-t save th«»usanY r 1 *• . » . TRIAL • : TONic It appears that Bismark has overeached Murphy of Pendleton, was brought be­ cur« « n i;.i . inent House. Al.-<» Stav< : failing «••■ttoulv >■ I nder 4 year» »»id. Blaine in diplomacy, and that the Sa­ fore His Honor on this charge, and « as i < us and Phv^i.id 1». t BOTTLE :ity. Jackson county, Oregon. moan treaty is very much in the interest fined one dollar amt sentenced to the Vied KEhatwi. A beaut .fui lin- of : Spvrm;it<»rrb b prepared to give lowest possible prices, and my goods are first-class. ' SUFFICIENT TO : Hi'S». Prostatitis, Roti . they keep the treaty so secret. This is was i f it. ■ !*e< line r»i.i! I x » mo ( M. • • »n-1'tiiig of Lisle and Silk. Correspondence respectfully solicited. lesson No. 1 to the American people on pnOVE THfc KIER- ; hood, however onnr’.'i The forthcoming annual report of tet- \VM. GA TES,Central Point, Or. : cated and from whAtwwi ¿6 * Blaine as a diplomatist. ITS GF THIS, THE j cause produceiL k TdC 0 NLY- ing Commissioner Stone of the general k (¡C^ANTEED Bill Lamb of Lake county is coming to land ifli ■ ■ will show that during the fis­ CREfiiESTOF ALL ■ z y Wcu‘\E i r il 2 gy Myu. < the front with an unique enterprise. cal year ended .lune 30, lsS't, there were SIRENGTHENING I $tV3 CUCVA-A i REMEDICS AND W JniJUVOUTOR. He is canning ttie hams *>f jack rabbits certitiei) to railroad companies under I an*i shipping them east. He is working various grants a total of 425,040 acres of d - E NERVE TONICS, tho only remedy th«* in the best fiel*! in the emmtry ; the sage land, or 404,110 leas I tian total certifica­ wtt i nr criiY ta ; -.all involuntary rn Weakcn- ‘ani ’H WILL BE SENT TO brush plains of Ti* k Ridge. Four thous­ tions of the previous fiscal year. There • » y f.KC appi y ' Dmlns up n x..T Ur»^ ArrLT- : thcsyM« in. Dightopdrv. and have bi en salted down up to date. were pending in the genera’ land office ING BY LETTER. . Vt'tchr.2‘*.7r * 1 Geese arc also being slain by hundreds, on Juno 30, 1889, railroad selections un­ he only guaranteed < ure for < a - n hlrn are the IrtieeaiLse r.u i li. < ol«l in the Head, H h . v F» t » t , Rose and the feathers saved up for a shipment der former grants, amounting to 29,444,- ■ c T h T: nghissvmp . : al»ovo and mr.ry ■ : other Nrrvoiirt. I>ei iff. Cold, t’atarrba’ Deafness and Son* Ey»s. R« - east. 251 acres, which is an increase for the «tori's th«* ««< use of taste* anti Hindi; irniovcs TOMS AND AGE. ; t-itedanld co *;.t. aii enuuiizji/«» : l<'l>"._*«>d fn.Bi whf< h year of 4,014,385 acres. bad taste and unpleasant bn*alh, resulting Schmidt A- Co.'s Sarsaparilla and Isaac Staats on ■ of the ohleat «vttlers ALL COMMUflllCA-; thous ands OF St! \ from Uatarrh. Follow directions an«1 a cur«* TiONS STRICTLY i ;euia£XW“0 l“’ in < »icg 'ii was la‘* ly drown. <1 in a spring i< wiurHiited. S«*n»MGf tho et of water he fell in, his hand resting of i»iles. Ask for ...r the original Abjettne F.*r Sal*-bv oil DrqrcWs. b . Hr ; - fl. la :pti , •», etc. f on a piank. The plank broke and be Ointment, frolli bv ail druggist «t Jo ct*. : Tr.uJ, ,,„,..¡,..1 by >n. ,t/hu Jk W’.xxJanl Pi. .•,* .’.■«‘1n !>.'!!¡«\ <»r 5-bottleafor|ld. Sent to. y n»:«'*f>-i f.irur»> fmrn o-ivrvLi'An j fell in bead fii t and was drowned. He per box—by mail .3o cents yr - li > utUl. uUllK GUAlUVNTfcjLu Vn.! jraddrcik» wa- born in New York and was 76 years obi. DR.C. D. SALFIELD, C/6 Jkcartiif St^ Kan franciaco. Cal, The soli I foundation for a respectable Carriages wagons, Studebaker Bugg^s, THE LADIES and Carts Wheel and Reversible Harrows and Cultivators Notice of Public Examina­ tion. OFFICE OF I T he Cut nty >« h « mh superintendent , v i J \< KSONVll.lX, August «J MILLINERY is hereby given that hjr the pur|H»H<* of making an examination of N otice all p« r«s»ns who maj- offer thcmselv«*s aseandi- dates for tcacb«*rs of the sch<»ols ol this »‘«»un­ tv. the • ‘ounty School S uj . h rint<«ndr»«t ther«*of will h»»ld a public » xaminati«»ii at ins uthc»- m the Court lluuse at Jacksonville, on Wednesday, August ^8, 1889, romin«*neing at 12 o'clock. First-grad«■ c»*rtifi<*atcs issued under th«* »»Id law cannot be rcii< w««d. Ail teach« rs hohiuig certIfteBtesthat wUl som* expin Bbouidi - neglect ato nding the examination. Dated this Sth daj of August, l>x». H 11. Ml!' Hl i i.. County School Superintendent «»f Jackson c«»unty, <>reg«»n. Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Children's Short Clothes. Assessor's Notice Payers. LIOS IE BY ! COLD IN HEAD CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE Ely’s Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passagos. Al­ lays Inflammation. Healstho Sores. Restores tao Sc uses of Tasto, Suiull and Ucan-’g. A particle I* applied iatoerrh nowti-.'l and to aarcewblr. Price.~«Or. at DruMfina or by mail. hLYBKoTUEIL- M WirvnSL.Nrw York. SALEM. OREGON INSTITUTION OF LEARHINC WINE AND SPIRIT • » MERCHANTS, T FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, OF PURE COD L’UEG OIL AND -HYPOPHOSPHITES | When uh« b«y?anic Mis», »ho dung t<> • 'astoria, i When she had Chihlrm, she gave them Cast« «ria > i ASHLAND, OREGON, Will St-Il, Lease. Kent an 1 Handle REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION 31. FIRST-GLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR. .M-111M »1. *« •><» ’•'•<» # - l>vr »«»F' Special Attention l’aid to Comniercinl Travelers. \RUPTUh£ Flour and Mill-Feed $5 TO $10 A DAY 1ST Agsnts Wanted! emevtaas fusa £ 1 OM Brrwter'« Safety Rein Holder* Bran away u> introduce them. Ivery ree owner have fr«»m • to 0. Line* never under borace* ftetb Send t5 cento In (tonne fo p*v »»octage end Picking for Nickel Plated Sample that wl!sT«»r *3 eta üroweter Mft.U., UaUj,lich. OIMCSR TOMIn »hurt n«»tice. to that j«nrti«»« can return with their gnat the natrn* «lay. 1 am prepared to roll barley rt al! time« ami in the heM manner. Thia proce»» ifc fur ahuud i»f the c^ueher. G. KAREWHK! Ihifklrn'i Arnica Halve The best »alvo in the world for < utN BruiNt s Sores. I’lcerw. Snlt Rheum. Fever Sort». Tetter, ( happe.l Hand*. Chilblain«, I'ornN. and all Skin Eruption*, and poNi five cure-' for i’ih-«*, or n«» | ay require«. It is?uarunieed to give perfect Natisfact on or money refunded Price 25 < ents per b««x For salebv all druggists. WRISLEY & CO., Oil. ri itsr.\N< e of ciitci i.Ait OF THE __ _ ........................................... Oregon A California Railroad Compjiny heretofore issued, notice is hereby given that sai«l company is now ready to sell the hinds lying south <"»f R<»*«*burg, granted to it by the United States. S ettlers upon any of said For inform*ti«»n regarding prices on town lots, iiiiprov« d city propt rty or binds.iiddress n lands must above, » ni loning stamp. Will <*»»nvey in.piii « rs to tin ir property and give them all the infor mation concerning the country. fr<*e of <*hiirg- 11/ thin, Ninety Days Combines the juice cf the Blue Figi of California, so laxative and nutritious, with ths medicinal virtues of plants known to be most lx*ncficia) to the bui v n v, -tem. forming the ON LY PER­ FECT REMEDY to a' vo , C al . vii t«, Kv. Nmv Y ork . N.V HANLEY & LOVE. FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. .^SURKMED/C/^ - PORTLAND. OFV L° ‘ST. CHARLES HOUSE,’ 1.1 SKV1U.E, OR M. E. Williams, Prop’r. hotel , having been thorough . ly repdri«! and jo wly furniMx'd.rank« among T his i the h«*Ht in Southern On gon . l he bed« aan new Thia popular remedy never fail* to ci Tactually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness When I MV C ft .E I do not rn-ar. merely to »top th« m for a Line, and then have them rc- turn agiun. 1 mean a KADILAL C’LUli. I have made the disease of The taaturnl remiilt I n koo U appe­ tite mid wo!l«l ricali. Itoae «mall, elexnntiy eti^ar coafeil and eaey io « mh D ow . everywhere. *•/.•¿/«.»•»»oifion ;<»»• fh<* J'nrnt. H omh ?» ¡ h 'I. i . B «/»•/. * tvill bo nfiJ /'rev on Hiwiicatloni FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, I ’piIE TABLE IH CONSTANTLY FUHNISHED 1 with tb« beM the market afford»«. Not'hineee employed, and no pain» «pared to giveeatiMfaction. Mcald at all hours. 25 centp. pEClf’^ ’I’ll«' < ■ IK’St* Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Important Notion. i’s Pills troubles and clean and the table« supplied with the beat the market afford«. And nil dinease« arising from a Naturally follow. Every cue is using it an t . 'I a:e delighted w uh r. Ask your tarni.l. a* r.*!:*.bl*. inf*»rmation standing. It ia potent, effective and co«*« but a a 1 c»*««««1. ar«» hereby n»»tin«ii to nettle th« >«Hir* c*>itr.nun*t r^.l ■ .tat** in .'«•»nihern (»rctfon.n. t ritte with Willard Crawford, attorney for fheeatute. at any other firmn«»w *l**iu*c hu»inc«<>. hi»« offi«*e in Medford, without further d«*lny and 1 CorrH.p**ndene. »oheited therebj aavec«»*ta. K. NOLAND, WHISLEY A CO. I Administratrix of «aid Eatot*. Children Crylor Jitcher’slCastorj» REAL ESTATE Ag'TS Notice to Settlers on Rail road Lands. AB l«t*hti»h*d U holraale Waich limar roti«» ' clo* out qutehty a l.v«e HtocM of »:iA w-nk »•.•«* of mi nJ »»ad b«»4) .\«»vuua Debility. bp»n«d F.xhuunt.* u. Vanhuod, Me. A >O5verful urrvoue inv.g*>r>.:»»r hu <1 re»«» »tul've 1 ar».9 »f UHINAF\Y»* o KIDNEY SMITH & BASHOR, FOR SALE ON EASY TERIVL. STEAM FLOURING MILLS over’ tlliV WH|‘ ,o U "ÆA A. A. BASHOR. THE STAFF UF LIFE I In the Circuit ('ourt for the State of Oregon, tor the county of Jacks»»u. Martha Allen. Plaintiff, vs. John M Alien.Du- lcndaut; suit 1n »«¡uily fora divorce. To Joiui Al. Allen, the above-named defend­ ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE- ± gon. you an- hereby required to appear and answer lb<* compiaiut ut the* said plaintiff in the abuve-« ntitled court, uow <»n nl»* with theCicikol suid < «:ui*1, w itiiin ten days from th«* «late <»f the service of this summons upon y «>u, if servt*d iu Jackson county, < iregun; but it se rved in any other county iii th«*btate of Or» gon, then within twenty «lays from th«« dateot t he service of this summ«»ns upou you; or it served on you out of the Mate ot Or«*gon. or by publication, tlicu by th«* tirwt day ot Um ensuing September term of said court’ to-w ft; the 2d «lay of S<*pt»*mb«*r. lUift»; and you arc h« rvby u«»iiti«*d that H you fail to appear and answ, r Mild complaint, as hereby rcquirtxl, the plaintiff will apply tor the relief d«s mamhd therein, to-wit; For th«* dissolution ot the marriag«* contract heretofore and now < xisting b, tween you aud the plaiutiff and for the costs and disbursements ot this suit to be taxed. Published in tin* D emourath T imes by »»r- d**r»»f Hoti. L. R. Webster,cireuit fudge, made July 17, IbMI«. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 17lh «lay oi Jii)v . A. D. IWM. P P. TRIM. __ Atturucv for Plaintiff MEDldJKD, OREGON, BKENlxlNO, l’roprii'tor MONTAGUE, A Summons. Grand Central Hotel. LUCKEY & CO., When Raby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Whi n she was a Child, sh* cried for Castoria, TOWN LOTS Important Notice. P. S.—All persons who have wh«»IIy or par­ tially settled murigag«* on r«vord,*who have u«*gi«vtvd to bav«* inc Mime cancci»«d or sai»i credits made, arc rvtpieated toattendt«» this matter at «»nee, in order tu avoid further c«»m- plication. J.M.C. 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. navy, which wus laid under President he ot.iirsT. least kxi ' en .- ive am » <'ieveiami’s administration, i« becouair.g Jl.-t Largely I’.iti..ma*o more appreciate*] by the people in view < f rv. ills in the Pacific waters ami the latest upheaval in Hayti. That was an administration that firings a realizing Alme 37 as F .»'atablo as Milk sense of the adagetfiaf-hlcssings bright­ en as they tike tlieir flight.” But they So rliagntsvit tí a« * • n~\ bo taken» dlyr'K’t. ar.it e-.lu. t ».•* d l»v the n»o*l will very likely light again in something 'enditas «: . ..Wh. ivheu the plain nil less than four years. , ...on.»t _ _____ ... ___ by th « c ;m- I* • ».-I»» :• ■■ *n*l The decrease in the matter of failures li«nntl'»n cf the oil xv ili» iSw bypoptio»- phUra • i..u*.h more citi» cclous. ami the liabilities involved therein, for the month ending July 31, 1889, in the Krcai’.Oly M i fifi» prcdn<inatc these bomueaM DAVID LINN. I pecta, there is an easy way to do it. Any J*eka<»')v:lle. H«'pt 11.1M4R. AVlNn RECLNILY BEEN BEFITTED will, stove man cr sheet-iron worker can ail rriMiern improvement«, are now turning OBt a tir-t-chi«* article of flour, which ib put up I iu make a concern to force sulphur fumes Si twin«d each*, ami every uwa 1« warranted to , into squirrel holes, ami tie sure of death ’3B(?U‘f'kir and permanently contain T.4 p«»uude of Hou* if yon don't believe j in a moment. People in Willamette , .re.Lbyjh« Calehru' «1 just r«HnpHr«‘ a «»ack of our Hour with any kill off Kronnd squirrels in this wav in I ll fa EUPATFM thia, other bnmd «»tiered f •: Mile m th»« market, an«J m CN:Tie ELASTIC TRUSS itrmt numi»ers. Find their holes, put a < • and ONI V (Itst isg note the d.if-Tcnce in weight. I live coal in the fr.imgator, ami then put •riljTru»». Perfect Retainer /*.%•• ij. IfiMtnntly relw*v*»ev^ry its nozz-l in the hole, step the cracks, ■ a ri »•«<• ir»jd fhuu-antis. Fi«ta>> 1*^*». ’•-.« :? I |.»r 4 r*’W 1 liu.l r d >’ *mphlet V» 1. ' pump the smoki! one minute, and the •'OlCT 1C-IFLAH.TIC TRUSS CO., Constant ly on hand ami exchanged fur wheat squirrels ate all dead.— Orcgnnian. rSjXTH 9TREF.T HT LOUIS MO NT«) ST S< N FHANCtBCO.CAL T i L I University of Oregon Eugene City. i i I i w. j. M c C lelland , Petition for Retail Liquor License. To th«* Honorable Boaixl of County Uumxnis- sioners of Jackson «‘«Hint v, <>rcgon: U’E THE I NDEIOIGNL d < 11TZENS OF ( tt Rock Point precinct, Jatkson County. Uregon, hereby iictition your Hon. t»ody to grant A. J. Barlow and WmStuart lic»*nse, un- «lcr tin* firm-name of Barlow a Stuart, to retail spiritmnis liquors in less qunntiti»-* than one quart, in the t«»wn »»f Gold Hill, Kock Point pnviiict, < ounty <»f Jackson, State of Oregon, l«»r the term of six months. Wey our p«*titiun- * rs will ever pray. Adam A. Bashor. Jas. McD<»ugall. Wm. J M«*< leilai(d. K. F. >w>nd«u. Al. smith. Thoa. laiwn nee, W.lhc Smith, N. H« l»crt, Jun« n Ki- I ear«i, E. Bodine, I. E. Dci»oy, L. S« xaucr F. M. 1 Parker, J. A. Khoteu, J. O. V\ Uaon, I. H. Ad­ ams. Um. P. Jacoby, M. S. Jacoby, M. F. HuU« Andrew Brumbaugh. J. W. Masterson, Kotart Hardman, W. M. B«-nnett, J. K. Boss Fr»*d Ot- [ t» n, M. F. Horn, J. II. Kn«»tts, G»«o. H. t rittrn- . B»ik, L. Pl. il, D. L. ( urn*. 1). < . la»w, Wm. Scott. M. A. Magone, Frank Puu- ja«l’-. I’. Smith, P. Wm Bhi«keit.H. L. White. J. W. Walker, D. H. Horn. K. Field«. G«<»rge B«f r*'piiiring Engm»-. beii l atonce lor a treatise anda FitBS ot mv lsiai.i.iBLE Itr.MEDr. Give Kapresa an*l Gas-tittbiu. l’ric* » r> a-.iiiabl<, >inup l int*» nd« nt. HOW A(X UMI'LI.OIF.D Erwry lady ahould know. A> I h I t hip. Also catti** branded______ on !<*f( FHEE T1ITIOX UTEII J EM' \ KV I. 1 ****•.». Rend wtamj». BAK EL Rt M OO.Boi IK BufTalo.N ,Y. s-de or hip; «**• cattle branded with « tigure 2 on I Four ’‘•-ni - - 1 PERSIAN BLOOM, OcBphxUa»«»> 1 *ft «ide or iiip. The ear-marks of the «hove : and a Hl»«»rt English ( .»urs< . -n which th« r»* is titter. Skin (lure and Blemish Fredicator known. brands are «bort crop in left ear and long crop iu u J i no I^ifin. Gr« « k, French <»r G»-rman. Th< Eng- Send stamp tor Inal package. Addreas as abovw. right. Al*«» cattle branded with HP on left hip, • -igni. Aiiw. raTURoranu»« wnn nr ieit niV, t ' || Hh pr< _(.lu illvtl t|5 M iiníih m llsh pri-t miiu ntly a II Busin« ss «» i -.ms«-. F>'i' I crop in right enr and hole and split Í vntalogu»*» or <»th« r inforiniitioii, . 7 ____ j . ;»«ìdr< ss » hi left ear. * J < HINso? President. J W w. . J JOHNSON, j Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* to Tax- U|OTI( E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fli Boanl <»f EquaiizationlorJacks••«•< inb« r, hii <1 it« GRAND SINGLE NIM BEK DRAWINGS L am » oitice at K o * ebvkg , On..I July iB. 7 take place in each of the other ten month» of tb»* year, and are alidrawu in public, at otice is hekeby given that the the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. following-nani»*»l getth-r haafllcd notice of hi« intentiou V» make final proof in support of FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, hi«claim, and that said proof will be made bo- For Integrity of it« Drawings, and Prompt Pay­ fore th«* judge, or in hi» absence, before lbw ment of Prize», clerk of the county court of Jackaon county. Att»‘Hti-d a« follows: Or., nt Jacksonville, Or., on Saturday, August “ du Kertby certify that uesupert iê 31 I«“.» viz; W. P. Farris, hom**i*tead entry No. Jlfi»!. for the S. U of NE. U and X. H of HE. the ar ran g emeu fa fur alltne Monthly and H, «‘-c. K. tp. 3A S.. It. 4 went, W. M. He name« tern i-annual draft aye (if J he Louisiana the following witness»* to prove bia continu­ Ulate Lottery Company, and in person ous residence upon and cultivation of, said Innd. viz: Wm. oonaon, Bam 1 Provolt John manage and control the Drawings them­ Slagle and Thomas Basye, all of Applegate. selves, anti that the same are conducted with Jackson county. Or. CHAS. W. JOHNSTON. Kegmter. I honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward Î all parties, and we authorize the Company ’ to use this certificate, with fac-similes of our signatures attached, in its advertisementst Iii the County Ciurtofthe State of Oregon, for the County of Jackaon. Ju the matter of the estate of Kobert F. Wood, decetUH'd. T h * C kktavb C ompajvt , 77 Murray Street, N. Y. '* For want of a nail, a shoe was osf ; for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; I >r want of a horse, a rider was lost.” Never neglect >malt things. The first signs of pneumo­ nia and c >usuiuption cut ■■positively” he checked by Dr. Acaer’s English Remedy for consumption. For sale by’ E. C. Brooks. Seattle, as reconstructed, will bn a city planned for business on a much bet­ ter pattern ttian before. UVEK ME MILLIOS D1STR1BLTED. T nkakl 'UBB' h orni'K, S ai . zm , July »), 1W i N otice is hereby given that there for Infants and Children The700,000 bricks needed to build the new win^ to tho asylum for the insane at Salt ni are lieing lusdo by convict la­ bor. The wheat crop in Minnesota ami Da­ “Good friend,” ««lid Hal, and sig lied the kota will reach 85,000,000 bushels, am! I while, think will go as high as 90,000,000, was “Farewell; thee hiwpy be; But say no mure it tnou'dst be true the announcement uf the editor of the That no one vnvi»* thee. Market Record. Thy mealy rap ia worth my crown, Tby mill my kingdom fee; Secretary Noble has requested ttw* war Such men as thou are England’s boast, O, miller of the Dev.” department to take necessary steps to keep intruders away from the Sioux res­ ervation. His action is taken in antici­ ALL SORTS. pation of a rush of settlers now that the success of the Sioux commission is as­ The mortgages in Del Nolle county sured. amount to »180,193.00. There lias been a large amount ol gos­ Umatilla county has just agreed t*> sip on the probability of an extra ses­ pay $10,000 for abstract, of title to land sion of congress in October. Senator in that county. (¿uay oi Pennsylvania, chairman of the The Crercent City .Vrw« is laboring administration's committee, stated a few hard in the interest of a lailioad, a bank days ago that he thought an extra ses­ sion would be called. and an express office. P Without iajurioui medicatilo. Noihera! Castoria is rei uni mended by ph vsii an s for » hildren teething. It is a purely vege­ table preparation, it* ingredient« are f«ub- There dwelt a miller hale and bold. li-shed amun.l each botMe. It is pleasant Beside the Biver D im - to the taste and absolutely harmless. It The state reform school will be built H< worked and sang from morn till night. No lark more blithe than he; next spring, but work is being com­ Constipation, regulate* the bowels, quiet Ami this file burden of his s»>ng menced to put everything in readiness pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, al­ Forever u««sl to be; lays feverishness, destroys worms, and for the work. , •*l envy no one, no. not I prevents convulsions, soothes the child And n«» one envies me I" McMinnville has decided to have a and gives it refreshing natural sleep. Cas­ “Tlum’rt wrong, i . iv friend.” said old King system of water works at a cost of $20,- tori« is the children’s panacea - the moth­ II ».. oix). The water will be pumped from ers’ frietii* 35 doses. 35 ceuts. “As wrong as wrong can tie; the Yamhill river. For could my heart be light as thine Selling Out at Cost. Fd gladly vhangr with the«-. The blind stallion Alcyone, the trot­ I am now ottering niy entire stock of fine And tell me now what makes thee sing With voice so loud and free. ting wonder of the year, won a race at dress-goods, staple and fancy groceries, While I am sad. though I am king, Buffalo on the Sth inst., trotting three clothing, bouts and shoes, etc . at less than B< side the River Dev?” co*t. Part es desiring to secure bargains heats ¡112:17’2, 2:17*4 “nd 2:18. wi I find it to their advantage to call at The long talked of race between Belle once, as everything must he sold immedi­ ately 1 am desirous of closing out my Hamlin ami Harry Wilkes took place at Buffalo, on the Sth inst., and was won business, and will give great bargains. N ewman F isher by the Belle iu straight beats Time, 2 :15 and 2:17. A A arrow Encap«-. THE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MIS CELLLANODS. and lmiintain-sidi* ian«l. good t««r fruit, dary- Í ing or st-•« kraising. This traik «»f Ian.I tins I ovi i *• V m mile* ot fencing. »» n vii.i.r. July 27, iwa. The public is iu■»•« by notified that thos«* w ish- mg 1. 1 exchang»* school text b»»oks un r< nt t«»w ns of 1 he county who now* have tin- m-w book** in stock ami will exchang«* on the f<«ll«»wing t«*rins; Kead- « rs. fr.s*; aritbm»*tics. No. 1. on payment of 15 cents; No. 2, on pay iii « lit of !W c« ntw. l or fi rms fur exchanging advanced text I mm ks apply to d<-iiler*. r H. II. M iti - helu (.'ounty School Su|H*rint<-nd»*nt. THIS PAPER may Y>n Yrmnd on tile at G to. P. K o W i . ll & Co*» Newapaper A'lTertUln» Bureau <10 Sprue» Street),where adver- waaa MARI* i :,L tk contrait» tua y MEW Y|1||K ba for U »9 HfcW lUnlVj