.1 VIGOROTS ( ol’STÏ COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. LETTER. JOSEPHINE«'oUNTY ITEM*. n.ITA’K »LVP ELECTRIC LIGHTS REAL-F.STATE. *11* Monmouth, FOR GRANT S FA*S- Miss N« Illc Spenc«*r is visiting friun ls in Tie- t 'llow ing pr.»« .•• «liters w. »•• had at th - b'.’.lclll. Ulli nun LHiuuiug, 1\lo Ì wi’i ' <:*y C'.iiiu.ub-ua!;< n 1: i trng*’. tin- count« c >iimiissi«»n» rs’ court i Mr. Johnson, of San Fruiuisuo, who Circuit c«»urt Is still in session, but will ad­ - . • * iv.ent the (Tiitj^*« ’ h. -ld last we. k: th'- Now in piis'sr of erection, isa handsome addition to the *f?l6:D Px®£1 & MC1S3N C0U1H. Las been interviewing the ciiizen* o lu th»- m;.tt r <>f a« unty read petitioned journ this wi« k. present school buildings, of modern architecture, and cost tun; i* ’Auriiiv of reproduction I f.i bv i .» •*. M mi tie. 11. a!.; report «»f upprai*-I J. T. Flynn has gone to S in Francisco in the Grant’s* I’?.;*. , fur tl.e ptnpuse ui HOcuting '.1! «•» >niain a 1ui.-* «-hfiprl <-;• i»>tbi«f »»f amting si x hundr«d *4 u«h ntn, four large claoa room?, tnurtic raoiDR. »-tu. The building >( 11 «*xii’s*«»n bili w.ta it.tr>* « r» m . i .»- k ' i for mf.»r?.'nlity and 11«•« apprais- ¡nt«-r«st of Grant’s P hs *. 1« nc»- «»f 11.- < i • r ii v « I tin -< iH>. h * it wom imp» i ativ« !\ d<*inand<-d By a large and rapid increase in the number of stu- i I their a.-*i tam e in 1Ue confitructiun of itici »ngr«?>*man, in . • da >u'; p|- oil. <1. v .z. J. J. Fry < J. | D. V,’. Hardin imd family are visiting Co«»* AitH > r i », i-'’' I ' I- I !»v .» I«*;. tihrspav t!i «*iun. • ■; It » . •» lilt. np. Htr » .I,;;g ampl«* 1 .n illti« s.foi phxMicul culture. The li« Mlth of Mud«*n.’rt fa insured by « very ( water u«»rks an«! an electric light plant. . Daley, t » me»-t at the of- I vuumy and may l«»<.»tc. r- ■ 1 ■ . « luck i g. ih i u ; h * ft« 3« »»It a?ul I«»« ati-.n »4 t In town «»f Monmouth, mak» s Rrrioua »deknew* almost unknown, f* ami .-'¿net! Ly a M. Ni< ‘ 'I* an l •i D. inet :»!•« »•< ;i « 4 <». J. Wt1 lard..I. P , and qualify, on Sat-J ■ has sncceeded in enlisting the ♦ ff»'rt* -,f i r tn- tl'« t;». • 41« I* wpi'-ritfid bii*in»-*»« «»p|M»rluniti«-H. is surround«*! by th«; richest farming land in the valley and is a most c pv-sideiit and uu»!«‘ the u Mrs. H. C. Kinney «»f (irant’s Pass Ims re­ I P -i*i unlay. August 24, a’ 1 <»’«•!» < k e. u. f r«*Nia« «•!», < . K. t J A< K>< >N VILLE. OREGON. blow. We can no longer even go to war fur it* p;«|'V<>‘. leu. kra or followers to county surveyor at th«-county elei k’* office in ’ W. N. Saund« rs ami J. M. Hoxie have ex­ < liun.-lor, W.T. Cuburn, F.M. J > nsor, I with f -reign enemies without paying tri­ rez-aert the r ti lelity to the great cau»e'. J4« k-oiivilh . August 23, nt 10t>’«-|«irk A. M., to cellent prospects <>n Slat«* cr«-< k. Monmoutn. ! I. A. JenniiujK and Arthur Conklin, w ¡»s I i . j we cxpict u parent to put tag* ! quality and pr»H-«-«il to view and survey sai«i bute to the powers of wealth. < Iregon. Win. Bunch, the butch« r, has r< turn«-«! to ihcorporatud to further the scheme. Tbe roil«!. .11 hi- chh'lreii wiieiwver they appear | Mailt• r of leasing Rogue river to T«»lo Town- Grant's Pass from Shasta \ alley. Cal. | capital stock haa been fixed at .i r I pub!ic, stating that they are lii* off- ♦ slice«-«« must have first 1 sit«- A Milling C«».. t«»i the purpose of floating M«ss« il»- Bros, will «»pen nnother butcher- < ii SER XL Rt s>l I I A. Al <*l X 4li shares of $ 10 each. Thia tin soliti t.Hiiilati«» i .4 .t tin. m.cilj ..i «« .man > .-liar«« •» r, b»is« «1 up«»n tin- lov«* «»f truth, honor and upright»»« log*, etc - leas«- vxeeutetl by county ju»!g«- and shop at Grant's Pass in tin- m ar future. poral runner are rival caniiulatcrt fut the »pring'" Assuredly not. The entire Pa- ' commission«-rs, i»r«*h«-m! t h»-gr» at ami iiup.ii Jani t.i. is <4 ¡H» . with tn ir relationships to «»n« anottu r. an«! last - but not -- !» iu«t. ’i -------- ------ *tr«-n ‘tr<-ns-th of I mm I j t<» enable him to and by tin pri-aident and sec- i* a long step in the right direction, and Thos. H«»war»l. whose team ups«-t th«- wagon j bear lu* v» <»i k »-K»fi 1.' ami w « ¡I. t h«- t»-*t «»1 a .ichool s w<»i k 1* the su<-«-es* of it* student* F «•tli« e <»f coil 111 Ati'ler tn « biet’ ol the G ran«I eific coast, to its lasting discredit be it retary »4 the Iolo l’ownsitr A Milling ('o.. said and hurt his leg s< vcrvly, is r«-«-o\ «-ring. Ev«-r> o«»iinly in ihr stat«- « an ts ar testimony to th«- ‘ we ho;»« th«»? no pain* or expense will Intlu'-n«-«-of tlu- N-»rmal. Both gi-mlual«-* ami stu« Il H» T». A Za , 3 .io- ’ ■’ I f I or ' • SI.'Z) V 11 *v <10. the presidency.______ _ John Custar ami Wilbur Williams, who are Tutti . , . .. .......... ....____ of '................................. '"r t«< i u»« k ............. . platitudes < partv platforms and tnaxh* 1 mg such improvement* as sp«eilivf III«- ’ lati.l. the K'ttle.l ui u l I !• .<«■. th. » nr. n-have th«'|.rivih «.-,>« ,-harir- KLAMATH (TTY. Room. > rA* t<> $1 p» r w< k. G<»»» the r.«.-.t:c »lope. Million» of violian accepted po’ii-y of the American people I tioated down said 1 iv» 1. Mr. Harv« y has gone to Shove! cr<-< k to re» $3.50 per wei k. L. Leonard is at Aitftouse again, having re ­ The Republican candidate for presi- | < «»unty r»»at valuable timber hw Ix'en . I.mn. E. Jac••!•* and R. F. Maury turned from Sprague river valley last we« k. ,tr veil the pant lew week», and the end 'lent declared that California was in»in- j i-t.ul.: Hr. Gill's house is iieiu l« r«*a»l> t«i Be oocu- free t*vh.»larship.*. 4 w re appointed viewer*, to m«*«-f and view said Supt. Massie will hol«i his next regular pub­ pie«i and n « v< ral other buildings ar«- under i« not vet. Solhing like them were ev­ cere in her many emphatic declarations road with th«* county surveyor on August lic- examination of teach era on the2Sth iiist, way. on that »ubj. ct, ami d must tie admitted it. is*». er fee:» l>ei')r><____^_— K« Hogg ami wife ar«- in Klamath <*ounr R. A. Emniitl of Phocnix ha* be«-n appoint« d M.itt»-r of building piers for a bridge across ty J. m F. the th ' election »liuwed lie j’lilged us wittr a IIill hope of benefiting the httt« r’s health. «•\« « utor «»I the «-stat«* of Chris. Maj« r. de­ « reek; county ch 1 k '■rd« r« «l to advertise T uk timber tire raging on the head ot righteous judgment. It was in vain that for Bliik«* Baldwin has returtu'd from Lake ceased. proposals t«»r building same in the D em «»- MHronri gnlcb to *oute extent menace» the l*eniocrucy f >reti Id the danger to I*' « h n t. T ime *. Valley *'i-,«v«»rd” and Ashlaud county and will remain her«- for the present. This point wIII undoubtedly op» 11 up quit«* a The pt tit Jury was (liscbarg«-d lost Thurs­ mark« t fort lie protluc-le ul Rogue nwr vail«-) the town, in the event of a »outhweet dt ade«l from th»* defeat of «'levelaml on •'Tidings." BiHoti. F. ( hristiun for $4<»7 for building day, not having a single case brought bt lore in th«- near future, windhptinging np.and unusual vigilance tic* one issue ; all our protestations, foie- pi«'r- tor N« il cr«-« k Bridge,allow«-<1. And also it. M> «sr«. Parshall and Bm-kner d«-part«*d on »houl.l !»■ exeici»«ii by our citiseli* «..------- iur — boding* ami not«'» uf warning fell on sundry lulls of r«»a«l viewers, merchandise Mr. Norton and Miss MeBrk-ty of Waldo pre­ Tu«-s«ia> fr-im Henley to Washington t« rritor> furni-i»c«l county, woik p« rl\»riu*-d. olhccrs’ cinct tlw nev’ i. w day». were marri« d in Jacksonville last Mon ­ heedlvM ear*. The government passed f.-.-M. on a tour of inspection. etc. out uf it» hand» and it* policy on thi* Mr. Rankin, <> up of the company, has just Rott'i p«*titloned for By A. S. Drew, et. a!.; day. T. I*. Le«‘ aneptvuib*-r t» rm t«» make rep«»rt. k« ts. R«»ad p<*litii»n«s| for by II. Haymond, •-t.nl.. Th<-for«man. Captain LaFla«*sh and a gang of l.ce Vick in the Ctiiueoe theater of iwople, in their m.nlness, condemned 1« -port* • t vi« wi 1 s and surv«-y or tile«! and road | HAVE FUK SALE THE FOLLOWING |/E- J. P. Mills of l)eer ere« k and D. Breggs of of im-n u > !l < quipped startv«l from this plac«- A hc - h I m -U ¡iruperty: that city on the night of N ovciu I mt , >>, our and policy, which restored to the «itdared opened. Suck'-r crock were at the <«»unty-seat last on tiie 13th inst. to commence w«»rk on tin- np- No. 1. Ri port of shentr on «h-lin«|U< nt tax list of 'H7 w <*« k. p« r «lain. «<>mc 40 miles above h« r«-. Th«-dam He , nroteot, d In» inno enee to the pubiic d'>ni.iii> million-of acre* of land; 1SSS. 1-- ___ One hundred and sixty acres of No. 1 choice, til.d ami appr«»ve«i, sh«»wmg amount remain­ this placi fa now completed. A large forc< K«-lly Bros, have rcmoxcd their saw-mill to at last, an 1 objected to having ** the black "in Chinese )»»licy which forever shut ing >ielin«|uent to be $.'»l.'».sl. level land, over one-half enclosed with uoub- of men nr»-« niploy«*mm< nc»- n« \1 w«-< k as 11 large portion of the furnish and plac«* in p«»siti«»n 3 double iron T hx «»reuon ianuer neeil net worry v im 'i p-omi—d to reduce taxation and cage uitnagiHxl dwelling-house with six rooms, a c< Us. remov« all wo.»ik tr«»iu inside M. Th»»rntun are rusticating at \ a<|uina t»caeh tiinbcis are m»w framed. good lug barn, granaries and other outbuild­ lina year, fne »heat crup oi -.Im world I ul in circuu'ion the accumulation* in walls of jail, construct conert t«* t!<»ot; in e«-!l- this wc< k. ♦ ings; two hundred bearing fruit trees, assorted Assessor Ream has about llnisluxl his work islijit—«« leaa« ili-1'atelms a.» Mate. tiie national treasury, produce«! by a] l 1 • >m. nut in cu rugated iron ceiling, and have Sch«M»l Book« Exchanged varieties, mostly tall and winter uppies, plenty ■ the jail c«iniplet«*d and ready for «M-cupuncy The i r >p o!«ni' 1 is •« .itile light, but i ontinuation of war taxes, ami our pen-, 1 within sixtv tiavs from date of contract vx- and th«* board of «-qualizati«»n will review it At the C tv Hr u; St >rv. R-aders exchang­ of small Iruits, near a good school, good uut- hide rang«-lor stock: governm<-nt title. Price. still taken ir-jt» an ea-trm stamlpomt it -i m p< licv which wa* tiie most lilieiul 1 ! « . pting tfte |Hacing «»1 a i ( m »( jii the but ding. this month. ed free. For further particulars apply at Mr. Baker, who has b«*en clerking at .1. W. f-SHUU; half cash, balance in one and two years, ia i«i'ii"nse. Kuoian orticiala report -u.ie tiie war. If Hie election in No- Consideration $,'?**>. The specification* call Howard’s store a» Grant’s Pass, ha* r« turned drug «tore Before Uctubor !*t, ne$t deferred payments tu be secured by a m»>rt- < fol-3 .»-ply hteel plate Jail ceils, patent* of P. a r *i lias been platted ami thrown upon the market in lot» ranging in size from two to ei-'ht acres at nrie.-s to M«-df<»rd that their crop i» the worst in year*. guge on the pn-iuiacs. | vemberdid not m«**n this it meant notii- i. l. Pauh-y anti Get». Kinsey; < a« h cell It» be t’> Hon. W. W. bi»lhr ati«l bn» sister, Mrs..Ed. No. 2 varying from sls.o.i to ^0.(m per acre-figures which barely cover the original cost of the property ami mg. The lb mocratie party i* willing to : feel 6 inches wnic, > fc« t det-p from front to NOTICE Till action of the executive committee an de by the vo'.'e ul the People when | rear and 7 feet high; corridor to be 5 feet wide. Smith, have been visiting relatives and friend A good farm of 200 acres oa Evans cre< k. in expense of surveying I'J f»-«-t, tt inch« s long and 7 f«a t high: floors an Mr. Guild hfis purehiis<*d Win. Jordan’s trot­ f«et with five rooms, a barn and stables. cent. to the purses offered in tiie S|>eed im n. ru'at waj r ly was in ,ts favor m inch ’»-ply harden«*«! Me«-| fall plates; lattic« ting mare’'Fanny," ami took iter to Eugene I H \\ L THIS DA YGIVI N MY S«lN. IR \NK acr«-s fenced, 40 acr« s in cultivation, well aat- I Hamiiioii*!. hi* Dtip*. t<» d<» his own busi- ting will ins'ire c'Xitcsta well worth wit­ tne r.- ent < intest, by the constitution of I window*« 2 f«-ct wide, from floor to ceiling, in city I.nt w«-ek. er«-»i and a tin«-outaid«* rang«- for stork. A No. in ** amiti liciti prop» rty in bis <»wu naiiiv. I each cell,of steel bars crossing at right angles; ] stork farm. Price, filtvrn dollars p«-i acre, A. L. (»«»«ximan nn»l G. W. Winnr. Jr., may ti'»m ami aft« r ibis «late, nessing, and was a gr.u’viul couceasiuri toral co it wm «M atod, and «•«•II d«»ors to b«- ot 3-13 meh .’»-plv plates with rush. Title perfect. E 11 Y.MMoND, mt to Iti'lucc »1 desii-alih- ' lass of nmiHgration to settle in what is acknowledged to !>e the most the demands of the local association. we submit till a new election again J f«-««l openings 4‘-. 3. Sp.k- mirti. July 1.'», 1K*MÌ. corridor grating t«» b«’of st«-« I bars with in<-*h- in hauling lumber. I* will umjue stionably insure a large at I bring* the paities l»-ioie Hie )>eopl'. fruit M .-tion in Southern Oregon. The land is deep, rich »oil, a large portion of it being stib-irriuated bv Four miles from <'« ntral Point railroad sta­ «-s of 2L» to 3 inches; all coriu rs to be Joint»-»! H. T. Hutc hins is a in-ini»« r of Joe Bowers tendance at the fair at Central Point. With the Republican party now rests with double angle iron; v< II d<»ors t«» b«- fast­ hridg«--buihiiiig ton e, and hasgiv«-n up min­ tion, a siu«* recently said: ho.d Is l.otli houses oi eongie**, the ns- ing in H-incb k»o.x; corridor d«»or to be of st«» I Phil. IB am may lie foiiml at tin* P«»*t-«>thce as wood i» worth s.'I.OO peri U! I N1»EU*IGNEI> H AS TAKEN I P. \T t-d with a dweihng-Uous«-. Title perfect. Price, i-ilticc work, sain«* as grating; 1 ¿ich c«-il to I»«- ‘"the pewer of the jw-t.ple to s uM-vfi any tioml al executive, an I every ofliee under pr<»vhl«xl with angle irons to swing bunk*. store at Grant * Pass, where he now p.»ses in his pku-t mi Trai! ere« k. n<»rth «•! thè ri\» r, eord on the ground. The entire tract lies directly in the $<>0 t«\ cash. t ft« r«-l<* of salesman. one dun mar» , brnnded ”i’” on lett shoulder, euuibin.ilio'1 by reducing the duly on th^tr cunt 1 both gi. it and small; it is I Foul air pip«-s will coniniunieat«- with v« nti- No. 4. C. 1' Hughes of Klamath «• .»unty. s»»n ol with «inali mr in f<»rr*lit ad, and snip <>n uose: imparts is one which monopolists are I not ioi iv • ' v to impede and liaias» it« latmg thus at l»«»tt.»m ot each ceil. Wat«r Chas. Hugh« *. Esq., is vi*it:iig relntiv«* am! agi- A tim* st«« k and grain farm ot OB am s; .3GQ about hi \ears. Also«>m- yearling eoli, ch»set and water tank to In- proi idt-d in corri­ aci osuml«*r tenc«-; 3Wacres farm land; 1U0acres just now incline I to regard wnh great ¡ mj I’ cv , mu' h K *s iron-gia\ in color, with baiti fa«-«-, and thr«-« ! ehi .Law it* ehest- dor; also water pipe ami h<»se to connect with friend* in this county. past in *■ and wood land; t« n acres <»f a good cistern. Alito be painted with twoeoiitsof Harry \ «»ung.of P-»rthiml. wIn» i* conn« «-led wliU t«-» t. runmng with mar»-. Tln- ow n»-r i.« resj.-. t." But last year th« TnMi/n and ih P s cut ui tl.e ti;e. ><»ung orchard and a nice vim-)ard; There Iiu.- never been :i -.ea»<.ii when orchards on mljoining land have failml to pro­ iwii awelliiig-huuM«* and t wo young paint, ami subj« « t to b*- rej«-ct«si if ail ma- with one ot the leading nil!:«»a»!-. *p< nt a t«-w r ■ iu « -!-«I fn t.k»-th«* aniinals awa> am! paj of .Im-ksoH county. a I pn lection organs went leiimg the good wella on the- What tl o future h.n in store for u* l samples of steel 'lay* in this section last uc«-k. ali tlainag» « ami « xp< na»-«. place. Tin-re *Hl I»« *M»ld with th«- farm a large duce a good crop It 1» unr ol th«' few sections in the county where the ¡.aper-shell almond will produce pvopie that there wan no relation uu.t- none cun tell; but w ithin lean th.in five plat« s and bars •uLuui:« <4 to board of com­ THOMAS MARI IN. W. B. Taylor «\ Co.’s sawmill, near Grant’s amount of agricultural linph incuts amls»>um Etna. <>r<-gon. Jnly 31, !.<«!». rvi r between tiu-ta an I the tariff. When l’u«s i* now running on full tmu ami 1 * inning ............ - ."•■r the inauguration of Gen- mission« rs. E very Y j ai «. 1 he certainty <>f an animal crop will make this land inlinitelv more valuable in the near household turuttur«; also a numb» r u! garden out st.-u ks of« xocllent lumber, did they tell the.truth? tools. All g«» with th«* place. Good outside eiai ILu'fiaOiX wo •te confronted with future id fruit growing than tlio»e »eeti.m» .-ubjm-t to killing spring frosts. range for stuck. I’ric«*, half cash, bal- A teachers’ institute will b«* hehl at t ; rant* KLAMATH < 01 NTY ITEMS. Bids Wanted every evidence ci wnicpiea l buttinomi an«-e in two equal v early pay nienta, to draw le­ Pass «41 th ’ ’ -fith and 27th inst., which will no T iik L ib rirfc Ei r manfully “.tngmition ; tiiou« '.ml« of w. ikmeu starv­ gal mt« r«-st from «lay <•! sale. 1u I m - secur«-«i: or Miss Tillie No«-! has g >m- to Shasta, Cal.,on a doubt !•«• successful and interesting. >S roll Bl II.IHNG A NEW S< H«>OL- champions the caune ol Mews. Rue and ing and etrikiii|{ in I'ennsjivania and Visit. all ca«h, at option <»t the purchaser. Tin- land W. E. D«an, lately ot Glendale, will s hoii«. ni G ml Hili school diati h t No. 57 is situat»-«l w« st <»f the i>ebiiig< r Gap. 'fltie Ariuin^ton, state and government land Indiana ; the daily t rmatiuii of immense r< V« <1 ami open»-«! by th«* B >ariiii.»< I.ns will I»«- rc»iuii-« tl to givt p.i-- sliitmlc l.u »•»<> w.;;,.h * mainifni turin der-lMjliH. The E • nin/m i states what pri« ' fur agi icultural producto , a cctn- from drouth. tu p. Jti Houtn. rang«- 1, « ast, ‘ b« 'i.ijç part <»f bomb tor ' ui!iili»-g «-outra« t. Plansan>! spt ci- valiie fol' fruit growing, n-gaidie»» of suiroumiings. *« vrrai tip »us..nd supeftor sfiingl« * daily ■ The property is all D. Boone Retltl* id ha- r, turn» »1 from hi* trip donation claim ot J. B«»zaith. oy i w«>t wide of we believe to La the truth, that both m r cioa ticatiitfis can I»«- ft'-«n ai the elfter of .Jacubv "idv appointed to examine Grant's pas* has mor«' fine trotting h»»rse* Bros.. Gohl Hill. ' )r» g >u. Antelope cr«-« k; go«xi grain ak*»l stock-tarin. turn are honest slid conscientious and Ulti, the |.. r:*ion oi'i. . under the charge to Douglas county . than anv 1 u«r I». w. M AbTtRpoN. I in the we lection of swamp lands. a<-r«-K of tiiulkcr lan«l clofK‘ to . the __ coud _____ - Tarnier, ami la»t, but not least. the A . ’ I!;'h- i**d f.imilv are paving the Wi!- in Miller «\. Co.'* warehnus«- al Grant* Pass, and the .Jai k»oinille Bnblic Schools, wliieh rank among the best in the state. The entire tract adjoins ty Forty WM. P. .1 \< »>uv. Cl. ik. road l«-ading to the Big Butte saw-uull; val­ nlmette vUiley a y i*H threaten -d annihilât :i of the Scott ex- and ar«- purchasing choice truit ot all kinds. uable chi« fly t'm rail timber. Government ti­ the cor]Hirate limit- of Ja< k»on« die. 1 he branch line of railr<»a«l from the <). «fc C. to the county-seat will Tai:. S|H>kane Fall* pa|»'r* censure th" duomi, act.' J. J. i>»-pn*es L. It. \pph-gat« 4 logman, Mt li»»n» y, wh“ v .'S *• !>’ to lai! for b ailng I tle. The <'Wner is out of the atat«-aud the laud, has gone t »Indiana «>11 a vi*it. inetheient lire .-«.« ire th»- aban»ionnit*nt ui Furl da Billv Liver and Kidnev» : beautify the complexion bv pu- w»»rk* tn tb«* absence of the proprietor. ami AB«< Matin wsl av< for Crat» r lake this i el». I fencid ami in cultivation; im|»rov«-d'with a rifyinq the blood; mild in their action, pleasant to take, water xopply. The I**»-on coined high, K’.iujith. Tl c title »»*;:*<»n appear* tu be Th '-. J. W.-»d< •’, of box. Druq and General Slot os or by mail. Samples free. tree«; a dw« iling houw. a barn ami ntb«-r out- which M im I. - ui **- Cr. . k> it. »4 this r unty I k - ums . T"'i >tr«am*« <>1 waf< r run throngt* coast are rapidly learning that it pays to Ia»c4 fi’jnt'a-r j*- t 4* 4>p«« icrt of exile, The w» ll-l>or. r of .Mickelson.Hum A L» gate, THE DR. BOSANKO MED. CO.. Piqua« O- ua* t. aeher, will be found on th»- first pag< of tins pine» . It i- su^-'-ptible <>f i**mg divei» «1 equip ami maintain a Ihurutigbly organ- n«»t to !»e b« rneii tl vie i» t:.u rtiu*»tv>t is kept busy am! I»;m doiu* excellent w. 1 k int<» two pity»«» of <«n<- hundred ami twenty th« TlME*. Th«- ’’Oregonian’s’’ r»-f»-t» n«-»' to the depot iz**>l tire department and enable then» to chaimv «»f «-.*• 4| !ng num it. The curled acres n or at moat endure hie at a ten- the present. causing Intense itching when warm. This form as well D. S. C >< k ha* re- >| on* mitii and n \ a« 1 «-r f« uced and in cui- sati*tacti<:ii. sity fur a thorough organization and fo - fiiviulrtat t- 1 1 «1 hii ' i 4 a more or less tiv atvm, with a living sprmg n« ar the dwell­ I. . Biclu*. th»- w« ll-ku-'wn stone mas< n. i* Dr. Hamilton of Califoi nia. t* ho purchased »hieb act! oirecit, on the parts affected absorbs tu­ «jin-nt dii'i. Die fact that careless hands I ri • ' a Ln.iiant furlough a! the nation­ building a vault for tin- safe k «] mg <»f ing. One«»fth( very t»»^t st.... k i .mg»* «attic L>r. Fianagan's prop» rtv.it Grunt - Pa**, ha* mors c'U’/s itching and eUscts a permanent cure. 60c. county . Yauk. ■ < r«-» k r.ows through this land. had reeled up the hose wrong end-to un al < i ital, whrru they all love t«>congre- oui county records. gon*-«-a-t with hi* family ami will not I..cate Druggists ar mill treat.*» true Or Bvsar.eo Piqua. 0. Title perfect. Price. MEDFORD, OREGON. 1 r, . rive tiie iioinage universally tt>«- cart came dangerously near causing g Supt. Fountain will ho|! u public « xamina- f.-r th«- pre*«-nt. No. V,’ a loss of many thousands in place of lim­ a •>’<: •! >1. uMer -trap- by the fair f>ex, tioti ol applicants tor teacher a certith at« - on I. . Vance, a w«-l!-xm»wn business man. has Wednesday, th«* 28th. tu A goo«l place of 19J ueix-*fc iutprov<*d with m r»moved to McAl i>ter. wliei«- he will s«M>n iting the damagi- to hundred* of dollars. it 1* not ditiiculf t»j keep some cheap good. <1. w r«-sid« u. , Imrn and granary; m I m i . i Jas. D-nanza were c»P< n a stor«- tille«i with a comp!« t« assortiiient -I. .iy busy ringing the arr«-st»-«i Great care sliuiii ! tie taken tu «re that .*tat»* manor »•!..;.* sixty a« i «* s fcm-ixL u itb an orchard of about by a d«*puty F S. marshal ami taken of tiie best good*. À t change* al L^ad-qnarterrt un the hard- • m«- hundred assort «si iruit tre« s; one large every thing i* in its place, correctly ar­ to Portlami last w* • k. charged with tin stag«* T<»WN PROPERTY, FARMS. \ 1NE\ ARPs Tint sb ngh-s manufacture»! by Me Artl. n \ spring and «»tner smaller <»nck on the farm. range“! and in working order, ami the xlups ♦ ruluiv ! at a frontier military ¡»«^wt robbery some w«*vks ago. mill ar«* !ir*t-cla** in « verv particular ami giv« 1 anti Mining Ciuiins b«»ughi and* d< n « .ni ­ Ù ank« «- creek run* through the pia«-«-. Spi« n- « Y M» L oan nN !?>N*G TIME . AT ni issi Hl. firemen can usually manage to be on ar. • tin* al.eg- <1 UM’»u*.*!»eH< of maintain­ Many ranch, r-who had about abandoned theiull»*st sat’sfartiun. Thousands of th. 111 «hd st.s-k rang», with gov« rauuut title. Price v Rat - < ai K« al listai< S« curity. are being sold daily . th«* id« a of getting wat. r, hav,- foiiml it by $1UUU, cash. ing a guard ovt r a i«*w thousand de- INING PATENTS obtain 'd at rea^mable hand when needed. n or a Mr- ss in. ans of the well-borer now operating in the No. 10. Abe Cissnn. a pion»-» r of Josephine county, rat«-*» and wit li di-patch. pra*««l, buM»tli.», *o-caH>l ‘ civilized” valley, at depths ranging from 1* A brick h«»ui*v an»! large lot in Jackxoiivllhq Us the first instant at Cleveland, Ohio, In«! an* in a < ■ untry where there is a Mr-. B. S. Grigsby has r». turn«-d from a visit Althousr pr«*cinct. on«* day la*t week. H«- was M«*«H.'iti, < >1 « >:on 1 connected with th«- Land Office. with u Htabl«*. A eonifurtabh horn«-, and title the i»lirnon.er tl3-year-oid trotter “Ax ranch uw.» <«1 by filler* every ftw mi lea. i<» Jackson county, where -he Ims b»*en visit­ ah >ut K? years of ng«*. !**rl.t t. Pn«*«*. f»djo. $2UU cash an«l balance hi v t*quMl payments «»t nix. twelve and eigh­ J. T Ro!»«-rtson was held as a liueh us to the LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. tel!” went a wile to lx*at hia record of Tne preva.ling popular impression that ing het pur, nts Mr. i-nd Mr* J. B. l aith, of I thr< Apph*gate. She was w u mned home bx her Jury xvhich tri*-'l th»* Ireland cas«*. an«i a spec­ teen in*»nt 11-, dt !«i red pa> in«-nfs t<, draw t»-n 100 ..Z. ’ . -.KI ac i » the ’ an i rig army of the t nionirt main- • I'»’.*» with running mate in 2:14• *. It V many friends. pur cent. ;ut«rvM. ial vr-nir«' fur 2| te’esmen was issued. The 21*) acr« s of uniinprovetl Ian.I. :kl acre«* of la cohtbient y expected that Ire will trot t.um «1 4.* a .* 11 ui protection from In­ No. 11. Janies Dodd and Satu W.a k< r. who wrr»' last f al consume! two days. which is pram« latti urn! to«- balAm ■ g ><»<1 frame boil*«* in JackaonviBc in 2 :12 before the season ia over in which I dian»* and rnulx», or a-t a nuclein ar and we» k ai r« st« . ItiO acn**# over -easons. the .« ime day the s»>mewhat erratic gel i- i»L a r¡.¡« rtaii.« «1 • I hi* n i.i.-ion l»y the «»i Lin. \i..' 1» t n and has n»- ing Guy iruUe«l to l»eat*hi* own time in average army ■Hi er, a bo can only rn- w a.* cohdueteh - >011 as tlv- «»pt ra-lioiis»' building I* rnmplct»-d. good» arc retailed over the counters. We have thousands of interest a« pla«-«- to make a good lb»rm-. furth« r use for th»- pr»»p<-ity. J. W. H.iinak'-r, of Linkx illc. is « uaag» »! in Th»* c.miity-*» at is moving ah« a»l rapidly ami 2:10*4, which is getting danger«»tl lv ' «lure t:.«* ti.ougi.t 4 the'•e; \ice at all in fulfilling In* g.»\ » rnm. 111 « ontract for survev- > m *. i N«». ’*•>. 4«O act•«•*. No. 12. ing bargains, of which the following is but a fair »amp' le: close tu .lav-Eye-See’s record, ami but the; i Ci.it a upei.ut in rank may die mg .m t platting th«-Lam! 1» tt t»f SF’ a and NW»4 of SE;^ Rud NEY^ Mr. H-tiiryof A!th«iU!M-|nei-in«-t, wh»»h sup- ' and : - x • wav for I.is own pr< motion,ur lug ot G >ose Ink- in th» vicinity of Lak view. twoMecuii Is behind M iud S. $4 50 (ient'» Mohair Coats ami Vests reducctl from inning uat« r; title, doiiaiiun c <»f .4 M < . 1.., tu p. 37 south, range 1 «a-t, '■¡aim. Agitai to 2 1'5 po-u-d to be insane. **sau!t«-«l ps.*ault«*«l a ( hinaman in a ' I.xamimr” -av- tIns l»UUii>K of ti e Nil ir.iiii’|ia ' nri.il in open to ,-ntry. No. 7'-‘. 21») acres. $5.(«U per ucr<. A g«MMi inv«.stm»-nt. months. * •¡<1 to be promi »Mni* iapidly anil it i- ■ r«* L. . mi .« -ive the adulation •• Balbriggan l’nder»hirts reduced front 50 to 34 zj.imu«'l Wfl'k* r and James Dodd who were A tim- farm m ar Eagi»- Point, < H ., all f« m «si. No. IX W P. Jeter of Murphy precinct has raised tliuuglit it will be lonipli-te'l in»ul" ui •»:! ? > ye.u »1.« f and {inhapg »iw air« sf»*«l at B m-inza la-t ,v«-. k bv *h< 1 iffChild- Hu .o res in cintivatjon. » x<-< ii- ut n»»u«c. g »i. 2 i-i.- -huulder straps for a • rs,« iiarge.1 w uh !h r* « cut wtak«- rol»L< r\ ?tml at«*, b'-ing of nit »- size an 1 davor, lie is rai4*- four yearn. About 2iMM> men are now itii vs at. r pip«** to the pr«*mi*«-s, and throng ti • a » r* successful m pr«.\ ing in ii I h II and » if. ci­ No. 1 min--iic. go.*! w« h, living *pi-tng-.Mr> a.n •• Night Shirts Si quality now C3c, •• i 25 05 each r«»oiii in the house, from a living s|>img. to employed on tbu work, and the t a'iv » w 4 1 E «■ ur- tc'iht-selRtleiron- ting their 1« i»*;is>» , w r*- afterward* arrested ' ing a c >iisid< raLlr quantity of choie«- Irait ot wnt< r flowing 1 kr.digii ani a s\st«-m ot irri­ lion-»* is 1« k atcl on a lull half i»l«*< k of -.rtry L>r the by |h puty !’. S Ma; »ml W. W. R.»b» rts of an«l v«-g« tables. are smm I to be fur more friendly toward Eaney Calico Dress Shirts, regular prie«' •• 25 Tn« 65 to gating diteti«« i»)’ lm ans «.»t wnich »'• acr«>«4 land. 1WX20U tv«*t in size, and ha- all the fruit* P. H . o Shea, having sold his :n.n> * on Grav«- lami maj be irrigat' d. Exccih nt Bargain. the pruj 'i t than tln-v ever were toward • • ». uf the >« (tiers arn «0 :uany P< A'tian«!, and tak n t » the <>r»-gon m»-trop<»iis growing therein necessary tor a tamiij to us«*. fires» r ere. k to the Pacific Mining ('«>.. left tor >iski- 1« rm.« cash. l'-í The premise* n»»w rent for «20 per month; the raruitna n heuie. The imiueu.kc ben­ bh> g ! k- nt i !.«* way o.'the hand- trial in the t.-dcru! courts. It is said that <<11 yoii C'.unty W»*dn«*s»lay on a pr«»*p<-ct:ng tour. »« 4» *» It <4 M). price $2-»W; $l.'»Ki ai time of sale, <|4-f«*rcd paj - 12J to Si invnts efit* that will aeciue to the l’aeitie ci ,i-t aming ichuiiii as a s< arching the men riuni«'r.»us artich * w.-r, a<-«-->mt>anicd by a r«*sidcnt of thm county, |«i) aer« - ■ 2 ’ M.i acr« - ri«. 11. lev.-l, b< »lt<>m l.ind. to be svvured b> a mortgage on the from the completion ot tin» grand < oin- • • -ntiniial ha:nn»er- loiih‘1 ten ling to incriminat,- th. m. ami they whose name we hav«* f«»rgotten. to to premia«-*, or all cash at option <4 the purchas- <-l«-nr«-d. 1U acrcs t sent, but you must order lively. f«»i >oin» tim«* past at Grant's Pass, underfill- I>:ti:ttu!vr Millinery at half price. Lawih, Challis. White (ioods. town—title perfect. the v.ar dt partment that • x« mug* -ince. Much interest was taken ami znore than bail of our trade. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. imi and wmt» r. Evans « r« < k iun* «i . L- he abandonment of < !<•., prices hacked all to pieces, A nice place, partly « n«-lo*i*d. mid a hos- irrigatigli. Six tini« « troia K. K. «H-p«4; « uc- .1. F. Prr*sley.the pioneer barber, may still b»* *• - • UAL Kepuoiicati memlæra of the » O*ts, in spite (•! the Tb" follnwinz 'l*-i''ls wmest«-ad claim of I’rcnrh, quality 35c now 25c; 25c n«»w ldjc; 2<*e now 12Jc: John McConm-H. in tn«- lourtii mi le li < in scii « m »I and post« db« ■ . Cric«-. S i»«* ii-, found at liis old stand in Grant s Pass, ami is sections tl ami 7, twp. 35 V. S. sriiaiu having iiRimutvi! to tufi :<•*.< Wet tru t that county cli'i'k » "II»'" t..i J.,< k-cui county .inc d .mg a g mh ! b i-in» *«. H« i* nt»lv a.-sist« <1 l»y *12 per a« re. Ítbe In-, r* port "I tIi- Tiwi.s: s«nith, rang«- 1 w«*t. containing 1HU acres. 15c now 10c, etc. uarber who lost his property in the Moii- M. •tiie prcbhlent Hut Liw-l’arint-r ?«1. !«*t 1 »* •-.'Clltati V- :» W«H SO 1 .< Kr*- nluiric »■> John Charles; umlivl The Chief Rejiuon for til« great 8UC- <-.ui the vacancy un the L. S. dupreni« ht rich ’ uv >1 th** f i»y of L av- j ■ITS. No. u. be tnad«-tue Instuniiy lunch in Ih» Mute Ki W. JU.-,. ’ 1 physician and Hur’g»*on, has located at Ce^s of Hood ’ s S..i-.iparilU h fmind la the of<>ri*gon; 23 mite* fr< in Adulami, l’ri«»- *•> THE NIMBLE NICKEL CATCHES THE IÎI LKÏ HOLLAR raiutii I V Ihe »truth of .Man.»*) .Muhew*», ) 111 1 ¡ote. h-«i from the 12V» acr« •. within 4 miles <»f G«»ld Hill. H. R. Will, liste- t" JI. I'. r.cwl»; un.pyi,l,,| I. ,,f («rant - Fa.**, ami may be e found ......................... ut t In- B ig- article itself. It is merit that wins, and the pel a< r» . i\ rin.-, hai! « a-h in han.i, baiane« station, impi«»x.*i with s dwelling-house and by Hous»* for th«* present. H»- com»-* w«*ll . . it ¡.-4 ruuiurrrt tr.«iry No i«* wiil • 1 Indians now on the lol U. l'Ik II. <'lilial Point. r» <-< num mle«l. ami will no doubt build up a fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac­ uin-asj t«-rms. promote«! lu the p't«:»*, an ! ti.c pres­ -• 111 het n < rreeon. known as the upper Ralls place, prlc<* >11.00 ; acr«-s in .Ashland, s .'. huo luerativ< practice. 9 complishes what is claimed for it, is what 177 acre«; ’.»»»iU i ts fvnc <1 and in < ult ix ation. ident win wait unid the Ihre« elig.bh per acr«-. Half cash. l»ahiii«-<* in one year; d«-- Isaac Rib•«!« * t<» * M Rlio«h*; «luitchiiin tu 5 K«-nm*«!y a»> ! Guild, who w«-r«* arrested f.»r H«»us» , barn. «>rchai'4, ni« w, oQc-lialt tut. r- has given to tl;ls medicine a popularity and 1< rred pa\in« nts t«> b<- ««-cured by m«»rtgage : aerts mi tp. 4**. R 1 xv. ci. jutice*, Mnirr, Braid«y and Field »»*firr nd “h"wli'd ii»;'!.' bv th»* i burglarizing C. >;-verson s r« *i«b no»- n< ai « sf hi wat«*r-d>tcii fimi wnt» t . igni, amt system onprop« rty. A me«* little home lor h « ik -I» u <1} . * M kl» »d« * I.» ! mu* Rh»Mi Grant * Ihrns, \»«-rc discharge«) from custo«ly sale greater than th.it of any other sarsapa- «>f irrigai i<>n by wnich 125 aci \ - may in* ni i- tr«»m the tainb, wt.cn h»» a ill make an­ • ii ''th I ut Centrai i 1 ^a.i oi do’U’tion « ¡aim N ., >*, in tp. s, R | last w« i k and departed north imm ii.it« ly .¡1 No. hi. running « n mu 1 h gat«-«i. >trcam’ ot watcr « other attempt t«> fuist ihe trier.«! uf the Mprit Win«; 11111 ,,r 1,100,1 purl " « i , in Hi ■ 11m. xpecteil *• arch of pasturef n« w. I/ots numbert-d on«* ami two of section 31. in IVIcr I l VVIIIO tier iK'tore tl.e public. utiuiit'a: \ «4 tu« |'hu « «-. 1» 11 inn»« tr<»in corni­ Ging- «s olma upon th«* ptuplc a.* a thsp u*cr i n H' .e i f the farms I R. H IL ml« r-h< tt t»> Mr*. M. ii. tow nship 35 south, of range I u i st; al**» the lot l j *«*nt, an4 «me aliti a li.u! miles tr«uii pv**- Two y<»ii’iv m. n engag»d in a fight Ht K» U Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Sult olii«-« Vt 1 _«», f;ll jtl’l*« C. iiuinla n-d I of section 6, in townsinp Jtf south, ■ a .ill ! s i tn tu indi' ate I l»unt* .'» >in l «». I- k II. Ashland auil svIiooilitHitH*. Frice. >x»d". I O A r. < ,,. t„ M. Th'.ina.; : t 1. I. k 2.',. Golii l< y saw-mill on • tu-ny < j-m k < 'lie day r« «•< nt- of rang«* 1 w«st. eontaming in all •.« acr«*t*. Bhetini ami all Humors, Dyspepsia, Slclr ly . Wh» n th»- « nc mimed McDaniel was about u:u;' >!.i* ei.nnty for I Hill. ,MI. *1300 S3. 20 acr»-s. Pri**«-, si» per acre. t 1 !>•-km»ck«-d out. his fatin r ru*li«-d in and fleadacho, Biliousne««, overcomes That IL s’. S S. ( ox express**«! tl.e opinion \ .'ar, < b tour» ', in tn- iu • ; Geo. < row.',n 1.1 Calvin J. Smith; 1 acre In «leult r <• 13 a« res set in alfalta, natali«-«' li .'t of vine- No. 17. his antagonist a I.low with a stick of ».. l>'. 'n. ». It I E. ju.i Tire«! Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength­ \ar«i ami «>rc.iar > 1 i1: tl • y ' . I, and yet tbe of pin.-.«root m Mr«. ailil;,i,ii. Wm. N» w man of Althousc nr« < in«-t, wh»» i* dairj with g<»«»d «»ut.-nh range; situate«! Blood'« MnrNitpurilln is sold by all drug­ suifiii for sill«- on reasoiiAhl«- t« rms; has a large sil- kui L ring with a c.»ni « r on hi* lip, ha* i>< «*n in H«ljitst the.r »lid’e;vnui-s L-etnre the next •■•> la: j ■ i ranch as the n ul Point jp.-, y a4jae«-nt i • tm <«»rporat« limits ot JiK ksoll- ting-r.M.ui u ith a g.md fir, place, Iwogmsl I ms I- M. «’.it» o to i .1 . r; NWUrflot.-, in Jtuksoii <*ounty. t > < «msult Mr-. .Mill» r. wh«» gists. >l;'ixfur$5. Prepared by C. I. Hood viu«* and live miks Irom 31« «Bui«!. ca npai^n, that a wentern man will h- ll ao'lu. the j K.r. t li Li of w>M-at < ■ .1 ■• k- r«H»m»amia kitch« n. a goo«.l wt-il of water Ml >'* mill t<< I out rat point, j.'^i. lias iiu»! much «xperiem-«' in such cases. Hi. & Co., Apotheca:it-s, Lowell, Mass. il ’ W» s4 hiOacrt-M. tin dour, woo«lhou«e. etc. Price, $**UU. lln* Ih*tn«»Cratic noniinve fur pr« aitlent in ' .’.1 i i .-•• av.-ra • I IS I deitele to the «« 111. I .al. -ti, II I IX’Wls. llllol, „I, <1 !.. of trip has n >t b**« n I»« nt ticial, so far. 40 acre* un ler f« m . ami in « ultixai t«>n. 11 - No. Ik. 1>’»2. This will !»«• g»>.»«l p«»hry in any :< -re, ah le a f ivii 'i tract of 20 a. n s Ih;-n .rtii so fi-it ol lot IJ. I. kll.i i no.il point. A young man nam' d Harmon, who former- rigating diteti w iti» solin i» ut wah • to irrigai« Iv r«-id»*d on lb*« r ere« k, whs »lrown«*d in J. Lands in sections 7, IS, 19. 21». 29. and NTt «»1 hi a«-fes and thè baiali«-»- «-a.-nv « Bar. <»; uJ ex ent, as New York due» nut a ways 'I ir I I. i' o timi' il i II .o 1 . busill is pre I.ouist II1II lo.I I; Smith; ICII acres In tn W. nger «V Co.’s lag«x»n near Cr»-nc« nt city, s« « tl<»n .tu, in t«-u n-lup 35 south, rang« I w<*s(; ilrst-ciass ¡and. .Siiuut «1 « hi l^vans « r«-« k. 23 support her home <• m lnlatvs, as the acre in the lace ol sncii a consuming MS, HIE. ««gitili. ( al,, om-»lay last w« < k. He was at wmk«»n containing 113t> acres; and lands hi sect lolls 12*' mi«.* ir.»in R. K. «K-p«»t; g »»a loa.is suimm r Jam. « E siiiiin to \. J,, h , nt. r: ».ime i.rou- some logs in th»* wat» r. ami it is b«-li.-v< «1 that country at largt» has learnt*«! Ly bitter dr oi, Ut a, we li.a .• t ndurnd this yar s 14. 23. 24 nini 25, m t«»u n-lnp 35 soulh, of range ..ii'i winlcr. Tm* i* a Bargaiu. erty. i«.i»«i. * 2 w*st, containing 1 mi acre*. John Iti, ,' t.> M.v> r»; lots I;; It r> h; al»ove-tnentjf>ncd land should h«- s >ld iu eno II. W. T XV LOR, ley. Re", I.yel 1'. I'.K "li. rill,..,, I t,| I t,, A.,,.|i,„|' j| . down until lif»- was » xtim I. L. E. HoOVEfi, l».»dj . >6 p< i acre is th* price. It sold in mail ti.»u*c aula II. W. M i.*«»_\. titios not Icssthmi 40 m < h - m . hi $10 to fl’ per nnfa.lin^ regularity when p.Hml 4^.1 net tllius óol.l ihe I o*|.¡li li m oli indicate Il'.xle t .Town of M'slfi.r l; imítelaim rai*ing in Hat- - cr«-» k pr« «-ln«-t w ith Jos. limit, Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire ami barn, oiie-ha.f imi» - t r< >in sch«>oiht>u*< ami |<<>*t- a< re, according to the «¡ualitj and qusutity of each other, tor ten years past. fine c ops i b . v, ¿i.tiii ni.tl iru t, n.ost <«> < ,2 II. dud last Monday amt was buri«*l th< following I'D :«< r«-* in tj . 37 S. R I XV. e|. «itlice. S« vi li imi« s troni 1 <«jlr«»addeput. ,*itu- innd »old. T« rms, on«* third <- m *I i at time of Dav Lab«»!« r, l»y tin ir common use of »lay. II- •! apparently recox » n-«l from a s«'v« r»- oiountaii: r.. el l!' e'ai’i 'i / to have a» V» il. J.t« k* t«> sun■; «piitclaim to 37-luii in aled un L\ ali.* ere« k. sa»«-. )>ahHi«*e on tim«* to suit purchaM-r; -<4111« ; »|iilt« lahn to i ;>-1«« i th«- premise*. This laud is m«’»stly allghtl* roll­ utation of Ayer’s I’ills. Leading pby- 5.7 itcn-s, iill r» nee»l ami in culti vati. »li. Il i* u n iiUklli reef ion on the i'.ltli >>i .1 uiy w !>.< h . 'n la1 pi :.i ins tn'asm 'n¿ Io acr»- in «ame 11« about 25 years <»f age and highly r»Sj«1 .n tiu- tirai t «»t Rogne i ¿ver \afi»-\ ,«*n«- •ieians r«-« «-inineml these pill* far I II "oil'll lice, if: . IhigkS for awldlu made him ‘-totter on Io.» • ml • o . * r t » . t » Er F • hr., k M : mu ul; |..t, 7, ». all wh»» knew him. tn Ja< ksun county. imi*- l i '»m ( « ntral Puini . mostly fenr«*d.an«l * lnpi,>v« d with ly. 1- < . uk I ii « ting a popular r»-sort aft«-r the ¡ii.it. tir -«»il is tr««*, in li, bluck lufiin, and also, for Rheiiniaifam, Jaundice, and party ol natura invaili d the palace the pl ent«... n ..'t lined Hie dint n-, .{• -i>n < liai I« s t<> Jas. ( «ain>. umlix m 1»-«I fl adw« :hiiB-h«.use. and a good llllg. with plan ot th»* wel! ......... km»wn be r halls ...................... ........... of the nn-- lilt Jfl 1 w iti urow tt Ja.t»i xvitti«»ut irrigai i,»n. XX ili b«* a fixing spring i»t u at. r u*al t|„ mH.r’ liear tro|H»lis. 11» k» » p* th«-!><-t «»f everyttiing in Neuralgia. Thrx are sugar-coated ; con­ yard av'i iind''it.x.k t > place the kinu’e -'»Il d 1 1 1 ■ • Í e - > il e :, tïlbf. rei »ce It I | .. ¡'.g 2b. .M- «il »¡'i. C h «». s«»td tts a wnoi«* «>r sumux i«l« ». r.'», 270-acr«* traci*, i n» r • is n • wuste i.tnd .inter Lil.nukalani on the fotone. II • 11 a* w t! i y ar nave mil» h ' 12*. I t ami II. bik 45. M<-dh.r.t ims ira« t, aiut it is withuut «{Uf-tuioti <>m ot in operation; ami, therefor«*, the xery Tl.e kinit tli'ln t feel like abdicating and in t L '■ 'oacr va i' V, No. an. w -d I ." H >gg t.» .1«mu. H<»gg; ha 11 in (’.,«.k- lun Winn in Grant's P.i** give him a cML »li«- h«-st larms ¡nJa«k n cuunly. F«n*trinib best inediune for Family Cse, as xvell as «railednut tlie Honolulu r.fl----- k't'iuei.— v.-lî I gr.1.11, i S|.. I i illy oats b j * add to <\ntral Point. *I5U. ti< !••* «»f Incoi porat»<»n have I»» • n filed im and prlcert vati on ur adur« 11*« undtrstgnud laind in Kectlon 36. touiwhlp 3. South, range 1 «»file»* of tin- s»cictary of stately the rfor Travelers an«l Tourists. Ut M Uloi il, Ur« goti. who with th* a«»iatatM*e of a ba-r-leiH J u . m ; also land* tn section* j| Hl,d th«- Mouth he if " it « aple. whe ‘t, «rant ’ s I ’ n** A ('»>a-1 Railroad ( ompany. u ith half <»fs««tion 30. township.'25 south, range 1 < 1K< I I I I •>! KT PR«M F.EDINGM. sf I hav«* «lerivi d great relief from pitcher who utilized his »kill by throw­ l.ife that insures n silr- its principal offic«- at Grant's Pass; capital ♦¡.'>0:uf s • t equal to the in I in- K * Ila* l»«-«-n transact» 1 1 Arthur I'onklm iirvtli«- incorporators;mid taken »0 ill with doubk saw-mill, with turbine win*. I, and Kent.», eucieeiied in »uppre».xing the re­ I»«- sold « Iu ap in lots to suit putclias. i’•». and an i fiib' «hi; in i ts will fad but in th«- circuit <-<»urt f«»i J »sephin«««-«»unt v sine«- ami if til« ir objt et is to ImiM a railroad from Grart’s an itbumhiui <- <*1 wui«-r-p<»wei . Mill «-npacily, at pin es a«-c«»rding to selections made. bellion la'foru nightfall. "W last v**:li. tin* last report of th«- Ti me *. I l’.i-« t-> tin- soiitlu 1 n b »undm v of tin- stat».- of left p< r 1111'1111' aim in A I run­ " V « ’ Etig» it« ( liaii--.- v*. ii«-».. t’.,ng!«.: u< ti.»n for Oregon. No. 22. ning a i'it i. A»*> > «/ii> n.a<-koinithsiitip and t r< c..x.ry of p« r*«»nal |»ro|»« rt>. Jmig. ni« nt A No. I grain and m«a k farm of 330acrea. 5 11><•<>«, on»• I ranc bai n. 4‘»x'»u i ■ i. t u <> g awl that I xvas unable to do any work. I Ki.i.Krm» and receivem of land "ilice» As will b *»•• 11 b\ iiotic*' cl*<-whcre. th«- u. J f i plaintiff an»! !<«r four dollar* «lan.ag. * for miles from < * ntral l’« int railroad station and hnis-s.Lt«. I’, n , •», >uu. A gn at bargain. w« i;-kn a n firm of Ta> l< 1. Tnyl.ir A ( ’«».. d*-fil­ took tin«-«* box« s of Ayer’s Pills and I un thia cua»t have l» en inelriu ted to re­ uniawtul d< t< niton. six miles from M»-dfor«l ruili«»a»l st..:ion, all was entirely « tired. Since that tim»* I < iiu*. .\n m » I1 v*. G. II. ( ahl’v.-ll, . t al • c«»n- ing • xt* n-1\,1\ in luiiibt r, »Ivor.*, sliingl«-*, ceive no more fi.iug», and to cancel all L* t ■« k* bi Sa l«*vel. black land Nnd <-nclos«d w ith a uin«*-ra»l < tc., ha* I»» < n-in r.-« <| <| by \\ b Tavlor A firination. Sheriff s sale aimtuiii«*!. am never without a box of these pills.” BMPilcrt s ; !Uu iicr« s 1 - m*' <1 ami in culti vat i«>n ; ten... und all under cultnation. hnprove«t uiude aim e < h t'ikr k’. Ivi'i.oii sites lor • iti ?•- nn:«»* ■/ < u- l.n.»in-s» men S »phia I L»*» ii ir«l. v*. A. II Platt.-r. a.lmln- 1 o . » omp..s,s| .»t Mr l .i\l»»r. W. B. N» l’*«.••»»; two-thirds plated in the natioin.1 itri^atiun ai t of ph lit> <»f water tor doiiH-stn- ami Mock pur­ m t I.«pol r s. Time WKS Ju lutu'.e | r<>- When w«' itx*r«» Im I to 11 e F ilter <1 R, t«-rr« 4 to ( ha.*. K. ( Lan.-lur to take ti-sti- • •I sugiir-piiu- lumt»» r. Tin* in«-inb'-rs th<-rc«»f have completely verified all that is • •«i into tu«», thru«- and tour farms, as » ver.x I arc « nt»-rpri*ing ami rcliabl«« and «b s»*rvc the f*h. viil< » that all »ueb ait.'« and landa made maik ta or «rotili u>lu«l to 11 •iglit «out hern ruon>. claimed for them. In attacks of piles, a« r«- of it is giMsl lam! ami near n -*-ho«»l and 210 aiT<-s adj -uiItig liie « »rpoi <4 Mc«l, nil lie« us«- Det« ml ant pl. a»!* guiltv ami wa* wi'l buil«! up a large trade, a* *-t»« st good*, N«i. 23. afford gi«*at«*r relief than any oth« r f« ric<-u aim in cullivait n; a good uw«-liing- prompt 'l* liv» iv and reasonable pri«-« s" is ■Ntaed reeervoiia aliali I.«- n—erved abau- l»:i*in» *•< muri Lave < ;rn« «I ihe right to I”’ •' ’ I’*’.' *4«)aml r. Ht- medicine I ever tried.”—T. F. Adams, hous ■ ami a ver» laig» barn; -inali «.r« 4 aiii ami ti< »‘, i-asy tocuiti- with m rail 1«-ne< nndo\« i |tn»a« r«*in cultiva­ plainttiT* ami ord« r ma«!« that tln-y be giv« n ter In mg m srs-'ion four «lay*. Th» v r« turned “ I have used Ayer’s Pills for a num­ vat. anuvtry i r.Mim-tiv. . I h • i.uiii wilibv tion. Blink soil, impn.x cd with a dw«-lling- until lutther provided bj law Whin m s -:« ti Hi a m«»* ■»to 'Lein find it protit- imiin-.ti.it« pos*< -sion <,f pi.,|,<.rtv an,| n,|. an i«idi« t im-nt against Dr. Ireland, «-barging ber of years, and have never fount! any­ Mindividcd into .Ml-.ut» tra«il ii cd. hous. 24x24 f««t w ith t«»ur rooms, ii barn 2t'.x2>* »u< h land« ure redeemed to cuitivatioii it abk- to «leal in th»* Ray city or buy iti­ « ut I»« « nj »unsi noni »-nt« ring -ai l premi*««* turn with rape. Not a tm«- bill was r»1urn«-d thing e»pial to th« rn for giving mo an Prie«-, $.»0 per acre. fc« 1. w»s«lhous«* 2U12U feet, near a gots! school, A. I an i A. M S hultz x-. Lm v Tr.i i» « t in th»- case of th«- young men arr«-*te»l for it designed to trunafer tliem to the Mates r, vt ii mi •*a.*l« » n j io I htm . li Port'at I • IK). appetite an«l imparting energy and two go«nl w. Iis«4 uat«-raini g«H»«l t«rr««l to « |»as. R. «ìnni- « nt» 1 ing the house of (H S< vv«l»»n, a f< w miles tor st.»« k. (iovernnn nt titl< . Pri< 52» ,’4W « ash. and territories w h re situated tor iiome- bus n< s* men limi they are unable to sh.r to tuk- testtiimny. strength to the sxstem. I alwavs keep 21Macres—known as th«- II « k ui« - or Col­ «a-t nse »m l g<»«»d burn, l.x»n M»ii ’¡on "t; ,,, • against R. 1’. Gt-org«* for permitting «wt-houscs. an a.-*<«»rtnn nt of truit tr«-< s. lias u of severe new uuthoil««**. well, «te. Tnis pLi»«-bes w«-|¡ ? U1 Oregon bid fair to be productive oi mndi pur* u I m th-» day v hcti this aection Ph a «4 guilty and «hf.-n i.mt firns! <*i . ....» g»ssi well ot water at thvdo«>r. Price. rust*. biiliar i*. to the sun. Is w«-il draimd. an»l well adapt«-«! I litigation, with the chancis de. idedly was tiibutary t« •him in fact—a policy •I. M. ( ’hih s vs. I J.:nnm A. M, ( uii.M h; suit to j List of lctt< r* remaining uncalle«! for in the tor eitm-r truit or farming Jan«!. Pi«-nK «»t N»». 34. - tit to continue ai «pint title. Ju Igni against tiie buna fide settler. As an evi­ t» o many tf th«' ii timber lor all u*«*s with plac- . il is situate«! 1.n nt tor pfaintiff («rant's I’as* post <>ih«-«-, July 31. l-H'.i. Mr. Th«* F. M. Fr«d< nburg farm, situated In mx»* from v.lii.h I v»ns long a sufferer. — Gebhunl Karie admit-! A*ln r. ( F. Bradford, J. G. Bradley. .V A wil hin »»ii«- and threc-tourt.!- mn« <4 I’u«» 111.x dence, may be eited Ure ca»e of .1. 11. th pit sent tiim‘. Many ci ’h.m are .,,,» , . y, "." and '' Tin *...... <>. • H.,w. ware «••IV immir- tioii 15. township.i«» south, rang* 3u«st, c«»n- Emma Key» *. Hubbar«lston. Mass. railroad depot. < an « asil.v b< ina«!»-on< • t tne s \ m I I »••«I'«»- Bash.m, J. I»««»WII, Ilrown. .»ll M>*-J. rw ,, ., . . >•«. •». ’.s .1. W. »» . II« I>| nm ft, Li»l«l »Seaward anil Jueeph Schwe.tz roi Har­ i«L al * i .ii. her.» ' b' cles, and have re- tnining 15U ucr«*s; about 40 acr« * f* nv«*> i- <4 l»< ar « r«-ck. . > li - I 11 i« k k* ’£- r.smt f ’ »rdivor«-«». ! I Br -wn, D -«*k Broxvn, ( ’ . E. ( (’ lark. .1 J. XV. • o||«-v, D « r- - ■■ **-••'• ■- sl ot r r.livorve. 1 {r, .? v ” , ' 'k Brown, “ When« ver I am troubled with con ­ liür.ui g'Msl rail fen. •«• mik I in cultivation, l-a'am •• un- I ni: empii. >i .otoim vs to assist ney valley, who were last week arrc»icd Prie«-, 3U per acre. gi.m « r suffer from loss of appetite, ini| r«»v«-«l hui'l; two spring* «*t me right again. ” — A. J. th« h«»us< ; K« gu<- riv« r t«»riii- th» wnt F r rap» ; I’ogm . M. I). Hii'lsoii. B. 1’. Join s. G. Mil*ap. 16<)Hcr(*s; 10U fenc«-«i; 45in cultix ati<»n ; < igftt 1 iand, charged with lesisting a deputy boundary of ttii* place. Impnxed with a «m trial. Kiser, Jr., Rock House, \ a. I<’.L. Mason. Mr. M» m » i <*. H. M Munwrll. S. f«5. Merc» «>t alfalfa; young «m-:i..i 1« 1 ho « li«»i<-<- , «J. dwelling 14x2* feet with 4 r»H»m*. sh««i barn T h ». C iiju ■ "•» r ivts to a recent marshal when he was cxecu'ing a man­ <»liv« r. Mr*. <’. E. Poud, L. J. Rams-lale, Miss ‘•Ayer's Pills are in general demand v.ui’ ty «»I truit tj« « s; small vin< \ • g<»«»«l. . 13) aert-M of fruit land, within two miles of 17xJ(H«*<*t ami other outbuihling*. Thia plac«*- II it tie !<>'«-, S. W. Symons, I. .1. W. SI» A*i ng« r. 1 e <) . m i-<0 acres fences! and 30 acres in <-ii>- date *1 thecouil, in a mit tor «jectiiK i.t atr.'ci ' <■' hvtn c; le in Jnck»"H county >n n»-w 4w«-iling-hou.* *. I'.nn mil . nt In »uses ; among our customers. Our sales of < "lij'nnin (nt-K Cure <»n th«-< ast t»id<* of Rogue river, ^4 <»f a mil«* El. Smith. L. 1). Smith, Th >s. H. B. Taylor, running wat« r tlu»»ugli 1 3« L.rin; g«»utl >n-liar«l. Grant’s Pass, w ill b«*Kiitslividod in 10ur 2U> hct «* is them exec«-»t those of all other pills com­ brought against Seiward and Sehwe t- very «iiug u i i.« in . t * •< :»l cemment from (>«»id Hill rallr«»a «'laoi.lecd cure (or ca'unh, Stella Wiilit-rtiw. .Mrs. i . Williams, Erneat rang<-t« r st«H k. 'I’lm tt-« ii ii.u« * t. l>l ni < ■(■ h ; i < i < f 2si acr«*s f»-nc un»«-*- be m«;t ut th« railr<»iul d« pot on tin uitixal . f X-<»d «na liant und vim xard, scv.-ral large •t ty for sal«*, cum«- ami act me and I wiiljio my rupt-.''l subservienco having engender« <1 an<) 1'uii'i, to l\rtl ii. i. »t ! a k* very c> n u* ■ r lo A bit line Melo al < on.poir ,* 'r> • A thur Coiikiin, tbe ie»l estate Rgent u*«-. -prings. affording pienti of wat«-r for garden beat f«»r you. train* by M«*sra. Wrislcy A (’«»., real es- FKEFAr.ED BY tias nicney to loan on iuif will inak«- a fiirtt-clas* «L.uy rain ii; f«-n«.ing irrigation. l‘> a» r«s of timothy niendow; six *uch proloun.l nwpect in the nrinds ui liiUcli - Ui«Ug:’i the e.bttjr ' f tile t»o';/'>- vd.e (al tait«- ag« uts. who will convey Hum in gm d x im n-.bs' triatmcul lo. ;1 .j lini, *1 IO. tur ra t- b, all drui:- prove I reni - tue in auins of i <*' and up- I Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ma»», I»« r ch chp aud b yidy; ¡5 mil« * tnun railroad j ìiaryatn. 1» rm«, one-halt cash, balance on : Medford, Oregon, «»t charge tor conveyance. ! v.ard». f. r six per cerd. intere:t and taxes.i lb‘»U' x HoU ly aU Dealer» In Medieln«. rung in ui. lain »luiiiig the bested term. tire lords of lucre. depot. Price, Saw.', vrop inGudud. |Gire bitn • cali, j HENRY KUPPEL. easy terms. WLASJ.DAT. .; e ±NOR lVT A T .-s-“ “NORMAL SCHOOL ! REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. Notary Public and Convertir. Jackson County Securities Bought and Sold. Farms, Village Lets, Improved and Unimproved for Sale or Bent. ’ THE HOLMIN TRACT I NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF GAIN T ruosT -1‘ kooi I-' I < U IT Bin 7V It is All in the Therm «J Belt^ WITHINT ONE MILE OF THE COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, SiCK-HEADAGHE! s< >\\ ifii: ri mi r<> buy ; : A. L>. REUTER, Trustee, Jacksonville, Oregon HÂVE Y9U GOT PILES HENRY KLIPPEL DR. B0-SA3-X0S FILE REMEDY, I Conveyancing in ail its Branches. NEXT THIRTY DAYS M HARVEST TO QUICK BUYERS A on Allocation. Address, O. H. GILMAN, RED HOUSE TRADE UNION, I SACRAMENTO, CAL Rich and Poor, B. W. TAYLOR * CO., il !Eli ! K fl IU J IL¿S, n, e s. r GRANT’S PASS, OR Rhe u matism k s! I’ l’ino laimbi'r «. Specialty! LURNISH SHINGLES IN ANY QUANTITY TO SUIT AT 1« 177Lss< H eadache, 1*7 RATE? Feed Mill in Connection, and Feed for Sale B. TtìcARTHUR. Propiietcr, Grant's Pass, - - . - Ayer’s Pills, Oregon