LOCAL NOTO«. MARRIED. PERSONAL MENTION. A. W. Charlton and family left for the 8 tin McCaslin, formerly of L nkville, but Willamette Monday, Where they w.ll lately of Salem, tn in the valley. J. E. l’arkhurst of Portland is in town. prob «b'y spend the winter. Ì heir son who ANDER84 >N—(’RAN E—At the residence of the W J N. Grimsley made us a visit yesterday. Pay lbe printer. J. H. Sfwart has had lo'M feet more of bride’s motber. .Mrs. Nancy Anderson, by licei» a cripp'e »«> l«»ng, will receive the Connty commissioner’» court is in session. tiling hauled to bin trim farm from Close has Horace l’eltun has been viriting Grant’s Rev. C. Ii. Hoxie, on Sunday. August 4. 1HH9, Read the new advertisements. best medical attendance while tlu*v ar»* at Upper Rogue river is a public highway Pass.* Bros, brick yard near Ashland. ( buries Anderson ami Miss Emma Crane, •rriCKl PAPER FOR JACKION COURT» Fur iami, says tbe Lakeview “Examiner.” Board of equalization meets August 26. bufch of Eden precinct. no w. W G. Kenney returned from Cinnabar Tbe dwelling-house of Dor. Oden of Nick Zimmerman, ore of the proprietors CONSTANT-HOP WOOD-At the rwidenc«* J. Panfer of Bir wa« in town on last Momlay. Weather prophets predict an early fall. Pleasant cr«*eK precinct was burned a few of lhe \\ averly hotel at A banv, was .rii >t Avutisi' 8, INK) TUi: Kc*UAÏ . of C. C. Smith in Central Point precinct, by days ag». l he fire originated from a de and intailv wuui»d«d Lol Friday evening Tuesday la-f O. W. Lnn?e of Footscreek spent yester­ Rev. G. G. Thomas, on August 1 lsaii, Wil­ Celluloid cufti an«l collars al Jackson’s. 1 n ’ing day in town. 1 relive tlue. Win R »), «• ’ :• • liam T. Constant and Miss EflR* N. Hopwool. by Burney Wiis»m, adischarged«lislrwa ti­ commissicnei s • • Glendale Glitteringi. Wagner Spiings soda water at Jackson s. er, who came there as a trump, ami had A. B«*tz of Little Butte precinct was in SILVER—RENOLLET—At the rMidencv of Geo. W. Duan of Ashland, will this year ini'.cd from town 8. Sherman of Talent L- Paul Ri*iif»llct, in Ashland precinct, by Rev. previously had Hume trouble with Zimmer­ Tuesday. Fishing tackle at the 8. F Variety Store. «lelivrr the oration at the annual reunion man. G. J. Webster, on Sunday, August 4, 1KW«, his trip to Kluinath county. of the pioneers, which will be held at the M. Volk u! Myrtle creek was in town to­ Miss Josie Orth has returned from her TI khm I oh * Silver and Misa Catherine E. Frank Galloway of Medford made us a Hard weather on the insurance compan­ I Granite The entire crop of wheat an i barley visit to Roseburg. day. .................... RenoUet. city next month. ies. stm k(«l « hi lb•• McNulty ranch, one mil«* pleasant call a few days since. Mrs. D. A. Jones returned to her home Doug'as ¡.evens of (lilt-svHl. was in town J. H. btewart, of E«len precinct, will tile­ f orth uf Yreka, was burned at 12 o'c lock James McDougal and Chan. Parker of BORN. V in Salem this week. Saturday. J. R. Evan*», of Medfcr 1, called Munday drain a pnrti« n uf his «>r< hard this tall un the night « f the second instant, Hie Blackwell district are in town. having hu«l v ry satistach'ry ~ results from lire illuminated the country for miles Daniel Reynolds, of the Mea«luw$, was in Miles Ramsey lud the tuislurlune to cut last. Mi>s Frankie Barnes is visiting at tbe town Monday night. his foot severely last week. around, and i.s supp>s««i to have betn in­ Fclt-ui ranch in Sain’s valley. HOWARD—In Phftonix, June22, 1HH9, to Mr. Wh was on our street“ Mlteiid school at Mt. Aug« I < 'allege ii « ar Fort­ robust. T. A. Ireland ot Grant's Pa** spent 1 u»t A number of visiting Odd Fellows aie Pass a business visit this week. land during t’.ie coming ye ir. Thursday here looking after his property. Tuesday. F« rest fires caused great consternation here to attend the funeral this afternoon. A. Noah, formerly of Sam’s valley, js GILMORE—In Waldo. Or., August 1st, Mary, Misses Minnie Aytch. Gertrude Wilson Sherifl Carll, of Lakeview, has sold hi» or. Williams creek iur a few days last week Chas. Thurman of Applegate was in town Dr. Roatel’s barbershop h is neon embe!- wife of Thoinus Gilmore and daughter of snd Vets Kedtield visited us last Saturday. yesterday. res’dence property there to 1>. It. Jones tor For three days and nights every citizen Iished with a neat, new awning, by Ciiris now a resident of Rud i, W. T. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Decker. J. G. Briscoe and <). J. Willard of Etna ARNOLD—In Jacksonville, August, 7th, of >1,700. Carll expects to remo/e to the sea- un the creek, to the number of about sixty U Iricb. Joe M. Roberts returned to Gkn laie Sat­ John Roberts has opened a barbershop sh»>re to reside next summer. were in town on business yesterday. patrolled the hills ami fought the file from hemorrhage, George Arnold, a uativ«- of Ba­ urday morning and left Sunday fur Yreka, at Gold Hill. ('. E. Wilcox of pleasant creek precinct their ran- lies, the women and children car­ made den, Germany, aged JI years, 10 months and Win. F. Chastain, wh»>has been quite ill California. our town a visit the forepart of the Rumor says that anuther prominent rying food ami water to them. 5 days. in Rock Point precinct, is convalescing. The Iwst cider vinegar (nr sale cheap at week. business man of Ashland is financially em­ J. C. Boyd und famiiy of Starveout, have Dcc<*used was a broth« r uf Mrs. John H«K*k- Gov. l’cnmiyer has appointe«! F. T. Dow D. T. Lawton and J. W. Shor» of Me t enjos barrassed ; hut we h«>p^ that he will have removed to Glendale and will spend the 8. F. Variety Store. E. M. Miller of Ashland is in Linn coun­ ami had been a resident ot Oregon alxtut ning a member ot the southern Oregon ty «»n business no trouble in tiding over the difficulty. summer here. Hit health is Somewhat for«! made the county-scat a call yester­ siv y ears, coming tx> this stat«* from th«? vicin­ C«»sl ami freight is all Fisher want.*. Stale Board of Agr.culture, to till the va improved. day. ity of De» Moines, Iowa. He cstablish<*d a * We regret to chronicle tbs dun er. us ill­ Hit gooiis mu*t go. John L. Selle rs and w iie, of Texas, visited cam y caU'Vti by the resignation ol J. H Isaac Skeeters of Josephine county has character for industry and honesty since com­ ness ot Mrs. Joe Clough. We hope to note lhe (ami v of C. Mingus at Ashland last Stewart. He aia • apponivi! John G. Cook Be.’i. llavmond, the well-known Rock betn in town lor several «lavs during the ing here, that won the esteem of nil of us who Kcv. F. 8. Noel has returned from his her speedy recovery. week. Sellers is a nephew of Mr. Mingus health officer at Coos bay to till tbe vacancy Point merchant, sj»ent Saturday at the week. knew him, and his death was depior«*d by the trip to Lake ar.d Klamath counties. w’hole community. He was prominent in the whom he had not met for 40 wars. D. P. Barnes and bis interesting «laugh- caused by lhe death ut C. B. Golder. county-seat. W. H Lee.is, editor of the Ashland orth rof odd Fellows ami was Noble Gram! of A. Martin and wife uf Ashland went ler. Miss Frankie, were our guests the day Ppize Baking-powder—glassware and W. 11. Park* r took the train for San “Tidings," was in Jacksonville last .Satur­ Jarksonvilk* Ixsig«* No. 10, which to-day tak»*s Bishop Morris of Hi? Episcopal church, north un Wednesday. they spent at Glendale. charge made appointments fur southern Ore­ crockery prizes on exhibition in show win- Francisco this morning, to continue his day. impressive rites of the order. The iminedi** 1 he Glendale district school i» prosper «iow al Jackson's. Capital prize cuii'i^tsoi Runnells new hardware stole is going up gon as follows; A»h ami and Medford, prospecting tour ate cause of hisd<*ath was hemorrhage follow­ M ry . F. Lny an I son Harry are this week ing under the excellent management ol at Gold Hill this week. dozen Kogers ’ triple-plated loras. L, ! Aug. 2.5th; Giant’s Pass, Aug. 26th. T. G. Rearnew went as far as ColeMein visiting at tbe residence of A. Betz on Rogue ing an attack of typiiomalurial fever. Miss l-ou.sa Crockett. «lozeu iv«»ry iian ilc-1 knives, ami a >5 « arv- Mr. Brandie uf Alnina made our town a Tho assess »r and his deputies are busy H»g set. Only <10 cents per can iur tbe bak­ this morning with lhe young folks on their river. Janies Norton and Bert Melvin spent visit during ti e week. this week making up the a>sessment roll ing powder. A prize with every can. way to Sdti Jcse. Hon. Finlay Watson an I family arrived Sunday at Grant's Pas«. They weregreat- Sam Lowenstein of the Oregon Furniture in Jacksonville* last S-tturday for a summer G in ». Javk.-on was in town on Friday last of the county to be >uhmittvd tithe board J. W. Sowden i*> soliciting order« fur th«* ty missed from Sabbath school. NEW of equalization on th*? 2;t to (’ »lestein, well iiutck sites and sm.d! profits, ami they are F. Variety Store, Ja« usonviile. Notice Examina­ them will r<"poiid at tue.r earii d cunv«.n- chafers a-» can b« had by «.rdcring at tbe purchasing nurses for the Klamath River pleasad with their trip. doing a rushing business. Tbe 8. F. Variety Store keeps a full line ience as it tax»« coin to run a newspaper. shops dnvet. Interview him relative Lu Iniproveiii-*nt ami Lumbering company. tion. Miss Air ie Cameron, of Cniontown, is Mrs. E. Dean and daughter, Miss Eva, of of articles lor the choicest lunches. designs and prices und give him your Manager K >ehler of the S I*, it. R lines visiting her sister, Mrs. L L. Jacobs, in The largest and best slock uf deeds, orders. Ashland, honored us with a visit wtiei. OFFICE OF ) in Or«g in returned home with his family Jacksonville this week First-class cedar fence posts for sale in mortgages and all kinds of re al-estate and T he C ounty S chool S i pekixtemient . v they returned to this place. They inform­ Cum m i'sm mrs C-oivig an I I'.iuil and last week from t'i»*ir tour through C ilifor- Frank Mulkey, who has been visiting J ackao . xville . August s.j leg 11 blanks south of 8alrm is kept at the ed us their trip to lt»e coast was a very quantities to suit at the T imes office. cleik Waggoner of ihe rail:oad commis­ nia. southern Oregon for the past few weeks, NOTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT POR plea«am one. (iiorge Mason ami familv, of L «ke Creek, 1' imes office and sold at Portland rates tin- purpose of making an examination of sion wete at Albany last Friday taking Mr*. F Newman has returned home to returned to Portlan I yc-ie»«iay. all persons w in» may otf«*r th«*mselvcs as candi­ Johnny Trimble of Merlin spent two were in town un Munday und called. Tommy M K<•nzie a few duyssin«’* killtd i otes «4 the preliminary trial ol the tuen Bismar k. Dakota, after a visit with her pa­ Jacob Kann, a well-kno \n bus n«*ss men dates fur teachers of th»1 sch'iois ol tins coun­ days at Glendale last week, llerec.ived a tine -|»«»inl bu« k in the hiils back of under arrest for causing the accident at rents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris of Ash­ of Ariil&n I, passetl through tbe valley this ty, tli«1 County Scilo«»! 8up«*rintend» nt thereof Fred H. Rowe of Leland was up to the Jacksonville, and will take his place among a generous welcome from his numerous lhe open switch some days previous, l'hey land. will hold a 1'iihlic examination at his office in week, en route to K amath county. coun ty teat on business last 'lue&day friends. th«; foremost uf our younger nimnats in the also visited Yaquuia and Salem during the Missis Nettie and Neva Winters, «laugh­ Del Terrill mule our town a visit «luring ttie Court House at Jacksonville, on week. It was with sincere sorrow that we learn­ Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale future. ters of the well known Theodore Winters llo* past week, lie informs us that he has W'rdiutfday, Augunt 28, 188'J, ed of the death ut Bertha and Matilda at the T imes office at 50 cents a hundred. lhe district meeting of tbe Southern of Washoe. Nevada, visited friends tn Ash­ f » Id his business interests at Ashland. Notices have been posted by the sexton commencing at 12«»’clock. lle.m.i lire lovely dat'giiters ol Mr. and Methodist Church which was r«x?entiy be d land last week. announcing that the cemetery gates wdl be First-grade certificate« issued under th«* ohi The free bridge across the Klamath, at G. W Moor«*, who is in charge of the old Mrs H. V.- lleiius ol Jacksonville. We cannot t»*- rent wed. All tea« hers holding put under tuck jn«l k* v mdc." visitors at­ at Grant s Fuss, decided to build a college W. II. Wuikerof Port’aml, junior mem­ Drake place in Applegate, h is a good crop law knew them well in their tunoceiii. happy Muui'tie, was open«d to the public Aug. tend to < I >sii g ih iu and ex« lu ling slock at Jum lion city pr jvi led they could g» t a certificates that will stum expire should not ber of the we 1 known firn* of Braver A childhood, and our heart goes out in boiinu- 1st fait* amount donated by the on izens. L is Walker, has been in the va ley iutely.look of vegetables, which find a realty market neglect attending the examination. in the future here. Dated this Nh «lay uf August. Isb9. less sympathy with their sorely afflicted 8cott Grillin of Tuh> will take pleasure in the iiitm.ion ol the church to erect a bri- k IL H. .M itchell , p .relit. Ul tlieir gre.il bereavement We f.e. showing strang^s town and country prop­ The Currv county court lioux* lias been building that when completed will coat ing after bus Hess C W. (’¡ark*?, formerly of Woodville, has (s)iinty School Sup« rintcndcnt «»! Jacksun utterly potteries* to offer them consola­ erty. repaired and underpinned with ie lwuo«i >l.»,0UU. A bum h ( f keV“ was found at the ceme- returned fr«>m ( aiifo:i.ia ;«i <1 will j roliably • county, Oregon. tion. We can only say, dear friends, we tc»y on June ib h, aft-r the funeral ', anti n >w »lands square with the f ur the best turnouts (or ail occasions For pure Ro-ue river whisky, in quanti are sharing vour grief, ¡he A.I Wise road, having be vn swung rour.d to u paral­ Michatl Il'in'vv. The owner «'an get th»*m again. cull at lhe Exceisiuc livery stable ;riJa k by app ving at the post office. Tax Father "who iloetli all things «.11 will lies to suit, call «m Capt. Caton m Jackson­ lel position. Commissioners Tayh r at <1 Rav w« re at sunville Piymale's pri» es are «in:««* i« a make Ins purpose known in hi* own good ville. Win. Hanh*y is hlxiut .»g iln after his ill- the <• '»iiiitv—e it during the week <»n «»fin ial T. B. Hfiistoii ot Jo ’ cphim* connty was suitable an»1 be never L ids id giving -aiis- nine llie sweet, gentle daughters, who O. E. R«> e. oi Applegate, was in town You will also do well to patron­ i • " at.«! will depart for Puget soiin«i for a business. The former was :«e. oinpanie I by were so inexpressibly dear Io you, are Tuesday, lk-u Taylor returning home wiih in Jacks« indiv vv trr«iay. He informs us faclion oth T 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE that great forest tires have been prevailing ize his stage line running between this vi.'it in a short time. Mi'S Adie Hanley hi« wife. waiting with loved ones on the other shore. him. IF>ar« I of Equalization for Jackson coun­ will accompany him as far as Tacoma. * in that section, but have been subdued in place and Medford. F. Straub»» an II’ 1» M rden oi W 1 ow ty, Sial«1 of • »r«-g.»n. w:ll < <»nv< io - at t he «»ftn-e We shall meet them soon in the' sweet bye Tit« r * will b? a meeting «4' the execn- Springs pr«1 i < i c tlh* I at tin* IT mfs «»filer ol th.-county ci« rk in Jacksonville on Geo. Mathews purchased a tine span «»1 Currv county is taking great interest in some places. and bye." t v«* l»--ar«l of tin* southern Oregon state yesterday. Mr. C. blruubc was also here Ji sit s. the subject of wagon road const ruction at Aug. oth. Munday, August 26, ISS'i, A. A. Bashor of Gol i HiH accoinpanied young mare- troni D. i'tninger last we« k, b »ar I « f agr culture at Central Point next y«*st< r iav. pre scut. Messrs Brnmbau. h anil Look, the latter tor C. F Wall, th«* gentleman who bought Saiurt Tues fay. for valuation, description. m day to day until said roll has erty about Sep! club r lodi, next. Mate » in Idary academy in California this by the bay. which he has been traveling recently been duly examines!. There are still a hundred campers at the vvtr His bister, Miss Carii«, departed A complete and tirst-class line of fishing Do you ever have pa.ns in the La k slid witi he of interest. Mr. Parker states that Fred L iy, Jr. , !a-t Monday accepted a All part i«*s ini« ri-Ht«*! will take due notice on De id Indian creek. l he cooler lt> iis11 >ou do, attend iu tbe.n now, with Lin l ist week to attend st liool in San chair in one of the 1« a«iing lutisorial parlors an«l govern themselves a«-cordingly. the inland Empire this year is iu b ird tacsle can always be found at the 8. F. Va­ springs weather now prevailing will induce many don't wait, deliy.s are dangerous Francis- » the coming year. Nip the J. M. I HILDERS, riety Store. ot Ta«*<»ma. where he will ply his vocation straits, having had a very short gram crop. Valley humes before disease in th»* bud and save your health to return to their v_* ‘ County AsM-ssor. W. ( Williams, of Walla Walla, W T.. in the iuture. Many sections will not raise teed and seed If you want genuine bargains, don't fail long, h'-wever. Jacksonville. August H, 1*8®. and doctor s h r ■», A tew doses <»f O.egon repr< s.‘titing the Pauly Jail nia iufacturing 11 >1 weather has dried up the streams, t«)call«»’ N. Fi'livr. He i* sviLng «mt, at.d J W. Kogers, Th »s. Mayhew rn • A. T. and there is a general scarcity of waler no mistake. Th«» contemj 1 »te l ch njv in the man- K in» y iva wi 1 prwt nt bright's dis.u'«* « ampanyotSt. Lou s. Mo., has been before Kv!e, of Ashland, and 8. A. Parker, of I’. 8.—All persons who have wholly or par­ * every where m that soetton, with the result­ Etn i post « tficc will not ami insure you hva.tb, Comfort ar.d hap- the ct^unly court, urging tbeaierits of Ins Keno. are at Ro.-eburg t».-d iy on timber tially settled mortgag«*s ou reconi, who have ace men’ ol 1 l.v v Etna p p.m ss. Sold by E. C. Bro >ks. st«* 1 cage system of cells this week. m-glccttsl to have the same canceled or sai«l Noies, receipts, due bills, drafts, etc , in ing evil of much sickness, lie found a learn, us H. Richard- t »ke place, we learn land business. cnsiits mad«*, are rtriuested t«» att«*nd to this s..niewtiat singular prevalence uf tvphoul book form, bandy and first clas.*, at the .-on th'- p' • si »»•nt incumbent has consented An exchange says. California lumber­ Gen. E. L. Applegate of J«)sephinecounty Thus. E. Nichols of Little Butte precinct matter at «>n< v. in orw an I sugar pine, in Klamath reservation,as Mr. Bishop of East The Fanners an-1 Merchants Insurance Mary Sylvia who h.ts be n id with ty- J.ttix'Ui ami Klamath colini e', wiliiin tbv Poll and dvr'.jm's the position. The general Ian I butchershops with his brother George, lepWin the larger towns tike Spokane Fat « coinimiiy ul Albany lose fld.OUU by the ph *id fever lor the pa't five w -« k“, at the past f< w months. Il is ilo ir intention K» and Jos. Ra ler. Administrator's Sale and the Sunn 1 clues, business shows tl.e is we I qua itied for th • place. house of a friend here is ar la*d c nv. !ts- build mills an 1 convert .he limber i:il > J. W. Ingram. <’. C K i •> l.ih* :in I S »tt depression u«.ia iy caused by short crops Lpokane tire C tnmis'¡oner Chas. W. T iyi-»r. is ac- Grilln (ent and will soon rtc »ver. Dr. Dt Bar had and other re'i1s«-m| th« ir litib* Sprin dur.ng the w ek G sid ¡arming laud especially is inucu ness th« re now. tor Ja- k't ii county. Sitting in Probat«1. Pa’rick I very of L’noiitcwn was in town There is nothing uncertain ah r.tt Ine daughter to V.- t >ri« f< r an v\t* i.ded visit chesp-r proportionally there thin hete. In J A.(’o hiananl w fe >f Willow Sp ing» In th«* matt« r ot the « statcnf J«.*., s. P. Rann« y, last l'hursday and calx d on the T imes . He effects uf Chamberlain s C«» i’.Chokru and with Mr. R. 11 Brown's family in a few Frank Smith is this week building a neat still slitters ««»nsitk rainy ir«»rn injuries re city property the greatest boom li is been al­ precinct cal!« d yesb-rda v. We are gl «4 to IN PI IL<( AN< E dcc»'a.std. Diarrhoa Remedy, lhe tact is, it is the weeks «H AN (iRDER OF THE most altogether in business quarters, de stable for Mrs. DeRuboam in tbe rear uf ceived some m »uths since while handling only ¡»reparation in tbe market that can say that they h «. e be onie ;» : in invnt resi­ I County ( ourt. ma«l»- Tu«-s18. and yearlings >15. 1 her«1 is little truth sonville, and Engle Bros., l’hoeirx. country, short time loans being made al Guerin last Monday. At 2 o’clock I*. M.. at th«1 «*«»iirt-hon»c door Al. Myer: ot Logan county, Illinois, who injury. F. S Moore has accepted the position ot in the st Ties < f «attic being s.»l«i for >5 per­ rales of interest varying from Ito 5 per JackMjiivilh*, Jat ksou county, <>r«'gt»n, the has been in Medtur«! for some months, Judges E B and Finl‘v Watson. K. an«i in cent, per month. The banks in that sec­ signal service ub.-urver for Ellensburg, now il« ad in Inal section. R. A. Fell »ws an«l family have returned following docribed n al pr«»p«Tty (¿«‘longing to pa>. » tl through Jacksonville on Momiay. fr -n. t! vir old home in C«»lusa c unty.Cal., H 1). Kubli, Jim. Watson and J. Ortb.lr.. »aid tion, much to Mr. Parker's surprise, are Called Gold Beach. <»»tatt. t«»-w it ; The Tolo Townsite A Milling ( «Hiipanv en rutile down the river, looking for'a l and will p r:na:>entl\ * < a’e in this section, left for Cinnabar on Monday for a month's Beginning al th« N'E corner of theSW quar­ hot loaning money al all this s< ason. or J. W. Sowden has been canvassing Cres­ offer lots f<»r >50 each <•!*» cash, balance in ran« h lutali hi . He i'd distant relative ut i Mr I'. f'»»id his iiii.- I farm recreation in (be bids. ter of 1 NW »imirterot section 25, township unly to favored individuals. The drought cent in the Golden I S. K th« tor the past week fur the Jackson­ numthly paynie iis »»f >5 a month. Fur OL Weaver uf Furent « reek, whom he niel ; b’n’e at.d will invest 2 W ; tiu ne« running »outh 240 rotis to 1« resjionsible lor a decrease uf tao-ttnuls ville city in more property in <'.t’z*ns from this cmiutv who have visit­ T> full arrangements, « all « hi or a«l«ire»s the lur the first time iu many year.' that day. marble works. th«* section hn<* bet w«*« n section»25 an«l JO in iu the yield of grain from last year, fields Rogue river vaiky, ed Walla Wall« rvc«ntly. r« port that Ward said township ami rang«*; then« «1 west to th«1 secretary, Scott Griffin. that then yielded 30 to 00 bu«hels now Mrs O. G. Foot, who was in town last Notes oi preparation for the coming fair As will be seen by a notice in another Douglas, the insurance tnan. is the most county roau; th«*n«*e northerly along said Fi lling part e* up the river are numerous arc bearti un every side, ihe exhibit is column, M r. Chas, j Anderson, s"tl of our prominent man in the t»»wn. yielding but 10 to 12. Gardens are gener­ week, informs us that her busband's health county road to a point due wt-st to th« pine«1 ot an ! have pretty lair Im k we learn. The going to prove somewhat ot a surprise to old frien ! Jack Anderson of Eden pre- ally good, however, and some tine fruit was is again precarious. (’ounty Treasurer Moore yesterd «y re­ beginning; thence «Mst t«» th«* place ot begin­ « amp ground at the (’»»I. Johnson i lace be- ■die uninitiated wno suppose that there is - ¡net. wasniarriid last Sunday to Miss ceived a check from Salem lor >5sl3 G», be­ ning : «‘ontaitiing 15t» acre» more or less, sit- raised this year. Tue latter 1« high in price, uattsi in Jackx>n county. Oregon. The Withams cannery at Oysterville on 1 »w the mouth uf Trail cicrk is a favorite however, peaches frequently retailing a* no blooded ato< k in this section uf country. E wma Crane, daughter of Mrs. Nancy ing the amount of Jackson county’s pr» - ! Terms ot sal«—tine-halt cash in hand; the ingh as four fora quarter. To sum up, the Yass, about flojJUU. Win. Miller and Evan Reames returned tiun iroin «»ne emJ uf tn«* county tu lhe Clues. Vincent has recentIv cmnpiet«*«! a The rai'road e hui anv w i put in >tock- gage on th»- ¡»remises.BEN J. HAYMOND. superior as a bxatiuu 1 r a man wnb We ne d money, and those indebted to to-day to Sm Jose to attend the Pnivrr- otb« r ami a striking display w ill doubtless n *at resilience on th«* ol I StiJham t|l^im, vard' at‘Central Point dep »t for the nr A'lminiMrator of said estate. moderate capital to any section that he the T imes otii» e should n jt neglect to settle Mlv ul the Pacific «luring ih** coming scho­ be hud. on R«»cue river and last Friday nt* hl held comm«»daiion <»f the district fair to n«* h« kl Dated this 3d day of July . IKK*. vt-Red. whue irotu a climatic standpoint it without further deLay. lastic year. The two yourg meh are a Dr. Joseph Cross B it died at tbe asylum a s•»< i.«l party, in lhe nature «d, well hm>wn t_> ad ulti place, intends shipping him to lhe Willam­ A New and Invaluable Book Publinhed in IP »th Daniel Neathanier at.d Richard Oden week, a few days since. panied by Misse* Ella Hanley and Laura pioneers. Dr. Bell lurmvr y l.Vcd ¡nJadk ette vallrv, where be will | robably be while bun ling bets Sunday in a canyon in Carn's ranch on Rogue Spanish and Fnclieb. Separate Hud i n i s ii George, ae<«mipani«<1 sun ville trained. He is a very promising animal. A few m »re ot those nice straw bats are 8. P. B. D Hiill the rear «»I L uis 8e«pher's place on river on a picnicking trip 1 i>t Sunday Vol nine». oil his r« turn to Flounce Rock creek, found the remains uf abumun laxly, left .»t the 8 F. Variety Store, and they ia'l wtrK with thu intentio i of «amping As wc under tan I, the work of a n »rm.il No in«*! g«-n«-ral information and s. h- oi is not only a school iu wuichtu tbe »Me.etun teing intact, with the ex« rp- will be closed out at cost. pute or moie widely known than Ayer's in the Lciiy pat« h» > at ii>»* h«1 id of Rogue (?alif«»rida for sometime, h «.- returned to ’ss ini» r« i»ur.-'C lit« rally rrainin«-«] with edm ate t* a« hets, out us adv.im<*dtnethuds *ar.'.«par Ila As a safe and < e* tain r» medy his Apple ate ran Ii. ami c.i''e I <-n the buMio Don of the ?kuil, which had ru le I so ne useful infonii:«ti«>n. Matter «sjual to tliree or­ Blackleg aiuuiig the calves is again riv« r f* r the n x tw • w* ck-. ¡1 n < a a.iy tb-w it h ■ gu .i HtMid the troubling ol instruction make it the best place 1 r f »i all manner of bb>aws. 8«H iety, Mine“. Rout«*» ot whi* h t*> inter the iminin' of his ><.n, t«und returned to the camp to-day. < n August J>, 18M8. It will be remvnibervd Travel. Railways and Steamship», Curr«in«,y, Hit Ashland- Linkvilie wagon road has in the rnoui ta:rs hist Sunday. He positive­ 8 ho »1 8uperin’en«b*nt Mitchell gives i <> Wm. Moure, Geo. Lin:’, Jim Linn, G. G- (’ (’. R'lgsdale of To'o c 11 *d n T .»-s lav Banking, Postal and Custom Hmi“«1 matter“, tUut he left holm* un that «lay at daybreak, t.ce that he will bolt! lhe regular quart* r \ I betn ail »vvt d iu get into very baa cuinit- ly id»ntifi(«l tl.»m a' the r< ni rii.s <-f the !ast 1 Newbury and R. II. Moore returue«! l>ut!«*s. Weights ami Measure». Etc. The in­ Heg« estothe Dead Indian -prings acv«>iupamed t>y his httie black an l-taii examination of .ipplican:» lor teact.cr-»’ loi’, worse than ever was bviuie kn »wn. m is rings« n, as did also a hro'her and sister to-day to rejoin his familv, who have b;-« n formation is all fresh, and much of it never dog which returned alone on the third from Cinnabar last Saturday. certificates on th«* iast Wednesday in Au­ a ul our trans-Cascade ««»ntems. udvise of lhe y oung man. bvfot« 1 published. there’sometime, and w 11 remain at tint «luy . Despite the must uiligtiu search no They still have use for s mie kinds of bar­ t copie tu l -ain to swear before starling on It is reported that the summer run of AOCUTQ U/AIITtn Throughout all the further trace of the iniaamg man was ever ometers in this section; ftiey are a good gust. 8ee advertisement *:'st where. a trip over lhe road. Ti e hurl Klamath salmon in lower Rogue liver this year is noted resort for some Weeks longer. AuLnlu WAR I LU countries covered bj had until the discovery u» the remains last thing to rake altitudes with. Dr. J. H B‘uni-tt of Mt hi.-an ha< been 1*1.-work. Thousands ui»un thousands will be O. Z Morgan, oi Pth’ UF. He was uncon­ the later spring rains baying ¡ a* Ecd tbe that Hume's cannery with all its facilities ing the past week and in ¡d th«* T imes of­ also manufacturers, offiuers ot government, itsdtacu\try solves a mystery ami removes at any other place. It answers bettei than scious when found, and it was thought his urlate well. fice a pleasant «all list Thursday lie military cannot take care oi them It isn't very in» n. mining men and agri«*ultura!- all the letters you can write. a dull«! from the character ul various per- injuries would prove fatal for some days. G. A. Rticbman ol Yreka, will be one ot ditfi- ult to take care of the lew strays that thinks «>1 l«»ca ing in this section, being ists; also all railroad, express and insurance - ni whi«h would i.ot eHu have been well pleased witu the country, people at.d officers. The 8. F. “Examiner” is tbe best paper the jtunpetHor.s for appointment as cadet manage to evade tbe fish traps at.d dams The Ashland city council has under con­ cleared. A Coroner's jury will examine the on the coast Don’t fail to leave your sub­ climate. sideration the |»r«*j«cl to build an engine al West l'oint by Congressman DeHaven, ami get into the upper river. matter we l*arn, but their finding has nut scriptions at the T imes oilice. A gay party of touns's from Jacks »nvdle at ihe competitive examination at L'kiab.m Owing to informality in the proceedings hous«* ami bell tower ill the j l.iz i. The new y^bten reported. mo coutny next 8atdi«lay. Young of the f'jrmer «¡»¡»raisers a new board was left f«»r a t w o week’s t rip to Crater lake ve>- l»y . ariiest, active and competent workers. Mrs. Mary Rice and daughter Miss Lil­ tire alarm b« ii ha' b»eu temporarily »uu- Mcmka Reithiuan is in une sense an Uiegun jh udut t this uc- k appointed by the county «(»urt, terday. c«»lii|*o-e«i of Mr* Carrie ami N na Th« d» sired territory should be s«x*ur«si iin- m«siiatviy or a rare opport unity will be List. lie ar«- at Albany and will visit there und ! peiul1«! under an <»ld .oak tree near lhe Laying .-btanied his education laigety a’ Crop Bulletin. Om* needs no vxperivnev or capital in this consi'tutg of John M. Nichol“, W C. Da ev Beekman and Miss Annie Breyman. th» ir calaboose. < r«»p weather bulletin No. 22. for week at Yaqtiina for several weeks. lhe Willamette university, and'we are in .¡n i J J. Fryer, to vi« \v an«! appraise «1am- Salem euest, acc»>inp.ti:it d by Fro«. G. W. business, for if properly present«tl the work ending Aug. 3, 1M>, shows a much mure Th«* K aiiiutli City Mi h expect to be in ; loriucd he stands a lair snow of getting the .'gt*1' claimed ir. the oprning of th«* road on Watt. Fletcher Linn, Kasper Kubfi, Jr., s. Ils itself, and we give our ugeilta :J0 «lays’ Johr Rmlgers, of Table Rock, recently •Miisia« t »ry coiidtliuii ul ciops than was ap- located a homestea I « 11 Trail creek, and «»peratiun t>y November 1st. next. A force [ appointment ot cadet. time in which to deliver to subscribers and • I ■ 1 I r by I'lio'. and Everett Mingus. collect before paying us. Atidress, prebrnded siiue weeks ago. I he grain will reride there ¡11 the iuture. ot »io men i**' now at work rearing the super- I Derangement uf lhe liver cove s a multi M < t tm and others, l ite apj»raisers to meet tropin the Wi latiirile valky baa been very structure of the mill which will be ready A Valuable Work. BANCROFT CO., Uncle Johnny Wilson, who had his leg to accommodate the machinery to arrive tU'ie of ailments. In a leases where the at the office of O. J. Willard and qualify at K« mm I, allbough the report oi an average ul tunctiuiis ut the liver areintetrupted «>r dis­ 10 o’clock on Saturday, August 24. The enterprising publishers anti stationer» San Francisco. 2-t to Jo bushel ii doubtless too highly eoi- badly hurt sometime since, is able to be next week. of 8an Franeifco, Cal., the Bancroft Company, turbed, ami lhe bile, its constituent secro otrd, beingba.se«! upon exceptionally large about with tbe aid uf crutches. have just issii««i a most uni«iue work which 721 Market Street. tn n iett circulating in the blood, some dis­ The 8ha»ta ’ ‘ Courier'* s ,y- the b ib-taiicd Death of Guthrie, the Fireman. yield' reported in iiiuiied areas. In eastern will greatly facilitate biisim ss anti social A long distance foot racer of Coos county order will follow. Dr. liihiey's D.tn-hlion intercourse betwe« n th«» Englisli-speakiiigund Oregon the crop was somewhat belter than publishes a cbadenge 10 run anyone in that I special train between Reddmgan l 8issotis fonie will restore the liver t» it- natutai E.Q Guthrie, the fireman whb was in- the has be>n ban » d «JT and th«* engineer .»ml Spanish-speaking countri«*» of N »rth anti« ¡paled although there is much damaged . county ten miles for >500 aside. dut vs ar.d promote the secretion «»i tmv, jured in th- ar- blent on th» 8 »nih« rn Pa« i- America. It contains a wonderful amount of fireman arc giad ot it 1 lit y had to run so and shrunken wheat there, there are a' thereby ¡»«ev« ntmg laundne, dy'jvp i.^ iic at Alb.my junction, cau-ed by an open information regarding things which every- fast that marly all the hair was blown off good many evidences of the work of The liri ot polls ma le out by the u^sessor biliousness and other animmt**. 8uLi by -wit h. tii**«l at St. Vim « nt > hospit al, Aug botiy wants to know about. No such book was tbe town larmer' in the last bulletin, in shows a large increase in tbe population ot their heads. I. .... [ Madame Guigon, ’lth. fioin the efie ’ts of his injiuiet^ Mr. ever publisluri in any language. h'-o.:'« E. C. Brooks. lhe ie|«ortot yields Irum tbe different sec­ this «ounty during the past year. n«‘Ce»sity. It will appear annually. i._ The hr. “hing machine ow n* d by Messrs. «uth’ie survive i the engineer, J ack M 11 r, great “ " on FROM PARIS. PROP. Many juung ladies ure ruining tn-ir com- t just botii Spanish an»! English. It slioul«! lie upon tions out tbe deduction that tbe crop uf the six nays True, Walker, Grubb A Neil, this year injure.I man bore liti the tab!«1 of ev« ry intelligent person in North John L. Felton, of Ashland, who lias ihroiitd but I IU bushels «»f grain in ter- pl-Xt n by ihc continued inc oi p -i'Ohuus sullrrin * \v th <■ The ruiue .’«late will pretty neatly bean average I Hasan entirely new method for washing «ur.»p ■ ami fortitude, ile i and South Anu ri< a. r« i ady for easy r> f«-r< n«*e. cusmeti« s and so « abed lac.* wasm s. t he been ul for s >me weeks with remittent is prubabiv Correct. Both the potato and rit >ry that »a t year turned off 2 »,.<>2 bush­ great« r numb r ot these | reparations con­ wa* J» «lient ani Lo, «fol t» the last. Ills It <;ontains, b« sides thousands of commercial I tin«1 i mbroiderH's. lac«1 curtains, fringes, muslins, Inct s who« anti black , all kinds ot th»* hop crops have »uttered severely from fever is now convalescent, we learn. els. Th«* shortage is own g almost entirely tain mineral poisons, that m time shriwl inAiht r an J >is(cr w< re tirvb ss in ’h ir «le- anti s1,711. the contract having am «.* at the he«iside ot th** si* k num until tions. paired on short n«»t ice. Lace curtain clean­ alj ation ami « Li age. Dubi.n s .specific Is port charges. pr»>ducfs. agricultural and For «happ ’ d hamls, roughness of tbe cuni mued about su uu) s, an«i there was no been let last week to F. C. Reeks. death put an « n i to his sufi- ring. ing a speciidty. Prives low and satisfaction mining matters. There are over «¡no page», skin. p mple**, or I lotciu s «»1 anv kind on i.uiu j an.I. Lui a gieat beautiiivr, mas rainlali du«¡ng the weva except about tbe and «‘aeii page contains matter equal to ula>ut guaranty«*«!. mouth ul the Colui^Lia river. The rush for timber land in Tillamook the ta* e or other parts of the holy, apply iiiuc.t a- i rcm*id t y ch »pp. «1 hands with one .ipi»l;«,atiQii. .Sold NOTICE whom very liberal terms are offered. *« Cawforia/ light’ ha«i lOU timber lend notices. S*v« ‘ »al ot- in th«* Nickell-Plate addition ny j1^. C. Brook.', E. C. Brooks . lo Ambuli I Lave alrtady been soli and <’.»'I« ria is Dr. Samuel l’it« Lei’s pre- Prof, Sweet will start for Coos Bay on the Haw you h» ard w .»a; Mr. G L. Wc.i'l «4 mor« 1 have bee:i sp«»k<*.i f.ir. Tlii 1 » property I HAVE THIS DAY GIVEN MV SON. FRANK «hr iu •‘tiruirfui.” >• ripti n n r infants and ehiklr« n It < <»n- ¡O'.h, 10 lecture bt lore the teacher's insti­ Mr . J T »Iman ’’inl chd I and Miss I Hammond, his time, to do his own busi­ t «U.S u< thrr upium, muff h ue, nor «>»b< r tute at Bandon, says the “Tid ngs.” Dora Aniei sun, ot Ashland, expert toile Cambridge city, Ini , says oi Chamber is > tuated in one of the b'l fruit i.cds, in “I'avt-tl Ihr life »»f my little girl by a ness ami to liold property in his own name, na ♦ t « >• bsiuU'v. li K a i.armless suL- part for K - liac to join Mr. loltna’i there, ium s < uh. , Cno « ia ;»n I Diarrho a Reme­ a L ai’.liul ani pleasant location, and prompt use of Dr A< k» i ’- English Rcinedy from and after this date. Dm ing last sum- thus** wi-hing to s.M’ure a good piece of for ( «»nsumption.' --Mr-» Win. V Harri- Parties desiring to build in T«>L» tl..s about the P> h <»f s*'1 pieitiber n* XI Mr T. dy ? li noi, bei e it i-i ; .-iiiutv 1 r patvK’.ric, dr p-, auothing E. HAMMOND, iup?, uml ca-toruil. it is ph asmi 1. its spring w;|l be furnished lumber, brick and ! is m Lov« i nmvnt employ in Alaska in M tx it.c. i was troub.cd very much with s« v« re Limi j'.Ht outsi'h* th < ily limits at re.i’ona- spikenard. July 15. lKbi>. For suit* by E Brooks. ¡ains in me stomach an I bowels, ami wm L« 1 rites should Callon Luckey Co. or * guarantee is thirty years' use by millions building material at the lowest price. Fra« ht s « tli «•. .miu«*d by a fnvnl to try ibis Remedy. M. L. M«('all at once. [Tiding.. ul mothers. Cusiuria destr«»y worms and It would be a rank sham«* if the govern- Notwithstanding that there is consid«*ra- FARMS FOR SAXE allays Jeverisbnes». Castoria prevents ble sickness in southern Oregon at present, meritabandomi F« it K au atl« ami exp« sts 1 tuck une dose, as ¡»«r directions, amt it ^ave me almost ¡n-tant rebel. I chevr- Terrible Forewarning«. vomiting sour curd, cures urtis in <’ tiup Bnlwell, t a!., w! ere no nuch great and .10 cent boil.e- lor sale at City Drug cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness ern Oregon,situated on D«*er Creek, Joeephine >lorv, Jacks.mvi.lv, and Engie l'ros., 1'hue- in the chest, quickened pulse, ch'iliness in Castana a>omdatts the luud, regulates th»* sc*> «»n this '.v«ek. Full proceedings wdl danger « x 'la ? County, cuntaiumg 82hacres of rich lx»tton> land nix. »tomaihand bowel», giving healiby and appear in the next issue 01 the “Times.” espt'ciuilj adapted to th«« growth <»f timo
  • Lay the evening or sweats al night, nil or any Franci-G. N« wl..mis, son-in-law of the and clover. About one-half is cleared ai d in liaiural sleep. Cantoria is the cbiiurtii s John May sol 1 out his residence proper­ of these things are the first stages of con­ cultivation, and nu>»t of clu* balancecan be easily The Lver ami kidneys must be kept in lat»’ Wm. 8hart)n, .»-pent a «lay or two in ty in Ashland last 8aturday tu James H sumption panacea—the luuthtr's friend. Dr. Acker's English remedy c.<*ar««i. There is a »tr»M»m of water running good conaisapir:lla is a A'lil.iml list week with his law partner, Gay, iroin Iowa, a bruthcr-in-law «»! mr.ir for consumption will «tire these fearful through the place the y««ar round, affording plenty great n medy for regulating these organs. Wm. F Herrin, l pon leaving be started Kalfiiug Water. Gan mid. On 8unday Mrs. Muy ani th«* symptoms, and is sold under a positive of wftfr f»»i stock anti some for irrigating. The for a trip • ut through Koimath, Lake and chiidicn departed lor b|M»kan»* f alls with guarantee by E. C. Brooks. place is all incluaad by a good rail fen«*e. Phen* The j robtem of securing un effective A few copies of the American Settlers Modoc «‘«»unties. is a house .«nd barn an«) 2up younu fruit tree» <»n ih" intenti-m « f form ng a p irin» r hip with wi«.d mil at a luht cost has apparent y Guide, stami.ird authority on all land the place. It also hau th«* beat outside range in a >i-.«r living there ami «mnducting ai» vx- Ut n m » iv «*I bv the introduction of the matters, mav be found at the T imes office Mr L»*w i>. a mining « Xpert |’«»r I «ml, t te county; also another xceilent place contain, len.-ivc I tigli g ai ti boaidiiig house. Mr. ‘Exteuri n Mi I” wiiirli has an automat.c ing 121) acre« R. L. Di.^ an < f Sam’s v «Fry «'•virih’ng an I E 8 »n <•.*-«»»» Smith. «•( <«‘!»l Hi 1 re­ M.»;. «xp*« .s iu j. in lh< in mere in a ft w ar«Mi»g«•luent «f the pitman r»*d in th«* relatives at Arbuckle, Ca’., nis forme* turned t” the v.11» y « hi Sj’u’tliv after a For full particulars call upon or address Ip- n.«> not \ ri pump handle that cause» il*e 2-im h >1«. k« ¡ h o-pe'ticg tell! t'tr i-.'i th«* t’lnnabar We»k'«. As we g«» to p»e O. J. VANNG1. home, t n I will n »1 return t » Or«gun until b u» i Wt.c'ber the great lire had ail < c •. d K erbyville Oregon piv.-i» by a w.nd of ordinary vt-.«Hily to b* r«*m»»n. T ev w«*tii «.ut by t,».* * »u hern , fait. their p ans di-asir »usly. h n thr'.ol t • a tF-inch stroke during a high tra I, via » «•• so.la springs. F. J. Smith, «i!h»r . f Un* F uind. Tlie nu i alau bus the additi. nai R J. Cinicro i wras in from App’egat ■ C. F ig*- :«’ d family.» f II itiois, m»w *»ti t» to School Patrons of 1-1«, Dakota, ‘ILiati" s*ty> : advant ige f tine p-aches last Monday. p-n • at Mf«ii.*»d, I. > ’ week went •■»ill" ! wood« rlu« ii «• 1 erbe 1 have « v» r nivt w uh sir«»ke «»I lhe engine Price» ior iron »'*i.ls Fill t "H Ap| legate os » f good qual ty h her!« I I rai «'v vi ’ h tl. 1 mt* mi ** «>f i is ( liamut ridili s « «»l.c, • hole).« and D-.- w .tl*. t a « ntv «« n«-urved tuns, are a* to i«»w*: year. i«»c; l h *, Liii ’o 'ii I t"«1 1 .n I .1 urn they j -iir. <«•« K» im*.ly. 1.» • i>. « f et» ir .i . s N*». 1. |u‘;oot wherl. >« 5; N > l F;»*ot OFFICE OF A iii-r «i.ieot iKimlhb» liehp »’vs ha* just j wete .-»I «• ■ • «>• * . tile I *•■» » ;»*y -v Ii ispvt«|y T he ColNTY St M«H»I, Sr PEIII STEM »EXT. (In nuui 114 trip' 1 b<.ve wh«r»,f7.’>; No 3. R> R..4 wheel, >!»’. rur rt m.i ;» 1" he c imt *. we I»* rn t c*. ii r« ivive«l ,r it v > I'. V ’ .oiety Son. J A« KHOXV ILI E. July 27. |SH«. , iriUml it i : h |' pensai, r j’ut in alkali w aler iuithcr nar*i«*ulai» uddie*», Jack*«mville; als" ail Linds of iiriiing The public is hereby notified tlint those wish­ C. W . C larke . i a» Mvl’loll I ami i’ iinj’.u 1“ a c «».«nr last«» ami pr»-v nts A burn In ing to- <*\( hange school text b.x»ks un«l«*r lhe Ruck i’u«nt,Or. tackle. totally <1-5 ;hc puiniul diaxrbwa which alkali water two mil«*' new law must present their old Is»«»k* and apply 1 BQTTLC* r DOCTORS. es. I «-uul'i nut fe» 1 safe»without it for th«* im w before the 1st «lay of < Ictober, 1MW. b lver lake i-i I.>:kj e nutty has declined tr«»>e ! by tire on the morning of the 4th. prudut State Normal. in my hous»'. ' 25 am! ami 50 cent botrivs Agents of tiie pulilishing house have I m *«* h ap­ 8 'ven head uf w< rk attle and a large st«»» k "Her death was looked *'Ths New York Morn ­ to al»>iil one half its original width and a pointed m the different towns of the county Th ■ A'hl »nti SliUe Normal schoo. off. r» henv.v growth of lilies is tilling the bed of of barley burn«*.I. There w is n » insurance, lor salt* at City Drug Store, Jacksonville, ing Journal'' says: "Mrs for at any time Every* who n<»w have lhe n« w l»«Miks in stock and and Engel Bi«»s , Phoenix. lhe cause of lhe lire is unknown. th- I i.b.ic « very advantage that is given I y the ii.se. f. G. Kellogg. 00 East tiling Indorsed by tha will «‘xchange on th»1 following terms: R«*ad- nl , r.tcti-ii in.-titut. »ns of lear-ing. us give the r.-.i.h rs of the T ime » a 06th street. lay for seven leading pharmacist« er.s. fret ; arlthint*!ics. No. 1. on payment «if 15 will w’ fe and baby h it for Idaho i A miU'itv. milira «. <1 u n to the usual advantage - < f a g •■••I cents: No. 2. tm payment «4 ;M)uenta. I. ii. Ii little tun-1 y ■ a«iv i« .* Ho 1 weather is e<.til ­ lays In conrulaions. She and Ie furnishe«i by th»* For terms for • xchiinging luivunrcd text vci.'.ol, it h»<* a mo hl training s< ho I in and ee-trril <»rcC'ni by I iheir » wn convey- ! ' M ii!«ng < • ntpnny. to»- ing ..n i w !iii ii ( olle, » ho c'a imii'i.u-, <|« >- employed the best medi­ was tried, until her cate books apply Io dealers. a to I, the >imten» trio her it reqtiired t > ame Tuesi-ny says i the Lakeview “Ex | any responsible pariy ehleiy an i «iiarrL.ea ih< only sa;«* wav cal skill, bat her cam was given up as hopeless. IL II. MtTS HM1.U w, rn. und. r -ki Iful di e*'tn>ii. A.-.I 1 ».,<« a tinner. ' to romba* there «lis. uses i» to Keep x-m’e baffled their beat endeav­ At last, reading of the l tl hit mill a« 1 •’*<>. I*»»r County School Superintendent. a - h I. rhe Illiev. < Innate in the slate f.». iella »i«* reme-y :«t hand, and all w Lu have ors. Ono physician after wonderful cures credited or call t • he secret.;rv It is a nuticeiihle fact that, the quality <■( ; This jMpvder nevi r varies. A marvel of puri­ h- ..in. und < onifort. lit pure.olil ualer uh <1 ( burnt , nain s C«die. < be lerà ami Di another was engaged and to the use of the cele­ fruit pretty well up in tbe fn 4-ldlls fy, strength and wholes«mien« ss. More <*con- "Big Jack.’ the brave engineer who 1 »st arrii'va Remedy wnl udiiut that it is the discharged, nntil seven brated Bt. Jacobs Oil, fr. in ihe mountain-, iu» whin- aulphur ami the omiotd than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be IS iiiucli s-:pe:t ’ ->r to that iuSlie lower val ­ M»dii springs are a dtlight t«» the heaHli his life at the Led; n >n switch railroad most piuiir-t, tei'.ublv und succosiul medi­ different doctors had she was induced to try a sold in competition with th«1 magnitude of low wreck, in attempting t> save »he lives of cine known ior these comp a nîs. It costs s..ker Ue >h»>uld he* ghd to receive leys this y! «rship, r a«l Ircss, in lhe improvements *»li his ranch by lire a fami y wi I rcc«ivr t it >u«n oi >2’Rju. Lift, but her case re­ opplicatiou was made. Cloud House will «Mablffch following J. 8. 8WEKT, A. M. F:e*:«!enf, .»ver. lor sa»v at < ry D.ug More, Jack- lew days ago. rat< s i r boanl an»! lodging: mained a problem which By the continued use of al- Tne «x ’ ccsve n ounta n fires have Ash'uit I. <*r Could not be solved. Her this »real Remedy. Mrs Single Meals - . . 50 Cents. I lie ia shmil I not f -rget that the i m st ni.'i«*’. 'Ii-1 i»tit>. ie :«n g** in some of suiivil r, and Engl«* i'rl’h«»tn x. body was In a paralyzed Kellogg has completely greatest bargains in f.istimn tble ifidiim ry the b« 't'■tock s • it'ns i me county, in 8eds, single night * - SO Cents. Religious News. Grand Jiirv-. CUMN’S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS recovered." condition. "an now In-obtained at Mrs. Erim's b iz.-, »r the Al-.-adow» ii»»* lire wttuh tar ltd sotnc I Car« DR. Sick-Headache. ky corrtcfinfl the Stomach, Bow­ Board, per month ... S2O.OO. Bishop M irris, < f the E, i*c . i d’oet *1 I lie fol wing is a list >f gtani j ir«.r-« in J.icksouv-lle. be.id «1 Sim weeks a «» at ;h- be «1 «t 8»:«.’» s creek els. Liver and Kidntts; heauiify fM complexion by pu- Board and Lodging, per month,$25. drawn »or the August Irriu ot th«* < tn uH N«> «1« viation wifi be mad«* from th«* above rttyingtheMooth mild in their action, pleasant to take, be n ea'i.ig st H “ way lo to th«* the high of Oiegon wi 1 hold wsei vices at Loth As'- rrs cutis are without relapse , without J C. M. t ul y has ' kept cases'1, un Hie has RETURN OP PAIN Jami and Mt diurd on Sunday. August 2'iti1, ____ _ ____ ____ ’* ••«•utHy: ___ J c. ................... ..... _ 1 .»( Evans cnek ever « ., etirt .l<»M*phiii „<»d never gripe or sicken. One for a dnse. 25 cts. a rates. diri les al the h a i trout crop.if t inn dur to lhe lune ol abqut I. i ... I V 1» .... . < . W. SAVAGE. ami at Grant ’ s I ’ a^s on the loliiHving day, box. Drug and General Stores or by Mil. Samples fret, Iwii (•» « hi n ; L. N Hrowrr.it*^. H. H Spar- 1^1». caught since tie tirsf went vul about 3::;re. uv (tu> ing mntii timber and clean­ Sold I y Dru't'ii^s and ltralrrs 1‘i rrynkfrf. I e Central Point, Or., Julj li», law*. Munday August i!6:b. THE DR. BOSANKQ MEO. CO.. Piqua. O< Ln, Th Murray, John Hall, J. »8. Dtuvv» ing out the biuwse and undergrowth. Vu CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. B»ltHnr|. IM- two months age, . < has. J«>hn»uii. Oc ¿‘iiuocvuiu ¿imci. MERE AND THERE. _ xj AN APPEAL TO REASON. This is the point: Can an establishment whose chief characteristic is its rigid adherance to methods of business which insure protection and equality of treatment to all customers, afford to deviate from its principles under any circumstances or in any case ? We submit that it cannot. It is the reasonableness of the above guarantee which perhaps, more than anything else, has served to bring us the largest general retail trade on the coast. People know that they can write to us for whatever they want, and get the same goods and prices as ij in Sacramento to buy for them­ selves. THIS WEEK. of Public Assessor's Notice Payers. Wc carry nearly a hundred distinct lines of goods, including Wearing Apparel of every de­ scription, for both sexes and all ages, Household Supplies, Notions, etc. Illustrated Catalogue and Samples sent free to any address. Out-of-town residents can save, over and above all costs, from io to 25 / in dealing with us. Our goods are of the most desirable character, being bright, stylish, and of high quality. to N Property. WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO 400, 402, 404, 400, 408, 410 K Street SACRAMENTO, CAL of Real THE SPAM-AMEim MAM AL, FROM $5 TO $20 A DAY THE THE NEW FRENCH aving determined to close out my business in H Ashland, 1 am offering all lines of goals at Cost and below; MEN'S CLOTHING, all at Cost. Suits from $4.15 up MEN'S FINE DIAGONAL SUITS, regular price, $22.50 to be Closed out at $15.00. In fact, every line is being slaughtered. ALL MUST GO! BOYS' CLOTHING of all kinds. Closing Out at cost MEN’S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES. All at cost MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, to be Closed Out at cost. MEN'S HATS, large stock, ull at cost. From 50 cents up MEN'S WOOLEN PANTS at cost. From $2.00 up MEN'S BEST GRADE OVERALLS at cost. per pair Cal. MENS' FANCY NECKWEAR, all at cost TOBACCOS OF ALL KINDS below Cost. Escort, 3 Pugs LU ND RY. for $1.00; Climax. 3 Plugs for $1.00, and all other grades in proportion ASHLAND OREGON THE JOHNSTOWN HORROR A < -»inplctc and thi-illina account of tlic aw­ ful rt» e » Mtid tt>«*ii appalling ruin, c«»ntaining a graphic (j«*tk*t*ii>t h<*r«»ic imrniw ewcap«*s from th«* pain«* of death; frightful havoc by tire; dread­ ful sufferings of survivors; robbing the rlc- tiins. No such picture of horr«»ra was ever I m *- f«»r«* witmsAsed —in«*ti, women ami children by thousands wire swept into eternity without a moment's warning. Notice Jackson County. R eme S äain Ony 55 cents Acute Torture Cured Fully lilustrated with Vivid bcewra of (hr <»real < alaiuliy. EVERYBODY WANTS THIS B