MISCELLAN0U3. MISCELLANEOUS. hi ; - »i riuZutm » X MH$-. '. tr- ! M • «-.» i r . ' Xj- n tfir !;-_s a«..! It «I ; ‘«»re Î.» • • y •* . l’opi » r-«* î-*r «I Hiob ¡1«- tur.h. •■i'*« .«•> 1 S a!p, an«! a ; .ti- k’> »' I‘rl • . • 3 < •» I - IS »f«!•• *«e i* : hl» s* ’< G Ll«*tt » a s l m Nu. *1 . Mt 1. V • Rh«*i t’urr iii.ig a». 1 u « 1 • i t.'. * * ’ >n1 *. ra.n » in t 1 1 » rxt. .1 ttar« th«' N •< k. . b- k «LÄ.*» fm lil t’l«‘ »• <«*1*1, u hit ’.« r rvise I by Ind.-w: ti n or a!»u- «V II !<-i*ry, ! L • ! .- 1 : * 1l»l »«ni pure 31: 1 !*• l«e *5 (.O per l otti««. I. • I. ii hn «•**• Lnlurn •* ani oh An I- «!•»!«» f r t e cure « f Gun.»rrh»«a, Gin*, Irr-i.«*. u <*iuv«4, ?n.| nfi l'ritn*y or G« i t J rrh ,f • ’.« ur.tnrx «.• \ ’*ri< tur >.av. Prie«» 31 ’ »per Datile. >.»» Xtk’» <«’■« €iol«l«»n O ntmefit •*••».' là ’ s -r -, Pri. •• $1 01) i»--r Bui T •» r i iu m Cialde il PII *• iti .. I F.'ii ’ nanucut; i»*s.-» o» p’»x’si' :U p»r, . -, t \. * ■» • . vr *• • ’., Pr*wtrution, < te. I’ **a S-T V/O fMT l««H. ,ie r»*«l 5’rryli»-, t«« .-;. wSere, ('. 1 ourvly pu k«-*l ;. r rxprvrta I.< I No H ee 3 itali te Vi iitat It IL I . . M . ' It tuk« '» thrp’aco of a doctor un‘I costly pre- FOR WHOSE »crlptioiis. \li u!>«« ail •e«k-ntar> lix ••* a b »•! BENEFIT it the lM-st preventive of and cure ln danifer iroin exposure litter tai < mes <’olir, l»i- nrrho'n. Howe! t’«»i»i;»i-»ints, Frwrbh- new an«l I’cveri*!» < id-. Invalids mid delicate persons will find It tlw mildest li*«'. A m n< nt ami ■ hr' « in --------- ' little taken at night insure« - n-fi«-hing s|»*vp and a natural c\i*«*m«C ... a t |. • .< .u* Is. *uing sharpen* A little taken In the i .'!< !iia« h and the appetite, > lemi-. s th« I •Wetten« tiic brenth. A rHYMCIAN* or:MON. •‘1 hive bre twenty years .. up a vegeo Simmons and effectively in.i and at the same tun cmngi the dig» st power« «•( the system L. M. inton m i . Wash u'i»tnn. Ark. Marks of Genulnene«' ’ .» ok fortiu red • . i.. ; I the Trude-.Mark on front of W • tk'iil an«l Signature of J. II. « >n A- Cu., 1U red, uu the Mile. Take uov h. r. A S * r.i< nMURI .-. < <»., AgreatU« < • à *£'.> Sanaotnc s’r««t, < -»mcr « la), Man Fran« m o Cai. UBCVLAA MAILER 1KES» , H * , THE STATE Agricultural College, CdR VAI. US. OREGON. . FA< ULT¥. A full corp*» of experienced Prufetmur* and Teacher*. COUK8E OF STUDY. ArraiiK*e«i expreaaly io meet the demand* and need* *»f the farming mtereMe wf the State. rUPAMATOKl hi PARI Ml M1. For Htiideiit» «»Ver 15 yearn of a«»' who deaireto ent’»r the College hut are not prepared to en­ ter CiilHce cla-N»»«M by examination. MILITARY IKUMSti To the ex'eqt re^uiris! L> law- HUILDINtiS. Large, CounnotiioQ» and well Ventilated. U h il I<»\. Ina cultivated and <•’ riHtia i community, ant! one of the h*Mdthie*t in the Statu. i XP1 R1MRNTALRIIT1ON. Circular», containing matter full of intereet to farmer», will be regularly i*Mued and copies mailed to each patron of the College. EXPEAHFS Reduced to lowest Ugurea. Tw«> or m«»r«» fro** •choiarehipe from every county. Consult yonr C«»uniy Superintendent. We confidently appeal to th«* farmer» ar.-’ grange» of Oreg*»n to patronize the only schou! established by Oregou fot the promotion of her agricultural intereeta. F »r catalogue or other informat ion, address. 13. L AKNOLD. President. ( orvalli», < >reg«»n. OVERLAND TO CHIF0RNI1. SODTHEBll_miFlC_CO.’S UNE. The Mt. Shasta Route. JOHN MILLER, Manufai'turer and Dealer in _ _ .. • ■ • Tune between Mod lord and San Frunci.sco, twenty-four liouiw. CALiroitMV E.XI’KESS TRAIN* Rl’N I» MI.V HE­ TW l.E.% poteri. IM» AND SAb FKANtTMO. i. 1:’: m i’. ? i" r. * North. Khfiftr. M. »).U'> 1*. M. 7 imi*. M. Ì*A»S<ìEi< TH A IN DAILY (EXCEPT SLMlAY.) MM Al. m . m . m L.- hvc I.< m \* \rriv*- Portland Albany Kugrii’. Arrive .»;T» p. M. Leave 11 ;i5 a ni L. ax* | i. M. . . PULLIANJUH’ETSLEEPEfiS?- For aceomnmdation of mt«»nd-rlas.« passen- g* i «, attached to Express Train.-. Th« >. I*. < o. s Ferry makes conn«-« tioii with all ili* n gular trains on tlie Fast Seh* Divis­ ion irom t«M»t of F sti v* t l'ortlami. Wvit Side Divi»icu. bl.TM i:».N 1»OK IIA'ill .xi OM5 1LI.XN MAILCUAIN4 DAILY EX( EVT SI NDAY.) F. axe Vrr.xe Portland Arrivi < .»rvaliis l.vav* i», xi. l.is'»». M. At Albanx an I < orv.illi* connect xvitn trains of Oregon Pacific Rai Iron I. DAILY LXl’ItUSS THAIN« EX. Erl srNDAY.) . Fail’. M. I.«.ivr P«»rtiand \u:\ '•»Mt A. m xi Arrive M. Minnxille I. ax - A'* x. M. GINS. PISTOLS ANI) AMWLMT10N. THROUCH TICKETS tu all puiut.. SOUTH &. EAST, VIA CALIFORNIA. I*.>i ut<‘i-.ii.u ;>n * oiiii.,in, - lui nt nt M. iltoril. U. K.tEIIO.K. E. I’ lUH'.ERS. M nun.- r. A-t. O. E. A I« Ag t. Hi South* rn <>r«-!«-n are In r*-l*y informed that in addition to a large and elcgaiitjiiie of MILLINERY Jacksonville, Oregon. 1 have added t*. nix -l«>< k the folhiwing < la■ I had wished 1 > io 1 have concladed to continue th** »*une on a larger »calethan ever. 1 wk in San Francim’o recently, where 1 lai*l in «*n»» of the.largcHt and bent stock»- ofal! kind» of Firearum« Ammunition, (’utlery. Hardware imd Sporting òmmìi ever brought t»» thin market imm »old at the lowest poatiib!» prieea. 1 will guarantee theae Good» t«> be just what I represent them to t»e. Being thankful to my old cuefomerw for their pa»t patronage a«» lile-rai- ly bent.»we*I, 1 would r**p< ctfully solicit a c«»n. tinuarco of the Miine. JOHN Mll.l.FR, - G L« ( I’.« th Knit an«! Muslin. INFANTS’ WARDROBES COMPLETE * A* chenp as to be bought any place; ali*» Children’s Shert Qlcthes, Under I years old. A l»< .«util u! line ol II' )S I T< K V ! < ««ns.*ting of I. - e und Silk. GI.OVES n \NI »KERCH IEFS COl^KTS Zephyr Shawls, An»l tnitn.v other thing» t.»<* ninn* roin to men­ tion. I ha',-»- a!»-1 s, cur« »1 the -»crvict • t*f a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, Ely’s Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al­ lays Inflammation. HealsthoSores. Restores the Sen.;es of Tasto, Smell and Hoanng. An«! am n««w pr« |»:iri <1 t*> ♦ \«“cut«* an or- •b i m in that line in tn•>i-clu'*< ?*iy le nt reasona­ ble rates. ( all a;i*l ini« no- < p'x>siie J. Nunau’s on Cali- t«»rnia *trvet. MRS. P. P. PRIM. - A particle la appli-d lato.nrhno.trJ a.d la aarrrablr. Prie.MS*, nt l>r,.i(ai«i. or by mil. ELY bKUI JlEUS'K. V,«m St-.N- w York. » ....... ■ —------------- — oldest , i . ea - t exitz . xmvi : «^ T'X? •i'i.'x \ xi > .r.’i.S > .*k«uL Almost os INSTITUTION OF LEABNINC Lo Ó •-«»’»!»« <1 f«K* CAR »’»<» cr.’ten i«^fi<«*»d, .it»*! «> r « iî »»e"'.«« •* by *«’? e u»t «♦»•"■i*!» *:■'»>»■• i, *vh«-n i «• !* p’tin nil r*r»»"»' t>« <«»»«• rw*«'r^ • I»;-’ th* ••oçn- *',eH*««Ki • *»r oil with iV bypi’pùoU- pH'l«»*« *.«« rt».. mere eff • I * ixù'k. S’ e Sri p’O^t!«?. r.r.'A«. ?i. .-us *ti?n njiLuj Ttli'te tjllw- Î'» TOWN LOTS In the Town of MONTAGUE, Siskiyou County, Cal., FOR SALE ON EASY TERM«. ' ’ lONlarènowlMÌgedbf P: - *r * t'i !:'• the xi«>«Ht Hii'l B- t preps. — . in t?..- ■ -rM for thn * t and cur-' oi ccMi-Jkir-Tior.’. ccnert*!. ci CEß’i-ilv, ’vr.'i-.‘nr c" : e, iw- ci - noM. eOJ-Di- nnU CHRCtf C CO’.’Gl'S. ,/• r»r<*rj# rr-x;* • Í »-*•■.•*■»»-)* .-y. 7 • • ■ , J - , ...... e » ' * • » ’ r . . •.«>»■. ' • * - •' G7*.C> «4 WRISLEY & CO., Onr-f»»nrth »loxvn. bnlanrc within >i\, twelvt ■nd eight* » ii ni«>!ith« See map in ltailr«>a*»i D* ¡»of for gra*h d nn< e«*, vruthireM» D. H. II ASKF.I.. Town-Sit»- Agent ('. P. R. I< . San Fram*i»co. Important Notice. rp<> A l»--<.vy !«> mm by tire corn. i»«*l«- in«* to make thu < h 1I. an«l ;t mu»t be rom- bli»»d with immediately,«««» that I <*an nonine Weelaiin to hax-c» a» tine a line of property, and bunin«»»'* DAVID LINN. it«» t»«- abl»» t«» furnieh n* r«-liabln inf«»rmati<*n JackRoiivillH. S«-pt. U, IMA I concerning real e»tat»» in Southern Or«’g<»n,H» ¡ any oi her firm now rmAn«< Qt |y •y. ,« t Stoi k or Dairy Farm» in South- 1,', i-, i ►»tanti, r»lt«>v»M*H«**ry * .,-it’-^ 1 f hutiMtu*!«. IC«*tAb I n .'Y I erti Oregon, ait uat«MÍ <«n l)«-»*r t'r»»«k. Joaephine ■ • it 1 t -f I reW II u-tr'tl pHtni-hlet X<> 1. j county, containing 3;» acre» of rich bottom land 7 intr*«*l»M-e them. Every For full particular» call upon or addre»a nree owner buv* fr«»m I to 6. Linee O J. V kNNOV never und*ir hon*"*’ fertw »end 25 cent« KerbyviDe Oregon In «Camp» tn pav poeta«» und p»Uiina f«*r Nickel Mated Neiuplethet eeh»Tor*A eta. Brewxter Mfi.l«X. HeUy. Mich. Madford, Jadcson Co., Ogn. ^HUPTUhE FARMS F OR SALE JISIOAJAY Ladies Fine Dress Goods IN WHITE COODS CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. Gent’s Clothing Decorative Wall Papers AGENTS WANTED. IMPORTANT, Carriages Wheel and Reversible Harrows and Cultivators. KIDNEY TEA I HS o ÑT on 'C UANU^ D ^V^V pecifi C CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE T S WIWE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, ‘ST. CHARLES HOUSE,’ N . SMITH & BASHOR, LUCKEY & CO., Real Estate Agents,¡REAL ESTATE A TS W. <1. MCCLELLAND, REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION. AGENTS FOR GOLD HILL TOWNSITE. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. City and Country Property Fur Sale. Grand Central Hotel. FIRST-GLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR. ular cuntraot xvith the company f«»r the puii- of such land, upon th«- regular terms of sale and at prices fix«sl by th«* company, or tin-land xvili b«*sold without any regard to their impr<»v(‘in«-ntsthereon. All eoinmunleations must be addressed to tin- acting Land Agent. Portland. The Oregon A California Railr«»a*i Company. Ry m H. MILLS Land Agent. San Francis«'*», Cal. GF.O. H ANDREWS. Acting Land Agent, Portland. Or. Portland, Or., June21, h chase Ilucl.lrn’t Arnirn balti' The l.t*Nt salve in the world for Cut« Bruix — Sort s. ITcers. S.-ilt Rheum, Fever Sores, letter,! happed Hands, t'liilblains, Corn*, and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi. tive cures for File-«, or no pay re«|uirea. ft isguaranteed to give perfe« tsatisfactOn or money refiiD«ie CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. PAID .VTJ?. r — PURE DLOOD, nr FHESU-L’G SLEEP, ii’. '.i.V«: an I Srr.iNGTH' , t ■ ' /•=••• >',pr :/• ; t* U- 1 M^nu- far;, -. i c..!v I ,■ the ! CAUFC’Rh'U FIG SYRUP CO.. S an F mascisco , C al . locisviLLBt Kv. N ca Y oiik . M. V OREGON MEDFORD. OREGON. pili: UNDEKSKiNED OFFEKH FOll HAt.E I tiv • head <>f g.»<-d ii’»rso«-: ako several parcels f <*x «*ll«*nt lmd « ituat<*d in Jacksonville. Wil- -•w Siltings and C* ntral Point precincts. For fnrth* r |»artict’.]ar* call at the Jacksonville Mar bl - Woifts. J C WHI PP. T with th«* host the market affords. No Chines« einpl«>y«»d, and n«» pains »fgir« <1 to giva satinfact ion. hh h at ail hour», 25 cents. M I FARM FOR SALE. HANLEY & LOVE. i fUTTLE AND HORSES BRANDED HL ON V left hip. A m cattle brand«»«!----- -— on left i «-de or hip; also cattle bran«!«*! with a figure 2 on i I 'ft si«|e or hip. The ear-marks of the abnv«- 1 brands ai»» abort cr«»p in left ear an«i long crop in right. Also oattle branded with SP <»n left bin. and marked crop in right ear and hole and »plit p left ear. I * ¡¡¡((JO.OOO.OO. Stock and Land for Sale —AND TO — th a TT1\ WM. ULRICH. District Agent KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS ¡MRS. J. C. TAYLOR, Proprietress. Cisanse the System Effectually, hetableis constantly furnished — so or < <>ak- ; CO’iFIOENTtAL BY j C j V î SÏI Next d«mr to Scott A Jennings’, * - at.»»”»- • >. , University of Oregon. I W. Combine' the juice of the Blue Figs of Cahtoi.i.A, l-.xative and nutritious, . i:h the ...edicn u! virtues of plants kno vn tn be most beneficial to the huni.-.n s' tem. fnrn.ing the ON LY PER­ FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the « Viee.rreeid.nl. . . Terrible. > - J. R. WRITSMAN, President. W . Two-thirds of all deaths in New York < ity are from consumption or pneumonia The simp proportion holds for mo"t other «ilit >. Delays are danger«»us. I>r. Acker’s English Remedy for Consumption will al way> relieve an«! may save your life. Sold by E. < • Brooks. Final Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. HINDERCORN8. . A Urlit, >rulff, fikin 'Jm/urf. The Hirn pl«« application of Swayne’» Ointment. with«»ut any internal medicine*, will run* any <'HH«» <>f T«*ttor. Halt Rlwuin, Rii cw«»rm. Pi lee. Itch. S«»reN. Pimples, Eczema, all S«-aly. Itchy, otice is hf iiehvgiven tiiatthe i e Skin Eruption», no mutter h«»w <»bM mate or lonx lin«llH !lt tax ! 1-t « >f J;H k -• «II *•'«.! Ill X . « »1« g- «II. MtRn«liUK- It in potent, effective anti < <«»*■« but a A rare iitrtiM-iual *-«*ii;p*>u:* in«-, with a Ha»t caemi of Cough. Week Lung*. Asthma wurruvit from th«- H**n. t'ounty < *»urt for it» trit1-* I Indigestion. Inward Fan»«*, KxhMMtlon. Invaluable f«*f khrumaUxm. F»nude W»akne-?s and all pain* ar I *ii* , immediat' co’lt t tit-n. All p* rsotiN who are on **rdvx» of Use FUxnacb ai.d Bowel*, hue. at Diu£gi*,Ux sal«! !i»t will pl« a*« t all at mx «■itic*- in .la<-k"«>n- , villt* and st-Hi«- xx itiioiit furl In r «1* lay. as I will I»« c <»! h | h -II« *I t*» I* x y upon tfi*' properly of the DR. CUNN’S IMPROVED LIVCR PILLS The i*»*fi-*t. surret aim ! b»,*t cure f*>rC* me. Bunion». Ao> sai»! «I* 'in«|ii< nt-. in «*r«l«T 1«»«■iih«rc«- pay in« nt Cure Slck-Headache. by correctinj the Stomach, Bow­ •topo ali pain í»«uiree «ouifort l*> the fr««C. Never fUH of sai«l fax, it n*>t pan! at om « . A prompt to our». ID «-wBU «U Druggunta lli^ovx X Cu, Ji. Y. x i compliance xxith tin- law will save further el,. Liver and Kldne,,: beautit, thecompleiion tn pu- rltfing the blood: mild In thair action, pleaaant to take. coats. ...d never gripe or lichen. One tor a dote 25 eta. ■ My tit-put!«'' will begin riding and making AKS.” /i» . f . ATO» bo>. Orug and General Store, or by mall. Sample, «re*. 1« vi«-s tm :m«l aft« i Max ?•'». I n »!». Htm T3J! ■ THZ DR. BOSANKO MED. CO.. Piqua, O- • • J AS. G. BIRDSKY. of youth. <* tr— wmm L uot - i »f mm 1 «•nd body. Nrrvuus SlwrifT analrm. Ihr. Louisiana Stab Lottery Company 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. V T he N M. E. Williams, Prop’r. LÌ S SALEM. OREOON. p and Carts. THE LADIES Fishing Tackle. Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish. Glass. Cutlery, Etc., AUGUST 1, IN». CALIFORNIA TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, ’ 41.1. m 12;J.» r. xi ... REAMES & WHITE’S! > South L* ax c kill x«- Portland * <»• r. xi L« ax « ’. V» X. M. L«av»- .M -ti nnte cases of indigestion,with its attendant heartburn, flatulence, constant uneasiness of the stomach ai d ol’ ihe nerv»s, «ire com- n*etely overcome t>» thn-sovereign remrdv. Chilli«, b lions nnd remittent fever, rhru- rnmisin and kidney trould s are a:.so re­ lieved by it. Villard has secured control of the Manitoba and Northwestern K. R. AST ALL PRECEDENT ! Executors’ Notice. Over «100,00) has been paid for wool (IVEK OSE MILLION DISTRICTED. In the matter Of the estate of B. C. Goddard. at Baker City since the middle of June. Jr., d«*<;eax’d. TO ADVERTISERS. Wm. E. «ila lntone, the great English otice is iieheby given that thb undersigned have been appointed by the premier, celebrated liis golden wedding Th© TI MEM lia* a rireuiatlou of 2*500 county court of Jackson countv, Onffon, sit­ un the 25th. ting in Probate, executor* of tin* estate of B. t iit* largral e«Jo> cd by auy uei«npa|»er C. G«»ddard. Jr., d«T<*as«i. Mr. T. S. Palmer, of th-- U. S. D*- p«il»liMbe«l belweeu I'orllauti and lied A I) p«raons indebted to said estate arc rc- I partment of Agriculture, is visiting the up- Klaiualli coiiu H om . Ruwiueaa men | lately in the woods west of Myrtle l’oint. lication uf this notice. ular vote. More than «3,000,000 have ls.-en eon- ALICE A. GODDARD. aliouitl lake note oi thia. lta MAMMOFTH DRAWINGS take place ‘-CMtortainoweU^Upted to children th*» I CutArta cure. Colle. CoMttpatif-n. B. < . GODDARD. S m . l tributed to the Johnstown sufferers, Semi-Annually, (June and Ih-ceniber.) an«! it«- Exccut«»rs under t.»c Will. I recommendil*«,uperiorto*nypr«*cnpUon I 8our Stomxch, btarrhera, EructaUon. i This is a showing that no other country GRAND SINGLE M MBER DRAWINGS known to me.” IL Aai-uen. Mb, I Wnrms> five* *leep. nod promote, dl- SLEEP. SORROW, si.F.y. Dated July 3,188V. take place in each ot the «»tlier t« u inonthr , on earth can equal. Ul bo. Oxford 8L, broukljn, N. Y. | Without injurious mrli-iti— <»f the > ear, ami are till draxvn in pul »lie. at Sleep, Son «>w, sleep ! A syndicate of English capitalists is tin* Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. Notice for Publication. For I have watch«-«! flit-e weep T ub C bxt . ii .- b Coaraxr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ■ trying to |-urclia* orricr. at Kogsarita, or .A July 23, lax*. ( My vow- are melt« «! with unceasing woe, meiit of Prizes. interest in the steel industry. f«»r children teething. It i* a purely vege­ A" April rainfalls waste the winter >n*»w. N otice is hereby given that the table preparation, its ingredients are pub ­ Attested as follows: Colonel C. F. (.'rocker has generously f«»llowing-namc. «pjjet Of faith and truth and lulling tt-nhn I droop on dull oblivion awhile. Selling Out at Cost. Jackson count v. <)r. As sniks tin- spent wave on a tr«»pic isle. 1 am now uttering my entire stuck uf tine Since January 1st there h;ye been 911 CHAS. W. JOHNSTON. Regist« r. dee«ls recorded with the Auditor of Jef­ dress-good», staple und iancy groceries, Sleep, Sorrow, sleep! clothing, bouts and shoes- etc , al less than Heaven semi thee t rancea deri». ferson county, \V. T. The aggregate cost, l’arfes desiring tn secure bargains Notice for Publication. Too de«-p for dreams, till weary uigiit bath consideration of thesj conveva-iees ia wi I find it to their tulvanta. e to call at ending In r*«sy daw n. wh«-n L »ve almv»-1 he«* b« nding. «1,638,330. • L and Orricc at R oskhchg . O h .,» once, as everything must be s««l«l immedi­ July St. f '.*• ln*«»u«l«-d -kies. Preparations for the triennial conclave ately 1 am desirous of closing out my VOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Shall kis^ mto a smile thy x\akmg ey es. business, and will give great bar_;«ins. x* following-named setti«*r has tiled notice uf of Knights Templar at Washington citv N ewman F ismer his intention to make final pnatf in sup|M>ri of are pioceeding on a grand scale, and his claim, and that said proof will I m - made be­ - • — --------------- ALL SORTS. alrea-ly quarters have ix-en secured for fore the judge, or in hi* absence, before the We have now or our tlielvr s the iuo>t Eh‘gant AM-ortm<»nt of Du .Nut Suffer any Lunger. clerk of tiie county court «>( Jackson c«»unty*, over 21»,000 Knights. W«- tin- imdcrsigiu'd Banks and Bankers will Oregon, at Jacks«»nvilie, Oregon, on Saturday, Knowing that a cough can be checked in V/alki Walla is shipping fitly tona of pay ail Pri/.«-s drawn in th«- Louieiana Stat«* August 31. 1HH9. viz: Oscar Swacker, homc- Siskiyou county, California has do­ a «lav, and the first stages of consumpti n peaches daily. I/»ttcrks which may b<- pres« iited at »>ur coun- st< ad entry No. 45MH, for tbeN. *^«»t NW. W, nated «1,000 Io be used in construction brok* n in a week, we herein* guarantee Dr. i*i". SW. >4 of NW. ‘4 and NW. *>f SW. I4, wc. The water work.-* of Spokane Falla haa of a bridge across Klamath river on line Acker's English Remedy for consumption R. M. WALMSLEY. tp. 37 S„ R. 3 w«*bt, W. M. H«- nanx-stlic follow­ Pres. lz>uiMan:t National Bunk. ing witnesses to prov«- his continuous resi­ a capacity of !»,OUO,OUO ga lena of water with the dam of the Klamath River Im­ ami will refund the money to all who buy take it as per directions, and «Io not tin«'t P. LANAI X. per day. dence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: provement Company. Pres. Stat«- National Bank. our statement correct. Fur sale by E. C. I In th« very latest Khiith'.T of (’ashmt'o-s. Henriettas HiciliauH, Almae, (.ombiuations Man­ Thtmins Carr, J«»wi>h Goldswortliy. Jas. Boss A. BALDWIN. The wealth of Frederick I»otlglaa, I'nit and Robert Cook, all ot Draper, Juckwn coun­ The Shasta land office is temporarily Brooks. chester Cashmeres. Buntings, 8att««»-Es. Lawn*. Ginghams, Prints, Percales. Etc., l.tc. Pr«*s. N. <). National Bank. ty, Oregon. e-l States minister to Hayti, la estimat­ closed until about September 1st next, CARL KOHN. < HAS. W. JOHNSTON. R«*gist«T. ed at KiOO.OOO. Ha can take aeveral owing to a technical flaw in the wording JiukHonville to Medford. Pres. Union National Bank. cases of Admiral Luce's ammunition to of the official bond of the newly appoint­ Patronize the only wagon that connects Notice for Publication. Port uu l'rince. with every train, rain or shine, ami carries We have Piques, Zt‘!»hyr, Plaids. Fancy ljace Checks, India Linens, Victoria and Bishop Lawns. Grand Monthly Drawing. ed receiver, John X’. Scott. the U. 8. mail and Wells, Fargo A Co.’s , P«.tted Swiw*. S winh Flouiu’ing ami All-«»?« i Embroideri«»«. At the Academy (f Music, New Orlcait*, Secretary of War'Pna tor haa hail the L and office at R oseuvrg , O b ..» At Olympia every street on the east express. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tuesday, August JA, 1880. May 1ft, |8M». / flag that draped the bier of President side of the city is lx-ing graded, and the J ohn D yaii . Driver. VOTK E IS H ERB Y (i IV EN TH AT THE FOU Lincidn in 18 i ii«i’ A<' aa _ : ih <1 I-’’ r<»i*»li* 11 lowing-nained Si-ttier has til«*d nuti«-«*o1 his la en in the eustialy of tin- adjutant gen­ orv to extensive improvements. All tin- Ho, For Central J*oint. mb ntioi! to mak«* final proof in support of his —---- eral, encased and placed in his office. 100.000 Ticket, at <20. Halve, at claim, and that said proof will be made before The undersigned lias fitted up a stage, hotels are crowded to excess. We have also jii.M upent «! up tho laru* t-t st*-< k of ¿10 Quarter* 65* Tenths $2. Twen­ th«* judge, or in liis altwnce, before the clerk A tecent canvass by the factory in- n county. Or., at Yreka adopted a fire limits ordinance which will nmlce regular trips betw««n tieth* $1. Jin ksonvill«-. Or., on Saturday. August 3. lsrt*. sp ctors of Chicago shows that there are last week, forbidding the building of Jacksonville and Central P-»iin, ronnreting LIST OF PHIZES; with all trains, from and alter April 1,1S>9. viz: F. W. Knowl«*s, homestead <-ntrx No. 41H6, 28,(177 cone-ms emplovmg 244,038 peo­ wooilen houses or the roofing with any­ 1 PR1ZB OF BMM fo for th«-SE*'4 of SE*4, See. 4. NEI4 of NEH. S«*c. JoUK A L v VK. ple in industrial lines. Of these 109,1(10 thing other than iron or tin, or otliei 1 PRIZE <>F KK.iRJO is ltu.mii 9. Tp. 3M S.. R. w« st, W. M. He names th«* --------- _ 1 PRIZE OF fw.mw Is ... .Ml.lMlf» following witnesses to prov«* his continuous are males, 44,«.KI8 females, 2,040 boys, incombustible material within certain 1 PRIZE OF 25,(M>iM 35.(ll> residence upon and cultivation of, said land, and 702 gii is. limits. 2 PRIZES OF IO,«W)Mrc üfi.aw viz: Gustav«- Mitch«-]|. M. Bellinger. M. Gainey Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Andtiiwst 1 -««»f ll.i’H, FurniMimig (i ><» I n . 1» * »’• i id Shoe-, Etc..«v»T brought to’S<*utliorn Oregon ft PRIZES ' >E &,000 arc 35.(11» and Peter Elmer, all u! Jacksonville, Jackson Douglas cum tv marble ia becoming Under the law passed by t!>e last leg­ 35 PHIZES OF l,«»f. «*r who knows of W«« have fils »ju*t r-•«•■ v- .l from FLut«»™ Miuiufacturer», the han«l!»unie-t line of 5011 PRIZES OF 3J0ar<- PXI.IMI any substantial reason, under the law and the and Wiilie’ mill to work it. There are gages to the treasurer. State treasurer r«*gillations of the Interior D«*partm< Dt, why APPROXIMATION PRIZES. other quarries of nearly the same quality Webb declines to accept them, un'ess such prool should not be allowed, will b«* giv­ llHj<-«i in thia acet:«»n. • mi - ieme court finally disposed of buttal ol that submitt«-d bv claimant. TERMINAL PHIZES. Oregon will try the four criminal cases PT Re member that w»* ar«« able to giv«» th«» v « t . v l«»west figures on Groceries. Provisions, Etc. < HAS. W. JOll.NSro.N. lUgiftir. ttio<»f that pleasant < alif«»rnia h iii « - N ote Tíekets drawing Capital Prizes are In th« Circuit Court f«»r the Ptateof Oregon, «ly. Satistavthm guarnnt«-«xl *>r iiiom x re­ too. Mrs. «iaines died sonic years ago, the same month. nut entitl'd to terminal prizes. for th«* county of Jackson. funded. and the property w ill now go to tome of Martha Allen, PlaintitT, vs. John M Allen,De­ It is said that the Cherokee Cattle fendant; suit in e«piity t*»r a divorce. her representatives. To Jonn M. Alien, the above-named defend- Ass.x-iation, the ¡»resent lessees of the There certainly is a new eia of mining Cherokee strip, will make a proposition ant: Dealer tFT«»r Club Rates, <>r any furth«T informa­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE- ■ ¡wiring on western «»regun, nnd the in­ to the next Cherokee council to extend tion d< sired, write legible- to th«- undersigned. 1 gon, you ar«- her« by |-<*uuir«-d to ai»p< ur and terests involvis] In-long to men of char­ its leas»» for ten years. The present cl«*ariy stating your residenc«'. with Stat«. answer th«* complaint <»1 th«- said plaintiff County, Street and Number. Mor«* rapid re­ in th«- ab«*v«--< utitl« d court, n«»w on bl« mth acter ami judgment, who are going to lease has five more years to run. Tl c turn mail delivt rj will I»« ussur« h mu.es talked of exist tn Linn, Lane, use of the strip for ten years. you, it s« rv< d in Jackson county, t th« s«rvice of this summons upon you; Ad.’.r*M. A. l»A( I’HIN. N« w Orleans. La. j finery at St Joseph, Mo. The establish- at rea-.onable cost. Or. M. A. DAL PHIN. Washington. D. C. or if s« rx «-<1 on x ou <«ut of th«- State of (ir< g**ii, mi'll* has bi-en closed and (lie st»»r the dissolution of the inai rmg* contract h“’ «he payment of all July 17 18W. Th« Kin.,»:,nd J. 1. CASE i jx-r cent, were between the ages of 15 IH j ALI j AL J JJuIl pi i/« s in GI ARANTEED Dat»*d at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 17th day Jack Kel-ey of Silver, Lake county, I ami 35, about 10 per cent, over 30 and j BY Fol II NATIONAL BANKS ot V w Or­ ol Ju lx . A. D. l.ssu. will probably heed the advice of the the same per c-ntage under 1.5 years of leans. and the tickets ar«- signed by th«- Presi­ P. P. PRIM. dent «»fan instil uti«»n. whos«* chartcreti rights eld» r Weller, and**l evare of viddera" age. Attorn« y for Plaintiff. I are !•«•<'<»gniz«sl in tin* higb«*stcuurts;tiicr«-- after thia. Jack ia the for» man of the fore, beware of all Imitations or ni.nonymou* The annual exhibit of the Josephine Oregon Land and Live Stock Company sclu-m« «. Administrator's Sale of Real ONE DOLLAR isth«- price of the smallest out there anti got shot in tin- arm the county clerk shows that th» expend.- part or fraction of a tick«-t ISSP ED BY CS in tores during th • past year were «20,- Property. other day by a widow whose lovingover- any drawing. Anything in our name oticred lur--s he did not reciprcca’»- in a mens- 5s0 14 and the receipts «25.981 16 War­ for less than a dollar is a swindle. In the County -Court <*f the State of Oregon, MihF NO MlxTAkF. me she ilee-n--1 appropriate in th»- rant* to tho sinonnt of «9,025 31, ex- for Jai k-on county. Silting in Pr<»bat«-. ■ «I li I. -OREGON- ehl-tve of interest, were rvd<-err«-»l. The By dispelling th«- symptonia so off«-n mis­ In t In- matt« r of th«* «•stateof J««s. b. P. llaimey, premise:’. for consumption. Santa Abie has d«-ceased. • onnty still Las a debt of «19,743 Sr», to taken brought g bid in- nn t-* many h > ii < h*.hN and b\ Judge Cooley, cha'iiliatr of tic inter ! which must he ad h»l acciue»! intere-t. IN Pl RSl’ANl E OF AN ORDER <»F THE pr.unptly breaking up Hn- «-«»ugh and <•«•!*! that I C«>unty Court, mad«- Tuesday. July 2d. Isñ9, stat»- i-»mmeii'e c>Mu«nissii>n, is on I.is too often «t»-\,«,h,p'< into that fatal «!i-»«‘a-4«-, xvili the undersign«-«!, administrator «>1 th« «-stat«* wav to tie- Pacific v ast on business con­ I Ant- i'--!l- A l»o>, coiit-’actO’S on the x et save thoiis«in«lN frooi an iintiinelx gi uv«*. uf.J«»s. S. I*. Kaiiney , d« ccaw«l, will off«r for ' h g n Pacific railroa-l. state that there You inak n-» ini-Uitk«* by k plug a l* ’til«,'d nected with the commission. He is sai«- to tii« high« st bi«idcr on URINAKY^KIDNEY troubles noted I'alifernia h - iipn I^ a.*»ajN in the coming via the Northern Pacific lailroad. I is no t< uth in the report that work has this Saturday, August A, 1SS9, ('<»iTi S):i'll»iI atitiiti^ '■Iill--, \\ itbl Mills. I’ltiiips, II.tried Mil’«! St:» house. been stopped un the eastward extension and expects to reach S|Mjkam- Falls this At 2 o’chak r. m .. al the coiirLbouse d«x>r pks, Oil.- and everything kept in :» lir.-t-clas.- Machine and Itnple ; of the r- a-l. A gang of Chinamen en ­ week and Portland next Weik. Tie n iu Ja< k^onvill«*, Ja< ksoii county, Oregon, the men! H -n.-e. \l-n t'tavi r it Walker’:- Agem-y and Ili adqnarters for follow mg d< scrib«-11 25, township K m B1* Please give me a rail before purch »sing els.-where, ns 1 am white men at work on the r thiity-mile 33 S. K 2 U . tin n« « running south 240 r«»«is to The last touches are being put on the contract, and they will put on a force of the secti«»n lai« t»« tw« « u s«« lions25 ..nd 3t> in prepared to giv»* lowest pos.-ible prices, ami my goods are first-clabB. ppetizer said township aud rang« ; tin lie«- west to th»* grand marble terraci- along the wist Chinamen next week, white laborei* county road; tb«n<*e north«-rly along said Correspondence respectfully solicited. front of the capital at Washington. The h. iug scarce. Work on their contract CURES INDIGESTION. county road to a |»«»int due w« st to Hie pía« « of WM. (¡ATES.Central Point, Or. kevs'om- -f the last ari’h was set last will l.<- vigorously pushed until com- beginning : thence « ast 1.> th«-place of b«-giu- liing: containing 150 a« r« s ni«>r«* <»r h-ss, sit­ week, and the work of putting tip the ■ Ple-ed uated tn Jackson county < h vgon. marble I alu.-ters ami rails is now being T«rnis of sale—r« g«*’n: Catarrh. Follow «ltr»M-ti«»ns and a « nr«- ra'es t<> be paid by tin- government ami th " membership of the order in Oregon, from ll’E THE. I'NDERSIGNED < ITIZENS OF is xvarrant«*«!. S«*n«l f«»r circular b» ABIETINE tl !<«>ck Point pn-cinct, Jackson < ounty, now lirnls lie lias antagonized the busi­ Washington and British Columbia to be MEDK ALl’o.MPANY, or«»vill<*. Cal. Oregon. h«-r«-by petition your Hon. l»ody to ness -’department” and one of the finan­ 4520, Iron AVater giant A..I. Bai low and WmStuai! Iie«*ns<-, un­ I.JNKVIIA.K. OK. an increase of 300 over last year. Six months treatment SI. By Mail, cial “suppliers” of the Republican ¡»arty. tier the flrni-nanieof Barlow A Stuart, t«* r« tail SI.to. The f outh Fork Fishing Club, owners spirituous H«juors in less 90,000 and a ionaires of Pittsburg. Their united ers will ever pray. For Sale l»y a'lDrirggixt«. caj-i-al of «270.1'00.000. In the ab­ wealth is said to be about «50,0»i0,000. Trad«* supplied by S ip i(Mr- itsbu A Woodard. I Adam A. Hashor. Jas. McDougall, Wm. J. his ho ill , having been thorough - sence of exact i tlii ial data, due to the j An effort is now to be made to force the Portland. <>r. ly repsinhi and n> wl> furnished,ranks among M« < 1« Ihiiid. 1< F. Nvtinden, Al. Smith. Th«w*. latwrenCe. Willi«- Smith. N. H« b«-rt, Julien Ri­ A. A. 1IASHOB. the best in 8«>ulhem Or« ‘ gon. The bods aae new la; t that s, me of the etat»*s do not exer- I members of the dub to pay for tlie dain- j. r. smith . and clean and th«- table* supplied with the !a»*t card, E. Bodin«-. 1. E. D«-b«*y . I,. >« xau«-r, E. M. i . e Slip» ! visiou over tlu-se institutions, ag- caused by the collapse of their dam. Parker. J. A. Knot« n, ,1. <». Wjls«»n, I B. Ad­ the market affords. ams. Wm. p. Jac«»by. M. S. Jaooby. M. F. Hull, th ■ whole number in the United States The first suit is brought hv John Andrew Brumbaugh, J. W. Masterson, Ro!M*rt vmoiislv estimated at from 2000 to Hardman, W. M. B«*nnctt. J. R. Boss, Fred Ot­ A Son of Johnstown. This firm rCll«' < w IK-stS 5'l.s*, with a capital of ♦’300,000,001). The Thomas ten. M. I . Horn. J. II Knotts, Ge«». H. Critten­ was doing a heavy mercantile an»! man­ den C. Vroman D. Bloom« r. Jas. McDonald, next census ought to give some in­ ufacturing business; it lost mill, store, may rest assure«! that nothing will be left imd«»i e J. H. Griffis. John ^Satt« rtu ld, John Neat- tire »ting information on this subject. hamer. J«*hn Hine. I. F. Bass«*tt, W. H. Run­ that will add to their comfort whii«- staying here •stock and numerous Irilildings, to the M. E WILLIAMS. nells. W. S. B«*< k. L. Ph il. D. L. CuiHs. D. C. li any »i our incredulous readers value of «150,600, anil sues for that I .aw. Wm. Scott. M. A. M.ig »n«-, Frank P««u- Linkville Or.. May 15.1888. think that Chinese do not quickly pick amount. jadr. P. Smith, 1*. Wm. Black« it H. L. White, < ■ ir. H. H«*rn, K. Fields, G«*orgv A h Abwlut« i.urr, ASHLAND, ORECON, lk’vk. Chari«* Long, Orh y H. Fi« l«ls. Wm. Aineiiean civilization, let them visit Brown. K«»bf. Ogan. M«»s«- Hop wood. TheOriginal Abietine Ointment ia only the saloon on Abler street near Third, Will Sell, L<‘a«c, R'-nt nnd Handle just !>ack of the Royal theatre, Port­ put up in large two-ounce tin boxe*. an«l i absolute cure for old sore», burns, ENGINE REPAIRER AND land, and see «hem stand at the bar an wounds, chapped hands, and nil skin I and ask for "blandy” and “tin cint eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds PLUMBER. gin,” play fifteen-ball pool, and call of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine j shots, crying out “side-pockets,” etc., Ointment. Sold by all druggis’s at 25 et»». F«»r infortnnti«»n r«’gar«ling pric<*s on t«»xvn lots, inipniv«**! »-itx prop« rty < r Jamls.iuldr« !-s a nlaiv«-, enclosing stamp. Will <-«>nv* y impiirers t<» tin ir pr«»p< rt.x and giv«* them all 1 hr Infor and gamble at dominoes, tan and dice per box—by mail 3o cents mat ion concerning th«* country, fr,*«- «»f uharg«-. shaking in full view, notwithstanding A Choice (’«»liceti<»n «»f the law against such pastime and the fact that white men are debarred the KJ» Mak«*« a S|Mx*ialty of repairing Eng»n«-a fascination of faro and stud. ’• ntri’.u an«! Gas-fitting. Prie«** reas«mabie and satis­ WU«n Baby was sick, w<* gave her Castorla, TRIAL It will be rcmemliered that Secretary faction guaranteed. Address or callón 5 T« le e Wheo »be »u ■ Chil l, she rrie«! for Caatorla, • Gllin^ r. of State McBride collected from tin- Unit­ w. j. M c C lelland , c-nt rai r<«tnt. I COTTLE • < ua 40 »! I M hen aha bwamc Mist she clung to Castoria, ed states and paid into the state treas­ jltv. V!t.«l I I t Any person wishing to sell property will : Ppcrm.itofTbu* « ury a t»*w weeks since about «38,000, on NŒDFOIUD, OREGON, lieu bho bad Children, she gave them C’a&toria I find it to their int«T«*at to call anti see us. FREE, account of the claims of the state for : Ik-Ciiar, Orr ■» ’» ■ ”' sh , Pr«»M..:íi¡« N indi-mnitv for < xpenses in the Indian ■•■O-F.’CltNT TO ■ AI. Ul ’ ìlilN PI' j VA’O, l’roprietor. Notice to Settlers on Rail wars of 1877-78. It was thought at the FKCVC THE MER i ‘‘ “"i- f rated and fr iu wla.tav«». time of that payment that the above road Lauds. ITS OF THIS. THE j came produc'd. sum was all that was claimed by tin- 1 GREATEST OF ALL i state on that account. The secretary of TN’ l’fll'l AN’i’E OF CII»( t’l.AK OF THE STGENGTHEMlir. ZjZ I Or«-gou A California Railroad Company state says that he is pressing a claim for C, Constipation, Sick hm'tofor«* issu«*«!, notice Is h«*rrb.v giv«-n that REMEDIES AND jK£JuyfMTOJ. a further allowance, and is now making Si •»° ttnay. said company is n«>xv ready t«» sell the himis rl?erm» J^l, l v’. Biliousness NERVE TONICS, !• the only remody t’.»»’ efforts to secure evidence in further lying south <>f Rost'burg. granted to it by th«* : prevents prrtn 11. • / a »- j ! n i arising from » cnit«*d States. S ettlers upon any of said sii|»|»ort of the claim. Secretary McBride • WILL BE SENT TO - 1 involuntary \x • . t ' c «.. lands must is confident that he w ill be able to col­ T ?.ni! Cad Digestion, ■ AW« CNE A» PLY- : fhe syrst» m, 11L; ?« r - x. UMè™ Spécial Attention Paid to Commercial Travelers. IFt/Aiti Ninety Days lect several thousand dollars more on ‘ IMC. PY 1 FTTrn lmwcv« rth< y oc. i.r.r 4 ro^n’t ia goxHi app«s IN m ET LETTLIi, v • |rh rr<* the t »** • *» ■ 1 1 ■ 11 .......... .. - ———— t, . .» . .:!*» t IH jmc «unall, account of his claim. From the date of this notice enter into a re g­ ; STATtNGHSSYMP- '-««»«• »!«>'<» ci-d n- 7 riil'KSDAY ¡ta f «'ul'ar h due hi -h to i j.r.H-. sm and NOTHING o »1 . as to . - ... V ea, LIKE IT 'I Hi.« it in -. . It < h«*cka ills, a,, s I!’. ! ■ ontsel. or if they be a lvaioa «I will prow u poteulcuK GEN EE AL N0TE8 AND NEWS. tsnuonaiic outs. CNDI’RHIGNI D OFFERS KOH SALE ;i««ar Bybee ► fcrr>. tan mil«« fi«»m Ja« kfconviil»*. containing 1 («1 »acres, wi) acres h«**itg under • uh.x.»t««»n an«i the balance being lu!.t-cl.-««s timber and pasture lend. A gM«d ohm barn and outbmhfinir» are connected with ♦ he place. Titl«* perb*ct and term» reasonable For further particulars apply t<» the 1‘IMKF office or J .B. (ittKiSBT. Central Point P. O. !’HF Importnnt Notice. »1.1. l-F.tt8O.NS KNOWING THKMSEI.VEH j indebted to the ostMtoof John N«»land. . n munhay . tiii : tilth ot S»-pt» int>» r, MW. Fr»-»’ »■li"lur-»bil»» from » ver, count) in «In­ state Aft»!» to your Count, 'ii|» noi-n l< nt. FnxE TriTiox acilk J . m ahv 1. I'W. E«»ur Course®: Classical, Scientific. I.it«-rary anil a ahort tJi.-li’h Courae. in which th»-r-- I» ho 14UHI, (-re k. Fn neh or German. I b- hng- ll.h |,r.--ciiiiii» ntl, a IliiMn«»-. < our- H r catalmru- s or otti- i informati."». u.l-lr-wi. .1 w JOHNSON. I- kwii I- nt. Choice Lands For Sale. LETTER OR AT: office , r,-;' n r- r«-s ALL Ki ’ne* an«’ T-isd b r C- > :-».f « d, lH.w*Ar. v«-i.y*n* are stunned upon the ixrrela with firm’s name, addnws and dates of patents, an«! are guar­ anteed lH'rfert. Insist upon Lavi a* them, and if S»*ur «taafar cannot supply you, an order sent u> ad- r*as below will reoH v? jirumpt attenUoa. Dueerlp- H«».x -.X« I «-.-a * . »■ , ó' <1 ’ H' » »X A« '* * ' • '>• ’. -1_ 2 Hi' 11 ' Hmid at s*. »U.D <« K».* UFuiic -x.> t4v* catalogue and price« upon appheatkm. MMd ” PEHSIAr ”LOOM, 3*n tfXJTU 4b WKiMM>Rf Ufiar.Ua»ai»^i*.i H