The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 25, 1889, Image 2

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    the Jemocratii ïime.5.
I t i» aulh»*itr.tiv. Iv stated that the
president tins .fielded to call an extra
se^siou of c-'iigre^sm November.
1* ue » idc . vt B cli of the Oregon pre»»
association lias called the annual meet­ I
ing (or Aug. and ”4th, at Newport,
on Yaquina bay. The business men and
citizen» of that secti -u met July 19th to
ajqioint commit:.'. ♦ an-l to take steps to
receive and enter am the editors.
.J Cl. Y > 1**>9.
H m . H ol . H irscu , the new minister
to Turkey, railed for New York on the
steamer Lahn on the l'Jtti, and will take
his faintly back with hint from Portland.
T iik London p dice thonght they had
found the Whitechapel murderer in the
WS «. SB ,
person of a demented sailor l|»3l
last week
oui, a*
as “ •»
•» *» the Ripper,” H**
fi-- resumed
■■•••■•■»«d .
ojn ratiun*, the police are all at *ea
Farmer?» lire bu«y in lb«- hurve*t fluid.
I* Turner has returned from his «outhurn
Br »w n Bi *. talk of putting up a saw-mill at
M umps are prevailing in tlie M»utb«-rn por­
tion of tile county.
J. B. (ironman of Waldo preuinut wm in
Jilcksonvilie tills week.
I han. Sampson and El. Elliott have gone to
tlie u.»ast on a pleasure trip.
G» n. E. L. Applegate ha* tak'-n possession
of tin >awyur farm near Wilderville.
Au exuell«,nt description of Grant's Paa* will
be UHtnd on thu first page of the T1MKH.
A| Howell hap commenced businetm at G.
Davis' old bout and shoeshop in Grant's Pass.
J C. Campbell has been anpointed adminis­
trator of the estate of Guv. L. Todd, deceased.
The ladies of Illinois valley will giv»- a grand
ball at the residence of A. I’liiphlett on Ju­
ly 2btb.
Mrs. Rebecca Morgan has sold her home-
stu.ul on WiUiamscr«« k tu Mrs. J«>bn H-)w« 11
T. N. Hughes, who recently sohl his mining
1»roperty on Grave cretk. has returned to
.Mr. Fitcb, a New Fork uttorney, is at Grant's
Pa*»', accompanied by his wife, and has con­
cluded to locate.
The following deed» were recorded in the
miunty clerk’.* offic«* for Jackeon couuty since
th»* last report of theTlMKS:
Mr*. Maria Colver to Mr*. Mary I). Farlow;
2H.dK acr«* of th»- Hiram Colver d. 1. c. Conaid-
vrution, $1. Also dower interest in said c laim.
E. K. And« ison to A. P. Talent; land in the
town of Talent. $73.
Jami* Helms to A. P. Talent; lot 3, blk T., in
town of Talent. $2tMt
Truste«* of XV. C. Baptist churcb to A. P.
Talent; part of blk ü in t«»wn«»f Talent.
I. J. Philips to J. N. Banks; lot 4. blk. M.
Me«lf«»rd. «25.
J. N. Bank* to Marx D. Alien; same proper­
ty. $225.
Mary 1>. Allen to Jacob Johnson; lan«l in
Medford. $600.
G. XV. Howard to Mary R. Phelps: bon«! f«»r
h»ts 1. 2 Mini 3. bik 3 Medford $12in
John Ttrpper to XX’m. II. Kincaid; land in tp.
38S..R. 2XV. $|.
O. A T. Co. to Ashland Building an«! Loan
Associativu; lut 1, blk. P, R. R. add. to Ashlaud.
Edgar E. Miner t«» G« h >. Crow»on; lot* 5'J and
80, Miner's add. tu Aahlnnd. $S00.
O. A T. Co. t.» H. D. Maxum; lots 4,5. 6 and 10,
blk F. K. R. add. t«» Ashland. $2V0.
<>. A T. Co. to Standard Oil Co. of Iowa; lot 3,
blk .’W, Mtslford. $30.
<». A T. Co. to John Banks; lota 19 and 20, blk.
F, R. R. add. to Ashland. $200.
(>. A T. Co. to John Miller; lot* I. 2, 33 and 34,
blk. Q, R. R. add. to Ashland. $470.
O. A T. Co. to H. B. Pay ton. lot 25, blk. II, and
lot* 35,3<J and 37, l»lk. P, R. R. add. to Aslilnud.
y. N. Anderson to L. Martin and O. 11.
Blount- lot* 17 and is. blk. 1’, R. R.add. to Ash­
land. S7UU.
U. A T. Co. to (>. II. Blount; lot 1V. blk. P. IL
K. add. to Ashland; 1125.
O. AT. Co. to A.B. Payton: lota 23 and 24.
blk. B. R. R. add. to Ashland. $200.
O. A T. Co. to M. N. lxmg; h»ts 23 and 24, blk.
C. R R add. to Ashland. $200
Sarah A. Bateman tu R«>*e Batciuau; luta 1
ami 2. blk. 31. Medf«»rd. $00.
Same to Ida Bateman; 1<>ta 7 and *, block 18,
Medford. $500.
J. R. Helman to Baptiste Chvgar; corrected
titl«* to lot in Ashland. $1.
<>. A T. Co. to E. B Mott; lot 28, l»lm k A. lol*
22 am! 23 blk. F. and lot* 25 aud 2«, blk. K. R. K.
iu1<i. tu Ashland. $440.
Geo. Crowsou t«»Klward Albright; 10 acres
Bl twn. 3»S.. R. 1 E. $2000.
T. B. Blautun to E. 17. Miner; satisfaction of
D. Payne t«> XX’m. Addison; 25 acre* in twp.
34 3 , K l XV. $uuu.
Paul Chait rami to E. J. Moutague; lot* 7 uud
?, blk 2«. M«Mford. $1'«
O. A T. C«) to Mr*». Slnlimla Haught; lots 6 and
7. blk. ♦*». Medf.ird, $100.
Geo. XV. R«?nfro to XVm. Abbott; 5 acre* in
twp. ; ä )S.. R. 2 E. $60o.
A 1*. Talent to l<aura M. Abbott; lota 3 and
4, blk. D, Talent. $M5.
XViu. Abbott totorbitt A Macleay;
______ ___________
5 acro in
twp. .2? H.. R. 2 E. $6te».
Laura M. Abbott tosam«'; l«»t*3aml 4. blk. D,
Tab nt. $lhu.
Mary 1. Pa« kar«l to Matthew R umu II; 10
hut « * in twp. 38
R. 1 XV.
O. A T. Co. to Samuel R. Foll«-tt «-t al.; Iota 1.
7, s. 9. 10. 11 ami 12, bha k 33, M«-dford. $240.
Kame tu D. T. Lawton; lot 10, blk. 12, Medfurd.
A. (’. Hehn to Sarah Ann Rogers: bund for
deed to 20.70 act«* in twp. 30 S.. R. 1 E. <.4<0O,
Ami L. XViIvy to Ja*. Thornton; .02 acre 1 iu
twp. 30 b. R. IE. $1.
XV. C. Lacy to Cha*. NTckelJ; 19.67 acre*» ill
twp. 37 S.. R. 2 XX’. $6.^;<7.
State of Oregon t«» J. C. Tolman; 1GU acre* in
twp 40 S, R2K $2iU
A. M. Rmidick to Jas. E. Smith, laud m twp.
3V S , R. J K. $6uu
Sarah 11. Rockfellow to Baptiste Chugar:
deed of eorr««ction to .»X) acr«» in twp. 31» S. R. 1
E. $1.
Ami L. XX iley t«» B«-I1m!a Barnum; 3.^0acre»
in two. 30 S.. R. I E. $10.4,06.
C Magruder to Magruder Bro*.; lots 4, 5.6, 7
ami two-thirds or l«.t H, all in blk. 15. Central
Point. $150.
O. H. Blount t«» J. C. Tolman; lot 19. blk P. R
R. add. to Ashland. $575.
Cha*. Nickel) to Jacob Johnson; lot 3, blk. 58,
Medford. $50.
I’. S. to BcnJ. M. Gill; patent to ICO acr«* In
twp. 32 S., R 2 E.
Isaac Constant to Jesse Hinkle; weal U <»f lot
4 in Constant’s add. to (’« ntral Point. $.7».
Sam«- to Mary Ann M«-v; E
of same lot. $50.
XX’m. F. Songer to R H. Hendershott; lots 5
ami 6, block 14. Ashland. $750.
Fannie E. Fox to Susie Fox; l«»t in Ashlamt
A cLoftiHCHsr <'ii Limestone moun­
tain, tn West \ irgii.ia, caused much de­
struct.on of I {•• . nd property last week.
J (|r V|
village cl Morristown, in Wirt
count y, was *
r. »..»..v.,»
entirely -w-,
away ......
hundred* of
in the inountim«
lost their crop*. Full particulars of flu
disaster haw not yet been received.
llaw kins , the slayer of • »gle, who was :
T hkhk i* a good prospect of tlie trans-
found guilty of murder in the second de- j
,e at’ Salem, wa» den ed a now trial continental rauway associatmn gmng to
gree at Salem. «
1 sentence, to the jsmitenHarv fi,r ■ pwe» this week, a* toe meeting of rep-
and * —
* 111 1 2 - •
j|M itj nuw in I
tbu ioa Is c«m»puMing tlie
life on the 19th in»t.
prison, ar .1 hi* attorneys have taken the | AMuciation at Chicago last Saturday has
buen anvthiBiZ but harmonious.
harinanious. Both
case, on a bill of exception», to the su­ been anytlnnii
the Southern and Noithern Pacific roads
preme court.
want to bo released from thu association,
Tn»i Leland family arc fanied as hotel­ in order to copo with the Canadian Pa­
keepers the world over, and Chas. E. cific.
I.eland, lately of New York, but for­
Crops uf all ki uds will bo up t«» the average
W ith all th- howl about the a^.-res-
merly of Chicago, has been secured to MverieMS of fureiju capital in America, it in tlie soutuern ¡»urtiun of the county, and
k la also doing well.
take charge of Portland » splendid new i transpire» that more than *30.000,01)0 in
Mrs. Gilmore, the wife of Thos. Gilmore and
hotel, which has been «0 long in course gold ha* been expoite ! from New York
vi CiMMh Decker, ia lyin* quite iU at
of c nstruction. It in thought that the since tlie beginniug of tlie year, ami the daughter
Waldo with consumption.
hotel will be readv for businev* by Jan. movement i< lucre.isiiig rather than di­
A large invoiu«* of the flnest ««Mips and pur-
minishing. A shortage in wheat export* fuuua uus just been reueived b\ C. M. Stone
1 IS!».
is partially the ea.i-e, and the effort» of «»t me Lily Drug Store, Grunt’s Pass.
Tus Moran Bro*, are »till engaged in the bank <f France to accumulate coin
Everybody is busy and mm h improvement
the work 'I constructing their narrow- is also said to figure in me result.
is going on at the vounty-suut, which is thu
liu*«i lown in the vail« > at prvsuul.
gauge railroad from Reno, Nev., to
Silane'* .lain broke in the Hocking
southeastern Oregon. It is completed
Th«- bridge nur »ss Slate ere« k, which J. S.
and eqiiipjie-l to l.iegan, cast ol Honey valley, Ohio, at the hea l of the Hock­ « batiiam an-l J. G. Hyatt are bunding, 14near­
ly uoinpiutud and a good. sui»stantial struc­
lake, in l.awcn county, Cal., a distance ing canal, on tlie 1’J li, spreading rain ture.
of 70 mile». The objective point is ami desolation through the entire bas.n,
Prof. I.<roy orgauized a juvenile brass and
Lakeview; and, wliilo the road has not and literally plowing up the »oil for 20 rvuti
uanu at Grant » i’urv« ia>t Saturday even­
paid exiwnses so far, it is thought it will ui.les. Tree*, feuees aud crops were ing, wuicii u.»mmuiiu**H buMUe und« i favvr-
be a profitable investment when com­
live slock perished. Fortunately, no
W. <Stito, president of McMinnville col­
hye* were lu*t, a* tl.e residences weie li g-’. m livurud an inter« sting lv»*ture on “The
Am« rican Gul at in«* * uurt-liuuse
SrAHK» from locomotive* »et fire to
last rr«da> evening.
gram fields near Independence, Folk ley. Long-continued rains caused the
Grant's Ta-s 1* having a iivtly sensation,
county, on the lwth, causing a loss of breaking of me dam.
th« re n.iving b<*en houi - itruguoirity in tue
many thousands of dollars, as a stiff
D r . J ohn A. B ro . k *, the noted lee- saleultnu .ippiutou pr<»purtv. upon whicn a
hrevxe was blowing at the time and the I lurei, who was ulu tl.e candidate of the large purlieu «>t ine tuwiisHu »s iucaied.
flame» weru almost instantly beyond Prohibitionist* for vice-president, ap-
Circuit court convenes on«- wu k from Mun­
vi rai ot the JacksunviUu Oar will us-
In the neighborhood of Dixie j peared at Ashland vn the 12th and « as day.
sis« our lawyers m disposing ot the dock« t in
thousands of acres have been burned i greeted by a aery large ciowd.
II" short order, there being n -t a great dual ot
over, destroying several house», and proved to l>u an cloi|U«»ut and able lec­ l»US l Hess.
Sunday's Ore^»>aiau rep-orti-d the Eola turer, and was part eulailv severe upon
D. W. lianiin, who btrd the contract fur
hills on fire.
Bro. Leeds <>( tlie /idinjs and the lead­ building Lay ton A Co.'s ime i»rn k «‘«nticc, has
uoiiipl« tu»l mu same. 11 « .vpreln i<>
ing Republican*, whom he say* have oave lur
K -s« burg «»r th«* coitftl in a short
Tuc reason wjiy the Nebraska pre*» lieeu attempting to hurt hi* influence liiue, in sear«*«« ut a location.
association si-lected Oregon a* their pic­ and usefulness by aspersing his character
Th«* Waldo pubiic M*hool is enjoying a vaca­
nic excursion ground, this year, was l>e- in an outrageous manner. Many of the tion, hav ing rec« utiy cloqcd a succustMtul term
cause one of their number had been out leaders of the g. o. p. seem to be of thu under i lie excellent management ul Mrs. S.
A picnic ami iitui ary vicroi»«*
hare last year ami reported the sights he opinion that it is better for their organi­ .duGadiard.
werv n« i»l on me closing day.
saw at the annual meeting of the asso­ zation to battle harder against the Pro­
Smith and Pr«»volt an-l sm, through
ciation last winter. Although tins is a hibitionist» than Hie Democrats, ami th« I,. ir W.
attorney, Hon. s. I . Mitcncil, nav«* coin­
‘•lean year” in Oregon, yet the members act accordingly.
in'. •lived suit against Alex. Watts, to restrain
of the press will doubt'.e*» j>aint the
T hu jury in the case of Sandy Ohl*, mm irom using certuin water rights in Wit-
st rte in glowing colors to their reader» charged w.ih the murder of Eiuil Weber, muu-uurg pnemet wnicn tnuy ciaiin.
Hon. P. P. Frnn and District Attorney < «»l-
back in bleak Nebraska.
returned a verdict of minder 111 the first vig
ar< associated m ijcnalt o! the plaintiff In
degree against tlie accused, and nolli i u- suit brought oy James M. Chile* vs. Emma
Mi mat H ai . ztkau professe» to be per­ ing now stand* between the murderer MuCuiiucil. ill e«piity to qUH’t tiUu—the teat
fectly satisfied with the re-nomination and the gallons but executive clemency ca.-<- winch will settle the title to the Appleton
oí Foraker for governor of Ohio, and will I or the reversal of the Verdict by the tract.
----- i_. a. hi*
1. end
Il«»n. A. H. Cars -n «pent several «lays in
return from Europe to conduct
higher court. The criminal, as is fre­
county last wu g uu 1 reports thu out-
of the fight in that state. He lias a quently «be e-i-e, was ”111 with the po­ Ja«.k4oii
le/uk lor uuinuroun orders lur tree« From tac
strong suspicion that if there is a Repub­ lice," who vfidv avore I to make it appear utleurafeu Redland nurscri«.*s quite tlaMviuig.
lican legislature elected ill Ohio thia fall that lie was acting in self-defense. A EveryueKty agree*« tuat tneir output is second
that Ina chances will be pretty good for I vigorous piosccution, however, 4.»closed to nunc.
A Portuguese farmer living on Wilhams
getting into the I nited States senate, ! tin- fact that it Was a cold-blooded, pre-
k was i.-e« ntiy arrested on the charge «»!
where he can even up old scores with I mednate.i murder, unprovoked, and ere-
.uu^ault mg a party, who na-i cut worn«* of ins
the Republicans who voted against bi» connu;tt«*d in a most cowardly manner. nay, wim a piteafork. f.te justice uf tin-
peace betöre wuvm mu case nas tried dts-
confirmation as minister to Germany.
Tobe sure, bis victim wa* a gamb er missed it. nuwcve’T.
■like himself, but if anotli. r "gang,”
A camp-meeting will commi-ncc on
_ thv
A max named Gilman, living near : whose inter.-*!* were inimical to the
just east of tue Baptist church at
Empire city, murdered and buried the 1 "gang” with which vids attiiiated, and grounds
«»rant s Pa.-« on tue2«itn and wui coutinue uu-
wife and child of his tenant, named E it- I tlie ciiminal r» he.l iifion tiis being "solid ui August .»tn. Kuv. 1. L. Jone* ot me M.
F-. Cuurcu wul t’«' in caargu and will be as­
enbover, » last week, and waylaid and at- . u
with th* ponce” to give him immunity sisted i-y f»< v» rm al-»»- piu.ium rs.
tempted to kill the bi»b*nd and father 1 (r
— I. ... wnSitvn huma nitor ■»VOF il lì iVfl* '
Our respected frit nd, L -w is Strong, former­
hi* return home after several days’
ly ut tu«' .»lurj’iiy eru’ K mills, tins purcuanud I
absence. The murderer bad dug the
pruputty unu located twu imh s -»vum oi
grave tn which to inter his intended vic­
.«l.uiw i'.».ur, c.»«»s county, an-l -rums to b«»
saiisii»«u w«m nis n«"w home. Jusupninu
tim. and alter his arrest confessed the
Uason 1» plentiful an 1 cheap in thu so. lion. i «a
' inly i
a \ .uuabiu cituuu wneii Mr. >«rung
crime, and airi the murder of a man
Mill w«- wisu mm uuuouudvd prosperity.
L:uk rivet i* low. r mail ever known before.
a year ago, of which he was accused at
Dr. F. A. Hamilton, who puruhas«*«i Dr.
Farmers ar.- bu«y, wen if their crop* are
the time.
_______________ .
k .anagan's pr. >p< i ty at Graut s i’a-« and su«-
■ short
u- «nm in n*s piauucu, arrived fr«»m tau-
Mr«. Geo. L-'siii«* of Tulc lak - u visiting b«-r I«»rdi.i
last w«-«k, auu«»mpunicd by ms tamiiy.
T hs initial number of the .Stat*
parentA in D.-iigla- v«»unty.
1 . I i . lw made a gixat many triunus duriug
rral, the new Democratic weekly pub­
;u J--, i-uui- - « '-uiity . iw j.
Many citizen«« are ru*f i« ating in tb<’ hills,
lished at Salem, lies on our table. The thr wvMther being «juite warm.
ciau and suigeun. an«l wr wish ami *uu««,sa
publishers, Messrs. Rodgers, Thompson
Showers ilie last f« w wo«k' bav< gruatly
A Allen, announce that the paper will beneütud thu gardt us abotif Linkviile.
A. D. Heiman on tiie 13th im»tall«<d the f«4iow-
liig .»uh < rsol uurn* u Rule iodg« Ao. 7*. 1. O. o.
be an exponent ot Democratic principles,
Thi-s. MuEÜuwn > vf tliis <-<<nnty i* vi*iting r. j. ;i. j-»hu, .X. G; L. L. J • linings,
G; C.
and we trust that it is entering upon a in Wuahingi .»n cuuuty. bis f »rim-r home.
K. tuHU-iur, U. > -u.; Jus^MoSs, i'ur. S««c.; O. H.
career of i>ermanent prosperity,
Mair, 1 r«U'.. 1. > . Dean, w ur-h u; J A. J«n-
Cha*. Grave*. Mart II» nlrlx and D. C. Itr »w-
from the tale of the many previous Dem­ n«-ll wer« ruatiuating Ibis werk at P« liean bay. H.iigs, conductor; J. 1. K »Oirfsou. R. S. .X G;
G. it. riumtgau. i. >. .X. u; M. Kt-ynom*, K. K.
ocratic venture» upon the s*a of journal­
Rev. J. W, Hry.iaf 1* announc«-d t > pr«-aeh in V. G; ( jus . La«l«i, L. ». v . G. J. Kull ugg, K. S. ?•;
ism at th* capital. A state organ of the ' I.iukvHl- u» xl >> at II a . m . and“ I’. m H. 'ujit.i. L. >. >.
party of reform should find a fine field I Petemian Br m of Lmkviüf adv rtis»« a
Hi«’ “( ouri» r says
. that J«•*. ! unk-r is
to cultivate in Oregon at this time.
j sash and duur faetmy für -alc in tb«- ••Or«,gou- Woikingt uhy uni b.-uglas «ountiv* tu rais«*
inni \ oy '»ub-'M.'ripti< n i<» cut a fruii tram «ir
ar luu uiuutu «il < ow ere«, k tu Eli« nsburg, at
hk State horticultural society reeom- I Tr» as>ir< r Graves 1-» tb«- l»«s»l tnaik«Tnan in Ut
tm tuoutn oi ituguv rivvr. It will sh«>rt»-n tue
mends the cultivation of but four kind» ( JJe county, when it -•in« S tu gi.l^s-hal) sh.iot- di-tuli« 1 Vet-y mudi, and lumi n»iuuiuBi<-tttiuu
i>t i.wifi Grani - Poa>s and Lll* iwi»urg ran b»‘
in this
Italian, l I’ ’ e-
f> Matt i
of prune» in
thia Mate
—the Italian,
e- I
y. i pr< «enl : ng t rank Br -
« «t< cl*-d iu tw«> «.iu> *, wrbervas ìt nuw tak<* a
tite and Silver prunes, and Golden Drop ln7|,t „„7“ t,' n u>u.
arrived at Linkvìllt* last le tur uve uay* tu gt» bvtwcen thu two place*.
I I. a »
41 e .a *
«.on. All
f E JI
[ I a
« .
plums—that first named, the Italian ' w<-< k.
s-jtut amusi ng iucidrnt* were connccted
prune, being considered “the prune of
Mis* !.. I». ii:..-. arrivc.l from M.-ntan» last witu
tur rffort ol Atturuey Schlbredr tu Uuil-
all prunes” to I* grown in Oregon, be­ w.-. k * d .| i» vi*iiin» h.-r linei»-, -ii. i iT Chil­ «luzu-c-iIncus of Granir Pass iut<» buy ing quit-
«'«.«.Ili ‘1. v.lrs .il 1J1-J cileni I.i-st >%«•« k. Allei
cause it is of superior quality to any
Several « ttU< u- ar.- en.lcat rhi» to •.-cum iifsi»niug to.*H>mu pr«’lty rouga talk Irum s«*v-
other now known that ba* been thor­ art.•siali »ratei in various |uii t* ol Klatnalli • rai Citizen* whu p» fn istmi in tnmkiug tm-y
oughly tested; ale« because it is a COUIllJ'.
ou neti iiitir pi« mise*», ttiv douglity g« imcuiaii
prune that can bo grown in O.egun bet- | Re». F. . > S. ”
N > ■!. i u I \i: hohe pr fest Mat mocil lanci« d hi* per* >u m uanger and caiKst upun
.urlili-, bas l.v. ii paying thia wetion n tn city luai almi tu « acori biui and in* Client
ter than any other country in the world,
u> tue tram, li» uit«.rprt*ted tim mass meeting
’ ! paa<oral vi-it.
and, therefore, will meet with less com-
u» ut’un iiitiignatiou meeting ot tue «itizcns,
Messrs llanink r an I Hai.- an i Pruf. F„ k. rt ani t aunghi ùis< rettori ».»• b«*tirr pari ut
l>etition than all others in the various
spent s* v. ral .lavs n-îi. :i4 al sprinir er*. k.lur- VaL>r.
! in* the past wet k.
Tue fair < lahuant i > thè Apploton « state wa*
The stage r >t.l»- rv at II *i:anz-i still attracts *il«m* .1 ine ba.uony «>f th« i>ag«« y I ìm U jsc w ith
Tux «».•*.; '.K.i.r* gall, in continuing to attention. It:, I- i v>>! tnat tb.- roblar* an a«, r .m a n y a f< « t v» niugs ag*», w n«n au am­
pi- pi ■ »porti-in-<i -aiooii-k » p. r ut thè |»iuuv,
rant al o il the »uppresaion i f the labor ronin, nt* of ine . >:u.lj .
♦vn.» wisn. d io uis et uu jinpi uniise ila ih»- mat-
>t tlie Soith, in the face of the no
The I.inkvtl e.i:-rri. t -, li ...I I- now > njov- te« ut n r Ciaim t«» ms pie mises. *»(«*|>|>c«t up
t 1 n>un forcitiy of men to vote the Re ;nir a «i«.we. k’s vacali .11, wlu.-li will i l.¿e and sani: ‘ Ma-tuni* . 1 oantnat iittiu saiouu
i»r.i|-»-riy un tnut «ru< r th» r» ; whnt ar» juu g »-
pnbliean ticket by thousand* in north­ al«.ut the tirsi ot s |‘l mlx-1.
ern factories and corporation strong­
II J. ¡».agb-of F- it J »nes. Cal., has been iiig ( » « ¡largì- iu< loi a '¡uif-ciaim d«-« d tur
A.iiiag tlis* udmirtug ghinee*
Ills soil.
hold*, at the risk of robbing their chil- Visiting
- - tn>4t:oll.
, aee
........ l.y
.■ —
it.-m lui «io», thu w*m»\v M.uti; ”1 gin -* h I p
’iz- y*»n ii|> toruo-mt *.»l «i lu.ii p.acf." “j
divn ul bread, ih aimply mibluue. lii#*
’ It H sigkind. n.linini.trator <>f thrt . .tare anni give tuat uimn. said tm* gentleman,
duly accredited organ* of the trust» and
of II. XX II »agland, dc«*»-a**-«l, will soon leave coli!iiiutng f.» sii<M»t tii<- a. g., etc. * ••II,” rato
combination» are seeking to throw dust fur < all for nia with a band of tine mul*-*.
ih» - aii I i . w , i\ ti-« iingiy. • 1 tioii t kn »w «»f an>
to\v n wlicr«- i\l iati*« r uwn mi interubt in a mi-
in the eye* of the public and distract
Postal ln*p« ct«»r Tri nflin ha» « rit ord«*r* for I »oli tiiai! rigai nere in Grani * 1*; u » b . "A u ì I
their attention from the legalized rob- of
..... her
HKp.-vt* is !.. ¡¿i. to II ih county ft» hunt don l Kn iw oi a parta- r i d i.tlii- r lia\ «• man
bery and oppression of their employei*. r.u th.- p. r*..n* wh. >ium;tt*-d a nuiil rubbery s olir* -il, -pii» k.\ r< i -rt»-«l tu- - sai ». ii-k--- p- i.
concentrating attention on the fancied ‘ *’«-.»rt tu«’ *tn< .
turiiing mi ius in « I. as a shoul wcnl up irum
t ìau • •> Btand« r-*.
outr.*’.-* in the S’n»ti very much as the
fml.T Insirnctl.
true linei frequently distract* attention <*"'n«»i»n<»i r "f trn. >1'|.;ii «ui< ur Maj. rMiiun-r.
.. .
rul. ih unikiux th»* hii -
troua himself by crying >to|>, tin. f.
I B(W1 |B»|Hv«i,>n of Fort Kiumaih.
A n insane freak of a convict named
John Curti*, <i/.<i.» John Thompson, sen­ i
tenced to state's prison from Multno­ :
mah county lant January for tlire»* year*
for larceny irorn a wareliou»-*, prompted
hue to follow the example of th* convict
Howard a t w. ek and chop off hi* left
hand with a hatchet, to avoid work in
the foundry, where most of liie convicts
are ent( loyed. Following »0 cio*e upon
Howard's un*uc'e**tul attempt toshi.k
hard work, the affair has called foitn j
much comment. No other theory save ■
insanity will account for self-butchery j
like th.», when a man had »»short a time
to serve. He 1* a lazy fellow, however,
and ba* served two tetnn in pri*on be­
Tnr refusal oi tl.e Ancient Order of
United Workmen to pay a la-netit w illetl
by a deceased member to a person not
dependent U|*jt> him for support, anil
one who bore no relationship to him, i*
exciting consi ierable criticism adverao
to the order. It i* certainly bad pol cy to
deny the right to a meiuls r to di»|*>*e of
tlie ¡H-m-tit m any manner that he msy
sec fit. It is» ».ut a form of mutual in-
enraocc, and a mo-1 excellent form, car­
ried .n by annual due* and a*se*»m.'iit«
on the member», who will want to hav*
Some assurance 111 tl.e future I ha* Their
wishes will lie c >n-iilt«d in the apply­
ing of their bent fils after .1» ath. t’nle*»
the ruling of the grand l.slge III regard
to this matter 1* reconsidered, it wll
work set ion* injury to the order. What
do,-* it matter to th.- A. V. I*. W. whom
the policy-lioblei make» tn* ts-n. ficiary,
•t long a* he pay* up bi* due* and asaesa-
nienl* and is “clear on tlie books'
when lie dies?
G ■<•<! Judjr«•* ¡vivís«’ *t«K ktncH r.» *««|J iff all
«urplii*« *t«»«-k thN tuli and avoid iinnuvu*s«ir)
ri>k iI.»“* by wiut« r ktdintf, 11». th«- haj ui >|»
G « l«nf»'*.< dl> •»it'irt 1111» it im tin* usti.ii <»r«l« r
fur a nuvuru winter t » follow .1 bot. dr\ nunt-
tu« r.
Tr* ii.wiir« r Gravgiv» s ru tiu»* that tin r«* are
fund* in tin u »unty tr«*a*ury tor thr ru«i mp-
ti<»n <>f th. f.«:l.»w?Yuf warrants pr >t» -t» »! prior
to Mas 11.
I.U». 1*17. I G*. |‘.*fi»>, M<d, p.r.Kj.
1- .1, i ci. r-»;_ ix 1. ¡
r.». 1.1*3. i'.r. *nw. uvji ,
AOi. 3UB7.
A vielt »Ur -talli' n inflict»*«! a h «* v « r«* w..ur.!
«.n XV. ('. J«»lins.»n ot B y la«a w» » k l»y bitinir
itiin in t!n* smail of th*-l»u< k. D; v. t.wht »p-
th* tn ut
tr* atan nt, and whih* the
pati« lit will probably b»« disabled for a time,
o*» p. rnuiner.t injury is f«*aru<i.
In adv« i tGii«^ t • «**’! real «-Mat*' f.»r <l« lin-
«lii' itf ta «es **h« rtff < bild« rs in»n >rai»ly pur-
Hii« - the ciftomary c-urs«* « f in« luding nd
traut«* 1* a « <1 up n in o.; * n.»tic- of Ride, and
d<»« s not titi,!« rtak* t< ring in th«*uo*t *»f an
Indiv.duul sal»* notice for ■ acii tract as is ion«*
iiy tin-win i .fl . t .hn k«on county, «if « ourse
tin delinquent lia* to bear the burden of tlie
cost of Mdvurtlfting in ail such « iv*«-«. ary .
addreo M»ek DmgCO , N Y
Aemrmkr TAt*.
If von me sick Simmons’ Liver Regula­
tor will surely aid nature in making you
well. If you are costive or dyspeptic or *re
Buttering from uny other of the numerous
diseases of the liver, stomach or bowels, it
is your own fault if you remain ill, tor
Simmons’ Liver Regulator is a sovereign
remedy in all such complaints.
A roll inc of b anka for the location of
• |ii.«r e ami plater mn.i constantly on
uanu ar the J imes office.
A Sad Case.
Cl.ira Tindall, a gill of U v< ar«, emj loved
at Moore’s r< * a. rant in
n itt-d *ni< idA by taking stryth iue »*n the
night * f the 11 Ii i* st., b-iing <lriven thereto,
as ih«‘ coroner * jury f«»un<1, by the c n-
linncd cruel tnaum nt of her mint. Mr*.
Xu i:e Moore The girl wns a daughter of
Th ‘inas Tunl ,L. «tn erstwhila bLaffc-driver
m this vtciniiy, uow in the eastern states.
i I* es«« utial t«» goo i hen th . but at this sea
it is often lo*t. owing to the p.»vertv or
I son
impurity of the blood, derangement* of the
digestive organs, and the weakening effe t
of tl.oclianging season
- - - _ Sarsapa-
____ lr_
I rilla is a won*t«*rfnl medicine for creating
an appetite, toning the «l’^estion, and giv
ing strength t«> the whole system. Now is
the time t'i take it. Be sure to get Hoods
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castotia.
Fruit B qkm .
are prepare 1 to boxes, in lots
’ m'
• f dry n> 1 n 1. fo ei h* r
or dried ftvit*. Pr
•< quoted upon
atioii. srai’.l < rdef’ may be tilled by
H<»«J.e nuth A*"d'Gid
> l «.Ak PlSE D uo R
B i . mi . fr * 0 .
tirant * Puss, Qr.
For Sale.
The undersigned offers his saw mill, situ-
•G 1 n « go<> I timber 1» It and in a cash
• tiiat ' «t, for**w« -t .* reasonabl«* figure. Tin’
; lua^biflcry 13 in the b* *t d* rder. Ad<ire*&
I or cull un
T. H. G ilsoj ,
sterling vtlle: Oregon
For Strains; and Sprains.
Evidence, Fresh, New, Strong.
Bufltesad 8 Years.
Mt Fkate&t. Ttxaa
Jan» to. tsii.
RtStrsd I vssra with Urals of back, coaid sat
wall «Ualght utad t«ro bettlei Bt Jacoba 0U,
wa« o«x»d No pain la II Booth»
On Crutches. Cambrldsfi. Ohle. Jan« 24 18
Two wm X b ®* crwtchM from «trained Ankle used
Kt. J »cob« Oil. car «4, no rotors st r*in in on«
Vied Cane.
XotaUa T« m , Jas« 12. 1»»>
Bprainad «▼ back h»4 to
exo«, wm cars*
by St. Jxcobs Oil after 1 »outh» »nfferlnr
Iu Bad.
M w «1 ittt
A boat March T, I MralntAay ankle end wm 11
b*4 »ne week, need enne two week« Three eppll-
cnUoai a day. Crow thro« hotUea of II Jacoba Oil.
No rotara «f pala
Terrible Fain. Ftelavtew, LI . May IB. lMl
I »prato ed ay tkumb I m I ípnn¿ »ad a terri bla
•valIIS4 Kod pala aoiuad Fear appluaUaai of qr
Jaoab» OU ««trad *a •ad Ubar» ha» beao uo retufl
•f paia.
D rvoolsts
D xalbx >
Rich and Poor,
Trine® and I’. a,an'. the Millionaire and
Day Laborer, by their common use of
thia remedy, attest the world-wide rep­
utation of Ayer*» Hills. Leading phy­
sician» recommend these pills fur
Stoma, h and Liver Troubles. Costive*
nos.. Biliousness, and Si k Headache ;
also, for Khcuuiatisin, Jaundice, and
Neuralgia They are sugars oat.-d ; con­
tain no calomel, are prompt, but mild,
in operation . and, therefore, the very
best medicine for Family Vse, as well as
for Travelers and Tourists.
*'I have derived great relief from
Pills. Five years ago I was
o ill with
tliht I was unable to do any work. I
took three box« * of Ayer’s Tills and
wa« entirely cured. Since that time I
am never without a box of these pills.’’
Peter Christensen, Sherwood, Wis.
“Ayer’s 1*11 I h have been in use in my
family upward* of twenty years and
have completely vtTilied all that it
claimed for them. In attacks of piles,
from which I suffered many years, they
afford greater relief than any other
medicine I ever tried.” — T. F. Adams,
Holly Spring*, Texas.
“ I have usr.i Ayer’s Tills for a num­
ber of years, ami have never found any­
thing equal to them for giving me an
appetite ami imparting energy and
strength to the system. I always keep
them in the house.”—R- D. Jackson,
Wilmington, Del.
“ Two boxes of Ayer’s Pills cured me
of severe
from which I was long a snfferor. —-
Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass.
“Whenever I am troubled with con«
stipation, or suffer from loss of appetita,
Ayer's Pills set me right again.” — A. J.
Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va.
“Ayer’s Pills are in general demand
among our customers. Our sales of
them exceed those of all other pills com­
bined. Wo have never known them
fail to give entire satisfaction.” —
Wright & Haunelly, San Diego, Texas.
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas»,
bold by all Dealers Iu Medicine.
The Chief Rows« for the great sue*
| We
11” '«.
' apt» ’<
I J. W.
feis of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found in tha
article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the
fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ao-
eompHshes what is claimed for it, is what
has given to this medicine a popularity and
•ale greater than that of any other sarsapa*
When I say C ttri I do not mean mertly to
I Stop them fur a time, and then have them re­
I turn again. 1 mean A RADICAL CUKE«
1 have made the disease ot
A life-long study. I wannaNT my remedy to
C urb th« worst cases. Because others hax«
failed is no reason for not now receiving acuro.
bend at once for a truatmc and a F ree B ott lb
ot my I nfallible R emedy . Give Expreaa
and ro«t Office. It costs you nothing tor a
trial, »nd it will cure you. AddreM
Mprit Win« rtlu or bl00d puri‘
I t ICIIL VV II Io u.r before the public.
Pend, fianaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt
hheum aa4 aU Huniors, Dyspepsia, Bick
neailachc, Blllousne«*. ^'h*4
Tlrud Feeling, creates an Appetite, strengUc-
cn« the Nerves, builds tip the Whole System.
U»« h I'. Nnrvnparilln Is sold by all drug­
gists. $1; NX for $5. ITeparedby C. I. Uwd
fa Co , Ayothecarlr«, LowcU( MaM. .
one * ig lu > x
<» x
i . ong time AT
* on Rewl Estiu«->e»aigi^
M Cull Lou on Rat«
or iiddr«
\* h
Ilan been platted and thrown upon the market in lots ranging in size from two to eight acres, at prices
vurj'ing from $18..0o to $40.00 per acre—figures which barely cover the original cost of the propertv and
expense of surveying. This property was purchased and subdivided,
Notary Public ani Conveyancer.
but to induce a desirable class of immigration to settle in what is acknowledged to be the most desirable
fruit section in Southern Oregon. The land is deep, rich soil, a large portion of it being sub-irrigated by
drainage from the mountain and is covered with a thrifty growth of pine, laurel and manzantia brush, the
value of which for firewood will more than pay the cost of clearing the land, as wood is worth $3.00 per Farms, Village Lets, Improved
cord on the ground. The entire tract lies directly in the
and Unimproved for
of Jackson county. 7"
1 here has never been a season when orchards on Adjoining land have faileil to pro-
• luce a goo«! crop. It is one of the few »cctioiib in the county where the paper-shell almond will produce
I1.« kky ear . 1 he «'crtainty <>f an annual crop will make thin land infinitely more valuable in the near
future of fruit-growing than those sections subject to killing spring frosts.
Sale or Rent.
1 Mcribvd property;
No. 1.
One hundred and *ixty acr«* of No. 1 choice,
level land, over one-half eucloaed with a *uh-
atantial zcnce; one uf the very la Mt fruit and
v«-g«*table ranch«* in the county; rich, aandy
loHni. wat«‘i «-*1 by Apph-gut«* < re« k; improved
with a good dwelling-house with mix room», a
good lug barn, gnuiari«* and oth«-r outbuild­
two huudr««! bearing fruit tree*. aaMorted
and will produce every variety of semi-tropical fruits iu the highest perfection. Intending settlers should ing*;
vai ieti«*. rnoMtly fall and wlutei appl«*, ph nty
Miuali fruit*, near a good school, good <»ut-
inspect this property closely before investing elsewhere, as cveiy lot will have a permanent and intrinsic of
aid«* rang«* for atock; g«iv«*rnment title. Price,
value for fruit-growing, regardless of suiroundings. The property is all
SWOO; half caab. balanc«- in ou«‘ uud two year*.
ufvrr««d payment» to b«- iM-cured by a inort-
gag«* on the premia«*.
No. 2
good farm of 2Uffa«-ru*on Evan* cr»*‘k. in
ami the Jacksonville I’ublie Schools, which rank among the best in the state. The entire tract adjoins th«* A M*-ad«>w*.
Improv««! a ith a dwelling I»»x24
flv«- rnuiiw*. Mbain and Ktabn*. *0
the corporate limits of Jacksonville. The branch line of railroad from the O. & (J. to the county-seat will a< fiat r«‘* with
t«-uc«<i, 40 a« r«* in «-ultivatiou. well wat-
undoubtedly be built soon.
«•r«*d an«i a tin«- «»utaid«- range for atsak. A No.
1 stock farm. Price, fifteen dollar* p«*r acn*.
ca*h. Title perfect.
F«»ur milt* from Central Point railroad *t»-
acr«*, on a county
Inferior fruit lain] i* el-i where t-i iling for five time» the figure at which these desirable lots are offered. r«»a«l. ala mt forty a«-r<* of 100 which
I m good grain
lain! ami forty acr«* g«*»d fruit land. Intprov-
For fufther particulars ’«pply to
ed with adw«‘lliijg-h«m*e. Titl»- perfect. Pric««.
Ä. I*. REUTER, Trustee, Jacksonville, Oregon
$*o0 (IU. ca*h.
No. 4.
................ ■■ .
........ ...
................. .
, ■■■■■
1 -
A fin«- htoc-k an«! grain farm of 400 acre*; 360
acr«* under f«-nce; JUUacrc* farm land; 100acr« *
pasture and woud land; ten aer«* of a good
young orchard and a nice young vineyard;
two aw«*lling-houi*<* an«i two g«M»d well* on the
place. Tber«- will !»«• *oid with the farm a large
amount of agricultural iinpleinent* and Rome
household furniture; al»*o a number of garden
tool*. All go with th«‘ plac»-. Good outaid«’
range forgtock. Price. »MOOt ha.1«H*h. l»a!-
anoe in two equal yearly payment*, to draw le­
gal int«T«*t from day of aair. to be iw-cured; or
all <-ahh, at optiou <»t th«- i<urcha*«-r. Thia land
1* aituated west of the jlebingt-r Gap. Title
perfect. A g«Kxi home for *<»m«-b«Kly.
Th** WU, of swij of N'Vt4 of MectioU 'Mt. in
twp. Routh, rang«- I. ea*t. being part of
donation claim of J. Bozarth, on w«wt aide «>f
Antelope «-rv* k: got al grain and etca-k-farw.
$2«J per acr«-.
Forty acres «»f timber land clue«’ to the coun­
1 and Mining Claim.* bought aud sold 011 com-
Big Butte val­
• tnir*ttiun.
uable chi«*tty fur rail timber. Governnmnt ti­
<»f the Ktui«- aud th«’ land
INING PATENTS obtuin««d Mt ruaeonabl«*
will b«‘sold for five dollar«» p« r at re. cash. A
ratue and with dispatch.
bargaiu for sum« body .
No. 7.
I TJROMPT ATTENTION giv« n toali biisim-ei»
A uuimuct«*! with tho lomd (.»flier.
Tw<» huridr««d and forty a< r«* -sixty acre»»
tenc**1 and in <*uitivatl«>n; improved with *
nice bearing orchard of tine aw*»rt««*l fruit
true*; a dwelling liouse. a barn ami «»therout-
No. 42.
200 a<-r«v. Li*»u*«*s. Tw<» btreuuis u! water run through
2U0 a« r<* uf unimproved land. JO acre* of thia place. It is hum ** pt ibl«- <»1 b«‘ing «livid»*«!
which 1* prairio Ian«! amt tb«» balanc«« g«»od into two pieces of on«’ hundr«*d ami twenty
tnnb« r land. All goixi fruit unJ grain land. acr»w each. The n«»rtli hall of this place i* un­
with tw«» living springs of water, Four in 11«* improved. 1 In* lmprov««d W acr«** ar<* w.»rth
flejOO. Tb«‘Oth*r 1*0 acres. $S«UU. Four miles
truin Jacksonville.
from Central Point railroad stati<«D. Title per­
$ 1000
No. 46.
1Ä1 aero*, fect.
Enimpro\ed; well water«*«!, aud a flr*t-*'lH>*
No. M.
plac«* to muk< a g«.»od home.
A farm <»f 120 acre*, improved with a c«»iu-
No. 55.
♦«e acr«*. fortablr «iwt-iiing; t« n acm* fenced and in cul­
I’nimprov«*!, level, rich gra*s aud fruit land; tivation, with a living spring near the dwell­
running water; titl«-, donation claim. A great ing. On«* <»f the v<*ry best st«M-k ranges in the
county. Yunku«* creek flows through this land.
bargain; 7 uni«* east of Centra) Point.
Till« p«*rf«*‘t. Price, $*00.
No. TV.
3U0 a« rcw.
No. 1».
A fine farm near Eagle Point, Or., all fenced,
A k ' mm ! pla«‘«*of ldO acr«*s. improved with a
100 acr** in cuitivatiim, exceileut house. k * m *1 goes!, new resid«■!»<•<•. barn ami granary; als>ut
barn am! other outbuilding*, 125 fruit tree*; sixty acres f« n< «*d. w ith an orchard <’»f alsmt
No. 1 iniil-Ritv. go«»d well, living springii,Mtrcam
huudr«*d as*«»rted fruit tr**«-*; one larg«-
of water flow ing through ami a *yst«‘in of irri- one
spring smi oth«i smaller «»ins <»n the faun.
fgating ditches by means of which 30 acr«* of Yank«*e er«M*k runs through th«* place. Si>l«-<i-
ami may b«- irrigat«*1. Excellent bargain. did stock rang«*, with govcriinn-nt title. Pri<e.
1 Terms cash.
>ium>. < ash.
No. 10.
m « t «*-2 i X) acre* rich, level, bottom laud.
I cl«‘ar<«d; 10 Her«* feuc«*d; small hous«- aud sta- A i«ri«-k house Hnd large l*»t in Ja« k*-*»ni ill«-,
and till«*
ble; bearing orchard of choice variety of ap- p«‘rf«s t. Price. $«j0(»; $2HU cash hum«*,
und balanc«- in
pl<*; 280 acres of yellow and .sugar-pine tim­ thr«*«.-equal paym«-uta of six. tw «*lv«* and eigh­
ber; g<s»d site for saw-miU; good r«»ads sum­ teen months: deferred payments to draw ten
mer and winter. Evau* erm-k run* on <*asf per «•ent. 1 lit« r«*t.
laiundary <>f said land aud cau bt« utilized for
No. 11.
irrigation. Six mil** from R. K. d«»i*ut: one-
A couif«»rtnble frame house in Jacksonville
ft'urth mil«* from school and postoffice. Price,
f«»i sab- or rent on rf-a.sonab)«* t«-rme; thr«-«*
$12 per acre.
rooms and kitchen; l«a*utcd on Third *tre«-t.
lias m g«»od w«-il of water at th* door. w,th
l '»U0 aer«*, unimprov«*!; all level, rich, bot­ an»!
ail n«-cusMary outh« him *. Will I h - sold ch«-ap,
tom land; well water«*!, plenty ol tiiub«T, tand a»
owner 1* in eastern < »rvgon and t»H- no
can be mad«« the l»«*t dairy ranch in th* Mat«- furtb«-r
us«- fur th«- property.
*»f Or«*guii; 23 mil«« fr«»tu Ashland. Pric«- $«.
Me. -1.
I p«*r aer«-. Terina, half rash In hand, baluucr
<»n easy t« rms.
Tlie SH uf SE’,4 and NWi4 uf SFA4 aud NF^4
of fiWiq f.t sec. 15. twp. 37 ftuuth. rang«- 1 east,
177 aur«-*; W aur«*s ft-need and Iu cultivation. containing 100 acres. A nt «-lot »0 cr«-ek run*
Hous«-, barn, «»rcbard. meadow, ont -halt int* r- through this place; a good BGa a-farm. Price.
I «-st iu wiitur-ditch Hnd water-right, and syatum $5.H0 per acre. A g«»«»d inv«*tm«-nt.
‘of irrigation by which 125 acr«-* may bv irri-
No. 13.
eat«-d. Stream of water running «*n n«»rtb
A two-story brick hous«- in Jacks«»nxille,
ouudary ot the place. T»-n miles from coun­ with water pip«-* to the premise«, am! through
ty ««-lit, and un«* and a half miles from p«»*t- •*ttch room in th«’ house, from a living spring
i office ami sclioolh«>UM*. Prive.
Th«* bouse is Ka ated on a full halt block of
20 acres. land. lUUvJOO feet in six«’, ami has all th«- fruit*
grow ing tlu rein n«-«-« ** hi y for a family to u*e.
13 acr«* *«-t in alfalfa, b.alnnc«* b«*at of vin«*- The
m»w r«-nt for $20 p«-r month;
yani and orchard laud; fine. Inrg«* spring of pric«- premise*
$15ld) at tim«-of sale. dvf«-r«-d pay­
j»nr«* water on the tract. g«H»d location for a ment* $2500;
a mortgage on th«-
»mall dairy * ¡th good <mt.*i«!r rang«*; MitiiHtcd premia« *. or all cash at by
option of tn«» purchas­
adjacent t«» the corporal«* limit* «.f Jackson- er. This is a \ < ry d« sirablc
l«K-ation. bt-ing
j vilic and tivc mile* from Medlurd.
among thr v« ry b«-st family resid« nevs iu th«-
liM> acres. town—title p*-rf«*ct.
40 acre« under fence and in «-ultivatiou. Ir­
No. 14.
rigating ditch with sufl!ci«‘ut water to irrigat«*
A nice pla«‘«*. partly encl<w»cd. and a box-
50 ncn-H and the balance «-a*ily eh-nrod. all hotisr
ii«»inustea<! claim of
t1r*t-cla«s land. Situated on Evans cr«*«k. 23 John Mct'«»nn«-ll. in th«*
sand 7. twp. 35
Um* fr.mi R. R. «icp«»t; gu«»d road* summer south, range 1 wot, s«-eti<»na
160 auro.
and winter. This ia it bargain.
G«»«>«1 <»utai<ic range for cattle. Price, $10.1*1
no acres. p«-r acre.
All l« v«*l land.i ich bottom, and 15 acres uruier
No. 1».
fence and in cultivation. Small house and a
The SWI4 of hoc . !«4. tp. 5«j south. *»f rang*- 3
barn. <»ii«*-bnl1 mil«* from schoolhouse and po«*t- i 1 east,
«-(»ntaining 1 h «» acr«*. and being tn « !.*•«•
oflicc. Seven miles from railroad depot. Situ- proximity
tc Mc< allist« r celt .-brat«*«! springs
Ht«*d on Evan« creek.
cr«*«k. Pric«-, $10 per a« r«-. A tirst-
We I iuth n*»w oc «*ur »halves the ni*>*t Elegant As*»ortm«*ut *»f
claaa investment.
5N7 acres,«!! fcne««d ami In cultivatmu. It Is
No. 16.
situated ln/th<* heart of Rogue river valley.ouv
Is»tM niirnb«*r*sl on«’ and tw«» of so-tion 31. in
mile from < '•-ntral Point depot. Three com­ t«»nnsliip
I west; al*«» th«* lot
fort abl«* dwt-lling* and thr««* barn* ar«* on this numb« r«-*l 1 of •‘««•tion range
«». in t«>wnabiii3t» m » ui I i .
tract, also an orchai-«l of a choic»* variety ot of
in all Wi acr«*.
fruit. The soil is free, rich, black loam, and Pric«-.
per acre.
will grow alfalfa without irrigation. Will b«*
hl.H.I.*.of c«.-hni..n*.
Ifinriett** thcilian*. Almw. < ..n>b.n»ii..n* M»n- •»«»id as a whole or sulslividvd into 3 farm* of
A c«»mfortabl«‘ frame h< » um «* with a \«*ry large
2U0. 107. 270-aer«* tract*. Ther«’ 1« nowaMe land
chwt*r C«>hni*rM, Bnnting*. Satte-n». I*»wn*. Ginxhnm«. Print». f’orcHlw. Eie.. Eie.
on this tract, an*l it is without «¡ucstion «»tie of lot in Ja«'k*»< »nvill«’, in a got si ncighlKirixMMl.
the best farms in Jackson county. For terms for sale on r<-n**«»liable tt t ins; ba* a large sit­
and pric«-* call on or acidn ss the’ undersigned ting-room with a g;M»d tir<-place, two g«Msi b«<l-
r«»«»m*amla kitchen, a go«»i| well of wat« r at
«it M«-dfvr<l, Or«*gon.
th«*cl<M»r, wa«*dhou*«-, etc. Price, f»«0.
WehwH’NW. Z.i'hjr, VI ri .I». Faiicy L»<* Ch*ok*. Indi» Linw*. VicV.n» »n i
No. 18.
h50 acr«w of sugar-pinv timlwr Land, situated
Pi.ttwl Hwi«»,Hwi»* Fl..un«inx and All-»vei Embroidan."*.
i in th«- Ri gn. rix ,*r timber twit, aud a tirst-class,
Land* in s« «-tions7. Is. 19. 2»». 29. aud Nl% «•<
double saw-uiill, with turbine wheel,
ami section <rw.
I I * »BM
nilJCl 1 »»
30. in township
35 r'.uill,
south, I rang«
an Hl*un*ian«‘e «»f wat« r-power. I?.;:
...».......... , containing 113Ö acr« m ; and Ian«!* in nex tions 12,
Kvoi 3’tliiiijj; 2>’<*w ìiik I
■ Mill « in
■» capacity,
1. . 23.
—1 ■».
_ a 23. in «
_ ___ ». 1 _ ...
10.000 1«-ot per «lay, m H complet«* and
A < 1 1 run­ I 14.
24 _ ami
35 nouth.
of » rang«'
ning order. Also <m«* blacksmithshop and 2 west, «-«»ntaining
n«-r<*. If m H of th«'
tools, um* frame barn, HixtiO te«-t, tw«» g«»od tan alH»vt*-m«*ntiune«i lam! *h«»uld be sold in on«-
U« fui,« »I*.. ju.'t oiwn.*! up thu largwt stock of
houses, etc. Price, >4,500. A great barguiu.
h«xiy, $6 p«-r acr< is the price. If sold in quNn-
titi«-s not b-ssthan 40 Mere«, at $10 to $15 per
acre, according to th«; quality and quantity of
I1»«' acres; 1<IO a<-r«*s fonc«*! and in cultix ation ; land s«»ld. Terms, one third cash at tim«* of
flv«-acres in orchard; dwelling ami barn
and sale, . Imlancc
-------- on
- ---------
time to
suit ,..............
pure has« ..........
*r; d«-fer-
good f* nr««. A first-class place. Nine
?' .. ...IL,
miles ¡ *<1 J payments
; :
' * to b«-
' secured * by a rnortgag«* «»n
. .1
X *»■«».«.. • th«-
1« < . preiuis«
A. «. This I.........
_«I. slightly
I. ­
from railroad depot. Prive, f.3200; »>«...
land is ...
cash down ; balance on easy ti-rnis.
ing clay s*»il.
th«- l»i*t
a«dl, am! is Minong the
Iwvt fruit lam!*
iu Jack*« n count v.
And tinoet nr« «»f Hate, Furnishing Goods. B«»ots an«l Bh«»«»*. Etc., ever brought toiSouthem Oregon
No. 19.
21o aert-s adjoining the v«»rp«»rate limits of
320 acres, mostly rncloaed am! îniproVixi.
th«* thrifty and gr«»win(f cltj of Medford, all
w«.azzzK- **,h M comfortable house, a g«»«a) spring of
and in cultivation; m good U
We have also just r«*c«dv€kl from Eastern Manufacturers, th«» hand*«»m«Mt line of
b«»u*e and m very iarg« barn; small on* ha rd. ! wat ‘ r Ht th«- door, a g>»«»<! new* barn, tine rrop
r ’ 1 is * no waste
.:: land on this place; th*»
th*. s«»ii
t*oi¡ I i now
n’?w on
,,n th«'
*h«' pia«-«
phi«-«’. Also,
120 acr«* unimprov*««!
is a rich, black loam and fr«‘r. easy ti»
culti- ! adjoining
adj«'»ining thr
tin- al».»v<
above, vl«*«- t«> scb«M>l and p«»st-
rr-. .
vatu ami ----------
very ---------
This , farm wiU V«-i
• Pric«*. forth»- whole tract. $20.0U per
lut«» . 50-avre
’«O-acrv tra«ts.
«iilMlivided into
tra«-ts. if <k*iicd7
<lcHlr<x! acr«-.
Price, $50 pet acre.
—loon roll*, all b»«autiful pattern*—ever displayed in thi* section
No. 2U.
<3^ Remember that wo are able to give th«« vent» lowest figure* on Groceries. Provisions. Ete.
Land in Metlon
township 37» south, raugi*
LWacris-known as the Hockenjos or <’ol-
REAMES A WHITE, J*‘ ks«>nville. Oregon.
««•« lion« 3| and th« south
I’ns’ place, ubout thr«*«* miles from Medford,
on th«* Phrnuix and Eagl** Point road, contain- half ol s«*'ti<»n *,kJ, t«>wnshlp 35 s«»uth. rang*- 1
ing HO aurts« of rnli farming land, all under west, containing LW a« r.-«; ad 1* nc*d with*
fence, w ¡th c*»tnf«»i 1abl«* house and g<Kxl barn. g«»*Mi mil f< in-«- am! runs to R<»gu« ri\ • r Will
n< w outli«»us«-e, well, «*tc. This place lirw well I»«* s«»l«l eh«*Hp in lots I«» suit pur« hasu-is. Htid
to th* sun, is w«*ll drained, and well adapt»-d at prices» lies* »nilng to a« i««ctions mad*.
FOR 00008 IN Olli LINE
for either fruit or farming land. Plenty of
No. 2!.
timber f« 1 all uses with place. It is situated
A No. 1 grain nnd st*« k farm <»f 32fl a<*r»*s.
within <»m*and thre«*-fouithh inilca of Phceuix
Point niilmad stain n am!
railroad de|H»t. < an «-a*ily b«‘ mad«* on«* of the
b«v*t ranch«-« on tin- « ant side of B« ar creek. six niii«*« fr«*m M«dt«»n! railnuid station; all
«-m-lowd with a nin««-rait
. j O per acr««.
149 First Street.
Portland. Oregon
tone«-, and all under cultivation. 1111 prnv-«*1
w-itli a small dwulhng-h«»us«, a barn
f«1« t.
hW a< r« s: 100 l«*ne«N] ; 4,» In cultivation ; eight largo granary, a good spring which fiirni*bus
acr«-s *»f alfalfa; young «»rchard of JOUchuiet* plenty of wator for <lont**siic an«! » i < h k pur-
variety of fruit tr«aw; muni.
small vinuyanl;
g usl i P«
<»f I I m
Wholesalea»i(i Retail Bealere in
Xliivjnru; Kil'KI.
• . m .<>..
. *
• ■••«? farm
< «•» m is
1» rio«
< pi n»|i’oi
»• - iuk
I ng divtd-
*11X HI -
new dwelling-house, barn
and outlum*«** . : ! M.'r-i- 1,1,0
,w°. Dir«** and ........
farms, a* «wry
«I... fartu : ¿« mh 1 I outi
. ,f I, iu rv. —I
running wat« r thr«Nigh
......-- ...............
.»cn- <»f
It !« g<Mid land and
n«*ar a m 1 h<M»| and '■
rang«* for stock. T*;i:
. mil«*« fr«»iu rniroad ;....................... Titi«- p«*rf«s i. Pric«-. JGU p « t :i«-r«-.
Thh t.
depot. Price for crop and farm J MJLIj
No. 23.
Silver and Silver Plat«^! Ware. Spentaci«* and Optical Goods, amenta for the Roekford
| A farm of 124 acre«, all 1« a «*| land, f«»ur nilh-s
Rai Iron Watches.
Fr, i»n Ci ntral
t 1 P«»iqJ
1». . ■ ■ . « ....
. 1 .. ... t wtation.
... . . :
ItiO acres—100 fenctxi. 50 acr»** in cultivation, !T«»m
af) ri ft*ii<*«*<l
mt adow of alfalfa am! timothy, g<MMi «»r« hard' w ith a rail f«-n« * an«! <»v< i lUUa<-r«*in < tiitiva-
LG msniB
Wftteh |UFWMMi| carefaily executed.
plenty of flrst-clMHsrnrilen land, allcov«r«*d bv tl«»n. Bia« k *<»ll, impr«»v«v] with a «lw«-IUng-
p|g-*Halection Packages sent *»n apphcuti.»*» <’.»mmnnirtate «rithn» before Tuircbae «JBawhare
water from fw«> Irrigating dit«du*s. t wo mih-s h<»uMc 24\24 fc«1 with tour t<M>m*, a barn 2Ux2£
from saw-mill, on« mile from «chool-boUM*. f.-.-t, w*MNlh<»un«‘ 31x30 f«-«-t, n«-ar a goal h«*»!.
will inak«* a ftiwt-clMM dairy ranch: fencing two g«MMt w-ellMof water aud g«MMj outaKie range
in splendid e«»ndition. building* only fair, lum­ foratuck. Gux'vrnmvnt title. Prk*«*. 83 500 caah.
Withoot Health can
ber « In ap and bandy; I."» mile« from railread
not be etiio>ed'
depot. Price, J2OU0. crop included.
No. 2S.
y y
THE rogue : river
A c«»mforiubl«* frame bourne in JavkAonyillv.
Hir.«* of l«»t, 521274 f« «-t. hil* a atabh- and othef
121) acres -SO acres fenced and du arras in cul­ out-bouae«, an HKM»rtiu«-nt ut fruit tr«-«*. bn» u
tivation; flv«* a* res in alfalfa, «mall orchard. good well of wnt« r nt tb»- door Pric« . $350.
<lw«‘lling-hoiis(<, small barn, etc running water
No. 34.
through the pitue. Price, $1UOO.
aving re < ently been refitted with
Tl»<* F. M. Fnwb-nliurg farm, aitu:tt«xl in mi -.
ail modern improvements, are now turning
Mouth, rang»* 3 w«*t, c«»n-
oat a tirHt-elaee article of flour, which is put up in 320acres-<N0 arret fenced ami 1.70 n«-r«w iu
130 acr«*: »bout 4Uacr«* t< n<-«*d a ith a
barrel nark*, aud «very sack is warrant«*«! to cultivation, k < km 1 house, barn am! outh<»u*es, I I , taining
<-ultHati«»n. I’ m I aim *«- uii .
1t«A the best helper to Health and tlie ouick« st
contain IV pounds of fl<»ur If you don't lielievu good orchard ami vinvyitrd, *• v«ral lnige iniprov«*l l»n«i; tuo Mprmg-
c i:u on Earth. V*e it in time for ah diseases •»♦
of wMt«-r.on«- n««r
thi*. jiiet compere n *ack of our Hour with any -»»ring-, affording plenty of water for garth n the houa«~ H«»gu«‘ riv« r form»
the* St »*nach. lover. Koiness and Skinfc It
th*- west. ru
other brand ottered for «ale in thia market,ami irrigation. 10 uer« - of timothy tneculuw; six iHiutidary «>f thia plat«-. Iin|«r«>ve<1
cm s Rheumatism. Malaria Coated lotigu»-
with a
and Heartache, relieves Constipation Rih-mi­ notethu differeuce in weight.
*h«M barn
bargHin. r«Tm.*, on«*-half cash, balance on
ni • * .«nd Dyspepsia, drives all impurities »»ut id
17136 f«-cf and oth« r outbulhliug*. Thia place
Flour and Mill-Feed
ia on th«* «- hm I aide of R*»gu«* river, of n mile
th. r-.... I and dries m> old Sores. TheBusine s
men buv 1?, th«- \V«*rk: .Rmen use V dv* La !i- <
fr«»mGold Hill railroad atation. (iovvrnnn-tit
120 acres <»f fruit land, w ithin two mil«* of tith*.
VeL.tAi.tly un hand and nzcl.anxnd for wh**t
take t. the Children ■ rv fur it and the 1 arm« rs
$3.50B. T«-rma, on«*-half caeh at time
Grant's Pass, will b«* mu I k II vid«««! tn hi nr 3Q-a«-r<‘ of Male pric«-
balanc«* <ui on«* y t-ar’i* tim«*, h» b«- *••-
aav it is their best health pteserver.
tracte if d»*-«ir«‘d. >*rie< $7 .’«O pur a«-re
Sold everywhere, Si.oo a botGe; six for | s .« jo
cured by a mortgag** on th«- pr*-mir«>; or all
caeh at option of purchatk-r.
Hsving added a «et of Barley Roller« to my mill
tiF"| hgv«- Grc«t Bargain* to«»ff«r and It will
Parti«* wishing to pur« L hm « anv <»f the above
may b«' fourni on I have «.«t apart «»very Saturday to Roll Burley for . UMV vz—• •-»
Ha« /»•»-•Vttllv htzffue • lands, can atop <»ff at M«*dford. w lu re th« y will
fil<» tu G eo . P. rwi-ni-n. The work -*'! t» J„n. „„ hh
*4'-'*•*I debut un the arrival of
pun-hRMitig «•lM«-win*r»‘. If y«m hav« any prop- b«« m«*t , at . t«»«- " * »^...
R uwfll A C o ‘1 none, «. that i-rtio. can rMnrn wlth thelr
Bawspnper Advertising Bureau <10 Spruoe the urn. day. lam prepared to roll twrlnrrt al! ; •wt) f«»r «nie, eom« and «er m« mid I u n| <j<, IT1> train* by M«**i*. Wrb*l«-y a « o.. rt-m
i b«-»«t for you.
fair agents, wh»» u ill conv« y th« in lu g«*»d
Sti^eti.whcreadvcr- aaftag If Ani/
tim*an*l in the b.«*< ré
offjre iM-xt d«M»r »o Grund Ontni! H«»t<-1. alinno fo anv of the lands 1 hav«* for *a1<*. fr«*c
i tt»¿V¿™itrñrt»tu»y
nllfcW yVlll^ I
I Medford, Ur» g<.n.
1 fi» sull» ¡ör U U
ot etzure for cvSKj-uoer.
It is All in the Thermal Belt,
BUY ! !
Conveyancing in all its Branches.
Ayer’s Pills,
Wadi ugh «t Co. are st 1! busilv at work
in tuu Wimer mi’..c* r»e *r Wa «i •, Josephin*’
c■ nn*y. ami iho nu»-t flatte’ind report*
• ip * from them. It is -id that the out­
put of these diggings will be many Ihou-
>an«is* of uullars this season.
—-.■■■ . <-----------
Senatbla Advice,
Farmers, orchar«li^t«i nn<i fruit-growers,
protect yourselves from insert vests bv
’■praying vour fruit trees
A. II. Carson A
Son * f R dlind nursery. (postoffice(irant's
! t’iiS'j have se* urud the agency of tho P. C.
j Ia»wis combination force an 1 spray pump
which in trained hands is equal to spraying
I ten acres of orch ir«i in one dav. It is
equally w< 11 adapttd to extiiigui'diing a tire,
and a -tetdv stream can be instantly
< h nmed to a line *q»ray. an advantage
’xh’c'i no « tln r hand pump pos-e**ee. A
I iu I iin*-«»( r > ipes i «r *pr i\ing romp<»undi
j w 11 be furnished with the pump, ail for
the low ji.-i<e of $6 it). Buy on«’. it nmv
-ave vour re* th n. eor barn fr* in Jestrur
i ti«»n a- veil as enable volt to suc<‘.‘8sfiiliy
II 'uinbat ins«*« t | e ts.
Mae 1» “Grateful.**
“ I saved the life of my little girl by a
prompt use of Dr Acker’* English Remedy
for Consumption.” —Mrs. W iil V Harri­
Fur sale bv E. C. Brooks.
Huw the Grand («olden Drawing Occurred.
Eve ryone want* to hear the r««ult of the
Grand Exti aordiuary Gohlen (the22*Jth Muuth-
ly) Drawing, wuieh took place at New Orlt iuis,
L>a., of the Loiiiaiana State Lott<‘ry on Tues­
day, Jun«« IK, lenp. Her«* is a r«*ci»t*l of noun' of
Fuituiu's vagariec«, and any other informa­
tion can be bad on application t«» M. A. I»»ui-
phiu. New Orluaii*. La. Ticket N<». tfl.tiUu drew
th*’ 1 ir*t Capital Prize of $tiuo,000. It wa.*» sold
iu iraetkmai parts1 of fortn.-tba at $1 eueti, a* nt
toM.A. Dauphin New Orlean*, t^a.: «»in- to
Mr*. Catharine Cailahau, ¡ill Federal 8t.. B<»*-
»011. 5fa.SK.; «mu L» Eaet Saginaw Nat l Bank.
East Saginaw, Melt.; otu- to Win. Dalquiat,
Duluth, Minn.; i»n«’ to Martha (>. Wynian,
Lynn. Maae.; *»iu*'o Leonard M. llersoy, Bos­
ton, Mass.; «»nut. Lavcnaon A Gers >n, Sacra­
mento, <’al.; one to 1». II. I ju T out , Buffalo, N.
Y.; one to C. F. N *t<»r. Lam aat« r, Olin»; on«*to
Mias Annie Daw«.*-, Strawn. 1'«
onut.» Can-
tou Exchange Bank, Cant«»n. Mias.; one to
State Nat l Bank Memphia.Tunn.; on*'J. F. El-
wards, Atlanta. Ga., ut«-. No. «¡2,311 drew the
Secund ( apita' Prize ot $2UU,iJHi, also aoh! in
fractional fortieths at 51 « ach: one to Mad. J.
P. D«e«»im«T 62 N. 13tli St., Philadelphia, Pa.,
on«-1«» I. Kleiber, 1M2N. 10th st.. Phifaduiphia,
Pa.; «»in* to R. G. Green, Portland. Mu.; one to
H. RoBcntierg, Gaivet»t«>n, Tex.; out* to John
Harneon, l'l EIi«»t St.. Boatoii, Ma.**.; one to K.
Ainrsien, 13. Eighth St.. N.Y. City; on«-to D.
Hillman, Redding, Ala.; on* to K. W«*gner,
Chicago, l.'i.; one to Al. s. Murphy. M*-rit, lex.;
one t«» Join L. Kiura, Jr., iaiwr«n«‘e P.O.. La.,
etc. Tick«-t No.
dr«-w »he Tnir«1 Capital
of $l(JU,lMi, also sold in frautional fortieths at
$1 each; one to J. S. Kiauber, Newark, N. J.;
one to Frank Pierce, 69 Clinton St .. U«*tun,
Mas».; one to G. li. Mi-phurnioti, Sacrament«».
Cal., «m • to F. E. Luttry, New York City; on«
to< aasagu«* <\ Vi«*n,3 Third St., Now York
City; oreto W. H. Brown. Minneapolis. Mlnu.;
one to 1.. Fanatia, Shaw, has.; onu to W.
Fisher. 159 Haitey si., Nuwmk. A..I., etc. Thu
next, tin* 231st grand m«»utm> drawing, will
tak»- place’1 in «Hia>' .alwav * 1 uetaluy > AuguM
Do not l«-t the dale be forg«>lten.
ventral point pointers .
Newcomers are st 11 plent fdl and a num­
ber are 1 »eating.
T. c eisnot a gr«'at deal of >r kness ia |
thi* place or vicinity.
Win Gate* is in Pirilttni on business,!
and will re urn this week.
Four newcomers were in < n Mon- I
day, looking fur desirable local ion*.
< H ll.ngla' d an i family will leave for
their home in Bonanza thi-i we«k.
Dr 111»-kb* - n< w bu**in* s.*> !.»» u*e is ab< nt
completed and wd! soon bo occ upied.
J £ Harvey’s new residence is nearing
completion, ft will be a nice large one.
1 B. Williams of An’eloi«« creek is hav­
ing a neat a id comtuodio is residence built
at th 1* place.
E l ht new buildincs are now in course» of
construction at this place, and more are in
J. F Gregory and family of this precinct
tr* cnj.AYinz ill - hratetl term at the seda
spring* on Pead In lian creek.
D- happens it row occupying his new
store an-l ha* a ii 1«* stock of drugs, medi­
cines. etc. Mr. Duval is >.*sistin; him.
The work «»f bull ling the north string of
fenc*- 0:1 the Gtir gro tn Is 1* progressing
It will lie an excellent piece of
w«»rk when completed.
Mr-* M E. Fi« Iler this week Sold k'
a< r••* <>f her pi.-ve east of Bear creek to
y \V. Beebe and A I’-iphi W Beebe,
who recently arrived in the valley.
fhe pavilion is going up rapidly and will
■•»on be complete«!, after which work will
begin on the stall-«, pens. etc. Tie -e-’re-
tary’s office will also be built soon.
S. C. Minnick, who purcha.*ed a p«*r'ion
of the Fielder estate, has be» n making a
numb- r of inn r »vements. ami his farm is
already one «»f the ueatest in that neighbor-
Dr. Whitney anti wife n turned fr*»iu a
pltusont trip to Ciatcr lake last Tuesday,
enthu^ia.-tic over the tine scenery andde-
liri*»us water, as are all who make the trip
for the first time.
Wru. H«*rringt »n came d own from Dea-
kin* list M'»inlay to tne»*t his b«*t»?r hjlf.
wh-» quickly tired of ( abfornia and be­
came hoiiitsh k f »r th»» big timber and the
co d water of the upj er Rogue rt v r
Henry Wilson has built a neat store
bin -ling east <»f the depot and near tho
Bapti**t church, where lie
Ii keeps a nice as-
rinient of millint rv goods, notions, cut­
ler' groceries, tmw:i»e, etc Hi* prices
ar«* i« t- »uaule. lie will also pay the high­
est price for eggs.
N. g . Bwritonof theexecutiveroiumittfc
h i* b.»<! built an ing«ni*»u* leveller aud
ng hi ch nc for use on tlie track at
the fa r ;_’r »un*ls. for wbir'i he purp »susao-
|»ly ing for 't-'ters paient, if it works a* well
as it se**ni* probable. Th» w >ik f g»’»»d ngi<
< bin* u are at work along R »gu-j nvrr pr«»cu* «liik» rap lly an 1 the sprinkling- -art
an<l dr g-
i»e *tnrt»*»l 1:1 a f*-w days.
h rut k rs.
It ii -a «1 that l)a:!ey i althveii ba* strack Tne trn< k wib be ready f »r cx*‘rcising
In r-es in a very few days now.
very n ii dig^iu^ un Elliott cieek.
L. l>*ira..zo A, Co., who are euzaged in
in n ng in «steamboat district, have fnmht-d
I ihei dra.n ami »truck grav« I that promise.'
' ver.» we l.
Dessciles & Connell of Scotch gulch, Jo*
' sephine county, w«li »• on clean up and ex
! pret to cxira.-t a goodly amount of the
Rev. ’Î. Bishop, at pr« s* nt recorder of thr ' nltby liter«.
city < t I'. h «*» P«»rt md. i* the n»*w Indimi awnt
The Amur.c.iii Min ng Code, Mtandard
for lue K' i.iAth r» a vatioii aud wi!l take
chai '• s » 11. K» v. Jo-«. Eiii'ty ha« provuii the I autb 'ti'y on all subjects apt ertaining to
b* Mt i’iu. r • v* i at the ag ncy. an«l **vervi»,wty I mining, water-rights, etc., f ,r sale at the
au'puuut««! with hua ¡«sorry to b»*v him leave. I'lMKS office.
K« v. Jo**. Hamilton of the Brushy terian
The report come* from Josephine coir ty
< muh at Linkt il*- has accept* d a «ali from
Hu * hur« i at Valluj ». l ai., an«! the l.inkville that Bonr Btcs. and H. White have struck
on I linois river which prospect
null st will h«*runtt'r b« tilled b> R. a . A. F.
I. »t. a r<« ni stradila»* fr. in N’«»w Fork, win» as nigh as 25 cents to the pan.
h assign* «I thu charg«* by th«- Southern Oregon
Machinery is expected soon from tian
Pr» **by i*ry.
Francisco for the Grave ur« ek uuartz min* s,
Th«- I.inlcx ill«-Mill. Flunu aud Ditch com­ op« rated by Capt. Willard Young
Co ,
pany. r«*c«ntly in'’‘»rporatud by Ab x. Marlin, where operations Lave been tenip< rarily
Sr . G. W. <mith an ! J. X. Summers, will u »n-
httand a larg. ditch t within a nule of the
eastern lui* of t -wnshin 41 s.. R. V» E , the
A la- ’e reservoir is beinj built at S tu­
In H«! < f t i-* tu*w flitch t*> be within a short <!!«<- rn *, Enni* it C ».'* ex’ct *ive mines 1 ear
tata’*’ of tn«* m*a»| of tlie present “Big Klamath Wildo. and pip 114 will ie commenced
ditch.'' ilio present • «.-.n ha» slu.twn thu
I h s ct»mi»uiiv h s b«*< n sev­
gr«at valu* ot i':-n. ii tin* Klamath coun­ next sen* ni
eral years ¡n getting ready for business.
try, hence the forming < f the c«>inpan>.
B* rtha V ll*dni«, fourth daught* r *>f Mr.
T iik Or- juiiiaH, with it* customary in- and Mi-. II. V Hehns of Ja« k-onville, d«*part-
■ »*«1 tin* lit«* July 1 i. l-sv. mred ttft«*«*n year*,
tulevance. gives the governor of Missis­ four months and s vuuteen daysi. Though
sippi a vigorous pen-lasiimi*. Iwcause he > oung in y« ar*, -h« ¡«< ••*« »*« «1 an umiabb* «in*-
1* camping on the trail ol the prize­ pusiti' n. a purr and alf « tl*»nat« heart ami a
Hpirit <»f tun friendship. bev»nd manvot in r
fighter* wiw» openly defie»! tlie law* of age Sin- htvl implicit «• »niiduncc in in*r moth-
I. is state in carrying on the recent mill ; .* j. to win'in sin* mad«* lur uoinni’inieiitionii
within it* boundaries. It is needless to I aw! -ought her ««.tins* I ami advice, which -he
I « ver foi»uwu«l. If atn* ma le a mistak*' in word
*tate that Hovernor Lowry would haw *»r nut. *;»u» fn<i to « (»rr»xi it. Stic had a
won the highest vhcouniims from the | Ii vely.« h»’« rrul in mt and was the Hinging-bird
ranter, Scott, for bl* bold action had | ut th«’ tarnily. which mad« tn t a favoriu* u .t
i»nl> In tin iioim . but *< cur«*l the fri« ud*nlp
lie been the governor vf »oo.e northern ’ *»f all win» km w her. Sm* had no cm tnu**;
stat*; but, being a representative ci the 1 m»nc pn«-'» in r but to i*»v< h«*r. During her
afliiution she in iH. i murmured or eumpiain-
■“solid South,” it i* a matter of cup •Mi.
but wa* patient .«*.«1 re»ngiu*«l. throiigii < ar-
ecieno with the On </o»<no» to decry lit* in^ much 1«»r tn r aitliutt*«i *i •*'•«•. Precious b»*
every act. ft ia rather amnsirg than I h»*r H>’ Bior>; Thus p« .•« «‘fully aud brightly
uurty *i.«r b*‘* M t. iu>ta.-s,ta tIn* cv M*i.X
otiierwiee to oh*«»t*e the red-rag rage of h«*r
-tar. which «<>« (b d< > wq t> him! :tn «lark* u**u
tlie jsditnal bigot* ui the north when­ w« -f. but »is-« t*» th«* morning *,tnr. which tuelt-
ever a soatbern name >• mentioned utn away hit«, th« wrightn«-*» t.*f Ih nvuu.
• L.*t M*»rr«»w’a riub m tempts» bv»w,
Tlie eent mvnt entertained »11 Jewry to
Fa* t> uhoni on earth m -• ver;
NaxarvH. 1« a fitting paiallel to the ( cl­
Our King savu »‘01110, and »her«’’» our hunie
Forever and forever.'
ing enteeuined by the moie tabid Re­ i
J. W Mll.LKH.
publican* oi the Sorth toward the aimny
»011th ; and yet. just a. the fame vf the
TKaaarene exccd* that
the high priest | Dr. Flint * Remedy, t.n*en wh?n vertig*».
Jn Um temple to-«hy, »o w.ll tlie true • mt aziona' Ìanitiv s-.n uh ni,lo-* of ap; ».ti»“
«atriUism of the South echi»»* the rtt.d
v tu s1* • p >»p, ear. wi l ; r«-vtut
.mouthing pretensivn* of the hotne-guaifi ll.c
.ulD! t’ entui:t«‘tla-nati n uf thè bruni,
«avioraof the country—»uch a* Scott and t». vhu'i U h - mc are th»* ti'M svmptom*
les ilk--iu «Im eyes of the next genera­ ÌDc‘«Gfdive t.eaU-e ulti* rack VotUe.
Circuit Court Proceeding*.
The foPowin^ proceeding-» were had in
the circuit court of la<k»on county, at the
apvuiitl term f»» reof held this week :
James It jn*in vs E D. Fondray anti
T. T. M«*Kuns:e. Sheriffs ^ale «1 1C J
property coi firmed.
T W J* hnson vs. same. Sm.ep ••
ings as above
Alexander Martin vs. tlie Granre C I
As*<»cinti* n ; confirmation. Samr a- above
Thomas A. Harris va. L\d u Harris; di­
vorce. Referred to Frank R. Neil to lake
J. C. El ’er v*. town of M« dii r-l; writ of
review. Demurrer to complaint >u ta:n* d
1. A. Webb v>. W. G Zimmerman; to re­
cover money. Default entered, an I judg­
ment fur plaintiff t«»r$191 20.
John SiM-iiiore vs. Horace I. Pelton.
Mandate uf bupraiuu court entered affirm­
ing decision of circuit court.
In the matter of the alignment of J D.
F«mntain, an insolvent debtor. The as­
signee. 1 K. Dawson, was direct'd to pay
n dividend of 38 per cent, upon the claim*
presented t » him ns asMgnee, out of « ash
assets in his hand«.
Mandates of the buj rime court have also
lx« 11 «nterud up. ni ahlvjig judgment <»t
the circuit court in cases of Delia Giboy
and Amanda Goodyear vs. school district
No. 5.
Estate of W. M. Gi«roy. an insolvent
debtor Appointment uf J. S. Rogers as
assignee confirmed.
Red House Trade Union
Ladies Fine Dress Goods
Gent’s Clothing
Decorative Wall Papers
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks !
JPfun der S’ •