t J heir Jltialucat lioomlng. PERSONAL MENTION LOCAL NOTES. Gentlumen frequently complain of their The Dead 1 n lian country will have three Send Probably no one thing has caused such a schoo's running ihis summer, taught by barber shaving them too close, and the general revival of businesK at all drug face and neck breaking out into small Col. Miller bai gone to Salem. Settle with the ¡»rioter and be happy. Mr*. \V. G. Holmes, Misses Alice Sutton Pay the printer. store* as their giving away to their cus­ pimples. If Dutnrd n t’peciAc is applied to and Bertna C* lion. Owen Keegan oi Lake creek is in town. the The White is king. tomers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. Be careful of tire. the fate immediately after shaving, no OFFICIAL PAPER FOR JACKSON COUNTY E. P. Thompson of Salem will next week matter how close the shave, all soreness King’s New Discovery ior consumption. I- Simon an I wife of Eag'e Point were Buy a WLite sewing machine. Read the new advcrtisvmt nts. visit upper Rogue river and Crater lake, will be prevented. «Sold by K. C. Brooks. here yesterd»'. Their trade is simply enormous in this J. E. Cox is building a neat residence at very valuable* arm« le frOOl the faettbatit 8traw hats at cost at th » 8. F. Variety with a view of investigating the fish inter­ THURSDAY...... .JULY is. WJ. The h »r*e “Oliver Twist,” recently sold Jos. France o( Me-lfo'4 w.t* i* ilucum. ests of that section. Tolu. alwava cure* and never disappoints. i Store. to (’has. K. Chanslor by \V. Kahl« r, an l ty seat on Tuesday- Coughs, colds, asthma, brouchitis, croup Jack Mon-gomery went to Gram’s Pass now owned by Chanslor and Miller at Mrs. M. Armstrong is improving her and all throat and lung diseasea quickly Several divorce cases are being ott!e warranted. I Board of Asricuiture. to be he! 1 near Cen­ J. McDonough’s gray “Altamont” three- one.” lie was sired by Beach’s stallion spell of rheumatism. “ Graduate. ’ ’ T. J. Kenney and Jas. Elli«»tt have re ­ Ed. Fence of Elk creek passed through year-old. reeentlv sent to Yreka for devel­ tral Point during the last week in Septem­ A Lneky Y<»niig HalleteviUe, Texan most successful growing stores in the D. P. Barnes and his daughter hare gone turned from their trip to Cinnabar. ber next, beginning 8eptember 23d, was town on Tuesday. opment, fro’.ted hi 2:55 before receiving bpudicuhurLste lin t a ready market for to lloseburg on a visit. 11 I* often *ai«l that hick falls to the unwor­ I n»*ued from the press ut Male Printer Ba two months' handling. country to-day are the large, complete and iheir i roduct this year. A man living on P. M. O'Rourke, our popular baker made thy. but interviewing < Hto Von R«>sent»urg of The be.d cider vinegar fur sale cheap at krr during th»! week. The work is cretlit 8. F. Variety Store Dr. J. 8. Parson and fam ily. of Ashland, Grant's Pass a business visit last week. Rogue liver, nh<> ha 1 a choice pota'o JlnlletsA ill«*. T»*xas. the happy potweHSor wf John B. Cann, we 1 known iusoirlvr i sided with suited to able to the compiler and to the printer, one-twentieth part of ticket No. 32.0M in the patch, Las already Lad his crop taken at were in town last week. W. H. Beauchamp of Tolo is canvassing April drawing of th«- Louisiana Stat»- lx.»ttery, but it contains numer«»us errors, arhing i Cost and freight is all Fisher wants. Oregon ami northern Calit«»rnia, was con­ tiie ranch at remunerative prices by par­ purses. at a ducting tin* ( Iar»*n< ‘ «»:i hotel of Tick:» at Thus. 11. Gilson of Sterlingville has gone fur his soap receipt* and meeting with suc­ drawing JCXU.ilMt, w«- find it has fallen In the from the fact that the whole business (»f Hi* goods must go. • tie* hunt Kl.imaih county. the 1» »tito the time it w.i< burned. right plac«*. II«- is an InduKtrious young I cess. provid ng f *r ihe printing of those «iistrict seem too voluminous and rais« rs on Applegate will leap a nun har­ I to Yreka. Cal , on a visit. ! merchant, w ho bus be<*n here but »1 short time. D. M »ore of App ’ e gate has iciurnrd from I 1». W Cryder and wife of Gul 1 llill were lunker Bros.’ hardware store was dam­ The i ( ul. Pence wa • n town Iu t SafU’diiy vest ihis year. premium lists by the state printer was a b g Sha*ui vallty, Cal. $15,001) received by him wil! be partly Looked at the standpoint the varied job |»ut up through h s friends in the la-t and repurud that'McKee's ~saw: mi l on at Jaczs nivtlle yc.teiday. aged somewhat bv the lute lire at Yieka, ii«e«l in hi* busim-KH. Mr. H«»fU‘iibura sent his Thos. Ryan, who was so badly hurt at tlck«*t for collection to Ball. Hutchings A Co., legislature, t , deprive the press in ea« h C. (' Rigidaleot To’owas at thecounty- F 'ic t» r»*ek was Ctunpelled t«5*hutdown, Cal. the day, less suffice. E. P. Pickens of Sun's valley was in the horse race In Si*sot> on the 4th of July, of Gal v«*st«.>n. and it was pai«l upon prwntiw- district ut its legitimate share oi patronage '•eai ■ • u.«\ thia wm k owing tu scarcity ui water. has since d e«l at Dun*muir. I he people of town und call ‘4 last Satuida y. A great many peaches are now being tt«»n without any «li-«*ount. -Hallctsvilic (Tex.) resulting from the organization of the r test like experience and practical results, and New Era, May lo. Gold H 11 is moving ahead, several the first named place either have no law*, We pay n«> attention whatever to anony­ •¡»active boards of agriculture. It is quite Win. I’lrich ot Me>lford was in town shipped to Portland from southern (Jit- buil'ling* bi ing in c«> urse «»1 construction. or very no >r ones, to govern them, as said mous communications. complete stores. g«m. evident that the same set < f forms were Messr-. Hull, Dubov, Parker and Dundee race t«>ok pl.i -e in their streets, the deceas­ Munday on insurance business. used in printing ihe premium lists <»t this Jerry Nunan shipped 4000 pounds of •re building four of them. Ours the largest most complete general General E. L. Applegate, lately of Ash­ ed, who was a stieetator, h iag run over by Mrs. J. 11 Whitman of Medford visited ■nd eastern Oregon district associations, w»»oi during the we?k. land, has taken up his residence in Jose­ friends in Jacksonv.lle yesterday. and some tunny error* are n ted in th«* A newcuuuT. a Frenchman, lat« ly from one of the horses. on the as it also Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, phine county. Chris Iteile, of Big Butte, was at the bel«»w, sought lo settle .■> «uth of town, “rules and regulations," th* publ c b ing August B«»hn, whose leg was so Badly John Orth left for Cuiestein yesterday, causing intense itching when warm. This form as well the mosc It has the trade, both coun v--rat yesterday. The water supply has run s > low in town as Blind, Bleedln- and Protruding, yield at once tu assured in (»ne c.ause that 1 eirnes may b hut someb»Mly set lir«* to his pers.ma! « fleets fractured sometime ago. is getting along to diink soda waler tor a lew days. made with the sec-etary at his office in that the street sprinkler ba* b?en retired nic«lv at the ho.spitel, the bones having J. s F\cLi has resign«*•! as a member of and they wer entirely burned. at and through the mails, and the Levi Gartiuan of Winter was iu town for the season. The Dalles by mail f«»r six du» * beioie th»* I.Axus ew s 1'iwii vuuiicu. I Dweller* in the mount:» ns r« |u»rt that knit t< geth«*r wed, and he will soon be last lhur.-dav and called on the T imes . commencement of the fair. ' when the a L young German wbese which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tu­ most rapid has the about again • ’ he 1. B. Nichols, a pioneer of Cow < reek val­ Rabbin-metal for sate cheap at the T ime * slaughter «»! d ur f«n th *ir bi !«•* has about arm was amputated sometime ago is also dress is elsewhere given as Jacksunvi le. ( apt. Caton and nephew and Hugh El­ ley, who has m en quite sick lor sometime, mors. allays Itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. cea.*ed, an 1 we may l »uk for an in irease recovering rapidly, Dr. Sommers is ftt- most were their Then, too, th- time ot dosing entries is Olliet* in quantities to suit. Druggists or mail treatise free. Dr. Bosanxo. Piqua. 0. liott returned troiu Ciunabar last Suuuay. is steadily failing. in the st»»ck ot game in a >e »r or two. fixed al Ovtuber 7tb, one week afnr the tending j hysician. B**n Higinbvtham of Big Butte was in best highest. Mrs. H. T. M< l lallen returned to Rose ­ cluse of th»* fair. We submit that alter se­ Ja ksoiiville last Tuesday H H Rippey, W. J. Nichols and Frank The largest and Lc*t stock of dee«ls, Tne “ Record ' report* that \V. B. Gray­ burg last I'uerday, alter a protracted visit Cardwell of Sam’s valley visited our town M ARRI El». curing a |5U9 appropriation for printing at mortgages ami all kind* of real-estate and had The to what in hi* bis leg badly burned ift*t week The best of cheese can bv foun 1 at the 8. legal blank* suntn «»f Satem is kept at the h>s establishment and from standing type one da\ this week. blacksmithshop. a piece of red-hot iron here. the and the — want. It MONWF.LIz — 4 ARMON In Linkxille. July a. th «tit woul«l have been a g«»»t ideate F. Variety M »re, Jacksonville. T imes office and sold at Portland rates whii h was cut from a bar thing into a G. C. Cu y of Steamboat, the well-known Pryor Eaton is ill with remittent fever at Harrv M. Monwell tu Ruth E. < arinwn; Rev. have ihe | r*>»»f-reader curru« t the in itt* r in to demand. It all-embracing. li e Poet, fell m love at Linkvii.v Brooks’ fever ami ague remedy and hole in his pant* and but nmg its way down stock-ra -er, called here me torepart ot the his home south of town Dr. DeBar has Floyd Farrar ottieialing. the premium ¡i«t bef «re -un i ng out in »« - on Peter, the 1 »»arih. Particulars later. his leg to the heel of the foot, where it diarrho! 1 elixir I* becoming mor»* ¡opular the case in charge. week. curate inform «tiuii to the puuiic thmugh JACKSON FARNHAM In Ashland preeinct . All may in day. I»ec .u* * they are so tflicaeious. rested until tiie bleed boot, which be was by Rev. F. K Van Barrai, D. H. Jackaou und itsine«hum. The constitution, rul •*. ♦ tu , Chas. Jones anl family of Uniontown each J. W. Sowden is in Douglas county, in A. S Johnson «»f Sailor gu'.ch has been wearing was torn off. lie is -e ling a I trge «¡uanlity of each. perhaps, everyone what he looks for Mise Eugenia Farnham. are in the main those of the *t ite tair as­ p e. met w»rc iu luwu yesterday. tiie interest ot the Jacksonri'lc marble very ill since Monday night. Dr. bora* sociation. nmd fit d to su t tne »ii.*tr.ct A gay pariv of seven rusticators left works. A cattle firm ut Silver l ike recently WIMER -HOAGLAND At th«* parsonage in iner* i* attending him. There are coarse, goods J. N. Thomas und wife of Littie Butte bough*. (¡»M head ol cattle at |12 per head. Monday morning f< r the ('innnbar springs, b«»ar«Fs requirements. i.n«l ar«* gun ral y Jack-»nville, July 13. hy !l«*v. J. W. Miller. A heavy rain-storm at the head of Apple- j William Wi.. er and Mi*e Alice fl«»aglami, all J. Il I'aorsiuiih ot Ashland und bis son r« «»*1 Single tickets of a»lmi*»ion t r mt* 1 precinct L.rnvd here on Luvsday. usage plain, serviceable goods Poor pro.-p**« ts for winter feed has brought consisting ot Wm. Moore. John lJ^x« i’ ie, last Sat­ gate last Tuesday raised the water in the I «if Jackson count j . 50c; fwr women 25c; coupon ti« k»a mr live Geo. Joe made the county seat li Tim 8. F Variety Score k»?eps a fud line the price aw ay «low n in the eastern country. Jr . R. 1 Armstrong, R H. lower atieam almost two leet. and costly from Vienna, «lav», t r men >2 U»>; for women, 7 » cent-, of armies lor the choice*! lunches. Linn, John Hull» r and Gua Newbury. urday . Au exchange says that grouse can he I hey were overtaken at Phil. (Heave’s in girls and b*»ys under 12 years, tree l’ie- S. Arrasmith of big A|.piegate « amc after H orn . J. B. Rod get s ami a >n and Th .*. Anderson London market of the world. First-class cedar fence posts for sale in kille I w ith impunity after the I5lh. They the evening by John White, who joined the zuiutus are « fl-red for horse*. a-i«.ie from wi 1 continue to be xi led with |‘owder and party, and all will spend several weeks in ot Table K > ck preciuut spent Tuesday Dr. Debar one day this week, bis wife be the »peed r ng. amounting t«»$.\32 ; f »r cat­ quantities to suit at the 11 wxs uflice In these the best are rep ing very sick with malarial fever. in town. GRAVES.-In Linkville, July V.to Mr, and Mr*. lead, however.as heretofore.by nm-t sports ihe huh before returning home. tle aggr« g iltng >111 50; i«»r she« p an ! < . T Payne, who i* at Colestein fur the wen. Chas. Graves. a son. resented, are as Several showers of rain have fallen late­ goat*. IF’ swine and p«>u Hy. >275 50; benefit ut his health, improves stead.ly. Mr*. H. W. Price and children oi Ash- May Grigsby, h daughter of Mr*. J. N lau I are viMting in Kansa* city, Mo , at ly, but they were n«)t general and did not G()RD<>N -At Lull»' Klamath Lake. July to farm pro»lucts, $65 50; Oregon' maauf »c- i John H I'.uick bro'igh' in lti.Ono frt. of most cases dealers. Mr. ami Mrs. I). L. Gordon, a «taughter. do as rnneh go* «1 as ex| ecied. tures, |193, dairy products 427; .l;*trict Howard Bros, an 1 Volna Webster of w'o« 1 t<> Ashlmd from Silver Like, Lake I Thomas of Little Butte precinct, while at­ present. tending the Brownsboro »chool, had the inanufa» ture*. |2H; ladies' w »rk, |T2l .*•«); Eduu precinct w« re ».ere yesterday. WISE In Ashland. July 10. to Mr. and Mrs. are cited the of out 1 onnty, l.i't week, hut found the road *«> misfortune to h ive one of her eyes put out tl.e The party who took the ux from Newel Uarl m of the “Medford Mail’ fruits. |IH4 5«i; besides filter.d ¡»rumiuin* R. It. Wi«*e. a daughter. u I*. B ».*chvy ami Geo. Neubvr were al I !»a«i that !»e will nut repeat th«* expuri- b\ a ball thrown by a carvle** b >v. We are ■pent Friday in town and paid uh a frater T imes ’ woodshed will please return ilio f«»r V’getables, flowers, art 41 «1 ran y work. town persons wish to through the ; mt nt. SIMS-In Poe valley. July 4th. to Mr. and Mr». rame at once and avert prosecution. W.»i-n.-Cs *udi» springs last Tue-day. *orry t > learn that th*- sight th re«»f can nal call. John S iiuk . a «on. believe nothing not Now Here. Now There. J. W Lawler of Jus?|hiue county has ! L. A. J.uk'«»a, of Ohio,who accompanied nuv r be re*tored. Tni* ought to b.*a wai n Attorney Colvig W’ent to Grant’s Pistriet Several carloads of superior lumber from »ng to »»lher*, a* them is *-ntir««bv to » mut h bis umlr .Mil»» Caton tu I innabar last Monday evening on professional PuSa last know us. believe Fred. Itowe ’ s saw-n il 1 hi Josephine coun ­ Last Saturday two tramp*, name I re­ I Dvvn \ i'ii i.g tin n 1» 11 ih s section. at most "I our di*tri< i sub,» »Is. w«« k. 1* thi ’king •>. I >u it ng in th * county ' in le play HIED. J business. ty were shipp'd into the valley this week. st»« ctively < La> smith, aged 17 y«ar-, a d A. L. li»»vel we »ring the slur during! and may go nit«» bu.-incs- at the county i everyone Sacra Now i* the time of year when the «¡>- Frank Ke, d aged 23ve»r-, werv commit I Mar-fi.il litlius’ absence at I iimabar. M Cuoi-e, a el Mrs. Kjsa While Mrs M seat. l orpst Hr«*« are raging at d much ux- e - HELMS-ln Ja« k-<»nvill«*. July I3tb,of typhoid i ¡»roai hing autumn season reminds n» lh it ted from ‘.'«pure Bashor’s court at G •••! the truth a t all Point made Ja« ks »nville ot L enlral ient Umber is being burned i ll** vanda's fever.Burtba V., duught4*r of Mr. und Mrs. Ashland real-estate agents get excursion i Col. Sci»b»u wi.l tear d«»wn tiie <»l«l house Name token ot kind remembrance will lx* H ll. 10 aw an v <»wne«i by him. and will re wotudbe more a« « ♦•pt;it»le than a fine pho ­ de of P»ul Knit 1 and Squire Fuikeyi Robert Hardmelfs r •oms h dbertie i’ei- Wm. Muart an l A. A. Bashor uf Gold p ace it Hu* fall with a tin * ««»untry re«i- tograph or crayon of the giver, made by ( entral Point cadcd at the T imes office »X In MH!"ixl. Wednesday, July 10th. e«i an i a'tut oi c.othei anl som arti les H.ll visited our town dm mg the week. pet-* Windom was victorious in the Iflft- JACKS» I dence. Alfr**d IL Jackson ; a i»ativ«*<»f \ erm«»nt. Logan, the A'hland ph »1-».:rapher 11c ai- yesivruay. of jewelry taken from th- m. wh ch were llh, yard f« <»t race at Gr;.ni ’ s I ,i- * «»u tl.e way* has the late.-.t novelties in finish, a.* The Alturas Susanville telephone line found 01» ike peisvns of he men. and t‘.i* ln.L « k-< ivillu, July If.«»! i»ar- Mrs. M. L. Evan* his been appointed 1’ J. Clopl -n. <«e«». • ha-tui.i an l other and a'so won 1I1 • -t »u’ung« Kt *<»n ot Mr rc.'igne«L about 7uo cords ot thoice pine and oak pre ‘ -ent. is expected to «lullver a number of and Mr- ( .< . Gaii: ag«*«i *» y« -ar*an«! 1 month. near Tula, and taken th refruin a roll 01 v.»lb y to visit his trtin*.* r , who is ruporied 8 >n»v »f the pe »Mi orchards about A*ii- sale at the grounds when they Wm. Edwards, win» owns one of the best wood b-r lectures in this valley *oon. blanket*. .1 flute. rev«dv. r and numerous a J will yiu.d ,.s tine crop* a» last year. « I* idiiig the track. It is exj*ccl« d to be very sick. Mother, put awa\ 1 h »*•* littl«* tr« a-ur***. threshing machine'm the valley, «ailed un tini-h other articles, whih thev hid in their That your dar ling will play with no mor«*; A valuable nr'ic’e on dry land fruit cul­ Archie Freeland of Aahl »ml has returned Old papers, in quantities tu suit, for sale 11s la*t Tue*day. H c »rumen » d work at «hat th«* wooil wib almost pay the expense p ss.on l h men wtre lak« n .nt»» cus v.e.triog the lmi«l. A number of farmers from Kluiualli county, where be ha■* been ture from the pen of Hon. A H. (’arson, F«»r you will never h«*ar his g«*nt!e voice. Roberts A G’Nen’s pla«e near Mt*df«>rd last of Nor hi* foot*t< p- «-«»mitig through the d«>or. l«-dy by Smrul Bird ey and coni.n«*d in a at the 1 iMEs office at cents a hundred. m the vicinity are already figuring on g-i- teaching siLo.d. of tl c Redland nurseries, is unavoidably room in th ■ c >urt-h use formerl-,’ uc* upied '. n; their winter ssupply iiotu the ground* Ju oby A Bd'h«>r of Gohl Hid arc ship- Thur* lay. He has g«»nr abov«* with th«* angel* crowd,«lout until next week. as the county m I u . v I suptrii tend nt's of pingugieut many ch ckeu* to Furtian L And is clasped in th«* arm* «•! J«-ai*. { A Chinese p«. idler has been selling a con- I. J H. u-en of Wdlow spring-» precinct tiie A r.ng b «It was put in the floor on We a c .‘•ending *latem< nts to subscribers Where h«* will await your < (lining. When you desite a p!ea*ant physic, one intends to vi*H his old horn«* in Dakota 1 siderabie quantity of ladies’ good*. He For lie 1* n >w waiting to meet n*. in arrear-, anl h»p" ail those reu(’ving either side, . nd the men « e e ua h hac..- I Davi»i Payne has reui> ved to Eden pre­ ’ - h- >u <1 be comp- lied t » p iy either a I «cuu-e that w 1 ■ Iran s* your system and give you territory this summer. led with eg irons at the et <1 ot a chain at cinct am! taken charge oi his father's farm. j or a in.«', an I the m.»r*ha! shouM l«»uk after the clear Reade« 1 nr •* amt buoy a i »03 ut youth, them will respond at ti e r earliest conve Weep not for him. d< ar moth- r. Mr. Ga’ev, lately of Fresno, <’al , has re­ ni»-nr*. a* it tax** colli t<» inn a new-paper ta bed to tl »• b «It*. The»’ w • re seemin^lv try Su Patrb k’s Pills. I heyaie the most F'or in pea«’«* h«* will be f«»revur bl«**t; Sect Griffin of To’o wi l take pleasure in it h < ««n■•«•. wuliaud h»pp) at 9 u'cl « k on Tue-d.iy But n- hard t«» part fr«»in our darling. pied-ant cathartic and liver pills in use.and moved t • ja«*k*«.»n creek district, where fie Shoes, Millinery, Household The Silve»’ I».»!.. 1 • bl :• elt!, or -g-girdle. after having once tried them we are confi­ will engage in prospecting. Dr. Sornm tf ha* removed hi* resi«1em e Alth«mg.i w< know h* ’• with God at rot. eveni g, when the sh**r.tf left them taking .«dutwin;; strapgers tow n and country pr«»p- to the dwelling hnu*e he recently purchased • j u kvd up .11 the ball r.»'»m m Jacksonville dent that you wid never be satisfied with in the air al th • open W miuW He w ill - Judge Webster and A. S. Hammond are Toys, uo town t • see Mr. DvIL.'uoani • f tt e I . 8 Fur pure R »¿«.r r ver whisky, 1 1 q ianti- about a ye ir ago, still awati the owner's any « lher kind. 2.» cents per box. 1- >r sojourning at Wagner’s sola spring*, ac- of 1. Holomon, and may be found there or at the City Drug Store when not profes­ Hotel, wh«» was *i- k in be i w th rlu u na- ta»» iu -iiii. « ahon (.'»»pt. ( nion in Ja» k-011- caH ut in«* T imes ofli« «• Bring the m ite to sale bv cumpanied by their families. ’i-m. a i«1 w : p a't !e*> th n a > h ur vi He. it und claim it. sionally engaged. I’h.UILl largest General Retail Hooseon t» 1 retui 111 g h** •oir.d :•» Id« surp is«* th «1 Wm. Alneaml 1. J. Johnson were in Ihe « fli e «»t the secret arc of I ’ m Soutii- The Tolo Town*ite A Milling <’• m nnx nee «it m .1 ¡ri il. bilio'i .mi The | r. V 1 A. G. I ’ ulv n of th'* place r«gi*terid at th-* birds ti «1 fl w.t, h vin* si pp'd the a tin f* B. ilodu s, m ik ng lmd proof on «.fl. i lot* f«»r $.'*ieat h rl«» (»*h ba lane* in ei ¡1 Orug ’ ju Mate Board »»I Ag: C ulture is Pacific Coast. *tmui«i imiacc meat care n to * : the Hopkin- ! «• i.*u, L:di«. vicw, on ttie Sih ' I ’ yi* 1 »' 41 diack e> ft m ihe r tc t. air.i ted 1I1 m pn not at Tin* Da les, a* misprmte 1 in ihv pre­ 1 tiie <»b-ji rv a:.- ■ of ianit.iry i.ie , and - ms ; re empiteli, lust 'uUmay. m««ntblv piiymentH «»f a month. For their bed, ; n I d: pp d :K»m t • wi low I inst. K. A. mium list, but is a Jacksonvdie. fu'l e ’ Tah ‘ . , ‘ -ii»ent * < ’ sll on »>r .xddr«'** th»* ( Freeman, the wcll-kiiozn teamster, pe sa ly in ihe ebon r «»f «Linking w.iur. Tb»-y us« d a »teel pun, which they found on The wai« r supply of Lake county is get • ....... .................. ..... m town aie almost dry. id now located at Bridal Veil, Multnomah ■ecretarv. S<-«»tt Griflln. Many ol the well: the carpet, to reach the spro g' in the ir«>m* | ting shorter every day. says the ‘Exam Miller i- secret-«ry an 1 such sboul 1 Lc thoroughly »leanse«! (ouuty, a g eat lumbering regi«n. ■ nd w<»rk th m loose, auothcr illnstrati n .. S S. Rentz <»f M» <1 > 1, w ho was llarrv Bvbe»'’* '1 ring* on I'.v.in* creek, among « f the inighlii.u*s of the pen. Mrz. DcK<>- Hoover’s attorney, was on h s way to lie and dug dec; er to insure a Hid supply of 1. G. Kearnes and mum , Evan, Clarence the best in Orcgun. are In c miner more jw»p- Farmers are busily engaged in heading, i county seal !»'t Fii'l iv to sue out a wr l of pure water Aside tro.u consideration of and lM«ani m t the men on the mountain roa 1 Willie, left fur Cninabir yesterday, to ular every year. Quite a number uf peo­ h« allh, th».* silisfa« tion ru*u Lmg from ¡»urc an«l brushing has commenced in some t«> Phoen x about 9:3U o', lock, but no fur­ habeas u«»rpu* in behall of bis client, when ple are now sojourning there. m<»*f uf spend a cuunle ol weeks in the hills. place*. drinking water caXi-mt be uvt*»'estimated. ther trace uf them had l>e< n f« und a* he heard of his death. whom are fr«’Hi Josephine county we went to press, although (n!e.v»rs J Several ¡»arties from this valley are sell- W. P. Linville of Antioch district, who Wm. We*t.ake, a pr«»umuiit farmer ami The steam thresher near to* n ha* been , The nobbiest ami latest stylus of hats, ■ re being made to capture them has been in Texas and Mississippi for a ! in * npe | eaebes. a; i»lui, etc., in Klamath ’ shirts, neckties, collars, culls, scarf ¡»ins. ■»tuck-raiser near Avoca, Net) was .*0 badly obliged t«» ret it* water supply f«»r ti e past long time, ¡¿turned home recently. injured by being thrown from a sulkv t' it county. 1 coliar-miituns, etc., in suiithern Oregon two day* fr«»m the weil in the court-house (Irenit Court lH»ckrt. | the annual tle ti«»n of officers of the I can , a!w t»»* f.»umi at the >. F Variety he c«)iil 1 nut raise bis hand to his bead. By Mi-.* Portia Knight of Salem, daughter yard. It i* n »w operating at the ranch recover title *»f “ D »'• ." has gone to Lakeview w ith An i»u ice of prevention is better than a Saturday , and plac« i his name on the ed last week for San Francisco, where the th“ bru*h in that vicinity. I noiind oi cure. Plunder's Orcgun ILood town money. hi- farui y. T ime .* sub*« ripU ’ii li*t. Mr. C¡»Laiu is en ­ iormur will remain during the heated term. John H Haulcum vs. Jasper Chaj-mai',; Purifier expels uh impuritie ‘.s of the blood gaged m eslabii-hing a large orchard on For the best turnout* f«»r all occssk'ns If v«»u w ant genuine bargain*, don t full ail ■uit in equity. »ii.-east-s of the tne Potter ranch, bought by him last 8. Bea« U and wife and Dr. H. C. Mur­ call at the F’.xveisior livery - tab!“ In Jack­ t should be u-ud in ail L P Hyde and W R Wilii* n E F Ever- , to ca l on N. Fisher. He is selling out. and stomach, liver ami kidneys. Take it. ns arrived at Ashland last Fiiday from sonville Plymale’s price* ar»* quite rea­ 1 spring. He wi l plant principally apples, ' no mistake. * it 1; 'Uit tor injunrtmn. Lakeview. 1 lie doctor was vn r rate to Se­ sonable ami he never fail* in eiving satis an«l Hanley A '¡»runes ami pea« he.*, and has already set attle. John Orth of this place L 1‘ Hyde ami \V R Willis vs. E F Ever- faction You will also d«» well to patron­ Note*, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in Wilkinson of Mudlord this week received almost 1» hundred a its in choice fruit, lit* itt. action fur ejectment. ize his stage lira* running beiween tlo* j bo«»k form, handy and tir*t-clas*, al th«' 40 is a firm believer iu Hie theory of dry-lamt from Ciopton Prof. J S. Swuvt of Ashland will address bead <»t fin«* young cattle I'olnmb’i* Bennet’ vs \V 11 F a nu gin T imes otli. «• * A Potter ut !’»• 11a* za, Klamath c«»unty. culiivation. the great efficacy «»i wh. h uas th«- Coo* »(»ui ty teachers’ instiiHte. to tw place and Medford. and W I Kr» invr; a» tioa ford image* t»«un slio«»n this season. Mr. M l.s liehl at Biu«l ’u dur:n< the first Wuck in lie members , t th“ Jacks invi le tire As-essor ('.ii«l*r*i* cmnp’eting the as- They w« re on the ro id about a we» k. <’ M St«»nc v* .1 J Stol e; *ui’ f r divorce ¡»an el h.m t » ii»c county .'«*at to Augu.-t. company met ln«t Saturday evening, and a s »ph a 1 Leo: ar«i vs A H 1’1 it’ r. ad ! se•*nu*nt «»f the c miily lie is doing ex A | a U m the ii k oit* n h a !* io c« iu - I pre-empli »;i tii’ug. niimstrator ui u- ate*»f<’ H B .u h. «’ecuas 1 ce lent wo: k . ¡.‘Leaf 1 »ii ( ii*e* that t aru ¡»Im *‘ i cura- E '[«-Laughlin, who has charge of bud l I number of a“ces'ion* to the membership I , re rpi’dved. It is proposed tore »rgan ze ▼•I, to 1 ec ver ni«»nf y. This powder nuv« r x arie*». K marvel ot puri­ • Quite a number «»f men arr engage«! in ■ u«e. Or» gun Ki ln» y ita ( ur< ' tiie first ' i Hugh J«»;iu-t *n, 1 \ nig near the laugh I mg operation- at Klamath city, <’al., ha* the r< mp.mv throughout and to have revu- ty, *ítr«'iigth :in«I x» hi»i«>o!iictie*s. M«»r«‘ ce«»n- .L hiB -lt V- 11» nry Smi’h; t*» ret «v« r g«'t(ing o»:t w«"»«| L»r the O. AC. R. R. on j a ml prevent* the ial;» r. i i i* pureiv » egc ter huuse. was l«»und uncoosui u* in his ! rem «ve 1 thnfier with tils Lilin v ¡ruin 1 lar drills ami practice in the ftVur • This omical than the ordinary kinds, anti canimt be I bar»»-yard i »st Friday mum ng and is m»»ney. i table sn I 1.* v ar 1 anl« «1 amt ‘ «.hi by K. C. i\»r;laml 1 Wagner ere. k. *<»li.gito rc [ Brook»». test. -Ii«»rt weight, alum or phosphate p«»wd«*r>. E V. W -on. lately from California, i was iu t*»wn ihe evein ig before. Il wa* I L. D. Montgomery of Glendale, who c ver per*oM>»l property. Horsemen should roni«inl»*r that the S«»!«t «»11 h in can*. Royal Baking l’«»wd«T | Rap!I Morat 1 ( 1«» t* creek was in Kub i «t Bolt vs. J hu llowe”; t«» recov­ n »w haschargeuf Wm. John’s dairy ranch | • town <>\t r S in lay. celebrating the cunte ' some line before In? coal i be gotten to the I wa» api*uinU.*d an agent (•( tiie war depart­ [district fair 1» he held at ('••ntr.d Pointdti’- KM Wall st.. N. Y. ment, has g«me to Fort Collins.- Col . on ■ ing the la-t week in September intervenes on Dry creek. i hou* . as a viiiou* dog would allow no er money i nial of tl.e fail «»I the B.i-ul *. He received John »Vuider* v-. Lavina Winders; -uit j Tnt-re were many visitors in town on the c( n ;ratu »»'lot -, < t" hi* friends <. n the j <»¡¡e t«j approach him. lie lingered until business. ’ between the State f iir at S dem and the aving de term in ed to close out my business in L-r divor r. lay « « niig. v, n n he died, and was NEW THIS Dr. F. W. Van Dyke and T. P Jud'un Mt. Shasta district fair at Yreka, although I Fr lay and 8aturday lu*t to view the scene fact that it Was ihe .rlth anniversary uf his i 1 Sun Ashland, I am offering all lines of goods at Cost and below; buried un Mumias aftem >011, Mr. J. came A F and M J Schulu v*. Lucy Tripp, for­ I of the jail tire. «•! (»rant .* Pa-s were in the valley on th“ southern Oreg hi premium list neglects birthday merly Lucy Bl tekwoud, et al, t > foreclose tu Oregon about and leaves no rela- Monday and Tuesday i i the interest uf the to nienti«»n the la*t namvl fair in its pnb a mortgage. Wdl. Gilson is canva-s'iig this ¡.la. c for a I'p to the time T. J. Kenney and Jas ! lives so tar as known, lie was a man of district fair. A. C. CALDWELL, I cation. ------ —» . ■ ■ ■ book living all th«* particulars of ti e Juhns- Elliot left Cinnabar last Sunday, the | arty | tne strictest integrity ami generally rt- MEN'S CLOTHING, all Cost. $4.15 up Horsemen Getting Interested. Mrs. rrtlinble, wife of »r e of thuTrum MECHAXh M. ANU OI’EKATIVE DENTIST. ha 1 caught < «»nsiderably ov« r I»*.»» tr«> H . spec ted. Robert Viiung ami si-ters. Miss Emma . tow > calamity. ble Bro», of Jo-ephine county, who for with h«»< k und lin- . There arc some bit ami Mr*. 1! ( . Myerot Ashland,have been A 11 ng lea hng horsemen of local cea b ■luhhtit'l, Oregon. A. M CaFei), trea-urer of Lak»* uonnty, M:** lieriha Heim*, f. urlh daughter of price. rity wh«» are ♦ xpe« ted tn add to the inter­ adv-rti*»*t » pay all warrants protested to yet, iilth- ugh Jim McCully is -till hauling j 'I anl Mrs Herman V. Helms, died of 1 sojourning at the Tvler soda springs dur- • nieilv lived at (• *1 I Hill, «lie I h short time since of pU'-rpcrid fever. L aving a hus­ i them out. ■ ing tne week. est of lh»* district fair »it Central Point dur­ August 17. lStv*. Nitr.tii* ( )\ i«l« ‘ (lay a hniniMerod t«»r th«* pain­ 1 t v p.ioid h-ver 1 »st Saturday nmrmiig •She __ be Closed $15.00. band m d infant ch'bl. Sh«' was a «1.» ighti r less extraction <>t i»-«-th. ing the a^t ute;» in September in iy be I Th*. ■ »uHibuni <1 pa**»u*gcr train »>n Sun­ been * ck about two weeks an I was Rev Dillard Holman, a well known of J Neathamer «»f "¡inline creek, and bur < ov«-r the Ashland Bank. S »ckraiser* in An’elope and Rutte creek day’ "f last *•*• k ran into a bum h <»l cattle ' bad named E Sheridan, of R»*»burg, I. slaughtered. ALL MUST GO! conddtned 01 a dangerous conuiti >n irom Swan, ot Yreka; Dr Van Dy Ke and Md- val ey*. Cal., offer $30 for each panther j on the trai k near the li ’ >t Himel south of I ihe first, the di-casu assuming aviruhnt I'ampbcllitt* preai her. htui been )U the val d«*at!i is inourned by * large ¡lumber of relatives ami a ho-t ot fticn I*. ley during tiie past week. He is en route scalp brought in. ler A Chanslor, of Grant'»» Pa>s; N. ( one dead cow. f->ur form at «• ,ce. ihe dec««a>td was un amia to 1 alimt ilia. all kinds. Closing I Ashland. Faulting in Boynton, ol Ashlar d. Dr l ewis. <»f Med Butter is becoming scarce in this mar­ ( r p| led animals ..n 1 wrecked steps on the h « and iritc ligent young lady and a favor­ Canyon imagine any ailment that wl (■•rd ; Jas. M< Donough. of Willow Sj ring-. ket, passenger car-. Mrs. J. R. <’as«y has returne«! from Lan- make a eood-n iture 1 yers..11 s«» peevish. farmers being too busy with their crop* ite in the neighbor hood. Just budding in ­ 1 W Kahler, J. N. T. Mil er and E. <’. BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES. Allât cost w«»m; nh”V'L it was had in hc«l for her g»* I valley, Klamath county, ac«’ mipmied di*saiistic 1. ill temp« red. and crankv as Attent on >** (ailed t> the professional t fo » b. Brooks, of Jacksonville, and others. As to inanufai ture it. Cal el away from ail that makes life by her daughter, Mr*. C. IL Hargadine. billonsnesx? Then* is n«i reason, whit- Durance Las also been given that a number F Foster aud his son Ed. were in town card tf Dr. A <’ Cald well, mcv hamcal and de«;-. Her family have ih»* sympathy of w ho has ju't recovered (rum a severe sped ever, why any one should suiter from in- MEN’ to be of flyers froiu Lake ai d Klamath couiuie* Li t Tut *n their s ‘1 b*reaveinent. An elder I wi I t>e on hand, and we venture the ¡re­ ford in the forenoon. ill «»LDIXT. LEAST EXPENSIVE AXI) Si'ter Ml" iil c, ha* t< r several weeks lea*rd to b. able to statu that she will . be« cure, can be so easily obtainv 1. standard trotter < la**e* Ind» id. it i.- c«g bi* prod»P t to a men bant A ;»*.v mor»- of tho*e nice straw hats are the Bas'd«* la*i Sunday, and shouts of Dr. R L Parke oiE«g e Point wa* in WOOLEN PANTS cost. From $2.00 up Htt-11 tunc**, a«, the < ircuit taking in SaL-m. le 1 at lb»* 8 F. Variety Store, and they On th*' ra.-ifle ( oast. Be sur«- and «end for MEN’ * “hur»ah l«»r the fourte-ntli of July!’ were town on .Saturday on business', lie will at San F rancisco, having received $’¡90 less Catalogue; it will b«- a » ut tre« to anyone ap­ < entral P int and Yreaa wi I c uiatitute a w.li |»e cio.-ed out at cost. For the benefit of all who may peek to i soon 1 as fr« «picnt as ch« « rs f«»r America's natal put n a planer ut tl.e Round Top saw- therefor than J Nutuin.oiir I-cal buyer plying io the Pr« *»rt time before. N-arlv nil cost. T. VAX St OY. salctn. Or. Semi the T ime * to v«rar friends East, or i day were two weeks ago. dm *, we publish the following which is 1 null near Eagle Point. of the commission merchants of Portland at any other ¡»lace. It answers belter than I Ayer's Hair Vigor has long he'd the first kept standing at the lit ad of the first, edi­ Drowned While Bathing. Mr*. Mollie Ki ause, who has been spend­ ■ nd San Franco-’O are d'-honeM. and lo’e per alt th»* letter* you can write. plu «• a* a hair «lie - ng in the estiiuati >n tor i.il column in many of our exchanges : ing scver.*l months in tn»* eastern state*, no opportunity to wu:rag« ou*ly fleece those Summons. A ’ad a « cl ient happened at firant s Ta*» 1 Subscribers who do hut give express ¡visiting relatives .and friends, returned who consign to them Beware of them. The 8. F. ‘ Examiner'’ is the bust paper ut the public. L.idi-*s lind that thu ure- last Sunday, resulting in the death of two ’ NECKWEAR, all at I parati »n gives a beaut.nu. g!os> to the hair, notii e to the contrary are considered as 1 home • ne day this week. young men. ( n ar les and Fted Thornton, on the coast, D«)ii’t fail t«» leave your sub- and pentiemen use it t» pr-ewnt bahlacts wishing to continue their subscriptions. The counlv carried a I200U insurance In the Circuit Court fur the Prate of Oregon, for the county of Jackson. j. us of H hfv Th roton. The trays went scriptions at tbc T imes office. I Judge D 1 ‘ eatt and Hull. W. Crawford lH»licv on the ’ jail, in the Fireman * Fund 2. if *ub’-crib‘-r* order the discontinuance amt ure hmm :* in the sczfp. Martha Allen. Plaintiff, v < John M Allen.D»*- TOBACCOS ALL below Cost. Escort, 3 Pugs with ibeir br«»»i.er Jthu to ihe nyr to The sun of Mis. A. W. C.iwlev < f Ko k of their periodicals the publisher may con­ ot PoitLind are in town on professional Insurance Gompsny. of San F'rancisc«». and f»*n«Unt; suit in «*quity for a divorc*. bathe af»er supper, and one »»I them ven­ Pn.nl was thrown iro n a horse one day M. B. Rank a of Klamath 1 i*y has re­ tinue t«» send them until all arrears are busin s*. They w ill soon opt n an uihee al in the adjustment of the lu > the com­ T»» Jotm M. Allen, the abov«*-uaiu«il d< feud­ for $1.00; Climax. $1.00, and all other turing beyond bis depth and bis l> other last w eek and had a leg broken. tui;. 'd ii im 1 1- eastern trip, where be pai«i Centreville, V matilla county. pany >• levied K. Kub',1 a* their representa­ ant; g >>n ’ t » Li.s a»*isauee. noth were drowned. ¡>urcha*c 1 a h»t of luachmery ter the mills tive and the county ’ s int» rv*t* were in ti e TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OT ORE- proportion. 3. If subscribers neglect to or refuse to Wm P. Milit r ami family returned from hand* of D. Linn. After examining int ) 1 gon. you are hereby requirnd to appear and Th cloud-burst on Tuesday of last week on the Klftmath river, fourteen carload* of take The remaining b 111 Talent over the mountains i which will arrive there on August 10th. which they are directed, they are held re- Klamaih eouiity on Tuesday evening and the extent of the damage the Io-* wa< tix- <1 answer the complaint >»T the sai«i ¡»buntiff will go to I’ortl in 1 at once. <’»1 J. N 1. at Jolt, which the insnr.im e <•«-mp.uty will tn th** «hnve-eutith d court, now on tile witb for the bodie*. hut without success until to the bead uf th»- Sterbng ditch. He is now in San Francisco. pon-ible till they have settled thcii bill also arrived at the Mine :.me. the C!«*rk of said c«>nrt, within ten days from next day. Holiday, when the body of one pay. th«* date of the seruioe of this summons upon at • i • rder -d th« ir paper di-u«»ntinned Hams, bacon, ami lard were never more i.’iiam • • liu's » «»I <•. ea .1 • ■. ami diar- of the boys was found at in o’clock a . m plentiful than they are now. and conse­ ▼ou, if servtxl in Jackson county, Oregon; out *. It -uh-••T . ’ bui •- nmve to other p,aces F W. Ewin r. a prominent attorney of r!i*»*.l rr.::»• I v '*the most |>ei l c ¡»f » .ra- If served in anv other county in th» Statu of and the uth* r at 2 o’c b»k «11 the aft« moon quent y area drug on th»’ markc'. Good Steck. Good Orchard*. ii’.i'»rn);ng the publisher an i the bualiiu, but f««i mei !y a res-dtn* 0« As ilaiid, tion in use ior l»owvl complaint. L acia w •• Oreg«»n. th« n within twenty days from the Th**y were both bright ai <1 promising, papers ar« t » the former direction, iu-t a $.«.»• »0 . in ihe tire at lb»* sound <|Uick, can alway s •» • dep-;i ‘ *- • up<>!» a-« l date of th< service ot this summon.* upon you; Man» of tl.e best i merly of this place, will» Ti’ir-ety stock from Re llaiid nursery, ensuing S«*pt«*nibpr term of said court, to-wit: to t;»ke perotli, at- iroiu the oflje«*, or re­ A. H. < ar*-n A S »11. proprietors, iirant ’ s IH y • ars <»f age C. C. McClendon recent.y brought some moving and leavm • them uncalle«! to* "pri- ■ now ivreg«*n. nn«i sati-f.i< ti"n has been the 2d day of September, 1H8P; and you are At Dvl-arliide’s taw-null the Fourth of- hereby that if you fail to appear and ! law. the latter being employed a* station samples of grain from his farm in Pam's ma facie” evidence oi intentional fraud. Jniy dance was kept up from H o'clock in given ill every instance. They 11 'W have answer said complaint, as hereby r»*quired. Crop.Weather Bulletin No. 19. vattey.w him were the largest ami tinrst we 6. Anv per-on who receive* a new*pa- ; agent hy the O. 1‘. R. It. Co. nt Ya'juma on lumi the ch »i» e*t lot of 2.'» jOdfrud trees, the plaintiff will apply for the relief dc- tiic evening until 10 a . m next day. have seen this season. They shouid have tity. per an»l in »Ke* use of it. whether he has ‘ F» r the weed end.ng Ju y 13. B-W, ihere ad of stami »rd varieties, ready for f »11 de­ manaed therein, to-wit: For the dissolution Parties desiring to build in Tolo this a pr »n.incut ¡»lace in th«* exhibit car in'end- subscribed for it or not, is held in law a* a <»f th»* marriage contract heretofore and now was no rainta'l in Oregon, save in a lim­ 1 C. C. Beckman and wife are expected to livery. Write for term*. spring will be furnished lumber, brick and «»1 for the » lu a npmui.t oi (he G. A. K. existing l»etw« » n you aud the plaintiff and for subscriber. ited u»e» in Jackson county. 8unshi«ie i re'.urn Ir >m Portland in a short lime. We the costs an l disbursements of this suit to be * 7. The p«»st.ma*ter who neglects t«> gi v< , ar *urr> *•» l«*a!ii that Mrs. B. is suffering and temperature above the normal ami lh«* building material at the lowest price. tax»*!. detrack will I/od^»* In*taliation. A nidl*ite, mi N. G.. Frederick Weigant of Portlaml died at Farmer*, «»rchardi-t* an l fruit-growers, Kubli, Jr. 1 ng not less than Throughout the Win Deneff; L S. to N G . E«l. Ht liu*. J. E. SMITH A. A. BASHOR. A few copies of the American Settlers’ the depot Lotti, Ashland, on Tuesday of protect yourselves from inse’t |.e*t* !»v ■tale fall-sown wheat will be an average Dr. Rivers oi Eagle Point was in town last last w»ek of ulceration uf the stomach. *praving your fruit trees A II. trs«»:i A Guide, standard authority cn all land crop, while spring wheat will lie very short Fri'lav and ¡ aid us a (all. The doctor ha* For Sale. The remains were accompanied to Port- Son of R dl-ind nursery. (|»o*mflirc Gr int’s In most set tious of western Oregon fruit matters, muv be found at the T imes office. laid I y his mother and sister on the even­ i’a*-i have secured the agency of the P. ('. ,«1».»ut (JOo acres in cutten in L«»ut> an 1, end 'Th • under-igne«l ■•lb* - for *.('« tlhv.-ulof A complut«* and thrlllinp account of th«'aw­ «fill promisei well Portland s«nt $2.490 to the Eucnsbiirg ing train «»n Wvdne*d:»y. His age was Lew ’’- combination fo ■« an I -pray pump wi I p««»bal>!y return ther«* lor» vi^it during go t »xp’u * t ie gr.uitille ion :u n * cf or« h »rd in «»ne «lay. It 1* ■ <•« «». II Judge of Portland. whn.*e wife rate*. F'or pnrtiru'ars e.d! « n ur ; d«lr .** rios. lars. «'hmeiies, tow ns and The foil »wi. g is the jury wh ch ha* been *.»hich p« Uj : f.»r ti.e ben» fit done them • •pi» ly w-ll ad »pte«I to extimgai hing a fire, Ii .* 1» • n vi.'iting the laiufiy 11. Judg»* ot M. I > -v.fr. Sam’.- val ey drawn tu do ‘ervi< c at the Angu-t u rm o A tine iinc«»t bamb«»«» ti.-.hp has just 1 tl.ru- u Ay*r s barsapariila. Long- and a *:e»dy stream can I»« instantly A*hlan«l lor some week*, came utter his the circuit (<»uit for Jo'Cphine ««»iinty I»«. :. it.eived at tl>e > F. Variety Store, *’andii:g e «'«• < «>< rl»e»imali*in yield t«» tin* M < ic» ’ . J < w II be furm*br«l wuh the pump, hi 1 for i rosten, B« li stricken multitudes and their frantic efforts to A • 1 «• »“.1 n tel* al A.*hL»ml a few ii .y* poison fr m the Lio«» L the low pri««« «.f $»;»o. Buy one, it may in -k-oii\ib<* a few days dining (he Di.»rrh«va reim*dy on hand you will always Ofs'Hp«' a horrible late. t«»guth«T with thrilling Cl»ni| b -d. 1. X Brow i g. II » man P» t*r*. H. C I lri i « - thr. -biru' «rnUit ha* been save yotir residence -r bain ir«»m «’cstrne p»xt . < k. >n*! depurtci some day«» dnee be re««Iy to cure any form of t»«»wel com- tab** of h»-r«»iu d**edH; narrow escapes from the J E Sw mien, <»eo H »n «m. > .ni Eg;» r. H since, d »mg mm ■» g« «» I t«» g.i «i n- and Í] •: of death; frightful bavin* by flre; dread­ < ir • .v» 11* place «lin ing t.«»n a* well a* enable vmi lo -a e ssfully i»»r >»* uti.* and Tacoma, accompaived by I plaint. It ii prepared esjiecially for that pains il S. ar in. J T K I» i ts n. T J Ma< kin J«»* or» bard . .** wed us purifying the aim«».- envag»*«t a* J. ful sufferings of survivor*; robbing the vic­ * purpose, and is a sur«* cure. 2.V ¡»er bottle. tims. « D S x- ¡»here the week • ■ - - ■ /• k worn He ha* • oinbat in-ei t pests. Mi*s Dticnkel of the last-numcd city. D» *<-rt. John H dl. SM» > i gv, . No such picture of horrors was ever !»<*- Sold at City DrugS»«»re an«i by Engel Bros., f«»r«‘ witnessed-m« » uh 1-I;’ig ol tiacli« n tun Wm< r w, He ry Gr.»*s, F Dv inge . n, women aud children bv «». W. >te> hensou wid retire from in«- :«n u».tir< in E. V. Carter. E. V. Mills and M. L. Al­ Phrnnix. th«»usunnd. owing to inj.11 engine, *up.*r.it«»i, etc. He does first c’a*s Card <»f Thanks. ford and wivas, accompanied by T. A. God- moment's warning. Lincoln. G.o S muions. Fi F' Hath » » ¡«y. ries rvi.eiVed in an accident some months w- rk and is deserving of a .iber.il patron The undersigned hereby tender fluir fr. v. G. C. E»lding!i and Geo. Vnnpel of age for his enterprise. Fully Illustrated ullli th Id Scenes of the A Strong Team. since. sincerest thank* to th »su’ who so kindly A*iiland, are rusticating in (he Pedean bay For iMhirmatini» r«-gardinc prie«* on town lots*. improved < ity property or landa.addre** ■ Great I alnnili) . Oregon AMociation. ulxivi-, «»neb »sing stamp. Will convey ln«juir« -rs to their pr«»p« Hy an«l give tb«*m all the Infor Pe’cr Henderson ami Fred Luy. Jr.. I»o’h Nasal catarrh is prob ibly one of the most lent their assistitile-* and sympathy during am! Wood river country, Klamath county. Major Barron’s l »sses of cattle from EVERYBODY WANTS THU BOOK. niatinn «•one» ruing th«* country. frreof ciiMige. popular anl expert to.isori;»! arti-ts, have The annual atMiun • f the Oregon Pre'*» blackleg amount to about 12 h« ad to date, (L*agreeabie ailments that a pers >n van the last iilnes* «»f our daughter Bertha. R. L. I*h came in on Tuesday morning I formed h partnership ami will hereafter be AfiMociation is ca’lvd to meet at N»-wp»»rt, and the disease seems to have about run its beafll'ctei with. If Dutard’s Specific is M r . and M r *. H. V. H elms . with a detachment of soldiers from Fort A Bonanza for Agents. found in the barbershop opposite the Ytiqiiina bay. Fruity, Augu.-t 23, 14W. use«! with a dou( be or even *nutl\d up the Klamaih, to esc«*rt the paymaster and in- (¡ran«i Central hotel at Medford. IT you Strik»* while the !r«»n i* hot ’ This is the only b<»l lingovtr ihr 21th. Arrangenu-iits h iVc course. It ram no*e. according to directions, morning and .*1 ector-generftl of the Department d s Sir * ap »riiia, wmeh beetle»ted. ^«»Id by E. C. Bru *k . 1* poor, you are bothered with headache, I I «• parly took the Rogue river route to to fifty copies a «lay «nd coining money. Act iiit**’»«*t to the frail 1* being prepared. gives strength, a g.O’M! appetite an«l manner, give them a call Quickly hd «! semi for terms and circular A*h!an i was considerably worked up you are fidgety, r.etvoti* and ge»i* rally out the Fort, much the pleasantest route for There »hupld be a full attendance, a- bu*i- health. free, or. to aecur«’it instantly, send 50 Cent« of sort*, and want to brace up. Brace up. over a lire in th«' mountains south of to vn traveling at this season. for complete canvassing outfit and name ne«*’* ot im|H»rtancv wdl be iransacie I Medford Soda Works. Two little g rls ¡11 Lakeview ran a .»0-yar«i last wu’ k. Abo it twenty men fought lire but not with sti iiulant*. spring medicines, choice of territory. Addr<*M J. K N. B lll , l*re*ideiit. f«»ut ra « loi |2U ft *:<1<1 of) lint 5lh . inst. and “back-lire«! ' the tout hern ridges and or bitur*, which have lor their basis very Persons desiring s«>da water of a l kinds 1 11 yc Ni< kill , Secretary. THE HISTORY COMPANY, Itemember Tliii Lille Bum . aztd tvh yeirs/woii the prevented r*n ugly burn in the foothills, ch«ap. bad whisky, and which stimulate pi (planlitie» to suit can leave their order* Nau Kraneisro, Cal. ■ays tlje ‘‘Tuiiugs." It ha* since been ex- you tor an hour and then leave you in | If you are sick 8i»unions’ Liver HeguU- with John Dy ar or th*» undersigned and 723 Market Street, money. ** w«jrs • condiumi than before What you i tor will *urely aid nature in making you they will Ise tilled promptly. Families al-o o 4t BLnrnt h »* A*move«! his stock {if XiBgui*hc frby rani want is an ulterative that will purify your well. If you are costive or dyspeptic ur arc I' hm I ip ed from the laxative an l nutri most reasonable rates. WM. M. COLVIC, At Ih • r ■■■ciit Ht.ije robbery n :»r lionan- b ond, start healthy auion »»f liver and I *uffuring from any other of the numerous furni'hed at the W. t»«»u.s juice oi ('alifuinui tig*. c«»mlint*d goods from > s*o.i, (’al., to A*>h. mJ ami L. W ehstek . Medford. Agents for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jo«. Sehlitz Brewing Com- kidn-ys, restore your vitality und give re- diseases of the liver, stomach or bowels, it XH, flic high ( :iymen oxcrlooKe ’ ! ■( registered pierg«*«t it with Ins a Iren ly immense as ­ with ihe medicinal virtues of ¡»Ian:-kno.» n A1T«»RNEY AND COl’XSELOR AT LAW. p i. k i--" nd l’c” <1 t" «he ¡and otllce, < on- newe«i be.nth ami strength. 8ueh a medi­ is your own fault if y<»u remain ill, for to be n»o*t benetical to the human *\ -turn ; sortment. dacktoncllle, Oregvn punv, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Schmidt & Co.’s Sarsaparilla and «¡lining »U1. when giiing through the <<n fail t«j » all soon stag* driv* r *«» lie n.dignity ot cnvel'fiiing application. Brazil order* may hr fil»cd by f s ived the life of my little giil by h A ®upply of ih«; best shakes and shingles I consin. l'oit» For Hate. The »ii ii'h.tlot Lakeview re«rnt v raided h s h* < 1 in .1 drawers kg. while 'bey were prompt Us«* of Dr. Acker * English Reniedv ha* just been receive«! at the T ime .* office. J W. H«»« kennph. Ashland. i 11» on flP» tn Pblla«!'Wnhta jattb« Newspaper A-1'ær Two hundred tine. large « tdarp» t can the gMiiil» i *g d( n* and capture«! a nuiu- lusurety lo'kuiK "Ver ’h • on’ents ot the lor Consumption I • - 'Am. » ’farri- » wh ch wi l be sold