The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 18, 1889, Image 2

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íhv óí.úc’.iaíií¿¡me1;
The tuuHt unfortunate occurrence that ha.** :
Ehsh* I-anchil.t or tittle Klamath lake liaU caUetl for comment by the prena for many u
du), watt tli«- burntiitf «>f the county jail nt this '
JI I.Y IS, Is*!». uno ot hi» loirs 1'i.igru last week
I ha* Murruy ut l.lnkvlllc Is ts-inx visited j laCc ¡not Friduy in^ruing nt about Mi o\iu*.k, ,
when three pnscucr» contlued therein, in '
' by In» '.'si> r, who lives lu Canada.
s-rxAiOK F air is rupuried to have
Haying 1* appr. achiu* It* close and harvest livipIvH* Mguny eudurvd a thousand dtutlw iu
anticipation before being tuffucAled by the
bought Woodward'* gardon«, S»u Fran wtll cviaiucui.»- *uuner tu*u usual.
ciaco, and will |.reserve them as a pails
Orvel A. Smith, whewe family lift, been at ««tuuMe. Th* fire, wbui Hr»t dlvcavered by
perauoB on the outside of the Jail, bad
i Keno, died *t Vreka. Cal. not lung «lac«.
for the bay city.
Spilrft Jaquett* of Reno was In Rogue rlv- gained such headway HN tu be beyond control,
and an it wmt 11 km ted in the front portion of
B illy Mi arm, the Australian feather­ 1 cr in ley a r.-ftt days since, oil laud business
weight tighter knocked out Johnnie Urif-
V »’. I.ewi, has resigned a* aMtstant to John the building, acceaa to the ceils wah entirely
tin of Boston at San Francisco on the 12th w st, men. prvi'rielor of the Lmkville barber­ rut <»ff and no help nor succor could reach the
prisoners, despite their piteous cries. The
after three rounds of hard fighting.
| Smart will soon complete the as- first alarm was given by Sam Tajlor, and the
’ f*uM.<«iiit nt «»I tin cuuntv. He k ituin*
k < kh 1 engine and hose were soon on tbr ground, but
F kksno , California, is the latest town I wurk.
through mismanagement it was sometime be­
to rep<■!’. an extensive tire. It occurred
Vn<•»•• Jnn l.iuUitay h auain <ni deck at th«' fore an effeetivv utriain «»f water reached the
The deepest cut necessary in the
on the 12th, and not less than 1'20,000 l.inkvilh
b«>t«-l, having thumbed hl* visit tu
hr»-. Much water wa.*« thrown in buvitrta. but race-track at agricultural park will be but
worth of business houses went up in Cahloriita.
a little over a foot in depth. The track
did little good. The flam«*»* at the west win­ will he even better than was anticipated.
Th«* hay crop in light an«! the yield «»f iriaiu
will be t« ry >mail, uwiug t«> the ununually dow wen* partly kept in subjection by a small
Kurth A Miller, who intend opening a
force-pump in the hand« of A. 11. Carsun uf
Tut. repott of the superintendent of dry wi-ather.
ciotliing store in Uns place, have commenc­
the penitentiary at Salem showed the
Many •«tot k-raiaers will dUpoac of tbe irrt'uf- Joffephinr county, but tlu* volume of smoko ed the construction of their budding, which
nun*ber of convicts on band on Jane 30 er }H»rtiou uf their herds, owing to the mvht - and tiamrs st»*adily increased in th«* int« ri- will be a line, veneered brick, two stories
city of buy.
or for full twenty minutes after the crowd ar­ high and after the latest style.
to tie 305, an increase of 23 during the
quarter. Of this numlier 203 are em- Th« Bonanza public school baa ekiard. after rived. An entrance was finally rff«*vted into
We neglected to say 111 our last letter to
a mieei-Mrfful luriik under the inHUagciuunt of tin front room and after a lapse uf almost a
t'loved in
111 tho
the foundry,
foundry. That institution Prof. FftUrelo.
the T imes that Central Point's celebrated
half hour from th«* first alarm, th«* locks gray race-horse ' Tom," owrei bv ('. <1.
never was tw-tter managed or in a more
W. !’ Mftore. who in in charge of the Br«»oka of the corridor were smash«il with a sledge Rippey. scooped thepersinimons at Grant's
ti uirialiing condition.
farm n* nr l.inkvilit*. h.u* n tui uvd from his
and an entrance gamed to tb<* ceils, from Pass on the 4th. w inning two races.
trip to < Miifuruia.
which the dead bodies uf the iumutc»« were re­
T hs strike continues in Carnegie's
l»r. Van Dyke and Messrs. Judson ami
Judge Park< r and S. B. Cranston, attorni xs-
steel plant at Homestead in Bennay Iva- at-law, umt* f«»rtuud a paitutrship for the move«!. In the #rst cell on the right was the Stewart, representing the Southern Oregon
corpse of Frank Warner, the young German State Board of Agriculture, inspected the
12th —
ma On
« .. the
..— 1-5
‘.—- the strikers pra« flee uf their prufegHiuu.
took possession of the town and defied
Sh. riff « hildrr** give« notice «hut hr will m il who burglarised Blount's store at Ashland grounds at agricultural park on Monday
v. ial pi»t«•» of iandou August '.»th. to >ntisfy sometime in May last. 11«* was lying on the and are h:gbly pleased at the progress
the authorities. Men employed at the w«
Hour with blood howiug from bis mouth and made
other mills eontrolled by Carnegie have th«- tax«*H due «» q them.
nost*. indicating a m«>st painful death, li»*
Another n«*wspai»«*r is talked of lu tbisruun. was clothed, tint had ♦ *vid«*ntly drt ssid hur­
A prominent citiaen of the county was
signified their intention of quitting work
Hil l, as the li«*hl k w uh* « nough t«»r it also, riedly, and was douiithws ar«»list'd t»y the fire inspecting the fair grounds last wet It and
if the demands of the striker* arc not ac- ty;
w expect to »«•♦• the sc hr UM* luatcrialixr.
or smoke, from slumber. The »»ceupant of the inimerliately wanted to subscribe for the
cw-led to.
• attk* ar«* < hrapvr than « ver in KlaniMth second veil uti th«- same Md«* Nt*wt. 4\»<>k was balance of the capital stock untaken, as be
ouuty. «»wmg t > tlu* intention of many to th«* name under which he wa-* committed, but predicts that the association will l»v M
Si.s vtOltWA-llHi'k.v is reported to be in cut d«»wu then* h’ ol** to lit their stock ot hay . which is*uppos«*d to have been an alias- was success and tne stock away above par in a
ali*o clothed and had ttiniwn himself on his
financial strait*, and i* closing up buai-
J \. B<> h <.tuin has retired from th«» nianagt*- knetw beside bis couch, his face r«*sting ou ids year front imw
nes* affairs prcparal >ry to taking a trip tn«*nl «»! th«' •>tar,” hid ! is Hucuet*»l«*«l by his hands ami his body partially on th»- b«d He
Henry Wilson has built a neat store
*>n. it I. ll ’Wifuin, an<f m «* h - iu -I hw , W. L. hadstriwn to i*iclu«it* the smuk«'by hanging
uleoad. lie has rccentlv lost a large Gr«fn»*.
his bedding ami blankets in front of his d«M>r. building east of the depot aril near the
amount of money, end his retirement
and many supposed that he was >1111 alive Baptist church, where he keeps a nice as­
It u* sui«i tin«! th«* bridge arrow Khtinatli from a fancied movement, the dropping of his sortment of tuiilinerv goods, notions, cut­
from the firm of V/ashburne, Martin A river,
in ai K« no. is n««t altogether safe. It
Co., at the close of the current year. should I h * looked after at uuce and thoroughly arm fn»iu his chest, when carried out to the lery. groceries, tinware, etc. llis prices
<>p< n air. Cook was tlu* man who purloin»*«! are reasonable
He will also pay the hielt-
Septum tie* I, is »aid to be compulaory rvpair«*d.
Pr»»l. J. B. Farley’s (nercoat from th»- I’. S.
He »pent too much in hi* senatorial race • Th«- tlrit teach« rs* institute, un«k*r tbr rtti- hotel suiiie months ago, aud was committed on est price for eggs.
cient inaii.igi-nu nt of Supt. F«»untain, having a charge of larceny in a dwelling. The re­
in Minnesota.
l>r. John A Bro >ks. the tinted prohibi­
i»r«»v»d an umpialitlvd succvmm . another will I»«*
t«sl at Medford a few we» ks since on a charge tion-ptak-r di 1 not speak at Central Point
held at an early day.
of larv«*ny fr»»m th«* blind la«iy cl»*<*utioni>t. as announced last Friday, and a disap­
rmi.ANTItKOHST C ¡3 IlOUlld to
Jos Eun ry. I’ >. In«!ian agent, will receive Mi**s stt inbnch, at Tai« nt. lie was arrested at point'd audience was comp« lied to disperse
make hie men see the justice of that 20 bids
until 2 o c I lm k i*. m of August 2. 1*<H9. for Portland, chaig» d with th»* »»ffcncc, wiien on
lictring a long-null ipated ora­
per cent, reduction in wages if it takes furnishing an I delivri mg at Klamath sg« noy his way to Michigan, from w filch state he cam»* without
tion. l’ut'lie speakers i aim it lie tret care-
the whole force of Pennsylvania to do it. al«««ut HM.tMJl) Um u« t b « f. T2.UUU lbs flour and t«> < iregon, ami where he is said to have a w lie ml l.ow they miss appointtni uts of tins
living, flit* testimony elicited at tin* prelim­
Hn» oats.
The sheritf who is arguing «vith the strik­
inary examination was not conclusive a." to
ers declares his intention of swearing in
A lara«- num!»« r of vows an«i h«*ifrrs have the guilt of tfie accuse«I,amt his attorney , S. S.
two thousand additional deputies if nec­ t»« « n spaye«| lately, the m « m kraisen* bring Pentz of Medford, had drawn up th»* n<-c«*>aai >
to rut «low ii their herds t<» accommo­ pa pt rs t«> t tT«*ct his release on a writ of habeas
essary. With all this assistance it is oblig'd
date the rang«, which is I»«*« uinmg mor«* lim­ corpus tin* day he met his death. His dem!
thought lie will be aide to convince the ited each year.
I hk I). undresx d. was ft>und partially m bed in
XV S. (iiUlis
iìiifli'« has b«cotne
btcoine a permanent
workers that Mr. Carnegie's taritf is sole­ Sheriff <’biid«*rs giv«*M n«»ttcc that hr will sell the front cell on the left of the hallway, his resident of lbi> ¡1 ice.
h»*a«i enveloped in the blankets, evidently hav­
ly for the benefit of American labor.— J.O, llamak« i-s resident-«* in Linkville to sat- ing
striven to keep out tht- smoke, anti his
J. N Phillips, the attorney, w is at Ash
isfy h ju lgmciit iiiiu'unflng to |I7'J) Al and
E fUninrr.
t'H resting on the fluor. After the rescue land -Monday evening <»n bu* nv*<.
costa In favor of II. L« vl A ('«>., of Sau Fran­ km
cisco, un Aug. loth.
H hiii « * tn the r»a»f were extinguished ami then*
E. ii. Hurt intemls establishing a combi­
St li ivan , the pugilist, in «till
A heavy fr«»si occurr»*«! in W. mk ! river dia- was much apprehension hst th»* mijoining
through the country, and took in Chica­ trirt «»nt night at th«* I m ginning .»f this sheds and wtMMipik*»» sh«»uld take tire ami « u- nation fem e maiiuiuctory in Luk»* < ouuty
Thus llarlm ha« gone |<» his 'an«l claim
go in hi* carn.imferotis round last Friday. month, which killed much of th» grain, vege- danger th«* eoui t-lions«*.
In tin* aft« rn«M»n ('«»miler Pi t«•♦• «-inpan« I«*«! on Rogue river, where a portion of bis
»t«. Everything was i«M»king nicth
In bi* semi-Hecluaion,rendered necessary tables,
a «-omner's jury c«»mpos< «j ».f Peter l.lim r, A. family is 1 ca rd h r fl e | iv'tuf.
there pre vious to that tim« .
by teason of the watchfulness of the po-
II. Maegly, ( ha>. Prim, A. I.. ICeiiter, F. If.
Active «»pei-Htions I« m .king to the improve- Neil, ami II. Weydcmnn, and pr«M*vt*ded to In »Id
h-e, who intimate a desire to depiive
<’. (>. Damon is at Jacksotivi!!?, putting
in»*nt «»f th»' roa«i between Paisley hik I the an in»picst over the t»odies. district Attorney the furniture, carpets, e c , 11 ft A l ow
bin» of liberty, he manage* to enjoy the stat«*
lin«* a ill s « mhi < oinmenc«'. A ftrst-t'lass < olt ig questioning tlu w itness« s.
recently > I t to John A Low, in pl u • .
sweets of sporting life to his heart’s con­
Tli« first witn»*s>. Phillip Miller, t«*stifi»sl that
no oik was at th«* jai! w iien lie hcurd the alarm
tent. lie and Muldoon and others of the appr«»priation is large enough.
you arc in Mriior l visit f’ha.dcy
ami ran «l«»wn; that tlu* pris«»nt*rs w«n still
party were to start for New York, im
Th«-farms lying bel«»w the ditches promift* cry tug “fir«*!that th«- l»laz»* was coming out Broils ««I tli»* Raiiro:*«l Ext h mg *. w h • i;< « ps
Canada, on Sunday last. It is reporteil gtsMicropM. which is • videnc«*that «»ur coun­ ot l»uth wimlow-*, but tlu* h«*iivicst fr«»m th«* the best of every «hing in hi-» lit e ami never
mud rely more or k*** ii|M»n irrigation. east window, that the sounds from the iu - fails to pie tse all who <* g I! .
that Governor Hill lias granted an order try
But for the <liu*h»*H, wc w«»uldn<>t haveruough mates s«M»n after cca.setl.
far his arrest.
h lu at t«>r flour during the coining seaa«»n.
The Monar« h saloon at Medford. un«!et
J A. U i I mhi ttwtitied that lu* assiste«l in re­
moving tlu- bodivsfrom thecclisandthKthe the management «»f H. H.\VoH»r«.i j.r •
Th« l.inkvill»* Mill. I'luin«* and Ditch Com­ ih«»ught th»*rt* whs iif»* in the t»tHiv of th«* H«’- ins a ¡»op rr> *rt. The best of ev r>-
T iik grand lodge of the Ancient Order pany fihd art:cl«*s t>f incorporation withth»*
«»tie rciiii»v»*d. New t.< «M»k. Ù
“ i lauti Unti- thing in that line is k« pt there
ol I nited Workmen last week elected seen tary «»f Mate recently. The principal «»f- cond
tied as t«» th»* p»»siti«»ns «»f th»* I hm I h - s when
the following officers for the ensu­ fl« will b<* at Uinkvilk*; capital stock. |25- fouml^uftst.uitially ie stated above. Also
incoriM«rMtors, \l« xandcr Martin. G. W. that lie was at the jail at six «»"cha k _____
an<l that
ing year
Tnunias A. Stephens, grand <■■♦*.
red im r in tins place, for |.T«o. to E .1
Smith and J N Summers.
fir» wa- coining out of both windows and over Montague, lately «»t Douglas County, win)
master; J. J. I’aly, foreman; Oliver
Hay n« svill»-h.ui it» rtr*t baptism of fire on»-
purchase'! the iw«> lot* ndjoinintf < t
Hail, overseer; N. Clark, recorder; «lay last wr» k. th« puatoffiicr and *«»ine adjoin­
P« t» r Boetclicy t«*>titied that h»*pa>s«*don th«*
«*t in front ol the jail at .i. »u .•’« Io« k in th»* Paul Chartrand.
R. I.. Durham, receiver. The following ing building*» being d«*str«»y»d It is reporttsl str»
morning, an«l that then* w as no sign of tn <* at
rei re.wntatives to the supreme loilge that J L. Truitt’s st«»r«* al*.» t*uc«*iimbed. The that turn*.
H. Klippel, the bvc rcal-edat • of
Iona is rc|M«rt»s| at sevrai huntired dol'ars.
w-re elre’ed : E. I.. Smith, \V. D. Hare 1 Tiie
Win. Deneff testiti»*d that he w'as«b*putx sh« r- Me lfuni, tep<»rts 11« ’<n «»winz « i\> «turinz
origin of tin* fir«* is unknown.
pad week J. F R.itfs.iaic to J. A
and I". C. Van Epps. I'he salary of the
S R ♦ • an«I wife hav«> r« tt.rn»i| from tli»* sheriff was gone; that he «lid not sleep C-'chr-n. I'harrc« near (’• lo. «‘«»nsnhra
giand recorder was raised from )150t» to south»
rn » ahfornia, where th«*v *uc«*«>rd<d in tluretht* night pr«*c«*tling tbr ttre. as he was lion. $!«*>». Chas Ni k. 1 i > Ja . b John
♦ ltk)O. t he next meeting of the grand i finding tlu ot»j»*ct of th»ir -••arch, th«* only cnll»s| to his min»s on .fa« ksoii tret k to fight a sun; lot in Me«ifor«L
«■hud of their iut« -on. Motif. Cranston, who mountain fir»* raging ubuut his claim; that to­
lodge will be held at Astoria
<ii« «i h t«*w years mner. The l«»st Iwty. now r«^ wns in tiie jail andchniig»*«! Iiisdotiu-s prepar­
rhe only >on uf Jul ti-j G« l«ldnith an«i
turn« «1 to the l»o««nn ..f hi- family, is six v«-ars atory to leaving, betwts-n nim- ami t«*n «»'cl«a-k wife died at this place Tuc'day morning
• hi th» preceding « \cuing; that there was m»
I t will la- welcome news to many in i old autl enjoying g«Msl h«*alth.
Hr«- ab»»ut tiie jail at that tun«*. • x«*«-pt tin* can- and was bur.e«l in th»* Jrwidi cemetery at
the indemnity railroad lan 1 limits to
Although advertised v«*ry lift!«*, the celebra- • II«- in- iis«*d; that tlu* t andh* wa». not «»>• r tin« « Jacksonville, the f«»lowing «lay. a !a«*.’e
know that the land offices are now al tion at P»*lican bay was ne'vert b»-l«*MM well at- im h«*s long ami was in a «an«ll«-sii< k hanging number » t our people beng i»i i'f< n l mi r.
lowing proof to lx- male and payment !en«l«d and sii« « » -*»Gil. The <>rati<»nM by Chas. «•li th«' «-ml of tli«* war«ii*«>i»c in his sl«*cping- Rabbi Ja «»bs ot Ja<*ksonvrl • utli< iate<l at
Silv« rs an«l Mr Tay l«»r and th«* r«*ritations by room: that tu was sur«* that h«* bl» u out th»*
the ceremonie'b
received .<> 'he minimum rate of fl 25 ' Miss.-s sp. n«i wer* « rfslitabb* efforts, and th«* candl»-
before leaving, as lie had trout»!»* in
per ace r locations in this belt,instead | singing by th» . ...... <dut»and th»* music by the finding the keyhole in tin- *iot»r wb«*n he cam»*
H. H. Wolters, the mix»»lsgist. has re­
of t1 .regular land grant or double inin- The noon lay r«-pad. spr«*a«l by th« la«li«*s. had
opened the saloon f«»rnierly kept by A. 11.
linnm r ite of
5-1 per acre This is as the full« st iustu•• d uu* it. lot it whs » xc» llent. bl«' t«> hud him; that lit* left wor«i f»»r him with «.’ark-on, thoroughly refitting it and mak­
it should lie, for it is a very far-fetched A pi« asaut bail in th« » v« uing « i«»««nl the vxcr- tiu’city marshal, at the hotel and with several ing many improvements, lie has supplied
other parties to the effect that hr w«mld not tn* the bar with the lined wines, litjuois and
construction of the law- to supisrse that c ia<*s.
I i« k that night amt p«*rhaps mH th»* next
the settler shall tie called U| hjii to bear
Tlu- f.ib m < w ho rol>b««| th«* stage were either night; that Birdcy's customary place of slce}»- cigars, an»l a tin** billiar«! table enn ttko I»«*
«'iihorns or sfrang« rs, aa nu»»t <»f tlu* money ing was in the building in th»* court-house found there. Give him a call h.r hr wili
tin burden of the land grant when living gr«
treat you well.
which is transport»«! »»v» r this rout«* vomra
more than twenty miles from the railroad from !*Mk** < ..unt) . John t'art»-r was driviug. yard, formerly occupied as a aht-riff*» offi« «.
that h<* l'M'k-d f«»r him th» r«*, but was una!»!<
ar.d entirely outside of the original grant hik ! th»' robl»« rs <»r«h r« «l him to disiuuu it. to tiihl him; that Io- H*»ke«1 >*«m Dt-Huiioain it
S i : i Rr.TAKY B lmnk r-.iisn.1 |>rrnii*.~iuii
when th« y i iti«s| his | mh kvtsaa well ms it»«* ex- Hirduey was at th»* h«»t«*l ami lie said h»* di«i n«»t
pr» ss b.«x and mail - t* k. Th* y b|in<lf«tided th»* know; tln*< hr«* sh« riff « aeh ha«l k« y s to toiheofficei* and men of th* French
•Irtv» r an«l f«»«»k the hariu ss to i>i«*r»*s, telling the fn»nt d.M»r <»f tiie jail; flint th» k«-yst<> tlu tnm-of war “Admiral Dctjieane’’ to
art« i not h> 1« av» until aft« r 1» minutes had corridor «!«»or hung in tin* sh» riff's ofti«*e. then*
A C hicaoo tlispalch to the .S'. /'. Er- i expired;
but h< start« <1 for Bly* ms soon as hi i»»*mg but «»Be set of them. In answer to a land ill a body and a**i»t their fellow
imlinzr say*: E. B. McElroy of Salem, c«»uld and gav»' th«* alarm, «In«'«* when avar«-h •iu«biion
by « hi »- of tbe jurors witness stitti-d>mi'll in ■■••lelirat! n,' the centennial
commander of the Oregon Depart­ for th» in has l»»*rti going ««u. rii«*y were at- tnat h«' did n«»t notice wh« th»*r th»*r«* was a of ti e fall of th.« Bi-tile by th" /
ment of the G. A K , who is in this citv, all'. aith o|<| shirts and h««l»'S <-ut in them mo «'••al on the wick or not, wh«*n in* t»l«*w out th«- Ernueui). at ’'in i-ran h . o last Sinxljv,
that tht* randl« stick w.c* about tiv«* |
regrets the trouble iii the east over rail­ that th« \ • ' uld -.*.* for headg» ar.fheir f«*» f br- caudle;
inch's« in <liame>* r; that tb» r«- was a rim i and there is much indajna’i hi
load rat* s, winch stem* likely to break ing • nc!«*s«d with gunny «ackii.
around th« b«»tt4»m at»out an inch ami a half |
••oii-eqneiu:' aiinm.' the nationslitv
uigh; that part of the • andh-stick w.ts bunging which equally with Aiiierii-ans rev. re»
up the Nation,d Encampment. Heaaya
that *0 far a« the depirtinent of Oregon
wheu Mr. Maegly and b» examined it, but the the memory of EiFayotte. Biaine is
i* concerned, it cannot observe any or­
bottom had mt*if«s| out.
getting grouty in hi* obi age, an 1 ir.t. i na­
sh* riff Birds»*y being called, testified that In? tional courtesy it by no meins hi.-i |"t
der relative to non-attendance ttnlc-s ts-
W. J. Wi n. r is at Cumi bay.
aned dirvi tlv bv the commander-in-
fied the buditw as being thus« of the prisone rs. hobby. It does seem, h raev"r,:is though
Farmers are b»»«*y in tbr harvest-field.
chief. If the Wisconsin G. A. K. men
Frank Warner. Newt. Cook ami Harry Hoov­ he might have teserve 1 so b rse an af­
W M It *yal and family arc paying tbe coast er, (-«»ntiuvd in the jail, each being h»*l«i umler front for some less friendly power tiian
have the courage t > proceed, McElroy
a viail.
charg»* ot crime; that Newt. c»M»k was a na-
haul, then, if need be, the Oregon de­
t. v. .>i Tennv*»-« • and sup(M»st*d to have b«*< n La Belle France, with whom our rela­
Tin s I' D A L. < • -> mill at M»*rlin is again a singh man; that H« hiv » i whs from Michtgan
partment will come "ti single-handed
tion* have been so cordial of late. In the
ii« r<; tluHight be ha«i a wife there.aud 55 years archiveaof the nation, which i* the "tn-
and alone to met t with ti.eir comrades running on full citn**.
wh * a nativ« of Hamiverand
In Milwaukee. Oregon will bring from
alsHit In years old an«l a singb* man; that h» bodiment of the ideal of lilcrty, re|'>•*»»
four to six earloads of wine*, with still reriUftof court us usual.
dl«1 not g« t word that D« n«tT had 1« ft th«* jail the key of tho Bastile. that synonym of
and supiMiwed h«* whs s|e« ping there; had n«» class rule and oppression, which the
other products, for free distribution, and
means or knowing how the jail t«»«»k tire, was
all the posts will have a free, full and plentiful In this mark« t.
up. hi tin* str«*«*t wh«*n lu first heard <»f th« tire; Frenchman hated <ven more thin he
Several of <»ur h»»r«« tarn spent Monday at on arriving at at th» ,iail. as s»»on as l»m k« ts of hated tbe aristocracy which well-nigh
standing invitation to participate and li-
Central Point and J a« ks>nvHh*.
wat»*r were pns
• M’ urinl
ur«tl. «»p«*n»«l th«* out» r <i«»«»r. reduced the jieople to serfdom; and vet
bate at the Oregon lie idqnarter*.
th- sin*riIT
__ * ollie»-arut got k«*y>
Jo«*S«*<»tt paid his uncle, I R. NiclioU of Cow First ran into th«*
to the corridor «1« m » t ; that th« i Mas nothing the secretary of state of these I’nited
• re« k. who is very *ick. i visit recently.
» >
. i.w bring* new »ensation* in
t«» prevent his o|M-ning
„ the »l«N»r on his Stat-s refuse* tiie courtesy of lan ling on
Fr»*«l H >rd of th»* K >«»*burg •,R»*vi««w‘ spent arrival; * that
Ins r**ason for not doing so
of' uinhination* and trust* and
a f»*w days at th« <*«»unt) -a«*at recently.
was that it w >uld incr«*a>e tlu-draught; that it our siii.i es to the officer* ami crew ol a
■ .... me* of aggregated capital to control
wa* tlv»- minutes «»r more that lu- waited for man-of-war belonging to the nation
R M' Arthur’s mill at Grant's Pass Is turn­ Hie water; that h<* went in ns soon as th«' which is following close in our footsteps
the course < f buainesi on thia continent.
ing out thuuMands of nu<* «hlngirs «laily.
w«’r«* stoi»|H*«| an«l tri*«l to unlock th»*
Thu predict! n of r harles Francis Adam*
I.. Darnrill»-hits left this county forCrrs- »l«H»r; <li«l nnltH k «»nt* of th«*m; but th»* l«»ck« in the recognition of popular right*; a
of ajine years ago that there would soon c« H nt city,
were h«»t; th»* d«w»r was sprung. nn«l th«- key boon requested of him by naturalized
< al., iiccoinpanied by his family.
he a syndicate of railroad» which would
«tuck in th»* s«<-iHi«l lock anti w«- ha«l to br«*nk
A fin«*, large rntisn a! inatrummt. costing th« in knock tlu-in off -t»>’< au*e they were no 1-renchmen who merely wish.i i to jubi­
control the transportation of the conti­ tlo^.h.u*
1« «*n put m th»« Park saloon at Grant « hot they eouhl not be han«lle«l; Hint w«* got in late together with their countrymen in
nent seems about to tie realized. The P ush .
thtti, g»»t th»' fr«»nt »l«»or op«*n nml negan thia ¡.iiiil of the free, on the centennial
consolidation uf thirty-five railroads,con­
A child <»f Mr Rradford of M«*riin, which baa kivs'king th«' liM'ks off »»t the«-«*ll «lours »«nd anniversary of the downfall of oppression
trolling about lOO.OOT miles of track and b»»«*n «¡nA«* HI f«>r s. .iiu tinu', <ii»*d a few day« pat king th»* is»dh*a out. Mr. Birds« \ rxplnin- in its t iltrt form.
•i| that tlu k«*y > for Hie inn» r c «-II i I<»« h > w » i *»
a capital of
1,000,001), is practically ago.
kept in the lM*dr«Mnn itn<*. th«* partition had
act omplisl.ed, and ths inter-state com-
A number of substantial t»iitl«!iogs are being l»urne«l an»! fallen down on th« in. that he af­
OerevlsMel P'ulHrne*«.
rapidly terwards f«»und on»* ring with two k» y> on it,
uten ■ Gw will sci.n g> tu tbe wall when
Dr. Hint's Remedy, t ik'-n when vertigo,
on«- of them partially nu*lt«*l off; that In* dni
moving aiu ad.
opposed to it- intl iencc on the legislative
not take h»»i»l »»I any «»f tlu- l»»nlh*N t»» ln*lp «'iir- orca cei l faintm *-,nan- a,loss i.f ap
R *v J. S McCain, wh » is employ»«! at th»* ry them <»ut; that In* »lul not h»*ar anything ill d inability to sleep npi car. 1 ’ . etite
bodies of the country. Almost every
wil i ri vi nt
Slirtx Indian r«*«i i vation. made his o|«| h«>me a from tin* i»ris<ni« r* ntf« r h« arrlv»*»! nt th»' jail;
staple >ommodity of the country, ir om
11 vii velopment'if inflaiiiari n
viait recently.
went out l»«>nic tin* jail and cnlhsl to them, but 01 which tin—e sre th« th-' I'd the urani.
breadstutl». meat and castor oil to srt eel
<1111; toms.
n<»MBHw» r from them; that lu- was la.*t in
H. E. Hark new« has rrnmv«d to Coquille city. got
jail and li»-ar«l th»- prisoners laughing ami l>e eiiptive treatise with e.ieli I» itile. or,
beam* and railruad*, are now manipula­ C imja
county, wh» r« lu* ha.-» alr«*a«ly introduced th«'
addres- Mack Drugl'o. N Y
ted by trusts, and a beginning fia* hard­ a ¿«Mia t»»untain.
ly been made in the work uf organization,
Rirdscy ami I>»*n«*fl both recount«*»! the par-
Cirwuit court <*«»mni»*ti« » s two week« from
LnilirV tlftrar»
truly tlits is the
to the Novem­ next M Hulay A* wi,| b • m *»* ii »*ls.*wh»*r«*, the ticiilars of an ntt< inpt«s| u*«-np«* of two of the
rs nboiit t wo months ago. but as there Of those Cosmetic which, i’.t- totlie iacc a
ber election that we might have ex­
was no evi«i«*nce «»f the pre*» nt hr«- having or-
pected ,
The •W.wi Shor ' ha«1 a <l»*«<*riptlvr article iginate«| in th»* c«*lls. w«* d<» not r«*pr«H|nv»' that ghastly fyea. ghostly) whiteness Such
©on« « rnlng («rant's Pass, which was both ac­ p«*rti«»n of th«- t« *tnm»ny. Th»' sheriff also preparations contain lead nr some other
curate and IntvrrMting.
stated what i»rop«'rty th»**« v»*ral prisom rs bad equally injurious nml rlangenms sub-
I Mi! it present ruling* of the land of­ J. O. Mc<4ec «»f Williams <*r«*»*k has gone to when t»r«»ught to his k> eping. In answer to a Stances, the n-e of which. if long contin
fice a married woman in Oregon >* not Litth* Slianta. ( al , t«» visit bls son-in-law, question of a jur«»r. Binis« ) *t;it«'«t: Did Dot ued will, besides giving the skin a rough
.*I«*»*P at tny r«s»m la*r night; th»- lad-bugs got ami leathery appearance, ultimately pro­
entitled to enter limber land, ami the Chaw. Haight, «nd family.
to«» much for mean»! I t«M»k up my quarters at duct-paralysis of tlie nerves. This state­
laud oliice* refuse to accept such filings.
Wm J*«rdMii ,,t«»ol»*«l" some u( the knowing th»* hot»*l. Sam l>«-K<ilM»nm «lid'nt kn«»w 1 was ment is no "bug-a-boo." but facts. Well-
The reason is that, under the timber on«-M at tlu-4th of July ra< «-s, and Jim M o » m * t«» s|»«4.p there, but I spok<* f«» th«- «»Id folks known to chemists ami physii ians. iiaseit
about it. Deneff did not know I waste sl«*< p
land ai t of June ;’, 1*74, married women nag wasn't ».» slow, cither.
nt the h«»tel. I s|M»k«* to him <il»«nit the matter on the well-known physiological effects of
are allowed to make tilings only in those
Prof |g*r««y will h«»l<1 a me» ting at the court y«*stvrday afternoon ami t«»l«l him I guessed 1 such substances whose presence in prepar­
ations for the complexion are imbi-atcd by
•fates and territories where they .are en­ k «us«- n»*xt SatunlM) • vening f- r th« purpose would have t«» get out of ther»*.
Dr Somin« rs, tadng • xiiinined In a prof« s- such outward sicns as before stated.
titled un li-r !he laws to purchase ami of f«»rmtng h juvenil»* band.
*i«»nal capacity, ti-stificd that In* had examined you would use ati article which will nt
The Mandar«! Oil C«« s warehouse nt Grant's tin* tsdirs in the presence of th« jury , ami
hold ri al c-tat" as a ' mny .<<Jr. In • >r*-
Paes is finish«-«! utul furnishing <>ur busimas that in his opinion the cans«* uf d<*ath of'Harry once produce natural activity ami beauti­
gon a matried woman has no such right, ui»*n
With ail Ioil th y ■ • 1
Hoover. Newt. Cook ami Frank Warner un- ful complexion try Wisdom's Ilobertitte,
as our In w- require the husband to join
d«»ubtvdl> was Miiff<M*nti«»n 1»^ smoke from tire, which is guaranteed under a forfeiture of
in a deed of conveyance by the wife. In I»»*«t iitt.»rn* > s, whs at Ja< ksonvilh oue day or asphyxiation. That neither of them was Slittat to be absolutely free from all poi­
alive when taken out; that h«* examined them sonous nml injurious substances.
t'aliforma, on the contrary, a wife may during th«- we» k on official business.
uii'l was of th«* opinion that tb«*y hrt«l then be» u nounced by leading ladies of society and
convey without the consent of the bus­
l»r K r«*m»*r att> n !•• 1 th«* grand l«»«!ge of the dead a full half n«»ur.
After hearing the evidence th» jury rendev-
band, and the land office in consequence A o. I U »«f P«»rtl »tnl Ia>t w« • k, while his
a vrvdic-t to the « ff»« t that th«- d»*reas«d duced for beautifying and preserving the
discriminate* in favor of resident* of the wife v*i*.it< d their »»1«! bottn* nt Wilbur. Dougina »d
men cam»* to their death by «nfTi>« ation fruin
litter -tate in the matter of receiving county
smoke, au«l that the cause of th»* fir«* wia un­
Ta> l«»r. Tax l«»i A <’«>., wh«s*«* saw-mill was known.
timber-land tilings. It is an unjust di»-
burn «1 List in«>nth, ar«* running <»n full time
Th«* damage to th«* Jail consists principally
crumnati'iu against the married women again
anti turning «nit h« aptt of th«* b«.*Mt lum­ In charred and sinoke«! walls, burnt-out ceiling
of < begun, and an appeal lias been tak­ ber.
an«l rnff«*rs. and considerable damage to the
en 111 a numlier of cases now pending
Mr (»anil«« II. an exp«*rienc»sl horseman. Is floors amt door amt wimh»w casings. Th» re
from tiie commissioner'* decision to the now a r« sid< nt ••( Grant s P msm , and is. raphlly was also sotuc damage <l«»n»* to the outer wall,
a new r»»uf will be n«*c»*ssary .
•I, V- I 'ping th« sp«*»-»| of some of our “fast am!
secretary of the interior.
Th»* nu»st effective work «lone at th»* fir«* was
by ( hriN. I'lrich. J. A Wilson.I. Nunan, F.«l.
List I relay was hangman'* day; but 1 A '! < »rav. an att«»rney <»f s«Hitliern Califor­ Farm, A. II Cars«>n and some others tlu* two
and a broth» t in-law«i! H»»n. S I
Mit« h- form» r bring chiefly instrumental in br«-:iking
never a criminal condemned to death in ' nia,
• •¡I. is |>.t\ Ing this « ti >n a visit :in<l is highly the l«s*ks from the corridor am! r«'ll «!< m > i * s and
a felon'* ceil *ulfere*i the living horror, ! pl»*aa«*d with it.
rescuing th«* laslies.
It was very »‘Videm from th«* appearance «»f
of shoit duration though it- may have
Mi* Vi« |..riM Murraj dn«l at Grant's Paaac»n th«' jail and from Hu evidence « liclfisl. that
lieen, that was i-tidured by the accuse.!
' ■ •« t' .in .iioin- tlu prisoners thrmsclv«-* had nothing to <1<*
nten in th" j id at this plainon the morn- , bl*•) 11114 lady and highly r» sp»*«'tcd by all with starting the fire, ami there is absolutely
nothing on which to pridirate tIn* th«*«»ry of
ing of that fateful day. They tell of men wb'» k i. '» It- i
emiiarisin. The g« n< rally H«*c«»pf»s! Hi»*««ry
in olden time being . rushed between I The raring f»*v» r has br«*«mu ls»th violent in«
(*pid» tni<* it tlu « «»unty-•«••at. an«i many is that th« re was a candl«' left burning in th«'
moving wall- or burned while bound at and
si»» «**ly animals may I«« s« « n « hi th tra« k n«*ar jail th»* « v< ning t»«*for»*. or that inat«-hes in th»* .
clothing <»f th» «l. iHity became ignited when
the wlake; ami the w rid ha* founded ther«* any day
lu was r«moving his i-lothesami Ninoul<h-i*«d
it* ideal of excruciating agony upon their
Our community mourns <»v«*r the *» h 1 calam­ through tht* night in th»- wool« n <*l«»1 h. h in
■nfferings. But what did they endure, ity whu h t«M»k pla«-**on II 'gii»- river «»n Snrulay tilth« tilt to eoneciv«- of any «»tie so ti«*ndish or
sustained by the z.'-»l 1 I tlm bigot or th« last, whereby t wo sons of il«»u. H« nry Thorn­ nialigm-nt as to willfully tire th»* building,
knowing th«* prisoners to’l»»* within, and then*
martyr, compared tothe abject and pile ton lust their lives.
wa.* im testimony that anv siispirh»us looking '
F. N llugiu > has s«'M bi«dit« h«-sand mining strangers had l»« i*n s« « n »A»« h H th»* jail. It wa* I
ous terror of ttio-e three offenders,
rty f• • th«* • «nipany of which Capt. Wil­ nd unt.iwanl train of vircuitistam »*s which I
charged with minor crimes and misde­ i'r«»j"
lard Y"«ing is a I tiding m *mb«*r, an«! r«-turn«*d r«nd« r*d th«*« aaualty p««K.*ib|c. and the public •
meanor*, living a life-time in a moment to Portland Noon aft« rward
must always hold the ofticcrH avc<»iintabl»' t«»r -
of torture ; listening to the advance of the
Frank Gardner had «»na if his logs an«l f« ut tu gl«*«*t in making it poadbl»* « v. n urn!« r
flame*, abandoned to ttieir fate, helpless painfully injur* IwhH«* « ngag«*«l in coupling thoMc cund iti«»iis.
to Hee, receiving no answer to their cries « «in»' fr« ignt its Di Kr«*nu r w> sumtnon-
for succor; no sustaining faith to cheer < «1, and th« patient is d«>iug w«*ll.
them, and every instant inhaling thesut
locating sntoke that was to end their
live*. Small wonder that they sought
their knee* in prayer, or that when dead
their feature* were distorted by the inex­
pressible terror that will haunt the mem­
ories of those who were responsible
for theiiw death. YVe devoutly hope
that our county authorities will ptevent
the recurrence of such a casualty by
building a fire proof jail, with suitable
apartments overlooking the interior fo;
the guards, and thoroughly equip th"
building with modern steel-cage ceils and
a »ystera of alarm signals that will enable
the inmate* to give notie* of impending
danger To I*» confined in such a death­
trap as the | r -unt building is worse than
the horrors of Libby or Andersonville.
Public ticsllli seems to ts-irissl.
Thonit <n Bros . wh<> w. r«* dr«»wn«sl in ICoguv
m er Sunday. w« r<* proprietors of the Grant’s
P hns «. Mia win ks. .«nd «niiet. gentlemanly
yung men. who** untimely «tciuis«* is g«*n«*r-
ally regn tt» «1.
The annual • xhibit off th«* poiiuty clerk
shows that tlu < xp«*u<lltiir«-s «luring tin* past
v«*ar were «."it.vsi II hu «1 tlu r«*»*»«i| fs $2U.9s| |H.
th»’ am «unt «>t Jlf.lfia.31. « x« lusiv»*
of mt« r»’sf. w. r»* r»’«l» • nu«l Tin* county still
has a debt «»f $19.743 s»i. t • with h must I»«’ a«ld-
♦■d accrued iat'*r»*«t.
W»’ inadv« rtcntly omitted t » mention that
In the 4th of July races T. '»hattink'N K« no
h«*at W W«M»d * M.dli»* In th«* uju-yar«l pony
ra<*«*; J < Moss’ h »««I «1« f»'at»*’ "’m. Jordan s
Minnie and s. I
Mitchell * '! I .lie; both nm-
I’entrnl Point
nlng rac« s were won > ' •
k.-y. H. bent E. It.
h««rs»* Tuin.enter»*d b\ I
Caton s Pigeon an«l v
Hamilton's N* ns in
nn»* ra«*' and J«»hn
‘ax’s Billv and G. W
Mauzey’s Bally ’ • >
other; Wni. J»-rUn’s
Fanny »let«wt»*M li R )f 1 « t n Dolly-an«! L. 8.
Sialtú • Vuk H» tUv frev-for-All truttlBM race.
Jars aud Glassware.
The undersigned has a large assortment
of Maxon s ami Perfection fruit jars, half
gallon and pmt measure, also jelly glasses,
for sale at the lowest rates.
J. N unan , Jacksonville
-------- ♦------------
Two-thirds uf all deaths in New York
<’ity are from consumption or pneumonia.
The Name proportion holds for must other
«‘ilir*. Belays are dangerous. Br. Acker’s
English Remedy for Consumption will al­
ways relieve and may save your life. Sold
by E. ('. Brooks.
. -------- ---------------
for the great me-
Cess r.f Hood’s Sarsaparilla is hmud tn the
article Itself It Is merit that wins, and ths
fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac­
complishes what Is claimed for It, is what
has given to this medicine a popularity and
sale greater than that of any other sarsapa-
The Chief Renaan
Hits been platted and thrown upon the market in lots ranging in size from two to eight acres, at prices
varying from $18.00 to $-10.oo per acre—figures which barely cover the original cost of the property and
expense of surveying. This property was purchased and subdivided,
Notary Public aud Conveyancer.
Jackson County Securities Bought
and Sold.
but to induce it desirable class of immigration to settle in what is acknowledged to be the most desirable
fruit section in Southern < begun. The land is deep, rich soil, a large portion of it being sub-irrigated by
drainage from the mountain and is covered with a thrifty growth of ¡tine, laurel and manzantia brush, the
value of which lor firewood will more than pay the cost of clearing the land, as wood is worth $3.00 jter Farms, Village Lets, Improved
cord on the ground. The entire tract lies directly in the
and Unimnrcved for
l'M«< »ST-PltOOF l^TVUrr BELT
Sale or Rent.
1 *crilM*d pr«>p»Tty:
No. 1.
On»* liiindr«*») and sixty acr»*s of N«>. 1 « link*«*.
Icv«*l land. ov«*r uiie-hait «*u«:l<»t»ud with a *ub-
«•tautial i«*nc<*; «» ih * off the very b«*t fruit and
wgctabh* ranch«*»» in th« county; rich. HMiidy
ioam. wHt«*rud by Apph-gut«- <*r»*«k; improved
with a k < mk 1 dwelllng-hous»* with six roums. a
go«»«! log barn, granaries and other outbuild­
ing*; tw«» hundred b« ariug fruit tr«*»s. assort <*d
vark<i«*, in«»Mly fall and winter apph*»*. plenty
<»f Mniall fruits. n»*ar a good s«*h<»ol. g«gxl out«
bid«* rang»* fur Kt«»<*k: g«»v<*rnin< nt till«*. Price.
KMMII; halt cash. t»alam <• in <»n<* and two yean».
<ief» rr«*<l payments tu In* secured by a mort­
gage on th«* pr».*iniM*.
No. 2
A gixMl farm of 2(10 acres <m Evans <*r»*« k. tn
th«* .M«*ad«»ub. Improved with a «lu'»*ihug lti.x24
t«*»*t with fix'»* i*«H>ins, a barn and stabhe. >«J
ac r«*H f»*nc»*«l. 40 acr«*s in cultix ation. u«*ll wat­
ered and a fine «»lit Md«* rang«* for btia k. A No.
1 st<M*k farm. Price. filt«*«n dollar* p«ra«-re.
cash. Till«'|»«‘rf«*< t.
No. 3.
Four mil« * from C • ntral Point railroad sta-
ti«»n, a Mock farm of 1«/) a« r«-s. on a c«»unty
road, about forty acres «»t which le good grain
lan«! and forty a« r«** g«»o<i fruit kind. ImiTov-
«*d with a du'«-|]jiig-liou»M*. Titl»* p«*rf«*<'t. rn« «*.
5 h .' i 4) uu. vhm I i .
No. 4.
■ r ■ ■—
A tin«* btock and grain farm uf 400acr<*e; JMI
a< r«* und«*r f«*ncc; :«MI acres farm land; IUUacres
pasture aud wo«jd land; f»*n a«*r«* of a good
OVEK TW O MILLION DlSTKlBiTED. young orchard and a me«* young vtn«*yar«i;
two dwelliug-houM-b and two good wells on th«
place. Th» r«* w ill t»« sold with the farm »« larg*
amount of agricultural impl«*n»« tits am! m « hi «*
tiousubol»! turnltui» ; aNo a numb« r of garden
tools. All go with th»- i»l»«< « . Gout! «»ulshlc
rang«* forM'n-k. Pri«*« .
half <*a*»h. I» h I-
an<*<* in two »*qual x«*arly paiym» nta.t«» draw !<•-
gul interest fr«»m «lax of sale, to I h M«-uur<*d; or
ail « ash. at «iption of the i»ur<-I ihmt . This laud
ih situat«*«! w»*st «»f th» I>« bing«*r Gap. Title
i Incorporated by th» Leirtalature in 1*453. for |M*rtvct. A gtH»«l h«nn«* 1«»r *om« i» x|y .
No. 5.
! Educational aud CharRabh* i»urp«MH*. au«l ita
! franchise ma<i<* a ¡»art ot tn«* present State
Th» W^«»fSW>4 of NWi4 of Mction Min
! ( unatitutlvu, lu 187V, by an ov«*r* helinlntf pup- twp. :*ti south, rang«* I, «.i<t. bring part «•!
■ ular ▼ut»*.
d<»nufi«»n claim «»1 J. Bozarth, on w»*st side «»ff
i Iti» MAMMOUTH DRAWINGS tak»* place Ant»-I«»|»M < i «•• k. ko ’ h I grain and M«»< k-farin.
: Scnu-Annually.'Jun»-and I xt » tnb« r. and hr $20 per a« r«*.
take* place fa each of th»* other t«*n months-
Forty acr«**<»f timber land « lo»a’ t" the <•»,un­
i <»f the year, and ar«- ail drawn in public, al ty r«»u«T l«*a«liiig loth«* Big Butt« *aw-mill; xal-
, the Academy uf Muaic, New Oricana, lui.
u'abl«* clm-tiy t«»r rail limber. Gox • mtm nt ti­
ll«*. Th»* "a net t* • ut ■ t the stat«-and th«-lan«!
wtll t»« *old for fix«- dollars p«-r a«, r«*. cash. A
For Inteçnty of Ita Drawing««, ind rruiupt Pay­ bargain f«»r sum«*body.
ment of rm»*.
No. 7.
Att»*ated ua foil»» wk ;
Two lnindr«vl an<i forty a< r<* *<\iy a«*r«**
l : k (
t < n< • d aud in <*u if I vat ion; im| i • ■« «-d with a
the arrangements for alltke Monthly ano ui«*« laartng or« l'ar*l » f tin« a*-«it'-d fruit
semi-annual drawings oj The Lomftariu tr<-< s; a <lw i ding li. >u*« . a barn and ot lu i « wt-
h«»us»*s. Tw«»Mr«am* •«! wut« r run through
State Lottery Company^ and in person this
piace. It i* * ii <<pt :b,. of be ng dix'ided
manage and eontrol the Drawings them­ into two pi«*ci*s «»t "ti»* humir»-»! and twtntx
acr«** «“»«'h. Th«* north halt of this pla« • is un-
’<*d. Im* improx'»««! W a< r«« ar<* worth
honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward ini!»r<»x
Thcoth«! lMi ,i« r. *,
I .ur mil»**
all parties, ami we authorize the Company <l«aSJ.
from ('• -ntral Point railroad Hat :>»n. l itl< fc r-
to use this certificate, with fac-similcs of our fc<t.
. Xi«», s.
signatures attached , in its advertisements.
A farm of 1JUa«t«*. improved witli a com­
fortable dw«*l!ing; t« n act« * fcnc«1 aud tn < ul-
tix*atioii. u it li a j ring spring n«nrth<* dw» II-
lug. (4n«-of th«'x »*ry b» *t st< •« k rang«* in I lie
e«'unty . Yank««* <*r« ■« k flow - through tin* lan<l.
Tit!« p< rfvet. Prie» . $•*«<".
N»». K
A g«M»»l pla« »* <4 biu acres, imprtix'ed with ii
good, new rcsiiR-ncc. bam und granary; atwiut
sixty aer« s t«'n«*»**i. with an orc hard of ulb»ut
«»n<* hundreel assori«*«i fruit tr»«s; «>n«* larg«*
mmm iaeion era
spring am! «»tli» r *mal!« r on« * « n tli«* farm.
\ aiik«*»* < r«*« k run* 11n*« ugh t h pan • . >¡1« n-
Wa th* undersigned Bank" and Ranker« wit’ • iid -!• • k rang«*, with g< x • ruin« nt tith . PH« •.
pay all Pnzua drawn in the Louialana State *!»■■». « ash.
Lottvri»»« whlob may be pt •*♦«♦ nt cd wt our c uu
Sam¡»les l«''i*<* O.
\ <». lu.
ter a.
\ brick hou*’ and larg« lot in .la< k-"tivtll«*.
with a stai»l« . \ « "mt« rtabl«* horn»-, and title
Proa. Louisiana National Hank p«rt»*«t. Prtc«'.
j2»«‘ca*h and balam « tn
thr»*e «spial pay merit* ol *; x. tu » lx< an»t « igli-
Pr«*. State National Bank.
!••' !) im'Dtlis; <lelcrr«'d pay mi nts tudraw t«*n
P»*rc<nt. inter«*!.
Prra N. O. Natlona: Bank.
N«». II.
A «-'»mfortnbi«- tram« li«.»i— iii Jacksonville
Proa. rni(»n National Bnuk
for *al«' « r r» tit on r» a*otiat»i«- t< rms; three
rooms und kttelif n; l'«<at»*«l «»n T hird *tr«*< t.
am! ha* a «<»«*! u » 11 •.! u al« r at t he <!»M.r. with
all u«x « s*aiy ontluai*»**. U ill I»«’ s«»ld <-h«*a|».
At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, «•th»* own« r i* hi • .«*t« i n < *i • g<>ii and ha* no
Tuesday, August 1J, JSSP.
further u*< f« r th« pn»p«*rty.
No. 21.
TbrHtol *i:>4 an I \W«4of >I?4 aud N I? |
>f **Wi»4 ,»f m c 1.*». twp. .47 south, rang»- 1 cast,
100.000 Tickets at «20. Halv^a at < containing
b** a« r«**. Ant«-h>iM* « r« • k runs
filO. Quarters85- Tenths S2. Twen through tins pla»*«; a go«w! st«a k-tartn. Prie«*.
tletha 81.
p. a«*rc. A g«»«»d iux’»**t!ii< nt.
No. 13.
1 PRIZE OF JOO.flO ia.
« sfio.oon
A tw«»-*t«»ry brick hou*« tn Ja« k*«>nvill*.
I PRIZE OF 100.001! JR
lOO.OOfi with wat«*r pip» * t«» th« ¡•remise s, and through
1 PRIZE OF 50.000 it«
50.UUU «•ach r«M»m in th»* hou*»-. from a fixing spring.
».OfiO Th»* hou*» i* locat«*d «»n a full halt block «»f
2U.0U0 tand. 1UU.X2UU !i*« t in *>!/.«•. aud has all the fruits
ft PRIZES OF ft.OOU arc
SS.nnn growing then tn m «•« **.uy for a family to u*<*.
«PRIZES OF 1.000 are
2S.M0 I'll» pr» hum * now r»*nt f«»r $20 ¡»« r month;
MIO are
.W.OOO pri«'«-$2300; $l."iuu at tune «»t .*ah . »1« t« r»*d pay­
ano are
«n.iifi' ments to I»«' •*••«'Ur»'«i by a inortgag»* on th«*
too PRIZES (»F
*AK) are
100,000 premises, «»r al! «*a*h at option of th«- pur« bas­
er. This is a x« rx d< *irabi«* l«M-afion. t»»*tng
• IMO :imong th«- x« ry b« st family r»*i«ic*ncc* in th«*
100 PRIZES OF .Ware
ao.rti» t«»wn titl«* |»» t-feet.
No. 14.
100 PRIZES OF War««
eA nic»* pla« «*. partly enclosed, ami a hox-
flu- h<»m«M«t**Hd claim <»f
m PRIZES OF ]f>0 are
1UU ar«*
00,900 John Mc< «•nii»'ll, tn*« « tions Gand7. twp. 3S
south, range 1 w«*t. containing 1GU acr« s
9.184 Prizes, amounting tu.
|l.n54,4in G»ssl oufski»* rang«* 1«»r cattle. Pri«*e. $1U.<RJ
¡•er acr»*.
N ote -Ticket« «lrnwing (’a pl tul Prizes are
N«». IV
■ot entitled tu ferinfunl prizca.
Tlu* SW>4 »»f *«■«• 34. tp "*• south. <»f rang»* 3
• a*t. «-onfjiiuing l»iO a« i • *. and b» ing in « io*«
proximity to M« <’allist« i * cch-l'rat««d spring*
on Butt«* <*!•■« k I’ti« « . j 10 per a« i»*. A first-
Wa Lav»* n«»w <»r «»nr ahelvi* the in«»«»f El»*gant At*»«<uim*,iit «»f
IW^For Club Rates, or any further mf"i roa^ class nix«*btm< nt.
tiun desired, write legibly to the iind»*raignr<d.
No. M.
alearly stating your residence, with StMfr,
I/«»ts numb« r»i! » n«* and tw«» uf *<-«*ti«Hi 31. in
County. Str»*«t and Nunitivr. M«»re rapid r«‘- t«>wiiship .43 south, of rang« 1 »»«*!; als«» flu hit
turn mail deliv«rj will !»«• iu*.«*ured by y<*ureu- numbered I <»f s«*cti«m »«. in to« ushii» 3t'» south,
elo*mg an «-nvelupc bearing your full*addr«v*v. of rang«- I u<st. «-ontaimng in all ’.»• a«*r«>.
Prie*«*. $6 p«*r acr»
No. 17.
Inth«T«r> lat.Mt Hhml.'H.if <'a.'l.iiuir"ii. Smui ft. Hunrii tt.-u. Hirilmn». Ainu». < ombination» Man-
A c«»mf«»t tab!»-frame h«»u*e w itli a x*« r\ larg«*
ch.*t"r CHHlimnriift. Binitene. Sulti'"n». Lftiwiw. Uinglinuii Print*. Percal««. Etc.. Etc.
Addres* M A. DACPH1N. N< w Orleane. La.
hit in .lu« k*»«:ivilir iu a go»»«i ucighbt>rh»sid,
Ur, M A. DAVPH1N. Washiogt*«n, D
for tail« < hi r»*a*«'nabl» t» rms; has a hirge sit
By ordinary letter, containing M"U» y Or»!»r ting-room with a g»»<sl tirvpla* «*, tw.'go«Ml Iwd-
ia*u««d by all cipresa c<«mi»anl<*. N« w York r'Mini* and a kitc-tu n. a g«««s! w. ll of uat« i ut
Richange, Draft or Puatal Note.
th«*»i«M»r. woodlious«*. «*1«
Price. $.*«0.
W« tiftT« PiqiiH«. Z"i'li>r. naiilft. Fane, L«c<> Check», india Linar.», Victoria and Bi»hop Lawn*.
No. is
iddrtn Krgi»trrrd Ldtrn Containing Cur- Lmds in si ctions Is. 10.20.20, Mini \L^ <,f
D».tt«i Swint*. S wim *« Fl»»uncin< an«! All-ovet Kinbroi»Ien«*.
*<x*ti»»n 30. ill tow nship A*» *<>ut h. range ] w»*s|.
renty to
containing 113t» a»*r« s; and lands in s<x*ti««ns 12,
14. -i. 24 and 23. in tow nship s»»ut Ii. «»t rang«
New Orlewua, l*w. 2 w«*st. containing Vo» acr«s. If alt of th«*
atM>x*c-iii«*iit)»»nt*i lami slmuld be sold in on»
W»* have ala»» just upctPtl up tho largest »fork of
DI? If I?
th«’ payment »»fall I mm !) . $g per acre is th« price. If sold in uuan-
nil Jlrill DlJlV prize« ts GUARANTEED titus not less than 4»» acr«*. at $10 t»«$!5 p« r
BY FOUR N ATIONAL BANKS uf N< w Or- art«*, according to tli»* quality and (quantity ot
: leans, and the tickets are nign*«d by the Pr«*si- lam! s««ld. Terms, «» ih * thin! «-ash at time of
d«’ut of an institution, whose chartered right* sal»*, balnucemi tim«rt<»suit purchaser; <l«*fct-
are recogniz*<i in th«* in uh»*! courts ; thrr«*- »•d paynu nts tub»' *»*« ur»*»l l»y a inortgag«- <»ti
Core, beware of all imitations or ai uouymou* th»* pn-mis»*. This land is m«**tly slightly roll­
ing clay soil, and is among llu ta*t fruit lands
ONE DOLLAR lathe price of the smallest in Ja« k*on countx .
Am! finest lire uf Huts, Famishing G« mh U. Boot»* and Shoes. Etc., over hr«»ught t«»|S«»uth<*rn Ore<«»n part
or tractiuu of a ticket ISSVED BY I Sm
. . .
any drawiug. Any thing in «.ur nniui■ «»ff« rod
320 acr«*. mostly enclosed and itu|»r«»x-ed
fur lees than a dollar is a swindle.
with a comtortHbl«* lions« . a gins! spring of
water nt th« <!<»or. a g<MMl uvw barn, tim* c*r«»p
Ws have ala«» just receiv»*! from Eastern Manu fact nrors. the handunnost line of
now <m tlu ¡»lace. Alt*»». 130acr«a unnupr<n**d
tuljoining th»* ab»»v»'. < ius»* to s<*bon! an<1 ¡«<>st-
Pri«*»*. tortlu who!« tract. $20.00 p« r
It is All in the Thermal Belt,
Setriny Machine for fiato.
A first-class si'W’ing-machine, Wheeler A
Wilson’s New’ No. N. with all the latest im
nrovements, which ha*» been used but very
little, is ottered for sale cheap. For fur
ther particulars enquire ut the T ime * of
l*<> Nut Suffer any l.on<rr.
Knowing that a cough can lie < hcekc«! in
a day, and the first stages of consumption
broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr.
Acker a English Remedy for consumption
ami will refund the money to all who buy
take it a> per directions, and «lu not find
«»ur statement correct. Fur sale by E. C.
insjteet this property closely before investing elsewhere, as eveiy lot will have a ¡permanent and intrinsic
value for fruit growing, regardless of surroundings. The property is all
and the Jacksonville Public Schools, which rank among the best in the state. The entire tract adjoin*
the corporate limits of .Jtteksonville. 'I'he branch line of railroad from the O. & C. to the county-scat will
undoubtedly be built soon.
'±'11E TIME TO
Inferior fruit land is elsewhere selling for five times the figure at which these desirable lots are offered.
For fufther particulars apjdy to
A. L. REUTER, Trustee, Jacksonville, Oregon
Hon. I. STACY HILL, Treas­
urer Cincinnati Incline Plane Rail­
way : ‘‘I 'd’at hardly able to moot
with rheumatism,or what physicians
called sciatica.
Ths first applica­
tion of St. Jacobs Oil relieved me,
and after the third I went about
with perfect ease and comfort. I in­
dorse it as the most remarkable med-
--- CXJKKS----
Wounds,Cuts, Scalds
and Burns.
Sol I by L)‘
and Dealer! Et'eryu here.
The Charles A. Vogeler Co.,Balto.. Md.
The Favorite
Medicine for Throat and Lung Diffl-
eultit * Lx* long been, aud still is, Ayer's
«.'lurry I'ectoral. It curt* «'roup,
Whooping Cougb, Bronchitis, aud
Asthma; soothe* irritation uf tho
Larynx and Fauces ; strengthen* tiie
Vocal Organs; allay* soreness of tim
Lungs; pruxvuts Consumption, and,
en u tu advanced stagi s of that disease,
relieve* Coughing aud induces Sleep.
There is no other preparation for dis­
eases of the throat and lungs to be com­
pared with this remedy.
" My urffe had a distressing rough,
with pains in the side aud breast. Wo
tried various medicines, tint none did
lu r anv good until I got a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which lias cured
tier. A ueiglihor, Mrs. Glcun, had tiie
measles, and the cough was relieved by
the use id Ayer's Clierry P*<toral. I
have no hesitation in recourmeudrug this
Cough Medicine
tu everyone aftiieteit.”—Robert Horton,
l ureiuan Jlciidli'jht, Mornllton, Ark.
•' I have been afflicted witli asthma
fur forty years. I.ast spring I was taken
with a violent cough, which »liroatened
tu terminate my days. Every one pro-
noitnced me in consumption. I deter­
mined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
It. effects were magical I »as immedi­
ately relieved and continued to improv«
until entirely recovered."—Joel Bullard,
Guilford, Couu.
" Six months ago I had a severe hem­
orrhage of tiie lungs, brought on by an
incessant cough which deprived me of
sleep and rest. I tried various reme­
dies, but obtained no relief until I be­
gan to take AVer’s Cherry Pectoral. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me."
Mrs E. Coburn, l'J Second st., Lowell,
For children afflicted with colds,
roughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not
know of any remedy which will give
mure specdv relief than Ayer s Cherry
I’ectoral. I have found it, also, invalu­
able in case* of Whooping Cough." —
Ann Lovejoy, 1257 Washington street,
Boston, Mass.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by ad Druggi«ta. Price |1; * jk bottle«, fik
Louisiana State Lottery Company
Many find it to their interest to do so. The
handsome saving usually made should not be
overlooked. The advantages of city styles and
nothing possible to loose, makes the method
Ladies' C’anva>< Button Simes ........ .......... ^2 25
1 iin.i
• ••••• 0 -* 25
American Kid Newport, Button.... 1 45
0 00
.... 1 45
Opera Slipper- and Sandies.
Men' s Prince Alberts, low ent........ 1 50, 1 75
Southern Tie, calf, medium low cut 3 00
“ 3
•’ kangaroo, '*
2 50
** dongohi.
Fine Shoes in Button, Lace or Con-
cress .................. 3 0D, 3 5tt, 4 00, 4 511 and 5 5o
DRESS GOODS—American Sateens. . . .De. 10c ami 1
French Sateens.....................15c, lt>1v■, 18c and 25e
Figured Lawns................................. . . 5e, 10c, etc.
Everything in the market in Summer Clothing,
Men's and 1’ovs*.
Men’s Fancy Flannel Shirts...............75c to $4 <»0
$150.000 Stock of Fashionable SUMMER GOODS.
i^** Trv sliuji'ping by mail once. You will certainly repeat. Giand Monthly Drawing.
Illustrated Catologue and Fashion Plate of Millinery Free.
?*j»<• i*stin«* 1» t <».
714 anti 71'i .1 Street, timl 7f:’> and 715 Oak Avenue.
Two Story
Ladies Fine Dress Goods
Kv’Ciytliing N«»w ituxl
Gent’s Clothing
Decorative Wall Papers
—lOUtl roils, all beautiful pattern» ever tiiftplayad in tbi« »oction
H*- Kcniembrr that »» am able to xive tli« r«iw low«»t tiirur"« on Ororori««. Proriaionft. Etc.
REAMES & WHITE, Ja<-kfton»ill«.OmKon.
K1D n , e J
1 bave mado tho duscoac of
A llfo-long- study. I warrant my reroo»K ♦ v
(’ ore thr worH case«. Because others b.r.o
failed is no reason for not now receiving arm *
bcn<l At<»n«'eforatreMbNcan«ift F rek R oti t n
of my I nfallible K emkdy . Give Ex|"cas
and I*o*t Office. It costs you nothing fur »
tnal, «nd it will cure you. Addrtso
H. Q. ROOT, M ,C., I »3 P imi Sr., Ktw Yew
149 First Str eat. ...
Portland. Oiegon-
K-Khcr tha i the Chuaiii"'
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks!
Hilr«rand BilTerPlii"*! Warn. Hpeit u'liiftan I Optical (iooiift; aaenta forth« 11. irk ford
Rnilr«»K Watchos.
Watch Rerairinx caref.illy executed.
Z^“Helecti«»n Package* ««n* on a i»i»l «••»!»«» i.
C<»«n n»n»cat«» with ne bsffnre purr has elsewhere
laJmCeT ,i
, ! 1 ructlun. e~ . I
.. .1 i'||ii.t II I. I.i
. ..•..Iil.irit).
riband, Comrnca b>( ■ - -id Penmanship Drp ti
»»■$. Stti»l' » s :«»i . • :•■•! ;H. tiny tilín*. < -H
>••• and **. * i'»« i s <■! •»« U ' • **hip•»••nt Ji« •
I. «.MINI,» s-.’v.
». r.
1 r;
osey to low on i . oxg time at
bow- itati sm, imd Estate Security.
Cull on or aititr. ss
Modfiwd. Dfer«n
!«• ■» th»- best helper tn Health and th«* < jiih »
«’n «»»« E irth. vse it in tune tor a'l •’ *.<
i i- •
i.uh. Liver, Kidneys an-* Skuifc
« i. . k1Knniatism, Malaria. C«'.»tv«’ !■ ’>
•i I
i ’. ihr, relier»*« ConstinDlH’U I
r •»
' I K-t»<-psi:i, «Irix rs all inipui i' ;« ■
lit' .’■•
I .«'iii »i* i supoMSore*. TI «• <
t.v 'i ’ • v it. the Workiufeiri' ti i •* d 1
t ,Li• ;t f’.c ( liihir. :i « r\ it»t it a:i l th' I «
sa\ it is’h» ir 1* *t h« ,?.h j t < v« i \ • t
• : . a ' It
' •
■ t
mriy be fbnnd eg
filo r.t
PAPER ^.i,. Tc<x
Newspaper Advertising
Bureau GO Sprnce
Street), where adven
ad ver- ai—IBR VARIf
itääw ?» HEW
■X-y-V.-> —r .ett.nit, Orem.
r •
I i
A ppetizer .
Wh(»l<*sa!ea»id ll' lai! Dealers in
*’r blo0<1
•VICI II Win«i
wills fl
„ before
the public.
Rood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Slclr
tleadache, biliousness, overcomes That
Tired Peeling, createsau Apjietite, strength­
ens tho Nerves, builds up the Whole System.
Hoel , Nwraaparilln is sold by all drug­
gists. Sl;sixfor|3 l’ri pared by C. I. Hood
4 Co., Apjthccartve, Lowell, Maa*.
The adtlitivn to Jacksonville, known as
Sewing Machine* Cheap.
New Home nnubines from $1 » to |X>;
Singer machines from >10 tu 125; White
sewing machines |(>5, with ten per cent. <dt
for »'ash. Ah kinds of sewing machines re­ of Jackson county. There litis never been a season when orchards on tuljoining land have failed to pro­
paired. Address «»rders io
duce a good crop. It is one of the few sections in the county where the ¡taper shell almond will produce
J. W. S owden . Jacksonville.
--------- ». ----
E very Y eah . The certainty of an annual crop will make this land infinitely more valuable in the near
future of fruit-growing than tlume sections subject to killing spring frosts.
A mnn «-f good «• l'in^abidty, to represent
us a* s.iles-agent in ibis town. Tao hun­
dred to $20J0 per year can be made. Ad-
Anti will jtrodtice every variety of semi tropical fruits in the highest ¡»erfection. Intending settlers should
Philadelphia, Pa.
Society Meet •:».«.
i « fJackaonvillr
m»«*tb «*ach Wednesday event«.g Mt or pr»*« «siing
th»* full m«M»n, AshUnd Lodge No. 23«»n rimr>sJa>
extming during the same time. Oregon < hnpt»*r
N«» 4 R. A M moots in Jacksonville on the
Turtda)-evening previ«»us. Adarel ( liHpt»*r N«».
3. O. h. H.. «»f -I hc k«M»nville m»*rts on every other
ThunsUj evnmg. Alpha Chapter N<». 1 «»f Ash-
Inn« i on th«* tir*t and th ini Tun»« lays.
1.0. O. F. Jacksonville I*««!, «« No in meets
every Hufnrday ev«*ning; Aehln* I (xslge No. 23 at
thee'< n»*time. Tuttle Rock I n< .«mpment No. 1«»
m' tent Ja«*k*onvill»* <»nev. r> «•!h« r Tuesday ev
• nu 4 <»f each tn«»nth. Ruth Rebekah Degree
I. «ige No. 4 of Jacksonville meets every other
Monday ««vening. Hope |>»*gr»*e Lfwlge <»f Ash-
lan«l on thet»eeon»i and fourth Tuesdays of each
H»l> Mrs.— Or«*g'»nian-l\»c
.itaaTribeN«». I.
Itnp’tl U. K. M., of Jacksonville, every Tuexlny
A. <>. U. W. —Bar
fxxlge N«*. 23 meets « very
other Friday evwni . \«h!and Izodgo No. M. on
the hn»t and third IV .«u -*«tay evenings of each
• month
Diaroorrle« Afore Fafuab/r Than Got*
Ar«? Santa Abie, tbe California discovery
Interest in the fair grounds is unsb.tfed. 1 f«»r cun.sunipt'.uii and diseases of tbe throat,
‘ben and lungs, and California Cat-
The planirg mill commenced «per R-(’tire. Hn» only guaranteed cure for ca­
at.ons yesterday.
tarrh, cold »n the hea'i lu «I kind e I con -
»•" • »cL
J. W Merritt nthnded chim h us usual l'hiints. 1 Lev ate sold a’
or liner iwr ^2 50, and im* :»■«• i»i urn I •
at Jacksonville last Sunday evening,
and n.Nid by the leading pLyan i.«
C. Msgruder was at Jai ksonvi le on fair I’acific coast. Not secret cruip» «i* .
•s-uiktlou business lust Saturday.
t>uaranterd by all druggist».
The henllh of Grandma Cnnstnnt Is con­
siderably improved. w< are plad to state
Fur Sale.
Several carloads of lumber have been re­
rhe undersigned (»tiers his saw mill, situ­
ceived here during the past two weeks lor ate I in a g«>«»t! timber belt and in a « ash
the fan-grounds emlosute.
market, for sale at a reasonable figure. The
machinery is in the best of order. Address
Ed. II. Caton of tins place is dangerously or
call on
j. h . G ilnom ,
sick with liemorrhag-' of the liter, an 1 l.c
Sterlingville, Oregon
is not expected tosui vive I ng.
11 all modern improvements, are now turning
<»uf a tjr»t-4*la»^ article off fi«»ur, which is pat up in
'< barrel Hack*, and every sack is warrant«*! to
c«»ntain 4W pound» off ti*»«’* If you don’t believe
j thin, just compare a sack off «»ur ti»»ur with atty
i oth»-r brand «»nere«l ffor sale in this market, and
j note the difference in weight.
Flour and Mill-Feed
<’ut:stant!> *>n hand and exchanged for wheat
Having add»*«! a set <»f Barley Rollers to my mill
1 have »«otapart every Haturday to Roll Barley for
rust' iij.-ib. Th«« w«»rk will la» dCn* «»n shoit
r.otic««, no that parti»*» can retnm with their gn»>t
t‘ e »a.n»« day. I sin prepared to roll harl«*y nt ail ,
tim»* and in the b»»et manaer. Thia pn»cra8 it
far ahead id the crasher.
No. 31».
I«an<l in s«*cti«»ii :itl, townsliip -'V»Month. rang<-
2 W«*t; His«» lan«k in S«x*ti«»ns :<| and tlu* south
iialf of section :io. t<<u n*hip 35 south, rang» 1
w«st. containing lMi) a< r« s; all 1« n«*»d with a
K« mm ! rail f» n«-i*aii«l runs t<> Rogue rix*»*r. Will
he sold eh«*ap in l.»tsto*uit |mruli;i-«.»is. Nn«i
at prig«* according to seh*cti<»ns ma«i«
No. 22.
A N<». 1 grain an«i *t«sk farm «1 Ml a« i < t>. .«
mih s from ( « ntral Point railroad station an«!
six mil«-* from M«'»lf«»r,l railroad station; all
l«'V»*l. bl.«» k land aiui en«*l«>s»d with a nim -rail
f«*n«e. and all under cultivation. Improv'd
with a siiiall dw<Hing-h«»use. a l»arn :«»\3h 1»« t.
large granary. a good spring which furnish«*
pl«*nty «»f watei tor «li»in«*sti<* :tnd*t»»«k pur-
|M»s<-s. Th!« farm is Mii*c» |»tfbl<‘<>f being »tickl­
'd inf«» two, thi«*«* and four farms, a* • \ «*ry
a«*r«- »»t tt is go«Ml lam! .«iut iu ar a s«*ti«H»l and
|Hw1<»ftice. Titl«- p« rt«x;t. Pr!. < .
per Mere.
No. SI.
A f.irni of 12! a< r»*. all l« v»*l laml. four mil» *
from ( • ntral |’<.iut r.aiir« .id station, all !« mad
with a rail t« ii«-«-mid >.v» r |iaia« r« *in cultiva-
ti»»u. Illa« k s« il. improvtd with adw« ll!ng-
h«»ii«< 24x '4 f«*» t w ith f«nir r<» oiiim . a l»ni*n 2bx2s
f» » t. wimm II ioiim JH2U t.« t. near a g<ssl s« lu»»»l.
tw«> g< hm ! u «-II* of water and g< m d outside rang«*
forstiM k. Gov« rum» til title. Prie«-. S.i 5iB) ca*h.
No. 25.
A comfort a bl<* fram»- Imus»* In Ja<*ki*«»nviih*
Size of lot. 52x2'.4 t» » t. ha* m stable mim I «»tli« r
out-houso. an assortment ot fruit tr« <*. ha* a
j g« mm j w«*ll uf wnt«*r nt th«* d<M»r. Pri«*r. ¿Till.
Th«* I M F r«d»*nl»urg farm, *nimt»i| tn -•*•-
lion 15. tow n*htp Hi <*«»utli. rang»* 3w«*st. «.»n-
taining L'kliicr»«; about 44»a«*r«** fem »d with a
g.HMl rail fenc<* and in <*ulttvnti«»n. balan«••• un-
improv»d land; two spi Ings <»l w i«t»*r. one n«*nr
the hous«*; R«»gue riv»*r f»»rnis th« w< stern
boun<!ary of this piac»*. Improv«d with a
dwelling I4x2k t«-<*1 w ith 4 rooms, stud barn
17x;ki f«*«*t an»! other outbuiklitig*. Thia ¡»la«*»*
i* on thr* cast side of ICogii« riv« r.
of u mil«*
Mak«* a Sp««vialty of repairing Engin«** fr«»in Gold lli!l nftiroad station. (»<»vcrnin«*nt
titl»’. prie«* $2..rifin. Term*, «.m -half cash nt time
and Goa-fitting. Prie» « r<-a*«»na!»l<* and
<»t *«ih’. bahin«*»* on one y«*:.i’s time, tu I m * *••-
fortion guarant»««!. Adtlreas or call <»n
<*ured l»)<a inortgag»* on th«* premis»*; or m H
W. J. M ä JL^LLAND, Central Point.
<vu*h at option of pur* In».*« r.
R«>V. M’4, Mi'll !«j .. »..j t
Herd r:Ainp. BLKEkli. b
'*u l'«i i'.-tflrjo N v
ersian BLOOM,
A rtMay tor trial
Ufier. HX’ q (hire aud BleuaUdi l rt»dicaLor known.
P:irtl<* wishing to |»iir«*has» any «»ftli» n I n » vc
I lan»!*. «*an stop off at M«*if«»i»l. x* h«r<* tl»» y will
| !»«• m» t at th«-rrulroa«! d»q»<»t ,»n tin airlxa! off
• train* by M««*is. wrisk y A ( o, real fa­
tal«* agent»“. wli^ will «'.» mv « y th» m in g'vti
tn up« • t«> any >f th« land* I h.ix’e f«»r *a!«-. fr«»»
UÍ Lil urge fur conx eynne «•.