k Á «The democratic (Limes DYSPEPSIA «hot v1,!*‘*'v * >1“ r><'»<->‘<« when we rad* ill'll r tw'i.meawnre tlial w, puaiMi ft U hi uni iii-ruiun-iuriit culled a *umi*ch. Tue eti.ymuli l.tlir n;«ervulr (Yom ■ '„.ry libre unti i:*»neniu»l te hoartined, and uiif tr.*iiile n lih It laauoD f.lllhrvu out the whole »y.tcni. Among a doiM dv.tH-rilc* no I»wHLha>e the urn. prft ^;.iiTliL,iit»Tiii|ilii»>. DynpertloiolurtlT, Inelftni i-'W.r und a blllon.lcmperamiQ* rn, »nl.ji cl Io Ul,k Ucnduchal ou->«re abandoned t.iulo • oy for-'.« h I iiiu -. Sonicdinpei’tic. U « V. I, Illy t •; other» Luv, gli nt i i .I..U1IUI o: t. U'i'i r. \V!no-r I .<•• i l>yrju.ji..a muy Uk«, one i.ilug t*cc. L' r. cb *ti* 1 1'n Swlawu* I Ci « u a» c c®, ! r ¿ . I • uà l K »: . Hcr n l1» l.«.-» » ani B - « » Z i.tr. ct the Lliub.% an I licitai s. I .. e a » f ui ,i A’ k * ay z e n. •J n er abu*»«. * < r cau • i b/ u p r 11«»«. iVe • i Vil - 3 . .U5 l .1;. >sia* p'«y *i-al p>w. - « . i a -.. ■ raetratiaa, ctu. ¡ u > j « r Lux. 1 J.c : v. n.\ \\ » acure'/ pM'ied T/x untlerlyhtr cautt U in thè urn, rHUH-DAY TO A THRILLING SOIT AL EPISODE. will torrwt Aciuity of th. Stomach. Exp.) fjul There was a young lady named Mol! Waj du rebus xl a uew parasol witn a handle so I jng That ah- - bad to be strong. Or she ouuklu t have lugged it at all. Allay Irritatloa, A.al.t nigMtloa. aud, *1 th. urn. She met a y »ung mm who, tw»w Plain, Wad dtrugghntf with uiigrnt aud with main To«t ady his gait ’Neath the terrible weijrht Of hte dreadfully cumberauinc cane. lima S »Intent was th«' beautiful Mull On lugglna u ;r I mg pura*4, T.iat .«be pa*«*«'’! th • youtur swain With the cumb.-raoin • cane. And never once saw him at all. Start the lAvtr to trorAiitr, tcAot utt other troubht aooh diMpptar. •*My wiffl wu a confirnted dyspeptic. Sotn« three yea.-» apo by |! e a«!vue of Dr. Sietner. oi A . ■ i »ti * * 1 .■ . IO try S mWon* Liver r I l«d g! »u-l.il for I •« relief it ha« gv«n her, ••« '. may ull *h > read t'>it and ar« aiHiuiedin any w-> , * aether chronic or otb«r- Wi e, n*c 5 ' r-.:-! 5 1 .ver KrguLtif and 1 feel Conti I«"t h .. h will I «• restored t.» all who will be advised/ W m . M. K» kjh , >ort Valley, Ga. What a narrow escape for that swain! Had »h • rucaanizud uim be would fain Have Uft.ai bls hat; But how c »ul l he do that And carry bi« cumb rsome cauu? with red Z cn I‘ont°I Wrapper, vmf rAveo cm v bv M CO., rhlladelphla. Pa. I FiNn STOCK. Td£ STATE Agricultural College, CUK VALLI», OKEGUX. Co Jim nc • W daesuMj, Sep. lumber 12, ib:>Ci. FAI LL1Y A fu’l corps uf rap* rw. i- «1 1‘iofcerori and lautbar». COL’ BL OF STUDY. Arran?«*! »-xpiefteìy to u.*-et the *l»*mar«Ie «m»' ne..li«>t il»« u»rn.«a* «met eat a «4 ti.« Otale. ! PKhPAllAloRY DEI ARI MINI. Fur »tu4 ur ri» *«r» ot ft«* '•I-«» *l-Rire to euu*r tu.» • «*L g* bular«* u•»* prepar®a Uu eu- | ta* Luileg” »’M»».» -y » x-uni. Hi»un. .Ml ¡.li Ai. Y LlddNii To the ex v»»l r»*quir«d l»j »uw- HblLDlNn». r Commulou» and wll Ventilated. L«X'<* U' ».1- ♦ Ina cultirated ai‘i C ri*tiai «•«.tnmonitj. and une ui the heap t-ivftt »n lu» bt.it**. ULF* BiMLN VALSI AT <>N Circular»-, t •»'tai' «ig inaiti t ti.i.of i:t»'»H*t tu farœ-ra. wi.l te-«iaU‘Hi O i-*n»«i *»• d c »pie» rnaUftd U» eacn ¡»ni¡ou *H il*u t «»11« «{ j . »XPF 8^’’ Raduce Cu.u*ül y.»ur C.iunl> Sup” irt- i.d««ut. e *onfi Ivntly appeal tu T’»«» farmers and grn«’g.*« •»( <> agun t‘» t Mreg«».i fur thu pr.»u.«4i n uf hcr agpicalmr-i intuierte. >’ ,ç uu .. -4Ü*» ■* "Cher format «•*'. . I4r •* B. L ARNOLD. Pr«*-uh nt. t'orralhe, Oregon. JOHN MILLER, htanufacturer arid Dealer in MISCELLANEOUS Con.HmjOI'-n An dd phv-i t n. re lr d from n-*et'ee, Wil! mat«* the aauaon of IH-’V. commencing on br>t.«i.r>, April l»t. Mt I B Wiliiunw* ranch ofl u p . «iifi c»’t” Mr«iioid and l antral Fvint 1-tKi Hii’UON AND FLDlGKlh: Cli v« mf «i 1» a l mi dr>. tne ir«*i-ariiy, 17 hand« hi~h. »«•mil*» 1 6-.<' poui««!» to 1 75u pound« when m • •» U ».«»n. i* t» >• are ’* <* tbit* spring and jw », g<>« ar'a «••«.«.hi hi »'«, l’fic! eroo hi>r«e, Geu. Fiaury. hi» «j«un I»- 1 g a Un«« Jbit*rg*»n ni«» «. j E' ‘UM : S»i'4i< *»vi wi« «1; a«>aaon. $10 (10 p.«)..!4s ulti ee.-.d there«»!; ¡neuihiice due w vn Mi ne ia known to be w ih toMi.orwheu u «»r. U I.* re it.« I«- t «' tv «»r ut'»r» «uarMM (k ii..* i;.i ituuvtioi. ■-• u . j de on inaurMnce. I’-Mur.ia»v»ri. i-h» U muboi abiy t«» mar from ,44 >i4 ll.v Leat <•! c «ro tn*e/i to prevent 40 u-tsp .p»4t’inty at^uoi«! «houid any occur. 1. B- WlloLIAMS. NORFOLK, WILL MAKE 1 UK NEAfeO.S OF I««» *H FOL- if . w-, i .»mm n.iug au lieiiiy Hr«»wi.’» piane ■ u., Hr..«i.e». iivi.ee tu uii pte* w in table 1... k janiH ivturnng m each Mund army i.uilu.1«) *ai i K • he ■»«» ••» •'! -u ling * illy l.llMiO. d el ..b’llUN AND FtDiGtttt.: Norf ft .-.I Uaau.i ui dura brown burse, of .»;.«• ft.>i<-aud .u'llull. 17 bauJft high and weigh* i.»« -4» uuu-; la-» «.aui w »• imlf 'urfuik and null . ►«»:•.u.«»vi; i-e w.v« ftired t*> a bruwu t lydva lun* lime* . w* Uti.UiM I-***» pound-. IE M-*: neu».«*i - i .puruiive. 412 Any per- -«»..- «n-p .m. m uf uini*» turleit U.Mir ii*bura«.ce. 1 m »,. u*• hi. «:u.g**i.i:i* I»» P‘ r^ut acctdeuia. but »u. 1. ; be r »VJU JU1. fur a« > «.«turrm *. . H PH KbNd. Table Rak Orc«« n April II. 1 eV. JACK SAMPSON, W«U Bred Nativo Harße, The Coos B iy Nitri sai s the South« Washington. Real-eetate Bales at Seat He were not ern Ure^on C >’s mill at E npire, only »ne r* »I • of wnich is being n*u I a* ;-r,*^- stopped bv the great fi e The averuue I»’. rm b2.0)0 i» et of s n « I Limber in of these eilles since the disaster has been • n h -ur-*, »”•«• <1 x la>î w k. I2S.OOO per day. A Sii-ni n»»a-paper < rints th« ioi'ow- It is raid that • dozen bnys, render d ng ui. q«|p H.hcri semen! ; I; John insane fiom excessivecigaiette smoking, I.ui-s. alm, twent) \ ;.r> aL.,» ,L» . rtvd have been committed to th- Napa. (Cal.) 1rs wife aii»l ht», . u 1 rutiir»« iusane asylum within a year. will Lek tl>e binili .* cut oi L m A boy twelve years old has be-n sen­ New York c ty pronoM»> t tenced to one mouth's imprisonment at Miltown. Malbay, Ireland, for inciting contribution to th»* Jobnst a round nnll^n of d.» lirs lienple to boycott a sale of cattle. in ike amp v am»*n«h i».- t a I 1. k in mak­ Portland is clamoring for a larger and ing up the Giant m num mt tu id. more commo lion* |>osp>flhe bulling— A monument to Ches^.r \ Vhurw^,. or one mo e in a-tcor lance with her dig­ unveiled at A bi- *. . N Y . 01 til. ih.» 15 nity and pretensions a- a great city. lust. It wa*. • r .*le»l tn ht *« nd (. ivml Tne physicians wbo«e curiosity led of the »Ice‘abed ?. r-i«l *nt ar. I n»> cere­ them toili*-ect the mind-re-d-r. Bishop, mony was id-geite I at its unveil n when he wo« inertly indulgjig in a little The contract for hud ling a 11 ago«» road suspended animation, have a l three been indicted fur xio.aung the sanitary from near Myrtle 1‘oint, to ti v I> u/’a- county line,was ’et to J B. F x, f .» |11, code. 500, at a R| m cì . I term .*f c- nntv c.mrt, in Stanley ba* 1« I' Iwn h»nr 1 from avit n Coos <*oimty, held at E npi e Tn'ar.^dav rn him. giving full details of his Gen. John M. Palmer, of I lin»>:R. an j'Un-)i gs. The letter is dated De- nnunev’* that he will c »t.te t ”. itli S«-n.i’oi eeinl**' 2d, on the foatheastern shore of Fat Weil for the I’nite l St.i’o^ g«*n (tor L ike Nyanza. ship next fall. It is thirty v*ars bine» A Po fluid paper sat': "Salmon are an oi’cn « •»Uva«« has h*»*n mad»» in Il'i- now b-ing hrong it from Rogiln river bv noi* for that »dii/»’, th»» last l».*i»»g t ■ a.1 io Ire canned on the Columbia, It mous Douglas and Lmcoln c..in »ai may Ire these fish are as ,'ool an Colutn- A force of fifty Cldnam *n ** is «n»ni t<* ba rivet s >lmoji, but in anv case there tlie front on the Oregon Pacifie la t w.*» k is no doubt alioiit tlnir being sold for to surface and im;»> ov<* th.-» «* i^t end of Ccl tmbia river salmon.*’ the track for construction trains, prvpar Tl.n IMles claims to be the leading at. ry to the resumption of work / wool ma k-t.for produc os, in the union, party ot engineers wh > have b^en in ik and w ill tins year handle about 6,000,- ing estimates on the unfinished w >rk 000 pounds of the staple. The pries returned to Albanv. having <• »mpl.-ted realis -d Ulin year i* 14(^16 cents per their work as far a* Bi ightonl*n«h. pound, which local paper* there assure Alitile 8-\earold «iiught.r of John • leir readers, is a highly satisfactory Allen, of Spokane F.»!l-, attempted to fi.ure. light a fire in the cook stove with kero­ Albany is having its share of building sene last week She was pairing the hooni« this summer in a quiet, steady oil from a ó gallon <*an. when it caught way, that is speaking (or the growth of fire and the can exploded, m I'ing fire Io the ci«v. A large brick woolen mill, a the house, which burned to the ground. fine Masonic temple, the Blumberg The little g»ri wa** shockingly» hurinul and nlock, the ice wo'ks and many fine resi­ cannot live. The mother and baby were dence* of the latest architecture tell of also seriously burned. the city's prosperity. The ca*M» of GoMsmith, a * al vs M B. U’ni «.TAKUT í IE l’UKHKNr SEASON’ AT »V Ui ( »i.««.* • 4 ti»n«N Hi.d pl<«ev»; Monday« t lu^*«.o ..t F uö ix iledaueiiujBM'H « '«am- «i t <»1 Juhu I . »laß«* b«»-r JacikBun- .i- Kn/ h «»« ■! bi.'H’dMVM nt »’eiifurd Dt u .11 > a i’KDiuuEE. Jack Kaoipeofl »• »•«-.«a ifu. i-ipp.r m-y uu«* year» «>i i J6't Land.* hi^n, »u.-i W’- iwi . m 17.M, h » u . U m . He wa* i»;red öy dir* ,.»!< h«»t * i.rtaiit. wh«> wh « Lrvd in Nui. . >.► •«! > . e f«muuMFndewf Nuiman- i) v. i» .»od >» k e. t>ac* »o Byerly Turk, im- 4,», l.-i Ul 1-7 I ih - ÜHIU Ol C«M.«UMJt WHt» the r-u« ,1 u.Hir wh«» ha» received auro iaik-Hoal îiaÜM.a m . «i cumin» ndatiuD» than «ny . ur e ie hi»*n. «» rn«r(« of he lhniaperte Jmc, by the r’Z Jiuu», A akcep'Mtre. It i- ii «»u- L i^..»h i rut1 Stahl »- — •• ti.«! will h ur Le Nrn t: / tl e f»4»t baxMl U» Euiopc • •r Juca -- K^nfgjkon. ilow* in the »eil * *»t —,------- 1 ii.y;a - > i gie »• iwv«* Sb . w»Mn |15. inaur- aving fmi . h » ro< lose olt mv huh - Beverly T> ckcr of West Virginia, Holme«, John Dilhir«!, and R Fhinp«, V Afta IO JikTttMOUVtli««. Btt 1 L m U W Ittlir«! U» 4 », »wee >-i‘- Any peí•»«»:« '*eihng Ins aiar» uarmg I hare r«.n<*lu«ied to c«>i iu«uu tea «in« «».• a larwat cn.« «.«-««Mon w H rvu.eu.Ler ti.at the m««cey for wlio-e appo uikient a* flavtian commis­ of Douglas conntv, which wa« tried in «•rei«.'»» ivi herid i» tl«*» rweutly P.»rt| ,n»| la^t tor«t •» c -.r- iaM«*n t«» prevent accident«, but no sioner has 1-rentril such a etir, is one of the di'trict court at wh»«»» I Inni in on»* .»f ♦!.* larg Rt an«l be»t block' week, resulted in a verdict for the of al kinds «.f F¡ rennin«, A mm un 4 mu. Cutlery. re»-buü«ibi:ity MMMna.ed iur an» that may «»ccnr. the most famili - thia mhrget. Guud» »o»d at th»« lowest p 4»4ib\ '■sir. aide whiskers and moustache. He ♦er.*sr (or four vea»s .irn-mn*» t<» »1 l.OfD. price* •*. is a j ivial. eoc ab'e man, fond of cham­ witli the costs a» $5 0) mon», a t >t<| of I wiii gnwnuiteA t’.»-»* ( owm I m I o Is» . . t wh«*’ I represent them t«» he. li»*i«*g thaii'ki. I.» m |19. >k», which must 0»» pii I hv II .1 n^s pagne and go >d -tories. old ru-tumerft f«»r their t»>w»t i>atr«»nak' *-.» uber > Vi.oron* efforts are being made to and Dillard since Ph: 1 ps is nlreidy in­ H beet »w.-d, 1 W« old raapacU'ii.y it a c »:>• tinuMi .1» «if tlie »Mme. Jo. N Ml LEK. ■itamp out smallpox in Marion county, solvent Wa«h:njton, Tun«» 16 —The following Will m'.in* ti »» setliw*.“»t : O egeti—M»»a ! .v. Line . A im • -tit.»«, il-«!'«»tu. Wednesday a«-d I mi ’- m Í . ., \|i«l XI ai d 4ih: et Hobt We»trop'e and no alarm exi-ts concerning it, con- ¡county, l)avi«l Smith, v «« man, rem »v**d ; p, ixto 1 I -itti l. . i * i • n*' Point, t r», April d tions that insure the check of the dis- '.«h »’»th. ret'mina tu enei. » hi d ev»*ry ninth «are within a leasonable time. county. (’ A. P -terson. v • laj du uu the*»» iA«m. ending Jul.\ I. DP9. Di '> . 1PÌ »ON XNI» IE HiGKr F*. Ex-President Ulave'and Laa struck it ton, r eigned ; New* Bri L» J m Bb.ii.e i«» a l*e->u*ifu: d..pi»te gra. Norman rich. H’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Fulgoro, ty. E i ('ll « »aller, \ i *«» |) J. Saun b rj - ....... , ui ;» »« i W • ha ila I gh. weighing 1.7*»u' v m |. lite mm ; >iiigb service, <0; season, $12.50; in- lency’s hotiaehold, and the hr'glit rays Sa vs tho A In »ton Tinw. ’*Th« ho' »unii.«;« . F15 • if peace and conjugal hue w 11 nm«t (ir.-M* cur»* will be t ken to prevent accident«. likely henceforth illumine tlm heaith- winds fr *m ti »• n r h a«« I c ist Hi p have . •>«■ie»houl«i am -tone and chain bets of the Cleveland be»*n hiowing for the past f *w «1 iyx h tv*’ F. S II K ML!N. fl»ricLen mans places i:i « n <) • /nn mansion. The European song b:rds imported and blighted th»* g.a n in i in w or only i Ils Tt'l- from Germany were turned loose in to be conn» ir.»d to 11»*« l-»l W vision *li 1 cut «I »wn 11i«» Portland last week. There a-c f-o'n 20 ed in D 11. < « I s vision, I stalks «>f of corn. corn, WI hm I Ii •'1«. to 50 pairs of the following birds: Black seven Malk.4 high w«*re were <-o np‘»»?e’v X w.i'st hijh Cleanses tho Nasal Pars«¿os. Al- headed nightingale, goldfinch, chnflinch, stai dii’g for r liav. hav. Ju t h«»w h«» lntirh jayfl Inflammation, llonla tnoSores. ring ouzel, bullfinch, night'nyal ■, b:*i-k rtrned I except fo tl»ii * «lamatfp damage h is bv«n bv*»n «I« done hip cxnnot be Bostorea tho Seuoua ol' Tasto, Smell »Vi 1 make tie® a«- n of !S*i>. as follow*: Com­ thrush, song thrush, greenfinch and *ky- merci; tt April 1, )-v*ii. n» m. p ace in S »n\» ral- dt' - ribed hut if is aca’ »ni’v of no mean »nd Hearing. iey. U« rc«- t«» John B ui«*j> 41! tr»-f:> lieh vai» latk. The^e are the sweetest v'ieed ?» op r t on-, to S iv Hv> I is! • «•. «-Hk n ....,!« mt *. t«» ?» S irpKit a on Emu» winged musicians in tie well, and ts A particle !• applied lau» each no* *.! an J « r . kjlit-; < •• b> J*»* r Woud«’ wuixi/i.1 l»-,th»*r oa they are insect eating are ii*. fu> a« w 11 At th** sm.u il t ie tinn of t»ip a ’Oi.'i.i« la ar. nr DritMU' I« or by oli- H*o. t*> ii;> TRiH’t refurntu aU. ELY DROrn«-. '»; War*n SUN’c.v Yor«. a* ornamental. More bird* wili be im­ t <»n of O eg n ■ ■ ri.e,'i f* 1 r’ l ¿n Poi t Ian I «MCI» st.»i wn «»tallion, 6 elet'od «*>>/« «<>u. .Is Ibi» of gr»-.*> bcaaiy. fine blylnand pride to the fact that an 13-vear old bov y»‘ar H W <’ .1 pre .mon kir.»! an«i gHj.t.e i.i din;»v«i'ion. and aa i f its training. Walter A. Sco’t, recently (-mntv; vice pr.'M»«lent, ■ur* h fu.«l a»tt» r -w Jareis n the HtMte of < ne nf Muitnonnih; rp < f«*t*i, G ••)«_«* II. g H»- mu ~ i «ir d hy H» n < k «Sj«ixjpMc»ii out «.? old distinguished himself hv carrying off the 1), of Alu !n< u.'ih ; • ie) 1 Hizíf ».ud >..u»p»«».*'. lì.Mi k banipton't dura medal off- red by Congressman Mason for Himes, jr >» bin-«J I > «»1.1 Hi¡«-y Illuni, a ( anud an French the best essay on the proposed water­ trfa^ni»-r, .1, M. Bacon, (re-v.i «•?. • ••«» Hngr. h » Young imported from The noteworthy feature of the es«ay i« S Lyman, of M » .:n tu » hl.fj.ri »a; h«»« «ia.n wa»» sired by old that, aside from being far superior to X \fa’thi« n. «»f M r inn ; K I* E irMit, '‘ olii.; Partus w.i*ii:gh» inspect the g t of <»f .Multnomah j M»'*i«.’rii»n Ctawford, o: Y i» g Br.ai am .re r»-f»*rr. «I to J F. L umm I m I»- the work of other competitor«, it is one I .nr luio, I red H umpn und h. 1'- P*ckeus, Lulbe of the dearest and most concise state­ Yamhill. ! K«*»*k ments ot the great project which Chica­ An Ahiolute Currt I r»KM8 Sii.gle le‘*p, 45; eeaenn, i*. insurance go want* nutional aid to help her con­ I SI I . . . B| reasui ah|e ra'ea TheUiifflr.al Abietine Umltnent ie nnlt 1 re*y p »iMUtiun »ul be takei. foaronl acci struct. • put up tn In'«?« tW'joui.cr ! !!i boxes, audi 1 U hi i, but uu rtMpouMibdity aabu«n*d el.onl 1 auy The house which has been built by an absolute cure f >r «>l«i sores, I.urns • «•< im t C. H0« LEMKIN. Mrs. E Mark Hopkin«) at Great Burlington, of piles. Atk for the Ori^iu il Abietine Marta., la a palace, and with it* «tahlca, Ointment. Sold by all'lru*44is s at 2J ct< etc., is estimated to have cost #2.500 000 per box—by mail 30 rents It is built ol blue doiotnits, quarried in the vicinity ; its roof r* crowned with im- \Vll LMAKh TH I SEASON OF !•» AT THK posing towers and massive chimnevs, The BUVTRTOrrDT’t »» i*» i. w ,g p .«<•♦•►: «'on iu«*ficina Mt my Ma and its inner tini. hinga ,irs of imported tamed M¿’cb arc s^ot., ' i In;.* . i t Juckte rv »b ,un >H»ndi>y Ap»il Whan Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!«. coca year. It is tui ar.cy- in ;»..« ce o Hi. \.«.rg li’i» «la* ie in I’l.OB .lX niatb'e and carved oak aud other costly imor- W -• •««* »••* w I b A, rn .‘<1 uuo &l Ueno« to J ha . woods. Mr. and Mt*. Searles have re cionodia of use's When she was a ChilJ, she cried for Gauonu, h » nu-»* h-tabb* la ¡id Apr 1 In. »nd Sir ; thence ell u ’ ao rur* mufion for i lot -l Wv.IHlH '» MIMbte. .«l’diofd XpfllÖth 31.(1 ceiply returned from EniOfie, bringing When the became Mine, «he clung to Cash ria, ch'uo L’av !' XUY1C3 or the ih. • ic » t • ;> P • h u «r'a Mabie, hhmt Cen- with them valuable painting* and other ol Ufa. Wa When sho had Children, she gave them C ’ asiuria I.«il «».i«». A|-nl Mth. ¡¡» tu ning tu r«ch atar.d adornment* for their magnificent home. you ax.4 :nrni-b you r.T«h .•*«*i v niti.il ÜM.V dur i n*: u.e »t-MMUD. « u J« uk J u 1> d unncceac/uy One of th* nios Pirn •> am » P kdt .REB-T«»ung ('1yd«' 1» i mnected with the ob«ervance of deco­ co to ehUitX a i « w o prupottn>t.«si i.uise. 10 year» <»l«i. ration day was tlin fact that an ex- an.I in various r*uc“. •*»>ri. ! 1. I • lor. »•. (i Wi i.M I.imut 16Oi pound« h. a s-o. «i h« h. G io «•««’ m eelei/r»ied ’ Ijd» a- Johnny Reb. gave the n«e of his wagon It 01. Ju*’ tk'M.c V • io • !• i 'n »t «irsi.g.a |,f>r»**eve> bro«nfht and team to haul the Grand Army boys tn du ail thaïe » , O y. m. ¿Ls nm wa.- •« thurougt.brwl I «»p- d nu can re î '.-ai p si «'u;'. ii ; m «• iiii;><»ri«tti • ruin K«Hil^«.*ky. und to Prairie city, says the Grant county of tue Du Yx A'rira. In conversation it was learned O i i c I • • « \ f- in »1.1 M m !»». will b® s**' «?C3 A* - ' ling q ialiti » I wilt rvfer ynn t<> that be watt in the battle of Pea Ridge, ntrt to piy poetiga. I 1 Sn.«th, R \ lie««!!. I »V Vi.iHiiH«, J UtaOMj-, J bl I »»t'*r, A »* < b me»«. M W«* d. on the boutliern side, while several ol MONTGOMERY WARD &. CO. laji»»-. \ I* • ■ -, ; E \.i • *. F M Pivrnale. D Renin the hovs present were in the same bat­ X11-U4 MiuUigrta Avanue. Chicago. HE - *r J ... • .4: ' l<> tle, though tn the Union army. Now m«ke a ¡ ,g u.» w »*- ti «• horw »how« ( >r tno.»*«lf. FguMS. S*rr«.n t. payable at fbe en«i the*• they shako hand* and salute one glori­ «•< « *u .ic»* « i .-*ur w.'.an mire i» known to be ous banner of the free and love one with t»»ai <»r «. ip«-»K*«i «*f common country, when a score of years 1 v» rj piecHUoeu w ii Im taken to avoid acci- •iei t>. out «iti uut bv iHvp Hii»ihie, vh«»uid any ago they shot at each other to kill. Vcrilv, decoration day is an institution «»ecu. PHIL. BTF.VE.Sb. for good, for it has a tendency to emol- iate the feeling of strife which is not yet dead. Fishing Tackle. Hardware, Paints, Oils. Varnish, Glass, Cutlery, Etc., Jacksonville, Oregon. H THE FÍNE NORMAN STALLION, Pour Htomach, Diarrhosa, Enn-tauon, Worm«, giviig steep, sud proiuotss dl- I Kills restioa. Eiy’sCreamBalm YOUNG BRIGHAM J Without injurious madicaUon. Choice Lands Fm* S .le ThcB. P. Co.’»« F- rrs iu;.k s c «nnfetion with all un* i- KuiMi ti ici- on i.p- Eat>t Side Divis­ ion from f H.t of F street Port huid. (1 Fr:n!,Fiisi cnù /Le Sirens, OREGON., PORTLAND, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i THROUCH TICKETS tn m H points, SOUTH A l EAST, V A CALIFORNIA. F r informal i >n /■'g.irlinjj rat s. maps, cto., cnll < n ('■ uit’:«n\ '6 ftp, Ft at M> «if* » H. KOI.It LUC 1. I* l!(»i Man.iu r. Ast. G. I . A J SCIE ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AKO NORTHERN IDAHO FDR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER 7’w 39 Machines are to* well known to need commsnt. Thousands of farmers have used them and rpeai of tixem with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER’S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, Nettle I’p Notice. I BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME DI SCO VH 11 LES ! ! N Important Notice LLT1HHM KNOWING THrMNFl de*b* i fothe ii'««!. r-i ». a-- - «i .1, ar i - I’M» rt I.U-* Is !U<» b. ni-*rt»‘ •«’ • . with i-Um«dial» b ■ I L.Ü i - K i » i II. !**< Ur 1 I Dît1 » nk • l.lli tLrSÏ.d Ik ERL’lA^ i»LOw.'4, i--> PaCum m > I kw MM ^*^1^»« A l Ji iW e Strayed or Stolen iib»M TH! BETTE CHEEK RANGE. *NE ti... •h:n-<' !• r< -I marwith whit«- *i»«.t in ». M>l «lab uf < iifi.t yaw, branrlcd “C n '• it «• 1 10 I r with a iitnc r brand •‘C*’ i b .Vf til tJi'.-t-11.ur.. d briui«': i»!»«) one H- HirtT'*, live y 1 Hr« « !•!. brand*d with 1 u . n b ft sb’ u’«i« n a 9 • a daik p 1. vi'r y ! c .t. n«i.n*np with t*.e • s«r . n'tri ti ' d. !!«• has sinaJi white -t..r f r ¡1 »1!. Ailb rui reward will be pol l f r t r r tr.» •.; t > the end ruigntd, or L.» Inf r irt.t '»¿i f‘l ,n- BucJfZeM’s Aridra Atilw The best salve in the world for Cuts u Rrii'net» Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sore-. Tetter, Chapped Hand*. Chilblains. L'orna, and all Skin Eruption.’« andposi live cure*» for Piles, or no i ay requin d. 1« is guaranteed to give perfect Mat!*»fact on o» money refit. de«l Frire 25 « enta per Lox For salt bv ail drngtf'Ms. htly, tkin Tortvv^. Tha simpi« application of 8wayne> Om’mei t. Without nnv internai mrdicin»*. wili rnrean) cane nf Tvlter. tìalt Rhenm, Kìngwonn, Pile«, Itch, Borea. Pimple*. hczeinn. all Scnly. Itchy, Bk>n I ruptioDB, no mattrr how ohstmate <>r lorg nding. Il ts poteri, effective and cf that ph as.mt ( alif-,rnia reme­ dy >1« isku tion Kuaiautecd or itiuury Lin 1 *1. • ous and Fhv. al 3OTTLE lity. Vital ï.v FREE, CREATESTCF ALL STEENCTHEMNG EEMCDIGS ANO -KjwguTZ.?. NERVE TONICS, Ii th© only remedy that 1 ¡events perir.’'.ncnt.y , will ce sern to ; :l involuntary V.’iakc I g L< «sen, I;ra'. s urt a ANY ONE APPLY- Ctesyrt« m. ni ;!.tor d; >w- v« rtl.ey ccrur,r:.d INC CY LETTER. 1. w’.J'-b are the t"'oca -v the above and n ' y STAT1NGUS SYMP­ ci other Nerve: •, Df ’ TOMS AND ACE. t trdand M-.r! .J c: ■ - I "ft, a "d f-r:n *. ! ' h ALL C0MMU9IICA- T11 OUS AN I Ki OF M1 •. «. Crr unaware of lha TIONS STRICTLY real cause. CONFIDENTIAL BY j LETTER CR AT Orf ICE, I..CE. I <3FTlie Feit »ire t’at «lintin«»ii hes thi< Twine B nd« r h the !. ghtiK«s of Piatt, combined with its Extraordinary btr* npt ■> S’ld 1 urabilit «. 1 cel. ¡i.vri« f t c At»(>h b. pit'i rn. t ic only really *uor«!»sful one yet known. Web vatwjb* |.*s, the E.cvator Under and t..<.• r.atturu: Under— bo.’h exvc.lei.t~ both recoiuiuendvd by hundiediuf patrona. -----TUK LIND OF TUB---- : iON 1C cur- s w; h • f-.iliijff Cf'rt. *:ity K J 1 The most Elective ¿nd Successful Combination Dr Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. CALIFORNIA ........... —«rp ■ n *: n is <1 R ’ ol'RT \..l TRIAL ! H — -TU’ .ar ’.r.MijjY: t AULTMAN’S STAR TRACTION ENCINE, Al li s? in uh cd to h** urdcr-ignrd r h»*r by n »t. < r b k at c u t • re li« trby t«) cad . n i s ttl • ;ur hwi h, s I a '« 1 UM.icss ..ii i must have N . !■ IMIF.B. “S BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS. BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIN DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. Ah*o cures ALL Ki’*iry and Riivkbr Com» ..* I.«: 5« ft 01*1 -yd, !>.-> as«-« Í t..3 .. i. P.r r < s, I)t. •<, et~. I*.- i»,f Jiitn •; o, t>r G t :t’i-.frr (I’', f ' nt ton-y n-h‘ i..- •• f - ru r ’> • \. i - » r 1 Dr< ■: :y confidential. CL’IU- GUABAS i C1LD. CM! er address -SEND FOR CIRCULARS.-» D!tC. D. SALFIELD, MILLER & STRANG; Agents, Midford, Oreg 91Ù iZevrny San 1'rancUcc, CaU .xia □ @bBAsrfíA’Í!>Mí kronen iti s.f tor 9.^* • Cieculj r,^| frt? SI IKK ><> MlhTAKF. When T My Crr-.E I <5o no« mean mcrply to «top th«*m fur a lime, and the a have 5,.?*^ turn again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL CL a *— 1 have made tne duuu»o of Carriages Wagons, Bv dispelling the nymptoine no often mfa- tak n f »r consumption. >anta A bl«» ban l»r »tight g ain Mtn many houaeboldaau«l by pr unntiy breaking up the cough and cold that t.» » >ft u <1. v •lop'* mt.» that tata! «liseuse. M ill v t *nv t ’.»u-utn i** from an untimely grave. Y ui m.’k n -nid ik bjr k epinga te.ttlejof tuirf nutcl Caiit irnia rcm.xly always in the h hi «. FITS, EPILEPSY cr FALLING SICKNESS, I A life-long TtuJy. I warnxKT my remedy to and Carts Crn. «he crore« entos. It. cause Olbera Im. Buggies, failed is no rennon for not now receiving acucc. bee 1 al once tor atreati-e and* FREE Bon LS of my iNSAt.t.inLE KiMtur. Goo Exprc •nd i’o-t <»!i C. It c.'«ts you IndhUifi i«x A tru.1, aud II »ill euro you. ,-.dai tea , H.Q.ROOT.M.C., IsaPuaiSKRfwYeu Wheel and Reversal i Hirraws an J Cultivators. Tn-» Itonownod J. 1. t'ASU B1S5311 (tiEifi Plows* Iprov i -OREGON«* - ÍJ M 0 J ? ìùV«.cnr»j £ lv O K idney t E4 TSE O N LY — (,;;^ ä N t EED cuh ¿ roFk 12 BY Hyu* URINA^Y^KIDNEY TROUBLES CATARRH C» Vili* MIETINE WC q TQ n OVILLE C*J CALIF9RHI CAT-R-CURE THE ONLY GUARANTEED CURE FOR CA- I i.irr.i. < »:d in tu H a i. Hay F« v- r, R »sv < >. I. ('.it-irraa! D> afn ns and > «re Eyi-w. R.»- ,» .[• tb — n-ie « i t.-idu an 1 e.u 11; rem >vue til t < » • an I unpi.’iuant br -atn, r suiting trun (’itarr.i. i\» i-»w lircctiuns und a cure i . irvint 1. S o 1 i «r circular t > ABIETINE MEDH kL COMPAN V. Orjvhte, Cui. Six mouth«' trorVxncnt $1« By Mail • l.U. SASTA ABIE ASD OAT-R-UUKE a H ^& a R t Corn-Shellcrs, ' Fanning-Mills, M inils and fiverytliing kept in a lirnt-class Machine and Iniple- A ppetizer . " tnent House. ; Also Staver & Walker's Agency and Headquarters for .CURES -INDIGESTION. Jackson county, < > regon. „ Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am i prepared to give lowest possible prices, and my goods arc first-class. Correspondence respectfully solicited. WM. OATES, Central Point, Or. FOR ALLSKÍN DISEASES* F r Sale by all Druggists. Tri! supplied by Snell, Huiteuu & Woodard, Pjit.anJ, or. v THE LADIES h / Of S utUr rn Oregon arc berel»y inf »rmd that iu ai liti ju t j Àbiarge und vi gant line of Doc t Be talk*! into an INFERIOR MILLINERY 1 have port -L' a ^ o .O^. THE STAFF ÜF LIFE! TIIE ROGUE RIVER POI»$fiH, SiEftM FLOURING KILLS Because ’t it h 1 Hl to my st ick the following classof g jjJs, of w nicu 1 uave u full Hue; More Profit Laiies’ Zurnlshing Soods T<> Qiherc. Buth Knit and Muslin. A VIM» RECENTLY BEEN REFITTED will tiuproveiiieai», are ia»w lurinin H util ah a mudt*ru Urat-cla»' artn le <»f Hour, whirl, is put up barrel mk .« t -. mu «I evt-rx hmcm u * wai rantea u oouiaoi 4«f pouixiH ol tiour It y«»u don't belie«« rbjf*. just comoare a wtek ot our flour with an; olhei brand ottered lot »air ui thia la&iket, am note the diflurence in we.ght. Flour And Mill-Feed Constantly on hand anti exchanged for wheat As cheap ua tu L« bovgiit any place; also BARLEf ROLLERS. Jhildrsn'8 Short Clothes, ruder 4 years old. A beautiful line of HOSIERY I Grand .Central Hotel. Consisting of Lisle and Silk. MEDFORD, OREG OX, íiloves AÏ. If kN I »KERCHIEFS CORNETS Zephyr Shawls, An l m.in.v other thing* too numerous to mcn- tl jii . 1 have also secured the services of a j V. 13lì ENTANO, Proprietor FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Terms $1, #1 SO un«l l’er I>ny FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER. An 1 am now prepared to’ execute an or­ li rs in t .i it line in lirst-c.a-i.4 style at reusona- bl'* rat < 'all uu 1 see inc opposite J. Nunan's on Cali­ fornia street. MBS. P. P. PRIM. * folluwingmUMtned suttkr haa filed notice of inn iutcntioii to uiuke linal proof in support of hiv claim, and that «aid proof wiil be made be- for« thr judge, or lu his uba« nee. before the cl«ik *»f tne county court of JaikaoD county. Or..at J.i< kaoiiviiic.Or.,on Saturday July 27.lbW. viz: U ilnaiu Nuah. humeateftd entry No. 4UX5, 1 «r tm NU k4, mc . 7. tp. 35 8, K rtuuity ut the above-muntiunud turn und p.acu to i-romwASiuiuc the witnuwe« ot aaid claimant, and toutfvr cviatnccin re­ buttal of that bubmitttd by claimant. < has . W. JOHNSTON. Register. in tbc matter of the estate of Joa. S. P. Hui« mvy, dvc« MMii. Order tu »uuw caurtv why rc-u* property auould uut be Boid. H aymond , the admindl ii at rut tin « etau ut JvSepu S. P. Kuiiney, B enjamin «Ke*acud, nuviug und ins petition tn run, duly Vvrnnd, t ia> ing l.»r uu order uf sale uf tire r* a*«, flute ui rt mall« r deambud, belonging to sai l v&tat«-. fur tuv purpuac ib« rein »«11 l rifa­ il isi*nr> i ui«* urdertu by tbu court that all p< rsouu mt. r« elid tn tm eutd tulaU. appear b 1 i* the «aid court on Tuesday, the ^d day ut July, IrttiV, at 1U o’clock a . M. ut «aid day at tn« <• uit room of sal«! county court, at tbc court-nuuftc in Jai ks nville, UrcguD. to show cause wuy an uravr etiuuld nut be granted to in. said adininibtrator to aril the following de­ scribed r, a newspaper of x n. ru: cuc-u.aiiun, printed and published in e>aid county , ana it is turtner ordered by tbc court tuat u copy ut tun* «.-rdcr be aervuu per- h -Daily upon « ucu ot tne b. irS nuxued iy said pLiitivnwiiu rtsidt- in Jackson county, Ore- goD, us by iaw uirectcu in such caMft. J. K. NEIL. County Judge. Dated May 27. ltet*. Guardian's Sale of Real Property. In the County Court of the blate ol Oregon for K.ituiuUi County. In tbe luaiUr < 1 tuu j^uaruiMusuip uf the ml- i uor n< irn « 1 b * u * u L. JaquttU.*, duecased. N Fi R^ l A. xl E ui .AN U1CDE1C OF THE C uinty Court ui Kiaiuatn county, <>rvtf«»n. Uu. iitiuv inifeii n, guuruiau uf the DiiDi-r bviis «d >aiau L .I m ' iuv U l , «Kccatfud. will utter for tsttiL t J I m « UegilebL bluUir fvl' CMBil CD fStiturday, July 1^, atSo’chx kP. m .. at the courub«»uie door In J;uk> UiVnK. ur. g >n. Mil tUv rigid, title and iiiur.*>i • t tuc said minor beir» uf Sarah E. Jrtquvltc, «1« u< asixl, in and to the foliuwlug de- m riDcd property, t.>-wit: 11« ginmug ■’’.M vnajua w«*t of tbe «uutheaMt wrn< r « t In«-norUiwurt quart« r of thuaoutn- • quarter <1 MCMM I ivv , - d , townablp thirty-nin« .C4 auutb, range onr d? cart of the WinaiU’ ttu Murinian; tucuve north rods; tianvv « abt lk'»4 r«*Ub, tb«nu«* south E.’-»4 rod«; tmncuwcftt c. 4 ruu« to the place uf bugin- i.;ng, <•«»ntaiDing un«* acre, mure or ait- au-u in Jackson county. State of Oregon. W. II. J ADC ETTE, Guardian uf the minor iitim of bantu E. Jaqu«?ttv. tlcevased. rutted tint; Idin day of June. 1889. { Petition ior Retail Liquor License. 3 BI e / i NE MED^wviiLE.cÀk. N otice is hereby given that the Citation to Heirs. II by II umru Fade. j'S L and OrncB at B ockbvbg . O r ..) June* lb. lbt*. f TOURIST SLEEPiNC CARS, For accoiumodatiun of s« cond-clam ¡».isscn- g< rs, uttachcd t i ExpruHs Trains. T ilsving added a net of Barley ieillors to my mill * have net apart every Saturday to Roll Barley Cut ••UBtomerH. The work will be done on ate»i« mt io*. bo that parties can return with their grit-1 .he name day. 1 am prepared to roll barley rt al hinee and in tn« bdpt manner. This pr»»ceee ii far ahead of the crusher. G. JLAREWKKI ST. CHARLES HOUSE,” LTNKVILLE. OR M. E. Williams, Prop’r. nis HOTEL, HAVIXO BEEN THOROTiiH tág- Special Attention Paid to Cotnmercinl Travelers, "feìj QHAS. E. WOLVERTON, Pre»idunt. J. R. WRITSNIAN, Vicc-rre.id.nt. J. W. CU8ICK, Treasurer J. K. ELD ERKIN, Sec. and Manhgei WRISLEY & CO., The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Company. Final Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. oricr. IQ HEREBY GIVEN THATTnB DE- hn.pi* r*t tax li«»t »»f J.-« M »n county,Or. gon. f r i'-’**, i b * n turn’d over to ni .with Marrant t: an t i li n. C »unty C »urt f«>r ita limn di.it »hrti.li. Ali p-r-na who are < n r . i ! I ln»t wi!l pi--a-*'cal! nt my. l!i«"fti Ja< k> Ti­ an I s ttl- wlt«i »ut fi.rt’n. r 4 lav, ns I will n il d t • I vy up n th»* pr j>< rt v of th«* iivpi nt*, in r I r t ♦ « nf r«- t-aviu« nt ill t • «. it n .» . ai ’ at «.nc?. A i r. rnpt c anpii.inc w«th t i- law will nave furthir -r M\ «i PUHI'S wll' b gin riding an i making vi - n an ! aft r May -5. l’V’9. JA> ti niRDbCY, riff and T ax -Culli <*t roí JacK-uu county, nr u* n. iiivtllc. May 15. l^O. Notice for Publication ’ PULLMAN BÜFFET SLEEPERS. T h « C íntacb C ompact , 77 Murray Street, X y. W men lose their be uty because cold« undermine ibvir life. I)f. AcXpr'a English iicnirdy tor Cviixilrnptioii is an absolute ”urt tor cold«, bool by E. C. Brooks. HANLEY Mt pn Gage against Jaiucrf M. .. Y ....................... u'.ix f i aban h niuK hin In imsttad « n- r tn,5- Xw». oaU«l Match IS. lbKl, up* n it«« MV ‘ i j-4. aud L-’t No. 1, s*c 33. and lot ; No. I. of b- AU c. 32, township 34 B. range 1 W In I Jmkxwn county. Or« g» n. with a vit w to the cancellation of said « ntry. the said parties are b«*r«*by suiumonod to Mpptar at the county ckik s office, in Jacksonville, Oregon, on the lMth day <4 July. 1>9«9, at 10 o'clock A. M.. to rr- sp«>nd and lui uiah tcHtiinony couct rning said alitged abamioDiu« nt. ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON, Register. A.C. JoxEb. Kccclvsr. SOUTBERN P; CiriC co.’S LINE. JIM BLAINE, COLD IN HEAD LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ÜHLßLfiNO 10 CALIF uri HI i »:*v, v haetdv tint pc It is ft»’«! that ihr vxiMing ritdiohd- tu.nit,it tu , of:co I* ttaipi e»ti, br nchttl*. have S9Ô 000.(KM t*rogn ties that inu*t 1 e c turrh, arthtua and all ihr at *ml lu g 4 teoiuu-, also a positive r.nd r..dt aj mm renewed every s»x yeate. nr uervotti ».»ved. J'. h To’1 , r 111,1 orEngislt, !*' ns h r prep iriugan I using. Big rains are pre»ra i 14 in Kiraas . 1 1 ("f ' 1 and tin r.» Lae been aiirh an ov«*»ti >w oi ■ cut bv mat, >JV addressing with stamp. rivers as to cause considerable damage. nr''“|1ii‘i V* 1/ H,*r w A Xdyea.149 Pow­ er » Block, 1»ocnct, r x. Y. i 1 I The official board of ran vapora in Mon­ tana show that the lMnocratic inuj >:ity Nuihon! ° 1 will bo five in the constitutional con <■ ia is rrcoiuinendt d by physician a vent ion. <»r «'n>ajr«n teething. It is a purely vege- It is rMimated that Kentu« k\'s fobac- ■ ’ .‘‘v preparation, its iiigrvtiienis are pub- eo crop tld* year w ill annal'11«»3 X).000.- •y I ir«»uti4 each te.ttic. it is pleasant ‘ Hie taste m4 absolutely harmless, il 000 1 ournb', ur I aif oi the < uüie crop ol » .'»»ust'patreguluha the bowels, ninet the country. I’Miii, «-iiieM diarrhoea and wiint colic, ui There is a big Rensat’o » at Ottava, iay» i.'Verishnes.M, destroys worms, and j.revi- itw ('.mvutei.»ns. 9u.«thes the child Canada. .Several case* ci l»,pr. ay have liven diMvnercd among the vvh I q |>euplv and gicr** it r.'tr- shii g natural sleep, Cas- >s the ciiihlieu's p.iuacea- the iuulh- m the city,4 er*» irh'in* 3>> «lose®. 3.5 ce«.ts. There will he fix hnndrf'd pr j»nH in r.’/rM» /•He-«.’ Af hiHfJ ft/e-a.’ the a-\ 1 iu| nr.ir Salem an I ihr o hun- SYMpru.MH -Muifdiire, intenneitebiogand sting- lrrc..ii)Hi4» Very bore tiwaync’b S. Hamilton, has baer n nppyinte-1 e . * _ I re­ tfviit of the 11 Be«>.iy of lii? Mute ni • -a ¡«:»*m »tup* ilia itching .«nfi blew!mg. Leal® i relation, ui.il in muat c .« mmi remove* tL« tu­ Or gon, for a terni <»f twelve war.*», ui, tu ir . Ai tirii-vii.t-. ,> ny mail, for 5v cent*. Dr. B«u»ue A o«*u. Phil . ! h | m »,.4 until his Kucuvs-'or is appointed. Gen. L. S Brie»* has h“«*n chosen Alirttf/m rtrndy. e«lit the North Aim ric'tn wh ALL SOB 18. *' v',;t wi.l take ttw- r» cauti »n to keep a has I hvii \Minont an cduor mice ,‘ ’• l‘* ''l ”**• ii « Colic, Cho era itml <'.ji i Inca remedy <»n h ind you will aiivuys Q iiniun is rn| of bowel Com* ev-r known, 25 cents an ounce. It wits • » tiiit. i< is prepared e-peciady f«»r that worth |1S an ounce in Cahtoruia in (Inni, of Suli in, c<»in*iii^sioi-.»»r (or Ilio , ur p<».*«*, am' -q a suf • cure 25c perbotlle. ii.-ti let ui Al i-ka, tu r side ; t O.inal:»s ’ < sk a. 1IM7. > '»Id ;ii i iiy Drug$t<»re und by Engel Bros., in place of R >bert S. A ideisjn, who de­ rimenix. Bill Nye lias gone to Paris. H>- will clines the appointment. “Jo” lhn i-x|>os non and attempt to in­ As «linwn by th.» Io il n »w< rOI of terview Queen Victoria when be goes to the St-itesinun, Sale*11 u* »•; j «vu / » ver. London, i The Pasco Headlight and the Pomemy •Uh'e budding boom, nn; a Ii •alfhy one, 10. the demand ior «icvvnt houses to rent independent are tsiuming Thoni is H Kients fur the United States senatu from or to buv vxce.'ds the Mtpply. See that you & bri* ' i • r*.-’ ct. < < ret by, b n F ran« . m - o . C t «nací LAH ni£F . USE 27 18M). GENERAL NOTES AND KRV-b. and n* wly furr.iel«ed,rarkft »moi i T I •* Iv bcftt iep in -irod Southern Oregon The Ledf* na«» nee • nd clean hi d 1I,»- tables supplied with the best the market Milords. Tlio GucHts may rest awuired that nothfrg will Le left m dor f that will add to their comfort whih atsyit « here M E IVILLJAMB. I.irkviBe. Or M » y 15. 1 *-*->. To the Honorable County Cutirt of the Mat« of < >r< gun. tor J ut k Son count) : | HL L .\DLKMG.\bD.YUl k PETITIONERS, 1 h gai vut« rt* ut Ki ck P«>iut prtcluct. Jack** (kin county. On gon. du moot i<«pt<*tf uliy aak yuur h< ncdnbh buoy to grant tu M.F. Hull niid Vt iteun lictk. under the lirm name of Hull A H< < k. a uc< in»«, tu retail bpirituuu». niait aud vm« U m hqiiutti m leas «juMiititiiM than one gMiiuti. m G«»i«i Hui. io It « buy, '£ M Gnf- lilUM, M Jacoby, K s< xaur. J H Grittiv. J Wji- lein, J McDonald, U Nauuu, P smith, O Knut«, t uit. n. D N Diru»« y, G W Lauct, M D» vamy. Dr ( oiVig, G«u Mi«.k-.\, SC ixuruicf'. Jas a Horn, laaec ltugiiu, 1 1 B umui , in Smith, L i'U n, H L Unit«, J 'lMyiur, < X romuu. J W U a.k r, E Ray. J Ii U h U miii «, M m Stuart, J K bail. A A l.aMi« r. Robt Haiumun. < Une N LaiiHnit, 1 in. ma»*. J LKuwu, U H Kuuuclla, s U ait« r>, - Bumbuugn,J E smith, i M Fruu- «nbi.ig. J U Muud« u, W A Guiuamlth, J A H - i n. »» L Met iur«. uoad Contracts to Let is hereby given that the Uuuuty C- u.-iu ul tiieCuUlt Hou«» ill E.KiiAhurg, uD ttou 3d any «4 Ju«j. A. D. lNSV. rtctivu l»ius tur build« mg a u-uuutÿ r< aa 11 m the Uuitb buuk of tuutc«» nvtrto Pert Otfcrd, on in«- gtinral «inc ut ttiu hurv«j i t saai i\.ad. The r«»au-b<.d tube on straight lin.^and g« title curves, of Uut ns» tuMii «.igLt l«.«i in Miuth, uns buhd i-.uiiaaliun L 1 a uaguii ruud. ana ruau-bed to i»v grsueu witu u t».up« t >uuru the bunk ur tuu mniuv ut tae grauv. At aharp turns ur curv«.« rutuhixd tu I k be crain- tu uj g*KKi und buliicn nt luiv« rt««; und brunh un«i 1« gn u> b« cut und r«.uiuv«id rt adwu> ut 1« abt tu clvu lcct iu width. Aiicon- t nu torture mneuy cununvatu lukrw tlugruue st;.k & tt h < ui. d. und iuuik«,d: **B iq for the v .iiBtruitiou ut tuv Currj county Wag«»n ib ud. IrulU Cuitcuto hui Ilhbuig,' ur “trum Uikusbuig to Port orf« rd," ur mm suid bid shall ue, and suait b 'ujM iHd in open Court. Each uni st.an be accoiapuniva l»> a ch«11 the sum t uu«. tUuiibMn.iauimrv, w uaum shall Li turfcit- a 1 » tin- tuna in can« the centrait nbuuld be um arued tutu* biddt r and in- should tail to enter iiiiu a cuutruct w ith the Court. No bid shad be u« nsid. » til uiutss nccoinpaniud by the chick, lx nd, ur «-tu« r obligati« n. as 11« run provided. lu« couut» r s< tv« s tuu right to acceptor r • n unu«.r my imnu aua the se«! <4 judd {?S . I Court tuie Ziel uuy of May, lKMi i. r M.GAtMLETT. ’ ) County CJ«rM. FARMS FOR SALE 1 OFFER FOB BALLON lilABON ABLE term* Lune «/I the beet block ur Dairy huiXLn lb booth. in Oitgun. »liUMitMi uu D«er < leek. Joseph ma ouniy contunnng Mjuacre» uf neh butti u. i*a, A 'COMMODvrE TUE «ÌB3WINU DF- Combine« the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the humnn system, forn.in^ the ONLY PLR* FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS i I rn n: I f •ri .-il ti ’e «ii th«* town of ! M diari, Ja3kson Co., Og-i. A’«’ Lrm io h «va dm hna a lin» of proparty, and r » b»» fri« ti> furnish n« r -liab!» infortnatioi • »nc •’■iti'u* r.ifiì HwfHta in S i'llliai-u OragoD,«»1 u’tj «)ttr*»i ürrr n<»w doina CurriHp-.tudenre solicited WRÎSLEY A CO. —AND TO — Cleanss the System Effectually, — SO THAT —• PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is living it and all are delighte 1 » uh it. Aak your drugS1-! for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu­ factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, S am t aAMvwco, C al . bmrnoM, K k N ew T om . N» » ¡** -S CA-S4II we have upened an ot­ PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM an*'* a ni b.'autlflf» tho hair. tZJj1 r H’ ■ ,. ¡ .se.rUnt growth. Never Fa,|, *d H--I..-. Or«, Hair t j its Ycuthiwi Color. Orerie'/ .-}-i snn ! luirÛUHng ■_ _ '• ' ; ' • -ta»_______ P/Jí! - ; í 'ECI«ÍUER TONIC T’jVITb CI\ *00,000.00 AT.BANAr. ORKGOX. ThU popular remedy never falls to el iectUMlly cure WM. ULRICH, Districi Ageit. - - MEDFORD, OREGON Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick HcaJache, Biliousness Sheep For Sale IQiin HEAD OF WELL HPjnHHFFP. ALT« JOVv healthy and in tn-n ord r Thny are said to be on#* of tl e finnft b«t «I« «>f ►hcep i" the (»onnty. and thi« i« a ' n«* opjMirtnnitr f«»r any- . P wiblni:« lotDgaff* inti p»!i«wp bnsin«««. Apply to MliB. BALLI* h . ISH. Jack aonville. O ♦ gon. April 30. It»#. Stock and Laud for Sale And all «Hacaaes urising from a r mni: cndrrsignfd offers for kale j tiv- he®d <»f R '«»*1 ate«» aerate] peretda of exfi’lb-nt lvnd ►itnated in Jackaonvill , Wil- jowSp-intf® nnd Central Point precinct®. Fo* further particulars call at the Jackaonvdle Mar­ ble Work*. J C WHIPP. The nnturnl result 1« gofacti«>n. M ala at k J i h« ur«. 25 canta. CENTRAL HOUSE, E. K. BREITMAN, Proprietor, Ashland, - jj - Oregon. This well-known house has been renovated irougbout aud 751 Maik< t bt., ben Frunclco. NEWLY FURNISHED. Goand hnin In w t” av< id «Us­ uo». li Pii la u v< m.< ifui y< u art A go«*d sample room for commercial trare!era uiaù<. Private cflxtH. LI G» aiy gt. has te*.*n fatten op in c«.nnarUon wiU« tha hotel. nsu.taù .u <>u Lust Maoboud ul aU OuMAa.« ut m^Sbod >ur