i I Ci*.*: xñiuuivaui duiu’u JOSEPHINE COUNTY HEH''. VXMEHCJFrt. VISAS TEH. DESCRIPTION OF JACKSON COUNTY.OREGON. miscellaneous . REAL-ESTATE NVv are »lai y in receipt of s«»iuany letters ¡ So!. Abraham wa. al Grant’s Pasa last we< k. Tl.» aaa at Altoo­ IL II. Bait >n h is purchased B. A. Stannard’s imp . rtMht of th* in : A im .»ngthe springs which have achieved the Along the r.urrow valley, whrr- pr“p rtv at (¡rant's Pa «, paying $s»ni therefor. 6'uu «i m.lktM it one of the biggem as na. wldebt celebrity are thv Cinnubar springs near i”iS«nu«h.n. in lf>- '•» **n uv.rwb.-4uU>!« pop- w«d; a-mo-l iutCii-s'.Hig j »uri» il» iu the ev. r the mountains r *. edc.l far enough, C »inniuni- n s« rvices were held at the rntirt- the California line, which at pnsrent ran only 1 •tat*.*. It a!'.ray* was the leading puwr a eiiccea.'ion <”’ populous villages Rtrelch • h >u«. - n bun lay by members of the Baptist bv rvarhtal by trail it in I pack-horsea via Ja»*k- I 'hI¿KANI»EXTKAOKIilNAKYDBAV. INGS ’ chiuch. tkinvlllr. Or., or Henley, Cal. They ared(*s- of l.anc v utity. Wu congratulalo Bru. ■ ,ut.nntii at J. hnsfon the widened valley Tin* principal lumber manufacturer« <»f this tintxi to be at no very distant day to thr Paci- ac/juiinirla.r.l a largo nianulactunng coun Campbell upui. h*s auc«eaa. ’y are hit» r<-t»*«l in th. Gilroy failure nt tic slope what the H»*»t Springs of Arkansas ar«* ¡¿-'life, l’ucí m . a. IO.I U- '.«her t. u m-nf u. I town, the seal ot the famous Cambri i Ash’and. to th«* eastern states, in the treatment of ti. oar. .U-! arc all urawn in public, al Surveyor Howar«i is establishing th«* street ehronic com** of rheumatism and constitution­ lias been platted and thrown upon the market in lots ranging in size from two to eight acres, at prices C alif -'K.n. l li«hinent of the kind in the world. gm»les of Grant’s Pass. Several sidvwaik« will tate »n that many visitors from all sections of then I k laid. ‘ Wt do hereby certify that wt tiupen.M Oregon toil over the f«»rty miles of mountain varying from $18.00 to 840.0D per acre—figures which barely cover the original cost <.f the property and CH I »or no of L««a An^lri. Cal., thought he I Atiove the town, a’ a point where paral- J. C. Campbell, the vli*vi«r Grant’- Pass mer­ ii.«; t-arh year in onler to (*nj«»y their benefits. the arrangeim uta for attthr Monthly ano imj the »..« poeitiun p^.ff.o.a of ... public printer ......... .. — expense of surveying. This property was purchased and subdivided, had «♦*- l*‘I ndgeH of the Alleghtnit*» well-niji chant. has r.-covered from a severe uttack of S«a*ond in importance, perhaps, arc the Hhovel aouual dr........ . -/ fhe Lou^una cure ». but Mr Harrison appointed Frank ^choked up the strugding stream, capital rheumatism. cn vk springs and mu»l baths, also near the •State Lottery Company, ana in person Palmer of Ch»* «4?o to mu recd Benedivt. i had nuppIrinFtited nature in providing a liev. Roht. McLean «b- iver.*«! an able and in­ «tateiine, which have proven highly benefi­ manage and control the lh awmy» them- 1 reservoir, by building a collo^sal dam in terest mg*a l it- - at Newport, on Ya»|uina bay, cial In treating cas««* of rheumatism which ielve»,and that the same are conducted w.th last Thursday. have baltivd medical skill. These springs have I he canyon, thereby holding back nn O n the fl «t page «>1 llii«« i««u«> will I» honesty, fairnihh, awi in good faith towaid Smith X B -ii* h ive b; • n nwnr*d«*d th»* con­ t in« added advantage of good hotel accommo­ but tu induce a desirable class <>f immigration to settle in what is acknowledged to be the most desirable imtnense I mm I v of water in the mountain dations and ease ot access by stage road from found the I e-t »ml mont acculate de- tract for ereeling a nic»* Bapt ist church build- ,11 parta», and ne authorize the Company The land is deep, rich soil, a large portion of it being sub-irrigated bv Ag r, ( ul. Cole’s soda springs near the sum­ fruit section in Southern Oregon. » riptmn of Jiu k-«in c rtinty ever p'lb- lake thus artificially provided. Crowded ing al Grant's 1* hsm . >o u»e thu certificate, with fae-eimilci of our mit of the Siskiyou* will probably take rank as into the towns below, every spare foot Jo* phiii«* county 1« ev»*ry «lay attracting li.'.e I by lh« pre-«». Any |H«r» «n W ill­ the Saratoga of thv slope in th«* imimallatv fu­ drainage from the mountain aur. aft» nt ion from ui* ,.i 1. Li-tui-k'« C'x- ture. for they aro situated directly on the line ing » copy oi th » i»»ue e»n ol«-»in it by of the narrow valley utilized fur miles <*ursioli value of which for firewood will more than pay the cost of clearing the land, as wood is worth $3.00 per did us much go«si. of the railroad, almost in Shasta's shadow, and and miles, 50,000 human beiuifs had calling ou ur addieaaiug thu T imxs , Jack­ A meeting was In ¡«1 at Grant’s Pass lost Mon­ are already frequented by hundreds of sum­ cord on the ground. The entire tract lies directly in flu; * their homes and habitation*. The un­ day sonville. _______________ evening. wh«*n it un« < k SIO.’M«). al m—’ion at Salem, on the 16ih «lit., »aw with apprehension the added weight grant creek, twelve milt's from Ashland.aredv- <>f Jaektion county. There has never been a wason wli< n orcliank on adjoining land have failed to pro ­ J. T. Flynn i <’»., who have charge of the and Unimproved for th. re were about aixty delegate* in at-: of water» in the lake above threaten the Grant’* Pam I • uute property .have appointed s« rv**dly |»<»puiar as a health res<»rt, as are also the White Sulphur springs about thrv«* milt's duce a good erop. It is one of the few sections in the county where the paper-shell almond will produce tendance The secretary’» report showed dan with demolition. The dwellers in Arthur C. nk in as their resident agent. from Ashland »>n the Siskiyou boulevard. Al­ Sale or Kent. The certainty of an annual crop will make this land infinitely more valuable in the near twenty new grange» an I five le-organ xed the _______ ____ b ___ __ ___________ town* low were warned of ____ the .... ini- K. gist« r Burney of the Oregon city land of­ though rather ditttcult of access at present, E veky Y ear . I ,tere»- in the u.der is reviving rapidly pen-ling danger, but heeded not the »d fice wa« nt Grant’.« Pa«s a few days ago. He Me A» lister’s soda springs on Little Butte creek, future of fruit-growing than those sections subject to killing spring frosts. Wethe undersigned. Bank'* and Bankers will with their effervescent qualities and delicious has purclias I property in that vicinity. monition to flee to t|»e hilla. Finally in the northwest pay all Friz.«> drawn in tu»* Louisiana State Fr »ui an«! aft» r yesterday th»' Presbyterian coolness, annually attract many visitors. Bj- I, »tt* riv» wluch muy b<* prt srnted atuiir coun- bv«-'n springs on 'Evans crack possess similar the mighty force would no longer be te- ladies of Grant's Pass will furnish the* public rvc«»mmvmlationa and many resort thither HAVE FOK SALE THE FOLLOWING DE- tvi*. T he Hepublieau national platform had «trained, and with a defiant roar the with ice-cream <*v ry alt mate Wednesday. R. M. WALMSLEY. < avh year. Thv water at the head of Hogue .MTibeti proia rty ; Our c mntygiid its b >t to seinirc the district river, while it has never been aualyzed for !’r -. L .ui>iuna National Bunk. much to nay about civil service reform. flood broke through the dam and swept No. 1. and will produce every variety of semi-tropical fruits in the highest perfection. Intending settlers should fair. an»t, tin ling it impossible, did th«* next F. LAN AI X. medicinal properties, is the ideal drinking wa ­ One hundnxi and sixty aurt-s cf No. J choice, We notice, however, that the managers ; all* before it down the gorge. There b»*>-t thing by giving it to Ja* k- ■»» «■■»unty. Fi. «. stat«* National Bank. tt r <»t ti»«» w«»r»d. tu> V'«x_»l in siiuiinvr that t«*aiii level lami, ov«*i onv-half vnclus» d witli a sub ­ inspect this property vbHely before investing elsewhere, us evei y lot will have a permanent and intrinsic of that party are in favor <>f applymtc I hat j «4* no aubmergliig or inundation, but A. BALDWIN. Grant's Pas.« now ha« a Council of the Order aten» arc* obliged to temper It with fire before stantial 1« n<*»*; «rn;*« ! thè v- ry t»«rt fruit ami med cine only when the Democrata are . simply a sweeping destruction and anni- »»f Cii >.«. ii Frb*n 1«. M. 1*. Light, deputy su- allowing tiuar heated animals to drink,amipos- value for fruit-growing, regardless of surroundings. i’i * s. N. ”, National Bank. T he property is all v. gcUblv ranch» s in thv c»un«y : n» li. eamly ( AHL KOHN. loaiu, wat» r«.rt by Applcgat*- < r«-« k; iinpr«»v»d in office. When they m inipulate the ot ■ hilation of some of man's ruo-t enduring preini* eoun>«*l«ir, having organized the ‘order sessing the qualities characteristic of melted P»« h . Cniou National Bank. snow infiltrated thr«»ugh i»un*atgravel.soclear, with a good dweJling-liuus« witii eix i««**m«. u ntrc hist wok. ficial parion.u», “the civil service mle* j work* by the overwlteltning force of the WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, 8we< t, so refreshing that dw«-Ilers «»utsid«*, good fi>g barn, granili!»** and «»tin r outbuild­ John Graham, wh » ha« been awarded the so be d—J” think they. 1 ; ent-up waters. The ancient site of mountain districts can have* no conception of ing«; two hundnrt l»»*anng fruit tr« <•», a.— *rt»rt MAMMOTH DRAWING contract for « ncl »sing th«* Grant'?» Pa.«.« sch-.»»»l- it« many virtues. varivtiva. m«»*tlv fall ami winter apples, 1 •* nty Trny presents a mote ho|»*tul asf«eet to- h »use ground« with a neat fence, has r»»in- ami thv Ja.'ksonville Public Schools, which rank among the best in the state. The entire tract adjoin? of Wuenthe many fine stream« of the upper small fruits, near a good sch<»ol. g »*rt out­ .If th< Academy 'J JliuiCy it Or T iiom . B M kbhy of Portland now con- I «lay than the place where so lately ato-> I mt-nved work. Rogue river s«*etlon are st<»ck«*d with moun­ the corporate limits of Jacksonville. The branch line of railroad from the (>. .V C to the county seat will side rang»* f«»r st«x k; gov« rnim-nt tith*. i » »<’«. tr '«Ile deetii i ■** *f ii »* HeleMj M«»n . I Johnstown. And the |»ople! Ihi*orati«»n day was appropriately’ obscrv«*d tain tnxit as th«* Siskiyou ami Mt. Pitt Ktrtam« b amt, T titßday, June 19t 188$. • ♦ $5000; halt cash, baluncc in oli«* ami tw«» y« ars, di'furred payments to be secured l>y a mort­ Journal, R um *. Harrison’*« late newspa-I The valley ia one vatt morgue to-day. at Grant'« Pa««. H->n. Ii II. Mill«*r was the are already stock«*!, it will be a veritable undoubtedly be built soon. of th • »lay and «1« !iv. red an inf«*r»*sting sportsman « an«i invali'i'« paradise. The pr«»s- gage on thv premises. per venture. It s needle«* to that I The grinding, crushing, roaring wall of «»rater an-d attic oration. vnt gam«* laws of thv state bid fair to prove vf- N’o. 2. th** Journal will he interesting hereafter ; | water, fo»tv feet 111 height, Bent more Among Jack * »n county r<*pn«»cntativ« « on tiva«- i « hi * in protecting the remaining deer and A g«MMÌ farm of 200 acr»*s on Evans < r«*« k. in 100,000 TicLct at 110. Knives at and nuw that Montana n *af* in the th tn rijht thomand aoai* to an account­ our streets iii-t Thurs»la\ u r< J. H. Stewart, «■lk in their mountain haunts, and tne abund­ S2Ü Quarter* SIU- F igh’s the M« adows. Lupi «v«*«l with a dw«*llmg l»»x24 of «mull game, ami th«* certainty with lMm»M*rativ fold it probably will not mat } ing at Die throne of ju-igment. Y’onng Jas. Mellon »ugh, K. \. Miller. J. I). Whitman an«*«* $5. Tw «i*t it ths S2. which thv sportsman can rely upan fr«*«¡uvnt Inferior fruit land is elsewhere selling for live time?, the figure at which these desirable lots are offere«!. f. ,-t with five room«, a luirn and stahi.-. so and J. S. Howard. / Ipitfet b Si. acres 1« ncv his grave and spent Sun-lay in Ja< k- »n c »unty B *1» h tottering a in th«* open season. Every attraction which 1 stock furm. Prie« , fifteen dollars per acre, « »illO.OUU I PRiZE OF »»».««) in.......... A. L. REUTER. Trustee, Jueksonvi?le, Oregon *l.»»i’l«l have fallen *nt«> the hands of the . 1 Hie infant waning — j 1st — ‘.'...g his greeting to num!».-r of rc.sponsibh* p >.uti n j , all of which Im.« made trie Adirondack* famous exists here, «•ash. Titlep»*rfeet. I PRIZE « »f •JJU.‘WU is j the day. alike found a common *epul- he atr« n Is t > ueccptab } . «»my iu an enhanced degree, and thr savory enemy. _____ Nd. 3. lOO.tMIU 1 PRIZE rtF RUMICI is. T* Tin* chick ti-pi»* lunch nn 1 th»* »draw b»rri»*s summer mountain air will doubtless ere long 1 PRIZE <>F 'M».»»«im 5U.UJ0 ¡cb e. Fa.niiie* uni ed at noonday were Four inll« s from ( • ntrai Point railrerc*«l ami an I ice-cream serv<*«i by th*..» i lit-w of th«* M I k * Hihalvtl by hundred* <»f pleasure seekers 2 PICiZEb « >F 2U.1 lu.UUÜMt « 5Ü.O0Ü r*«ad. about torty a«*r»s of winch 1« g.*«rt grain Ins h«-«*»»«n • tired «»f (he transcontinental mutilated beyond recognition at night­ an 1 a n. at sum u is rai«« <1. with each recurring s«*as.»n t«> renew their ô,(JUü nr»* . 5U.ÜUU linpr «v- 10 FRIZA> OF lami and forty acr« «■ g>»«xi fruit lana, rat • i '-eemenl and ha* served noiice of Mi Smith, an employ <«r tie* s. y. o. 4 L. c<»mmunion witn nature in her happiest ukhm I 50.0110 25 PRIZES rtF 2.h»»|t arc fall. To aggravate the horror th«* vd with a dw«‘lling-buu«v. Title pt rfivt. Price. withdrawal fr *»n the association, follow» heaped-tip building», pile«! in wild <»on • ’ »., at M riin, was - \ •r lv hurt a few . *» .. | . * i. 1*.. I -, K ’ s. I«»» FRIZ.I•> <»F HI’ar«- ..................... 1 From every thicket along the stream Wl, j rot* M* *1 up t«> S» j t. :7'>. l«s»>. young orchard and a Yiicv young vintyar»!. The full« wing is th * docko’ for thcJu.ie freight fro n the co*i«f over that rodte. A 1UU i’hlZLS rtF 4’iu arc...................... iwo dw«*lling-hou*« r- and tw-. g<»od w«*h.-««n tin 1 they a”«* yet uncovering human remain*, t plac»*. Tm r«* u ill bv s «id with the farm h iaig* W. E. McD »nald, better kn »wn :«« the grtail lerin of th« c r. ui» <■ urt for K atuath coun­ r.pe war s-•♦•rna iuevitab? *, an I the coast ! 1 nJ the record of the loss of human life / TWO NUMI EK TEKM15A1--. Aui' iican tail«»r, lias suce--edv«l E. ('arson in ty. as kindly furnished tis by A. L. iaravitt. amount of agricultural impk in« nts ami - um will d inhtie«*’ nr ifit bv it. The with­ can never be fully ina»L* up. Two train- til * in tn ig tn nt of tn » «mm.-reial h«»t. :at County . <;r/9.uuu ........ hous'-hold furniture; also a numb« r of g.ti 1 n 1,99« ritlZEs OF SÜÜ ar» clerk ; MEDFORD, OREGON drawal »1 m « not take effect until 9*) days | loads of nasaengen» on the railroad were Grant's Pa<«. He will «louiitl« ss mak a suc­ tools. All g-« with tin* plii»«*. G *'»<1 «-ut i»b S 4-e of Oregou v>. J. p. Munz: in «2.139.» AIO Hl A.MOCNTINGTO... cessful 1» »nifav*. rang - f««rsto5.500; ball ca-h. bal­ from the 31*t of Muy. dicimc .1 for murder I caught in the canyon by the foaming ance in two equal v» al ly pay in« nt«, t » draw 1»- Jas. St»*wart,cai-repj.ircr »»f th«* o X. ( . If. b ’ stat«* v«. B A G'Mlfrvy; assault with a gal int«*rtst from day «»1 sal«*, t » b« c«-cure»!; or • torrent and were nearly al! lost. No C ».. wa.- s ri«*u*y hurt a f .v «lays .-nice, th«* Tirx pre*« o( thu l»n«i w riffht»*on«lv dan/erousvta on. all cash, at <»pti«»n «>! th* i«urchas» i. This '»to I estimate can bo made of thr* luas of car un l. r which h • u «■ u* >rk ng b« ing hit by a I St ite vs. A T. Ar.uit, John R. Rowlov, is situated w« st of tin* I)« bingvr Gap. Title indignant over the criminal pulley which m .v«ng iar. causing bun t > !>• thr »wn hiird 7 F* r < iub Rat« -, or any further informa­ pr«»i»erty. which may exceed fifty mill­ sum« «hstanve. pcrt«x*t. A g»xni h-»ni'* for i>uinvbud> . M miruse Hutchinson, Garrett Ei«h,€. E allow* n»en or «• >r|v>rati«»iw to ueLibimn ti' n d< bir« d. write 1< gibly to the un»i« twigntod, ion*« of dollars in valuation. Quick in Huches, Wtn Flct«*her, J W. MetOy and No. 5. It is sai«l that Dr. Flan.vgun h:»s di-po— *.| citar;» -tat.-ng your r« -ii« no*, with .-tat« . •meh f’ightinl tn »nai. M to htrn.in IR«« Hi We I.uve now »»r oir thelvcs the m«»rt Elegant A.*--»*rtni»:jt <>f th**ir sympathies, «s they ar«* always of hi- practi OWN PROPERTY. FARMS. VINEYARD» ; I itropcrty 1 >iant - Pa — r.. Ch.«ries H- ;t'»n. al! indicted by the last Th«* weri half of th»* s«.ufhw»«t quarter uni County. >tr«-t and X uiii I ht . M<*r« rapid r«- wm the Jain .it Conomaiigii ¡ak*> in ami Milling < launa Bought and Sold on C«»ua- th« ««»lithw.-st quart»*r «»t th«* m*rthw« .-t «{iq|A- turn inMil delivery wiU b mrui • i l y > • •.» r . n- found, the American people have con­ a d«H t >r from ('a'ifo« >< t- y \ ■ ai*r s«»rrv to grand jury. l’enn^vlv.ma, tho breaking of which nrig.Hion k*arn that Dr. F. v.HI r. tir • tr«»m thi- ti.*i«l, in t»*r *>f section :ji’. t««wn«hip ;>»’• south, rang- uW « .. mi *. ■ an « nv. . |*« b« aring \ • t«i fell addice»* .1. F. Munz ys. Frank Brown: to rtcaver tributed with a lavish hand to relieve which h * has been « > sue. . sst ul. east; a Is»» tin* south ha.l <»f th«* —«nth« -a-t «¿uar- caused the . G. McIntosh ami n«»rthca-t «piait* i «*1 - *uthw« st «punter of Jl rutea and with dihpi.tch men. an«l “Upplivs of food and cloth.ng by o..r citiz n-. v. . i « i «lid th. ir utm«»«t t make and J G. Shnlloc* : tn recover inon-y. am-nint of pro|«ertv With »tie acron] th»* bvetion 15. tfown.-lijp37-* uth.of rang« -*n* « a-t. Addr»>- M A DAiTIIIX’.X«« orhsn^.b th *».i f. • I at n .iii *. s - h u« r** mad«* bv in abund rrn-e Lave been smt the sarvix - G. Karew-ki vs H. P. an i Mary lk*«kins; people cry out a^ain^f mu-li abuse* or Jielge A*> n-. 1!. B M | of t. r^_ Th« IlliOMi’T ATTENTION given to all bu»n>«»æ containing 2t*2 ;*«*rvs in ail. Price, five d»»iiai> «»I. M. A DAUFHIN, Washington. D. ( . ing stiff-r-*s I’itNburg ami AHegbgrv b.i«i lb'« : iv«* a «.ran I i» io in th«- «*vviiiiig. p« r acre. to r«a ’ «»v* r money . ■ jM'ciitl p-iv jpges. The dem'i’i lie«! cit­ In the very lattost «hai»*» of Cashineroc. Serges, n»*i riettar Sicilia* *». Alnru». ( ornbina»ions Man- 1 cunueetud wi;hti»e Land Office. i By «-rdinary 1« tt< r. «*• ntaining M«*n« y tinier No. <». cities aiune con’r.biped upward* of tw»» Thus J. Mil igau vs. < Cunningham; ap- issue«! l-y all « xj r«— «•rtv acres <»f tlìnb«*r lati»! c*l* -• to the coun­ Exchange. Draft <.r J*««-tn! Note. hun !.»*«! th«»U‘»a'*»i dollars to the relief th«*« v-u; i n.-t-about si «. m u »rth «»t proper­ ped from justice s court. LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. ken «Inn w- 1 neve-- h* mmtred. ty r«-:;-l leading t • th« Big Butt saw.mill; val ­ ty. J I*. ’ « *h » s »¡«1 a c «n-i-lerabl«* «quantity of D. J Ferree vs. K. L. l)ii«enburv; t»» re­ fund. As the direct result of the disas !. a I. wit-.l«-1h r -c-t.it agents an 1 «•tio rr |11rk at J. I) Garr v«. Henry and Nancy Apple­ 4*1 I uttl lenre will s|a*n«i their remaining saha am tint *d t » v. ra! thou«an»i «iollars. is prairm land ai:dthe baianc* good timber land, u illbe«oi«i for live dollars per acr«*, cash. A rrney to gate; to rc «»ver money. Grant’ m P ass I nt r<:ii’s l.iv in s«‘c'i.*i,«g ldlWHA al! g«»od fruit and giain land, with tw«» living bargain for tH»m<*body. • lays in , *nu»y, and its far-reaching ef- I Tii •'«’>«iri« r ' ..nnoiinc»*« that it is “off the Martha A Courtwright vs. R. P. Court- W’tf have Piquee, Ztopbfr, Plaid*. Fancy Lace (’buck.-. India Liner,e, \u t«»riaand Libi «*; Hg-rui.*:« <»f water Four mile»from Jackbonvilit*. NEW ORI.LAVS N 1 HOS Al. l l.Wk the location ot the southern Oregon <|. h - N ’ «». 7. j f- .. . h i\ ug b. »-n pm « iias«*«! .luring th * pi ■•- I fed* will I m L it for years. It w.w not Dotted Swiss» Swiss F.otuicing and All-over Embroideri«««. New Orleans. |,e. c-'hn; we kb» G«*o. II Curny. f«»rm«r!y of w ighi ; divorce No. 46 IßO aeren, tnct Uir on th*» /r>rin U of the Jackson Two hundrrt and f«-rty aer«*s—sixty a *r< «■ a 1.» r* miu* r'shamlet that was wrecked 1 A-dihin•’ B. A Stannard will .* >n bn t th«* ol- V Mi nie E. C.ym.tn v.*». fatucs I Clyman, fem«*«! and in cultivation; improved with a Unimpruv««!; well watered, County A/i icnllural As-uMial’on. Noth-, and first-clans . ! I Mr. < urr»*y and liis fath r.( o|. < :irr« \. div »r- e. nice b«*aring orchnnl of fine a««»i hutut*. vor 3* ti» i 11 y ZNuw rimi in/ that h.»« ocenrre»! in recent years will ’ an»l laid in ruit s, but a flourishing city fic /riz»! 1- <71 a 'BASTE il» I1» « i.t th papet ¡in I atf»*n I t » the bu.-in* -- tr«*«*e; a dwelling h««u«e. a barn ami «»th«*r out­ N tncy A. Ear l v«. \V W. Earll; divorce with a!! its environment* that wa€ w £4,5UU No. S3. 4iMJ acre*, house«. Tw«« Ntitam« of wat. r run througii BY K»l K .\ ATIrtNAL BANK* « 1 M w <»r- manngem tit. W«* wi.-h th»m -uc«u«s. inure in «t greater degree to the material j W. J. Paul vs. Louis Land; di-so u ion wierked in its prj«le. luan«, an.l th« t*; m * u » »1 up the largest stock «-f bargain ; 7 niilee eaat of t entrul l ’ oint. acres each. The n«»rth halt of this plac« n* uri- ev ry particular. Ta r • w« r •*J«M p«*«»pl«> ti«»m • KEAM irilCOVNTY ITEMS. fore, b«war< of all imitai iv>n< ur amK-nymou« Tru»t him nutyh^ it foaling thee, and the location in Ja<*k«on county en­ did r. nt portion« of tn ■ Wdlain- tt«* an I rmp- No 78. 2«xJ u«*r«*e. improv«*d. Th»* improved ♦?» a< r« »» ar« w .rth -ch« in «. fcltjbo. Tn«* «-tti< r 1*«» a* r»**. •."«». 1 ’ oiir miles Dry w ath r ha.« c<»iiunvnce«l. ini t vat by - aboard the train «••tari.r«l exhibition at the ont- Mostly fnneed in grain I.“Ide. meadow, pasture, fr-mi Cenimi Fuint nub. a t-i3ti«*n. Titi«* j-- r- rtM. DOLLAR «th« price ol th. suiali«*»*t F.»un t«»r th-* oc «*. i - h » ii , « v< rai of wh «in in-I w ile, Jack Dri-«-' »1 has returned from California. orcfiant and gaidvii ; all rich, black, alluvid t«4 t. part <>r 1 ruction >>t :iti-»■< of Kuao is building h neat resi­ ity. Th«* • xeursioiiist' r tui*n«‘«i to tin East . N’o. 8. •outhern Oregon district fai«* can very «»f pure water ; bt reain flowing tar»»ugh the place ; beguile; lot* h s« than a dollar 1« a swindle. Portland «b*pot Sun-l ty cT.niug.it pr«*c!«ely 7| A farm of ti ’ acro*. improv«*d with a c >in- •oon t«e made on ■ of the leading events lience. orci.aid beet vari»'ty <»f fruit ; large, co tn ni« »dious i Fort Klamath’-» hay crop promi*«* to be u o’cl«K*k. tin adverti- «1 tine*. Th« run wn.« * Who for a trilling gain will trick and cheai. large barn ai.«l numerous out- fo»-tab|e dwelling; t« n acr« - f- need ami in <*ul- in the western eirenit. nude from Grant’s l»a-s—a «li.-tan<*«* ot ;>H) And fo:««? on you a worthle«« counterfeit; Aod iinett liuto of Hat*. Famishing ti » » 1«. B*» »tr a**«l Hhutot*. Etc., ever brought t«»|S<»utUtoru Oregon dwelling-Luus«?, big one. buildings. N<» Letter location for et(»ck ranch fivatiun, with a living spring n«*artm* «tuvll- miles — hi ptnei ly twelve ho.it«. including His glib wor«te heed not, ’ though be does i I. Bi« hn, th«* c »»mt\ jail c->ntra<*t«»r, is doing two staUH of on«* hour « a» h at K >««-l»ut g an«i in Or«g«»n Kummer range im-xhaustible; fif­ ing. (»m-ot the v« ry m -t -t wk rang-« mill«- P i king the first six month* of Clove- • g.Mni work. proclaim county . Yank« «■ ervt k tl «ws t;.rough this Laud. I teen niilee from raihosd depot. H■■ j... >; Oak.anti for dinn«-r. Th«* la-t l*»t mil»*«, from fiic substitute “a« g«*oi’’ or “just the Title perfect. Fne»-. $800. laud a adoiim-tration, with '‘reform of ! W. L. Webst it ’« ».Mia factory at Llnkvilk* is Oak am 1 to p »rilnti-l. v a» mad.-at th ■ rat«* of >4.0W. # 7 V 9» acre*. -1 ¿j tr. -■ < No. 9. same We have also just r**c«*ived fisaxi Eastern Manufacturers, the hands»»in *«t line of thirty-tie»* mil« - p r him. includm-’ niru the t t’ift” for the principal pl ink in hi* tn operation. A fine f»»rin near Eagle Point. Or., all fencod. V.*»- A good place of l(iD a*n h . improvtrt with a Engin- 'r Rum«, wh « hud charg-* of Im«.-’ "n \ -n.r in*»*nt, <»r v «u will me 1 •«.» a« r«*« i;i cultivation, excellent bouse. g»>od g«»«»«l. platform, wo«)! advance I in pn«** ah rat ■ H nry Shalltx k i** u-’«i-*tin^ C. S. S<*rg**ut to «tops. mu r« Mdence. barn an-1 granary; about th * ihr »tn* . was c »ugratulai«sl « hi a l .-«des tor l’hadis i,.«»intm«*i>t cert n«i t »eiisu-,«. barn and other outbuilding*, 12» fruit treee. No. -nty a« uin* cent»« jwr iv»ti v|. (Tn Icr II irr*wr,n’H I «11 caliv), etc. rv-!• need, withan orchard of :il»* ut • r tn irk it»'.' r.i'i m t ’ *. Ta ’rip. c »v« rin*g H member aiwayy. Pon«i s Extract is to 1 inili-bito. k < mh 1 w«‘il, hv.ng epringe, btreaai <*f ..»e-ni McC >y ar sawing ah »nt srO f • t th .»n<•* hundred as-.-rt.xi iruit treeF; « ne larg« three »lay«, "a- ma b* without a-ingl»*accident roigo, in fhre* month* w«»ol La d »c1 )< d of hi wat«*i tl«»w.ng through and a «ystem «»f irrigating be H'tainegt only in bold- s • f Pond ’ s Ex lumber daily. ’ spring and «»ttu r small« r on s <«n th« ¡arm. - lOütl rolla, all txautiful patterns — ever displayed in tiñe •»«*• ti»«n or mi.«iia>» of any kind.and wa« thon ughlv » n- ' «litchea by nit*an» of which 50 acren of land may \ ank •-« reck in price about 6 cent* per pound. And ! I l> ««trict N >. 19 had an enjoyable picnic near trail Company?» own puitimr in» (butt Ä L’ run« flu *ngh Im* p.'ac»*. Si«'* n- J 1. ; wrapper, with landscape tra 1c mark» hii «1 UF1 Retnemhar tha» w*» an» able to give the very l<»w«»«t figure»» on Grorri».*•*. Pruvismn»». Etc. oe irrigated. Excellent bargain lerins caeh. yet ihw W4tebw-,r I of th»* Republican R.»i»ot»L.« *«• ' [ K n >»»n Sun lay. vx> ¿5* •r^*r «¿1 M did M ik k range, u ith g a • nun nt title. I‘t. ■ . REAMES A WHITE, Jackaonvillc, Oregon. No. 80. $! ■•», < ash. in no other way. Anything (tiered you ' a T*' 3 I* e**rt V* campaign waw *‘pr«it»*et th Wk»bm in- C!i:*«. L »w visite«t K «gue river valley last HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. L ■« u>i • ¿fi N’o. 10. 490 acre** - 20U acres rich, 'eve], bottom land, not •«<» put-up is u counterfeit; refuse it. diwfry.” there ia a fog-horn logic in i wc k on business. «*leiue bl '. ii • Ting orchard of choice Taimty of apple.» ; II with a stabl»*. A »ui!•-r t.il«.• h«nm*. ami titu tak *n plac* -in- th«* last r j»-»»'! «»f th** Trxft.«: «•n Friday » v nimc FINE PHOTOGRAPH'. 2 u acr»* oi yellow and pugar-pme tinrt»er : good p«rl««t. Price, S6H»’ S2,*,ca*'h ami ba am*** in lieve that a la’-ge ami intelligent clasa of < » T < ' » t » W r.n.. Ci*o'«t«v; lot 1<>. blk 10. Med- Fr«*d A. < ’ »g mill ; iro«.»d ruadn -umnier an«i win ­ ________ &8 MHk. three equal pay nn nt- of six. tvr« lv»* an-1 eigh ­ Â'fYIOâtû? “ a!s.i; !îî>. proiiiKer« I.Ave «»ven >»«en vujomu cajolen hito into «ruing »Hling 1 . n.-Trip«'.. E»k ' ’Urn"U nj’" “ ‘’U”’ f««ri. 9ó»l. pru'iui e-t i ii«iT.t- ter Evana creek rutin <»n the ohm boundary of teen m«»nth«; •» ed rue** of pottage. No. 11. «» Lu«*a« t » Mvra E I. u t-; 1»W acre« in ip 40 cuiunu living oil May 27. 1<‘»9. ecfioul and poetutfice Price f 12 yer acre. .^ualiivc H< rr .r Uki « il A;i wh«» «!« .«ire pl«*tur»*s can now b»* supplied Mi.«* Lucy Gib-* »n hut g »n».* to Yreka, Cal., S. H i E. SOK». A comfortable Irani« hou«e in J.u k-**:ivil1c awnot l»e loltrg»:.»; .a ..» Kjr ,*? ;7v- . « •»- In th»- wav of FIRST-t LA.«> PIP >T< »GRAPHS. No. t»l. witn her sister. M**s Anna. Mat** of P. B. Whitnrv; lots . ’ » and for sal«* or r« nt <»n rvasonabl«* term?; thr«*»* Ir’a a cold day when an Oregon politi- | R« ni»*inb« r that a Thing ot Bounty IsaJov G, tp:i»»S, R u <*»!*.9. l&'.U acres, uni npr«»r«*-i ; al! level, rich, bottom rooiuH ami kitchen; l«K*at»ri on Third str«*« t. ‘«nailon of thè oli -.viti» tbc h,.’pnpìl*fee* forever, and a g<»«ul Pietur»* of a deai* friend is eian get» lelt all 'round. On the ! Herrin, th • ph »t >graph<*r, is Htill doing ex- I S patent t » F : I» >wning; 10 acres in t;» lan bead rolled into the basket, his father- ¡ t » grind t.n.M fK-ason'.« wheat. Perseli gt!n v. ;-’ie foU«g li. further us«* for th«- property. I* Lyttl»*t'»n, adir.iir « «fat • <-f J G Parham, to •lun inSan Frau«*i*oo or Portland, at prices 1 rtf *a-h in hand, balance <»u euay terina ranging fiom $J.jOt«» St .’»n for th«* b*»Mt rabi- in-law, Ben Siuipaon of Selma,Alabam*, Judg • P.ok r will occupy the n*lditi«»n n«»w G f Billing'*; land in t|»:».« **». Il I W. Al*5> .'»•’. No. 12 No 87!. SCOTTS EMUI SION is = c.’.n<"'!e«Ml little farm of l(jO acres 11« ar Antioch i’lijr R«*m»*mb»*r we do not tarrj . Wm-n our tim«» is -r« r*. c »icnw fenced an«i in cultivation. s to bo tl : Fiuest nr.J !... t pre|>A- to treat with the Coenr «I’AIene In­ i A-i H »dtnan of F«»rt Klamath h.v* « »!<1 his same tract. barn, orchard. inuad«»w, one half inter««! sch«M»l-bouae. Improved witli a g »tri «lwelling- Sam * t » ».inn ; ♦ " n an«l Ge«». Chastain irrigation t»y winch 12*» acres may be irrigited. young b< aring orchard, ami a!«.» a vinvy ar*i ,n ... 8CMMTOLÄ, y r*i «:i of their rewerva*ion. S «niwui is ¡ are ..................o.',2 ........................... 4c»o 40. • th« «w< et-v«>ic**d bird ha« flown. CONSUMP driving a band of liors.-s to iuu* k- t. We guarani«*«» satisfaction in every r«*sp(-ct mr«*amof water running on north bdundnry of a bearing eonditi«»n: w ill I»«* s .id f«»r $12(X.»; a CEDERAI, r-r. - STV. VVASTSNC M «ry P.irhirn an I M \ Patt >n t » -am»*; «»u't think, bo- th»‘place, l.nmileb fr«*in t he county-eeat. and good bargain. Titi« perfect. A' x Martin. Sr., is at his h«»m<* in tbik’an 1. clann » » ab »v • trat t- ?l. ary of e'gbt dollars a dav and trarw|«or- | Cal., an I will r. in un there several tn »ritas. DI£E£tlE3, 1 OACIATiON, «»ne ami a half miles from poetofiice and echuoL No. 13. f’ Lytt1 t n. a«hnnr • "t J G Parham t » R. K. ’ cun-»* w»* ar«* in !♦ nta.that w .* do inferior work. t a« thi« is n »t s-1. Th«* best of light ran be oh- tiouce Price $3o», irto Chinook «lialeet. Captain N. ii Hum- tittent b.MB ! ¡U »bl of lh»*tn wt*1 *re aucce*sful. 1 tin in. Fr-»in lung «*xfn*ri»*ncein scientificpho- I¡1 acre« a« ( in alfalfa balance b»M of vineyard ! tp. 34 >. R 4 : tn« NV . t i4.md th >W ‘ a ; t y ai’ 1. -jffgists. phrv »hrv of Albany Al an«l I II. Shti|*$ of O.tk-i * I’ ’— -n* ■ valley »«•>- ha« tw«» Sunday a..«. school.«,<»nc being tract. Marx Piir!in:n :in*l M \ P<«tt-»n. t ■ ««un* ; «piit , t »gritphy. and with Hupcrior instruin» nt«, » an m d • M*h.-rd hand, iia»* large epring of pure water I of SUD. sec. 3L ’ P 3 MD W; th«* SWij «4 I held at th«- Cross hou«c an l the other at the iand, Don do u.« tin** work u« pnriuecd in th-* best i»hot<»- claim î • «aim* tract. $2. _jtf’a« coiintv, will rentier invui- on tin? tract, afOo i location for »«»«mail dairy with !NW|>ltL >h* <«l N !>*.►« « 3tp. ;■>>. R4W | U.ip. grapli*rall«*ries. Positively we will b«* in this R K Sutton t>» G 1 : - t 'n • t t - gu«»d « ui lang« . hit-iate«! adjai ’ ent t«» the corpor I th»* Nf'i < 1 NE ri. 4. tp :ris. R tw.ej*. uable a«t*i' assi-tance !' __r hinco to Mr. S•«nn^m in as»’ -ina,«- uii< •«causing <>»•» uir .4.- II i it I y 1 «tag-'-line running over the A.«hhim! L Craint »L /.zi* l:N> iiis;'.’*>-Ul>ner< s in Ash­ , pluc«* but two wet k«. Don't nils* this chance; iitehnutbof J.u-knoiit ¡liean»l 5 xuilee from Med­ acr«*« in all. and tying in Fh a-ant <*rv<» not «top •:» I i.« doing u ifo-ni i»usint*M. we nr»* triad to land. SV»0. ford. I cirn t. Ja< kson c-.»unt\ . Price $15 pc r a« re. redskins to surrmider their rights, AU ’*«*y. J E .'»filli *n ’ >B '»t ion; LK» «rn « in tp 4»» S tor rainy or cloudy weather, but c«»mc ami il ’ AX». M. HOaciw. N... II. m: VMU LSHi.SLD. l.IMM, O.X I HGjtF. bring the babies early in th«* »lay. three are potent “wor.l warriors.” Ju lio* vVrbst r. District Ait >rn»*v (’ »Ivigan I H ♦ E 4d acres-under fenc* and cultivation. Irrigat­ «-••n «neeií, Ap. l egal« j-r« < 11 ct. . for A nice place, partly < 11« l««se«l and a l»<*x h«>u-« « < P. ntz t • <» F. k-mit; I ;.**.’ :»<*r*s in tj» 37 S A CHANCE FOR THE LADHX II m. P. P. Prim arriv»*d ir«»iu Laic ■•view tins ing ditch with «ufticient water to irrigate 4t> a**re» su«* at *» I mi g«nn I.is num ot 32V avi«»* «»f lai.d. ! on it, b< ing the siuait«r « 1 tin? south- Tifit full »wing extract front the Orcga- « » T C » t.» C < » Dam «n; lots 3, 4. .’« an-1 ♦». I»!k 31. «iibj»*< t «»ut «»f 5o. during our two w< < ks* May laud. Knuat«-«! on h van«» cn»<*k 28 niilta from R. w«*st «quarter of section six. and th«* north« a«t iy iu clovt raid aliali«, while there m « rough Th»* K**n > «eh'»«»l has l»J pupils and is in iking in M* «lfor«l. No work «lone on Sunday«. man allows the manner in which our ! g > >-l pi* »*gr«*-ss mi l r the man ig<*m-*nt ot Prof, M Ifor.l «II" R -1» |H»t, good roa«D bummer and winter. This 4< ’ «si limbvi *»!) the place, close to Stee'a M.w- quarter ol tin* n-*rthw<*>t quarter of Recti, n s< »Ivvri *G •» LEpp«; lot 7. l»lk F», Pliœnix. Will be at Eagi«* Point tor on«* w«*«*k, com­ it» a bargain. public lands are being w-e«t.‘d from the j W.I k r. seven, township ¡15 suutli. ot range on«* w«*st. in unii to p.*«y ;«»r 1 he w m»je <»i it liti® is cue of ■ mencing Moudax. Jun«- 10, l*S9. $KX). 85. 80 acre* Jackson county, containing ItiO acres. Prie«*. ihebcM » um :a »arenes in southern Uicgov ard H A < a-* to Ici« K i’.i-e; l >t in AGihm-i. government hv ban»U »»f porj irer« and I Fr -I P Grohs of Auburn. Cal., wh » has 1 arg** k« n*-*.«lv an! only a f w l»arn * i mile froiu f*»*!:<»ol hou«*«? an-1 poet office l’W T»îit »it« t . il H.» hji.m.m; 22 a Stilt, druggist, Bu»|. 11«, In i.. testi« >,«-... ni» ...I pt. . nei, unich 1 WHl tell cl t-Mp or tv s« ven niiieb from railroad depot. Situated on ton pubhc of tlie finest t’mbcr lnn«l in «'i ea«t, containing l»jn a«.r«*«. am! I k ing in « h .«• 4o<* a-« intcreM m tu sou*«* txpe»i< i.ce« miner to r-» ar • n«*c .—ary t » « nsurc tn biggest tp »S. H E. ties “I ran recotiiniPii'l El ■•«•trie Bitters I .van«? creek. ! L L Angi* t » Il D:»r ■u; si x a» r» « m «e«* proximity t » Mc('allist« r's «•elcbratvd spring ti e northwest La** been f» med bv ea«t- X ii of crops. A’Oi k lì a- th« very h»* »»••it r« nii-dy. Kveiv bott e 25. t» 37 S. H 2 W 54“”*. on Butt«* cr«« k. Pric«*. $10 per a<*r« A first- 86. i'ernm. >I.o«*o in cash, balance on eaby fern.«. ern cnnifali-t , and unless meastre* are I J Jun “1’ M M; •( i'ure ’ur«* is n »w a r<**'d<*nt r -» -I nt <> of f J »«ephin«* n&phin** I > pat- nt t-» P E M r; .»!»♦ " aer< « in s»<-«» ■»■Il has given ril«ti«i every ca-**. One class invt stm< nt. 5t>7 acr« H, ail fonc^l and in cultivation It u* Uy r-4'«>u i*»r »• -Bu r invali am too «»id to lon­ With .'»«■rrat «1 Guard. Drive Wh»*» Is interchangeable an-1'Tiltlng 1.« v«-r. The upper sl«h of th«» tiken tj checkmate Hie thiev.»* f Lev '‘ Hu HiU”r s <<^-'«>»‘1. i I un i 9. tp 37 S. R *.* W No. 10. man too» six botths. an we« k and is moving amad in a ’ 1 B W. lions t • Hu2 ■ < A \ -u «I r H--ll« n. 120 ham Har« . driurgiit. B< l.i i |««,i thin atlirms : when thvs.Ttlon strike it. b»*si»i«*s having th. «>nl\ Guani that -hai p. n« it-, it. giving the nn «»rchard of n choice variety of fruit. T?»to uo;l toa nsliip ¡15 south. < f range 1 w< >t; als • tin l< *. nuinbt red 1 of s«-«.rtjen 0. in tow nship ¡¡H south, . acr •• in tps3i»S, R I E an«l •’■ S. îl | W . >2.7 ai. I “lie best «l'mg illudici li- I have «ver S tandard M owers th«* greatest cutting p«»w»*r wit h I« ssdraft t nan any «>tin i in*«w- r. as thous­ is» fr«*«». rich black l«»arn. au»i will grow alfalfa of rang« 1 west, containing in all 9ba«-i« *- in Porflan«! under wages from a syndi­ «t ivly maim« r. J ♦’ (’.»wlcs t » J S H «g » : -ght I .ts in b¡k 2. l.sn-l «*.1 in in« .’«> y-ars' exyri-n« «- is Elev­ ands can testify to. Alsu thu STANDARD N tmfi ^W u : ei . H a \ It ike . which ha« no opial. rARjttS FOR SALE without ii right ion. Will be «*ol»i a»« a whole or Pric«*, $*» p« r acr«*. cate, to pr—*mpt government tim^»er ^Our metrópolis n'ed-« a brivkyarl. Mr. P.iik a«i-l t • M -ifoM tA’iO Am also agent fur th** ili * Bittei«. 1 limi«oiils of otin-i« li.ne • iil«divid»d int»» 3 far»*ieof ¿X>.197,l7i leration turn ! Vaughn *«f Dairy furuishex th!« mat« ria’ f.»r ! () 1 «’ » t » II E S scum i •«’> '». 4 an i 5, b’k N, i bl«’il tln ir le-tini« ny, so that Ine v«r lief I t:Pr»‘iH no w’Hst«» lati'i on thia tract, and ia with­ 1 Ol FOK SAI EOS IlEABONABLEtarn* the entire county. romfortable frain»*h *«is«'with« v« ry bug« lone m; R R a I«! t » Ash'an 1 «3! ». the »>«‘Ht bî»*i X ur Daily burir.h m South- out u vei» tion one ol the l»est farm* in Ja -kum lot A in the property over t»> th-ir e»np «»yers, in ' i« unanimous tl«at E retri ■ Billers d<> i ure Jacksonville, in a good n< igabvrh •* «1. «rn Oi< gon. D. C. Br »wn«-II, who return'd from M »d c J G Bir l- v. an» r*.ff. t > A S J.ae »1 «; -h -riff'« tuiUKteu on Ln er « re koown Forilan»l «-an t.ilist 7... ... ar I bv ü *v- p nn 1 a half dollar a Imide at a.l drug stores. Th* l " ite r sonville. Çt»OO. t«» Fart»», Juhntoou A trfurd. ridapfeu the growth «»f tunutby Lay r«.»«»m« ami a kitchen, a g »«>«i well • -1 wat«. r at si.u clover. Alniut to «not-haJi «un t - J »«S.tl-hn »n: «h *ritf's »L-*d to J4.W ih vieuivd ai d in rivals are the last »»f three Itmidre I, who Tar p. «,»1.- ■ f Dairy, wh » will c* l»*brat«* ln- H’rtg. h Llghtert Draft am! Moat Durabh* 1l« a 1* r mad«*, with si i . f - ami sting heel , th«* Dwr- 87. tii* door, woodhuiiac. etc. Price. $800. s m 8»«*c S, tp 30 S, R 1 W. §2lS 50. uitnat««m. and iu«*F« f the UuMi.re « an beeueily ing A!l Steel Twine Binder«, with improv, d at« « 1 bumllc enrrb r*. « iw-tni.k. all of which ma­ precede I them, engaged bv the Mine d pen i nc • Day in u grand tnann* r, pr« «rat a arr tHVacre* of Hu;-nr pine timber land. t*ituatcd in Martha A î. Sa'l t » AJ St vatt;v|int crinito ■ No. 18. '»eared. There m h stream <«f water lunning tir-t-Ga»»-*« p* grmniut. chinery in too well-km»wn t«» nv««! comment; al«» th«* N’*v. ton Wag >n«.«'nrriagt «am! Ha« ks. th«» k»*gue river tiuilier belt, and a first-eiaeb, parties SL ml«! the r<»bh r'escont nil ».»I -uta •> .*.t o.r-I *i» H i "i u.n N* 4». t;»a- '.RI I.amS in s»*vti«m«7. 1>. 19. 20.29. and Nd. «>f hrougi.thc placetim y.«r round.aflurding j.Jei.ty | Th** Jun * t« r.n of th»» circuit court c.»nven«*s s Call mid t»ee tor yourHvIvt** la fore purchasing I . Hl BBARI). Medi«»rd, Or. 1 »ublv naw-mill with turbine wheel a ’ -d an W an I oth 1 »• Ian I. siu«». 4 water foi wtock and s«>uie for irrigating. T he will not Le long before the fine-t ( in!»«*i i n- xt M «n'ay. Ta * d «< k -t is light. wn;»*«r- i Itching Pil.-j are kaoen by moisture Ilk« perspiration, 8c«'ti«»n iM». in township ¡k‘> ««»ut n. range 1 w«*'i abut.dance of water-p«-w»-r. M*!l capacity. Io 00. «•ontaining \ J st w u i t » M «i ttia A I » arri s in 1!3tiacr< .«: and lands in s« « ti«»ns 12. >lace iHHli inciuboa by n food rail fence. there in tht« section i« in th»* h kn:!« of a nin- I taut vas s I» mg v ry f« w. causing intense itching when warm. Thia form aa well f»a»t per day, all complete and in A 1 running 14. 23, 24 and 25. in t<>wn«hip 35 south, of rung« t¡. - -, K 1 »V. .-(M». (»a houae and barn and 2.M) yOnog frr.it tree* on ord»*r. A !.««> o»ie blackcinith.-hop and tool*, one 2 xvest. containing 1‘M m » acres. If all of tin noi»;»ly ' Y t tin« «»me R**t nbHc.ui p<- I It hn b ■ ti« Ü4 t'i it t i • M'.itu c u • w «u. I b • il «rn» t K r«*nbr - k t » A > *T »11; 1*6 ni'ris as Blind. Bleedln* and Protruding, yield at once lv hepLice. It also han the bem ««uuide rhnge it i at th Jun • t vm of«* »urt. Fritz aa• n »t in : . m S. 11 3 . « n O. fiani»» barn.loxtk» fret, two box house«, etc. Price, above-mentioned land should b»* sold in one ue county; also another xcelhmt ¡«¡»cpaouL.jn. ¡•er ronn Ev (bit- «1 (’»» »inns-i»»•»«•»■ Spa* k j tri mat ria.iZ • i as y< t. h »w» v r. »» 3«»«». A great bargain. 5! ti tnn M < ■ k« y t • J.»« k • n < 'ounty Airri- btsly. $»i per acr«* is th«* pric«*. If «old in «iuan- • ng liu acres». and Li« Democratic Hiaessors fo.' the»’* » ; iuta! A »»iati-’ii;, b ni i*»!* »ie»«l to ôfi.70 which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs (u- A« t.r* appropriati «n f »r the wagon-r<»n I b Fui full particular* call u;»<»n or «.Mr«»«*» titics not lesathan 4«i acres, at $10 to $15 p« i FOB GOOD» IN OUK UNL de t*»io?i* ,n fav«»r of the wh* rv- tw « n Ag r un i Ldt.-vi w is n »w available, a< ■' - m tp ••• ^». R ■ mors, allays Itching and effoots a permonoat cure. >4^» 1 have Gr«*»J Bargains to offer and it acre, according t«» the quality and «plantity «*t O. J. VANN’Ol H Atn« t.» sa:n- ; I» »n i Lu* «1»*»-d to 4«.O7 acres Druggists or mall trectlse tree. Dr Bosanno. Plgua. Q. bv ’her *.r»»:»*.-f»/| n» thwart the g^ewdivr w. hop* t » «< ■ it ma 1 ■ us«« of ut <»ncv. will pay you ’«» keta> / clot*» watch on this space land s«»l»i. Terms, one third casli ut tim«* ot Kerhyvijje Oregon L. C. HEINRICHSEN « ’•». for the next six nnmttu» for Special Bargains. If sale, balance on time toMiil purchaser; n« f« i- J »tin M agii r an I Frank Alien, b »th lat lv in Ciia- of these ratae ¡and sharks. in* ■ t » Margar t Tic»*; lot« 11 ani 12. you have any |»r»*ptorty for sale, come and see me cd payments tu I m * aveurtd by a mortgage on ot 1’. r. K ii'natii. hav • d«*part«*d, t ¡«- f »r.n r k »I. M* *lt -r i. >IOM. th«* preniis«*«. This iami i« mostly slightly roil­ FARM FOR SALE I will do my t»»«st for you. 149 First Street. • - - Portland. Oregon. and Office f<»r Ald«ka and tac Latter for W m L m VV u IL l . b .Ma;-«»t \.n> a Harbaugh's U'blition to ('i n­ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. V ».itic il iiot it»r the fart tbat (lie W. T. ing « lay soil, and is among the btst fruit lautb next d«M»r tu Grand Central Hotel. tra! •* K» ’ in Jackson cainty. HENRY KL1FFEL. rilF UNDI’.KHIGNLD OFFFHH FOB SALE g«»od wt inen coinposing the W. C. T. C. Th b’i ’«Ung one * u« «I a« a law offlre, netr E i/.it* tu William« t » Su-anna Dtxlgc; lots bir-farm, situai(-d near Bybee ► ferry-101 • nulra No. 19. 3 an ! I, b.k 25, Gold Hill. $*«5»i. îi»e M. terribly in eaineet in tl>e tæk th "t • i.u. •« Home, is b'-ing tiff««! up by < fr«»m JackMmx ille, containing ltk m ree. R» acr»*« iVitnrow, wh.» will assume bis duti«*a a. ¡Ni.ivnsof iinproveil land ami »si acr«« un- J p.»’i »Vaili« to Wm Wie <|*r; 4.31 avrft« Wholwwileand Retail Dealers in wh'ch tl ey hâve impoMd upon them- « W. 1 A fFAI TM w “ ho ® lH " , ‘ hc “ - being under cultivate n and the bi ar.tv bamg P tima«t i at the cuunt-ysvat in about a in . .v| 3« S, |( 1 W. . s?',.« »4». improV'rt. in s»» ti<»n 13. township ¡15 south, t.aL I II not be enioyed. sei\»*M of r fotming btinmniîy, tlor* tn «nth. fin»t-clABR timlier and pasture Iw.d. A g< .»d W*.t Patt 1« »n i » public; dedication «»f all« y rang»* 2 cst. Prive for t he lot. <*ih p« r acre. house. Barn and outbnildinge are curnected w.th y y THEREFORE use w» u «i be >*'inetbiiig v* ry fiiniîv ii. th» A grr.n l 4i«play from -- a . b . .. of ttri*worlc4 ------ In in A n’iui i. No. 20. the place. Title perfect and term*-r« a*«»1 ah’* St ’ it *««i < >r gon t » Wm B Kincaid; lami in I. ’ tfo« i\ . ‘ *~ it * 1 k I m . iiu * of the f«-:itur»A of »e- .iuti»>n pa-- »1 ! v fi.e rfateronv.ti- For further particular* apply t<> the* T im »* til’ evict» ation oil .buy 4th at th«* county-*« at. M< t: n!3. tu,. »*¿S, R2M . «'»2 V». Lam! in ms ti-. n .•»’», townrtiip X» south, rang« HilT.randSilrvr Wire,•«-» is»nt« forth» H.K-kford tiô.i at Salrin l.»M week, reqursiing Sn- Tn:* sum ! 5 la ) na« iwu Mil»««*rib • I L*«r th. i «' S t » «am *. pat nts to 1*s¡ -:j acres in «am»* office or J. !4. GHIGHLY Kail ron Watehea. 2 w« st; ii*-««» laiui.« in m « «i<*ns M ami the Miutli twp. Cantra! P«« h :' P. O. p *rinî.»t »lr:ii Dowti ng i-f th- | ( niteiitiar v Jpurp m . LL GOODS IN THE LINE MANUFACTURi* P TO ORDER AN!) REPAIRED half «»I «•■< ti« n :»n. town lii| ¡45 -«»uth, rang** 1 H <’ 1) «Ilarhb! t »«)&<' R R ( »; xv.it« r right I Watch IU| airim: «iref illy executed. west, containing 15UU a«*r« >; all f nnioiey M ••*!« I. g.it .'Ink *1« »n an-i llurn -«f K« a«» CH« invili, ÿl. nr*Hal«Hio«t Partriw»« .ant nn , P nlir-»»«.«» " *. »•»• •••»«» w«»t* H- b^»M|.«.r.-hM »bawO»». giMMf rai* 1« nc«* and i un« t«> U«*,*.’«- r»v« r. .Will thv c<-n\i< fH b r the remon Huit it irj-ire* I having «1« tn «n-ty.itt«I that they can mu« ■••*- H \m> I » L LW tn» y; ten acre« in twp 37 DR. JO ¿DAN’S !>«• sold clieap in 1<»1« t«» suit purchasers, am! • tu j b..r« .trt.sian wells, have built the r.- thein nu-t^lh , ment.*i|y -nd phv*ic.«l!y.” i «piisitt «.larhincry, ami prop.»s-- •*.M1n t«> lak S, K 2 W. <410. nt | ri«« s ae»*«*rding to s. I« cthnis ma i> . h ’U eum cf ftnaL my It* the best helper to Health and the quickest lnvi rt g ••loti »l>.*«« d that ««1^91 i-'ier contracts. No. 22. Teacher's Institute for Jack- <*:« • *i Earth. I >e it in time tor all diseases of Unkvill«* has a new minstrel company, WtMwr li'imew areou the pii»«»n roster at A No. 1 gr:»in ami -I >• k fai m of :»20 :u*r« s, 5 I i Nfuik<4 St., iMin Frc.nc!«*«*. t' • rt .mach, Liver, Kidneys an« ’ Skin. It son County. mil« s f rom • • litrai l’l«int r;«i:< <»a«l slat : n am» I tin» time, all but two use both smoking w ilt ii wi«l gi\ an cnt< rtaininent in the mar «mi him I « vt t« «v< ni ùia- I « « > Rheumatism. Malaria, Coated Tongue futur« i i«« •>tar -avs the troupe i«*c«»tnp<«M- six mil»*.« from M««U< irt railr«*.i«l Math n; a . i « i «! I < w « « m»» i ! u! y « u hi * and chewing tohi<-c>>. »nd were liahitu* • u|*.t ( .1.. Parrish, A I.. I.<-at in. A. F. L< ovjs, AI ii ( ’’Pnilor» a*« ' lb a3 i< he, relieves Coustit>ation, Bilious- le\»*l, b1a«*k land ami • nel»»s« -l with a ninv-niii <1 Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out o! • . Pt n : I« < lì.« <. 11 (¡< i.i y >t. atei to it i me when they cam.« to the F. >. St. ii • y. J. I». Fay. F It. j,an-.»i ||, ( n •■*. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL 11« »LI» A tcm*e. ami all umi«r <*uifi> at >« n. 1m)>i*«»x«-o tin l' '»od ana dri»*s up old Sores. The Business ull:ii¡wd«»iu, ?*. K. Ogle. m-*n buy it, the Workingmen use y.tht Ladies uml all di*< h * á nd Je» !i<* «vhool building. b«*ginning on < apt. (>«. Apph gate i« orator on indep»*n- » large gramuy. a g«MMl spt ing »rtiieli furnish»' hike a, thv Children cry for it and the Farmers I»«v k. nor cln w are Johnny McAllister and • [ dem pl« nty «1 wat. r I -r dole *u< a!.«lM<*«k |a.. Day at hairy. J. B. Griffith and J. S. sa\ it is th* ir b< st health preserver. T h urrduy . ,/qqc ?(/, 18S9, Hon. I. STACY HILL, Treas­ an«rtl «*r l«o.v « .mina!, to whom the au- Orr delivering t lie addresses Th«* Yaiaax In­ i !»«»«••> This tut in is -ii*«« | til l« • f I»« ing -I A |. Sold everywbete, ji.oo a bottfe; six for Js.uo »nd continuing In gvHHion for thr»*»* day*. I’ «•d ¡»it«» tw««. flirt-** iiii.il'Hir farms.: - «\ ry lho.it»■» for* »de ll.e weed. It would dian bra.-«« ban«! has bei n » ugageii to furnish urer Cincinnati Incline Plane Rail­ ia earnestly Imped that all 1 each» 14 ml 11»« acre of if is gotsl bin I an I n< ar a -.•'».»ol » hi music Horse-racing, uancing. ba««*-buil protiahly not I «« an egagg. ration to n.iv th« LÓ ri i county williutvm! this institute an»! |»»/tiei- malí a un«l < tin rainuaciiu njsart being arrang­ pcMoftk-e. Title |M-rf«cl. Pi Ke. >»0 p» r acr«. way; “I was hardly able tn move that ninety-nine per cent, of thelaJ’is ed for. pat»* tn the exercises. Tin* programm»* wB* ,H MEDFORD, ORECON No. 23. announced hen after. who i a-sed the resolution are « or-, d At Liiikvilh*. on July 4th. Judge Park r <»f- A farm «»f 124 aero«, all 1« v«*l land, four miles If. II. MITCHELL with rheumatism, or what physicians with hnsbands, s««i » or fathers who aie ficiat « a-<»mt t , Pi*««t. E. k i t a«» read« r an I from < « ntfiil Point raiiron I station, all 1« net« School Superintendent of Javk««»n County. r, th. poit, iu«« I««« n indue» <1 to prepare I I’LL LINE <»F THE BEST AM» MOST ; with a rail ft nc« and «»ver KM»at r« - in cultiva- nddieteel to the tiitliv l-ab.t tle'iiiKelves; ' • Pte »i.a.r- •n.• ! the ••cv.i-i -ii i'.i stat militia para 1«.« on called sciatica. Tht first applica stantly k»*|»t on ham*, and nothing but tii«t lions«* 21x24 feet with 1««ur i«H»n:s. a l»arn 2’»\2 ' • • i» •' the Irgli.•! i«lr «» a ehm.an e«i..r«lv in \ t ti-.f *‘ ,y und th«-r<* w iit t>« many <«t u< r in.« r«*«f- trj r-D! *.. -.tr . te« t. u.Hidhous»- 2*1x2»' 1« • t. n« hi a »¡« mm I -<-m»- I «•hi.«- work turn« *l «>ut. ¡itiir« «. inchnling many amusement« ot G. L. «Hk» I VOX A NOTICE All ordir- tilled promptly at r* ;«-« -nubi«* two k < mh 1 to ells of wilt > i and g «1 oiitsl'le i any« enil-.tvor.rg to make ; v«- y .. nv««!’i u— '! tiii^l tion of St. Jacobs Oil relieved me. b.tlt Mrrel. « htras«. IIU mn ». ‘d’. i*, ni k>nds, -uch a« a -hootiiig-inau I», raí» « and satisfaction guai ani« <*«1. (orst’M k. G»*v« innu nt titl«. Fr.-«. <3.1*1« a ■ ■ turn to i> s tin «id«* inn ’ ra tv,«tc. Thi« w«-ll-kn«»wn hoiitoc h»i* been renovated L and O ffice at Koshin in*, on..» \. GARRICK. No. 34. M ay ¡¡0,1**. i hr»tit'll»»ut and ■on sf Ilia cumpntaoi • »v«r th ttrM rumlcfja! (lection at Link- and after the third I went about The M. Frt «i< nburg farm, situuftrt in eiMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED _VT 1 vid« a g«»<*«i «I *.«i o? «¡iN.*..«ti-laction exist**, I» •- Lie al'egianr e to too NEWLY FURNISHED. tiiis uflice by Lu«*y A. Mai hews against IL z- lion 15, 1 »wnsiiipj»» -« -uh. rang«* 3u«-t. « a numbi r «-f latdof« w« r« r. J» ct »1 owing Wl en lovi .‘i i iu taininv i*»d aert s; ab- .ut 4» a«*r« - t« m*« t«ri dorse it as the most remarkable med- i Tiii-« jHiwdrr n«'V< r varic«. A marvel of puri­ of NEH of S«<*. If, township ¡F> south, rang** I •J -'in I crimgs. « harks Grav« « an-1 Lk n Van iCtlon. r<: a mair’s he»«l swim. ___ . ._ boundary of this phice. Jmpr«.v«d witli : ♦ ast. in Jackson comity, Oregon, with it '« ■* Hr.mía» r; r«c -nk r, W. E. H«»wv; marsiial, Stock and Land for Sale. I’.!«, fìuiìi . ■ ! 1 ty. Mn ritfth and whol»*«»m<*u«•«.•». .Mor«* < the cancellation of siii«l entry, the said ;«ar oTI.it IS IIEIIEIIV GiV Ity lll.vr Hilt l>F- •iwelling 14x2s f**< t t. itli I rooms, wh* «1 bun J hn K- .il’.ld; trca-ui. r. 1 < . Johnson*, street that ilm prison auttrnriti.-a w«i| I.-* in n •wutghlp f)e» r han !, C omical than th»- unlin»irj kinds, and « annut b<* ties are hereby summonud to ttl»!” HT 1“ • »; •* limpi» nt tax lint <4 Jack««»n county, rtr< gon. 17\3»» f«*» l ami fill» r outbuilding«. Thi«p'»i<* n< r. Lfia» D ujm v . A e.mtr-t is »’«. him v lime. < •«'•Id in competition with th«* inagriitudt' of low the c«»unty clerk of Jackson county. Or»*««»!», gieat ha t « a!»iut depriving their miser­ (*oiiiiiH««»i> for L*.'■*». luis b«*cn lurn'rt ovrto me, with a THF UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR HAU* is <»n the east ride < f R gm r.v« r. q • 1 a mi)« tbreatvnvd. ___ • jm nt«-l < ' tot. short w»«i|fhE nlnm or nhoMphatr powdfTs. i -bip «.ent f « warinnt fi-.»ib il:«* It .11. <' .mill C »mt f««r it** nt th»* county ch rlt ’ s oftice. in Ja< k««»nville. on I iiv • head <»f g »od l«t>m«-«; al-o »«verni parcels able charge?« ol ti e s'lght solace derived from (>o|d Hill raiir .ad Mati«»n. G x tnini n I. 4. U U. * P.T!:O\B. Fr;* Sold only in can«. Iloval iMklnyr Powd»T Co., tlu*2<8hday of July, 1889. at 1» n’cl«-< k A. to inun* dia»e c >ll»a*ti«'ii. All p» »>»»«»« wh»ar»-f excellent i ir.d »*tuat»*d in Jai fchor.ville, Wil- tifle, pric« T« - nis. « .« I: ilf cnrii at tin. fr« rn this short a low am e <,( tobas en, I'tyo»* tint! i italifj/, !•« Wail to;., N. Y. rcsiMind am! furnish testimony concerning said list will plciu-«* call ut nnoffie«- in Jack- >n- l«»wSp«irg- njid Cintrai E«’ii4 precincts, bor bf t-.ii«*. tmlam v op < ue y«A: s time, t • I m * m « from a strut y mural point of vow. vilh* and .«• ft!«* wiih*uit fitrth« r eve-v yurt of th« 1» • compelled to I« vy upon thu |*rop»*rty of the bh* W«»rka. ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON. R giri.i. If it .’» pioveu ;*« 1 ««*ii« us i«« tile physic. 1 bo is' In iliiuri*. S tr. pirli«, licit liroi cash at option ot purchaser. Et tray Notice ------ CURES------- *aid enf«»rc«* pay int nt A. ( ’ . J ones , Receiver. j c WHIPF. health of th < nv'Ct-*, they in.iy •-ve ti­ lee ing !.. entirely < vere »tie I be blood >«■ Parties wishing t*. purcba.«NE\ H» LOAN’ ON LONG TIME AT enforced »’ » inerì«« alter years of mdul tate agente. vh*» will c« nvey t'.i« ni in good tu nb.it r, bhi d it th? ilg .1 eye. ar d will w« igh k vie» on and after M iy 25. 1S^9. « -«tt ’ .rt rande»! I) nr.dmarkten >pandBqnare «•■(«d.ilir- npi eine restored The kidneys L« jw Bateson Real E¿t.ií»‘ S« tut it y. share n» any of th«. lan«ls I huv<* f« r tak. free u j « u J h . Aliitorai ; »>*u will be ¡.ldb-r gence in thr u»e oí tobacco is in itself uiiil nii'ieibjt in left «-a- and umfemlope in right; ■ J.V>. ... I'.IUnSEY. T SIX PFR CENT. PER ANNUM. FVf( liv r «e i iiihe.t and invigorate,I. fne Cali ou or address i return or for :«n> it f *itnj ’•« n tl et sarti.' had . Sh«T ü ar.d Ta?.- <. -U« ct •• « f Jutk« »n «Juiuity, I’ - ■ • ;,r. »’.It. and npwarda have th«* point of of charge for couveyuao»*. purtá-ularrf enquire <*f _____ damug.ng to the general health <«f the brnn i. r< irtii.el. Hie it.in 1 made c.car and Sul l by lirv-rj .Zr aad ZJ m Z ít # ¡y¡ .ryu’wee. h-ret«. GLU. MiVhkl FILAS J. DAY. gh’ born saw*. fo*. patient. I ready foi work. Try it. JrtkK’OMilV, Uc*A i>. Gall b Critok» !• lad». JJuUefr brandad U on rifibt 1Ä Ike Cbarlei A. Vogeler C0.,U*llo~ MX .'k’dfurú. Orfyou. 1 » i 9 Louisiana State Lottery Company f REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. Notary Public ani Couejaiiccr. NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF GAIN, •Jackson County Securities Bought and Sold. FIlOST-l’KOOI*’ FRUIT 111*2 T^r It is All in the Thermal Belt, rrnu T\OW L I MÏ-7 C< > 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, S600.000. BUY ! ! HENRY KLIPPEL, AT REAMES & WHITE S ! Conveyancing in all ils-Branches. AGENTS WANTED. Ladies Fine Dress Goods IMPORTANT, IN WHITE GOODS REMEMBER Gent’s Clothing Decorative Wall Papers HUBBARD r Cu nniL iuu GOT uui riLCd HAVE YOU PILES DR. BO-SAN-XO’S PILE REMEDY, Wo. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING E. THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks ! \l\f -Plunder'.&-*—** (^R(GONBlOO0iW|(R. A. CARRICK, SWOBS OH T CENTRAL HOUSE, » A Ashland, - - - - Oregon. POWDER Absolutely Pure. I K rr Wounds,Cuts, Scalds and Burns. u M $100,000 TO LOAN A I N. S. DREW tiw.