ehe ^nuocratic ®imw. ime Published every Thurwtay by the TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y CBM. MCltkLL, Miter. NBW TIMES BUILDING. Office—Corner Third and C Streut». JL- Rates of Subscription: PROFESSIONAL CARDS CRAWFORD A PHILLIPS, Ore?««. Everybody Should Go and See the Will practice In all the court* of tbe State, office tn Hamlin's brick building, up-Ktaln*. MORRIS- M. HARKNESS, Ihrtgon. GrrneCs Ftw*, P. P. PRIM, Oregon.. Will practice in all eourta of the State. Office In the Court House, third door to left of en­ trance. TOBACCO, GROCERIES, ATTORNEY AND CVUN8BLDR AT LAW. CROCKERY, ETC. .Will urnctke in all court» of the Stntf. Ufllce In th. Court Huuae. Ural door to let! of c»i- *"^~|-—* < ' . - r H. K. HANNA, Cue •liemire, Biege, Sicilian Suitings, 40c to 65c per yd. BOOTS and SHOES J. R. NEIL, Jurkoonrillr, Or. CROCODILE GREEN, RESIDA, CENO’ARME BLUE, TAN, LEAD, GRANUT, TERRA COTTA ETC. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, ATTORNEY .AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Jurktonriltr, Latest Colors in Wool Fabrics, DRY AND FANCY COODS, Office In Ahlf» bulkling, Front Street. Will practice In all courta of the State. Office in Orth'a brick, up-etaim. Hvmenabcr. these goods are new and bought biner the war In railroad rates and «resold IllirMWtod, Spntoli <'«»untry Produce bought and sold; also Wool Hides, Fun* and Deer Skins. Solicit order® for Lumber. ASHLAND NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER, i/rtrUoNtdlti, Or. BAR A POSTAL CARD WILL COST BUT ONE CENT. 8®nd ur the addre»»® of any one who might want to attend our uchuol during th® coining year and you will do them a favor. To ouch we will tend our catalogue and circular* UESIDBNT DENTIST. I’ALL TLHM HER M -il fu rd. Oregon. office in William's Ilriik Building, up-stair*.? DR. S. DANIELSON, F Physio-Medical •5 CENTRAL POINT, OCN lJffiK. Will carry a full stock of Heavy and Builder’s Hardware, Tin­ ware, Stoves. Carpenters’ Tools, the World-Renowned Victor Mow­ PHYSICIAN A N D S l’ H G E O N. THE PLACE Mnlford. Orrg«*. —TO (JET YOUK- HOLLINCSWORTH TIGER SULKY RAKE, BLACKSMITHING Barnes’ Rakes, Victor Mower Extras, and Sections for all Mowers ers, Bain Wagons, Sficclal altenUon given to Chronic Diseases. E. P. CEARY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SLUG E O N. Medford, Oregon. Office in Ihiiiiliu’s Btovk. iftreH. —DONE IN — commonly carried in this market. THE BEST STYLE PHYSICIAN A N D S V K G E O N. THE LOWEST RATES. Call» promptly Attended to Day or Night. OAce <»n B street. DR. L. WICCIN, VETERINARY 8 V R O E O X. Jowphlae Co., Or. elsewhere. —IS AT— D. CRONEMILLER & SON S, Office and residence a few miles west of Orwnt’s Pass. Beet of reference given and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. W. STANFIELD, Also the Celebrated Garden City 8#" Call aud examine this splendid line of Goods before buying Ke4for>l, Orrao». JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Central Point, Or. Gen P Gall«"** -*• S. S. SMITH, Prop’r SANFORD’S RADICAL ( URE FOR CATARRH consists of one b ttle of the Radical cur®, one box <»f Catarrhal Solvent, and Improved Inhal­ HE SUBS« KIBER TAKES PLEASURE in I er, all in on® one package; |*rice fl. Ark for San­ announcing that hi« »tram aaw-inill is now ford’s Radical Cure. Sold everywhere. running on full time and turning out a large I Potter Drug & Chemical Corporation, Boston quantity of lumlnr. H» Is pr«*par«. 6 A.M. connrtnvrship with an authorized capital of 955.OÜ0. for the purpose of carrving on a Gener­ NORTHBOUND: al Banking Business in all of itn branches in LeaveCorvallis.Monday, Wednesday.Fridiy. 8 a . X Leave Salem. ru<>k at th—<• lot» before pnreha.ina el»»whers •nd rsmomb.r the» are »ituated on M»in .treet within Sin yard» of th. New Depot Hotel now be a built. Enquire d E MINER. Ashland Honee. By the Thousand ! HK rNDERSlONED IS NOW TAKING OK- T ties d«T® for through Jackson und Jonrphint* coun­ MINER’S EXCHANGE, FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, WALDO. OREGON. Any kind raided in a Jlrst-claM Nursery. Tho®«‘ wanting tree« will do will to give me their order«, as I will guarantee natinfaction. I warrant all my tree», if properly cared fOP. Term® of payment ea*y. Produce tak«*n at market price. ’160UH»«. of Peach Seed wanted. A. 8. JOHNSON. Jacksonville. Oregon. Aug. 1.1MKJ. THE CNDFRSHONED HAVE TAKEN CHARGE I of Frank Hrywn’® old M«nd in Waldo. J<«»®- L. C. BOLLE B‘ n® county, and will k»®p it atock®d with th® t of Win»*®. Liquors, and Cigar». Giv® ua a P,»tofli<-e. Easts Point, call We will tieat you well. Oregon.. KOWF.LLÄ YABBROUGH. ( attic branded J O on SOWELL i YARBROIGB, Prop's. l.dt I >p r"rk ,n 1,',< *‘iir —ASK FOR— THE BOSS BOOTS ■M** And «11 nf IE under-slope in nvht Al- ao cattle with under bit in each ear. branded with anchor on right hip. Horse» brandad L on right hip» AKIN, SELLINC & CO.'S UNRIVALED GOODS! PAINLESS CHILDBI? TH HOW .in.I> Ewi> ».;• » «fe w. Hn-IrUmi. F«KKi: PE v» ». 1: r lu Hr* • •» 7. ¡JIOOM. Sett ks/i v- » t> titer,ffkinCnoikJa«: WltdMbh k -e'-tf .:. t U»ivtr.?. d BlteMUi IOC trlAl >*U1» Ad«UW* tea 4»^ «’> EERàlAH JACKSONVILLE, - - ORECON. THE U.vDKHHGNKD 1H FI I.I.Y PREPARED to do al iwotk -Xi bb line in tbe best manner and at rtwbutrtrtjfc MrWw. , GEO. SC'HUMFF. and Sanfoin Seeds. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, PREPARKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price fl; ®iz bottle®, f 5. Worth $5 a hottie. Implements, Egg-Food, Etc. LUGKEY & CO TREES. Catalocne Bent Free on Application. IMPORTER} AND DEALERS:' IN MACHINERY! Wood, Iron, Hioini and Saw-Mill Mi inery. CEO. STARRETT, A.l.lrew Walla Walla. W. T. JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY ma I l . route . *• more complete by Ur than any other in ttoeth. ern fregón, and compares favorably with any in the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at Ban Francisco rates, a nd in • prom pt and nnt rises maimer. Ashland, Oregon H'J S NcGlNMS INNOCENT f John C. Simpson, lecturer of the Ore­ Many who read tbe detailed account gon state grange, was in Portland last week on business connected with the of In» execution furnished by a witness lecture field in Multnomah county, To of the scene were surprised,not so much, an Orrjonian reporter Mr. Sim|«on perhaps, at tlie stoical indifference of stated that since liis aiqxnntment as the condemned mxn, who in tbe face of stole lecturer, last October, be bav been death declared his innocence, aa at ao constantly at work as lecturer and or­ intimation that, aa regarded the death ganizer in Linn, Marion, Clackamas, of Lockwood, there was a secret which, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Washington and according to the Netct reporter’s state­ Multnomah counties. As to the mem­ ment, ‘'died with Tat McGinnis." Whatever that secret may iiave been, bership of the grange be said : “In this jurisdiction two months ago if such existed, it lay between McGinnis, there were eighty granges with a mem­ a woman, an l eome one whom that wo­ bership of 320U. There lias been a large man wished to shield. Admitting that increase since. Since tbe 8tb of last Oc­ such was the case, her teat of McGinnis* lays that of Damon and Fy- '• tober twelve new granges have been or­ friendship ganized and four granges have been reor­ thias in the shade. Thia paper is in receipt of news trotn ganized. city, aud we give it, knowing No, all that work wan not done by me. Canyon parties, enough credence to say what I have organized three granges and re­ tlie we have here eaei; there is a revulsion of organized one. I am the only organizer feeling among those personally aevuMnt- in the field. I have not visited Washington terri­ ed with such facte as were obtainable, the opinion is that the mystery of tory nor eastern Oregon, but will visit and McGinnis obtaining ¡«ossessiqn of the iKi.,rf,i!}fceoi Ute Vrfiiaruvit*u‘'fc e$rfmu*-pany^* a uuuwta no granges in Oregon south of Lar.e enemy of Lockwood, would acknowledge county.” having accompanied Lockwood to the In reply to a question as to what coun­ jail on the night he met his death. ties have been greatly benefited by the ft has not been generally known that grange, he Raid : the unfortunate deputy sheriff's life had “From a social and educational stand­ been attempted previous to this, that point I think tbe work is manifest in among those who knew him, and of his the farming in Linn, Lano, Marion, domestic life there were those to freely Yamhill, Washington and Clackamas sav some one else might have done the counties. Co operation strikes other in­ deed for which McGinnis paid tbe penalty terests; I don’t care to say anything of life. about co-operation. The farmers who There could be but one guilty party, attend the grange and exchange view» outside of the frail one whocouldeee one in regard to the best methods of hus­ man go to hia death—as had already two bandry, and who listen to prepared es­ men before him—for her sake. Chis is says on farm wotk, soon become k-en tbe party—whose name is now withheld— observers and learn the mechanical and i who left Giant county some two weeks other conditions of the soil to produce a before McGinnis’ execution. Asked to good crop. appear before the prisoner, we are told In the section» where the farmers are his refusal was most easptiatic; the of­ educators of themselves and keeping up ficer, It is said, acting under McGinnis’ with the times, is where the greate-t instructions compelled hnn to call on the prosperity is apparent. No, there will prisoner, where lie with bowed head be­ not be as much ground in wheat this fore tlie unfortunate felon made no reply year; the acreage is one-third less than when openly accused of having ffcom- last; all wheat don't pay as well as panied Lockwood to the jail on lhe night mixed farming; transportation is too of July 5th, of murderiug him and re­ high for all wheat; mare mixed farming leasing tlie prisoners. I regard as progrès.*. Our informant tells us that within the The crop prospecte in Oicgort are very few days since McGinnis was hanged, flattering; they are b“ttei than for a public opinion inclines strongly to tbe number of years pa»t, although the crop belief that this man, who bore in silence KeUgiou News. last year was a very large one • The the physical and mental shock which Litteral Sutiday-echool and Bible class young grain is very rank now ; tbe far­ alone could have whitened his hair with* meets every Sunday at 11 o'clock a . u. at mers are pasturing it down with sheep; in tlie brief time when lie knew there the u. M. L. Hall. Talent I have seen some who have mown it was no ho)« between him and tbe grave, The following are Rev. K Ennis' ap- > down ; of course putting on sneep is the bore to his tomb the burden of a crime pointiuents: Un every Bunday morning, best, for then the pasture is saved; for which, in another and higher court, exeepting tbe third, he will bold services tbe ground is dsn : -«nd don’t neither indictment nor penalty awaits at the Presbyterian church in Phoenix : ob the third Sunday mo'-ning and every Sun­ need the cut gto.u .^> . ........ i*.-r or as a him.— Iiakrr City Reteille. day evening he will preach nt the Presby­ mulch. All rank grain should be pas­ tured off early in the spring.” terian church in Jacksonville. i M aking T eles Bov-P«oor.—The in- Mr Simpson is ai resident of Lane the way from the The fol owing are Rev. J. W Miller's regular apnointnicnts: The tir-t in county, an■« the trunk as an ef- au.l and limbs, operating aa third Sunday ut Central Point ami fourth Oregon rted retorted that tlie the changes u.ade were were1. tecliou - - (ro«n the small “ ‘ boy who -«--■• cliantcea made ¿ball o'clock, v. st . tbe second Sunday at Wood-1 wise ones. Tlieir report was adopted. have the enterprise, uut tv say depra­ vilie, holding »ervices al Gold Hill on tbe Below is a complete list of the new text ­ vity, to purchase a pair of barbed-wire Saturday evening preceding that day ; the third Sunday al Central Point, mornlnc book. and tlioee in which a change lias trow sere. It is admitted that encase- and evening, and the fourth Sunday at been made and which are for use iu the meut oi himself in thia character of ral- . liuUic schools of this state, for tl.e term merit will enable a la>l to ciitnb a tree of four years, beginning October I, 1889, even doubly grafted with tbe sinister Government Saner». and ending October 1,1893: Tbe addi­ cactus sprig. Therefore, tbe aged min­ As is customary in tbe field operations of the geodetic and geological surveys of the tional books, adopted by Couaty Super­ ister may not have been so far afield in United Slates, at the beginning of May. the intendent for all school grades and not suggesting, insteaiL, tire practical, and heretofore in use, and which involve no vigorous, application oi the ecctua sprig several parties are reorganizing for work Ashland is (he wintering place for a |>or- change are as follows: Iainguage Les­ to the rear of tbe boy’s anatomy who tion < f the government stock employed, sons—Short Studies in Engliali; Number shall be fortuitously detected in the sur­ and the "Tidings" nays; “The U.S. topo­ Woik—t’ipe’s Seat Work; Spelling reptitious appropriation of a n- igbbor’s graphical surveying party of Wiinon and Blanks—Mason's System ; Physical Ge­ ehen ire. The usually depleted condi­ Perkins, which was in th« mountains of southern Oregon last summer, will ography, Guyot's Revised; Advanced tion of the small boy’s exchequer must Gramma: —Clark’s Normal; Primary O|>erate as an encouraging circumstance prol-abiy l e ei gaped this season in the in- vesrig uion of the irrigation problem taken Hiatotv—Barnes Primary History of the in this re-ard, bowevef, for a barbed­ in bnr.d by tbe government to improve the Uuited Stales ; Etemeutary Natural His­ wire »nit will inevitably cost more than and government land yet unyrabbed; und tory—Tenney's; Astronomy—Steele’s ; a ton of cherries at market prices. Charley Howell, who lias bad in w nter Geology-—Steele's; Drawing—White's quarters here the 25 ntu'en used ill such Industrial Drawing; Composition—Bar­ K ei - i bij < A\>raoM'Ekirr.—Tbe anthra­ wore, exireeta to sturt for Idaho with them Making. The text­ cite coal trade is stagnant and efforts are within a few day». Monroe Sounichaan deen's Sentence books that have been changed are as being made to ent down piodnction still of this place, who was with the party last season, will take the field with them ayain. follows: The New National Series of more. The output thus far this year t.'apt. Dutton, tbe eminent naturalist, will Readers have been adopted instead of baa been 4,302,31 M tons, against 4,753,- be in rhe mountains of southern Oregon the present Indeirendent Series of Read­ (’>28 last year; but 30,000 miners of the om e more this season with a |>arty t ugage I ers Fish's Written Arithmetics are Reading systems, and 30,OK) to 40,000 in geological researches." adopted instead of Biook's Elementary- in all, are said to be idle for ti(e past ten Written Arithmetic and Brooks’ Normal weeks, with much suffering, while tbe Written Arithmetic now in use. Robin­ accumulation of coal al Port Richmond A SK RIOUS BtrxnlR. son’s Algebra and Geometry and Trigon­ is represented to be greater than at any A Lady Nearly Prostrated by a ratent ometry combined are introduced instead other time for thirty years,— R. G. of Brooks,; Bryant and Stratton's Com­ Ihut’t ll'wHy Report. Medicine, A lady well-known la the Western Addition mon school Book keeping is adopted in­ Latest re|>orts allow that several thou­ sand mure miners have been laid off, has been a yreat sufferer for yean with Indiges­ stead of Lyte’s. and those who are working arc getting tion and dyspepsia. Struck with tbe testimo­ A lbion W. T ovkgek , who has been io nials praising Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla, aba a state of excitement for about twenty only $10 to $15 per month. At Fall sent for a bottle. Tbe druggist, not baring It, years for fear tbe white people of the River, Massachusetts, 18,000 weavers and spinners are out on a strike for talked them into taking another sarsaparilla. South would kill off all the darkies As the leading saraaparillaa use mineral blood down there, has written a piece recently higher «ague. They claim they get peri tiers, the effect of the emptying of iodide­ under the title “Shall White Minorities lower wage» and work more hour, than ol pola’h Into a stomach already distressingly Rule?’’ Of course Mr. Tourgee means the cottuu-mill employees of England, a statement which in corroborated by tbe delicate wci disastrous, almost prostrating her "white minorities” in tbe South; but he report of Jas. G. Blaine, secretary of before tbe nJ stake was rectified. She then should not confine his inquiries to one slate, on “The Cotton Trade of the called upon Mr». Fowler, of 327 Ellis street, 1 whose name was amone those cured by Joy's section of the United States. White World,” issued in 1881, just after an minorities rule in ail parts of the United Vegetable Sarsaparilla. M>’ Fowler said it was ciectiuu, -lien the dupes had voted. true that it had cured bar. Again reatiun d. States. A minority rules in the state ol The strike will prove ineffectual, and Connecticut and in Rhode Island, but the vegetable compound wae »«nt for and will only benefit the mill owners by in­ gotten. The gentle action of its regetsble these minorities Lappen to be lli-oubli- creasing tlie pt ice of cotton goods. Since stimulants upon the liver, kidneys and nlyes- can. A Republican minority secured Harrison's election iron mills itave been tire organs, and its warm stomach tonics, were tbe presidency of tlie United Slates at failing thick stid fast. Tbe Reading the very things needed, and she began improv­ ti.e last general election, end we rap pose ing and was her old self within a fortnight. Den.‘s;ratic minorities m the Sonihern Iron Co , lhe largest in America, has This sounds like fiction, but the names can be Slates occasionally gel the offices; but if gor5 tothe wall, the manager saying that 'be present tai iff is the cause. We pa­ given if necessary.—.*>• J^awetoe® Etamfaer, they do, wtiit of :l.- Ml. Tourgee had tiently wait lot prosperity. better propose- some more difficult co­ MININ’« NEWS. nundrum. _ _ T hk C kkamkkv .—For the poet week T he decision of the secretary of the in­ David Wallace aud A. F. Althatrar, the Miners are happy. A full line of quartz and placer location terior to-day liberalizes the timber cul­ butter maker recently arrived from Chi­ blanks always kept on hand at tbe T imes ture act to an extent hitherto unknown. cago, have been making long trips into Heretofore the rulings of the department the country looking up cows from which office. Stanley A Howell of the Homcstske mine have excloded all land from timber cul­ to obtain auppliee of milk and cream for in Wotxivide precinct have started up their ture seltlements upon whieh more than tbe creamery. They have been very araitra. with good prospect». fifty tress stood, the department taking successful in their soliciting and have The American Mining Code, tbe best au­ no note of the size of timber, its kind, or run the number of cows promised away thority on this subject, for sale at tbe quality Under to-day’s rulings entry­ up into the hundreds, farmer» in every T ims * office. men may take up nnder the timber cul­ direction from town showing a reediseue The Waldo hydraulic company lias in­ ture a< t any qnartcr section U|«on which to help along the creamery scheme that vested in a drifting machine, which ar­ timber has no commercial value, or up­ is very commendable. Some were of rived recently. It is said to work well. on which tree» are not numerous enough the opinion that it would lie a difficult The rain« of tbepast month have afforded to warrant the purchase of land for its matter to obtain the requisite number,or enough water to enable the placer miner« to do some work. Those who have good timber. Tins ruling will grant relief to anywhere neat enough cows to anppiv water privieges will be able to make a short timber culture settlers, and makes it the demands of I lie butter maker, and mncli easier to acquire land under ttiia that were actually required to make the run. act, as all growing trees are to (recounted creamery a paying investment, but from A Ymithfal Hrapegrace. in consideration of every man’s compli­ preeent prowpecta the cream can be ob­ Fred. Ryan, am of Thua. Ryan, of Kan­ ance with the law, whether he planted tained in sufficient quantities within a sas. ’he newly appointed minister to Mex­ short distance of town. Quite a rivalry ico, is under arrest at Ixis Ange’ea on the them or not. has sprung up among aspirants for places charge of defrauding two lady acquaintan­ Trie members of the Oregon Alpine as carriers and already the number of ces of $225. Thev endorsed a draft for him on the ground that his father would club, and other people interested in the nien and teams offered exceeds that of pas- the amount; but the latter returned the preservation of game in Oregon’s foresta the routes given out.— MrMinnrillf Re~ |>»per saving be has ceased paying hi*ana's and mountains have great hope that the porter. debt«. The Aahlaiid "Record ' say»: This deer law will materially aid in saving young man »pent sa»er»l weeks in Aahland from the hide fiends the small remnant 4 Narrow Pocape. recently, and worked the town on the tame cf antlered game left in the state. That "For want oi a nail, a shoe was lost , for racket to the tune of about $100. when he be want of a anew, a horse was lost; for want skipped. Parties who sent his bills to lhe offering of hides for sale will old gent received word that be paid his seized upon as prima farie evidence of of a, a rider was lost.” Ne ver neglect 1 be tint signs of pneumo­ non » bills to keep him out of trouble until Violation of the law, cornea nearer to small thing. he had nearly bankrupted him. and was reaching the case effectually than any nia and consumption can "positively" be now unable and unwilling to stand good for thing connected with the law in the past. checked by Dr. Acer's Bogush Kerned y tor consumption. For sale by E. (J. any more." roRTLAMD. Hay—$13<315 per ton. Hope-Quote l0*17c per pound. Kgg»--2U yrr d"Z. I’otatoes-Hkkg5<)c per sack, Lard—Kegs, or gallon tins, Mluc per ft Oat»—Market quiet. Quote 30<>431c per bnsbel. Wool—Quote spring 17<£T8c; eastern Oregon, Rigl.'ie. Provision»--Bacon, ll@13c; bmu«, 12>i (£13c; »boulder». 10c Wheat— Valley,|1 »Ml22, Walla Walla, 11 15 a ctl Barley—Brewing,whole, H5a|l.10ground, per ton. |2U(4t21 50 Corn- *1 50 per cental. Flour—Valles- standard» quoted at 14.25; Walla Walla brands. »3 90. Feed- Bran,$15 00 00. d ■bop, $l(<<£20;. chopped barley. $22(d«25 ton. Butter—Quote extra choice creamery, 20<4S>c; lair to choice. 30a25e; »tore, 15a 2Uc per fi> Meat—Steady Beef, wholesale, 2%a3c; ilresaed, 7c; aheap. 2c per !b; dressed, Gc; bogs, dressed, 7Uc; veal. 7«8c.; IwtRtW..!? ........ young. and*54itH forohl; old ducks, $9<elta, ^iorl wool. 254«;40c. me- ilium 50(d’0c Jong MMl 00. shearing 10«■ 2Oo; deerskin», 32a37: tallow, good to choice, 4«5. Dried Fruit*—Sun-dried quartered a[.- plea, 5«a25c. Egg-15a20c. Hay—Quotations range from $8»ll per ton. Bags—Firm, at 8’>. Onions—$1 40a$l 00c per cental “W'f other troubles caused by a torpid liver an I dyspepsia. After giving sereral medicines a fair trial without a cure, I oegan to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was greatly benefited by the first hottie, and after taking five bottles I was com­ pletely cured.” —John W. Benson, 70 Lawrence st.. Lowell, Mass. Last May a large carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies had no effis-t and I was confined to my bail tor eight weeks. A friend induced me to try Ater's Sarsaparilla. Less than three bottles healed the sore. In all my expe­ rience with mediciue, I never saw more SISTERS OF _THE_HOLY NAMES- General Merchandise 1687 Sash. Doors, Blinds lots ahe soxim feet and are the Cboiowt ll«.ldeu< <> Lot. in Ashland. T hese Hip. kidney, and uterine peins and ITTh'lirrr“. relieved in one minute by fuifA^^-Psm Plasters, th® in«. »traPf thir terrible dieense by remedies within the reach of all panned into Im nds at once com potent ant trustwo»»rthy. Th»» new and hitherto untried methxl adopted by Dr. Sanford in the Lreparation of hi» Radical Cure Ims won the sarty approval of thousands. It is instantane­ ous in affording relief in all head oolds, sneez­ ing, snuffling, and obstructed breathing, and rap­ idly removes the most oppressive symptons, clearing tbe head, sweetening th® breath, restor­ ing the senses of smell and taste, and neutral- ANDERSON CREEK, j izing the constitutional tendency of the disease towards the lungs liver and kidneys. Agency for the White, the King of all Sewing Machines. AND AT— e DflU|l’L«^- blsck-hrod., chspis'd and oi*y skin r IIVI prevented by ( utieurs Medicstsd 8«>sp OF ALL KINDS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS aud Oliver Chilled Plows and extra Shares for same. RveMcnce <»n C E. B. PICKEL, M D., I stirura Hemrdies Are sold everywhere. Price,(’uticura, SOc.; Soap, 25c.; Resolvent. 31. Prepared by the Putter Drug and Chemical Co., Buetuti, Mass. Pff"Send for "How to ('are Skin Diseases.'’ M pages, 50 illustrations; and IOC totimuoiala Lowest Ruling Prices. < $30 00. $35 00. $15 00. Normal Scholarship......... Commercial Scholarship Training School per year. __ ... _____ _______ Ashland. Ohio ( svrrr« will. Hun«i«z »ores ■ t arwrs. 1 have been troubled with a »kin and scalp dia- e«M' for 17 years. My head at time« was one running sore, and mr body was covered with them as laru« aa a half dollar. 1 tried a great many remedies without effect until I usea the Cuticura Remedies, and am thankful to rtste that after two months of their use I am entirely cured, i feel it my duty to you and the public to state the above case. L. R. McDOWELL. Jamesburg, N. J. Dug and Scratched 33 Years. 1 go Mr. Dennis ten years better. 1 have dug and scratched for 48 yours. I bad what is termed praritis, and have suffered everything, and tried a number of doctor» but got nc relief. Anybody could have got |500 had they cured me. The ('uticura Remedies cured me. God bless the man who inventM ('uticura! CHENEY GREEN, Cambridge. Maes. Msuhanics’ Tools, to A. II. MAEGLY A CO.) SKPLEM- X OILS i Read our catll<>KU® »nd yoa will find our plant*. oourR®» of t*tudy. and regulation!«. T®)J your friend» about our »choul and help ua tn grow. Work for u» A WOfd from v>»u nr. g Lt help u* very much. Remember that tne AND SURGE U N. Buffering humanity. PAINTS, J. NUN AN. Jacksonville. Or. TDree Courses of StDiy—Normal. Academic, Commercial. O. F. DEMOREST, I contracted a terrible blood-poisunio* a year ago I doctored with two good physioiana. neither of whom did me any good. 1 suffered all a man can suffer and lire. Hearing of ytrar ( uticura Reined ips I conctaded to try them, knowing if they did me no good they could make me no worse. 1 have been using them about ten weeks, and am most happy to aay tixat 1 am al­ most rid of the awful sores that covered my face and body. My face was aa bad, if not worse, than that of M im Boynton, spoken of in your book, ¿-nd ’d^ ’"Í’AthsÄ “ ‘ 1.— --------— , tz 2-J asme oondL «•^U’Aticura. and they will surely be Will exchange for farm products, allowing highest market HARDWARE, price for same. / Thankful for past favors and hoping for a like continuance, Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, IMPORTANT to STUDENTS. Office «nd residence on California Street. Call» attended promptly day or night. P H Y H I C I A N AT CENTRAL POINT, buyers. J ack »on ville, Oreg»»«. ■».Ifhrii. Orreon. HICHE8T MARKET PRICE Hllowisl for KHine. Call and »«■ for yourne Ives JACOBY BROS. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AND S I’ KO EO N. R. PRYCE, Ml. D., We have on ha nd h full «lock in the above line® of goods, which ve can sell cheaper than they can tie sold anywhere in southern Ornron, as wc have nut very few expense*. All klnda of produce taken in eichansc and JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR. MODERN. THOROUGH. in large quantities anti can give special inducements to intending I Where is kept uonntMiitly <»n hanti a complete ° I unit tirMf-clHM® rtovk of PRACTICAL. i W.H. PARKER, DP. CEO. O. D Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Can truthfully sav all of above gorols are entirely new, having purchased them personally this Spring. We buy STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Will attend to all buMinew* Ill in, line with prompt nesa and at reasonable rates. P H Y 81 C 1 A N DRY GOODS CLOTHING BATS CAPS Boots, Shoes. Hats, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, etc. mil, Orffi»». Probate Mattem, Abstract of Title«, (.’«»nvvy- anrhur. Hoinvatead. Pre-emption un»I all other huai ne»» entrusted to me, will receive prompt attention. Loans negotiated. Odlcc on corner, opposite the Court House. (liho oteWRD-i oilh) California Streit. Jacksonville, Or J. J. HOUCK, G.t complexion try Wisdom s Robertine. ZlrMy, Sealy, Mia T.rlure. which is guaranteed under a forfeiture of TheaimpleaplUiMtion of Bway». »Ointm«nt. $1<¥X> to be ah-olniely (re- fronr ali poi­ without aov internal mrjjieinm. will onr-any sonous and injurious suhstances. Pro­ c«w> uf Tetter, Halt Rheum, Ringwonn. Pil««, nounced by leading ladies of society and Itrh, Sone. Pimptoa, Keama. all Hoalr. Itchy. the stage anparior to anytuing evet pro­ Hkijkruptiona. no mattn how otwtiMt. or kwr .trading. It u putaat, •ffeclive and oo«m but a duced (or beautifying aud preserving the ‘complexion. trite « j / Brooks. Information is Wanted Of J. F