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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1889)
i r 8he|hiuotvaticïimr$ be Semofíatif Puhi i«hed «very Than day by TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y CHIS. JílCKtLL, Editor. NKW TIMES 3UIL DINC OfKe»—Corner Third and C Street» Kale* or Mubacripttou : Ou» cupy pur *nnum. in udv-ne» “ »ix month».... ” Ihre» month» JACKSONVILLE, OREGON VOL. XIX OFFICIAL DIRECTORY DRY‘AND FANCY GOODS, Jacksonville, Oregon, Is now offering Special Bargains in Fall Fabrics, Assabet Manufacturing Company’s 56-inch Tricot Cloth in colors; Iron Frame, Invincible, Black Alpaca, double fold; Siik and Wool Henrietta Clotlf Check Mohair dress goods, yard wide; Oriental Suitings. 1 will^give CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, YSIILAND MORRIS M. HARKNESS, attorney and counselor at j aw . Grant's Pa*«. Oregon. Office in Ahlf Bnildinu. Front Street. E. W. MORRISON, I A POSTAL CARD WILL COST BUT ONE CENT. Bend ua th- Addream of any one who might want to H»r«»n<i «»nr echoed during the coming year and yon will do them a favor. To such we will »»nd our catalogue and circular« URSDAY, MARCH 14, 1889 MEDICA». NUNAN, SPRING! 1888 SUMMER! J. GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION T 1 1 i ili iit all wool Cashmeres titan any house in Southern Oregon. Cabot W, 4-4 Brown Muslin, 7|e per van); Whittinsville bleach ed Muslin, 9e per yard; Laconia, l<>-4 bleached Sheeting, 30c per yard; Wainsutta, 4-4 bleached Sheeting; Fruit of Loom, 4-4 bleached Sheeting; Lonsdale, 4-4 bleached Sheeting. Ask For A; yeW Sarsaparilla, and be aure » you get It, when you want the Jreat blood-purifier. bl P' u O KOCI iSU I«3M. Oils, Crockery, Brooms, Tubs, Trunks, Etc. Best quality of Costa Rica Coffee, 20c per pound; Good Japan Tea in 5-pound boxes, $1 50; Salt, (100 pounds) £1 00. We buy Coal Oil by the cat-load and can give very low prices. I allow the highest maiket price fur Eggs, Butter mid all Mer chantable Produce. Verv Respectfully, ' J. NUNAN. ~1 '■ ............... .................. —- ———— ! ..... — I .. *■’" 0 IMPORTANT to STUDENTS i Willi its forty years ■ • of fiuexampled auc- ceag in the cure of Blood Diseases, you carv make no in Is- takfi in preferring Sarsaparilla to $ry other. The fore-rsnner of mod- ernblfoil medicines, r’ Ayer’j Sarsaparilla S is s«l| tho moat pop- ular, »eing in great- 1 er <lekiuiict than all otlrets combined. 1 Ainoskeag plaul shirting, Cheviot, 14e per yard; Marseilles check shirting, Cheviot; Caledonia shirting, Cheviot. An entire line of now fall Buttons in metal, jet, etc.; Ladies’ Ger man, full linished, fleece-lined stockings, something entirely new and very durable; Misses’ and Childrens’ stockings in black and other col ors, both wool and cotton; Gentlemen's furnishings in flannel, merino and cotton. • Dressmakers will find a full stock of Trimmings, Silesia, Nanin- keag Drills, Crinoline, Wadding, Whalebone, Featherbone, Dress Shields, Extenders, Etc. THE MAKE E1H. PQRTLAKD. T “Ayer's SaiMparjemsf telling faster than ever before. 1 never hesitato to recommend it." —George W. Whitman, Druggist, Albany, Ind. “ I am safe in saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel those of any other, and it gives thorough satisfao tion.”—L. II. Bush, Des Moines, Iowa. “Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ami Ayer’s Pills are tiie best selling medicines I d my store. I can recommend them conscien tiously.”—C. Bickbaus, I’lrarwacist, Roseland, Ill. “ We have sohl Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recominentl it when asked to name tlie beat blood-purifier." — 5V. T. McLean. Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. “I have sold your medicines for tho last seventeen years, and always keep them in stock, as they are staples. ‘ There is nutbiug so good for the youth ful blooii’ as Ayer's Sar.sajotfiila." — R. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis. “Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medicine I havw in stock. I recommend it, or, as tbo Doctors say, * I prescribe it over the counter.' It never fails to meet tlie cases for which I recommenil it, even where the doctors' prescriptions have been of no avail.” —C. K. CulUoun, Monmcmtb, Kansas Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, raxrxKED by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. ATTOUNEY AND CtCNSELOR AT LAW. Frire $1; six bottles, $5. Worth »4 a bsaia. I Hrant*» Paa*. Orraoa. Will praeti-e in all court» of th- S 'il -. WILLARD CVXWFQRO, R«-id «uxr catalogue and you will find ourpUn«, oi’N— ««f Rtndy. and regulation». Tell your fr - n<l- Hlwt'ii <*ur s«*hf>ol and help us to grow. W«»rk f««r m A word fr««m you ought Leip us very much. Remember that tho I'AI.L TERM REG 1X3 SEPTEM- her 3, inn». »50 00. Normal Scholurehip... . ............... $r. oo. Commercial Scholarship............ $15 oo. I ruining School per year............ ADVEB'HBIÍQ AMD JOB WOEI. Adv«rtia»m«Dt» wi b» laavrtad in th» T imss NO. 11. IOO Doses :r Hay—$13(^15 per ton. Il<.ns—(¿note Stalle per pound. Ejgb—]0ul3 per do«. Potatoes—40(«/50c per sack La rd—Kegs, or galiou tin«, U m U v - p- r tb* U.ifs—Market quiet. Quote 32&34c per biud.el Wool— Quote spring 18(rt20c; eastern Oremn, S&lSc. Provisions Bacon. hams. 12k' Q0 b ; sb ubivis, lb w heat-Valley,.<1 27a|130, Walla Walia, $1 21 a ctl Barley -Dr« winr.whob-. &*»a$l*lU:ground, per ton, >2Ud’21 50 Coi n- ¿0 per Cental Flour—VaUe< Mund «rds quoted at 14.50; 'Aitila Witila brand«. $1 10. Feed Bra'i.flS OO^IIli U0;- liort* $!7 (M. th «j», YI sqì Ì»; chopped barlev. $23(«i^24 ten. Bnth r—Quota extra choice creai 20(c,u0c; fair t > eh<uco, 20a25c; slur« 3u per tt- Meat—Steady Beef, wholesale, 2- <lr< s-?d, O', sheep, 3 - par Tb; dn hogs, dressed. 7Jx’-; veal, 7 ’.aniI s. 12 25 each. Poultry—Qii'ttc ch>ck<*ns. |4<£5. voting, and >4<40 for old; ol«i duekn, 1 ;«e«‘'C |.f r <l«»z; turkeva, li»? |>» Knuts—-Sicily Iwnon«, <> <"/»»: appks. $k«0 £0 per box: | I1<<1 *»0 per box ii;d >— flit» market is timi ami . » “llUW* no <h «no*. Quote dry hides lie. green 4(jt(»e. < p, pelts, «In rt Wool. 2 k. me- diuni 70c long >**»<<< 1 00, shearing lu(£- 20c; <ie<rskin.s, 32i37; tadow, good to choice, 4<£5. Pried Iruits—Sun drie<l quartered ap ple*. 4yi 5, fa< l< ry sliced He, Oregon plums 5?i7. Oirgon prunes 7al0c. pears SalOc, ¡«caches, > h 10•*. e. Wheat—N«. 1 Bal lv> 1 - h i ■v rood t.i choice. lirliffloa9 Xrirt. Liberal Sunday->< lio<U and Bible class meets everv Sunday at 11 o’clock a . it. at the I’. M. L. 11.1!. ’.alent K< v J. W. Miller will continue » till hi> regular appuintiuents as follows: lhe fir-t >111 day in each mnmb at (¡old Hill; < «iji'i Su: day at ( «-titral I'dint; third at Mr ifor.i .f. i t nuth Sunday at J vdie *»| -.r.' K. . <t E J • ’ ;<p- JObtruIXÍ CUVXTY TRAXSFEH.3. The following real estate transfers were made in Josephine county during the vear 1888: CJ Smith to Mrs C Rav ; lot in Grant's Paas. $52 50. W Neurath to J Armstrong. 40 acres in sc ■ 13. tp 3d 8, R 6 W. $1000. B M< tich to J Martin; 7 acres in see 8, tp 3b 8. II 5 W. $335. t' K Chanslor to G A Wvllie; 40 ycres in • <■ 16. ip 3i S. R6W. »30Ö. II I. liehsontoMrs E E GoodeL; lot in Grant's Pass. $1 0 C J Smith to Si E Mitchell; lots in Grant's P>ss $«o 6 Harkness to A Conl lin; lot in Grant's Pass. $1000. 1. Me sllister'o WT M 'APi-ter; 49 acres in sec II, t|> 3 i B. R 7 W. $500 T MeJ .hii“oii t >8 Tu'tl»; lots in Grant's Fate $ CiO. S Tuttle t . G W Lance; lots in (¿rant's I'a“- $‘s50. I M Bunch to Jennings A Dealt: lots in Grant's Pass. »100. $100. Ju<! on A Uhiin-lor to T Y Dean: lots in Gram's Pass. $25 i. M Kane to E V Wil’son ; lots in Grant's I’as . $90 * J Smith to E V Willson; lots in Grant's Pass. $210. F tt bawyer to W Sawyer; l'io acre« tn M- 1.5. tp.'iOS, R8 W. $500. Mrs A M Sawyer to W Sawyer; 40 acres in sec 22. tp 39 S. R 8 W. $1. < .1 Smith tu H Smith; lot- in Grant's $ 0. T G atteraou to Jessie E Patterson; lots in Grant's Pa-s. »1. O T to to W N Saunders; lot in Grant's Pass. $25. O T i'o to E V Willson ; lots in (ìraut’s Pa«-. $85. G P Every to J M Roger« ; 1*X> a» res in sec 23, tp 35 8. R 6 W. I5U0. G Simmons to B »i Bu.l; 160 arres in eco 8, tp37 8, R6W 11400. Hen Bull to <’ Kleti; 100 acres in tec 7, tp 37 8. ROW $1400. <> B Jacox to W F Farwell; 158 acres in s. <- 12. tp .'is 8, It 5 W $3000. W 1’rakes to 8 I't ass; 4s0 acres in tp 38 8. R 7 W. $1000 Sei et> W N Saunders; 4u acres in sec ■Vi. tp :vi s, It 7 W. }.rri. * Ni kell to A I.Sanitisou: lots in Grant's I'a-- $.350 i De ker to W Siuiinons; property near Waldo. $10 G J Smith to Baptist church; lots in Grant'- Pass $100 G VV R d'lie to L Riddl«; lol In Grant's Paes. $.000. M P Moller to J A Larson; 80 acres in sec 16, tp 3 i 8, It 7 W. $200. C J Smi'h to W Everton; lot in Grant's Pass. $90 ’ J smith to Mrs A Gerke: lot in Grant's l’as . $90 T G Patters m. sheriff, to Ella Talbot; 160 a res in -e 13. tp 37 8. R (J W. »2500. C K Chans.or to T P Judson; lot in Gram's Piss. $50 T G Putt, r-un, sheriff, to C Hughes; l'JO acres in s . 36 t? 10 Ö. R 8 W. $2 00. T G Patterson, thenff, to W Naackc: 3*B .. a re in sees 13 and 18, T 38 8. RS W. .1 W Jo. n’ton L T Green . 40 acres i i st • tp .3.5 8. R6 W. $200 Medford, Oreron J A Frea-ur, to Marc A DeLatn.ilUr. t • lots iu Grant'. P hs «. $' s X) Wilt pr»i-tu-e in »11 th» noarts of the State. 1C. -;ar t > .1 S '. i ulen ; 16. aere-- in Ip 37 Otnco m Hamlin'» brick building, up-»tair». 8. R.5W. $ CP I i State to <’L Grav; 44» act P. P. PRIM. ' 36 8, ROW. $<U ' ; VTTORNEY A COUNSELOK-AT-I.AW, J Beeper to .1 HoW ell; l«Xi a« rc* in *c< 7, lf>39 8, R5W $IK0 HCKSONVIL'.I. OSM., W A Bigelow to B M Neuiath; lot in Will prartire in al! th- l'.xirtaof <h» State Orti.-., Grim's Pa-s. »75. in th» CuQrt tirwt dunr t«> th* It ft Stat to Mrs A Gentuer; 40 acres tn sec trance. —TO G«T TOUR— 16, l|> 37 8. R 5 W. $O. 1) S Co k to M Mansfield; lot tn Grant'» £. DoPEATT Pass $lst E Beattie to F. A Wade; 100 acres tn «■<■ ■ 'p 3o .«. R 5 w. $1000 R Mavitv to J N Gotcher; 100 acres in hv-J'l a <127, tp3.»8 R5W. $1500. 8 V llamlin to W liauil n; lot in <¡rant's -1MJNB IN- Will proecia» in ill c . irt’ ->f th- Stato. Ortie» in Pus-. $225. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt Oild Follow'» bti-.ldiiu. up »mir*. I« ll llutroujlis to W Neurath; lot» in rbcuni. all humors, bolls, pimples, general de Glam’s Pa-s. $HtO. J. R. NEIL. bility, dyspepsia, bllionsnoss, sick headache, J M < lnies to M E Church, 8oulb; lot in 1 nt lieri'rtvn catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com ATTOHKUV K AKMfNnKUMi AT I.ALV, An unportTiil ruling was m d<’yrsterday Grant's Pa«.- $100. plaints, and al] affections caused by Impure by th* Luniiur.'ioiurs « I Mate school land -- 8tate to A I. Warren; 80 acres in «oc 16, -AND AT — blood or low condition orth« system. Try lu Jacksonville Ogu. the governor, beerctarv un<l treasurer »•( t|>37 8, R4iW. $100 .1 Brown to D Roal; 143 acres in set s 30 “I wa* severely affiioted with serofuU. and »•at»*. E. A. .H\rnp<‘, of Portland, and Frank tor over a year had two running sores on my B. l*oor, w I iom * home « »aid to I m * in Cali and 21. tp 36 H, R 5 W. »34(0. Will practice in a'.ith* f'onr*» <-f*he Stile. Of LOWEST RATES THE \V 11 Willi, t<> C 8 Larison; lot in Grant's Deck. I took five bottle* of Hood's Karsap*. fornia. re after the sai»e pieue of land in tic* in Court H'» re, »»-'»tu <l >'»r on rieht front tho \V rnur lake country. Lake county, Pass. »50. entrane» rtlla, and consider myself entirely cared.'• o T Co to J Naehbour, lot in Graut's bw p tin d It • appli ati n lirit and Mro ’ r e —IS AT — C. E. L ovejoy , Lowell, Mas». Pa»-. $<A W. F. WHLLtAMSON. “Hood's Sarsaparilla did mo an immen«» to it bt orc N.'po e<»n Davi*, clerk of the .1 > Cheatham to J Brown; 76 .-urei tn tt ardof < onnni-^ioner . Mr. Poor came vrrORNEY * COUNSELOR AT FAW amount of good. My whnlo system has been tn n ftTwards atid contended that Swope’» tee 6. ip 37 S. R6 W. $700. S Abiabam to J Hood: lot in Grant** built up and strengthened, my digestion Im. int h ati« n wu it ej I r. I’ rattle the law Medford, Oregon proved, and my head relieved of the bad feel did not authorise the ch »k to a ’minister I'.»» $40 J H'««t to J W Brown ; lots in Grant’« ing. I consider it the best medicine I havo t alhs ii mu L • Tt.e I k » » i <I has had <11 hiFiintM« tn my lino will r neiv« prompt at J At KSON VILLE. OKEGO N the at* n .der i.dv i>* mei.t several wee.s Pl.-S. $1'«' ever used, aud sbonld not know how to do tention. C W Beacont lot; t M Stone; lot in Grant’s au<l vest-rda\ <h < idvd that th'1 clerk had without It.“ Mali? L. I' eble . Salem, Mass. Mi' ll'authority and ihat Mr. Swope's appli Pa--. $4**0. H. K. HANNA, O Atlants to , J F Kelly; lot in Gran ‘» cation wa* regulur. lhe idee»* <»t land in ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, qtivM.on give> v ¡trance to .-in mitnenMe Pas». $10 J C Boyd to Mr» C lot» in Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Made tract of valuable grazing lami« whii h sonic Juoksonvil!«, Oregon. only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass calde king» o that country thought they Grant's Pass. $2:K»'I. J * Boyd to Smith A Conklin; 99 acres in Will practice in all ft- t' iri« of the State h id c<»mp ctcly - rr-u. ded. By the wav, IOO Dosos Ono Dollar. I tüt« np »tai re in < >rth'» brick. all lhe niapf* ot Oregon now extant are in- »<• 8, tp ;; 18. R.5 W. »25. ritnith A C onklin to J J Little and T E <o»n«t in tn« • '»nowitikt of (irant and We keep Constantly on Hand a Complete and Well Selected As W. H. RAHXE9, Lake ( oiii.i;« s Amr.l.n; to the rode of Ki by ; 99 acres in see 8. tp 3*> 8. ll 5 W $5'«« '. Ong 'h. county take* in a «trip about NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. W Rich to M E 8:ockl>ri lge; 12 acres in sort men f of .;u ini.*1 * m bi 50 nti'es long that is out- Jiitnonrille, Orrfou. iiiu l • n ih»- u ai gs in titant, mi d it is in Sec 8. tp3-'.8. It 5 W I r. ted Mate« to I, N Browning; 320Seres »..I-Miip th- Warner >ak« country is I.»- Prutate MHttRr*. Ab-»rncr of Titl«». «’onvoyan- PROPRI ETORA OF in se s 4 and 8. tp 34 8. K 5 W. rintf. Homo»?t*ud, Pr**-»*nipYi«».i nn<l all other I < ukd. .1 B Hut h to C Williams; lot in Grant's bn»in*Mt ®ntruHf»»d to m •. will receive prompt Pass. »175. attention L »an* n »4-»»« »tpd. A L CKY TRIAL. W ll>< Ii to W W Bellmore ; 2 acres in st e OflB'’'* *»n Corner opp HÍM Court BOOM» ». tp36 8 11 5 W. $162 50 Thun Sin: It aff<»rd« mo • -r»»at ph vire to tend D W Hardin t t C M Stone and,c W y< ti ILI« \ fl ’ini nr v st«t«vit it < f n y e »perfore in C. MINNIS, M. D., toting the » *rit* f J* ; « hai ai ..rtlla. Forth* Bea 'in; lots in (riant's Pass $100. THE UNDERSIGNED ¡1AVE FORMED A CO- P H Y SIC I A N A N D S T RG E 0 N p:a.t live v caps 1 hai » I- • a tronbhvl with an cx- Mrs 8 A Dean t • R M 1! binton: 50 a r<‘» 1 partnerahip with an anthorizel capital of rrediiu ly fl -/-l‘h lr - and viihin the paet two n see s. tp 37 8, 11 6 W. $300. S55.0ÍMK for the purpose of carrying on a General xriirH It hi« b * u :i i» trml a thoroughly II Smith E Lister; lot* in Grant's Ta<.s. O a., .intis of PGring. IfisSawing. Turning, Banping Bu«ino»*J» in ait of it« branch»»» in Jack- >r.!< re t btoni...b, th u ’ eg 1^ of appetite $800 and Bracket Work Slake rlustic. Flooring di-4 »onvilh-, Oreg >n Office at the oldstandof Beek anddiKtr al hr eat-i.' tn tbe back Had Ceiling,Thin.Edged biding and Moalding bash kidneva, aud State to J C Boyd ; 160 acres in »ee 36, tp 1-1 f’hild-«’ brick block. Mun street. man’» Banking House. B. E corner of Tuird and > nr u- i y n«-. k and face. I I a F Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please give us a trial ami judge Door» aid Blinds in Mock «nil made to order. California »treet». It»»id«n>-» on North Front <r.»-»t. havotred» ’ ■ nd i . *ib « • i. h am advertised 40 8, ROW. $2*i). (’ ( .BEEKMAN. Call» pr imp« ya'tn-> icdto.-loy or muht as ape.'ia’lyf’rt'c!’» i.n. lr< .vrrnuld get more L Allen to J 1) Allen; 80 acres in sec 36, for yourselves. INLOW «t AS1IPOLE. THOtt G. REAME«. t'.’.nu tc -ij t t f r it» it p v< • k or two. I Ip 3*1 8, It 6 W. $300. 5vaR m» .* dt »try alx’lth-“f .I-’V’ h Vegetable R. PIcYCE. M D« O T Co to Mrs E Calvert; lot in Grant s fiai ««parlila t a 1 Laud w;. <> taking th.» find l’a-s. »123. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Al»o dwaleri, in Wall Paper, Curiain», ('arpoti* Lotti* 1 bier.» ■ mu». .’<*«<’.< ! 1 « . « rit h for I could W F VanDyke to II Pool; lots in Grant'» ’ ’.«J *. I have taken Oilcloth*, fils»». Paints, Oil» nr.<1 Varnish, tin h-« I it w « vui tin*-»t lino of Bad.riHu'i ar.ii I'nilor bets. F. i .» j fn v lotth >4. ,••!'» <|«r • 1 t ti? ir j; X tronblev have l’.ss. $!*«>. Wellford, llrrsun Clour* and llockors anil tin most complete atoci I :ln;« . l.v« ryibn.:' j w-r’. nitidi aud regular, A J Stroheeker to W II Nichol«; lot tn 3 iE« .1 auf. braced me tip Grant's P.res. $200 of Furniture to bo found in Soulhorn Oregon. ;n fa» t it 1.: nei» Otite»-n William»' Brick Bnildin« Cp-»t»ir». Keeps th» lararet stock of Uy. 1 1* « ! i : • i uu Ton grant per- AI»oOil Paintinip'.t'hionio». Picture Fromssand * J Smith to It McLean; lot iu Grant's Mouldmic» in great variotj. t*ct in«’it> 1 > •«? •' :s ,'■ *> »co fli.ttycu «an I'a-». $18 77>. DR. S. DANIELSON, We cordiHlIy ltiTite all to call and seen?. No refer w hum j ou I'leaeo to ll W V Mul'er to J Bacher; lot» in trouble to show goo is. Remember the place. l‘hyaio-M«»iicHÌ Grant’s Fuss. $225. MESSENCER A SMITH, I. I rani! n to G B Jacox: 15» .T ie« in «!• —and---- PH YSIC1 A N AN D S U KG EON , Ashland, Oreron. ' : h l’.—i-i li, I-I rner Herd »n-t Msrket itr—1-, 3« S. R .5 W. »2300. DEA* 1RS IK San Fran. M and <> Sargent to Slieti r A Judson ; in 1»jr»nl. orras*. am • tn se 24. tp.'ls 8. R 8 W. $140. CJ Sniith to J F Kelly; lot» in Grunt's 8p»eial »It-ntion aiv-u to t’hrouic !>:«» »»»». .»n the Northwest COiMt. Pass. 11.30. s ate to 11 1. Robertson; lot 1. *.<* 3*i, IP E. P. CEARY, M. O., THE ROGUE RIVER 35 8. R 7 W. $10 2«. 55'alter A. Wood’s Binders, PHYSli I.\\ AND M llGEON. W De k'<m to Iona Thomas; lot« in Walter A. 5Vood’s Chain Ruke Reapers, Grant's Pass. $40. 55'alter A. 5Vood’s Sweep llake Reapers, , .1 Hall to J Curler; 1*1 acres in see 12, IP 1‘ntrntit Grant»rt 5Va!ter A. Wood’s Enclosed Gear Mowers; 38 S, 11 5 W. ,250. aving recently been refitted whl I’.» ei'iz. d > <«r i I h » pMcdic PRICES during the Oth«’»« in H.'.ni't’ -« h’,.><*k. Rev. I mice «»a c * A Trefethen to I Morrison ; 318 acre« in Gaar. Scott A Co.’s Separators, . all modern iinj.rovHniHate, are uow turning •I r»M>t sr.k;i:.| rvi.Hti'l f<>r tliis pai«rl>v Appi»? rm»» ................. $f» to |10 parino Gaar. Scott A Co.’s Plain and Traction Engines, out a firat-chuMarticln of hour, which is put up tn tp40 8. R8W. $|o*k*. C. A S how ä 1 '•• . P" ’ 1 111 lawverr, opposite Peach “ ................................ 10 •* 16 * '• barrel Racks, and every sack ib warranted to CJ Smith to W F Brown; lot« in Grant's E. 3. PICKüL, M D., Coates’ Lock Lever Hay Rake; also a Pluin an<i Pruno Tr*‘M .......... R •• Irt *• •* contain 4V pound» of flou«* If yon don't bs*hvvc V s Patent Ofli e. Washinirt i ; i , D. <'.. as Pas«. $130 thia, just compare a »«ack of our Hour with at } Inllows: .1 S. And<rso:i. Crcsciit bay. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Othor ' rooHivni m'truhbery furoiehed reasonably. C J Smith to W L Blackburn; lot in Send for t utaloxu* to brand offered for sal*« in thi«« market, and \\ I ii-iiui-<r; N l><»urvgird,«an Freu- l^ull I^ino ol l^arm nery. other J. H. HETTLEMIF.IL Woodburn. Or note the difference in weight. Oregon. Cal . Iv.b. tilt r; E. Ihrlie. Sar Grant's Pass ,14.0. J 1) Allen to F Y Allen; so acres in Fratu<sro. < rt* • cp:.r:tl<'r: <«. E. F'ost-r, Write for CatfUoguf« Addrcsn eittw»r FK UK BK<H. INI’U <N>«. Or., or Flour and Mill-Feed 1851 lb8? Plcasant vaü< v. < al, rtrtll support; H. I-. 36, tpAiS, R6W. »205. CKO^KIILLFK A KOJI, Agf*nti<. Jacksonville Or. C m II m promptly aitanti*d to day <*r night. 8 ÜHrkness to II McLean: 65 acres in «4V Hicks. A s I ohih I, O .. vdiicle wlred: W. H. Office on B Mr*«)t._______ ____________ Couatautly on hand and exchanged for vrhnat T l,uii<l»r. Pci <ll.-i"'i. Oi'. by furk; A. l.o- 15. t,.3.8. R4i W. $4.525 J R Spencer to Jane Bartholome» ; I«» DR. W. S’ANFIoLD, gmt. Montercv, Setter b r ; tt. O Man a facturer of BARLEY ROLLERS. Mül«, Fan Ftancisco, ii> t air bliot; A B acre« in «<c 31. tp 41 S, R 8 W. $9SI. ECLECTIC PH Y SIC I AN. 8 li t*kites« *o Mr« M L Mdler; .58acres in Muirjv. Sm II if.o 1. car veu«il.>' >r n'"l Hsving added a art of Barley ledlere to my mi 11 Ixuler: .1. Meers. Eorekit. net euar.1; Ji n «<■*• 13, tp 3*1 8, R 6 W. $1 400. Haa located in Ashland Or for the practice of I have Betapart even Saturday to Roll Barley f< r I T <Jfli' 11. R V. r-'ib . C.1I., In 1-. Ichl sift- C J 8m th to Riddle A H olt; lot in his profession Mik wall chronic di»ea»-». such IMlflRTERS AND DEALERS IN riietotaere. The work will I m » done on whoil Grant'» i'a««. $137». as Rheumatism. A-thrna. 1M-- Keluey Diseases. Dosier in notice, bo that mrtie«can n tnm their rriit ct; A S ,ti>iner. Rerkv'vy. < i! . pii'tt ud 8 Ilurk <■«« to R McLean- 65*., seres Iu Liter Complaint». Ac., a-pwiatty. theeamnday. lam prepar'd to roll barley at ill I sec 15, tp 3*> 8. It 6 W $1525. time« and in the beet manner. Thin proevss if* Jarkumrllt' ami Hrnul'» >'««« •lit/htett. Marv I, Miller to Lucy R McLean; 7 far ahead of the crusher. W. H. SOMMERS, M. 0., lìercufler tuo f .r;,.« of ilie «ii|.r.-n,e acre- in :ec 15. tp 36 8. 116 W. $100. G. KARFW8K1 co rt <• inm, ticing o-i t'ie lir-t l'on-i.i v in PHYSICIAN. SüRfitON AND ACCOUCni UR W Be Itec to S Tuttle; lot« in Grunt’s Pas». J1 . t, i.inl <>' t- b< r. wi’l ri- bel I amimiliy $10*1 QEEDS OF DARING GENEKAL BUILDING UAJEKIAL. at X;:!-in, litui one Irto, ut l'.mdlet. li. I»e- Jacksonville. Oregon. 8 Tuttle to Sarah Rolen: lot in Grant's n ine Oli ti.e flr«t M luti’, i« May. The Fas-. »125. Pp.f-w.fretal »all» pro npll. atton-lixi today oi X-tianUee and Price List on applicat-an jiu'gis III Ilei' $i.V»l in mldltlon Ben Mercli to (.'Thibault; 6 acre, in sec Country orders a »pec¡ally. t t... ! ami! ai sa'ar? lor cXpi n«.-s Un ir 17. tn 3*18. 115 W. $34». "c m.iihatiu'i. in either Karli« i or German. FAI LORY AT IVEIDLKR'S MILL. .1.1 »ions » Ìli he piin'-d l,y thè «tate |irmt- The gr»*«t collection of the n o«t thriliii c p« CJ SmithtoMrsM A Roat; lot in Grant's í F*" OflSi* • i’>«i r**-i«l“,»<’p <»U < *'11 ««ruta »irr*« • •oiial a iv»«nlur«‘» on h«»lh ‘■ h I ’ a during tl e (i.ou er a<l of fa ing si et to baie Fiancisco. Salerooms, cor. Third and E Street». »nrn»r of Fifth ______ < niJ War. Jntcf eely irt»r«*ting Recount* of ex as been thè pra. ti, e (or abont tlótty years. Pa».«. $'0. PORTLAND OREGON. Os Emitli to S F Mitchell; lot i n Grant'« ploitBof »cout» Rnd »pic», forlorn hope», heroic No tene wili be Iol i aleither Jacksonville Pas. $1(11. bravery, imprieontn«1! t« and hnir-hruadth <•»- CApe». romantic incident». hnnd«to hnnd «'rntf- or Grani'« l'as». S C Mitchell to A .1 Sedge; lot in Grant's gl»». hnmoroua and trnaic event*, perilous jour. I'a«« $125. neyR. bold da»hee, brilliant »ucce».»eR and mig. Leaf* ntrayrd or ntolm, I G Mo n to Susan Lewis; l it in Grant « The public are hereby notified that tho unde» nunimonn action» on each »ide the line. 60 chap l-'rotn tlie ranch of 111» iiiidvrsien. d 0:1 Pa«». $•»**. a.gned will offer at privnto «ale«ili the ter . PROFUSELY II.IA MK4TH» to th«' life. By the Thousand ! Jack«, n < reek, tuar Jacksonviil “ , m e No other book at all like it. AGf.XTs WANTED. H Thornto * t<> <' Anderson; 320 acres in I In. k mare. 12 years oi l. weight about into tp.37 8. 118W. $2500. Outeelh Rverythin«. WAGON MATERIAL. HE ONDEltSIONED 18 NOW TAKING OR Time for pajrmcntR allow»««! Agents »bort o poitmis: lias collar ami saddle marks; also Margaret Hide to C Stiilingir: pr*»p<’rty d»r» through Jackson and Joaephin» countie» fund». PLANET BOOK ( < Box IWIM. OIK- bav lillv. 3 year« old past, with white in Grant's Pa»». »2500. (1ORKESPON HENCE SOLIGITEI ». Pliiladalphia. l’a . or Bt. Louie. No. * arr.asc Tool, and privat» «fleet» of th» late for star ill forehead. l.raud«l with the letter Mr« F Hun«»ker t<> K Hunsaker; lot in H. P. Hanna. Tin» i» a rare opportunity f»r any •■V on »Ixutbier Were last heard of on Grant's Pass. $(»>. on« wishing to purchase «.»me nr»t-cliw»»arri»ge Foots creek in August la«t Twenty P il State to Annie Aden; 40 acres in «ec 3*>, material, etc. , ... lar«. reward will lie paid for their return to tp H*! 8, R 6,W. $50. H K. HANNA. A<lmmi«trator Any kind raj*«d in a first- < Is** Nur»«ry. my ranch or to tlie 1 utr.« oltb ». March S. 1S«!l Wimer Bro« to 11 Gasquet; property in H. A llison . Waldo. $3oO). MAIL ROUTE. Thooe wanting Tree» thi« ‘.«11 will do w*llto CJ Smith to E I.i«ter; lot in Grant's Stock and Land for Sale. ai»» rn» their order», «» I will an«r«ntee eatmtao 771 /!.(/ l.olfcrff at Hirai. Pa«-. $47». FOR GOODS IN OUK LINE r. '' Iwarnmf all my tree» if properly cared for. (’ J Smith to C II Sampson; lots in ;.Ai,a»> fol »1-4300X100 for »5. Send »1 to HK UNDBR4IGNED OFFEHS FOB BALE of pavment wc Prodne» taken at m»-- »> lottie Montana Investment Company. Grant'« Pass. $195. fivn r»f ’ »*»t| hr,r« *•»: »!■»'» *«ver«l p »r el* ket I’ermo L. c. heinrichsen prim 1S00 lb*, of f~ch ^ "y^HON ’ QTLGE8 LEAVE JACKSONVILLE EVERY A 8 Barnes to W Potter; 160acres in sec H,lens. Montana, for a chance in ito-r *f •xeidletit inn i « tn it • I i • Jacksonville, Wil- ¡3 Monday and Friday al S o'clock i M. for W il- fuw Spring« an • (’«ntral Point precio'O*. For grand price distribution. March SOtli 1S«9 31. tn 31 8. R ft 55. »115. J&ckbJDTille. Or»<uo Ao*. 1 1M3. It3 First Stroat, - - . Portland, Oregon dorTillo. returnin« Tuesday» and Batnrdat». lurth*r i> ir’icn’.ar« call at th • Jacksonville Mar- G II Briggs to C J Howard ; 520 »■ res in The $360.000 Aborn House, De. Moines, Stase leave» for Wriglit'« on Wednesday» *t 10 bin Work«. Iowa.and 153 cash prises from $10 to J.’i.OOn. tp 39 8, 11 8 5V. |13i)0. o'elock A. X.. retnrnins Thursday». J (’ WHIPP. Whole ticket» $5. fifths. $1. OTCoto II Simkins; lot in Grant's Pass. $73. Retail Dealer, in Settle Up. State to W J Wad'eigh; 320 acres in sec CALIFORNIA STREET. F.rnrmn, Itrhp, Scalp, Mkltt Torture. 16. tp 10 . R8 5V. $400. LL PKK8QN8 KNOWING THEMSELFR» Th. simple nppllcation of Rw,,w'« Ointment, I G Moon to t wn of Grant's Pass; lot in indebt «d t» tfi«» .«strato of Dr. J. H. (’hit Orejceu. without any internal medicines. will cure any Grant's I’a««. »125 w>»i by «i «r »>..'<!•• ii*. «ir» here‘»y r.«ffi • %ek««n ville. Bilywr and Silver Plated Ww. Spect-vd «» ind Optical Good»; agents for the Rockford Cattle branded D andmark»dcropand»nnar» caso of Tetter. Halt Kheum. Uinrworm, Piles, fietto th » «am* w.*h»»i th-v next thirty Stats 55"ad ureigh; ’eigh; SX) 200 acres acret in aec sec R ai Iron Watches. ondarbir in l»tt "»r *r,l und»r»lopa in riaht; l»-h. Sores. Pimple«. Fcrema. *11 Scaly. Itchy. , I 15. tp 40 to S. Anna <!*) « or r»a | »r them . d ros »iabl « r• » pò «*« <»f »uìt. rm; ündkrsignkd is folly prepared R 8 5V. 12.10. ----- r LL GOODS IN THE LINE MANUFAiTUREP TO ORDER AND REPAIRED three-year-olcis ard npward* hare the point of Hk'n P.mption». no iratier bow ohettnxt* or long fo do *11 work in hi» lina in th» beat manner C. B. WATSON. Watch Rn airhig carefully cx.Mmted. * »♦entina. Ui. potent, affective ami co*»» hot * ,1 C J Smith to M T Utley ; lot in Grant's riaht horn Bnred off Tamar on Apple»««'- Alt'/ fur Acute. •'^.n^-Prio- 9SOR(|K HrHDMPr. tnfio articled ion PackM<* appltc-atinn Ommnmrato with ne b afore pnrchm ng aleewhovc Bon*, branded X> on right Up. Pan. »175. àtkUuii Or . ATTU INFY AND i’i>UN8HLO!: AT LAW. THE PLACE BLACKSMITHING THE best style TOUGHNESS—It is ahuost Impossible to Tear,and it will not Crack. SOFTNESS—Whether Cold or Hot, Wet or Dry. it is always Soft and Easy for the most Tendei Feet. WATERPROOF—It will Turn Watei better than any other Leather. COLOR—A Jet Black that will nut Fade or turn Red. POLISH—Unlike all other Grain Leatiier it will take a High Polish with ordinary Shoe Blacking. CLFLYN AND LIGHT WEIGHT—Not being Weighted with Tan- ningMaterials and Grease, it will not soil a Stocking and weighs Light for the Substance. We carry in custom-made work of the Highest Grade of this stock, a hand welt (men's) lace shoe, made on the English \\ aukenphast last, at $5 Oil, and a lace shoe made on the Harvard Box-Toe last, calf lined throughout and soles of Genuine Engli-h Sole Leather, at $7 QO. Both are in seven different instepsand widths to each size. For 25cts. additional they will be sent charges prepaid to any address by mail or ««pre«. Protzman & DeFrance« Portland, Oregon. Ona Dollar. Itood's Sarsaparilla ri ths only medicUto of wlucli tills con bo truly said; and it is an unanswcral '.o argument as to tbo strength and positive cnmomi/ cf tho great medicine. Hood's sanuipariUa Is mado of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably known for tholr rower in purifying the blood ; and tn oombtnalion, proportion, and rrocess, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar to “ For oconomy and comfort we use Hood's Sarsaparilla." MM. C. B ufwsteii . I'uflalo. “flood's Sarsaparilla takes 1 mm Mme and fuartity to show Its effect than any other preparation I ever heard of. I would not be without it in the honse." Mns C. A. M HVEBann, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Dote* One Dollar INLOW & ASHPOLE, D. CRONEMILLER t SONS, General Merchandise I’oHtofliec Hood’s Sarsaparilla liiiicling-, OREGON. EAGLE POINT MESSENGER & SMITH, SœorstoC.C. Bsckmafl’s Bank, JiickHoiiville, Oi 0À MOST REASONABLE RATES D JOB WORK SOLICITED WOODBURN NURSERY BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY I Frank VIÎTSS AND SHRUBBERY THE STAFF OF LIFE ! NO APHIS 03 LICE ON TRIES. STEAM FLOURING MILLS H J. C. CARSON, Sash. Doors, Blinds PARKE LACY, MACH INERY! By BLUM <fc GRAY A Rara Chance! FRUIT TREES T FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, THE INGERSOLL ROCK DRILLS ANO COMPRESSORS am! TOE ROPE—SPECIALTIES. Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines. J, M. ARTHUR, Maaaifir. 33 and 35 North Front St. Portland. Oregon. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING T A JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY EAST . CITY BARBER SHOP a< th» t oliowutg rata»: Paaliaa», oa» in»»rti»n. ................................ f! M “ “ aach *ub»«qu»nt inwrtlon.............. 1 00 L«al advartuement« in»«rt«! re*»crall> A fair rwductioo frorn th» abov» rat»a mad»t» rearlyaad tim» advertía»». THE TIMES JOB OFFICE i»mor»oompl»t» by farthan auj othar in Sonth- •n> Oreeon. and oompare» favorebl; witb auy in th» State. Job Prietin« of «v»ry ima<inabl» daaeriptiondon»at San Francia«, ratea.and in a promptand firat-claa» manner. -"I- MISCELLANEOUS STATE OF OREGON Ü.8.Senators.J. H. Mitchell, J. N.Dolrh.t’on- < re»» nuui. H. Hermann; Governor, 8. Pcniioycr; H»cr»tary of Stato. Gettrge W. McBride; State Treasurer. Qao. W. Webb; State Printer. F. C. Raker. 8uut. Public liwtru E. H. VfcElroy; , Everyone Hk »nld (io and See the Htiprem« Jad<«vt W H. L »rd. Chief Justice W. 1 W. Thayer, H. S Ht rah in. narr judicial distmict . Compriaintc Jackin, Jueephine, L*nke and K amath counti«M: Circuit Judge, L.R Webster; l>i»trict Attorney, W \1 <’«»lvi*c. <>E NEW WINTER JACK*)* CH »UN fT. Senator. A. ('. St tn ley; ReprewontMlivaa. J. T. I Bowditch. R. A Miller, W K. Prie**: County Judge. J. R . Neil;« \> nint!*»i»»nera. C. W. Taylor, Wm. Ray; Clerk. M M ill”-; Sheriff. J.G. Bird- <»ey; Treasurer, R. H. M »or«•; AsHV-wor. J. M Childers; School Superintendent, R Mitchell; Harveyor. J. 8 Howird; Coroner. R. Pryce; Stork In*pe<Wor, \V. b‘. Hon‘».«r. JWKPKIHX COUMTY. Joint Senator, W. St. Clair*. RepresantMita.C. J. Howari; Count y Jud ft*. V. Co!<i«c; Commie* •toner«*, J. Ihaw'it. P. Hci*on; t’lerk, C. K. ('ha’iel-»r; S « «ritf. T ; I.PMt«* ' »•’ Tr«» v»uror. J. A. Jenninj*. <«eee«tor, P. R «am; School Super BOOTS and SHOES, intendent. VÇ A Ma*4u»;Surveyor. W. N. Saun ders; Coroner. Dr. Elan »Tm I Ii l. \ it V : f -IT. Joint Senator, ('. A. C-»xw-g «II of Lak«*, Rep- TOBACCO, GROCERIES, reeontntive, S P 4 »■»< .»* L <k>». C-Kinty Judge. W. d M o - m ; Cuminiaeiunera, W. C. Crawford, CROCKERY, ETC. L. B. Keiter;Clerk. A. Ls. L M.’itt:Sheriflh M. D. Childers; Treasurer. <’han. Grtwo-; ¿weeseor ______ John Smart; School Super«nfender.t. P. L. Foun I w tain; Surveyor, J. B ifitth'.h; Coroner, J. Sie lteinembrr. them» g-wUs are new and bought wince the vi ar in r<Ailr«uU ratee and aro told mens. Lixr couxiv a , Joi it Senahir, A (’»°f LakR Cheap tor H»pr»»«sn* Ativ«*. H. I*. Mo**-. (’$«util.v J «id«*. A. Wibhire; (’ummi»»»ioner». R. I»- Wm. Ba«l»y; Clerk W 1. B.»v«i; Sheriff. W m. Curl i; Trenin re r A. Wrinilen; Bchool Bupenu tnndeot. A. H. Fi»her. Ae-e-ror. J. E. Me Doo- (’oantrj Pro Inco hcnxht and »old: al»o. Wool. oagh; Stock inspector. D. R. Jerne*. Huie», Fun» m i O‘» 'r Skin« Solicit order» for ■am*«* or couirr», rro. Lnmbnr on m ThuStipromt* (* $«irr of n. "‘a ^t S.ur»ni. MAX MULLER, ngular term* c >.nm-’.-i *t?*4 »1 th«« th«! tir«»t >lun<lMy» I’oatoftico Building. ia March and <k*t«>ber e , ,v- The Circuit Court forth* Fir*t J-bi.-M i>i»tnrt •eta in J<*nk<«»n C'»u::ty <»n tint M »n I «v-. in April, Reptetnh t nn«l Ds*r«»Aibs‘r In Kbinrvth r-rnnty on unco nd M«»n«i*y in June and tin-t M«»nuay i.n Nov*ml*r liLtk«« <»in«y <sn tno third Munday in May and th«« »nd M«sndav in October in joaephme v'uunty on fire! M >n I $>* in 'larch and >■ A mm L ■ $ For Jack*»n county the < «>o ity. I ri»b-$t»»nnd Coinmi«*-*!'» >**re c »urtM n'«'t every month. c»»ru mencinu with the fir*t d.« Uy. for J<uw«phine county, th»fir»t W«»nday in January, April. July and Septem*»er; for Lnke county, «very alternate MODERN, month, commcncinc the tir*t Monday in January. THOROUGH, For Klamath county the first Wmiuenday in March, June Reotember and N««ven>b*»r PRACTICAL. PROFESSION IL CARDS. «Mirane (timrsk THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks ! MRS. JANE REDDING, ProDrietress. Passtiiurers taken at Reasonable Rates. N. S. DREW. T P Judson to R M Wilcox; lot in Grant's Pass. 180 dols. C J Smith to M Johnson; lot in Orant's Paa«. 235 dols. C J Smith to W G Richardson; lot in G ant's Fass. lKidoIs. J Hays to Mrs II L Hurt; lot in Grant's I’as-. 250 dols. A R Garrison to L it Riv hardsun, lot in Grant's I’as« 90 do’». A Becker to J H Wileox; 80 acres in sec 23, tp 30 8. R 5 W. 800 dots. L Vance to F L.-e; property in Grant's Pass. 450 dols. T P Le-‘ to L A'ance; . 25 acres in sec 16, tpSUS. R6W. tp3U8, KGW. ltotdols b’ate t > .tl T Utlev: -W acres in sec 3>i, tp 368, R GW. 50 dois. J W Br wntoJ A Peek; lot in Grant'» Pass. 200 dois J Hardesty to E M Warren; 80 acres in sec 36, tp 30 8. R 6 W. 200 dois. F Geyer to M Johnson ; »0 acres in sec 19 tp36 8. K5W 200) dois. J A Peek to Win Barker; lot iu Grant's Pass. 1Ù0 dois. O M Adants to W G Richardson ; lot in Grant's Pass. 60 dois. B Mencli to G A Warren; 12 acres in sec 14. tn 36 8, R 5 W. 1000 dois. 8 U Mitchell to T P Judson; lot in Grant's Pass. 000 dois. J 8 Ilanuum to J T Taylor; 20 acres in sec 18, li>36 8, R 5 W. 250 dois. Marv netrtH to J Helms; lots in Grant'» Pass. 700 dois. Lucinda Sedge to A J btroheeker ; 5 acres in Grant's Pass. 1350 dois. A M Ingram to F M Ingram ; lot in Oram's Pa-s. 50 dois. C J Smith to Presbyterian church: lot in Giant's Pas». 1 dol. C J Smith to Ali.e R gers, lot in Grant's Pass 200 dois. C J Smith to W II Flanagan; lot In Grant's Pass. 75 dois. W H Flanagan to 11 C Webber; lot in Grant's Pass. .W dois. X. ------ 1---- •---- ARE OUR GIRLS UXHEA L TU Y f Attention has been called frequently of late, in the press, to the aliefM ill- health of American girls,and happily for the present aite, those who maintain this ill-health to exist generally, are <ii«|»osed to ask “Why?” and "the reuirely?’’ Should the question “Do American girls enjoy gx>4 health.” mean do tl.ey possess that Fuuian physical perfection, resulting naturally lrum the observance of all hygienic requirements,with favora ble combinations of natural torces, as cli mate and inherited strength from ances tors of like wisdom and good fortune, it must be admitted that happy condition does not exist with many. When the query is raised regarding the causes of ascribed ill-health as a con dition of American girls, presumably those from eight to twenty, one who haa observed extensively, is led to assert that such is not now distinctively the case, as regards the great majority. The exceptions, however, are so many as to justify remark and apprehension ; but increased eixe and general better de velopment of young woncien is noticed by. physicianr—and dress-jaakoiw, it .is not in this day almost expected one or more of a family of girls “go oil in a de cline it is not specially commendable to endure preventable aches and pains ’ as martyrdoms; coughs,colds and rheu matism are considered the results of ig norance or carelessness. Clothing worn to-day is warm enough, not too heavy, covering tender places, and outdoor pursuits in all weather are prepared for. How great the improve ment, only those who remember the short capes, thin low shoes, bare arrna A Goon Si'GOK»SfoN.-‘‘In my opinion,” and necks of litte girls thirty years ago Saul a prominent Willow creek stock can appreciate ; also the tortures of the man to a re|,orter, Monday,“your scheme eighteen inch corset, with front live to of publishing stock brands is going to lie nine skirt i hanging over the hip ,are al- the biggest one thing you could have ni st among the batl atifti.s of the done fur your paper. Why, a book is no» past. Conversations with many (■ :c i.ets where. Eveiybuly, boys, men and children read the paper and observe and and some experience lia-> tmluv-d a con become acquainted with the brands. viction that girls as a rule are blessed Only be particular to get them just right. with a plentiful supply of that vitality Be careful to make no mistake in them. and overflowing of good ajiiitfc there Not only will you have a good thing in from which, while recalling the bright publishing the brands themselves, bat est memories of our own youth, require all the stock men will want it and your the most judicious efforts to direct and circulation- will be largely increased. constrain. Haimily for girls,rude hi allh Why, just to show you the effects they does not now offend the most fastidious are tiaving already. I will tell you that 1 uuotnei, and iiotseback-riding, Loat-pull- itave already notified several of strays ing, tuountain-climbing and similar now winch have cotne br my place.and whose common amusements ca l tot some de brands and marks I have seen in your gree of the strength which they develop. The most serious troubles of vviung paper. Saturday evening I received a notification lrum away up at Stoeie’a women of to day untie front the iitruly adjusted strain of preparing them to fill Swamp of a »tray steer of mine. The gentleman had seen the brand tu the the worker's plac<—both with luin.l and Adtiucuie, aud so knew where to send. brain, they are doing much which re You see, the reuu'.ciy ui this one animal quire« all the nerve and strength of their lias paid for my btatid many times over. brothers to make successful—and the n - nol It 1» regarded as the best thing out, over suit ol lhe inevitable competition women are generally atnbitiotis) is in Willow creek.''—/atsaen Advocate. many do fall by tin- way, ol tt tvoiir Tin. P iietty L ady C lerks —Some of troubles, usually prostration from ,tr- the in-,»t beuuttlul and lueasaut features . wo k, Itvadoclies—-tlie list is long. of tlie last session uf tin, legislature were It is well for .ill io cliarg • of the -iea those of the lady clerks. Tfiey added nuuilter oi future workers, c -mt a’ > -n- vivacity to the session, and ornamented society leaders, the tnullters of the com tlie coiridors and committee rooms; some ing men, to remember that the t-atni uf item were tilings of beauty and joys causes which have made t<>-d.n'* im forever, or words to that effect, 'lhey provement will be eqitaliy i lTcctive in came high but the solons had to have overcoming the alstve m- iii < nvi dan them, or at least thought so. But some gers; the completed hours of - • p. ;n-<>p- of the most chai tiling ol them tatsed the | er food, regular occupa'ion, t- • ■<•><' :t very old Hairy with a uuuibvr of bills. I without fatigue, (nut wa izng all night The enrolled bills, which will liwoue ! with all the accessories provi ied by “i-o- i q i.d y w.'l; laws, are, many of them, full of glaring ' eiety . , ”) . avoiding . _ over-study ... clerical errors, that will cause no end of | the debilitating novel, inde- I . u rv pt. - annoyance. For instance, the legisla- . caution which a boy r-q'tit. - all f'e ■ titre amended the law in regard to health ■ are necessaty , if our gii is w->n d r< • n T* 11 . ;.h officer,tn order to locale a new one at ! the vigor, an iconscqii-i.t I- iu'v,w Yaquina bay, and attempted lo leave the ithev usually pos-t s» while small. old one at C-xts bay ; but the lady clerk 1 As a suggestion given f r its value, the wboenrolled the bill knew better, she j discu»»ion of which t» worthy a chapter did, ho ao slie she put it Coast bay. 1 The lady , aloae. it tuay lie »aid it»i *.i m.»rii- .il clerk« so far as their ability to earn their exercise of household duties if» QfW of pay from the alate whs concerned, were the best known (level pern <4 nrrre« tor the moat part dead failure.». It will and muscle yet discovered. Note t be pay all future sessions of the legislature word”intelligent.” The sahject is ti ort by to tiire coin|>etent clerks and pay them of study. good wages. It can be done at about one-third the expense incurred for clerk O becox W agox R oai > Gm: .a.—Rep hire by the late ser«ion.— Stalrmnan. resentative Stockdale, from the commit T he C axhlkveb B kidoe is an Ameri can invention, although it has been de veloped by Messrs. Fowler and Baker, British engineer«, in their huge bridge now building across the Forth, in Scotland, of siz ■ whichdwarfs everything hitherto done in this country,not except ing the Brooklyn bridge. The system is devised to dispense with staging or false works, when from the great depth or the swift current of the river this would be difficult, or, as in the case of the Niagara river, imfrossible to make. The first de sign of record was that of a bridge planned by Thomas Pope, a New York snip-car penter, wl.u published a book in 1810, giving his designs for an arched bridge of timber, with a span of 2400feet,across the North river at Castle Point. The first railway cantilever bridge in the world was built (commenced in 1854) over the deep goige of the Kentucky river, being 300 feet high with a center span of 330 feet. I B csisem C ocktksv .—BusineKS cour tesy pays. Some men have an idea, because ‘‘business is business,” that much of the common ftohteness of life is to tie dtop|>ed as soon as they touch their utlice chair, or their store door closes them in. In other words they seem to act “now look out for me, I am your friend in u social way, but I’ll skin you alive if you have anything to do witn me in a business way.” It is very true “tlist business is busi ness, ” mid ar.r man who uses the fact of any friendly social relation toadvance his own ends, at the expense ol yours, shonid “be fired.” This is no excuse for your cold, ill-mannered behavior and boorishness. A gentleman is a gentle man inside his place of business as well as outside of it, and it pays to be a gen tleman in busiuess as well as out of it. B kkt St gar in CauroKNiA —Some time ago Mr. Hermann sent the following from Washington as authentic informa tion concerning the manufacture of beet sugar in California : “Mr. C. Spreckles, who is here in Washington, preparatory to opening his immense sugar refinery in Philadelphia, gives inc, in person, the within record of ti e transactions ot his l>eet sugar factory at Watsonville, Cali fornia. You will see from this that the last year's yield, I think, was 754 tons, and ¡be one still previous was aOtl tons, thus showing how this industry in Cali fornia is on the increase. On our farms on tlio bottom lands of Douglas, Coos anti Jackson counties, and on the alluvial lands of the Columbia, the sugar beet would thrive with excellent results. Mr. Spreckles tells me that in California no crop is so profitable as the sugar beet crop.” Krtring Mach for Awfe. \ fir-t da.’’ sewing-tnachinr. Wheeler Wilson'.-« New No. k. with all the lataM in»- nrovcinctits. which ha-* lx?tn used but very little, is offered for sale cheap. For fur- djej particulars enquire at the Tiwr> nf- ffre. • /.oWIcs. It<tcure Of those cosmetics w hich give to the face * ghastly (yea. ghostly) whiteness. Buch preparations contain lead or some other equally injurious and dangerous sub stance», the use of which, if long contin ued will, besides giving the skin a rough and leathery appearance, ultimately pro duce paralysis ol the nerve». This state ment is no “bng-a-boo." but facts, well- known to chemists and physicians, cased on the well-known physiological effects of such snbatanoes whose presence in prepar ations for the complexion are indicated by such outward aims ns before stated, Il you would use an article which will at once produce natural activity and beauti ful complexion try Wisdom's Roliertine. which 1» guaranteed under a forfeiture of $1000 to be absolutely free from all poi sonous and injurious an balances. Pro nounced by leading ladl-s of society and the stage superior to anything evet pro duced for beautifying and preserving th* mmplOiotl. tee on public lands,has suburilti d to the house the majority report on the forfei ture of thtee great wagon roa 1 grants in Oregon, Wherein it is provided that the • district court of the United States for tho district of Oregon is to try the question as to whether these road shave earned their respective giants. Repre sentative Hermann at the i-ame tnue gave notice to the bouse that tin» minority would file a minority rep rt, favoring a direct forfeiluie by act of congress at thia session, and protecting ail settlers, tn-eis and occupiers of lands purchased from the companies in their right of pur chase. The Oregon Central Military road is one of these giants, and is 420 miles in length. The giant contains 800,000 acres, of which about 235.000 have been patented. The Willamette valley and Cascade toad, from Albany, is 456 miles to the eastern boundary of the state, and the grant aggregates 876,« 570acres, of which about 550,000 have been patented. The Dalles Military road is 457 miles in length, and contains over 685,000 acres, of which 127,006 acres have Itcen patented. The greatest light, ac cording to the pape. s on file and the re port ol the government commissioner, seems to be against this latter road. Representative Hermann joins the mi nority in seeking an immediate settlement of the question, by congressional forfei ture. but, rather than endanger some adjustment of the question at thissession and postpone further action, he expres-'’ ses the intention of urging the majority proposition, if the bill recommended by the minoiity is seriously opposed. • B recibxg H eavy H omm .—An eastern journal lias a correspondent w lid enquires what the experience haa been of those who have bred 1‘ercheron, Clydesdale and Cleveland bay horses to common mares. Oregon a fiords much ex|>erienco of this kind ; our ranges have l-ci-n sup plied a ith good sites of those breeds to mat« with very common stock and cv. n with small ponies and their grades, and the result been an im proved lot of animals for their prog tiy, much )a>ger than the dam» and ;-< - . sing many of the qualities of the »ire«. W. C. Myer of Jackson county.bas mu-’n a thorough tiial of J,reeding small mares to large It rsea with entire s::cce»>-, as the proiuct is a large and heavy ho:«,-, strong even ii ungainly, that »i-lls well for heavy teaming purposes. Km h ani mals will sell when smaller hois-» of good build will not, aa weight &nd'ma*cl<i are needed. A few elosses with gixsl sire* will produce an improved utare that is capable of proaucing betti r stock that will command a good price. Thg eastern ranges ol Oregon and Washing ton are excellent for horses, as the bunch grass is strong and nututious food that makes good bone and muscle. It is the survival of the fittest on tlio-c ranges, for the bands range over a wide country and rush over the bills at a break-nr . k ptcc that kills all that are incompetent. Breeders use draught horses, or good grades from them, with entire success. OregottM*. Map! Stop what? Stop writing for papers merely to see yourself tn print. We bey salable mauusciipt for $1 |t-r every 500 word» we will examine manuscript, and tell you its value. Special attention given to poetry, rie-nd vours at once to "lue M iscscKtri Co . Box 30u. Carlinville. Ill. A Prampt Krapnarr DrptrrA Statements of account are now l>c:ng sent to those indented to the T imes otDr-e in any manner, and an early re»p<>nsc is rrqoest d All accounts due < ha». Nr-k.ll, prior to July 1. 18-8, must l>e *eill< d wi.!.- emt furvhtr delay. Jnr*«»n«4ll» r» M-tf/nrrt. Patronite the only wagon that connect» with every train, rain or shine, anti carries the U. 8 mail and Wells, Fargo A-Co. s »rpnts batitfectlon guaranteed. E». Hnan. Driver.