- • I MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. (Llu’^»ruiûHùüc<Lime$. UHÎTtO STÂm UfïlCIAÎ putì’*. fHÜRSDAY The Emperor of China was married last week. Seventy lives were 1 ist in tti-‘ r.'ecnt ~ MARCII gale on the N j > th Sea. The Ameer i>l Af'jluini'O.n is marching on the Russian f.onti r. TO ADVERTISERS Hemorrhages. N om . or fion» ’anj eaott is »peedily con trolled an»l »toi’ped. Sores, Ulcers* Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. It ix’cooling, cleanring and lleaiteg« ColorrH ft U iuv*t cfllcaclcuM for thia V ala I 1 II j disease, Cold In the Hcadjic. •• Pouii's Extract Catarrh Cure,** spactallv prepared to meet oeTions casoa, should be applfcd with Pond*» Kxtract* Naeal Syringe. The treatment ot many thousands of ca«-. ot thoea chronic weakneaae« and di»«rea»Uig ailment« peculiar to female«, at th« Io»alid» Hotel and Surgical Institute. Dudalo. 5:. >.. haa afforded a vast experience in nlicij adapt- ,n< and tboroughly testing r- meda.-« tur the cure at woman « peculiar matndiea. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Ku othar pro|»araUon baa cured mon ex.«» of these d‘*lre»*»ing complaints than the Kxtract. Po»»<l’» Extract Pla»- ter Is Invaluable in the*© di^asea, Lum- bagf*. Pain» in back or >lde. Ac. Dr. »Mere«’« Favorite l*re«crtptlon Is the outgrowth, or result, ot thia great and imuable erperS'iice. 'fhouaund« of teatlrao- uuiia received from patients and from phjrai- emna who bare tested IC In the more vauid and obstinate easts wldch bad tmffied their «kill, prove it to be tbc most wonderful n medg ersr devised for the relief and cur- ot suffering women. It la not reconunendrd as a " i ure-aiL " but as a moat perfect Speciac for woman's peculiar ailment*. Diphtheria, Sore Throat, rl> th» Erlinet promptly. Delay la daugmua Dll AC Blind.Bleeding or Itching. Il 1 ilvbi 1» the greatest known remedy; rap idly curing when other medietne» hara fa:kd. Ponti’i Extract Ointment it cf sr»at »©rric» where th» removal of clothlug 1» inconvenient. As a powerful, invigorating tonic. For Broken Breast and C/kMo IM I Mghl/ke Moibarawbe Sore riippleSa b»v® ©¡»o» It imparts strength to ti." whole svatem, and to the womb and Its appendages in particular. Tor overworked, ' worn-out," " run-down," debilitated tcai'berh. mdllni-ra, UrvMiuaken. saainatreasi a, "shop-girl*,” house keepers, mining motberS, and treble women gvnvnlly. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription is the gr-wiest *.nrthly boon, being nncqualsd as an apiietGlng cordial and rest oral He tonic. wuil Th® Extract will »»verb® with out tt. Pond*» Extract Ointment la the best emollient that can be applied. Female Complaints. major» itv of frmala diM«»MS tlw Extract can b® used.a* Uwell known, with the greatest bene”t. Full directions accompany each b> tile. As a sooihlug and strengthening nervine, “Favorite Presin:>ti..n" is une. iiusled si.J is lnvaluabie tn attaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irntability, ex haustion. prustraUon, hystena. spasms and other distressing, nervous sgniptoma com. mouly attendant upon functional and organic diaeass of the womb. It induces refreshing ah-p «nd reUeveg mental anxiety and do. spondcncy. CAUTION. Pond ’ s Extract Tho genuine l»a» th«» worua ••Pond’» «xtract** blown in the gift**, and «»nr pictnr® trade-mark on burvouutUng buff w nipiker. None other is genuine. Always insist on Uaviug Pond’» Ext act. Take no other preparation. It u nritr M d in ImUc or by mraturc. Soi l »vevjwiiei'tf. Price«, ¿0c., *1.7L Prepared eel) by FOND S FXTBACT <XLt MIW YORK AND LONDON. Dr. Pteraa-e ravorito Prescription la a legitimate medicine, eeretuUv compounded ■■ an experienced and skillful physician, iu>- adapted to woman's delicate onranUation. It Is purely vegetable m Us composition and perfectly harmless la It* effects m any condition of the system. For morning slduiess. or nausea, from whatever reuse arising, weak stom".'b. Indigestion, drs- Spsia and kindred sympr .ms, its use, in ¿mall -a will prove very bcm-tti lai. THE STATE •* Favorite Prescription ” is a post, live cure for tho most complicated and uli. Agricultural.. College,! •linate eases of leuoorrbea, excessive flowin*, iwlnful menstruation, unnatural supprcwi .ua, prolapsus, or falling of tire womb, weak t«rk, fi inale weakbem. antevvroion, retroversion, besring-down sensations, chronic congestion. inOannnaUoa and ulceration of the womb. in. tlsminatlon. pain and ti ndorneas ta ovaries, accompanied with "Internal best." As a regulator and promoter ot funo- tlonal sctlon. at that critical period of ch.uig«. from girlhood to womanhood, " Favorite Pre scription " IB a perfectly safe remedial asmt, and can produce only good results. It is eaually efficacious and valuable in it* effects when taken for those disorders and denmge- ments incident to that Inter and unst critical period, known as “The I’bange of Life." “Favorite Prescription,” when tsk"n III connection wita the use of Dr. P h roe's Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative dises of Dr. Pierce's Pumtive Pellets <Little Liver PUlai. cures Liver. Kidney and Hla lder diseases. Tbetr oombined use also removes libiod taint*, and abolishes cancerous und • rofiiloue humors from the evstem. «‘Favortie Prescription” Is the only medietne for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the mnnu- fsieurrra. that It will give satisfaction tn every cma, or money will be rsfun.led. This gu*ran- tee ha* been printid on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried ik out years. bo^fi^Vrtar ** for many or •** Two r.vw connt'i’’-» wer • < ub I by ; llie late le^isLitnie, SiieriiiAir and llai-’ nev. The TIMES litui n clrenlaliou of 2500, lUeiHrucal i-i)jü)<d b) hhj ueiiMjmfier publlahc«! brlweeu Vorllmttl hih I Heil RlutT,(’»!.--n «Itwtwuce ol GOO autle«. II lliereforc olferu the bewt i>i<lu<riiiruls Co advertlaer«. Our list im priiaripully contineii to Jurkwu, Joaephlue and KlnnsntU eonuliea. iliuiluei»« u.ru ihuuld tNke noleol Ihla. CORVALLIS,OREGON. Term Conimene!« 'Wednesdaya Sep* tember 12, 1888. The four (»»Turin it«» i rlaiH at G *n«m have been order* 1 to sail i t S a » hoa im mediately. PiC'i lent ( lev» hiiul fi'^hrd U jc bill ijrant.ii,; Mrs. Sheridan a |H*iiKi«m <4 |25 0 a year. M »re tl.an $S,000,000 l»avu l»e<-n cul- lvct**d for the new Cath-«lir University at Washington. XV HEX THE SETTING SCN IFl.S ¿U\V, Down the winding path wo wand»*rv<l, Where the g«nt 1« nower» grow; Here our accret !<•>*? we plighted. With our young trartr ull ».glow. And we thought not of the diatanee. Or how moRu-nlB qaickly go; For my love and 1 Were hnppy When the setting eau wiw l .w. AL ar nod wti» «till and lonely, Nature»eerued endowed with rc»t, And th« Mil with golden *pli*nd<»r Waft fii'k't g .-’owb in the west*. And tho aid»*.« by the river Softly TioddHi to and fro; For n>y love and 1 wore happy When the wetting ru i wna i*»w. Boon the dusky twilirht d< oy<*nt<l How the blissful muinents spetl! Not a mortal coaid ditcover AU the loving thing» we «aid. Homeward then we turned our face«. Deeper Hill ll -® shadow» grow, Ard my love had vowed to wed mo When ti e netting iun w.*v* low. Oi the 2H.000 iii;aS ar » sted in ; • I’uii* -a.-t ; ear, 16 10 Hd them were ui»- I der the age uf 20. I’i inivton College will wend an ♦ xpe- dition lu Uieguii next cummer to hunt fur fuasil bkeleivns. The German govt rnniint has forbid- «leu the i eiie of uny pait ui the Balga»- i tn loan in G» i many. T«.e t »wn o’ Wallace, I ! ihu, has be !« jumped by speculator*! under a decision ioi the interioi department. The € bill Blast That Rets the nakeu branches a <|uivering. is not kit bj* the wealthv valeludinariau indoor*. Lu’ not bll the covering that can be plied on hi« warm bed. nor 811 the fur nace heat Iliac unthiwite r in furnish, w ill wc’iii his marrow • ’ ; < hil > run it» irx H’tgers u! .ng b.s >. ili. n. Ho-trtUr s Stum.t< !i Buter . • ..e tbiug t<» i > I‘i m w v. ai m ih in: • hl* i .i 1 ed ami a;-ui• h frnuu*. 1«» remeds the tn ree fever ami < xhuustmg is which alternate w h i I h * «h II Dumb -gut . agile cake, bilintts r< mitten'- •! frh-.»:t. every known form ( i maliriul di^rase is Mibj igated by thin potent, und at t! «• s Hue ti •■»•. w hoi- suii.c and genial nu’dicinv. Biliousness, constipai in:», dys rpsia, sick headMchr*. i«»s- of :»| petit«* mid sleep, kidney tr«mldv, rhenm .tism ; nd «hbiiily nro «!*•» renie ilii d l»v it. Us • U wAh ; «*1*1 -tenc< ! • « ll’-vl a thorough cure. NPRECtDENlED ATTRACTION ! (IlLK I MILLim nisiKlULThD W.J.VANSCHUYVER&CO. for Infants and Children ••I Castsris i* so w.n adapted to children that I Caatorla cures Colle. Constipation. * [ recotantèndlt as superior to any prescription ■ SoUr stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructalion. I Kills Worms, gives sleep, aad promote» di- known to me.” n. A . Ascnxri, M. D., I gestion. Ill So. Oxiord SL, Urouklj a, N. Y. I Without usurious medicaUoo. For J. M. Dillard of Dillard's station, re cently started witli s carload of live ¡ util- try fur the San Francisco market—400 turkeys and 9)0 chickens—which he had tiuught in Dunglaa county, They were in crates on an open car coveted w ith canvass awning. F. E. Eldridge, of Freuch Pi.> rie. agents ioh owns a farm that was selected in 1S17 by an agent of the liti lso i Bay Coinpinv. CYRUS NOBLE DISTILERY The first crop of wheat was natvested i i JOS. SCHLITZ'S BREWINC CO ISIS, and since th. n II.«: I.m l lias rested only live years. It i.uw produ« s thiity- MILWAUKEE BOTTLED BEER. five bushels to the acre. lutrgritj of Drawings, anil i’rouipt I’ajinrut of Eliza, AtteeWd a» ollow«: ICf do hereby ccrlHy fhat weiuprrvue the (irr(ingewt)ds ¡or alit»ic Monthly ana Quarterly J itclh nig* of Louisiana bilatc hotter0 Company, and tn person manage and control the Drawings them- selves,and that the same arc conducted wdh ■ honesty , /ütr/it ’íJ, and i'i good faith toward all parties, mut ve authorize the t'onpany to use thin eertificate, with facnivtilen of our yiQtiaturtf atl irhal, >n it» advertisement». THE YAQUINA ROUTE. J Ì, i ÍÍU i o A 0 IU Der. Lft, l*»r£. - i.’u«!!etM»;«erft 225 MILES SHOIITES, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Wa f|.« un i •n-t^nnd J'-ch* a’j<! Bank»iH w'.b pay ali i',.c drr.wn i ii t ' »* J <»ui-iwa State I Ast- Tlinii by «ny other llout«. tarie r w!.n h av b- i •• nt«-«! at uiir counter» R. }! WALM6LEY . LiiUiMhtii*. National Bank. Firrft-CIns^ Through Piis*. tigitr mid Freight Juiue from PORTI j -AND P. LANrlUX. ,, t Pi »» r . State National Bank. and all points in the WILL\Mh !■TE VALLEY to and from SAN A BALDUIN. l'RANGlSCO, Cid. Wiil.itnulle Rivt'r Line of Steamers: i • -,N. O. National Back CAUL KOHN. , „ . "WM. M. HOAG," THE “N. S. 3ENTLEY,” THE “THREE SISTERS," 1't ‘f. It'jim National Bank Leave Portland at i'-’ .'* o i M ndays, \\ «'dnesdayH nnd tridayafrom CRAH9 MOliTHLY DRAWIHC, Messrs. Hillman A C >.’s l> ><•!<, 2 ' > a.i l 20'2 Front St, for Corvallis and intermediate points, m: king eb - * i'initii ctioii nt Albany audCorvallis At the Acadiinv of M '.ic, New Crlean.« with trains of the Oregi.a Pacific li diroad. Tues-lay. Hi ch 12. 1889- CAPITH PRIZE, $300,000. Notice. 100,030 sii’ ct at G2O Halve, at ¿10 Quo- ir- icath»$2. iv i utic-tEii 81. i >s, oi rhurg Si 0,000 1 biiiz '< r S' KXi.üüû 'J i BUI/., ul' 1 5 MM«' 1« . piiizr: ot I The above trains cotiiK'i't at l AQl INA with the Oregon Develop lBHIZi UF 2r...r«i ; ’■<*... •Jü.Uí» riiiZF.s <•!!. ment Company's St« timship Lute between Yaipiina and San Francisco, 25.000 are... Eltl/.l S Hi- ■■ * are .. ¿5,0*1« ¿r, BhlZl SOF t s**» iliii«*," S>:» t «.*.«•*: S'».«« are... i. I'lilZES <•«' «•non rnnscis o. 1 run» v«qri5l are... 60 .Mí; uPltlZr.»OI HTr.orr.n«. 12th. ID .(•« RT a .. ¡ un t;iv. I f **.* ............ <}•’» !Wednesday. D«*c............ m PlUZI HOl’ Wiliam tte Vnll« y •Jid . ,|i!on«i;.y ” .................... 17th. Monday “ .......... . Wiila m-tte Vai APPROXIMATION P1Ì1ZE8. JSuna« y “ .....................2hth | Willamette Valley................. . $ wi.otx yin ':n ? h'Muithotit notice ’Fhi« C«»mp>» ’y r«-«-»rvr-. t ri rl h? ft» .i:.*«» so.««’ i’i. p ».:. •« «••»n in close connect ion with t he id P am »« t heirs iro n Pdluri »i.l 1 uli A ti! i .*. .. ïu.ltt.1 ito .* V ,i. •» . cl *• • i I if d«stup'd to San Fruficiac»», »hotild trama <.f the Y KQUIN i IF H. i arrange toarriv«? at Yaquinut i .< ■ « V ■:mg ¡. fui • d.U-* of Haihug. 9ÍXI •A4» The Meamvr WM. M. flOAG will h ive F.nd f. .r Alt any on Friday. July 27th, after whicl di*te. on uccouut of vt-ij h,w water in ii.e Will;.in -tto river,our I» »;.t* will not run until furtiiet notice. 0. &C. Trains Connect at Alban/ and Corvallis. Passenger and Freight Rates Always the Lowest ........ MCULO 8,134 Prizes atnoui ting to----- itti Prizes ure Nl'TL. I'u keto ( nut entitled (<» terminal prize* (Seal F. A P. A¿'t. O P. It. R. Co. J'or cl.¡1» r*»t ■ *. '»r » ; i- )t«;»r information ap- Corvelli». Oregon. ->h to the u.'i'i i- ; >1 Ù *r haiflwr¡tin»: must diriinct a I m , :.t i 1 .. Moic rapid, re- ’.trn mail * ! v«;y v \ I g -— u’-.i byy«»uren- cl<»-i -a.Fv .«u ü your foil r.-'Jr«*« Siii 1* I" A I. •> <» t i **. Lxx r • n Mone.v ori'« r-urN 'w Yorii Ex . » )-.-«• i . ordinary letter. Currency by Exur al -t-tr • xp addreM»ed to ' . 4.i>Al I’i 11N.-New < > ie».ns. La JOHNSTON’« ot M. A. DAUPHIN. Wmbmgton. D C. F«»r information apply o C. C. HOCUE, C. H. HASWELL, (’ien’1 F. A P. Ag’t, <>r-»c«»fi J« 1«>•.•■. " t ».'.» , 4.4 M(»-i’.’otu*‘ry bit.. S’in Fi'mcisc . ( FRED. O’BRYANT EASY f . ttimo Adirés Wkríi Letters tú M.v. estl.t N % I ÍOA %|. I " WSWJI — l>r\f I?ìf ’ ri ' ent of Pr re* iih.H iuJl ul oAMili) BÏ H‘CBN\li Nti.lHNK*«.: **■ w Oi bans, and ’V*Ticket« are *.gr¡«'i t.«y ti.e i r« »¡«lent of an w- -rituti' P.’v‘. -«‘ « ha t -d ’« ai * r«-<’«»gn¡xed loth* Lit,..«’ r t\-ur>; !i • ¡* («>'•’. b-ware of ali ¡niitntior.m or «r.' t jm< u« i - c I. f h tf . ONE 1» I.LXll iv r j. ■ .>f Su» part« r fiartv; of ;t t < 1 M 1. Si LD hY US ir. ■¡ny dr.iwiPi’ And’ in ;,HYno ufi« rud for h b« 5hau h dollar is IlcrUbrd, Oregon ?*ig. ^Bronchiti Piaott has r reaied a big nensatii.n by UNû-S —Soil «n confessing that he inrged the Parnell | Set\¿jvr circuljr,í| 3 pr 9.^“ letters, and ten skip) i-.g to evade pros ecution. Tue lull Tinii'f ,i;i ilugiz-j. for |>nb'i»hing tl.e letters ami owns tt- XiKF. 50 MISTAKE. selt beaten by Parn il. By dispelling the eymptoTiN so often mi«taken \ method >f I'todit. iij cis ii■ t’l f. tr • for c»»’.*11111 ptio’.ir. *Minta Abie ba» brought glad, lenm.at a < st of five ix-nts p r btOi'i’ et, nr-»« to many h‘»n.*e!:<ddH i>:.uby pr«»rnpny break u? ’ •• cir.igh and cold :hnt to » often develop“ lias been di'-covered by Miss llat'ie ing into that fatal diso-vox will ypt *ave thuur-nnd* Proctor of Iwiance. P.t. Any Or.-gmi from an untimely g'av». You make no mii»tak< KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA Father Henry Armstiong, of Fuit and, girl can pr ■ 1 .c •enongli to ’>> to h-nven l»v keeping a ¡»ott’e o5 thi.-» not »d Calif urn in who claims to lie the oldest living Odd with an ordinary match amt a pint of oil. r-> > » f\ always in tt.c home. BITTERS Fellow in the United States, ce'f-prat.d Two ehililr n were ki!:e l an 1 others his «7th birthday anniveraity on Tuesday, New Year's day. He joined the I. O. of the family wen- thrown into convul O. F. Iraternity in 1S34 and has been an sions in Philadelphia a few day. «go, hv rating satt age. Mutiic al a itimrity active meint>er every since. sho'il 1 Ixr invaket to prevent )>eo)rle It is stated that democratic effie««-hold from using brass collars for their ilc,;». ers, as a rule, are not asking o- expect Or.i/ouioii. I.ISKVI1U.E, OR ing much favor from the incoming ad Mr-' l'r.rnk f.exile lias-•-Id her IU -r ministration. Indeed, so many ui them M0J the O N UT- are making ai rangement- to go into pri (i i/.'Z vVrrli’i/ >.'i' f iprr I > Arke;|, tie jXtirv-wr »| (JU W etted vate business at once after March 4 tuai pro; r vtor i f the ./1 ' r . l'iiei'ii « pai l y» Wk li? E:i¿!inii <• ¡.lion ant! Gen. ¡larrison may i.e ernliailasse 1 by is $300,000 I 7»^ CiVIA » his hotel , h wing depn TnoROCGH. more vacancies than he can at one • giv.- $1 "Oi'/JO for til? (ieinia.i. Ti." nttper ly repair®«I and newly furnished,rank» a«n »nx attention to tilling. will be comlti !.'d in !u ■ interest . f th., ABIETINEMED^C PHOVllLECU the *»*»»»t in Southern Orcgun The bed:* »a® t.ew Johnnie Powers,! 1 years old, w as taken 1 Kej"ililieati party. j «nd clean ami th© table» suppkad with the be»* th® market afford*. to the county asylum at Orange Farm, niopt- The tariff rt t .im leaeui t '.1 I*. Y., a raving maniac hum the < ttects ing in Chi. .go, adopted the f *l'«>v,ing m. OXLY GUARANTEED CURE FOB of excessive « 'gurette smoking. Symp i«solution by a rising vote: “Wo honor rri»o («nests Catarrh. <'«»Id in th® Hea*i H <y F»*v«*r, L>»* ('old, (’atarrhal l> ’ <fn»‘’S. and Soto l-'.y«»». Ih* toms vf mania when first developed were President Cleveland for bis I r.r.e, -tureatiie ®f*nso of taste and s ’ i . -I'; remove* bud may mat aaeumil that nothing will be left undone of a spasino bc nature. Soon the boy be ly and st.ite.'tuaniike course in making ta«tH an 1 unpleasant broath, rc*» Bring from Ca that will add to their comfort wh.l»- staying here came very violent, striking at ptople, tariff refin m the issue b-lorc tho people. tarrh. Follow directions and a cum ih warrant >1. E WILLIAMS. tearing his cloths, and trying to injur«* We see i'i the inc. eased popular major- ed. S-‘tbl for circular to ABIE 11NL MEDICAL Linkville. Or.. May 15. 188«. COMPANY. Oroville, California. himself. The ductors thing the ease i ity, whi. h that i -tie Won for him, and hopeless. the incroas” of his vote in the indus rial Six mouthi treatment $1. I?y Mail The firm of Wrn. T. Coleman & Co.,ot eenteie, assurances ot the oariy triumph San Francisco, commission merchants, of‘tin. people’s c.n- ',' and we pledge SANTA abieai d oat e üuke tn the Town of which suspeuued some menti s ago,lias ourselves to iiureas.d agitation, until For 8 m I<* by all Drucgiwts. made a satisfactory settlement witti its that triumph is won. ’ creditors. The exact terms of the settli Trade supplied by Snell, Heitshu <k Wood ard. Portland. ment me not given. Mr. Coleman wii .In .lb tthrtr Cur* rctne from active business life aie! the The ’ I: iginal Abietine •>; riment ts only commercial |>ortioii of the bu ine-softie j nt up in large two-ounce ti a I xixph , ami i Siskiyou County, Cal. late film be* continued by the Johnson in Hisoltite cure for old s<)! « s, burns, wound*, * -ij '.off hands, and all skin Lock Mercantile Company. Of Southern Oregon are hereby informed that i Paities in Roseburg and other portions eritj lion ’. WUi | o’itiveiy eure all kinds addition to a large and elegant line of the Original Abietine of pilei. A^k f«»r ' *’ of the state have of late Ix-en making Ointment. .>«)'d 1 y all dru-: is •* at 25 cts. One-fourth down, balance within »is, twelve numerous inquirieseoncernibgCu's bay . per i» »x—mail 3U « puts an I eighteen fn«»»ths. See map at liailruad Depot for graded price», •ts surroundings, liar,harbor, price ot etc., or addrvNN land, town property, etc., and there xl»; Ktyant Stork of Htnnkrra' Actlctra. I), n. HASKELL, Town-Site Agent (’. P. K. It.. Han rranciecu. Cal seems to be an impression that the long Ehc largest and tim*i sto« k of tneer- I bave added to my rt«*ck the following clam delayed boom will strike that section in goodd, of which I have a full line: ’huurn bowls, p.pes, cigar and > „'.irettc the near future. The baby has been • ■ ,< x and case toba i jtu ie thing f««r nice holiday pre n!’, is kept enjoying a healthy growth fur some ladies’ Furnishing Goods. (!.»■ S F. Variety Horn, Jackson vide tin.e past, and the future | ruspects aie be r’ .«¡( • -d Ji nus of cig i -. < : <r ns uni very flattering. Huth Knit fjh ! Miulin. ibicco of d ki-id* may al-.» be found A southern (hegnn ¡apcr say the are. <\di und m r. streets of Giant’s l‘a a are so mini lv that tli“ people a e ronipeli«*'! to u* stilt* in order to ravigate at all. I an jt As cbwip os to ba bo itfht liny pinco; alno be |><;**it.ie that -tn li inc«’’ivrid.'>'.ces ,.rc to be lu« t ina ¡art of the state wh'-H hilâren’s Shirt Clothes, Whvn Baby war, rick, wo g.ive hor Castoria. the |ieoph' sell vlim.ite by the in e .«■; ’. Under I year» old When bhc «usa Child, shocriod for Cantoria, throw in the Inn I iri I improvement ■ ? A beautiful line of NVLcn *.Le bevane» ?1 •». Elio cluni; to Castorio, How the devil do the e< nntry nchu"! i' '.im* <f that i lace rhow off in sue Wle n »liv haJ CLU Irvti. alio ¡pive ila in Cu* Loria 63 Front Street, Porland, Or. LyBIEllNE KEJUVEMTO?. ¿GO’S SiLVERWARL, PLATEDWARE, ETC., ETC. ST. CHARLES HOUSE,” M. E. Williams, Prop’r Grand Central Hotel CATARRH^ - - - . M S Soo HANLEY & LOVE. HEALTH J. W. CUSICK. Treasurer I* a Illcb irt’» Goltlcn Balaam Two. I Cure« < nan are«, fir»', and m cund Scnaen the l.«c« and Body; Sore Ea*« Eras Nrec, »tc , Caaper-e *lor»d Blotch^* Syt’* L.'.ia* at inh, dhcaoM Mca’p, airi » uri nary io—nx of the di«ca»«* Inown a« S)|>‘ iii" Price, »3 GO p«*r Bottle. L-* Kir han*» G »Hen Bahmn No. J Cure»—T»rthry ilereurlalSyphiall«: Rhe . mat mu . I’ mh * m tbo Boot«. Pain * In tho II *n*l. bi Sc ct th» Ncok. Circrated Sur» Throat. Syjri.iit c lla«h, Lum; * arri enn tr» ’c.l i r suf-’Ch» of the Limb», and •rrilcaUM it! d $« mc from th» system, whether cause I by itul ecr« tlon or abu»» <4 M.-.rury. In*. .*ij iLc bind pure and I k «’'** ’. P*i<*o »5 OQ p«»r i’ottl«*. I*.' I.lchnu* « Gulden Muanikh Anti« Jol^ fur t o cure of Gotiorr . ra, Glee», Irr.t.xtGr.kvcl. and aft Vr'.nary or fieni. I4<*. arrxngctm ntv Price *4 Ao per Bat tie. Lr R'chaa’* GoLlcn Spinfih Tn- l-etl«’«», I r* ver» ca»*»of Gonorrhea, (••tknrni .Vvy Gleet Stncturre.a«:. Prie«, St ■•> p<*r Buttle. L* Itleh.m’« Golden Ointment for t » eff et ve beai n^cf hynhil.tic Sore«, iu».! eni’ ’ • r.s. Price Si <JO n.«r Boi !« f? iella a’• Golden Pii •—Nena r.MDrii reatment; lussof pliyri^ul pow er, etevn - over work, 1 rvriration, ito. Prie» B3 uO ¡»cr Box. r’a.ti« ®«-*I Nervina. Beni every u ben, C. O. Ih. »«Mirri> packed p«r rxpr«»»» F. nfCHlRUR A CO. . AffwnU, »27 A 4J0 ban»oin» etrect, C urner < lay, Hon Franciaeo, CIBCVLAR MAILED FREE. v DPTUkxJ riy airi p»rm.«nen'. ¡LLjUt ho Celtrbrnf. ! PIERCE* I’ i i h> i Yw C lastic tru - uri Orn.r Gauri r [•>. ^irfect Retain-*r ritaatly r»i lev <*«*•«••« 4*^6-T w-.ii yw*yc - cq . c *.' Y V . fUAJt. CiWr^ATOTl •*t <wm'»e«pi* 'wa * i • -CT. er. * *A ri» r in.aUi.i bu-/. X»r»ou» Lm» M.ukho'NL «ne. A AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S UNRIVALED GOODS! PAID \ic: many <»th*r Hii-i'h t«>o iiutn* r»m* to :n«”di*»n. I have alar b * cured the nervio®*» of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER. And a:n pr( |»Ar» «! !n uxoento all orders in that line i»i fir* t cl a-’n sty le a* r-jn^unable rnt<*«*. ( «Il ai:'! A»»t> m«> at the building formwly occu pied by A. L. Johnson <»n California rireef. MRS. P. F PRIM. .. «ïonn \:¡n, jr N mures P leasant I axative t\ Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort WM. ULRICH, ßistric! ^3!t. 1 FOR SALE. u kJ I I FAKMS for SALX J S. S. ( MÏTH. Prop’i r When I mv Cnr.B I ¿0 r^t mean merely to Btop them lur n time*, ai.-i th« n b*‘v® turn again. 1 nll < A K.U'i*^ VvlU 1 have made the di-ca^u ot FITS, EPILEPSY cr FALLING SICKNESS, A !!fe-loncr »tody. I WATtitAKT my remedy to C'L’itE the worst cnoc^. ih cause others havo failed is no reason f»»r not u«»w receiving a cure. tJendatonceforafrci«U*can«la > kee B ottlb of my I nfallible k . mi uy . Give Exprc»a and Pont Oflice. It <«. ms you r-»thing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address e H.O.ROOT.M.C., I S3 PURL S t .. NfW Y o « For Balo in SOc and •! .OO Bottle, by all Leulln, Druggi.to. aaxrr.cTVMD o . lt rr Tur. *bAUTOBKIÀ FIG BYBUP 00. A mi rMVBVDt (M l . ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Wl S\LK, 30ÎXVKES OF LWÍ' <’■ IU> F of fur ti laiui m th*’ railey, gu«» t f«»rfiu*i Tw» th«»Uu.i’-«l -’1X JI* • • ■ ’ ■ 1 ' • 1 •”•'! «“»“1 • • fl : wtockraÍHÍn*r. tln<t:- f' «f 1 • t ! ** ■■ tnil«*e*»f f»‘nc:ntf «!<•.• ’’ii« r ’ : ’ -iKy’f«*et. Hiui pl* tv •’* In :- •';.• ", (■’•dl on or addi’»***« -I. S. II« . X f‘| »*!.». Y-bi-tiid. Jac <»nn ' • ’ . inchiilo't'th**lie-t ru-ti. . ceiling uno tloor- in.'. fiiriil-l’i< n .¡nut notice. ill'll til'll ; : ir.mti < •!. S. S. SMITH. a?. ritiri PRACTICAL G Ni EDFOItD. OR. ijCN> CHiOLS AXD OTHI.« FIHEARMH FARM L ' •pair<*<i .i ¡ i” l»t»*»i *tyle and now on»*« made t . ord«*; • .viiig-ir.M Im alno repaired and i nit: UNDEI181<;NF1> Its r"l! S\L! prt in lirt ! ’!««.“ order hit* farm. Hitu.Tf ’d ’•••ar B.f-r; •• 1’ ice- ‘o-oiit thet im«”-»n<l.*«hti*rnr(ion guaran- from Jack^mv’lla. c<> H.-ui.ut;;’ bi .. »■■.••. !■• I b.Mng an(l»r « ultn. ii« : ned 1 • 1 • • c«» v í-cT* (í ive me a trial. bD»t-cl»s* timber ;ci«i p v r*;.» land. A g .<•<« H. SI BAIT hoose.barn nn<i uud.nil 1. - .••• <• mr -*• : - ‘ thoplac**. Titb» perfect . <1 b?t ■-.. h t .- hm » ■' For further particular* nnnb t<> ‘h* Ttso-b office or J. 8. wRH-r’’BY. (‘antral U. O 4 LLPE'HOXs lADERTEDTOTIIi. ESTATE .A •»’ S. I*. Htvia. •!•««:‘a* *!. are raquwif'ff tu «•-uii-thi: ’.m * forth’vifh, if thov wish, to e»v«- DR. JO custs. -i* t It« h i-ino**J <-f the estate must brw«»ut)d up wi thout fnt tt.er d«-]»y. IT. E. U/ Administrator sf th* cstaf# *f 7S1 Markit U .8 Fr.iri’i... ■ <¡0 ni'ii l.arn !.<<< t ■ r. ..I ,1,^. raM1. ar.il Ï’ »W w " U-t|ni ■ y niHtm. Pii.t.r. « ffirr. .1 imi.». Hr ('imaaltKtmn un l^».t M-.nl.i.*,) ani) all ili»»— III U'l n H<" 'Imr C ... Froid and Morriaon St»-, bi .ok. ■pn 4'COMMOD.XTK THE HROWINU DE- i m.’.nd f«»rre.il est.it«, wo hav® opened an or fico in the town «>f AD A K ’S h’usELni of Anal my PARKER’S I HAIR BALSAM I I—n.—< Arxl m»ul:3o. <ho Ulr.l . Toniat»» a luxuriant jtowui - I Ne,< r Fail, to R—-era Grayl Hatr to it« Vouilnl 1 Color. I hilrlAlUnn nfPnipi-Wa PARKER 8 CINGER TON(ß Importent K oi ico. ORCttOW PORTIIM». ffrw Are-proof Brick. Find-ria»«« inali RexperG LL PHhSOXH KVH'.IN . Tit M-F.l VI : THO8. GUINEAN, Pre.|irtrier. to be indeb'^d to me I.y tote r T mmv : onnnt ar*' reqn* *te<l te n»»k«’ înin»« «ti< t r •» ■ >•• ’ » *-Tha ’ j » hi > id liaataurant is nnsurpa*red xn I <reT n<vr m >\ fy hi d will r<»mp< li»- 1 !«• *n "w* V i arti ’nhi** force c*. flection» if £ du n*get i’ h »'»’ . NVAVMAN 1 lsnUIL Jacksonville, pt. 18,1*».^. A uri nWANTFIL 625 a U. k f«'«i »X H r* I H pfcn«*f paid. bt«a«l> uork. N»nv(:< temple» tre®. J. F. HILL dr < O . Aurait» Main» PAlKLim CHTLBEÏRI’B H g O KC‘? HL!» L-on M».‘ •ti'«n! L»15>V Kwna..t>- J 1 5.;-. 1 . ■ ' CStAL’ OLCn;r . Notice for Publication. Land Office at Runeburn.Or., } h .-»• 12, U-;.‘- ) VOT1CE IS HEREBY Gms litAl’ HU. 1N ft.jit»wii;g-i.aiu‘’'i settler i • - ;• '• •»« hi» intention to make final ¡-i<»«d . bupp<»it vf hivclaim. and that said proof w*H L<* » La fore the judge, or ia Li* al- «*. ’c.'ore the (lerk of the county court < : .1 l.-< u v- urty. Or., at Jacksonville, Or., on b;du;th.?. Mtrcfi ■iC. 18HL vix: IL L. P« g*-’, I uxn« et« i d « i ir. No 4375. for the SE1^ uf NL-t- I ‘-s of bt . ; i. i bW •* of St'«, see 2. tp S3 b. IL - M. He num««* the foiluwmg witr.« «-.—•>* y«.t>i» continuouH residence (¡¡»on and ci t v un of •«aid land, vix: b. b. Aiken.K H D- hr ». Dura uf Deskin«, Jackin cuun’y. Urr^on. tti.d B. M d ¡11 of JackMM.viiie, » n ••«.•«•¡•, Any person who de»-üut» to ¡»j». < «■ . . st the allowance of such proof, or ut«« ai.«u--»i any -.uixjUiiiUal leaaor. under the law ar.«i ¡1» reg»ua- (ions of tn«* li tenor D< paitm< nt. ai > n.< h proof should not be allowed, u; ; 1 ¡.’¡vt-nun opportunity at the abov»-rnonx’<-'• *i t. « ».* cud place to cioh * examine It »- v.. .- • <a o! -:«.d claimant, and to offer evide; oe in id- itul of t! at «ubmitted by ojaimai.t. ( HAS W..H»HNSTo: R k * r. Notice for xublicr.t ion Lui.<1 OtticG ut R c 1 arc. Or., | F»-biUirv H, I***'.«. otice is hi : ri . ia «. kin ihatihk f«»ilowiiig<>Damed pettier ba* fii« >i <1; '* «»f his intention to tnabe final pi«•<•( in t- ¡1 «at of tiia claim, and that feaid ¡>r*»of wdt i»*' ni » i« be- ■ m ■ ■ ■ ’.a át 1 e i i.«* Ciri r. «.( t I . a .« • ^’u.. Or., at J..« k « r.vili . *• r ’ • ’• >. >n*r. T. Al. kbV. viz: A. D. OH » - pre n«j ’i i. D > .No. >C-’2, for the VV1! uf fcU 4, fere J-. !j .«■* 6. K2 W. W. >1 He name«» <i:n f«<J< v hk '*• *■»• to pr«ive his Continuum* r«*>ri<-1 cr u».‘ • «’ J < ul- nvrinmof, said land, viz: Khiei«Ì!«.’ » 11 Fi» id**, G»o Black. W. F. ( 1 :».-tn:i., ail of Jatkr«<n- vilie. Jackson county. vreff«Hi. A«.j person who d« *ir«e to protest against the allowance of t-u* h ¡roof, ur »i.o kn«*.v*uiany substantial rv*riup under tiio law and in regu lation» of the Interior D«-| »ni.ej «, u».>»-ucb proof ahcnM not b® aHoaed. wu I.«* , tv a an • I portumty at the ahove-mti t.« ; « d n::;.- ana piace tu rroMt-eXftnw® ta»- u.ti.■-•■• <>; bind eluiuiaat. and to < th r evidvnvu in rebuttal of lii.’tt ‘■ubnuJtsI by dannai.t. (. HAS. W. JOUNoTUN. ii« .»’.er. N Summons. In the Circuit Court for the State of Cregua, for the ( ounty of Ja< k.-ui:. Lydia Arc ( l«rk. PJmnüff, v>. W.. D. . lark. Défendant. To Wm ... B _____ < I:irk, ___ the __________ above num ___________ 1 D- f : «i¡ it • _______ [N THE NAME Ot ì IH >1 1 i»!;i«« *.N 1 j'U are hereby irquiied t«> * > j . ¡ . ; » . w«r the complaii t of tbeabov * ■ *ff «;.t v<*- untilled court. n«»w un file with ti «• cL :k oí .atd court, wilhm ®n day» from thè <«•«'*'«»f t !.«• ► cjv - tee «*f title «•umnitflib upon y«»u. il b- tv« d in J: tk- «*on county. Ure^ou; Lui it «■••r*.id ¡; tj <» !.«r ounty uf the Stute of Ore»;on,tb»-b v. : i. ; e nty 4 m )» ironi 'he date of the •urvice «•’. t n:?r- in«»iih upon you; or. if »<rv«’d < i. j«.u « • • < ( it e Mate o. Or« gun. or by pub-'i a’.« t. tl :. t : o firri day of the tenu <»1 court ful’« a . a < - rr- ice, v¡z: 11.e let day of Apir ! Ant >< ii are hereby nvt fitd that ,f )uu :;ol tu ai ¡ ar .. d .u’Mwer «mid complaint. as be:eh> ri <,i i«» d. th® plaintiff wiil take judgment uk'ajio-t j u ’ ¡ •!♦'- ree d*.MM>lvin< the bonds of ii.at»iir.un} » « x- iriing between th® plaintiff aid < ••i ‘.i ». as will mor® fully a¡-¡ « hi by li.e compia.’t un fila herein, to which rvferer.CH it ti« i. t j ¡ . i Published in the Df-MucT *• J«’ 11' .*^ : • « .x cunaecutivt we« ’»» by older uf H««i . 1 1. \ • b- ►tor, Jungo of said court, made ut cLuu.b re <»n JanuAiy 19. 1SF9. H.K. HANN «.Atty fur ITff. Administrator’s Sale of Real Pi'oporty. In the County Covri uf the Etat® of «ìrcg..-. for tt •• County of Ja. ksan, si’t r>ç t t ;• ■•» < ’n the mutter of the estate ut Li J xi hi ir. deceased IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORD! R Ol I HE I County Court, m ele the 7th da> f J.;, i ry. 1HFÍ*. ih»? under«.gned, admit is’rt.l- . <«f i . - it*« of K J M- Bnde, deceased, will nil i <?r » a I • to the highest balder, for cari. Lu. d. u ; ■* !U>r, bl. n *ure ant Eradica'.or known frUBp IM trbai AMkrfb AtbiMSMSbOV» } 2. n . s \'», clock r M, on the pre.T«i*e . all of t» » right title and interest of the e.t.d u I M the lime of her decease, m and t » the f dlow.ng ¡escribe«! real property: The »o’, known and designat'd <>*i the r corded plot of Woolen'» audition to the <. i y Ashia <1, ’at aeon county. Ur gun. na lot t.uinb • .:c.-n Utt), excepting iu.<l rt»nrriiig ih«iitr.<in ! i:*; -I ten (ll>) feet Wide. « xt« i h . - from the north »ide of e*i<l lot. bu « t..' ■o 1 V VanHorn; abo excoja1.’g ur.d .-<*iv'ig the right to take out and ruu wh ' r ». «b '»uud Jituugh pipe a?ro»t« the sort;» <»t •• t hit. J II McBBlDL. Adminibtrator of the c«.tatv of HJ Mc.-iue, de eeiutcd. February lfcS'< Summons In the ( ircuit Conrtfor ti e S*a • it. /«,* for th«* ('«¡ui.ty uf J';< k>«in R. M. PretJvy, I laititiU. v». A. V-. I r« 1 fend» 11: ri.it n ♦ quit) f«>* a uiv< <. . ¡uA.W Pii-rdcj, t.ie abov«« .'¡lti «j l'< "in«h.Tt; I S 1 lit N a MI. Ot* TIG >i Ai 1 ol OI CON. 1 >«.u are heicby coniniaa«.« d to p 1 i mi .,n- '•uer the c«'t;.|»l«ont «4 ti*«- id <. v»« j 1 it: ij ue ab<ive-»r.tiU< <1 ««utl itvn.’lia* x 1 n ti «■ <-A rk of ha id c< urt. wit ¡«la ttt. li« j.. t. < Ci i< <d It«- m : vice of tin- run mot* i<j < n p u, if b«iv«d tn JackM»ncounty.Or xoti; but if « ivi gi ,, v;.y • U.cr county in the btaip <*f <». r. tLtn within 1 w« ntj «tajb fiuni ¡¡«t,,!« •. ui tin» funinion» upon j< u: or 1! »» itv«: « i n u «•ul uf the« btate <»f Oregoii. or by j t>i ><> e . then by the firet day of the trim of < < i ■ !« .,< w- iag fucli MTV H'’. v z 1 • I And yui: are hereby r.«<titi«d P.itu • ;*. k «to iu ewer the wud c< nj.Li.ii;’. jf J«*,, h . < <i, lhe plMintift will lake jadptr* i < t < .* ,r >t 2«. fur 1 decree di* to.vii.K thi I.«id « 1 n n «-liftinK tN*twe«r. th«* 1 an«» tl di ; < . will m«»re fully »[ peer t< ««n| . hvi»-w . *0 which r.ftr< r.ce 1« I • j. t > n * «1. I’ubitt-hed in ti e 1 1 m < ( ua ’ iic 'itais ronMM’Uhte wt*k» by oedt r «4 H<«r . i . j: -ter, Jud;< of «-aid ctiurt, mac«* at < l..«n », F«*t ruF.rj 5, 1-HL Given UL(h rm) hand «hi» 4(h day of Fibiu; r\. <hV> n. K HANNA. Att’i f« r Fl C Summons : K s 4 m J 4 • rr >r«u«lyueverfatla « nl«;- < ure ESMOND HOT£L, Colds, Headaches and Fevers Fw»«l»b» «UdrogrUt«. MtOFORD. OREGON. Settle Up Notice M’-tiford, Jackson Co., Og^. Important Notice. JeMMmUw. tat U im ] 1 GN ) VOTIVE IH Hl'HLBY G1M N 1HAI IN t vM- 11 piiance with tl.«’¡uovieioi.b ol li t* i Ct of < «.n- gretaof Jun«-3. Ib7b, enUilM An ..« t for the naie of limber land» hi ilio bti.t« •* o £ < ¡Ji»orn:»j Oregon. Nevada and Waatiti gtoti 'J«*imory/ Win. Herington, of D«*fek*r «-. ‘ «>urty of Jackson, State uf Or«*c«»i'. fi» d.:y fi: din Ihi» office hi» aworti ttatcìurnt No. . . for tho purchase of tho NW 1 4 of e-rtion .•• 22, in township N<». 32 tuttth, «»nu® . 3 <'»*t* and will offer proof tu ri.« w tl.M ti «• land »ougl-t J* more va uable for ite tin I < r i-r 1 1< tu ihaufot agricultural ¡uri- *- .•«•.;•.«• « .at* .eh T hid hi» claim t«»euid J .ifd !tf«»r« t» e i; - on Rece iver <»f tin*» «fin «• n*. !'.< « ’ «i f ré ‘ « •» He Saturday. ÜMI Mill «iay •«• March, 1 ;.am«* a* wiln» •* : Lobt. 11 D« J : • L. • j«.riion, SquireH A i E m , li « i Ai< :« v '■ H is. Any tdi of lhHKiiiM. Jatkeon count), ( i.:-». ululali portoti» cla.iiiH.g i.«h« i>•«!.» i •■ nbove* dehcrib« !:.* w. »V....— «! • land»arert.qiH*t«d _____ _____ _______ !•« __ claims in tiiih otti«'!* un or tiefure »«id -Ctb <i i> ot March. L8b9 CHAH. W. JOHKHTON. ILeiricr. March SGO.OOO.OO Ul\ A. IJ -5 A N N Choice Land« F< r S 'le Terrible Furewarning<i. Follow, the nso of Syrup of Fig«, m it act, Cough in the m oirtig. i.nmed or ditti gently on the ill u.uiw, uutnuuM ww., - colt breathing, laniiu p:. egro. tt htn«<> in th»* t !.»■*•, «¡nick» :,i-d j i.' p, rh:, in»-«.-, in K idneys , L iver and B owels We rdaim to have a» tine a line of property, and tn he ahlo to farnieh a* reliable information the vvenintr «»r *<r» .« h t-ulit. nil or anv coacvrning mal estate in Houthem Omguii.a» Effectually Clcan.ing the Syetem when of th<.*e Ihiiig-« t “ the !ir>t si., •» - . f ( nn- any other iirn» now doing burines.1-. iiiniption Dr. Ark»r’* E ;• i-h i^n.eiy Coative or Bilious, Dispelling < -■-. h .LE y 4UOD1)AKD. f<»r • »»nsumptn.n wi.i »'urv th'-.- i» m t J I s\mpr.-n M. uni i* «»‘<1 uuler a |»-»’iiive guuraulte by E. <’ Brooks, «'.•ms. amt all »kin Eruptions, am) live cure, for Biles, or n.i ■ ay ris|uirvd. fr iseuaranieed lo^ive p« <-fe>-»uti.iavt on ,,r money refu’.le.I Price IO cents per bvi < ill. <”• . ; . CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. (I. J. \NNOi Kerbyvil!'* • »r*;:«i Zephyr Shawls, and permanently coring HABITUAL CONSTIPATION JlMcAfeM*» -ftr«»4r« Anfr.- The best syi I vc 111 the !<,r < ut« without weakening or irritating the organa 4LLTHOHE KNOWING TIIF’MHELVFH IN- i BruiM». Son ., I’lcrr«. bait Klieuni E.-vi r on wliich it acta. I Ll dt-bted fo the und**rsi4h«d, either by note.-r t *•• re-, rvlter. CIiHppeil HanJ., i.'hiihi (,n, bok sec«»unt. are requested U> call ami »fttie thoMtin« at t»nex. My b--avy lu«s by firs Cum. pc!« metowislre this « alp :,nt| t mu«t be **om- piie*i with immediately, »<> that I c«n r. •nme ... . DAVID LINN. • F!ELD, UTÎ.Ce D "ad The F» ts anil Meivliiiiils Ins» Company QL.OVES 11 \N I CORNETS Will bi'SiJd Lt £20(1: Easy I Payments. I And all of J. K. ELDERKIN, 8vc.*n<«Mst.k*. TÍOS I KIÎ Y ! MISER'S AESiTItiN TO ASHLAND. THE HOSS BOOTS f.i.’JVHXTK. ^-il I Ot fi'.ti SVI.f. ’»■' t.1 \ 'i'Nill. ANDERSON CREEK, inn*.,«thetM-st Sii>. D:<ir> I ■ ■ «.- utl-. urD Oregon, «itu.it. lin I’ •■. ' , '’ '¡•illH*- I on» h*n<i ' •oiuitv c<»ntHinmg 3-0 acrert uf r:<*h •f timothy hiy ,|.||..CÍ*I|J' «cl..¡ '«'ll to >l‘" cruut’rof I »;t«4 clover. AtHKit o:i«‘-halt ;• i<‘!*r-««! and jit ! flaco * a.'. I >«■*«.• i* ■ 1 1 . «liti vet »on. and mo«î «»f th»« *■'«!• •*e»re<l. mere i« -;*’r rumi; .. reared. There i» « a our-uu* »beam --Í «»I ■piIB -l U m Rli’.ERT XKI'sl'l EASBItE t;in»UMhth»-p!n«’(»the y«*’ir rt»un’. :.fi*-J.- . ’ ..f water f«»r »rrt» ’ d in;. i..< wrier foi fot stock airi au«i »«»me some for ’rrig.du.g- t in anii'iuiicing that hi. »team saw-mill place is all inrl.'.Mt««l (•*. ’ < 1 «• •’ ' ’ her« nil inrl.--M ‘«i by n a k u «» -" o y .1 *1 i • ul ui L '“ir« : is ii"" running on full time uiul turning . a fioubh anti barn an«l 2«*i y«»u r; f t rn *.« on < m honsk and an<i " i . ! ‘ it ’ : P °¡- nut n large ipiantitv of lumber. He i« pre- C.ruÎNtin»; of Lisle and Silk tho ¡»lac®, it also has th® b »( •>■<: ■ 1 • r «- ■ > i ,i.ir< il to lit! all ui' li r- with di-pateh, ami at rn»? county; alno another xe««lh»nt piar«« eonlasn til*' iiiost n a-onable rati •. A tine quality of inc iy» Here«. »KERCH I EFS For full particulars c dl up »n *»r a Lire.^ elevated oositions. ; OATTLE AND HORS» S BRANDED HL ON j V left hip, Aia,. ra,iLe brandii on left Somo limo ago, *av« the Albany Errt>- cue or hip; a,so cattle ur on!» d with a figure Jon ocri.At t wo Chinamen were murdered at ■ eft wide or hip. i te* *i<»r-uift?ks of the above brande am »horf crop in left ear and long crop in Monmouth. The mnnlei» r« were un right. Al*> cattle h.or.dad with 8P <»n left hip, known. Ah Sue, a ChinfH» delrctiv** and marked crop in ruche eur and hula and n pl it took the case, and i-* r.otv at .Monin mth in 1ft. He claims that ho t act d th * m’iid<’i» r ti« in Munmonth »o S.m l'»am i-c«». an« from thore to N»v Y rk, i«m uh<i joint they left tor ( h na \l. Su< h <’ h sufficient eviden -........ «• ; to .‘■«•«•nip the (‘Xfra— di< on of the fug hv« s, and wa* »1 Mo.i- mmitli getting evidence of «die c«»m inis- •ion uf the crime. A sho* * thn»» ag i Ilu : eoplr <»f M«»!)t’i;no, ( to consider thv ndv i-.i ing money for imt r »\ 'i eastern O-v^' ti Bv ♦ .x parntiveiy Piij’i sum. th* Laltuview to Mon'ugt! i neatly 4.'» mile-, v.! ch Look at ti n e lot»Lrfor» purcbAKirg elt» w I rr« fart, would hidnre qi • t ■<! mIwr th»*y .ir«* ritnitti'd or. Mam Mirrt witHn VUyarHn « f P • \’vw D. p< t Hot« 1 r ■ w bn eaatvrn peoi»!*» !•• • «»m«* th * i. g bulk. L* n.re of of going to R»«1 i ng. p T MX?»I.II. A'Iù.xiid H<»u»e. the neigiib-»ihcnd of llajrn. 'vill? uk w. i us Li:t;c Sh;t».»a Montague tindera'and ti c •diuatiou slmuld do al! in their power to >* irt AS K FOR ball a rolling. l>ny J. ft. WRITSMAN, Vic-rwidmit CHAS. E. WOLVCHYDN, I MILLINERY ! {uat&O Siisisifis Per Special Atteiitii'ii Paid t» (’otuinereial Travelers, FOR SALE UN EASY TERMS! •wr ’imvm tn r V - .v—iff nwwv.i mv. - mo •»TH (AUnji. .UN’ i O.V.K X MVU»X ’ IÍ ING LT LTT STATING Í'T' TOMS MX oom TIONS STriCTLY LOXFIDEr LETTE! c*?r«cr, F «'C l •. « >i. i *:<4 on , X ?* < >. î-’roprietoi ííymí î £:2 'IN- i iiik si. «si .5O THE LADIES 17 »1 1513 3 ■: A’H A. the Oidv trTr.edv th-- FlììST-GLASó HOTEL ¡ri EVEHY PARTíCULÁñ MONTAGUE, Co T MEDP ‘H T TOWN LOTS A*»:xnce of the • »tale uf Lu>u-»« A Williams. Da»ed Feb 2b . lfO*. United ötute» L hlcì Cffii.«’, Boe« Li re. Or . / <WK. >cu Orh ans. 1,:< CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE’ T T1MBEX LARD. ACT JCR» 1. 167». 1 i DISCOVI'IHI ICS ! T HE UNDEHHIONED. HAVING BHA' AB- point) d ssigi ••«* '-f th'* <v!itte«f i.’vi < r A \\ ¡Ilium«. hM-iRKor®, uniler and in j urn; inceof tn act of the lecialativeMNacmbly of tl •• ?tetu of Oleson, entitled ’’An ait io b«<ur* < r ibtoraa Just divieion <>f th® Estates of D« bun»-. uh«-con vey to Aroignee-» for th«* ber.eht </ I nsiilur*,’* approved October 1H. ItffM. and tl.< an ; I . rnta thereto, »¡ proved Febiuary 25. l’v-S, i n by i»ive® Loticctoi.il those ow ng the «•*»:;.■ e it a! an im mediate h ttlcment 1» wai ted. nnd !! « -«• ‘ nving claimti will present them at once, ri /cmpaaiod with the r.ece«»»ary viucheit. My office is at the old stand of I’ tenor A \v ¡11- ism». <iold Hill. Jackson county, Oivgoj, w .er® all »•ttleinents can be mude. jjookk Notice for Publication. I 1 I'lfup Assignee’s Notice. FAMEO FOa TWENTY YFARS, T he C cctavb C ompany , 77 Murray ficreet, N. Y. CALIFORNIA One ci tlm north»' -tern taihoid» runtr i verrtibuleil t :iin» In ali >l by steam i:om the engine,and illuminate'! byeleetr itv I from a dynamo in the b.i ,:•> i ir. The nlee|iin'4 care have a,i im; uni. .-cent bmn er in every «1 ciiun. In the (tuuoty ( oart ut thi. Hint, of Oregon for the County of Juckron. In the matter of tb»—tato of 8ari.li Eelle Froo- tand, deeeaaed. otice is hekehy given that tiib ad - mini»trotor of <h® •'»tat® «>t bin ah R’llerr«*- land, d®c«Mied, ha» tiled in the cwni.'y court of Jockwon county.Ur.,hi» final account a* mi h ikd- iniiiii’tratnr. and by older of raid court 1 u- »-day. the 12th day of March, lW-V,at th«» I»« ur of 10 Incorp« r. ted by tin i.tafur«' in 1S»»8, for Ed o'clock A Bf..i»»et for hearing1. AB p« r-or.« in- ucational a: <t < Lai.iabl'* purp-?<fx^i d it» lran- teret-U’d are beret y uotihod toaj»! car ..r d hie 11» chifci* ¡ua<l»* a part ol the t-.c.--«*!it Slate < niistiiu- or tier objection» to »aid accuuul on or Lcfor® Li«»n. in 1L'«U. by an ovri vvicluiing popular vote. Fubluhed by order of lion. J. R. 5 il. Judge It« M AM M »111 DIAV. IM.Stab place b®wi- A dihim I ly, ( J nr*« »• ;<1 Dec* nt * ».»• ano it* grand uf »aid court- B.K. FBF.EI AND. HiXGLL .NUMBER drawn.g» take place m each Admiuietratot <»t »aid Eetate. of th««<»th-r ■ » r.i «r.thti of I tn» year, unit ar® all dyawn in pii!»4i<*, ui lb«* Academy of Mu»i«’,New Uiltauh. La. Louisiana Stc. Lottery Company For*at iirov* Poultry Yartta Wvand«»*tvs. Plymouth Ruck?. I.’. rlil Brahmas. Rose an<l single Comb Brown Lcyhorii . White Leghorn**. White Wyandotte**. Partralpc (f bins and Bl.tck Minurci-, AMERICA’» Bt>T BREED*'- M v fowls have n«» supcri -rs Have won the highest honors al uh exhibitions tor the pa I eleven year**. Egg*. |»er silling, >3; two sitting**, I*’». ¿end stamp for catalogue. Address J. At. G arrison , Box * m . Forest Grove. Or. --- A Aarrvw l'»ra|N*. ‘•Fur ’.v.’ut <ii a nail, a *hv<* was lost; for v..tnt of •• .‘♦tv»**, n uorsv wa«» lost ; t r want «»: a h< «•, a ridt i; was !o>t " N< ver i « gleet smah lb ogs. '1 L«* Hr-t M-rt * of pn«*n»no- nia .ir> i coiiNUinption * an ”p »si’i-.Tiy ’ tie ubv U’ dny Dr. Ac»;« r ■* l’ngn-h Remedy for < nr uni'»ti »n. For sale by E. C. Brook -. Tiic l.viut’“t ; each nri i .ml in tin- St. ni i. liifni nia is I'x uteil nine iiuie» fro.n Ma y~vi!le. It i-ont tin.-T2*> :n-:e.-. Tim firi-t Irei s wen- planmil 1:1 D83, :iml in ISsO the unli'S of tint u:mmnte>l <«» ¡lie Hinn of $12,001). Notice of Final Settlement N Not a tingle baby Las been born in j Liberty, thirteen y.ar*. Lib- • e.iy has a population «4 700. ¡ rip United Stat. : spunis y- ailv fm education as mm h as Germany, E tg- FUra! Fitta! Jlcltlu'j Fitta! g’u;:i !, France, Au-tria and R ¡»siacom S vmi 'T umh Molature, int»‘L?d*Ì'ch’ngand »ting bined. ALL SORTS. ing; moat at night; worst by tufra&hing. If al low«.* i to coutinue tumore firm, which often The s.atiie of Lewi* C h ^ was unveil* bleed and ulcerrie,becoming very tore, bwiyn«)’» Some of the best lirait lioree* in Doiii;- rd at Washington r tv. It a gift to Ointment stope the itching and bleeding, heal» las cuonty have recently been ehi|ipo<i to the propio of the United S»atr* by the ulceration,and in mutt caaew removes the tu mor*. At druggist*, ui by mail, for 5») cent«. Seittleon the hcui .<L people <f Michigan. Dr. Swayne & Sun, Philadelphia. The citixens’ of Dougins county Th p nitrntiary at S.i’rm c.-ntaina liehl an inauguration ball at Sli cun.’.. F.’F Uftla. ’Jt 'J c in i.ti. oi uo* in -2 ure fu:itenc d hail in Dram last Moti'l.ty eve: I:■_*. The vn Ivrsigned oilers f. r sale his ranch 1* r li e. 1 hr * vp t ! c »nwumc 250 of M) a re*, in hiding the < 'vuLennial min Ing It is suggested liiat M b .lames ii. j i | i.n«l> <•! Li ci pci' d iy. <• aim, near (Sol«! Hill. Oregon. There are Baine. Jr . will m ike her .l.'init in '‘Th j Mulligan Letters” foliuwv<> hv ttr rear '- •'latoi !<■ ima l. i. l.ri'll i<— !i'i'ti..i 1’. about 30 acres of good f inning and on the bl i c. Good h- .1’0 and barn on the r.*.nch. ing farce. “Buri. It.” i S. S i aiur In i» Wr t Vitgn iu by a htrict 1 or parti1 til.ir.’ apply on the premisr« to i 1 .e ..ih'i iirruber voied it c jury at San Francisco, Bet I, re— pi ty luti' L. F. J \ mis «» x . tiirni-'i a verdict oi acquittal in the case i r ili,. 1 >: iiiiieia'v>i.a u< <*. A'uaj/x tindy. ot "Big Bertha,” chai got with obtaining Tliu 1 .li t > i ’ uv tìi'ti. Roseo ali* <»u I: voii win tai.«’!In- i rcc.t iti m I i keep a flve hundred dollars by ials • pretense^ tlicrvii.i i] lisi w.ili tlic rank ul ltiisa- d:le <»t‘ (’¡¡amber'.iin »- ('«»lie, Ch«» era an«! from Wm. Gruhn. dier-G.incial ha. pa-s'd con/ri'«» and Diarrhoea reme«ly on hand you will always Pennsylvania Farm« r—Been out in been nppruveii bv tlie ¡.resiiivnt. iir ready •> cure any form «d bowel c*.m Kansas, ch? Returned Emigrant — Yes ; 1 Xpoit. ut piovi®..tix Ir rii tli' (o ir ■■'.•. t. It is pr<pared e>; tally for that was there ten years. “Farming?” “Yea.” pili |»use, ant' •« a ii:v cm <*. 23c per bottle. ‘‘What did you raise?" "Most every A1' lime ports ia«t ivet ii aggrez ili'.l 15,- i<»ldat( itv Dri.gS’ui- ..nd by E ¡gel Bios., 765 *37 |K>und», agallisi 13,752.HóS l*l.<> nix. thing cxcM t mortgages.’' ( iouiióm thè coir, .'pi,.; i,i._ werk in 1SS8 2 The Democratic governor of Indiai a 'He' N iv York I.e.'¡.t itilli'hai appro broke up the "White Cap” organization in that state, an>l they removed op. ra priateli $2('i'/io,) i..r d.'lìni ii.j; tini vxpt ns- tion; over to Vino anil Pennsylvania, • 3 ci e lio rating l.ie Wa.limatoli celi- «here they seem to be op« rating unoi - Ifn.irj in New York < ity oli t!ie THF. J. IM) OF 1’111'.---- Api li tu x . turbed. f Lucia Zarate, the Mexican dwarf, i« lite l'olitrai'tv /"! tic* i.lii'i ' :ttlw a) •6 y«a«s old, -'ati is D> nietios high and ai o.s V oa S'olili li.ive l e.-n signed, wcigt's <>..ly i'lir pounds. Hhe can hide ari'! ilio a k to be coinpli'ti'd in 1S92. 3EWARE OF IMITATIONS in a -ils liât an<! is In iglit and intelligent Tlii' cnt.ai w 1. saie WG nule.’ ___ ____ S<»e that our trade mark Santa Abia, _ ii <>n n Ci'iiveiea'ioii. She believe* that mar to itir Ice liom Europi). '.diforuia (•very bottle of that p’-asant C.il'.' ........ reni»*dy riage is u failure. Sitiftfaction guaranteed or money rofanded. .!■ i.ipiin Miller ha-presi nted Oakland, l’aval Fate has importe«! an English Cai f’mia, a itli tificeli acre* of land fot .-hue stallion, We gnn-.g Kij jk . iiu 1-, a e.tv pa’k i r iniuent e.tiz n.s now of- into Douglas county, where he will muke o i io s ippletnenl it nith enoi’iiii iun.i to the coming season. Much inteiest is inaile thè pari: consnt oi 50 aer s. being taken in blotdc I stock in sontiieri 1. eii'en.in: i'.C'l Seiiwatkr., thè <>•, Oregon al present. Father—"Tommy, you s'.io>i!d try and „i.i-, li .e W 11 > g. u.l'l.lt. .1 at West I’oil.t be a better boy. You areouronl« eliiid, and ti.e , alternar I it .ijn. d l,i- pi ice 't and we expect you to tie good/' To nmy u e .iriiii tu iiiake i xploiniioii. in Al is'ia —‘ It aint my fault that I am your • niy . i. i ov i ii.ir.m_' n r liiiu.-.d siirvey in Mex child. It’s tough on mo u> he god fo a ' ieo. FAfCLTY. A : full corps uf exj»cri» need PioftMor® and Toacheri. ( OV: SE OF STUDY. Arran cod exprrh-dy to u;«vt the demands rii «I uet-de of the farunug H.ierote *d the Stnto. FKEPARATOHY D1.F1K1MLM. For studerd* ov r 15 >< ar* <»f »€<’ who d**ireto ert«.r the < ullege but ar»' n •* prepared ta en ter I «*:i« ge rhts.*by • xamiuation. Mh I1ALY TRAINING To the ex’ent nquirtd by law- KLTLD1NG8. Larg**, Cumm<*diuiib und well Ventilated. IdM’A riON. Ina cultivated ai.d t hneimn rommu.ity. nrd one of th® hrrdibitBl in the State. EXPi KiMENTALbl ATION. Circular*, cor.tainn g nii»tt«*r fuilot interest to farmer®, will (♦• regularly ieeued ar.d «nipive mailed to rath pa’ ice of the < oliege. F\PI SSFS F ir large, lliusirated Treatise on Diseasruof Reduced to lowest ligur« . Two <»r m*-r. fre»- Women il® pages, psrxr-i'oicredi, seud un achohin-hii s flora ev« r;> c- uiRy Convult cente In stamps. Address, your County Sup-’ui-t r.dmt. We eottidert.y appeal to the farmer» ar.d World’s Dispinsary Madical Association, grar gw* of Oo coi; to patronize the only »ebool 663 .’Main SL, BLFFALO, N. 1’. trtRbbebed !»> Oregon lor the promotion of h* r ngriculturd inter fate. mt of brotlieis and sisters 1 haven't got." For catalogue or other information. addr»-re. President Fulda, of the Cs’ifornia B. L AENO1.D. Prwudent, Corvaliia. Oregon. Club, 's in receipt of a telegram ftom . aid ti's backer to the eSect that tlie articles for ttie ♦«> 000 battle b .tween 'ïtiTCA* m *»i %* • T.f «>»rvT, r>»<Trfx Jackson aim C.irdifi' aro saiisiac’.i v. j ii W and that Cardiff will be in St. Louis early iu March^, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. .3, Ar d ¿.H clixui) ' stipation, Sick Sniousness arising from a Tcrcid Liver and Bad Digestion, c •» it urn I rrs-ilt is ap|»o« •-•I no!i«l iiexli. X>o*-e Kinall« ••gar ront«Ml nnd ciuty ’** everywhere. • • • i ■}' H otta<^- . i *... * oo / m ** tv’ll be .,otion^ K K Al L. $3 \ \ I i K A.XD EX per.»®* i viti. Ou'rif worth and par uoiüfti» fnw F. 0. VIC IXBY Aa In th® Circuit ( unrt f •- t‘.e Hi t. < f Oregon, for the ( <»ui:ty u! J»« t-1 1 Peter Britt, I’iaiutiff, x» Mnrd.it • • J«»hn Edy and Elle«v P. I’urrtil. !»rf«,. « ahis. t iut in eauity to foreclose a murtgafi*. Tu Martha t.«i>. John fcoj ►. o Li en I‘ 1 ui ■ u the at uve-i-aruM D« !• i.dar.G: TNlHENAMht h lld.MA'b <T< 11GGN. 1 you sre h*»i<Ly r«quin d ’<•. 1 i •. , « «*. < u« r th** complaint of th« »be ve ¡»lai. t i. m U.* «d i ve- entitle«! court, row <4. fi'- will. U< « <iki!»««>d court, within ten dnyaftoin tl.t ote <d ¡1 . .. im :< o of tin» butrn.o? » ui on >* u. it »• : \« u ¿. t«« n county, Oregon; hut if rerv« «1 in.t, .1 utt- ty in the State ol Oicioi., tic v . 1 ly •lay» from t! e datn of the *»«•)v ce < ! 11 .1 m ni ni one upon you; or it»civ««i « l j« u « t i « f tfio State of Ornon. or by pubGcat « . . if « u t > tl.e hrat day of the teira of court I<»!.« «* ,i b’.ci« rer- Iire, vn; 11 )«•> « ... < .* 1 Ami >«»u are L* r* l>y r:otifi«d t.'.Bt if :<mf:.'lto Hpp<ar »Ld li bwer roid c< ir j .. .1 > j - i J y quirrd. th® Plaintiff wiU et p<> to ¡1.« < « ui t l«.r h judenjent m»Hin*t Defer (kt 1» Miitii.li; nrd J ««hr Edy.foi the tvn* ot thirl« tu I t.Li'.t d u« Dui», with interret thcieu.” fi< m M l > b, ls^i . t u > j er cent, per aui um and 1« n per c. 4.1. of <j 1 mount ■ ddit-utiel «te Atton»« y’t < re- n.*o f« r .*• cl« c» « *• of foreclosure nrd «4J0 *f the m< tU ’ ».■ u ¡i«u: •» described in the said compUtrt. togeu a.th it e c« ctn ard diabtnt»« merle < f 11 .«■ ; «•*, •« n. Pubin-bed tn th® D bmocuaii «’ Ji>r* tr f;X « ohm cut iva week a by oruer <M ilo L ii Vcb- ter, Jo*’a®« f i-a.dW'Url, mauf-at cLi luhen <n J»nuHiy 11, lt&L GivwJuDdcr m>hard Ila» «ih ùay o i l lit M. X.aASFL, ItVrUrK S. *