* .. » .4 ‘¿■vUl if Taxes coming In slowly. Oregon now has 31 counties. UNITEO ¿TATU OFFICIAL PAU* THURSDAY M ARC 11 7, Frank Cardwell is in charge of the C. 8. saloon. 1*89. Staple fall and winter good* at Fisher’s. New »lock. • J M. E.uls of Foots creek was in town on Monday. OVÄ ILVRRI.XG HATES WITH OTH ER Pl’RLlCATiONs. Purtieepajrirg Parties payirg forth? T imv i MT. .» h in advacct* odvanc«*our «I our ___ of Sam’s valley was in town J ” 8 *_ March r«sluc«vd ca«h rntvH will be fnnm«h?d any of the 1 But Munday, following tiHmtsi publication« in connection with I thi« pap*r at the price* given below. It will be Now i« th? time to take up and advertise noticed that there it» a redu«*ti«»a of ar leant 15 «tray an mid*. • per cent. t»u pabli«her«’ cuatmnary rate« in every inatance, and in aom«« much more. l^ike county h groaning under a rapidly WlUCMLIt*. growing debt *3 00 Toledo Weekly Blade..................................... Harp r’a W»«vkly............................................. .. 5 70 Th? 17th of March is the next event on Scientific American....................................... . 5 14) the ducket. Detroit Free Pre»*»......................................... .. 3 un 3 UO New York Btar.................................................. M. *s Susie Turner is again in charge of New York World................. ............. . . 3 UÜ the Western I’uiun oilice at this place. Kan F hu MMC o Examiner.............................. .. 3 6C Now is th? time to subscribe for the Portland Oregonian....................................... .. 4 «II Harper’« Bazar................................................ .. 5 hl T imes , the best local paper in Oregc n. Pioneer Pre»«».. ................................................ .. 3 00 Ohl papers, in quantities to suit, for sale Chicaffo New«.................... .. 3 no btiaeouri Republican.................................... .. 3 «10 at the T imes office at 50 cents a hundred. Globe Democrat........................... .. 3 uo It you want to buy a l<»t in Tolu, do not 3 IMJ Philadelphia Time«....................................... Han Franci«c«> ( h H .. ... 3 10 delay, f.»r prices will be advanced in April Frank Leelie’» illnnt rated i*ap» r ....... .. 5 70 A J. Barlow ami Wm Stuart of Gold 5 70 “ Get ma:«.. Hill were at Grant’s Bass last Tuesday. Sunday M agnz»n««.................. 4 50 5 «o Popular M» ’itidy.................. J. N. Jones made a visit to friends at .. » 30 Budget ..................................... 4 5u Gr mt’s Ba.*« last week, returning on Sun­ Pleasant lloure ............... day. MON iLll-lE.*. We«t8h«»re. Portland Or............................ II 00 Kerr, alias Curti*. is engaged in painting .. rt (io a? Gra il’s Bass. He is »ti 1 incline I to be Century, 8crib.*:»‘r ■. Demorvet'e Magazine................................... .. 4 I IM flighty. Godey’« Lady Bo«»k........... ............. .. 4 I uo .. 5 > (I) Scott Gritliu of T »lo wants to buy 5000 8t. Nich«»laa ......... •............................ .. . 5 . 5.1 bushels « tout.*, delivered at his warehouse Harper’» M«>uthly 3 I 50 in Toto American Agncultunut ......... ......... • 4 . IM Harper’» Young Pe*»ple............................... Fresh-crop oranges, lemons, tigs, etc., . . 4 I O > Peteraon’n .Magazine................................... .. 3 I IX) at th«- 8. F Vai et> 8u.»re. 1 he best tn the Hou»»eke?per _____ publicati ____ »n» _ wid ___ I».* fiirni.-h»-i _ a’ h i rv- market. Other •ioced price when ordered with ila» ì ime *. TIME* BKIMLXG BOLSE l’atri' k Dunn and C. Mingus wi re down Jack*'»r.vili«’ Oregon. from Ashland on Tuesday last on legal business. Clairm/H Gleaniuffit. N. Fisher has just placed a splendid as­ C. Grieve* ami lam-iy are removing to sortment ot new lull ami winter goods on his »helves, • their new home on Jenny creek. M« i;?y is needed by the T imes Bublibh- Mr* F. Wortz started yesterday for Buf­ falo, N. Y where *h< wi 1 *p« nd * vtr.d »• g Co., and everybody indebted should settle at once months undergoing lutdicul treatment. Geo. Howard starts this we • f»»r Klam­ >.o rill Birdsey will be at Medford next ath county, where he will r«main *oin- time Friday and at Ashland on Saturday, col­ attending to the stuck iiUrri-P of hi* lecting taxes father. S ipt. M it« h«-1l: a* «»rgaoixed a new s< bool Mr. II«»lbirg and wit *, late «*f Washing­ k have Uw’s 8h»»r«** h-s * »1-1 hi ti in. :w*x *o»v< Itoa’iy fiun acres in w.'i ai, which i* .»»okmg w e i m les vast of <'l«»*---n. t«» A. D. z • r. .« «1 will - ooh go W.i ! i gio ; terr l • y. «- I i*her’.s nt w stock must _ voinpani*.«! by hl* family. oi c«»*:. « »li ami inspect g«>jJs bciorr • Wm. Ni« kvi.*«»n ami wile, f»»r • t r rt si- t<»< > arc picked t»»cr. deii s of *«»utbrra •> . _»-n, but ¡or* Ver.il . !» t’ o 1 y of 8oni's valley bus a Very year*» residents ».f < alu-»rni.i. are now the ■ I. w hi ii li a ha I a siega of pntu guest.* of Air. and .Mr . Sheppard ,»f thi* \i- u unia for the past Week. ctniijr. 1 he leg.N«atur»» increased the salaries of The Neil creek * h «-I will give i county judge, oi Ioike county to ami entertainment on 1 ri«lay < vt nin/. i uf stuck iiispe« t >r to 15th. An exten*ive | r gramme is arrangt «1 an«l something i«rsi-»*la-* of its kind is an­ A full l;ne «>f first-class garden seeds, ticipate»!. ir« h and • f tin* bc.-t varieties,can be found ♦ Supt Mitchell ha* Lit« ly f«»rm» «l a n w ai be 8 F. Variety Store. s»hool district, uf t »• ra-1 rn part«»! Neil Ct I ut lhe S. F. Variety Store, Jackson- ereek district. A *ch- »1 is ■.•».»n to I h * started in the new di-tri t with Sir*. W. v e, »ad get the biggest bargains ever of- icrc’t »ns-'.unern Oregon 5i«*k?r* n as tviK-hvr. The 8. 1* ' Ex:tmim-i ” is the best paper The Neil < re« k iv cum *ti'l . r«»*p» r- The '«,.t Don’t fail to leave your sub- «pi»*.*ti»»n di*« u*s»»«l at th«* la.*i meeting was: .m hi-.* coast scipti«»iis at the T imes office. "Resolved. I hat ih«* iritelh* t «»f w-nii »n is nut inferior to that uf m i■*.” ami r»**u!le.l A ' ii f 1'», oik ) of t ixe» yet rem am unpaid. in a victory for the all rmalive. A* th»-y bee me deiimpieut after April 1st, • it behoves fax-pay» rs to lustle. Th? winter term uf Neil cre»*< M-houl cl nv . s .March 2!»ih L. A. >imon*, teach« r. .* m: the T imes to your friends East, or r« port* ’he following pupils • n the roll «»f . ai any «>: In r p. tec. it an*w*ers better than h nor f«»r lhe month ending T r da\. Mai h ail iue «• tier* y .»u c.m write. 1st: Bell** K'»**. Myrtle Wei*. G»o >p<*n- i e *« ini-wet-k v mail s rvice be tween err, Fleming >|»»,ncvr Ar»* i«* Ki. «-.-id Th*»*. 11 ward. Waite- tlow .rd. Orval ■'am s v.i y ai d Spikvnartl, lately luati- gu: : »-l.i- :>r a i.ig a co.iw«ii *m*e. Dyer. Daisy Kinraid, l.< •’a Parke-. P rev Well*, Mi»e Di k. \V;iv:i \<»u <1 sh e a pleasant physic, try The beaiitiv.*of »he tramp nuisance were 8t. Paten k s Pi.Is. Fur sale at City Drug well shown near here Lot Saturday morn­ Store and Engel Bros.. Pinenix. ing. Th? <•« mk I ui t«»r of the southbound One of John A. Hanley’s childreu, aged freight, while attempting to prevent «»ne of the*? vagab »nd* from I- a»ding h * tfain at about 18 months, fell from a porch recent­ Stinemun, w,.* atfa-k»*«l by a tri»» or m re ly and injured its spine somewhat. of them and so badly injure«! a* to I«* una­ Tiiere have been a number of deaths re- ble to t»r«»»eed with th? ira n. * iiUn from cenak»’ riv r. are typi- A few copies < t th? American Settlers « al representative- of th- ‘ «»sc two widely »ti- Guide, stamiini authority cn all I ami vergent section* of Wa*h ! ;ngton. the hcuv- matters, inav b«* fouml at the J tmxs office. 1 . ’. h ' k’-'SV'.« ami th»- iiic tree ir»-»- • » ** prairie, both Shoesand ladies'dress! goods at greatly of them extrrimly fertile ami attracting many sett'er*. The numb« r also contain* reduc«.»! prices for lhe next thirty days at Keanu s A White’s. Call and examine stock. descriptive arii 1»to th» I iilanux»k regum, Oregon. thrSKagil vail y, Wa*hinglon. and th? Salimm riv» r region. I»iah«». ami arti­ cle* «»n th* subject »1 grain «1 valors, ti h pr«»p.»gati n. etc. of *p >« i.d inlc « *t i* the iir-t ¡ai of a *iro g story of Mormonism, » ntitb »1 "< hit •». Zion, and ihe first part <>i "A Story «»I the k am ah’ in pi m r «lay* A«'2 rs> i»?r year. If you wan’, to a mag .zine that is i riin iu I of valuable information about O.eg n. Washington. Idaho ami M«c.tana, sen ! tweiPv-tiw cents 1 >r as.»mplc copy. Pifpircd by a c.» nbination, proportion a i . -•»** p«*cu!iar l«» itself, Hood’* Sar- -» .ti■.».;« a-<»iup.i.*brs cures bitberlo un­ known. Alik'ftite Antic», Mr H?ndre is driving a tunne quartx ledge with fmr pr«»*pe( ts. Ti.e Lakeview Examiner ’ nominates D. Wil- \v A. Wilshire fur muyor and J lit. for recorder of Lakeview. Election Ma ch 18lli. W. A. McPherson, formerly of this place mi« mplates iii »k'iig »trip t-> bis old home i » 1 ridiana * . He is now a resident oi Portland 1 ne San Francisco papers say that the N» vada, < aliform and Oregon narrow gaage rai-ruad will s«K»n be extended to Lakeview. A we«i«ling t«x»k place in Spokane Falls, the other dav, where Mr. Wood espoused a M.-s Pyl?, < f Rathdrum. The notice read ‘ Wood-Pyle.” n on his Geo. ami Orbit L'-wis have bought a mi» e on Walker creek ami wdl engage in wing. J B Welch of Meadows precinct has removed his mill to a first-class location. an I is engaged in manufacturing superior lumber. This has I ?» n a «‘u I • ason for th»* min­ ers in th:* sectioo ot la* <•«unty. «»wing to the scarcity of waler. There is considerable movement in real-estate in Jacksonville, several pieces McLaughlin A Crabtree are tflnncling of property having changed hands lately High bar on the left ban ihok of Sucker at good figures. creek with »«»me »how of sii k r*. A. J \Ycek.s, who i u cha«ed the Staml- Mart Powers and family ;«i»<-n hav»* i»»r th«* »:<>...-t and laid i«:le .*o Jorg, will turn it into a box will remain throughout tn«* lumbering sea a;;«i lur.iiiure factory. sea. Tw»» hundred thousand shingles wanted F. W Forbs is er»» ti »g anew store build­ ing at Althou*«* an«» win «io busim *• on a delivered al I’oio. Must t>e of the best -inality Addre*»«, with lowest cash price, larger sca«e than « v* r, which will be a great ijcott Gritfin, Tolo, Or. * convenien -e lor in»* mining community ui this part of the country. The late sh«»«»tmg-match at Canyonville I) M G wa* well al tended and several good "shots” i».»rti q»ated h'.i.icr Gazley and E L Red- A W't ll~df»rrrrfi R> roynltion. field won the two first prizes. F. M. Overberk. th«* wry efficient and J a*. Savage «»f Woodville precinct, one of popular night « hi«*f oprrat«»r - f tb<* Portland Western I i»i(*n «*ffict* iva ve* to-ni h » h» a»*- our pr«»gir>».ve farmers, has invested in a irnctum »ngme, which he bought of r« pl the managership of the >ratllr «-tli v Hoover A < ’o. oi Gram’s Pass. for the same»'«»mj any. Pr»*vi«»U' to hi* «1« parture the employes »>( th ■ Western I'niun At the school meeting held at Gohl Hill an«l Postal «»Iti et present»«! him with a I. im Monday, J. W. Masterson, J. W. hamhomv g» l i-heade«l cane, a« conipunicd Mark.*bury ami E Ray were elected direct­ with go«»»I wish«**» anre- him .«no e-* in bi* new fi«*' I < f lab«»r. ne sold at a reasonable figure, either for gonion cash or note with approved security. Apply soon at the T imes oifi«;e GraNf*« /’» ism 1 l‘Cfif>n. Con.*i«l* r.ibl. mt rest a a* manifest «1 in the recent town elrcii«»n al Grant’* P »** 212 vote« having b» « n« a*t The prii « ii»al contest was over thec«»um*ii and two »lilter- ent sets of candidate*, with «me ex- « ption. were placed in noininalmii. The following offb er* were elected f«»r lhe ensuing term : Mayor, J. C. Campbell, m» «»ppo-ition; councilmen, J. A. Joining*. \V. T. « '«»bur ». J L. Scott an« 1 T. P Jud*-»:», defeating J W Howarii, H. C. Kinm van i S E. Hark- nes.* , recorder. IL G. Smith, no oppo-itmn; marshal. J. H. Colby, «locating J. H Pat­ rick ; treasurer, Ja* T. Tuff*, no opposition. Everything pas*e»l off siimothly. Sudden Death. Ira Terry, an old man *»9 year* of age. for some ye ir* a resident of Table Rock and Trail creek pre- im u*. droppe I dead at the resilience «•! J■ A. IL'Uston «»n L »ng Br «n h. last Monday » vening. Hr h «Home d«n\ > from Ids h me on Trai crerk to atte <1 the annual school im eting. and in'emhd re­ maining at Mr. IImiMo v might. ID- had arisen from h's « h or ( •.> > >upp. r when he suddenly fvlL and afu rga pingior breath a few tim-’». • \;.ired without 'prat­ ing. He ie.iv« ■» a wife and four small • hild- ren 11.'Monarch saloon at Medford, under ih«' management ot H. H. Wolters, is prov­ ing a p »pm ir resort. The best of every­ thing in that line is kept there ; 1» was the intention to turn on the elec­ tric lights at Ashland last night. A large numb' i ot poles have been erected and the city will be brilliantly illuminated. U H. Bostwick and E L Hendricks were over from Applegate on Tue*dav. Mr. Bostwick intend* s-tting out «piite a large orchard on his recently purchased ranch. I The boys in tow n are somewhat exercised over th? report from Ashland that the bovs of th * Granite city ar«* organizing a very strong base ball nine for the ensuing sea- * n Chamberlain's Ev? and Skin Oiriment is uxt'pii’t-.l for «4 1 chronic * »res. Manv j-cople have been permauenrl.v cured by it. F«,r * »le by Pity Drug Store ami Engel Bins. Blnrnix The To'o Town-ii«* A Mil i ig Company <4h*i I »«* !■ >r > »o each ,'lu cash, balance in m-.nt ly payments of $.» a month. For in i ,»i rahgenwiirs. «*«11 on or ¡ftddrefta the *«cr* t.iry, 8co«t Griffiii. • The nobbiest ami latest styles of bats, shirts, neckties, collars, cuffs, scarf pins, I.otl, Strayed or Sfot^n, collar-buttons, etc., in southern Oregon From the ranch o( lhe undersigned on Jackson creek, mar Jacks«»nvi le, on? canalways be found at the 8. F Variety Store. Call and see for yourselves. black mare, 12 y« ar* ol«l, w «ght about li>X) I'OUnds; lifts collar «ml saddle marks : also Many land filings ar? being made in the on? bav fillv. 3 \»:»r old o M with white hight'r mountain* ami bench lands in the Ma? tn forehead, bramied with the l?tn r font Pill*. Ti»?r? is some choice land re­ “ V' on sb«‘ill ’er M ♦ r? last be.«rd <>f <•«» maining pi the outlying precincts, mostly Footserc'k in Augii*t last Twe .tv D »! covered with brush and chapparal. lars reward will l e paitl f«’T their return to Th? school el«*«*tion for one member of my ranch or to the T imes uiH»e. th? board ami tor clerk for the ensuing H. A ».».is X . v« a*, resulted in the re election of Jas. K. Neil for member of th? board and of J H. Ao/f-phttf Granfi Tin* fo*l«»wing g- -ml jnr«»r* were enip ti­ Buffer t »r ch rk by viva voce vote. tled for tu? Mandi t« rm of th? circuit Th? la ? legistiture passe*I a law pr.ivid- «• nrt for Jnseph’m* comty. now in * **i« : ing <«tistrict attorneys shall lie allowed C. (>. Bigvl-’W. foreman: H. <'a**«b . R P pa dav lor every dav while the circuit George. A. K Ku-*. I. K. R -per. Edward c urt is in »e -v- hi . Her«»t.»fore he receiy- (’«»x and J. E li Ilan I The jury w» r«- in v»i pay o. ty wtiii» the grand jury sat. *e**i«>n «»nlv tw«»«iivs a-* ttur«lay last and called on the T imes . i;itv«l. but no further imli« tmenN were He reports th? outbreak of a mysterious malady reseiiin-ing h«>g cholera, among ound. ih? swine n th? Iow*r p »rt ot th • vnhev Potlo for air. We trust th.it rim trouble will turn out t«> niHthlng .liber ihon the regmar East­ Tw> hundred tiue. lar»? «•» dar i»«»st* can h* be obtain <1 cheap by applying to th? Trx» ern b« g cholera, as that distnse has bere- office at once. tokre been unknoAO tn this valley. See the advertisement of administrator's sale of pers Hial prop» rt y belonging to th? estate of C. B»,acb, deceased, to be sold at tli? premises of A. H Platter, in Jose­ phine county, on the 23 1 inst. There is n«> «lar ger in giving Chamber lain*» Cough Remedy to children, ns it con­ tains no injurious substance; Beshlvs it is unequalled for colds ami « roup Chihliea like it. Forsak* bv J. W. Robinson an I Engel Bros , Phoenix. Read «»ur gram! clubbing Inducements published elsewhere, .uni it y«»u want tin» leading journal of s »utbern Oregon and the best newspaper or periodical in the Cniteci State» tor th? price of one, call or send to the T imes oflive. Cramping pains in the stomach and bowels, cholera morbus and diarrhoea are promptly, permanently nnd safely cure«l by using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diurrh«ea Remedy. 8*4«! af City Drug Store a ml bv Engel Bros . Bn «»• iix. Eisewhere will be found th»; ann >uuc- mtnt of the grand opening ball at th? 8t. Cloud House in Central Point next Tues­ day evening. A *u:nplu«»u-» rep iM will he spread and the best of music pruvi led. Al siiould attend ami enjoy themselves. A millsite, miilra«*? and sidetrack wiil te furnished by the T- I » Townsite anil Milling Company, for a mmiina! sum, to any res| ousibD party wh > will put up a rl »ur mill at T<»!«>. For u lrticul u * ad»ii «'*s or call oil the s *«*rct.iry. 8«*ott Griffin. * P EI¿S(K\AL MENTIOS. J»»hn week. A. Love went to Portland this Guo. W. Colvig left for Salem last Sun div evening. II. D. Th »miss of R»»N*4>urg win here on Tims»lay on business Ad. Helms of Talent .’* atl«md.ng circuit court at Grant's Pass. John W. Ma.-terson of Rock Point pre­ cinct called last Sahi'day. Wm. Bybee »«nd C. H. G. ant’s Pass this week. Bean were ut Moses Mansfleld of Grant’s Pass was nt Talent a few rr Chamt»?riain s C»>ugh Rtunedy a* soon as the child becomes tioar?e. Il is p!<*.t.*ant, laud, but Mill r«*uirn m a short time. and safe to tuke «n-i perfectly ivliibb* .1 Linviil? ot 1 ib'e Rock «a led on us t‘ri*e, 50 cents p rootilv. For sale by J uh: e at the county-seat last Munday W. Ruoinsun a d Eugei Bros.. P.mvn x HT.re Beitoa and Lindsay Siscin >r»* Remember that AVer’s C;ierry P»*ct«»rul were over from Sam's vaiDy Tuesday. has no equal a* a specific fur rul l*,c »ngus, Mr. Do k r «nd his lirlc son of Walilo, and all »uiectiu is of the thr-»at a id lungs. For nearly naif a century it ha* bcih in were in town Tues Lty and Wednesday. greater demand than any other remedy fur E Ja *-»bs ha* been c<»nli ied to hi- ro mi pulmonary complaints. Ah druggists with i »m i*' . but is much i:npioved now. have it t r sal**. C. 1 ¡‘.«rk«-r has remove! iron Gall’.* Tor the best turnouts tor ail ucca.-ions call at the Exeel.*n»r livery stable in Ja< k- c.iek and become a r«**idvi:t of Gol i Hill sonviiie Piymale s price* ar»* «put«' r« a Mi * Fannie Sluver of Grant’s Bass, who sonable «mi he never fails in giving satis­ hi* been visiting this place, lias relume«] faction You will also d«» well tu patron­ home. ize his stage in;? running between this pla- e ami Me»lh»rd. J. K MeAtTee of Saiii's valley h.'is return­ ed from bis trip I»» 8.in J«»;.«pnn valley, A voi«T ai-pe.H jm « s. A worthy genti»- ’al. man. h«v mg .»n u « hi -u il r»>i lo se, wa* long sii«p?»*U-d «;f being a lipper on the to i 'u* -* >ly. by 1.1 > cool Well a» «platan «1 w I : hi* al G» .Mil’- • fi tly lm,.»lute b.iu. II * u 1-. • u- t::»le «il.*tigurem«*iil .i* lea-.i V CUiv t b> 8 .in I ’ • R'»b ».till ,..*» • 2 ,»)-• I.» ~ i Fr »r * 8 »r.*ap trill.i .*.« cept a posili »n wit«i Frnkliau*»* Dutard’s Spec ti»- is a i a >*ohit- « ure IT A (’.». a i erip live «I’*- »;-»** of tie* *niu, *m*L ft* Mr*. i> >wditcb,mothero: (’ ») J. T Bov. *ait Rheum, Bail»?! .* I .1., K ug W r-i>. ! «liich of Ashhu d is paying Gram's Pa-' scald bead mi l ail iteiiiug •», u.fl mie 1 «<» i a vis.t dilions of the skin, wlu iher arising ir on distaseor exposure. It is puarair.ecd in Dr. Minnis of Me ilord w..s in town 11 rs every case. 8,41 by E. C Br »ok*. dav. ami paid the T imes otfi■•»• a friemily call. Woman’s mo-t failhfu* friend is Oregon ME DEO RD SQVUtS. Much real-estate is »till changing bands Jas. Fowler han gone to southern Califor­ nia. Miss Effie Tice h**s r«*tnrn?«l ir *m Port- Liiui. R»v E McLean i- p y , f\ ¡ a visit. Dr Pryce was ut Grant's Pass during the week. Inh ndim? settlers continue to arrive on every train The lumber famine still continues, so builders say Dr. Pu k?l reports lhe health of Medford as much improve«!. 11. Fiindt s hew stor»* is now open and doing a g«»o«l bu.*im ss. The annual school meeting, la.*t Mori­ «lay, was will nttemietl J u Ig«' <'. awf«'Hi ha* b«*< ii i ni G runt's Pass « n l«*,%il business Ih«* sc.ir. i;y uf !umh»*r »f?':tvs building op Tatums L« tv vic mm b. Mr-. L■•«!« i ot w«‘<- r:i <)n*g- n i* visiting h«*r brut hers, the M«'.>?rs. Hal.vy. Cha*. \\ Wolttis has et.lurged his prem­ ise-’ ami men ;i*»«i bis eto« k <»• gou«l*. The leccnt revival meetings here have rcsnlie«! in a number « f converts. 8. 8. p< ntz E*«| , ui Meihord ha* one, of the fit v.*t libraru-s south < i S.Pem, The sl.erifl will b? her«; <»n th«» 8tti inst. t\ r the pur!»'»*«• <>f receiving taxes R*»l»rc*cntativi* II war I of J«»-« p' U j ? » oui B} sj t nt a lew «lays h re l.t -t week (’ W. 8kiel is )' l’.»:i« t!A F »’*. !» r ’Mt| fake p,.„ >Vi.*itii; of th« ir iicw •'' <»««* buil«lmg un Front street thi-» we k. Err: B B.b •■.*! Babeu, k. m »ling « n (' *tl<‘<4 ;,-ij »'HI ig R. H. Ha iv\ s tin*h 1» L i a- »•;, is m w a |»«*riiiHm*i.t re.*i • ¡»•..t oi Mr if--»»! ..nd ba- L < »» ue iii.t*re*tv«l in his brut hcr’s bu.- i. »ess. Waler Was liirm d into the uew •liu h a few »lavs ag«i und work un same wid be « ompk-te«l in a short turn*. Th? G A R propose entertainment hen* on tin parti» ulars will sum u? ,*» ii y»»n : y* .r p * ; « it the b»s*. 4 qire « • ; . i jeai-e t.iie > '1 «... :. J.V 1/ ORTELLES. -------------- 0 Gracie E., only and b?l«»v?d danght**r of J a-. A. and Fannie Wibyn. died at i • fa » Uy mi dence. Wednesday morning, Feb. 27lh, 18b9, Hged 7 years. 3 month« ard 2 dajs. Only»» little joarwy on life’s great hi»rh-way, n f« w sinless y.-ars of *w«*< t trusting chiidl.oo«i. h f.*w months uf school of»*, where the little un(- enm«» and went, beloved by»*o^v«*nt teachers and baih-d Ly little rlasnuiates as the p«*uc«vnak- r. A tiny wavelet, breaki -g on tie* shor«»s of wbooi life, and roiling ba k m<*ca*?l?HH u? r«hMi " th« hand of a hit!«; <*bild. Finished an* the h'nrone, an i f<»'d«*ouk wlwre tin* L hand tj.«<*. !: «» accurate.y it* first cliaractvrH t«» b- <« rnpi« t?d by the Recording Ang-1 o.i th«* gn u m oil . ii|»on wmohi Uns great pall of affliction has no suddenly fai. eu, and who like Rachel «re m«»ur..ing for th«-»r 1 ov « m 1 ««ne"refneing to L*» « un.foried b< -* n-«* *hei* ii *t." a ho*t of sorrowing fri«*n«‘*- «•■• hi »* ii thw V«»i(*ele-H iHl'gUHgt* of t< .. -s »-•.«* il\ t’irn to in--iaor.,’« aithfu. c . i -r.i « m J • .• • ? . • . aga n to ih * i.. ncilesi- ii-.ip. rtb-- ;h o in. :*• . . b who have t gather again m the garden of G«*i hio m »*.«* to ■'weep Willi tho*0 wh-» W»*.*p ’ m s_. mj»:»*h *t heart—throbs < f human love and pity mat make a 1 the worl«i akin. Borrowing pan-nts, when un*r ifui sle.-p < »nn« t t«» the pillow, w.*t w:«-tear ofa.gn- o-.i«.- ful visions of ‘‘their nng«*is «ho .iu idw.i^s h«* hold th«* facoof the fati < i" gath<*i in sJ i t co-.n- pa«'ou t«» Ii »1«! rummuni«» . with y< i:r weening soul« in the night w Ucm*.-; 1 o ■ I.A shall touch With «-n l.*aring t-'ii'Jorw s tue«| ir>. a d angel * are a cendi ig and d» »ding i Thought ; Heaven «»» far, and y-*t so m*ar. 'V hen the in»»rn.» g .■»•): -hi; • o; <*aks wi b »
• «i*.Hp< J . g i . VI-UU.S of I i;* t inn»*. ‘ r* d <1 Mi l- <;t sorrow shall be .h d a*i I your s -ul- -h.il ! » ch«»* t «*«I, r-freshed, puriti -1 a ,«i « m;.u.*.l I. lhe loving pr«»e* c»* <»f the juuniu abb- c-enj: n > of angel«" who ar» aiou: -1 a* d »:bou: you. !_>» « sleep --.not *-!■ r. ;.l . m . m » ij ti..* my«ti<* rat»** w»l open wid.j and the li to* o : s w.» ting r th»-.- will welcom • the sorr< v» m n i-ihuci h to i; u» i»- and rest evarmor«;. $le»i;»,’itt’'i«»J •* >*p,w;. 1< th«« Idoonrng 11« »?*<•• aid t*i.d»r g <>;-*• * your last «• -sling p. . r <*hoit»fc< v- rdum i>«* «uty and gcntl«« z pl y r-. < haut j-tir I- :;J-, *‘i marvel. r idi •*, On the full throbbing of an a-.ge.’s hear ' MISCELLANEOUS. The Favorite Medicine for Throat and I.ttng Diffi­ culties has long l>een, and still is, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It cures Croup, Whooping Cuugli, Hronchitis, and Asthma; sooth.-s irritation of the Larynx and Fauces ; strengthens the Vocul Organs; allays soreness of the Lungs; preveut Consuiuptlon, and, even in advanced stages uf that disease, relieves Coughing and induces Sleep. There is no other preparation lor dis- cases of the throat and lungs to be com- pared with this remedy. . , 1 ( *‘My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. Wo tried various in. di. inns, but none did lier any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral, Which lias cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough wm. relieved by the use ol Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I Lave no hesitation in recommending this 1 I ' i , Cough Medicine j to every on? afilirt«*«!.”— Hubert Horton, 1 or«mail Murnllton, Ark. “ I bare been afflict?«! with asthma for forty years. Last spring I was taken wi’h a violent cough, win« h threatened to t« rnnnai«‘ my «lays. Every on«« pro- nounced me in consumption. I «leter- min< »1 to try Ayer'.* ('lu rry Pectoral. It* «*ff«*< ts w<-rc magical. J was imnie«ii- at«*ly r« K» \«t as ordered, is a guarantee that the style ana quality of the goods will be as near right as w« know how to have them. IT MEANS PREPARED EY That you will get the benefit of the lowest market prices. We have facilities for buying which few merchants anywhere enjoy, and tne result is that we generally effect for customers a saving of from 10 to 25 per cent. We have but One Price, and all goods i re marked in plain figures. Dr. J. C. Ayer 3c Co., Lowell, Mass. < I • Dr. M .’. Put «-ft. '.*»* . « Bold by all Druj^iets. Price f 1; «ix Lottie«, f 5. i ’ ».’<■.»1, «1 her?. ‘ In* ru. i *ery well rvrr«.s. ire.I i . .V Tur :»>e:al mm oy-d« r* «*• recm tiy Mr N I? 1- given l»y It»? l.»d<« * aid .* i y net’id a w rite* I tak n* at -urn aim was an vi j y < v« tn. m--ndin»» Dr Ki H« in**, t t* b'':-».J \ i i >i, ami McFa»i «-O'.<‘u:i p s»m. h k '■ len s I t.vle I- n's (\:l»*>j (’<». ppifoitmd alt a» k ol br. n It here last u«*ck. Neither gave the best of nu* instant relu : h Kidney Tea. It is *pe«i«l!v adapted to L A Allen is recovering from a severe satisfaction. ii."< and I hav«* not 1« »• - complaints peculiar to delicate system*, spell of sickness, ami is now a resident of I Th? Medford band h v* one of the band- b«**g to -fate th.it I h q and works like magic without leaving any this place. ’«•iiiC'l band wagon« in th»* state, ami may with no go.>d r *’U: . unpleasant r.ftvr «fl*< t*. Ortg’m K>dn<-\ E (• V\« r» gr. t tol arn of the cont nued b«d justly feel ur«»u«l of it. They are in.-ikin, i; ic Bit tors iiiid Dr I lea is a purely Vig-taUle pr«*p.»r«tion mi I /1 I b »th <»f wi; < h I « is unequaled in K duey ami I’rinaiy <«»m- L. aliiiui lhos. Haymond of R -« E Point •x»mmc»ul::b!e progiess. I) precinct. Ki N« v,- l> c. I). Genry, the suc-»i a while L uger, Every- uni: .in tie. I ____ I the head «»f "i»t w this w.*«*k” ha* optned is in the employ uf the S. P. D. A L Co. al - -b-rv'. body is gi.id to k.»in tnut. <»: ant ’ s Pass. up an uffic«' iu llmnlin’s Ikock and Will be treet For sab* at a bargain — a ro»y dwelling prepare»! t«> a.i* '«*.- mi « I L <)riur«»f Fr«»is creek an«l H G. Fitch *ional servici *. H rv< , Clothing, Ptirnlahlag oí Tims. T Turner ha* gone lo Seattle, W .intel »pe. 'The <1octor lias The bu ;zi. s-i of the town i- increasing bo l-i/.L, Xoiion*. Hat'-, shoes, Miilin.ry, Trunks, Baby T., lo take a . ■»* ron *.n th? \V. U. teh- r.*«p»«iiv thai it will Le !•?<*?*■*•.irv t«> expand ti m a* an «><■ u i-t w bib- ii Ci.rriajii, Ilinuehold .SuppUet, etc. GUNN’S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS gr.*«j»'i • tti ih* r • 1 in g« neral practice. a r« - - lb- a - :. . \ . r bnibl blisine*« Cure DR. Sick-Htadache. by correcting the Stomach, Bow­ h u- s a ’ «» ig I ron ’ . -•? « sh» rt litn? els, Liver and Kidneys : beautify the complexion by pu Jo ni F U h » " < r Weshiiixt hi t«*rri Fred Barn burg this we *k »1« l.ver« 4 to«* rifylng the blood; mild in their action, pleasant to »axe, Work has ' . ■ . » i.» w fl u rema tnler <»t lhe sta'l f« n < i the v.u.uu« M M Harkness. Esq . ot Gram’s Pas*, pl«« »*, b i* g«»ne to Minne*uta for the pur- tograph or crayon of tha giver, made by r remedial agents used. Logan, th? Ash.ami photographer He al­ a well-known attorney, paid our town a p«.se .-I « t h* g up In* bu*im ns affairs, and I 1 ways has tiie latest noveltie.* iu fini*h. and visit last Saturday. li will r< h:ro m a tew ii: i.ii.s Meanwhile The proj urtivi) In wliich th? i xd*. I if von call at his gallery you wid learn the Cmi-tiuc ci: .th? bulling wi 1 pro- li 111 Representatives Bowdilch ami Price* gns*. herbs, barks, etc., arc mix> d. Suiiietbing new ai»«»ut pictures were here la*t week ami were welcomed 1 i » •I fl!.«» dut? of H. H. Wo!t« rs, the mixologist, has re- Persons trouble«! with rh< umalisin by th«*ir many friends. 11. is 1 The process by which th«** r.rtivo opened the saloon formerly by a . H . W WEBB, should try (’hamberlain** Pain Balm. One medicinal properties are secured. M. M Harkness and Arthur Conklin of ('arl*<»n, thoroughly relrtm btnte Treasurer and mak­ application will ease the pain, ami its »-)■»• GranCs Pass have been appointed notaries ing many i»i»| i o • menf.. He has siippii» d tinned use has cured many ca* *s of chron­ The result Isa medicine of unusual strength - . s BUYEBS’GUIDE 11 the bar with the lim *t win» «, Injuoisami ic ami infl immatory rheumatism, that public by G v. Pennoyer. and cui.itivo power, which iffi Ucv.r« s here­ : ■ Sept , cigars, «nd a tin»* tullia t t :b!c can afro b«» hail r?*i.«te I other reme h«* ami even the Ike Mensor of Pori To.vns *nl. W.T.. tofore unequalled. These peculiarities b«*h.ng / > v*<< •» yoar. It is an ency- treatment of the best phy*i«ians. Pii «•, i a*sed through the valley this week, tn found ftn-re. Gi»e h ;.i a «• Ji h.r In will exclusively to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and are treat y »u well. • of ITSOlul infor- 50 cents per bottl«‘ rur sale by J. W. route to 8an Francisco. * r : :: who pur- Robinson and Engel Bros., Phoenix. It is am oii;>< , J th.it Wm 8lingcr, H. E V - . the luxuries or tho Assessor Childers. W J. Nichols, John Baker. W. H. Ba:r B W. Bow II and .r We have just received and are receiving new gciods every week Portland. Oregon. July 31. We Connolly an«! J. \V. Fieslmur of Bain’s W. Sh ot hav« f.rnu.1 a partnership for While I was in Tillamook last wii.t r I valley calle.I last Saturday. • . - ’ l «ürnr h you with Ilond's Sarsaparilla is prepared with the direct from the manufacturers which will be sold at th? pun ....... • du t g .» packing Lu*i- was affected in my back an-l kidneys so nr. .. » . nd nuDcce«.sa*y greatest skill ami care, l y pharmacists «1 -i! th jt t!,« y have pur- M«>*• s (»rifli* and Wa'ker of G«4d Hill, n« ** al '¡.is p .. that it was almost impossible f »r me to . k, c.'.’.ice, f leep, education and lung experience, lienee it K a based .no- t a! <»( J. B. R'd.il? and r-ach t’m llaml. Wh**n I got here I wa* f he w« I.-Known mechanics, «refit (»rant’s « Will I , . .. . go lo church, » re: I it brie), b’ dl*'g Oil it s()«»!l medicine worthy of entire confidence. If you •n VA1ÍOU3 f / 2S, induced t » try Ike Oreg »n K im v Tea. I Puss, whore they have several contracts. suffer fr«»in scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ­ • • -. J »•*.>*. figure ev t drank al n»y m* al*. t'ic t« a m ule ir«»m it. I ease of the blood, dyspej sia, I iliousne: s. sick Mi** MolBe Merriman was the formr.aie tt ill 5 » ■ » ' ! there thir.jju and it has »tb'Ct«*d a r.i-lic.il cue I «an 1 «un mu írJr headache, or kidney and liver complaints, highly’ recommen I it !•» a l who are mH ct- young lady who obiadud th? firnt-gradt* Bedroom suit- $20, $25 and upwards, with large. German plate Thv Io. . < ) \\ i ; «ertiti a'e at the teacher’s examination the BUYERS’ ed as I w.»s Sold by E. C. Brooks. catarrh or rheumatism, do not fail to try looking-glasses and wire and wool mattresses. >*uk« ii p u c ■ oui last week. oe sen* upon E. C ohn . W T Burnvi. to 0 J Parlor sets, black walnut, covered with red worsted plush, new B B Beekman went to Salem the f««re- A nuint.cr of th? ar; li<*ant< tor certifi­ lot in .*«■<• Li. t » 3>>. K . ■ • - s » cates at lhe examinutmn la*t week were part « f the week, and w.n admitted to and beautiful paterns; marble top tables: bedsteads from $2 50 to $5; Emma .1 u.-t»i * to.I K •’I recomnwnd Ilmd's Sarsaparilla to all ...**. id not aware of th«* rigid requirements of tn? praeuce hi the suprein? court upon motion Heber «l«»naliu « »laim. ruy friends as the best bhod pr.rif.er on »•hairs from 90e to $2 50. Oreg»>n educational law* ami we trust that of Judge Brim J K Rowland h- J J II.» earth.” W m . G aff , druggist. Han.2t- n. <•) those who failed to pass the ordeal wiil not Hon. J. D. Whitman of Medford was in in Heber donain>n . : ;.:n H(H>d's Sarsaparilla has cu. «*d m»' of scrof­ become discouraged at their l ick of suc­ town Monday ami Tuesday . testifying be­ H 8 Evan* to t) (;.u.. H. ulous humor, and done inc worlds « 1 good cess, but rather that they will «pialify to fore referee S?il in th? case of Anderton to one-hall int« n -i m h,: otht iu .- v v C. A Ai: •< i !'• ’ obtain first-grade certificates before the vs. Hammon Bro». A.-hiand >. -I. A book containing mat y ¿.ddiiional Hate- next quarterly examination takes plao I *aa •* u> J - -| Wallace Gray ami wife late ot Dakota are t|»37b, KJ w. Grammar and history were the breakers tneiits of cures will be sent to idl who desire. o Gilt wall paper, splendid patterns, ami everything usually found in that swamped most of the applicants’ stopping at Tbos. Wrights' at Willow Martha M « «> v l<( < t • llippvy . l it A hopes. Springs and will probably locate some­ < 'oo»*ey a»i , u | a first-class furniture establishment. where in the valley. Lil« i .aia J u -:iix | , | \| Sold by all »•«• 11, Ip .’M .*. R j Dr. Geo. <). DeB ir la«t 8iturday pur ­ ì Ì i- w- P.-ks t» n I . i; ? I rm befn renovated only by C. ». HOOD i CO-. 1-owell. Ma»». Hartl well, editor of the Marion (Iowa) Pi (J 1 Co i»» A Ih'-mb hF«»njrhout i,;. 1 ami examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. b»t,” will, we believe be uf interest to many chase 1 W. H. Barker’s fine residence in IOO Doses Ono Dollar. of our readers He says "It is with Jacksonville and will take possession of the block 7. G
. IL 2 W. \ k «» u -. .*?.:. - ■ •» f»*r < of. mi * travcJera >217 ». Chamberlain’s Cough R nn*dy I have 8 ott Griffin ami C. c. 1 Rairsdale of Tolo - . ; on with the hotel. Eva T. Rowlaml i - E ihiiih J intus; 33 used it in my family for ye.u s ami have al­ m ide the T imes ofti'e a call «luring the acre* in Heb r d<>n qma « lai n. < on -ider.- ways fouml it most excellent, and « spec.al- ivn k. The former h is lately returned tion ?-'*». ly for colds, croup ami * >re thro it. * it 1- from a trip to California. I J H Breeding t«< i * » - «» W..... hili- E. P. CSARY, M. D., -af? and cff-ctive ’ For *a be J. W ceinet« ry . 1 a-, r a t| •-<. 11 I W Í. Miss Henrietta Moore, who was in at Robins« n ami Engle Bro*.. Ph •« nix M\I1, KOUTE. BHY8DTAN VXD SI B .¡>»X W Hari»« r to *uim-. I a- r«- . . * urn t«»u n- tenaiice on the teachers' t xaniination, be­ T B. Merry, the genial and , jovial editor camcqu te dl while attending the exercises, shiu. |2. Max Fra« lit :»»<)<. d ; Io. 2 in Mi kel- of lhe Yr« ka "Union’’in <* „ syne, bhe i* now convalescent. days ‘ lang * »’»'s tra- t, A-iii.ind. >|-»o.t. and now connecte«l with the Sunday • M«*r- on Eno* Babcock and son recently from Da ­ Olli.e in Hamlin'« bl O 1 « «» to lie»» La | .¡s .», b, 7 ami 8, cury, was on last Friday 's northbound OT V.IS I.I AVI .1 A< K - >N\ILLE E5 FRY at reel. train, accompanied by his wife.en rout»* for kota I i . i V»; be- n at Kock Boint fors nnetime block <). R R ..d«ii ¡on t > Adi . >«l. $3*i0. i » Y» ¡ . i i : ; .\ •* »>■.•!<> *1; a . V. f«»r Wil- O T (’«» u» Mr- W J < .mu ngham ; lot 13. '!«*¡ V!1L . r» t : t’l!:-* f ■■»•-«iuys :»:’ l»*.i\ — ■ •» i i.’t t\ «ui \V«*iiK «1 iyo at 10 Australia, where he was «ent as one of the near Widow Springs and remain in ihis bin« k I . R R t j |nj ,n fl, A-hhiul Noticsof Fin-li Si’.’tb m. . ■’ i ■ ' ■ O T < «» to (’na.* Clark; I »•.* 2h. «><» ami 31. V 8. commissioners t » th* world s fair vallev. I» In t l.e Cou-il v ( ’ onrt .»f t ì; • S •!■* c'f O: • .?. . f«»r k M, R I; d-iiii n. A* .land. 1210. which recently closed there Mr. Merry J. R Morri*.)», of Long branch, north t.ti» County <*f Ja«*k«*<»n < > 1 lot«» M r- Ii;ia Zimm« rinan : I«»I 13, devoted especial attention to the mining of th? river, cam»; «1 own on Tuesday after In thè m&tter <>f t!>«* «*stMt»* <»f G--.»r«.:e l arl«»w, interest w hile abroa«i at»«l is of th? opinion a cotfin in which to enter Ira Berry, the b , R 1 W H25. Americans in scientific working of quartz. on Monday evening nu:.i-tritt.-r <>f thè est t< ol (».'-orgeFar G W llow.nd -» \V R li- i»«b.»tbam; l«»l l«»w. «leceftaed. h «s tiiM in Un* coiuity < «>urt John Walker, an unci? oi Mr*. Win. By of Jackson coanty. Oregon, hi- linai ¿.c«*-».:nt a .■j'-o D. W. Kaup returned to Portland not 10, bio *k I , M» h.r I «»ich admimstrator, ».>!'i by ori- r «h *-a;i •*r to \\ < • r . v<* • ¡0 arc» - in sec «un« mter«*. tisi an* h?r» by n<»«.fit «I to Hpp«* ir firn r .¡, ,;,, - if • ;i - '■ ■ » • • -, f■ >r <»» n lioj»?«, tiHroic where he is now living, for a visit to relative» al present. in, tp.;» s. i: * \\ * filo bis or ber objcctiou» t«- bai»!’»ecouiJ oj or ' ;•’.<*,>. .li’il . - : I*. h».ir-brcadl I» «‘H- and friends in this vicinity. Walker creek Sta'v t»> A .1 Tnvl«»r; ’<» .■ .|M-. : .1 !*e -, Lu: .’-t«» I Jiixl strug­ « in >cc 14. tp bofor? hh . ì I day. Rev. J. 8. .McGaiii of (Dant’s Ba*s has .35 8. R 2 W near town wks imine«! after Mr. Walker Puhiìahod by order «»f l! -r*. J. R. N** I. -L? Igr gi* h . h»? »V i ■!..*• au ! tJ. «•* »’nt -, p» rilou* jour .< si i. ami lie wi I b* rem • iioercd by ail obi pio­ b> • n • p: uii'ted *up«*rintcml?!it of the In of «aid c«»urt. , .JU. •*.•>!: .1 : ; . * » il.’ •• .— eh nTI«i JHHg- A i. >urd; |» t* 1 ami *2, no »1 at the Silitz reservation, while W P. IAKL'l.V . ' • ,■ . ■ '.•• tin cL:i|- neers as the m»n who w.** riding with dian block Oi. M <|;\. d. .$p im. «‘ u I m 4I* cv « rjiLine. th? scene of his earlier residence since about Ti-.v L»- ; tu • * 1 »• 1 A.-»*: : f «•’••»rt «» W.I R.»dr«r- t - N li-Jur; Ian-'in tn 35 P. Bertho’d. administrator of the < state ItibO, having roamed «»vèr a great poi tion f r ..* I I VM i 1 "<‘h < < » . B«»x C».*iH. AduiiniEti”Salo of Wallace Cushman, deceased, called at 8. R 2W. $1’75. of lhe earth since that lime I’:.i. . »• pLiii. ! .• . » r St lx»ui*. Mt». Haiti M L« gan to II B Carter; dc«: , ... An etr inent physician says : A healthy day for the Willamette valley, having rc ti’ g error in d «• 1 t<> land* in tn 30. 8. R HÌttinc iti ¡»r«»t.at<‘. 1 E. $11CO. Ex jcutor’s Notice. liver secretes from two to three pounds completed his business in this county. In the matter of estnu» i»f i • 11- Beach. ».»s**v.. »1. F R«>p«*r t«> II B i ar‘er, blocks I » and44, IN PUR8CANC! Ob’ V4 »‘RDI-io! IH of bile every twenty-four hours am! dis­ i In • • i ur! Jan.«** IL< n.a »n, ““ posi s of this s?cr«*lion wh«'r<* it will d > the John Hill of (> »bland, Cal., arrived on summit addition to Ashland. P. 1 ( ount) Court of * si J «* . i dv. in « !-* S«*pfemb r (’ M Mecker t<» E B an 1 Lu .mia Bur ell ; R, PJ'N, lhe ur«l«*r m: • -I, ít'hn JNO H. BENTLEY, Prmident. W. I. VAWTER, ewhi« in. . i ’*■'»• r of s-a t-.H « «mniy th? preuiiees ul A. il. Irth(t.*r in t»:u I «*<>.i.»ty, «»u |HM0. »•otirt *.t I *< :< mhi <*«it»nt> , « » “ g«»n. «ittiutf in Fro ­ spirits are depressed, the mind is not clear, and left for home again on Tuesday last. llate, «xintor of ti;»* • - ai»» «»r «Lini *•* riiumaur, J J Rowland to z\ 8 Johnson; 33 acres in thè ami a person whose liver is not performing Mr. Gill is a typographer and called to see :.!d jla>/ «»/ J/»!/ «*//, »l«*Ci*.-'*<'xt. F Heber «lonation claim. $s»»0. its duty is very ?"r!ir»g- io Patent» Granted A«la M Hohne* t»> ('Las L Watson; 10 three and four year* n. i- t » t Jo* i ; *. ,., 'ti. r * v«;u< n•-: 1 uh .»•>♦ . ;<>». of past week and reported (or this paper bv N C B«»yntun t«»John Ri< <*; l»>t**29 and 3cn.*»r«t« r ; G. E. Fost-r, :<»v«*d «« cur tj . w H b ■;.v«*«». wo ’*<1 n w «* a ' >1 examine y«mr mmu ' r«r»t. ,1 M: I -- 4KK sow • ro:: i'iD- ‘ All PL\J and t»-!l y«m its v«'u«*. Sp»-cia| attention PI isa .t v !*!«• v. <'al.. drill sirmort; II. 1’ ¡i «•••.•«■in'» d?li.i- •* 1 • A-linii'*t ::«««»»■ p • irv. <** •ii«! vourw at «»••«•«• to paj i»t of r A p : l )■ ; hander. Be (lk*?«»n. Or . h > loik . A L»»- a . ; «;• * • -uiy t«» turn I he M wi cnirT (’«> . g.»n. Mmih rev. C.d. *« !ter for W. () X ) 1 »'V»-.- «<:. ’ ;• » ; > ruunty ireamrer .» i Box AMI ’ ’ar|in\ ide , III Willi n »:».» 11 IJ? ■ •» ;ii . byKw Mill*. > in Fi an i«c«». h»t ai: blast; A TI • law ui re- initon t « » • • ■ll«*ch«‘ 1 ot I ,x ■ vii !»«• »’nctiy en- MiiTiy, Stu RH p I. car ventilator .1 l*rf»ntpt Dmirt'd' fu. •«.«'t heater; .1 M\«r*, E'lrek.i. net guard; I I AM Lb G. BIRDSEY, S’alPme-|s of ac ount ht now !»«• ng T <2ui« n. Riverside, (’al., household * iff Sheriff of Jiick><»n «•• cr.ty. Oreg«»n. *ent to those indebted to the T imes nilir? er. A S.mm- . B r«e » v. Cal., punt «.d ,1 tckroor:lL*, Or , ¡ A baia»y 27, lbo9. in any manner, ard an early n,*i>«»n«e is request d All account* due < ha*’Nickell, T om * n Election. prior to July I. 18.8. must be settled with­ A Grand Opening Ball will bo /iv n at I n? successful candidate at th? election out further delay. lan Tuesday in Jacksonville wrr? a « fol­ JACK-ON VILLE, OH. lows Trustees: A L R?uteg, David Linn, I am prepared tu cuntiaet for the delivery of good merchantable Givr Full lam?«- Max Mulbr, George Hayes and John' vi i ¡* -cii(• rz prop saw logs of the following kinds: Parties giving notice of intention to prova Grlh; Treasurer. Jas. Croneniiller * B? up on land claim* will hereaft« r be required corder. J. H Hurter; Marshal, Ed Helms; tll’T' - * I . ¡ LY INFORMS to give (till Christian name« of witnesses in­ Street i ommi'Sioner. Wm. Eaton. Th» re *.,. • >»f J «* .*- » m 1- * .* 1 *urr«»undinK stead of givin* mere’y the initials as has were 138 v».ie* p >ll« d. and considtrab'e in­ « jr- •• . k c! «ng. an«l will (MtU’itry 1 been frequently done heretofore. terest manifest «I in the result. consbiüî i , h •>'. 1 :»:i-l t i ■ v . t >' u«M of logar delivered on the banks of Rogue River at any point between the « *t • in ÍM»ttle:< <»r k?K«. mouth of Butte Creek ami the mouth of Red Blanket creek, and will When Praplo daekaoHtfillr to Medford. Suffer from vain they want to be »t delà; Mr*. Jue. Ht»pwc»st. not an imitation." This wa* th? answer 1 he U. 8. • • that »«urtiHWhenall?1 m *falU re i nwtt mail ami Well«, Fargo A Co.’» F loou M ana - eu * W. C. L- - v r. *'.<». Ri-, p *y. • '-igh.Weak Lun;r<. Arthma, made tn a deafer who was trying to make a express. •tircitlMSM’Ul Apply for terms to Satisfaction guaranteed. aid l'ui* ExhauMion. Imaiuable fot Cenimi P<»’iit: M » Bnatty. D. Wir ». M«* a customer. "I know V.-vrii uf t». . i îk *. i r ! I I hca .I k t»- at I ji ugglnUb FRED. II. ROWE, Tolo, Or. G. Bir«ls»*y, Henry ......... Jr . J:vk*»Hvill*. th? difference ” be added ; “<»• e rnr«-s ar-.l HoNOBiBV CzniMiirr.i; Mivrnd«»-. J. B the other «!»• appon«* This f.»v«»rit? I ht ton it. WrmJ?v.J F.I(«» nn ! Cun-« « ♦. li Amy. IL V. f. **t Mur t ;ti> c”r« r.»ri'«»ra<,P-unions. Ao, family remedy cures sore throat, stiff Th? 8. F. Varictv ...................... Beall, Ì boa. W’ng.it and V. in. B. L« e ‘•tw '».»)<.• 1 • ■•*« r<»jnf»n: t*» U»*-1* et. I«HvrrilUS St«»n* has ................. received _ a neck, all I form* ition .» ' *' *» , <111 ’lllfl” ’ <«f ’ I in I I I flam | <1 I I > 111 Ml hemorrhage, i I" Viv’.r.«. i.. u’• al »niiuïia’.A. U iacux « CO., N. Y. e htipply of onions of th? best quality, which | piles, sores and kindred diseases First-claw» uiusir and mliii-g will p «»..«b d wi’l be sold in quantities to suit al reason­ an«l a:i excellent snpp*r will ;>? msthi I No able figures. will I* «pared to make this the grandest ball of A wad tilery. i LL TIlGSE KNOWING THEMSELVES IN Thia powder nover varie«. A marvel of pun the season. hy 14 omen Fadr. <» fl«»Mt*d. _ : . _kl