I flit democratic Simes». ike he Pubhahed «very Thur»day by the TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y CHAS. NICKELL, Hdltor. NEW TIMES BUILDING Office—<'orn«*rThird und C Strego» H«*lea of Nubfirripliou s Ou« copy per annum, in advance................ (2 50 t*ix month«...................................... 1 50 three months “ 75 i 111 f JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1889 VOL. XIX OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL J. NUNAN, Kt.\O K INKS ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK. NO. 9 /A’.i.VÀ' ANI) MANLY TALK. Simes. TALK A LOUT T1IE SHANGHAI. Adrerti»«n;ents wi be ii ?t< d 3 ths TlMF. I^Jthe following rat«*«: one insertion...... V. J each ouhseqi 10 Eff^fc^al advertisenifiitb wiecrtvd r«i»bonsb!y A fairwBnctiun from the above rate« made to ysarl>anar^a advertiacr». THEtlMES JOB OFM( E ia more complete by farthan any other in South ern Oregon, and compare« favorably with aDy i the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at Saa Franciacu rates.and in s prom pt and first-cluep manner. T he Q ueen of T r *xr^.—The queen of The Baltimore Sun publishes a long The rthanghi ruseter is a gentile, and tramps wa« a guest ut th’ Itoboken po- 8TATF OF OREGON. lice station Thursday nig ;’.it. This re- dispatch from Washington giving an eu­ speaks in a forrin tung. U.S enator»*.J. H.Mitchell.J.N.Dulph.Con. logistic review of President Cleveland’s He is bilt on piles, like a Sandy llill markable woman, now in 1 ler 75th year, greMman. B. Hermann; Governor, 8. Pennoyer; is Sarah Dougb.otv. Site was ___ _____ born in administration and a long interview with crane. Secretary of Htate. He««ag** W. McBride; State the President himself on the incidents I If he haear- celebrations. Shelias-, i ah the pres­ District Attorney, W M Colvig. idents from Pierce to Cleveland inaug­ spective of jiersonal considerations. ing. JICKSOX COUMTY. 8 motor, A. C. Stanley; Representatives. J. T. ‘‘There is probably no American in pub­ Tha roost on the ground, similar tew urated. Bowditch, 11. A Miller, W K. Price; County During the war she was cl ^o to the lic life,” says the writer, “who has deep­ the mud turkle. Judge, J. R NeBU'ommiesioner«. ('. W. Taylor, er, more genuine sympathy with the Wm. ttoy; Clerk, M. Muller; 8h»*riff, J. G. Bini- Tha oftin go tu sleep standing,and sum scene of the big battles, aud was one of •ev; Treasurer, It. H. Moore; A»!*es»ur. J. M. p ople, and there never lias been a p'e-i- times pitch over, and when tha dew, tha the first women to reach the southern Childers; School Superintendent. K Mitchell; confederacy alter tlie render of Leo. <;■ nt m- r • a cee.-ibie or one who surren­ enter the ground like a pickaxe. Surveyor. J. S. Howxrd; Coroner. R. Trycc; ders so much of Id« time to the Stock Inspector. W. E. Songer, Ttiare food consis ov korn in the ear. During t!^ c-ntennial c lehration she Jo**FHiNK0Svirrr. national ctirio.-ity and intei the Tha crow like a jackass, troubled with was in Philadelphia, mid when Custer Joint Senator. W. St. Clair; Representative, ('. fell was close to the v: >< where he was tieop'.• as lias Mr. Cleveland.” In con- the bronskeesucks. J. Howard; ('ounty Judge. V. Colvig; ('ommis- versi’iou with tbe wider, the President sioners, J. Han**rh. P. Hanseu: Clerk, C. K. Tha will eat as mutch tu onst as a dis­ ambushed and killed. Sjie is not an educate ’ woman, but remarked that bi« afternoon receptions trict skulcmaster, and gincrally sit down Cha.*vd >r; Sheriff. T.G.Patteraon;Treasurer. J. Jennings; Assessor, P. C. Roam; School Super­ has a retentive memory und is a rlivui- 300TS and SHOES, were tho pleasantest incidents of his of- rite oph tew keep from tipping over. intendent. W A. Massie;Surveyor. W. N.Maun­ fieiul lite The close of his administra­ Tha are dredful unhandy tew cook ; yu ster. She wrote a po m torn Ling the ders; Coroner, Dr. Flanagan. vith consid­ tion finds him as busy and perhaps even bav tu bile one eend ov them at a time; death of Custer, an I te i». Kt.(Mlrw UUVWTT. TOBACCO. GROCERIES. Joint Senator, C. A. Cossoil of Lak% Rep de delights busier than when he was inducted into yu kan’t git them awl into a [«jtash kittle erable dramatic power. 8 .¡c .•»tentative, S P M >** o* Lake:Connty Judge. to tell of tbe leading »*’. nts in the office.. Much of his lime is consumed tu onsL CROCKERY, ETC. W. S. Mo«»; C»»mmi»e*i«>nera, W. C. Crawford, unnecessurity by the wantofconsidera- L. B. Koster;Clerk, A. I*. Leavitt:Sheriff. M. D. The femail ruster lays an eg as big as history of the country during the last Childers. Treasurer. Ch»». Grave«; Assessor li nt dt-played by congressmen in intro- akokernut, and is sick for a week after­ thirty years, and w.:h j >n h-r^as par­ John Smart; School Superintendent, P. L. Foun­ Kamember. these ir »is ar« new and bought siane dtc-ing persons who merely call to pay wards ; and when she hatches out a litter ticularity details the pr > in -nt attract­ tain; Surveyor, J. B. Griffith; Coroner, J. Sie­ the war iarailnwd -ates abd ana aal ' tl.eir to-; < i 1«. The afternoon receptions of yung shanghia she has to brood them ions in the heading cities in th • United mens. lais ootnrtY were s-t aside for this class of visitors, standing and then kant kiver hut 3 of .States and the many nit . sh-. j celebra­ Joi it Senator, C. A (\« k * w ell of Lake; . but the ii aj »¡tv of congressmen pay lit­ them—the rest stand around on the out­ tions that bav«* taken : i.i. • in :i> • large Representative. S. P. Moes; Counts Judge. W. | tle attention to tlie rule. Notw ithstand- side, like boys around a cirkus tent, get­ cities at whi di she was p?v • nt. A. Wilshire: ( ommiarioners. R. L. Sherlock. Wm Bagley; Clerk. W T. Bbyd; Sheriff. Wm. She has studied the Bible, and lu» ii g lit- pa’ience under these exactions, ting a peep under the kanvas when ever Carl 1; Treasurer A. McCallan; School Superin Coantrj produce bought and »old; also. Wo«il. several odd conundrums to pro­ and to la- t that almost his entire time tha kan. tendent, A. H. Fisher; Assessor. J. E. McDon­ Hide«. Furs and l>«or Skin» Solicit order» for during the day has been given up to the ough; Stock Inspector,D. R. Jones. The man who fust brought the breed pound ministers of the ennies in purchas in- esndy -egular terra•« commencing «».»theftret Mon«lay« Poatoifice Building. .for the little ones, while <.. • i goes bun- been made that he would not give repre— hoppers, eaught bi hand. m March and October The Cireuit Court for the First Indicia! District scntaliie men of his party an opjiortun- gry. I never owned but one, and he got sets in Jackson ct»unty on firnt Mondays in April, The queen of tramps is v rous, and ity for consulting freely with him. It is choked tu .leth in a kink in a clothes line 8ept«»mb‘»r and D*‘cember In Klamath county ■ ¡’ ■ ; known to his friends that the President but not until he had swallered 18 feet ov her long on second Monday in June and first Monday in November. In Lake ounty <»n the third M«>ndny has left few marks»»?* i -i»ite her ad­ ti l ls this charge acutely. He has all it. in May and the s«con«l Mon'iny in Octot»er In along been aminated by a high and ser­ Josephine county on first Mondays iu March and Not enny shanghi for me, if yu plexe ; vanced age. S..~’(Mt :«o police station ious i n-e of lit« duty to the |>eople, and i wuld rather board a travelling kolisir- and the board (hut 1« d - m * 1 ss a bed, August. For Jackson county the County, Prohate and tin« ba« often prompted him to a course ter; and as for eating one, give tne a as refreshed r.n I roiil. »it» d u- i she, had Coramissioners’court» meet every ra«»nth, corn of action in opposition tothe wishes or ; p »i»t »d room mencing with th » hr*t Monday; for Josephine biled owl rare dun, or a tnrkee buzzard, occupied a luxurio.*-i. I in a hotel, she ui u d ijti k!v down opinions of his personal friends. county, the first Monday in January, April, July MODERN, roasted hole, and stuffed with a pair of and September; for Lake county, every alternate I It may lie stated that the President is injnn rubliet two’s, bilt not enny sliang- Newark street toward *..* : y, r*mark­ THOROUGH. month, commencing the first Monday in January. ing that she wanted Ina •• a cjil in thorough y satisfied with tin? outcome of hi for me, not a shanghi. For Klamath county thefir»t Wednesday in March, PRACTICAL. this city before resuming her journey. hi« administration audits effect on the June September and November Speaking ov hens, leads me tew re­ Her debt ma! 1 m i- Wa-nu.j on, (o again fortunes <4 the D. inocratic party. He is mark, that hens, thus far, are a snek- see congress in session.— \> ) , /• //< r- very earnest in predicting a great future cess. A POSTAL CARD WILL COST ald. for tlie Democracy, and tn asserting his BUT ONE CENT. They aie domestick, and occasionally unqualified devotion to the party. are tuff. Send na th« a. Id re«« of any one who might want D anoebs of Tut - ts —1a '.‘It is a grand party,” said lie, “and peecb be- MORRIS M. HARKNESS, to altftnd <»ur aekool during the coming year and This is owing tew their not l*ing biled ‘sociation, you will do them a favor. To «uch we will «end wa- ra er in lietter shape than at pres­ often enuff in their younger daze; but fore tlie Boston M n ! am ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. our catalogue and circulars Judge Cooley, one of the in ent. \\ lien we consider the condition it the hen aint tew blame for this. -•atoconi- mere« commissioners, ;.aid of trust and was iu before the tariff issue was formu- Granfa Pave, Oregon. Riled hen is universally respekted. pools: “Tbe diflere:;. ■ \ lati d, its w ant oi unanimity, w ide di- •en trusts Tliare iz s grate d«al of originality tew Office in Ahlf Building. Front Stret't. s that bo- veigen.ee oi views on many points, and the hen—exactly how mutch i kant tell, and pools is aimo-t as gr tween a despot on the t the hearty, united sii|iport it gave me * and tbe historians fight so mutch alwiut it. Sum player who mimi.-s him E. W. MORRISON, d iiing the campaign, who can doubt say Noah had hells with him in tile ark stage. I do not understand that I :.: ArrrdNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. that its status has been improved and tnected to and sum say lie didn’t. So it goes, which s|ieak particularly of ti ; ■ tiiat it has a glorous future before it?” They uro drawl*, P*««. Owçin. ami tuther | of course a feature of th • tun -s io winch HUM ON TARIFF REFORM. 1 kant tell yo which waz born fust, the | all thoughtful rncn r- - Will pr»3:i«e in nil cmrta ..f the Htat*. t now I. • giving The piesidi-nt is as firm now as ever hen or the egg; «nmtimr« i think the eg some attention but a Rend our and you will find our plant*, lis time 1 do not lie was tn the opinion- that tariff reform waz—and sumtimes 1 think the hen waz care to dogmatize on the c .or/»«-, of etndy. and regulation«. Tell your j ct. A few :« th • great liv.rtg issue for the Democra­ —and sometimes i think i don’t kno, WILLARD C^AWF3RO, friends about our »ohool and help u« to grow. things can, nevi rtlielc->,b ■ ai'l of trusts cy. Hi‘ reg .ril- tt as an issue in har­ Work for a* A word from you might help u« and i kant tell now, wiiicii iz right, for wiihout danger of n ATre »XEY AND UOUNiELOR AT LAW. very much. Remember that the They ate mony wi.li the spint mid traditions of the life ov me. things to be feared. Tic v r..^ .’tiize a the party ami one involving enormous F-1XL TERM REGtNS hEPTEM- Mad ford, Otago a Laying eggs iz th- lien’s best grip. • lending end most valna principle of • I il fits tu ttie i p,. He believes tiiat her 3, man. A lien that kant lav eggs iz laid out. Will practice in ell th« courte of the State. ; in lustrial life in tlieir ■' net to .ooucror Inter the toiling masses will Dm«« in Haulin', brick buildui«, up-atalre. . ISO 0Û. Normal bcholarehip...... One egg is kon«i lere i a fair day’s curb com pent ion rnei .. i to put an be thoiuugfily ruus.-d to an indignant $35 00. WATERPROOF—It will Turn Watei better than any other Leather. Commercial Scholarship Kcliytuua Nrir^. work for a hen. bav fieri ov their do­ end to it. . |15 OU. Tiie coui - 1 oi the leading P. P. PRIM, TraiuingSchool per year. perception of the burdens mjustly tui- COLOR—A Jet Black that will not Fade or turn Red. ing lietter, but i don’t want a hen ov trust of tlie country 1 . I; :i such as to Rev. F. S Noel uill presell at the C-ith*» ATTORNEY a counselok - at - law , lie church in Jacksonville Sunday. ns u*ual. pos< d upon them by thetariff’ laws, and mine tew do it—it iz apt tew hurt their emphasize the fear if:, POLISH—Unlike all other Grain Leather it will take a High Polish I., ar. I lienefita of the fad that tlie taxing power of the OF FEMALES constitution and by-laws and thus impair that have come from . Liberal Sunday-.«« bool and Ibble cla5s HCKS9Wll.lt. oca , a- x-t,ing of an with ordinary Shoe Blacking. meets cverv >undav at 11 o'chx k v it. u. at nation is being lecklessly used for the their futer wot th. article of comm - h • mignifieant l liclit of a favored few. He did not will praoueo in »II the C-.nrts.if ths Stab* Oflce 1 'y r.-liev. d l»y the Cuticuni the U. M L. Ha’ Talent CLEAN AND LIGHT WEIGHT — Not being Weighted with Tan Th-* poet sez, butifiillv ; ui tn* Court Hou»«, Lr»t J»«»r tu the h ft of < mi - ■ when contrasted with : iV exhibitions in A- ti-Ps.n Plaster, u new, mod >uir.-«- toll rate th - idea tfiat the Democracy was —TO GIT TOUR— "Samboddy haz «tole our old b!*w hen ’ Rev -I. W. Miller will continue h. f.il ningMaterials and Grease, it will not soil a Stocking and weighs iili:e. in-tanmueoas ard. infallible tnuios. ;many forms of lhe m i power of beaten on the tariff last fall. “Had cer­ 1 wish they’d let her bee; p.-in-.kiil.; g pl. tir. »■.-periati, inlspt- his regular appointment ;• f’.'.l'/A -: I 1 concentrated capita1. A . I v h ii we wit- She used tew lay 2 » «ct a day, Light for the Substance. ft t>, relieve Female Weaknerwe». tirM Sunday 11 < ai Ii month at toil«! Hi.1; tain condition been eliminated from the E» DePEATT, And Sunday* «he’d lay 3. riess the utterly I. i:1. iuanner in vastly superior to »11 oth­ second Sunday at Central Point; thiid i ampaign, ' he says, “we would have We carry in custom-made work of the Highest Grade of this stock, er piMeter». Warrant«! This sounds trew enuff for poetry, hut which trusts Kutnr ti ties have 11 and the nr.’ poi feet antidote to pain Sumi.(,v at Medfor i and fourth Su.i.k-y ’ won a decisive victory.” -dmau- ATTORNEY ACgtWUELOR-AT-LAW, wesim.-.H y-t cornpou eted At ail .Iruggists 25 JacK**onv ilie I will! bet 75 thousand dollars that it tiev- | ufactoties and tuni i t men willing to be a hand welt (men’s) lace shoe, made on the English M aukenphast last, cents, So tar as he is inuividually eoncerned, er took place. live for Sl.or p »lago free, ot Potter l>rtig I -»— Avhlaail. Orejuii. industrious into t hi i'.r •• i l .r tbs* E«-v. G. E .!•»! es’ api • !’uv' t- wi ! Uets. at the Mountain district >cliiM»’-house «>*• irj iiy re.-ulliiiu to the public interestK, but tlie sitanghi is the meanest. It we see it is not a public _ J. H. NEIL, but jH.-rnunuliy lie experiences a profound additional they will be sent charges prepaid to any address by mail or the third Sunday at 3 o’vl >ck r. m . »jnse oi o-liej at the prospect at speedy kosta as tauch tew board one, as it dux a it is not t^iiclimg Lm l.y-»-: »r d The following are Rev. G. \V. Quimb.» ’ « stage iiot», and } u.miUt as . well ussdrv- PKOruIETUlW UF ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW. teaauw^ra het tier it is‘at express. release front the ordeal to which he lias —AND AT— appointments: Bt Sunday in < a< h month, take tew fat a fanning mill, by running breeiTanarenv. Portland, Oregon. ’ • Noprudenf man lieen exposed durinu the past four years. oats thru it. botli morn ng and evening, at Jacksonville ; Jacksonville Ocu wonld give assent to a railroad trust un­ 2d Sunday at Antioch ; 3 1 Sunday at G l i One of the must trying features of his Thare aint no profit in keeping a hen til he was first shown that eff. ctive legal II I«; ; 4th 4tii *Snnur*M of the State. Of­ THE LOWEST RATES, Brown>borough. Mui in the »‘veiling at of his official duties, tie has beeu called for its eggs, if it laze less than one a restraints had been put upon it. fice in Court Houae, «.’rond d<»-»r on right from day. Eagle Point. upon frequently to offend |>erson8 whose entrance — U AT— Hens are very long-lived if they don’t The following nre Rw. It Etitù- np- fiiendship an 1 good opinion he valued. L abok I njvbed M ost ci A ll .—The contrakt the thrut disease—thare ts a w. r. WIlUAMSON, ,....................... On .... wi ry SuiuJay n.orni.i pointments: DEALERS IN Tlie insensibility with which lie has eo grate menny goes tew pot, evrv year, Bull Kun water bill » ill bav .• > lie down excepting the third, he will huh! «ervii w and sleep for two years, e ■ ¡overnor \TTORXKY A COUNSELOR AT-LAW. at the Presbyterian churi.i> i>> Phoenix: or often been accused is a trait of charac­ bi this melankolly diseaze. I Pennoyer has vetoeiltlie . measure ti.e third Sil’nil.iy no -n'tor an.I < v. -v Sun­ ter. lie ins had to figtit fur the right al I kant tell exactly how tew pick out a which passed the Hou-• the other day, Medford, Oregon day evening lie will preach ::t the Prwby- almost •■Very step of ms oilicial prugrees, JakCKSONVILLK, OREGON. terian church in Jacksonvitie. and lie I- naturally tire ! ut tlie continu­ good hen, but, as a general thing, the and the house has sustained his veto by All buaineea ;n my line will reentre prompt st long-eared ones are kounted the best one vote. Thus ends the fate of a wor­ tention. Tlie fol owing are Ehl“r M Pi ter- n'« ous w< ar ami t< ar uf «liecontest. The one-legged ones, I kno, are tlie thy measure on a Hint o. ti e mistaken xo i-onricAi. AsrntATiuxs. appointments for February fir-t Lord - H. K. HANNA, idea of taxation; and i. . ■ > of the faults It t an open secret tiiat he accepted least apt taw scratch tip a garden. Also fit’ul»Tg in Wall Paper, Curtains, Carpet« day. ut MOlitili scliool-ho..tse at It u eiiu'k Eggs packed in equal parts of salt and of government an t ei. -i- c' bus new Oilcloths, Gi a«, Paint«, Oils and Varnish, th< a . M .atul at Eagle Point in the < venin ATTORNEY * COÚ^SELOR-AT-LAW. tl-e I' inocratic nomination las', summer finest hr«' «»f 1-rooin and Parlor Bets, Fat*i second, at Woodville: third, at 1 entrai lime water, with the other end down, life are traceable to out < r ns taxa­ ('hair» ami Rock» r» and th«- m«»»t coniplet** Morl Point ; lourtli, at M. óf u.L Bapti-m nil! with a genuine ic.iu tanee and after ear­ will keep from 33 to 41 years, if they are Jacksonville, Oregon. tion and assessment i> I:lol many of Furnitur«« t«» b« found in Southern Oregon. rt>e administered after the foret.o >u ervici-. nest i llorts to es.ujie it. Ilia supposed tnn JI AUoOil Paint in».'-. Chromo«, Picture Framesand Will practice in all th- C<”W« of the Stat« people, in t.ot>cs < f sti s in their political aspirations for the future do not not disturbed. \ n Moulding«* in great variety. Oifice ftp »taire in Orth’« brick. Fresh beef stake is good for bens; i neighbors are eockitig lli.- u . : > them­ exist. There is no rivalry on his | art Wo cordially invite all to call ar.d »eo uh . N o irtanate I)ra¿r£: **■ j nu, ¡Z' . • the injury between himself and anybody else. “I serpose 4 or 5 pounds a day would lie awl selves, and they do not i troubh* to show g<»uil«. Remember the place. W. M. PARKER, «■ ;-i W. J«->y f r many year? . 1 r M they are inflicting o.i in .kind as a am in none's way,” he says. ”1 ehall when would need at fust. MESSENGER & SMITH. .¡.»erou.H druggi: t cn th«comer cf tt ■ . t •: ; I shall be bappee to advise with yon, whole. It is »hat < .01 I ■ tailed a “tit NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCE«. be delighted to be r< heved of the cares • : u’r:,‘t «¡f.i’:’ m ' an Free 46« ■», proba»--?' T' Aritlnnd, Oregon. Jacksoaville, Orrgaa« r< m . i C’1 «‘f rtvalir g in v< ;.’..» rnuitirs Lavir-. 1 • Marell n-.-xt. < »ii purely personal grounds —take my reward in eggs.— Jnth Rilling/ friend« are selfishly inclined against the Probit* Matter«, Abstract of Titl*'*. Conveyan­ fl ».aling pretti) I to t'-’C eft.- t tbnt ho h(s «trv.< ». it capitalists aud the capitalists and their cing. Homestead, Pre-emption and all other ! ig, i»n Excn.y -irr reporter w as di tailrd tn u’H'srlh th.re will be no happier man in the Uni­ buatncMM nntruHted to m •. will rcceiro prompt the cause, «nd after li.uch diUlcuity unravel’« «* ted States.” V otimi is A iktrai . ia .—The new vot­ friends feel the same way against tha attention. Loans negotiated. THF ROGUE RIVER the folk wir.gph ry: < ivit. sunt icn Kr.Ful M. ing syt-tem, which goes into effect in grangers, and sot!.;, bad feeling crop« Office on corner, opposite Court House. ItKctns that «1».. ;t «• vrn years ago an Engli «1 With refeii nee to the civil service sys­ MacK.ichiirtettH next year anm sm ; ! ■ ngs most of Office in (’hil«l‘“*\bn.’k hl.», k. Main *tre«t. California »tree!«. other brand ofrered f< r sale in this market,and methods and 1 I t well k- pt «« cn t vr s as mm b a tinuntal reformers and theorists, who probably l>e made to have the same law- all. Will not the I n and sinew and HeavWnee on North Front flr«'fl. (I.BEEKMAN. ('all» prmnp^y attenued to. day or night note the difference in weight. fHO8 «.BEAMES. mystery as bin.M¿C After bi ilenr.tture sb -ut a have been continually urging him t-> do adopted by many other states this year. brain and muscle our great country xearlater Mr. Joy «’.Mrri.inedtofitbom the secret, I ami copying all the piesrriptmns he had filled for this ui that fm mere sensational effect, The rtate prints all the ballots for state study this im| t.nt qm-stion and ren­ R. PRYCE. M D.. Fleur and Mill-Feed i. the erratic do«-tor, l*o began a systematic analysts. w I ik Ii he did not regard as judicious. He offices and the cities and towns for mu­ der a verdict?—f.'-i»- In bis examination he discovered running all < i. ieavored to give the civil service nicipal and town offices, anil the names Coii'i’antij on ’nand and oxcharg ’d for wheat PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, through th« prescriptions for liver and kidney of a!I candidates are on one ballot. The N ewspapers —TLei 1 ‘ • itainly no trouble«,.Vflatid bleed and stomach disorders a s. lienie a fair trial, and expies-es hitn- Wetifurd, Oregon. couploof ve t « table extra« ts indigenous to Califor­ s< i Hilly satisfied with the results. The ballots are given to voters bv the precinct products of th** nr: * 7? ARI.E ¥ R O ILERS. <■!. ap as the Knops the largest stock of nia, so simp!« and »<> il known under homely Office *n William»’ Brick Buildin» Upstair«. Havinfit add. <1 a aet <>f Barley Roller« to my mill « very day name« to every school boy as io entirely w-.ist type of bureaucracy waadevelojied officers. The voter takes his hailed into newspaper, and i. • i bi -ult to imagine I ! »co “etnp Tt every Saturday to Rod Barley f< r s I-in of foimer ad- a piivate room ami marks the names any other tiling. \V- » ■ it not a medium > ipateth« 8T' p’.rion that they were the active in-‘.or the i rurtomers. Th«» work will bo done on «bort principle« inv«dv«u tho N’*rli.w**st c(M*t. Special attention girouto L’hr. me Diseases it ban creak*1 Las already enured it to step into set ve the bt-rl inti rots of the goveru- at the poll», a consummation devoutly to whole, it does n-I pay ¡¡k other fur­ •j>.l March and Sept., prominence, and criers jour in daily from all ui uh , ami to give wider sevjic fur civil be wished. Too printers will lose a nished product^—th.‘c*tK ‘, the «¡gar, tlie • -.ch year. It is an ency- over the const, proj lfl «erm to bo taking it and .-»•I vice i etui in tliiough its methods in very large and profitable business in the clonedta of useful infer» B. «. PICKEL, M ovst4*r supner. thei. ■. th • laces, the wTitir • »n.U*Uili>g »tx’Ut il tbmnghout.b«St»tc. Walter A. Wool’s Binders, . • i(’ i for nli v.ho pur- lr..l «Im» sn-rtli.r Ca'.U.'rni» iudn.try le»i>, iuU> tiding places ot inefficient with capable printing of regular bdlote for imli'.ical glass of l>eoi—cai. <»nly I, • < \r ained on Walter A. Wood’s Chain Rake Reapers, PHYSICIAN AND 8 llKi EON. • o lr.au?.cs or the « xistorce.— 5. rxaminrr. parties and of split tickets for indepen­ the lheorr once al vam 1 men. y th Eng­ Walter A. Wood’s Sweep Rake lers. of life. XV e dent candidates and also the ever preva­ lish philosopher who w i- a. ked why mi. oo'ttr: sij . kek . Waller A. Wood's Enclosed Gear Mowers, rnish you with PRICES: l ite | resident tecognizes fully the lent slickers which have shown increas­ the manufacture]- f• w< r(! .¿.Imillion­ unnecessary HUI n i , Gaar. Scott A t'o.’s Separators. Of those cosmetics which give tothe »ace a ieeluiz oi the gre.it mass of Democratic ing popularity each year. The printers aires, and the autlc * i I p or. “De- and - fraction Engines, , d&nco, sleep, Call« pr.'ttqrtly attend <1 to ’Inj "r nhr'.t. Apple Tree«................................ >5 to$10perl00 Gnar. Scott A Co.’s Plain I ----- — ghastly (yea. ghostly) whitened. Huh < Jthcf <• B - ■ * _____ po to church, selected by the states and cities and causv,” lie replied, ”i■> • t Peach - .......... ...................... 10 »• IS ‘ “ man who C'Mites' Lock Lever Hay pre parations contain lead or some other otli'e-seekern who expected place and Plum «ttd Prune Trees............ 8 “ 18 “ “ in various rizes, towns will be the gainers. However, lias brains, thirty have i>» w ’* Da. W. STANFIELD. equally injurious ar. l .. I’erllaad. Or., or csliid'.’o of the BUYERS’ Haa located in Ashland Or for th* practice of 188*7 dure paralysis of tlie nerves. 1 his state­ do so, but lí- liad i higher politic duty prov.ibial half loaf better than Gt) I bOM-Mtl-LKK * SON. Agent». Jackson rill« Or. GUID1 will bo sent upon his prof'M'ooti. Mik-M s’. I chrome die we. such 185T lit < ment is no "litiR-a-hoo. but facts well- iu| lot:'.— he pttri Heat i.n and e eva- bread. %« Hheu rant ism. Asthma. Pii»*«. Kidney Disanaos, receipt ot IO c?nts tu pay Dostago, ians, based known to chemists and physe-ians, na-e I Liver Com planiti*. Ac., a specialty. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. on tlie well-known physiol.igirai elici ts ol t un of the pit1'. .• service, 11.e elimination »tile ill»ll 1 Michigan Avenue. Chicago,Ill. Manufacturer of Cot xtry R oaps —Interest in the im« W. H. SOMMERS, M. 0., such substances whose presence m ;-repar- fr >tn patty |>olil.< s as far as possitile uf in W the ilegia.l ag use < í "patronee. ” ations for Hie complexion are in.In. i-.ted bv provement uf the country's rmiis is not RHY81lTAN.aUlK.EO.'. ANDAI I OUI’HEUR j DEEDS OF DARINC He ts very eurtu st iti advocating the confined to any on« section of tlie conn j such outward siens as before stated II you would u«e an article wlncli will at M'tviee system as a Ihotougtily civil tn, says an exchange. Wo trave wen IMPORTERS ANI3 DEALERS IN JavkauavUle. Oreaou. once pnsiiice natural activity and licit.ti- pioHicii nt inn, ami in no sense un­ what attention lhe Hut.jact has attracted ’ Dealer in ful complexion try Wisdom's l.oberhi ■ HmfM.i<>n»l rttdl. prnnptly »•Mn.lu.t to day or | I’bp giT iit c«»llecti« n <>f th- n m*.t thriHit ? I»** w hich is guaranteed under a forfeiture .d it,-mis ratio. He thinks (tie work of Ids in tlie not;>li and east; it ts apparently * . - O. o.o ... »ti,!« I k ’ V ’ht or«” - i b< 11» t- ¡< '. - r ti ri ic tl ♦* G rca yiooo to be absolutely free from all poi­ .idnui.i-trat' rt na- fixed this reform asa attracting no less attention in the south. < tv. I V/'ir. ir.’«- civ rt* rcí-ftrV accciirt* of »*x sonous wild iniuriotls substances. I ro- ,<11114111 nt feature of our system of For example, tlie proposition to hold a 1 ¡L vk 1* ft l*ay? ploitHof Hcoin« hi <( -T i“-, foriorn hop<’f*. boroic A full line in stock of brave’y. in:¡»? i-onri* i t » (in! I Hit-br*-«dth <•(*- nounce.1 by leading ladies of society ami goveinmept, and that no paitv cimi af- congress to consider tlie best means for Three fourths cf • ur i< ate Iron bi. d c pf-. r« rt:iiii(t« n.i "d :< . km d-t«> I Hi d ?’rug- the stage superior to anything ever pro 1'ird to i.titag'ti.Z'j it O|tettly. So far as improving the roads of the state has 1 with ]>y»iM p-i.i n;:d l.iv* r (’ mplaint in GENERAL BUILDING MAI ERIAL. i'. -, l.cmormi*' pud !/t v.-nt*, p«rilom» j*»tir dticed for beautifying ami preserving tne his own status in tbe party is affected been brought fowatd in Georgia, and, | some form or < ti er, v in« h bv nature ••1 » °r A-. t o 1- l l - • ■-, v, . , ■ (|l( Jn fr,.ni Important to Subgcribrj. The public a»-e hereby n :»nv maiter of FACl’ORY AT WE!‘ILERS MILL. ”""“ ......................... As the beginning of the year is th- pop seif a better Democrat than man»’of his received. The congress will be held in , **• • ixned will offer at private saleall the ( Ht-- II* f'Y’T.Jhif.;-, | importance iodi.. »•». '■ ‘-»in;» up <«t $iÍH»r«omi’. cor. Third and E Street«. Atlanta in May next, and it is lio|>ed J ini' I«1" j'Hyinf’nfM h H<> w » n 1 Agent® «bort o ulnr time to commence sulrs ribing tor critics. « h« ada< he. The president is especially gratified at that a practicable scheme of reform in [ food after cat.ng, dy-rot ia fa > I Í .A XI T IK'OK ( (L. Box fiel*. newspapers, now is the time to send your PORTLAND OREGON. WAGON MATERI-XZ i aci«lity of the ‘ toma ii or i i« rung» merit Philadelphia. I’ i * ., <»r St Ixmie. Mo. name to tlie T ime - ollice and get whnlev r ttie effect of 1ns administration on tlie road administration will be adopted. <»f g c ..-h . ivipTr you wisii for ls.su. VS e < bib with a I prosperity and happiness ot the suiithein The question is one which addresses it­ I of the »U*ina<*h <»r i’ver tm.oti whb*h the C.rTrtHM> T. h >U alni vrif.te »fleet» •>» I« » ! whole action of our \v-ivui « ìpì - d I- j are tbe leading newspapers ami magazines ol people, bvtli black and white. He be- 8. P. »Fnnri». Thi« .» » r..r - rtn-H J »r »n> self with iK'CUliar force to the commer- | i-peeitily and ♦■IT« ctuaily ovi reo t.e ( h tlie SOLE AGENTS FOIL on. wi»hu>« to pnrehn-* - uno rtrnt-chu t -arruiR« the I nited Slates and give great induce tpv «in making no distinction between cial and agricultural interests of tlie '•'* ”1 <”■'«”'» Au; u-t ii cr ihe mnal mt nts. a’ we furnish them nt much b ■»•ten«l.»tc. h K «ANNA. Ahi.tr»tur By the Thousand ! • xi- hli i t > its infin any of the sections, and lie deprecates country. The merchant and theagrieul- I •’,uhb'*rn i «•«*<•<» than the publishers' regular r i' -. i r . i r-r .• ve.l will Mnmh ». I»»» E- K- ERIilTMAN, Proprietor, 1 further particulars ate ..ur clnbl.im: m stiongly a isvivrrl of animosities—ani- tnrist alike find their account in a ready ; t enee, as (boilsmds qiHE UNDEltBKINED 18 NOW TAKING OB ilucerueut on the second page of 1l:e i l.urs. tii ’« ties wliii Ii were supiiosed to lie dead exchange of products, an easy marketing testify. The itnruet-c >al '■{ thi*mc worked out tty tlie such a desirable consummation may be bo we ask. will it jay ) ou to sutler train TH8 UN11KIM10NEI» Om.HS K>H 8¿MJ t I I The uiider-ipne-l. living near < en ral lieople oi that section without outside wry tiiucli retarded by bad roads. It is any of the anove ai-» asc* wii u you can 1 ft,» h-.»-* of B-"l h-r»-.: :i!«o»l'vi'iwl |iars«l» . This wall-known bou» has t«-en renovUed Point has :««> bushels <-f < h an s- <-.l oats of itifeilenme. lie speaks in terms of plain from indications such as that to have immediate nl et ot»ze»ll»'it lami » taate t is Jacksanvill«. Wil- « Hi - August first-class quality for -ale, in quantities to g at nil appreciation of the hearty and hrmighout and l»w-Hp-ir>r* »m« Central Pom« prxnn««». For Flower? Thr'e do-« - will i»r mo their orders, ae I will cnanvitee «ati.rac- FOli OOOD8 IN OUK LINE has been tilted up in connection with the hotel. yet. Conmi99tj>tton Hiirtiiy Cured, Eefxma, Itrhy, Healy, Skin Torture. I warrant all my tree» if properly oared for. Entitled to the liiMf. Settle Up. 1». C. HEINRICHSEN. Term» of payment ea»y. Produce taken at me-- The simple application of Bwayne'» Oin»nm:it, To THr E oitou :- I’len«* inform your All are et« tit led to the best that their ket pneo »Ml Iha. ,.f ¿«ch Seed Mother».* without any internal medicines, will nnlle.Orrt«on Ami. 1 1M1. wo.«t hr n rt'or b-.ik «':• mn’. »•- ' her -’iy noli- e««es have been per­ MAIL. ROUTE Hkin Eruptions, no matter bow obstinate or long remedy. >’\rup of Figs, to cleanse the fl«-i to sattl» th« »»me within th« n-»t thirty THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, standing. It is potent, effective and co«’» but n W’em when costive or bilious. For sale table preparation, its ingredients are pub­ manently cured. I shall Is- , bid to »end day. or rsuder thamMlTa» n«M« lished around each bottle. It is pleasant two bottles of my reaiedy bee to any of CITY BARBER SHOP. trift» ______ ___ in 50c end $1 («» bottles bv all hailing drug Wholesaleaud RotaiI Derdera in to the taste and absolutely harmless. It your reader» who have con-iimpuon if ihe. Att’y tqr Eyfate. gist*. Promplne««. constipation, regulates the bowels, quiet will send me their expn ■ - and p- toflhe ad­ CAUFOUNIA 8TBKET. Ashland. Of « QTAGEH LEAVE JACKHONV1LLE EVERY First a cold, then a rough, then con­ pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, al­ dress. Respectfully. O M«u (lay aud Friday at ♦> n'tiloek A. M. for Wil- •lie I m “ Grateful. ” lays (rverishness. destroys worm*, uod oroffOM. sumption, then death. “I to«»k Dr.Acker'.1* A Slocum M. < lsl I e rl trert • ackwoaa ville« dervill«. returuiue Tnewlay« arave my life.”—W. N. Wall ire. Washing f«»r ( throw-rmr-old» and upward» h»»a tlm poi-it of i to »Io all work in hi« line in th* b«&t mnnn«ran<1 Watch Ret airing caref illj «x«cut«d. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriai man. New Yorn For »alebv E C. Brook». •K friend 35 doses. 35 cent « tun. For tale by E. C. Brooks. st.-^inablapnc-. HrnVMPF . C^ ” Halertion Package« »«nt « mi »nnlinatinn ( ’ .»ai n.it» with n« I «for« iHirt har ng aiaowhara >i«bt horn mw -1 -if. Huo'-n Applicato- H„rMW hrwlod I » on right hip. I SPRING! 1888 SUMMER! The weather is a« beautiful as the dream of a »pirit j»oet, and as genial and sunny an the writer s Rhoda Ann. This is the p’a«*e where nobody has to lie Until the .kX-* wan raw. Body cover­ after returning from a fishing excursion. ed with ’ - «iles ’ like suots of mor- If an unlucky and a lucky angler go fishing tar, Cur« by th« Cuticura Reme- together, one don’t come h one to eat b dies« complimentsand the other detraction. The fiill don’t care who‘-e bail it is. and 1» te at 1 nm fioing t change your Ci t^>tell ______________ Is now offering Special Bargains in you of the extraotdinary all hooks with democratic impartiality. ine. About ‘helbt of zlprii la«t on I noticed Rome Some young towns catch w< ghty while L.'dtirurii Remedies performed Manufaetnt'ing Company’s 50-incli 1’i'ieot ( -------- Jiwlbt of April la.st I noticed aome others get only light investment'* of capital. red pimpl'M lik< Cuming out all over my body, invincible, Black Alpaca, double fold; b Keno’s $hU00 roller flour-mill, with a capac­ but th« ught nuffiii.g of it until some time later on. when it bem* to look like spots of inortar ity of »50 barrels per day, is by no means a Jloth; Check Mohair dress goods, yart trifling investment for a starter. Mr «potted oh , and which came off in layers, accom panied with it<*hiug. 1 would »uratch every night ¡Smith will b<*gin to build May 13th, and b* i i will give until I whs raw. then the next night the scale«, ready for the next harvest. He went among r Y being formed, were ecratched off again. In vain the farmers, advi'in ' them toincreas * their T 1 i did 1 eoiiHult every phy^icinu in the country, but acreage. He is a rustler. 1 without aid. After giving up all hopes of recov­ L Several Linkville gentlemen were down ery, 1 happened tosqpan njvertieeinent in (he j 1 newsiiap» rs*, amjut y»ur ('uticura Remedies, and here Sunday, shooting duck. These b rds I 1 ULI 1 IJ purcl.Hb”«! tii^nifrom my druggist, and obtained never weary of the shot-gun. The shooter almost iinmediaie relief. I began to notice that may l>ecoine tired and jaded, but tlie duck in all wool ('aslimeres than any house in Southern Oregon. the scaly eruptiupa gradually diopped off and dis- is either dead or buoyant and eager f r appeared one by on«-, and have been fully cured. Cabot W, 4-4 Brown Muslin, 7je per yard; Whittinsville bleaeh- 1 had th«* dtb*?aM thirteen months before 1 began more medicine. You bang both barr Is taking the( uticur:» Remedies, and in four or live into a flock on tbe water, and to you the e< d Muslin. 9e per yard; Laeonin, l"-4 bleaehed Sheeting, 30c per weeks was «ntijrHycured. My disease wasvrzvma sight of sev«ral (lucks bobbing bi lly upon ps^riasis.K. 1 reconiin«'uded the ("uticura the ripples may be slightly touching; but Wamsutta, 4-4 bleached Sheeting; Fruit of Loom, 4-4 bleached and y ■ard; i Reuivdiw loaifth my vicinity, .ai d 1 know of a to the survivin’'ducks flying around ov r great many who Lavu taken them, and thank me head the thing is prosy und < veu ridiculous Sheeting; Lonsdale, 4-4 bleaehed Sheeting. lor th«* knowledge « ' Ahem, especially mother» They alight there again, like any other who Lave I t« scaly «ruptions on their >. hr vtl and booi«-». 1 cannot express in word» the empty head that thrusts itself into th«- thanks to you for wtiaitfie ( uticura Remedies danger of getting fill- d w th tribulation. have been to m ■. My body was covered with Moral: Keep the head full of wisdom. and 1 win» an awful spectacle to behold. Dwelling far off from the ra lroad has ad­ L1UU VUUVVVU T1VII V1VMM uuijjimiim • • scale«*, Now my .-kin is as nice and clear us a baby's. vantages for some. The tranquil way in GEO. COl’EY, Merrill, Wis. whah farmers between Kvno and Link­ Amoskeag plaid shirting, Cheviot, 14c per yard; Marseilles check S’ j Jl i". Fob. 7, lSss.—-Not a true«’ whatsoever of the dis­ ville deal out meat, fruit and vegetables to ease fr«»iu which 1 suffered had shown itself since travelers, presents a pha-ing contrast t> ■ s' Jiirting, Cheviot; Caledonia shirtiug, Cheviot. GEO. COTEY. tbe excited manner in which rural dealers 1 Au entire line of new fall Buttons in metal, jet, etc.; Ladies' Ger­ my cure. near lhe railroad prepa.e products for Wo cannot do justice to the esteem in which shipping. However careful or disen-et the man, full-finished, tlee<’e-linc«l stockings, something entin Iv new and ('uticura, (he gi-at bkin ( ure. and Cuticura . an exquisite bkin Boautitier. prepared from latter may be, sonn thing exasperating is verv durable; Misses' and Childrens’ stockings in black and other col­ Boup, it. and ( uticura Retoln-nt, the new Blood Puri- sure to happen, ami th n he toes kicking, ors, both wool and eott.ni; Gentlemeu’s furnishings in flannel, merino n« r. are hehi by the (housa'd«» upon thousands around, iMrhaps sw kwork. Em am! cotton. disuiL-es Dressmakers will find a full stock of Trimmings, Silesia, Nanm- of hair. «»f the skill, scalp and blood, won loss mitt, < 'olver, Stearns ant others deal out ”. I’nco. ( uticura, 50c.. Sonp, r mmodit-es smilingly and never swear ex­ keag Drills, Crinoline, Wadding, Whalebone, I- ent held .one. Dress b »hi Ke ♦•vt-rywhor oivi- t, jl Prfpurt-i by th« Potter Drug cept at balky horses, book ; an ! otlr r and ( brim at l ’o . Bot»u>u, Mæ-s. exciting thing*' too numerous to lin ntion. Shields, Extenders, Etc. ¿4,»“.' . nd for ’ lii»w to < tn bkm Dit*ea«e«.” tM That chass of Kbinath <•-untv -’<• kmun 1 pages 5U illuHtratinili*,mid DU tertimonials. who came here l"Ug ago, r..i>v.l lo’sof •‘scrub’’ stock, and in the course of y ars ar quire ! title to vast shares of g«aod ami. are Oils, Crockery, Brooms, Tubs, Trunks, htc. Best quality of Costa n >w anxi >us to sell a farm or two. Pr' tica Coffee, 20c per pound; Good Japan l’ea in 5-ponnd boxes, $1 50; ! lexed uijh the hcav\ care o« nrle< of •• d 1 fem es, em losing ihousami" *f taxed and Salt, (100 pounds) $1 00. We buy Coal Oil by the cai load and can (’at.Tirh in its destnictive force stand» next to uncultivateti a« re*, whose rich era-' is l>» ing devoured by •■scrub" stock, the p omc- give very low prices. ai.d un.ioubttdly l»ad«son to -jonntimption. It is tl.vrefore • mgiiUtr that hflhcUMi with wants l(kss surface, more « ’lltivut on ami I allow the highest market price for Eggs, Butter and all Mer­ thin fearful disease bhuuld rot make itthevb- better horses and rattle. While his neigh jvt’î of th»'.r hvt» io r.d thctneclvitj of it. De­ bor. with only a thousand icres or lv<-. chantable Produce. N erv Respect fully, ceptive r. in« dive conc'-cled by iguorant pretend­ every acre pnr’uc ing something. an«l With - J. NUNAN. éis of no «Heal kt.oui da'«’ Lave weakened flic oi lv fifty or sixty head of tine anjnab contid’-nre of th«» urvat mujoritr uf Nufterere m all adv.'t 11 'd n ui’ Uies I Ley become rebigned well cared for. is growing rich an I c m- to a lit»» of misery than torture themHelve« with fortable by the >aleof first-da1-* beef, pork I doubtful pulliativ**». butter, cheese, grain, ethe is growing but tl.i* will nevT do (Catarrh muat be met po rer und more unhappv among hi- at ev ry sta<«‘ and cwmUit'M with all <»ur might, old fences, building'* ami it I- ri«»r ai.im.d- in many •' .»*••* th * di»**at**) h u» assumed .ianger- out* bviiiptoms. The b vlo. g it« tl, the th «»at suinth.inrd and irritated bv people who have just land enough. It : . it, p’ >tiu’ a «••..••»i nt and uistreewing''ough means only care at <1 pert»’» xily. Hv al> • Kan. -'il'- I h ’ll < . r«- ir’»»ts every olíase of knows that bv sc'licg all but cn »ugh to « .-’at rh. a Hiinp.e h •• «1 cold h» tn • most Jo.»hrt« n.e ma* .h ’i . ’«V" ►Ua:e«. It is l.M'al make a pathway t*» the prosperity id'i v:gh ai it c.i■.-ritL aaj - i . Ii--' i;’ ii- r»d, v,p«»nua- l»or i‘enjoying, is to b ill-; up the cou’itrv n* nt m . ur;’ «-..: uu. 1 un i nev ¡-fail­ v\ i th fa« ins an« I thii” make hi- la-t .mil TOUGHNESS—It is almost Impo-siMe t<» I'l-ar ,and it will not ('rack, ing. farm more valua1 !•* th-in a l the «»lhri‘. ta« h package < i»n!.t «