I t ul . ii . i - dute in.i.\.'i.ti rioss. I L UR OR II. MÜ3IT1UX The Monarch s.ihxm nt Medford, under the management ot H. If. Wolters, is prov, The following real-estate transfers haw W. Colvig is at Saltiti. The legislative days are about ended. John Sisemore was in Jacksonville Mon- ing a popular resort. The best of every­ taken place Mince our hi't report : thing in tuat line is kept there. J day. To-iuorrow is Washington's birthday. uew candidate fur marshal tins XVm Addison t<» David Pavne; lami in tp UNIT» STATU OFFICIAL MÍSS. Eugene city had a *5000 6re on Monday. E. A. Manning of Portlaml was in town week. •h " R 1 E. $20»u. Pierce Ryan the popular conductor on .... I bv all. Among yesterday. ( H Husky to (’(’ IL-pkiti'and J Eugene city hid ■ S• r.n the 1*cfi » Staple (al! and winter goods at Fisher’s. the paasen.-er from Red Blufl to Ashland may best bo done to THURSDAY ... FEBRVARY21 IS#). New stock. • m«»n I; lots in Ashland. $100«». Jacob Neat hammer of Rock Point »ai in instant. returned to duty last week after a vacation « nhance personal town Monday. « The Ja« k>ou couniy r. !e . bill i..i cd to ■ (»T»’<»tuR 1) ami Margur i'u E- W . li. Hollingsworth, of Barron’s called in tlieorange belt of Caliiotnia. lot' in Medford. $70. b"unty is the daily (iCÄ ILI ItH/Xti KtTXli mm orn­ on us last lhurstlay. E. W. Hammon uf Phoenix is in town on pass the lower house. O. Ganiarti has contracted for a band- O T Co lu Sarah Mayvr; luto in Asblnml V'»: of Ayer's Hair Fruit trees are reported in bloom at El- [ $ 20b ili H'IHH'.ITIOM. Now is the time to take up and advertise some Evstlake cottage t > he built at a cost legal business. V igor. NO matter stray animals. in lensburg. Curry cuunty. of »3 ,500 on hi» white sulphur springs prop- | Michael < havner of Gold Iliil OT Cut»» Dll Miller ct al. in tru>t f»»r Parties payir g f«»r th« T imk » in advance at our xvhat the color of erty in Ashland in a short time. town «»ii Sunday. I'he Wizard oil im*n are playing to full • Marcellus Rowe of Tolo took in Jackson ­ First ( hrb«tain Church dot** in Medford. $1 rmlucad caah ratefl will be furi>i»hed any of the the hair, this prepa- Fred Otten to Alex Orme; laud in tp 37 M. 1>. Phipps of Me. R I W. $’¡00. 4. has Schultz new’ dwelling house is sessment schedules, receipts, etc , at the county-scat Tuesday. tre umi pliancy that noticed that there ih a reduction of at leant 15 nearing completion. C.ithcrine Bc*h<»rto Joseph Brumlaugh T imes otlice If their districts levy a tax Point precinct this morning. Chas. Rippey of Central Point was in p»r cent, on publisher s’ customary rates in every lot in Gold Hill. $J)o. adds greatly to its liven’ day people living in the town 1 u«*sday afternoon. "Peter, ti e F ••’, of Ken'» was once cun 1* retdi oatmeal and buckwheat flour, at they will tind them Mary Ch»vner; •■harm. Shoubl the WE.KXLlES. J. A. McDonald of Brownsboro call»*«I at net ted wilt) the L«mg< ree.x “Eigle.’’ the 8. F. Variety Store. The State Boarnville and « Ini'. Ni< kell t<» Volna Webster; land in l’hi Berthold •»( the Willamette valley, ated that there will be an unpre e‘b-nt -«l the T imes office while in town on Tuesday Harp- r’fl Weekly..................................... ... S 70 dry, or turning gray, Jas. G jins <;f Medford was in Jackson­ Me it'ird ar»* Lr »ug.it v»-iy cl'-.se together. rush to Oregon from the < a-*t ami from It ! XX $ 100. Scientific American................................. ... s hi called on ux on M •>n«lay more to get their things of dr<■-■ ville tut bu i i.-.ss on Tuesday. \>cr’s Hair Vigor I»rtn»it Free Pr»*»«s................................... ... 3 to Lilli«* D«».< d 1 (’» Iv:/, u! <» was lying at | > Culver loMi's Aldly Furrji ,lot' in Plio« ■ lhe legislature wid adj urn at lOo’ctpck, California «luring the next 3*x month. New Y«»rk rttar ........................................ . 3 0U i’. m , t«‘-morrow, Fiid.iy. .1 H ukc i of Pn i • ii.t was in towii restore the p er ; lols in Ashlami. chants. It i*> they who have the liari»er « Bazar.......................................... week as a special ajent tor the company. laii'i, has returne l lo Linkvdiv. under ' »me < m- <»l ii. Kumuuus town ! ».:•»•» ... 5 7o and shiny. «Settling up time is at Land and wo hope ( Pioneer Pnw......... ............................... ... 3 00 , churl' rs Horae»* Pv'.ton pai«i the T imes otlb e a bus ­ lean, cool ti»e printer will nut be forgotten. It is the general iuipres-i in that the win ­ ' o T I'«» to Gu.s an«l Swan Wi l Bur, very few robins are nesting now. ter has been ent’rely too open for good i1( ar Jackson­ (il<»be DemchuRz tu JasE.iliott; lot in hat ’ s tin- matter with Cupid? Philadelphia Time«................................. est rtyl<■and the low« -t pr. ... 3 U» ville. bad colds is largely attributable to that cuunty—cat yesterday uilerno'/n. Ja k'onv.lle $100. Han Francisco ('»ill................................. Ca l and see those elegant silk bamlker fact. ... 3 QI M.ir.arvt L Ktmba l tu J 11 Hull ; umi I he many friend ) f < '.;*d J i* Barm s .1. A. O!»«'i;ch »in of B g B lite wa.s down Frank Leslie’» illustrated paper.......... ... 3 70 chiels al the 8. F. Variety Store th«» three thine' n< ■« try to uni ie/rvi vtiy mt » .i t< 1« urn that, he iu v«h d (»ne finii of land owned by Duini The S. F. Variety Stor is the plan- to to the county scat on Saturday last “ tiermaa ... S 70 F. M. 1 ungate of Big Butte was in town buy your cigars, candies, nuts and n«»ti<»ns. Wuo i ni Ja' k'on » oun'y at tin»« «4 hi in a pr< <• .ri'Ui- < om:.t r»n. Sunday Magazine............. ... • 5») Win. ^1. Wi son, of Eureka, N v., regis Popular Mi uthly............... most successful buying. ...5 0) on lam! business last luesday. The best ami freshest g-»ods in this line tered at lhe i S hotel on Monday. Tom K«*ii!.« v long'd t »e (’luggage bla -k- d ah. ^2.»’». Budget . .......................... .... 4 3D I 11 Hurt’ to Kellogg W Ohh. a me a Now is the hme to subscribe for the lower than anywhere else in southern Ore­ smittr h 'i< aid i H r tp> 3** ami »0 S R ! E ’ $7»» ». J,»«?. Teal, of <’ »x. Smith A Teal, of Port­ ('enturj. S«*rd»n«-r •».. rt 00 Variety Store, Jac ksonville, every day band contest on th»* 12’u of M ty this year 1*1* t h is . • :■ mv i r ■in ’ * >1 mil«- Pen in » \ <*r i.ik- ' ai.d i r h ■ -L »¡na «.h ’ s s >i;< . E< her Woollen to P-enj Fox; bat in Ash ¡LLU STRATED CATALO« ■’ Demorest’s Magazine............................................. 4 IM) in Jacksonville, on which ucCH'i *n they land is hi town on legal business. like s » nunv J ti <-. «»nvi *•• |«< <•; «<• land. $10 »0. Godey’« Lady Book................................................ 4 UQ King Comus, the Lord of Misrule, will will endeavor t) surpass all previous ef­ Henry K'ipp«-! returned from a trip to an I.” — 1; L* •!•«:;. O.i.dai.d, Ohio. Rev. 1 II Hoxiw V. I . |«r. ;■ ¡1 in the St. Nicholas ........................................................ 5 00 hold fud sway in Portland to-morrow. 4 x Frucht t » Hattie L.i u k; l<»t-in Salem and tne Willamette valley yester­ and by aid of long cAperieic forts. Harper's Monthly.............................................. 50 •■ My h ur was >■ .min «»lit (without M« th di'f (nu < li in J c !.onville next A'bland. $2 Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale American Agnculturiet......................................... 3 50 at the I imes ottice at Our citizens are showing commendable day. any ii‘.sistan< *• fr un mi wif«*, either). Sunday, b iii m in ing an i i vening. I «ubi T 1 h«»n.a cents a hundred. Harper's Young People......................................... 4 (»0 S. B. Gab y of Ashlami, is in town taking kill in filling order.. foresight in cutting down ami burning all 1 trú 'l Ayer s I! r V. ;or, using only \\ < 1 '.trn l n il a r ''dent <*f ¡’crest cri ck Go!«! lb 1. $2oo. Alami $12,0)0 has been subscribed on the their old fruit lives which are inf< ste 1 with «h'pobitions in the (use of Anderson vs PeCerBon’s Magazine....................................... 4 ( m ) . .» ’ as tine a on«» bottle, an*! 1 n- w l«:i. J E Di m ka to ( • 11 P»ak« r; lut n Mdlord. is temp»r;»i dy in-rue. and will pi'di.-ibl}’ he H<»nsekeeper............................................................ 8 00 $20,«IM» subsidy for the Salem woolen mills Hammon Bros. t, v n- < o ’ lld wish for. ” black scale ami replacing them with new- li«*ad of hair as :u to place the advanla.L < illcred o Other publications will be furnished ata re­ brought before th®i «»unty court fur inves- son. T«*nn. It yon want to buy a lot in Tolo, do not stock —R. T. Scliiuil’ie u, I» B. W Dean went to Elk « reek on Mon- ligutioit t »-day. J Rowland ; land in tj duced price when «»rdered with the TIMES. delay, fur prices will be advanced in April TIMES PRINTING HOUSE citv tr.de equally within r< ach The house formerly occupie«l as a black- «l.«v to i.:spe« t a piece of railroad land -I liavi* ii* I Af i’s Hair Vigor in my Jus l.ii d'cv of B-a. 1 . ; v-rt i'« ' in th«' Jacksonville) Oregon. An invoice of fresh smelt in town yester­ smithsbop, tielonging to the (’luggage es which he wi 11 locate. family for a num •r <»f xears, and re- (» «Id Beach "Gazette res « ¡and in 1 • . •. preiiaration I day was eagerly taken up by lovers of late, was yv. terd iv pulled down, having yard it as the I«' ■ C. H Hoagland ami brother of Central Ja 'k-uii «unity to nad : r>r a st- « k farm out* of town ciBt'iners fish. know of It keeps t . > dp clean, the become dangerous to passers on 1th and (' Point,*w< re in town on business and called on lhe coast. Jo. ep At oe Court Docket. liair -ott atul liv. . ami prcs«*rves the streets. »•») th»- T imes yesterday. Tj»e cititens of Medford were treated to a The following cmui have been docketed Pi: I. Sr-* ven? depart« d »if - m inn.' vsith original « «'lor. My xviL* has used it for As to cost of S“!l’lÌ!lg The Ashland St«»ck Protective Asxochi Mi's Cora Linn attended the |< P. bad a b-ad of uippln s to- !. for th>-March term of the c rcuit court for 'i.ght ot the new ban I wagon on baturday ’. .«th • J D ■ 1 a luna time with last. lion now has an enrollment »>f an«nit eightv’ at Ashland Tuesday night, ami pronounces St-ven*- who is n»»w Ip-ing ou his land Josephine county, to-wtr .1.1/. — Ben iami: suits.'' an (•lai n in J 'Cp'i ii" county. Thomas I! Mo. liient for an aieaull w i h a ilangero is weap­ fence about bis premises in the burned dis­ the stock interests uf southern Oregon A.S. Hammond and wife of Addam! (’. W. (iaub.n, th-- de.'U'y district • ■ ■ hereafter. jii chai : 4 have b< « :i trict. on. w«*r»' the guests uf Judge amt Mrs. Webster i.< v Lit ’■ v.l »-,’ ;..*■ i.i< n-'icna’i")) but aii«‘r uhad a !«"”>- »4 Ayer’t! Dr A. Helm ami wife will this week tor several «lays the past week. State vs. A J Chapman; indicted for ki 1- J. E. Cox of Tolo was in town Monday to Mr. ('< lvig, whi< h ! as been accepted, Hair Vig"i .’ . r ■' bi ■ \ ami glossy. 1 Francisco with the furni- return from Ban tng a deer. A- last and paid the T' imeh office a business J. W. Sowden has removed to Jackson ami n » new iippointim nl v ill be mu le. 1 it 1 Z -Î lure for the new Ashl.iml hotel. The Ore v.l e from Red Blutl, ami will probably lo­ State vs. Carl F Gentner; as-ault with a visit k< -- *la . ! C. H nd; . Dela’ an, 111. “Ask and ye-lu ll n reive.” don't apjfy gon, whi' h will be formally opened tn a dangerous weapon. in the handsome saving cate in the va ley permanently. S»*oti (¡rifli-i <»f I' »1 » wants to buy .’>000 wh r * J (ks »n county is concerned. We S ate vi. Carl F Gentner; carrying con­ bu'io ls »jfo.it'. delivvrvl at his xvarebou.se short time. David Linn paid Ashl and a visit of in get very I tth* th •' we u'-k for from the leg- cealed weapon. Postmaster Farlow’ of Ashland has re­ spedi<»n on i’ll«- day last and cam«* ba< k ■ i Helms; felony (from jw- cently mad«- several net« ssarv improv-- r.c- semi-weekly mail service from Sam s meats in Ins ortice. inc u ling a r.ew d» l v w .1 'ati - tn i — with Jacks 'iivdle. ri:hl..ULD LV tice court.) valley to spikenard went into effect last ■■ r<. 'Tobi? of P-»r'land. ilaught«T of (.<■<» Have vou doubts as to Ilio ton State vs. Edward E Moore; assault with cry window with call b>x»*s a’i I Lu K b ox- Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass, Friday. R.v\ cv <• <»f t. hs place, is «pine sick with er\■ » ni- a tlangerous we ip n. es attached. Fro-h-crop oranges, lemons, figs, etc., , sip» l.t'at tile house of Adam Schmitt . Slate vs. 1. F Windom; a-s.mlt with a nd SoM ly Druggist» au'l l'vrluuiers. merits of this sv¿tem of 11Ú' !u I Chamberlain’s Ev»- and Sk o i lint men-' i*. ¡ at t.iv S. F. Vai lety 8tore. I'he best in the uaieipialvd for old chronic sores. Manv ; lh'U' V Bu« k <•( Ap,»legate, who has bv n dangerous wea|>on. • i ■1 Henry Smith vs J R Marshall; to re »ver market. m X ’ ti K.i for sometime. pU'seii through people have been permanently cure I by it ( Tr. money. Mrs E W. Og»in of Medford called on For sale bv City Drug Store and Engel I lacksoiivillt* Tne day on his way home • ■ r I. ; v :;OUNür.MENÏS. E8 Smith V'. F J Carroll; to recover the T imes office while in town Tuesday Bros. 1‘htenix '■ J 1 ;«> . Wright. Will Lewi.'. E«i Farra aud money. morning. ! B .* Sherifl Moxlt v hor'c ■ ast Mond ty on busin ■ - inten . City M s.”shal recover money. paring to uixnu facture ice the coming which he was trying to hold durinr t .» Jacob Thompson uf Ashland was in S A Moore v>. A M Je-« and J S Denise; summer. Chinese new year dviii mstratioii at \ red a Jacks«»nvi;ie on Thursday afternoon an 1 equity. Wednesday morning on business at the E. Hammon, of Hammon Bros.’ nursery last Ihursday. Jno M Hau'.cum vs. Ja-per Chapman; was in Jacksonville on legal business last The Obenchain ranch on B g Butte court house. 400. 402. 404, 406. 408, 410 K Sticut, «tniitv. Munday creek, which was sold by W. H. l’arker at Mrs. <.••<». B. Dorris ami daughter Mi'< GW Riddle vs. 11 F. Miller and W M « referee ’ s sale last Satnr lav. was nought by May of E i « ne city wiil be in Jacksonville N. Either has just place«l a splendi»! as- Royal; e>|Uit.V. 1 I’.wial He intends« visning friends (ricini and relatives during the xortment of new full and winter goods on George Arnold for $3.d’M». Jac .b J Moore v< Henj Bull. < I'tity. SACRAMENTO, CAL farming the property. coinin# week. ♦ Thomas W Reed vs. sarali l> end Georg** his shelves. Barks; equity. Mat. McCoy an«l wife of Taroma. wa re in Mr. Morse of Ashlan 1 wa< in Jackson- Dan (i;tl»y, formerly of Ashland, is now !’<• that I Homer D Harkness vs. J Bourne, et al; enj >ving a lucrative faw* practice at Ellens­ Ashland last week. says the " Record.” on viU* Tm-diy evening on burine.**.' con­ bo sfitti a! Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoe«, a tour around the worhl. to be gone an m’ m-eted with the K i'. entertainment at equity. burg. W. !’. . ,4 re ;•••ctflllly so- A M Jess vs. I) Lindsey; to recover Mrs McCoy isa niece of J. W. Granite hall. Millinery, Notions, etc» Jo.sef Heine, the wonderful young musi­ one year : I’ XS. S' Hl'LTZ money. is giving concerts in the Oregon Williams of Ashland G« o. B’ hmn-r an i Prof. Peebles, a«?con. t> .t C R R i io vs, D Lindsay and S I' D A cion, Henry Ixnb ’ i.Jr . thi-* w» — k delivered a | valley towns. panied Ly Misses Emma Pape and Eda L Co; t" recover money Money is needd by the T imes Publish­ tine Ijt of >t"ers tojohn Oith from the An- I Haulw. mj >y«*d a drive over tiwk roads to O A C R It Co vs. A A Wimer and > 1‘ 1' piegate ranee. We ¡ arn th i ’ Mr Orth | ing Co., and everybody indebted should ha»» also b«»u dit t i<- II um y b • i ?Lecrs <•:• Ashlami last Sunday. SOT!' L A L Co; to recover money. • ,.f < i Chris I’ ru b ami Thus. J.tfinston were <) A C it It Co ys. J and It A A le ,. to re­ settle at one».» the Applegate ranch. au fir 'U1 at XX .i_'ii» r < r< »*k on Sunday inspecting the Tne C S t »pograplii< al survey »rs wd cover money. The T<»!o l owu'ite Mmmg (’ompanv j working' «»t the p«»rt th!«* saw tai'! now m o A ( It ft Co v ■ H < Me'-.u-.r and .1 re'umr operations in southern Oregon in X Had Hfur> . ON. Sii (.|I«-r lots f<»r $00 each -r!1» «' ish. bal;*t.' hi operat,».»!» at that place. C Smith; to recover iiu*n**v. Ami: or May. The » !nl«l » oughed The mother r.ip- E F Everitt vs. I. !• Ily.le; e.plilv. id reine«iy wa- m ar. Brf- re mornimr I In A'hlan i month. F »r , I’ nl S .■•.•»••is is in loan «lirert from I’oiYa Mar hal. Henry Smith v- W J Nut' . e*|ui'v. i lerer was dead Moral «»a ttmb« r land locations, wherein their full arratigements. call on or address th»- home in Jo-» »»bin»* county, ami report' secretary, Scott Gridin. * I»A Levein v Itu y Iti <■; to nvovi ■ fie d.s are level. ev« ry’ nn r p • p**r »in ml farm ng «»pe.a- w.. . ' k. »••• Dr A k»-r’- Eu.d • ; i t lia mnney. The photographers who were taking ti »ii-» ’.v»dl nil ler w i\ in Imit s( » :ion. han I. s.d I bv E. I’- hm It«- New al Harlan of Cheyenne now has views II li Miller VS. T W Ree l, el al. «quity town of residences ami scenery in thi' charge of the composition room uf the W. H. Park«*r s health is imiTovinj "ime .«• first S M I’ickens vs C II I’ i kens; mvor* e. valley sonmtime since ostensibly tor the h<* has moved on his farm. He walks to D W Daniels vs. Sarah A I'ame s, -ainc. Medford‘ Mail.” S. R. railroad company, arc now operating town each «lay and attends his office w >rk, HELM.-. Jennie Bagley V*. W I'l Bagley , same. T A. Harris an»i Davi»l Payne have i in Siskiyou county, (.’al. returning home in the evening by the same MaryJ Miry Brown vs. W N Brown same. 1 forme i a co-partnership in the meat ruar- A Kansas city diepatch reports the arrest conveyance. S Hannuin vs Ann H.innuin, -anm J H fl i kt t af Ashland. : of Black B-irt, the Po » Hie,ulule (¿interinai, As will be seen m another pl me, Mr. W. T.i»* railway bridge c<»nnecting Albina 1 Jimmy v. i > .i ] • • oi Die roast Mr«. Adelia Redfield has our thank' for w ib P. rt an l was opene t last Thursday, I. Vawterof the Medford Lank was n! *r- The T imi .' w;sh«*s them a snL* and pleasant I fav«»Ts rteeivv«!. hav. r.*-i ie I ;u County about ried at Engem- city on Sund »y. February a id AJjina rejoice> < ’ ’ C. Beekman ami family, accompan!»' ! .uni secure a full volume of num'. • :•*. I j i ly y r -1 i ;»;’•*•. a•• • i •< I m *ii V < i n* lais in L. D. Montgomery is at thi' pla t am! Hammon Bros.’ nursery has been re 7 th. to Mis* Etta Hill, a' harming lady of by r< a’rr »w,after their ¡v hi’ did n- ’ liv»* to • ujuy. Il-.s fami y ii. id dit» 0w>* /.»>«•*«/ One1 Bronham, twin daughter*. I* r. l«».'s of cost. ('ail and inspect goods before caused by pro's of advert».'«'inent.s, in a long s j »urn in rhe eastern states. < <»' ami ar-* w»- I o-<'<‘ p- u; i<-. mid he wa-i I In in m »ry of L l’l«* L»r.t short time. Bro. Bell’s * -mi-we.kiy ex- (’•»1. W. J. Martin - ent two day* here they are picked over. ♦ highly rc'p< t» 'i • it - v. « ti w* u* « ' •».'» i' 1. Mrs. 8 W. Tripp of (¡rant’s Pa — si»«-nt <■ >!>h f<» cloudy weather and good health i.<» .• i i .«»l of hi • 1» rf the Grant’s Pass "C »nri r ' sca’.o for dis­ limbers for the pa't nine nv ntlis \ c *! .c he bad on di Xnd •*■•<• not ourlox ' i »»i: i.! -i ■ erts • thoFe frieivl*. will be welcomed by all. several day* at thi' place visiting frivud*. Nortliw. -t <•• inplete'y, ami <1< al- with a!l siii j >•' "i f respectfully speaking »f I. ik»* as the <->dd» 't among the coa; miners aioun i the slaughter house n- er c ■ • ■; . • ■ XX <• wo p nil alon«* f»r the lov 'do • gone A full Iim* <»f hrst-clasfl garden seeds. county in Oregon, ami charging ’ha» frosts •«trike AV t. st i Miss F.va Elliff ha** gon«' t«»east I mp<|Ua sfi kiii" information of this region. Lor the enri nt ■ * bay cati'L 1 a suspeti'i »n of operations in in t » save UiniMui b\ p u A hi .U ü U J For w«1 ti’-vi r can b- ** h»-r ni»»r«' : where “he will 'penf. and a car< fill > : John W.Gav of Albany will remove his shirts, neckties, collars, culls, scarf pins, UF I complete exponent of the res ul th*s pla o. »>«:» \« st Mr. an«l Mr*. Afimz«» Jo!»e*-«»i I’akercity family to southern Oregon, probably to < itiw»rn (• h*Ahi 1 iitf«. H pla«*«- at the ta*»|»» j' \*e .« « collar-buttons, etc., in southern Oregon i ! .raced ma ;»* to h’?> p i Ilin r A’.-i ftnp’j her little chair ; new enterprises of importance in. the entire i returned t«» Glemialv hi't week. They are Ashland, in a short time. J ('. Nri! is nuking-'»ine suh*t intial ini - N i '. t s-rmi«’« »-t d «• *. • can always be found at th»? S. F Variety l»r.iwments < n his» dwelling lh»* city m.irs; .»I m»'i the guest«* « f Mr*. Robert'. British within the limit.'of Oregon. Washington, Montana From under her g«»ld*t» hair. (’a’.l at the S. F. Variety Store, Jackson- Store, (’all an«l see fur voiirj«,lves. evil-» wuo’-i < » i hi.u $ Neil ( reek. Mr*. Thus Br«»zill end Iu r 1 tt v «Faught« r vil!e, and get tlie highest bargains ever of- hlbi ’ ie tunic. I i villlTi Btr, when \v • g »to that luu-p;, Columbia ami Alaska.together with a multitude of Mr*. B• ttv b r has th- sympathy »f The Neil <’> < < k l,\ '•euni, at the ! i- t meet latclv <»f tunnel *'f«* vi'iting Mr' XX. B. fer»*«i in youthem Oregon X\ r»- frn-n'i* u » hop'» to n;. many friends in the lo i»*wi.|«-nethat appear his Steer ^.imuel Em'nree returned from a two sonville ct tn» terv. Mi 1 (.’•♦ * bu'inc'* at thi* pla«e has re­ vi«it to the f amily ot (). E R«>se on R« ad our grand cl ibborg Inducements sb im what -u* picioils for a young man. signed hi* posiiion am! will g«» < l'»*wh« r» w«-ek'.s » í l n •* •; f /; / on . i Applegate, on Tuesday last. X! r ib-nfr«», f»»r:.p ra* of Pendleton, is publi'hed e’sewher«-.-»nd if von want th»- ■ dl< with All <"b _rutii engraviniB, in colors or tint', vili be i- and engage in busiu« '* for h ru If. His i. i DÇ NN —At t The S. F "Examine!” is the best paper lea«ling j«mrnal of southern <>re»gon and hi.< hug a h • is»- ami making various other resignation wa* a * »nr«’»* of sin ■»•re regret ¡•\r«»nî-* m .\*hl¿;:i lender their bvstwi'he* to Mr. scriptions at the T imes office. I eh. ; nil.:. ' a have a new VAWTEK 8. and hn» ani abl»* wife and wi'h f r them Tax payers arc beginning to rustle semi to the T imes oflice. H F.Barron is leading here in the work i: v « '. M Hill, \V. I Viiwb-r <»f Medlord f the cent sccii'TV of the west, and will alone be w**rili tie* continued prosperity in their future home. aroum! in earnest now tor the wherewithal ..bike £xami' (’ramping pains in the stomach ami oi planting fruit trees. During „ the past Mi-' Etta Ihli of F»»• city. Ji xirs. bowels, cholera morbus and diarrleea are season he adde«l twenty-five acres of choice to li«piidate with the sheriff. 8. 11 .t. magazine. I’OWXUI) KIW.XID At t..»» I tiou.. .luck'*»! villi’. F»-b. Jo n. i»\ .1. Il liu L i Semi the T imes to vour friends East, or promptly, permanently and .«arnl.v cure»l apple. | ear ami prune trees to his orchar.i ( (w:rl»*K I’ li*'watd u'i A. K .< h Urrtfon Homtin. , : i»F at any other place, ft answers better than by using Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and • 50 The extremely u < an not do without T he W est S uohe b>r 1" i.'«ci r i.j svi .xm v r. I Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold at City Drug Oregon claims to have the han Ivui'>t ail the letters y«»u can write. last month is making some of our farmers ill at : . . « store and by Engel Bros., Phoenix. State. a year; cts. extra if sent beyond the limit.' ot th- i and beat women in the world and Ja< k-on Tne disappearance of jack-rabbits from ease Altb ugh farming has been retai «led • Xi X ! ll.Xi FOR i HF inn: \ county claim-« to have the m rvx-t women i the Klamath oountv ranges is noted with Jacksonville parlies who atfeml.-d the K . vaiious otlu r improvements me being «»1 < iur - i Address linuliuii <»f «dl per- Mexico or Canad '. Single copies, 25 cts. in Oregon She »ml lor hu-l'itid hav> , -at i> tact ion by • orrespondents of 1’. ball at Granite hall in Ash'and on made. >an aiiti :.s cH'xLdatPs fi»r I.O a I On Api le,; -. F lived f«r several years io the O, t lolls and »iHiiy, i Le ( ’ ounty Tuesday evening report having ha<1 a spon- I I'he ‘•tail-fr-ding of beef catl'c for the When von desire a pleasant physic, try O E. Kor •. a daughter. SAMUEL.. Publisher. PORTLAND » FEGOW John had been phiini) g f r sometime to f will h*»lda i ub- did tin»«-. Our Ashlami friends are rapid Flo IH NBl Itti O ; P. r ¡hum iti: lluiis! build a frame barn. The umi'U.,1 > ojen st. Patrick s Pills. For sale at Ci tv Drug !y establishing the reputation of being I'ortl.iml ami local market, is recriviug ' Store and Engel Bros.. Ph«onix. t ■ Mr.mid Mrs. Tho» Fr deuhur considerable attention here. Neil Bros . I weather the past M-a-oii emibl I him to adepts in the art of entertaining. iloslcy A 1‘elt m alone have nearly tour Fiie "Record” rep'.rts eight new resi­ hew the tilnl» r> ami rive the slialies in th • Remember always that Pon 1 s I’yt nct t hundred i.it cattle on hand. i mountains, draw them out. ami. with the dences under construction in Ashland, bi I b is to be «¿btainvd in b«»ttles of l'o»)d - Ex ­ help <>t the neighbors, raise the frame < , co-ting from $15 *) t» $'»n(iii each. ■' <). (’. r«»hmin and wife, who have been tract comp in \ sown putti- g up (bull wrap ­ the barn. Seedm,' time we' appr ■ hm • Y»»u can always get the neatest,job work per. with lamiscan»' tra i> -maiki and in no ’'P'mlingseveral weeks with th«- fornmr'* TYL. It In M K. l> however, ami lie ».:■> selmitoiw I,-I lm of all kiml.-i done as cheaply as in the east other way. Anything «-it r« u \ oil m»< so L oili-T. .1. (’. Tel man of I hi* pl (<•*, started M . <>f tjphoid frv'-r, Delbert. would not have li.n- to roof in the strm t u’ the T imes otlice. Give us a trial. i .'. i n’’y f<»r ’ ir.ni'l Juneii m (’ >1.. where 1 ■. !»-i ; a¿;ud 5 ¿oars. 2 inantn* a l - put up is a counterfeit ; refuse it. ure before begin»))'.' bi- V ebruary plowm,'. 1 Parties desiring to build in Tolo this he will remain sometime before returning THOMSON At th»* U S l ote] in ,Ja< k cksun conn. Philip Berthold, administrator «»I 'he when his brave wife volunteered t > axis! : sprin ! will be furnished lumber, brick and vili»', F»-b 2»tli, Jam<*3 I Loui-oa ; ag»*d ah«»m bin, ill the work of nailing on l..e 'h ike', estate of Wallace ('ushniati. dece:iM*d, « Is« to his home in N»»rth Missouri. 59 ycsirs. i building material at the lowest price. * where gives notice that he wiil sell some val­ and in spile of his prom t'. i •• '•'!• I in The Neil creek public sch«»ol i> well at the work until the rtsif was liiii'hed: min­ , (¡en. E L. Applegate of Ashland was a uable personal pr«»pert.v belonging t» . the ; tended at present, and the pupils arc doing - 2 ?ror»osals ' prominent member of th«* "third estate, on Thursday. February 2H, 1 n hand at the T imes office. Milling Ci’inpany, for a nomina! s'i»u. to XVells, I h<»mas Howard. George >hoi es, eeiv. <1 iioni i !', edllit will tie th 1 .lamer Shores. Minnie I' t >ss an i Bell«* Ros* . In the mu’, er id t!.«- ••staUmf II. \V. Ibci; If: d. back'' lip the side of a iln|i mountain, <» E Rose of Applegate was in town any responsible party who will put up a uutliern i ’. <■/ r V;>TR L IS EMU 1A G1V. N TH Xl Till and a bucket of hueklcb. rr e«. but li-r I it all because it’s a girl, as noted elsewhere. rr- *1 or call on the secretary. s< ott Gridin. * i schu«>’» on the 22 I in.'!, 11. 11. Moller und-T-i,:i:--«l I imm bn.*ii appnuc• . . Y«»rx»- A mi . ru "I have used Ayer's Pills f»»r the i»a't ’.«» i oitr.’j court of Jack-i-n comity, l »r< -r<•.•. -i’t i: < A f“w e »p « ■* of the American Settler/ tlie palm, as the bravest woman in Oregon ' art . ■ • in probate, administrMoi of i'(,- .• • it»- of II. \\ I years, and am >atistip«l I shuuhl not be I (»ni l«*, standard authority on all land llo.iklbi-Hi. .I.'. - .e- d. Next! Now h the time of year when the ap- in/ mat,v mt ■ o matters, mav be found at the T imes office. alive to-day if it ba«l n«»t been for them AH person-* mdebh-d to Laid »'sta: i;r-i< tile bar with ' iie They cure«! me of dy- pep ia when nil other pr >Ling holiday season reminds us that tjue.ai-d to botti»* the «am- miar that» a . a', Clrrult Court rrurerillntl”. E L. Hollenbeak will be the diamond­ remedie« fai!c«i.”—T. P. Bonner. Chester. some token oi kind remembrance will be eigat -, and a lite t ! h » s »- having claims* ab duct th»-•• u t»* will on t, I The following wa< tranne led in . ireuit pin clerk of the new Ashland hotel. The Pa. Ayer's Pills are sold by all «lruggists. welcomed oy our friend^. What present faiuti'i th* r. r -ul ih-in to nn-at in> re-i-l-mr-' in i'••-.•’trd !'• i ri r.::\ vourt at the adjourned lh-ceiiiber term, on (>r(g«»n, under Dr Holm’s alministra- precinct, .Jacknot; rouiity. Oregon, w.i'i t: would li • in-.re lu’ceptabie than a line pho­ rent y .u w. ii. r ,, 1. F»»r the best turm-ut' for all ocras!«»ns tograph *»r cr.ivoti «•( the g.ver, made hv I ; roper voucia-rH attached, within six m< i I la-t Monday. Eiliruary Bt > I t!«»n. call at ’he E.X' «*!'i'«r iivc.y 't ilde in .I. Ir- L" < )li • ■/.•4 X flora the tiret p.diii-ation < f tl ’ »ci Sarah M S .well v- i-:iii- Skeeter- Ac­ th“ A^h’aml phot«»L’iaphei' Hr al- The bulk of the small grain is sowed in ( . H. Host.I AND Firmal«*’s urn e an* quite i» a- v i\- has the la‘e>t novelties in finish, and tion at law h> recover real-.-late. Ih inur- Jackson county ami with an increased sonville The >. I'. V. Xdmirdb!rator of san] »> er to < ro"-bill ni-taini d and t me given un­ I acreage, the prospects of a large yield are s well to pa» i- til March 2. B*1 to tile_ainciel-d ' ro- -bill. 1 ' I g< •»«!. W Hl t.C l-old in <| ize his stage iim- running between this something ne.v about pictures. ! John SBemore v- Mary S Sizemore . di- able li.,u;c•* Administrator's Sale > not forget the regular meeting of the place and Medford. C aí . 3.1 un i E Street». • voree. I'laintitT* alh / iti"ii' n<4 su-tilined - • D Hhouhl the l<*gislature continue in session ’ itliern Oregon Fruitgrowers ’ Associa ­ Senator Cogswell's bill appropriating Real Property. Bedruoiii suits $2«», £'-'5 and iipwitnb. willi lar/e, . >l; ! I.A N I >. < >H ant for e.,. AiiMi'.isritAin:; ary ’ 2 3rd. 11 i r n< e I Pelton, « t al ; from Lakeview to a point, on th«* stat»* Iim-. John Si'emory v sent to litote inde'•-!«• I io the I IM r ..Hi,-., eMat ' of XX a!I v Ctiuhman. d "fi-i'it. • *. llain- ‘ 1 « innnt praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla half the r< a virtue ■•( an ord r of 11-»•« ou ,ty < after the l(bh «lay If the Mu!tm - tifT-. <-.,iiipl.iiiit ili-uii'-' 'I and jii'lgni' i.t tor I enough,” - lys a mother u hose son was ai- Ao. R R in ( ilif«»» n a. pr<»b.d:lj’ a’ Ag« r. stop..* of Linn c »city. (>r.-u »a. m.i i • at the -I. h;i- Ni'kril. PER CAY HOUSE Tuque l <1 All a> 1 > »uni " nr:a delegation really w,»nt t<» prolong th»* and beautiful pat» rnr; marble top table; Is <1 t<. <~ ;,* ■ " to $5 m st blind with scrofula andcured bv thi> ■ I has passed hoth h<»iisc< amt * ’a t~ lb«’ sig term, H the; *f, v .: j • i r fur side r ili-fvii'laiit, for cost'.. a.- :v th« v might make up • p°ny purse pri«»r to Jitlv 1. Is •- m i'l be -< tiled w ith- MUi’tion, t<> th'- high« * bi-1 L r. E ■: c. -L m l at i I chair.- from ?«•«■ to s_* 5»». niliir»* ot the govern»» *. Ailo-axeti "ii do ki-t iin.li'p"-' I of con­ ‘ medicine. out furili r u» .»y. ami k-.A •,» th» boys there f»»r a week or two nt the home place on lr.nl' x. Jackson <•<»hi tinned until next term of vourt. J. C. Whipp uf the Jack-unville Marble Attention is called to tile quartermast- ty. (trrgoii, oh 8|ie<':al term of eourt ciille.l for Monday cr s advertisement for proposals for fresh Works is engaged on a h:ind«ome st t.e- Ion et r 5/ co x n il i > n coo os !'. i \ ! the listel. 1 III’ »tiolls !»♦■. f an I mutton, under the head of “new coping about the cemetery lot of J. N. I’. Mar. b 25, 1"''. for argnmeni I 1 J’< ruiclotifi I'flectn nf Tobaecn, this week Miller in Jacksonville ceimdery, an«l will i ¡ut¡es in and netting ea«e». * at 1 oadock 1*. M «»f .'aid day. lh»* f-uiowin Flint’s Remedy is the only antidote Several important cases were passed soon begin work on a line nmnum«* t. to be ag Dr. dpr«»i»erty n< ..««janr t«> '•«* i tinst the influence of tobacco which the XX Imi on Earl II upon by Judge W ebster at the adjourned placed in the White lol both being in the sniuker or chewer ot the weed has, ami it *•■ ■ 1 i ■ • * ■ I o* 4-*d V im * .* >' ir ¡ (ìilt w.ill pii’i i, spk'iiHi'l p.'itUii.-. iii«l < '< ■ uu not see any ¿i~ i><»cd. i «îundier < a lil'.-t '•l;i'- fuj ’ .ittuv <*>t:» nt* houses or trnmfl put up by ' ('heap John (*< <» E Youle, late of Youle A’ Gilroy of saparilla is th • natural result of i ’ s surpass­ tive treatise with each b itt 1-; or. atblri ss 1 irresponsible parties at enormous profit' A'-h ai’d. is doing Seattle an l Washington ing value as a bloo«i medicine ’I lli' <•«!iz;t‘ii~ of •Lick'«•!! i'oiiiitv Nvlhing M ick Drug C > . New Y».»rk »■»jits <>a whu ’< GñOttH PLAITS ti do.'iie river, v rather than ta^e a n ed cine of w.»ri»i-wnh- tei i ib r. with a view* of locating in the far in th«- whole pii »rimi'-op «• a. «fie»-a more ;tii«l « ‘vaaiiiK’ our "lock l«« i<«rc. AMO SfEDS reputati.»n ami oi •• h -t i- gr. ’ nmv.*r- n»»» tL w« 't a'Uu.i'Iiing r< -uPs It l oiiiuni/itimi Ineuruhlt ;* r.m '. ip 11:i.r• <■!.■ f d thi ' bvtaf h«r k'Vti.g -m b un. ara F- mrdy. as/, ,’ncr • f Bi>:»i.r .X: Wi’linms, that an bipod d> ».'■*. than . X ■ . - ■ W • -i • i >. th 11 I'. ,! :¡.:.t .-. T ATf.l» CATAI-OGl'E )el»'«l saf'..*«•(’<•»» h‘r I ,xln rh‘ I !'"»•! i . • /ii'-'- wilt be held (> t j Bu» !».' '■(■ Post, (I lil ’ L '. in J «r:. ” i<|s and phv • icians p ■ . ............... i »-»J liv, «I»- Beggs’ IP«»«»«! Pur • »T « " » Bl o I M*|«» I i ni it' il w- r tie d»»f»*n’e will b»‘ t iken will c »st you noHiing ; »1«! by lea ling \anc i J.rra- K-. \V. T ■r .-.a Sliouii". ST. P aul , M uu .. r ( ;'U’.i;iti»>ii. *it;i now <»n mv third but | I. V A » » T E F» • C m « Lier UNO H.BENTLEY. rrmident. • r r» 1 ’*♦■•* Fr ink R N<-il in the » a e of P acht who vil I <1 dr ugg* st*. i. brale«! pr«»: <»■»:»h in iripli ami ahi«! ’«» nv**»-' ’lie work «»n mv \n 1« r*»a» V- H enmon Br«.»s., at the court w th it in Man h 4th. 1- i' a i..nJ' • •»■• ba me»* a i l l- ihcu-ual condition-, w io be irt.iwdai *' i I’ is tim best m»*»Ì!cinr « v* r ’»»a :e.” | homo* t > day. maker this odiee and at theutn' ts of th«- the best is natura, y pr« id ..f it iing Jiirif Lint. rv it. '-’ imp1.» i »1 ? ! *s free ■ • -di drm 1 N »'v i* th«* time t«» subscribe for papers rvicrs ti « ommissari« s of Sub-i't nr<- at the fw nifi, a i-t of juror- «Irawn t r an.I i » ri.‘»lic;»ls tor the coming The ••Va¡:» \ R"f »rd- lt p.ri- th tl work ,..n year. Y«»u vicinity ing named po’t* (:• r the fre-h ln« l ami mut­ the Man li term of th * nr. ui' "«urt tor . !»• .. *.*ai»i v *rv low rate-» by I... applying at h8' been sUM»rh h«i < n the !• g lumbering ton named at th*••-•• |">'is «ml' j un'il 12 < oliali* and Coiuli" mid Cough: miil ami to a usite al Khtmath ir;ing S. government having given the sviulirate What in tl c w. rid Is the reason you will I r’,\i'. .a- k .11. I lss*,». at vv hit b time ami pl.t» <• t1 « y will !<• Th»* P»ck A UE-Druin water ditch west ot <¿e<» L< w i' *r M Rcvn»»«D. M J'’"/ . > 1 r I . ..1ml L .... n •> .1 "Stilt ^».11 R . 4 . I , official notice that their swamp land title cough r. - • V . s Z*. - - .1 .. 1 , » ■ I ■ > i I i 1, i i, • mi'l r-V and keep coughing an«l still I- keep | opem tl , ij th« pre em«a biut- l-’.i ii'V J irr.i' !<'. I . T. . F«»rt >h« rm m. • lid th«*m-' lv« ' ;t'l seat in the ¡in«* of : dab- Brunts, 1’ I' l’avue. 1. K Ropr.; Fori hpokaie- ly. Jacob Fli-' h D Shrehan. Jo-eph Hyatt, delivered at T«»lo. Must be of the best friends you love the best ; semi it north, guarantee it. Sold bv all druggists. I ....................... i ». . r ’ i i. ' i lc-'ier. N. XV. I ; Fort T »w n eml. \V. T . Vam nv« / ecu »Iiialitv Ad»ire-.'. with lowest cash price, an«! send it south, t«» th«* I iml of ice and <■'O Big«*!««« . Dell iisU.rne. I't'.i' i- “ I W I ; Fort VVailu W ■ la W I "Bet- X .. I k UI« r tha .ail p vi e»ok s»k| i contains thr.-e elegant litho- both h»»tlsrs, was vet«M*d b\’ tl*e •vruvr. i absence from his i i .»•■ 1 ; K. ¡415 a rr I 1 he frame vv< rk «J the saw-mill at To!«» lecn fri'iiientlv done heretofore. I graphs ?4 in« In - i'l ro-c<. geraniums, I mte»i '‘.at« - n any . -b i/ <;i’»n for pay mt nl « Rcames A White, in ««Idition tn a large and was pas« 1 through l» >th h«»3'»'' yes- • I *ii U a L-iwJope, under* I ni t in • i '< «-f the approp* • iti n grunted by i is up. and the engine. 12 » h » ■*.* p»»wer. wih melon ami tomai»>; bv'id«*«« a very fine stock «»f g» ’ iieral merchandise, keep pr«>- terday by the ne- v•' »rv two thirds major­ .1 A. < ’oji ofY hi' * * pi XX liy Women Fad«*. j plate of the Lite Jam« « Vi k ami l>i> three ity. over the vet«». \V • trust that *«»uth«*r.» visions ami pr«»duce of all kinds. Their . be on hand in time f<»r a pnng run this I u*m;t« ’ I e«-owner will r rg‘ t 1 season It is prop«»*ed to connect the m w Women lose their Ijeauty lujcause roldfl wins, who now ■ vn and •. ,:ua, ■ this larg« an ■ prin'.t»! «ifi.lar'. 't.:t. .'.r tl*»* ki . » • I itk*» lir ■* IsJli il HW3V. Oregon will receive dm* re <»g« in-m at the rates are always reasonable. j town with Sam ’ s va l *y at the M< ( iendon beef an«i mutt«»n re».juire l. and givim/ mil M. Al. I>TRO\U. English | -j in»". Th« * • f« ‘ i tr» •< mu-t male the ............................ hamls of the irgidaturc in th«* matter «»f ap I'he Yreka ■ Journal” this week pule 1 place by a bridge a« r«»ss Rogue river which undermine their life. Dr. Ac ker’s Í-V1. Jv ...1 < o. (.ide \ all).'it 1» llnir many th«»tl- instruction* as to the nianiuro! b,dmmi"i■'*♦*» - li-losiliu d>Liiqnent tax-list of H«my<>u will 11 ice th • Tab’«* R« m k «•••tintry in close •urc for cold-. >uld by E. C. Brooks. sands of « u>tunn i » in this country. We t «•:,«!.non.' lube observed by bi»ld«r . a id county which lakes up some five columns communication w.th a railroad station. ---------- «---------- • :d-o m»lice Liat Vi returns t»> tii<* plan term' of contract ami payment will tn- : Xrw 4 ’harter«« of Bro Nixon's spare space. X .Narrow Eacape. ’ -tartv'l bv the fiui’ der«»f the Im-intss years ni.'hed on application I«« this «-Hicc »»r tu the 5?or Salo It i* state»! on go«»»! authority that (¡oi l The M-db»nl. Central I «»in’ an l anmnded A hrst-cla-s piano and a small safe will ••For want of a nail, a flhoe wafl loM ; for “1 «'tl- ri'iL' < a h pn* < « t tic -tate fair, A « >. al the several | o ’* Eiivt b.pt- . j; «’ its for sal : ; so J»cksonvi le <’h irter li.ive j» )«*«• I botb b<* s. id at a reasonable figure, either for Hill i« rhe secón»! h*rg» st shipping point want of a shoe, a horse wa« lost; f »r want hie w«» d»l think they u«r«* a little «»nt <»t cuntaini 'g prop 'll' 'huubl b<* mar .« »I .it ■. »< I»* iig- hcwiM-i and will doubtlr" re eive ihr gov- cash or note with approved security. along the railroad in Jackson county. It of a h»»rso, a rider was lost.” Never neglect their h» *t 1- ’•» "th r 1*» :.«»' public >u< h a “ l’r«»¡»«'sals lor Fre'h Reef "F Mutto: at I ur,.. J ;,. i;». -'A ...I»* I. not harimr be»*n now remains f»*r the «livers other rai’roa«! __________ . ami addresMni to the nn«h r- eniur’s Signatur«*. Aoply '■•>:> at th«* Tmxa office. . • i -r . Luther particulars DjWUfl t«» settle amorg them'»*lves which is smah things. ’1 he first signs of pneumo-l w< r \ as ific (nu.c I n ■ . :-r that h wha* it signe«l ur to th«* A’ ting <'"miuissaty »»f .';;•» Alten'ion is cal! <1 to the administrator’s first an«! w hk;h is third in rom menial ini- n a and con-umption can “positively ” be amount' to. v h«*n they 'ay it will I «• sent 'si'tcn«'< at the sevcial p<•'»-*. < A. \\(»<>D apply t » *»lM*clal Term. WM. BYBEE. notice of t. H. Hoagland who calls ou all purtam*e. We trust that no ill feeling wiil checke«! Bv Dr. Acker’s English Retne«ty ‘ on re« i ipt of lifter', »« ¡¡t'. and that a < cr- RI FF. < iptain and(.> . I*. < V, Chief « b • . . I ■ i >r;.h of Jack-» »untie There will be a 'pc’ial t- rm of circuit indebt<*d to the estate of H. M . Hoagland be engendered in adjusting the matter of for rnrisumptton. sale by E. ('. ; till« ate go • I f«»r i•'» « «.nt A worth of seed will Dated Jun. ft. lbsrf. Court on March 2.»ih t«» argue rnotiuns» and to .«tile within the time allowed by law * • be returned with the Guide. Brooks. sbippiog supremacy. CMCt ívr th« regular April terra. ¿he ^muaidu emita. 1 HI RE .4.VD THIïKtt. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, WEST SHORE MAGA .NE i X ¡T.GHcbìHÀ California, HVELVE All T SUPPLEAI A i MEDFORD OREGON THE LARGEST STOCK 111 JAGKSOh GOUitTYI 1 BED-ROCK PRCES FOR tASH T A 1 K TH M Y BREWERY, Jackson County Bank ob’ MEDFORD. OllEtìON Does a General Banking Business and lliivs and S > and Foreign Exchange. Mledhns a Specialty. T r . L l .H. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Llevro, I^i-iolcc Ar