i I — Êhr flnuoitatk (Limes. imeé. Fublmh»d oeory Tharndaj by lb. IME8 PUBLISHING COMPN’Y IHÀS. XU’KKLL. Fdil.r. new times buildinc . OlBco -CornsrThir*« *n'l (! Street* Kales uf Mabscrlpllon : O-i. eop» per annum, in adrwice. •* .ix month*. ................. •• three mouth.................. in i 1 5*’ . 75 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. iirlßwocratic (Times. JACKSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1889 VOL. XIX. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL J. NUN AN, THE MAKKE1S. ADVERTISING AMD JOB WORK. Advertisements wi be inserted in the T inf . at the following rates : Ten lines, one insertion..................................... <25 2 “ •fci’b «ubaequent insertion.............. 10 OF* Legal advertisements inserted reasonably A fair reduction from the above rates made 1« yearlyand tune advertiser«. NO. 8. Tin: SOUTH'S TIME NEXT. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE is more complete by far than any other i n South ern Ore*on. and compares favorably with any i the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at ban Francisco rates.and in a promptand firsUclase manner. EX-P k ESIDENTS. À BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF THE WORLD. Eastern dispatches state that Presi­ Governor Lee of Virginia is recently STATE OF OREGON. reported to have said that while the as­ dent Cleveland, upon the expiration of U.8.H*cators.J. H. Mitchell.J.N.Dolph.‘ *«n- There is a wide-spread demand by all sessed valuos of property in the Virginia his term of office, will take up th. prac­ «wman. B. Ifornuuin; 'bw'""-'-. 8-, ‘ I;”'"» cities were yearly increasing, values in tice of law in New York city in connec­ readers and students for a work that Until tho skiu was raw. Body cover­ iMcreUry of But". • 5!1 h’, , ’ v ’, ■ shall furnish compactly and attractively, Trewnrer. G*o. W. W*»>fo «“»•• fcrrJL“‘2bJ." *’ the countrj- are steadily declining. The tion with a well-known firm there. ed with scale« like snot« of mor­ Hak*r, 8a?t. Public Instruction, h. B. 'I. f ln>>. Chicago -Vrui, lately speaking of coun­ This is certainly a fitting time to all the essential facts and statistics ot th« tar, Cured by tho Cuticura Rome« Mapr.m* Ju l«".. W. P. Lord. Clu.t Ju»t>c. W. try property in Illinois, said: “Farms urge upon congress the passage of a law different regions of the world, and the dies. W. Ti»*y<>r. «L »*• 8tr«h»n. GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION ri»"T JUDtClAl. DtSTBtCT. are decreasing in value in almost every which should have been enacted long races that inhabit them. Ail this infor­ 1 am going to tell you of the extraordinary Is now offering Special Bargains in Fall Fabrics, Assabct change your ( uticura Remedies performed ou Compri.lM Jack.on. Jo...’-¿V* county in the state »here land has not a ago, namely, a general law providing mation has been industriously sought, K'amath countie«» ( ircuit Judge. L. 1» Webster About the 1st of April last I noticed some ejiecuiative value on account of its near­ fur pensioning retiring presidents. The carefully tested and proved and is bril- Manufacturing Company’s 56-inch Tricot Cloth in colors; Iron Frame, mo. District Attorney. W M Culvig. oF NEW WINTER red pimples like comsug out all over iny body, JICK5OM vaCNTT. _ ness to a manufacturing town. A man United States ought to confer-upon its iantly told in one handy and handsome but thought nothing of it until some time later Invincible, Black Alpaca, double fold; Silk and Wool Henrietta Senator, A. C. Sfml-y; H'pr^c itHt v. - J. I. on. when it began to look like spots uf mortar in this city who represents a large ex-presidents a pension for life, equal volume by Onesime Reclus, the famous Bowditch. K. A .Miller, M h. 1 * !j Cloth; Check Mohair dress goods, yard wide; Oriental Suiting». syottcMi on. and which came off iu layers, accom amount of money loaned to farmers, esti­ to one-half the salary paid them while French geographer and Savant. Ju«lge. J. K Ned;Co ami-.ot’ : ' 7 ; ‘ V * i ¡»anied with itching. I wuuld «cratch every night The author has really succeeded to a Wm Ray; Clerk. M. Mulb'r. Sheriff, b < • • , mates the decline in the value of Illinois in offi/e, coupling it with the condition 1 will give , until I waa raw, then the next night the bcales. rrU..r-r, R. U. M-or* (r.i- surprising degree in accomplishing ids being formed, were scratched oti again. In vain that the recipients of the pension should farming land to be from 20 to 30 per (’hilder«. Behoo! Superintendent K • ' did 1 consult every physician in ttie count« y. but Il cent, since 1880. That comparatively not engage in active employment of any purpose. It is a wonderful book and Surveyor. J. H Howtrd; ( »»rouer. U. it' without aid. After giving np all hopes of recov­ iCici »took ln*p«ci«»r. W. F. Son:--. few buildings have been erected on farms sort during the remainder of their lives, there is no other like it. It is just what ery. 1 happened to see an auvertisement in the < JOIXFIIINBOOCN IY. ’ newspapers, about your ('utiuiu-a Remedies, and in Illinois during the last eight years is but should live in such case and dignity its title represents it to be—a book all Joint Senator. W. St. Cla'.r.Repr-^ j purchased them from my drugget, and obtained lj i a matter of general observation. Coun­ as befits the man who lias had conferred around the woild—but it is the world J. Howard; I'ountyJuJs.-.) ' ••«’.•<»('' almost immediate relief. 1 began to notice that •loner«, J. | . H»'M*, i .( D rk t . try carpenters, lumber and hardware upon him the highest honor in the gift seen through eyes of the largest intelli­ the scaly eruptions giadnally dropped off anil dis. in all wool Cashmeres than any house in Southern Oregon. appeared oue by one. and have been fuliy cured. merchants all state that such is the case. of the people. The ex-presidents should gence and described with inimitable vig­ Jennings; A*»es9<»r. I .( .K *ain .>»«' •“ • •' B2CÏ3 and SHOES, 1 had the disease thirteen month* before I began In the ‘flush times’ that followed the hold themselves at the service of the or, freshness and picturesque grace, int«n»l*nt. W A. M »-• - Surveyor. . N. .^un­ taking the ( ’ uticura Remedies, and in four or fave Cabot AV, 4-4 Brown Muslin, 7^c per yard; M hittinsville bleach­ war, Illinois farmers erected fine houses nation, not as partisans, but as honored combined with studious and painstaking der»; Coroner, Dr. Flanagau weeks was entirety cured. My diaeaae was ecxema I KLIMA TH COl NTT. ed Muslin. 9<-per yard; Laconia, l"-4 bleached Sheeting, 30c per and pseruww. 1 re«'omm- _d the ( uticura and large barns, but now the sound of and revered citizens of the republic, accuracy. The result is ttie story of the Joint Senator. (’. A. C«»4'W ‘d >»f !. »k,-‘, ■ »ep ■ • J acs u»ad io »4vaintyl’/.*»d I know of a the hammer is not heard m farms u-> and should be relieved from any roeee. world. The more the volume is looked yard; Wamsutta, 4 ! bleached Shot ting; Fruit of Loom, 4-4 bicached lie fMnt J.ve. 3- P- M - mi -f «mnO •’? i-”- great many who have taken them, and thank me C.iOCXBRYg ETC. le«s it is used to repair an old building." sity of working and toiling for the means into the greater is the sense of its wide for the kitewledge of them, especially mother» Sheeting; Lonsdale, 4 I bleach d Sheeting. L. H K*vt«r;Ch»rk. A. L. L mitt: fiber»ff. > . l>. scope and its masterly preparation. At­ who have babes with scaly eruptions on their In the east and west, for the two of subsistence. Chibier-». Treasurer. Clou» y-^M>r heads and bodies. 1 cannot express in words the The president of the United States tractive reading fur the family gathered states mentioned may probably be taken John Smart: ficho*»! Super«.»tend ; t. I . I. t -• - thanks to you for whac the ( uticura Reinedi»-« i ••mher. t'•’ f* ?». bought since tain. Surveyor. J. B. GrUtiih; ( *>r«»ner, J. Sie­ as representative of the status of those while in office is commander-in-chief around the evening lamp, it is also a have been to me. My body was covered with Lite wiir ralo»» nadare sold mens. scales, and 1 was an awful spectacle to behold. parts of the country, the profits of agri­ of all the armies and navies of the na­ handy book ol immediate reference for LMtB COUNTY Now in) ekiu is as nice and clear as a baby’s. culture are declining. This state of tion, but no sooner has he retired from the busy man who would illuminate his Juilt 8enat.»r. A C. g w.-ll «.f I.»*; GEO. COTEY. Merrill, Wis. Olix-itp for ck Inspector. D. R. J««rc* An entire line of new fall Buttons in metal, jet, etc.; Ladies’ Ger­ Wo cannot do justice to the esteem in which .south and southwest, where the land is mand for four years should entitle him preparation of this volume w hich is no MKK 11 NO or COUttTH. 1TC. Cuticura, the great Skin ( lire, and ( uticura rich and the climate is mild. Here in to a retiring pension if viewed from a catch-penny concern, presenting a hud­ The Supreme Court «»f Or»x*»n man. full-tiuished. fleece-lined stockings, something entirely new and Soap,an ex the nrwt il»»m Louisiana is a parish where not a single military standpoint alone; and this dled mass of pitch-forked facts to the in­ it, and ( uticura Resolvent, the new Bhaal Fun­ verv durable; Misses' and Childrens' stockings in black and other col­ tier, iu March and October 4 mortgage is recorded against a farm, and view is strengthened when consideration nocent reader under the pretense of en- are held by the thousands upon thousands Th« I Circuit Court forthe I i i' I I * i« 1 **,r ors," both wool and cotton; Gentlemen's furnishings in flannel, merino whose liv»*w have been made han J by th«» cure of there is not a parish that does not show, of the executive functions of the presi­ clycopcndia information. It is what it »•te n J ack non county on tir»»t '1 i la; > ',,ri. ugonising,hunuiiatiug, itching, s-al> and pimply professes to be, a short view of all the September and December l;i K1 as far as we have observed, an increase dent is added to it. disoa.*»es of the skm, scalp and blood, with loss ASHLAND and cotton. peoples and countries under the sun, so on second Monday in Jitne an«l hrs« 1 ’ 1 in the assessed value of property. of hair. There have been propositions made N.»ve ’ id»er In Lake . ’ «Min'y ou the I ’ »« r«l I • November Lik»» .'.»un»y ’‘ «* t .»r»l 'i ■ T* Dressmakers will iind a full stock of Trimmings, Silesia, Naum- In Virginia the land is worn out by from time tu time to make ex-presidents arranged and digested that a great deal in May umi th«« N<«,«»n.h, cha¡»ped wid and September; for Lake county , every alt- rna«* I I If! oil> »kin, prevented by t uticuru Soap. stimulus it has enjoyed for years in the without definite coii'titnem ii‘S. Such a thoroughly read tnan will find on every THOROUGH. month, commencing the fir-»? M-mday in Ju ' 1 «rV- For Klamath county th* first WMnes lay in Marc! way of etc r non - :minigra“on and ex­ scheme wuuld be entirely anomalous and page something, the iui|>ortance ol which PRACTICAL. he never realized so fully as when a June September an«i November, cessive railway building. Hie boom is productive of no useful results. geographical expert présentait with sci­ over ami mutters have settled down to a No substantial objection can lie urged entific effect in attractive phraseology. Catarrh in it» destructive force stands next to mere maintenanc • uf what has been ob­ against pensioning ex-presidents except A POSTAL CARD WILL COST PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ai.U ur’.douetcdb leadson to MmMiaiptiuo. _ p tained. The ordinary profits on food the general theory of our institutions, The man who prepared this work is a BUT ONE CENT. is therefore einRUlar tliat those utUicted with I crops must be small un'ess. produced at a which has not favored civ'l tensions ;but genius in such effort. There are no weak s • ■ f uh th ■ d*I "i— >f any <»aewh<» might want this fearful dieeaso should nut nuke ittheob- MORRIS M. HARKNESS, -(., .ni 1’iri: .:!!■«» «•■»tiling yeirand jac L of tiieir Inee to nd tfo nibelv«* of it. De­ minimum of cost. Money s|>e:it in this has already been set aside in the spots in it. The publisher havo dune t > a' . ■ i . ceptive remedies concocted Dy ignorant pretend oil W.i i., i. ,, $ t .v .r. To such wo will eeud building iai’1 a Is enriches for a time trie case of the justices of the supreme court their best for the mechanical part of the ATTORNEY AND UOUN8ELOI; AT 1 AM er» «»f medical knowl'tlge have weakened the ■u cat.». .lorfii*'a dciiiuUr«* |>eople wbu get it, while a great influx of of the United States and other federal work and their enterprise leaves nothing confidence of tho «rout majority <»f sufferers in Gvaut’« Paw, Oregon. all advertised reinmiiea luey become resigned immigration an I capita! stimulates in­ judges, who are now permitted to retire to ba desired in that respect. I The J. Dewing Company, 813 Market to a life of misery thau torture Uwmtelveb with • I dustries and gives to pnqierty values at a certain age upon full pay, and there Office in Ahlf Bwiliiinx. Front Street. i i Jirliginuf Ntu's. duufilful palliatives. raoid accessions which cun only main is a general consent on the part oi the St., San Francisco, Cal., are the solo k But this will never do. ( atarih must be met agents for the work this side of the Rocky Kev. F. S N’uid will preach at the Cath » 'a n their rate of increa-e whi.e stimulus i at every stage and c imDabsi with all our might, E. W. MORRISON, I people to this change in the system. It mountains and all applications for agen­ in many ca****** the disease has assumed danger­ lie c hurch in Jacksonville Sunday .¡»« u- u.« . is in ojs rari'jn. Exhaust the boom and it lie right and proper in the case of the ATTORN1 Y AND COUNSELOR AT 1AW, n-tn-.t •A-’ ous symptoms. The bores ami cartilage of the cies should be addressed to them. Liberal Sunday-u« hool and Bible i la.-s all the inflation is soon lost; the excite­ of tho nose, the organsuf hearing, of seeing anil judges, why not in the case uf the presi­ GrtnC* P«*t. Oregon. of tasting so afh ' ted ns to De ustiesn. the uvula inerts everv Sundav at 11 o'clock a . m . at ment passes ¡'way and values drop to dent, whois the chief magistrate of the so elongated, the thioat so inflamed and irritated the U. M. L. Ha!;, Talent R edhu F akmebs .—The Colusa Sua is Abdul the level of men- consumptive demand. nation? as «.> pr<»ubday in each month al <■«»! Tt itr, and it will not Grack. ing Ja-ftbonville r.i; i lly coming to. The farms are plas­ jority ol the supreme court. Sup|*use, and such cold states, when it costs lees , Medford, Orcioli packagecoiitaiiiM one IxHtleof the Radi­ A EPTEM- F-t / I. ter. 4 <>vt r with lu ntgjges. An era of then, that having done so, and having than half the labor to produce thtse' SOFTNESS—Whethei Cold or lLd, Wet or Dry, it is always Soft cal tach 11« v. G. E J<»«ios' appointmenlN will Im cure, one box Cat a rind {Solvent, and an im­ Will practice in all tue court« of th«» Stat*, hard woik in I “'ri-1 economy has come I gone out of office, he appears before articles here. proved inhaler, with treatise; price, $1. as follows unti forth r not:«»*: At Anti-»« h and Easy fur the most Tende» Feet. Simplest thing in the world; you've Ortie*' in Ha uliu’s brick building, tip-stairs. $30 UP. on the second Sunday in each month and and tlm peupl • wn > earner endure ttie that court a-, an advocate. No mailer Putter Drug mid Ciienncal Co.. Boston. a. » r. uo. WATERPROOF—It will Turn M ate« better than any other Leather. on the Satur«iay before at 11 o'clock a m . stagnation mu-t follow the boour which how high might Ire the character or in­ got too many ’'j’edro farmers’ who go to P. P. PRIM, $15 00« town with a few doxen eggs that the at the Mountain district school-house on is moling southward. In our easy-go­ COLOR—A Jet Black that will not Fade or turn Red. tegrity ot the court, its members would “woman" has saved up, sei a 'em, t ikes ATTORNEY X « OUN^r.LOK-AT-I.AW the third Sunday at 3 o’clock r m . ing way we do not |>erhaps appreciate be only human, and being human they POLISH—I’nlike all other Grain Leather it will take a High Polish The following are Rev. G. W. Quimby’s the rapidity with w hich it is coming up­ could scarcely avoid leaning toward the the money and goes to the |>opulai -aloun J»CXSOWIllE, CGN.. OF FEMALES and plays l'edro all day, then returns appointments: l»*t Sunday in «ach month, on us ; but it is coming all the same and with ordinary Shoe Blacking. man who had placed them on the home aiter dark with a plug of tobacco Wil» prertie» in «U the ('<>art«"f ’>"> Sixt. <»:’ ’ both mornuig a*id evening, nt Jacksonville ; Instantly r*lieveRN E Y A COU N S ELOR-Al LAW, which the sun of pros|s>ritv is next to turn a president ont of office merely and coffee she sent for. That’s the way upon every Sundae morning. pointnients : On ...... ......... .................... r . weakness yet compounded. At ail druggists.25 a hand welt linen’s) lace -hue, made on the English M aukenphast last, cunts, hve for II, or poslaa-o free, of Totter Plug exc epting the third, he will hold service- to shine. It i- alrea ly flecking the skv by n revolution of the political wheel the eggs go and the hens have hard woi k Asblsml Oregon. at $5 oi>. and a lace shoe made on the Harvard Box-Toe last, calf and t emioni Co , llostou. at the Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on with its golden belts and fragmentary and then leave him to earn his living as to keep the liea<’(of the house in “ter­ -!ONh IN — backer and rum. When •’eetiiu” time the thir«l Sunday ino-ning and every Sun­ halo-— nr. (Vili pn-'ii-i» in -iti ¡■••nr,s 21’ S'ite. « » T! • lined throughout and ,oles of Genuine English Sole Leather, at $7 <10. best he may. The United States can comes around the "woman" hasn’t day evening he wiil preach al the Presby­ circular fioui Lientluul A Co., of San no eggs for any purpose; not even for ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, day, al Moun«! school-house at 11 o’c.«»ck Francisco, giving records of the hop pro­ sent tietween now and the fourth of family use. Then there'» ano'her reason PBOP1UETOB 3 OF express. Protzman & DeFrance. —ANI» AT — a . m . and at Eagle Point in the evening; dnetion of the Pacific Coast for 18S7 ami March. why eggs and chickens are shipped fruin Portland, Oregon Jacksonville O^n- second, at Woodville; third, at Central 1888. In 1887 California had an acri age the east; the chicken business is entire­ Point ; fourth, at Medford. Baptism will of 5,171 acres, and produced 35,753 RtT.es fob D axcino .—Those who w altz ly too s.uall a business for farmers, “Pe­ be adniini-t» re«! after the forenoon servit e. Will practice in all the Court« of the Stat«» Of­ bales, an average of 1241 pounds to the well move together in jierfect accord, dro farmer»;" they want to bore with a fice m Court House, s«H'«»nG bales. 1100 W. F. WILLIAMSON. otherconxciousof any control. Usually business and live like a gentleman, and in the hi«t »ry « f the country, lhe giu'U.d pounds to the acre. A total of 66,896 the lady follows every movement of the if it wasn’t for the “wotnan" and child­ %TTOR!CEY .t COUNSELOR AT 1 AW <> a» i Kinds «if Plfinir.g. Re.K»wing, Turning, in a< bare a« .11 Align*’. bales. In 1"8 t'alifornii had 4573 gentleman, but if necessity requires it the ren the whole family would s’arvo to and Bracket W«»rk .\l»«ke Htn-fir. Flooring Ceiling, Thin-Eii;’. d Salir g and Àh'uldir.g Su»h, The dance 'a«t Friday ev» iiing. -ive» l v a< r. s, pro Ince 1 4,00.> b iles, vicld per gentleman may follow the lady, one Medford, Oregon death or go to the poor-house. This is a the I* H. >. <’ , was a « ulucn «. A good Doorn and Blind» in »tock mul mad«» to order. J At KSONVILLE, OREGON. sup| er. ami one heartily enj »ye ! - a is pre- acre 14 s) pounds. Oregon 2.031 acres, changing, the other following, scarcely plain way of solving this egg and lien Al! bn«in*M in my line will receive prompt it 14.63!» bale«, yield p- r aoc, 1330 pounds. knowing, what they are doing, for during business' but it is the cold truth and tention. i ared by the Peyser lloii-e Business becomes better as «prin, ad­ Washington Territut • 3,755 acres, 41.161 this time an animated conversation is everybody knows it. H. K. HANNA. vances, and it wiil not be ulati? month* baler, average, 2,030 pound«. Total, frequently maintained. These,however, That is about the size of it. not only Al ro dealer« in Wall Paper, Curtains. Carpets. ATTORNEY A COÜNSELOR-AT-LAW. have parsed the anxious state in which in California, but in Oregon. The hens 1 »oHt.oiliee Oilcloths, Glass. Paints, Oils and Varnish, thi until the jinulmg he.h of the freighters 60.485 bales. In Oregon, Lane county stands first many jiersons find themselves who have and the “wimmen folks" do their part, tincht line of Bed-room ami Parlor H«*ts, Easi are heard, bringing in loads of goods. J%cksonville, Oregon. Chairs and Boelters and the most complef»' stoc» John Mtikle our esteemed friend, de­ having in lsss, 635 acres which prodcu- not fully mastered the difficulties of self- but the husky men folks don't do theirs. of Furniture to b« found in Bouthorn O r e*i<>n. Will practica in all tha urt« of th»* Mtikte Also Oil Paintings, ( hromos, Picture Framcsand nies the report that he was attacked by 0 of muscles. There is no theory for this; Mouldings in gr«»at variety. We cordially invite all to call and see us. No thermore say« that his only trouble was pounds to the acre. Marion county it is al! practice: H abhor D efense .—The New York We keep Constantly in keeping away from the fa rer sex. who stands second, with 532 acres, and 2,957 trouble to show goods, liemember the place. W. H. PARKER. World iecently announced a novel meth­ Always maintain a projier attitude. wore smitten with bis appearance. sortmonf of NOTARY PÜBI.1I’ AND CONVEYANCER. od of combating European war ships in bales, an average of 1,130 pounds to the MESSENGER & SMITH, Disguise all effort. The woman suffrage question was de­ acre, l’ol* county tliud. with 284 acres, Ashland, Oregon. case they should ever attempt to enter Jarknonville, On gon. An extended leg must be bent. bat« <1 a few weeks apo at the regular meet­ Bend only the knee from which a mo­ our harbors in war time with evil intent. ProbM»» Matter«. Abstract of’'l’lud. ‘' «’iv - an- ing of the literary.society, ami after a hot 2.9">3 bales, an average of 1920 pounds. The plan is to run a net work of pipes cing. Homeatead, Pre-emption and al! contest. the question was decided in favor Linn county fourth with 2.53 acres, 1620 tion is made. biuiinaM entrusted to in«, will raeeivv prompt of the women; ever since that time the bales, an average of 119) pounds. When moving the ftet let the heels into the channel from a shore station or i ll<‘. < >1 attention. Loan* nojtutiatpd. reservoir to be fed with petroleum at the feminine portion of *aid body have reigned pa-s close together Offloe on corner. opp'»«it*» Court Houee. supreme, the sterner part bavin? no say. C i . ovi . k should l>c sown row, if you Keep the heels about half an inch proper time by means of which the »nr- The men have now decided to have the want tu sow it this spring 1 ebrna.y is from the floor. face of the water would ba quickly cov­ C. MINNIS. M. D., “man suffrage question” debate! on. that a month, if the weatiitr is pleasant an 1 'P.ll I N1C >1 iNllDHAXl FORMED A CO- In rising, allow the toe to be the last ered with the inflammable substance, a t I k y n nv he re-tor« <1 to a few of the r o d PHYSICIAN ANI» SURGEON I .,r ' i - Ti'bri'i, •! capital of aving recently been refuted with fire bomb will then beshotintotheliquid the soil in order, when milch work can part of the foot to leave the floor. J vdex . > ■...... f..- - p • carryiiig 1 a ti««neral all modern improvement*, are now tumiri« privileges. be done But there are some seeds that Wiieu descending, let them be the mass, and presto! a sea of fire, the flames M«-«lfor Dr ah Fra: It nffonls me grrat rh asurc to send Wheat, for instai.ee. tor spring sowing, gles at all times. C 1 UFFKMAN, other brand offerf«d for hh I o in this market.and W A: ASH l’OLE. y n this vuluntary statement of ruy ♦•xpsrtenor m is better oil to bo eown when March is Calls prompt1 y attended to, day or night ling fumes arising; the whole plan is fur THUS «».REAMES. note the difference in weight. testing the 1 » rtts • f J-y n Her.- a ; .rilin. For the over and the first warm weather follows Dn.n rauM Potsustsow—A Olympia stated with a great deal of positiveness, pati five years I ha\« b, n to il b d with an ex R PRYCr. M D.« Flour nud Mill-Feed cxedinvly slu.fft!i*h lour, and w in the past two the blustering tu uitli. Hut March can (W. T.) dispatch of Feb. Sth, says: A and it is averred artangements are al­ yr am It bus bruu* lit v t.ou it 1« la thoroughly lie so agreeable once i:: awhile that it terrible tragedy took place yesterday at ready perfected for New York harbor so PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Couatactlf on hand and exchangsd for wheat .i ' f appetite seems unkind to give it a proverbial Shelton, Mason county, by which three that it would take but a few days to pre­ anddistr<-HS after « ti’-.g, .., ] i> 4 in the back and Redford, Oregon hidneya, and L bo?la trr ni <1 i r T»”-k and f.-.ca. I lik iiesi;. We must try nut to aggravate persons lost their lives, and probably a pare it for the approach of an enemy. BARLEY ROLLERS. bave trie«! s- *. « n r««I r< ; 1 1 • h are advertised Mars, and hope that lie will this year fourth will die to-night. It seem» that There is no doubt imt that the oil would Office ’n William'»’ Brick Building I p-wairt». Having add« ! a set «»f Barley Roller* to my mi 11 ns Hp< cially f. > i rt'.nl. v. r. r.i ’ ’ « >■ .-r.ritld get moro give ti« I.is best terms, so that we won’t Joseph Bordeaux, who only lately ar­ instantaneously diffuse itself over tfio 1 have set apart every Saturday to P.oil Barley f«.r thun tempi r y r 1 of f.f a’: ,t it w« • k or two. I rived in this territory from Canada, to­ surface of the water and burn as long as DR. S. DANIELSON, euatonierfi. The work will l»e done on «bort wan reconmion '•«'.1 * try n .»tt> ■ f.Ioy’a Vegetable need beware the Lies of .March!" gether with bis wife and two children, the supply kept up and for a long dis­ notice, an that parties can return with their grirt (UraapariHa t- a t- t, end wl.:’.«» taking tho fir^t Fiyeio-Medical ÌKittle I became rom inc. i < ♦ i' s merit* for I could the Name day. I am pre pa rod to roll barley at all were poisoned by eating California cab­ tance, and it seems to have much merit -sad---- P aste it in Yocn ilsr.—An eminent bage time* and in the best manner. This process is feel it was working a « ' oi rii . '. 1 have taken for their dinner. Bordeaux and as a proposition calculated to solve our five bottlcF. and dnrin'. t. , ti : n my trouble« have English physician says the following is a PHYSICIAN AND SU R'iF.ON far ahead of tho crusher. DEALERS IN l.'ft me. Everything in r’ . ■< full and regular, sure cure for smallpox : "Oneoun.-e of the two children are dead, and another dilemma in being without adequate guns G. KAREWKKI in fa» t it 1...H eira «•< i>ed with this measure of victims will take place from tlie Cath­ defense. nccer.sitits of life. We forti, Orrg.’n. single failure. I have niv-elf restoreii olic cr.n clothe you and furniuli you with church in this city after the arrival PRICES hundreds by this mean . It never leaves all the necesEary and unnecessary the Clara Brown to-morrow. It is ni .’ht. Ct Bcroit H eabt N ki ' baloi /.—Angina C-t!!-» p-'»nH»tly at'- n l «I to di.y a mark, never can«es blindness and pre­ of appliances to ri le, w:>!k, dance, sleep, ( »»tic«* ««a I* street. vents tedious fingerings. It is soeffectual supposed that Paris green was used to pectoris (agony of the cheat) carries off cat. flail, hunt, w k, go to church, kill bugs on the plants while growing, or stay at home, :vn■! in various mze«, many people, one of whom, according to tfiat. if pio|>erly used, it would dispense DR. W. STANFIELD. and that it headed up with the cabbage, the newspapers, was the novelist, the styles and quantities. Juat figure out with the unnatural law of vaccination. causing such deplorable results. I-’ ii H Iain«* <>i I’in-io what i’i required to do all the^o things ECLECTIC PH Y .Mie I \ N. Rev. E. P. Roe, who expired in one tnte- also draw through repeatedly. Next claimant» have made proof at a day long lieforc General McClellan's death, Jacksonville. Oregon. no'iit is no ”bug-a-hoo,*' but fact«, well- inituerse the flrnn -1 in another liquid other than indicated in the notice of had received a prize of 25.000 francs !>-. aler in ki'.'-.oil«» rhrniist« ami physi< iaii!*, based Profesional cidls promptly attend«« today or containing one «¡ssiidul of 'vlieat flour publication, or when taken l»efore an from the academy of medicine in Paris «» ’ . the well known phybiological effec ts of I he great c»»llecti«»n of the n <>«t *hri Hire pe uight. .... V ,, i'oii*illtAti<»n** in either Eugl';*n *»r (««'r’t.a'i. Fouai adventuro* on both ri«b « «iun? g tl «• < irea mi « 1. sub.-taiK» •*• wh"se presence in prepar- to one bucket of water, and wash in a officer other than that named in the no­ for having discovered an alintmt infallible t Mfii-e and residence <»n ialite: i«tr»t. • vil War. f»el> irterc».« ini; a« c«,uT;t* «»f af ■;(*• f'»r the c«ni»plexioi» fire i.idu ated by sinf ;ar manner. Tims treated the flan­ tice. The practice now will be to receive remedy for angina pectoris bv the ad­ f scouts aiui hi’ f«»rl-»rn I <■;»♦•». h’»r<»ic *>u«-h «>ntward «iens a« before **tate«l. li nel beemus i.ice and clean, has barely the proof and submit the entry to a ministration, in small dose, of 1-100 to r«»rner of Fifth street. A , imprisonm«« Hint hair-breadth es- Vt-ii v;«»n'«l u«c nti article which will at shrunk, and almost nd at all felted. hoard of equitable adjudication, where, 1-25 of a grain, oi nitro-glycerine! This omantic ineid» •■;««. I ;• d-to Lard Rtrug- \l. XILDIVi moroue and trag • ■ t •. perilous jour . « ( l proiluce natural activitv ami beauti­ if there are no other irregularities, the discovery entitles Dr. Richardson to the bold lire. tMi rhai«- w hich is guaranteed und«,r a forfeiture of unparalleled. We will publish 1000 testi- man, woman or child afflicted with an­ ! . (ir try orders a >i for a patent. t r. I’KOH M IA II I I <1 Kill I» b. th«* life |]( nio to be absolutely free from all poi­ Fho public or. hereby no'itvri that the vn.ln gina pectoris. 1 know a number of per­ No .»th. r b.M»k at all like it IGI Ms n AM Hl. sonous and injurious substances. Pro­ moniaS received during the last fix i \i V.Ll’JLERS MILL, FACI a.Ki.e,! will offer at prívete cele all th" months. Read them. May save your Outsell* evorytl.it *r Coneumptton buret p Curat. sons who always cany tablets of nitro­ m-. cor. Third and E Streets. Huit Time for p?\rn» r t® nlh>we«l Agents »hort o nounced by leading ladies of society and life. the stage superior to anything ever pro­ An old physician, retired from practice glycerine with them, and 1 am equally HU LAND OREGON fund* PLANET li(K»K < <).. Box Bi ki . ingh km . N Y.. May 31. llWG. WAGON MATERIAL. duced for beautifying ami preserving the Philadelphia. Pa., or St I aghh . M o . G. G.G rekn . DearSir I am frequently having had placed m his hands by an Ea«t certain that all these people, by the use complexion. Carnage T«s»ls and private effects of th* !’$’• troubled with ►•■verc colds, and th« only India nusMonanr the formula of a simple of nitro-glycerine, arc living in compari- H. P. Hanna. This is a rare opportunity f-r any remedy that w ¡1 relieve me of them is vegetable remedv for the speedy and per­ tive comfott, who would otherwise have one wnthmg to purchase some first-cki«*- ;*rr;ed barley, |23 m IW24 tun. Hutter—Quote extra choice creamery, 20u{30e; fair to choice, 20a25-; store, 15a 20i- per 9> Meat—Steady Beef, wholesale, 2%a3c; dressed, Ge; sheep. 3c per lb; dre-sed, fiJic ; hogs, dressed. 7‘ie; veal, 7<2Ke. ; luinba, 12 25 each. Poultry—Quote chickens. J.lfió. for young, and J4ift'i for old ; old ducks, |7<<19; geese $8(29 per z; turkeys, 18c pertb; Fresh Fruits—Sicilv lemon«, $6(26 75; Oregon apples. $l(«r.l 25 per box; pears, $1(21 50 per box Hides—The market is firm and shows no change. Quote dry hides 12-, green 5(46c, sheep, pelts, short wool, 2>®40:, me­ dium 5O«C7Oc long Siitdl 00. shearing 10(2- 20c; deerskins, 32137; tallow, good to choice, 4(2.;. lfried Fruits—Sun-dried quartered ap­ ples. 4<&5, factory sliced 7c. Oregon plums .5(27. Oregon prunes 7alUc. pears Salde, fieaches, KalOe. S»S »KtSCISCO. Wheat—N<» 1 shipping, |1 40(^1 ll’j. Burley -Ft«- ». commun lu fair, TôaTK’^c; ‘.’«“»d to choice. iXl L|C ; brewing, a fl Oats—fl (#$1 12.’^ for comnion to choice. Fotatoes — Peerless. 3U:»50; Burbank seed­ lings, 50a75c; Garn» I ('bile, 55u ; Early Rose, 35a5û; Swr«»t,fii)^|l (X) per «'entai. H j* Quotation« range fi«»m 12’^al7«:. \V«H_1 —Humboldt and Momlk a ’••» lit. ar-» h»r*’bv noti- Jack»»«>nville. Oregon Aug. 1 1881. finito »Pttlo tho Atm'* within th« n*xt thirty days or ran dor thomselvea i: *hl» t< » et»-*« s «if H'út. (. b watson . Att’y for E«tat<*. Aehlan t. Or . N. S. DREW Cattle branded I> and marked crop r p» > in righi three-year-olds an«i upwards have tt.« point , . of right bom sawed «»fl. nansaon \ppl»*gM(«*< Hors«« branded D on right htp CITY BARBER SHOP CALIFORNIA ’ •»<•!ENCB SOLICITEi ». J. M. ARTHUR. Mawnr. 33 aui 35 North Front SI. Grtland. Oregon. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST FOE GOODS IN OUB LINE • L. C. HEINRICHSEN. 119 First Streat. ... Portland. Oi egon THE LEADINS JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, newspapers, now is the time to send your name to the 1' imes office and pet whatever p.-iper you wish for 1«"9. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines ot the United States and give great induce­ This well-known house Ims Boon renovated ments. as we furnish them nt much less than the publishers’ regular rates. For broughoutami further particulars see our clubbing in­ NEWLY FURNISHED. ducement on the second p3ge of the T ime «. A vimm I sample nw»m for commercial travelers has been titled up in connection with the hotel. foT Nal«. The nnder.igned. living nb.-ir Ceniral Point ha« 300 bushels of clean s«-ed oat. of fir»t-cia«s quality for -ale. in quantities to suit at r< asonable figures. They arc- of the MAIL ROUTE ce'cbrated l’urdee'a Welcome variety. Ap­ ply to >'• T. Dowaixu. Ashland, - - - - Oregon JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY s«»iicitati«»n. and snys he has sold a great many h »tt!»s. It is a very popular remedv section. I-'verv person who Las in this section, used it.«peaks in the h ghost terms of its merits. I do not kn«»w of a single case it has not cured. I fir>«t used it in Vermont. where I lived before coining here. I advise everyone to u e it. a« it is certainly the beatcoiU’h medicine I have ever known. I have tried nearly all of them at dirterent times. Your* respectfully, M oser G rat . Proprietor Grist Mill. ShoOlinj Match. A grand rifle match will take place at Canyonville. Or., on February 22d, for a pur-e of $100—entrance fee. ten dmlars Krtmt, ltrh^, Sralp, Shin Torture. rnch Sa'd match to be UK) yards with TAGE« LEAVE JACKSONVILLE EVERY The Simple npoliralu-n of Bw»m.'. Ointment, rest, or eixty-su yard« off-hand, ten shots, Monday and Friday at 6 o’clock a m . for Wil- witbont an» internal medicine., will cure »ny string measure; ai«o turkeys and n fin«* d^rvill^. returning Tuesday« an«l Saturday* caee of Tetter. -V Kalt File«. be«-f will be *bot for on the same «lay or ’-- Kl.eum. Ringworm. f.-»,-'I Stave leave« for Wright'« op Wt dneadaya at 10 v-ry Hktn FruMi’n™ wo iatter l.ow«¿rtrnat*or2»^ ; the d eo*i, but a [ the slate nro invited to participate MRS. JANE REDOING, Proprietress. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! S Hilver and «Silver Piatii Ware, Sp*etacl<«*and/ìptc’al Good»; agenta forth« H«»<*kfurd Wholesale add Retail Deader» in HaiGoad Watehe». ALL GOODS IN TIIK LINE M \ S’ b VTUKF TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. Waich Ret airing cuiefjl’y es kJ^Ralection PackagM ««nt on appljeali*»** 4k»tiimnnn*Mt0 with h » b*»<<»(« trurchae ng alaewber« Pawrs taken al Reasonable Rates. trtEe one is barred out. plaint-. after having tested it« wonderful i iirative powers in thousands of cs«cs. has felt it hi- duty to make it known to hi« suf­ fering fellows. Actuated by thi« motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will «end free of charge.to all who desire it. thi« recipe. ’n German, French or English, with full dire tion« for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this caper W A. Noyes.149 row­ er’. Block, Rochester. N. Y. M other t' Casto-ia is recommended hv physicians for < hildren teething. It 1» a purely vege- taiil.1 preparation, its inirredi.nU are pub­ lished »round ..ch bottle. It is plca.ant to the taste and absolutely harmless ft constipation, regulates th* bowels, quiet ftain, cure« diarrhoea and wind colic, al ays feverishne««. destroys worm«, and prevents convulsions, the ------- child r -------- ----------- soothe« — | ami gives it r. fr. riling natural »leep. Ca*. . tori* is the children*» p.nace. ‘ ‘ * — — —th. - moth- >ers' friend 85 dose», 35 cent. Entitled to the /trot. All are entitled to the best that their tnonev will buy. so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy. Fvrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and it 01) bottles by all leading drug­ gists. CofUMm^Uoi« Merely Cured.. To thi E ditor :—Please inform Tour readers that I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless ra«es have been per­ manently cured I shall lw glad to tend two bottles of my remedy free to any at your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and postuffl -e aJ- drees. Kespectf.Dy A Slocum. M. C., lt»l iearl street, Nea^York. pitMaffi Cry HyrJWrwr’« Cotoflk