ghegeiuottafic ®imes. Ill KE AMI TURKE. LOCAL NOTES, J7L/>/ ; it ¿» st ft 11:>. Coiiimiuiiciitrit. Rev. J A Slover N conducting* a pro- im- ti I - uf immigration is gradually be­ traded meeting iu Antioch district, wuich ing turned toward southern Oregon, and if Y:. * Loudon was bora in Indiana in the R >ada are getting duaty. Read the new advertisements. \»*-*r 1-* I. At th»' uge of 25 ► he was married t»> owners of large tracts of land will so^con- ha« been progressing for several weeks. 1 Our posluihee needs more boxes badly. J 'Im L u»Ien. Th«*y cross. <1 the ¡»lain« as pio­ This is 8t. Valentine's day. dii t themselves ami be »wake to their in A number uf converts are reported. Ayers Bros, of Kerby vilie are in town. I. I.. Sav; .. may n-.w be found nt tin- neers t »< »r«»go 1 in l-r.2, and lived for some years UNITEd STATES OFFICIAL PRESS ’ eicbta as to encourage the location of im ­ Gardening has commenced. Sclioul clerks wiii find a full line of HS- Fresh see is at th«* 8. F. V triety Store* R ii!road sa!oun. j»» th«* Willamette vuli* j Sh* «lied at h«-r home t ' e migrants atmmg us, we>will soon have a scssment scbtdules, receipts, etc . •I 1 on county. Or* gon, January 31. 1889, in lhe 7alley is full of strangers. J E. Wilson han o « • — .» i irt in binging r mg« < f Zion. crowded out. perity. this (St. V;.!en ’ im ’ s) «*v< ¡Pn;* mgs. at the residence of L. A. Rose, near Pl. v i h\.v b children, gram! children and great* EK EVBLICATIONS. (’has. Schultz is haring a re-.i teuce built The editor of the Prineville "News ’ has Follett A F«»wler bavt- ju c iv a g<<»'.d j hiidren to mourn their Jo^b. Baseball is attracting some attention nix, n<4 long since, at whi« h SO w- re pres­ commenced vuit against several delimpienl 01; (,’ ilifornia street. fin •. large -In k cf furniture 8(iirit. l«*avc tt«y Louht* of c 1 h >. ent. It was a very pleasant occasion. P»rti«« paying fur the T ime * in advance al «»nr again. Li. ¡’«’ring »List, resign thy breath ! -'ibscrib rs Hr should be successful in li. 1«. Ish and T. J. Allen of Big Butte »educed cash rate* will be furm«hvd «ny of th«- We predict that there will be a !arg< 1 mi­ Medford wii! be axx av ah< a»l of h r I Staple fall and winter goo-is at Fisher’s. 8, i: it, * ;:-1 thy chatn« aw . e\t‘iy instance, ami the delinquents mulc- were in town Monday. fallowing «HmmI publication»» in connection with New atock. ent p sifi n I fore the xm! of I « -*». gration to southern Oregon an.I more real- •, 1.0 dis-»*lbc»r.- fumi «bili’- th»* ' cn Now is the time to take up and u lverlisu estate transactions than ever during 1 s , s - j . t ike a new.«paper for ve in?, receive great notic**i that th»»re is a reduction uf at least 15 V. ’h»’ •* tl,«» faithfu! < 'hribtiftn dir« ! Our county is settling up lust, even n* w. mouth ‘ A Trait creek. irai Poiiit hotel with forniture, etc jx»r cent, on publish©!«’ customary rates in every stiay animals. benefit, and, when asked to pay for what : ■« t¡o' b*«i.«is * f I,f<* n*« br«-.iiH, instancu, and in some much more: G. Karjw-ki i« haviug Sevan a res «»I they have received, will evade thi» h'.mest Everybody should eabsetibe fur ami sup Ami th** ransomed captive tl** «. ’ J ( ’ i ’ owlci, fortner'V ?f ibis place, is W. Eicher has become a resident of An ­ WKULJKR. land ««Ij 'inuiji hi« tl.hiring mil; phoned in debt in (v« »y possible way. There is :io port his county paper. »“ ."i-’’-'i In tnv furniture bu-ine«s et R ì Toledo Weekly Blade........... /.................................... Qu telope district. choice prune, peach ami apple trees from he!! loo hut tor Ihr-se fellows. Me»sr». Moure, Ha kins ami Priest ul Harper’s Weekly..................................................... 5 ;,j G. B Alatbews of Butte creek was in the Redland ntirseri*«* tn Jos« pliinc county. •J Ashland were m town thi.« week. Scientific American............................................... 5 Now ¿«-Ho* limo of year when the ap- ’.vf..rd ami Wni l’!i¡< h haw Hetroit Free Preus................................................. 3 (MI town y--«tvrd.iy. Jas Elliott has pnrclia-r 1 Mr« Kate pr * !ib:,r hnh lttv «»-asuu reminds us that H. D Kubli and J. B. Muntgoimry ut u t » a^.-ist m.'.’tsurcs alle.ding I IM. i I lls At ,J.r 4>o|;v:I • I». »»th. by i'he l r»l»'e Kock saloon is being repaint­ 8 l.iiltz’« X.v.:n» lot ••:» ( al:.«», ma New York Star ....................................................... 00 • . t. • «¡.ir 1 ■ xi n ut kind remcmbianc«! will be l inlc R *1» called a few day» since. W I Í ■■pii.-ib. -I P. Henry Finl«»y and Mi«' New York World.................................................. 3 *i therciur. the sale wa.-nego­ iv.’ bv our frieml«. \\ hat preseiit M. Fox. of Ashland. Han Francisco Examiner...................................... 3 tk A. 8 Ila mu • i 1 ami f imi'y o A -Xi m 1 tiated by Henry Kiippvi, real-« >r »¡o ag» nt. wuuhibe mure a* «-rpt.ible than a line ph«»- The weather is rather cool just now ami - *>.«- Z. -'-4» Z. maSMIMMBBi P*»rtland Oregonian............................................... 4 INI pai*i Jackson 7'lle a visit »taring the w- » ,. a storm is threatened. togiaph or crayon of the giver, made by Harper» Bazar......................................................... 5 The 8. F. Variety Stor» is the p .t •• to Talent expects a t ,v >- j : u j b ■ i . i- Heiii- f*ioneer Prees......... .............................................. 3 () q Fresh oat meal ami buckw heat Hour, at buy your cigars, camius, nutsand imti«»m . l.-'gan, th»' A-lil jml phutographer ing and a cannery i i the near fat .r • Chicago News.........................................................‘ 3 W) the 8. F. Variety Store. The hot ami freshest g*»«»»is in this line way?- has the latest novelties in finish, ami KAO.’iXLP J . 1..L». I * L. ill», to Mr. and Mrs. MiR-ouri Republican.................................... ’’ 3 (jo ¡f y.,;i call at his gallery you will learn A? . A. Brentano, h*«-t «»f theGiand < en- C. < . Rai;« lai -, a dau ;lttvn. 1 i , W. T.. H«t 8.*tur«lay, ».'»me one en­ tnv IT mf . s utlicr. of W II Z P. W<•l»nt< r. a de.ruht« Budget............................................... 4 3 ji work well. - tered bij ro in in the evening and made Call and see those elegant silk handker­ Pl»Muant Bonn».......................... 4 54; i- Abhland. F«-b 1st F. M Blevins 1 A’*» *»!.«• xx ill give thanks more i rivuslv a w ay with c v* r\t!i: :.g he n bis case, of Gdli .« cict k ami 1. J. chiefs at the S. F. Variety Store. MONTBUU. tiler. 'Olir’; I than we that the * niur.-v i.vv >t ar ha- w Irn-li it- Il w .- kit l»*lnml • Butte ere* k was m town Alun- Air. Bilger Cunuvei of W»M»tSh»»re. Portland Or............................................ ou F. n. Mb. î«j Mr. and Mr« Mark Armstrong ehewhere gives notice I come an I gone, i h • infernal .111 <>» • a Century. Scribner r........................................... a (Mi «t H• « th ir ib» t'ii* f got about 250 p »cket dux. j si»>n»-l by their fir?- :ra*-ker! »11 knivc^ :i».*l a large nu:iib-*r of scissors, ra- Demorcut’ft Magazine.............................................. 4 (xi that he lias tak* n up astray heifer. R. H. Godey'» Lady Book...................... 'e 4^1 Now is lhe lime to subscribe for the j w.i« terrific. z. 'ibdihl other .-mall cutlery. Flounce I Nt. Nichelo.................................................... ’ 5 io T imes , the best lo< al paper in Oregcn. Chamberlain's Eye ami 8km Oi.itmvni is Tuesday. Harp*»r*a Monthly......................................................5 5o < Q ffie 1st page of the T imes Wi l b<- found Mau v There have been several accessions to uncqualed t ir obi chronic wres American Agnculturi*»t.......................... 3 5» j Some white fish whi be put in Crater unt ... .hr young I'ercliiT.'ii liorxo n / / />. have been permanently cure*l L} H Harper's Young People...................................... 4 00 the Presbyterian church at Phoenix lately. Mr.’My . bas lately pl iced in bis stable; lake. There are no fi bo any kind there Paterson's Magazine................................ i Oi Ie b. City Drug 8lurv ;»n l l-.ngd I now, it is said. Fresh bread may be found at the S. F. and H mut*»re. Jacksonville, every day The lime quarries in lhe bin st <»( .1 tr.d ler.-ex- lr has made it a p«»iut alxvays ami spikenard will be imueu« d I»» twice .1 •loced pnea when ordernd with the T im km . AV. A McPherson is now one of the edi­ • town are aitr.icting much Httent mas- *1 >» cur*-the TIMES PRINTING HOC8E cure the b»-st best to be found regardless week hi a short tim*. tors < ( the East Portland ‘ Vindicator.’ 'Jd. of typhoid fever. . much as the quality uf i<*ck obtari<-«l i'um tt r¡ ii-ir Jacksonville Oregon. e»»«t In other wor is he leads. d*»cs not - and 1 month. Rev. F. 8. Noel wiii h -hl mu«« Rev. F. S Noel has some intentions of them ts of mi periot «m lib X- a .1 ui • to 1 OV. l;i ]«<’» he houuhl the first and Thi residence ot 11. Judge in A-lilaml building a Catholic church at Lakeview. , excelled anywhere tl ut h* -i» II. • « Il market HI \ I r*, i 1 r* i bird of Jcr-cys brought to this Sunday at the usual time JtEJA Jfararif r/r.4.v.v.»!< 1 a:.t «ail on Alomlnv. H> * : > and a bull. ;dl tinder two years old, The following real-estate transter» have He is Lundin/ a i » at L H L ionev, of M ti *m cuuntv, <>r*- in Elen piecinct H. Blierrer has returned from California informs us that he has -•¡II I’» - .. - v ■ , .,.,. i taken place since our last report: .'.’."P ¡ * 1 1: fat in of l»iO nri es to W h 1 *»r t!.e pa-l two years they have fence ab *ut his residence. i: llOl; '• 1 .•* . f * r mai “ t « • w n j Frank Cluggage. et al , to H K Hanna; ami reopened his machineshop at Ashland. Nebraska, fur $ I".-o. 1 a ..if'» «I the hint | remiutn at the 1 he supreme court has granted a ’ rhear I S, h«»«>l elections willsoun be held through­ power of attorney to sell all lands belong :«? fair and imiiviJuallv nearly tug lu the case of D.twson v.-. Puga*, it a. J. B. Griffin writes mg to estate of James Cluggage, deceased. out the state on the first Monday* in .March. Lin was r.xw. Ru.Ty caver« y litsi premium over all competitors. appealed tr«*m thi-county H Wählers to A Wählers, an umiivnkd If you want to buy a lot 111 Tolo, do not been only live inches oi ».calcs Ilk ; scots of mor« Indian country «0 far an 1 stock are doing F. Al . Short •»! P-»orman ’ s « — c x. report- one-half interest to pjn acres in sei - 1 delay, fur prices will be a*!vance*l in April. Curt d by th 5 Cuticura Reme« r/. ,.* %<> \ I /. If/.’ A TiON . 1 well. 8ix families have wintered there, that this is (he dry«*st wmltr the mr>v. >>i and 3Ä, tps .Mi and 37, R 1 W Considera­ Alter St Valentine’s day comes Wash­ more than ever before. southern Oregon ever saw . tion ington’’ biithd.i} *nc week from to mor­ <>f the extra* idinarj RL Skinner to Gus Williams; •ali«f:ic- ih.’ Grant s Pa-s charter Lil! has pa--vi 'I he “ West Shore” sii|p;cmn tioii *»f bond. the h«»u.'«*, ami wiil no du'ibt go tbiuugh 'I.i- 1st <»f April la-r I rmtictMi s*»np* Th«- I*•*.vn »1* * ti«»n s»»n!y a few we»’ks»»if. . *.t it y «•» it.«ins p. 1 ar«« <>• a mil;» >■ r »>. ’ *.« C F. Nininger to H B t ’arter ; 20 at r<-s ja lhe .« *m*.tv without any iruui le i:k“ < uinn4 «»at all over my b«»«iy. <\».’-’id : .bh* iuJcre-t 1.» bring mamfraled gon lvgi.«laior-. Ja* k.-ou c* inly ¡» m.t sec 17. tp 3y S. R 1 E. |!2»tì. \\ nolhii.g of until sometime later | n-prt'int* «1. « • x\* canm-l t« I' h hail V» 111. R. Porter, the irrepressible c«»m- 11 1 > Carnelt to < ieo N Smith: Ml a.-íes in in if. > b*‘g.x11 to i<»ok like hpotH of mortar -onie « ur »!«•! -ya' 1 »11 1 *. 111» rcial tr.ivvi* r.has L*. :*;hq l .lc- str 19. tp 3ßH. R 1 E. winch cam»* «»if in layers, arc«»m (.A Buinc'l. l.tvly f. *m Llinui.-. h ts Iy , uccump.iBicil l»> J Tl.c A-hhi id cow 1 rdm.-in rd;;; u>. ’ • . «t,. i. 4. J v <-nl night C Minuus to Day , »V Isaacs; 14.âô m res pun-liavn • »ri th th«» “ st kl I; * *«-. fr u L rt n .« sapr* h<■;! 11.-* i:vxt night rhe fecah t*. in «re» 2.» and 2»i, tp 37 S. S, R 2 W |1 ib « i ert rk. \ c* t rat( L*- l ofi again. In vain Jacks*»n\¡He hr- it- share -hare « «•! Í !»•■ h->-' « .md v ides t >! one t< 1 m ( Mingus to <» W l«aa< « ; 9 acres Hi Pr*»f. N* s*e drew t’.r gold watch al the co«,vs wh < .h are al,». \. > ! j-ic...n in th«* country. t«nt 1 . rn * a'-out . n i (•rant ’ - Pass , .-* tm sr» 25. tn 37 S, R 2 W kG*o. r . is v 1 -it- 4 up all ii«»p«*b of rv“ov- W:z *r«i < >il ('«».’ < las* entertainment at Ash dn m*»r«‘ *»r Iv-» wn-iiv A M;i : ’g*’.»ie • net iu miiLi a »¿m . icur;. It rn« «!••»-. and P oil! ma Ie 11- a Fresh-crop «»*-«, lvimms, figs, etc., «•tier lots f*H -b u ea* h ,«P> • i h I » »■ huu^i-t, a..«l obtain« <1 C Walker to A McKrtrhnie; 1*< acres in K« d*»pg ol (irifim * *.* 1 VI 1 at the 8. F. Var.cty Store, lhe best in lhe in* nthly I'nymeah «>» I L* «.an to .*•« tt; <• li at set 2«;, tp 37 8, R 2 W. 4olO > a ai'.nib. J. (’ (.age ha- 1« .1« •»! tin* pi* -ilici WH- here Ii_. dr*-i p<“! ot!».nd »us• tall arrange.nvnt«. » »1 on or a '.d:. J McDougall to Mary E S Richards; >2 market. farm for meriy uw m d i>_. »•a fully cured. J. J. H*»u< k of Gohl Hill has been ap­ secretary, Scull Griffin. acres in sec 25, tp 36 8, R 3 W. >12so. >■• !•■ • 1 t t-gan Jr , a:.»l w 1 1 p it m .1 * r ■,» been quite sii a,is B W Powell to E F Mead; h*m*i for pointed a notary public by Governor P* ti­ I in four «»r lire 8 q I1 s brother.«’ pair of hippopotami have B. F. Bui!. Jr., an I Mr. < nny er. dre i to lots 1, 2 and 3, block 3. Medford wh- < i'z* ma grown to sm h a mammwth -■/ th carry• phinc county .«pent Wedne in.maided the ('uticura >2»O > <»tt Gnllin of I'olo wants to buy 5»»«0 ing lhem with a traveling show aft. r t. .« luwn. They arc on their ’•;, . »rd J know of a Catharine Schultz to 8 J Dav; guardian s budivls *.feats, delivered at his warehouse n iLem. and thank ui< lake. deed to pro|»erty m Jack« •im’llv *1'»». in Tolo. * I be used for breeding • i !> . specially mottnrb -.•I Ahbland ‘pent vester- Trains stop at Tul ». I ha I I « in S J Day to ('Mtharine Scituliz; quit * hum •niptiun« <»n th«*ir Al:«-i Nora Corb.dt of Ashland drew a F A. 8tewart, wh « Eves at t:i- m uh *»f deed to property hi Jack«onvnir. |l*«o regular stull ?n. 8cveral lots ha ipros m words th»* valuable gul«l uatch m a ncwspap»T »Iraw- I R "guv riv -r. r.i :-»••! a rittabi t li - \ ' uticura 1»* m» . I. li i,’.- la!** . î Foìot ilk.s ui going to A «mail quantify . f ih ¡♦«nr Ji»- a baby’s. funi i * so »:s J C Cowles t*> Jacob R E:fo:*l; lot 1, has recovered fioxn the ibjuries inil ctcl 1 turnip twv.vv inches thron 1 'Ovd Wheat may • i;.l I 1 i.Y. Merr.J, h it?. The n..!»!»!< -t ami 1 r n by B* er block 7. park addition to Medford. |.»U. Al *>f I has recovcrcti from calling on either H L. BaKcr J C Cowie« to O V True; lot 1»'», bi. ck 6. Stock *»f all k ■ .ds are in prime condition shirts, nee r* c« nt iilnesi*. H Barr at Algdiuiti. • ver of th«* di*, park additmn to Mtdford. am! nev. r fared b Iler during many win­ collar-bin ■ howr its«*if Mi¡«a I’.ii lw i.i uf Hr ' ma Ie u- a K A. Gardiner, th-1 tiavtliug can al wa v. A M Ruddicktu Bessie L Messenger; bond ters > a? t. (»EG. < OILY. lucsday. grabber, wa« here M»mh:y. a* •. >in; ani-<1 ■>:-TV. < 'al! ; i : i I «V for deed to property in Ashland, ♦bk») 1 hr larg * ami t ru st stock ».f vdrnline* by hi« w:Ie. lie has be* n kept bu-y !•* ftBteem in which Bess.e I. Mr-sencer to James E Smitii. off»:: •.!■!'• ;»n 1 :«»tir>d al the > F. Va­ Will lhe m?.um-; on -r » 1 •f I Ì » it«»w I ■ I c;ius? li* »l.'ts first via«« w*-rk. • nre, and Cuticura ail undividt d Uli* i.alf intrn -t to hit- II vrlm brand« bi« • i ri*!' 8 - re. km Bi-atpjh r. pr«‘par* ti from ( nic ,i - l n at once. The’•*•* py ’ lm J a* k S oi v II«*. pi**perly in A-hlau i. ♦•¡»HJO. L.*P|O h;. tn** CU <:• of * a«- »rt m»: nt J II Wi liam-to Elizabeth Widiam- lor hl* •alyand pimply The white fi-fiis g*».. | t V.'llb !*>-► 3. block 25. Gold Hili ♦ «») A ,-r A' di-t.tin-’s »»arty will take place T» h - luggi A A Bashor to J H Williams; lots 10 and tn Sam's v tile)-, under lhe management of th'»uglit of in the w* » I* nt .-co r il banking .ogs near ‘ lake has be* n sel» c ted as 11, block II. Gold Hill. Il Alunz » Noah. Rogue Fixer. 1st 1 w iter to propagate them, Harriet.B Stanley to 8 R Follett, et al.. Jump-otl Juv to li.l a contra» t tm-r*/ Al noy is needed by th»1 T imes Publish­ r* '.t there from th«- fi-h » A i i r.i; h»t 12. bl*K-k 21, Medford I'■».► ing i n., ami everyb >dy indebted should land. A )!. Jess of Joseph i:i county O A 1 Co to Margaret J Miller, lots 1 ami -ettlr ill um*c vassing our tow n fur a ¡»r *- *-ss w m* h d 2. block 27. Gold Hill >7»i >». Lmnt. Edward H. Br. *.ke, F.v< ;,t\ away with letter pres-e« It i- said t > hr a Th* • '••<-tr.c li. lit works at Ashhitnl are r.-gimcbL I’. 8. infin’r* D B Rice to Eliza J Gilmore; 10 acre« in first class om* by* all who lrive tried it. pr*/t* .--ing and tb it town will soon be iled to Mi«« AEtrg.ii»t ’ see Bl. tp 39 S, R 1 E I »«» Indian agents in Oregon a;e having a I ha, on the 2- <>A 1 Co to N C Boynton, property in lighted by electricity seiiuu« time, lhe President lias reim»v* l Fi«her‘- new -lock mu-t be sol*!, regard- Ashland Hu»i<>. I hf * B. < ’'d!*\. a..4 John Le«-,.agent« at tin? I i.-< !*•«■• •'! * ’ ■• ’ !. (' ill an I in«prctg«>o*l« before OAT Co to Herman Scheric . pr >1 they ar*- picked over. * in .Vhland. |2i«t. titmn*. L‘.-i 1 family h*ve rmiovid DA T Co to L H Settles; pr pert., in ' AL-si- B ites, <.¡.»nr**_• . M Bri l»’. Ik ■ li A' - H nrieit.i G Moore.thc well-kn*> a u Lav,- m tw*i mil. •» v. *. t ot t* *x h . Thomas. I .per. 11».is, R »d : rs a: *1 Eq A diland. len speaker,lecturisd at Ashland .!■> th :r ( gal :on < ’. m? an I .1 - Buri.s nmn.St.'i 1-ranei. c" travclin - agents, in I i-t Cues lay ex• tiing. Utmusf ’.11 la-lia ! il-* a \ r it last Sat ur­ tervu-wed our busmt men thi« w*» »<. < own/y C«aMmljF«ionera* J’ror. rr/i A full lim* *>f first-class garden seeds, i«»r a w a n - i road 1 A juveni e hand, comp • 1 i I. ys un The following business was transacted .it fre-h ami *»f the best varieties,can be f«»und Mrdtord P¡ im is d< r 1 7 years *.f ag , L f*«r:nv«( in ar. !be S F. Variety Store. the February term of this court The H-mar iipai.ivd Ja •:> jiiviilv. under th p oi Prut. Resignation of F Al >:c\v,.r . supervisor I (>ur 1 ••(■! lr arc 1 -galing thcnuu lvcs with westward t«»r t Schmitt,and the y*»un t:« in/ of r*>a*l district No. 1», ac*« j t<- I ami l»r th . fr.-!i • :i-hr.i ••y-trr.s brought fr**m the past few w 1» guktrix. Kahler appointed to till the same f »r Fr.»m 1 -c*> by AV , I .v ('o. pa—ing notice. nt.-.rih must I Resignation of J W Rubi.n«on, s*ip» rvi Sn»ckiti“ii < .am . ('ail at the 8. F. Varii-ty Store, Jackson- l*»r -*»tithe.‘ ’ li. alj <>nr r sor of district N*> 27. accepted ami J A 1 g«-t the biggest bargains ever of­ permam-iHly. uf bounty on panther :. ntm*d dftnicer- Oaborn appoiute*! to till same mints are vei ! Tow i. end . AV. T. fered in southern Oregon I cart i lag.* of the I he prospects in i ' Resignation of Barney O’Neil. 3'i|»*-rvi- i -, to*' : near.!!., of seeing and usiuess with his I »xxer hii!.« a« tin ir 111 The 8. F ' Ex iminci ” is the best paper tliH year ever km mwn bei* »or of district No 3, accepted and J J H<»lt l»«.*Cunie scar* r. l<> * •• in-eht -, th»- uvula on rhe < • ast 1» m t fail t > leave your -uh the ground not be ring XX* r tu a »lep’.h «ppointed tn till the sum . ro.u ><» d and irritât,*d iq» nrvr l ha I* 1 ■ 1 this ran it ? he li X! 1 s oilire. . lat«1 spring r.i i a 1 more than tw-.enty inch' i •iant and »iiatr**asing cougii Ordered that petition of J (’ Brown, et Ml ip: un Dry creek,n«>ith »d I li v «r. I«« b!« insure an enorm ; • 1 « x.'!> i ha»«»- uf I. . :i" r ;■ v evening a « parly wi!l only are needci to al. to vacate road be continmd t*> .Mur< h iitphexv, who ‘ imp* • d to the mort crop. t,-. .*• pi:n « ;H h<- >«»•'!a springs Hou-e, term. :»»r ha ami w ho •id- : ru»?; ; » . It jm ¡(»cal Read <>»11 g Report *»f W <’ Daley, sup* rv -or ct dis­ n .ii.-ig <1 by Marsh AVagnv.* ieving. p*’tma- in •he tuture. trict N ». 23, for y • ar l--*s, v\ as . j pruved i 1 n«'V, j-fad* •-••:•.i t!. Trxi k - i>» y«»ur friends East, or p’l: >l:-h*-. • :•»*' ;ti . ■ :i Application of Jas llelm.«, ei al . to at au? other p a < . It an-’.vers bett< r than leading p hrn.i the I»« -t :u v - • i; « r r chuligr .streets in town of laicnt. « oa- al. ilo * t t» i ’ you can wt it«!. ;*¡i i 'U H m*r:n ui tm Cnited StA «’- 1 »r th- i- Im’.it'i to March term. iirr « A-ti’au I who have menxi*»n-. with r Ri:< Lard has ri m*>v» .!' • . I Ord»o-t*i that the assessment «f .1 \V j'W-.rv to < 1. as. Nickell's building, one rustle» amt m i I*.Il ! Wright for year l.s>H be red Ila rd in ti»e A petition (•» G »vein »r I’enn i‘ of Wag 1 * r u:.*ek xv.-m here w’uiir (he sun siüm•*». • l«’or west •>! th«? Central saloon. sum of 5U par.Pm *»f .»’(»• A. I. 1« gn n . •*’o iip.n.x I by hi.- brothcr-in- < ir« nit court will convene next Mumlav, penitent!ary I i-t D»,-*‘ember for la J < « . Br.s* oe. road upvi \ . In the matter of the comity r >a 1 pt ti- ’ V. al.. ............. Robert win 11 Judge Webster will announce decis­ ’A a« * ir’’ulan-d 1 i«t week an I 1 * :\ • Trail » re, k district « .diet out tinned for by Scott (•nflin, et ............ I : xx • of l wh«» i< atlcmiing workers in the upper p -rti-m uf Westrop and John McDonough ap;»ointed ions in -i-ine important cases. a number of « gmitures. A remom A ?. MALES l>r. K-»Lin-..ii. has been in town several tri*‘i last ’.vc'-k ami open* 1 the : viewers and J 8 Howard surveyor, to nitet Harry Brooke has painted some neat thereto was also liberally signed. lime- this xverx. up Elk creek to a pom» .»!. >-.<■ \v, t ‘.r i at Toloon Friday, Feb. l"»th, to view ser­ si/us intown lately. The («ntral sa!*»on Cramping pains in the stomaeh and d I y 1‘ • < ti icura ver ami lay cut said road. Waiter J.u k-on, representing the Rosen- a much-ilex tied improv* u« i:t in th.if sign is a specimen of his work. h a . ruOst ».ureo- bowel«, cholera morbus ami dianlm a ar,’ In the matter of the county road peti .»•«I mf.i.'bWc AVhvn ymi desire a pleasant physic, try promptly, permanently an«'«'. ly * ur I !« vi- aiil’.i (’<» »»f Pur . ind. ;pcnt the past lion. tioneii for by t> Ganiard. et al. P Lyttle- 8t. Patri-’k s Pilis. For sale at Citv Drug by using <’hamberlain s <’*»lic, CL '.-•"a ami week in the valley. *«p. -iallv adapt Thy stale ternit«- u,,, n » h* ,.>t p »- i- • ¡nal.' à .»akn« ss-, • ton, W G Bish »p ami Frank Spa er ap­ Store and Engel Bros , Ph«»*nix. P*'-’m -ter Pape is ab'.e to be about Mvdfurd Ju* *xst" L.» gives, notice that he will hold his regular X < >u < survey and lay out said road. A mill-ito, rniilrac1 «n.l -¡d*dra -k w:'l ’ <»,*<• fre •*. .4 Putter Drug body. As our representative.« hav* D. Wil-on. ’». W. A’inecnt and (’. A. A J Barlow* was granted hem-c t<» r* tai! quarter.' < lamination on the 27th inst. Ie furni-hcd by the 1‘>I q Townsilc ami 11. u year l'iirii' tt of Ijttle Ihittv pre* ¡net w* re in mdhing I.ul ant i-un zv th** P.’filand liquor« at Gold Hill, Rock Point pr* cinct, Y«m can always get the neatest job work Milling C‘inpany. lor a mimimt! «ma. to low n ’a^t Monday. galion, ils fate in th? house ¡« qud in iu.«« «piantities than a quart for tin pe- of all kimis d me as cheaply as in the east any responsible party w li » will put up a Mexico <>r * ce 1 lam Notice for Publication Mr«, ii. Al. IIa«tfelt is now «leali flour mill at 1 >lo For narticit) ( M 8 Wakeman, justice of ' or call on th;* sec re tar»*. 8< >tt Griffin. * 1 atarrlial influenza (or bail cold) is pre v­ the ixard Oil <’o last 8a u 1 I I’ K I. 11» • Attornvy < <>lvig drtw ti.e ¡ii.»• .l\-r « Bdh to a considerable amount w< re au­ i «pt mg will be furnished lumber, brick ami trip tn Pu!-» t Simml Io ixin.* a» < r i. - in­ I i AL Andrew uml xvif* . Mrs R >s.i ba.-K’ t. Ben. l ay Io rim 1 buil.hi.g material at the lowest price. * dited. terval s in 1 • ii( tai?.- «.il»il!i -Mli'i i l|. 1 ... r v ! Mi-s M. A. ( Imvner vi.-ite-i j UZ7 «-. .1 dillicii t ii a',-1:1*1 »1 a Silvi 1 ua • uii> probably be signe I i»v t!.«- govern-«r 1 last wei-r. aged .<» years, 8h»- wa’ an r-ti­ • ar,i-’ ami invitations in southern Oregon faction You will al«o do wed to p.itr<*n- Oliver Ah »it ■e uf Klamath eountv spent places mpior been-* * utsirh* uf inc<»rpo nt able old Ltdv and was highly resptru <1 bj aiw.-.x - kept «>n hand at the T imes office. ! ize hi.4 stage line running b “ t-\ tn i • ■ x «•• ui «i . \ « in the valKy l ist week, . lie rated (owns at J*w» and ÿ_’m a year, th* all w ho knew her Hull A Beck of Gold Hill keep a com­ place and Medford. * may l'»cat among us soon. 1 liter being the price lor the privil II W Hoagland of Central Point pre- plete line of lhe finest wines. Ii d < ondition. H« mm I’ s BarsaparilH is a th“ .-’ate p,« nti. ry at -.1!» m 8 hi : 1.» Artic«**« have b tnti<«l with th peeled* Mr II came from California >« v F .’»v of P > ;Ian |. » dan :hh grt .t remedy for regulating these organ« 11 uming. to tin* i::mat».*- ,.i the 1 am* a-_. tai y "f stale incorp »rating t.-ie »;.».. 1:.* v -. i- pa? i ig her father a rral vests ago, divi- ing his tone betwnn : Turn hi rm* «fu r.u on am! at the < a’ 1 ri Mi«. A BHger ba« sold her brick r»-i biimli’ g and loan as-«?»-i.itnu». J. Mr I. this an I Klamath counties until unable to 1 ,• xx* «<»nx a!rs«-(*nt church in the » veiling t-*r, W. II Atiui 'Hi , <»c<«rp,e Engl , J look liter iiis stock lilt* rests eiKt of the dci»» « j .«I .-pa* ions lot in town,'», J A Win. 11. lx ■ , - » H 1; on It should be generally kn. wn I’r. bill I.- l* j? » i 11.1-bren umh r th»» xv* atiier, '■i - m untiirs. lie wa* an imlu-tr.ou- and to J. H. Brown, who secured a bargain. 1 w at(r!xling to his duties at W., fr . : for Pv.hiicaiicii \\ . «c» t. I L. M. < . ! . I! u ( a.-:. 1 A grind concert t »ok place at th*' M. E. Henley s Dandelion 1 mi.-insures aL artv A Co.' • express office, as usual. enterprising man. whose word was a« ood M. 1,nark..I. W Ho* n»r :nith and A. • i ■ aurg.Cr.. a> hi» bom I. A ix de and several grown-up .-hurihai Ashland Inst night, which was appetite and ti<<-r»-a-e«l «lig«‘>tion. «!;>:•'1 .1 H W! l.-h U. I«-». • htldren, a« a’*«» a host of fnend«. mourn w* 1 attended an I prove»! *|tiite intel»-tit-.g. nervou« «l»‘t»re-«i<»n and low spirits, nvri- cou» I \\ hitman of Mo ¡co « cum *1 by bi- hr«>llicr-:ti law. will infu m w* ar; i -tn- .’th into Lb G’.iv;■•, stand i! I nutImrity ».n all land i ; r-nd in M’pjH’rt < i 8.»LI b E. Brook-. Wear North. < i a t i. 1 1, roti roi '. 1 < > I V . !, i;:«»».. r*iat • r-. mav hr fmim! at th’* I imps office. wvu-«-l r.xaiid • I-' •r• ■ w.d » «? *nad“ b 1 • .:•*.«! n nr. I . . • . i;. for® the I.; ; 8»-.. I 11 ' .«-t. ;;d I. l 1: x»» '* to i.i» I.. Aft» r a siicce-sful weeK's stay in J .< k H vval failures have taken place at dif­ • . r- • ._•• Mi, r . ’ • : . »... k-o:> c<«mity. si ?-d i-. » • • ■ ()ur ; ’p’i'ati >n i' sonville the Wizard <>»l <’»». eft for lore ferent point- in the vn.lny. whirl» i-* 11. .*• friend« x mi h;v • ih«- ; . <» - >aì’.irda:. Marci. ■P«i syiai ' 1: i i : Ii , Io 1 in- |.ii. I «'[ .•-• burg Sunday, where they are now giving t vi l«u< .1 i I. P»io .vu nn-i . ' I. W C E Ig'rdo V !- i • 1 * ..I *■; r. Ño that the mercantile business is the land m drunih, s»-n«l it f i«t a »d »ar r* ; iv.- - f J K i '.-.rtl'vcll, h ive I nightly performances. Besides r»-; r.*sen - i n his J;,.e. ». i , «*f ,‘ifr.1«, and 8\\ and xviile, by railway im- a- ! mean tide; Fvsl" :»!** of I ar k«onv¡ll?.\vft are ciad hr: h tirst-cia-s imdicine. tin- troiifc ox *.■r*l*»ne 8. R . .a-t. W. Al. Tor bargains in h i-•! v *• • tHw ir -. < tc., r».» ie has !x»en a gn at unvancc in desir- scatUr them thr«>ugiu»ut th*» laud, <>'<•;• ¡s • «J il.p v *y b‘'st whi h has » r* 1 ti g : a it fi . - >vs t«»pr:»vehii. (’. (’ Bv' kman ami f unily, wh«i go to Joe Mieridan « »b:ei . »1 cstat»! during the pa.-t few years, _ un ni •! '-ultivht.<»n <>f mountain, valley ..«trvam an-1 satai. What ’’ m 1 »vol* I Ihrouuh Orrg»n, each mem been p i the past seven num ,K. H Dett». Clins. Cha . R:ppry ha« c 1 • i- .. *■ I u t he*ng a gcntk-mau ».nd an arti-t ami è ,ii -I the 1 r«*«p» < ts ate that it will go much T».c- T imk -. of course. I l r< >< .’.¡1 N e w Yor ,.-■*• c\p ml home beton .In» k- r- «•■ ‘ .u;ty. Or-goti, tion of a neat, m w dw* ! *;.g. lies* r i'aioiK’ to r I- .1- • Lie largo audirm r- higher still, Tl.l- is he «•QU <»f I !:*’ X«-.*r V.:.*l (1 •• ' * . i .’k«*»!.v il’.', ()r«*i<«»r, ‘ ■ I • h' oí A -’ dan I, XX ¡ looking-irl:; \V II Bvr*t«» iHi’iipof Sam's val’ry » nlh tl j raw, co *! \\ si»*l- rr< .•.!»• ■ . I I* iv«- .x ;!!: Which gr them every where We hav« I Geo. I . Hershberr« r ’ .t Sa! c,i a t.» prot êt agaiEHt the • ng a v.-i: t«. h» 1 <>hi horn» na hesitation in recomirtemiing them 1*^ on us lu* »lay. He is manufacturing n I h:»t-ds and <• mph-x* »1.. «•r whu kn*'ATKof auy f vh member of the third luai-c Parlor I! • wtnru'd I i I) i'arinn'!il ■ sue'' ai.'l In all! ii i. ' w hcrever used .«urcdlv prv.«« rvvd by ti.e iuquei.t thi- | la *• and Ja< -••liVi Ie. n n¡’ Kr/fre**« II»- b<*ar»l of trustees will meet this lion *»( Dul ird « ■'jK-ciiic. Ii rut n 1 n.t » 1: . «tr- anniiac*>. >f Mil l«t ti ?n of a drug -tore mi rim? street. in compel it The skin absorb- it . 8.,1.1 by E < . E:.; ,k- * in* t, containing a number of bu blings and Air. Has» r.! H«-lv frotn t!i*? east. will re- ïit.Tia j war. You been receive*I, and ap) »-ar.« to 1« s.ati f.-u rsotiv;- ci Fubli !«• 8 m F rancisco and New Oil'-nn* ' ’ considerable fencing on it. a-al-oalaig* ami periodicals for the coming <»p<»»-. the R d H 1 1 a -h »rt (mr- next apply ing at toryto the firemen here, who an* an.x.*•*.- body of choice land, ami is considered by c:»n obtain very low rates by Tim in xv road le i l: -ii'.ion I for its ps -age. It provide« f r main the T ime «office. many the be«t .«took ranch in southern On- Fi'ccv p:\- c». nrin.ipal *•!' low 8*»riug.» precin. t • AVm. Clark, formerly a resident *>f thl- j ne< *!■ *i ii*; i r »v* im nt« ami allow- the j r i\ a gon Those looking for bargains «boni*! h • . : ! 1, l wn a v ; i< ||(gr> ;:c! f r by illii 11* tlr 11 n., u. It W B A !\-m For Ciîy HU\TrVbFXT. ? not fail to be ¡recent. The sale will tnk, I prv n*’t. ai *1 who remove»! to California ! xv..- •; .gi«» d L;» ill«’ .Vbtin . *. ,.»•• (».*.(.• ftipp» v a .-I t i r - » svilì a. i rb. 1 «« ’ . ». I pla» e in fr* nt of the f Biittc < •«-ek . u ho was -c ! ».r ii.«ti I • i - : ;4i«i«fldMtefr> for $rtr Ojjirrrn. i '* •ir" !• “i•• am’ -i; th ' v;< ■!•■ !<.«i:it>. tin» < *»unty • im; . hut t by .» ho**•<* l»ol I ngsince and |w4*gl.l, • 1 j«.-*-< h / fl (t'*;. -.i » , nnu«. For to vii, that *«, i Pm •• Jun ;i«t. 1"’|. the f .Honing olii ir ; wer» I la- * • ii.ty * * i i. has i->u d a li*-vose to ! tn lln’snuul • r- ami !>■•. I v-o In . -bji.t to the ir«»ni !'( hrtm, 7 ,h . in i ór li-r '•¡I*'"'1-' 1,1 ■ 11! . I ! • '. id L. R> • and Mi « Mar.' E ‘ Dumh li- 11 I • HT p*-- c ti- • 1 AKE THIH >!• I HG!) H INFO JNO H.BEKTLLY Mr. H..|.cr* Emits, Vi a-rr.-i K - o._ ku'di; ih«un ••* .k. huind. ii, Wni • ’■;*’• > ha. "o.t. clock M. i !i happy »vent has i tun ;• n I remox» « al n: !,» a*iby - ■ I I I* 1 * t ].'■ v»»t»T>- « r t !>.■ 1. \* : -f • • k-*- *.!' »!.*.( I eutnnienci I ii - i k*r; rtihcati s .---¡¡ “ I under tIm new • t »re and will com Jan.«» 1: >«4; ««»••«»« »• .>•?. •c • ’ <»f .Miir-hid at « ill be n. * .■*! *h'i ’ • f«*r ' i*a p’ o c h. b»rr tbi- | 8u! I l»y E. <’ «'» o«*’:-. I • • - «í A Mrs I » M G • I !. cor 1 i •: 1 a *-*I. All t.*arh»*r- boldine there this week. the naming Mnr h h*< Itoli, n.i r**f*p«*rtfully M>- law recording rei ■ .rumi; C A 1 li a-tlim.i. I Î • x ,1 i;.o.;l - .thousand shiiigh - w ant» *i \ T J. H. W . r rtilH-.-i’ * J wiii boo .' i <'Xpir«- n I iou LI not ii» K l.,.i.viBlmg»v ’■ ■•,rr> «'* ’’ ' 1 ' •' licit th«*«r '.'¡Hn.c- • DeFlanny A »¡ie*-n « \ arivly «tore is .-Utt Giitfi:’, Lolo, Or. .1 mlim Hanna ami (’ W. Kalih-r, Es«p, For City hl. r-A;;! I (.•. » ’r g«.n. ♦ < h*i«. H Bean. lately of Jacksonvi!h , an Ihr ar«- «tn. at A 'bland, 1 n rag* d in taking tri Ib am—A White, in addition tn a large i in favor of all whom he ow< s. R H. M I Io- ngular r. guiar annual .irniiai iiurhng»*f in'' '. j excellent si.oemak* r. ha« locat. ,1 here. mH! county treasurer, has been named a« a - timony in <., ern • "ri" .n » f » ruitgrower A-«o,-i.«li n.i I » ' - h : • ol An !» r-. m vs. H.-im cm •rvj.’"ii wii„»• ’’ •• - .. ” . ,1' -t.M k of general merCiiandi«^. keep pr*»- ¡Settlement -l«»» K Vi svili .11 V ......... . He isdcMi vam ¡4' liberal patronage 1 tl t 1« a' «i l d,g ‘ ‘or Hr' «dii •<» * f * i:y Nt lic-jof -“ Kind*«. Their | signee, ami will imim.-diatel' proc'-vl ’•» m«»i:. i’r ink R !\«‘ i ¡4 acting as referee. be I** 1*1 m Ja»-ksonvi iv ** ii Saturday, im visions and produce i<»f *■ all I ’ ■ -•!•!* t . 1 syttle tip matters It :« b ¡icved th«* A nun her of improvements are under Atnr-Lal. and r» 23. . I>su. I"*'* b>r for the |»urp*'«e |.ur)r”e of of clc-cting , l<< Im um* » r« ! ratea are always reasonable i. M F »ulke, a prominent citizm of Si« of tin v*»t> ‘ ’ -' o| Ji.* :.-' * • i 1 î t ": î t . • Mtate of <>jeg«»n f<-r 1 a«-ct« < H.c 11;.b i-.ti* for tlH-en-uiiig the ensuing yenr. ami tin th» -transa way and many im»rc arc contemplHtol. venr. and truii-a ••imi . - inty. (’.il., who ».« iiit*»r«»sle«l in \ IliOA’! A 8 ’ tic* ( • u.ty «»f Juck*<»n. Th« timi o( Mr- m nu- r A Smith, dealing . A ... 1 I V a> I ». 1 Alti I ^,^ I I il V ■ <•' ..................... tv mu ,;*;X ' 1 ...Vo. a 1 ^;*: 1^1-,. While Thomas ( «»nb' an*! Mi« î •• bur« ii*-r ii*i«me'« at Siss-m ami Gz- Central P"int is bound to boom, sooner or . of • .i .■• ’cr Town Marshal W. A. Owen. J;i«. H.iy-, Bobt. Westrop !:■ r o! ¡inc, fat catti«* for th it market ■ i , Hi (.IVEN 1 HAT THI Al - the tv-id» m e ' 1 J ’ ' I' > hi 8am'« val • x * after continue lhe business. />rraawsok«M|/. r r i nf Sarah Belle Free- E. Richmond, of l/ttlc Butte prwin«-l Pre.I Green. I). Lyne« and othet re-i lent« 'pm i sui i n.' i H REMT ¡ I ULI.) AN. ■\ first I’a'-s piam» ami a small safe will a f«’W evenings sin« «!, th*» horse th* y Mere «•i. I ti pi Hi«* county court «»f \ii-. Maggi.-l.aüslii r of l’itt-’nr.:. T.1 . ... tbi« place have icn at the Cyiinty-cvat I i;.unice« «Iriving !••< .*!»;•• tr glHen«’.! ami ran a-wy. n linee« lo iti*- ♦!■•• ■ kft*»f Vllh' li it I tbr u¿h tuwn ALm.lay. cn route to 1 of reasonable tigurr. either for : !.. ’ : h: - ; .'»! a. *'.«tint ;»s » u< h Hil- recent y. an rM,eri, lived and lir.t-.-l;”» .1|«»»in»ker. ov m Id at a he wui »• ■ a a * *.. L. <1 I.«i- •’ t o ’ • <41;.• • ,.f fow r, at« where he is n-?w engaged in a 1 i > *>rd< - of j .- i ; ..»lift T u «* m 1 h >. with approved security, throwingout the occupant». M>-- ' ;• tl.« «-!■ < ii'>n t.» la» L -'ii on t|.í» iir>t *.!H»« at h». I.K-.-.ted b. re and vf1.-r> her »«-rvi,-,-» to | cash or 110.1 . o *’yr«*!. I.J.ut th«* h» ur of lr ertveu a s€Vi Te gash *m the f * hva i. gt;!l:;ng li :i’t Î’*-- f*»r !’ B i.“*» . He 1« 1 Our c«irnct bam! »« ir.a’iini’ rapid pr the T tmfs »»iticA 1 U'-lij Hl March. tl.a ladirs ni. whnL I lately hrotu tiu east, ¡here are nowebv- i; fa* fi ..n. ; . - to ■ . 1 ticouiint <»a or Lvi«>r<* MÏwirc on Third street Rat-s * ...lìti fuitc trie’ òri« :;n;'h««i l»i« a--» nt andre- » en »’.‘einliers, who will probably be jvinf »•- .1 H Fan« a id Moina W« h«t r»4Mcd- '■ rc»l by three m*»re from .la •ksnnviile. Jl” 1 ! • >r?> $».70 i*t » worth' of taxable piupvrty orc .-»Hi i* o’’r ‘d u.ost pi ■•.» h.v * «‘ n .! •iuh|.- and satisfaction guaranteed tard ' .i ! 1 ti l- .;g tile w---k the latter L !... . I. ..... ,-tate.- i.» the I'imm 1** vast m ini *1 r. - À fiv«-niiii lax ba* b *en levied. .*•• Ie-a a r- : I mt «»I Umatilla county, i <’ W. 8avape I.a« r» ni»*.i8ims «V Carney 's Hi-': „I I’roixpt Kfipniir» btfirnl. 1 li FRELAND. The Monarch saloon at Medford, under gions mnt.iin -"I i. silv. r. <-<»»»• er. ii. ii a*..; i fine h(*tel building ami will fit it m. in i n*y I .... If c »al. It« niimcosv tr.'V t- a gr;*z ng < *ml ■ ut this w* i-k pu'cha^v! j farm anti will A l ninirTatur uf said EMate. ; l«a:id'*om«‘«txle. It will no dut-bi u» « ur.- slial *»i tl. -_____ ___ ■t’ai» incuts of ncv::’y t;» the public, elect mr*. •ent to thow indebted to the T imc * *»l*i* ing a 3 popular resort. TC8*»ri. The xuv beat ircai of IM every «»*■ ? - __________ extensive ag:i 'u’tural region« pr"‘lm-»- hc rea f te r. in any manner, ami un early rc>|»»insc is 1 tiling in Ui.U Ime I' kepi there. ai Mi. ^m.l Mrs .* understand the Lusj all th* rerval- in abun lance, the \ m!d j i r request d All a< c*»lint* »Im* ‘ ha« Ni* '<11. nosi. < nn«l i'ougliT moi < i tixh::* » W. i ' FHi \:iM-rUJN!. I ARM. TWO Mr Morri*, a biotinr in-liiw of Mr. :icre beit g. in - mu1 io-’ane^-4. Hie large«! prior to July 1, I sj S, niud hr *ettkd with­ Wiu*. iti r w-rld :« the renson you v. ih ’ m l - -.'f. of J. _ < vii!*», last July. .1 Ymtr eorr^.*; an*.!» n: lean s thatCh.«r!< s Am«>ng the useful and v>‘‘* I pl.; !U halli. '. Il > »in a rontcnl of tlii- val- i:t th*’xv 'lid ÏC out furth* r delay. î ' i . r ’ I and n»*ek, about !3 tu-K ’ h ;*.:.■! k»»p coujlii.ur :«i.*i St*il keep I A t N'-lson, wh*»"p *h»;e xvas clo*e»l «n un ­ tr.n t* ago. li t’ r. turned ir on uab!e pr -lnv!« *»i tm w*‘bf*»«.t s’.-»»»• max - - î !. '.¡arie d wi»ii a.i u:i*i<«rsl«»p»», urder- trviiu inf» 1 "■ m« *!irin« ‘ s w hen B« gg s < *-er* it rem« ninusiy « ’ ; . ni ;• : i ll » \ n (J m I ona . : - ...... . .. a b..o»i t»> th..ii«aml« ' »1H.« t'd ry Uo'.iz’i 8 up wi'l ni*r -A lli 'o'. I.av. rrr«-iv'» givi-ii nt Grr.n-le -« !•« t.;« b*it ¡tn a*'iual (.» I. «nd we >•«I'eaiing to fa< •! the n*«u.ts of his croak­ »»f t ► lipph *d oniniib <»f the b< st *|Uf.litV, which I » HE ’ »'A ' • b ■ I* M. AHALTRQNG. ■ . . ’ • *'t ' ’ • I » guarantee it. bold by all druggists. ed work. 1 VMLLIAM fr.AlvJN. J«« kbontille, heb. ì. lbv. w id be >ul I in qnar liti« s to tuii at r* asyn- i had in .'.-bl »’ d ' y the Knights of Pythias and never iads. * fculd by E. U Brooks i It will nu doubt be a grand event. ahle intuita. NEW TE IS M LV lí -Y HOT I S CRATGHED I 70 E3AS01Î. This is the point : Can an establishment v.’i.c -- chief characteristic is its rigid adl. rance to methods of business which insure protection and equality of treatment to all customers, af 'erd to deviate from its principles under any circuì:; tam es cr in any case ? We submit that it cannot. It is the re2 die;:ess cf the he above guarantee which perhap . more : than anything else, has served to bra r ; the largest general retail trade on the coast. I\ f 5lc know that they can write to us far cr they leant, and ^et the same goods and pvi. :s if i:i Saei-amcnto to buy for them* selves. We curiy nearly a hundred distinct lines of goods, j; b Wearing Apparel of every de­ scription, for i. t'i rxes and all ages, Household Supplies, Nor >a . etc. Illustrated Catalogue : nd Samples sent free to any address. Out-of-tov. n residents can save, over and above all costs, from io to ’ 5 in dealing with us. Our goods arc .1 the most desirable character, being bright, stylish, and of high quality. 400, 402, 404, 403, 408, 410 K Street, SACRAMENTO, CAL. U ì tàmia « consüjíption . WEST ÛÆS MAGAZINE i tll’ \ «'ll» I! I in » *• I ii »• Pacific -I in !ii«»8r- Wi >r and will I«1 a <4ir«»nirlcr of al! ,i«*n 4-in braco«J i*!.dt«>. British i i iitb - * udc < i >i;p*-rb « ngravings (•»»HBtrv cd. • i nil» 1» M ENTS !!<■ witll ¡i > z.i, mir,pre- •.gniti- .f the I SA < Inly Ihiit.