Il j.vo LOCAL XOT1.S < LSI HAL 1'01.XI COI X I L H.X ri:Hsu vi z, .»//; vr/o.v . A man named Allen, who was arrested at Salem for ruling a registered letter at B. Caton is able to be around Wizard Oil performance to-night. Bad colds are popular. . W. Raider i- at Ashland on legal busi­ W uodyille, was «Lf** barged upon examina­ though fie is still «piite weak. Fresh seeds at the 8. F. Variety Store. tion at Portland, Postmistress Stanley tes- ness. Valentines at the 8. F. Variety Store. A. 8. Jacobs has shippe«l a large «¡uuntitv Ufillku srAfii affisai PRESS. Mrs. J. N. Thomas of Butte creek cdle«l N* xt Thursday is St. Valentine’s day Go to N. Fisher's fur new goods and low tifyingthut he was not the Allen who wa* of hay from his farm near here to Ashland. wanted. ycster«lay. prices. Valentines at the S. F V’ lrietv Store. • Clia*. Rippey is making preparathins Ashland’s new military company is "IU- TUVRSUAY . Judge N'til has returned from a business FEBRIARY 7, 1«*». Cal. Cunnynghani aeid wifehavc returned J II. Berry and wi«e »( •’• . it it < aic in to build himself a neat, new residence in of the largest 111 the state, and is composed trip to balcm. to Portland. town. town. of the ablest young men of thatcomrimnity. Louis Boil” of Little Butte pr -cinct was <•”* I IIIIKIXU HATES H'ITH OIll- Staple fall and winter gooh al Fisher’s. Geo. F. Mc( «»niH-'d is captain, (’. \V. Logan David King of Ashland spent yesterday Dr Whitney, lately of Eagle F«iint, is New stock. • LH ECHLICATtOXS in town. 1st lieutenant and J. W. Rodgers second here yesterday. building a business house on the laud L We ar«» glad to le irn that Mrs. J. Nutinn J C. Corum of Medford will deliver meat lieutenant. L*Toy Jones uf Medford called one day recently purchased here. Parties pay iE« forth? Tiwics m advance at our in town once a week. thi.* week. The Bankers’ Mulual Relief Association,«! is convalescing. t^uite a number <*f our «* h ; z < ih w « re : r»*!u«*»*d ca*h rat«* will be farmeihcd any of th»« Fresh oatmeal and buckwheat fl.»ur at concern claiming to do an insurance busi­ Granville Naylor and daughter were here Ja*. Lum is engaged in mining in Black- J.u k.-onvilh* Li-’ Tuesday to .Hleid th- following nAmed pulilicationn iu connection with ness. had its office at Portland attached to • luring the week. thm paper nt the pnet a given below. It will L»» the S. F. Variety Store. well district. funeral of their old frieml. T. T. McKeuzc. noticed that then* it* a r«Miuction «»f at l»*ni»t 15 Perry Foster ot Be age calkd on rs one The tine weather has brought the genu& 'Ht’.-iy a judgment f«»r $31') obtained by R Scott Griffin of Tolo went to California ! Henry Wilson of Gram s Pass will s«»«m per cent, on iHihhihei*’ cuMotuary ratet» in every D. Freelmrn . It ha* written several poli­ this week on business. tramp to southern Oregon. day this week. become a permanent resident of this place, instance, and in woine much more: cies in this section. and has already commenced | iiDin ' up a WEEKLIES. Chis. Meeker, the insurance agent, wa­ Valentines! Valentines!' Valentines!!' Miss Genevieve Moore has returned from Rea l our grand dubbing !ndu«'«mients her trip to Ashland . Toledo W« •■kly Blade................................ store building f:i nn at the S F. Variety Store. in the valley lately. Harp**r'» Weekly.......................................... publi-hed elsewhere, and if you want the . 5 70 Wm. Gates wi 1 probab y sell two large DcB »y «t Stuart have opened a jewelry Geo. Brown, the I’.ig'e Point merchant, W. II Ihirker will remove to his farm leading journal of .- mthern Oregon and Nrient>tic American.................................. 5 I«) saw-mills soon one to be put u,» in Mead­ I» Frv«» Pre»**.................................... store at ter- Settling up time is at Land ami we hope I’ni’( *l State« t*»r the pm <• of one, call or New York World ................................ other on Thompson creek by Th«).-. M« r. ! '(•nd U* tin- 1'i'lK • olh- v . 3 IN) the printer will not be forgotten. iu !••"n \c.-terday. dav ou l«*gal business. Ban Francisco Examiner......................... JIK W . J. Greg«iry. A. S Jacob* and Portland Oregonian.................................... Thus. M cj talk* about putting a saw-miil l»r«>. Bell i> n » longer eonnec’e.i with the Call and see those elegant silk bandker- . 4 IMI E L M\er«»t Ashland pncinct madeusa lersun apprais« i th” property helon Ilari»er’»» Bazar.................................. I'hennketa hotel, lie di«l not like the i«b*a on Thompson creek. .. 5 70 chiets at the S. F. Variety Store short call yt sterday. the estate of »8. <’.-*r;t«is, «lec.-a.-e Pioneer Free«............................................... . . 3 IN) J S Tucker, lately froi.i Albany, Las lo­ louml the personal eiled • to b-* woith *112 Sol Rehart of Lakeview was in the valley «•I being a minister of the gospel ami at the Chicago New*.............................................’ Messrs. Finley and l’”X uf A-lilan«l .. 3 W same time being su.-pictoiied with having cated at Grant ’ s Pass. Mlavouri Republican . ...... and the l.iml ^3,•'•(*). .. S CO last week, looking after his divorce suit. an interest in the saloon that is conducted were in town yesterday. Gl«.l>? Democrat .. 3 00 Snow has disappeared every"here, ex- Now is the time to subscribe for ’he in the same building with the hold l lie Red From dure has bcm cl .*<*«! and S. Lawrenie ami wife of G.iil'-i creek Philadelphia Timen........... ........................ .. S ill T imi - the be-t local paper in Oregi n. <•« P’ ing from the mountain*. Ih«* goods it contained - hij»pe I 1«» Medford. 3an Frurcisco Call . 3 III A millsite, millrace ami -idetr.ick will spent Mondav in t«»wn. J. R McAfee of Sam’s valh-y "as in The proprietor had given a chattel m* ri Frank Ixwhe’i* illustrated paper........... F. H . R-»"e of Tolo and John C. Mwore I e furni-he«i by the Tolo T«»wn.-iie ami . 5 70 C Il-Il »* Judge Wi!*hire «»f L:lk Jacks«>nville a few days -incr. gag** «»11 the stock and fixtures, to *♦•«-iir** a “ Gcrmaa 5 70 , have opened a lumber-yard at Ashland. Milling Company. lor a nominal sum to bc«*n at S dem recently. Sunday Ma khz ¿ne............... . 4 50 Chinese new year is being duly celt brat* «l loan made to him l»v the Jackson 1 »unty Fre-b bread may be found at the S. F any re.*|-oii-ibl» ’ party who "ill p it up a Inv e P«»pular Monthly............... Gwin Butler ami wife of A-ltland 5 ID Bank, and the cashier of that institr.t on now by th** average Mongolian. tl<»tir miii at 1 • «». For i»arti< uiai - add.a-* returned from California. Budget .................................. . I 311 , Variety Store. Ja< k-onville, every day has taken |m>-e*s:«m. lk ‘ lite a numb 1 <»1 rtiis powder n< a or vari«1 A marvel of pun * Pleasant Bourw... ..... J. M Gordon and C. O. Vincent were at creditors ar« thus l«*it in lim c«»ld. . 4 5C> If you want to buy a lot in Tolo, do not i or call on th secretary, S* o*t Griffin. Ash- Geo. E. You!? ami E. 1’. Morse of ty. strength nnU:SI»;N1I> ItKSl'H TH l.l.Y John Hockcnjos. who Iris been «|irte ill to attendher son. who ha*» been «pnte sick. lem lie "ant- to l>e a railroad commis­ and old »ores. S«»hl by I.. C. Br«»oks. Jacksonville Oregon. of their period!'-.d.s the publisher mav ron- I iioun«**" t«» th«- pubi”- that h«* will L*- a candi- sioner. A good dige-thm waits on abpetit * and a with pm umonia. is reovermg. ,lM” f* r ll-.<‘ p'»-iU«»ii <»f Mar-lad <»f Jacksonville Fred. Muller and Mix Mavcr. rommcr- J. A. Cardwell lit* returned from hi­ cial travelers from Portland, ca led thi- tinue to .-eml lh*-m until ill arrears are at the riimi.i:! t cotnmiitces repre­ _ t » <• \ of fhetownof .Jncksonvillp that I I. If -uL-cribei.s inov;- io oth«*r plac«*- will The firm of Youlc A Gilroy, doing busi­ C. r>ro«)ks. Jake Kahn of Portland h is b‘en in the bill*. in book form, neat ami cheap, at I. ; r .li.ihl .1 ■ f>>r ?i. • of Marshal ul senting Jaik*«»nville an*! Medford, re For the best tui noiit* lor all oeca duns wiihout informing the publi.-hti a-i I the t!i*-«T.-:uu March **1 Cium a:; J rcHp. clfully Bo­ the T imes office. spictively, held at Jacksonville on Janu­ ness at Ashland, has been dissolved, Mr. call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack­ valley 1 itelv. He is in poor health. paper* are s«*nt to the former direction Y. retiring. tici ’ their sufliag« •. Go to the S. F. Vari« ty Store for your ary 2f>. IsS'j, the following resolutions riyiiiale’s prices are quite rea­ Mr*. Cbappel and Miss Knowlesof Fo patron- to take pcrodicals from the «»dice, or re Ben. ILiyui »nd of R >«-k Point was at are rep >rte«l. ««»uiitv l”gi.'lativ»* delegation at Sul-un: t fail to hear the famous Wi z ir«l Oil moving a ml leaving them uncalh-l for " pri- iz<* his »t.-.gc line running between thi.* Gr Jit - P.i** the f«»r«*ntrt t»f the week. i <’«». Don 1. Thnt tn the opini«>n of your < (»mniittee ibelatg st and I: -’ st«»r«cnf valentine« piioeam! M. Lord. » at the I S. Hall for the next three ma facie ’evi*lei»(.-e ot intentmnal fraud. 'i'HEhl I..- lilBLK HEiiLBY GIVES N )T1< E it i* an ;d> wiut. n« cc*-i’y that a g«»«««l wagon of all kind* can be h*u».d ar th«* > F. \ a- J u ige 11 ann.i is a? As’> im! «m legal h’l- niiihts. 6. Any person wh«» receives a newspa­ 1 liir t I.» a < ai uid.i!for «eli.<«f City The So-.ithvrn P.i- di • Companv is r« ad b built In-tw* rn the t*»w ns of Jark-«*n- riety > • re. in e.-s. and will he ab • m nt -< V« r:d days has M. Haley. E B. Myer and W <>. D »ugh- per and hi a ices um * ol it. whether fie Marshal, .«n«i r--n«-et fulb solicits the Buftr»g»*s *ehing i!. i*»t- i.t Medford, Asldtml vilb*. the («»unty -rat «•( Ja k-m emiittv Sh«*rHl I ’ ir 11 of Like emintv "a* at Sa­ <-riv «»I A'hlai'.d precinct vi.-Jed our to’.VIl subscribed for it «»r not, i* field in law a.- a <»f tie* voter of Jacksonville. On Sunday, Feb, 10th, R«-v. F. S Noel Gram’» P.i- fnl any i»omt i-.i-t,*-:th«*r Oregon. m«l Medmrd, .*ituati«l «m ti «■ 1 i e will lio'«i ma-s at the re-idtnee of Henry l'*!ii last week o n i il l«»g-r*»lling < speditimi, , this week A THOMPSON, -ubjeriber. the N •!.:• •, 1 Pa«-«m-. • anaUian l’a ot th«- S mthern l’a« Hi«- rui r«»ad Judge tn Ashland. 7. The p*>- i.iiu'ler wh«» m gb-cts to gì ve W E. Hur«!. representing Slav« r A ( nion P icilie. Rm Gramie and Deny« D. Wds«*n of Li’tl*- ¡¡lep*-e« in ? John 2. Ti at ’lie « o .venience of th** | c«»ple «»f Walker. " is in th«- • vail«*' dm II g the week. M«ut«»ii t f E-l« n au 1 E G. H urtof M’ dtQr«! the 1« ?al not i* «•«■I l he it ghat «»fa pt i -■ . h M- ney i« needed by the T ime - Publish- the Mouthertt Fadti-' by way of E A AH nd, Tah-ot. Plu»cnix, E.mle ¡‘«»int. t<> take fiom U p * < tin «■ t . * a - p «•” r tali« «1 hviv l - I i v Represent i’i ve Pr\ c i‘:;m«- 1. urn* Situ 1. ttl» and Big Butte, >am’.- val ey ai.*l all it g <’«».. and vveryb »d\ in«lrht«‘ th« pul pur« iia-rd at S icrameiitn. i i n •<-DE ALERS IN I J 1‘! ’.MS *». Thai no uppropriati<»n from the -fate Fisher’s new stock must be sol«L regard- the land of drouth; s«*n«1 it fa*t and tar Tuesday. cha-e«l bind ami "i.l « mnmem-«* the <-i« - of Oregon ha* rv* r been given Jark*«»n •e«sufcost. Call and inspect goods before an«! wid«*. By railway line ami ocean tn!e; Wm. Bvb«*? has return?«! from his I ti«»n «•( a mammoth liv« r> stabh* at A-h (-.»unty to aid said county in the huihiingof they are picked over. * scatter them throughout the laml. o’er i ‘ spring* on Evan* creek, much improve«! I land at ouce. roads, b.'idgrs or elherwi-e. That said in health. David Payne has sold 2"> acres near Tal­ mountain, valley, st ream and > a nd. W hat ;r, RESi’i.' • I l ELY A\MH Nt I small lb«* Jack-Hit county is unah!<- without -‘ate aid ent. together with the improvement*, to Tnc Ti.'iZs. of c«»urs”. «- a c «I » i ¡i.» f<»r tii** position «»f n ir- W .1 . Gregory, accompani**«! by his wife ! t ian sc;-«l wheat ma>’ ‘-till be o!)!.iiued l»\ t«> c«»n*trurl .-aid r<»ad, and respe* tfully A 1» II iimen iingthe law r J.iting to legal and «laughter, mad»* Jacksonville a visit railing (»n either II. E. Baker or \\ . ’••Ai;«*f J i • li” ut th” enwuHig Wm Addi*vn for $!•> <». uskthat our senator ami representative- voter* at school mc**t:ng* "ill in all prob­ , last Saturday. H Barr at Medford. Another telegraph line "ill be put up u*e their utmost influence to’ provine the < II \S. C. 1CKSLLI ability pa- the h-L’i-uilur«*. 1 he i/:ll | r • A little son of W. G. Mayiirl I of M. a ! apt ropri »ti«»n of such sum a- may be ncc- between Ashland un i Portland soon,for the posts to allow ail wh«» have children «»f N Grimsiev of Central Point precinct 17. IS •. 1 use of the S. 1 ’ . IL R. Co. h Tild- I ows precinct recently had one of his r-s «ry to build ami construct ".»gon school age l«> (‘«lucate, to v»»t<* in th” -chool ami II L. Hill of Trail creek w» r< ut Jack r«»ad severely cut by a sharp ax. A fil’d line of tirst-class garden seel*. • li-trict For I ml« r the <1«1 la" .to < «»nstitute a -«»nvill? yesterday I That the length «•( -aid wagon road 1 ire.-h and <»t the be-t varietie- .can be found legal voter in a district, the voter mu-t N W . F. Parsms of ’’hic.i'-» an 1 G C. W T iy!«»r an I Wm Ray. count' ’nr. i .i'î i;si.,si i> ki . si ’;.» in i . i . ï w will be al out four and «»ne half l D4f mile-, at the 8. F. Varir»v Store. «•" n property ami pay taxes in tLv sclmul ct»mmis*i«in«'rs, are a’ the emi nty-.*eat on B »sworlh oi L »well. Ma* .. were in J ack . n«n.-r i- •' i !:«i-» ¡f h - u crtudida«.«* for r«'-<’lee- and < an l»e constrin ted at the cost«»! t« n ! Ja-. M -Dmigall has so!«l hi* ; .-«HiVilic during the week. offi i ll hu-ines*. ; district. oiia- i • « «•mm ■ -iniivr, Mihj«s»t t«» tho will th.u-aml if lii.ui"'» dollar*, a i«l "«• b r«ly Rockwell di«trict. containing I -, f. ■ g I »W ”E ction. Mrs-r- I’rrJu* m an I Van Pelt of «’re- Ilcpre-ent iti • 'hi‘< r h i «»ur thanks for G W < ’ *»1 vig. " h«» i- clerk of the -(*liRt(* a-k the aid of the state of Oreg«*n in that Daniel Richards for $1«^".». Y» i LL! YM I MON. • | cent city, Cab. pa*.*e«i through th«* va ley railroa I committr*. spent Saturday am! a ropy ” f th- ’ •■! ’ I * - I» - .' i > I r--live«! in the I sunt t . build said wagon road. Jack-onvd ’ i e Januarx 1 '. K*'» ! Call at the >. F. Variety Store, J ack-*»n- l»ou-e providing lor lhe .«pp«•intnii-nt ol i Sunday at home i last week, en route to San Francisco That a copy of these rcs«»luL«*n* be Jink" l>rl ’ ’ iatt "itt ami Ja*. 1>. Fountain l’t ndh-ion, > dem ami .1:«« k-onvill** a* I ville, ami g* t the highest bargains ever of Messrs bailee 5!« Knight. Prescott. M< dge Dei forwar d* I to our »r an.I ra h mem place* for holding session* of the supreme hav • been at Sah in looking afte r legi-lation . ( alluin. Meek. Dildim* and Straus* Port- I rr of th” Irg’.-lat.irr fr«»m Ja«*k*«»n « <» m’y I i« red in southern Oreg«m ! laml traveler* interviewed our merchant* The c«-u»»ty comi os-i n«-r- ’«*>urt i* in • .mirr am! « u ! i « t matter- in« n. *t prominent w«mld be a gr« at convemi i -c to the public I )••• tor*. H« Im and lb thy Ci p: oti-mn* ol tht -c re-«» uti- n-* at a-t early a th«’ nex i.--«ie of the 1 lMi.s. «»(Plea- int creek pi\ in *t. -p ml a at large. A-iil in-1- line. I ir.’»* h-it.-l, wr d.»v as j ».»-ih I >c:i*l the T imo t«» your Iriends East, or I in t<»wn ihis "«• k. M. t - t : in fm»- *!yle at «.lire John \\ ir.mii.i r. th? gf •• < »thing Li t! i « mi !t. « -»uri of in*- c of O f go*!. f«»r Each r«'«I’.uipm v.. :p;l«>p»i«! s*-j araf* ly ' ;.t any oilier place, it an-w* rs belter than Ex she.ifT D in. Dvi It her an 1 B W tn. • *1.- **! J--»' L wi I ' om»- fr«»m Co «-.! mvrehant, i* a firm b ‘li« v« r hi liberal n«i !». the unan*n:*.»u- vole c»i th.- comm.ltee ' ail toe letter- you can write Spring- Hn-tonof Wi i »*v pi (*( im I Wen- I the e.atl« r **I 1 « •• * ' »t»- «-Í Ou', r Viri<-”i,t V«*rtl-i”:'. lie I spend l.i'Mi') a [ here la* I Tue.-day. ; Comic ami aeutimrma! 'alcitine*. in » I. l'he S. F.‘ Examinei” 13 the best paper week in ndv< rti-mg. am! pay a skillful endless variety, at the s. F Variety Sh»r*-. riorum - llutaby, Molli L iS I . !;1 M.m \ THkl tig : AD I on the «• ast D«»n't fail to leave your »ul>- man :i h'liner new-p:fp»*r edit«»r, and a W. H. Park« r has la « ii confined t*> hi* Jacksonville. 1 he handsomest and largest Ih r Mftmul, i mj of Oliver V k II ! j ’ :: rat-M A select company of the intimate friends ' -cripliuns at the T imes office. rn mi for several «lay*, but i* now able to assortment in southern Oregon. good one .fl,‘*H> a imm’h t > «!<» it f >r me in the c«Hii:ty court • M: Magi; .............. ....... "J E •• !”. ,* ! i of those most interested gathered at the L’ttle Ihltte has been excite«! over a law : be about again. . l ia iiual M«.<*'»unt as «•f Ja«*k-on county . < h I make money by it Tlie age I father of Jrs*e Titu*,«>f thi* an exp-•nene ! and lirst•«-!..--» dre--mi’kcr, Mich ndiuiniMrnt«*r, < (bulo < t «• r oi »-aid court residence of ¡1. >mith «»f Ea.-t J’«»rtland , >uiL for ;• hor.-e w«>rth f.Y». Thecostsof I lever.ige with "diich J. M Sabin, lb«- gen’«1 repr. -enfali ve oi place, *ii«d at Fniilirld. Iowa, not long ha* l«»rate.»'. l*»rk v ’i.. • m t for hi arii 4. Ail per t! ” marri.'g«* cert m »ny that unit«-I Alfreti When you «lesire a pleasant physic try .‘-lie may b - f"H' >1 at liw* re-. iei.< e o Mr- N«»w i* the tim«* of year when the ap- '*allr\ on l»U'in«*'*-. 8»»n* mt**r«**ted ar*- 1 lien-hi n*»i if;. *! to a|»pear hu í family to nio’irn his demise K * »« .im «.f 1’» i an ! Mis* Agnes • St. Patri'k 3 Pih*. For sale at C*tv Drug ■ »mi f <«:i «■! 1 preaching holiday -** w. M'.'»r«* «m l’birtl Street. Rato* »mite tile ilia or Ic-r oh, • m r-iiini 1- us that Mrs Max Mulb-r ha«l a -a-ver? spell rf Hut-by of Mehama. Oregon, in the holy Ja-. S -obic, the v« teran railroa»! builder, R-f.,:.- *-a: ! day St .¡e and l.ngi 1 Bro.*., Phmnix. i ienibr.ime will bt* rea-ona! !• ! «*«>mv token of kind re ami -..ti-faction guai..n ‘ i< «l. b«»n«i* of w««!l'»(k . Ihe sei vice* w«re««'n -iikn« -- tl.e f<»r«’pirt of th? "•<-♦»k. but i- in Jacksonville vcshrday, ami if he l ut». : I by «• i -ol«i M» acre* of light i welcome*! by our frien«!*. pre-cut now convah-.-cent. «>. Harbaugh ba «Im ted by Rev. II. V. K«»mir g« r. of the I • an get proper rm »uragement, he wiil vrup of l :g-. t> « l ai.-c tl.e -oim thing ii* v ab«»ut p - turc- "hi« h were in "ailing to c«»uvev them ami their «laughter. Mis. «'army, vi-ited cmr Y-»u can always get the neatest job work E we are glad to state that our representatives system when * -t.. * ..1 : ■ .1.m- those uf their friend.* " bo " .-h»*«! t«» I :d of all kind.- done as cheaply as in the east Orvgon Knlney Ttu i- put up III ait- town a few «lays since. in .'*«• a,.d fl (io m»!tie- l.v .«¡I !•■„ Jiiig :ruc voted right. ( »! • g»>” , ftM- Ir: ih • Circuit « them a la-t •(•<•«! sure*!, to the s« uth- . tight tin box«** which preserve intact its L* vi Morri* of \Vinter*. Cal " h-ibougl t , at the T ime - otli« e. Give us a trial. g-ts. When ull <»th« r remedies fail, Oregon I mr.d wv.-rLu»! train which (arricl the ' peculiar medicinal properties. Full «li 1. M I-, tin- Ammerman farm in E l*m pre. im t. ha- Kidney T«*a emm* to tlu* front like a true, this Parlic* desiring to build in E<»1«> Tin m:t" "I imoni'u'i"" ;! < -nt;.l!l' (••»\< r-'th« entire Pacific iiapj y couple for a slmrt bridal tour, dur- rec i >n* for pr« paring the fva. a< i ’tinipany been in th^allev lately. fm««-* si i ox if ¡i i X n ooii\ H i • i ; it taithfui friend. T' »r Knlm-v ami uriuaiy • nr "¡.mb :hty "Hi vi-it Mr*. >l'*.-um - 1 «prim, " ill be furnished ' lumber, . brick and I rar i package. It l- a » pUt UI» III li'plid -I D-f.-vUnt; i *. X V. N"i «li\v< st «••iiuplvli 1*, a*:«! i( .11 with all subject- ««I interest to tli«»>< M .1. Canning of P-»rt!an I. ;epr<* *’ita * troubles, *m h a« in the back. niuc‘*n- j\ illl.XVI 1 «IL >» \ i L (»I- UilEGuN. In me at Meh.tmt and Mr. Slocum's building material at the lowest price. 1 i«»ru.. a (’«»neentr.ttcd extra't. Y-'iir d rug­ -p’-nt a tew aud milky disebargts, brick-du-t ieg*m Oregon, t’poii their seeking information of this ie^..'ii. l’»«r the current y» «.r Tin W fmt Win. J. Nichols, the p >*tmaster of Sam’s gi.-t is aiitin>r:z I t<> reltiml v »iir iu nicy H tiv-* «»f Sne’l. Heitshu A i ’ lì”-I wwortb* «-•.mplaint *.f in«* i*l>«>v»- mH.*» in th«* ill inc, l*>-s of appetite, weakne-*» ret urn. th« ; r home for the present " i 1 be • valley has resigned, and Lake France hu- • »regon Kidney lea «lues not «lowball.* • lav* in town this week. ie tor ;\< v.'linin' j«iet »•'<»'»'<1, an»l will lx* a ■ ir al»«n ■ -**nliti‘-«l •'* i” I u* w «¡n lii«- wii ii th«* clexk S ho K. " ill Mil-par-- HI exeelb-i . la mi Third and I street- Eaot I Port ’ortian«! The ' -»et n'appointed postma-ter iu his place. I claimed for it. > »:«i by E <’. Brooks A. B». Seal, representing \ Schi.lin *• A aihl gi-nttral debility, Oreg«m K: lr.«-y ’!« « Ini. g *>f K.i«i « « urt. "niiin !« i «iMíHÍn-ni l’«*d:it» «*f complete exponent of the re.- iire-, - of, :iii»l :» careful »-hronicler of all It th ver tail* an«l l»eiug «»( ha - i ” » equal. 1 : .. ! bride was »lre*>ed in a light brown travel- i Representative Hermann has secured 1 for <’■».. of San Francisc«»,interviewed «»ur mor I he fine.-t ami complvtest line of wedding I ih«- HvrvK-e of thi* «-mnin«.i..* r.p<»n }ou, if M*rv»*d purely \ ecetablc »-om i»«> it ¡ oh «l«»e: n<«t m- ing dress rea*»y f«»r their journey, the 11: Jh«*k»-«»!i «-‘»unty. Cr gon. Lu’ if M*rved in »uiy , i- .t ; 1 vital - 11 - - .:h' rn ' ‘ » lb«- *«-tiler- in Harm ' valley th«' right l to chants a few days sin« e of iniportaii'-■ in. the «'Utirc region embraced i jure the sy.-tem. S;»l« !ii wearing the ’’regulation suit.' 1 aiv.av kept on b in 1 at the T imes oifi’ c. a hearii g befor«* the I mlcd States land I of 11« nrv Andersen, the lira kein an. wh On tn / in Sill r . w.thm itJ. «1:*'-from 1hedat?«»f lhe p«-r\»<•<• within the limits of Oregon. 'Va.'liingtoii, Montann, l.iaho, British winch is alway* m«iv-« r.b ihle oil sm h o«‘- ti .* and t»»-• : .•'.*le the swa.m» bin i dc- had «me «»f **. fe» r hurt s» severrlv’ i< «.f tl.i- fiimmon* u, *«n }<»u; or. if t**-rv.*d «*»■ }«»n .4 Il li./ ¡1.11 c-.sions. B »t’» ymmg . I-1 «»pie are well ami Tip- most beautiful weather eontimie* t*» I riM.m ol I n «d Stat«-' Agent Elliott j nml igm-L Evin* : long sin«T. *u Hi«* S‘ «'•* «>r br publical ion. ('o’.mnbia and Alaska.togelln r «¡th a multitude of Miperb engraving m «lutv again I.u hi 1- *! < I” Il f ;*,«». .«blv ably kn kli «"It ■.»n in iu the social circle--«m ipri\.»il witi» little fr- -t at night. Winter State Ag< nt It:* lim m l. as t l imi- \v h.í li \> t<» Judge D«-a iy - h *,i-i*m on !>-. '• ■ tir-t day *.f •* t»*rn <3 court foil«»"- M«-ver «it ( ’ himn«*v R »«*'; p- •-•n. 11 G of scenerv. cities, industrie.-. etc., of tic- country der-cribed. bo'ii • •: paper f«»r y« ar*, having charge ! Guide, stand tr«l authority < n all land swamp, hut g »*»d. f.-ntle an I « ult ■ va* ib­ XVa«le is (piih* ill with f* v r. portion «»f -ta»<* :* \. Sen.t’«»r Si.m ey I . .. a- tifi un. 1 U«* j-. i nner t agipnHt you f«.r r 01 that i!epartmt nt at the pr«--ent time Mr*. Tim- B. Mern 1. wif»* «th* n- thvrvfore mrr«»«ltme 1 a t ill to K-fund matters m? v he found at the 1 imes otlicc Inud. and which are til ■•! «in . an I claimed a .h-i re 3.*-** « : * '** I»'” d- *>f r’ -trun**: > now Hi- faitiifuhir-s in a'tention t > bu-lne-* m --!'»ner to th«* \ '1 - ' « « ’ ”X «»-Hi o" ing mg i- : a « opy : sum. of " hi”h the fol I «»" L* »y nd.ea ’ «*» by mom»; <*:i * and .-i Kioirf - in* it! i... i «¡«f î «1 .: t. «► A adv got a pair of lace « urtains worth d and th«* pprecial:ou hi- employer- -♦ ri m-ly ill at S in E rato i-co. Wni i.rvs, No rr.icf f bill has h.t been pa*I w ill ii”«i • f i'.H\ ;t( ; • • I . i :.<• plant «.utile , »'• ’"» with a can of Silver ."tar baking p«»w- Rep; e-tnta’i vr t !!.I- i - bill to ameml h.r. e tor ir* service- -p«-.»k Vo :1m« * for I ht . )’ , • ■» *' «• f« r*i;<* • !- :*«-i”Ly mad *. lL--iry E Ankeny ot Slerlingville lm* all« « lii’g J.'p K-mi « «'iiniy’ *in< e M I'. Dea A gian.l All elegant ettgra'iiiErs. in <’ ‘h1’ <•«• tini-, v. ill l»c ¡-.-1 t «ier at the s. F. Variety Store. Try your that *r« lion «»; Hi:i win- 1« r« ¡at»*- to P**».: ■ <1 in t ..* !i'i tHAll* ilùl* tor r.x him in whatever walk of hie he may fol- dy - decision on the mortgage tax I i .v, and Cm. y on' di gone to i > ilice < r«-ek on bu-iness ( onnrctad -..n ’¡i¡v* *.v k- ■ «»id- r *»f Hon. L. I*. \X<-H- each hhhí Í ht . 'l lit « supplì ’nt-ut- :.n !7.\23 ìd « I h > in >¡ the Killing of grouse, phe.i-aut, piatl and "ith the blue gravel mines. i « I j " Ail unite with one Voice in a wish luck. -in e -aid derisjo i .Lo-k-«*n county’* a -c* l.ul¿. ..! i • «■*r, J Í *■•*.*• ' *'«nn.’.«»<• at el .itiibeis «»n On the tir*t page of the I ime « will be partridge, separates the tw » latter birds lor their future hap^iu« - an 1 prosperity. -•»r ha* K-sC'-cd mortgage* the ot each S¡*> M iit s«»nie <»l»jvct ”i g« iht . i 1 nr n <»*. <» feature of F.‘brUK > r:, l*^1' Simon < ar«» of Roseburg i* a candidate i*.’»*.r''B 21 at their la« ( ; an«l found c«»n«iderable matter of local impor­ from the two former. The close season Sunday ’»reg -nian, Feb. 3d. re-t. or .-ix ban 1 Ii - 4th d;.; «»f E- bra: ar;. <»f till for th«* position in the I in«! office *> .ibly tance, including market report*, religious for the entire four-pc« i(‘s i* now I»« tween vent 8« •ene l ’ v <»f th« ’ W ’ .'-t. :ci ’ t will :d«»n« ’ be w«»rtli the W heri .\ s , 1 he « oiiniy h i i id « r i- li t -tllh,: me: 1-.-•». June*. th».* 1st «lay of Jailtl trv au I tie* ’.»th day of tilled by lion. A. itt-ms. etc. A* rrology. II h. I! \N>. \. Att y f**r I’l ff l»’e to pay t«» the *t.ite on *iiu .i -c'-m« nt beef "ill b. magazine. Mr. Miller’s l»i!l make* IL T Eawt »n. the Me.Ifor«! land a rent, «»f mortgage', th«* sum ”1 f3 133 31, as -tale the day i ll No" is th«* tin e to Kub-cribc lor papers July <»f (a -h year Th«>*. I . M K* nzie <»t Jack-nviile, «me oil the clo-e sea- >n for «»uail an I partridge wa* in town ye-terdav. accompanied by tax . and uf our be-t known r« -¡«lent.-«, «lie ! la-t Mon­ and peri<»di«'als for the ( '»tiling jear. the state < from April 1st to <) Liber l*t of « u-h y* ar Mr. Hull, lately from N«-bra*ka. < hdv $ WitbKt Tlic a--«**'or* ol • • rtain other one i- harr* day morning, after a sh«»rt iilnr-s. For • i can obtain very low rates by apph ing at The Lili pa.-sed the bou-emt l*'rid.iy. In t1* f'ircaii l’«»urt f «rii.»- State of Oregon, for . I the T ime .- office ! Evans Bro* of Washington t«-rri: try art» ( «■»untie* during s ii«l .line hav«* a*s«**srd i years h«- State- I'llitcd tn. t «-'i. itj ot Jn- k • in the valley lo«»king fur homes, and we mortgages in ilu-ir re-p« «*tive-( (»until * at ing bu-H»«" r:e »r Central Point with H. II c Lewis «d Little Butte precinct will I’”t«*r ITUt. rir jgi’L vs Martha F-ly J«»hn Edy h-»p«‘ that they wili tim! them • »im half of th« ir l.u • vain«-, thereby paying Am', uni 1 !*7?. when he w;«* elec ted soon put a -aw-mill on Ins land which »/1 nroHn sot i ns m it 1 1 ! :y i’. Burrell. i>*f* '»i.'ilt:-. tU«1 Hl I* !»r euuity t<* f«.r«'cl1 ! la-t. !’. Pure« it al - borboud after hi* mining int«-r(*t* H«- i- improv- ■ ri y on« half a* mm Ii h. .!«•!.v i -i. Our real e-tatr-.tgcnt.s ar? Lu-y. Pablitmer. PORTLAND t alw V** ”*d I ’• f ;.a J.«■ :<-on <-.»unty , 11 • r< f<»r« diay. he -tarted li.e JacksolixiTe ‘team ing in health, we ar«* glad to say. Do you sutler ir.»m rofula. *a t rheum, i ■ t • - i . OF OR ON Mrs. L. F. Willits i- vi-itin-< relatives in B • it enacted by the hgi«lativv :«--»*ni! 1' « I fl . hi g mil «id ha- *:n< t then been a or other humor* ’ T'kell«»'«! * Sar- ipar I j. <: »,j • ! i- u i1?« I .p| ■ • <1 answer Ir is r« port«» I tfi it Dr. G«*o. <> Medlurd. th -tute of < >reg«»n . r»*id«nt ”f this p!a« e. Mr. M wa* au en- ilia, the griut blood purifier. 1<*’ do*es t ,'’.<■•) • b, ■ i • ; 1 »!• ■ ;!1 i • ii ■ nb«> ve­ h b« .1 rf'i lent • f uil’ reHirn from Springfield M**.. before IL A >eher: h i- Si:< n«»x 1 That th»* -t *.t** t i-a-urer | tt rpri-ing. iil.» r.d an I upright citizen, ami one do'.lnr. er,tit <1 «•••ur’ U-OV« ■ v. jlj if.«*. icjkof sa.u X >i l*»iiwith the intention of hn ating. an i ; h« r*-bv authoi ’/« I i ml d ir<- t;n Ii. ■ «iate««f th” s.-rviee bad a ho-t of Irivnd- Hi* funeral t< t-ok ok lienrv a id < i”«i. Hnr kenjosof l’«;rtland. pLicc t«> the « redit «»t Jack-*»!! . ....... .... c* unity < it yn. :f -ei v« «! in Jark«^»n Rev J. II. M «ytic!*L who i« proprietor p! »• e on 1 ur-.L.y . under the auspices of X.'.kiu* A WcLl. - I Itav <• been ' i*iti ig fi'iiiitj. ’ h g ” ,L» h ;?■-.*! •i.>rc u - who hav«* Let n \i-iti >g relative* her«* for . the ho«»\s in h:.* otli« « ■ t -nt.lining the the K» d Men, as >si.*hd by the Odd Fel- of the 1*1« r«»a I ” .nm-riing >i*-«m n it.« Mo- is n» ai 1; «• mpL-lc !. J AGKSûn V 1 Lilxti KEl AIL M A it A.ij i • ty Hl th.*- >l:*’»***f Oreg«»:». v «I l' man} «-'ì "P.I.m tu««i 1} •a-t f« few w«-<-k--. w w* ek --. have return«- ! horn?. «•••tin-- « f the sever.:! « mim’ it - t»f tip- state i •»< Wo rkni* !», of which orders he d«»c (-«miity. < al spent a f<" «lav* in the j Many impr* vrment- aic ma«!*- ami ' th«* !»:i-t day* fr« :a t : «• «tab« «*! th- >--. v¡**«« of tin- utun- A ml the state tirn.-- M. - r . Tay!«»r »«i*! Emery, nephew- «»f I th. *imo $1.717 17 {« «»HICK” i » 1» "TF.KLY. ) M:»ny people from dit- vailey lately. W .IS a mendHT ¡n»r--”; •!» y* u; or ’• -• «'• •I on y»«u out «»f tl*»* mor? ar«* )”< ]« «• t< «1 S R J'avl'»r of this pLice. arrived ht're I ur« r h.t I notify the V h '.i y treasurer >i Fhmr,pcrrhou»*and lb* ■ : 1 Stat- »•• O:»....... *»r by pul»h«-.'.t mhi . th«-n by th«* !«lent porti« s of th« county were in at- A lull "il! le in’ reduced in tlx-legislature Mi-- G«*m*vi -v«* Ain!« r on i agtin a re*- , i'.-vl ulli'i-rto fr«»m Si'kiymt • >-inty. CaE, during t Im j J.” a -0*1 « «»unt v and i tri! first day of ih•• lern; <>: >••> irt foli<»wing mich Her­ tendance, i!v haves a "fie and » large by >'«-iiiiLir Stanley, amending «»ur town i ¡ lent ot this t »wn. ve*». vu: I he 1st .lay of April, lb'*.«. the state t t .M ' iroin Barley ................................. ec«.»m».* <|-ic from th* *.1l«l Mill E’-d. per o » amount of $.'*)•*>. I ftp:* .nr -•• I at swer *;-.ui « mi.tilatri a»* iier**by r»- XVr an- paint <1 to " ho is now in busine-f nt Portland, vas-td county. Hay. wheat «:r tinuu n;.. per t«»n .pure I. I» •• 13a. 1 ft will apply t” th” c«»ui’ I«»» »» Chas. Schock and Mi-* Rosa tried of bringing very high figures. th* v le of Henry I. White «»I IDru I’o.Bt, of Yr«4 a, l’a!.. were united in matrimony • i ' ■!, • ”t H^nin-' ! * fe.- iltii!- Marti « I .iy , a:id through th«* v.dlvy last we«*k. en rout*' to Eu ’ ir:-. P ‘ I «i*)Z*'i! .......................... Strangers arc numerous here nml ar«* be ( >i urtt-H mi OppnHit mu. vivn loh« Edy.f<»i : - of tl ' - : hundred dollar», Butti r. par lb. ... vh ' ht*»*** place n few «lay-» -in««- at th« lately. < ’ alifornia They have our congraHilatu n« c otuing more .**» • very -lay on county ha- -cveia! nit asurcs poU.t’H-. p * rib with întêrert t fr« I ■< tew pel .Lu re id'-ie e of her parent*.Mr ami Mrs. J. E. J .1- I ■ a I* r. La v ing (’!<.-• d his -tri -i M(*df«»;-d made thi* b* fore the legislature v, inch ought t«» p.t-*, Cabh*-’*' and bc*t wiidie*. I c«-u’ i < r a'” a't. ; I ••■•nt. .»*’.a»j-«*tmt ......................................... TiHl near Grant - la-- She had lutt re­ ' ».¡«I i»o¡.- 1 »I « !”•-} - I* • «¿Is*» I-»*.- ■ «irci «* of pla« «• a v it a i« w «lavs *in<-c, accompH- an«l il our reprv-ent «t:v*-- would n«»t uu Onion- ............. Circuit conrt 141* adimirned cent y relu’ne«! from soiitln-iii l ;dif«»’H'a, I at A-iilaml. i- aimmg u • again f».r. «•!• ►..*»■ «.”«i :-.» •• < f il ” ni«»itg.-upd premi-« a ii.i« 1 by li'.s sister, who just re urn«**l from net«soriiy antag.iniz** l»ib> which other Beans . . isih. "hen Judge W«-b-t«»r will F. M. P«* • an*! • ’ h«-r vd' s«mn c«»m- i " h«■•«• -he ha«l l»«*cn l*»r the b-i.c it of her U. ' m u I • I u in* • .■ I « ■:n¡*!-”!it. tog* »her "ith ,i,-I. I- ’ D>*. K amarh county. <*i-i”!i* m all ti t* ca-es which have n* vti 1 mence an extensive .-k. m ml cr-« «ie*iie th«\ c«»ul i probably pu-h Cornir* the < oct an«I disLui-- ..»*( -• « Í thi6Hcli«in. I»«-.1th. having been a sufi rcr f««mi *«»n I |/. r • i . i !•» i. ' :• I < ... ........................ Publ”!.**»l in th«- In- MCi vi i«- I l'«Es <».r - X I W. Burr-'*. H S. l .im-ry. 11 Evr.n*. them through "ithout mm h trouble. W< Ham and Bacon • imp. i«»n f'*r •• Hictiiiic p.i t .M . - XX bite «uhmitted to him. ’ a* B: a* is th ... * ............................. naan* of th” | er- »n * ro:i-* • u« - v <•”!. r of fimi I. R VVvL- Dried Apple*. p *r I’*... ..’«•¡ hi Mav, M N. L«m*g. .I«»!in Johnson and thii i* that their <»ppo-ition t-.i the Fort "a* a! <»i; 3 » year- **f age. ai d h td -pent I Jim Lutau, who runs th«* Repubiie.*n ♦ who h is re <*pen--d Noland's -aloon. • 1» r. Ju*«s ”f nui •-••u; ! uia-it at « I *itnl»ers <»n lnn«l "u ’ er bill ill-timed, ih?v incur the I ’ hnn*, . . Mr*. J. Houck "•« !«• at R«!. m burg last week, it« rl\ her • n; ir«- I fetime in .lai k-«»:t «•■ un- machine »t i'ortian.L pa-*»*«i ti I Januar} ■ I, !’•'•* “ Pears, ............. .... displeasure of by far the 'ai g« >t «f«*!egation j on tin*.l'« r-lat:d busine-s. »* A ¡any I manv t»-li;n:d>’e «in i ¡tie-. vail« y n-centlv, wh b* on his way hum«* ! Give«-, u: i r in} I. « • «!*t- hl. i * f I » bruary, ** Peaches ... 1:1 th** house <»f tepr.-ent.Hive* wi»h«»utany -» «.- w.i- I. ghiy r< -pe« t«-*i by a I "h«> knew from Wa.-hingiuti city. XV. <’ ¡’.dev of But’e creek bn* rcturne«! 1- ..................................................................... . S«»nd inn Molas*v*. p< r uailon. .. . M rs. (i>r«-ct b nett' t*» (he stat.* or our c »u:ity H K HANAA. A:ty f. r ! EH. h« r A hu-baivl . h «1 several ehihlreo, a* T wo liundred thon-an«! shingle* w nit«*d 1 Chickens, p« r'tozen .... , fr«»m S in Fran« i-c”. v here he had a large It 1- .% measure that that citv wants i .. i k« :»l ■• i.imii r »ii- oilier relative- and a host of deliv* r««i at To ». Mu-t be of th” h«*M , ■i , tumor, which ha* !>(•• n growing _ in his face, abeve al! other« an l th«‘ wish*'* «»I its citi- Kid« - ' I tri* ml-, mourn her untimely d«.-mi*e. Beal • iiiatity Yddr« -, with lowest cn«h pi> • . ' ioH9. sueees.-fn’ly ’ m •' «• . » .noi.«.- nu r «i. • .i -; 11 > <. > • t , ' , ’ ' ’ —-— —• — — - .-« utt Griffin, 1 «»Io, Or. I J mln 1. rd. ha* lo ti tinib ’ e to he pr* s- ........... b'»n , \\ lx I S; . I ! ham!.' -4 Uftnira/ Trefft (1. C. 1 illy of >’e.ih»b<»at and W. 1’. 1 ar 1 : «•'! .It the -« -ions «.i tho supreme court taxati« n • r n -i, it docs n«»t billow that * ■ lin-.« !»'*m:*i!»..P'»-foip«»*>i».”- ; f«»r abou ten d i\ s, hriiig contino«! to his Th* ■ n’v mason v. hv n»nre peo|»‘»-do not |«.w «»( < '..nipt v Kock pr«-«*iiict e.u h inv« they ever will le tax« d I p«* < ap-.tali-lh -i ■I’t« nd *h - \Vu:ar*l»»i <<-n<-, ol S«-attl«*. f«»rmor- , *ent «»ut «»1 lb**-tat * it the legislature «!«*• 11»« « . t.n\ rterk j estenlay I ll .rp. t - \V • kl.. I.-!« a "h l "o il* r t r n i lb r hrigh cr or • L-*.bh*le- i p!•?«'»• III 1) I’ealronin t-uit.- S2". sj."> ann vide, hi- nc> ept« d ihe invi­ : « re«'* that they mu-t I»«* ¡axed. No special I.. ns.* 1 » u< «I t*. Henry 1-mley and Miw [week l»y the serious as it.»* !. Ì!ig io.: f ra;*-«l j .-w»pap« r m Xnienca. t«i •• th. rou.h y •!.:*•;. ? « nt* rt. Jinient* Wo tender con­ I mot Iter tation to d«*liver the antpial addle-- at the ' 1« gisl.iti«»n is a v< ry g«» I principle, but hi Mints l - ” < <»f A-hlsi «I. ili«-fnh! ”*••■ «*f it- «*M.‘K and win- an»l wool «imltr» -. <• ■. \\.:e» * r -:v- •» ihm .t- •’*•< r-. When McKlINZIEl- ’ - i , " f ; M r R •••«1 a r* :d«*nt of California. - died ! f »rthcoming ampial rmpiion «»f th«* Or«-g«»n ’hi' instant*«! it does not a He« I anyb«»dy r«*«it |»<»hticH b.-.f-• .ri. j ti»r it the lespcct and .* tdd to Thi* that ih» mi b al-c’«-« lion- grat u!ati«»ns in adv an:*«* typhoid pneumonia. I .'*•—. I • M«-R■•' z?-. a.p-I i-«>nfid» Parlor f-el.-, black walnut, »-over« »! with r»-d worst«-» 1 plush mjuri'ci'ly . hence H might be (»vt’ri-.»«)ke«l n«-*-«*f (di impali nd u :«.*i* rs. and the va < iia« Carney « f l.itt’«* Butt.* in town [ her? la-t Saturo.«y i'.d wa- buried the io’- ; Bimmer Associ.ition ar’ *U|crb ai.«i rendered "i h gru* e and V» yearn. l’»ni«»nTl” at«! I dwy-. ti*-ty an«t ex«'«dl» ):. ” «4 its hterary contents, and Ix-aut ¡Till pah rn.-.; marble top tabi» >; 1» .I>)<•:» from $2 ;>•• to $.'• bv < nr l(*g:>l.« ‘ ors 11 they «• hi .cure .1 iy | j lowing day | .la«. Sc«bir, "bo is nuotcr of (am- spirit, that there i- not an «.bji-cti*»nabli last Thursday*, from "hoin we Icam that ih-i _r Hui * !! r>( f-»r tl.e section lin y rep-j M< I'LL’» In J**- ph. Or, Janu-iry 2 f •. J : ion.* by the Tin* ’ ilimli « ’ . it E li! Ln r i • a'»» »nt 'trih firm f* r th« s. I» i; K. Co, a la "<»r i or gesture seen or heard, and that Emmett Clark'* hor-e fell with him and W McCuB} y i-.< i«”».«’ -'■. •-I-'•! «.'»■• !•• *-! and nm-t p««pn‘ r w: H*-rs. E.t it f«*r th«- p«-- cliaii-f from I««'«- t<> s_' I complet« (I and will -o.»u he r« ady l«»r oc­ ph- ant gontlcmnii, made us a call yc- r« .-«-nt by so «loing. ri.-il « f j- r Mrs A. Hall hi* l)<*«,n « tiled t » W.rb- order of ;«. r T I ’ • : l »;htj- 1» ♦»« -ir ì I h tnt« 1 Wizan! Oil company .composed i j«» until lh’»I tii*-}- r«"¡«l*-l i ; ! "’.-«(. « :h”:i that "aturday light " ill »-’»-¡t ' • ly be the i <-:t*h <»r note with appi. ve.I security. ington terri»«»ry l»y the >«*ri«»u> ilim-s of 'Africa. Mr. S. is stationed at San Eran- (cisco, but ha* a line farm near A-hland ... . jn<»v<*d ....... 2 t*> I. (>r«*«on. C.. brom l-V-' to I-J ' Mr tration.- * f lhe « nog» fai ¡.I of r F. H. R*»bt.e. ” 1 ■ Jas. ’ Belmont. Geo. Her-| la-t. i.iw’l .ivk to the Wizard- ’ w her ' Apply «non at the Ti'tr.s oilice lier -ist« r. am! Cull} was a r«*itb nt <»f J; • k-*.:;v¡Ii-*. t\ -f.ib-. Ii»r«-tgn li si*«»y. .-*» »■> wvoik <*f namlc ..I. S Slreat, W. 1 I ’ . Kerne : I gen D. Richardson, who has been suffering pen of V»m 1). .n It:»»» • eyerth» y go. ’ll».' arc artisti and The supreme court lia« affirme«! the !<• Several of ««ur cit!7.«-t)h attriulcd Ihr fu­ and i The su -«- ” «* I i.u tivi* y.-ar- le* vj-i* ” «l« • .'!*•• t severely with a-liinia. is much improve! in Prof, guance, under the • < llb-icnt J : - t lernen. lana au«l S- Ii.t 11 •• latter pl *••'• t d* cm ( l-ail*- Kitt.:, will • «• m.' « ision u( the lower c«»tirt tn th«* ca-«* «»f neral ”i the 1 ite T. T. Mi Kenzic . y, rvthiug u.-ually found m (¡¡It wall |^«p< r, IB* pidh-rii'. popular management of Dr Sidney I’urt, • cii'ir-'- in » ni'dirai r<>ih*'4«'*. II«' »ii*«» hiren <>f the W« « kiy f**r i sV. health since lie came to Jacksonville He b* 'i M< Ginni*. the Grant county murd«*«l ÿonvihe !a-t Tuesday. have beer gi* imr nighilv I erf ” , mam es Hatl It Hubatitutfft. I in«*«h‘*»r<» >*i»'l b“<-.-”n«* it pr-u-t¡.»n»*.*r «l-irirg hi« will soon take p«i**p*sion « f th«* V« D«»iig.«ll h<* must hang for hi* crime'. a tir.'t cl:.» furniture eMabliMiiiient. I « lb«- continued ’ S« :”- » in !••’.-. •. Er*.in l-«-.s t»* 1*7-h” ". * pnr- riurpe/d fc'erio f Jaek.'Oii county I <-j»< ct full y in\it« <1 to cm II for !lrn- ”v« iiings more, l in* a«u nd.nice • H«*r on tl.» w jli:.- i*.* ”•* « ii* r - • ' cu.-is aed 1 bill inch finitely he hud bi- r:tilr«»n«i ........ —.................. . . a r»** - , *!'-:A «»f J*'-epn hi ic *» tl ” i'- i II« a ;,- l’t-r ì the 111 iiiagement of H. II. Woltei-. is prov-!«'i)t ht re at «mee h i- I** rn la• gr, iliciea- ing «ach night, P» .« d ard II « bik fur a " a*:« n i-** i«l drawn { a re nila r of t!.«* I ' -I On gon ’••-!.t«»i c.i I* -xi-!.*- and examine our >tock beiorc purcha-in,* < l>ewhcre. I •ngap »pulir rv ‘»rt. The best of t*v« rv- Kl'i 14'S WE1 I . ................................. Mil *» ; •»! thi- is the b»*'l which u > ’•. .Lidip-- l’rimamit’i «".•■r.t L r thecit : tur-*. « pri-r.-nlirg Jnck- .n «-««unty u tt a! ’•<•■!> Wa t« r A i.J« r- n ami " il” «.f Crf'i'cnt FOLLETT A. FOWLER :.!’»• ir« ma ». az .”..................................... ’ . - . I \ j • ! • r a E ng time, |)r. Mr« nl!) wh * h«»!i »r«*'i I»;, iartt«* • «{•)•»: atJ-i,*- • : i¿ i. * «-1 M« *if- r I ni «! L»«•ks«o.v 1 •«*."a- -ub- fliir.g in th'il In»«* : k»*| t th» fe city , t al. a h • I1..V1 !-.-«*n n.-ty rig 1»* 1 .-« \ i'it. i;l*::i;'!4 B'/.'.i:........................................... . ni' ilo - mall stim « ! 1« Medford. Oct. 1-*-. i cent*. m-< rv* •! I Ti. ihiou-tlioiit tl •* *t.-»t”.ai d is «•:.!}• a j.i-i tribut • t«> .'! t ut« «i th rt «»r I him Tbi- a ti.m i- ¡.¡■i i; .•* v.n y . i . r» turm* » I.**»: • a -b* 1 • uri*- «■ Thr lat«-t and |i \¡:tin»* t*» «■•:., it»-«’ I” «i«-.«:h w ■ 3 <•■ ¿«n -ent- ’ • • < i.t-, i- ( h »rged ____ fr- !.. ~ . .»;•» ■ »11 I he l . -.1,. ng!.’ ti»« r * i ever \ i t* 1» il»i!l' ! buy tn line I I' .*•"> nio* 1 1 opular ‘oii.-s me -ung, an-1 • o h .. . :i*orr«‘W t!i” Ma.J” !■• r. : ■■ . .. ù , ». 11.. h Hi” bld' " Il J <”*'• Ihr I gl-l .HH«* U ui.r the : .11*1 *r to w I i* 1 I.” gnv* IH.Ϋ !. »:lt«‘htJ«> -, h« !)•*.»• Ir»-. | • ’ ! - 1. * !x.'t n. i onelmles with a . v ni - ent« rt iii.m- ’ t < reprvst niai• v - <1 • ili* •• •->**> . "/' ih there '«»"« l.o ” r d W’h I.»gli |»«»-t,i ”*^ : ;;«! »’• om- I ival-v-f i’.- • , m*»sl Ii-ugn’.ii« ar« « \ ! »rgc «piaiiti’V of i hern g«»Tl. v i-:«i*y « 't«*» m«-*l. *%!;••»: a c< ••. I. VAWTER.fiM-l.Mir ,; ■< | M.s M < •• : th* ( e • hr-it*«*l Wt/ «rd « »1 is being -old. a- • highest ti ¡but** that «*nn In* pa»*i to hi- lie .-n*-; ;• i- ! first rntnilxT for January uf each j«*ar. When JNO. H. BENTLEY, l’or •!«.:. »•»• lav« Ti.hix .1 u dllp*1”. A t! «t- l. " • IL I I i give- • «-m - .at i-la« ! ion. Ì tn»* truth that hi-d**Mth was *iii.*» i«*l\ in« ». .•*.! »... no tin”- 1- mo’kn«*»!. subs« r;|.tmn- will iw- w».,| | !ia* r« ■ gm- I li ,e v* ’ a h* « »! I ii • » -- I r**ad b»l"( » I» t. - ’*'•• I •"<' of tl. Jail win. knew him. This can be said v.itf.ent - x- gin with the X uh b--r earn at tun«? of r»-ceil»t • 4” | ami i- -u «•* «• i* -P . d h b* I "Ctl L* ;i r. Il” id. -• m h n- .«I Sl| *c M'tll'lv, wa- this ageeraUon cotirerning tl.” dvc«-a».r«i. |Wall«>wn of order. Iff Mil lit bHI.1 O/ IllSpITt. W4. i.c.l I ui ' >en*.‘ r >«.*«iilvy i mk- l,,cl1 Th” wailm,' r in I»-- Ii u *t. He is « i n < liirftuin. Bound voluin' *»f H Weekly, f«»i three At a tegular meeting of Or»‘g«>nian-!‘<»cahontn« li ai lh» i *- " i ’• •’** tl » t r«»i J» c •' b< ut i • -i”*.’ c.e-lit. years b u k. it. :.* at « l-Mh binding, will I»* *ent rnl fg.-,E ;t- :• Tribe N«». 1, Imp’d U. R M., held Ht Jacksonville by niurl, pt-tug*- 1 -d E • -r Ly • -4 r<-f». fr» •• ««f ek- the pr« «rut bill thr«mg • tin* -» li ite. I rlain’s E\ •• ami Skin i »intint nt i- people wi”. n t on the 5th «deep of 8now Moon. G. S. 1) , , p-I- « . !•:•-% ul* d ’ ■ i uht do«’ 1 ■••’ • xe. • <1 <*«ie Sealed Proposals '¡'ii....I th«' f«41«»wing resolutions wore a«loph‘d: |Uaie«i (<>r "Ii vlironi" •iorcs. M mv dollar | r s<*!u:»:>*. for i ” p«-r volur”»-. Julg«: Walker I ir * rtturnrd from l»is I It: fit hf Iff b'll i• 11 i>> ► W hereas , Death ha»i entero«! the hiinting- 1.:,V" I htii |» riiialH-nHy curd p it. < loti. «•* f«»r «-.«•:-. Vidugi*.*. notable f*»r trip to Ariz* na nml California well .-atis- • an* I appr >v< «1 ami said g ill g:onnd« <»f our 1 nho and taken from «»ur midst ^AN ERAS« 1S< O. ( XL . J XM AL) P.. 1 -•« F"r >ale l»v * ilj Drug Mure auU l.ngel l»!r.«iii-g. v.ill *» ” i »>> mad, j»ai I. on r**- I I.. wn •••»■* •- fir< that thi* 1* th-* b* *C country after all • from turtlier resj (»’isibilitv «»no «»f our lwlov«*i and m«»M h«»n«>re«i brotlw-rs. O S« nl( «1 p -'l * -ai- " ¡U I ** r* <• i\*-i i...... . miiu c»-.|.l ot - I ( .< li. a "...h" .'.-> lx ';»u-.-. he r.-.n ly. -¡ a Bros, riuenix on Friday, Fehruarj 15, 1--.*. ardthet T’ho«. T. McKenzie, in the full puma of life;' 12 Guardinn-hip of mi'.or heirs of Ja*. V. K Hora; • I be c. d by Postoflic»* ‘•**li*»rty’’ !Lnmiit«m. the popular mana­ «»l>”tH*d. fot f«irnihbi- «r II diaiwLt rnnh * f->¡ .... iice< .. "lini wlii' li i' J»'t ' therefore R- it Th" (i.iiita ■•• <■<'•• o< Parker. *tatcin* lit uf an F«»rt Bidwell. Cal. Gov.'rninent ret*rv«s the M«-••”> (>'d»-r ->r «bail. I • avo'.U « bar <•»• of lore. Wi- •• r».»iv»’ Mi.h'iit' ,ri,'l a. Yrek.i. <’.il., cn.l'-i iu a illssgreo- ger of Warman - liwry -tab!*», i- kept bu-y M< Daniel. .**a!e *»f realty conlirme*! IUso!%*»'f Bro Tie»* T from him. V»« N v*- .4 ;■•«<•*»> this advert iw.-tneyt M«-K-*n/;. «.ur Tn!.«» 1 a««. m : pi . ii ; i »*.^ a tribal 1«*-; riu'ht to r«*j**«-t any and (ill bid-, in "h<>.'«*«*r in i - a -■'•»•<:« Hi- « xpi *« «»Ki* f « f HarfM-rA Bro*. II« arlv t V« ry "« <*k. liii.l il w'.nl.l k»»,p u- nient of III" jurv. Si'-el-." "lull «a- look in •’ alt» r hi.- many cii'toin t r’.- wants Prefcreiir«'given t*» nrttcl* * « f d<.in»* hr that whd*‘ wh inviirn hi» uctirnily «i«*ath. "*•* part i .* »v».u'.| lai." li*.' 'ani" the \£(>nlr*« til l.tunhnuo. Addr e- II AIU-Ei: A BRO I HUIS. ,|r,>wn-l bv f , I ii • in ’ " «!>•■ mining rt itue • plitc hostil” ll Th? Mi «L 'rd !»•»;(!.I *-l tr.i le "lii hold an recogmz.* ii. >t th** hand «»f tl.« »real Spirit and pr«*lu* ti«»’». condition* of prie** ri.«l '.«uil'tj •!•- New Yo«k E'-l I’l'FP. N ‘TK»N '1 vI”\v « I -U' h imilh r th 'l -"ine |'»’"¡'l" .1". 4 Parker At «'••.. henee the suit. .•Itid'ng in the piici* of f-»r«ugn product «n - 1 > ♦ humbly t»o"r to hi* «hvine will, important nueting next Momlay evening, »’•• Ni " Y okk , March !•», uso. > l»i;-im.'* i* bu-im. ... nml V"U . ......... K«-<»iv»*«i.Th .i wuwill « ror <-h*Ti-h themem »ry •lu«y tb’-r* *»n » 1 »• me • pial, ai I such pr f* r«-uc<* Th" T"l<> T,»an«it ■ A Millingi’oniranv F«-b. Il, 1- i». A full attendance uf nicnt- Kiv»-.*! 1<» artici« s vf Zpu* rie: *» production , . | ro- It ve me great pl’ismo tn add my «»f «»urdepartad Brother, mu «! will stnv.* t*» emu­ kl..«I •«» ria live a 'la', tu. ni "1 a" ' uni "t I '-for *'"> i .i' h ?I*, cash balance in bl I M i- It-'jUt'-tl *1 du«*»'-l on th’- Ta -'.ti«- < ««Ast, t«» the ext« nt • nf the r ” 1 te-lmiony in favor of Adcocks Pormi* late hi* v irlutie k.rt . !.... .1 ». ir. 1 f"t I>" Ui. ntlily payments <4 »’> a month. F<>r i vice I For sale at a bargain - a co-y dwelling i Pht-ters. 1. i«t October I had a v'ry SP­ Resolved. That th«’ Trust»‘»^s be diroctr-d tn con«un>l*tn»n re«piir*d by the public t.. tliat y"iir lui. i> < vtn» ’ t. th n in!! .-«rrangeiuent*. esll on or nddrt-s the house not far I »m tin • »ntet ■ ' ie :• w n »il riuso.-. K'.nwiNi. i hi '»isri.VE.s drape the charter of the Trib«» for tl «» space of there All information furiiikìhed on applica* verc attack of lumbago ami -niTon d untold > k i’i*i bi<-d toll-- •— 4 John N<», de- three menua and the Erol her* wear th«« usual tion t«» secretary, Scott (iriiHn. luii‘»‘ta llerabl" <4 1! mc I hi rg has T. Lawton, real-« -tat? ng« :it * A—t ty.iarterniHKp-r G< n’l. u uh A tH.-irdi r.twiord. attorn* y f*-r th-* »‘•‘tato, at A* t.m la^inn.iix ni tlm year h th- poi - I ’ po-duon " .Ui”Ut (i*-i-tanre..ind with pain- R'wolvnL That tu the iw*r»*ave«i family an«! rela­ L. h olii* ’• in M* df«*id. V.iHr ut turd • r ck’s Porous Pia-f( -'-. As soon as p«»--i- ► } -m withy. »• - (■ 1\. N<)L YND, m Ml — I" I"» '■ in w- «j»»» -, »»v" — U •••• ----- A I m - spread up ­ I. !.. Ipii - "tii > ,-n I p.-i» v^r ¡I ... 1. In- li»ii-"tii -'¡ ' J th? Mvthmiisr - bun h •»( M-’lior*!. R ♦ hie 1 had one appii*'d to the small of my on the record« of th«* ’Tribe an«i that h copy he .. . .r y. n »»■■!. t" ’ I'-" M < I,!. ’ , w .ill H'l .mJ I isher are the puhlishe rs 1 . lla'lcy. c H 11*. xie, D. T Liwlun, E w bark, and tn mv great .-inpri e 1 » xpcri- sent t«» the faiudy ”f the «iecenM*«!, ai d u c*»i»> L” («FF1CE or THF Tu»X TUFASriFJl, / otice is hereby <» ivex that the t; I. leaibng . n.g i- .» t';»j‘»T- m.»I 11»;., "-Ul. •• l»t ’ Ph-pp- in *or| orator.-. i eiy-e.l almost instant relief; Iccntiumd furnished to tho Trips f<»r pul heat mu The not,blest and latest styles <>ri>its, I Walker and 1 SEEDS pai Pier-hip I •T»-*of*»re « x.^ting hetw»*-n A. A. J W*-”H.LF. Orwan. Jan. 40, 1MW. J 11 i i-;t» 'I rtf '. - a i" I w'Ve gr< ,.t iii.t." e Iwearirg it until entirely cured, ami am J.C.XVmi’P, i sliirt«, neckties, collars, culls, scarf p;ns. Value of prope rty. |137H. Are scknowlsrtrcd th« best, bclBg hsrdlcr, Ba-*h* r and J. il- William* «hung h g*»n**r;d : .» t . \OTIC! 18 HEREBY GIVEN THATTHFBF n.ri»ti>, a» «. fmni'!, il.»m »t mu»I* :■.i" J- G. B iriisey . r<’«M». more prodectiee end yield better ervp». cantd«* l»u-in—• at G«»i happy to say that 1 h-.«vr i.«»t had the . oliai-i.iittons, etc., in southern Oregon ». un íl>e i »Mi l>.r»’ ««s’»!»« «•«**• 1 °« , .in iiiwnvs be found at IhcS. F \ ar vty »pen? I »h? .ihi *:» for. .«-rlv kept by A. II. I-light’s- symptoms <.f lumb.i/o since. . i M : c •*.’h. a.lmti'i-dator of th«* vhin'e i <)r«*u«.n, ui •».!. ■ -i*. *.*•* ••»»*» •!. Wil!, at th«- Mai ch 1 ciu.lmg the foil« wins: liams, is mutually d>*olv.-.L J P. \V21:»*in. iiirtbrr rurii<-»'lni' ««<- <”»r ciul bini; in • l ie y are a woinlriful and va ’ u.ahle j la-t» r C. i MU m •»!» U>. Ke« w.tue. M tree M •«■!»- • arl'OU, ih«»n»iu*:.!*. n li’lmg it and mak­ Store. Fail and see for yourselves. • ■ I ■ • . ■ ■ i t}. Nun.t r*» Ul?. 3.15 351 8»s will < ..itinu** th«» buRin«* .* h ’. the -nm pl .* «** •u». WBiri rua it . «i,i , i. . tit »ni the «tcon»l i ncc "f «lie 1 IMI - for luinbag », ami 1 take much plea-lire ir» W .4 If H I /; J>. 241. :'i7. òrti.:;«-, MflK? piyilM? all debt* nn«i c«»!e*«-:. g ail oulMiil.ding <»r«-u*>i’.. t»-»i«l»-r r. ' r.v- :.>:i a- rurh a.lmm.H- Mr»«r. Me-srv Talent. l’.ih-nt. Drake I'r.-iki- nml »ml H**\iru R-nfru nre ing iu.i»>y ii.tpr*.vv:»”-'»la. H” lots -np| 'i 1 MLA-Y Sa OO. ; rec.»i»«nn.-nding »hem W. S. Piiii.idi’s ¡the bar With the niosl win«-. ILpim * and t ratoF ut ?'.!*i arc.»u;.1 k ni d < «• Bit- < wt g t«» -ani t:nn J C ‘1 ••:< the sao-ewiH « rase with this date i he nr I nitor» u< th.- pianini; mill '* F.oMTe «ss Stioeeis. COM.V) MINGL'K. A a KASHOH. • ■I . ...» t i kk » b>AT tu a • n n- I cigars. an«l a tim billiard »..!»!« « an a!-«» i»»* MEHhh K-‘.ILLETl t I : A hl. u I J»-i .. . JAb (T.0NEM1LLEB. A.J WUcMji Aihu«*:u4tat«r J H. U1LL1AMH l-.-i’er.i Jack, •avdle. Jackfon couAtl found there Gi\e him a «all forb« "i|i \ „1 l.t I ».ited * r.i« riet " pic < •! Up «»H <.Mee.l ni buihlioR it. We !:o|* th»t by B*3 v . h. G btrangi L L. Mtrrick and Mi*» 1 Dit-d at tins 2itb day uf* ’ ? Oregon I Dated due 25th da} «•! January, Ibis®. Ethe Gillette« l • ' r « t l.i-t I u« day. lheo ’. n«r «'.»ti rc- treat you well. enterprise will trove « successful one. «.V '« r the -umc l»y tubing ul T imes o*n- v . V jiflUOCGitif ?iuiV5 it Liu: milt: PAYS POWDER Absolutely Pure ANNOUNCEMENTS- Marshal I For T jwn Marshal. r i o Tf» r "* s -iDHi o nn li N 11). st i KI Hi Xf 1 ■ Í1 Vv r IN if Llliu ! UUh. WEARING APPAREL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Commissioner 400,402,404,406,403,410 KSTr, SACRAMENTO, CAE NEW THIS WEEK. RISE LIST AXD SAW’LL Notic«jo2 Fin: I Settlement. FOR WEST SHORE MAGAZINE rWELVE ART SCPPLEMENTS Eumiuoua OREGON SAMUEL. MEDFORD OREGON THE LARGEST STOCK IH JACKSON COUNTY I Harper’s Weekly, ILLUSTRATED 8ED-ROCK PRICES FOR CASH Jackson County Bank Impcrtant Notice. A’. Dissolution Notice N . Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorfa. NOTICE. Does ¡i General Baukins Business ani Bays and Sells Eastern, Domestic. and Foreign Exchange. Collections a Specialty. Money Loaned. MORTHERN 6R0WM PLANTS ANO Town Treasurer's First Notice.