f I /* /; UM OXA L M EN TI O X Courts. Judge Dav elsewhere advertises a whole * Send it va.-t, ami semi it west. t«> the LOCAL NOTE fl. i column of bargain* 1:1 real estate, which I trends you luve the best; semi it north, The February term of the probate and Circuit court is in ses*i»»n. X ielKil« Rros of Sam s valley visited us i Fresh seeds at theS. F. Variety Store- those in search of Louies will do well to and semi it south, to the land of ice ami count)’ «ommis-mm rs’ court- will be held taxes ar<‘ coming in slowly. I D. Lynes of Central Point called yester- next week. read and consider. | the land of drouth; semi it fast ami far last Saturday. UNITO STATES OFFICIAL PRESS A little snow liligtrs hire and there. Only $lfrin lines were collected by thv ■ and wHe’ b>’ railway line ami ocean ti»!c ; J . X. Young of Little Butte preeinct was ' ! day Vor Male. ......-1... ot i Jacksonville 1.. 1. . . • 11 during - .1 l.r tl:«.tit them thr»>ugh«»ut tli«» th«' l>ii.d land, <>»>?* o’er lu re Saturday. rt-iur.ler the patt 1 scatter Jas. Maguire was in town this week. 11 L l-!> of Big Butte was here yester­ i mountain, valley.stream ami sand. What ’’ Lhorouglilv ftasohed sugai pine finish­ year, which shows that our town has be» n j Mrs Judge Wel -Ir ha* been paying day. niiRsinv <•» to .X Fisher's for new goods anil low T i . v T ime *, of course. ing lumber fr»un Aiken's mill, at Central a very orderly one. Ash and a visit. prices. Mrs. E. Turner ut thia place ha* been Point. Impiirv of Tim Eugene ‘’Guard” a-ks v.bat Iris !»<■ A revival has been goin-j on ut Taivnt for J. 1> Coughlin of Lake cuunty is paying quite sick. ' K,>,rK-' 1. I't-an liasopencd a variety store bUti CLlB/llNli RATES WITH OÎH- several week* G I'. Biding.- of Ashland »•ome of l he «lucks ? Our valley, w hich -an Francisco a visit. at Ashland. A. S. Hammond of Ashland spent yester­ KÄ PVELICA TIO NS. and oilier* oltit iated and i on<'l< ral.l" in has alway s be« n the l ivorite rc.-»»rt »ifducks In memory of t lam Mato I Tyler. « «pt. <« W. Werk spent a few* days at day in town. and geese, is Ir-coming from - mi" cans»* Staple fall and winter good, at Fuller's terest was inaifested. I Ashlar«! this week. . A precious one from us is gone. Ir-s attractive to them, and for scverwl Partien puyiric for the T imkä tn advance at oUr Xew stock. <’• I. Maury is recovering from his recent I wo humlred thousand shingles v.anted winters <»ur sport-men have n»»t been abl«* The ¡»Hittie we loved ia still; raduced ok »»h rate* will be farnxali.-d any <»f th* Jas. Hamlin ami his son, of Eden pre indispoaitiori. The railroad pay car p.,--e I through the delivered at l’olo. Mu-t be of the best A place ib vacant in our huui< following named pubhcatioiiH in connection with when returning hum«* to buy from the cinct, calle«! Tuesday. valley last week. That never can be tilled. A G. Parker of Georgia is in the valley Addre-< with lowest cash price, this paper at the price* given below. It wdl be -mall l»oy> any evidence of skill in -h»»ot J Wm Miller ami laniily have become looking for a location . * noticed that there m a reduction of at leant 15 « harlev l ice may be found at the Vuion Scott Grittin, Tolo, Or. llig. Gu«l in Lie wi-l<»:n has recalled publisher»’ cuKtuiuary residents of this place. por cent, on 1 publwhera ciiHtuinary rat»*» iu every livery -table again. Then' will be a social party at Phoenix ¡'he northbound train, not long ago, ran The boon hi* love had given; instance, and id in some Borne much muro; more; The expert t«> examine th»'Stat«* Print C. B. >tone «»f Ashland is paying Wash ­ on St Vafentiue ’ s day. Although tin* body moulders her»*. ovt r a cow near Riddle, t ’ lrowing the bag ­ Mrs J Houck of Ashland was at th«* WEEKLIES. er’.* work should be Charles Nickell ol The boul is safe in H-uvcn. T»»1« m L> Week h Bind«» .... gage tar and the two sleeper« oil the track. Ju< ks.mville, who ran on the Democratic ington territory a visit J. H. Wright, one of Josephine county’s is on Cuunty -eat Tuesday. (iHAXDrA Harp«*r’* Weekly............................... >nm n <’aroof Roseburg is intown, ami energetic citizens, i- in town. . 5 7n Fresh oatmeal mid buekwlieat Hour a: N»> one was hurt, fortunately. tn-ket .iga-i.-t Biker While ihere may Medford, Jan. 12. 1**9. S«a»*i:title American..................... will remain a tew’days. . 5 1 he Monarch saloon at M»dford, under work, it is the S F Variety .More. in the t»e imihing cr.>ok» <1 Only three freight trains arrive weekly • h troit Fre»‘Pre*»............................ . ;< m E .1 Curtis and family of Ashland spent nowadays, the tratlic being light. N»'w York Htar................. I he -aw mills in Elen precim t haw tlm management of II II M’oders, is pr»»v ju-l as well to hav some one not a I • :rmi . 3 UU Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. N“W York Wurl«i............................ mg a p,»pillar resort. I lie b of every ol the >t.tm Printer tod»» I u, - lay in Jacksonville. » do th«' the nma-mmg I 3 00 been shut »town temp warily. II E. Rak« r p nd our farmers over $100,- Hun FranciHco Exmniner.. thing in that line is k* pt there If Bak'r La* <»\» i» !j.trg» «1 d ?»l,l Nn k. !l ovrrehargt • • . » t> \\ 11 Zaisler and wife of S.m Francis <00 tor bay and grain last seas ’ Ui Ti.e weather continues beautiful, ami I* I P<»r?lan«i Oregonian Sunday Web We’« 'me. • 4 ia> A tir.st-ciasi piaim mid a small safe will cat» h him. .-lire. . o -pent \ x sterday in i«»wn. 1 Harper'» Bazar...................... -I II R« al of Ashland ami J. H. May- JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. . 5 70 nut wry cu|T, even at night. be s» ld at a rea.-o:iai»le figure, either l»- « hicago New* (<<)HKHTKI> WFEKLY.J ding, Cal , a visit recently. . 3 00 n iliiams, published elsewhere Hon. Jos. A. ( rain ami P W. olwell Flour, per tLouaund it - M.—«»uri K««put»hcan Apply soon al the 1 imes other Dr. J M Taylor, the well-known den- made cur t.iwn a visit during the week. Gl«»be l*ean«M»rat Wheat, per bushel an-, will !>»• th- m »st interesting w<»rk ever ti-t, -pent Sunday in town. <>ur m «rket report* are corrected everv 3 lai P. Bert’iohl of B“nton county Philadelphia l uu«-* .............. Barb-y ’ * ........ E. S Story ami M. *5. Woo«i of Lilt!c published in this section »»f «»»untry. It • « week ami are perfectly reliable. appointed to a.imitii't r on the San Franciecu (’all ......... ** J«, hu < >' Brien, a leading citizen of Apple . 3 ill Butle precinct were here one day this week. ( lat*. wi:| comnri-«- the di-»*»>v( ry. i i >m vrs, set­ >«TtliiigHip time i* nt !,.Ub| a!u| We Wadaco < U'hman, »bcamd, Frank ia*he’» illu*trut»sl i-.ip-r Mill F»'“«L per t a 5 7o gate, wa- in town yesterday tlement, Imlian wars, gr«»v» lb clitiiatv. h - where give- i.»>liir to tiia ’ « il.i t L A. Allen, lately of the Klamath river Hay. wheat or timothy . o . “ .. “ <**rmua 5 7U tlm pru’t« r a ill not be forgotten. Judge Prim has returned fr»»m a pio- has been admitted to the county hospital Egg*, per dozen >nn«laj Mamzitto lb ;.re-ent d»\r M.»-> has intro.imy d a sour«« s and adv.int rges »»I th« great north 4 5L Call at the >. F. Variety Store and -« v we.-t c«>a-t. and will mi d.aibt be <«: mu» h f« ?-ii»iiai trip to Gr int’s Pass. Butt»-r. |>er lb. ... .. Popular Mouthly 5 00 h«'W good- are bring *laughtvreuo a year aud to , x- ’ablKig" .......... . Pieanant Hour* NT il («age and B it «! Johnston of Little 4 The fol"w og anen: a well-kmiwi* at’or w« r* at the county-seat lately. terminate tii-. as “ known a- -» ah. Onr»n- ............ NONTMLlEM. Rev G. W. Quimby will hold services at Butt“ pre» iuct were in town Tuesday. nev i-taken ir.mi a Si Luui-pip' r ju-l B»*an* .... '5 -t Shore. Port I al ri Or. .... M« -'r- ll» ltkan;» an i Bi- le of Fimenix A iicense l » wed was i-suv I be the cou.a Jacksonville Suiuiav nmrning ami even ­ ...*4 ¡ OU Call and see th»»-«* elegant silk handker* arrived: B !• ’ Dowel a -ti anger fn»m ( ommeal i * t Jif lb*. 1 • itury. Mcribnrr •. . made this place a visit y vsteiday ... 6 > uu chiei* at the > F. Variety St«»re tvcieik last week t*» L. L. Mcrrn k amt ing. Ijiioi, per lb 111 tlliu D“ i.»r« *t'n Magazine Ihu tlaml. Or. , was <'»»uii Iv'iccd »«ul « f $17 4 ( «Ml Mi' - Ellie I• illette ol Asabimi. We temier by a gin k -!».»: p r, w h«r a«' »»mpauied Dow Mi-> Lia Cantrall of Uniontown visit« <1 i»»*|.‘> * Lady Book Q N. And« r-on. Sr , mad«* us a call thi- Ham and Bacon ... 4 i Hi >urc«-'fu« re vival meetings wrr<* hekl at our ongratu ut:0:1s ami best wishes St. Nicholas . ... week. He lia* !»«■< ome a r«*.*:»l«*nt of Phoe­ Dn-sl Apple*, per lb... ell liu’n the I nioti .h‘i «»t to >.»uth her friends in Jacksonville last w«ek. . 5 . iu l'h»>rni.x by R“\ -. Lack» y ami Ennis. ” Plum*, H irper e M«»r.t t«l> * <»tt (»:illiii.-e» rvtary of the 1’oiu Town- Seventh stiei t. hb »ul J» »’’.» to 12 «* Other publication* wi ! b»* furni*h,*.| Ht a”i re­ T ime -, the best ¡o«trvet (’»»mmi-sionrr Eaton is graveling pr »aching h »lidav seas«»n rem mis us that Williams A Stuart Hides ................................... John H«»ckenjos. who has been seriously el » 9 t»» 4 O 'lured price when «»rdmd with the T imer >• vvral items of local importune«* will and raising er»»-* and sidewalk- 111 town, *omv t"k» n <>t kiml rciimmbram e will be ill with pneumonia.is slow !y recovering. ing m poultry and packing 1'1 Woi|i«tt>e mor»- a> ceptabi»' than a line plm- John Rai - and Cha*. Lambert •>( Gobi J. A Hussey ha* returned from the .. .. 6 to M lhe> F. Variety StorJ 1* the plu.c I»» tograph orcia)»»nof the giver, made by " iturday that being bis ofiici.il «lav here. Willamette valley, an I 1 temporarily M ■- Hill were at the curni) -eat yesterday i .Uto 10 \\ in. M H«»!mcs is in town once more, sta»ionv«l at < cnlral Point. < EXTRAE FO/.VT POINTE RS. He al­ buy your »igars, candies, nuts ami notions, Log;»u, lIm \*hlaii» fur the benefit < f his ¡¡».ilui. is improving. T imes office. 1/1 RUH If. frum a severe sped ui spinal menmgiti.-. Many young la»h« - are luitunr As will I v -ten by the linam ial « xhiLit J.G. finscoe, a lea»li: g citizen «»f Trail Improvement* and realestate tn.tiU.rs Kev. E. M. L-un <»f M»»l‘»>r not nt the recorder. Jackscmville 1.- out of hi papers, ii. quantities to suit, for salt* t.iwn m the state of like si cents a hundred. Mrs tieo Morine has Imen paving Ash­ Mi-s Carrie Roper of Ashland has re F»»int, when he ha- been tea« king a sue- bride’s pan ntH. Jan. 17ti.. i»v F Ider M Peter­ Ifepn M-iL«t.ve i‘r.c r ha* intredu••« d a shrivel up the -kin and give the a| Wm. Abbott i- • « ihlu- tiiig thv .-tore at land a visit son. Diedrich fjehi.erb an»! .Mu-.-<'»»ra Soul ■ Mimed her studies at Mills’ seminary, Cal cvs.-iul term «»f school. Talent formerly «»a i.* T bv 1 a « nt A Helms li.ll al! »wing the ma u’e.ia » e <»f a boom in aiic« «»f dis-ipaiion an i » I I age. Du NISBET (•(ilAH.ll'N At Anhlm <1. Jan Dil Spe< ill«' i- i "i a painR I• a gr»- it I ' bet a?.»» M durmg ls.su. 'p* i . i a couple of «lays ti Jacksonville last racks pa.-s<< m.lor M: l» r of J< - - Ra» h»d Corneliu» of Si-k»j" i. tore l<»ng. Tru y t ' al is a progress!w from th«--Kin, instead « f «ovciii .r week. rn route to California. phii.e < ounty I ml <»revn is engaged in the im r« antilr town SPRAGUE HEADLEY \t K» . hi 1 th Ii Cll business here. \V II. Parker spent m vera! »lay-in Sa- by W H. J i|U“’’ ' J I’. Fr.mk I . Spraga* i re»l Pape returned fr.uu the <>. P. rail- ( li .mb. ria n E". • an.I -km « r ! mt :P i- ii n. l'he infant «lau.'liter »•( S. l'h«»m| on uf and MinsClara M. l!»- i'il<-y. lem thi.* week, a- a member of the thiiai road fiont. where he lias been for'ome- Wm Gates ha* hi- arg«* baldeare store Linn cuuut) di< »l at Ashland one d.iy la-t uneqti d» 1 t»>r ul i cliroiti»' *<’rt •. M mv hou-v timc, the for.-part of the week. nearly complete«!. people have Bern p. rmat.vntly cured by ’L we« k. »// !H OK if Sift I fi > For sale b. < iiy Ding Store and Engel c w Winbray of St L »ui-, an i E. U phinv cuuntv, Fiv»h-viop orang«lem m*. figs, etc . Bros. Plmmix (lark »_■( Sa rament» c.Jlcd »luring the Ja k-onviiie a few »lays ago. looking aitri ha* btctne a r»*id« nt of th s pla» «-. IL a lb is .m: . • ug at the S. F Vailety Store. 1 hr best m the w»*« k. Major Givnh * real estat“ in tbi- county (TKRY h. M »ifor.i .1 u. Tne legi.-iaiurc R“\ I. M- L an was at A .i. I «.me ! i) < harh v N»!-on will be on deck with a lnui'ket. and wife, u daughter gres* to pen-i -n Ju l/» Wat-ui. who hi* !>»•« n Imre on Messr-. B»-twi'< aril «l*, next w< vk Thv regular monthly meetings of the \e city < «1 , who Lavr Been paying L<>OSI 1 i In U «o i r J. l a'.ktnbuig wa-in Ja k- nvil.» »Im in/ !>i«»b'-.'U«■» tion a v*-;t. i»Turm d hoim- a few il:«' Baptist church on the evening of Feb evening. the wet k Mexic-in war <»»ud day.* -in e D. S. Young*, proprief »r of the t < ond- mh. W» ate g!a«l to -tat- that I* . G ail *\\ ay' S.ott Griilin of Tolo wants to buy .»ooO Senator Stanley is a km»W’le ig» d to be bll D band -’»»I» at Medbcd, n.a-ie us a call John A. ii.u.liv ha- >ohi .»il th«* li»pi r Johnny Howard, son of Mrs Ja*. bushels of oat- «Ivlivere«! at hi- warehouse one »»I the m >-t in.’.u-triuu- ami 11.Ihivntial family is now convalescing. .-aturifay. r< niaiiiiag in the -1 -tilieiy hire to J. W. \V right, arrive»! from east ut thv mountains in Tolo. * Mrs. R. Stiuit i- rc< »wring un ici* th«' member* ut the state .-emite. Whatever UP In f'.is secured a KA Dan la>t week. Stutts Ooinpanv pliyvd ■»♦•veral nights tie takes hold of generally gels through the treatment of Dr. Danielson \V Kam», of I’ordm-i ; ag»»»i ot Wagner »reek were Imre Saturday rn lug bargain. month» and 15 days. E B < ut» n has l»een very -irk with at A-bland last w«ek and were well pa upper house, at lea.-t. Twenty th •'!- tml ou'lo I - ol gram rcimiiii land business. Some of our v< ting bloods went to lh»gue WIMER On Apj’leç'it“, .hri 27fh Gri'’“ hrmorrhage ot the liver, but is a little bet­ truuized. The Loo lown-itr .v Mining (’.»mpanv in the w ar« !n u-» al tbi* lime I';« ! Row»’ ami C. C. Ragsdah* have river a few «lays since, ami slew a few ol daughter of Mr. ani 'Ir- G '\ . Vi oner ; ng»- I ter at this writing. The 'Talent pl.tning-mill i.- envío-« d and < tier lot* for '.in each - ?1‘> ca-h . h-cam »• n J H I .ir:-<1 M- 1 : rd ha t»,en apn».nt- 1»"«'ii in Sali tn looking after matter- int«r- th«* many »lucks m»w lingering in that 1 year, 2 months and !■ day»-. J A. Wi’.' n uf Jacksonville putting widsooiibe completed. A J. \\ i < • \ i - moiittdy payments of * • a imuitli. l"r t«l a i.»»utrv | uh»:« by G \ P» i i ■•> « r. nvighburimod. e-tillg :«» Tolo. LL Near J the finishing touche* upon Mr-. > E proprietor. full arrangement*, cad on <»r addrv-s the Uorbeli; aged 1 y- ar 9 month* an i 9 d; j Jm»v“ \V< h-t< r l.i-l wtrk heard argumt nt Dr I > W .T«*r ot A - man i l h« d»’Hi-t, Ruin* ( "X. wii » ha- again bvcoim* a Baker's Tivaf r< sidt nee. N. Fi-her has i pla *e I a splemli»! as- -« rvtary. S< oil <»r;!li;j. IS paying M» dt •:«! a pr- tt • nal \i-it rr-5»tmt of « »■'iti. l P »i«»t pr» » inct, was in on a motion made by piaii.tiJ! in the «use sortment uf n w i.id an I winter goods » hi A pr'vatc dispatch annoum c* that a tv*t . f lh-b tai lev's Jacks »nvill»'- 1*. Berth1 Id and 1 h v V t :. 1 per- >n- have been hap. z 1 by »•a le I I «—Hay as also »fid Fre»i. Green »»f pia» r in thiscourt sine»* the la a-l repot tot • ing t o., and «. ry » »»iy indrbte»i .-ho;b : Medlord 1 1 »•> 1 I Li ü r» > • iv< * considcrab'e in law- ol the la’< Wai-“«' < U'hman. ar** TL 'inas »luring the pa-t tort the - «me pla «*. th»* T im e - E«-\ M r i settle at ome <• iciilll -Ig» !■ t t H» t!j a’ ‘»i V »■ii iiail creek looking atttr the pr» p ;iy night. J"Ln k isemore vs. Horace I Pelton, vt ITvfelmr Linn of Jack-onvilie has been Lehn gihg to the e-luic «»1 ttn* decease»! Mart. Walter ha* returned from Ci.li- Lown election i-over a month «li-tant. al partiti n real estate, efe. Argue»! 111 ♦ I»*»!» i president of tfie junior vias'-of the t ’ orni 1. v h. ro h “ made a'■ucce-stu! « am Five cum I id t*» s for mar-hal have arm’ll n< - S nator C’ogsw« :i of Lake county h is iu- ami submitu.i, St.«'»' I niversitv. ; tin wt?h hi- Ii »rse “ A 1 Earrow w ho ran tro»iuced a b:prohibiting the re-eiii r\ Wm. Ray. ns a-*:gnee »»f G K :r«*w-ki r«l t’.im** Iv» - a- W;dt Ply I i .11! uh » 1 a- been at Sa'vm m about J • ra» « * ami "a* unpla . 1 but ti| "ii lan«l per.-oTs legaily «‘je< ted ami i i.- firm of B.»*le r A William-, doing M!?«i P I>< li "gali.vi John Bue d. ley Leave r. i . f»»r -t"liv! ■ i ••. ! ?•• P r. r»*t li ne.I h»»me the making V;»»J.itor- ol tlm law guilty of con- ¡I I ¡•n il < -- ut <¡"¡1 IL La- be« n «ha-olv« J, th’vc times luring the M'.?- 1 gp ’HtCìi t » L--U“ »"Tri Utim» F» \\ :T I. in tor. part of t! The nobb.fst and latv-r -tv!»*« 0.1 hats, Zcnii't ol i»ml't E K Aml»’i-"u vs. iLimmon Br • t» Mr. W rttirin ’. I I»" • M» rr;. \ <» S h *-., h « ■' \va- in annui ka*.", «t» K»f rt. I t» Fimk R Dr I!»’m ii i- pii E E. Miner »••««*•»( tl»<-'«• ding r«*al-v c -V A - a agtnt- at A-hlan«j. i- iring ¡map* ot tthem O h - zoh n ’ vr. 't.!._ r »1«». ’ Paciit I» Hi I ’ • «•an a.wav- be f »und at t!»?' - F Variety West Asb!.»ml I‘it- F. Rop' r, in­ sirable pr« p *rty. probably cirm-h a:, i < • pub.ic. >t<»r«‘. « all a:i»i se»‘ f«'r vour-* ves. juncimn Rrferred to J. li llutlvr to '■ Si«emore ix pursuing his studies -a»y II«- i- *uavc ; l'wo large iee-bGU-r-. and several «»(her take testini.my. at lav M'Uiiuuiilh normal et Imo! ami mak- «iuui'lJess make a *v»♦ W. ’ • A a 1 - * X« ■ ill Ut pr<»gfv-'. Larkin Mc|>an:«d v* Jas Hvr«l : t.jfuri- buiMings are bring built at A-'ilami by the terprisimr business mon of A I lam! lias Ehler M Pet“r-.»n. r..ilru.t I vuiupany. clo-e mortgag»' l»«*cr» <* grinte»’. become finam tally emharrasse»! and w »* \\ til. Liitle has gone to Del Norte < ?»un- tbi* as wv 1 as «'th* i 1 < has. Si'huRz.umfer t'm proper Ir a I, an- (•.»mi'elh’d t • nmk<* an n-signtnrnt. J W N. Lange 1 v- A. Langeli. Jm’gmei.t t V ’ al.. t»a take a p '-iti«»:» a- «iriwr on th«' lowest p»»nit the n»‘’»n iiim-c:i a- .« rand.«late fur the »*i- Alnutt lia* bcm appoit,t«*»l assignor. r« Il ir rei fot M.|s3 22. t» bear interr-t 1 H Ga-'pict’s mail line. this sea'oii is 21 d'gie*s above zer h«•»• of lu\' n mar-iml. M per cent, frum date of ent^i ing ui m la?»* «■< m| at y Lus < . mm. m » d The Lev Inlow ot A-bl h I make* «e. kly vi- - the »fe“pi *t m . ow w i- 2 2 inches, hu! Johanna ììouck ,»f A-Liand a native < f Fisher’s new stock must ue sold, regar-l- ('. M» -'cr.g.T and olio*» -, it- to «cir t«»wn, being a meniti»r «»f Gan- not remain T • mg at I hat dept a. <»ermaiiv, was a.lmittrd to cinz •: 'lui» I Irs- »»f co-t. Call and inspect g »o«ls Imf h - v t » ref. vt a .'a: g«' sum - f m m y’. c 'a ming lid's rc’u-T.i at presen*. Qni'v « num i » t of -'-alps 4 Cr. »n E E Minrr vs. 4'ity ot A-hlami. ' tbey ai i pick«'»! over that tl.r .!» I.* h « in’- hav»* dama'.’»'d 1» that Ju-. R »m-' y. former y a i»'sitl»»nf ■ f ih s hftiig I r -ugnt i » lov » auiiy clerk's ment ot costa Di i ision n mb i.*d ilo.i | « ay t B A <« re hav»- -• bi their rutting tii.du r ?>tl i»- »!"- mu» h tl.r »ugh Mir y »•! J h» '«* am maare m- i‘ : ■ le- >t »>g !>■.!< «", bui r. w -• g ,»k Yreka. < .«I . lia- sani eorp«»rati'»n i- m»t hali • b r . ..-f-ut in l cf'H'Xury t'Usmrs* to Mr. A in :in. ■'! II un»T*. It i.-the s.»l«l suit ex«u eiling f b). .-it» • v u. Kt»i B i.P, < al. tie ! ; a;.i be tl u » omily • i ;mi--i I r < • t | p. d fi.-rinurv vs >;*eim»«<*; »! > »;• <*. Un M. \ ìh.n’.Mii". th«" g» mal ho-t ? f tin* < Mr Ledig.in trial •- he • ¡ : .11 »I ( « nt. a. I»..t«•■ tt M« «it«»r»i. made our ■J»lv K R an i M - \ gn • i < etitral tl-.r fa»-»* or ot’mr part* <»t th«* *« ;t;p- la-t >. t ur»ia\ . ha \ "g 11«»»»; e I tow : a p « i-.tiii vi-it '.i-t Tuesday. \ - Ib O f Point < al c l yv-terday imf D-it.:rd’-S;»« citic. Ir work- iit r« v< ut ty It Oayht to Vani. ' <'!;»ud«‘ 111 I i- b-i lit tr.'Hl IÌ1IS «’«»Hilly warranted bv rhe «Iruggi.-t. >vv ♦ ral of »»nr -t'»ck-raisers ar«' ft « «ling a T. G lb amc-. wb • « 1.a- In-.'ii ¡.Hard an t.i The fuHuwitig i- the lidi t. \t of .he hi li"- w» .! d --p« nding b 1.-L t*ur<* lime in Wa h «’. |!r .».ks. I arg-- n a li.iur »»: liur «ul L»- fur tlie IX rtlaml J«.Im A L«»vv lor m 1 inv y»'ti-« pa-t. w.i* >ft!Mtur Stun lev lias mtro !uv«-d, j '».\ ■ h i v i i) ; imdoii terril- ry and Ih ilisli(’»dunibia. «» t.d ’ ' »¡.» »rma murke ’ s. S< nat«»r 1 ’ idvi ton < f Dougins » «»unty I j «li«*«-i»arg«'«i tr» in In* tiu.-t i.t-l week, bl- 1 1 ' ' I .1 j ■ l ' » < I. : 11 ' n i . liln ..v; W. y » -t« nia u c» i. ed a pi- i su ni « all f’»» ih i w ard hav i.’ig atta.nrd l hr agro! 21 year-, •rm a i! the < nt ire 1 acific A fin; Rim ».f lir-: <;.i*s gar«lvn -red-, intro hnnd a lil w hie h sh»»u -I bec»»mv ;t between Ja» k-uin il e and .M» di<»rJ 11.er» M Austin a: d wife, of Grant c«mntv.who D | -"\ id« - f'»r tlm • •< t « hi r«»ad i R. ma»:«; a very goo»I .-nowmg Hl hi- is 1 (• more m« ri!«»rmus a Imi I m fore ti • j liv-h ami »«1 tlm b»--t vane* «■ .“an be lound law N»»rtiiv. «•* ’ i «! ul»j» rt- <»f interrvt tu tlioe ,»re payii'g n i «tive- ami friends a visir. -upervis -rs bv th«.* ; w ho shall h»»hl .«we» m final icpi'tt. turning over nearly legislature than this, at.d we hope that it al theS E. Variety Store. * n.i* p'»wdet ’.»'ver vari V marvel siu’kiiRr i’.il »i i .*i . ! i ’ p rt ji<»n. !’»>r flip current y< ar T he W est ' W" ycar«, ami be vie *tc»l bmnniaily like Wc r« gr“t t.» I? am that Arthur S-mle « f c >h at:d -» < uritle-. a- . also ;»li the rr.il- ty. Mreiigth and wh»d»'eom»‘n*-«-' M Will pM-s r. • Jac'k'"'aviile Social c ub h'/d' weekly other county "th «*rs. Pii"» i.ix is m j. .»r la ilth. 1!“ will prob « -late pi iced m hi» hunt!*. i l 1 than tn»» ordinary kind-, and •• n A bid tor an «act entitled an act to aid J. h I Sl!»»Kl w ! -HI ( .1 « \« »'lit*!:. • th«* \ «»luiiiC jll-t cl«»-e«l, :t!i«l will be a -<»irv«s, which are generally well attendr»! ¡ al le l/.ive fui* tii > mdwa h I-'ami- -»• m. non < » uuty hi the < <>n*tru< tnm »»f a r.r Real «»ttr grand clnli! ng Inducenimits I R X’ Bak« r, t!u-la'l-»r. afr« t a brie! au . in «•»anpoutmn with th." magnitud • and vet y p!«*a-ant atLcr*. short alum or p“i>s|»liat»' p»»' ruiiipb tc « \]»< :» nr •* T’.' ¡. *<»u!c - «if. and a careful chronicler uf all r»»a»i from Ja ¡.- »nville to Mediord. ( . pi K« «■'.' u ; .»t Ashhiml l'iaiuy uml event ul cartel i : » I > mth< rn Oreg -n. i,.u only tn weight publishe»! e.svwlmrc. ami if y«»n want tin* Í c *n* R o Y vi . IHhis; P.»w - e ¡; ( A- wili b»* '»» ti under tlm hradofan- I ".i !:*»g i »urna! of « inthcrn Oregon : ami ■ Í ’A. I o.i Be it rii tclrti bv the legi-l itive .i-*rmt> . >:« • m day . . :i; r «’« . ■ -»’.on- -n tin* Wa’.- «kit p d for m »re «»ti-gmiai cl m -, ath r W allSt. new cud rpri-i - »»f i ; »rt I ’» •»• in. tin* entire region embraced r."i.n«’«' i t U’ . Fr. .>k Ki--h:Hh'r III «»( the State of < ». « g«m thv b«"»t newspaper <»r p» rio«l:« al iu '"ii-M. -ci •. » . in which lie i- ref»r«e. u I k a I who w ui.i - e pt him ami - I within tl liu. ’ fc. _ i. Washington, Montana, Idaho,. British t >y» rtvx 1. I fiere 1- hereby appr<»| i i.»!»- 1 ■ «ii'lutv b»r town marsh.»1. I’ . ’»"I ST. i ’ i *-» t n th* pri< v ot • » i»i mg . \.-r\ : ri » ie be « »'d«I iairruw. li»- i* Pres-. W»»".lrirL the nr«"prv*-mle. sp- nt ( ah at ibv -. F V irmiy Store, .1 .ioh -eml t<» 1 :m Ti u • - <»l»i nni <1 ihr g. octal hind >.1 Im- -tat 1 h» I workman, but ba- l»«"»"tii< th»»r • r ; t I w d i’i t w « r«"»’«"i.ilv. ih- •- n«»w a ( .»¡iiRi ’ »: ; a ’ hi Aia-ka.i«»g«'ilt< r with ii multitude of -uperb engravings ANNOUNCEMENTS sum of twenty-live th«»u-and d*diu. - for Ii.“ vi! r. and imf the biggv-t ii.irga’.us ever <»: »»•.g.i y Hi j-r.ivvd inr«u ih ¡«»i g-vuntiuu»«! • \ - m Ft:»?".» »-» • »Inaiuii»-t. wlrenvrv. « ci» -, ii; ; *ti:< < tc.. <»f tin* vountrv described. put p »sc of anting th** c»»unty court <»f J a- * lcr« »l in s»»uilmri» Oregon al <1 immo'b rale u-<- of r»piur. | Ian»! arri\»H in P i*’ami ’•••A* that the da\ Im arm For City Marshal aon ct-unty in constructing a -l.indurii »-end the 11 mm t»» your lr:< n»H East, or left L,»U'.->i*b’-r-t« ha-i his trunk him , The « arl«»a i <>! Durham cattle L u/lit Julius A«:, was .»•: »r-ou-\v ill from gauge n i.ruad from Jai k.*oiiville t > )h ti­ at any other p'ar? It answers better than n»"** aft.»" In d by thv -li» rTl at the in-;.i!“ »' fr»»m M's- mi by Wm M. IL.Im.s nr th :- - I XIH HSIGXTI' i;r.SI’E( TH I.I » tmura j t <>f 1.» Imut H-t week it Eugene foni in sani count) uii the ;rtur- you can write. f l;is t:ith*rn. aw. Hvman Ahrahan t Tv IL* has re«'ov red -u far as lobe riv< d at Me II r I >u Tues.l v cvei r g i iu. I I.« ,»» “ ’inc«* to tl»*» public that he will la* u « Si * • 2. > Whenrvtr the county court »>t I ( antra.I l»r»»s. of I niuiitown precinct coll«'» t«;r »a «u-tuiu-i» r Oivgon. of Manl.i l «.f J icks- wdl“ and t!.» - " 'k »- ’ 'W at \V ¡1 Bair - • if r th“ l'iM’ ’ able to return l«> his home J h k*»»n < ounty shall » <•■ t.fv under the .-<• »1 ■ ha\«• .-«»bi a large number of line c.iftb' to 'ranch tie Flymavt ic«—near Me»lf»»r«l at th * C'»mm»i t«'»vn elect'.-»¡i <’ran-pm'.: p.uns in ¡tm st»»m;u h and j of *ai»i c.jurt to the sc. reiary of -Late that I ILjsIry A Frlton ui A-hluml. 1 Th«-. B. M vy,»»ne of th * I niteJState- wlmi“ th» y will remain tint:! animal* sold 1 «. VNK K \SSH \l I IL in <•«»? j - <»r tint*, will l»c i.->t bowels, dud'ra m«»rl»u- an»l «liari h«. a ar«* said railroad is completed, locn it shall bv i h present.itix -s i > lhe Mvlnourn** exp<»«i- oil or»l«T* are < iht'S. F ' ExamincF’is the be-t p.q • r promptly, permanently and .-: toe • uty of «aiti oili » r to draw a warrant 1 ■ Hun rrtnri.«'! t<> 1 ri'ro from Australia through iu go»d siuip«». «\m-'hr;ii4 i Iu* t v u-ing l lu.mm rlain - < »»It«'. (Tn>lc«a ami Foi" Marshal on the treasurer of state lor the amount • ou th«* «'oast I>oa t fail to !eavr y »ur sub . a -Fort time ->n •♦*. a«'«'ompnnie • 1 at ‘ Ttv Drug hereby appropriate i m favor of J auk; on I scriplion* at the T* mes otlii'v. ; wile. any injury TARI rms MI ril<>:> «>F INEuliMIN«. th I. ji 1 wil! a!» ii«* be worth the prut' potintr. “n F«b ¡»¡rn th»* KnigJit uf F)thiis ol -tor«'ami bv Engel Bros . I‘ho» nix rbe 1 ' says thut Nat. _ th»'V»- r* »»f i '- h I iv <>• ,l"i«"k*"iivi!’'- thaf I The pc »p’a >f J .c '■ * uiv:; .’•• ami Medturd wili b * a candid »!♦ f » t la» •♦!;»• ■ f M .• — « A-bland w Ul giv»* h grand ball, wncTi will W. M. II >lm» - who wen: t » Mi<* »uri fer ' at ma^nziiie. i ¡.an .’<•!! of this placm i« om* of the most no doubt l»v a r» • hercim atl'air. -1 Vrojier >!•}>. la car!«»«*! of the lim-t Durham cattle, ; promiiicut c.rudniaT« * n*r J« hu \) hiteak- hav«* m vie a m >v in the rifht «!ir«ciion. th»'“nsuing March .‘b'Clion. a’i-l n-*p“« : fully m »- iu petiti .mi t,g the i«gi*hiture tor-tale an! A inectipg «»t < nr cit / m. wa* <• d cd I \\ hen you u'-ire a plea-ant phy.-i ', try ¡return»»! tips we. •:< with t w.'Uty -iv * lira«! ; er * place uml« r Harr!' m s administra- iu making a g«»«i»l r »ad between the two li<’lt tlmir buflruges. « H VS. St Hl 1.1/ You <-;i:i h j" .• Tii! Wi.si S hore f»>r is-'.». < Inly *2 50 Tur -ale .it C.tv Drug i of -ome >i *!>e tirm-t -t »ck ever brought to M»»n»ia\ « v»-rung for ILv purp< - • t ap- si. F.itri' k ' Pi ' tivn—that oi c«»!h ct«»r of internal revenue. places, itr :«• i* m»>r<* travel on this thor­ Or«g»>n. O i tlm tir*t page of the T imes ¡H'llitii g a » 0:1. nutlet -to confer with .1 Ilk, st- rc a- nd the limite ,»f the Unite»! State*. wti' be f«»un I a full Je- ’ Tipti >n »»: them. For City Marshal u iun.iitvi fr» m Metlf, rtl • 11 ilo -ui»j » i »»t i • •i’ia»l ^Dugii* has 1 | a pare« I ol hi- : comm» rrial l»» in-t-. interview« <1 «»ur tner- < Beg- n a! pi» - nt. a >»i ’.t 1* alnio-t im| a-'- Mexico ;■ < S;iu‘. . >[ -, 25 <-t., Aihlree» ■»t 11' Itil g -fate aid toward building a to.“i ai l i • :r Meiiu i-l IL* r? • \ i a v< rv « bant- tli s w.e»;, a- al-o Senator Daw-«»u *»f Linn county li «' in­ I iie pub T i< bl IS K1H1 It Hb BEB« I IVEH NiiTlCI between the two pla» t ■«. II ury Kipp» I. g» »- i ii, u • 1 »r it >•►*’ *>. w<* learn. i de ' . Jacob- Hi and I. F. Vann of San ! . • i- generally itit« rv-t»" I > . thi-< » nt. rpri»« I tin l h»* *s a < .l’. d.i* it- for r. ■ odi •»> ..f t ¡f \ troduced a I'il'» in tlm legislature proh t I’. Linn, J. N.man M x Mui ir ami D. L Publisher PORTLAND. I Franci.-c«). Social «« a ting ataidentS «(«"lim'd il! • mg the s.:l" of to'»:mc », rig a1 1 ami an appr»'prtali«m of -vvc' tl th»»u-uml Ma--Jial,i»Thl r<-nee!fiiliy -oii it- t- sufli 'gi's Í. SAMUEL Curtis were apiHuntvtl ai -mb commithr. Ashland rec ¡ of tl«e v«itria of Jacksonville. , i » miner-^.uh r Um ag<* »1 •fitly as w« li as here Fort.i- ' d.»l!.«i s » ’ »'id I md be m re ju-tiy or appro- Henry ami < • •<» ! I .« k j iM of Porll it>d. ami on th» fo lowing tiay nut al th*, town ti.it« iy, nobody wa \ HÌOMPSON. hr. ! i »|.t on th«' written n-e :t • il s sei mu'ly hurt. form? rly of tl) tinp'.v.a* - |> » ■'. were suinmoue i t.i . prut it ly^nadv. hull with \Villar»i < riiwlui ‘I, W >1. ng, r. • • th»* be I d“ ■ i their lather List Saturday Y"U can always g»*t the neatest j.»h work ! parent< r guardian. Mr- L Kutip wife of D. W. Kaup ol K.L' Hvtt.M E E» atty .m»l i M i lyma! • For Town Marshal I They b h I* iv»‘ regu ar employ men! as 1 P.titla i>l. die»! I ist Sunday ni>»nuiis! A bill to r»q »*ai tlm . «w* r'«{airin’ a -» p- She the tomiiHtfi« from Medford A -»t - i • »I all kinds «hum a* < heap!y a.* in t!n* • ,«-t I m« ch.'ir > u! tin- mvtr»»p<'|js, :»’id are doing I had im in • 11 n • several war- with c m- ! aratv < xam>mil >n »•: m 1»t r:»-d w om I ■ u in resolut:«'ll* atldr< - »I to the liiem ><*i - of th« a» kh» 1 imi .' «»Itn «• Give u.' a triu!. I 1 \Di RSIGN! D Id >11 I I I LLY \N- • w< I been >uinpii»u and ' a in* t»» Ja«:ks»mviHe in the I iiiiiii. irgi-luturc fr m thi-» ounty. a-ku.g ati up ,.yir.it on ( • -» Tilhein Oregi.n >»»m* • U'V \ I “ •-< of r al • sh.tr I. IO111 to th«' <-il!7“li- of Jrirksoiivdle th’it ■ :i; v ; h-' i i -yi-.«H« I- I he funvrai ho WI! I ’» • a, eai drlat for ’ : .• ■ itr e of 1 - wii .’ K. Fi lerkin. -»• retaiy «if the Farmer’- hop«' of prolonging her lit»* prop! 1.1D« n ol .? 10.»MH were adopt, <1 ui.d w ¡1 I > Law- r commvm«d dri dy. a- :io • »• aiv r< “ardrd in faking a«"- not ct \ AL •< l»ant - in-urtu»».' company »»f Al- look plum the hl’owing »lay. IL-v Robt Marshal, at ihe electi< ml» I id < many at pit sent biuking h»r hoim s. the ànsi ts" H«rwar»h»l totalem at « let i T h y w«i» «1 »•■!- by notarié* ami 1 KU- "W . \ i ■.»x .: r • i': «rn «»rr“»»n an ofii-ial Enni-« " »iu« ting the servi« «'*. She wa-a ru»-.i.i\ i:. Mur.h not hand« d 11-in tum f«>r pubb» .t i«»n in I lai »- » - «le.siiing «Ir.-.fing f-> to t»ud«l build in 111 L1» thi- I 11 lil LMS. r- \ '" ! at •’p< r »1."«» is w»di ivprvsent«'«l I »»ly , t n a iy e-limahle qii ilitic*. ami her th«- 1--U»- »•! lb, Li>i»- but w il appe.ir next - pi mg will k»e tm m*ht «I iumber, bric k and 'other n a h i-regrcite«! by a’.l w ho ki « w her , iu tins -« < ii.»u by Wai. I ’ lri« h ami is Wnl we have any winter thi- year ' week In no pla» v in Oiert»n 1- a g»»,»d builumg material at the ¡»jwesl pi ice. * For Marshal ! d«»ing a big lui-iness. -he h‘«tv» - a hii- 'an I an ! tlir« «• < hihlren. I H»r»* ii i- af’. r th?* in l«ll«? of J an u ar« ami roatl needed im »'. hr»»tlier and a h»»-t of piu< vs, ami it is to be hoped that our Irgi * 1 J:: “ Wil-Lin* »»f Lakeview -pent la-t f HI PI JW KI SPI ? I IT LI" ANNOIM I friemi*. t«» m’ou uj.er loss. *iAturv wi.l act fairly in the mutter and af­ 1- ft a« huig a private sclmol at tim rr-id«*n«'v , I h»* gra-s i- green. -t.uk I... requir« »1 ¡it- th«- I In:¡ ' I"»v Imr«'. bring ca'!“.I hither a* at 1 inj-«4f •»* a cai:r m.. - »»f D. Reyimi'i* in Meadow- pretim t. tlvfeciiing v« gvtabfe- are growing. How­ ford the aid -»di» lUd. ('roup is a t< rror t«» young mol her-, h I ih I ,»f th<» t'»w;¡ «»f Ja' k*»» nv.’1 ..» lh" en-n’i’C UH-II !...■•« b r defr:-,»Lint in the divorce case <>( i he line-1 ami « »»mplett -t linr of w« » ■ a nt ly in Oregon. .1 l aiuable r al! o-c.«-iun- like the •’OrvguniHn. 'wv nre«»f ih* .»p u- ulway ' kept » n ban«! at the T imes olii r. i I im Um' w« atlxr has « au.-«’»i a belliger­ < all at tin ExtvDior iiwry -table m Ja» k- I» li that the A 1 :nr ( lui» of Fort ami -up- D D !'i’g;in, represe t ling the history «»f I the lir-t symptoms appi'ar llo usi ni’s* is pel» !' Hl h< id -» : • .•'< - Howard’s the tirsi symptom ; thi- is -von fi»llowe»i by For Street Commissioner. ' -"i.vil'.e Plymale w prucs arc quite rea- ent ie« img Imrr amt al- • at < »u.d liill.an»l I ih ? .1 long !»lt want ami is «ii«r-» t.' » 1» » • o n and Wiu>hingtoi ! Sunrinv and v.1 i oiti.’.att- there I a peculiar, udirli coirti ¡f Chamber *<»nable ai"l !v* never la: - in giving >ati* «ioli g t vciythmg possib.r t«» in-ttin t our -pi ing light- have already commence«! .unii >iii’ lay t nt;! lurther noli»»- w h < Ii i-Li i'ig publi-hrd umlrr the atl- 'piE I NDKRSbiNI D IU SP« < JU’ .LY VX You will al-o «hi well to patron­ >t ’be Irdian u:»** veterans is at lain s <'»»Ugh Reim Iv I- trceiv given a* s(H»n i noun“»*-liitn-' H a* ;• •• >'id »I it«* f»»r o» «»1«'»’- own ptyn» tom- .t¡»ppar. it will inv iria- \*hlai:d lini-hing up bis labors IL* has « t rlain im usure* d a’ Lave va ne f»»r the that wild«' it purili'-s tiir bì<»«j»l it imparl* ize his s‘: .*♦• hr.»* running between this t.«»n a- Sn«': *r. sn!»j* et t<» tu» will • eiihie pal»lic. ibi» a-’*»" ìati.n de*erv« * n?w vigor t • < v« ry f"ni*liuii uf the bo ly made arraiig^mentK wh« r.*by th«* portraits bly prevvi t the attack. I'nere is n » dan­ of tii-- v »!»*rs at th»" »••»tiling t uv »•!»•<•! »»n. ger ingiving th • it uied) . as it »•»> it lins m> WILLIAM EAIDN. • "I sii r.«l oi tlm !>•. »-♦ pr»»nr.;»«*n; men of ill ’lie «n- ra ; r »“’r indi'. »•! ah can af A niand ha- a bill ’»»'fore th»* legislature, c< ! J. blaiih/. of ju« k- m county, ha- Jacksonville J.anuir,- 1 !".‘ F»»r s.ile h,’ I. \\ . ' »uT ' i'ii <‘r»".»»u y,"ii appear in the w»»rk inpiri mi -s.iost in. “ L»i 1 by .4)enjber>»Lip mi aid;i g ».he >« ìmm< - ! b«< n «-i.g »g»'d to tr u li i t» r*n ol » i.»M»l »n i't’iolu “I by R *pre-' ut.itiv«* B«>,v«iih-h Robinson ; Engel P»ros . Pm-eidx ¡’làuri. ’ 'Aliati- ev» rvb< dy .1 f.u-im - i il.« i . i" • B ai ««- li-tri» t. t ur.'y v m’y ’>.r f?.«* , (it|»»-c «»I am«".iTiu / its «!j;r t» r. • ».( C i> Watson W il' -n, Luke Moure an i John • i ; . -<• reri r. ID- - new g.Mxle every week is i,'»boi A "'ll! - Ju md »:1.1 pr« pr» « <■ net ar«» iu t«»u n for Im« lii'ii. J. M . -mlin ami < '«»!. Smith of >a ♦ r.i Alpine < ■ ub rtpre-enls <• ei.vbouy hi h - th« c;*umH "I tfiat ci’y st nt itt»Sah* II I , th»* ;*ur;»o-e t tlm ; ■urpu-e r “ rtihing an err«»r made n ti ’ » ; - wliL h will !»v • -••bl nt II a it teil t" ti |»>yal and patriotic* « tb»ri* io ì ><>k i.p ami !iiu-tr:««i in a I». w m.litui company at A m a-some »»I its i»* i' • s ar«* «»!•;•':. r.abfe ¡th- lami tlie» - v< ral \«•.'»•* sg » Air. <’f the secon.'- ailend to public interest* wiib.n a c rta.n au»l ia- t Sunday. v,a go »d membri >hip. many »f tli«* ciliz *n*. ' •J ! M »*«• «B.I i h make ttn.-ri i r>mf upon all Important Notion. p-iy • he hieb» I line Its eftorts for the pro tei lion tur gai; -»• 1 A few cop;«- <>r the American Settlers I the -md he l a i I. HmMrnde«!, ami as it « him ■ ¿« ar t v. urn thi- wv *k nd »I furniture or « 1.1. PEKHOMS K v.-A IX.. : Hl Mtii LVI S ai ! ii* d»-un* for thv « h . i ’.- ui ol 1 utda Guide, >iaiidii«l a'.iihori»)' c.i all !a;> 1 I < 'Lin..: v i is fuller th » Iris sin» e ir en -old ami lnipr«>ved to a ; : ¡al. A c Il­ have Hi) b .1 in a . » -fed l»\ I h> ■i. ■ ¡¡» i iL* ilutii it Wa* Prof. Ih'/.u • t W igner creek had quite a m w I • ng »> nsiim?-»! I y th»* average Mon­ with W il lard < r «wt»»rd. »«t ’«•■ i.* y f » »r t ■ .»afe. ut -uit- s_''>. ? :u,ntrover*\ with W W. Hl’s < f go lau. Io -ay r••thing <»l thv “b’an lee " im Mi. M simple imiking amithcr proof tlierebi sa\»*co-l- h. '»ULANI». looking - aini a ire ,n-i w<»>i iiiattrc.-s»1». tri-.n «)jn»j-riate i< mi :»i 1 wim - » tire A-I.la’.'l, ai «I »iiun't «.»»me «»ut second lx st. »■! »a-v' »In i ing that |«imd, whi’h g»ner- I l*i’ontpt llesjHtn »e D' sir»’«/. A‘l iu;>i..»trix <»f said Estât«*. u!!v «'«»ntinuv* -< v« r »l »lays. et!«« 1 wfirn H- objects ami «baiaiter b« Jiriy W- i' i wvlry store at ( < «pulir Statement- of m • "tint ar«" now l»»*’ng Parlor t-, 1-i..v.alnut. << vcr<- th»- T imes otti» e NOTICE R* ! . > X » | vviii prea»’h at thè ('«th«» 11 ng i - \ »• i a« h< last tin an5; -umr Tim m-urance ahmr-t ».<•' .*rrd thv in any mann» r. a* »! an early r« -pon-» is MelHtlty l f I a-it. » !iur. n in Ja«-K*onville Sun !av.:is usila! rc'iue’t »I I trie I tti Or«*g-»n Kulnev l« a. 1 u-vf th'-ir ¡.imi ad»:ig ilo* mam S niav al 11 »> cita k a m . al »»iit fnrth< r dc'ay. «•f Je*-“ D» »Hart» td“ i. a .. . ni tl,«* Mec b I Im present mining sea-m «Ines m»t you I bel w veli J uek-«»n v : Me ami M« li» bv» 1 >;ar baking-pow­ iinfai.i. g r- in» ly t»*uu <»f the i »»uuty ("urt f «r .1 .->.»i by E. t Br <»k- promise wel!, being to»» «liy and < «»i»l. Le E. M. L. Il 11. lalelit Di suiall Irai ts a*, pru es ia:>g*n (rum >1’» der at thv >. F. Variety Store. Fry your <>r»‘g«' . : •i‘l- r ;?i> r»*-?ei • . I HI' J l I.I 1 - A< H. fh“ <| i :;terly meeting at thè Metho«ii.-t ’ * Upwaul*. Ipiite :i -» Uh nitml la -pringing luck, Mining »»¡>. ration* aim sii I in -tatù »pm, trato;- "f - o l » - talc ritir t ire < om/iatty Au « Hurt i - heing mad»* to bull i a county u.i !» -u_'n i rc{ iratiuna v er.* fbii'h< d lo«>g . a’Ht h i'i-t Snbhath was weU atler.i^d. t i\h \» MINGi - iip ami at t.u far»« Il u- ol their respective district-, a* th“ an­ -"a«i a; r»'" tin* bills between .\uten p* ago. the • hob! il« regular nmntldv meeting '.»tí. »!.«> o* January.fs «•ret ». uml the Ea-pv llouriug mills, > > thai I ir - n - ti.v < 11 irI» ; iv«* •» • ’ V» t «•.•« t A fill! Imo »»T »pini lz un I liner I rcaiden« «*, urebards ami garden*, provai nual m ii »•; me» lings urc on y a m mth d:- ven thing iirii.tlly f«»unm ■!.:.» e.i» h moli - Il ut G.»;d Hill; j « ?tt«»n ut tic sol» il;« 1- lii ' » I«-, »■«• big t 01 . 1 - n r th»* l-u ,f »lam 1 he U )-« - .ii- ingt». >» «r Cl ■■inn T i 1.» »- « tit Anti*.' jwclfully im it» w. 1» « . ! at K ..»mat :i county I “«.w < I m ' w I htc . Il y on an i'i ; ’ .i . f di.pt! i Me s o » r«lv l.«'pt lliat Ih«" .11»-: -w it \|>-Ifurd «mi fon ia 41 Ra-!i< r ■; n i '•. I i V» »' ■ .■ • . ’ »• r ..l . h » t - 1 . tiltil» ority. I - -a •• it H» I I li »i'.i • ><» hi . I rint!!7* l-u- ■ » . i’ G 1 ’ . . . V . .. i • . - -. >i Hili t --o. c.»uri>. in qm.-tmit w I a.-.-i-t in thè g»io»! w«»rk » t Showing»“ R-reipt* anti Exp»'n»littio- FOLLETT A. FOWLER. E I S< I. Orei? . . .4» r th - hrm : an “ •" o -. 1 ’ À M h - •. i,, . i v > :: ' . < • • .:. ' \ • ! T»- a i of J’ • kso’.v ui“ fron» th“ 1st , i- rm?n ili? >l\» ‘ d X A- lies}.or will I--*. »« ’ ta “ 1-t day of F-bniary . 1 — *.' I wr I- • t • t l«b r :»u I nee«t- nuismg. si- h» in »i'.ianiitit 5 to .-Uii al r»-»'"'» ' . - U! I I'lf ili» r iiotit t Al A dit»? b Contitene th ■ bu-m--H at :l;e *a»u»-place, ¡taying I i r I Hie I, • :■•>< th. ! all ' < h « g » i iah' 1« RE<’FIFTH. < ) Iu. 11. I i. , - l> >■ .• pile» ¡I ,ii>liii'i only i»«i a «r ul 1 cm li to > i.i • »\ m t’iir'i month ami all debt- and colle» t,i g all outstundiutl account* » H ‘ 1 ! : . < r !<> ii< . ! > .ftl"!> .III t ■H-.- «1;.! I. n- < 1 In - I » m ; s '. s i • ■ lo IL" town* a‘vh» Lui lu Ibtiii-.lw- i* ot. t ai,«i cn (¡its »'V . / »uid tn in. •. o \ i»»re al 11 o’vlock \ M . ' IIV' 'i for L lU'tr ! ,6vu* j ♦U” 0. I !» • 11, c tire >y-.ti-n> - I I : > 1 »" Bn. A X BASHOR. 36 w< IL ” ’ u.indry •* M ' n!a:u lii.-trict st hoo’-lmuse on i *it* 11. ■IV, w I !’• »«I Job: -?.».» |»a* Lrtn app»>intc»l a mm JNO M.BENTLEY. 72 OU J H. WILLIAMS. hjilÍHid I. VAWTER, CaMiier I Ir. u.-l. \ irr ' . .' I J’ J W '.|. . .11, . ' io : : »! S in ! »y al 3 u’t l.K’k r. u. •r m ning » sp» » .« y mui! i t.iivr »•! U.r i.-iat“ ■ »I >-irah S. < ’ro- D.J» ‘ tl t^s 25th day <>f January. 1 22 fill “ Show turilo/ IhaitkM. I « I ¡L. i I..' err* ■ . J . ick - m vi!¡e •« A !» X » • o- lia- ;; ! i ; »wig .•!•* Rev. G. W. ‘ . jiiiniiy ’ s 1 nier , »I« « « p.-t d. ''tv I.is mjtn •• ti ia on r ”bcw ' gr»"'. IO i I • I I lul’ II“ •«!» d J.l Jl S 'pt! , W i i • Peddlers* “ tiiv many «arne-t :.ml .*i;H Uinti .1 For m h» a»t ' I the >am I n 1 ; I» Hitm» nt- I-i • .1. l ay 1.’, < ach month. ! I 11 M “ Cemetery Lula.. thn ' '.< •; Administrator's Notice ai. ’ a- ! ’»!,*' ■ "V I . uno O '! «2 : • “ He w ■ • manit»'*tatio" • I 15 ill Fine»»................. ||“I " ! .l-.t.’ !■. out I1U"“? o n ?■•».: :» i.;.: . ..«1 < - ening. at Jacksonville , i hr l ust!.« • r t:.r > r. 1: R. Mt th." le pri-.ug ii i n r»“i' p •*-»•", ng many p, u- by the hiu»»l e-t • ‘mai'1» p «»fi«- »»f.tavk- 1*1'2 73 (runa Town fa* ....... !i '_'•** ' »>». a id h : i -'ll! »i i at Antioch , I Sunday at <1 dur ­ g«> »1 qu U ti« - »-I m ini ami ¡mart, am! h ---- $3043 73 oonv»Ile. rn ih* « are • t »»ur «'• are-l ì» ■ • a-« * ( 'r<»l;)“r. <|“C» n-»“'f -an 1 «lo i.»r- ¡Tom th H I : S i'uiav. at II o'clock M.. at Wife Miitl - -ter. in ber la-t day - » t -:ck||« -.- ing the .i-t twc.vc month-, ami is -till on ;dtath i- gen« ¡al y rtgrrtted by a:, who p;il ' »Al'L.MHTt KE*. oiri is nt lado < \\ en 1 hai j he H.iur «T Tv«' d i' B f .> w n>borongb, at d in the *v?’ùug at I i knew him. An ubitiimy m»ti< «• will apjK’ir jaek-o:. .»lile a f »' 'j»ecim uti'fcr.-ign-«i I a- V»» u »?pt •« :" d L> tl. • and sutknng. wv wry -in rrcly a-k y»*u i he i nei ease. ........... F«»r N Hint writ «'li.. . , « «»Unix »-.»urt JJaykt'U c«'Ui:!j. O:.s.tf h 4 unvand ad to a» , epl uur«lve|M »t thank- Tb< Stat Haul <>ii Co. will al-- build a . next we k. ;hg t ’ from ‘ •• < r»-i Sprinkling St n et*............... in pr»«‘.- Â- ,2 iiii .''liatoi of t'aC ». tut" of Nar; •, The »o-i.»’.vu.y u»e Res. R E7nnis’ ap- ami mo-t pr»*t»»un»l gratitud«' "Imimi cvtr warrhou.-val Ashland, which w.ii supply |{ »nil- ar »I Briilces............... A g* «.l * i; in v. h » L . I suite»« 1 gr»- it an- a > r«»iii» r. »i»-r“a*“«l P'.iiai.xciHa v.u « very tMimlay morning, a moment «Th r whvivby wct.ii« - ili lur-* the pctr< Ivuiu Hr nortiuti of souiiorn novam'* im! p.nn I junplighting.......... u l> ii hers itch,ai« 1 w li»» All p«*r-«»n- iir.l hl»«d !■* *.»1 t «"t .: • are r"!tov»T\\ W k ' i e. insurance . r laiD in skin di-«'.i-« - >•»’.! by E C. iication <»f thia b»>ticv. ' ■ 1 \ i ' la-t Sa uni n . » nev« 1., m. owii g are Elder '»•. iT hT-on's Expen^u-s of in» L?vy .. 1'1 <»KF-T IL >11 XKI Brtxjk-. BIRDH|HN>roN. » I Sto: r I r« 1 : 1 > > < »• .x. W . < k «{ ( "lmm.iP-f - yeur;;ury. 'First Lord s T <".u-ur**f «• W«lai> 51 ' m i e 1. **■’' u,r. Adminis'.udo« » »id outate. Ja* t a» u Sfinì .-<*11 < f the Brt ttle r an I A-b'ami's Hat*, large hotel \va- com­ •. ' "ml : 1. I. J» niiin:"-. I 1. . WH J^nilor * Salary........................ at M uii 1 h'»o’-h<»'.i.-e at ll o*ch»ck I Dated J.an. 31, >yort-m.»h* La? *»»’•« L.s < elrhratvd -tai ulvti’il l ist w« ek an i tui i ♦ <1 >>v er to lie F“< m » in Criiunutl Action». . R - X I M ! ■ ,. m . and ut Etigl“ Fount tn the vvepiiigj EHlrr/uinmeuf. , '.it n 'Antev 'lo' to Mr. Erdman of the companx whic!i own- it by in» - ■untrartor. ,i I l 'tition* ........................ r -«•» oivi at Wo'idvii «", th>rd ;;t Centrai 4n entritainment wdl ne given * y tl.c E i-t for $1* "•*». Administrator's 'Notice Fir.' Warden*.................... A W scutt of Portland. It ' ii tin hand i; Point ; »«••4iio.»«i, ivon. four!. al \L'.;p»Hl. m '-» h ', i M* l>4 I ptl- III W'ill Printing ladies' berne mi*.-i»»n society «d lentia1 somr-t ami im -t comim »ii »u- ol the kind i I. O < » be adm ni-terej «iter the fore’.uun service, ia tne iu Jt»’r of tho of Wallace Cohman »w j- the time to Lumber................................ r«»ÌnL at thè Baptist chureb. un thè ev» II- » -outh « f S.diT a:. .' . .* ¡«» «I it u i i* !v »in­ I d«*C“a*«*d. r- vere | — Nail* ........... liig ni F« !». t»ih, !**;> A n:ce supp» r w ili oth i ; ih iinaHEi'.iv s that hie fit u : to " « ■’. !• j 1 •-*•« (* w L »1' ab.'e to fur Surveying..................... G F , be r» a«i and there v»;il l»e a li-li {«»mi. undersigned has boon np¡ <»;nt«d by t;.-- ¡fou't be I'ofAinh ’ nmli i’ ;.i»p«"|•’ ut< !y. Fir»» D“p t tmen*................. ♦ , , P; apd <»tbt r amu*« meiit- AJ are coniiaH) court y court of Benton county. Ur» gott. sitting Refan m Ser Wo.r| ..*. .............. *’»»irad Mingus a- v. »ihr seen ty not »• ! of forty. v. L»i *> not trdqble ('utdiuian, dr.««>n. Jfcn. All persons ii.deb. »i to fj . i -1 os.iot»? r.4 • HlarlcHiuithing ......... Ar», r.'4:n«w>-1 the b »»t. *»• 'ne hzr Ter, \ ' ” >• 1 »- i- ; dm it- ' ’ ra tor »u (he estate « j Jr-ae ! ’ • I »-U t » • ttb' the SA ’ •• lll.Hi'si-. ly, i»' J tl,- »• ¡ .- r HUff.HY UIVEN HUTTHER! n;.,7 there in m him. W«- r» • « ive h tatrirmnts Stationary. ...................... ’ tho-v :■ li!»- I* »1 h p i i . in I! c La« I ar liig Lottery at pou. more productive and yield better crops. ...-r..» furuUmtl». ,|H. t.nrn (r ^«orJ. f forth« (>r,h„ -...-row tr~.«nry larhidc, dvi tii'cd. havi' g claim n. » -t tin .»ir.te a I! pres- -,t i marly everv w» vk. ni it t'ouid keep ns ’ bundnea ....... • ................ r» *vn' ¡i«fi!!i « . n» i van- •»en.uty FINE IL’.USVn xri t> CATAL<»<.( E >»«),»«/> |»>r ÿl- $.'y«.,»»»i ,r >et.»i $1 . r ■» •.«Kit the «.m-, >n- $W.y 7* them : " ui“ a' >ny r< ja -- n« :< t’urvnlli*. Ren­ • l uì- ’.."'îik i7 wr av»Ti U Jake the snmv | . i • , • ' . : : • - : i • . ' i :. tlftlnt Ot » C • L«»t vn’ - ■ » "■* 1 fix» 0D *; p.g «T.H hií .» : h« f»ilhrw’nc.- A imL-ite. lui.liac»’ ’imi -idvtrae |>t»»lhe Monta a I tiv*-t utent <’'U¡>iav ton county. (>r< /< ;■ a u h th»» piojMT voucher-, at. cau«a. wa:;. rjkiT. .’•a î; u/alb-Y- Huit HIC peuple «l»>. W "H amount of Outstai (lin. Xiini»...r« UW. LV*. X ym ;j2l kßj W- Xb. lerm dy that ha- b» tn in r»»r -Tuit u Ihienu, Montana, for a cbat.- e i.i i In r : . > 11 ’ \ ’¡¡e 1» ! • I $ 1(13 12 tach» I. wi’.l.m six montai fium the 1 rs* publica. 41. 31?. MI.-W!. ¡WU. M>i •**•»“• «•• *-'• T- U. A c CO., *’> !-’m ' îj ¡.ii-iuv—, ami you should H i ('a Warrants t w«nt v > ear-, urrg.n Kiihiey Tv;», i.i- grati»! pt ./ • -listrit»uii .ri. Match 3uh H-:» um U ti»»n «*< ‘ ic . j notice. \ idi• ?: niitia: - h in Town IT» iwur. Fuowrt **»o Stiate'*, Sr. P aul , M in *. ln<< .»-t <.n th.- b»w will iwiv with thi« dale. .lui ’ " ru cive a -tat» in« nt «»f ac «»unt at, a ' pi«, . ration Las (Jolie more tor .-uii« ring r. nú; i hold . j H.HVFFFK. 1 he 33*m t mi » Aborti Ho i wi.l ¡»it i« » ’ «. m e n year if »» t no other n as >n * Administrator of baid e-1a*c. K»jc» vV^ ’.Lao any other n; ‘du me the lowa.alKl 1?3 < i-h | i :zv iruJU ‘t»»i >.U o. d ii '¡at l.l»» F«sr miiticuia»- add • *• j i-1.m.ii ii .4 Daied Jan. 31, I-eV. I or call uu tb.1 secretary, tvuit Gnltin. 1 than to see that y our hill U « «XTect. 1 Jasheunv >Ue, Oe . Jxs. V, lín?. ti • nurkc markit. bold bv k C Bruvljj, Oregon WLvle tivktte |j, tí;ib». IL ¿the l’viuo(raticïimc9. III RE .|.V/> THE Kt. z / / WEST SHORE MAGAZINE POWDER Absolutely Pure r\V ELVE \HT Sl’PI’LEMENTS I OREGON 1 THE LAliCLST BED-ROCK PRICES FOR CASH. N N M Jackson County Bank Ol i b i )!’’< >RI >. < )KEGOX Ibis a Gcnei'di and Bins and Sells Eastern, Domestic a'd I’d Li EvLi'iv. h Mms a Specialty. Money Loaned. N I ¡f^s?.i;.:sK ta. ■:» hots Town First