f. he gmocratic ainirs UhlTEJ STATES OFFICIAL PHcSS. Till RSKAY J ANI ARY I" I <*Ze»id<«/e rinj/s. \ younger brother « f J. \V. Singletary is making him a visit at J his place. Mr. ar«i Mr-. 11 «ls> n of the Smith Kiver Hotel will give a gran ! parly on the 2 » h insL Mr>. John P. Jonf*s. who has «•pent *> me I tiaie visiting her husband at Portland, re­ turned home last week. Tht'Glendale district school, with Cbas McCulloch as tea her. r« sunn d studies la«l week, a l «Unger of tinad-pox b ing over. Miss Jennie IL d-on went i»y Mond.ir evening's train to Ko*eburg. where s| »• will spew«I some time vi’iting friend'« and alives. Sol. Abraham spent several «lays l.i't week at this p’r a> e, and in c«»n-e pirn »• there is increased ! .o-tivity in ev< ry dej art- ruent of th«- millit g work W. E. Ihanaml family wh»» bav«* I n » 11 «l»f»ent tw.» im>ntb" <»n a <*ount uf *mal- I x. return«*»! h -m, Saturday . I hrv were w« lc»»nn <1 by many ir » n«i-. T. A In-laml has «»»•.«’ to Grant’- I’. *•" to witm -s the "h"»’ting « ■ i'.h-"t, fthe h Will take p it< e »»n the >lh, between A I !l >n br»» ot Grant s Pa*** ami > 11. R»»hic!d «»! Gh-mlal«!. We will say there i" no new «.»"<" »*t sinall-|w»x lit re ami all person- suppose«! t«> have but-ri e.xpo-e»l arc m»w <,»f 'pr«ra".- tii.r, ami Gh-udal«* people generally will I-'* plea‘c«l if there are 1 o more <-rrouv»»U" stat« im nts in rvg.-.rd to small p x ,,u'’ pin. a. I" Jan. Tth. J Draiily .4j».wa««lt. On«* Beef", who has ii"t been in -outh. ru 1 I itu-“ f«»r « umniitting an a-swlt np«ui R tn . 3,ui4 Carter « f Plea -ant creek p « in-t on new year's night. It seems that Beers and a young man nad 1 light at a party a short ' time b» f«»rv, in whi' h he • ame out "Ce»»n«l I best. H«* left the premi*«-", and it was 1 thought he went h-un«*. However, he »uilv I went a short «listance fr un thvhoti-e wh« re th«- party wa> pr»« -'ng. a* d in the lark lay waiting for his|»ie a"-ailant. ail« r hav ing [ r-’« urv I a heavy "te k tm I t-»• t inij ing IL-w i n«»l in nmlnbli long l»«4««r»- a p»T"«ui ft h"m io- “'.ipp'’-t»l to I.,* lh»-« m li ­ ft i* h« «1 to hit »• »me along, ami In* «1»; It 1 im a territii blow < n th«* hea«l ami i5«»l. I h< inmr»-«l man w?.s «»»on «its« ««w v I ami prov- <»i t » be Mr • artvr. wh«» was » ntir« A a btr;tne» r t » th pre-x.us aflrav ! w s «•»tn«.tim« b t r«* h • r»•»-'•»« r-«! L «»•.»•«■» and 1“ «V, ll i... A i:i .4 «! 'Zed »*,»ll'lll:-l!. Jus tire Stanley of W '-ivi u- - ued a warrant f»»r Beer"' arrest, but flmling nobody in that Don willing t-» "• rv<* it -« nt it '•» the .sheriff’s off.- e yourda) and Mr. Bii»l sty ha* gone down to serve it. X Terrible ArchtrMt. C» tield near that town, mid in trawlinj. through the brush his "in tg'in ac idcntally w» nt <»il. The v barge • f-tr.i' k ami < xpb <1 »1 th • pow'lrr in the horn »iangl ng at hi- ■ide, and lota ly d«Mm»li*hrd the horn, pi' ».* ot The whi'h w* re driven into hi- thigh w«»un«i ble I pr»»fu., Ar«h!»Khu(» <«ro-s r«n ei\ ■ I a very interesting letter from Father H» r niunn. fornieCv pastor at Ji!Ck’»«»iivide,Or.. wi«se. near \vl>»-*HpT’ort vHn.) is now in Lair.’»-witst*, in Sil» *• a. «. A l-trm. i-t! i t. the tin- « t «unty » inty-•< •«■al *t of «•! tb Y ng am! ’|'i* i of S'iX'«UV. says the llinei * * l ather Hermann preu>' «• 1 in the presence of tht ir majosti •s in the «hi tr«*h <»f Lar.gewi* »»• recently, Prnne Leop» .1 of H«»!n i.z »Iler.i and the Di of Ra< (•«Ilin« w<*ra .ils«> present After the » vi monies Father Her*- n re«:eiv,-«i a <•« dial note lr«»m the » . g. exi»r«“"ing I pleasure at bis dutcour sv. signify ing hi r Whitney of E.igle Point will proba- l» v become a resident of our tuwn l>, tore kmg Henry Smith, the capitalist, who La stores at Wulf i’rtrk ami Me«l!< rd. u I soon open another here, and has the lum­ ber already on the gruumi lor a new buii i- nig. Our town u id i>r >bably put < n <-i’> airs before long, as many of our i*itiz.?ns t iin w that it would be to the he l intere- t of th«- pia»*v to be incorp« rate«! by the legi- ature l‘rt»t/rraa Urinrj Sewral hundred th«»u-nn«l feet of L»g" f.-r F II. liow»-.¿re already Iv ing ou the bank" • •f Rogue river <»n th«- K«:in«-dy | !.« « m ar Trail ereek, whi« h will be ff»»at» «1 u.t^ in Mr. Row»-’-» m; ii’V th« r«' ii s arrive d and ft I nu«r<* l«-gs wiil :•«* «nt 1« f-re a “driv« " 1- imi'lv, a d Mw K *«•» in-t«» hav»* no uld not bi- tl«>ate«l duftn that "treani I HrnHhy I‘I mc ‘'. The unira.il r-pori « f i|iv "« xt«»n of tou n • » im i, ry -h««w - that • >nly rhrt <• • 4 P« r- ii" buri»-«l ther, wer«- rv-ul»-nts »»f J. «invi.-«- i >n» oi th« «l ,«l of -en« rai l'ibi V a ml "i i âge w hde aïHdh»*r w i" a < I only n .» w d. - «dd .la k««.»îiviih* lia popolati» n » t . ‘»»ut lu»», ami w.- d<> uht 'ht r any « il«« r t, w:, • ui th- < .»"t.« f "1/,* « .»n ♦ x ‘« I II V\» n , .pi.,1 tisi - re ■ r.l. I in« t must attrai t mm h au»nti«n in th* near future an i ad I p« r-,»i u Uhm th la^t w, ck . with ti » M« th- di't • hur« h Milh r ml <•. W 11 Salibuth la-t-ix p« r"««ns \ n bapuz, «1 Rev. F. S N- « l will ho’. I mass a; St. Mary'5 a a«l» iii \ on Sumlat tit - *.«»«>• I«•« .-. a M.. and will th« n i •• , « I t«'>¡-ki; " i "i.i lion to h»'ld ."«Tvi« » " ther« th - - ;im dav /•«(•'/ TH i g. Everybody havinga |i turc « f a fi lid or rc'ative that lhe\ wi-ht»» have i*opi< <1«.r eu arg«* h w b« in lw«» <»r thre»- ft», k**. W. R. II «5 m Agent A-hiand. <>r. E.!fganf Stark •>] Snut/crr'» r!m laigo» and fir.CAt st«.. k o’ ■ « r Rcbiium (>"ft p: ••". « !■! ir nr.d « iir n»;«. h»d«tor" ami < ■»-«•*.!«•» .»<• •» pom ii» - •- II.«- thing f«»r »• » r h«»|-,l»’. j r»*"«-i -. i •• ¡»r attheS i Viii»*’; *r«»r«* l.u - ntii.e Th« » h«-i- cat im- * « i cigar*, cigar- ”• nd to*»ac,u «»f .1! kin i- may also b- immi there. * wil r.ml »rc. .I n ferrò« Eintracht The foil« ft ing otti« « rs were elected at the last no » ting f«-r the following -ix ni«>nths Fregici« nt. V» it > hutz: Vi v pr»s . Wni. D hin’.tt. I r< <1 Lnv ami Wrn. DrncfT; vi-iting e«»mmittve. J. ilerherg< r. .1. Blatt and .I. Br.i< nd» l .I Prompt lf'*ir‘‘l Ntateinrnts of ;«»•» o’liit are now sent to th »>»* imi» i»t» d l«» tlie I'lMFH in any manner, aril an early r« "p«ni«r i* rt*«|U*sted. All a<-«-«>uiiK to N Fisher's for new goods and low tive. Began taking Dr. King’s new dis­ .1 nd peri<-dicals f«»r tho coming year. ou prices. J F. Howard of >i- •«.<.. I « |,*d yes ­ ' Logan, the Ashland photographer He al- covery for consumption, am now on my <-.in obtain very low rates by applying at ; ways has tin* latest novelties in finish, ami terday. Staple fall and winter goods at Fisher's the T imes ollice third bottle, and am able to oversee the j if y»»u call at his gallery y«»u will learn New ©lock. John Dy ar uf Medford was her, during work on my farm It i» the finest niedi- Mrs. Boland, who has been paying her ' something new about pictures the week.* cine ever made " Je*»e Middlewart. De- The country is full of bilks; so l'j<>k u.it nv ther. Mrs N. Hosmer of Foots cre« k. catur. Ohio, say«. “ Had it not been for for theui. A S Abernethy of Portland was here dur ­ Thousands are afflicted with disguises of i visit, has returned t » In-r horae in Wash­ Dr. King's new discovery fur consumption the kidney ami urinary organs, who sutler ing the week. Geo. Bai run ha returned iruiu S.in ington territory. I would have died of lung troubles. Was in silence, rather ’han make known their Frantisi*«? L. Berger of Phoenix made us a visit one given up l»v ductors. Am now in best of A relief a-*'«»cidtion h is been establishe»! troubles. I\> all those ailEctt d we can 1 ffei day this week. health.” Try it. Sample bottles free at .1 J. Murphy is bud ling a neat rt-.-lvticc at A-liiand, which will look after those a safe andspeetiy reme»!y in Oregon Kul- District Attorney Coivig is at Woodville all drug stores. in A "bland who arc poverty stricken and unable to ney Tea. which is composed of herbs, se­ on official business. •. lected with great care m <>regun. and war Gohl Hill will soon have a nice, new keep themselves. SON VILLE. Mrs Kracb, mother of Mrs. M Obeti- scho M-hotise, Tin»'-. ('« liters 1i as been appointed admin ranted not to contain minerals of anv kind. Fold by chain, to quite ill. Wm. Banni.b-r has returned from Jose­ istrat.»r of the estate of Naniuel Centers A few «loses afford instant relief Dr. W. Marsters of Yankee creek was dvccased, am! in another column gives no i: C Brooks. phine county. It ft> nt bake br«*a«l In other word“, here hist 1'uesday. tiee to that «-fleet. RoLt. Wesir,>p of Central Point c J. F. am! Ragsdale of Tolo visited Idio ’ ; !>■ n!< «•» the State f’niverity who Ho. I s Sarssp.irtll« will n«^ du iiupos-ubili duni g lhe Wcek. li’-s Its proprietors t«-ll p’xinJv what it has us one day reiently. P«'-t:iui"tei* Hi»ward of Giant's Pa"" was r» ide in J i k*»on «‘ »ur.fy am! have b»*en done, submit proofs from sources of un­ ! --!■. tidiiu tlo h «.tdavs at home, returned to Mrs .1. N T. Miller has return«»! from at Ashland recently. questioned uliabii ty, ami ask you franKly her trip to California. Eugene city !a-t wed:. <« I1 Hill« ontmues to flourish ami lutudi H you are stiih-ring from any »ii .t*ase or af­ S.-tiling up time i* at hand, and the place Mrs Celia McChillrn of lb»aehurg rc according to business is d»»ne there. t > get \ our billhea I-», statements, notes, re- fection causeti or proniot«-»! by impure turned home yesterday. 1.1.h-r M. Pet«-r."un holds send« cs at i ei;>t> and < iii«-r kinds of «• »mnierciaI print­ biood or low stat«* ol tin- system, to try D irections wit^eacl} B ohle Mayor Crawford ami wife ol Medford Hood's Sarsaparilla lhe experience of W' ■ dv;! e r.vxt Sunday ing is at the L imes office. other“ i“ sufficient assurance that you will spent Saturday in town. ii;.- w.*’ds..:i upper R oluih river are full Fog BURNS ANO SCALDS. N *w vt ar’s caLin’. onceso popular In not !»«• di-appointed in tlie result. Jmigc DcPeatt was at the county-scat ■ I 1 . t . mjis looking for limber, homr.sti id t hi • '<•< tioii .«' w • ll a- elsewhere, has al- Monday on legal business. Porilan«!, Oregon. July, 31. It ii Is only on true principlci principici that nature natura ti ami p:c «-nipLon < iuitns ni<> i b«en a'.amlon d. In this place few WLil«- I was in Tillamook last winu-r I helped in its struggle, and only through ignor­ J A. Larson < f Portland,the well-known M-'. I. .U";g >nt of Washington county was affected in my buck and kidnvjs so tailor, is visiting the valley. ance that pain H iutemifled or proves Mud H p tv uig this p’act» a \ 1 it. where it Could be relieved. that it wa“ almost inip»»>stbl«* tor me l»» A. J. Wright is at Bybee’s farm on G. van Hi h 1 I A-ld tud “petit a f< w Lays reach Portland. Wh n 1 got there I was S t J acobs O il C ures P crmanertiv . Rogue river f«jr the present. at Grant'- Pa-- lu-t week. induia-t| to try th«-O«eg«»n Kidney lea. 1 D a i I y M i sh a ps.—Scores people dally 8. S. Bentz of Medford was here during diank at my imals tlie tea made from it, Drought in cuutiu i ft ith heat, st« am, boiling Fresh oat me il ami buckwheat fi n:«* at itid it has »!b-« t» d a radical < ire. I can the wi-ek on legal business. water and combustibles are hourly iajured t y th«*S. F Variety >t«»r«». J I \\ i I I. 1 of Anplegat«» wa* in highly r, » «»mi»»cnd H to ail who .»r«* afflicted •ome mishup in the nature of a burn or acalo, Dr Max Hostel left for Seattle, W. T , KT. B t diyi-i. J r., has recently a t«»wn yesterday. lie informs twi that G. a I was. Sold by E. and thc.uAanfia have !*» < n < ured of such by Brooks. this week, after quite a stay. nr :t black"mith“hop at Ashiaml W M- ’e h.i" - ■ d li:- farm t > Th >s. Basye i tUis best km.wn remedy for tho cure Of pain. Croup is a terror t«« young mothers, J. R. West, a prominent citizen of Med and W! i leave 1 1« is s* «lion soon. G’.» II. Curry ami wiu-arrive,! nt A-'ll P romptly . P erfcctlv . S urjly . ispccially »luring t!»e winter months, aa it for,!, called »luring the week. la id ¡run I.« Grande recently. B. F. W « Ir <•' ^ on " valley, wh ) Iris a How It Acts.-Tt act« a5 a courtFr* s tio ii m "t pr« valmt. Itcan always be Nelson Grimsley of Central Point pie li m. large . ■ »al b-p «"it. ill " w ek bomled irritaut cn the sm . a « v injured, gently draw idr Mr-. B. A. Star, ird and < h ! prevented, if properly treated as so n as Farms, Village Lets. Improved i; to I >.i.*’ I v ««f > ri Fr.in«*i - » «. who will the first symptom" up»»» ar Hoars» nos is cinct was in town yesterday. out tho beat cau*e«l by the bftm while it ' ■ * ’ 1* -- - ing Asbhtn I. •Lx-thosthepaiQ, Ueln1n«.’ nature in th»- healing thoroughly ?». »sped Li*» "anio. Men."!" Casler and Smith of S.uianinio th«* first syniptoiil ; this issuoii fo!l«»v\» d by St (»ling-up time is at !. urn! at. pruOcas and n cure follows It «peciflr for and Unimprevei for 1 l.<* Monar. h "a! » ei at M.-dfnr.|, uii.ler a peculiar, irugh cough i pains of this kind and should Ft ¿ept bandy If Chamber spent a «lay in town recently. th. pi int« r w ill m >t. be forj «»ttvu. th«- manag’-ui. it of II II. Wolter*-, is pr »v- lain " t ough Remedy is !r<'d> ivea as ."»»on where Are and steam arc used ' uumissioners Taylor am! Rav are here Sale or Lent. t’all and "t*r th»»"«* ele. ant silk handker ”ia popul.ir rp'. rt. I best of every­ as these symptom“ ap| rar, it will invaria- attending to their official duties. E very B ottle C ontains A C ure . chieis al the >. F. Variety St» • r<* th’.ig in that line i> kept there * I bly prevent the atta-’n. 1 iiere is n<) ein¿ slaughtered. ■ i Lie 1 to thru city during !88< 1 Hcnbod prop-rty : Messrs. Welch ami Mayfield of Meadows A. J. Wilcox it puttin»; up a planing W E UT'UltU S(JI / ns A lirst-cia"'» piano ami a small safe wiil precinct wi re her« during tlm week. I EVERY APPLICATION RELIEVES No. 1. mill in i the growing town < Í raient be !d at a r- asonable figure, either for Now is tlie tune Messrs. Dit,worth and I.lodson of Rogue On«* hundred and "ixty acre* of No. 1 «h<»ic«, duh i.r note with approve«! security. Mr. Flint of Albany t- i 1 town ami may 5oM ’ j/ Drvfj^h^ t nd Dra’e • Evfryxvh^'f. ' l«»v.-i land, over one-half enclos'd with a snb- river were in town a few days since. A i»plv » »n at ll.e I ’M» > office T imes . tlie be«»<1 l«,g barn, gnmaripg and other outbuilding* t ’ .« 1 bt >t •»( mu n* for parties, etc. NEW THIS WEEK. D i « were at the count) seat Tuesday. wate "tort- h* n . , Sture. Jaei.- two hun»lre«t bearing fruit tree.. aRBOrt»»d vanei W M ' v g. a-« nt i*«- the Firem in’s R. I . Law ton, one <»f Medford’s real cs j ti«-s, mostly fall and winter applet, plenty of ‘ Biniti S ini' The new o.*tic» m took th--ir -» al» fund j:- ;’..m*< r' iipaiiv. has our thanks fur »lay • veiling. Rmall fruits, m-ar a gnvj school, gou«i outside t;»tc agent", tarrie«! awhile here ibis week -r ut rance for stock ; r «verum.-nt title. Price. |5u«r ,. I. : - i.i'cr-«, d * . tlis- Alvin anl Wm. Caniwell, wh«>liavt‘ be«»n | .MvL-iH'gs wer,- In ld «-v.-ry cve ling a! the half rash, balance in one and two ynar»- defvrr«»! Ohl. • « nterp: isilig t ompaiiV. tri visiting thii place, Lav«- returned horn»- payment« to be enured by a mortgage on the Baptist » hurt b receiitiy. a : tlie ! IME" otti« The most agonizing, humiliating, . premia’. >. ’■ix r< ■ «•■ *■>• I- vied for S, nat i Stanley an I R< present it iv« sBo v- I itchi -g, nn 1 burning Eczemas are Mr Be, li .“ !;».<• dw, I'ii:; in»•!."»• in Bn r s Henry Amerm.i it ; :«<1 • ,v< \ < r $1,7'*'. «uly • l.t» h and Price nit h»r Sa'em this w»-»k. Ta ». 1. ! were at 1 lie •d di ii tjueii’, and 1 addi i'll 1- in ali «lo.u- cured by the Cuticura Rt medics N«»,2. Mi-s I'ii:.» B» iz »»f I. tth* Butt«» j»r» < inci 1 resnl -nts A numli'-r of ne v .'aval:.* .ite L«;!.^ Wheat ha.s take:: a when phyhirians and alJ otb>-r reme­ A goo rm of ? t; nr ree on .Kvaf.» cr*M*k. in g»»«» I fu [arm paid friends in Jacksonv die a \ p it re«,-fitly , Lunt. A v« ry g» ’ o i nlva. at on y A'» cents a t »•* M«*a«i< Tn. |lU th re. Improved will* a dw«dhi.g lrxki dies fail- «•«• : tad* to Mrs. W. T. C burn ot Grant's Pi.» f«*« t with hvf- ru«nns, u barn and ’ stables. rii It is L,p«)rt«u| tljat our town i • >v» r $ : « hi Io vi..».g Illri-hUfa - are » .nd tj«»th»n.r. Hcn-s <1. 4ry i>n ck ft I" •ov»T«’ii w.rh n< .it>e a.'d f. r-s, uu«i the it«- . M<» k fami. Pri« j tiftvcn d»»llare por M< ra rack Mari; Watkin-. the Big Appl -gate nier­ ing and bur ■ .4 w-re ahn« t uni» arable. B« «» litio porfcct. building is nearing completion. Market ie, »»rts and .-«tìie» «.-• s of inter chant, was here »luting the week, ai t o r mg your ( ’ut scura H»-uo «ii<-s so highly recom­ udii oí Ashland has butcli- »■"t will be found on the find page of the lieu L. Webb has succ«-c ic»l John W. •uppliev mended, conclud’d t<» «live th< m atrial, uni;« ’No. S. Fl ME*. of fi:.«‘ h«»g’ thi“ season, Curry at \Vvli“, Fargo A Co s office. th- ( uticuraar-.d < uti"uraH« up ext« rnallr, an«l A good M«»ck farm <.f 1A ncr«« on Trail cret-k. Kesolvent internally for four months 1 call Tn** v< t. rs of Ashland "< !i Messrs Erb, Inlow. Real ami Grubb of J • . < orutn is now «ngage.l 111 the but« h impr«»v« ‘ d with a dw-lhngdniuBn; sb >ut twenty have h vud livc-niiil tax for Ashland precinct made us a \i"it la-l myself cured. 11. gralitud«- for which I ioako this acre« fenc<«d: Lus a good spring of er business and runs a d laud, ; 1 ‘on a> mghtuab n and specif 1 :t i*! Myer. Htei in fact die<{ from 1'. 1 believe Cuticura ton acre« of m good young orchaid hi d a nice I saved L--r 1st- My arms, bteast and joung vin“var»i; two dwelling-houses, three good Win Byb • e olb r- f ■«* "ale 7’«h fat m'l'b 1.4 a mudd < , but it w.d m»t be ot li< ad were cover»*«! for thr--«« \»*aifc. which noth- spring!»an«i two go»Mi wella on the p ace lb»-re sheep, whie h h.:vr : »t Fern shear«-«! sii. « x-r« | ration. iqk relieved or cured until 1 used th«- ( sr <-ura will bv b«»l»i with thia farm a large amount of spring. Mgriculturai implements and some household R»*s«»lvent F W. BROWN. Fudctt A F o ; v !< t , «>f th« :nw furniture furniture; ala«» «ome garden tools All go with 12 Mull Bt.. Bro.iklyu, E. D . N. Y. Dr. P.trk, I store, are »i»»ing a g«n«»i business. They al W.. < ' :-iii creen, (h<‘ plac«‘ (HMxloutMde range for at«x*k. Price, J H. Whitman o' Mr»tf»»rd, the w ell- «.t B.g Bum w ay s lva«i. for ihn f5.•’’«'■*; half cash, balance in tw«» equal yearly ■ n » t ■ le W l‘ k:,'”n abstracter, was at the «muri honse Eczema on Hands Cured* payments. to draw legal intereat from -4sy of rv.il is. - Io d.l. i J IK k-o!| »v I Lt n ''I n t w i » gii 1 usiiits" on«1 day thi" wct*l». I wo year* end a half ago Balt Rheum broke sale, to bes,‘€ur. F. Vai e ' e i he i f r ><;- .’s, Htt» : Gtl by trrr.hl“ l’rùing, Hbd grad­ »»t I«., has be- i troubled with Kcz -mn fln hia H rm M r>. J . J. Fryer of Eagle point is visit- u |»ronii>t3 to bv She was nearly thre»* year- «»f age and a ug her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Green of fa cous.ty , - a«*roH . . ■ ••••■w “ the in.- lvui . it «ivo. A. Whitm-y. thank you crou^-l f< r »h’-rn r.’i.d - luBd.ng t., ihn Bii Butte i publisher. —- ■ --- ..... ■- ■>, »«i w mill. .n i i i. rajiaM« va.uR’ue «•:.: • i’ *-------1---- *- J W Ab X MS. Ncwaik. Onio G W. Lance of tirai.t s Pass pai l h « G..v< r. ment title, rhe \\ • a:« very much pieasv l to st» Dr i :« id »»pj » de l.ert«» va»*ated. •>wi..*r ih out <»f the ►fate and the laud will be i:.ai.y » LI iru n Is in thi“ s« ct 1« 11 a visit the Sr-ld «- v < tj - w !.••!'». Price, < uticura, 5de . S»r&p, sold for tv« dui la re per acre. cash. A bargaiu Pry ’»■. ttie skilie«t physician h»id surgton, j forepart of th«- week. : .- it» *■ i j ♦•ri:.!vi;| ».k .i e F M Li. Beatty has gamed a r«‘j utatn n as turn« 4 io Kerb\ ville. i ;.♦•) ft-. «• p”: 1 c i h. the "tate printer, g<—.5- illustrations ;u.d I'n le tunonials. Two hundred and forty aeree eighty acre» a dtst iple L»f 1 the m inly art’’ is w«-.l a- a' i • Lx k". n\ . • *ilvcr i jrnet band - ■md .1: v- ry n it and convenicn’ fe: ce«l and lucultnat, improved >1U With , ncio ari©»' ». Wm Patti rson, the «-ffi ;<•« t ’oad sup« r- r A Q V Q ‘ *kU: i*l {l *x -‘d' Knock b«*..uii- bearing . rcha:d of hr ion; b.ni retted Mount $70. The » xpvi.s ... a-sorted fruit tr,*« . a T!»»» n'bhh st and l it«--t "”. i»*s of hats, I real c“iatv agent, lie bvlieye" hi visurof A"ti.an L made the Ti mi . s »«ffi« v a D AU I 0 : - d by < lit irui.i Musi i-at ed Soap. ’ mg «111 1 ight out.” wr re tpiit« heavy. 'twcll'i-L ’ -hiHin ’ . a barn and ,*th#r outhouaea. -hilts, .i,- Kt it;.», i'.'.iT", c:Hl-, "<»:irf pins. pl« asant cull yesterday. I».. •’reams «»f water ruu tl.nmgh V.ia place. It F»«r -ale at a bargain a <*o?y dwelling J K Pitney, who has been speniling the (< i.i: * • ■ - e-e., iu s . :th»'rn <>r«‘g«»ii Is RUM-eptiblo of being divided mtn two piece». David Payne of Ashlami spent Sunday h >.i »ays at Grant's Pas.“, returiid t» ■analw.' vs ‘ c found tlie S. F Vaiiety ■ Imus«- not far from tlie center oi the town «•T one hundre«l ar.<| twenty acr • each The in town. He i" conducili^ ’ a butchershop ' ■•1 M«dior«l. 1’or partic uur“ «ijquire of R Dun&muii la* 1 w, vk St -re. < ali an d see i»»r vuiir t-ives. north half of thia place is unimproved. If a«dd there, and is doing well. • "It ii the mucous membrane, that wonderful in «•! « lot pric»« f XVi.or a trifle over t*s por acra. 'The re'd pr ipertv belonging to the estate . 1’. Law*ton. real-estate agent 1>. I. M »«> lv. the «rvangelist, pa“"Cquibs" erred last week m g vinif “ «me tin• ugh ti.«* v.»la \ .vu r- utv to >an Francis- of th.' <;$ • f the air ar: I food paesa#»*, that Catarrh lh“ other 16«: acres at $2 .V'l^racr« government « o, a t«-w «la} " i:p>. 'm Ashland, was w.ild by the ■ of the candidates for town « ffi » rs. ( asb- ma»iv us a call un Tuesday. He i.s well ; ■ Mies and mak« 1- t -tr«»s ¿hold. Once <•stabhslxsi.it eata in- ¡•nr“ hour mile« fr«.m Central Point railroad I leased wirh hi* l«H*a!ion. E. ins. 1 Svurdav, ami I ler V ovter «»f »lie hank was n t it » aii«1i G. • E Y xb •’ As’Lan I i“ ailing with guardia i. H ; to the vitals, ar d r<»»’d-rs lift- but a loDg-drawn station 1 ide perfect. B. F. D»>wvll tarried here this week Hi lir«»ath of misery ar dd•*»•»»•«*. dulling tho sense a tx iv.ip .«tl- lion—n >t one oi »he earth, bid III I v < ». G.'. iiar l .-if >7-»•». A goo 1 prive 1 date lor au vt'.i :ng, alllmugli he wou.d m ike is on I' s was to Washington, D. <’ ia f • c u k’. t r.m;:n-< ;■ g th-- j ■ w-r <»! . h. d«< No. 8. as 1» iilh-ged i»y so in*. Mi”- rs G- •■Ltd an M d’-r »«f Calilornia ■ 1 good otli 'er. "tro r.„ ’ h.-faculty of «••neii. tainting the Lrv«Ph the Southern Pacific r utv. ’.ir-’.-.g a to ■ m ,- rv it A’liland. A farm of u» acre*, improved w uh a coaifnrt- Fish, r'" nru st >« k tii-:“! be * »1«! re/ard pr..y«> fhe late John Nolan 1 was a iin nib. r ««f 1 .»mi kill.: th»» !• ' , ,.» ,»1«» <n 1 , t' th im 1 .:»"«j•«•.• t ,»ls l»,-lor» but w »••!♦■■ A. O I W. ;,t tn. time of hi" o tr--:n a sinipie cobi in Mu-.lw. «iib h In mg eprin« near the dwello a. One ha> t i h-a«l ' a-< rm. r«(uriied fr« in Yr» Ka. < al . v -.-a. Nu.iL ■ ar«- simply pt<»cr »stiba'ed sufferings, loading t • phV"ir!A!is, performed an op, ration up«m they tate b«*cn vis;m g in» lids. >. tu Several r,-“i-ients of A“!iian4 have b-.- n ar Ì a fatal t«-rmination. Sa ford's Radu a! cure, by A y.t<»d ¡.lin e of 160 acres, improved with Jus. Downing. W T Lcevcr nini I the six-year olii son of Frank Galloway, "uflering with "pinal meningitis recently, Inhalation hi d by Is t» inai administration, hui tfood iz-v rrttidencr. ham ar d granary; about Downing of ( ’ entrai Point precmct who has been sulhu-ing with meiiibranetni “ but are ail recovering. 1 nev« r falle»! ; « v< u u -n the du« a«v hr»« made sixty acre«» fered, wifi, an orchard of about one croup, it is not often that tracheotomy is here last Saturd iv on land businc-is. ( frightful inro-vta on didicat»'1 cuubUtulions. hear Luii'lr»*.! HSH«>,t»*<•« u visiting his uncle. .1 lie«'«* iuterre«! there during H"-*, wiHi t hr»-e < arEon, thoroughly r,-tilting it ami mak­ i’ott.'r Drag A ( l-unscal Co., Boston. E Smith of A*h!and. A brick hou».e anil large lot in Jacke«»nville, ♦•xi < pti«>:i". were re-i«!erits of other p«»r ing many mi| t•:v,-m»>i.?, He has supplied who has been «put»* >i«*k at Ashland, is r«‘ the bar with th«* tin» >t win« «. li«piots and covering. His brother, Paris, is with him. with a Rlabi«. A «’onifortahl“ home, anti (ith* Henry Van Hchns. a nep! r v of IL-rmai. HOU" «»f • oiKlit- ;. Oregon. P« rf. «1. Price. ; |j«<« cash ar.i bfiUnoe in clear", and a lin • hidiaid tabla » an also I»«- I . J. Harris, the aiTaldti ag» nt of F c<’k- IL n s of Javk.sonvi le, arrived fr»>:n >an L il "U gran 1 n and Strain: ami WiakuesM» ' . ncsR. 'lh A rec, nt t .wn c!e« ti.»n was hotly con ­ vihr, .-i:i»l g» t the bigest bargains ever of- the Lc-t nr w-i'.-i, -r or p.-rioda al in the Xu. 11. Wm. Stuart, a well known business man I ni'"d >L»tes for the price of one. call or tested ami non» of the vu»<,e"siul camii- irrt'i in “«’tilhern Or«*gun K'-I k ' v 1 in mitint'- by that niarrulout» A romfortab’« frame L ounc in Jar km >n rill« lat«*s got a i ng«- in.»! »nty. About 175 < f Gobi Hill, mad«- ti“ a < a I her«* I ur «lav Ant .• t ■ Pain h i U t . ithi ion hix I f »r sale . r rent <>n rsanonablo twinis thro»- ro»mm The up.- 4ne court will again «-onvrno on seii l to th» TiMr.w office. votes ft« re polie 1. Th ■ fo.L'wing is a sum­ ’ »kn*«-. tho t ’utun.rH Anti-Bain r.- 1 kitidien; locatml on Third str«*»-r. and has a Cr.:’:'!■ I'.' ptin* in the sforuar!» an«! mary of the result a «l»-,-li»n«i bv the He r. ports that p'a»e in a flourishing cur­ Y vB \V the 1 »th w li«-n >■ veral » as« s ai'pe ilvd from I’im-t rs i • tir.-t and «mly pair, kii good W’ ii of w«b r at th»* do,.r. with al) n«H'ettM<. h"We:". « ¡1« L * i imirbu- an | diarrh«» t are judg«-s <4 th«- »■'«• Hoti . Mayor, I . A Webb, ii ithUl tbis «Ii tri'-t wi 1 be heard \ Mil . h«-i..i - j r Fsp« v- ry QiitnouH»v. Will !»«• sold cheap, rr the own»*r Al« x Blakely of Rock Point an 1 Sand« r- I1:'’» •■P’ '■ !■• m im-ntlv ! ".afely cured ss; W < 1 .»wfo-d. s; ; coun«'i!rt nm, M. I’ur- ' tally mlnpH'li. -n* e«a»ly irli»*v»< nn in « a-’ t : i Oregon and has no further uro tor >-ti l the IT me - t«> ,v«»nr frirn H East, or i>y . I.. ' . ini '• ■ < oh'- ('ll. »¡«Tn and lm. * <»n >mith. the mining ex 1 e; 1 .ft « 1 v in town sp “ < ‘ «ldy Th !,i t i -y ;. 1 l. ’ mnn«- Pairs and the piojH-ri) W. blmg.-r.'j » 1». 1 Law ton. M )t any « ll:» r p. ice. it answers bvt:«-r than D .’-rJ a ¡b ,i. iv. > >ld at City Drug ¡A. ('bilders, S3; Win. Tlrnh, >2. .1. W. ■ n S.ii'nday am! | a 1 th» ir many frit nd." a '.Veakn--. « W.«rru ’«4 ve-tly sup»T«<>r mail I i.i tiic ,’ tt« f" you can wiitr. V • •flit-, ¡-la»», rs At a ! »iiiiK'gis’s '.‘5 <■< r.ts, «>r. :<». 12. «• am! 1-v F.n :el B. •" . i’horiiix. »all I > ior . >1 »i. \\ . I-Hji s, s<«( recorder, B The circuit court, after coiitirriiH.g l!»e t poking«' fr« «- of Pet1«T Driix ai d Ciicimral Co . A g«hnl little f.-uni <»f V, acres near Anti»»ch Mrs Jacob*., daughter of Hon. ‘ >. Jaeobs H«»st«»n. Ma»», l b«* | arfic* npj nh‘ I by the countv j W 1 ’"W «1 1 > \\ ait on. 77 , mar"hal. ! • ' limin j that it was imprar- enue i »i » irrying on the t«»wn g»»vei nment A married danghter of A. lutz of Little, In i!i" ' 'll- •><',. t : of t',.. s-.... ,,f Oregon, for 1 it It-perfect. t«.l, at the 11 \v town < f Tolo. t!«-abl»*. . ami th-- matter has been droppe«! shall be raised by li< en«ing the business Butte prceiiut, who has i>«'<-n v siting her! the < «»unty «»f J^cknnn Nu. 13. Th« S. F. ‘'Examine!” 1* the b«*>t pip«* *t r «»f 1 lie «'b«:U«» of I’h'uiiRs F. Boat! for the * pre "«nt. houses or by direct taxation. jarents, returned to h< r home in Nevada' la thv A n hiri-ble I mm I j «»f g«>.» ir sub «!"'•<-.-»«" <1. For th a "hurt time since. .‘ÁS‘ * *»“!”•“ SE•* ««f HM-L h «‘C33. fpX4 "< . 'ptions it tin* 1 imi office. oll« I IS HI'.REBV G1V r N TH \ j 1HEAD- M 8. o4 1 lie town c «» ii . h i I . in canva-sing the \ <>te th»* NW >4 <«f 8W and the SW1» of call at tie N II Spcnc«-r of Grìììu creek, cue of our imt.i-.iiR» >r of th - (»"tat.* «»f I’l omas F. SW K L. I \\ ■ i"t at the .at«* election, dee ded that tlie w. c 34, tp34 S. R I W . thebWl-4 of NWT 4 sonvilh* ¡1.1 B’-dl. <1 -•*as«*n. his final Recount ns t»:i I »t tii.it had b»*en voted, ami proceeded \ « "t«-i day . IL Lil, I v iim-hed Lnihiitig u nuc I i aduumb(rat«»i, an«» by <»rd»*r «if »-aid e.»urt NEI 4 ot Nhl-4 m * c 4. tp 35 S. 1U \\ . .»JJ.57 arie* fart i»n in it!l. and lying m Pl'vivant creek pr«s inct to c«»unt. tlie same. This gave Judge Craw • brat ,i.» \v resith ik - c . Tu» b«lay.t h" 5th d.iy <»f F«-b: uary.lWty.at th»* Imiir Jarkb«.n ize his connty. Price. ^15 per acre. > pla<*<- ami for«! one inure vote for mayor, or 8s votes <’.ipt. Jlarrv Clark, Mose Waller. Jos. «»f |ti o'clock « M..iM &«•» for ».t aring. Ail pwr in al! . the ex.u t number w tii« h his com­ < ii".".(in, A Emanuel, Brown» 1 ami Wihon a«»iih iiit»»ref»t»*«i «.«• 1.« rrlr. mitifie,! to app«*ar an I I No li R«am«A A White ar«- m w s«!!ing »'IT petitor. i A Webb, had rc »ive«l. As the hi« or her objection* t>- »-nul account act in during the week. 0:1 ir t|... n ufh |,alf t|i» ...ulL.a-t .pinrl.-r Pti!»;ish»'«l l»y <>r«l«r of lion J . R. N «1, Judg-* St. P.itri k " Pil.s, F«>r",i!r at < itv Drug freight, in«l i««r lhe n»-xt ’¡«»»lavs will off« r the matter of a tie vote, two ol the mem­ ■ of Kiui court ». ■' tl..' -...iith.-wt Uimrter of th.' M.utl.wHrt utiarl M.sws K«»sa (» a!\ in . .Maggie Casey am! lia r ri« : 1 b.ir_rnin«<. This is a genuine bers anil the ir.avor ca-t their voi« * in fa >t«.r»-aud Eli o«d Bios .1 h«>*nix. "r.f...... Hix.an.l tnn nnrthwt .pi.rter .,f R‘N’1 RIAL!.. t • • Mary’.s 1 ■ ah' ■ -'ii'-. end n > »’li-tak«*. "The v< r of Mr Crawi »r«l ami two voted f.»r Mr Urrie \\ .: ltu* iit.rt I.w.-wt ,,iiart<*r of .r. f i<>n ».'veli, ,j. \• I'.«1 torr.tor of saui «»Hiato. IVter Her.d'- ■-•»•> b is retire I from th. ;»r i'/fi..- I'll Iditlg is in t’x- catiu ar.id»'niy, spent th- holiday.-#t theirb >me ' so Webb 3 . .outli . ol ratitf.* 1 a■ -t. in Ja. k,on conni) r.>i . Dttt.lJan 1»>. 1-y. I ,'.«• .!•!•• r w l .< n d« • lar«»d th« in J<<: < pli.nc (ounty. bakery at A-hlaiol. ¡ ii . I hi" partner, J I ttui.int: lL'iacfw. l ’ ncc »15 per wre. » all at: I s ' I r ursclf. ii «- a mayor all* «-»w.iiirl th» cirtiii- i Wt-xler. v ul rmitinu»* the Easiness S’nator <’<*g-wel! and wife of I.akexiew Dutard - Sp ■ ri i< an absolute cure for N«». 13 W. *E Bosfwb k h is return«*»! from lb *=(•- all < ruptive «lis» a-»*“ of the* skin, such as < ,t'»* «»I r.i iio.-i. Mr \V< I. » .rid his fri» n I- pa ’■«■oiue -mt in» ii . n, barber's it« h, ring worm, "cal»i roui<- to >. It in, wh« re they wi l remain | In tlie ni-i’ter « f th«- «*"tate of J» I n N«dand, O'ist. tmw«-ver. am! pi«»|» emitt sHng the mat ­ containuig b»acr--s and la mg in c U r « timber land near the Klamath river. d»*cri»i»» p«-mliug the winter «L-rsigti'J lets Í a iij i'it.'J by the county of nil kinds indebted to ,,nid oAtat“ ar»» reqil“At- This rrn « dy is becoming so well known l'”ìft numboro»! »»no and tw»« of section 31. in turn out to b • a iLst-rla-s bilk, has been B. Eggleston ami his newly-wedded ! All t<> M.-ftL' th»« ".»it!«' mine at« ly.nn,l th«'*■•• lav- tt'Wr.hhip 35 Routh, of rar go 1 went; ah«, th«* l«»t taking .. -erii'"- n - in (his section f«»r ami mi popularas to m*e«i no special mt n brn’e left .VlilaiHl last we« k lor a trip ’ ingc!aims auait>1 ih«> i ^ jh « wdl pr mnnlM»r»M| thi Ke» n»» wm-t.containingln her, h l‘nc<* <» •«’ ar»» th>- h-jrgains which a**.- being enurm. *». ■ •»* wh«» pay him anything nev­ sin/ If ■ - i.* ' i praise. A purer May I appui« s» ai ii i ru"p« rity I «• th« 1rs. ty. Or«#«on. with tl,.- proper vouch«*n« ntta«*hed. per acre. itit-di«-Inc «b».•" r..i| » xi"t ai d it is guáran­ i R ft While's '•■.«• in er s«'u the 1 i| « rs thex think they nr»* sub within six inou’l.“ from the first publication «»f No 17. Ja- i. ouvu'e. D»»n t fail 1<> »all ami ste. M. x Ma V er f«i n.< riy representing I’d una : tins notice. te« d tod«» all that is claimed, l.t- tiic scribing for or th» ir m<»ney, either. '! \RGMlFr NOI \ND. Bitters will cure ;»!| diseas«”« of the liver Bros, of ba 1 Fraiieim-o. is now conducting , A < «»thf<.1 table frame honnewitii a very large i i e fme>t ami r. »m ph-tv-d line of wedding The »•»■».<< n- •• i ad’nini"trat’«r «-f the estate per h«»tt:,- at all drug st,»re* ty - pr dm r . whi«L he v. di exhibit in the ui «ler ... ;>o*ri ”d La" b«-» n app«>i::i»-d by the tain.iig 11:>«> .,c,»-f.; mid Jai.df.in M c»i<«n« 1J, 14.23 "fork thither. F ¡r.niH.y . «-ourt of Ja«*kso.) <■' ui;»y. l iegon, -itting 21 and 2. . in townehip S5 south, of rang«’ 2 west’ >• I «-.« ». • 1 1, hi*“ complete«! , m i ’ i«»' !.nte, a’ :r d ’:<«!.tic u«-l ' ntois. dereaM d. Hr. < k j re» inct w< r<* tioi »st land should be s<»l«i m one body $»i por «-• >ii of b- |»a.S’?d up'iii nt t tu­ /»/’ 0/ .Sir, p \d !• T'on- .• «<••*•* d t» sa.d «'*t;.fn i . ti * re- acre is ti •• ¡.rn If sold in »¡urntit»es not less F.d. t’.x* probate ile I Dr. Flint*'. Reineiiy, lor toe nian or flip »*«>' liter n ports <1 to sitrlo the rnm diRt> i. . and 1 qu< :• »-an 40itcr«Hat $hit«> per acre accordingto io vei 11 "in 1« c. I 1 »uit « f <*:mo“. I. S';u \ • f Ashland wa" n this vicinity pricin' oJ a» ks:,n «-«»ni'j. which will n •’ «»nlv p.- • nr»- t'.* Lie ' me «n • ■ » •aking p.nv ; proper r vouchers alia«................. _ __ __ tuenths ___ voucht.Ts aîta<-h»«l, withiu tii cured by a n ortgag»- on th«» prvuos.*e. T'hiw land a f«-w •1 ‘ V, since . I«» »king i<»r cii “ t«Hiiers m -"t faithful frr nd I is Ore.:<>n "•»«•| .i'tn wli p.*« v«-n a grm-rai hrcakin mn «»f tl ir notice. Trv \«»ur i" mostb si.ghto rolling clay Roil, and it, among l««r nine.tii c Ilcrefonl bill s whii h is all he fr«»;n tho tirnt pubJica’ PUGS I .« It is s|‘«-« i lily I adapte«! to doftiiut th“ "vst< m !’» » nptive Inali M (ENIERfl. the best fruit land« in Jackson county. I La- • -i < ut of a carljad he received from )'• ■ Uiiar to «leli •-ate -ypuiiis. i witli va»*h lM»tt «• ; «•’ nd L e “ Mack Dm Administrator of said osu.te. Illinois "«vvral weeks ago, Dated Jan. in. 1 ks 9 ma 1« w ¡th«» >ut leaving any Co . N. Y. No. 19. •it, r-e!Ir«-tR. « < >rejol.| bv E. C*. I» rooks. He will re­ Wihon « N» w No. with all th» latent im­ been in Jacksonville lately No. M __ '■ ientiln* authority —The Journal provements. whit*h ha." I»een ti“cd but very main in southern Oregon I»?r a wh’lc. OFFKT OF THE OFFKT. THF. T T» o W.W W5 T f .K«S .E« s I K. / •iv M«-d; me de Paris reports the meeting little, is otF,*r«*.| for s.-de » heap For fur­ J ac K hoxv howiî I î .I . i F. E. Orem».- OrPizon. ’. Jan. Jun. ¡U. lu, I*n? l-n? Ç lAiul in .erti..!. M.tovn.hip »5 M.ath. ran«o ! OTH I IS HEREBY (»IVI \ IBM HIERE '* "■'• '•!•<• of a - < i-ty « .imposing some of tlie most ther particulars enquire at th»: T ime “ nf. in .«rfion. si »r.d th. w.nth tmlf Sorirty Mrt tinge. are now funds in ttin to«rn treasury for tho ol —.-lu.ii Sii. t<>«n>hip ,-.J ...ufh, r.n.e 1 weat di"tincui"l’.e«i plivdi-ians in Paris. M. office. • r« «I« niption of all warrants against th«* sanie, in. coniRinm. lVnncr. i »11 tnncrd witb » k-...HirR.l Peter Fremii the Grint county la ml Duardx r- B’T jiih < al'ci at’rnt <>n to the M «Ross.—Warren Lodge No. 1») of Jacksonville f.'nr.' uid ruiii. ... H.,k.n« r.T.r Will I .■ rn« «*tA’ Hch Wednesday evening at or pnwedirig rliidniß th«» follow .ng king. p. < nt to .'•ah-m on*» «lay L*i"t week, on great use - Pond's Extract After de Namb»*n, 2Í»7. !». .Tti»*,. 321, agì. 33s. r|" Ao’ire. 1,1 «'•'•«'.»uit purcha»er..and nti.rKe.no. the full muon; AsUffind Icnige No. JH on l lmradAy bus»««-« «»men.; r ,100 «.f hi^ p<»""P-- »■r I'r: __ 11 ; ( Xj't THin nt“.',»• >’>«>■<«• highly of its : 344. 317. R6I..V. , 3Ü3, ,W. < <»r«hng to lh».*Mdectio!;B ina« I h . All ¡ erfüll« arc hereby f«>rbi than ever. I. O. O. F. Jacksonville Lodge No. 10 nv-et* m «1 fl rent hands show no s ah at all, and I.H'I font, four r..om», fir « recently thr »wn «»ut of his wagon, near •i-n it.1 f “< ib. rhe ainotint, of «cab in ui«»etH at JB«*ksonvill«» on «*v« ry other Tuesday rv JIIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR BALF. 750 work.-fioi. and viad-houan; Uu-rw under fence 'It Iford by a frau*ious young team, is » .»ri­ th»' m ar?’ >ong« « ibim'." that in another yt ir it will iM arh.-s. thn land being well adapted for fruit Moielay evening. H»»j»<* Degree ¡/>r sot « r . 0. W.—Banner Lodge No. 23 inerts every l^rtire wishing to purchase any of the above ar. l t«e!? 11 > ««i s <«r-.it» 11 : Li i- jn*t t'n ill'-".« it r>ecemher being several hun- tfrrrrCe.r«* ofTPr«» Iho br«t In'.lucfincntM other Friday evening Ashland Lodge No. »W. on For Street Coniiniïaioaer. lands, can Etop off nt Medford, where they will the fire» ana third We«ine*day evenings of each be mi t at the railroad depot on the arrival of mr»l«-i in » to purify your b! »0 I and give yon dr» d <*■ t-- m -<• than «luring the same n«li erf lier**. Onr liwt ta prlitcipnHy month train« by Mcvare Wrisiey and Goddard, real strength. n. •■i»b i'i l"-7 A great deal of husineas is THE I NHEliSIGNED KESI’ECTFÜLLY AN ewtate win» will convey them in good 1 nonne«* hoT»*elf ne a candidato for ra <*m next s’ 1- d any of the lands 1 have for fa I o , free of ■ tn»n as Str»ot (’»'inm-Msiouer. subject to then-ill Iwcnfl!«*!n Philnd«-1i>hls Mu»n!ay. to tra'i ’ K t its bi -nnia! duties. Ore - >:i. at I there are but very few of our fiJrw. nt'i rrwHlirv. charge for conveyance H1J.ABJ DAY. a« the Advrr . H mníucnn ________ • <*f t»»-vuterB nt th«» coming t-iwn clee»i<»n. JuckbouMne, Oregou. Ost 25, lbb» Ja- k-< n county’s legislators are a!rea«iy on re-.de’i’" ft Ho«!«» not make at least a cum- ILJuu Agency of - Jtem '* »1«« ARrngy j U1LL1AM EAfON. ortabla living. ■ hotild |Ake note of tlii*. uur autboYuea aguato I Jacksonville, Jaouw 10, the ictrie •>i> rm. nr REAL-ESTATE Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I I REM. ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY Notary Public and Conveyancer. Fast Mail, Express or Freight place the advantages presenter! by our store wiftiin quick and easy reach uf customers living hundre»iA of miles from ¡Sacramento. Think of what that means I IT MEANS That your orders will be filled from tho largest gen­ eral stock of merchandise on the coast, and as caw­ felly as if you were present to choose for yourself. The privilege to return, at our expense, anything not as ordered, is a guarantee that the style ani quality of the goods will be as near right as wf know how to have them. ECZEMA CAN BE CURED. IT MEANS That you will get the benetit of the lowest market prices. We have facilities for buying which few merchants anywher«- enjoy, and the result is that we general)y « fleet f«r customers a saving of frouj 10 t<> 2 > per cent, ft e have but One Price, and all goods are marked in plain figures. IT MEANS That if not already provided with a copy of oyi large Illustrated Catalogue, that it will pay toYcuJ for it. l*ree to aiiv address. UlEINSTOCK. UUBIN & CO. 400,4°2, 401, 406, 40S, 410 K S treet , SACRAMENTO, CAL. Fancy Goods Cloak«, Drcxs Good..., ¡«omp.tic, < lothinj. Fnmisiilnf Goods, Motions, Mat-, Shoe-, Millinery, Trunks, Baby Carriages, Household Supplies, etc. FRED. O’BRYANT JOHNSTON CPTICALCO'5 • vi*’’« ' - F t Tt t Nl CS JEWELER IND OPTICIAN T5fdford, Oregon A Word About Üaîzrrh. KIDNEY PAINS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, PLATEDWARE, ETC., ETC. Grand Central Hotel. MEDFORD, OREGON, AI A lilt EN rI 'TV TV < >, Proprietoi FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR. rl?«'niiM Si. Si i»O n»i«l Sü Per I>ay Special Attention Paid to Coniuiercial Travelers. *^8 N JNO H.OENTLEY, Pres.«lent. W. I. VAWTER, CMhier Jackson County Bank Ob’ MPIDF.OHI), OREGON N N Does a Genera Banking Business and Bays and Seis Eastern, Domestic and Foreign E.vhage. Comiedwns a Specialty. Money Loaned. OVERLAND TO CALITOIWA CATARRH VIA COLD IN HEAD The Mt. Shasta Route rime b»*twe«n Madfurd and San t wenty-f,»ur hours. Franciac»» < Af.iroKM A FXI-RXSS T I.AIA*« Kt N PAll 5 IL TWEEN l’OkTLA.ND AM» SA.N IKANClfcCO. South. 1 4iiû r m . _____ L’Mtve Portland ________ Lnv- I 1: ■ 7 M a M. Iz*av»» Medford lx*av»* .*» 1-. m 7 45 a m Arrive San Francisco leaved:» r. m LOCAL PASSKNGKU CTUlNb l’AIl.Y. KXCEPT8CN1XY. R m » a . M. l/**ave Portland Arrive b It I-. S. U;4't r. M. Loare A 11 .a I j Ix-HVP 11 ; 5 A. ■ 2 €•’ p. *t \rriv»* Eugene LeaV« 9 j (O a . m . Try the Cure Ely’s CreamBalm Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al« lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Restores tho Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, for accomuMMhtion of 8<*cont of F street. I West Side Diviaion. BLîWEt.X pmutnt « <>U% AlLh MAIL TRAINS DAILY ( EX < F Pl KI’NDAY. > 7¿Ui V. M. Leave 12:25 p. M Arrive Portland < orvallo» Arriv« I i i ■ IxMtve 1 ¿X» p. M A particle to applied ftataaaeb■ae u tl m 4 to aar«eable. Price AOe. at Dracstote ar bw mail. ELY BKOTHKRMS WanwSL Tovfc. FNORTHEM SHOW! NJUffn ANO SUM Are acknowledged ths best, being hardi«^ mors productive and yioM bstur «vpa. FINK ILLV8TRATKD OATALOGC1 At Albany and (>»rvidlit connect with traine of Oregon Pacific Railroad. i kxra^ts THAIX*DAILY T wji D at .) 4-50 p M I Leave Portland Arrive V JO a . M. R^X) F. M., An iva McMinnville L hhv 5:45 a . m THROUGH TICKETS .to all points SOUTH A. EAST, V i A CALIFORNIA ---- X \» Rath"thl;' Che«»frt COLLEGE. _ _ _____ _ P m II m «, Or»<»a. i’.'H.'vt «-qitipii.t i 1.11,. ...uh »iniluetion, Miau- For information regginling rat“». map«,“tc..call II ;. h I rrpiiuiinii.frrou.u:: iMuularlty. «w/wa* on Company’* agent at M<*df«»id 4.'. rlhanti. Ci-mmon S: FwuuMg IL KOEHLER. ‘ E. F. ---------------- ROGERS. nenia. Stud'-i’î» a