1 iUJálUkl 1UU..1 Oc.ikiuoíraticlimts 0íratií8imw» b«d mtt Thursday morning! by ADVEBTI81XQ AMD JOB WOKX. 1IME3 PUBLISHING COMPN’Y kdvartunneots vil b. ÍBWrt«> is th. T isis .1 U>. followm« rata. : lenlin«., one ins.ruon.......................................... »1 10 “ “ Meh «abwqBent lOMrtion........ .... 1 M> 19~ Lessi utvertiMmeoto iBwrted rwsoasbly. A fair reduction from tbe abov. rat., made to rwrll.Dd time advertia.ro. TH£ TI1U8 JOB OFFICI ia mor. oomplata by tar thu otbar is Bo.tb ♦ OUI. NtCKUX, Mltor. __ ____________ __ ______________ ___ 11- ----------—L ■ . X NUNAN, SPRING! 1888 SUMMER! J. Jacksonville, Oregon, GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION Is now offering Special Bargains in Fall labrics, Manufacturing Company’s 56-ineh Tricot Cloth iu colors; Iron frame, Invincible, Black Alpaca, double fold; Silk and Wool Henrietta Cloth; Check Mohair dress good«, yard wide; Oriental Suitings. I will give OF NEW WINTER DRY AND FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, BETTER VALUE FOR LESS MONEY FURNISHING GOODS HITS, BOOTS asi SHOES, TOBACCO, GROCERIES. in all wool Cashmeres than any house in Southern Oregon. Cabot W, 44 Brown Muslin, Tp- }>er yard; Whittinsville bleach­ ed Muslin, 9c per yard; Laconia, 1U4 bleached Sheeting, 30c per yard; Wainsutta, 4-4 bleached Sheeting; Fruit of Loom, 4-4 bleached 'Sheeting; Lonsdale, 44 bleached Sheeting; New Calicoes ’ New Dress fiiiiiiois! Olioitp ior (hit-ili! Amo>keag plaid shirting. Cheviot, 14e per yard; Marseilles check shirting, Cheviot; Caledonia shirting, Cheviot. An entire line of new fall Buttons in metal, jet, etc.; Ladies’ Ger­ man, full finished, fleece lined stockings, something, entirely new and verv durable; Misses’ and Childrens’ stockings in black and other col ors, both wool and cotton; Gentlemen’s furnishings in flannel, merino and cotton. Dressmaker-; will tind a full stock of Trimmings, Silesia, Nauiti- keag Drills, Crinoline, Wadding, Whalebone, 1 eatlierbone, Dress Shields, Extenders. Etc. ASHLzkND --------- BUT ONE CENT. tho luiilrctj» of any on«» who might want to HttHii«! <»ur hc I. o «»! during the coiung year and you will d«> them a favor. To Mioh w»» will send our catalogue and circular» uh MORRIS M. HARKNESS, A iTOUNEÏ AMD COUNSELOR AT LAW MEDFOR HA SADDLES AN HR*. BOBES. All Kinds of Repairing Done. MADE HARNESS MARBLE WORKS! J. C. AV HIPP, ORECON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., Cemetery Work a Specialty. IMPORTANT to STUDENTS. Grant's F» m , Oregon. Wirt practice in all court» <»f the State. WILLARD CRAWFORD, ATrq INF-Y AND COUNSELOR AT l.AW. Medford» Oregon Will practice in all the court» of the State. Office in Ha ulin’» brick building, up-at urn. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY A Three Courses of Studb-HorDial, Academic, Commercial. R. »«! our catalogue ami you will tindour plan«, cournes «»f btudy. and regulations. Tell your fn«*n«ta »t»»ut our school ami help us to grow Work for uh A word from you might help us very much. Remember that the FALL TKHM BECUX* Il EH IS»«. wir*. .... $.«) Ot». $¿5 uo. . .. $15 (II. Normal Scholar»hip. ........................ Commercial Scholarship............. i rainingSch«M.»l per year.............. OOUNSEI.OR-AT-LAW, ¡ THE PLACE IktlSOWILlt. MN., Will era tie« in all ths Courts of ths State. Office in the Court H«»tu», first door to the I« ft of en­ trance. SCRATCHED 28 YFARS. OR., Prompt Attention given to all Order* by Mail. LAW, h . íkkct / c BUGGY, CIRRI* : ant-TElM LUCKEY & CO., W. MORRISON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT me This Leather is manafactDreil by a Process similar to that by which the Patcnl Kids known as Dongola arc made. Tbc Points Claimed for it are these: TOUGHNESS—It is almost Inq>o>sibk‘to Ti’ai’,:iBil it will not Crack. SOFTNESS—Whether Col LIGHT WEIGHT—Not being Weighted with Tan- ningMaterials ami Grease, it will not soil a Stocking and weighs Light for the Substance. We carry in custom-made work of the Highest Grade of this stock, a hand welt (men’s) lace shoe, made on the English Wankenphast last, at $5 <10, and a lace shoe made, on the Harvard Boy-Toe last, calf lined throughout and soles of Genuine English Sole Leather, at £7 00. Both arc in seven different insteps ami widths to each size. For 25cts. additional they will be sent charges prepaid to any address by mail or express. Protzman & DeFrance, Portland, Oregon. Ashland, Oregon, Will Sell, Reni, Least and Handle Real-Estate on Commission. A Choice Collection of City and Country Property for sale. daacriptiondoDart B m riuetooo rotea ^.41 a • promptesd trot ntaaam«nner. OUR DETECTIVE SYSTEM. NEW BASEBALL RULES. There are few ¡>erhap8 who fully ap- precíate the magnitude and beauty ol our amateur detective system, and a brief outline of its thorough and compre­ hensive work will doubtless be of en­ grossing interest to the readers of the T hus , and also be an insignificant trib­ ute to the philanthropic individuals who have given so unsparingly of their val­ uable time to this service. What a feel­ ing of protection and security permeates tbe breast of a grateful populace whose every movement is under the faithful espionage of such disinterested generos­ ity 1 How the members of this modern inquisition hunt down their victims with a ¡tersistence that would forever shame the palmiest days of the French revolu­ tion! Under the broad glare of the noonday sun, or beneath the silent stars of midnight, the faithful detectives inno­ cently smile upon their victims; while with noiseless tread, they dodge and climb through dark alleys, over fences and housetops, in cellar andcauseways, as they shadow those upon whom they have sst tlie benignant rays of their en­ lightened understanding. And how often the disinterested devotees of this most matchless science are called upon to sup­ ply an ellipsis in their calculative data from their own fertile imagination! Here again a deligiited people will tie constrained to say, "Blessed are the pure in heart,” for only from such a sublime source could one hope lor equal and exact justice. Think of it, fellow toilers u|>on this mundane sphere, what heroic self sacrifice and self-abnegation it requires to give one’s whole time to the affairs of others. How those who engage in this delightful occupation must forego the care and responsibilities of social and business life, and resist the the seductive slumbers that hover over the jnllows of the just, when sweet sleep invites them to the peaceful visions of night-time. They go forth panoplied in the knowledge of their own goodness, at our weddings and our funerals, in poli­ tics and religion, in public and private life, to carefully guard the interests of others from peace destroying innova­ tions. They glide into tire private office to interrupt the incident that varies the monotony of business life, or peer into the public rostrum to sec that a too confiding public is not im­ posed upon by a "new revised edition.” Anon the fruits of these midnight vigils, or midday harvests, are given to the public in garbled extracts, or glittering generalities; and what matter if, per­ chance, some innocent jierson shall in his guileless simplicity fall into the meshes of their carefully woven network oi insinuation. The patriotic endeavor to do the greatest good to the greatest number will fully assuage the miserable twinges of conscience that would cavil at such justice. Thus would these nine­ teenth century humanitarians, who seek to drive to the wall the gilded wicked­ ness ttiat flaunts its fluted finery through our streets, throw around us the strong arm of protection ttiat our t>eaceful slumbers may not be disturbed by the sleep-destroying vision of evil that stalks abroad at night-time, or wastetli away at noonday. Uur people have been born into this service, nianietl under it, and died out of it; and like "Jarndyce vs. Jarndvce,” still it blooms and blos­ soms, and flourishes and fattens, in all the magnificence of the cliancery court, while the Lord Chancellor sits with mace and seal ever ready to pronounce judg­ ment. And a long suffering community is patiently waiting tbe hour when it shall be swallowed up by spontaneous combustion, or another Uinslopigaas with venerated battle axe, destroy for­ ever its misguided followers. The joint rule« committee of bMebali clubs has completed the largest part of its work. An endeavor waa made bv a few delegates to re-introduce the high and low ball system, but the majority were against the idea and voted it down. The pitcher will be compelled to put the ball over th« home plate, or have a ball called on him. One of the mo«t important subject« discussed was the position of the pitcher. During the [>ast season some players complained that the pitcher waa not far enough away from the batsman, and that a position three or four feet back would be more suitable. A motion to that effect was voted down. Sinoe it was decided that an umpire should stand behind the pitcher, he has interfered with rather than helped the batsman. When the batsman has hit a fair ball, sending it over the pitcher’s head and hitting the umpire, he has no allowance and is compelled to run. The pitcher has only to stoop and pick up the ball to throw bim out at first. To rem­ edy thh the committee decided that a struck ball constituted a base hit, and gives the batsman a base when it hits the umpire. In order to improve the order of pitch­ ing, the committee has reduced balls to four next season. The three strikes re­ main as utual. The rule regarding foul tips has been abolished and hereafter a man will be allowed to run on them. At the evening session it was decided to allow each club the privilege of hav­ ing on the grounds a tenth player, in full uniform, ready at the end of an even inning to take the place of any player. This man would be in addition to the substitute who has always been allowed to take the place of an injured player. An attempt to introduce a new rule, providing that a player, who rune over second base, should not be declared out, was voted down. roBTLAXP. PER, Salt, (loo pounds) £1 00. We luiv Coal Oil by the eat-load and can give very low prices. . t I allow the highest market price for Eggs, Butter and all ’Mer­ chantable Produce. Verv Re-pect fullv, ‘ J. NTNAN. Grant’» Pa»». Or.RoB. Office in Ahlf Baildin«. Front 8trwt. NO. 48. Hay -|10 per ton. ■nd free from scale» as a baby's, j Butter—Quote extra dioica creamery. them was three boxes of Coticura. and three bottlns of Cuticura Resolvent, and two cake« <»f 32@35c; fair to choice, 27;,u30e; store, 20a ('uticuru Hoap If you had been here and said 25c per 1t> A BOOT AND SHOE SHOP you would have cured me for #200 you would Meat—Steady Beef, wholeaale, 2%a3e; Iiayn had the money. 1 looked like the picture Is oonnected with my harness shop Having in your book of Psoriusis (picture number two, dressed, 6c; sheep, 2X<= per !b: dressed. sngaged the servio-s of a fireLclaas ahoemHkor. 1 ‘ How to Cure Hkin Di»«MM*e»),n but now 1 am aa 6Uc; hogs, dressed. T'.^c; veal, 708c, Poultry—Quote chickens. »304. for am prepared to maaafacture boots and shoes of clear as any person ever was. Through force of tae Utwit styles promptly habit I rub my hands over my arms and legs to young, and »405 tor olii ; old duck», »406; My prices ia both det -Tinenta will be quits »cratch once iu a while, but to no purpoee. 1 gease, »507 i>er dot; turkeys, 12,%c per 1b; am all srelk leant chad twwnty.airhf year», and •«Moaabl«. *qdsati"«>a- > ■>*r "♦*•« Fresh Fruits—Sicily lemons, »306 SO. it got to be a kind of second nature to me. 1 thank you a thousand times. Anything more Oregon apples. 650MÓC per box; grapes, »1 25 per box ; pears. 75041 25 per Ixtx. that you want to know write rue, or anyone who s.a > saxcisco . read» this may write to me and 1 will answer it A Specialty. D ennis D owning . Wheat—Quiet; buyer. '8*. »1 6l?t .buyer, Waterbury, Vt., Jan. 20,1887. season,»1 (it, December, »1 57Ji Barley—Dull; buyer, '«8, Sti'w'; buyer, Psoriasis, Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Lichen, season. 96. Pruritus, Hcall Head, Miik ( ru»t. Dandruff. Har- JACKSON VI LEE Oats <•(««! feed. »1 050*1 17 per cental. b4»rs’. Bakers',Grocer» ai d Washerwoman's Itch, Potatoe'. Peerless. 5Oa70; Burbank seed­ and every species of Itching, Burning, Hcaiy, Pimply Humors of the Hkin and Hcalp and lings. *lal 22; Garnet Chile, 6>a75c ; Early Blood, with Los« of Hair, arc positively cur«*d ll-i-e, 0ac per {tound; Good Japan Tea in 5 pound boxes, Al 5n county on first Mondays in April. September «nd Deceiutatr. In Klamath county on second Monday in June ami fir*t Monday in NufAniber In Lake county on the thinl Monday in May and the second Munday in Octob«»r In JoMephine county on first Mondays iu March and August. A . For Jackson county th«» (ounty. Probate and Commissioners’ court» meet every month, com- tnencing with the first Monday; for JoM'phinn County, the first M<»n«iay in January. April. July and September, for Lak«» c«»unty. every alternate month, commencing tho first M«m«iay m January. For Klamath «»ounty th«'first W^huMday in March. June Soritember an«i November PROFESSIONAL CARDS _______________________ _ ----- --------------------- ------ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAÏ.N0VEMBER 29 1888. VOL. XVIII. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. f '..■f a 4 s¿s. ~V . Hold everywliere. Price, Cuticura,.’sir ; Soup, 25c ; Re»4»lvetit. 4 1 Prej»ar»Hi by th** Putter Drug and < hcnucal Co., B<>»t<>ii, Ma»». Send for “How tu (’ure Hkin Di»«»a»e»,“ 61 pa­ ge», 5(1 lliuMtration» and 1 ik i testimunial». ItrHymu» Notre, Liberal Sunday-nchool and Bible CÍ3SS meet« every Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M. al the U. M. L. Hall. Talent ni|y|PLES, blHcklifi h. chap ped ami oily bkin Sabbath «cbool at the M E. elmrch next I I III prevented by Unticura Medicated Hoap Sabbath at 10 a m , J. W. Miller, pastor; T J. ('res*. bU|>erintcndent. Rev -I. W. .Miller will continue to til! his regular appointments as follows: The The di»tr»ja»ing sneezH, eneeze, theacrid, wa­ first »Sunday in each month at Gold Hill; ler} dipcharg«*» from th«* ey«*» and no««ejhe pain­ second Sunday at Central Point; third ful inflammation extending *o the throat, the swelling <»f tbe mu<*u«»UB lining, causing chok­ Sunday at Medford and fourth Sunday at ing wiisation». cough, urging noise» in the h«*»*d Jacksonville a. U splitting iitoidaeiica Low familial theae The follow ing are Rev. G. W. Quimby*» «ymptonif are to tboUHand» who butt»*r penotli. appointments 1st Sunday in each month, rally from head cold» or influei.za, ax.«! who live both morn ng and evening, at Jacksonville; in ignorance of the fa«-t that a single application of (Sandford’» Radical l ure for Catarrh will af- 2 I Minday ar Antioch ; 3 1 Sunday at (»old Hili; 4th Sunday, at 11 o’clock a , m , at fur inetantaneou» relief. But thia treatment in canee of simple Catarrh Brownsborou^h, ami in the evening at given but a faint idea <»f what this remedy will Eagle Point. do in the chronic forme, where the br«,*athing i» The following are Rev. R Ennis ap- obstructed by choking, putrid mucous a ecu mu lationii, the h«*aring aftecte«!, emell and ta»te pointments: On every Sunday morning, gone, throat ulcerateii and hacking cough grad­ excepting the th ird, he will hold services ual!} fastening itbeif upon the debUitated aye- at th«- Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on t« ui. lhen it 1« that the marvellous curative the third Sunday moaning and every Sun­ pow«*r of Hanford’» Kadical Cure manifests it- day evening lie w ill prea< h at the Presby­ no If in iDHtuiitaip'ou» and grateful relief. Cure begin» from the tir»t application. It in rapid, terian church in Jacksonville. radical. jaTmaiH'iit,ecx of Catarrhal Hol- day na Hfttarday before, at 11 a m .; at vent. and on«» Improved inhaler ; price, fl. the Anteioi i Baptist church on the second P«>tter Drug A Ch'mical Co., Boaton. Sunday at 1. o clock am , also the Satur­ day befoie at 11 a . M . ami at Eagle Point in the evening; at the Mountain district school-house on the third Sunday at 4 p. m .; fourth Sunday, at the Table Rock OF FEMALES school house at 11 a . m .. and at the Mulby Ir.wtantly rolier»««) by the Catirura school-house at 4 r. m Sneezing Catarrh. PAINS and WEAKNESSES n«'w. mo-tagr«’•- ai»l<- inrtai taneou« and infallible pam-kiliing pla»!er.wp«*ciai]y adapt- wl tu relieve Female Paine and Weakne»»«*» Warrant«*d vastly »u- penor to all "ther planter», ami the most p«?rfect Antidote to Fain, lnthi.u mat ion ami Weakne»» jet «-«impounded. At all erior and Hudson Bsy. It first touches the Pacific coast about one hundred miles north of San Fran­ cisco. The duration of totality will be two minutes and three seconds, which is about one minute shorter than the general rule. Congress made no appro­ priation to olrserve the eclipse by the national observatory, but several private expeditions will be fitted out for the pur­ pose of making observations of the inter­ esting occurrence. It is only total eclipses of the sun which possess unus­ ual interest to astronomers, and the in­ terest even in these has diminished of late years, owing to the small prospect that new facts of importance can be as­ certained. During the short time of the eclipse a search will be made for the supposed little planet called Vulcan, whose orbit is within that of Mercury, which ultra smatterers delight in styling “intra-mercurial." The T ime ;.« fears that (<«> little attention is paid to the newcomers. Especially is tin« true of the ladle« who have but recent­ M oxvmkxt to S enator N esmith .—Aa E- DoPEATT, ly arrived. There have Invn numerous far back aa MM steps were taken to hare Any person wishing t«> e»ll property will find complaints that the wive« and «laughters of „ monument erected to the ...o memory of it t<» thoir intenwt to call and »e« uh . a ATTOR N E Y A COU NS E LO R-AT- LAW, gentlemen who hare in the last few months , Col. J. W. Nesmith, says the /«depend- located in this se< tion have received ab- A-hloud Ormon. 1 ence IFeel Side. The ................................ laM legislature ap- milutely n<> attention, in many instances --DONK IN— W. L.CASSON. this is no doubt due to their lK*ing entirely propristeii »240 for the purpose. The A. H CAUSoN. Will practice in all Court» of th? State. Office in unknown .but this i« not always so. People monument has arrived and is being Chid Fellow’«* building, up stair». who come without letter« or other intro­ pla<. d over his grave on the old home BONANZA. duction cannot complain if they are not farm, near Derrv. l’olk r<.nnfy. but th* J. R. NEIL. immediately taken up by th«'«c "who have Htatc is not |«.ving for it. The family is Hu miles South of Grant’s Paes, Josephine an established position to sustain,hut when ATTORNEY * COUNSELOR AT LAW. Itearing the total exjienoe and the sum (he respectability and social status of the County, Oregon. —AND AT — appropriated, we understand, will not later arrivals is sati>fa< tory, they should be Jackaonville Oun. be drawn from the treasury. The rea­ ma«lc to feel at home at once and every at­ T kem ' ass on T imber L ands .—As spec­ son is that the amount was so small as tention paid to them bv the o’der resident*. THE LOWEST RATES. Will practice in »lithe('«»urta ofthe State. Of- True gentility should dictaUe this, and the ial attorney for the U nited States gov­ to scarcely be worth applying in the ftc m Court House, eecoud d«»or on right from . n. OATMAN. SUCCESSOR TO J. O. HAM- negh • t of the newcomers can only l»e ex­ ernment. under contract with the pres­ manner intended. Tbe monument is of tj • skerA(’<>. «>f B«>naiisa. Klamsth county. Or., entrance. cused on the ground that they are coming ent administration, J. W. Oates of Santa marble and granite and is sixteen feet —13 AT— ha» pnrcim»ed a larg»» and brst-clH»» stock <»f so rapidly they cannot be sought out and Rosa will begin trial of the ease of the g.wKi» which are now <»n the wav fr«>m P«>rtland. W. F. WILLIAMSON. high with a polished base covering six­ visiteil a* promptly a« they should be* un­ DEALERS IN and will bo »old Ch4*ap for Cash. Everybody i» ATTORNEY .t COl'NSEI.OK AT-LAW. der any other circumsUncea To the ta­ United States vs. the Sierra Lumber teen squate feet. It will mark the last invited to call and examine good» ami prices l»e- instock, consiPtingof fore purcliasinK elsewhere. You can always tind llies of*Jackson county must this important Co., in the United States circuit court. resting-place of one of Oregon’s noblest on hand a full line of Medford, Oregon matter be delegated. The gentlemen are all December 4. The case is important, as pioneers undone whose hand was ever ....................... employed and have .... as yet ................ but little ........... time it is one of the means adopted by the ready to take hold of any public meas­ JACKSONVILLE', ORECON All buMuase in my line will receive prompt at­ Aople. Poar. Peach. for the amenities of life out'ide of business administration to protect the public do­ ure which promised advantage and ad­ Clothing. Boots and Shoes. tention. hour* 1 lhe he good goo«i name Jaeks<»n county lt :;r iiume Jackson l ountv I main from the trespassers of a large and vancement to the state of Oregon. Plum, Prune. Apricot )H . >1.1« n «m achieved < a > *)>• 1 as «> ■ n a n-nrln knnrln.l I wealthy corporation which .... have caused Groceries. Hardwr re pie It have warm-hearted, H. K. HANNA, sociable class must not be permitted to de­ such injusticH to actual and lonafide W hat to T kach Y oc ’ r B ots .—Teach 4TPOKNEY A COUNSELOR AT-LAW, and everything generally to be found in a fir»t- Nectarine, Cherry. teriorate It must I m * sustained and added l’ clKbMCountry Store. to until the very name Jackson county settlers. The complaint charges the de­ them how to earn money; to he «trictly Jacksonville, Oregon. JAS. MORTON, Manager Almond. Chestnut. fendant corporation with having en­ truthful. Teach them shorthand and -hall become a synonym f«»r sociability. Bonanza. April 18 1K8H. croached U|wn a large section of public typewriting, economy in all affair«, to be JU Will practice in al! the Courts of tho State Walnut and land near Shasta county, felled timber I>olite in their manners. Teach them Office up stair» in Orth’s brick. /‘»frrvon’s /or lieermber and converted .. it into lumber. . It ---- is es- arithmetic in all its branches, history 1-fully r«iual t<» the pre«-<»«ling numbers of •. S. S. PENTZ, the v<4uinc. Thi-» < x< vllent ¡»criodical ha» I timated by witnesses that lumber to the and political economy. Teach them, bv (Formerly of Washington City,) excellc«! its« If during the present vear. I value of over 12,000,000 has been taken example, how to do things well. Teach GRAFE VINES. CURRANTS. GOOSEBER­ ■Out With Mo»by’s M« n” is one of the I from the land, and damages are asked them the care of horses, wagons and ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. iuom striking sket< he> to be found among I for to that amount. The question in- tools, and to avoid tobacco and strong RIES, BLACKBERRIES. RASPBER- MKDF0IH». OREGON. the De« < tulicr magazine». It is the ad ven- TOlved Ml whether the lumber was cut by drink. Teach them habits of cleanli­ RIES. STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. ture «•( a boutlu rn I m 1 c. shut up in Rmh agent8 as acla oi willful trespass, or ness and good order; to ride.drive, jump, DEALERS IN Will practice in all Co art» of the State and be­ mond. wh«» managed, bv the ai«i of thi» ! . ,__ r . Jacksonvilie, n«»ted kind, t«» cross the Union lines and I ^(-tber H was done through a mistake run and swim. Teach them careful and fore all Governmental l>»’p»irtmenta. Our trees are cr<»wn without irrigation rice-h»t. AddrcHa to up at Murphy. Jose- »55.IW. for the purpose of carrying on a General Jarknonvlll», Ororon. phinn county. Oregon, or t<» R R Station. «muning story. An Unexiwute«! Reply.” is ceptible of definate proof. Teach them to be neat and genteel in Banking Buaina»" in all of ita branches in Jack­ < harminirly written and illustrate«!, a* is I Grant ’ » !* uhh , Or. their appearance.— Drninan’t Gaztftt. Probate Matter», Abstract of Tit low, (’onvoyan« sonville, Oregon < Iffice at ths old stand of Beek­ the article A Winter Pastime. ” The two I A. H. CARSON A RON rin^. Homestead, Pre-emption and all other man's Banking House, 8. E. corner of Third and TnE citizens of Keno are urging the ..-erials « nd. Mr<. lI«»op»T ami Miss Bow­ us a trial ami judge bumne»» entrusted to rrv». will receive prompt t alifiirma streets. f. ( , nEEKMAN A Bia D eficit .—Frank Mason, Unit­ man always write admirably, but this time proposition to shorten the Linkville- attention. Loan« negotiated. £ ASllI’OLE. «•a«h ha> gone above her average. The Ashland road, which can be done, says ed States Consul to Marseilles, in his re- Office on corner, oppoeitc Court H<»;»«». THO8 G. BEAMES. T. J CRESS. double-size colored fashion-plate make* an ‘‘Peter The Poet" in a communication part to the State Department says the «tUrtivu pi<'ture. and the ««»stutnes arc th«* to the Tiding., by a short cut made wheat crop in France falls 80,824,952 iu«»st stylish we have seen this season. The from Quin Anderson's across the river to bushels short of last year, and that on WE INVITE INSPECTION. ! work table designs afford natlem« for all sorts of pretty and useful holiday gifts. the old Yreka road at a point close to the basis of the total yearly consumption JACKSONVILLE, OR. Peterson” is the most complete, as well Keno, and the thing is done. The road of 120,000,000 hectoliters there ia a total Med Toril, Oregon. K. the !ame»t «teck of as the cheai»est; family magazine in Amer­ itself, stretching over level cleared net deficit of 37,238.488 bushels to. be Having permanently located her«. I «fficr my There has ica. Terms, two dollars a year; 2copies. ground all the way, will cost next to supplied by importation. services to the peitple of Houtb«*rn Oregon. Qihco jn t hildcrs brick block Jlvn street. $3.50; 3 copies, |4.K0; 4 copies, $t».40; 5 cop­ nothing. The lalxrr on the bridge will been an average advance of about 15 Reiiidonu«) mi North Ftont MreeL $8. with elegant premiums to the getter- not exceed 1300, as the timber 6tands per cent, per bushel. There is a duty of Opp. Odc made in the Na­ use without charge. And Keno is will­ tional Assembly next October to eeeure Done in a superior manner and at prices to suit Philadelphia. Pa. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, VINES AND SHRUBBERY thotiincH. I refertothe jobs of painting I have ing to furnish considerable more than a reduction. Mason predicts that the previ«>nHly done for recommendation. Satisfac- Vfeilforil, Oregon her portion ot muscle to the building of present duty will be maintained, and M/iir/* It, Huron or Nhakes/eeare, on the Northwest conet. IGS WELL-KNOWN HOUKK« UNDER THE tion guaranteed. JW- G ive me a trial and judge for yon*se|f. Th«'authorship of th«’ dramatic produc­ both road and bridge. By simply im­ says France alone will need nearly aa n«»w management, will b«» <'«»nbt popular plan», no pain» b«»iiiff Orders left at Merritt's New Cash Store wii’ tions attribute«! to the last of thealw»ve- proving four or five miles of road at much wheat as the United States can Hparud to uiv«» g«»n«»ral aati»facti«»n. It contain» receive prompt attention Walter A. Wool’s Binders, nametl is agitating literary < ircles to the very I Green Spring m> untain, the road can be spare for ex|>ort. T J. CRESS. DR. S. DANIELSON, comfortable td<*«>pitig »(»artment» »upplied with « entre. but affec ts the practical masses far made better than the Montagne road. Walter A. Wood’s Chain Rake Rea pore, Hinglean«! double bed», making it a «leatrable less than th«* momentous «niestion, how |'hy»io>Mf*dlc«l A Bisv M an .—J. It. N. Bell, ef the Walter A. Wood's Sweep Rake Reatier* place for the entortiiiniuoDt of both traveler» and t«» regain or nresrve health, that essential Walter A. Wood's Ei.ijpm’d Guar Mowers; Tho BUYEBB’QUID» is fam ill«*. Tin; C attle I kpcstry .—The Interna Cbenaekete, has been called to Rose­ PRICES : ’ of kidily ami m« ntal activity, business suc ­ PHYSICIAN A N D S U R (i E o N, issued Mwrch And Sept., Gaar, Scott ikCo.'H Separators, . burg by the serious illness of one of his th rriu»iSlO per 100. Gaar, Scott A Co.’s Plain and Trai’tion Engines, Mi*>|for«|, Or«*i(on. can throw more light «>n this latter subject Butcher's Protective Association held clopedia of useful infor ­ Peach ” ..................................... 10 ” M ‘ ’* Coates’ Lock Lover Hay Rake; also a Will nlway« b4*«applied with the Ixwt the market Plum and Prune Tree».............. 8 “ id than the most profound Shakespcrian can a joint convention, and the Senate In­ and will, likely, bring bis family with mation for nil who pur- Hpecini attention given to Chronic I)i»4w»e». afford». h < tv « m ’ in »»yle that will please th«' moat Other trees and ahrubtiery furuiahc«! r*.wt»onably• on the «¡uestion first projounded. If tbe vestigating Committee liegan work on the him, and set up his homo herein a house chaHo the luxuries or tho fa»t ¡«lions tantp. Ren«l for a atalogue to system i> «ivplvted, the nerves shaky ; if in­ beef question at St. Louis recently. he has rented near the hotel. He will necessities ot life. We lj0r’>iiMtes eassumble and satiebiotguaran­ J. H. tiETI LEMIEK. W.»odburn. Or E. 8. PICKEL, M D., digestion or constipation txithers one at The ltange Association represents 15,000 still retain editorial control of the Rose­ can olotbo you and furnish you with teed . I J. J. STRAIT, Prop. times, or constantly ; if the skin is v<'ll<»w all the necer.sary and unnecessary WriteforCatalngne. Af oncoming rheu ­ cat, fish, hunt, work, ro to church, Mrilforil, Oresqn. the paper. Mr. Bell has many irons in or stay nt home, and in various siser, matism or neuralgia; if lhe kier cent, other to keep them burning, and is uni­ receipt of 10 c-nts to pay postage, th«* system. Dealer in ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. of the butchers in the leading cities have formly successful with e«rli.--5Mte«nuin. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. f AM PEH8ONALLY ACQUAINTED WITH ¡been forced to quit business. The Range X11-U4 Michigan Avenue. Chicago.Bl. Haa located in Ashland Or for the practice of It cannot be denied that too many 1 iram n? Vho unis) ilr’irabh' farm, in Jackson 1 C.Vv’DI» CG.’VFESiilUM. Association agrees with the butchers, his |irofcu*ioii. Mak h all chronic di^anea, snrh employes watch the clock, to be certain and Jiiai.phine i-ountnw. My medical practice For ecTural years 1 from Dywperetaand as R»H»ii’Hatii:n. .btlini i. Pib**». Kidney D ihhomh », and is further prepared to show that reqnirm* in« to ride through a circuit of from one A full line in Ht«»vk of Eidney Complaint,the latter being »o »ever« »t nut to serve overtime, with far moro Ip ver Complaint«. Ac., a specialty. while the price of dressed beef ha« l>een locu-htj miles, and 1 will bepliwedto carry with tlm< s tl.r.t 1 eouht s« ar«*« lj attend to n own team and witliont char«« nil who wi.li GENCRAL BUILDING MAJEKIAU My lite wne peer ami I was much •mactatcd, hoisted, the price of beef on the hoof has of their employer«. Such a coorM can to purchase land. Any |x»rs >n wishinx a fnnt or L. L WH1TNSY. M. D. Vu11 h rou* b 11 e fr« e v**« of Joy's Vegetable ftarsa- been lowered. Thus, it is alleged, all nariciilturnl farm, or any person having a farm imrtilan yaF]*tdi» an'tdt» , **wtlouiXLiprovcd *WX xuy KetimiUea and Price Li»t on applicat;ot> lead to nothing el«e than mere tolera­ for aalc. will do w«ll to call nt my ottica and »r- the cattle industry of the county is being PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, teehb w?s perfectly restvPxU MAIK ROUTE. Country order» a »pecialty. tion on the part of an employer; and r»n««withme Mr charges will be moderate wiped out. FACTORY AT WEIDLER’8 MILL. I already have IKK« acre« of improved and rn- those who practice it do not deserve Ew .1 a Point, Oregon improved lands for aals. ranging from $5 to $50 Salesrooms, cor. Thir«l and E Street», promotion. We have heard of mechan­ r.vddlxig. Cal. Hnvintf l«M*atHil at thin place I aakaahare <>f an acrein price, and can suit all comers. T he P romotion or A. N. T owne .—Th« ics who would lay dowo the upraised PORTLAND (HiEGGN thi* i»«tro:ia«»» of thi« section, (’alia attended to Office nt Central l’oint, Jackson county. Or PI T ME ON THE LIST. reasoa for the appointment of A N. TAGES LEAVE JACKSONVILLE EVERY J. HINKLE. M D. hammer at the signcl for noon without at any tune I suffer»<1 f«>r vraiw fr >m catarrh. It deatroyed Motcbiy and Friday at rt o’clock A. M. for Wil- my app« tit«? ami w«»t« n»«1 my system. None of Towne as third viee-preeident of the S. striking the intended blow ; and of ac­ dsrville. returning Tuesdays and Hatunlay. P. R. K. Co. ie w<-ntirely free from thia diaguat- jioeition of Reneral manager, in addition upon hi« “right«." But, think you that Jacksonville, Oregon. ing diac-aa«’, and am again rtroug and healthy. OF ASHLAND, OR., THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OK to hie new one. and get» a »alary of ».30,- either served bimselt well? Professional calls promptly attended to day or 1 tier® through Jackson and Joaephine countie* C« >RRESPOI>NENCE SOLICITEI ». 000 a year. His new office bring» no fur night. .... a M >b.vs,til. 1 I increase of »alary,aa he had to own some Public Notice. Consultations in either English or German. T iik Nicaragua Canal Company was f Office and residence on California street. stock, in order to legally qualify as di­ last week incorporated in Vermont by act nre now prepared to furnish the beet of music FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, hf . undersigned will be in him Comer of Fifth street rector. How much stock was given for public or private Par tie». Balls, Picnic», Ac , 1‘roluile Court. of the legislature of that state. It is the office in the court-boas«, in Jacksonville, at any point «>u the coast. Any kind raid'd in * 1 Nursery. The following business has Iwen trans- none of the gentlemen having informa­ same act introduced in the U. H. Senate All the new popular music i» played by thie on the tion will tell. When Senator Stanford by Edmunds at the last seseion The Orchestra. I. A ST Mt TV It I>A r IN EVEKV MONTH, a« ted in probate court «in« c our last rejiort : Saw Mill for Sale or'Rent. Thuno wautins T th » y « thia ‘»U will du w«lit<» In the matter of the estate of Jann« W. goo« to Washington next week, Towne promoters of the enterprise stated that Having employed a Urge number of muaicians jrivo me their orflera, a« 1 wi'l guarantee satisfac­ FOB GOODS IN OUR LINE for th« purtioae of transacting business con­ ('«»Ilins, deceased. First semi-annual state­ will be the highest official of the com­ w«» are able t<» furnish any number of band». he undersigned offers for hale tion. they were all ready to begin actual work Any instrument» or a caller furnished toother nected with tlia office ment filed. or rent the steam saw-mill on Forest creek, I warrant all my tree» if properly caretl for. pany in San Francisco because Crocker on the canal as soon as the charter is ob­ All persons mt «reefed will take rotice accord­ bands. All orders by mail or telegraph prompt­ L. C. HEINRICHSEN. Term» of payment oany. Produce takpn at mar­ Jackson county. Oregon. It is in hrst-cla«* or­ Estate of Jo.«. S. 1*. Raiinev. Benj. »Hay ­ is away in New York. Until the latter ly attended to. Terms always reas«»nRbiP. Ad­ ingly. My poatoffice address I- Sam’s Valley. ______________ der and will be disposed of or rent“d on r«.«ason- ket price lttiO lb», of Peach Heed wanted. mond np|Miinte«i administrator uml Horace returns Towne's new position will make tained. H H. MITCHELL dress PROF. GANIABD. A. H. JOHNSON. able term»- County Scliotd Superintendent of Jackson Pelton, C. C. McClendon ami J. B. Dungan IO First Streat, ... Portland, Oregon. Ashland, Or. rsnawwvpHew Swrvfy Cwred. For further partH’ulars call «»nor ad the nndersiffned, either by note or five hea»l of giM>d hortee ; al*o eeveral par’«»« ordcra of tbo Stomach au-1 Boweia. 60c. at Druggists. Silver and Silver Plate«l Ware. Spectacles an«i Optical Goo.de; aaents fur the Rockford book account, are hereby earnestly reqn«*atod to ofev «llent land «ituated in Jacksonville. Wil- "I saved the lire of mv little girl bv » It is potent »ffwiti»» an4 eosSs bats will semi me their express end poetofiice Railroad Watches. THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY PREPARED — ‘ — - - - - , low H; and Central Point preeinct». For O( Iir. Acker*-. Enil'ishRen.e.ly trit!«. address. Resjieclbilly. ALL (iOODH IN THE LINK M ANU FACT LGIKP TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. to do all work in hi« line in the beat manner uid f-t-t ■ - u ir icnlaro call at the Jacksonville Mar­ The sufrat, Burtt «A>4xweywrefm-c«rn,,Biu>|.'U5,*a Watch Repairing carefully executed. I'BYCF A GEARY. • for Consumption. —Mrs. W ni. V. Harn- A. Slocum M. C.. 181 Pearl street. at reaaonable prioM. ble Work*. _ 0F*8eleotioD Packages taut« >n applioati«*n. (>>mru uni cate with us before pure has ng elsewhere ’ to Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castortai New York. Mudfurd. 51aj 12, late ’’ man, Kew York GEORGE SCHUMPF J. C. WHIPP. —TO GET YOUR— BLACKSMITHING THE BEST STYLE NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES REDLAND NURSERY, INLOW $< ASHPOLE, D. CRONEMILLER 1 SONS. BEEKMAN & REAMES’ a V j , 100,000 TREES General Merchandise oj-itoil’K-i* lAuilclinjr* OREGON. EAGLE POINT- THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Successors to C. C. Beekman’s Bank. ENGEL BROS. Or General Merchandise T MOST REASONABLE RATES DRUGGISTS, OREGON. 1‘HOEHIX. WOODBURN NURSERY HOUSE PAINTER. BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY! ASHLAND HOUSE I Frail, Shaii OruaieatalaaiM Trees Main St., Ashland, Or. T NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES «' J. C. CARSON, Sash. Doors, Dlinds WINDOW ANO PLATE GLASS PARKE LACY, MACH INERY! L ES Central Point» Or. W, Iron, Minili!» mil Saw-Mill Machinery. JACKSONVILLE- CRESCENT CITY THE INGERSOLL ROCK DRILLS INO COMPRESSORS and WIRE ROPE-SPECIALTIES. MRS, JANE REDDING, Projrietress. FRUIT TREES Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines, J, M, ARTHUR, Manager. 33 ad 35 Norlii Front St, PGrtland. Oregon. CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA S Passengers taken at Reasonable Rates. Late of California, T NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST T THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, T Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! A HINDERCORN8.