■■ M nuorrafw Simei 4 ¿iwih'iuocriiiic Firnes, a . n i.«J ,'ISlNG AMD JOB WORK. Published every ThuraJay luorninR by Lent, wil be ineerted la the Tina fina ratee: „ fie insertion....................................... ft 10 each anbaegnent insertion............... 1 00 EF* L««al advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair redaction fn»m the above rates made to yoarlyand time advertisers. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE is more complete by far than any other in South ern Oregon, and compares favorably with any in the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at San Francisco rates.and in a promptand first-class manner. TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN'Y at th«I< IHAS.tSUKKLI., Editer. NEW TIMES BUILDING. I Bica—Corner Third and C Street» Itale» oí Hubscriplíou : O ie copy per annum, in advance........... $2 JO «ix in»»nth«................... * JO “ three months............. . ...................... 75 JACKSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1888 VOL. XVI11 i MISCELLANEOUS. J. NUNAN, . —SPRINC! 1888 SUMMER! MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. gr**«sinan. B. Hermann; G«»vwrnor, 8. I’ennoyer; H»M*retary > «»f of State, Sitate, George (»••••rge W. . McBride, Biute He»*retar McBrnie; Btute r_ ____ ii ... LV YV..KK SfutM r. t < . • | rr**i«iir.T. G«*«». W. Webb; State Printer, Bn«»*•/• *• Everyone Should (io and S»*o th»’ Baker, Supt. Publi«’ limtruction. E. B. McElroy; Supreme Ju Ig-«. W. I’. L«»rd. Chief Justice W. W. Thayer. R- S. Strahan. riwsr judicial district . ('«»reprising Jackson, Josephine, Luke und Klamath « ountii**: Circuit Judge. L. it Webster; <>E NEW WINTER District Attorney, W M Colvig. IlfKsoJt COUNTY. Senator. A. < . Stanley; Representative*. J- I Howiiitrh. R. \ Miller. W K. Cnee- Count) Jirlga. I. R N •ii;’'«* nmin«ioner«. i . W. •*>*'*• Wm. Ifii).« Jerk M. Muller; Sheriff. J.G Bird- "ay. rre;M*irer. R. IE Muore; A«se***«*r. .1. M. Chibier«; Svh »«»I Superintemlent. H Mitchell; Surveyor. J. S M, -» r I. Coroner. R. rrycr, Hr k |n-|>eetor. W. I . Hunger. nwv.imiWC < orNTT. Joint S«*n:it«»r. W. St. Clair; Representative, ( . J. How ard; Countv Ju«Ue. V. Culvig; lomra.«- siOTier«, J. Ila*i«etn. P. Hansen; Clerk, < . K- C . ,u,i.»r n t r i Pan.-r ».:, rr^urer.J A. BOCTS ani SHOES, J»« , ling«; A-*-*»*««or, I*. C. Ream; Hci»«». Cbii«!»—. Treasurer. Chw Grave»; A t Bem« uber, tl «•* good-* are new and bought sture I Jo!,.* Bn t ' y •*• nd Superintend • .1, - I the war in railroad ratea andare told tain; Surveyor, J. B Griffith; Coroner, J Si«*- mens. LAXK COCNTY f t I, , , ,, , . <*>•* i ,3 I —i 1 1 I Join H-n*ti»r. I. A < • u-w. 11 of L.’o K-IK «11» *<»* «.'»«■ KepresAiitative. H. I*. Mo«s; (’«»unty Jndge. W. . A. Wilshire: Uumini«*i«mer*. R. L. bherlock. Wm. Ihjloy. (dork W I . B«»y'‘' *,.nb»*r tn Klamath c«»unty on ■•«♦cond c«»nd M»»n«iay M*»relay in Jan«* June ami nr*t first xiomiay Mon«lay in N«>vember In Lak*» muity «»unty on the third Monday M«>nday | , in May and the »nc»»ml M«»n«Jay in October In I Jortephine c«»*tnty on first M>*: lay« in March and August. ... „ . _ . I F«»r Jackson county the ( ounty. I rebate and (’«»mmissioiier«’ c«»urts meet every month, com­ mencing with the fir«t M«»n«iay; f«»r Josephine I county, the first Monday in January. April. July MODERN. and September, for l*ake county, every alt-rnut»* THOROUGH, month, commencing the first M»mla.v in .January. , PRACTICAL. For Klamath county the first Wednesday in March June September ami November _______ _ _______________ GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION DRY AND FANCY COODS, (’LOTI ITNGJ Jacksonville, Oregon, STATE NORMAL SCHLOL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HARKNESS, MORRIS M. ATTORNEY AND COUNSI LOK AT JAW, A POSTAL CARD WILL COST BUT ONE CENT. S«*' >1 u«t the lyldn e»- of any one who might want to attend our school during the coming year anti yo i will do them a favor. To such we will send our catalogu'* and circulare Cor. 7th and B fltreeta, MEDFORD, OR., Is now offeriti** Spermi Bargains in Fall Fal»i'ic>, As>al»tt Manufacturer of and Dealer in Manufacturing C.mipanv'.- .’>G inch lTimt Ch>th in c<>l>>rs; Iron 1'iainc. Invincible, Black Alpaca, double fold; Silk and Wool Henrietta BUGGY, CARRIAGE and TEAM Cloth; Check Mohair dres- goods, yard wide; Oriental Suitings. I will give SADDLESAND ROBES. 1 r n iv|vnrn b ) I < L i i L u FURNISHING GOODS. HITS. \SI ILAN I > W. G. COOPER, __ *■ j A U a LhUU 1 j in all wool ('n-linirrc- than any house in Southern Oregon. Cabot W. 14 lirown Mu-lin, 7je per v eil Muslin, De per vartl; Laconia, 10 4 bh yard; «Vninsutta, 11 bleached Sheeting; I L insdale, 4-4 bleached Sheeting. All Kinds of Repairing Oone. A BOOT AND SHOE SHOP 1 h ciuinpctiMl with in hurnew »hop. Having fngHg»**! tho Hcrvi«-* •« of . firtst-cl»»»« «hoemaker. I Htn prepar»«! to ii mu' ture boot« and «hors of tHH lat« »t My!»*« pi nip ly „ My pm*«*» m bopi »1«*^ i> rt will be quite *r«Monabie and «atihfactaon guaranteed. MADE HARNESS A Specialty. Aiiboki air plaul .'liirtintr. Cheviot. 1 !<• per yard; Marseilles elieek shirting, Cheviot; Caledonia shirting, Cheviot. An entire line of new fall Buttons in metal, jet. etc.; I.ak for uh A word from )«»u might help u« ver) iLiich. Reniember that the N/. / I! M- TAt.h Tl'll-V ta: ii -I, i $ Ui •M l Normal Scholarship S • » iM). Commercial rtcholar«hip >r> ••■. I raimng School i»-.r year............. .» COUNSELOK-AT-LAW, MCNSQWILU, OOM.. LUCKEY & CO Tins Learner is mmfaetiireil by a Process similar to tliat by which the Patent Kills known as Doiuiila are made. Tiie Points Ciaimcil for it arc these: THE PLACE Will iirnctii-»» in nil tin» <’«>nrt.of th»" St.ite. Olfico in the i».», Court i '»»urt H«»use, Hoiw-, hr«t fiwt door tu to th« th. i< hft«»fon-| ft or ••li­ tri.-u ♦*. E* DoPF.ATT. —TV I. KT TOl'B — SLACKSMITHING Iwlilaml, Oregon. -.»»ONE IN — »Vili nr»w'H— in nil <’.» irn»f th • State. tltE— in ~eililc tit ar. :uitl it will nut Ciat’k. SOFTNESS—Whetliei (.'obi nr ll<>t, Wit or lbw, it is always Soft anti Etisv lor the most I’etnlet beet. WATERl’E* ><)E—It will Turn W'atei liettef than any COLOR—.\ .Jet Black that will not Fade or turn Red. 1*01.ISH — Unlike all other (»rain l.< ather it will take a High Pulisti with ordinary Shoe Blacking. CLEAN AN1> LIGHT W’EloHT—Not Leino Weighted u ith Tan nino M a ferialami Grea.-e, it will not soil a Stocking and weighs Light for the Substance. We carry in eu.-tom ninth“ work of the Highe-t Grade of this stock, a hand welt (men s) l.ace -hoe. made on the English W aukenph.ast last, at S'» DO, ami a lace tdloe mat, calf lined throughout ami soles of Genuine Engli.-h Sole Leather, at S7 00. Both arc in seven different insteps and width' to ea lt size, bor 2.'cts. additional they will be sent chargo prepaid to any address by mail or express. Protzman & DeFi ance. 1‘ortland, <>rcgon. THE LOWEST RATES, INLOW & ASHPOLE, —H AT — W. F. WILLIAMSON. ATTOBNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. Medford, D. CROHtMILLER & SONS, Oregon J AC K SO N VILLE. OREGON. All basine** in my line will r»*ceiyo pr unptat­ tention. . H. K. HANNA. tTORSEY A COUNSKLOR-AT-LAW. Jacksonville» Oregon. 1 *<>.«-1 < » 11* < •< 4 V OREGON EAGLE POINT. I Ashland, Oregon Will Sell, Rent, Lease and Handle IM-Eslale on Commission. A Scaly, Itching, Skin Distnmene»*d on my h**ad in a epot not iarwr than a cent, it spread rapioly all over my bod) and got under my nail« The scale« would drop off of iu»* all th»« time, and my suffering wa« endles« and without relief. Onethoiiaanddollars would not tempt me u? have tin« diiMmae over again. I am a ¡«»or man. but feel rich to be relieved of w hat some of tno doctors «md wm leproey, aorne ring-worm, peoriari«, **tc. 1 to«>k an«i. Birsapunlla «»ver one year and a half, but no cure. I went to two or three doctor« and no cure 1 cannot praiee the Cuticura itemedie« too much. They have mad«« my «kin a« clear and fi«*e from scale« a« a bab) « All 1 used of them was three boxes of Cuticura. and three b«»ttl««a of » ’ulicura lfi*f dvent. and tw«» cak?s of ( uticura Soap if you hud been here and aanl you would have cured me for fjjo you would luiye had the mouey. 1 looked like the picture in )«iur book of Psoriasia (picture number two, ‘ How to Cur»’ Skin Dis» as«*«j," but now I am as clear as any p»-raun ever was. Through force of habit I rub my hands over my urms und legs to •vsetrb one« *.u while, Lu» t*> no ¡.nrjMuc. 1 ain all well. 1 scratched twenty-eight years and it got to be a kind of aecond nature to tn«*. 1 thank >ou a thouaan I tun«*«. Anything more that you want to know writ»* rn»*, «»r anyone who r«.*ads thi« may write t«» in»* and 1 will answer it l’ENNlb D o WNIXJ. Waterbury, Vt ., Jan. A), lob7. Psoriaais, Eczema, T* tier. Ringworm, Liclien, Pruritus, Scull Head. Milk » rust. Dandruff. Bai- leT«', Bakers',! i rovers’ and W a«h«»r woman « Itch, and every specie« of Itching, Burning, Seal), Pimply Humors of th»* Skin an«l Scalp and Biood, with L■•«« *»f Hair, ar»« p«e»iliv«*lj cured b) < uticuru, th** gr.-at Skin ( ur»*. and ( uticura Soi-.j', an ex>iuir>it<* Skin B»tmt iticr. ••xternallj. and ('uticura Reeolv«,nt. the new B.ood Puri­ fier, internally. wti«*n pl>yi»ician’s und all oth«*r remedi»?« fail. Boh! evety when* Price, ('ulicura,'»*•<• ; Hoap, 25c ; KrtM>lvont. î 1 I'rt puii-ii by the i’othT Drug anti < heinical ('«»., Boston, M*»««. H'-ini f«»r “How to ( Hit- Bkin D ì «« mui » h ,“ 64 ¡»a- ge<*, MJ iliu«tration« unti fin to^inoniule. blaekht a H»dl property will find it to their int»’ri‘wt to call and «»♦«• uh . NEW COODS, NEW PRICES able, stantai < ai d infallible l * ♦ m ! rehev»- i ••male Pain*« and • ._ W«a! p.Ti<*' to nil "’hi r plam».«re. a:.,| tl.» p.Tfect Antniote to i’a.n. lull i.’nuati«»i, and \V< «kn« t» >rt lompounded. A* all I ltb EON Xi'dfiird, Orriron. WOODBURN NURSERY MOST REASONABLE RATES BUY THE BEST AftSD BE HAPPY! Fruit, Shade Ornamental and Nut Trees 1 1 II I VINES AND SHRUBBERY ifrilloril. O regolo on th« Northw»‘*t coast. Otti i’« 'n William**' Brick Building Up-fttair«. DR. S. DANIELSON, NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES. Phyeio-Medical 1» Il Y SI C I A N A ND s U R G E ON , PRICES: '|»"!fi»r I. Ort-uftn. AppleTrav.................................... Í' to «10 por EX' Pmi-h '■ .................................. 1" •’J . ; I’lnm iu»i Fran» Fr—- ......... H “ In Oth-r rr-iwi.nil «hriihli-r» fnr.n.li-11 r-nnonnbly. S-ii't i»ir * ntal«»»tn- to J. H.SETTLEMIER. W.Mrtburn. Or Special attention given to Chrome Din'-asra. E. B. PICKEL, M D.» P H YSI C I AN A ND s C RG EON . 1837 1|.»|furth»'»* and r»Mideace on < alifornia street, corner of Fifth street. FRUIT TREES 4 SHRUBBERY, Any kind rain»**l in a first < !«•* Nursery. Public Notice. Tlx»««» wuntinq Tre«« thi« *»11 will w«llto VOTh’E IH HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM giro netheir orders.a»* 1 will guarantee satisfac- it may conci*rn that the eo-partanrship here I«>f• »re »»xiat«ng between G. W Merrill and Hen­ 1 ^warrant all my tree« if properly carer! for. ry F. Baker at Me lfr»rd. (>r«g«»n. tindwr the firm Term« «»f payment *w*y. Pn»duce tak»*n at mar­ ruun»* "f M -rrill A Biker, wae <»n the 10th day of kt-’ price lCu> lba. “f Peach He»d wanted. M.irvh. I m H h , di*«olve»L th« *ai«i H«*nry E. BnLer A. M. JOHNSON. having withdrawn from -aid firm. J¡u'kt».»nrille. Oregon Aug. 1 lHSS. HENliY F BAKER Dat 'd M»«lf«>nl. Orssron. Hept. 3. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR S\LE or ret!* the on « tw-mill on F<»r*Mt creek, Jveknon c mnty. Oregon. It i** in firaf-clu^« »»r- *!••* and w.ll be drap«H»»d of or rented «m reason­ able »erm«- F«>r further particular« call »»nor a»h!r»**** . MHS R. COOK. Forest Creek, Or. T ' I r [) 1 <>i 1*13»«* i 'oroi ^ii»«*lii»»«*i V I It IM. linos. 1'11'1.. <»».. Or., or < now Mil I I il A SON. Attenta, Jackson rille Or. PARKE & LACY, IMroKTEItS \NI> HEALERS IN MACHINERY! A full line in eUn’k of PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND ACCOU< HEUR Saw Mill for Sale or Rent. Walter A. Wool’s Binders, Walter A. Woo«l’s (’bain Rake Reapers, Walter A. Woo l’s Sw *.*p K;tk«‘ RrajHTS, Walter A. Woo«l’s Enrlosr«! (¡ear Mowers*. Guar. Scott & (’o.’s Separators, Gaar, Scott di <’»».’s Plain and Pia- tion l .n^ines, Coates’ L« < k Lever Hay Rake; also a S»'*ili CITY BARBER SHOP. I’lLIFOKNIA * ville 8TBEKT. Oregon. THE INGERSOLL ROCK DRILLS UNO COMPRESSORS and WIRE ROPE—SPECIALTIES. SOLE AGENTS E<)R Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines. C« »KRESPODNENCE SOLICLTEI ». J. M. ARTHUR. Manager. 33 aul 35 North Front SI. Portland. Oregon. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST FOB GOODS IN OLII LINE L. C. I-IEINRXCHSEN Ili First Stroat. ... HOUSE PAINTER. Portland. Omgon W’hol esa le a. id Bétail Dealer« in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! i ■!•*« and Optical G*>o Is; agents for the Bockfurd Bai'road Watches. ALL GOODS IN THE LINE MANUFACTURED TO ORDKIC AND llEPAIBkD. Watch lie pairing caiefally executed. Selection Package« eent on application. < -om umucate with us before purchar ng elsewhere House Painting, Paper Hanging Frescoing, Kalsomining, Etc., Done in a nupt-rior manner anti at priroe t«» anil the time«. I refer to the jol* of painting I have previously tione for reconimcndtition. H-aiisfac- H I SWELL-KN' IW.N HOUSE. UNDER THE ti«»n guaranteed. Giro np' h »ria! and judge for yon’*«*!?. new nianMg«*in<'tit, wiil be conduct»*! on the best and most p«»pular plan«, no ¡«ains being Order« loft at Merritt’« N«-w Cash Store wil* spare«I t<» giv»* general satisfaction. It c«»ntains receive prompt attention T J. ( RESH. r<»inf<»rtMl»b* Hl«*«*ping H|»artm»*nts -applied with single anti double I hn I s . m iking it a desirable place for the entertainment of both travelers and families. The BUYERS’GUIDE I* isr.ued March anc Sept., rri*o r*»i»i«* t . *11 year. It )■« an ency­ clopedic ot useful inlor- Will a I way« be «nippliM with th« best the market afford« w rved in ai y le that Will ph*«»«« th« mont fastiditili« tan*e. < > ax! the luxuries or the i*F“BateM ivuionableand satisfaction guaran- nr. sities of lii’. We te**d. luvniKh you with can cloth : C i : ;» J. J. STRAIT. Prop. ali tho roc appliance« 1« n i i.h-, walk, f. . ■’ ' * the BUYERS' GUIDE. v ■ I bo sent upon receipt et IV ” t > pay portage. T vvp 1 Central Point, Or ! AM PF.KSONkLLY ACQUAINTED WITH 1 ni.iny <»f flu* int>«t doHirabl«» farm« in Jackson and Jt>*-«*pliino counties. My medical prnrti«’« ro«pnr«*« in«* to mi»* through a circuit of from «>ne to«*ight\ mii«*«. Mini I will b“ph'»i««*r private l’a’ti»4«. Ball«, Picuio, Ac , at any point on tlio coast. All the new popular music i« played by this Orchestra. Having employed a large number of musician* wo are able t • furnish any number of Landa. Any instruments of a caller fiirnistw*«l ’o other bands. All order« by mail or telegraph prompt­ ly attended to. Terms always reasonable. Ad­ dress PKOF. GANIAKD. Ashland, Or. Vse PARKItlttS GINCIR ToJlCjUbnnt detav A rare medicinal ••»»nip- umi that cur»« when all els© raita Ila«rur»rt!tbewvrstcases of L'ough,Weak Lung«. AstUroa, Indigestion. Inward Pains, Exhaustion. Invaluable fyf Hhei.niati-rn, Female Weakness, and al! pains and dis- orders of the Stomach and Bowels. 60c. at I>ruggiatA HINDERCORNS. The safest, rarest and t»cst cure forCorns.Bunion». A«* Kt«»j*aii j*a|n .Stanres t<» thel»*i< Stop« all i>a|n. JBisi res comfort teUw to«. V N«*v«rteili to curU. U Ctxxu at DraggUU. Hxsuox A c«x, h'. i. x Trobntr Court. The f«>ll«»wmg matters w*ere |»: i > m *<1 bv th«* (.'»»iiiiiy Court, sitting in probate, at the November terni. ISss. I n the matter « t the cMate of Morris Mgi «or. n ¡«sued t«» Alcxandef Bums. K-tate <.f IF 1 MeBri.te. I nvcntory of apprai*rim !il< d. I’.irtmT«*hip estate oi O Vincent. Ad nun:- ’ r it«»r • «.«!«• approve«!. Estate of Lathan I. ami i» :t nun» r« • »r«lrr to sell r< ally. E«tiit« «»f W Cuntner. M. Pet*r«<»n ap- p«»ii.T< <1 »dinini'tralor. »f »tdotr« ttrmitrhig» All quitt aftcr tbu ch-rtion Mr M ‘ ampLtUi' in » bärge ••( th- >in iipive their MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. null (•' tlie <««'!T fa rm. 111-111 Me bigiù. Avenue. Chicago.Ill < h;i t li.itl- « h «* ih '» v <<1 into hi« new It p* a « omniotlioii« «tnu’ture. h "i: .1. A Wliiff ‘•ide« i' at w- rk on hi- new M b. W< Mi i- building alsl,. h«m .1 p, W< ’< Ii - little -on i« quite ill with teve r M > Mavì:« Id an«l Wni. Bailrv arc MAH, 1:<>1 TE. !•• »h •jiiib* • l Iah . Mr.. Ih yiiokl’* hW* iiiovid t » hi« inoiin- t.iin pla»•<• again, an«! a n«*w faniilv will QTAGES LEWI JA< K>ONVILL1 INERV takr the h-m «• he <•< ctlpi<*«l at thc Illill. Ess. E m . it M<»’w Fnblie Notice t»- r« . nu < r j»r» and the ‘pursuit of happiness.’’ We «•the«» in tne court-lion«’*, in Jacksonville, ran throw more light on thi« latter subject on the I than the m<»«t vr<»f«»und Shake«perian can L.i.sr.s i ti ini 1 1 /.v / i E /.’i vo.\rii, «•n the question fir-t propounded, if th«* -t< m is d<‘plct<*rt«»ma«h Bitter*, Ji*ck«onviH«*. Aug V. 1*^ the finest re< u| h rant <»f an age pr«»lifi( in I lieneficial and successfui rt^neaies Re* I iiicmlrt r. if mala»ia. threatens or afflict«, SETTLE-UP NOTICE. I that it neutralizes tin and fortifies ll those knowing themselves in - . the Nvsteni. debted f«i the underMgiied.either by noteor b<»«»k account, are hereby earneetly requeste»! t<» I'nr Sale. call ar.d eottb* at their earliest »•onvenience. Our \ itimh I .«pan of work lior-eb.well mat* bed, busitic*»:- ruiift be cl«>*o*«i. will I m - bold f<»r »a>h ur oil one jtar’s time. ' PBl'CE « GEARY, Medford, May U. l«bS Apply at this office. JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY MRS. JANE REDD1KG, Proprieta. PassBRgcrs taken at Reasonable Rates, T A THE EARTH DO MOVE. It has puzzled the heads of a good many youngeters to know liow tba earth turns round. A German educational journal publiehod in Frankfort gives the following direction* for proving that the earth “does move” : "Take a good-siced bowl, fill it nearly full of water and put it upon the floor of a rcom which ia not exi>osed to shaking or jarring from tlientreet. Sprinkle over the eurface of of the water a coating of lycopodium power—a white substance' which is sometimes used for the purposes of the toilet and which can be obtained at any apothecary’s. Then upon the surface of this coating of powder make with powdered charcoal a straight black line, say an inch or two in length. Having made this black mark with the charcoal powder on the surface of the contents of the bowl, lay down upon the floor close to the bowl a stick or some other straight object so that it wiil be exactly parallel with the mark. It the lino hap- pen« tn !..<• patallel with a crack in the tiuu* . *Ui »¿I*1*’ otaGonarj lUjucl in the room, this will serve as well. Leave the bowl undisturbed for a few hours, and then observe the position of the black mark with reference to the object that it was parallel with. It will be found to have moved about, and to have moved from east to west—that is to sav, in the direction opposite to that of the movement of the earth on its axis. The eartli in simply revolving has car­ ried the water and everything elso in the bowl around with it, but the powder on the surface has been been left behind a little. The line will always be found to have moved from east to west, which is IH-rfectlj good proof that everything else has moved the other wav.”— Court Jour­ nal. T ue C attle M arket .—There is con­ siderable evidence and many good rea­ sons to expect an advance in the price of lieef cattle before next April. In the first place the cattle range for tree pas­ ture has been decreasing for several years past. It has been decreasing in two wavs: Bv settlement with families on homesteaders who will raise crops rather than cattle, and by the encroach­ ment of the sheep herder. We estimate that the available range for cattle pas­ ture is one-half less than five years ago. The effect of this has l>een to induce many men to wind up and go out of the business. The business, too, has been gradually changing. Many large operators have discovered that the de­ creasing free ranges indicate that tliey must lay up a stock for winter feed, or run risks of loss too great for legitimate business. This has resulted in reducing herds, and incurring preparations for feed and care in winter When Mr. I.ee, the editor of the Texas Live /Stock Journal, was here a few weeks ago, we had a long conversation with him on this very subject. Mr. Lee had been through Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and eastern Oregon for the express puqioee of finding out the supply of l>eef stock in sight, so as to give the Texas cattlemen the benefit of his observations. And it is Mr. Lee’s opinion that there is not as much lieef stock on the range now as there was three years ago by one-third. This sfieaks volumes; and reasoning from this fact, and other facts we have cited above, Mr laie was confident that there would be a innsulerat'le advance on beef cattle w ¡thin the next six months. —Pacijle Farmer. I 100,000 TREES THE LtADINS JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, Silver and Silver PKto 1 W-iru. 1 Hi. UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY PREPARED to »io all work in hi. line in the best manaorsnd at risuroriable prices. GEORGE BCHUMPF REDLAND NURSERY, Main St., Ashland, Or IN FARM AND MILL MACHINERY! lhh- EC L EUT I U F li Y S IC I \ N. pnYHICIVN ANI) SUKGEON, En ;lo Point. Oregon. DLALIRS physician, & great student of botany, located for a brief seasc n in this city. Ria practice w ran nt •>. A merh AS W omen —The Philadelphia t. naive, and yet the fi w cases of a general nature that came to him attracted no little attention. His Print comes gallantly to the defense of greatest success seemed to be in the treatment of Amviiean women, and speaks thus in Graiit's Pass. Jueephire liver and kidney disorders, and vitiated blood. In their ts-hall: American women are not fact bis ability to c< i e with these common com­ plaints was little short of the marvelous. Be only tile handsomest, tiie most intelli­ seemed a!m<*t infallible, and hui quiet, modest gent and the most agiceabl»' in the world, methods and bis well kept seen t was as much a mystery as bimselt After Lie departure about a ami we mat add the most inde|»endent, year later Mr. Joy determined to fathom the secret, but they are incomparably the lyest. and copying all the picacriptions be had filled for The American women, who mixes the erratic rma iudustry leaps inte greatest country ever made for women, existence.—5. Examiner. and it is blest witii tlie best of them. GRAPE VINES. ( I KK \NTS. GOOS! HER­ fitretiH/i l.‘tiithi>f Scu*hraKtf rn OrrfOH. BIES. BLACKBERRIES. RASPBER­ How Gi.\t<- L amp C iiimnevs « i hi : ls- Lengthy (•» tition« have be<-n présenté«! RIES. STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. bv C«»ngre*vn»an Hermann to Secretary ventfk .—Why is it that glass ctiimneye Vi’a*. M2ii* «1 by settlers in Klamath county, make such a difference to the light giv­ Our treoH are grown with*»*’.* irrigation on red < >regon. who re|»r«*sent tliat they reside on en by a lamp? because it increases the lull land, hi «1 al! of known varioti- s that succeed land« in township 49 Miutli. ranges S and !» supply of oxygen to the flame by produ­ east township 3* south* Rand 10 oast; m Southern Oregon. TI ioha contemplating tree planting will do well lowi -hip *«»uth, range !» east, and are bo­ cing a draught, and concentrates and re­ t<> visit our orchard and nursery. or write to u- na fide ‘Cîtlei s thi rd n.under the homestead flects the heat of the fame, in cor.se- for piice-IiHt Address Addri'S. to V uh at Murphy. .I om »- ar«l pre ernp:i«»n an«l that large por­ qnence uf w hich the combustion of the phite county. Oregon, or to It li It Station. tions uf sa i lands have been located and carbon is more t>erfect and very little es­ Grant s Pass, Or svle< te«l a« swamp lan«l by the state capes ttneonsumed. Lamp glasses were A. It. ( ABSON A SON tl.roiuIi false representations as to their invented by Aime Argand, the inventor true character; that unscrupulous lain! of the famous lamp which bears bis m<»in»;»ohv« Ii ive antauonixed the rightful name, lie had been experimenting for T. J. CRESS. claim« of the scaler« and homesteaders, an«i they a«k the interior department to in­ some time to increase the light, but to stitute a full, fan and «♦•arching investiga­ no purpose. On the table before him tion to tl c cn«l that their rights, a« well as lav the broken neck of an oil flask. the rights ot the «Lite an«l general govern­ This be took up carelessly, and placed it JACKSONVILLE, OR. ment. may !)•• finally ami equitably ad- almost without thought owr the wick. lusted <»n our of the |»etiti«>n« there are Having ponrwner.t !y b »cat rd lor»', i ollrr my 120 namtsof sitth rs. mam of them lead­ A brilliant flame awarded this act, and the hint was not lost ujM>n the experi­ servici* to the ¡«». »Uy »»r night W. I . i ARSON. A. II. CARSON \ SON. I'nijirietors. h -OXTMAN Sl i i i SSOR I'OJ.O.IHM- •ft nk‘" A Co. of Bonanza. KlHmath county. Or.. Law purcl>H»*e«»}•! Cheap for Caeli. Evt»ry*»ody in invited to call and examine £<»ods ami pri”«« be­ fore purchaeniM elaewhere. You can always find on hand a full line of NF.hFORI». (IBFi;0%. THE UNDERSK.NED HAVE FORMED At <>- 1 partnership with »in mit!i«»riz«* I capital <»f ; #’..’>,n»i0, fi»r th«* purjMNte «»f »-.irr.» ing <»n a General .la. k.iinriili'. Ureunn. Bmikinx Bunne** in al! <»f U« branch«*» in Jrn-k- Probate Matters, Ahstrai-t of Titl«'*. Convliori and all other • man’« Banking H«»u«e, 8. E. c*»rn«*r of Third and basins*»« entrusted to mi- will receive prompt < alif«»rniH streets. < %• < < . BEEKMAN. alt.'ntieu. Loan* n*ac»tialed. Otfii'e on isirn«v. opposite Court Hon«*. 1HOS (..REAMES. Catarrh. The distressing «neezn «ne./«*, thfacrid, wa­ tery dischargee from the «•}♦•« and no«e,»tie pain fill iiitlaniiuaiion extending ’o the throat, me swelling of the niucuouw Liang, causing ch«»k- u.g «••neatuui«. cough, negii g noisee in the head a:.d splitting headache*« io>w familiar th«**»« symptotn» are to thousands wh<» »-utfer periodi­ cal!) fr«»ui head coiut a faint iu«*a of what tius remedy will do in the chronic tonus, where the breathing is obstruct'd by choking, puli id muc«»usaccumu lutious, the Irt-aring atl»*vte»i. sm»*ll an«l tast«* gone, throat ulcerated and hacking « «High grad­ ually fastening itbi'lf upon the debilitated «>*»- tern. 1 hen it is that th«* marvellous curative p<»wer of bauford's Kadical < tire manifests it. «♦■If in installtaueous ami grateful relief. < ure begins from the first appii«*ati«>n. It 1« rapid, radical, permanent. economical safe bauf«>rd'« Badical Cure consist of one bottle of the Bndn ul Cure, one box of < atarrl al Sol vent, and oti«' Iiupr«»ved inhaler . price, fl. i’otter Drug A ( b«,nncai < «•-, Boet«»n. A Choice Collection of City and Country Properly for sale. THE BEST OF EvERYTKîNU NOTABY PUBLIC AND < ONVFYAM EH. When Marshall in his excitement iode from the tail-race of the famous mill down to Sutter’s fort and, taking the old Switzer into a private room and lock­ ing the door, produced from his pocket the first few ounces of gold washed from the placers of California, Bancroft tells how the old man did nut sleep at all that night, so torn was he with excitement and unrest. And to liis life’s end he de­ clared he looked upon the news when it was told him and ut>on the gold when it was shown him as a misfortune. We susfwet, too, that it was true. He had made a home in the beautiful Sacra­ mento valley ; he had great tracts of land and vast herds; he was a king among his rude neighbors, and was content w!th his kingdom, lie knew enough of ‘.be character of the eager men who would rush to California under the ex­ citement of gold-hunting to know that soon his rule would end and lie might Justly have felt premonitions that he would lie des|>uiled of bis fair jioeseiisions, if ne* by open rapine, by just as certain an ugeneÿ, thé turning of the exact science of the law upon the titles which he honestly held, but through convey­ ances so irregular that the law could easily pick flaws in their integrity. He knew, too, without any of those agencies he was not equipped with the kind of brain that would hold its own in comjie- tition with the race that was to come. All his forelxsiings were realized. For the first few years he was given a pecul­ iar distinction, and his homo at Hock farm on Leather river was one of the at­ tractions of the new state. In the am­ ple one-story abode he presided with jierfect ease and with a stately, gentle dignity which much became him. In fitllytnun those days he was generous to a fault, Liberal Sunday-arhough, and in the -vening at ability, and was but a child in the hands of the intensely acute race that swarmed Eagle Point. The following are Rev. R Ennis' ap- in upon him and while yet he was (•ointment«: On i'very Sunday morning. dreaming of what he would do changed • xceptmg the third. In* will bold services and transfigured everything around him ; at th»* Probvterian church in Phoenix. <»□ laid the foundation of a state; rang the the third Sunday moaning un1 00; ground, per lidi. J|t!5(a27 50 Flour Valiev standards quoted at |5; Walla Walla brands. 75 Fee«! Bran,|13 50(^|ll 50, shorts. |15 50 «( 10 50; chop, f l«(C£<'; fair tu choice, 27’*a30c; store, 2 •■ per ® Meat Steady Be« f. w holesale. 2%«3c; (lr<*s«oh Fruits -Sicily lemons, $< h 4G 50. Oregon apples, 65WXÓC per box; grapes, |1 25 per box; pear.**, 75(À|1 25 per box. K.i > t K \ Ni JM.O. Wheat —Q liei ; buyer. X $1 (»1^ ;buver. -e;i -»»ii.|1 72. Deermb ir. |1 5l“4 Barley—Pull ; buyer, 'SS, SG’j; buyer, season, 96. (Lit> Guo«i fved.fl 05rtfo; Swc»-t. 5O«‘£ 75e per c; nlal. W«rt.j -11 umbo.«it ami M<*n»i >cioo, 18c: • i-?« rn Oregon heavy. 13v; eastern Oregon light. IS»-; Fail, mountain free, rj’Me. San Joaquin ami Southern, 12»:; Red Bluff, 15c. Onions .'M»;i<•; MARBLE. STONE OR GRANITE, Salt, (PH) pounds) £1 <••'. We Inn Coal Oil l»y the eai load ami eim give very low jil'iees. I allow the highest market priee for Eggs, Butter and all tMer- Cemetery Work a Specialty elialltable I’roiluce. \ erv Rc-peetlullv, ' »1. NUN AN. YTT o KNEY A i r ibneycounselor - at - law , i AVI 11 Pl* I. Graul'» P m ,, OrrRoa. Office in Ahlf Building. Front Streit. Spe»dBlfy. MEDICAL. I L ate L ash D eiisions .—l’urchasers after entry and before |>atent tak»« only an equity,—ami are charged w ill no­ tice of all defects in their till»*. When a witneu is substituted tor an advertised witness, new notice and proof covering the testimony of the substituted witness will be required. When the proof is taken by an officer not named in the ad­ vertisement, it must be taken at the time and exact place designated in the pi inted notice, and the officer a»ivertiae«l to take such proof must officially certify that no protest was filed before him against the claimant's entry Where a (»■rson fli.-« an affidavit of contort, an»l anbseq ieiltiy tiles another affidavit of contest against th" same land, the sec­ ond contest is a waiver of tin- first, and an intervening contest bv a third |«etsou lakes precedence. The date of the init­ iation of a contest is determined by the day on which the affidavit of contest was received and accepted by the local officers, and not by the »lav on which the affidavit was execute«!.— Lakeriete E j - uniner. Tin: St uau T rade O i ti . ook .—The world’s consumption of sugar in 1887 R8 is placed bv the London Economitt at 5,107,000 tons, a decrease from the pre­ ceding year. Of this amount 2,+17,000 tons was beet sugar and 2,500,000 tons cane sugar. The world's stocks in addi­ tion are 200,000 tuns smaller than at the beginning of the last sugar year. Tire current year's consumption is estimated at 5,200,000 tons, an increase of nearly 100,000 tons. M. Licht's estimate of tin* yt ar’s l«*bt crop is 2,850,000 tons. With a yield of cane sugar equal to that of last year the total supply would reach 2,350,000 tons, a surplus over consump­ tion of 150,000 tons. On this basis stocks in Scptemlier, 1889, would aliout reach mentalist. who proceeded to |>nt his tato-rainini{ section tn reference to lor spawning and invariably he found this question, and the practice here that they had eaten nothing since they seems to be to save the smallest pota- left the sea. The fecundity of the sal­ toes from the patcli and plant them. mon is wonderful, and seemingly to kill The poMibilities for shipping large off the adults and give us young tender quantities of our early crop of potatoes fish annually, nature persuades vast arc good since this section of the coun­ sihools to ascend into fresh water to try lias been granted the same rates of spawn and jierish. To seem graceful freight to eastern (oints that San Fran­ and handsome until it is eaten by man cisco pays, bill to secure and sievelop or some other fi»h, or to propagate its this trade, our potato-raisers will have own speoie«, is the sphere of the sal­ to devote more attention to producing art extra quality of “spnds" than they mon. live heretofore.— Tulare County Time*. Tin. treasury department lias received an inquiry from the state department is to the re-admission to the United Stales of Chines«' laborers who ship from Havre and other |«oints as sailors, and ask to return under certificates delivered to them on their departure. The de­ partment says in reply: “The Chinese Inbtjrers referred to have landed at Havre atnl been paid off, are no longer 'n any sense within the jurisdiction of the United Statesand cannot underthe recent Act lie admitted.” The decision adds that tho certificates provided under the law are now of no effect, and no oth­ ers issued in any form can l»e of value. Stas or the E nemy —It tire leaves on your voting apple trees turn lighter colored Iwforo frost comes, then look for the cause in lire trunk of the tree near the root, and it wi'l be found to ire a fairer eating his way into the heart uf the tree, and your attack on him should be immediate, with a smooth round- pointed flexible wire inserted in the ojiening and pushed in after him until you have punched him into bash. r »• » h m fit ion m rly Curat, To thi E ditor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless^ • ases have been |»vr- manently cured. 1 hbnll lie glad io send two battles of rnv remedy free to any of your readers wlm uaveconsumption if they will send me their express an«! postnffice address. Res|»ectful!y. A. Slocum, M. C., lhl Pearl street. New York. A IVnrntNf/ The niotles of death's approach are va­ rious, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from diseases of the Throat ami Lun^s than any other. It is probable that everyone,without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they «tart into life rt» Aheolufe Cure. and develop, at first slow ly and are shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat TheOriginal Abietine Ointment is only and if allowed to continue their ravages put upiti large two-ounce tin boxes, and i they extend to the lungs, producing con­ an absolute cure for old sores, burns, sumption and to th»* head causing Catarrh wounds, chapped hands, and all akin Now all this is dangerous ami if allowed eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds to proceed will in time cause death. At of piles. Ask for the Originnl Abietine the outset you must act with promptness; Ointment. Sold by all druggist* at 25 eta. allowing a told logo without attention is per box—by mail 3u cent* dangerous and may lose you vour life. As soon as you feel that something i> w rong Eczema, Itchy, Healy, Skin Torture*. with your throat. Lungs or Nostrils .obtain The simpln application of Swayne's Ointment. a bottle of Bose bee's German Svrnp. It ' without any internal medicine», will ear» any will give you immediate relief I case of Trtter. Salt Rheum. Kinxworm, Pile». ----------- Itch. Sore». Pimples. Eczema, all Bcaly. Itchy. _, ,, , _ _-------_-----------------------------------I Skin Eruptions, so matter how c txt mate or Iocs Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I « hu .1“8’ et-uhntl K