< tMllAtkUlM POIXTZKI. i* t: ic* o V i f. u /•; \ r/ <> * . D ♦«!*, mortgages ami every de* :np’; «n • >f r»‘ii-?stRt? and tv/al blank* fnrsa e.it Taxes are due. Hea’th is,good. . Willis Griffin called yesterday. : the i iME* «dfi?<» at Portland price- Give Sev« ral |>ui\lik.g*ÀArn was in town la«-! Sat ir- struciion ruction her here. f Í Ijn?. . _ medici'sc of which this can be truly said; Rra«l the new ads. «I U.1ITE9 STkTU OFFICIAL PRESS J. M. Upham, w! •• has I h tu« mtiuus I v ill, and it is an unanswerable argument as to 1’ « ti»** from (’alifurnin have pur. ! a*«*«lJ II. Am* of <’entral Uuinl was in town Chas. Long is in town is .-’* adily improv.ng- the strength and positive economy ct this n’ l'g»* quantity of apple* in th«* \oplu 1 I -A Saturday The season of good roads is ended. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, I hrs . ir.«’. -ecti«»n. Fru»* 10 tbeir in-tincis, they : Our merchanls and niechann .* are hill great medicine. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is made Wm I me* and Th«»*. Ma'tin mad? us a Vaccination is the order of the «lay. have cinpl«»yed several Chinamen !•» pick 1< 1 all last week . of business and doing well. of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably th« m. 1 Now is the time to gr^yel^ir walks. mi» aurins i > (’entrai l’«»int revel* in the luxury of known for their power in purifying the blood ; Assessor Childers called at the T imes of­ The election is now over and everyoi.? fice on Saturday. go »«1 roa«ls the whole winter. , The holidays are less than six weeks «lis­ and in combination, proportion, and process. should turn their attention to bipdnr s and j ♦ ta lit. Go to th? 5 and lo c«»nt store. The K« d House cuhtinue^ to br the place Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar to itself. Miss Ellie Gillette visited frien Is in Y.C- fit? building ut» of local interests which for tinexviPti^^ntligr^dX bargains 1 lu* 5 ami fo Trent slóre is the ¡Lice to Go to N Fisher’s for new g«M»d¿ and l«»w **For economy and comfort we use Hood’s hav.» he«*n allowed to lag during the cam­ ka. (’a!., last week. price*. • ge* bargain» hi many line*. * Mrs. Friez*. will *al once prq tliat of a progressive house. It* tide <»f trade knows no going The stormy weather has caused a lull in where. John Swenniiig and lam ly hav? goiie to trip eu-t «»f the m«,»untains. Rol»t. We«txop ..lia* peen grantediicensr business Iowa, but will return in the spring. 8 nictime in th«* immed’i'«» future a backwartl. From tiie first we have been lemlers. I.ea in styles, Geo. Ju.-tus and Andy Builcy of Foot to sell liquor at this pjatè fb? six iiforHb* S II. Dunlap of Lane coiintv has h»«'at< d monument will be erecte«! at .,'1 F«»* t Lan? creek were here yvster.lay. D. Kvyn«»lds ai»l family of Meadows pre by the couffty cdHrt.’’ leaders in prices. All goods pass through a few ham Is before they to the memory «if General..!' seph Lan?, a at latent. ciuci have brC» foe*residents «M this city. Medford Hon. I. A. Crain and wife, of I I Messrs. Magryder, Neff. Hinkle. Amy, Hood', Sarsaparilla rurrs scrofula, salt reache vou. Rev. M. A William* is preparing io Staple fall ami winter goods at Fi-her’s name «tear to the memory of every Oregon prerim t vi- ted us yesterday The fewer the lietter for the prices. Our dealings are Crthm, Lewis afi*d other i*csi lt fits ii Jnn nt is billty, dyspop:.ia, biliotism ss, sick headache, A magnificent stuck of holiday gotals < hicken-fted and barley at the S. F ' ' • •• unequal«*«! f'»r «•!•! chr«»idr sor«*s. Maev \-hlan«i i«»r a vi.-it last week. margin of profit suffices for him. l’v k‘',.erMah kcepM a full ami fir.'t-claM store. • plaints, and all aft, étions caused by Impure buv for the seven II ai . e Stores located in leadingcities of California. The Republican* will jubilate hurt next For sate bv City Drug store an*l Engel bin*! after supplies last week. stuck oi generh! nrerchAUdisc and sells al and Unimprcved for Th? prices as well as the qu.iiity of the Saturday night. Bros . Phrenix Sylvester Patterson and wife,of Ashland, prices that Ciuthfit bu beaten. Be sure to blood or low condition of the system. Try ft. goods at i he'» an 1 lucent store are astonish­ Sale or Bent. “ I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and ( . A. (’t»oii«lge of Ashland was in I’ >rl- give him a caii k ;.*. »« <*. , Walter Farra, who w.-»- thought to have are visiting in San Francisco. ing everybody. • land on the Bth. for over a year had two running sores on my been expo-ed t » sniall-p«»\ nt Glemlate Jack DeFlUfiiiy^ 'vh® «is-rentiugM qevera| Chauncvy Nve of Flounce Rock precinct A large ami first-class stock of glassware neck. I took five bottles of Hood's Sarsapa. Henry Hiipp««rt, lately of Applrg He, has was «piarantim«I at Wi low spring* f»«r •■ailed one «lay «luring th? week. lions« s hi uxwu mow« to open a tinware an 1 other good.- is being displayed gone to California. [HAVE FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING DE- nearly two \v»»«*l * H? -h«»we«l no -igus of B«*n. Haymond of R >ck l‘«»int was in varrety »Uire. « 11«*., ¡3 a rtijrtJer ami no rllla, and consider myself entirely cured." 1 scribed prop Tty : at tlie 5 and 10 cent store. • mistake. t. ,} |J C. E. L ovejoy , Lowell, Mass. C. Magruder of Central Point was in having contracted th«' disease town on business last Saturday . Mr and Mrs. Henry E. Baker are spend­ town on Saturday. For sumnrer complaints u-e (’hamber- No. 1. "Hood's Sarsaparilla did me an Immense A large number of lots in town have Jeff. Wilson ami wife of Klamath county ing their honeymoon in California. We It i been Mikl Jaiviy buildings ^vi*U be amount of good. My wliole system has beer, I (iives those at it tlistanee the same advantages its city residents. On«» ltundr<*l and Mxty aerm of No. 1 choice, Newell Hall earn? in from Grant county Iain’s cnlii*. ••bolera ami di arrio«' 1 remedy are in the valley for a short stay. wish them a peasant journey. It is perfectly *af«» tor children of anv air«' lain!, over «»no-half encloaed with a aab- erected oiij iq^-L «»! them as ?jpon a* the for a visit last week. built up and strengthened, my digestion Im. Convenient, practical and profitable. The brightest and beet go level Del. ami ('has. Terrill, of Talent, visited weather will pyrn’itt. t-tanlial !<»nce; <»n« of the very beat fruit and Goods were never sold as ch?aj»ly in 25 <*ts p-r n'ttie Soul at < ■’v Drug Store proved, and my head relieved of the bad feel­ | from everv clime are at your command. The ag«»ny is over and everybody ha- and by I.nvil Br« - . Phoenix v»xetabl? ranch?« in th»» comity; rich, aandy our town one day during the week. southern Oregon ns they are being sold Besides you save from l'i t<> 11 ar.laugh Tiny have.sol«! 2o ayres of l«»a«n, watered by Applicate cr r«»!.ar-button*. « te . in *outlo*rn Or«*g«m at tin* best figure*, cail un M E. Beatt v at súpleme court next week. R N. Baker, formerly of this place, is lund, rti viving fbh the same. mostly fall and winter apple«, plenty of I his real-estate office, in Medford. ’ ♦ Butter is scarce, and u good article sei!- t an alw iys be fnim I ut th«* S F Variety n »\v working at hi- tra«le in A-hland turnable if unsatisfactory, affords evidence of our desire to give yon ti«*, Ont span «»f horses can haul as mu li of rivali fruiU, n«-ar a £<»od acbool, good outaide -»or* . (.’all ami see f«»r vom-elves. readily f«»r 3o cents a pound. I he next quarterly meeting of the M E I* red Grob ol Wagner <*r?vk is spending a I >:ul tr. m (Vntral Point to Jacksonville range for «tuck ; government title. Price. S5UdD; Sold by all druggists, fl ; six f«»r$r». M.ule absolutely the hot service iu our power. R«*v, F S Not 1 wi’l hold -«-rvice- at fhe a few day- with his family her«* in town. church will be held at Medford next Sat­ ¡.alf <•;•- --i.e and two yearn, deferred Lake cun>ty has given ( leveland and in th«* winter season as a four horse team ( ’ ath»>iic church in J:u*k-»nvih? next Sun- payment« to be M**ured by a mortgage un the only by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass urday and Honda/, Nov. lTibnn i lSib. Thurman about «'JO majority. U . G Fanner, the popular merchant, of can handle tafweeli Medford and Jack­ premie?«. d iv First ma*s will lake p! «< <■ at S sonville. ( all al the 5 and 10 cent store and be (’all and see th«»*»» elegant silk handker­ No. 2. 100 Doses Ono Dollar. o’cl »ek v. M.. -econd ma-* at 10:-»(i M. Mott, Cal., was in Jacksonville Saturday. onvmeed that the best of goods can be chiefs at the S. F. Variety .Store Th«* project f6r an airline road to Jack- Mr> G ••» R Justus, of Foot’s creek, is A good farm of JUh acr** on Evan* creek, in Sumiay-school at 2:30 c m . and vespers at sold at eastern, prices. No humbug there th«-Meadow«*, improved with a dwelling 16x24 C (’ Pursell i* ai ling as engineer l«»r G;V» i*. M. recovering from a severe spell of sickness. sonvilte, through Hie Barnes tract, bid», .V 4 K K I /- If. f?« t with tv? r«M»m», u barn and htabb*. 8U lair to muterialfZc fhX.n. II. It will shorten A number of our Republican friend* T’bos. 11. Gilson, of Sterlingville. > (• All« n. the p«»pu.ar representative the route alnioju a mile, striking the pres­ Ham, ba on and lar«l are becoming acres fenced. 40 acre« in cultivation, well water? w« ut to Ashland S iturday to assist in cei A I. Wruht, w.» » is in charge of some more plentiful and ttie pri« e ha* r *< cd«*d • •t MurplA’. (■ ant A Co , spent Tuesday Is call.-.i t<> the following sjx .'ial values which our eastern huvers ob­ »*•1 and a fine outride ran«? Jor stock. A No. 1 (JHARFRAW H1G1NBOTHAM At th«» court ent road at th« Beal! lane. ehraiing the election of Harrison an I • »I Bybee’s sheep, was here Tuesday. stork farm. Price tift?«»n dollars per acre. cash. (.11 everything except the arli-*le la-t here. Louse, in Jacksonville, Nov. sth, by J. H Mortoli. At this .seasuii of the year people can not tained by buying at the right opportunity. The goods are much under Title perfect. Buffer, recorder. Andr«»w B. Chartraw and Immigrants are comrnemdng to c »me in. mention» ! which sttl remain* at $! »«»a J M 1 t il, of the law firm of Cox. Smith be too car« fill about keeping their bowels No» 3. Furiale at a bargnin -a cosy dwelling although winter is approaching ta*t. Miss Mary A. Hig ; nb«»üiani. < an. IIam i* qU(e residence of A B. ri'.ndai value ami arc in no wise defective. 16 acree on Trad creek, con al 11 cents. wu t»k. Fre-h br?a«l may be found at lb? S. F. improved with a dwelling-hoose; abjut twenty • •fl« 11 brought on by allowing tne bowels i«> of Medford. For particulars enquire ut R Rodman, in W ihk I river precinct. K’amath •pii.-klv as<-the Hiipplv will doubtless soon be exhausted. I .a* Republicans of G.d J H i H and vicinity \ «iriety ¿tore, Jacksonville, every d iy acres fenced; tar a g«xxl spring of water; tan«» Jo'«!i ( temens has returned t«i his horn? become torpid. An «'«‘rasiona! dose uf 8t. 1 county. N >v. 111., by Rob! B. Paul, J. P.. A hs T. Lawton, real-estate agent * Regular size White Blankets, wool-mixed, well-made, l ’ ri.-e. $1.5«'. rang«» for Mock Brice, $7 50 p?r acre: govern­ had a joll ti.-ation • me • ’ ght la*t week in Butt? «. re« k valley all- r a p va-ant vi-il I’atrick’s Fills is all that w«rukl be required, B. Rodman and Miss Lizzte ( appy B »t h of Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale D S Youngs has opened a pi- of bus ment title. The onlv thing Ilia! marred fbr event wa* here. Klamath county. and might prevent serious sickness. For Ladies" five buttoned, embroidered back Kid Glove, with scallojied ! int-s here, where secondhand articles oi at tiie T imi . s office at .si cents a hundred. N<>. 4. the Burning be"r« hand. «>f a large pile of MciNTYRI CARPEN FEE At Koro». Nov 4th. I A l*cut tt and wife, of Central Point sale at E. (’. Brook’s. The rep<»rt that Sam S ngletary of bril-h. prepar« d f«»r ’ he ucasion. by omc ail kinds are taught an I so d. He alrea iy Afineeturk end grain farm of 400 acre»: 360 Trice, 25c. I Mrintyr«» and Mii-s Lola < a’ponti-r. Jus- top.-, tans ami browns. precii i t « ailed at th? •■ >nnty >«*at «luring feels much encouraged with the outlook Glemlate had «lied of small pox is incor- unho’y outsider. acre«- uniter fence; three hundred acre«* farm tice Jaqueth» officiating Ae u-fipnprr Laa\ the w«ek. I'nion En^li-h "I»less Fabrics in twenty-five <»ung orchard and a mo? For the benelit of all who may seek to Wm Men or started for San Francisc«» Childers’ brick building. Allhouga net O F. Lewis It "It V designs, at 12^ <-t-. p< r yard. young vineyard;tw«> dwalling-hoaoaa, three ff(M*d • • • Eden pn 1 t 1 but a short time, through his skill ai.«l resuiem-e for -pririgi»and tw«« good well*» on th? place There in broad daylight, ami ^t'»b* $'.’i A <« r- yrstrrdav morning and will be gone a • vrindle the newspapers out «»f their just An excellent Corset, made of jean, well-boned ami corded, silk ’ will dues, we publish the following which i> short time. uniform courtesy he is gai itng < g-»«» I Me«iford. he sold with this farm a large amount of tain partv i- >n-pie.«»m*«L ■: I th«* matter RADER On Butt«» rr?«»k. ()«•( .(»uh, t«» Mr. and Rgncultural and Home household practice. kept standing at the h?a«l of tti<* first edi ­ I he health <»f Mr- Buck of Uniontown Sir«. .John Rader adaughtcr. embroidered, lace-trimmed (op, medium length, white or drab, sizes furniture; ata» implement* Mr •. J. I-.. Il ;r,•«»•,* and d «u.’i’t »rs oi (Vn will .*• • invest -’gate.I when I» t place«! a splemii«! a*- : ' ' ■ M sal«*, to b<* M**ured; <»r all cook, at option of the election, ami will join in the j »lliftcaiion - »rtnient of new tail an«J winter goods «>n change, of R .-«duug. kept by I B. Can-, Uniontown precinct, were at the county­ wishing to continue their subscriptions. household use. semi for our I i . i . i stkatei » ( ’ atai . ooi ».. It .is \ alua- 2. It subs* ribersorderthedisconlmuanct purchaser. I im* lain! 1* »-ituated w«wt ««f theDeb- at Jacksonville next Saturday. his shelves, • non. The line.-t of wim -. li«ni'>rs ami j seat yr-terday. ingir Gap Title p«_*rfect. A good home " of their periodicals the publisher may con­ luteresting ami Free. : It. H. Hal lew keeps a full and first-ch.ss cigars are ever kept the c, am! you can f«>r homebody. 11. 8. Evans, the popular Ash'and paint ­ tinue to send them until all arrears are Sidewalks in the *f tinwarw, «*• and <• build er. returned from Portland with .a new paid . are in a horrible condition, and need grav­ always enjoy your.-« f. up a large business, liet*expert tn execut­ eling badly The wret naif of th? oouthweM quarter and (he Flie l tMi.s was in error in stating that stock last week. 3. If subscribers neglect to or refuse to ing new work ami a*so in repairing, amt -..uthw«- ’ * -pmrter of th«« northwret quarter of < ’ha*. M« Comber and bride left the val- Fountain A Tanner s store at Mott, ( il.. G. W. Colvig has been aeting as district take their periodical* from the «»thee tn section 3'. township 36 south,of range one «*a«»t; never fails in giving satisfaction. lev this week f«»r their future home in had been closed by the er«* litors of the attorm v during Lis brother s absence in which they are directed, they ar«« iiel«l re- also the south half of the southeast quarter and Wrisley A Goddard, the rea’-estate Luke county. tirm. Only Mr. F * interest is affected, Klamaih county. ponsiblc till they have settled theii bill n«»rthwest quarter of th»* *<»utbeast quarter and agents, ar? selling con-iderabiv property, ami the bu.-in *s* i- being comliieted in the and ordered their paper discontinued n«»rth?H»*t «quarter of «outhwret quarter of sec Ad. Hc ’ ms, who recen tly came up from Mv--r< Berger and I ’ ngel of Phoenix ti<»n 15. township 37 t»outh. of rung« 1 oast, con­ not withstanding the dull time* 1 h»*y 4. If subscribers move to other same manner as before. Grant * Fa** has «»pen?«! a saloon at Tal­ were in town last week also Bieberstedt without informing the publisher am taining 2*2 acres in all. Price, five dollar«» p?r hav»* a nice li-t < I farms for sale ami Car R H. Moore, our countv tr« .is'.rvr, in­ B: - ; Haiti creek. ent, we learn. • los knows bov lu rustle up purchasers. papers are sent to the former direction, vested in a quantity of Albina real estat? No. 6. Sheriff Bir-isev cnnim«*nc«»t of road heading to the Big Butte saw-mill; valuable W illow Springs. to take perodirals from the office, <»r re­ and »ho? store in a portion of it Hiker Gibbs street h»r *-’ I< JUKI 1O:JG Dtli Those indebted to the T imes ofUce ar? Eugen« - tl( et f -r *1 •>*» I* L. Fountain, school superintendent moving and leaving them uncalled for ’ pri- owner ie out of the •UMS and the land will be A Funi will occupy the balance of the low­ ««old for five dollar«! per acre, oath* A bargain ma facie ’ evi«lmce of intentional fraud. er «loiy, aud wid carry a full line uf pro­ I requested to mak«‘ prompt payment, as th? Several carloads of apple* have been of Klamath county, earn? to this valley for somebody G. Any person who receive* a newspa­ money is nee«!ed. visions, groceries, etc. on business last week. *hippe«i out of the valley lately. Fhe ex­ Ns. 7. Chicken-feed am! barley for sale, in portation of thi* fruit i- much heavier thi* ft 1 he vi:gag«'merit of Joe Webber, Jr. the per and maite.s use of it. whi’ther In* Wa H. 11. Wolter*, the mixologist, has re­ Two hundred and forty ___ ,____ acre*» __ —eighty acre* Bnbscntied for it or not, is field in law a.* opened the saloon formerly kept by A. 11. quantities to suit, at theS. F. V arie tv year than ever before. It i* more evi­ in-tiram-e man, to Miss Annie Mansfield, ml »scriber. feuced and in cultivation; impruved __________ ’ with a nice (’arl-oii, ihoroughly refitting it and mak­ Store. Jacksonville. dence that it will pav to plant plenty of of Portland, is announced. bearing or.-hard of tine. BMurttMi fruit tree«; a 7. The postmaster who neglects to give dweliing-houee. a tarn and other outhouse?. ing many improvements. He ha.-\ supplied J 1* ‘ laver, Fred. Ruch ami Henry the legal notice tax«* from the office the newspaper ad i- >u«*cept’.ble of being divided into two piece«* cigar*, ami a tine billiard table » an aHo be attend their parade. buvve'*. cío I ra nmrbus and diarrh- a ar«» S.itiir«lav on land business dressed to him. is liable al*o to the publish of one hundred and twenty acre« each. The found there. Give him a call for he will promptly, permanently and safely (lire«! n<»rth half uf th» plac«* is unimproved. If «old Jac-«b Wristev. who i< now* a resident of Wheat is firm in th? Portland and San er for the subscription price treat vou well. ' • in one lot price F JJuU.ur a tntleover <► per acre. ra and by using Chamberí:». ti's < 'olic. < ’ hob (¡rant ««»untv. will -pend the winter in the Francisco market* but only GO cents pt r The improv« <1 tl . les Th«' Drain “Echo.” publislv'4 by i: I -tati«»n Tit!»* perfect. I here will tag public oral (¡i-« u**i *u in estate of the Garret» heirs, under the head tire East P«»rtl iml Bapt -t < lmr« h. will lec tides: ”1 cm recommend Electric Bitters N«». 8. Th'»rp, now i omr* to our ¡ :«h'«* as a -«‘\ Silverton. Mari«»n ««»unty Oregon, between of ’new thi* week.’’ Hire m A-hhtnd during the holi l iys. a« the very best remedy. Every bottle -< Id E’ullows t’h- 11« «•: >\ 1 A farm of 12C acre-, improv«*! with u comfort- Clark Braden, of <>uawa. Kan-a-. un«l B 1* i-ber's new stock mu-t b? *o! 1. regard­ culinmi fulio. ami is one of the best of our Dr. Max Hostel i- visiting Yreka. Cal has given relief in every case. One man able dw« Uir.g: ten a«*r*- feneM and m cultiva- aetd geutly OU the F. Underwood, of < bicago. Illinoi*. The less of cost. ( all am! inspect goods t»« fore m»Vthern exch ing» *. ‘ odder;: ; the ->z? H? h is been grant.*n territory debate will begin \V< «Ine-lav. N«»v. 21. lrv- they are picked over. K 11>M Y< 1.1V! !• r.<»wr.L> • tism of 10 years ’ standing. ” Abraham <»f the very IwMt stoc k rai gos in the county. -upvrior. and continue tight «lay*. There wi’l lw«> Vr.ik« e creek tf««w- throu,. . this laud. Title Jackson vilb* merchant* will rereive Geo Slovcr, latelv of Rasebtirg. wa- in Hsre. druggist, Bdlvjlh . Ohio, alliin - c. W Logan the prognosi ••? A relatives and their testimony. *o that the verdict is nnan sixty acres fenced, witli an orcliard of ataut on« all die h a ling i-*ue* tatwv. n th«* tr i« hing- lias bou-ht property in A*hland,on wbi< h net * /■•. f« $l per tb / n, for a limited m irnous that Electric Bitters do cure ail hundred asaorte«! fruit free»-; on? large spring to «net a packing house. ri«»«l i hl i* a rare «»ppurlunity to -c« urv frivmls in Salem. Portland and Tacoma. oi th? Bible an«! *k?i»ii i-m. Mr. Bruhn «lisease?» of the liver, kidneys or blood. and other smaller one* on (lie farm. Yankee * ha* held twenty right «lebat«- with th»- Waiter Farra, of Lake county, ha* been a : ne picture. < ’1 John L Burn*, representing E. Mnr- Only a half dollar a hot tie at ail drug «tor« * HABITUAL CONSTIPATION • reek runs through t!«? place Splendid stock ablest representatives of -kepti« i-m, and i* vi-iting relrives and fri.-n l- in Dougla* H-»n Jame* I. M .*« n <» Tut Sutler tin l.ona<*r. gans on vhivh it act -.. defender.* of the tea« hing* of the bible Mr. A taick house :.:t 1 larg«» lot in Jacksonville, J. \ Amlers-m was in town S.iiurday. Newman Fisher received a fin? lot of judgeship <»f the 1<’h Indiatia cir« uit be­ Km wing that n cough can 1»? • h« k«*d in Uruhrwo«»,! ha- had mu« h cxi»eri«.*me in new goods during t’.e past week. Den t fore the elerti«»n cam«' «>ff. «»n 1« count of and i- makit r r?a«ly to put up a tine resi­ F«»i* Sal«» in f»O<* n»»«1 vi.oo I’.ottlc- by with a-table A vomf«»rtHbie hum»*, and title all Lc.adiug Druggists. ¡ erfect. Price. >•>»;-.‘•MJ cash and balance in debating, and i* regard***! by idi as «»ne of fail to call and see them. private mtorcsi* requiring hi* vvh«»le at­ dene? gn hi* ram h irear Phoenix in a short a d;tv. and th? fir*t -tagen «»f <,«iii*umpti«»n * in a week, we hereby quarante«* Dr. A« k« r * three «.| iim 1 ¡»aymentt» of six. twelve and eighteen the able*t l.ving «tefemier* of skeptic i*m. M\XVlA« Tl RKt» «'MY BY TTIE tention. He will probably n nioye To < I ! t ime. Semi the T imes to vour friends East, or mouths, deferred payments to draw teu per cent, Engli.-h remedy tor ( ' all nhu buv. take it a* tea« hing in regard t«» the most important No 11. Fur th«* best turnouts lor all occash S ax E k . ymi .; co , C m . , Imre P« r dir« « timi*, ind «b» n«»t timi «>ur *t.ite themes of human thought Silwrtou is «in all the letters you can write. call at tiie Ex« «’sior livery -tai»!«* in Ja L ovisville , Kv, N ew Y uiik . N. Y A comfortable frame h<»n«M» in Jacksonville make ment ■ «»rrect S«»ld by E. < . Brooke ’Flic business of J. D. Fountain «»f A*h- the Oregonian Narrow Gauge Railroad. sonvilte Plymale * pri«*v* ai«» «jui*»* r for sale or rent on reasonable terms; three rooms « ral w i*er»«»n,i coining on the O. A i . ra'lr> >ad < an 'an I is in the hands of I R. Dawson, who sonable and he never fai!- in giving sa and kitchen; located <>n Third street, and has a W urniHo«H»u-n, or-i««p off at Salem, i ha* 'oren apj «»inted assignee. g«H»d w< II of water at the door, with all n»»ces«ui- Guardian's Sale of Real facti«»n You wdl ;«.'-» < r<..iis cutting rail or -liinplv timlx r Some plowing has already been done ize his stage In:* •unmng between t j/roperty. in in eastern Oregon and lias n<» further um ) for h ive 1<»< at?«l <»n Butte creek and were in on our I in.I on Big Butte < r.-.-k will lie pro. Prr-«»ns wr*l of th« Willamette can take th« and the farmers wid all be able to speed pla«*e ami Medford. Wo ltaic ¡list r«<-ei\ed and are receiving new goods every week the property i towi. last week. Narrow Gang? to Dundee an«! change for the plow when the rain cease*. t < uieil if they do not 4. ie of the Stock Protective Association’s t• >l«!*niit!i A Co , Portland, was in the [N PURSUANC E <»F AN ORDER ol THE lem '»r Wood««urn. valley thi* week. IFrr nt rd bearing orchard and xlao a vineyard in a bearing 1 County Conrt « f Jwkn.n county. Oregou. All appli .»tion for space Newman Fisher has just received a «up- bran«! book condition: will ta sold for $1200: a gd targain Dr. G. H. Aik#n. formerly of this place Tn rent, a ranch. Enquire of C. B. R«»»tcl, mad* November 7. W88, the nndereigned, ¿oar- Í p!v of gossamer*, over« • oat* and other win- slmuld be mad? at thi* office at once to en­ Title perfect. tiiHn of the«»♦‘tatee of tathRt. N. Gari«»tt and Rob­ ha- pi:rcha*», i:«ment wa* « rented in One of Ja< Ksonville’s repr.-t ntatives at in Oakland. ('al. W«* wish him the fullest rett, deceased. will ofl-r for eal«» to th«* high ret Mr Atwell ha* pur« based the W’agner F or iulr. this val’ey «1 ’ring th? pa-t w«*< k b\ th«* r i- creek -awmiil • f Mr. Mahon and will uper- th»* State I’niversiiv wagerc«! the fa*< inat inea-ure of pr< -pcrity. NF 1 * <»f Sr ' ■ < and the KE1« «»f SE1-4. sec XL tp 34 bid'ler, for rush in hand. Ci. 8 gold coin, on the looking-glasses and wire anti wool mattre>M>. K IU W rhe NW‘< «»f 8Wl4 and the SWU of m«»rs < e small-pox along th«- Erie <»f the I at? it on a larger scale than ever. J. A. r.«yl"»r, of Klamath county. n«-com- Tw . hundred t«»n* <»f hay and one hun­ premise«», on •ng mustache, w iiich he I a I I een cultiv it SW 4. M*- 34. ip . <4 K. IU W;lheKWl-4of NW14 l ’ arlor set.-. Idaek walnut, covered with red worsted plush. ( m u panied by Li* wre. ar«- paying a vi-it to railroad. With« iminal <-ollu.-ion the I'ort- Satui'biii, / 1 > • .• . », R»^ order Iluffer inis finished th«» a**?*-• ingall s :mmcr. «m < ’ «vdamí and it will 'reia’ive- In Josephine c ui ty. They will dred head of < .itile. For particular* apply an«i th? 8 j of NEI 4. «*c 3. tp 35 8. IHW;th<* land pap«-rs h ive for some w« »»k* be«*n sup­ I to CO. Bigelow, Williams < reek, Oregon. have to g » The saddest ieat ir«* of tpe and beautiful patents; marble top tables; bedsteads from $2 5«» to $5; Nt 1 4 of NE1-4 4. tp 35 8. K 4 W; <22.57 acres *t 2 »’dock r M. of w» • «l'iy. »«¡I th? right, title pressing the ta-t that the di e.i-e. is ve»-v m»-i.t ‘fthet -wn a» d will soon be rea«!,' wag?r .va* tha* -»»meonv « Ise think* more | remain in the valley «Itirin» th<* wint«*r. in all. and lying in Pleasaut ereek precinct. ami mt-»r«-«*t of th«* Mod Latitnn N. tiarrett and chair' from !««'e to $2 prevalent in tin- no tropolis am! p« rson> I to rrp >rt io the board of trustees. Jackson connty. Price. ^15 per acre. . f that must »«do* than Fl••«< h *i ■!<»»•*. Fhe many frit nd* of Mr* John ()rth wid R«.b‘»"t 1 Garr.»tt in ;u‘1 to th« fullowi! g d«- Cha* Nickell w *hcs everybody indebted from all part* • f th« -tale have hern uncon- Rcritad real propert) No. 14. Chilblains, unplea-ant ol»r* from th? , In* plea-« »t to l«»arn that her health is much s» ions’y rxpo-ing themselves. A*» an in to him, either by note or book ar omit. to Th? i.ndivi ' 'now week, after n turti’i g hvrnr from Portland, You can always get the neate*t job work eye. granulated i-yp lid, eruptive di-va-« s | ed with her. and th«* bouthuabt quart«»r of th«* southw«*»t quar- cit) ■ of A-n'ati'i i* lot No. nn«i Ki’uati»p‘ • Hi«-. \\ ana ite«i to eflect a radi- -out!», of range 1 west, in Jackson county ,con­ the fa t. a number <»f pvr*«m* w< «■? ex|H»*vd i »M-I on?-tlurd <»f *.u«l l«r »p ri; wi n '.i will ta Gilt w ill ) :ip<’r, >]>h‘iian ’ a Abie hav«* an taining 1«>*.iacres Price 615 ¡»er acre. Muld subject to th? light of «(«¿w«'r of their ! to it l.J it* earlier -tag- there, and *onir ! ing a rushing business. He also keeps a Malignant Sore thf»r /. 1 . if, after g'vir.g thi* Caliio.’nia King of I I««* V* : • : IL 8. EV ANS. Tli«»SWi-4of m -- 34. in tp 36 south, of range 3 ing from th? iufvrion. It- l»eh«»«»vr* rvery- Throat is «ery preva The citizens of Jackson county arc respectfully invited to call a* tin!««! ia-t w»*«k. th«* wd! » ot be *.»M « •n.’h i’ure* a fair trial a* direct? 1. it fail* Guurdian <»f wiid Lxthan N. Garr»*tt and R»»b«*rt ••art. containing 16«t acres and taiug in close I mm I v now to tak» unusual j re« auti«»ns in I Railroad men not apprehen I as much purchaser al tie » forintr .«al? Mr.*.O Vin E Garrett. t«» give -at isfactmn for th? cure of Coughs i n.xinnty to Mct'allistar’scelebratra springs«»n and examine our stock before pureha>ing elsewhere. lent among the people the way of va« i inating and refraining Pom ■ trouo •• in th? Siskiyou* thi* winter as last, «•• nt, having ma I Date*! Nov«-ruber 14, !***.! »•I ber bid «hiring the Butt«* creek. Price $10 ¡»?r acre. A farst-clars < ••..•in, V» mopm.: < ’ mi rh an I all l hroit unnecessary running al»«»ut in s<»«ti«»ns the track being in much better condition. FOLLETT A. FOWLER. investment. She has since lranslcrr?«! the j»r«»p- ami Lung troubm*. When th? dis?«i*e af­ of India. wlu re th? !i-va*« i**upjM.-cd to be in cxi-t A few copH * of th? American Settler*’ week No. 16. Administrator ’ s Notino -------- ( ila-.*. a ii?w-C'»nn»r to . ivt«. Mr. fect* tLt* head and a**«imes the form o Gui'It*. stand ir«i authority on all Ian«! rn* ?. The la*t vi*ii;iti«»n of th«* *courg? in l/uts number?«! one and two of section 31. in Mr. E. A. PEREIRA. valley, The ranch is one of the most t aiarrh, nothing i* -o cffectiv«» as (’alitor thi* valley i* 'till frt'h in the nienmry of matters, may be found at the T imes office. the t«»wnship 35 M»uth. of range 1 weet; alte«th<- lot In the matter of th? ?*»«♦«» of Wm. Centner. valuable III that section. ia ('at-R-t’tire. These preparations ar< i.umtared 1 <»f ««ectn»n 6. in township 36 M»uth. of Head Inspector Pgst Of­ many, and it is ho|sd that everything p«»s- <ìt*«*«»nr‘iM( The Republican* of Ja< k* »nviile and vi witli«»ut « quais as h'»ns “ h(»ld remedies. gestion waits «»n th«» appetite A g«*e| rang«-<.ne w — t. containing in all 96 acre* Price. sible will !»<• «I«»ne t«> aver,, its rep, tition. \’(>Th J IS 111 BFBÌ («IVI N THAF THE cin tv arc making preparations t» bar«» a *«i p « t acre. apt»« tit»» is one of th? surest > »'od s Sarsaparilla is a r<*cular appet ite. t In n ” 've advi.-e \ n-i bv a l l««t in Ja<-khonvilte. in a ♦ nmm I neightarhood, for The following u* hu abstract of the vot •* polled here shown: Ail p«»Tb<»n* indebted to shk I «•►tato are ff- bv theUounlv » -»un. -it’ing in pr«»l»at«*. at ’ great remedy for regulating these organs. means ake Dr. Ihniey’s Danddi«» -ah* <»n reaaotiabl«» term«*; has a large sitting room queated to setti«» th«* Ham«» unmediately, and the November term, I***: ti<»n in Josephine county on theßth with a good fire-plaedroonifc and a ill inukc a u“\v man of vol •• In.tantaneou« relief l lie December term «if the cirr nit court Toni«*. thus? having claim* iu ’ nin •* th? •■►tate will pre ­ In th«* matter of th«* t- 'an .>f M-. ri* Men kitchen, a «« mh I w« 11 of water at the door, wood . Brook*. g. .. _ ■ A. . will convene tw«» weeks from next Monday. So|«| by sent them t«< ai“ at my n -i b ure in ’ entrai Point ii«»u>? etc. Price 680(1. *ur. de« « a.*vd. <•«»; tiiiur«! for iinnl rep<»rt. In Throat troablc» In the precinct. Jack*<»n county. Oregon, with the prospect for a light docket is lav »r- K ililer of Flounce Rpck wa< ’In»* In th«* matter «•! the < -.«*:? and guardian­ The No 18. proper vouchers attach«*!, withi^ six numths able. i r ay a:< I c.ittal «»n <1*. lie in town Campbcll Ilo.pltal wm ship <»f Bertha and James Stewart mi ior< fnunthe hrst publicatmn «»f thi-n<»!i«’e. tands in H*cti«»na 7. lu. IV. 2d. 2Vand NG of mm *- men in ot ripe wild straw­ Justice Plymale, County Clerk M lller rep«»’Ms th»* ph' M. PEIIRSON. Or«l?r to -how c.iu*e why realty should ti«»n .It. in towr.bhip 35 M»uth, ran«n» 1 weef-.oon- obtained by St. Jacob» Administrator of said «»state. and Recorder Huffvr yesterday « .mva*v«‘d berries in abun«ian< e in hi* n« ighb«»rh<»"d , EA^Sy- F » tt T n T g n«»t la» sold. taining 1136 acre*«; and land« in ►«*cti«»ns 1?. 14, 23. in November. 'Flic earty rains brought the vote cast at the lat® presidential elec Data! Nov. ¡4. 1 — * 21 and 2.'. in townehip 35 aou’li.of ran»* 2 west myself cured E*tate «»f Jam?* B. Ih'nyarl. Final the plant* into 1» <*-»m an.I up to ia*t «■uutainina hd ) acre«*. If all of the above men- ti<»n. statement h«*ard and appr«»v« d. t mi ••«! land u!d ta Hold in «»n? body $6 per week a light crop of berries were to I».'* E*tat«»«»t El? ta S ..tt dr «• im M. Lcav* Many newcomer* in th? railnuid town* Notice to Pnblic acre in the price. If hold in quantiti?* not le«a of admini-tratmn ¡--tied to Alrxamlrr ffnd it diffic ilt to gel comfortable winter found in everv *tage of «levelopment. («rant than 40 acre? at flu to 616 Mr a«*r? according to Burn*. quarter*, «»wing t > a scarcity of hou*es to Oregon forever' Bold by — the quality H<>d «quantity of lan«l sold.—Term»«, Althouse 4 H «UNDFRMAN IS NO LONGER MT An immen*»* - a »■ of( bamberlain * Cough Galice < ’r«*ek < »re third rash at time <>f sale, balance un tim? E*fat? .»f It I. M I’.rid*. Inventory «»f rent DRUGOISTS »NO 0EALER3 A« agent, and has no authority to take «»rder» to suit puh liHMT. def«*rr«*d j»a} merits to ta se- apprai-rm* nt tiled. Ja« k*'.n is still the banner Democratic Remedv ha* be« iui»rudiier«l to a great « \- Jump.<’ff-J«>»* or departs for me. U 1 G ABEL. <*ured by a mortgage <»n the premia«»». Thia land Kerby ville EVERYWHERE. Farm* r-iiip v*tate <»f O M«»u’b ( u-toni < ’uilitter. • uinty having given < leveland and Thur­ tt nt. bv pr«»ple who hav • been « nrvd by it Mur| by . i-mostly slightly rolling clay »oiL ( i.athtii I. an«l E. Gar- the state. No 19. Fhe most .-«»ver« c«»hl will ! Oregon, for tand in M*cti«»n 36. township 35 south, range 2 E. K. Breitman will giv? a grand ball a* having i./vri charg« d *v“h ki. .ing li* •/- i>e- ■ the County of Jackson. AII quiet af«er the election west; ata» lands in sect ions 3} and the south half • • the ( « ntral hou*“ in Ashland on Thanks Jane Mennick, plaintiff, vs. Robert Menmck. lunging to M W. Dunlap on th-* Applegate township It south, range 1 west, ( < h t\ h «g* ««f hi* <»w:i / Toin the District Attorney of IT strh^ster def«*ndaot. containing 15(1»acres, al) fenced with a good rail t ’ o., y«*««» Fork. in«»re ni’ll. To lb.bert Mennick.th»* above-nHnif*d d«»feiidunt. will not regret it. fvuce ar«i runs to Rogu«* river. Will be s<»jd running <«n tb-it rang«». ..nd that he kilted | IN I HE NAME OE THE STATE OF OHE- Wmi e Plan*. N. Y . April 1“ BSG cheap in l«»U* to suit purchaM«rt. and at prices ac- Welch A We'« h will iu»»n move their Jac«»b Thompson and Gwin S. But’er non** that «ii l not b« long to him. Th? I hav«j receive«! many letter* in reference 1 gon ; You are hereby required to appear and cording to thenelecuona mad«. mill u» the Goff farm. came over ttie mountain on business con­ bon Iw i* fixed at Bl M Spal.n, ;irn-*t- to my testim »nial. Htelv published, com­ answer the complaint of the ab<»ve-entitl««l court, Manufacturer of anti Deal r in Parties wishing to purchase anvofthe above now «»n tile with the x lerk of said court, within (’ha*. chaffer has moved into h’s new nected with selling their cattle on the cd on lb** -am? charge, a as a* d:*a:hargcd by mending Allcock’.* Porous Plasters. J ten days from the data of the service of this sum­ lands, can stop off at Medford, where they will Kiamath last week. • house. It is a • on imo« lions structure. Justice Ply male. t. mot at tborailroad t mb the arrival of cannot spare tiie time to answer them in mons upon you. if served in Jackson county. W. E. Dean and family this week re trams by Messrs Wrisley and God«lard. real J. A. Whiteside* i at w .rk on hi* new Pendleton. Oregon. January 12. writing, therefore would again sav. through Oregon but if served in any other county in tiie ♦■-tat« agents, who will convey them in g «»f th? lands I have for sale, fre? of th«» date of the wrvice uf thia summons ui»on until the «lat ger of smallpox al the last ¡nd . ed h> tri th» (>REG<>N KIDNEY' T<«rou* Pla ’ t« r* invaluable a* chest pro- J. B. W«?b h - little son i* quite ill with charge f«»r <*onv?yanc? 81 LAB J. DAY TEA .which relieve I m? in .*• -bort time. I t?rt«»rs ami shields against coughs and y«»u or if served on you out of the State, or by fever. M > Mayfield and Wm. Ba.ley ar? named place is over. JacksonviIte, Oregon Oct 25. 1 m 8>* publication, you are command?«! to appear on Dr. Gill will hav? his office in the build­ tak«* ptea-tire in r ■otiimeminig it to tire cold*. Furthermore. 1 havo found Ali­ the 1-t day of the December term of said Court SADDLES AND ROBES. both quite poorly’of ¡ate. ¡■ub’i'- a* a >at? remedy for ki Im v ditli nl- en ‘k's P! isfers ii’j.q i il?d for pain in si«l?, viz: Monday. December 3.1888 Mr Reynold* ha* moved t>hi* moun­ ing over the S. F. Variety St«»re in J.'1'’K- tie< <•»-.»I. oe W I mi i . v . back an i chest. N el *«»* H. B vkf . r And yov. are hereby notitied that if you fail to a Specialty tain ula« »• again, and a new family will sonvilte. Office lioiirs fioin ten to twelve appear and answer said complaint <»n or before C«»unty Judge ut Umatilla. a . M., and one to three r M. lake the huu*e be o*< npird at the mill. the first day of the regular term of the above en On? Democrat llho ie Happy. The hon r am! integrity of th»» manage riu* price of «apples rai-ed t«» |1 ’>) a box tand Office nt Ro««*burc. Or.. > litleil court. t<» 1»? tagui. nn«i held on the first IN*. E m . ()ct«»tar8. IMM*. i .\ «’.¡-patch fiotn Salem, dated Nov 11th. Monday in llecenitar. A 1). 18S8, the same being in Portland, which is more evidence that ni»*nt uf the Loui-iana Lrnterv ('«»mpanv N otice is hereby given that the a-«» now fully establishe«! all over the -;»ys that Ex Gov. W. W Thayer, judge of the 3d day of said month, the plaintiff will take there will always be a good market for Ihr Krpttbltctf h Jiibil-r, f'dtevintf-nMtned Miller bun filed notice of a deer?«* ugninst you arcor«ling to the prnyer of .»liutry Al! win» kn-»’.v anything :ib«mt tb< -uprem«* «’oiirt of On got», amt hi* e*ti- choice fruit of this kin I. hi« intoni ion to make final prqof in «upj>ort of *airre*pon«ktit. as they alighted from the suit to be taxed tan latest h I> I- - 1' 175u. t»»r th«* F1. *»f NEti. mm 2|. and NV, of NW The Monarch saloon at Me Iford, under And you are further notified that this summon* affili;»ti«>n*. A nature of tlie parade will b« M> |.ric,!► of Ban;’«» Valley, Jack- Attorney for Plaintiff •al imn <»i the day as being the b»**t -mile. ’Thi.* is the anniv* rsarv ofourw«*d- bands in the procession. Fhe Jacks >nv.l e Silver Cornet Band known remedy fA»r ad the complaints t«»r «ling «lay -on Co.. Ur.. F. W. Mitchell and Wm Hadey of We were married just thirty-six Spikenard. JackMin ’Co . Or.. Alten Hodge« of A. Specialty. went t > Ashland last «Saturday to assist which it i* ncommemhil. It *hm:51a! year* «ago t«»-day ” Etna, Jack»M»n Co.,Or. in the Republican celebration. ’Several of ways be kept in readme'.*. For It flam Urtile I p. •And that i* why w«» are looking happy ( HAS W JOHNBTON. Recitar. our cituens accompanied them. mation, H morrhag« *. > ireTnroat, Burns. to night,” a1>;.AUI>, Hl >. B WBlSl.rl A first-class piano and a small safe will (,nt*. \V«»un is. it i* worth its weight in wife’s arm to help her into their carriage. JACKSONVILLE, OK» me are hereby notitied that 1 iuu-t have a Notice to Contractors. s«»ttl«‘ment of all a« «’ount* by the 10th of be s< I«! at «i lea'onable figure, either for g»ld. Be sure to get the genuine De vrnl»er n«At. or I will I* conip< lle«i to ca*h or note with approved security. Ilitva l>«»<*t«»rN <*oii«|ii?r Dcalh- Deli. at women wlu» complain of a tired hi : church having procured prop - VSIT SCHUTZ PROP Mir forth with «»n all that unpai»l on that Apply soon at the T imes office «•rty at Ashland, «««»aI«ai bi«i«« will now ta re. f—.-ling, pan».* m the back am! loins, d»*sir? Dr. Walter K Hammond -ays: “After c?iv««i by th? undemaned until the »late. There is no <»th< r alternative. Pay t , steep «I zzines*. painful <>r *iipni«*1 iy of Xfh > mbert I888t ion Felegraph company will soon he moved ni< ustruat mn, will tin! in Oregon Kidmy elu-ion th it two third- of all deaths fr«»m countrythat h«» i* now manufacturing, ami will ( entrai P«»int, Nov. 11. 1MM. to th? post-office building, where «¡uarters I ra i tai'hill! irieml. 11. (an be robed uj o'» cough*, pneumonia and «on*umption. at 1 «» < b«-k r. M.. for il»? erection of a Catholic instantly k«»ep on Land the very best of lager in every in.-tanc? t«» give iiuim diatc r« In f ars being tiled up fur’its reception. might Iw itv-idttl if Dr. Acker's English !>eer. either in bottle« or k«»gs church at AUdan«!. < »r«*g?n. Plana and aueciti- ▲ *»ad Mt»ry. mti<»i)« can ta m *« u at th? pastoral reaiuenc«. I here will be a Thanksgivirg bail at fr tn kidney and urinary troubles, l'hml-- lb-me«ly for < «>n-umpti«»n were only care­ W. I. VAWTER, ('asidor Jark«M»nvillo. <»n th«» 8ih of November JNO H. BENTLEY, President. The The f‘d in time.” This wonderful rem­ right in reserved (<» r?j«»cl any and all bids. No remedy wa- n« ;ir. Before m«»rf»tng the evening of We«inesday. Nov 2>ih, umlei from s me disorder ot the kindeys or liver, edy i> -old under a positive guarantee by E. O AC(OMMOD\TE THE GROWING DE- KEV. F H NOEL, Rector. who might br perman»*ntiy cur?«l by using C. Br«>«>k». p«H»r litile *ufferer wavdead. Moral: Al­ the au*picefl oi (laniard’s orchestra. mand f«»rr«»al ?>ti»te. w- bave «»poned an of. J»ck«onvilte, Jackaon Co.. Or Oregon Kidney Te.i. Sold by E. C. Bro jks ways keep Dr. Acker * English Remedy at fie? in th? town <»f A. H. Maegiy last Saturd.ay sol«! his han«!. Soi«l by E. C. Br.»«»ks. Poultry 11’an'J. family buggy horse, that lias *o long been Settle Up. Don't Experiment. a consp tuous figure on Jacksonville’s Wm. Stuart of Gohl Hill will pay the NO« You cannot afford to waste time in ex ­ A LL PERSONS KNOWING THF.M8ELVEB streets,»to W. 11. Atkinson of Ashland. highest cash price for chickens, turkeys, We claim to have tui fin«* a line of property, and XX indebted to th? estáte«»! Dr. J. H Chit- perimenting when your lungs are in dan­ The « a*e* appealed t > the supreme court, New -apply of Waverly sclmol shoes ger. <'.>n»»unipiion always seems, at first, geese, ducks, «tc, (live him a rail, if you w « mm 1 by note or book »« ruunt. are hereby n«»ti- to he ahte to furnish nr reliable information from th? first distri't, will 1»? heard next received thi • weck al R« «m» * «V White’s have poultry of any kind for sale • fiad to h«»ttl? the Ritme within the next thirty concerning real wtate in Soiithem Oregon, hm Do not permit any dealer to week, a* follows Dean et ah, v*. Bybee. ’u*t the thing fur th«.- w« i weather Don’t «»nly avoid days or render tb«-n»selve* liable to costs of sqi L any other farm now doinu buaineas. iiiip« ‘ se upon >' U with some cheap inr-. Mor. -. Nov. 19; Langell vs. Langell. fail to call for a pair for tiie little folks. Correspondence solicited, C. B. WATSON. Terrible. FARM FOR SALE ration of Dr. King’s New Discovery for WR18LEY A GODDARD. Tiic*«h»?. Nov. 2»»ih; D.iw*<»n v*. P«»gue et Att’y for Estate. Two-thirds of all deaths in New York A large amount of money aggregating <'on- iniption. Coughs ami Colds. but be Ashland. Or . Ort. I, lxfca. ul Wedn?*«lay. Nov. 21*t. We h ive n««t esiring to engage in other pur - < ’ ity ar? from consumption or*pneumonia. several thousand dollars , was wagered here sure you get the «genuine. Be • »use tie can learn?«i wht n the other case* wilt be heard, suite. 1 offer for sale on reasonable term«, my Stock and Land Tor Sale. on th? result of the presidential election. No n-ak»- more pr«»tit he mav tell y*»il be ha- The same pr<«p»»rti<«n iiohl* ffor most other XOTICK. with« • ugh there are several of them. Dr Acker's LProP”rty on Williams creek. Josephine ?(»unty. I - are rous. T • »ne party lo-t more than $G«M>, however. something just as good, or the -am?. « ties i n will • I ­ < >!( coinpriHefl 8H acres of land, most «»f which is HE UNDl RHIGNED OFFERS FOR RALE he public ik hereby notified that English Reme«iy for ('on*uiiipti«>n will al under fence, well watered and susceptible to cul­ The ¿. F Variety St- r« is the place to Don t tad« reived, but insist upon getting five b«»nd of go«sl horses; al-«» par« « Is Wlu Heineu Cale. 1 hnv? thi«* «lay given my son. J«»hn C-. Lou­ ways relieve .«nd inav save v«»ur life, bold tivation. The dwelling house and outbuildings of excellent land - at unt rd in Ja< k ’tvill«». Wil­ W- men lotie th»*ir beauty be«au*? eol i** buy your cigars.candie*, nuts and notions. Dr. K’ tg s N *w Di«covc y. nh'eh is guar I by E. C. Brook*. don. hi« time during th? remaining years of hin ar« in gocsi condition, ta«»idre which there in a low Spring“ and (*«»ntn«l Point pi«»cn.«*i*. F >r minority an« ad Throat. Lung cabinet shop supplied with superior water-power. further particulars « all at th»» Jack- ilk- Mar­ and Chest affection. Tua! bottles free at wny debt.« <»f hie contraction from an«i after thia lower than anywhere else in southern Ore- Remedy for ( un*uniption is an absolute For further particular«, enquire un the premises ble Worx®. dap. t J AM Eb A. XO UDE N. E. < . Brooks’ drug store. Large bottles $1 gon. cure for colds, ovl«l by E. C. Erotta. oraddrtM G. B. CALDWELL, J C.WH1PP. Fhcikmocraticïimes Il EHI. A \ If I li ! K I . 100 Doses HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. Notary Public and Canveyancer. One Dollar Shopping by Mail Hood’s Sarsaparilla Your ATTENTION HILE IK. & CO SACRAMENTO, CAL A Pleading Sense of Health and Strength Rene".e Land of Ease an I Comforl Colds, He.iku lit san l Fever- and p ’ c.r.m inly curing MEDFORD ORECON THE LARGEST STOCK IN JACKSON COUNTY! BED-ROCK PRICES FOR CASH JtJÄCOBS OIL F. W. CLAYTON ■JOHNSTON OPTICAlÇpS IFAVELER AND OPTICIAN? Medford, Oregon W. C. COOPER MEDFORD, OR BUGGY, CABRtASc anti TEAM HAItN l-lsifs. WATCHES. CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, PLATEOWARE, ETC., ETC. Notice for Publication. All Kinds oí Repairing Cone Grand Central Hotel. Ni KI )FRD. OREGON A. MADE HARNESS THE CITY BREWERY Proprletpi FiSRT-CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR. I'ornits .*<1. Set .*><> mid Svá l’er Day T M SMOKE THE LITTLE CUPIDS! T Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn. O]M»ii(»d Sept. I. ’HK Jackson County Bank OB’ MKDFOBD. OREGON D T I .Children Cry for Pitcher’« Castorial T JackaotinU®. Orffc’^.Oct. 1?.