ffhcjynuo(v«ticïimc5. th e KLAMATH COL'.XTY ITEMS. Cattle-buyer* continue scarce. 0 Urlili l'aprr ut JacKsuu, J«»M-j>hiii» A Lake Our population continue* to grow. Cool morning* and nights are here. THURSDAY ... OCTOBERS.. IHM». i* Sheriff Childer* taxes. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. There i“ a night. Col. J. N. heavy r. ready to receive fitMt nearly every Mill.-r is n.>w in K !.im- ath ruuntv. Sr- OÍ. Cir« uit vou t < 41 ' in xi AluiiSuy. ont» ue k ft X » Mis* Tdlic N her visit to Smist.i vuli.-y, Cal. Hum is now selling for «22’> Itbonsanil pounds in this unirket. r r Chas. I.. Puriish is acting *s deputy ■ clerk, ,i d gi»i * Ihn* sati-ho :i*>n. I. i o-rbi i- lg'e'v shipped several ! un- 1 uri-d !>» .t l »f .- c'.uid tl *.*.t. Ian F.- - .lei . iiti'r !- her eni »metis borne market tor tmii.ufa. tu-e I good* letter iliac we do o i-s, pa. * the higlie-t wage* in lmro|H*, and sell* abroad |1,343.3;1.>, JtklO worth of product*, mostly maiinfac lured, to ur ♦“.‘»J.Kd 000 worth, eight ■ tenths of which art* agricultural or natu­ ral p.oduets, the same a« naif civilize»! i nations. Our home market can ncitht r run l away nor I h * supplied from outside. It will buy nothing that is not profitable to buy. And the way to increase it is to give our mannfactuier* taw materials as : cheaply as their comuetitor* buv them.— , I V. I. H url./. publican league of I’akvta county, con- taining eight■■ men I m i -, a tuanciiof the Minnesota league and of the national league of Repulilit-an eiubs, held a in- et­ ing, repudiated tl.e Republican take and disbanded tlie.eauue. At tie- -aim­ time the ( ban u.an oi tl.e < ouuty commit tee sent in hi* resignation. Ther!- i- •very chance now fur the l>.-iii.-(-<.it-t carry the state. Tl.e s, atidiiiuvi.m vote ha* come ever bodily to the Deinot-raln- party, a» they are a.i in favor oi lower taxes, and (..eeiectoral vote will ulis. f»i-trii-t Attorney Colvig will address the ci' z ih of K' im.ith eoui ty a» differ­ ent piiinis when he r -tuin« from Juck- BOnville. Dm* tu ii, of hi* aj.poiut m-lit* will t>.' give". Mr. C. :* au able arid iii''-r.--' ■" : >|i'-i!-e . an l ir- - oiild be greeted by large au li- nee*. Tilt prospect ut carrying California for the Democracy ia becoming bright* r everyday. The «entimenta «>f Leland Slanfoid and other ha img light® in the nmn i.»-*uirnt oi the Southern ’ Par ¡tie Kaifrtjad Company, ai! •>! who«»» ure R« - publican*, and manipulators of part) ]K>lit»CM in i alilornia. Lave voire«4 their Mentiinvnta on the < liirxe^e rx<‘lu*i»>i» question in an intervit w of Major lien C. Truman, the head of the literary bureau of the Southern Pacific company and h»- declarer* that ‘‘there a.t* les.* denial*'’«* «*U*Mea in uui imdbt than the Chinese.” Stanford g«** fuither and admit.-* that the gigantu curporatiun of which l.e h the head, is in favor ol the continued immigration of the Chim»we. 4 >n top of thia the national Kepublican committee baa aligned Cungresamman Tom Kecd of Maine, an avowed pro-Chine>v man. to stump California next week, ih»1 Republican anti ( him .~e elvmei t will have to come over bodily to the llvnio eratic paity if they wish to v«.te tl.eir HeiPimentg on this important «¡».«••»tioii. losEi’ilIXE ro.’ Vrr Cor. 7th ami B Street®, MEDFORD, OR • » QMpVI IVI Superior Manufacturer ' * and Dealer in fpl Strength 'f Fastness, Beauty, | AND Simplicity. ^OBBCBbe® many Important Advnutagez over all other prepared Fooda BABUS CHY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Mak»» »lump, Laugh ng, Health, Babies. Regulate» the Stomach and Bowels, bold by Druggists. U3c., SO»-., Bl.00. Full size Wliitc* Blankets, j»er pair.. '« 1.25,3.00, 4.75 BUGGY,CARE. .GE and TEAM Large size “ “ (Gala, wool) per pair, .«i.50, 7.5o, 7.75, 8.00 11 A. I*-< 1’2?*?*. Extra large size White Blanket.-, finest (lai. wool D.oo, 10.no Full size Gray Blankets, per pair............................. 1.25,2.25,3.50,4.00 SADDLES AND ROBES. Extra large Gray Blankets per pair...................... 5.95, s.oti. '.».on, lo.oo a S jhh ittlty 7 11>. mixed Brown Blankets..................................... 2.25 Calico Comforters........................................................ 75c, S5e, 1.00, 1.25 Extra tine Comforters...................................... 1.75, 2 00, 3.00, 4.0", J.5o —WELLS. RICHARDSCIU CO «_M«uMT0», »T. vx arranted to color mor® goods than anv other «iy« « ever made, ami to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for tho Diamond, tc.d taka uu other. 36 color«; 10 cents each. A Portfolio of Leautifùi l»a!»y portraits, printed ih/ELLS. RICHARDSON A CO., Burlington, Vt. on fine plat«* ¡>a|x*r by patent photo brocca*, sent free U’Mother of any Baby boni within a vear. l or Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE Every Mother wants these pictures ; bend al once. Give Baby's name uu«l age. WLLLS) RICHARDSON ¿»CO., Props., Burlington, Vt. Gold, Silver, Bron«, Copper. Only io C.ati. Baby Portraits. DIAMOND PAINTS. n MS 1 T Í t Cases anil Cases of New Gwds. Lillies’ ami Misses’ Cloaks and Wraps. Over SOO new Garments, Fall and Winter Styles, from the prince of Eastern Manufactur­ ers. New patterns in Carpets. Complete lines of Tin and Japan ware, 2b per eent. below anv dealer on the coast. A full and complete assortment of new Fall Goods in every-department. Orders by mail respect­ fully solicited and carefully attended to. 0. > JACKSONVILLE, OR ■» 1 1Ò THE Kn l|'P l( k VERY 1 . i* « r T ! goods forali kind- of country produce at high REAMES A: M IUTE, Jaeks • • in«-» :■> luniF»c*r. fi i . I’. Ftbî*»*’ i li.t'« return«“! ’r’»«d Li.-* trip t » noi »hern » ’.Hitorrnu and *;iith- t’4>r rn O». 0» n. The <'t*k‘brat«Ml STL DEBAKER a NURSERIES! O Conveyancing in all its Branches. )WN PKOPEBTY. THE LEADING VARIETIES M-Becni. CcKter-Drafl. Clipper Plows: Bissell Cliilled Plows: Improved Scotch Clipper and Timber Plows. AND Also a Great Van ty of Grapes. Berries and Currants. p.»r acre. No 38. 350 acre®. 1'hiH body of land a< I join h Jacksonville and i® level, rich grain, fruit and vmejard land, and ih fenced in live field«, ¡’here in on the place a dwell- mg-hwu«e, ppring-l.ouee with tine spring, barn and outhouse*, and a good orchard Term®, half cash, and the balance uu two. three and tive- year payment®. We would call attention to our tin»» etock of Muir I’eac ». Berkeley G »««s»»herry, <’h«»rry Cur­ rant. American Black Walnut, and Bushian Mul­ berry. (’all and eee our stock Indore purcliatting, or addret»** 11100 No. 42. 200acre®. J»!)acron .,f unimproved land, 30 acrea of which if prairie land and the balance good timber land, all gyqd fruit and gram land, with two living HpnitgHof water Four mile® from Jacksonville. Now is Your Timo to Get BARGAINS!! f 70U0 No. 51 2»AJ acre« A No. 1 farm.situated two miles northeast of Phornix. having a g«»od dwelling bouse, bam and out buildmgf, orchard, wood and water supply, etc ltid acre® fenced and nearly all under culti­ vation. much of which ih susceptible to fruit cul­ ture. It it* also well ®ituat»-d in a healthful loca­ tion school house n«*ar by and less than two miles from a railroud depot. 42500. N 78. 200 acre®. Mostly fenced in grain telds. meadow, pasture, orchard and garden ; all rich, black, alluvial soil; about I'.F acres of plow land ; three springs of pur«* wat« r ; st ream tiowmg througli the place ; orchard beet variety of fruit ; larg«*.commodious dwelling-house, larg»« barn and numerous out­ building®. No better location for stock ranch in Oregon 8umni»*r range inexhaustible; hf- te®n mile® from railroad <1« pot r .3.131 Frige® am»»urtiug t4».......................... M *64,8U) Nol t Ticket® drawing <’ai»ital Prize are not e»:«r I» «! t" ti-rxii.nui ¡»nz**®. l*«.r club rat«*®. <«r any fur’ l.»*r inf«»rmation ap- MILWAUKEE BOTTLED BEER. plj t<» th«* u:.*l .-nr’.' -l. i»»ur (.uralwriting rnu®t b<« ->ur full adtiroa® BITTERS. «■v-r J !•»»'> i I !. ><»!*..%, Exi r •*> M<»uey or lor- orV w Y »rk Exchange in ordinary l«*t'«*r. ( tirrene}' bv Ex pre®* al «»tit »*xi»en®** K«!'ir»*®*e«l to M. A. DAI I’HIN. N w Orb ar®. La ox M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D ( . “ST. CHARLES HOUSE, T FUEL). 1!. ROWE, Tolo, Or T Medford, Jackson Co., Ogn. variety S tore We claim to have as Une a lir - <»f property, and to be able to furnieh as reliable information concerning real estate in Southern Oregon.as any other firm now <1«»Hig L um nee®. ( orreepondenre solicited WKISLE Y A GODDAHD. SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES t.RAi’i ! vim :.- < i ui ;\ ms . ti K- IUE s . BLAi KBl.HIIll.S. liASPBI IE Oregon RIES. STRAWBERRIES. FIGS. Our tree® a*»'ar«»wn w.*' >ut irrigation «-i. red hili lan i. a? «! ai! «»f know-i vaii«*ti *• that ®uceeed 1 u Soufl.er* <)r«*«cor:. I h<»***- ct writ«* to u»» fot price-lie! A< 1*i«•»•."- to u: at Murohy. Jo®e. plum* county Oregon, or to K K btation. Giant*« F h * h , Or. A. IL CARBON A SON I JOHN MILLER, M:t-;uf.»( ’ ursr and Peal’T iu MAS. I'ISMS AM) «»IIMÏIIIS, Dissolution Notice otice ih hi keby given that j he Fishing ldi‘kk Hardware. I’aiuts, Oils, Varnish. Glass, Cutlerv, Etc.. Jacksonville, Oregon. Corn Whisky! GROCERIES H A Rare Chance! Gent's Furnishing Goods. WAGON MATERIAL. SCOTTS EMULSION BY THE CARLOAD, mdwe * xii tiswake wnr OF PURE COD LIVER OIL ASE HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Important Notice. J Where i® kept constantly on Land a complete and first-class ®t«»ck of MART1& ANDREWS, ASHLAND. OR., Agents for i HARDWARE, A. COOK & SONS. Vancouver, W. T. WEW BOOK of Trarr!. DiM-our) and tdvsntarc. Msjhanics' Tools, TOURS ROUND OR. i THE WORLD. So disguised tlial it can be taken« digested, and fu««tn>Dated by the most to b® indebted to m<* by »¡«»t«« or l»«M»k a«*- sensitive stoma« h, hexi the plain oil A count hr«* n < ai ious. force collection® if 1 d<* n«»< »r®t it Kw»n. NEWMAN F18HEIL Seaurlxbk as a fle h prodan-r. Jacksonville. S®pU IS. 1^“- Prisons falc rapidly wine teUag It. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, T ’ X. OI¿S OF ATI KINDS, iDRT AND FANCY GOODS, BOOTS, FROM POLE Caps, TO POLE; ll person » knowing themselves h F..r Sal.> by & WILLIAMS. ; Auple. Pear. Peach Plum. Prune. Apricot, Nectarine. Cherry. Almond. Chestnut. Walnut and CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. To Bridge Builders ! ! Gcod3 Sold at Bed Bock Brices. J n stuck. C ineiblnig <>f r«»-partr»*r inp h» rct«»f<»iexisting betwec® J I! K'.ncai«! an«! *’ G Kipj'cj. of 1 “t’tral Point, Jack®on coun’y, Oregon, La® !»o«*n flu® NEXT BOOK TO P. O. daj <• pr«u Thi® i® the pluce to got your ®ent»*d to him Witne®® <»ur hands tlii® 1-t «I ty of Gct«»l»er, aving failed ro< m > seout my bck - UM J H. KIN< AII». ine>-* in J®< k*-«»nvili»*. a** I had v i*h«*»i t«» »1««, C. G H1PPEÌ 1 hav® c»»i.< hub *1 b» ctH.tir.u» tt «• ►•«’»)«• »i a larger In g thankful t»» my ol«*r® for their p»u*t j»idr.»i.ag.* -o lilteral. ly beat.iw«-«!. 1 would r«*®|®*» ’full; •».»!,< tl a «•«»•»- Carriage T« m »1® and private effort® <»f th® late tir.uanc«* of th® -amo. JOHN Ml!!.!!:. 8. P. Hanna, This i® a rare opportunity f«*r an> I And ev«*rytl»ing usually found in a tirst-cla®« Variety St«»r®. Aiwo, I on® wishing t«> purchase ®<»ni® tinrt-rla»*»*carria«»* i material, etc. H. K. HANNA. Admihintrator CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. I March 6.1885 Our g«>o ‘ tlOli. • . I a- -- a i--put.itn*ti.i--■ .-I lu.iiit». Hutui ... Si rtHaia, Cumr nn Stm I.nl Penmanship Dei, it mettle. Htudeut* iidnuit.d u< any lune < ' AT CENTRAL POINT, i ue and -lO'-inie:.* oi i .- i . iii ni-hip -<-nt I . , J. A. W»:s< <>. Hee-J. A. I*. AHNNTUU-M.. I'rir. All kind- of NOTICE GROCERIES 100,000 TREES O ACCOMMODATE THE GROWING DE- niai! I forrenl is-tate. w- have ..va-ned-uii of­ fice in the town ..f AT THE SAN F KAN CISCO ABTK'LE OF Six mile® 8«»nth of Grant’® I’ m ®*. Josephina t’«»urty. Oregon. A. 11. CAUSON i SON, Proprietors. MOWERS BY THE CARLOAD I AFINE STOCK WAGONS BY THE CARLOAD ! A Pure, Unadulterated STOVES BY THE CARLOAD! N STAPLES BY THE CARLOAD! NAILS BY THE CARLOAD! BOURBON, RYE Ten Thousand to Ten Million Feet. I GREAT REDUCTIONS OREGON Oaton & Girrett, General agents- SUGAR PINE, FIR AND YELLOW PINE REBLAND NURSERY, lioDDALX», JU Dissolution Notice. JOHN A. HANLEY, Pre. Saw Logs. Saw Logs. \l H OKLI IAS NA HON Vi. E AN li N« w Orlemia. I»ft« M. E. Williams, Prop’r Ashland, DISTILLERY ! cali Address Regiskrcil Leiters h LINKVILLE. <>K. CENTRAL HOUSE, ROGUE RIVER 11IHS CYRUS NOBLE DISTILERT. I»................................ (XfMMVM) 1 PRIZE O! > f • <»- 1 I’lUZl <>E I’"’.“-» i®............................ 1« h..*<■) 2 I’Ll ZES OF 1 r. PIUZES OF 5JXMI ar®............................ 25 .«JO an*................................. 25 J MM) 25 1’KIZISOl 1 I.« PHIZES •» PHIZES OF APPROXIMATION PIUZLS luu Prize«* uf >■«••• approximating to f4«4i.of Prize are................... approximating to 1 > Prize», of llU/ioPrize are....... ............... 1u the w«««t side *>f Kogue river valley. 1» miles west of a U.K. depot and 3 4 mileseaat of the county seat The soil 1® fre«*, rich. bla«-k loam, all hrst quality of fruit and E. K. BßEITMAN, Proprietor, gram land. The place lias a house, larg«* liarn and tirst-class fences on it A great »Mu-gain and will be «»pen for only thirty day®. $4,(iu. 79. 200 acres. A tine farm n«>ar Ejiglo Point, Or., all fenc«*d. 1< h ) acr«*s in cultivation, excellent house. g«»of Central Point. HICHEST MARKET PRICE rill*» |.«»w.l**r n-v»*.*’vm«»®. A marv«*l <»f fy* **( rHDkfth and wh«»l.*K<»rn«*up--. M«»r** ••c«»n«»rn- !• a! than th® «»nli'i try kin«!-, an«! car.n«»i bt* ®4»1!> With »'.<• tTlHtf”l»U’i»' of l'»w test. *h«irf wiLtht ah i ■ or ph'»Mplia»‘* |>«>wd**rM. 8«»l»l only in <• ci- ll-»i\i. K ikino I‘«> wi » kk < «>.. Wall Kt.. N. Y. 100.000 Tic’uet. nt Twenty Dollar. ea» h. Halv.sut *10. Q..ar.fre at $□. Tenths at $2. Twentieth . at »1. rrii<‘ Guest* Free Bridge Across Rogue River Absolutely Pure CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. DI’TI L’\f UL’P i nal 1-'■ pr—encsof Gen IÁT j ALI j AI 1 )lull r.tS B» c;r« khi »! an ! Ear- lj, ui *ar*' ‘ . ^•■«»fdi»’'lr.-.Ai:.»r-..-HKniHr- ant«*« < fah*-«'l'K" f.-sirn**®«- a* •! îrtfgntj. that tti« his hotel , h wing been thokoitìh - «?i'a::c«*t* ar«* all t*<|ua!. rt: «1 l!»at it*» or.«* • an lj r«»p«ir.*.i an«! u»*wly furni®h» trank* amonir b|\ .1;-. .* w .»t i.umber® w 11 draw it I’r.^. tl.® bewt in Southern < >reg«»n ! h»* !»• dr* >•»•* new REMEMBER • i «. i. » I'r./.*® and cl«*an and tit»* table® aupplied with the bv.*t i- 1.1 i K t X 1 « i» tti HH d X k ! i »5 ». ! I k X .f \.-w <»rl«*i.’- an i t:.<* u» k'*t- «*.r»* -!»•’.•■! I>> O'« $15«M). 80 a< ree. I the market ail»»rd®. l’i«-»«i** .t of hu 1 *G uti«»r. w ,. »-«* citar’« t M tiO Acref* of choir® trrain an«! fruit land tuxlcr riKhî** ar<* r*•«• (i*’. ,z m ! ir . .«• ••■•t < '«•urt®’. th«*re- four»*, with n«’W (!w«*IIing-tii»a®»» ari'l lw«m. an«! f«»r»«. ÍM-w-art* «»f any imitation® or Miionjmou® water for ®t*». k. Situated ou® mile from Gobi | ►ch«*iu**®. Hill d®pot. 1 may rest aaaured tliat nothing will !®* l»*ft uu. <»r- A. .;.rth prop ’ enj'aj'imx in «i.’tin ;» f«»Uow<: C onvi 'K- atio . n with severul Icg.htig gr.i|** < ul'itre. and will set out several E f .« rit v J. W! f i f.tx i< levn®l ir.acc>r L t ; ic »» Republic^** tn Ju» k*onviil«t »-hcit* tin- with th»* *’hart«‘r of the tow.: <»f «Jarkeowtlb . th*» I liuti I.-» I vine- a-jun. confe*Mvn that in the event ul tin- ~<*«*<»r »*r «>f mu «1 t«»wn shall within twenty i?’1* I';*eltii- *tatc* going Republican at the ' \ .1 Strohecker, the '!.»;.* fr<>;n th«*«! it uf *ai»i levy mak»* out th® h ®- P i--*. w.-nt t '*♦•**• »>■ nt roll of tux tbh■ i r«'p« rty within th - e »r- coming election, the Scott exchi*:o!i law I <>f 1 ira* ¡» »ra:»‘ limit • of ®ai* • t o' a!l tli” tfixa’il® ¡»r.«j>«*rtj within to»» c«»r porat»* limit- «»f-.i.«l (own «I th»» trne «»f r i-.k- by a repealing etatute or, by liuulaliuii, fir. I». -. Holt c. o ( '.« .ip No 11 of 11.»: i ' H--*-.*iTi*,t't a..d carry «»ut In* i xh'Vi»«! in IBM. before tlo*A-oa*i can ilerive an» tlr- !» I1.« W ir v -:*-r:in* lia call I i ti■-• .- *on anniug i* apparent, 7th. aantif* ®ai«i a®**«- mti nt r«»ll, Mt a® a Board to before ptir«-!i;i>in'r elsewhere. Correspondence solicited. for with ail the violent agitation of th. Tom Howard b.t* return -d to Grant's e«|uaiiZH and •■«»rr»*«’t tii«» »Hm« if n»*c»*M*ary, and ■object on thi* eoart for twenty year», whall Bpprovt* th» ai«M*M*tneiit roll thuM«-orr**<*t*»d; A. li. MAEGLY, Jacksonville, Or. P a - s , after quite a slay in California, lu.d ••i»*:» wtrran' t<> the t«»wu treaanrer com there have l**en nuuilier* of IJe;>in hi an inandine hirn to«*«»!l»*ct «*aid tax. which warrant journal* throughout the ea*t wt o Lave which slate he says is safe fur (.'leve­ ahail b«* »ub.-tantiall> in th«* following form . declared that the con*evative bu-in«--* land. To.................................................. Trenailr<*r of th® ’ own of J i' kwoiivil < . jiyU’i!) of Jackfcon, nfat«» and farming cla**e* m the Pacific ,tate- Mis* Lola Collin*, a promi*ing ehx-U- Oregon: did not ih**ire the exehiHion of the Cbi- tioui-t, a*-i*l«-i| bv home t.»li*ut, guvo a of l?i the name of the ®tat»* «»f Oregon, you are nese, and that the agitation wa* -oleic v.-i 1 ¡ile.i-.tm * nh-itainmi-n« on«* t-Vi-ning her« by command» <1 to e«»ll«*< t th»* t«»wn tax l»-v- it*«! on th« ... day of ........................ . A D . the wot k of the Mind-1* t ea im nt ami laM week. I1** . in th»* «•■ »r|H»r»it'* limit® «»f thi town of their siippoiter*. And now, wh -n w<- \V,< Il'-igh A Co., wh > |iiin-ha*'-*i Wi-| JuckKotiVill*-. Ja* k*».»a count,'., -’a’«* of < >r«**r«»n. have two candidate* for the pre*i»t,-ni-y a.- -!•« i»?i by iho a *.-*■ <*m>** t r«»ll n*-r» iin’o a: «>f who entertain dianietiii-aUy eppemte ni'-r * mint * n.-ur Wablo, are building a nex«*«!, arid mak** ® fr«»rn th»* date hereof. I mu |*r< ’t*> »-onttm-t for the »lelivervof good niercluuitable l*ro««*in- tit*. have been declared in rm «■ pin** al man­ W itn***® oar hamir*. thi® .... day of .... saw logs of the following kinds: ..... 1MH.. ner by either of them—t'lev.-land avow­ l{e|*nt* "Im* tin»« tin* yield of grain, .............................................I Trustee® «»f the ing hi* belief in total exi-hi*ion a* the V'vi t.ii •*, fruit, et<*., in thi* t-iuntv 1 .......................................... i town of Jat’k- onlv eafeguai'l, and llairi*uii mlviH-ating during the past season was first class .......................................... -*onvill«*. County I of Jackson, slate ..................................... the coining and ev»*u the naturalization and siiapiy i'linn-nse. »lelivered on th< banks of Rogm* Iiiver nt anv point hetwieii th»* ............................. j «»f Oregon of the Uhineee, ami liolli oi their * tlh ia. Mr*. Simmon* and ' Mis* A.lam* have S kc . Ill fit • irca-urer of ®>,id town ®lu»ll on month of lhitte Creek ami the mouth of lied Blanket erei-k, and will! utteiame* on record—Un-»e elate* will opened new dr«***mak:ng patlor* at rccwivmg naid warrant -ui«l.*v*®eH-!nent roll, forth­ endorse or repudiate the do«*trine of ex­ Gxant'* I’a**, in th«* building lately built with po®t notice® in tl»r» •* public place® in tl.e pay each on delivery f>>r same in quantities from corporate bruit® of -aid town, netting forth that clusion according as they ea*t tln-ir elec- west of (im n’* gunuhop. ®ai«l tax i® dueand payablt*. where, within ®at-ani»* can b«* paid, ai d that th»* R.-n-inther that Hon. J. T. Bowditeh ' wiil b» «l»*«*nt»’d delirqn»*nt uni**»-® paid these candidates. In the event of Uleve— Aj.j.ly for terms to will speak at Grant’s i’a** on the ;g)th I within tw nt> « J* day® from tt»< «late of th»*war- larttl carrying th** coast states, the east- in-t.. in the evening. He will deliver; 1 r.mt. whn?h ®l nil b»* th® «tat® <»f tile notic« ®. errf journal* and stati smt-n will say: ep . »V. fh » Tru«t«*e® »hall. u | m »’. th«* return an able and interesting *,>eeeh. | . ] of S th® a -• s»ni*'ht roll an«! warrant, b} th® t«*wn “These people wen* in earnest in agita­ ! tr«*. k ;.r» r. within thro»* (3/d »>- ther«»after orrlt-r Tw » citizen* of ««rant'.* I’.» - ls*<-.»me i ting this question ; the alleged evil i* an it << l*»wn K«*«*. ri!«-r to c*‘rtif> «li»t«>fth® •!• 1m- actual, existing evil, and they »hall nave engage I in a heat«* 1 politica di.-cussion ' q’i**ti(*. if a--y. tt»g»*t!:«*r with the m >-(* s -ta«*i t roll onr aid in f><«ing the laaly pubtii-in m one >1 »v last week and •-.»■. e to blow*. t«» th** Alar-hai of wan! town «»f Ja» a®or viile, to which rhall b«* at»xrinMl a wa rai t in the ii»*me such a loathsome sore u* Chinatown.” R««-order Smith intervi. wed them. of th«« Mat« of Or**gon un«!»*r h; ha:.«l. and »eal <»f tl.e t«*'*n of Jacksonville, commHiMling the On the other hand, should Harrison re­ Hon. W. R. Bily u. Dennxtratic can­ Marshall» levy upon tie good® and «•hat*.»!® of ceive the.*«' votes in the electoral college, opened by didate f»>r presidential e!«*etor, *|s*ak* at -tic!« «1« Im-j.lent taxpa>cr^ki.«i if none I n * found, the eastern state* will be warranted in Grant'* Bit s next Wednesday afternoon. then upoi. .nr* r«»al pr< pcrir. a® ®**t forth in »aid V otu e ts tn tinny given th trsi ti.i ii j tax iiet. or ®«» much tlwreof a® -hall nalisfyth® declaring: “Tl.e people, who have been Turn out and hear hint, as he is a first- anunint of taxe® ®o charged, with coet® and »*x- ai propow j-. W1H bp r«‘<’®iv«»i! at tr •• « ffireof the ! agitating this question in the Pacific pen®e®. < ounfy ( lerk of Jnck-^on < «»unty, Or«*gon, in elass speaker. states are merely the demagogue*. I he K e «- V. A warrant for the purpoM* of collect­ .lackaontitle, up to noon <>u Don't forget that Hon. J. M. Siglin ing d«‘hnquent taxe® tduftil be d®vin>*d an »xcu- masses tiieie »io no! want Chinese ex­ II X/foy, V<>T( 7, 188$, I sneaks at Music Hall, Grant’s Pass, on tion agsmet property and »•hall i.ave the f.»rc»* clusion. They had tli»* opportunity to and effect thereof M>.am®t any p®r®«»n, firm or f«»r building a bridtr«* ncr»»s® E>k rr«»ek. Jackson i ThuroUKhly stocked with r fnll'line of General make tlu- Scott law perpetual and they I Thursday. Nov. 1, at 7:30 r. a , and corp«»ration u| on whom snc.i tax»**, are d or county, Oregon <»n th«* Ft. Klamath road, on Merchandise, W. H. Effinger speaks this charg»*«! « hi the roll, and shall !•»* t*x«*cuted and the®ite »«4»*cfed by W. < Dalej ami f.»r furiimlt- would nut avail tb.m-. l»* ' of it. We that C l returned in like man.’ «»r. I? g all t‘.e materia! f- r the ■ ame. cannot »anction sii.-h demagogy. Let I evening at the same place. Th«* bi»!s h J ih H !>«• ■ <» J.v.iu! sai • hridg® in h *- H e »'. V! The M war ­ 7 ’ tile in the ch - -y *. Jerk-® «»flic in Jackson- L ike G ov . Hill of New York, w • av.-r Republican who ».* ••* n».*t desire to | i.-til rant for trie purj -e of c<»ll®ct:ng «l**linqn«*nt '‘il'*. Oie.'*,i:. a’.'I * • • • > ¡ :* feu within niimty hX-(’liini s. coo. e lul. r w il .. lout tl »* that the t'enw-'-raiie jlaifui - states our i tax®«*, »mil up »n » • .»f orc pert«, real »>r ’«*}’* fr in tl.e dt. .»f «.» ri r ,» th • «•«.□tract, th»» ^£eW*iiiv** an- a curs, to liie *• -.¡*t, and per-’ion precisely. We believa there pc. -». uh ! a. h tLi-.Hi -.i-, i*. h* -t ill ;»i ». e.*»l '’yice to »»• pai«1 «n wnrr*’ «.•« drawn on the «*«»un r.. ,.r a> tl.»* -h.-nff proc *«i® qj i.n tr-*a®ur«*r of ®ai»l ••o i.uj alter the bridge i® r»»- that UhmaNwn « .. iy wl ere. i* a blot ■ b'.nild be tariff duti-s suiti< ent to meet ir* th»» ®a:iie of pr..j » rt- r-al or persor .d. for d< lin- c«iv»'d and completed. the « «per.*! s of tl g-iveriiment econ­ Kai® upon our C ku.-a- :an civi’-zation ; "U»*n- « .imt> or ate tax®»;«i. l hv shah h a»* Accorni at yu g *ach bid there Khali beago«®! We do not be­ tn«* «same p..w»-r i-> execute a «ie.*d to ®aid prop, ar.d sutii* mnt lx»i.d iu the ®u n of one thousand stain mor«* deep anil foul than tii«* sta ns omically a-lmmisten TOBACCO. of leprousy upon the wall* of the iiife» te>l lieve that under our constitution the erty. or «!.-' \» r p.»**». • ¡» n < f the same to the dollars, eor.d’tiunod that tie* bidder will enter CIGAIW. CIUM'KERY, GLASSWARE. purrha- *r. as the »h®nff of th® county Las in into ® written contract with the county court to houses of old." This being a'lmitedly government h is the right to itnpoae tax­ : -iHH- of ■. J . of prop, rly foi Ii»r- co.ux-tlou of rolI-cUHi « ’ ••rk ’ ® «»ttice. if the contract should be award <1 believe, further, that in the adjustment proeperity of the c< a»t a'.iove any mere t«> the bidder. wrt.in ml) 1*0, da), fn ji the »i.it<* of the war- partisan advantage ti nt might result to of the tariff it *b old lie so adjusted that, rant. The county r«»urt ri»®®rv«’« the right to reject Hialiest «li price r aid for wheat st ail times them from tin* election of llarrisonr, wol a* far as possible and a» may be neces­ S ec «11 Thi- or.liitanr.»to take »IToet and any «»rail bi«U By order of th® '•«»unty court, mad® at the Oc­ or will taka wl.»*Ht <»n atore account, (ountrjr threw al! other onsiderations asi.ie and sary, every interest of lalsir should be he in force from .u-d afti r its pa—sage. produce taken at the higbe«t mark»*t price. tober term. 1888. Pase.-d. Oct 12. 1-as. Come aud u®. vote for tbo Cleve’an*l and Thurman protected and every reasonable protec-; MAX MCLLEU. County Clerk. _ „ „ J 1J. NEIL, Pteaulent. BASHOB & WILLIAM». 1 Paced OcL U i«*. 1 tion be afforded to our industries. * AtltUit: J. electors ou the Oth o: November. H.ilklTXh, lUsorder. Gold MUI. Or. ; Me Our stock contain® Farm. Dairy ami Mill Maihinery. Eiiiiiies. Builers, Saw-Mills ami Mill Su|plies’ Buggies, GRAND MONTHLY DRAWIN¡i, I D«»al«>r in Wagons, JOB WORK SOLICITED. Aleo.lealerein Wtdl l'..;c-r t'ur'i.in*. ijc)H’f Oilcloth®, t ila®e. Paint»«. tUlsand \Hr::i»-h. tl.» hne®t line <»f Bed-room and Parlor K«*t®. I*a®> ( tiairaand !io«’k»*r® ami th»* m«»®t « «»mplet« ®to«*t of Furniture t«» be found m H«»ut!.ern Urw’11. AiboOil Fainting».<’hr«»:uo®. pjctuh- Frame®and Moulding® in great variety. We cordially invite all t<» call and ®«*o u- trouble t«» ®h«»w good®. Remember the place. A h I.I hik L Ort-gon. ¡i .1. VV. Shettît of Hr.u»t’s P a ^ at the metrop«4i® last a« ok. p.b-tniii ter lloH.mlan I bis wife ®p»*nt I ( *w lay* in !’•>«! uri «birin^ th • w **k. ) M Ì Pr®*». IxxueiauM Nuti»»nal Bank. P. LANtUX. i’r«***. btat« National Bank. BALDWIN. I»,..... N. O. National Back. CARL KOHN. j*r«*®. L .rx»»n National nana O au sind» <>f Planine. lln-Sawinx. 'rumina and Brack.-i Work Mak.* Rustic. Mooring < .-iliug. Tliin-h Aged ISidiLg ai *1 MouMu.c s-*- - Doors and Blinds in stock and inam- to order. HENRY KLIPPEL, AGENTS FOR JUDSON MF’C CO.’S 3R0CEBIE3 DRUGS CELEBRATED VÍCTOR LOWERS Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Th* r»’ an* sum»* <’a->* eunjh in \Villiuni.*d>ur^ precinct. \\»» the nn«!«*r®i»nT''d Bark- an«i Hanke*!* will t,;iv all Priz- Mirawn it* th«’ i®»u>f.i*na KtaG* Lot- tener which > ay b»* °ur ’ oante,tfc MISCELLANEOUS. I hliort Turn out and hear Bilyeu and B >w- ditch. John ¡laitmnn wa® at. Ja< k->nvill*» on«- «l.iv iaht Mc» k. I\ \V. Sawyer, the photo^rap relume I lion» a trij» t » ( ’ i ¡turnia. MISCELLANEOUS vour- 1 1 / < «¿UAiuiwMloMei m Address: C. 11. GILMAN. I led House Trade Union, 714 and 71'> J St., and 713 and 71?» Oak Avenue, Sacramento, Cal. Two Story Buildings. PRICES LOWEST ( l’KOl’RlETOltb OF Illustrated Catalogue. Order Blanks, Envelopes and Samples of Goods Free. D 1 ‘PI'IK vi 11 M, --- li" A <' / MESSENGER & SMITH, <»!•: l’KICJK. Hardware, Tinware Crockery. Cha®. L. rat«l b) the le-gisl.tur^ in I-.". f**r E<1- :*..lll|<'-•» .»- <« >1* Iran- elu-e unen-1* I>*11 *"> "*'■ l*n—-III M it** < oil«*ti»u- o.lll, 1U I» J«. I*>- en *’V. l Wl.ellll Ufi IH.puUr vole. ltsGliANl» EXTKAOKDlNAla DlUWtS'iH tak’-piiw® ■«•«ui-:iii* u»d!/, h 1 •• IFt do fit I«f y ccrtij'o that v i titpei'vine (hf (li'i'tLuyt’iiit nt* /Gf attttif Monthly amt {¿uartcvly Drawing* •/ Iht LouiMtana 1® connected with my harnw® ®!»<>P Having •State lottery Omiptiety, ami m ¡ier*on inamige and control th' 1't atit department® will b«* yuit« alt parttf^tind we autho ize the Company r«*ii®« nibble and ®ati»faction guaranteed. to ux< this certificate, with fac-sundes of our signature* attached, in it* advertisement*. FIKE EASTERN CLOTHINC, OVER 1000 SUITS, FROM $5 TO $20, JUST RECEIVED Louisiana Siale Lottery Company A BOOT AND SHOE SHOP i Grand Millinrry Opening o! Fall Styles, Sept, otli; also opening oi Fall and Winter Styles in Hen's and liny's Hats. DRY GOODS CLOTH! G HATS CAPS \ fine ( !> >■'.ind anl Thurman tl * was i';u-*• I ai I' i|v '"i the I-'itli iti-t wl. rh ru- th«* la-.-s- -n < f i great j rliifi- cation. Mar v ' .; I w. r** pi -*'-nt ami a good mire w a.- had N S. Gi.odlow wa* tl.«' * rat. r of tin- day an l acquitted hin.*elf creditably, annihilating those w I m > attempted to answer him. attraction ! W. G. COOPER, U nprecedented WITH (HEU A TllLLlil\ UlSTKlBlTED- orr.s xxclixion bill . IL J. O'Biien of Dairy has been in i Jackson county dming the past lew ] weeks. I Don't fail to hear the joint political de- ' Irate at Liukville on the 2Mih ami at i Dairy on the 30th. Citizens of l’ute Grove Lave been in­ ! The follow ing is a full text oi the bill FOR 111»M’KIAIHNT; as signed by the President: A supplement to an act entitled an act to execute ceitain treaty stipulation* re­ Of Ohio. lating to the Chinese, approved Mav 6, fob rKi:sii»«.vmi. elector *: ISS.’: W. II. EFFINGER. .. of Multnomah. S ection 1. Be it enacted by the senate dulging in shooting matches, being th»* W. R. EU. Y EE.................................. of Lin». i anti house oi repre*entutives of tin1 E. R. SKll’WOKTH................ oí Vmaúlla. tai gets themselves. I nited States, of and in eongre-s assem­ Justice Paul of Foit Klamath report* bled, that from aud alter the passage of that there is still plenty of guveinment I t is ludicrous for the Republican par­ ! this act it shall tie unlawful for any Chi- ty to say now that they will build us a land vacant tn that section. 1 uese laborer who shall at any time here navy and re-ton- our merchant marine. toioie have been or who may now or Klamath county’s » attic have no sii | h Why did they nt gleet to do so during I rior and are not disea ed in the least, a* hereafter l-e a resilient within the United the twenty year* of perfect peace in ure many in southern Cahtornia. States, and who shall depart from it ami which they had control? shall have not returned trefore the pass­ 11. E. Wilkinson of the signal service age of this act, to return or remain in A mong the Chinese citixens who came i* now stationed at Fort Klamath, G. 11. the Unite»! states. over the other day on the 1‘arthia and Wilson taking hi* place at Ashland. Si:» . 2. That no certificate of identity were sent l ack was one who “in pidgin Final proof is being made upon a provided for ill the fourth and fifth see- English denounced Cleveland because great many homestead and pre-emption t'ons of this act, to which tiiis is a sup­ ol tile exclusion law.” The Republican* plement, shall hereafter be issued, and claims, and many more are lietng taken mourn hi* loss. It there i* any knul of every certificate heretofore issued in pur­ up. suance ther, of is hereby declared voi»l English, except good English, in which I J. W. Manning keeps the best livery and cl no effect, and the (’..iiiese laborer Cleveland ha* not heretofore been de­ stable in southeastern Oregon, and is claiming admission l>v virtue thereof nounced they want to learn it. being liberally patronized. Give him a shall not la- ]a*rinitted to enter the Kxi'tiiiuaix hopes are falling thick call. United Stat.-s, in the blasts of tariff »«-form. J. De- S ec . Ttiat ail the duties prescribed, John M. Fountain, the popular Link- barth Short th-* viticulturist ami orange liab.hlit -. penaiti. > and f> lieituies im- viile merchant, ha* returned from Jack- grower oi Ramona w a.- paraded up and jHise 1 ai. 1 tin- power* conferred by th»* son county . He is now a sisleti by Wm. down the eoast as a high tariff Demo­ ■o*coi. 1. tenth, eii-v» nth and twelfth sec- Terrill. • crat who would *iip]>ort Harrison. Sliuil ti .ii* of the m t to which this i* a supple­ now 'leilaie* him-eli enthusiastically ILPdwin A l'otl*c* have purchased G. ment are h'.-reln extended and made ap­ tor Cleveland, ami says he can’t stand E. litewei’s stock of tur-iiture ami will plicable to 'lie | rovlsi-.n* oi this act. the rank demagogy of the Republicans. keep a full at I first class supply always i --Li 4 That all such parts of this act on hand. to which this is a supplement a* are S e »' ki i \ k \ F aikciiili », tor »lepoHiting inconsistent aie herewith repealed. The Klamath county board of trad«* part of the surplus where the people can will hold an important meeting on Sat­ t'iijur um .1 fitaltfif borrow it. in severely i-iitiiiseii by Gen­ urday. the 27tli. A full atteudanee is Are <|uii klv given to every part off. the eral Harrison. The R»*( uni nbla -.ui mem- mem­ it* net lean - . , It dues not recall the requested. ho.lv I.y H u ' m I - Sarsaparilla. Thst tiled ory is very poor. I. ------ - ------- h fact that John Sherman, when secre­ Many of our citizens have been in feeling |9 entirely overcome. The blotnl is tary of the treasury, ilejiosite»! in one Jackson »-onnty for winter supplies thi* purii.e.t. enr li.-.l and vitaiizMl. and car- re s lit.i th itist. .i.t of disease t-> every or­ favore.l hank mor«* than all of them now *e.»*on ami a number aie now 'n loutr gan. 1 Io- -t-itnai-1* is ton.--1 a*.<1 strength-| hold. F l»id ' ‘ Republican- ‘ ' comment ad- i fur the same purpo*»*. si e I the ap; . lit,- restored Th.- li-.L.evs versely on that proceed.ng? proceeding? Haidljr. tml i-.-r are - .u-.. d and ii.v imrat. d The The “St. Charb - House.” kept at brain i- r freslicd the mind ru ide clear and Liukville by Mr*. Williams, is beeoin ’ ng ready for w rk. I ry it L ast spring when Mr. Colvig spoke in Lake county, much complaint wa.*' mor«* popular each day. Siu* always furnishes the best of meal* an l lodgings. heard about the low prr.e of wool—only S ymptom » M«» i tur«*. im« u .**it« hiugai <1 -tir g- 11i-ent* per pound. Last week when Migratory bands of sheep are ruining ing: n «»®t at night; worbt by scratching. If al- he spoke there the same grade oi wool > several of on. rang1*«, and .nir people do lowe«l t«» continu«* tumor® f »rm, which often wa* in demand pound. not > ven g-t th.* benefit of taxes their bl**« <1 ai.'t ulccrat» .!>•■«*• tning ver.» ®«»r<*. Swayn»*'® oemaiiu at 1?' i. 4 -ent* .-nt* per pounu. The fact served as a sinking obj ct les- owners should pay. This county has Oaitinent Mop® the itching ar «1 bh»* mail, for .5»> cent®. ing with the tariff question,” a.* the Re­ l»r. S .va;. i••» »Y H«»n, Philarlelphia Rev. L. M. Nickerson formerly in publicans are pleased to term our efforts ! charge **f the Klamath Indian agency A C .M>1.> CONffESSiONa in I>ehalf of tariff re-form. 'lied at hi* home in southern California r^r 'm! y vm 1 tuff* r '«I fr n I>y-: **n-: i v.'. * K;dn®y Ou ¡ 1 t.nt. th® lat er b- < ®«*vero at recently. He leaves a wife and four Till hmvx . in hi* speech at lndu»n.i|>o- t .DS that 1 « ;i.l a -.r » ;y au» 1 t > i> y wort. I grown-up sons and daughters. lis, called the attention of hi» hearer* to My appetito w'H i -? llv . . icb »■i..*c,.»l« ‘l «»«’J . i \ . .’eta* !® r'trait the fact that in spite of Republican Klamath county need* a goo! road to but t '-ri»u.h t' • I mi. a > vapp» ’-t»- r.n.ld. • prophecies, "no I nion soldier bad the railroad, and immediate step* uheuld ee’tU waaptrl ct’.y r i*t r* 4. been deprived of hia |>en*ion under he taken to put the thoroughfare d-wn Q J> /?., Cleveland's administration and nearlj the Klamath river in first-da«* repair. twice as much money ha* been It woit'.'l not take a great -*i:n to make awarde«l to pensioners by Tull* signed this improvement, an l ir would prove of by Grover Cleveland or by allowance' great b.-'-.efit. r. of the commissioner of penaion» than f i'i-triet A'torm v Co'vi/ will .ne.-t was given by all hi* predecessors to— aether. Neither had any relsd soldier It >bt. McLean and Hurry Miller in po­ litical »Ghat«* at l.inkvilleon Oct. 2'.»t'i been pensioned." and at Dairy on the 30th. ftisdollars to cent* that the first named gentleman T iik Republican state central commit­ will prove m r.- than a match fur bis two tee of Minnesota was given anutliei ark«xl«’r*»pat'«’®«iuare Wild «port® of •!»«. jnngl* and plain; journey® underbit in left ®ar and und®r®l«»i»e in right; in unknown Innd;*: fight® wi(h ««vug«» m«*n and And everything else imaginable in thin line. thr«*e-j®ar-<»ld® and upward® hr.v<* i!f i *>nt of f«mrn'ii® animal®; “iil>hiy<* ®cen«*ry; 1»® deod® <»f My k < wm 1 h are new and of the beet brand«, and right horn ®aw®.. Box «48, ll pebsons knowing thi : msf !. vf .* ind«*bt<<1 to the «»Bint«* of Dr. J. H Ht lx»u®. M»» .or Philadelphia, Pa. UH' m I hy I|«»tc nr Iniok M< «' »U’.' tr*- i. i i.j Dofi« 30«lay®* time given Agents without capital. tj«*d to ®Htle th® name within th*» n«*xt thirtj Il«»W AO» <>Mi LI IlLi’. i.»»*rj I m - j -nmiid know. . 8®o4 st®n>? E- y I^FR L > 'X ' »/«¡n.’i.V. \ day® or render th«*mM*iire® liabi® to r«»«f® <»f «ait. U. B. WAT8ON, • EERSIAH BLOOM, I® C- whxic-.lew- Y Wullhs^kra ñi. 1*. O Vn-KEKY Aa- Att’y for Eetate. litis.', Skin Cure aa * BinDJiwh En**li?au>r ki.owu, I k F JUhlaad. Or , Oct. J, l&rf. d stamp tor trial package* AdArws m abora. r»«ta( Maine. Lowest Ruling Prices. PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH Settle Up A SCOTTS EMTTL8ION is «.cknowlelgcdby Physicia:.* to be th< Finest i-.B'l ■ t prepa­ ration in the world for the reh- f and cure oi CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMROHIC COUGHS. The great rid dis-