F i: It fid.V A L M F.V Ttd v . Gltndnl« Glittering*. A number of those who attended Fells* t VI TIONA L 1)EM(>('RA TIC PLl T- I .-f 11« thought th'1 magnificent shooting ' Mr. and Mrs. Stvtenburg of Smith river, FORM. G. Reames has gone on a See Aunait'R new advertisement done hy the Bogardua family was a .«ham . Gen. , T ( al . were the guests of Mrs. Adelia Red i and that no bullet« were used. That they i *Mo°rt bunting trip, F resh bread at the 8. F. Variety Store. AD »PTI D BA THE DF.MOCIlXi!« ( iNAEHlGN field. w »•** mistaken a dispatch from San Diego 1 Geo. (’ardwell ha a gone to Eugene city Mr and Mrs. Hi Woodford and Mis AT ÍT. LOF IS, JUXE 7. Choice grapes at the S. F. Variety Store. UNITES STATES jffiölAl PRESS Lal proves, as «luring a recent perform- ami may locate there, Minnie1 Avt< Ii were lately visiting relatives I‘. Magers of Applegate called Tuesday. am*»* th- re, 01 tiie l-Vh. P , ' , Jr ’ . | j \y Singletary in I wife of Glen 4 ♦4gbte.*:i shots in eighteen-♦*< Evervboily -h'lidil turn out and hear riHKsu\> were in town yesU-rpay OCTOBER is D-«. Hon. M M Melvin «•( (i.irdim r !n a States, in National » <»nv utiou a-M-nihli d. ui;.p. mi««'4 th«* target .ml s »1“ a bull« t Bilyeu i Mrs. Mary Fi Sis.mi »«■•• and H»rie Pel rcr ew the pledge of ji-. lidi-lit to l>eiu »- 'iim«.-«l th»1 position of foreman of all the ,.ig!i the leg of Mile- > ivei th»»i••»«*, 23 i ton were im town vr.-ferd pv C. B. Hostel keeps the Harrison A Mor­ TA«»«r < ut», era tic faith, and reaffirms the platform mill ag w««rk going on ai thi' place, which years oi l it is 4 bad wot “ “ i adopted !»it« repi reprex «*'.m h tatives 1 in ISM ami giv« 'entire‘«atLsf;» lion to employees. Mr. Morri«, lately from California, is “Whom t!-e g»'»l- wish to destroy they ton cigar. "Wiv j people «off t from pain th« y wan »ndorse« the vi»*w> »*xpr« rd bv Pies' lent th«* valley, ami may lecatc. Chicken feed and barley at the S. F li -t make mad." The "Tidings” man was Mi" Ni-’ti«1 M. Redfield will leave within to be cur not lull I with I wan ’ t rvitlcntly very mad wh* n lie \\r»»t« hi- ’’ex­ Variety Store. Mr« E. Turner returned home from (’lev«-!an»i in his la-l im1- -age to Congress tin- w«1« k for Del Norte countv. Cal . when* P».mt ’ « Extra t. not ’ in nii.ation ” Ibis a« the correct ititerpr« tati ’ .i ’ of that pl it- planations t«> a » uri«»us public'' a« an ap ‘ she will -p<-nd the winter. Miss Nettie will Mark Watkmds of Bi ? Appleg-ite was I wa- ihe answer made t • a »lea¡er who wa« Portland l.wt Saturday form upon th«- q i. >ti »n of t i- ill r«*»luction. b« a«lly missc«! bv her numerous friends in 1 ♦ -mlix !•• th«- pr»««1«edings «»i th«1 A-hl.md ' here last week T. F. Atteberry ami wife spent last Sat try.ng to make .1 ItfgiT profit by offering a Ami it a>so imlm-e.- th»- el! -rt« of «»ur Dem­ this locality. >t"« k I’ri t« tiv A—4M*tati»»n la-t w«« k. The railroad t»ay car pass»*«} through the weak imitation of P»»mi - Extract to »cus­ urday iu Jacksonville. ocratic Represent a’ i\» s in <’o;.grc-« to se­ After fryit.g tlie fat out *»f th«* as-u. ¡ati"U. The engagement *>1 Alfred K Slocum of I know the diir«-i**me,” lie a»L Frank Ennis ».« at G dice creek looking cure a reduction of ex» »-"ive t ; x “ion Th«1 Monarch *•:“"■ »n nt M«*'lf«»rd under tomer by v rtue » » ihc v« rbal agre»m nt under | I valley* last week. de»l ; ‘ ‘ one rut« « and th«»tlu rdisapi »inks after his mi ning interests. Real estate transactions are becoming the management of H . II Wolter« i« pruv- Chief among it- pri ci; I4, - » f part ta“!i - h<- ' < »rcpoiiiaii ' to Mi-« Agn< - Hut'bv of wh • l> their f. rim r brami b »lubh* i will take p).i«:e at Chri-tmas at a it«* that lr»| th«- «-tlictal« t»» l»cli« v< th« y more numerous We extend • hr. »at. Miff ne»k. ill form s of in fl annua lion, a resident of (¡rant’s Pass. Vnion of free and ind« ’ru»tib!e State«, \i«:« paying f«»r th«* entire plant «»f th«1' B4»rgain-in »-very line ni iv slip be found thing in that lin«* i« k«*pt there hem h »hage, pile*. soi<*s and kindred now about to enter np'»?i it- secomi c»,n- I congra’ui.iti«ii!' in iidvamc. 1 i »I h g- «»hi»»1 he g»ts naughtv when th«- ( nt Newman Fisher's •““fl T IC IJ ♦ • ’ “ ■»> -inn \ J. 5 ’ .i.u j» ’ in qn ) A. J. \V*« k-. thr well known architect. We are plvaMal to aniioim---’ that th- E ai . i . anti W i . vter edition of A H. Dean, »-ngim*< r. h;t' « hanged hi- turv <»f un* xamj.lvd pi«»gr*i>«i; it« known a" h iati«»ii avail- it-« It »•( an »unity I ,mi “f -» h . i *I ’• ha i •lis«»asc«. \ ¡sited our t"W n last 1 uesday. For a gmiutm* Ch v«-’am! and Thurma’» ■ ua > •.*•■••< r. »j | p v ?*i ' ' . regul “- r<->!• l»-u v to < -r.ini’' Pa-s, where lie has : our E ahhi - in Catalogue i~ n-nv n :< l\ for g» l I m tt« r w»»rk «lune at ¡1 lc— ti ?urc an«I cigar call on C. It. Rnstel. It i> a large 1>’.»W“| aqi “i p; »« -j'iA '»id pritt w •U-i \ M I>. S.ur.-i -s of t ’ niontov. n ca led on u> taken «*i 1'.-ili"ii in the factory as engineer. <*d by a written c«»fi.-:“ui. : >ti i ers, fr»iitrai««-rs ami stockmen would be p-«.mpt «I liwrv guaranteed. ..nd -tr;iigli’ | -obt •-a<»qs * m ’»»»»I ‘»q»ootf Aip‘X1114P»’ > w hili* i i th«* city hist Saturday. jaized, handsomely-printe-l vohi.'iie, containing 12S pages and over 150» Th- s Ri ey is making a number 01 iru <»f friends at this place, Mr 1). h ave> a bust tying every graiitr»! pow»-i .-«nd * xpr« >'.v o»i th4* high r.ci i t » prosperity. It seems wav I - ;ihs t«> anuv hi« former patr»»hs and 1 'I ’-»•• !.<•- I nf t tsfn«»«, at t ,*’»• no*» ng 1-i’lgi'l.-ir th“ rates are cheap t»» places .1. it. Wrislrv. the wed known M(«if<’i l ' 1« -e: \ ing to th»1 Mat» ••■ | »pl lb*- « »lire who u isli liim surer -s in hi- new location. .illustrations. h"id- them up to ri»li'-'i!v. Ins au-«» tliry «lo pro\ements at Li- resilience. It is full of f;u-:- and tignn - that set forth information I ungranted i\ -idue <»f po;.ei the «•».-. ur- Mr- R M. Preslev ami «on b iv«* re«dl»i j ’ is» Fr’dav « v»*n».ig, n i«««». | .•> 1 ..r ’» » h .»*«' I w .» re p* p - !■» not want t«* ship, ami out- real r-tate agent. *all*d Tuesday. Miss Lulu. th- Iwautiful ami a> <‘«»m- what yvei •. busim ■* in n «I«** take ;dv in ! vrnv’.F’n» far I m * lev \ i..» »n I co“.**-.’ m of |r!:. .,u«to p.»i where 1 here is a mar t*d tr»»m V. ;tshingi»m territory. ................. mpvtiti«>n I«» -«- ure» h« ap« r rates. U. G. Keiinrv ami fumily ar«* in Port .ig«-m. lit of a j-’.-V".: p ■] til 11 v:.r lat cc di- I ‘i bed daught« r of II--n. Hardy Elliff. is 11-oth valuable and int’-n sting. » I *'OS. The f*i ’ | text .s puh ’ is»ie I ptsew Te •*. I k. t l h(- p--i!mi«t >hould have ine!udr»l lai. i alten«iiug tl.e MfM’hanic's fa r. reetcl to all w ho h i*. *• been < ho-t 11 h.r veiling iri» .................. .„is place, from whence ¡ids at th: It »a r a.ni\ wa« th«* un»i<-r.-tandtiu »»f th** The r« <•»■:.t -« h"o?4 x I hih L- ui iu Mou.)tu:r brief terms to cum t and • \- lit«1 11“ law.«, ! p.■»*•!« mnrtgag.'R :i»' 1 »*v«-rv t nt t-ure an»l it »!•»••- s«*ein a liWl«- rough on it L«» be »• W. >nnth of ( anyonville died very routity-«vat ’! >.• sday on l«*gal bu.-’ne->. inv m - EM am in a ¡1 \. t <»n to \nierican nmu-trie« Cha« J. H»»ward*R railroa«! - :rvey’ng ’i if*. dubbed a •*. . n.«rn’* t»v« a.i-»* it «h**irr»tu • i-i-l. »i!\ <>f li< ;ir’»li-« a-r at the farm of G. i he PviiKHTatK | irty w* I".u.< - an « .\ party l a- di 'I andrd i«>r the -t a-on J. H Oaim.iti and Postmaster Towne of | 4 ’I h .«. Kl ’ U 1 ’ !»'. - u » i of Sun K'¡in'.! 4 * •> pr»»t«a t it-elf Irotii th«1 ex«»rbitant charge- 1 A *r»a 11 ui years ago \vi!'< (who wa** formerly Mi"» Eva Couden) llong'ng t«» one •»( our c { tiz i, ns. iiigcF"«--. A dc rnt lugani f«»r the upin- some new buggy, («.ve bun a t ial. Ri v. F S. Noel leaves for Josephine an I au infant daughter to mourn bis -ud ■ with tv,»h e ! fev»»,* Tl.e f im;,v h ive been was committ«»*i to it« 1 ru ; m the di ction i»»n-« t t- I'lviii’sT- -h«'tild have impeded I Several l«»cal items of interest will be • g-,.-vou-’v afflict'4 with fevers for s »rue ha»l th«1 iii'-forttine to fall into rounty next Monday, on a pastoral t nir. • Im demise, to whom we tender heartfelt "f ter 1 !• \ . , 1 l ’ r< lent ot tl.e ' . ini-on diatm. id «lve, which ch Mr l.««d>t«» refer to it by a much un»re f iiin.l on the lir-. page of the LiMh- we«-k- W J. Niciiol« and family of Sam’s val | I'niti'l .Mates, and ’.t < : a..; n •« - th«1 nm-t sympathy. * « him i1’«1 to a im»«t br ’omt hue ruph. ii!. 1-ami elegant term than ”eon- JVXll’a. b y -pent Saturday and Sunday in town. ' searching inquiry «»»• ■ .itiH. it« lih lity Newman Fisher ha- one <*f the m * Lake county wi'l give • T-i eftict a >a\ ing <> i from lo to 4’» p< 1 • v ,«>wls at or.ee «•««•h«*w»i»l «» h «ver a htiiMire«! lino «••rt».' Tnrn, t«*», juurnaliati«* eourtr-v i comnlet«' ¡in I b«*-t ‘forks ofgener l mer- J. A Ander-oa an«l John Mills of E»leu and ib’Votion l>> tlm . 1* «1 > a .i h then im y. rite p«»«»r cr«».iturc no’ «a. I I av»1 it.»lumia r»fer»*n» vto th«- rvp- Thuriunn a ne.»t iuaj »ritx A l 'ut tunale Druggiat. • if nieri-liaiidifrC. In I sliurt »»n all In»tib(*h<»hl supplir1.- except groceries. ■ I ’ ind»-** ii. v “ b»*»fi o • ’ "U. and e rv- vih d the RUff ra-.:« s »1! ? ■ 'i ■ ' precim * were at the »-ouniy-seat Tuesday. I m -t lur’orn * xis!*1!.» «* in «p n -♦ !»tai• •.e • f the T imm l»\ >«»mt* mor«1 «!•■- 1 re li bread may be f»»u ! I»o I v a« \-i » x !»*in the largest etuck of Mr Prim h »- n < ' ’in» t ahn 1 . h Im c.i » « an uerasi*nal tl»‘ ’ll. we « an ¡e.idily »»v«rl< »>k at the T im : - «».'ti »• at hi cent M -«ha \ mcr off. ant’s p-«-» i- a’ e oil the Ciaet. •’ 1... ’ ¡r» d , i I • . rv xmod-. x* hi h -h«* 1- «»I’- 1' • ■: 11 r.i' ■ »!. 1 a 1«<-r *1’r«*ct • a. I best . • I a’..d tendiii * >t Mary A<-.id»*mv at '.l. - place r- -.« v ami put»!.«- th« -li.r • a-r up« ii »»ur rifted employ«*«*, for V» halt ■ < r Lf.>. .1- «,■ du tint carry will l.e • i the c< untry. But various rumors having been wa - 1 :n nr.ler tn mak4 rrw»: » for f ! in 1 i.e a !«*pti »n "i a w . . » • n ■ ■ From i* 'I. I erun 1 of 1 ... I “e he:. . > ■ >w ♦ v.-r, w i ” b '• V-? naugli, to Mr I.» •••! ' w is cvid« fitly very mad. En Host in g around to the effect that be has struck it plirchiU-ed OUti-i-le by U>. | »!<•> M'xki ?a .!>' < L i a »•• ; e. aci-oni I *-our«<-.n«»t «» 'v uv* 11 •»! .. .-!• ■; !■ it € it.'loiucr- arc tlurcby t-aved additional I The L .li«1- -hull'd lake a ’v-.f lo wi1 h th»* -' ii tut hu--y. l ig, an Axaminer rep' rt» r \* as detailed to unearth gli'h 1- l i l»-h ; tat it 1- t.«»l to l>e exp« i-tt-il grant I n Ha-r» is.- ol pens} i pan • d by their w.vvs, were li< r la.-t 1 ues- 1 Iv promote . il.»1 ; r »■ p ; «*l • ir j. I bargain« at once the cause, and aft. r much difficulty unravelled idlippitig exp'-ie-e. Di-ln t AtUTin-y Colvig s| More-,ii>’ that K» i il.ln an high lar tF men Ilk«- Mr. ( lie! o Imi b r. ah« 1“ • • mi! - «1 »w n tin* lit La« rev» r-vd tin- mi| 1 .v.d« 1“ an the following story: Le» d- -hould It- very « h»»i<*«* iu their ex , points tn L tk«1 county during! I L»!m ..¿li1"’.*" !. i- rente I ■o.x * from E h *nsl»urg. is soon t » heroin«* a ItH- ’ iuB that about a« ven years ago an English ■ w i.-c p«>'.i« y of tlx«* Lb i i.-.;»« < it p irfy 1 I- . ’ G A ! Mr Murh \. «if Wagner reck pr» - when referring to the pr»)ducing . I Lt* ti’ivst French <”«ndi<-< i. I «•■ ping | .mt l«.r redwood Inn“ **r. physician, a great stndcntof b<>tany, located for a I ing the pub.ic «¡uiuain. and lias f< cl » r lai»»»riug » hi'-«*-. ! advi'rti-« | fa- tor • > I:,.* it- .1 11 >m the timber l»elt to the Bauer«» tA (\».. VKt’ brief season tn this city. IIis practice w as not es iti »in corporatioii' ani -yndic “« «. d;»V. W the p i« naive, and y» t the f- ~ ca* s of a p neral nature nai • . i> ii.* v an a--il:td ‘ irt (’heh’ui* ' Wn • and doni«—lie. an I r«cd th«* that Same to bun attracted no little attention. His < A. A ffi.l r !*«>/ % r foi \ /•/.; I( s. for r»-nt I • p :,f «> th. -uu'li r > thegoil nr El Wi kin> :i an! family ”f .Medford I neiriv l«'m »nm - • ,u ¡.-- u! \ . t *b i»ostni great» at suc<*aa Beemr d to be in the treatiucut of • • • ■ . < . 'lorn. 1 «''int ' ■ G •' t‘i 1 ■ u !p:.''l th« »*■ od I.’»me a vi'it «iurii'g ill«- I to oc -a< red! v i.« I 1 a- l“-:ii' >’ a»i- 1 fnhn . vill. li ver and kidney disorders, and Mtiated blood. In ui i »• b ■ 1 v v .!: v. ««»•!« ••;•;»•“»!«* >1 c »r- | w»-ek. I nr ir ’ v :i fact bis ability to cope with these c<-uimou com­ citizens. H-iikE • »»’ir h l-c l 1» S h U ♦ 1: ry»1 . a ■ »»r lh vc Ila ¡.i n tert nt bl U'» *: , ' rewski’- .1 plaints w.ts little short of tbu marvelous. He A .dv W.- .: «! illumed fio. i (». r:uRny w » :n i I • i1 a 1U V ,d ^il i ■' Lev • • 1 1 : I L -g •». Hum. ,s r.o ;• »1 t wi‘l | t.. > week a::« r a plea-ant visit l«> his old seemed almost infallible, and his quiet, mMeet ■ a mw da > V methods and his well k< pt s*cr» t was as much a :• • a” « " 1 '¡i,''i' ’!• v '•»*.» m il of th if mystery as Limselt Aft» r hie departure about a A ' .c • . 11: 1 R» -m 1!.. r v 1 1« 5 li t- a »li ih"‘: '■ » cl--.*u The'" Mis« K ).»• I’ ll'a'e left !i*r >id< I-.I M »n y tar: at* r M r. Joy detenui ned to fathom the secret, I II . Di M 1 . . “ . ; •*>! U t ■ »I'C’li 1 I I »".uni, T- I f’.e •runt b.a and copying all the prescriptions he had filled for • lav » v« n.ug. on a vi-.t to re div* - and t v»-r> «1 iv b» «*«ani' a-.d ru- the e rratic doctor, ho 1- gan a systematic analysis. -tfitlieS » Irit nd-. I' ‘ • »• iv r rii.w • v sy ? In his cxamiuatu-n he discovered running all •* It th" r. ■ I ..- w ’ ■ P.'tt t Ai l- rii- \ (\ ivig u -h return 1 III 1 V l •:eV. Hid throni’h the prescriptions for liver and ki-lney It -v;l I A !■ I hotiir on the IJhh a., i » anv i-- .lack-i-n t ul les. vitiat’ d blo<-1 and stomach disorders a ; i. H eXL-tl- i*t (’ll.-’ o I county. conplenf V’-.’- table < xtra< ts indigenous toCalifor- O. * IliO I Iv -«•■ k a <" i-t out . t :• • ' h \ c r ’ .li : tn : S ire r»u- nia, so simp’e anl eo w. 11 kn wn under homely b«h. '♦ A >1 W H B »«t iv, is »1 Iv up- ri»»r tl ur on < eery day iiani<*sto every school bev as to entirely ■'«• it I it I m: it \tt l I ti* i* i I ol I ii’>*i' »w n do*aiyate the sn*j u ion that they were the active i 0:1 I a. -«! iy prin/iiles ¡nv- lv d. fio certain, however, was Mr Win-, ih m a l.iit h«-r ¡s build:ng a ! ' •u Mr. J y that he had • - ven d the scen t that he «r* h hi n« w. n at in.t-k-t. and b»- i- rni« rpri-ri r 1» Pvhiiige» . J I !1 T’ , ,p, ■ iulM-died the new <1 . 'i ts in a preparation of t p.. bcy»»it«i -•»!<»«.■ «.th» r* in i»u-inv" hire. V» 11 *»w c* p 1 1 • 4. .*» I” Sirbapanllatodu l ’ . h*- ’ he taste, aud put it b»for»* fl;»* I» I • r I IP- « À o- i. it a while 0< ! re ye-.«■‘•Jay. !• wnb'.-ar« ranging in price ir-nil » his customers mid» r the mod« st name of Joy a ’lit M e I I I Vcgftablo barjapaj Ila. Immediately the same t" • Hli-bur-e. thr <» A < . ra‘ri" , I i-. Mrs. I. 1. ( *>ktn:ii and her dangUlri MC-«* lui» I r j arvelous st nr& eta e I k of its astonishing • • •PP’ —»! to u-; but w«-are gvlting thrrv. liave rvtiii n< «1 to >jn Francisco, alt« r a limier t F E l "p ” th*' I < ft. t«, snd the myst» ry v as solved, and the talk a ion • i w w». » ha­ the- >an;e. plrasaiL vi-it here. baa created lus alrealy caused it to step into ib» uet t »rr. th • rf |/'*u . over the coast. People s« m to lie taking it and il-.- i ,.i. e one dav la-t w«eK 1 c . -rnn-- tral IN ifll. al .-j«* 1 « ' h' ' ’ ii the Wi!la;uettc vadcy duniig lu every branch .» • * »rr -. > : writing and talking about it throughout the btata ti »n >hc \»a- a adv » t mui y ♦ -t i. it» v the neX’I lew week-. g'-vcrnmei“ umh : V.irii ty - "f T d> r K ck pre» net liad Ar i thus au t:..r Calif’-ruia industry leaps into E. I , I’ « tjll v’ti the right- and w« t « xist. nee.—S' i' 1'xannntr. M. >- • Rogers, <’> !• -man and Eventi of a Lsrg. number nf rhicVr ■> stolen irofit P W Olwe!| will bav«- been pilli«*« i ‘ »• ■nt - P t s W ’ re at By* ’ * vs sprmg on 1 Ipni ¡at’ ly. »•"tt > ( x-.-lu- sand »run tr»*«*s on his pU«»hc .ilici« *' i::.- b- E\ aus creek last w «-k V 1 i: i: 11 ip . ¡he C:i.n»**e nu V J C. Wliippwi« at XMibind la-: week, i lias a.- 4»ty given A. ««puii’y <»l "i» • “ un - on. !<••• nnv S. fiat'ii S.anley of Sam s valley was here w it bout regard lu ru I« r a large number. I-' ing ■»■»me tin«* marbîfwork in thr < - ta r < l.u> 1 I i.i lb GUF NVVOOD hl M’-df- r«i. O- r. Mh. ♦ ho !»- rnr- iit-t >aturda\ on bns’nr.ss connected with st« , dfastly fi.; i.it.im-'l ( tc*r y there. ihm- variety sdiow by II» v I McL«an. Th » . if ( . B- ‘ts Hf.d Mis» i\c ti> tb ’ ^ the • state «»t O. Vincent. A.-K- I -R INI1 : ti K E. Pruni of Table R • k w.t« in town Week. It Was ¿1 g»« O’ iv” G rei a wood Theo. Engel made us a a isit one »iay this on Tuesdav I » •king for a t ‘¡»eher for s< b »«•! in th«- new -*»ng of Ju Vpun its record th .s » \ . V\X DYKE KLF1MIAMMEK In M df..r l » week. He hl -mis u- that one ut his m th« pi» Ig«* « f a « "l'tina iii district N’.» ft (»I ing the fun O I. llth. by It- v !’ M»-1.«»an. K G Van I' ke brotht rs l.as go ie to Chicago. nini M ¡ -r ( ’ athriua Kk-inhaimuer. Eveivlaidv is busv gathering fruit, wr l»h- of the benvtit- « t I»» -. ■ i .. (irait» 1- ' ••niing in J. 1. Lavt-iuuf At»pd gate was here Lues XI IL -Hl’MMEH-ln Ashland O f. Hit by rfab • s. w<»"d. etc., an 1 mating prepara a r* new al of popular t 1-’ I to the north and east Ib i Jan.»— Hummer, J. (’. Xeil ar/*• v. Cvntful Point is n !i’,'|-r pri«:« Iv nanu »I. r.u»nev is n Jed. P«»w«-r. 'J be Rrpilb u ;» »»art t»> -cal - hi lai.»l bti.'liiess last >aturJay. It is tue < ent ul p«»ra»» ’ll*'» lhe WH’.Ie -T’-at lu the Langell v- I in r«-ll. the I ! r -i-nat«*, i- n -i ! i-i \ ! ’ ! Il ’ tW i In Willow-Si ri..gj« pr»‘' inct. (‘ft J'.-ih, Pt ' W-’hliutE the well known com­ wh»-at a r«’.ige. »%:« nd i n*’ in 'c- and md.*-» ' it.rviiir • •)' i I i •* gran’r 1 1« iv»* to lia: a 1'-» Mr. an i Mr-. M. Howe, a daughter. I m von«! here, ami il is ' ».<-*. iih I to !»v a l i new iKiilert-iking p. mer ami »- on the road a ain. John Panter »-t Big Butte •• a"' I ye-ter- m-C’ --it!*1« ut w ir un I .“«• no » Robt. P. X • d ol Asbhimi was i.i Jack- ing th«1 abundaii' L.-m r J’v. ub n a < »uniryn-an h.i« anv da* . H»-ha- j-.i-t t «»v«*red fro»u a st ve*e A 11 a .-unv't’e with bis family on >aUirday hi't. d«-nv t«» tn«* peo| th - - tn ’. the in« r haut put- on a b-'-k sprl! «»f «»lek . . 'S. a id pa d us a pb isant call wh’le h« re. <>l ii.’i (!• r» n e and t h’«t!< s as culdlv a- w ni» b air f lit”’ t W I. An-Jer«-\ -nrh- of thr mountains. >p»-nd 'he “ . ter in the \\ dlaim*tte valley, A Terrible Case of Scrofula Thu*» the cry of I. and' ty - ¡»ring in your siurt ; ” atid lie is having sold ila ir property on <*.ill’s t ret k. t» r -hare in the i« B;u on and ia’ I wi'l '<».• t bt'c-mie nm.r •’ivrefort popu'.ir among the rural gentry. Cured by IV ar Minnis (aldwell of Williams creek ^titled with Lil-«1 plentiful, as thesca** >n for thr Haught'?. ;rg E Jo P. RktX-. as-'i : : C K. Fonk, brought a load of ladders to town, which fettrreii and bound down to In • »f bogs is at ¡Kind. .»: Mr tic Med -rd a irehouse. hu-i- cannot be • x. e’.ed U' an adjunct *» the vipitalists ¡tabs an* I -c »orage I wi Campaign liat* ba ijrs and h.’idkrr- w l- c it Ih • r fiktUHiutf, tb<* uiH nneifiial an«l unju« unjus ¡aw- in- r en. I '•I I »st ¡n t , , c<|U • •• 'pial and )* - C »' rbiefs -all kinds- at the S. F Vir iv TI.«- Or» gon Alpine i lui» « f 1‘. i tland i* I IH •*e\ vi ' :n ?n. ! was c Fr «I E Furry «»*’ Ebn pr»*cimf was in b. proprrljv .nm« i«h d ««r r St»»re. Jack'oiiville r- li Itii.g a penilo!! in thi- v . vy whx h • In tho winter of 1879 1 was attacked witt a »«’sv • s . ut a h.ir •. 4 n : -w-i >utuia\. a**« «»nipauied by hi- w ¡tr ocrâti party v l! C"Uti». I’1. The striking -»r«-« »-car men <»f < ’hie io pr* • nted I-» thè nexf !» • tlnr«- power «••»nt! i* i ■ , stru nier • j tl*< >WI1 ' i - I a1 ■ ■ Ser« fuln in one of the most aggravating forms The -in I i»» La 1 d W'.f It th» • >ni anv an Î k: . i--r ih eiia1 linv’.t «• :« m*»re 'irai 1 i v. < »nt I I • I its « u pur Í R .n this p.a a v’sit At one time I bad no less than thirteen large •t»!r?i**’l !•• w. I • w. | i. b. ’ itllig ih» -lai;, hi» r ot «1« . i of ii« ia.-t ; “ I :u. im! ’ •«•'! r • I abscesses over and around my neck and throat B Etant. Jr . -tate smmtor lr»»m b"X bv the «i:tl r ih« ir hnh - un i pr» veiing n.ean* t»>r « ir- i I a ai Lun«* « •■lint « and eashfc- «*1 th© lir-t tia !..** iml i-t! ,o.i- continually exuding .'ll! offensive mass ol yii ’.he ni« into « uti»»n. >¡1. 'ar - I tl*«- F V • . » i l t;ond bank »! » . uk »-.e c ty. made J4»-k-on bloody matter disgusting to behold, and ili' L .»Fv I « n.g ♦ irci la!» «1 i:i LI - d <’l die imine»"«* maj ' T ,-55-f.i'ö^ v l’le a vi-L '>1 »ml «V ili. T galli»1 ( "UU’iv-. ami i’ h h"p d tha! almost intolerable to endure. It is impossible I »¡st ret At ..r-.'*v »’»»Hi* w I - a» : f us» f - 1 • ; • le lini»1 b is « ni»- whkit thè a i ’« ih «1« E A. 'Wop« , :• ... Poni V ‘ '• « very ’•» fully describe my sufferings, as the cast ri‘‘, •»)- uf -..'irh.- •) <»- , ■•! ,*t I ru« ’ » n «-i g.. m !<• rL p«’ ; a'--nc wUI I h Katu.-ilay. «»• t. 27“>. i:. M. I. I» • r was ¡11 .»wn ye- ter Lty. ' '«•'A 4"z • t »Vol th'a -, was complicated w ith Chronic Catarrh. Aftci I 11 • pi»«-»l. | h»' ,-’ieat 1 *t « r li ¡he iT. -pen«* »»g »«.».,et ime » i in i’ if ism three years of misery, having been treated b> I. i‘ I. irbt that n»«t l»*«R an .'» », W benefit » I, * I*. j¡ !.. w that ir m.»k’ s p « r:»n I h r. w io F'I «•X. rpL.i ti«»!l three physicians, I was worse than ever V \ \\ d* » r ... »»n.t' \ ? . » ur«1 11 tt»r h - »-•> of w:i“’-- at»'.»!«*« will bi* -hipped li month i Hm ArUiur L.inged >i Í K ai;, 's Finally, on the recommendation of W. J a : \ . in»iHial • n i- r wiili thè pr»';» - of ti «• V H -v th’« f;i't . Inti 1H.nl pa-.« 1 1 hne.i? » M *. i i ?d* ..I iv Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was induced 011.11 de» 1 -x na» r and <■■ - nvt■' n « lire >n W T Arnie-«.m. J - M ir» h and « Fr.-mhmt » »i • » en i oU ’ » ‘ ni Va 1 :s, With t ie !«■ V m » ■u»-h ’ »-\ r p ' . il- Cer“ra! Point, w ?’ •’ un•♦ !?:* entnely < cased, anti the abscesses have al) ¡«I .i *.“ b 1 »»il«« of •» ' “ pt m" a;v g .J t » Far i t'¡ t b \ : i:u.’. *11 w . lundrc.l-ni -ign-»tur- - u i ’b«* < Jga mil m everv thing in iy b« di-app* ir*-»l. except the unsightly scars. wln»:l: fair«. a ; a id an amiable* y«Mtiig I « .' »ID V .. i! I ni |H «.» . . i « ot y uug me ar<* .»:urda\ evening «»n ih«- -u’»}»'t Mr. «¡rov r, formally of ( • utra' P«.ii»t, by Denio» . a -mix. th;« cure, by personal correspomlence with all to«* letters yon ;•.. a : « xit nd’d ir to t or: Klam- this w» ri (4>.e< po--e«-ion of El Farra’s the p« nple Wet t trill, and h» id th r • lo-< -i ;»i aiiV on*1 who <(«.ubts it.” ( HAiq.i s A. lion- .1 atn Lin ;.vihv and < rater lake. I’hey had new h»»u .! nt A-idand il«* has opentd a -ar\ taxation,’t ;*’« sn I • • through a tv.«» h -u - ai unut.L J< I n Pienverne. >r and E nd lb-!>•» lets . East Wilson, N. V. with ta« ♦ . tu «re- and piea-ing _• o I line wea“ rr, no du-t .m i no smoae on permute»! t«» »*x whi< a w I nv»* buih .1 -n'o-ta*“i i’ «»• »f»c ■ h-w tlk 111 wagonni.it;«r s -h »p nc.i t :e depot. This statement is confirmed t y W. J. Ilunt- aid their (rip. ami rreommemi <>vt«»l»Hr as the ti »n-. T'h«-.eu» rc i numiM r in atti fr»»».i •• Pr Ib’hin-.H,’ n-i’« ¡i . . E l. Hr n- 1,.» ir< ».»• t 1 Portland to.- a t » h . ; th1- t«*W ' h J < ’ ii-- 1« y. druggist, of Lockport, N. Y.. who calls the pr >p< i turn* • i \ : -11 th iii< m l.i from .Lt k «un vili» . ji I -. - a al-• r.d p« r » I, . Nirke I w: di»*‘ . veryI»«» v in lehu-.l short vaCaii-m, ami li.'»« John-on mn- of oiir «•“’/. II- by •! I i ¡X i cun* « great victory for Hood’s Sars.'irr.rilla. ot farm* r» tr- tn rhe -u.r»»:.u ' n A ■ lilS’dv i“»!.- -:retch «»f th«1 Mri’‘» .« nd J ; < •«eft’e without unnecessary »b-l,»v tl.» man bi t v* * i t’ii« pla uaud M< h ud. «I le-ti- n. i’-r men 1 « very -hade of H } prevent the ‘ but m here ve •».•¡av. : Tly by C. I. HOOD & CO.. I-civell, M i«s. • »w t1 ive ng n»r H. tion is and F- hruarv. *U -» \ ’• 1! '. H • is I 1 \1 A ( u. cf >a.i Fram is« nf all kind« do»u» as cheaply as in the ea lion of the issues m»w before ’he p < . nel of trade a ii"W vV» I JOO Ono Dbjfar at th»- I IMF.- office. Give u« a trial. ». ni J . W f’.vmir»* c ii!«*d on 11« ia-t Fiiday. moralizing ‘•urptu- i H. !!. W •iter-, th» 1 mix««! »gi-t. ba- r< - I’ublic tprukiirj uiy. rbc nn»: i y o Hume s s i mo’i cannery nt the in nth V - : • op«*!,.- I ’’n* - “ . hi i'.rnieilv kept hy A. II. after his u-turn from Crater lake. I.'ke 1 dl boh ral treasury, ’. <»• lb /r.r r ver. it i- -a 1. will clear n »t I ■ « NEW TH) > WEEK A M Ih r - : Ja. k-ot i< 1 ai!-on, t boron. hi> rehitiiig it and niak- w ho see it 1 »r (he lirst time h«* w«' as- F-.r t mis taxation aniobt»’- ’ ■ th in .* »from (Li« season’s run. < ¡|»/ef.- »if -otlth* - log tii.i i. - |*» "V i :urai i. it«* has uppo.-d t«»ni.-l r«i ;i! 1 hr t rami -ur and !»• auty of the ««Mi non, and the -u p ' « al i • r- ot’ the •!.' » t .1 <’. Wbipp ba' obt;»*:ie«l a larg » amount "n r V ; 1 ; ir w th the t¡¡¡» -¡ win* s, Inpnc- an I scene ..«»11 the rm of tae fallen mountain. th<- sum « Í nu re tliiii- * and i me- i 1 of tinr «’on»1 f»»r cciur'r y work, and *« I'ig.u *n«i a Im** bi I .»rd tab!«* can a!-<» Dr A:i-o’) 1.;»1 tie!.u: g ■ i Cre-« enl. city was in pr?p.»re«l to til! orders wiili «•«’-patch. i f •«¡id th »¡.»c kun a ».cl fori;« Ai1! roan i.i-t Era.iix ami >at 11 rd.t\. hav ng Orbati* liv*l by tbi- i unici the remedy «»t th« E- p'.i ¡ fr.“ voll Well. i* . K* I .-»• : .mu1 ii:» t • bui faiewvil to Mr. and Mrs. ni» et cn i « n . iu-». »v * x» ■ ,.v ’Ah' it has tak«n an«»tber spurt nr.d i-- und Med. John Wai -u. il’-;», ri\eu to » late «0 see priatmii« ai. i exp* i - -- ’ : «]..!» I »t »rent« a bu-h»*l A Pit de:“ Th«* Ih fi»." tats st. ung a hami th* 'u. how« vc»'. a « they had d |•:»»*!« <1 early tinti.d »»r not. tue . < * uia a' "U i- -’ !! I -ing -hipp»-d from th-1 valley. • t w •• . i iiii '. *i .-irret. I>rt w**« ii th«* < .? » i'i in 1 he w«‘ek f >r Maim* b- ‘i . .*• I No'ai.". . wbn h aline • ni'i ............... • ■ 1 hiear Hon W R B* •' gant taxation. ! ten •» 1 be R<*publ catis h.i ,iv • f<»,|. M - < ope, an . t. res ’ t 1 M .1 d .v «-vening < »• ‘. b1 • h. Rt Ashlaml II- AN I * N MICVI \D' «.irti ut o' d » I-nt. tLiuntm,' thri’ sírcame in Por'Em I. \\n- m t >\y;» ¡.t-: week, in ik 1-1 *p 1.» ••» <■ rij'uing a l.ir *«• uu-ii«*.i<-. The Drmccratti p i IH-rd ' IIP b» «*.« W . Luir* .ir’h'-r ea t. Fr«»l».“»ly ing JIT«« • -¡iifi.i* lor the leiimvai of his gality in ♦ xi **n«f and i A k A ...pt»« «■( th«' American S.dtler-' 'oui» ¡I«1 ’ bv“«r. Hi«* adii '»ent- family to this phicc. Mrs. C. s health is taxaiioTL Our «*-tab: -I ♦ Guide 'tan I ir ! authority on all l-md I « ! - »a airi ?*! »r ‘ hi bave paute i tu poor, and i< is ’ m ».«-d that the < Hauge of* indiis’ri’s an 1 « nterpri-»- -In Il A\ E Jl >1 i: i:< E!\ EP A matte--, may be found at the I (4K- nffi< * .4 CliitiKjr t : f •«., / •-•«r» . 1 .i - • phr.1 *c. ' i’ -<»t«-**f w«><4 as «4- climate wiH I m * b«*aeficial. need ii"t t»c » ii ’.-.n-f» r» h . i • « A. W. Presley, who h is been engigcl in If î’.'-t» 't-t thy lhe >. utb* Ul Pa- II- ■ g.i . «»ri « ir banne«. corre« timi of th«* biir-b n« ci t li -1. J 1». Wb»f"i 111 of Medford, an mana ;eni'nt that a* >n a- the fourth me-' han-lising in \V i-h ng « 1 tii t*»ry. .i nul /V Off. y- . ir able«1 p'c-.mhi- .1 Ih-mucrat c principle111,' the c »ntrai y, a i or and i Mor* of tb«»r g«-m d L ri’bng «.n the c»»r I»t ri 'p izi./' nr . w ll spe-ik r.t of th»* Wil.am- | our tax lav-, with «lue aü »wa r. r. tier of fourth ami Townsend .'t~e*t•. * n since. for the coHoct’un r'> f' difieren« ’ «' b« tw»*« n the '\.i-*i- • 7 \V< :i't -M ¡' »' ll * . .1. the tc v.-i i'-y between now and el«x tion «lay (’•».i-i-idig in part *’f I»». «-• •-«« d or au.'l-oriz- I n» be r.»l. 1 l raf - i-« •’. I' d"iie he g* neral office-« «.( the Wm Wright iu* Io va, u p’.'ince r resti»1 it , Ul’.» fir ’ Bap.i-i < bn»« h •■. tni- p e e a few lie W'll 1.0 doubt eiplaiu The tarilT»pie-- and tortigli iah» . nitot pr« ni tv cd for t ’ »wn purpose»* within «Mid town. Oregon A ‘ aliinrnia *n PorJnnd w:'* Is» of this vill«*y. who ha. ««een pa* iny reía < »< n>n. - - n e was a ’ ¡¡. 1 -m 'lhe t "ii » k-ai ly ’ > tbo •• wno w»i| be « onvinccd «•mirage every branch ul o. i . j” -g • of t ..•• tow '. of Jacksoi. lì»- «io »ASliMEREb.M ? > \ EII.IN“. IIEIG E. A I.IJATROSS ( 1.01 11 ««!•»-» »I .»nd the f r. ' -of »hr1' et«., t n -• lives ami Lien U a vi-it b i- r»‘tura»*»l to . h"'.'«1 w.»s ».«»wJrd t«» <»vcrfl«'\\ ng, y t • i i a« follows. i a Sam. VanDyke, one of the tuxuni-ingi and vntiTpri-« - “ b rr» «I l" >ah I ran i- lm.’ie. •li­ Mi ’ti’N I. Wh«*.i u tex i-li'HtJu Hc -ordai; • GINGHAMS. SllAMI’.RAYS. SEERSUCKERS, CHE th« re w.1 a’most p« •”.«• t «»r»ler ’In«1 utl V"ung man of tins vallev. ami Miss Kale an extvn«ie»l lua k* , • • -t< a na t r« in in >!i P-»rJand a » H • rr.« *; >i’ l lb “ i 1 a »lay is enough with th >■. •«•:« r of the tov. uf Ja k-obvdl«*. tin« • 1 • - by the pa-t"-. <•. <«. rb"!ua-. was Klrmliatniner, the « -Humble daughter of i tintimi*» op«*ra’h»;> VIOLS. I’RINTS. WHITE GOOPS, EMBROll) ab»» Eco. II. Amir r«*«-*.» er of Itou.i eha . wilt in twenty - 'j CVRING FiiB I I' I. in i ». I - ' foi 4 iv w rkii-x. ¡ran 1.« t the ina'-es -h. : .»»id ii« .1 ami. a . »> u-uu’ with h'm. < . Kb niutinnier. were un. i in iuai»i «I rvi * fiom tl " «l ito of ►;».p «a -w a Iu the intere te • » AL.»*ri« ’ :iii reiiie*iil.< r thiu, »or h»- now w 1 its thCT ERIES. LAWNS. ALLoVER EMBROIDERIES. It • Lad tl ’ v I'ndividi-d a a jiti«»n « h th«1 « '»n i nioiiy ia't Suuoay l’.'iry ¡4 ivi* th«* con '• •«)• ' ! r«»li : x-sbie loop, ri ■ u ith.n th«1 c »r- !ll i i. j-.‘i»t *'l t;» ’'"..Ih» • V »t s gu gai "ii. i'hc mu- was < x< th«1 »-in • i1’4 t.i'e- <»f »he \ ELV E T ami SA 1 IN triiuiiiiiig:, C« H’sETS, th»*«’»ut. Henry While ami family of R ock P^int vantage of -a h ! ing • .. -■ —rn- 1 ¡ -1 car; y out the ’ .* levi’*«! « i \ • : n»mi« n. \\b " .11 «• L 1 nd« • I t »« -tn« r t -■ a «1 the in th»* Pavnr »iivrce case lx*»-.-»• w “ ie in Ja k'o: vilb 1 a ’ ew hours lust Sun ­ KID GLOVES. H<»SIER> . 1’AIUSOJ.S. Dewio« r«»*«r .•«;•/«»/.«./7, ft*'*r»*<»n at «I d»*!iv**r th«» 1 to th«* B- mh i of i cc«t. of the ne •< tri« ' ul . • n> i"i’. ir:-' «’i t«»r« !-u bind-, that they H litter. , 1 1 um «-a u town W. IE I’iiv« u. D- ni’H » A’- « vei.v nui< I* plea-« d with th»1 t <*e » .!< r- day l h«* » .«.ulit.on of Mrs White's health ol every work'iiigiiLi • , .»• i Fi. 11 The Trm»t «*' • -■ • t -.nd lo* 1 «hi ’ I ex- The» m riy r markable cuts a -1. pre ¡«T» ntuil elector, v\ : ii.g pr» -»:i d t-i them by the a.tcnti v < «m- ........ -si! lies the iTmo; ,»l of the family to lito** seriirv to !»f that it does p ».s.«v-s | »cuh-ir , th* v a 1 prohab y depart tor Sail Bernar j ovr rational lit**. .»:■ ‘ “p • ’ v . <1 ! _ a. 7 ">»» ” m '.a’*-1 " I dd m i h t"W.ird making i’a - “ d RIH rove tie- a1—♦*•’».i ent rol » thus c«»rn*«-f «L I»«’wcr.« • i. .«• county ab ’ -ut the loth of November , Mad ISSU" a vman* to the t»»w.. tr»*asurer com . imolved in the pr- ■' m »»t » •i 1 m ««la\ •*-( .■ eh a ■»■ 1 •-»-■' When ••hal, we 1»«* treat, d I«» an ' ni-i:i<,i- g Lun .-• < »»’l«*c! f .id isx. w'aich w trrM’.i Wool Is low. but higher than I»« I s p.t - on W( , IP u:i \ . ment, the Deu it , »»ill» r ’ M««lhird is »-"U-t itiily making im- , next. 'J be -a».-* • ’.» J!y in f.-l ov. .r»i form: Mill« bill | 1 n tb<* proper t 'lhimn will hr found the principles and profes-iom to th4* intvü’geiit ! i «».................... ■ M ' r. Bil\ «u i • n or |’r»»v« ment lb«.«arc hei hl - -In- e.inn<«t I ren».tri*r of the »•?!•• :• g !'»(•» fi. - -pr;*ig ar.d ¡1 » • •'Uy. 1- jh --. --« .1 . f a fi T-»n ’•♦•< ’•/■ ’ ' •d ’ " 1 ■ 1 1»; \ cl i»< r p »»ph* w id «-ver l»« l«»nti.l 1.« aiih" in- ’.iiriit of t-ir niarri.’pge of J« IT suffrag»*» of the American people. . • a ■> ni J m C uauui ■ ».»•• * _. <»( Jack sun, stat«* fid. W»»«»l. X- .t to M.-- 1'1/. ; . th H immer. of I. l i- attain« d «li-tim ’ » of Oregon: Im ve t ' i » v< nr '• i k ¡ •• i I W I f I • • • » 1 u in: r r - 1 • • " .«nd pr»;ind.iy,t’je llih it.st. j In t*ie nani 1« gi-Lii’-r. and i-* wt •' p<-> of (>.♦•, j«iu ;»-e ■ f I • >1 1 .a ¡. oneil ein . . ant t. ai - » o»' -even nr!» - ■ ’ «• m- ib ' g • d. V.'Nt'FX. • •: iev- I»:» d to culled the f I : ■ .h .Hi-’, gr »«»ni took tin* northbound I »pi» -•;< n- « I the »lav. o -i. - I If so we will convince you that A ker • ! h- r h f«> arrive n 1!» g n -iv» ” vail» y ir> on »he» . •»• r i led • th» ■ A 1). t1 « n ««•’. "*’i i»hi»• «\ < tiiiig f »rGf’mdav In English Remedy for the lunga is suporior ni'i «i« ar a - .ml p.’lit >. ! ,«trn in >-• i uni* r lit’ •' • V -r t ’i i’i.i. v r X i>'• n O ♦ .• •:. a.» I W i' Al ■■ i n Cliu,' <- lii . .1 I- in ■ \ It"-. : KI ES i' R< » V IS IONS i ■. tae curp«»ra’e lieu’s <»f town <»i common with tnei- boats »it »riemls we to ull other preparati' n**, and is a positive I 1 rnrr. »•* 4» «')'•’ “ -»c i I »•• ritoi y. I J... < h « .pm, • ».X ’ ••. Jae¡.-M». <*o,tDiy. Mat » \ -li ’ tie L pi»y «-oupl«* long hfo liiul pros ­ 1 cure for all Uaroat and lung troubli «. croup, W. •w hy u «• i»'**/- -m**nt roll unt-i aii- ’ . W N»*l« )*l ha« jii't retur . it1 r it.\. in»y w II make their home as whooping ebusb and colds iii<> : We guarantee I'- . -i. n: d .:r \’ .in • i ¡ur.:«t«»ttu lftee, of • ’"T r RR y» t t *•»• r* ¡'•r :ili ki-.fl- of rotHilrv |>r«»ilurc at 1 h * x I i San Fran 1« with a I. «•.new >to ■11 r«-toioie. in this valley ’ l ■ -u i . ««f * - -a. d-»* » i f.et 'or, vi » . k. k ‘ - ’ 1 P ’ i twenty the preparation by E. C. Brooks g«M»»l-. • ’< . for the “R’-d ¡*Tont‘ I a ; day-« rr en tl.«* .!•».• hei »f. KEA MES A WHITE. «Un»il!--. r r tral Point. iioii i'» a ' • •!' *n d ’•• • ' ! W it'ii » »»ar t • •*'. tt.’s .. a..» si , A>«rji¿wiper /a»»r. It race Up. JIC t «o and nt» »ds n « “ ii il .. C Thtirir “ a.»4 ,.t»;il»- ... > I. For I - I -¡icfit of all who may <-ck to hum • fher»* «»id *• r < •»• I You are feeling depressed, vour Appétit» T» I m !«*C î » of th** • ’a ¡» >’* . i. h'.’im r 11 • b a.«- r.‘ E • I ■ ic- lo-wspapcts out of th-ir ju-t is p«M»r. you are bothered with headache, . . * .w ; of Jack* »ir> «»»ni- injo I bv .» - «Hu-’’ cin 1. ar«* • a) ing ?’.!• r fri’ i Is in ,1 .•-p*.* f »vor-•»• «n ... v »•n*;”*♦*, í uunty « e i ti'di-b l!:e f-ihou ing wbi h is you are fidgetty, nervou«. and generaliv .......... ......... c»i Ja-k«1 - » di » * ••» ihr b a I ot the nrst rdi- out of sorts, ami want to brace up. Brace r ■» J v’-ir. *! « Kt’lr II «»f <>re*r« . h» ■ M t. .. . • I «’t a n a • » many‘f'»ur exchanges : up. but not with stimulants spring medi • il 1 1 |.| t >A.: -fedì «»n 1? V I - ,vr> - do not give exprt-'S cines. or bitter-, w bich have for their basij r ;* •:-. iil wnri\4fi» ai. J. - • i:«‘*.;l ro'l. b»rlli­ : r II.’* ni' t e' : “ • i.’ n at - * ■ its • - fa ¡¿c colorar*.’ are ion*'.dered a- very cheap, bad win-ky.am! which stimu­ w li • u« • - u’ “ »•*• j at ’ic p.a«-« »* in <’».«• k'lid «»fl the r • 't i- ! ir -,t W m.'«i| Ord I’ ■ inc »ont'.n.ir ii'tir suLscriptioi» . • . ■ î ' f i !..» . • It' V f 1 ’’i tt l.» late you for a hour, and then h*ave you in <• <• » 1 of 'A rm-4 ck ¡.uhi a Co . L’ *• - i ; ■ .• «i n .* «»»'••. where, wnhui sa»«! • s !»•!».• < hft >tri I J. » ru rr> ’) »1er ter dis«. «»ntiIIuam « worse condition ih.-o: !■(•!< \* » \(>u .•••wl i’ r- h.-tiyl’«11. ' «> t< Ih» K St. • *< i .i . .• n. ¡i*1»!, and fiiHf th»1 There is ci - omk I* r. !>!<• «hderen-* • •. opin­ i" j vii /du i!s the publisher ma. con- u a rir i- r. h it« r • i t t n ¡1 1 ’ - \ ur m«-»“ ». ('<1 Ev«*rv «• i4’ w o ¡I i- I»* i .’tin ]»f< pan>i t4» - iit:.: i r tii* «k-ii'eix »1 gutnl ntcHliaittabk* • u d ■ : i « j J »I« ’ ! «r.u ut uid. -s pani ion .-.s t.» what niai» rity Oreg«.11 » ili J ivr in e o'cu i them until all arrears are bl«>’»<”!v a «b n««* neys. resiorv y <»f 11“ following kind.': ’.u’•••!•. » • ft.•* *!-d© of **»r Lotices. o t:**/ 'n«tf' - l -vc t»» h » v riddr' ' Send to:« -t tin ir • gu»—-ing’ p«.w«r-,\ I sub- 1 ihers neglbct to or refuse to 1.. . . id * -, 1 .4 jtlS* i*» v .r n ini'1 f.t-r »re tic- r»l:tG n :« «.vb-*»:*; - . ÎV. i . . ■ ;s’ •«•< shall, upon the return t » ' « .r j,» • heals ii »’n th»* office to cil!-- ' • U Will li : i -I i • i <•' ' u d v 1 roi» b f i * town |: netk* it smut w L-it <»t an indu’« ment to do ■ mher ti , I . \ ari» ty More will pive an «I. hi «I- . ? - :>• i be ; The po‘»*.» Virbt h n- ' ho . v,. l. •: J< r l>» C’-.'uf> »• I»• t of fh© delio- p n- *• ’ * . .. they settle ’ then bill. L-ai't dl mu t • the pci -«»n gu* —mg ¡hr t ;«1. r- I * n tli<- luiuke <»f Rogue R: .< t at any j'vint ittween the Lt*i immense tl i • i 'I h a. •! ••iderc.i , t t'- ‘* . r pap , „r 'discontinued « un** a due liât to the -ec» »n«| U -t ’ gu« - -- < sui.uu t.» M ui I hu *,. t-» r M o -I * ’d -.».d f ’wn of Jaek-o' x die ’ » mer rains caused He • • h L If mi ? !> *■« move to other place« er. ’ Every pcr-«»n bnyii g ee its r«»rtl» » a ' **!ui!l b«> « h'-d a wa rant in the mm© m<>nth <«f Butte Creek aiui the mouth <>f Red l-iankt t cr«< k, ami will t -, Pi •rv moth' - is . a 4- prolific«* abt*“k**“’v w u < »4« .nt »r.iiicg tbe publisher a»i t the i n ? of gno«ls will be enlitl« d to a guv > «•ftLi-M :•> »•’ vt'V-n u: d’T I hm blind, and ''-al hcr ch ! I lau Ft ) >;• p ‘•HU pbur- '1.’ ■ *1 vi"' L :i r r.-port d IJ } .*.[ er« :»*•♦* «' .t to tl ' former direction, i • »f t . ’ »e t«»w ■ "f Jack .»..vj,,<>, corr-mj’.du g th»* pav ea>h on .lelivery for .aim in .juantiti«.- from i creates mi unnate.ra » r.-' ; ? I! I>’ i:i i- » T“i d » th11 «l.stinctmn 4»f U • 0.« p.« ■ .L- of M «’• L.»l . i * / > I Fvy - » » «a upon p’^ll l«' 4.” <1 n-.*j «4 , <*liatt©i* ll.lll»«. VI ti1»..ten- p ounds « ' f ibrr« Ten Thousand to Ten Million Feo». i ■ tiH; • ixp.iy«*r,n*»(l if none I h * found, ». i . •• courts have decidcil that reinsing i hr Ladii -’ Aid >«. i« tv, • f ( « ntr.d Pi’inU Acker's Ba ■ n -•*; 'i;‘l- tak’ u f.'irv r.'ii»»*’’ ”i t it* tip-: upon It»»* re I proper!v, as *ef forth in raid to 1 . c p’-rod.euls from the « lb. e. or re- to t f n< fit children a id < 1 I »«/»<< tir H1111 ’/»/. Apply forterm- to wi’l giv«1 . iipi1 r on \ t W* d*i’ 'da\ « v» u th’ i r n-, ‘ X l.M. »»rmixt .: th« i.f h bfi-’t H.iiisfythe row« Hi« *n' •• fichi was a n »«t xis in(»« i'»g slid !»aving thc’.ii um ailed for 'Tri- »•r. .-'ih - I » ’ :»»jrj‘y thè l !.. » i, sEi" ing. t»» !»•• belo la th«- Bapti-1 chur. h .3 b «! » v¡ ¡'.m «r '•*n<:,'it 4*f ’ es so «’¡îarged. w“h cost« and ex- 11 is harndcb* -tm! c»n’ ’ p’ui'th- FREI». II. ROWE, Tolo, <>i ii ’ 1 lac v '« vidente « the puipo-o uf collect •' • • i ». • .» 1 th« re w ill > r .1 '.ih* « 1 „proti- ami other u-»*- be cm'»ru. »rd ■ Hie I’pfition pray« for in In* I et« ì >1 al«s i:> I-:*». S.n e «’ t per and m-iK»-.s use ot i«. e ¡¡ether h-3 hi»« 4iigd )l • u of I,, U i : m . fl , . ’• "••«»«iOO Hon e *au «r.d »hall l av* It»»' foie© All t’vf -*i¿J •* .*. **1 I e <* untv -hon’d b«* l !U»‘ over titiv m ’ >U- •».’ b*’X -s of Bruii I s.ii> • . «»1 fui it or not. is belt! in law as a i • «>rd¡u’’v ¡mit» I t«» ..t » :. '¡. * *1" l are a* d »rff4'< f 11»’- d »> pu.bt :» »j person, firm er Two geiff’em' n : h - jr . G , «:» ne?nt. ivd 11- ••>>.« »»«>*-ii»le. for a go<*d uieih- F 1 ( nav•• i» «-,. , .,li-UIII«1»l. Ili-, mi !.-ci 1 »r. W. I. V AW TER» (WLier. 1 M r -. N. <>: ' X« xi ux S* . ' i ”• I,«»u:-i ‘ ■' lM,r»*’i»»«) upuri whom auc'» fiix«> ar© levi«*! <»r JNO M. BENTLEY, I *.!«.. “>•» reward . * 'it .-r* 7 Th«* j atnia-ter who ticglectR to gIV’ r ! iped ;♦ X i« k» ■ -un »■»•id -v-trm -.•;’•«- -*i.-tn** .1 i.*r:»-« tin vu h ujgrlht r v, .th il. u-a . ot r«»n\im ng drawn < T«i ged «»n ’ !<•* ri>v. « t<» il««? legal iioticv ot the ti'gket »»ffl person »t-slim»»;. »a - itom idlpiri D.v n ♦ ■ k»*t i ’ ^turned in like manner. wa- >5 I Mnd wa» du«wi¡ the r» - • 1 thè World. 1- A» «rx. ! t*»»* tra«le centi’* • tl.«* rmjntv. It i« a ....... . j«»ir,tly ........ . b», x-ç». ■ F. J “•c i p and • VI The Marshal shill hav** the r«ui,n <>P vnv«l >»<*pi. 1 ✓ r vaine Bran* to'dk from the office the newspaper ad- h»'l Pi! - a ♦; pur» h v?, getable. ih; »»Iute- dr. s*( d t > Lim, is hable a’so to th© publish I James Wo«»i«iri»l ■ » :tl’ 'i ? rhur.’l, j» .Rs- k- hi * i’ II . 1 nd 4V S-'I* I'hc ■ -••IV ♦ d ’ ’ • ■ •t«.tu!)i -s theof the < onuly has under any war. • »f ?!•'■ the rr’o.’p» i. g public ♦ » g • two mi:»*'» \ I:-irm e--., -^n i «.•!.<• to tauea» any timc. er !•».- the subscription price th«» -------- pnrp ►»* of ' «-ullrcUnz d * • ’ nquent * j ihe ( i ns St«»- k li.-« * it, (h«t. g! I r Fsf tttfcsi 1 M S’ 1.» ‘C. I Mar- rant for ' ” ' ar»»und to i«rogrp‘S one mile in d -tanr»* i >oi i in eve.j drug a: d tued « ine etore. ♦ .x*-. and uj n ta»* nd *«», any property, real or hr’I I Mo.) I’n»k’r«*«. S’-gf I. nnd m i-* at 1” i>‘ \ m . • •ver a level » l'.’it rv. 7 i ’r flewwif-.o.« A*oom'»««/ either p‘,4:'l OF >1»;p.r 4 “uti prt>rw»d npon 1 I r.>tf lb, r. „ Probably no t ne thing ha* caused meh a sale «»f proper:». r»»-l or p«*rt*ona!. f-r g. ■ » rai tcvivh * of trade at a'! drug btor» s ir«arM«iiff. i inbi ' The i«»llowiii; a-e lb v. G. W. We are pret'arc'l t" tut i: h.r: ¡' -:i! : «luent county «>r - ate tvx.-;and he «-hah have hc’gh* I <»•’ \ i»¡;-.¡ ,-!;.* ! a»-d l-TuVid.’l W h \n enthtis astir rurr»sp»r tli« ir giving ?»wav tn their < u-iomrrs « f <>( estra-tiiie fru.t a: pomi mt ni < l'u- I • ’ v : m- V in » « n- n-n n: : ?! x.. I <. tte* uol “ (’'•¥■* r »> ex« cute a «i’-’si to «aid prop. p «I - -. • tiiubei «lu ‘ • I I ! »• bu’iHng ’«¿ h . fcrii.tlv h*c:» t many free trial liottlea ol ¡>r. King's new . . we., hl f. ■ ir< .■ i. . eity. «»r deliver po*«««•e»»i»»n of the im»* to th© o* ' h :n -rn i.g and evening, at J.- i>:-*uu\ ; from I i’luen K I h it the “bur^ j >¡ . , ■ t he i - « ofin»; I und ¡ti» '.ninnici“ to the t »wn ; - ttn e ( I meh mu**jr as any - !'i*c«.vetv i’-r Cm-*-umption. 1 heir trade , I'ft'. "tt. Our Cd S f day a’ Anti.».-:» ; .‘ I Sund iv it <• >i I :.re all i nule i.f tie r 1 purcl aeer a* the ►h’-rdl of the county ha© in i • 1 they «I*» tu.-i de*i>t al on e. ■»:: ’ , .1 . r.«ht t » F*den »»rerlnct. A *k»ur- a , ■!< ’-<•>••»• of ©lieof propoi(y fur the collection of <1 r - niiy in R .^ue ri\ is >duply tuormms intliisvei v valuable ic.tirlily KeaMined r va>iey Ihb; I i. Sunday, at II o’rlo-’k a w . at ( HAS. Nt< REI t »•♦liilg 1» ’V or'llg romlilCtrd ' V 1 ,!./*? F i ' 1 linqu* »d t x»1-. Amlthe Marshal ©hall pay over article from the (act that it alwavs cures I i ' iii I mt . They ate ITthter. Hr vi 'boroiuh, an i iif the -veiling at T: ; Titer J AS. 1>I I X. l>: .1. I1 ’Vetch, ol Orl.tti’I. ( ’ , f».i a»» r- MNs Mar »“i Hi s«»n. a- principal a* <1 ' and tnth©T<»wn I’r.-aEunT nli money»» »*0 roll«*rt«*d and never disappoints. Coughs. (’»Ids, ! stn.iiger titan any other Ix'X made < ti , the within eixty (iiO) li »■ Point. daya from the date of the war­ Iv of this c»)untv lost Lis *1- I w* ding. _. olfice M «- F n:*i < ilen»;“i inrleKg - of the pri Asthmu. bronchitis, croup, an cured. Yt»U c«*n bEc VII Th ir ord 1 nance to t ike ^R'-'t ai d 'brand desired. I ’ n l.iid dr.wn at all To tvuh, l»v ri < a *le rt time since. we are Ir « a a* ì »O’ ! ii ’.r*n of *Him»l ag**. m •-» Th*'und» F-igiied o IU t - E*» Lit < t\.-, III I» t it I » lore buying by getting u trial Fif­ I»«« in forr»» from and after -t« pruwag«*. |"'iiit<. i'iriii-.lnd up.,n appli-.ition. sorry to * The lu-s is estimated at of wh":n w II be in d' ’Xiidance before tin* itile conditi"!! f'*r -ale. Apply soon. Wanted to rm! ¡i ran« p. E hpiiit » f < Pas .d. ();•’ ¡2, s. th* tree, large . Ja- k?un. die. I rant.-d. J K. NT1L. I tMideni (¡rant's s Pais, Orpffun Giant Oregon. Atttest J H. HVFTZR, Recorder ehr ïkmocratit àimc.5 tlEKi: IV ft flit Jit Everybody shouhl call an I ««e that nuig- nitic« nt st*»« k ot good- b«»ing di«p!:iv •! by N* wm.-in Fisher. < Jr< at bargain« in «*v»*» v line are being ottered there. • * r’d in vour names tn the S. F. V.inetv Store or the IT m 1 - »»tfic«* for either the S \ V 1 : ing D»iwspapcrs ot th • worM. Pr. (¡i:l w iff lave I. « <»!!) ,e inth'bniM- ing ov«*r the s. F. Variety Star»* in J:i<-\- s »nv le O -i’*e hours from ten to twe.ve a . .4., and on«* tn three r m . A ”tan-hark” rb.im in Curry county i n -w rated at cash value. Torr«* '« sa: I to I»«* c.H's «’.erahli* bve oak land still • •pi n for settlement down there. IT SB 10 IT TELLS YOU HOW A Postal Card Request ■J Dry Goods, Cloaks and Wraps Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc«, A Great Victory S2H. s'il. s.)ô k. Stad, and Hü» Niiiili S h ^L Sacramento. California. Hood’s Sarsaparilla F. W. 0LAYTON, Medford, Oregon Hood’s Sarsaparilla YEMHla WATCHES, CLOCKS, SSLVERWARE, PLATEDWARE, ETC., ETC W STOCK Or SPRING AND SUMMER COODSI s ;iv'< < ILifs and Fiirnisiiiiiîf I! wk nf Lai» st Styles, I WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS ANO CARPETS, Stoneware Crockery Tebacco Ztc. SUGAR PINE. FIR AN I) YELLOW PINE. Jackson County Bank OF M FIJI’OHI». OHFOOX Itos a General Bankins Business I lluys and Sells Eastvro. Bomestic and Foreo Exa-Lange. Coìfodfons a S|n-(ialiy. Minty Leaned