élit democratic ïiMt» >n s n l*ubXi«hed overj Tharaday murniug by t !v jtiwment* will be ineerted in the Tint« < it tl*e owing rates : *«, one inv»eiti. i..:i <1or..«t 8aj Fraacisoo ratee and in ■ no..„p,M,„j finrt-clBM.manner. ■ TIMES PUBLISHING COMPN’Y CIAS. Ml K ELL. EJltur. NEW TIMES BUILDINC Olfioe—Comer Thirtl and C StrewU Uatrw of Naboertption : U.ie copy per aim um. in advance.......... six month«!.................................. three mouths. JACKSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER VOL. XVIII. i’2V> ,. 1 91» .. 7» OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. SMITH & CONKLIN, SPRING! 1888 SUMMER! REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ACT’S HTATE O»’ OKKGON. Ü.8.Senator*». J. II. Mitchell. J. N. D»»!ph.(’ou- grMrt aan. H. H«*rmaun; Governor, 8. P»*nnoy<*r; 8eer«»tary of Stat«*, George W. McBrolo; State Tr-«-k*ur»*r. Geo. W. Webb; State Printer. F. C. iiak»'; Snpt. Public initruction. E. B. McElroy; S’iprviue J.i ITM. W. P. Lord. Chief Justice W. W Tliayer, R. S Slraiir.n. Everyone Should Go and Sec the FlttST JUDICIAL DlSTtlCT. GRANDEST&LARGEST COLLECTION ( Conftprieing •J**ek,*on. Jnaepbine, Lake and K’a nath c»»ii.it!«*H; Circuit Jndg ». L. R Webster: Diatnct Attorney. W M Colvig. OF NEW WINTER KL IXATU iHHJWTT. Grant’s Pass ORY AND FANCY GOODS, Sitnutr rl in tile Fainoiic “lingue River \ alley," the Gai’deti Spot of Southern Oregon. C DOTITI ÎSTGF, SOME FACTS: FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, Ci LM aie i«v.»ry i.«*»$.«tL;. ev«.n »m«* attractive, and will compare mor»* than favorably with an Btatn »n the Union, C.ilif«»ruia »nciL*«ied . . « .u — „a itKs .riu ;.s -W«* an* rich r .»4*a *idturo. timber, mineral and grazing lands In other worm we can produv» all that is m-c< s-.try for man and beast. Fruit and Fruit Culture is Ijccorning oneof thegi»”it imlust» :»*s of this s-.-uth- in c untry, as we have a climate co-ordinate ami adjusted to the c »nditiou of lie* biiil, and cat*, i •• »dm ’uc largest and b-»st-flavored fruits grown in any country. What are the proxiuctions of ■ ,r vsll -y? Aluiost everything that is grown in m eeiui-tropica* cli­ mate ; all the c *rean ami gra* ’*♦* indigenous to the tvmfs«rat0 zone. The following fruits grow to perfection and attain a »*14'3 and flavor equal t«> those <»f any counL’y: Apples, peaches, uumces, almonds, tigs, prunes, apricots, pears, cherries, walnuts, nectarines, plums, strawberries, all other small fruits, and grapes of every variety. 330T3 ani SHOES. (TOBACCO. GROCERIES Joint Senator,A. C«»4aw«‘U of L ikrt, Rep* i* v « j . S 1‘ Wo«** of L ik«: County Jivlge. CROCKERY. ETC W. S rt •-< Co nmtaaionera, W. C. Crawford. L B. ii•■»■»ter;Clark. A. L. L »evict» Hhariff. M. D. Ch.I l *r**-. rreaiurer. ' ha« Grave«; 4sa«**e»«»r John Sm-ct; School Superintend»*;.t, P. L. Foun­ Remember, theeegoo b’ are tu-w and bought since the war in railroad rate« and are sold tain; Surveyor, J. B Grirtilh*. Coroner. J. Bie- luena. * iakk corsiv i'oi* xim i -L»i it ^ciiMtur, A < » g»^» il «»f Lake. ÍJlioiip Repre»»eri Htiv»*. K. V. Mi». < ounty Judge, \\. a . WiJthtre; I’onimi-sAior.» th , li. L. bh.*rl«*ck. Wm. lUgley*. Clerk W I’. Huyd; Hheritf, Wm. ('aril;TreMurer A. M<’Callen; School Superin Countrj l‘r • lu • b.»light ;*:id 10M. Wool, len«ient. A. H. Fi>her; A k ♦ s^or, J. F. McDon- Hide«*. F ir-* and l>.^r Skin» 8«»lint order», for nagh; Block Inspector. D. It. J»»».«*« Lumber ....... MF.EiiNtl cm'ilT’i. »TC. MAX MULLER, r-.e S i?»r»»*neof Oregon m *>* *»»iiS u.»’H r.iN’otfjc • Biiiidir g. •♦»: .tar t »r*i»A »•«» n ii’Wios «>n the tirwt M*»ndii>> ii* f . «>:i first ’»! • • - tn Apr k Sept»* nb r h i I D »•»••nb *r !:> hlmnith ro-.i’it*. 4»n i4**v*on.l M*»rbl tv in Jn:.** and hr-a M»”»dny in N*»vember I i L»k ■ »• i'i*> »»n the third Monday in May ami the t»?cor»d Momla.. m O- u» r In J».s“phine county on first Montis’*» in March arid A’»gu-t. For J»»^k*»n county the Co*» 1’5 Probate anil CommK-'i »ners’ courts .n-»et evarv month, corn inenoing with th«» first Monday; for Josephine county, the lira« Monday in January. April, «Lily and Septembor; f»*r Lake county. ev«»ry alternate month. ro'nin'Hicing th * fir*»» Monday in January. For Klamath ci'imty thefirst Wednesday in March. June 8eoteml»erand N«»vemh»»r CHAHT’» RAS*7. tl:«»c<»iint.i-fc“.it <»f .io*- ! .. .» « c»*'t ii\ is t m principal an«i only incorporate«! city in the e<»nnty. or th«-O A i K K.amli-’t •• .tq»'iig p«»:m f*»r k I iih » o the entire bus in. os h of th»»«’6ttnty,beirgeit- nated on the banks of I» * ■ * ■ ■ > r, a ’ ■ t ti s point baa a fal h »f tcu feet t«• • la* mi 1»». and fur- nish»-s iii *- x '.ci fit !<■ "H i-!.' » f wahT p«>.vr for manufacture. The reason W; y Grant's Pass "honid h'-tli.1 i \i: »!.'-1 > ::i > uthvrn < >ny n is ilml it ha* to sunp<»rt it th«* ent lie resources <»f B»u Mjua’»* ir.ih <»r I.F 1 i * I i- s»n r.»i;micd by «*xl»‘imiv»» timber interests. It is admira­ situat«*«!, H«iv.Hl1«itf»*<»U. ailv $» -. .’ i-.i'lj bly MtUHt«*«l, ’»b ** - ‘ • \v;th ref»-i«*m’«» t<» th«» trad** <»f a vat-t region ».urruunding it and it »s not likely that its muj i . a>a « of!tr«»li.i n bie i*« M4*«*ntte fs«■»•nti«• ter t«*r the county, and ruining mining region, will ever be disput'd. ltLa.-<-i. lit \i wvh . bpoweh . ......... \ r K: m H ...... 1« is, a large * Suhb, j * »» Doorand > » Lumber • (\>. located her»», bro«»in fac ctory. machine bhoim amt round h<»upea of the O. ‘ <■< *t:n’y c<*in. s I.* 1 <■ ’ <> ’ riitl«-. I f a and si irt <>:u hu^ nc« . W- < .-«•!: • ,1 rpiei »!,«! *ippoitui.iiK -s foi r flouring-mill, cannery, paj»er-miil, munnfacuupr. wc c.r.i off i*ht-4 sc and ! «i.cr l.u lory. «tn • 1 . wi-'J’-n hii’ioi >. »He N»-w it» the time. There han I»« cn no boom- ■ <•1 !• Mo- to ! c :: * i-rigation arisl th»* flavor and tn«»te of it cannot be la «»I fiom >b i b .“•• :•(». i » id ! ......... . — I. t*: 4 a. ¿iViiiiacre, jtiat a»/roaa the line ii: (’alifurnia are •*xc* l:« •!. Sue. ‘ii/1 ' »! *' brificin'i fr.»n: •?’» t»- M v \V<* fihV. 1 •’ .-h »!' - * < it I’.opiTp .<1 the 1 .)•»■*♦•!•'.m«-. Doi ng garden land n«1j- i ng the to n of Graul’b P:»>e. I ! ’ AS1I LAX I) SI ATE NORMAL SCHOOL MODERN. THOROUGH, PRACTICAL MORRIS Ml. A e are pnhli-hi u. \ • : r *!i i * * •-m ?• t » « >r i h I ».t.t Orrzon. und eepoe-.Hlly ' K« tuo River Valley. b.*i)d to iu« i»»r «•:.•* «ti «1 tl t unyone <’iir weekly paper t!>• ' R 41!i* Ii’ v--r < '«»urier. u !n ■< ih *« in'.cr -;-tr g for »tra'ger« to see, in which we ul««» have» liwt of «»ur pn»perti»*f*. W<* • iiy, «»'ll a -I take c-»ain-.'t-ei«»n any pr«q»»*rti<’« in Oregon. Ali ùifumii !'*• lin***- a ! i.-- . i to u« -vili rvceiv»? prompt at »en» i*»n and any ct»urt*>ie« wa may be abl - ti» -x’end wdl be <1 * * rhill; giv BM1 I H A l jXSi.Loi: vr t.iv*. irn.h:> . .. tu! •:ru«* h !.»I • 1 will ti*);! «»ur plana f . ic!»l 1 . ul*iti»»!o. l’d vour •■H . ur'-« '..... 1 and h»-ip i.s t«» grow. • r u A vi »rd fi»»m you nugbt hrip US li. Reiueniber that tne 1/ HM REfi/ys s / rn: w- ItER .3, /SSfi. Me-If-Jid, Oregon Will pr^eti.*« in al! thn cart, of th.* State OJ1e>, in iCi'nlm’s bri.-k builJintt, u|r*tair». . $31) (Mi. > ■ ■■ *15 UQ. Norma! Scholarship... .................... t ’.»inmereiai S«*aolarship............. 1 rainirg Schf »’$.* State. O:»ice in Ohi F'-lìow’-» h r» ling, ¡ip Màirs. Protzman & DeFrance, 1 >xi” *"• «T. R. NEIL. AFroRXSV X COUNCILOR Ai LAW, IM — ¡1 »I t; H N 1->S— It i' :u:ii*>st Itiipi*."il>l(-1<> T< ar, and it will nut (.’rack. SOEi’NESo—Wli. .'.¡e: ('<>1*1 **r II t. Wi t **;• Drv.it i- always Soft and Eiv-y f*>r tin-tn"*-* l<*n>l<-t !•’. * t. W ATE lil’lx» >< >1-'—Ii will Turn Watei bi tter tlianauy **tli< r Leather. COLOR—A Jet Black that will n *t l'.i.h-or turn lied. POLISH—I'nlik*' all other (¡rain Leather it will take a High Polish with ordinary Shoe Blacking. CLEAN AND LIGHT WEhiHT—Not being Weighted with Tan- ningMaterialx anti Grease, it will not soil a Stocking and weighs Light for the Snb-tance. We carry in en>t**;n-ina*le work of the IILda -t Grade of this stock, a hand welt (men—) lace sh**e, made on the English Waukt liphast last, ;.t So I"», ami a lace *dioi made on the llariard Box-Tot- last, calf lined through *ut ami o*lc- of G* imine Englidi Sole Leather, at s“ 00. Both are in .-vv"'i *lilier*-nt in-** p-and width' to each size. Eor "-'acts. ! atlditional they will Io .-.ent charges prepaid to any address by mail or I — AMD AT— Jacksonville O^n W’!l prieto” i'allth” (’our»- of th«» St-r«». Of tice in <’•» irt IL»u*•*,** *c<«r<. do >r on right from entrino«* THE ROUTES T RATES DI. — L« AT - General Merchandise W. F. WILLI \MSON. k COUNSELOR AT LAW \rr<»RNEY D. CRONEMILLER & SONS, Medford, Oregon ■J VKSONVILLF,. OREGON A!l ’»:«*•;':•'•••* in my ’in* w.ll receive prompt it- tenti«»:». H. K. HANNA, COUNSELOR-A T LA W, AI TORNEY BEEKMAN & REAMES’ OREGON. EAGLE POINT / Successors ta 0. C. Beckman's Bank. Jaeksonvi 11<*. Or All ..f which will he sob! nt the HE UNDERSIGN!:D HAVE FORMED A I'D NOTARY PUBLIC AND ( ONVEYANt ER. ;»irt.»pr-hip with an authorize I capital «»f J.n k-M)!iOregon. $r,5.00 », for th • purp of c »rrj in* on a General I Ihuiktiig Ba*in«- h in h .I of i:-* branche, n Jæ’k- Probate M it I'T-*. \h*’r.t<*t of I it le-». < <»nv”.v Hi­ .-oavil' -. < >r»*g.» ii Office at the «»hi standof Be«*k- ring. H".n--n-• I. Pre-enip'ton and all other mnn’s Banking lloive, S. E c«>rner of I bird and liiininr*** •••.«rii-r ■ I to -.n”. will receive prompt California streets. ..... . attention L>»an-* e -goiia*« <1. Ct. BEEKMAN. on corner opp »site Court House. THUS G. RFA MES. r C. MINNIS, M. D., M» illuni, Oregon. Gnitrant» rd. WOODBURN NURSERY OlFico in ( hi!der<' brick Main street. Rpnicienre on N >rth Front •4r»**^. ( nil«* prompt y after*led t<>. day nr night. Fruit, Slade nnàiiicntal aM Not Trees R. PKÏCE, M. D.. ----- and----- PHYSICIAN AND SVKHEON, VINES AND SHBUB3ER7 vfc.tforil, Orcsou BUN' THE BEST AND BE HAPPY! D h'iiiiK ) DEA NO APHIS OR LICE OH TALES P II Y sì r I \ N AND - I K <. EON , PRICES : ’1. ‘f r»l. Or«-- »n. Apple rrwn......................................$5 t«»|B’ per 100 P(wh “ ................................... 10 “ t’j * ■* Plum and Prune Tre«»«............. H ’* Iff Other trees and ■»hrubbery furnish««! reaaonably. Send for atal«»gu« t«> J. H.SETFLEMIER. W«MMlburn.Or :*.t E. B. PICKEL, M PIIYSIt I AN 0., St’RGK«»N. ANI» 1857 M»-»lf«»r:l. Omron. Call» promptly .i?t«*nd* <1 to day °r l ight. Office on B atn • t. II. M. G ill . M. D. J W. R obinson . M. 1) am » st’HGEONS J4ck"»in»¡I!-. Orgc1 ji<*lii nery V. AND ff. D. SURGEON, T’HF LNDKRSKiNED IS NOW TAKING OR i dem through Jaek«*<»n and Josephine counties Having lo«-«t»»*1 at thia place I ««»k a-hare of for the patnringeof tlua »oct ion. Fall* attended tn at any t»me FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY. W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., PHYSLT AN. SURGEON AND A< COU( HEÜR Jacksonville. Oregon. ProfeiMional r ill* promptly attended to day or night- . . .... n t’<»n*nlt Vi»’ in in either hngb**n or German. ¿If- Otti Tn«i residence on ( a!iforaiaatr<*et, corner «»f Fifth »tre*t. Saw Mill for Sale or Rent- HK UNI»KR8I«iNEI> OF.ERS FOK S\I,E ,,r r«nt fl ♦» *«••»«* *:.w-m>U *••*. I5»r..t cn*‘k. .■ nn»,. It i« in Xn.-.< l:i-. or- d..r .nd wd of «• rental on rw.->n. whin »♦■rm** . , r.-r further i»!»rticul»r» call <>n <>.2‘',;,i;i*M T F otc ! ‘.'rwk. Or. ANO COMPRESSORS SPECIALTIES Any kind raised m a t'.rst < Nursery. Thoae wanting Trees thia tall will d»w<>Hli> give me their orders, as 1 will gwaranteo satisfac­ tion. 1 warrant all my trees if properly cared for. ferma of payment easy. Produce taken at mar. ket price like* lbs. of Peach Head wanted. A. 8. JOHNSON la ■ksenrille. Oregon Anc. 1 1883. CITY B LRB2R SHOP. CALIFORNIA. • irkwH ville. STREET <»re ■*. t »nwrihlA prie«*« GKORGP HcnDMt’F Will Sell, lìtui. Lease and Handle JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY HUIT TREES E a :1a Point. Oregon- Ashland, Oregon, I \ l . By tlie Thousand ! LUCKEY & GO., Caiarih Central Point. Or 1CHINERY! anil Price Li*»t «>n app?i<**it'*»n - Country «»niera a wpecialty. i M'ii»RY Al WEIDLER’.S MILL, ■bibirr »»»¡nr». c*»r. Ti*ird and E Strwta. ! PORTLAND OREGON i L. L WtilTNZY Cons îiîuüciiai ESTATE i \NI> HEALERS IN V.eti uat«‘H PHYSICIAN MABBLE STONE OB GBANITB BABY’S DR. J. HINKLE A full line in at** k «»f 1 ORECOH ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR., rriie JTitlH«! Ht’îMi I’.HOS. IMl’l . < 0.. PortlamL Or., or < KO5F.MILÎ.FR A st». \<’«*.its. Jacksonville Or. IMPORTERS Dealer in building mai f hi M I II 1*1* T PARKS & LACY, Sash. Doors, Blinds ; i ; nlr \ l I. Main St., Ashland, Or HOUSE PAINTER. III Kak • Keape. -, -V. ■ ‘J. K ll • Reap-TS, ixi l'a I liclnsed tiear Mowers; seen .5 Co.’s Separators, i-aar. Seott A Co.’s Plain and f.-a- tion Engin Coates’ Ixxrk Lever Hay Kake; also a Manufacturer of DRS. ROBINSON A. CILL, PHYsHiAN’s EK I 188- J. C. CARSON, MARBLE WORKS! ASHLAND HOUSE ! T FARM AND MILL MACHINERY I Physio-Medical •i' 1 1‘llle iinii ,»n Up-stairs, DR. S. DANIELSON Ph ase «xîvr n> a trini and judixe LN LOW k V ASH POLE. f<»r Keeps ttie largest stock of Odien »n William*»' Brick Building . Renerai Merchandise MOST RÄSONABLE RATES W. H. PARKER, PHYSICIAN AND -I llGEoN « ENCEL BROS.. CLOTillHC, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. NEIIFHKD. OBF.GilV Will if »-vic«» i”. all '«ir’ of la” S e” ami be- fon»i4ll « iov<*rn n *nîa! i >-*p r rnom*1*. Money io imd net 4*oll”'*tp»-ie made. DAY THE BEST OF EVERYTHING S. S. PENTZ, ATTORNEY AND C HJNSELOt AT LAW. SILAS SORE FROM KliEt Ii) ANKLE. Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Hardwi re We keep Euibf:l!.tlv sortineiif <>i Will prm’Grn m ,'*|| tb*» C'-jrt* <»f the State <'ffire up Main» in Orîi:.> bri»*k. The following of persons ------ [lowing is a list of paying taxes on $ * _ and ’ over ‘ in Klamath _____ $2000 county, as jxr the assessment roll of 1868: Slii»i entirely gone Fl« sh n mass of S Cunningham $ 2237 j Louis Land 220i) disease. Leg dimin'she i ooe-thiKl < ’ Cunningham 2490 Ar bur I.angel 12534 iu si e. Condition h j . j L cs *». lured J Kahn ............. 2735 Geo Mi Donald 2909 by Cut cu$-a Kciueiiicb .lohn Loosely. 2-.93 .I It Met lellan 4290 For three yenrsI was almost crippled with an < K Smith 2942IJ H Oatman 2400 awful t*«»re leg from mv kn<- <1 ui. t«> my Khkie; \V O Vaughn 2 IK* W J Paul 2200 the skin whs »uitirriy gon«*, arid th»* !!••>!. was on» J Bevans 42sol David Vinson 5505 mas* of diseas»». Sm •• j> y-i»-roi • pronounced :>7>f*G B Van ltiiier 2X15 it incurable It had din.iirNh.-il •d»'*ii’ «»ue-third < aM’lxer Bres th« size of the other, ami 1 v * h * in a hopeless* W \V l inlcy *>22 Baldwin A T. HI30 condition. After t-jing ml I irals of r«*iu»‘dies Fink A Waters 497225,Henry Conn 2101 your Cuticura K wiihh I joh , d th»» result wan as L Leonard... 5270, M D Childers 31.50 fiilloww; After tbi’H»« »lays 1 not:c*,*i a »ivcided M <>ben»'hain change for tho lett r. a*.wcn. J A Son 2*J92iJ T Forbes ... 3300 purified, mid the bmm (wHC* !* d L--n »-xposed ES Tuli . 21'54 John Friese lOoo for «»ver a year) got soumi F ii began to .lames Taylor 3321 J II Fountain 2'00 grow, and to d-ty, ane sei-ii. Wells A Co 1.5*1*51 D J Ferree II Ammerman 456m John G lei in 6. G. AHERN. Dubo . !>•> i.:»-<’<>.. Iia. < » T Brown «1*51,J L Hanks lOfiTfl Te-rrib'e Suffering j xn f. Lin IJisensvs R A Emmett. 351AH,J It Hazzard 21j rt.x»n of my J Thompson 12*. * J K Ingalls 2326 dn-iiguriiig L uiu «» tf . lipM* hid tin- ♦ e-t <»f phy­ Kasson Bros 2500,1. A Lewin 2275 sicians iuid b|»« ut hurnio ti-«4 tL'Ilar-. hut got IMgar Ball M -t Co ! 1550 I have taken *»v«>ral botile6, of » ma lb*sol- D Va», brim’er tilt '* told lirni) 5004 vent with ad th<* ... retult, I 1 i;i4 «i.li for. LB Applegate 113*10 Sergent Bros i ar. vi .-il cuuniHn< in^ it. I I D A ? »piegate 9350<* W Smith 1(«576 u*e, I weighed H5 ..»il: ’* 3 to 4i> I wigli N Hildebrand 2421 James Tobin . t/ftft 172 i«oundb. . 1 OII’BEI.L. Shook Bros. Is2*il BFVanbrirner 5336 »Va bii ,4.ri. !>.<’. Wm Boi »tris.. .5747 Thus Wilson <57 14 X'ite. Tli*» 17il in li.yocJ all 71 'I Mrs E E Wise 2.515 thml.t tl.<- gii.'.l.-i bhx.d | ,r:ti*r »ver eom- < C Beekman L Broadsword 2** C Applegate 7705 poUI.dvJ. Ja> Bryan, Sr 25dU Mike Ilartery 3 n V5 ( uticura, the gr»*at k. i cu . and < titi *urn < loptonA 1‘oter 3**17 C B Boyes .*.. .5750 Soap prepaid troni it, • xt*-r: ! .. .iri'i Cuti«*urH Geo Deal . .. 3431) Jas Colaban. 10143 R«’t«ol vent, tI k * new fit»»«».! par ti : i itfrnnl'y. utp Fr» ut r A King ,51l3Graves, KdtW 22.57 a positive cure for every f<4im of ..' h aud tflooJ Gerber Bros.. 20 ¡3 h !*3*J Hunsaker di-«’.-»s«», from pimple- to Hi-r«»fula. Cross A c winn 2-*.i Mills k.-i 61 pa- Benj Hall 2!tì0 ■ *. ' * * G \ 11>I,U'on g«*s, T. i ilJusfr-inr ■ .i 'i| i’Dit*-* i :ai J » > Ilamakar 13 < I 2**26 Wru Steel W 11 II.» .gland 321»! 5.2" I M Engle. S \V Kilgore 3597 47 4.5 W ■ Runyon. MM Lami 2e.;<>* ¡ Till. Mìliti E1K. No single disease h ont&il«d im-r»* suffvring or hastened tb<* breaking n ip t»f t’.e c«m-ititut»on PORTLA-Wt». than catarrh, l’i.e bi'ji?.»» i»f Km*-li. of ta ne, of Hay—$l"u/13 per ton. sight, of hearing, thè human voc»», the mimi— Hops—Quote 12@16c per pound. one or m«»re ai.*i » «'¡D»*tim»** uh. » t***»l tu itt» <|«' Eggs- 27c |>or - per sack throughout the *y M«.-;n ut’.-.vk’»» v»-rj v al f«*rr»*, I. od — Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, f andbiiakf'U; ih * -t n 11 : •t of nMitutiona. Igi or»*J. In ■«•an •• hub Jer mì . i»r in1X3«? per cherluiairM. those utt. ! I1 litve little ••H. h«»l«e to l,t* relieve >«i *»fi t Un* tiravr. Wool—Quote Valley. lMjJlHc; eastern it lime. then. ti. 1 it !• t «»f I“ 'J! Ml t i» . Ii tki* terrible di* r> UtlhlU tl$» Oregon. ‘J- a I 15c. I ruvhi.»ns—Bacon, lotg 14’-¿c; hatus, 15 n*avh of all passe« i1 rd c<»m|H-teut *n*i trustwmII.). J w -, it ii»-rt»» ut tried »'• 1 g . shoulders, 11 ’ac r I tri thè pr*-para- method adopt» »I I y Dr. W I:« J’ V.FlfV, »1 27'.,dl 3h; Walla tion of his K.uiiral • ’ur* n il» h» art^ a|»- \\ a .». ] 3.t cl 37'2 a ell. preval <»f th«»u-aii m op. ij.t.. »* -, c «-arimi r. Wai a V * a iiramls, $;> .Vnh » 7.5 the h« H»l, su»'••»•*' i: sense- «,f enteil. tr.M Urd Fi d - Ih ;;i, .$13 .5' ■;.* .»i 1 .5 c shorts. 415 .50 izing the cot. - • i : «i. i* *f »■ti*.*’ ..:<• • xtra < li-’h-c creamery. of il.e I1«»I k ti < ur>*. • ’I 2.5. 3v ■. fair to choice. 22’^a25c; store, l-i vent, and one h ipno •• Lit. i r 21 per !b. I*«»ttrr Drug A < ! naca! Meat—Steady Bc*.< i pt-r dor; turkeys, 12',»'per fr Irish 1-, nits —Sit ilv lemons. $.X;O e tp|l>- Gm'$l 25 per Lox grapes, $l«t i per b x pears. 75t<»$l 2.5 per box; tomatoes, 75(&S.5c per box. s xx max' tst o. Wheat—No 1 shipping. 51 .5St^$l 6*) p. r cental. Barley—No 1 feed, she for nc.v and 77'- for oui brewing. *.*2 a97c Gats—Gtsid feed. $1 10te$l 15 per cental. pomtm-s — Peerless.30a.‘si;Burbanks seed- liup-. 5Os*jtic; Garnet t rule. 45a.55 . Early o-. itoatiO; Sweet, 75cu$l 2 • |»er cental. \t ■ ■ J—Humboldt ami Menu -citto, 16a29; in .lo.iqnm and Sonthern, 9al3c; cistern - -on m-avy. 9al2c;eastern Oregon light. a ’SÆA 17 Valiev. Oregon, ltia3)c. ‘ '¡lions—3.5a 10c per r ental T nr ‘ 1 ’ostolHc« Jacksonville, Oregon. ( Form-rly <»f Washington City,) 8 £ t BONANZA Portland, Oregon. THE BEST STYLE r KLAMATH CO.'S SOLID MEN. ALLGOOD« IN Watches, Jewelry, 11 ^r*MA»ecto»n Packsc«»* SAnt »*..»«»'• ; ■ •» N. S. DREW Clocks! ■*. <• -.* ’.i'*ii -d 1 >; ‘i * »l G »«»Is; ngentB for the R'»ckford U*a!r.»ad Watches. LIN M KNl’F VTURF!» TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. V it.' j Ui"i” ? » trofjHy -x— ■.*»■1. I V •’ ’» '»•»'»•«•M-« rtth a» F »f »r® |>ur< »*;uoi!g «)R«*wb»»r» f FROM A FARMERS’ STANDPOINT INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS- A cohort of orator., tin'b-r the or ler. 1'iiiing tl... past week the commit* of the Republican Slate Uential Com­ mut. i, Ind an depredation claim»,ha« mittee, Rays the Ejrami»er, are r.ivajin/ i- i ■.-I tn c.,ngre-H separate and favor- the several counties ami informing Iu< ....... _____ t for ___ .1 the __ »• r j «> : | i' m »’ h that committee farmer« of California that ti>e Milla 1>; i, . the fulhiwá’ig bills now pend­ which imposes a duty of 4.'.59 per <■. m. ing iJ j. »re < ungre.>a : i on foreign manufacture»*, is in realii v a NOTARY PUBLIC. i j i lyrnent oí («»»orge Emçle of Ash- ’ British fiee-trade measure, th v. -.-.i by | l.mit. Or. • . $2 >67. for »beep driven off and Cleveland for the destruction of Ameri­ *1- h I* o : • 1 by Bannock and Piute Lndians can agriculture in the interests of John I inr.ng t . • Indian war oí 1R78 in Urna- Bull. Well, this is a harmless | arson t*il.i eomity. Abstracts mià» cf Titles to Lands. we do no know that it hints anvboly. bur lu/ment to Rev. .1. W. Miller, Farmers do a great deal of quiet think­ U yl.., ¡1,-t miui«ter of Jack»onvi!le, Or., LEQA.L DOCUMENTS ing by their own firesides alter ti;e.i in b> k and lioureiiold pro|>ertv Of all kinds drawn up. eapncially (»ertaiuing tc day’s work is done, and they are apt to the aettleuhiit of estate# I -'r ,ve l by tiie Rogue riv.tr Ind;xnt* in reckon out their ow n interests inoieac. n 1S>5. lately than orators who deal in flowe*- Collator »f iMSiali—Prompt Rfmiitan«» Io th* In-irs of , as he nfdicuil »lintrict. and to auy buainees house in "* 1 ■ ■ * *' ti g ilte hoHtilitieH of doe«, he is apt to iC’-u. ¡'u’jerthct,.m t ” -*•■!% he interior «i*p»rl- Jacksonville SILAS J- P AY- he pays, for, after all, the pruco. -Is o«» ne * ..ii) < and few thousand bushels of wheat, er a few i'.ir Veit Schutz of Jucksoni Hie, Or.', jacks invìi jæ tons of alfalfa, or a few catt luadsof vege­ I '. r . rope-ty detrt*oyed by Rogue tables, or a few Itoxes of pears, or a I »» 1. r I*i l; ma during the war of 1855-« tons of grapes, do not amount to any 1 U.,-1 .M Tri- .n of Malheur couuty, very monstrous sum of money, while th. . r. *2, fm dwelling and house destroyed cost ot a livd.se and barn, ienc.ug ami • v I. .•• I' ivallup Indians in Wasliing- machineiy, farm tools, furniture ami '*)■! territory in 1855. clothing makes a hole in a g'xid-.- zed :■ ■ Hardy Eitiff of Douglas county, check. So the farmer is veiy apt t ■ i. 1 i. t r c i'l!e and olhiy stock driven carry in his head the sums lie i r - .1 and kill-.'i, an 1 for bay, oats and vut. If ho is thoughtful ami well ii.foi in * *.■•*, •; stroyed by R • • i a • k I idians in 1855. to detei mine the exact share w hich h - )■ '* I. I. Northrup and Bros. of Lot* paid for the articles lie ir itiglit. an ! i. Vi.".- -< ,i*n y, Cal., $5450. for horse« wise the share which he Lad to pay by .**> atti- drj\ett off and house and prop- Generai (.’ontractor in way ot protective duty on th aiti !• - ■I."' toyed **■•• I by l*y hostile Rogue river In this way he le.'ins wl.at the «ar tar­ ’ r lies i*;- in iu 1855. This elaitn lias tiereto- iff costs him. Thus, ior i r- am ■, ii g. an t also by the inte­ • I, ken *n al . lun wed, has put lipa ciietp house tv live in, his rior ¡•art oi'*nt. account will stand soim thing like th - I rJu pli Russell of Coos county, Hi!.I, ! u or ¡.erty dentroyed by Co» X i ! I iihi la Indians in 1855 0. s ■ 51. Kate Hatton of Linkville, i • prob ity curried off and de- 1 l y M •!•><• Indians during the - Í Prompt Attention given to all Orders by Mail. . 'Io- lava t,. Is, in Klamath . in 1872. 6 M joi>! and bc inthng ij. 4 I 1’ 1 )1 ivl 1 of Baker <■ JOnty, 46» 5 M ti'K>: iug ............... t 1‘^W feet boaida............. T riv .."troved by 1’iutes and t 3* j M siding............. ... I l.atis in the hostiliticu of 12 M (Jungle^ ............. ■ i -'...:i Oreg ,n. This claim I • • if: I 25 door& and window* J! t ■J5-J feet >anl-> . ' i i-. 1 r ■!■ > uinended for |>ay- Front bUiirh................... U •; io 1 t Interior <1< partment. Plaster, lim*. hair, lath Uh. « ■ «¡ 182 feet cornice............. I’, \r • D isagiclemkxt . — Wiien Paint...................... .... . (f Oregm, in state ? •.«.;■ i Totui enti I i -.-ernhled, declared in fa- i .»r ••■!n mg the annual surplus Let us say that ins l. irn will c > * i. i - * i tin* government by admit- 14')'»; lie will find **:i xauiiuaib.u I at r- ■ i'.v ■‘uc.i article» of general about $20, or 10 ;s-r .-•nt. of this, I t'* '|H*nk for it laat June. Any to ’» »»i w< «hing to h *11 property will fiad and other farm utensils. 11 . th.- . - it to their inter st to call and ere ns. I* ■ - ii - til- ALiine-ota^Repub’.i- fant industry in igri ".iltmal ■ , non* ■ ■ o.i ig thro igh a state cou- will need tus sups* *.t a^a;:r t tii p,n , . : ¡, on ,.in -e emphatically in lab ,r ot E i op» Ur the tan ' “in I.;i. itiou, re adjur.t- $250. He may s|K.-:nl ad**.i* > 2* in pu­ ■ ,i . i ' l.-tion >f the tariff.” The nishing his house; here the trust i , i n 1« i'c ate- llie views of Garfield house furnishing g*>>ds wdl let him I ' a , a «. Il as the rei-utnmeuda- cheap for a bagatelle of abei: *.’>5 !. :■ ..i lt . »iiiui —; .:i appointed by the when lie comes to figur? ou ii - >t i ■ - • la-< uaiue l, and urges ‘-plac- clothing, an i the clothing i I* - , * ■ 1 th > ii ■ list articles of prime ne- and say four children, the war tar.ff ■ity a ..-ii enter into the ordinary get even with them. On $373 w o t!, a *i*i . •. . the people.” And the clothing, the manufacturer la.. <12a i* , .......... * * r.-.iMiurs, tuo, have been When he prepares his crop lor m jr- I HOM’M AN. SI ( < t SSOll TO J.O. HAM- • *-.*' i ' .era! weeks formulating a ket, the farmer has another ei. j . it •J • nkerA (’<». »»f Bonanzi. Klamath county. Or., n.l* to r-i ise our picsenl tariff, ny plac­ taste oi the tariff. It lie lias ha I a go ,J ha« purchased a large and first-cl mkh stock of ing -oin- articles now taxed oil tiie free goods which arc now on th»* wav from l’ortlami, year, he may sjiend $200 for sacks, oi *i.-t, arid reducing tiie duty on others. and will be so.'d Ch»,ap for t'asn. Every»!«*!.*’ ir« which $150 go lor the sack* an I $51 loi inviti*«! turali ami exaiuim» «»»«»d«« amt pri?e« be Ihis div -rg.-nc? leads to the natural in­ TR’Al protection to Mr. Drexler's t'oine-e- fore purchasing elsewhere. You can always find jury whether the vociferous crowd of on hand u full line of Atneriean lalror. VIAI.V« .Vf».«, i-n gat. - wlio thronged the convention BOTTLE When that fanner come* to fiju*•• *:j* i t h. igo ar* to lie regarded as author- e pr.)>| e ting is being done. w hat it costs him in Lviduallv to *> i n- itative; *■, whether the teachings of rREH Min» »-' r • r* tt J’g ien 1 * for the coniinj tain a war tariff for the “prot :io* <>l * -i.i' sin n a- Garfield, Arthur, Al­ native industry ay tinst Einir iun pau­ óVFFICIÍ.T TO li iny Wil-on, Folger, McCal­ per lai* >r,” he finds the aino int to «tan I flu* t»:--r andcheipest tnining blanks for and everything generally to be found in a first- ppovs t :: z i V. zr eb .nd i host uf other su» Ii worthies thus: claaa Country Store. *. at the T imes office -rr.* I* iv pi-\ rileni e. President Gar- TO OF THF. THE Cuu. JA8. MORTON. Manager. • 1 Iksnis & Cameron ’vill open tli.-ir Galice The tariff c.ists I’lm **a hi. I,,--* I* • ■ * • - ' i *. u ¡or a form of protec- Bonanza. April IS 1888. Toe tariff cu«ts turn vn lu* bxra . * CSEATZíjr.-¿LI. in« .*» next season, and are now making Th«* tariff e*M*ts lorn on I.*- ,‘n * ■ , I h:r Chi- pri’iKirjjti-»ns. STREPJGTH2ÍVDIG Th,, tariff c.mt. I,im ou hi. inij- at T.t- . . * * .i-d nv u-to ton di our wai Thw tar ft c-t. lum on hi-fnrnir .r- Walter S hi mons has r -ntetl hi" hydraul­ r.EKEOIES A ID >1 *,i . i*aoi fl h ., | mg tiie country tariff costs lain on hi. clot hi; ic mine in Galice creek ' • -*.;> Tin- discrepancy in b *rne f >r the ensuing season. WILL EE SL..T TO K . • * niseis is causing damag- Total rest of th” tariff to the farm ron ■fh»’ American Mining Co«lc, best anth»>.- ! *g ;* i], • : ; in the present campaign. AKY e..’< AFFLY- an jnvPftm«*nt of $4 23s ...................... i ’ v on all subjects rtlitinglo mines ami It is o ld> but that fanner tl.ink as Re —A, ,.. ./ ra*ii,y*. urn ng. I »r sale at tile f MP uftb'e. •INC rY LETTLil, r< fleets that his alfalfa an i h s i Win fit ‘ »•me. Mu *t Bailey ’ s quarts mill will STATtTiGH.3 SYMP ­ DEALERS IN U i ;t! PArEK* B olt —The Min- Alni llih s»*on be ¡mining, and wi 1 be operated by and his fruit ami L k grip« TOMS AND AGE. . P» I..e.Ht»i Sr*r an«i Duluth In- steam. I Le.v have a large quantity of excel­ vegetables are not cnlianc »J <>. V r ent ALL C0M.M» *iCA- • .*! i have bolted the Republican lent quartz on thedump. in value by th»* war tariti ; t * i.it !$<> in l ’ i ?»ays: ----- -- paper will I li • >t “This TlOf.5 ST.7 CTLY M i bee of M edi'or«!, accompanied by dustiy is n >t one of t o•!*»• native in ! >- t.» 4.» t *U| t M W i I mmi bocause lie and the ins s m an I two other p< rs«»ns, arc in Ap- tries which congie.-s undertak- s t«> COKrlDE sT.U BY - . f i it nliieli Le ttands ufton repre- »•'» gate district on a pros*(»ecting trip and feet or advantage in any v .v; th.it he LETTE* 0.7 AT think they have »truck it rich. ient, u.tlic;t ««fiivucation. _ ______ ______ the ________ pnnei- OFFICE, F. CE. has to sell his produce in the open imr- i i • < ! tax reduction and tariff reform; ti........................... t keta of the world in competition wi.h t i /iogur Kirrr Valley Land /or Sale by Scott <*tu »• w pint.*st against the principle At? 0 - C'.'Ti. . X .. comers; that whoever m.iy get a share ftri/jia, of Tolo. pl.. • 1 . ■ of the prjiDiscuoua phinderingi that r** \n o.i'.k pr< claimed in the Republican S:.. 1.1'.: . I ”■ VNIMPROVEP LANDS: Fr'ro.ç: *.. :;■* going on under the guise of p:ot»t !i -i, ii*11:*i.i11<> ii that <»nlv rich men are fit to 4'« acres m ar Central Point. $600. to nny R'l * • ' h I itup • ; nt -,tii *e in thia common- he gets none; it is od Is, we say, that stri -; 1 J’ rovi’. • ni lui. so acres north of Medford. $1200. v- b.‘ Fit* Industrial says: Coll or address 120 acres southwest of Eagle Point $20(0. that farmer will conclude lh;C, so far a** •VE INVITE INSPECTION. ’< . trai\ tj every expressed‘ hope of b-i acres a miles «'ast of Tolo. $2.'>J0 DR.C. D. SALFIELD, he is concerned, the ble^sir.g of a W4I t :««• mil:-1 : ial element the Republican 240 acres a few in .les from Jacksonville tariff comes pretty high. V 16 Kearny St,, Sau 1 rancisca, Cal, tv <■ nv. n'.ion nominated W. K. Mer- $3’00. Toother men it may b • ar ib* ri.« iMPB'jVF.n farms : : g 'M’lirji. Mr. Merriam repre- requiring study to understand i » ¡•Jn jii i’t’s east of Central 1‘oint. < v< ivluing that is \ir*ous in poli­ it is a fca’.ity. It rojnesent • $7>) *»i IO) acres south ot Lolo. tp n'1 I pi' - 11»» the working classes. hard earned money dexterously li’.ch • 2»M acres on railroad. opp. Odd Fellows’ Building. \V : * the hmiird timo to review the 32ft acres thr»e miles southeast of Tolo. out of Lis pocket by rings and trusts and notn . 'Ji«m aud the ill-tem|»er the Agr Iso acres 55 minutes’ drive from Jackson­ confederated monopolies, lie L.i« :•■» ii is itse i hi at the result of the conven- ville need to listen to oration ; on the subj *ct . t - un;» « mi bu Kiid this week far« 530 acres two ini’n - s«Hitheasl »>f Tolo oa or to read books on political cc«>n« ; uy. JACKSONVILLE, OH t In » I ¡-..ci v. imtevvr aid i> poaaible will the railroad. He knows that he bad $78J an I hat For price and terms call on Scott Griffin rx « n L i to E. M. Wilson, the Dem* Having permanently l»»ratt'! ken*. I ofler my H 18 WELL-KNOWN HOUSE. UNDER THE they are gone, and he seeswh ;*e!' h y new managemout. will b«* <*onduct«d on the services to the p»»ople »>f iSuuth>-rn ( begun. ■ • » , l»«*tween now and elec- no are gone, lie sees that it t : r-* - ac : • Lent ami nioM popular plant», no j»ain« being .Vr if* Corporiltinu. i . ilio feeiing against Merri- mu war tariff, he would I ■' $7^ rich» r Hp-irc»! to give general hh *»»Tact’on. It contains House Piiutiur. P*.p:r ID rint- i he T<»b» T«»wn«it<* an»! Milling < u;i* he i?. That is a plain f ict cv: - p .»I . ulaily* strong in the citiea, comiortablt» hb*t'ping apartments supplied with vident h . : t » i kituly i » urporateil by F. II. Rowe of 1’elle- singleand double bids, miking it a «lesirabl»» PrescoiEg, K.Dsotanti.:". Ite., ptirae. To >t’ i it • '■>.sieved the labor and German tiis senses, palpable in h - nine«» for the entertainment <»f both travelers and vue. I »lab o territory ; Marion Griffin. Cot- • 'Aid o)«pose him almost unitedly. families. Dom* in a‘’«lperi«-’’ Ti’*n- -r- ‘ '«t p’i* •-t<» cu’t t«»T4\vt><'t IXMMI V* * .u<- bfing placed that WtKou thHti.Tws. l-f-rio’ * . i. ti _• i • •« " dale. < . < . Ragsdale and Scott (¡riffin, Tolo, roiibed is to ............... . . him. . try io fool IL knows th - next governor of Minnesota. pr»-vioiiHly donn for r-*» g .: • ■ .”••*■. batHTac- .la» kson county, who have subscribe»! tn the be has. To tell him that he lias ¿ »t hi* a . • tion r-uRranteed. a entire amount of the capital «took ot $20,000 money back in some roundabout way Will a I way * bonuppli ‘«I with the lx»st the market If. Givo me n ♦ria- ’! I J - ’ ' • ’;,r *•«»’•’. .‘hittlimj bhcortr/t afford«», nerved in Myle that will plena© the moat • wi P in Shan's of $10 each. The object of the through an improved home market is ♦..» Order* left ht M* rritt’* S * < t- . 1 ’ Ii' » very by the iuhnbiuiH* of m fa>tidioiiH ta«-fe. incorporators is to acquire, by purchase or slight his intelligence. He know retrive prompt alter ti- « < iq 'SS that i?jr“Ratea oas*onablaand satisfaction guaran­ I* lui I;« r;<» un\i-it«-«l by the ¡etileni » tin r\\i>v. lands and tenements in Jackson teed . • »I h-vt.r an»! agno, that it exists in c«»unty, Or» g»»n ; the selling and disposing he hasn't. J. J. STRAIT. Prop. To iud ice him to \ »ic t r «' • « ’ ar I ir- ta» it V ;v miti-,, is u b A ne- ;.r< jita-le at every xa.-M n. m»>m y by mortgage on real or personal se- iff, M». De Y ung's »•’.« 4 • • Tho DU Y Filo' GU • DE is "i the I iu»»n. SuL»-c for manufa luring purpose^ of 10 be r«'ld»* d. 1 n:< <»nv who ha* been benefited ■ mat-’ .ill kin»h ; the buying and selling of personal i ih.:t H'lsivuer’- stonu.« h Bit- property ; the transportatam of grain, pr»»- Lh Titr. Maine retirns g*»»w ! h : ri a.i! ! r*(, . Ely <-thcaei u* cradicator oi for- y chase the l'.’.xo "?s or the fi». <• <»f the » :»rporation is at Tob». Ja-kson better. The clear Ropubb<-.:n tnaj » over ail i* only 14.’>4 »—a ■ ticii.n' / necessities oi j j . Wo -i»:ii against it. a feeling of county. » ■ >.rit\ and tranquility reigns from 1SS4 and even from ls7’i II ■ Ik - can clothe you an ’ C .. 0.2 ut ih whMe in igbborhood. 1<* 3, go to publican petrentIr« • •i« «*iin,*i ati l aP the nec • AM BEI'.HONKLLY A< Qt AIMED WITH I'rftit Grotr/ rBf Ittcuthif». :.n :;i. !H virion « 1« - rile forni* of malarial di*.*un’«’ratir has inrreiM*t X and Josephi! *• counti»'«. My, m* «lirai piaitice . Ju. i fir • ami ap;e r>k«* are removed by cat, fish. IiUEt. »v ' A*«<>‘*i:iti<»ii will be held at I»(‘m< H*rat i<* vote in I arg. r k*. I k ' > > 1 Fruí» ( ; row »r* r«‘»|iiir»*s :ne to ride t hrouah a circuit of from on»» .) ail the se tbnifcs ¡a .< ti. n of the Bitter*, to win» b or stay at hor*-* toei-hty !’.:ii» h . and I w»l! I»»* pl ease» t to rnr«*y with gr<»\e. near Medford, Sept. 2f)th. that cast for Glevel«»id iu 1 s>| li» le •u can in iFe a lair i i .ti .• gives it.* mi notion as a remedy styles and •’ my own tea1« mid withoit chnrg»’ all who wish An < x < I <■!)< programme tor the en- ol the BUYERS* Isss rh in uimu , dy.-*)M*pMa, conatipation. what is require ’ io purchase la; <1. An> person wishing a fruit ot lei tai i.tm nt of both ladies :m-l getitlemt n I bo sont upon Ladlett, lf trarr mpluiut, «hljilitv. kidney trouble«. CuMfCRT.-ntY .egricultuinl farm, or any per. on having a farm i* I m i - i inz prepared. Ail members are re t.j piy p-?'st*»go, nu HI
  • .• •' raiigewith me .M»- charges will I».* moderate. GUIDE, v.-.’px- i * • -ti» n and assimilation. MONTGOMErt ¿À GO. <|iie-ted Iruit ti ey can secure for exhibition. A preparations contain lead or j ><» hh ‘<»tl.c’ J already have BltiOacres <»f itupruv»dHnd rn- receipt ol 10 111-111 Michigan Avenue Chi ago, Ill. intproved lands for sale, Hinging from $5 to $5(> basket dinner will be served on the ground .«» f ry.Ian.rise. equally injuri»>us an«! da» .'»T" *- »•’ an acreia price, and can sud a’l com«»rs. » and everybody is invited to attend and 11 .. *r .. this --nervous trouble'* wit), stance*, the u«e of which, il I i * < n’ Office ?.t C°ntral Point, Jackson county. Or. bring baskets well tilled. ued will. b(’»itleH giving th«* >kiu ;» n • ’■ J. HINKLE, M D. , • .*.i — :n now to be afflicted* <’. B M illlb . Sec and leatb« rv appearance. uit;n: i»< I. pr«»- H y ■ 111, mb. r a lew years ego the ll.ii.5i,.'. wo; duco paralysis of the nerves Tlii« ■ • mpnratively unannwn I njent k no ‘'bu^ a-bo«»,’ ! 'it • »* ’** I- • omni ,.i as nny word in M AT I, ROUTE. Superior fruit Ror^n. known to chemist»» and phy-H-Mb*. *1 : .1 .11 a”, y et this word cover» \\ c an* prepare«! to furnish any quantity mi the w«*il known phy’•;»•»• 2D al ♦ t! ‘ ' - ............- t another word u«ed by tyle, of extra fine iruit lioxe«. of any M."' “. size ~-~‘ such Mib-vtanc« s wbz»**<* pr« — ’ D ‘ e »n !■? ' ■» • r ■ ’ lin I-ill tin-• past. 8o it ii with OF ASHLAND, OR., y., or weight desired, at price •> that defy c<»ni- ationn fo’the romploAion ;.r»? i "F i ■>'*'..i they and malaria are .......... ....... Our lx»xes are all made <>f thnr- ..1 QTA*ur grai.dtathera Ö Mm day and Friiin; :•( •< •» »’1« N » .-i. .'-u.i- <.-! 4ily sc;iM»ned sugar and yellow pine you won¡<1 u«l all are caused by lumber. l h« y are light« r. brighter ami dervill»» r» turnim/T1;-I 1 J ‘ : once protlucf natural :n livitv •• ” »1 * » i ’ i - *l> ,i .*■..—» Iron, a dietased con- HfH’i’ (•‘ilV’-' »‘.fid ! - I \\ ' ! - * '. 1 stronger than any «»tiler I m » x made on th»* fnl roinph xion try Wi- I »m > I! .s.-riir.o. •o: ,n ,,t tn.- nren«»w prepared to furnish the host *T music o’cl»»ck a . M..returnin : Thm *¡ -ihi.h in perlorming it« 1 < iih\».« ^t » oast. Boxes stamjM ’ d with anv for public «»r private Pa*ti»*e, Ball-, Pic ice, Ac , < h *>ling it camu.t d.spose of the br.md dedred. PriM) tn be alranltlt»’Iv free from a l i >i 1 th - or li.iai;* channel« fa com- All the new popular music is played by this I >int*, furnish**«! upon application. sonon« and injurimra «nh-taiicfs. I’m ■i < ■ P * - ' ,.il tlnoucb the system Oicheetra. S vgak P ink 1) o »» r A L umber C o ., nouticed l»y baling la«iu.’- ot s»»-’i» ty • n«l • tvoiis tr uit.l.s Malaria, ¿ilioa« Having employod a I*rge number of musician« Grant’?* Pass. Oregon. ' ! i.» < ’ . ’ we are able to furnish any number of bands. *■■'■ ■’ Y'*u who ar- suffering can duced for iH-autifyii’" and pr * vii th« Any instrnmen1» or h caller furnished t«» other *. ui-| *.it- a cure. Wc recommend iiamis. All orders by mail or telegraph prompt­ 5. Ä. ronrrtifian. complexion. *.,,• An u-t blower. Itscutea are mar­ a I I. Tliosr KN'I'VING I *1'1 I 1N- ly attended to. Terms always reasonablf». Ad­ vel.bi. The filth »inmi.il Fnnday-schnol conven­ A d-l*t*'*l i" «’■••• i* I'' 'L h ''1.' *' to ,.r dress PROF. GAN I ARD. <-on«»*»*pl«»n Kurrtff f ti» n n-r Ja» k'» n. Josephine an»l Klamath In.ok nccour.t. n •* **•■* ■-* -, . I ; 1 ■’ Ashland. Or. H>re Ymr (haucr, eall ataie-ttp. at their o rd. -t c . : *■■ • .Our < .»unties will I m * hvhl in th» Baptist church To the Emina—1’1* I C *nb»rm * .o bosincM* most lie ch-crl at >h di»»rd. Tuesday and Wednesday, O»*t. reader- hat I bave a |>os;i v reo I-. (o-t,. • b ’■ G < u i'b r .bk difference nt opiu« | l l >. a **1.11,1. 2 ami 3. Hss Able’ Mtnday- hool w.irkers altove-iiaiii*'I disease. I'.v i” 'imr’v u.-c ’’ ' *’ 'J. w ;i'»nty Oregon will give in McdforJ. Max 12. :s- X will be pre ent. The programme will be is- tlio'is 111 'I* *>< tlOpell*-X * ;*• ' l.;l\ » ' '■ . i11 r To ivc cvervbnriy « chance *i p* r- >ur«l-»«on. All ar»- urgently invited tn U# tnaueoilv cured 1 shall '• 1 ' * »• nd •> til. r ■-•'..•'-inK''iwwcrs, and alsu to H a- eurtxl t be w«-?t tn »«re ot Con»h, Wng La ng«. A nthma. j.rcM nt at the convention. fwo bot'b-s of mv renimi» f<<* to io* •■< rr ■ *■> - 'n* whit otan uul u-c incut tu do Indigestion. Inward Paina. Exiiaurtion. Invaluable for G. F. BiLliXf»». Frw. ! - * \ ■ i . -tor. will rive an tir- your re *lers n ho Imvecm ' i * n * Il i • RL.eiiinati-tii. FemaJe Weako»*««, and all pain-» and di*$- ordvrs ot U k * Stomach and Bowels. 50c. al Ur aggiau. Ashland,Fept. 15. lsss. i t > the |« r-un gue’-inR the nenr- will «end me tlieir exmes* «*• I * •■*' t • (’«ttlcbmndc»! I) ned * mm k<‘i r■■:■ isnuar»- underbit m left •* ir and j< n * Il .!<» them a ho >r. To »«ch we will «end •>ur catalogue ar d circulars HARKNESS í Í ? MEDICAL. REAL ESTATE AGENT! in<* Ooiiiily, < >i*<‘j4"oii, «J I JAOKHOM COUNTY. Senator. . Stanley; Representative!», J. T. P-» rfthtch. K. \ Miller. W K. Prt<*.»*. County Judge. J. R Nö’d;C«>'nii»i**ionem. C. W. Taylor. W n. Ray; Clerk. M. Mull-"-: Sheriff. J.G. Bird- i*‘*y; rouuurer. R. H. M.mrr, Anewot. J. M. Child.»ri; School Superintendent. H MitcheM; Surveyor. J. S. Howard; Coroner, li. Prye»>; St»»ek ln*<»«ctor. W. F.Monger. JO4KPHIMK COUNTY. Joint Senator. W. St. Clair; Representative, C. J. H«»