n rue in h' ít!. r h i »bo.tv . U .'EPI ^yoillKR Pli»y I t • Go.V J, . 2","“3 il‘»»«’I »« hi- re-ul.-iK-.., !• .ir ” bl Ihll.vn .''atur’t.iv. >. pt ■», |.s. 'll : " ” ’ b’-k r •! Up itiitiieil’.-fte cun,,- n bi ’l.-ath k-uig le in.»rrl>a?. , f ih. lung, lb «usa hi . in wli>. r :i’liii-vi-nii-tils « n’jil, till" to in.’is- th.,n ••rUiuarv tiiortiiary nici tu n l”.rii m STr... Ir.lnnit about th<- year l-fa*. he gr.-w alnu.-i to >r>;’iiho.»i aioi’l surrouii’tiups that forbade the a .,ui .'•"hat even th< rudiments oi l.arnine r Itiiui!’.’ .ova) from ........ e I. fon a” ,1B u. tu-lonjoritv. he .ro.,ed the >ea and le ¡’«no-ri a.where lie’*|Wknt luaity year- 1 * ' - ■ ' -ntli'- roviugo- i’u| - tiion of hunt,.r • •' I irai per on the gnat |>lains a« an eni pii-ir. ,- th« Amer’ «■> tur Co., with Sul, Lit. . nun. an.l finally drift. I -outh to I ' i- .t-’iit the beirinnins of the M,-xi< an ' ning thro _-h11 Hex snwm in Ja k Have»'regiment <>( Texas ranrrr-t in th. tnpanewhi.il .aptured Marti « !« made in January, l-a Leo- ■ 4.. one filth inUn«i in the . I.iitti at.4 I;.”! the foundation <.f hi- Interior tine Ibiriag hi« whole life he mannged III ,t! ,r. with ability, although until re i. iit y,.:r he kept lit« l>Ook< in hi-load.’ - I»« t»*i inc»! it. |Liotlit upped a* b«- ' \ hi- ! i- k uf early advantage- his m*m.ii • i » ment* were -m h tli.it his ..piniux- w«»n r.-jHi-t an»l consideraiion and hi“ com r« i.H venture* m v» r « mi?»I disa-- ir« i-h I _____ Had he had the »»ivantage of a liift-ral education .. he LxS would doubt!**-- fiav»* been a pr« minent man on the i, rthw t Alx»ut 1S4U» Mr. * havner was m.ir- ^■ :i>rf»\t Brcunun. with wbum h*? ppily at lh*r. Th«* i—uv tuarri.igr were five children, ut u ' At> -at»“. Miciiacl ami I’ttir. and ’liter*», Mary Ann and Margaret tw > tl wen ..mg with th ir tobvr at th«* tini«- ut h «.• .iih. «»ne » hil«l having .lied m infancy . G:. i'-»'th day o! February, !*“2.thv«k*- i*«.| marritil hi-"«*'«>ul wi!**. Mi-- Ro-a k v, who-m vive-him. Mr ( havner wa- '• h upright ami chantal»!»’. and a faithful ’. ul • r .» ie>itng-| | | t - «.,1 ,4 n large amount ' ; !;»•*_ md mining land ami many \ 1. '« Im E lb'*-. A. M Burry and wife .1 N. I' Mill«*rand Wife. J. A C.ir«h\« II .tn ' ■» Kill’ll auil wifv D. Linn and wilw. Petri Britt. Win M » ' \ . • ,»n l wi «- II Khpi '. I G-i \V It«*. W 11 I*ar!<« r ami wii w A Kabler an I wife. John T«»rpper Net ,,. t> Vt ii '• li it ’ ,iu I * ifv. p. P. Pnn. - t k«*ni.« y. s | p;iv .ia»r life. Mr- I • and wife. J. IE Hutr»i H ..!a r ami wi:* , S. R !. >1 dl ville J. B Wri-|’.’v am! wi.’»-, I f. ' ;!'•*. ami George Gaai - of i:. J • amoon a'i'l wife. L ( 'am­ 1'1 Nrv H •« in* "f I'niontu avi* ; J.'im <> li. ien ... i . 11 inkie • •• ? A 4 PI } le gal ; .1« ' dtmar h and wile of Merling- vi!h*. E E (lore and wife. >. Taylor wile and mother John t'olrman and w.ie. M II.C ■ »inin au I wife, ami P. A. ken ne»lv : I.-ien. «'. «' M •'lrn»l»»n <«f Sam- Valle , Mr*«, tiara Birdivy ■.: i . H. Amy ml W K. Pry o ml vMt’f » !wi • wile, John WaGon ami wife, ami l-aae v .i i'e.Ui./» loint, »1 11 Brown s F.r •\ uB. F. Dowell ul' Portlan I : John live- -n \Vvlb«>rn Bev-on ami l>. I’ fritta in of Talent Janie- M* Donough am! wife. D illi» I I-i-li».r ind wife. Tli ■ Wright ami wife of Willow n m E ¡gir Point J. C. Tolman an t wile H fi . E iu 'T l and I M ie. P. Dunn a rd wife. J. II Ru--ell and I wife. Witham ! 1 M M « all E K Hi r»l. Th» -. \nder-"i>. Ja<’» >h W i pier. W. C M \ • r !’• F Myti. >: T Bald* in and J.i< •«!• 1 li« in| -*»n »>'f A-liland Hunt «»!' them were iv • <»» d Panied bv tlivir lamilics. and -■ ho arre r.r- fiate never )• ne«i th«* s * m :et \ »xpa».' . 'bue wi” soon be at l»n»;.’ I More fi u t a dy to «lay at Jack- . t i:all« ' ♦ *' ‘U* Ro »u • river w i?rrmei«>n - at i the S. E Variety Store. \ la- .« luantiiy m wh-m is still being s * “ 1 • d It -f tin- .0 *. rhe Mttendanre at St. Mary's A»*a«!«*mv G grow.ng |.:rg»*r every *lav. fr ru:t .*'•« .«*r* exhibit it Heber Grove wi Si urdav ** ■ptvm!.«*r 2!»:h. P'Vr: v i|- »nd tir-t ' ! is> shingles fi»r «a 1 he • I V..ri«-t v Starr. M -rs Hays ami Wright of Big Butt«* Were in Jai ks.mviile Tu '“ eh;r iged in biiildiijg .*i n«*at ’ rc- iL*n<*»* for Jas. Helms at Talent. <>nh t ao jtir *r wcr«» obtained from the regal »r pin. I tor the McAllister case. 3. , •• 1 ' • • ’’L tapes! a' John Miller 9. Wiu *. in M Lord \ bit Herrin. ti»e l»-ad- iny ph >t i jraph« r of -uthern Oregon. * O. i pet*«. 1: cents a hundred. 13"' J H R'diin*.m of Wilderville is teaming tiie Missotir« tl »t public school. I be hues» French c imlo s just from th** fact, r\ re. ive»! at th»» ' F. Variety St re Win n others f til try D. i'. Herrin, tin leading photographer of «mith’rii Ore- gon Ali ac* jnts due the « Id manigemmt of th*» D em ‘» ck \ tic T ime must be settled at • 1.1 If il«* »nM Hext : .. I •« tuth «i ■ • ; . • > ■ . > ; i • ! rb • «• r 'ro I ««r to- the ì gì the l'moqua • .ii.- «»n Lii*incss. • » .. • r*. W * »« m al • I Holm»* uf Met! ■i roiled i'm*sfi:,y. Win E and Mi-«! JJ'.». H miry nr pay I! g Harney valley a \ isii. Mr.-*. A *> *• Eck« isi'ii .»f < TVaih- will n p iy Jarks.jnvH’» a visit. A T Bash »r in I ! nnily of Gold Hill made us a rail last Saturday. Win V Jones ami family of Foote creek spent a «lay in town last w«*ck Gr.» M l.»»\eaml wife. Miss Anna Dow­ ell and otl.iTw arc a* (’ratci lake. Ro*»’ A U,... r it iu, Salem Mo; »lax e\c:m._ . i I»«* gone sever *! «iayk. D. \Vv*t and 'Ail-' «»( E I« n prrein *t mch* our !«»wn a visit . i-i i'hiirslay. .la«*' !• I van- and > Beds of Pleasant creek tarried in t«,wn Monday «‘veiling. .1 i- 1) F««in.tam, a prominent < iiizrn of \-lil .n I. xji.*ut l ’l'-flii *v in J acks.jiiviil«* L 1 ( ptunof Bonai-za. Klamath Co. Hiis sect , ■ < ! Maury and family «.em the upper lb« •»!«• riv« r c »untry on a trip of recreati-m lb 's. I.’.v-ti i >f Trail « irck ami Hobt ' op< • ill* nt called y< sterday B ii t! ■ ¡».pi • m a • in ami wit’• ■»! <’entr il ¡‘•'.at pi< .-inc! vx-ifctl » nr town a few »lay* I Ja*. ( ronem.lh'i returned from Califor nia Tu* s lay • \ ning. where lie spent t» n nix J in» • • • i n t V A>h¡ ir«| John Ji. Shidel. rh 1.1 •L- \ i-t« r with hi- !ami’v and properly there J dl i*»i \ si»* < J H• >u ;ird an ! J Í» Hay of Jose wunt'iu .• r. iv«* 1 it tn«- • « n • time phiiie < «»iiuty were in town tin* ton part <>f appear :t< a wit i -. /» the t i* the wtvk /(•«•'** Mi.i-trel «■. tn.i.itiv ’xhtbin.l in-re Mr**. .'J «:>•!). !ti.' an | son returned ithcr I /it holt- a ,-t i liur-ilay ami ii Is, ».ho wa“ seriously hurt omeiiim1 sine •. is able to attend to hu«i nt - “ again. • . > Ho'hngsw-'i th is building a large, u’»-: aut i t I I ai 11 for J GMdsbyot Union- town | r« . im t. 1 h« >e imlebt *«! to the T ime - office an* ■c1 I h-.vc r nn»v>, 1 1 t!.<* Ti he - to your 1 at any 0«! er ; ar*. it answers bette a.I t ic .«i *. y m can wi ite G. Karewski alre.*«ly has a force of men engaged in repairing th«* damage dun«? hi* warelioux- by the late tire. ' hfis U.rich will begin work rA1 ftgihc* of oi \V 1 Wvi.ster - r»«»i own* d ny Mrs. I‘ 'ji'\!',1 .L«4 week. (*n t >. Nickell wisbe- tverybo.lv indeb to him. • iiher by nut.» or book ac ounl . to settle without itniw»cc-“ary delay. H I I'errill was :u town Tiusdav, from wh«iiu we learn« d that the warehouse at Valent i * fa assuming nniporlion'' Y«»u cm always jet th»» neatest job work oi all kind. • lone as ch» aply as in the east at tli» T I ime - otlice. Give us a trial. ! c. j How ir.l's rail:«»a»i -nrveying party is now .• impi -I on Butte creek Several it v. e - in town Tu» sn* o-nya.il strength arc pe»’"H*r h 11 incuniy medicine h > >.r« , w .« h i . » Do-» - On«* 1 ’oil tr is true. m -late fair is in progress a Th? Or i*. v.« attended A number of parties from southern O:eg«'.i are *n ati» adance A tew i the A me Giiidt authority matte the |;\ * y ■ i R' ; ‘ ‘‘‘ !, ;l . 40 • W.i- la*t XV«' : ni h tiiH? -tiiit srliool, arrived l ist W<‘»'k. L' i.i Reuîer .eft fur venin«..’, a* a!s<> did th»« 1 toiiepin. J W. H D im -n ; pr«»}>< r'y in gusta. Maine. mouy. Mtdfwr'l. ‘ "»i-i«!« rati' u ' <». A ppi i« ati« n "i '!» D King!«» A II Ma»*glv ; lan«l hi m . .»,32 ship; grant» <1. Important Notice. l|»“ •».' ami 3“. R 3 W $1 ■■*.. C C Bvekniau v>. Ja« I. » n «•» • rpval. Maxih.t J 11 >.< - th to 8a ' Mor LL 1’1 11SONS KNOWtNG THEMSELVES Trial by jurv and verdict lor tin umy. ton; j»r«»pert\ in A-hlami. >2 >" !«» be indebtc«! tu nit» b^* not»* or book hc . Truman, Hooker dt Co vs. C . A Owen and “«Hint aif I« «juested toinnkeirnniedintepayment. E L G<»re to the t-.\\n of M* !/• ni. light T. M D» an ; to recover money, Trial by ju- of way f«»r water di; h. $2'»o I mvmt have m »5 ky liixi will b«* compelled toen- t v and vtTdict for defendants. I nite«! States t<» I D Smith lain! in -vi s lorce coUw tions if I d«. not get it #oon. The profusion ami i< gularit> with which <.i.» R 1 \\’, JackeonviHo. Kept. 1H, 1W. 1 suit lor a divone. Default <>f defendant I nitf‘«l >tat« - t«» l-.t.i sk«*' ti*i - land in with every mail; ha» a meaning, a meaning that ¡ é Mgniticant. It i and referred t«y W II Parker to take testi­ sec Ftp 37. I: I W I show» that there must be something in our good», •»nr prices or our mony . Hanley ami E'»vo t • Jain» * Br. v-. E B Caton, et al sher­ 1’ l.'ielh n t«> > J imp - : i ¡ .-rK n iff- «ah' < ontirme«l. Medford. $2. *» Notice to the Public, Rebe< ca .1 Payne vs. Wtn Payne divor« »'. M <• believe We can -.afrlv auuoup September l«t, a» the date of Nannm Burr to Miltn Maid* pi..p«*riv l ime extern!« d l«» Sept 22»i t<> report t« s in 2.1» «if« »rd $!<*’. Hl I.Eili GIVI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC the appearance ol our fai . i . \ m > wimlu fashion B ook . It will be a tiniony. _ thrt 1 will u«;t be rcsponBibln fur ni y debt« <' W Clarke (■> J. ¡ hi \V< I. Oct 1st to report. XV P Count to lo .< ph IL ........ --------- : Hid H MARTIN LUST. haindsomely printed. It i- full of fuel* figure» and information, and I JIit«*h»*ll vs. .1 ( Bo\d; tu recover s»c< i«;, tp 3«h It I \\ . .»'«k-onville. Or .Sept. 15, lMd. money. Trial by jury and verdict for plain State «1 Oregon to W is both valuable anil interesting. U< an eonfidelit that those who : lai..I in i id in’thw sum of $■» 3, m ».* I»;. t|4:;t.. R i \\ j semi for a copy will bear 11s out in the assertion that it 1» absolutely Jurors O Harbotigh, Fred-Downing and i. ii Apph pate I » .1» h DR. JORDAN’S tin-best Shopping (mtde w. t of < < Mi-»i--ippi River sent tu ativ l rvil Barncbnrg were excuse«! on Saturday all right, till»» aud int< t from furiht’r atten«lan»*e. longing (•» the « -i; addret' I’REE. Semi in \ St. Geo Summer-, imlii'tinent fur lan«*nv. Aflhlnml. $.om < 'oneubation un Lost Manhood Trial by jury and venlict of aC juittal J P Walker to Ju land in EV <1 nil ilison ,«•» of mor. Send for .1«»-Solomon v“. Jus Davis, to recover “v» Hi. tp 39. R 1 E l>Ook money. D. fault of defendant and jml * < i.»rret I ( aton ment for plaintiff'in the sum uf |13fi 73 ami in A-hlan«i. fl »•osts. A J Stewart Auction Sale line gnu l< which we can msuniniund a» bef A S J.xr«»lis. p a Kennedy, juror« were Rigg-’ am! Bali « \. u-« l from furtiier att» n«lan< • on Monday Vii ari in li: -t < hi*- comlition and arc a part O- slus < i ; ihi : k wili . ofoui fokdall < » Beekman ■_I«\ Hl I’;:vi»aie of «»rvp<»n v- johu .1 I* JI AUistcr; for. I N full >t«H’k calf boot at tor murder in the fir*t «legrer. State < f < >rrg«»n D l J of < p. not »hbHrod, coiitHfctiHg of one laud in 3':. tp 3" >. R 1 \\ tv.«».ychi uld wether«, ewe« ami ianibH. Hr»t da.-* lanncTv <-ud Condition. Also a few «oud R N Ti.la.r to I A E < KY THIAL. • yum1“ u:nr«K >.nd a pan of f ur-year-old colts. Size.- « t<. 1“. S. if 1 E l i ii.Ms of S klk U j . c year m tm.e. with rot«, <» A T T) eah Sir: It lt Afford affords • i : u o pr. rr< at pha^nre picture io to send with appr ov « h 1 brcurity to tjear 1U per c«»nt in y> u this voluntary statement < f my e* psricnce in A-ldami -’. 1 IV.. ¡.HI cent «hscouut will be riven for o A T < •• I U’«-tl:igth«» n:«rits«’f J< J fl Saroat arilU. For the „ H. B HULL. flounce I. >ck. Hept. 17. Is*»*. I "l hv«‘y«-ars I have been tr uhl««! with an ev A**hlan«L $ < • « diDk’ly BhiK-'ish liver, and wiihin the past two J W M .n! > « ar* it I irh bn u; fit v. ttiitn its trail a thoroughly Ashland Liiili<'.>* uiibleachvi i! Hi»: / r ci h ■ ». full regular made and extra > «'is r b red fitrn».a«.b, including loss of appetite Nolice for Publication. l-.nir. Price J \V Ahl».»»t 1«. and dibtn s.s after eating, paius in the back and " - per pair 1 ’ In« vs, an 1 boils around n y neck an«! face. I fi. R I W !f-D Lund Office at Roseburg. Or., / l.a\ • 11: d sc*«-rnl remedies u L i . r are advertise«! I. A Allen to W A September 17. lH^b. ’ ) ' ’■p’'tally J re. .vr,t.'!j( < r.'fuld gotxuore ler ri^hl in I he Stanley Hat f«»r l '« nil n :» i'exceptionally ^« mh I article. It it Is HEREIN t.lVEN TliA I THE 1 «n t ni| >r i y r «-f of al>o>.t >> wet k or two. I $;o o following-named settler nas filed notice of a ><>ft hat, ha** a rawed/» and • i«l band. an«l c«»tne> in black, wine ■ .i-rx « nd«-«!» tryaG'tfh’. f J v i V< getable ii t-ntion to make final proof in support of .1 I! < h ;*sparllla n u «• :>t. end » .’<• UAing tho first ci- claim, and that said proof will be mad«* be and nutria <*»»lor>. I- Il .11 ii ••• in«I d\ Cb < x « h )«1 wear. 1 it ', i becac < e.mvin. . ,| <>f i*.sjn«;.t*.for 1 cnul..’Or..at Jack- l ft.«-..vidduriu u it j; v troubles have k. tp »7, i: \\ <>!• gon, m*-it«*ad «-ntiy No .1 : . tit L. s cl« aiiccd, ]'ui ifi««! and braced me up 3S. K 1 lv • - W‘- .,t NW «<. M 14 of NW 1-4. and r ’c roods are heavy weight, i - ¡ witm *r,« rv t . pi..-, • I ds <«.»• ’:nu »ns rtsi- Slat • garment. Colors scarlet i. ’ poi «.mi « ’ uilivct. ai I land, xiz- Q-<; M'«* l‘. v. E h */«’ »’«.. h . J u kson <’«»., Or.. II.H | A i.ni« \ < ha-e io . Ur.«w slfl-K/ngh, Ja< k XV Ii T'raniihl . corner Third and Merket streets A. <>•«. achmm Big Butte. 11’. f iiiiUbiial worth, Conuli; ( omm istloHcrA' Proctcdinga. ■ :■« ! tentimi I«» wj«ke final proof .n supj»on of i In* foi owing bu.-iness was transacted a In light aii Medium In «iv> • <‘fk of th«* county court of Jackson county, Ned ami Commissioners Taylor ami Rav tir., at Jacksonville, Or., on Fn-ia}, N«»v 2d. being present viz: John A. Willium«, b'un»*M«*hii entry 1 n the matter oi Merriman road J i '' 2. f<>r t l.e h\V of SVV *4. »ec 6. and W* > of bli'iir Grdlin claims $L‘ di damages. ;illl| yp N A lied SE 1-4 of NW 1-4 se«« 7, tp 3« south, Bellinger. Peter Elmer and Jamc- Elliott "f rango 1 east. Willamette Meridian Ho Dames wen' apj i» liti-d appra.strs. tho following witness«--» lo ¡«rovo Lis continuous • >r« ot 1> | >n < ‘elite’',;.,., I •ii.i’lcnc- upon and cultivation vf. said lami, viz Frederick G. St imp»*«.a. Cari Hwei h>»n John W. P-ant brid • ivrd and file»! Smith und fiteph«*i. S. (’«»»»per. all uf Modfird. k» « pi ■ v Or. <1 : « H AS. W JOHNSTON, Kegister A SEND FOR IT. I Museum of Anatomy, IMPORTANT ITEMS. fit M1..4 J. GopD\LÏ> IR n L.r * fiangt U»l t ! ■ S i .1» IK. (i ii"iid hav'ng ac • iu|.aii.e t i.r’.’i'.n. rd 102B Ninth Streets Petition of Mary A. Vim eni. et al for in .1 .¡' k'< -n\ ill ■ road in l ;u Hoi k precinct rr-u.tcd. Road tu b« op -ned at cotti .‘«pense sl|i"!;-.is’..pfl ¡n State Emvorsity were Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria drawn b\ lot Everett Mingus. Jackson­ inttv of ville, ami .1 0. Holt, Talent, drew same. , :t I Mr License for one year issue:f in ■ lu ami w li -perni »he ty j " r. rc< • ivedami approved. U miel b In the matter for a bridge a* rovs B.ix XV. C. D.dey appointed to draw riolat home creek IE lias been plan * and s| «■» iti< .dions un»i rep« .-: al th ■ < ! >ijn t<» Lave us fin«» » linn uf pr«»p«-rty. and i arre r»£'r* l;lS1 I.A v i .ODDAIID praying tor an «»rd« r I p event « b-irm tions in tlx* put, im highway. Ref, rred to i A bland, .M«« /<:**•> fftwni. Au* ; a t >wu last th»* «list ri« t attorn»-v ; Mar -.■uville, . • houl book puh »huwery ibi- week. lix- di-ti it l ultoi noy was urdcr» II >r< .» >•. liatdx hakeman «V <’ q . '•»•cd Io the C«>iicet’oU < f amou it ri»’’tsbing i“ tío . ni. r of ihr .lav Mb. Ka’< bon I iu road matt* r *• tin >>>♦•«! t »r l»j .t ally r The UpCD«**! by u.'l V. .1 ‘.n b \VU . d> Tbonn «'ii a;;d -.tiicr* iirl'ltll The mailer id a binlge a ro*-* 'Y..etel » - U til reck "a- cotdinue^ rar «¡ubi & WILLIAMS III to« ’»'.‘..ui pjo*. ;• a • . Thus. I Of Uli -, *'hat«> Fell VviiL’iim.i bridge to coun­ IV ' th a Pa ’ urtoft Wu k 5 G. \ «., 1». »•* ou à r¿da\ . ty. i 'idvnri accepted tix* offer .«f c mntv We» k I 'f d in tu set* «• *r itjain Òlle« !..I «•« , • "ri. k store !»*i.nd to purchas«' the sam».- fur !»• ■„ .a* ol Mike May Irli w i- lft.lt« r al hist rep«* *1290 etn re- zen. • Hl' ha- IftH i* a v«*ry I» dm » cast*. Merchandise, Assessment *«>*i appr-.v.' I ami tax-.ate ! i- d ti jury du v until Wednesday r.e’. I. I w. 1 g . , ia ind K;is| er levy fixed at 20 mi h on ail tax;.ble prop A. J. Fr«-»knhurg • or • nd Luke France morning. - K D " Jr , I.dt f.»i E g .». ne I...! week. 1 erty returned bv tlie a-sess ir. ¡Hit; K. I. i.a» I«u« ' » • • • • .d » í'álv'i »I“ re- oi time for t!i»v uRo.g ot Mr. Woolbli. our new ii.ikcr. keel's i State l ni­ Bills allow«*«! aggregating $¿>11 » ciitly. * * t ty u ' 1 «1 iby. nice Ime <«f lei-try anil fnrnishe* iri’ili ; th Bills disallowed aggregating ||07 iu dim I |;c im • laing m id lei- largely iu> rca«-l t>ri-.ul’Ul y. He 1« buililiua up a £<>•>• ' i ■« ’ San Fra inal iiises brought before Justice Beiry of here in««* Mr. Mit'l.ril tketion tw the hu-incs-». taker, passed through J Ashland pre* inct county sy|ft*rinttn( ibi BEWARE OF IMITATIC-'iS* T-T Rev. (». <«. Thoma- “■•-m*i, the l 'pior agent v.i.b y w .1 'iti’lmiiit-. Uy he mi le at the Their Only ^tcdictne ( h*tl. S«*«* that <>ur trad.« n .. pre.e h il the - h • -l-h'*:i ■ ..tin r n ' ' .’’ifri.- ji-.y.’t • uieoimj on Mrs < h ilv ti .I her .1 p».. every Imiti.» ..f tie t pl a D ii r E«»: e . M oxt A’’*. Dr> 1«». 1S<> Sabbath at 11 u • I« • k m the Ii. i« it tor their n< w I* mu* in < ’ ».,s 1 haw been u*mg Brniviiv-it s Pills tor Sati-f.v-1 ion L’i: ti H.J- IGAiLS H H1M i < >, Mr- liioi-brim i ami ’•I ml.iv t v« tiing the last thirt»*vn year« ,»u i. though I have .1. I' J. n of 'I "ilford in >ve I on to :i ' Ilo. lil.m lil.'.jUw AKf . Mi'. I.» v.« I; n i-i- * "i them there s-uuetim ^y£-M£I£Ä Dii Li 'ixa Hi 1 LI >f BS hai claim on K”i rue river.ab vc the mouth had nin* children, 1 have never h id a d >c- »».*» e arrived I’n-m Indi.i iiAitmvAin:. i of I tiion creek, near th” "hi John I>a tor in IIn* h u ■< except three times when j h leu mer will remain ai •‘•pikemir»I. while mail la-" Week. a - b« rn At* had an «-pnL me of >< arl< t lever, which latter v*ill g" !•» »».«kiuii'l Cal., tu job bam-hvd by .. v iporou- u-n »»f liwing r > i e , Ivane • rrpirls we hu-band. Brandreth - Pill-». 1 u , epsia aud c n 1Ortttr.ro to th- Troni. a« dm «' t;.l;«‘i! i»t thu lag! » ►! miirk»'t pricr for wheat l«e e. Comv nr.il i .upati’in. In i »liari i •» t \> th«* timedraw near f. r the exhibit uf ramp win» L A Ai1« ** of KI » n tth c»unty has 11 ■* • ....................... i. i < .n . I’./.; Biam: ulh> fruits by ihe outhei n * >r«•/ ii Fruit «¿ro \ his -,* a miti an I real e-ta»" !«» W: i Pil (ixvd the < h’.l'h»;» at oh * c . A box ot er“ A sm ’»« iati« «n renew».«i intere* t t*« I wing Wright an I wi l iua\.e f*»r tt* ca-tern 1 «i -aim Pill id ail the me»i cine t i»e>i we 'equirc »•1 fnc county a • to ess. a* »1 im gei i • . u \\ <>u B..i ■ precm An*.| - pur«* bi«»t..| ive ( i > d to a Ir. h i < uBib ■’ to th palm for rx« elh n» < ■» mi i*u circi; ;t court wilns-ses iuta M •o Mil l EK. p« ar «an-1 grape- »ill I !>c m pen*« t < ondi Aliist* r murder e&ae. HAVE II 'I KE< El\ l.j» A m i le ihe County -eat a rief ready í'*r J Acrv .• id,. ’ go UL* * a'o amt sec thill mag­ tiun. 3h»l there will Lt* ■ a splendid * xhil»it of ny week, rii' l»t*a< iivs, prunes. . .. as also dried ami ri .-cut -t « k ot g.Hids being »li-played by i Irrti ir Itlt-t r». rm ral r»--uh a Haz «don nm! dauzh <*r MlS* « :*nue«i early iruit-. The r- retary of the Nt wma:* !• ishcr. < treat bargains in *» v « t . •>.v h !>». •»'" ,e -I, w*o Known ; I,>c-or o| I;. il'-' ialloli has ma«le a lineare being offered there. wh«» for >oim* A» ck- have bee! vis Me< t»ani< “ Fair . a la » * »o »)<•♦ .1 co tp- < »al men- I •tiug th.* ! Hiiilv of H R - ¡ gii I*'.n at pr«>po-*itiuii to t ake th»* exhibit to Portland bvml in >oiir names to the fi. F. Variety » @b^sAsTÍ"Á'-C«^^, ti >11 bav«.» u“v«i Electric Bitt. r> 111] n r turimd 1 o.i,»* B. <1 h't.l, t'al. -<»Mr it has been ii«l»iaye«| here, and it will Sim or the T imi • Ili •»* for * ith«*r the > sit g the same song »«f i r.ii-e \ purer • »fiele and u-e«! as an a»l F. Ex.im m r or N. Y ’ »"••K Mi l::< h.irdx »1'- lit** dav Star, ” t!m lead probably I h * -r m« G. Bl.KH. ALBATROSS CLOTH 1 *'■ Hup i■ • ’ !imtil to a' temi - ■ i • •! d verti-mi’ nt of ihi-» ami Jo « puin«* ’••« nil that is < l.* ;m«d. E g * trie n- bronchiti¿’t.^,sV • 'o* «• > u : a i:itci . ,|4r;u\*» fruit-grow« rs • f -««utlurn ‘Ge I I . ,n < del ;*l»l<* ram rail liver Bitt' r- w I cur«* Mil r.d impu ■•«» hloutl Will driv»» malarui from I. :>eral mhiv- « hoot ami Bible class ¡ other wav’. CYRUS NOBLE DiSTILERY. ■>*«»1«3 |or 2," ' w t.« ii . ami we tru-l that there will L a -¡’i.'i• *i-.c* hem-til live!-. "'imbiv at 11 o'cl.x k a . i . ai th«1 v-t« m ami proven’ i- w« I: as cun' all . Se.v' j««- ¿«’’«ul-i!*.^l EMBRO1DR1EÍ» ROBES and ELoi’NCES. Ah t! ■ ale.JT lo.pl o.Ltl t!h‘ po»»u‘T full di’ -play «»rn w»» k fr« n* next Saturday Linn rraiurial fvver.s ’’or of L ln«.-i»«‘. Hull I.dent JOS. SCHUTZS BREWING CO . ill - may "«* f"umi ut J >hn Miller s h«ad* \ EL\ El’ Mini SA’i’iN trimming-,CORSETS, eon-*i|.atioH ami imhc -tion tr Electric i • • ul the very I-« st uf < a h variety i \||!« i - j a i i hold iervice- at piarter“. \ he ;*<■!!.- them at la-'tory na* all I*! l.d *. Bitt-I.- 1 ji’irc * ;(i'f.i t.««n guaranteed, or kid gì oves hosiery parsols lurch in .Li«*k “ «>!»viile, r next MILWAUKEE BOTTI ED BEER r:t «, •i« ’ .v i- th • ’ iui-* t" mv« J t. Mthi M» KT IKE. .V» IC f O'¡I IKt'i'Ht mom v refunded Bi n e 30 cents am! $1 ■ m ju I "V -:«lug. |.. v ki ■ • M>n Mi «If«»r«l un I •*ak»»n By dispelling the *\»np’ • *.* ■ often per bottle at all drug .-tores. !!• : .1 \ a * Ti’Wiiniti <114 Milling! Iht KENNEDY S EAST INDIA I - \ ” : • ’ .V for constimptn»n* Sai tn .»!».■ hr< imi ’ >:1 .d- t h mair.i ,’»im d »>1 H II *\ »•ter'*, is pr »v- LADIES AND GENT’S ZINE BOOTS AND SHOES, ’«,'l 1 .' ' I' 1L’W< <•! I « I • \x <• i nohs to in - Ltf. .S’, l oltt-t y. ing up tt>» ‘ rung!* «ani *•«»!. i • ’ » it t«« » • f • . -i .• *<»p** BITTERS. »-«•rv re-» at I he Catholic church thing in i.. i line is k«-pt there t<.n»’».4. Sliii’ii.' "Uilty - 4 .1 F. I; . \ a | hj I I . r 'I :. B' ■ ! Kioin, «hnng ini«« that f ca 1 «Ir" v . . - u •!- i«*e next -uml iy . L >uis llii“e;*.iait. a prominent citizen ot 11 ’1 ■ ■ . ■ _ . ■ ■ d.ilv.' •' i;.i«-4iili’iiii4-' litt'’rilfin I bn.flii..«-s at No. W 1*. Kinsey Si. He i* a ben«»v f 1 I'« tcr-oii will hobi » • vtec“ .«t oient, frank .*»»». 1 nurial friend-lik<»id! old-time bv kt'-vo.f, a t>yU "Î tk ’> pl.sifat. • ( I.,,4,. ... . who li.Vf'•ul«-* ri!« 4 t. 'Iu Yr* s i. died dm r zt . p-*“t week. He had *.v th« ■ li "’ boil-«* nea. .1 A. «»bench.;in’s "Futlu'rlfti.'l -rs’ he will inv« -t a -p«r<’ «1« ’’.ar in remedy always in tin* I k - u »«« i\. *re t i rom ill accident i . i i>i. . i nni «!■ « k ”i ‘ ■ ! •, r,u'i!' v • -»'.i SvC»xf(‘d an pla« c, in Big Bu’.tc m < im t next Sunday, a lott««ry a < * C r u *«n up vHHtì years ago. .4'! , ’ II. I II’- < llj. I I’f ill i-1 »ki ».r■• n t lui-isua .’jt.'.t« Li. t»orjr m aa* at 11 u ami at ls opeiicl i &o» atb»n w*fh h»“ brôther-in-IaA Of his latent Coz. 3d und E Strepi«. . ■'1 c.Ljuii^. I ing S iinh'r • t In ru i • 1 ■ ’ ■ i n ! * • « »• coni-» in J.« k » n «»ii Mon.lay with 123 pupils l’i attend * •*’• • I good luck, h«* wai th»* D'».'-"s-<»r uf u fij;etitinnl il"' limn .1.4 4'-|'i -i"x hvide.i into three dep utine at“. «Mitn thedraw- R. v • \\ '*. .. r will c.outinue to lilt | ti«*k**t N'o a.HHi which ilrew hi Alma I'liiiin lin< <’f l'.itnilv GROCERIES ami I'Rl»VISION'S ,.f Ur .nil" : th> liorri’Hiug im4 l> imm • >>l uunio.-r s being augiuent-’tl cve y lay I,;- r cu’ ir ;■ ;■ 3 i;< i:ts aj follow- Ihr I iny. Anq ¡tli; fi*» **.JlftGled «he ain«»U”t. I tr,” I ‘.pi..r- «'oini H’ijr His prevent bits num , by ni’irtgii;:«'"U r’-.il <-r j «.r-onul eunstantlv kept <•» liaml. - \ i . 1» ii .»I ’I. at Gold Hit i thrunuh B. F 1 ab. r ul Pleasant creek precinct, in»*-s pcveisii woo«b*c. f .tr- « i»a•l«iing for vend ­ ( ’ «»iitHininr IM K oohir . wpi I fnrnisbed. TL» b«tt i-uri'v*. tli* I'ud'hnL* in4 luuin’niniiii: «4 4!«\u -» c. ii«l < * niral i'-unt , third it < r.«'r'.shinf.it“ lie will erect, on (fie lot f I I-tZ" M <• exchaLiD’ l ”" !- f”i :!i i . lll« , it"' hllibhl".’ ;tl,4 ».pt r.it ' ¡nd.«) ai Me .! r i and io’iilb Sumi lav at whi«*h h«* owr s. «t nio«L»r i brick block. I < bma- -Í • l> i. im» a ’.cat c-g t.i »e at A>h’ami DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE iiur >>f mill’f‘»r iii.itnií» Hiriu-’ ; .irp.>.f .» El I goiltl-. • OccidtHi! Aug. 2’1 JacK-mville II' A Ml .- A »V IIITE. M’L m . ik ilk. I «•a market price. . aot Wubi.v Springs precinct. ■il' kin'!- : th" buyingu"4 '« Hit"’ ■•! i « r-'•n:il in th<» State. I lie i »¡¡owing are R«*v. R Ennis* up- A co!ó?-i for certain iaiid in Willow I r.’|«Tty ; lh‘ tr.ui'|M>rn « very Sunday morning, 4u*'*‘ men haii'lim. * t* . 'I »••• j-rit». «>í s rings pre* u lisgoingou betweuu Jas ! ¿■ic: .see t: anâ frem the Hctcl. « xc< pi mg tin* third, hi» will ho!«l services Lvsti- Ih «' uf the ' i«t|’”r.in”t. i- el 1”'" Ja k-v" M.muir« »1.1 the G. .t t . B R <’•» BcufU r o\ at th»* Pr*. .-! yt«*ri;‘,n churi.li in i nucmx. on ni iiiy v. * t.oxfij in t .e matter last I u«*s county. _____ _ N«» ' hin*»-:* «*jnp!<»yp«l and no «iovintion in the tliinl Sunday imx'iiing ami every* Sun­ lay ! C irculai day evening lx* will preach at tlx* Presby­ Au liui.urtant Vtnttrr. M»’n1 _ • «•♦'j.t s. L’dainp 2’5 <■» : t «• t «• 5«'C»*nt s. Deed“, mortgages and every de-'Tiptiun terian church in Jai k-onv : lle. I'. LEWISTON Propri»»! »» xl Tm lav tin’ |«r”|">’«tate ami I«' ral blanks lor sal»* .it A Terrlblo Case of Scrofula Tlx lollov, g arc R-.v. thr.’«’ i”’’-relit, la' iu J o >-■‘"11 i"u it i- At \ n'jo. 1, i .i th«- first Hui- rille I. r inti mal inii roviiient- will I« mb us a ca.i. it »a mu d anytb’.ng in th»1 blank Cured by al II a m .; at line. . V w : ill. ONI 1 1.1 tilt* 11 the » i n in* lx* sec«»nd I ¡mi prepared t«» voiHrnvt >r th«* *lelivery»»f g«»»u| nterohantuble i I, h L I r. I~.-««I. ill th’ ' vrnt < f » an A io rieai. A“h * ■ l'.rt’irrh. I ’..1-1 it. 1¡1 ' " i >11» , also i !i.* Sat iif - I \< KSOW’II.I E. OK. t»v. ruble vol«', t" "l l'ly the |’r. ” i 4-■ ! th' ¡.Ulti« l - many c«t I i .il I Cai ,rrt.-.i !»• .'L. I i saw logs of tlu- following kind!-: >1 ay A la. .: II \ I i.t tl .* Mo by Im«-!•• «’h» »T ih«’*»* | h i’iG. Th«* im a* ii r* tie* Citzen <» Jack»onvilie and Mirroundinc yh’lLvrcd on the bank- of Rogue River at any point l>ctwcen th«: At <>no H im I had no less than thirteen large I <>V.V\«a . Ol.o.l'e, I .1 I • ite >t I » M countrythut he in now manufacturing, and will • I.. i*i«l ne » : v Uh ih • ..j nr« v. I of «.i.r > i i abscesses over and around my neck and throat Six mouths trrn«iu®i>t $1« By onstartlv k<*ep on hand the very bnst uf inger j mouth of Butte Creek and tlu mouth ani< in quantitier- from bloody matter disgusting to behold, aud xilh Hi« raih.' «I »-|««’i.dly it. lh< r.imx lb id the 1»«. io wing M i. « . H Morris, SANTA ABIE AND CAT-R-OUSE. Unding in almost intolerable to endure. It is impossible Arwiu-ii i ‘ *h'*i 1. I*« o»r« «»i the most ,r., on vh«*nli" !•!' * ni r* a*l t«» 1 • ■i!’”'d Ten Thousand to Ten Million Feet, Newark. Ark., suy- • KVa»» down with »trit y. i L to fully describe my sufferings, as the cast :. i .. u of general Hkti- For Salo by all Ilrux't'i-' v. hi h tin- m I - ; i. i im-l ul »he B» ign- Applv for term» 1« hoiisfs have been ¡lb.-» c.-sof luiu- and fi n nd- an I phy»d»:iaiB n » .'ii ♦ in sou’.i.ern Oregon, ami every­ was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. Aftei tor thi* i !.. ■ ••-«• iran-port. I. i* wjl ni^L Tra«!« Ktipp!'“d by ¿» i.-t - .* \v.-fi­ pri ’ uo'.itii rd me an ncurahic < o. ’ iumptive. for several years 4 I .ETHOS». KNOWING rHEMSELVES 1N- three years of misery, having been treated hj ard. Poitl.'.nd ERE1>. H. ROWE, Tolo, Or. • mp.1- II I» Let «I -*■ » it that the prop body acknowledges* that ii«» i annul oe un- Began taking Dr. King'.“ New Discovery dl !• bi» »l to the nndenugmd. either by note or uiuler oi them < >r*g»»n for < iui.-um | tion. ..m m>w on my third bot­ three physicians, I was worse than ever dtrsuki. * «»sillon « aride- book icconnt. arc reqnw*t«'d to call and Mettle ir. ■ . i. * fi -«»n < alii- »ruta Atteuliou (’ailed t" the a'l-ui »n sale tle, and able to oversee the work on my th“ -ftme Mt on« e. X|y h'ViT? 1 o « m by fire rm m t »•«• »»t S B Hullo. Flotince B.mk | re ./|4«/g»HrHf Rentier »tl. t ji hi 11 is the tin» .“t m»‘dminc » ver made." Huntley, druggist, ot Lockport. I was induced po: ;iim i « Le In i.i Mil .h • >** M i>i ph»*d with irmv*hi»fe)>. w that 1 can resume met. whu will oiler fin ale a « boice lot oi t: I Drratui Ohio, says. Ju.Ig«* l’tnn la-t Fri.Uy render« «I ju»lg to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, aftei v. hf « • i on sah* in k DAVID UNN. I tifd ii mu i■> »• i jor Dr. King’s Nrw Dis- m it for th. t»la ntiff e«r fk37’> in the -nit di* ■ p »mi iior-t s at <'eatral Point on Sat .r.nVfeonvilN» Sept. U, ixWi. A« . ;-- I ’. wheitas m voverv t having taken twelve bottles, within the last ! ■ oiixiimption I would have die«! ii i.t). < fi t. Gib. l.r..’. Ir I ' F M 1’ark.i .igirn-t W 1 di . :>>. : I ul 'll«» «M íiSOn twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have of lumr troub. «•» oas given up by doc­ DEALER IN Nvwmti Fisher urgently calls upon l'<” htr .uni >Jii”ii ll»iiil” i« I'nrktr :» th entirely ceased, and the abscesses have all Public N otice. tors Am m ,v in bc.-t of health/' Try it. . h »»ted to him t«> “«stile forthwith, t ir» ’’’il Inni • r " In • I « < »1» 'I he* fumi I" 1 il .b. disappeared.except the unsightly scars, which AM» 1>F \1.1 HS IX Siimp.r bottle« tree nt all «hug stores are dailv becoBiiug'smaller by degrees, and e mii ’ t have what is coming t*» him , a.¡.I ll.mi!< rg. tli’ b..lf tut« r»*t "»’u .»a yoiH’EirtHt IIF.BY GIVEN TO \LLWBOM t.. nutifully less.’ 1 do not know what It may a in hi* -: ‘d by hi“ not ' p, he mean-* ,11.!-. m «■»fhaiif f. r worlhlr* !>»«»)’ • xl it n’.Hj o«»r.c rn that the c^partrierehip here have done for others, but I do know that ii. . t«»f«>r«* • xii-Gna between G. W Merrill and Hen- Arruoli Skeptical» «tty I” which tic i h’-l’l ii”ilr. ’l' lc Ini. nudine iuv case. Hood s Sarsaparilla has proved an . r> F. !: k«*r at M ^ifiir«!. Oregon, ur dvr »he firm -cn’ie i’nxiii « "I »< < evi ring «’li un jung li o we will i •>nvirc<’ you that Ac ker's effective specific indeed. As an evidence ot 1». Il rn - feriy at Klamath rivi” «e«m< m tn»« f Merrill A Baker, wan on the 10th day of Hinn .i- Ilie -11« riti bu- »uni hell *enif , . Ii.’ th’-- n '*« ;■ 'I’Ui ir with the traveling mv gratitude I send these facts unsolicited Em-’i-h Remedy for the Itine”* i> superior «LUIT EVAPûBATûE m ,rch D* . Iifli*<»!v««d. tl.«> «»whi Henry E. Baker aiiy W. J. Hunt- A r>- I i- iV’-r’- i in .nnra idnin k. c al­ ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y.. who calls the TI»«' b:th annual Sun«iay >• h« » I < "” »• »>■ ia- n g l’i;- it’--, and newspaper not«», was rilra' Itching Pile». ’ Which I«» a rep'it..' »n •*«•' »»!.«!»«» mmc. Also Ag«-nt for the day. since rhe finder will cm* li«»n l«>r Ju< I*-• ii. J"**« | hin» an»l Kianiatb cure a yr«rt viitory for Ilood's Sarsaparilla. S ymptom » Moisture, intense itching and Ming* i • «fUiiti«-- will !•<• h< l«l in th» Bapti'*t « h‘ir< h feratai >' by .--av.ng it at th-* 11 mk » olli Send for book giving statements of many cure, EMMERSON, TALCOTT &. CO.'S, ROCKFORD, rLLINCI*. i...:: inoet at night; worst by scratching. If al* ILL OVERDUE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS at M«* co; I M.. I ■ I <’■ I .Ml l.r. Ang’i-t 1. 1's-*, or they will I> h piacisi in aù attor- 2 ami 3. !““> AM»‘ >un»lav— h» •■! worker­ < irc’.iil c*riri is still in sr-.imi and pro bl«>ed and nlcorate.bwumin< very mre. Swayne'« j Ï* •• '.st of < «'■•’T.il i’t'ii'», Be \ ’• *r will b«’ | iv'«*i‘i. The pr<‘rr;»!unn* vm II I»«* i- Ot .«rr.cni k L oih » the itching and bleeding, heal» 1 iM«y’» liandw for fo. ?»»d coll«cti<»n 1 muni hnva of Dnbu'pi'», liiwa, known th« w«»»l'i <>v r a* »tv L •>! > v *r m»tde. a'.lv .. I • t a ij urn .sine die this w. ek . ■ lie*« * >n «i wi it ih du«» uje. an»i this notice mean» just wW n!r>ml ’>!■. and in m«■». All an urg« nUv invited to b< It will likely e i.-.-es ary 1« continue the AlLth*»«» » cm »«!“ an« manufhctur«»1 exit- b L»rlhe( «»«*»1 Trad«« and «•hii.iK'd tLr«»ugh !«» cut , r’snf-tiy shfovn I«» ’!< ■ v wi ' - i' !•* ; i »» mo -. only by C. I. HOuD & O., Lowell, Mass. j.c wHirp. l«»a«|p fr«»in the fft<‘t«»n . or fthh« g nj«»!«» •« 11 nt very l«>w pv ► <’»Ratal t« ef<>r yuunfelvat. ruurr. Ai ih lu'ti *«•*, <•» l»V niail. for 30 cent*. pre«*«-nt al th« « • n\• nti«>n te in u ter th ", ■ cia! se-'ion to be held at lair! f-rrale parer.! h . * t. v ••!««<• L 1 Jackflnn ville. July 17. löBH. Dr. Swayne A hen, Fhiledelrhia «• F. Bn m . x **.. Prt»% R C F1ELD1 «■ Grants Pas» next w»ex Ono Dollar, 1 Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. F, HyrBARD.............................................. MEDFORD OHttbM ¿•HUnd, itj t l\ l^ go Cala, Sacrameli co, Medfoid, Jackson Co., Ogn. F. W. CLAYTON, U OP’I’ICIA Medford, Oregon. DEY AND FANCY GOODá. BOOTS, DISCOVER! 1 GROCERIES Gkcòs Scià at Lei Itoci Irices. WATCHES. CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, fLATEOWARE, ETC., ETC. ÄJ.VAN8GHUYVER&G0. ___ NG c JÑsuMnw 63 Front Street. Rollanti. Or >.a!ETI’iLl.TG:'..r\.^'Akl , , . Gent s and Boy s ¡lab and hriiisliina Goods of hirst Styles. /-ViirnowiÄ. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS AND CARPETS, Stoneware Crockery Tcbacco Etc. Z tteiTXr A Great Victory IpBr ^»*S.1 CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE Hood’s Sarsaparilla Saw Logs. Saw Logs. CATARHH AainitiEMrfrc.voRbvu llcjm T THE CITY BREW! RY, SUGAR PINE, FIR AND YELLOW PINE» M Important Notice. HUBBARD, CICAR MANUFACTURERS Agricultural Implements, LEAF TOBACCO, Ila \ 1171 ront St.. San Hanriso». Important Notice. Hood’s Sarsaparilla IOO'Do«e« CELEBRATED NEWTON WAGON