'! íCn.TTLTíGÍGMCT f ''irti 21, ^fettjsants' Ex. J i i cíit^rmoírjíir Jtnjts l'ub'.t ratir îtran ADVERTISING AND JOB WOBI. T r’.ut»H taunúr.cb, TIMES PUBLISHING CO Ndvertito»*mcntfr will be inserted io tbe Tims Ft! the following ra»**e : Ten Lties, one ioaortioü................ H9» each »>uiwwqa»'Xjt insertion ............ 1 00 Legal advartiaemeuta inserted r euMormhly. A fair reduction from the above* raluü mad«to V early and time advertisers. THE TIMEB JOB OFFICE it mure ouipkte by far U manner. pu.rut.tou . H ï W T I ..i K r O -.'lio I NC ')«Hoe- A>»rn»u nûrÜFud •> Strei t«» U m U' n ,»t *»iti«M«*t*iptio.4 : py p'.r ,ir Ml»’D.cia............ •»ix .s Mitte...................... . . . torte mouton.............. .............. U •” ’* IAUKSON VILLE. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUOUST23. 1888 VOL. XVIII miscellaneous OFFICIAL DIRECTORY MEDICAL. M'SCELLA VEOUS. COLATI- C O W V / A SIO A £ H a • CEKDlXGa. Al uinr tekm . MB. BOYD'S fitM COVERED. OREGON VS CALIFORNIA. “Here’s J1000 to cover the bet made In tlx-c ■ .if,- <>( un exhaustive cotupar- SI^TE (»F OttFGUN. 1 tie regular terin began at Jacksonville. I Augu.t Mli. lsss by John C. Boyd,” said C. C. Seutt, one iseti of the relative merits of Oregon 1’reHent. Hon J It L.3.* o«.'- J. H. M ’ • ¡I.J.N.a»’ph,»'»r>- i < . . . .1 d :iutr.;.ù»v ..«»:, B- P’n’iuyvr; J* titterings 1 it ino. H ^a! nearly raur . Ni p, county jn.lie; Win R.iy ..i t V. W. of the proprietors of the <>ilman house, wild California for the farmer of moder­ . . ■ .\i Taylor, eotnmissioiiers; ,'t. Muller, clerk: in the First National bank one day last ate mean-. “LeOi Harnett” in laat □ o y c.»v rei with Sores Ctired.by 1 r. G »V. W. j >; Siat«- Printer. P. » . .1. <«. biidsey, «Iteriti'. week, and he placed flO(») in greenbacks Sat irday’r (> ■ ijuniaH thus c rmments on r*v«ryf»ne Sir »uhi Go and Be? the dtvjr; S.ipi. i*.ibb<« lu-« a/fi«»”. H. I». McEiroy Cut cira Remedie . ltei'ort of W ('. Dalev, an|K>iuler-i. t'hiet Joatice V». Mesfert* Htevens Ac Brunner, Monox*. N. C. port plans, etc , for bri'ge across Evaus N'.TARY hdhlic , •V r.iayer. IL S Btrahvi. D»iir Sir«, - About two month* /uro, upon your creek, received ami continued tor action. iugton, whom ho instructed to cover a ( alifornia is now making preparations VIRMT lUDlClA! DIHTWICT. GRANDEST ¿¿LARGEST COLLECTION recommendation, 1 bought a bottle of Cuticura Petition disallowed far road from Ash­ like amount which J. C. l’oydof Grant’s to remove t> southern Oregon. In Con­ <’ rnproin? ! i k* >n, .L»».’|. u.ie, L-ke an»! Ke.*olvent, one box Cuticum Balve, and out* cake land t i Antelope creek, more name* ap- l’ass had deiarsited with the bank aa a nection with this branch of the subject, K. a u oh ” » rite *: • ' r” lit hi ig”, L. K Webater of Cuticura Boap, for m.v win, afe»i thirteen yoarw l>i*tri»’t Att.-irney, W M Colvi«. OF NEW WINTER who han been nfflicted with eczema for a long pe.iring on remoti,trance than on petition. bet that Harrison and Morton will be as an exact illustiation of the correct­ 4 4< gsox COUNTY. of Ualev Dalev * et t al. for road in Uig elected president ar.d vice-president of ness of my views, I intent»»», his head being nearly raw, hi» earn being Petition of Mary A. Vincent et al for a made unconditionally, and next Novem­ make a special ease, select anything LEGAL DOCUMENTS Judgr J. K N •’.!; «’«» niniH*j«»n«r a . 4 . vV. Tuyl r, gone except the grintlc, and his body whm covered r >. d in Table Kock precinct. Bund of pe­ W n Ra.» ;< !» rk. M. M ill-; Hh-riff. J. <» Bir.l- ber either Mr. Boyd or Mr. Scott will la> more opportune than tlie artival of Mr. Of all kind« drawn up. •■-pv ¡ally porfuining 1» with sores. Hi« condition was frightful to I m -- titioners approved and H I Pelton, J. S •*s . I r- us irer. IL H. M »re; A*t*CM»*«*e. J. M. I old The sores have now all »I ihmi peered, his the settlement ♦ vatut«« F. Ri l.’way of California, last week in C > ” ’ ' ■ •! ■.'•». I\ MitcheH; M;iii b and Joseph France apjminted view­ flOOO winner or loser. ►kin is healthy. r>»*»- bright, cheerful in di«r»oKi Sur\ 'vor. J. 3 Howod; (’»»rouer, R. Frye-’, Mr. Scott is a thorough going, horn Oregon, in search of land on which to er?. and J. H. Howard surveyor, to vmw tion. and in working ev»»ry day. M> neighbors Stock luHpvctcr, W. r. Bonger. I'oll-rlur of Ifcounli—rn ir.pt Urinili noe« i aiewitneabea I«» this remarkable euro, and the ami survey on August 21th oi within fixe and bred dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. raise fine stock— Cleveland bay and JOaXPHiNt Cot >TY. •• doubting ••nee are requited to call or w rite me, «lavs. Jon t .Lnator. W. Ht. Clair ; Représentai if €«.( . He is a member of the city and county trotting botm-s; Polled Angus, Gallo­ luvtMlinenf 8”cunti«« h KovigLy Jncksoo or any «»f my neighbor« J. Howard; l’ounty Judg«*. V l'ulviff: Cmunii*- it was ordered that service* of janitor of Democratic committees. He always way, Devon and Durham cattle. ta»r®, J. Haa*c’h. P. Hansen ; Clerk, C. E. court house lx* dispersed with until further wears a smile and oi late lias taken to was th<> announcement of The Orego­ \Vinch»*ter. Union county'N. (’. 4’hi . 4<»r; S . «riit. I' G.Pat! -raon; fri’asu-er J. A. order. I have a complete *et <>f /laps of all Surveyed J- i.ii »g-; A*««**-»'»r, P. ('. Keain; School Hui er wearing the most elaboiate campaign nian. Naturally the question cotnes, Loads in (his county, and r. ’»»iva abstract» Pvt t ion oi 1 Mcrnman et a!, for < .uulv Monroe. N. Oct. 29. 1K*7. I • interid ”it. \V A. M l'iiw; B t : SoirJor. C. \. C » »4 v 11 «>• Jnk«». Rep» >;• scribed with th" werdu, “vi.-.o.-y the expeiUM» of a trip t’> R>»5«.'h’ir I and Oifi.*« »■r him, and to show u- what ('uticnrM Itviue- v:t-w»rs and J. S H<)>a.“d survev ,'••. .»»tve. I* Mon of Lak-». 4 ’ »u it v Jn ig”. Several fine fui aim are in < -a la fur d'ile ne would suppone that there had 1 h»» names ol » itl^eus w< re ■*ele.”te«l I “Yes, I have covered Mr. Boyd's ■ law of Gen. Colton, who for years has CL. I- t *. ri'«.i*iir»*r. ‘ haï Grave*; A*s?*s«»r • jBMf't _ _____ ~.v«- r • ver been anything tin» matter with hj.n sevin« from assessment roll to serve a* a jury list Johu Smart : Behool 8np»*r«ntünd*'.t. P. L. Fonn- !t*»iliember. these are new und boagbleiuc»' money." said Mr. Scott smilingly to an 1 owned one of the largr.t, most coMly, tiererf 1»\ iMjrinifcKion, t<> ( It-*«-! «nan. E-q. tv L” in p«Tf»*Ct h’vilth have written and ’_’ 1 list ”____ was | ub!:-!itd ta ; Sur»e; uî , J. B Gnrtith; Coronor, J. Sio- the war îu railroad ratee aaJ are m»i«l Banker; to Hott. L. H. Web«t«*r. Judg» of ¡hip l:» rewitl indo.-” what his f lher has to say about for ensuing v< ar. t Said 0»/rftu.'a» reporter, “The truth ol it is i bert managed stock ranches in (’«ritral m?aa. hi *1 « l.ut lNMie ot lb«« T jmi -. a - «*■ * *’ nftlicial di-tnc», and to any b«r-in«h»- bo«.i*e in 11.” ¡i< .iter—wrote it just a- hedictated. LAKI COUNTY Petition for coui.iv bridge a« r TackHon ville sir.vs j - rflv. V» are .-♦•Hing quite a quantity of (lie Cuticura Jul t Smfttor, A ('< unwell « I Lake; tov Daley appointed find time to make the d«i>o“d until tlie bookki-epei ol the establishment !(• jn” ( ’ntmura Iv inedi**« the be-t in tlie t<» view site and *ub»nit i l.tiis at ^vpttia Wedne“ilay. Recently I received in- I’.otii arc able, far-seeing men in tlie A. WiUhtre: (’omtni«««ie»'rre. K. L. Sherlock. •il.’i k< t and «hall Ur»»: 8«’’ *4 ** k Lumber tuiH ire thngreat -kin t-ur»-, and ( iHicura MKK ri NO OF COUR r*. r 1C. derful as ours, but still quite a landmark I M»n county Civil; ordered to adverti*«? 1 offered to take it up, bnt without sue M*X MULLER. I Soap pr>*|tur»*'i from it, externally, and Cuticura S i”- »«ne4’«»urt of Or ”4-»n m •♦•»■»at Aa! » n |{ebwivrht, the new tiloud punli'-r. internally, are for propusalbfol kvepmg same during en­ cess, as th« man had hacked down. 1 ; all over Central California especially ir t«»r a* « » n n^neini <»a fho tiret M «.i. i’.atollo-” Uai dii.v. <•: po-itive cure for every form of »kin and blood suing yeai. think that Mr. Boyd had heard of this j when capped with snow. The area of n-. id () .l»rr. <1 p < a>”, from pimple« to scrofula. Limits of jail liberties were establish a* move and tint up hie 11000. If is my land about Mt. ¡»iablo, for farming in ••i i ■■•nifi’-»nrt f'»r».!i” Fir*» Jiulicial '»«'*' ■ • < fl. • .I ft i < !• at fair j ri- and .f A-N ’ .-e mt run » a J ick*-»*! - 'Uiit - on hr in j and t x ■ f I. 4 wts: cornel of “1 an I »4th street, tlonce ami t iti uncal Ct».. il<»—1 *»»i. .Ma*«. n i-t < \ . b. l i 1.1k«. n not come to the scratch. • ■' Yon v—■ h 1 -t. - as «ral < .oif-rrn a. a |«-rfe the -a-t it stit ti-hes ■'»’> libi«’!i»»iis ui.ti |ir t.e*tuiHinial•. Str« , theiKw. > i al«»n_i north *id- o! Ca!- “'•<■11 a« I heard of it I nailed the let." pr«di'<- ♦•■I railrthwl, can I»»*, t uri !,ai»e i- olL • J— phin •otiuty on li “Wtiat is the fia-li-sg among D.-rno- thr-ugh lildoriio amt sm Joaquin A » M . A *pieii’li«l St«»» ............................ k lla.’K’h «>f ii - : ;a st r. • i to n«>rtli»-a.*t «'ornrr of <' i • 10 .1 T’ S iti J <-k Itili-k h-:-I... -.-I ...I“l- tu-lp-it ! ■ rat“?'’ T h for h >1” nt a ’»i«-.r.ii; >«t t.ii •»»'.!« • V tr th»* ('-ei’itv. Pre*. ,('■ an I counties tar up into the Sierra Nevada« ; fon iu and l!h *trv« »*, thence ai«»«: r e»*’ I 11«1.1 -I I-|J> -km- |.H o ill. -1 l-> . Ill icura b-mp. . ; > I • i . .• - • *«.r •= r ■ ;g or H-diiii«; r««al estate in ■» • ir! * t'V ’ry 'n »urh. c<»,n ; «^r* X r • • aM»» •’-i 11 r. - - ■ I) * h I«-«»f li’» *trov* to th«’ n««rthwe*t «• »rn«*r "\'e y good. Wc w, . i„tu tie- - am ' to tlx--otttli, t.i < »akiaml and on up the i J ,i • will l»e car”fullv ¡nvr-tigat» d; abHlrncti« fur- ' • ’¡rtit M • . I iy; for J< • ;• .!• •• Jacks«»n »nrth *id< : |>aign tni.“ tall in better -»p-- and better hav ;to tin» west tu Martim r and Carquin- :■ 1 fol tb” ’ ' ’ roWT Of t'HI «1 for t II” l»«mi«T «'ÎI t h«* -■ •[ >t lay i»i .! i iuary, April. -1 dy MODERN. li«sh»-d: co:iv«»> i’K’ing J »a- ; L - »' '» >tr»-»’t to plat <« tit» nnmg ■r; for Ik * ”»» mty, ♦•very alternato nit'-'t r«'.i*'»nat>I • t«*rnih. 'ili I H< “pints than we did in the rtatecampaign I 1 ex straits; t j th - ncrtii to Stltsun bay. THOROUGH. Wt ’ nlw i} v bn pr'Mt iT' I t«> uiV«« a ” .' !iir »r h : ! 1 « ’ ’ -ir- ti criTic !■ t. ’ H* TiPfnls. fi'*ntirc« ‘ * ‘ a« <1 < »unty r«»ad peHtmmd f«»r l»3 C ‘ Pu 'in-ini hr 4 . 'Lmday m .January, month.. __________ .,. th« . ... ____ lart June, of course wc have no hope : \ et in all th - v r-i area <-t country, < in- crily »f A* 11 tan« i ami Bouthri n Or«g' hi , « u«l * ill :.tk • pl' -. ’iirf* in t»l««»wHig the pr««pertj we < tier F «¡ h ! iWPh founts th” fir* I W”dl • • I t\ in M irch l i. - «iiMie**iiig .“■:,» « z ». »»•;• » ze.Ni zo. the i«L I.••! vt |. j*. Big Jiut'.e pr»« in t. B p«»rl »4 <>l i-anying «Jrea-m. but we are very con- brai irig fhotl-ai. I- of square miles, with PRACTICAL. pro* Jun” ’i’lrf.-nW mid November f»»r Kale. u-i»liwimrKe* fi««in th«* .->”»» miti i . i »«> h , th” vitivi»« ■nd *’ii v« \ tr* an I .,i up;»**«<]* «it Messrs. Ridg ROPER, GALEY H£LM, Real Estate Agents. Uaniagr* fili-d ar.'t apj»r •• I md road or­ li lent that Cleveland will In- re-elected. cl lnate except.enable, P-iiniii! iinttamtnati»»!» nol-i liis own in every state which he tu -tart a stock i inch. BUT ONE CENT. ■ii 'l 'plitting h<-twiwL.'* h«.w fitniili.tr ar«- th«-” I Ord -red ibat . • m.tv trva-urer «a l in ■ carrie-1 four years ago. I I r--.nl all the How coiuca th-s about? It was not so *\tii|4*»n:M t»> ihoiiHHi.db wi.u tsitfti'r j>”rn»ilirallj j s. îul u< th- u.ltli.■— nt mo em-wl ■ nc.st't w..ui fu ’u cobi-in th” h» ;td ot ii>tlu?n/d and who out*t-riding war.unt* wh -m ver tin re *hall I pa|>er.*,eastern on--« included,and every- -oiiie y«- fact that a *irgl«- ' thing seems favorable tot < 'levelartd. Of no land to be ii.t-l on anv terms? Nut >-«l wilt ■-«•• II - lu II Uiv. r. 1'1 “m-t-w will s--nr<'atarih XIPI.MA AND ( OCNSFLOK AT I nur «lUslegn iu t» «i that this man has renounced Cleveland have got money and tlu-ii credit is g-.'u.l Grar t’w Pii««, Or«j*oxi- hu’ a faint id« a«>f uhat ibi* r» hi « «!j will do ' in hi* *!? •! m ! *tri«’» No 2 I for Harrison and that m in w ill --art off at th« trank Th« truth is they can g«‘ ■ forni»., whet” th” fir» Milin».’ it- oiu > Oîh V !f B«i Mine. F h nf S’n«. t. P* ‘ ’ ? H. • • i:?!i* « a . . r pur- ! hi“ It«1-111-1: - in I r . it ■ “ and vol-- P-i all th« Ian I th- v w mt hut only at a tc ic-- i <’h’»kl! g. plHlld HlUCoU* a< < iltlitllH- ; chi*«« ««I i « uu nni-H l.rid e. D Lua ap- Cleveland. Such action i“ only the a. - that W---1I-I make s tetribl« rent even in I'-anug a1t?ct«*d. *ni”!l and ta.*t«‘ r «>» i ” E. W. MORRISON, i »«. i » of lb i k Pt-int bri'Lre ami re|»ort at Ï V»D Kit’NSFLOB AT LAW. VI ing; it represents nothing. These fel­ So the gentlemen, at last, coucltirled t<- ci’.rativ | moa ” i <4 bar ford * Kadiciu ‘ >ep!»’iji r term. K!hLll(/.!di''TiJ'k li’G illir nanifetiiM Ti.--4f in i-i'timiannoris and grai«*- I Month - report »«< J. M. J. »Hand keeper lows, o. turn-coats, as they are i-alleJ. come and look «»tegou ovrr ami are 4 ’nr«‘ ♦»•;:•:■• from the firHt applica-' show up m . very campaign and will highly plc.rM-d with the <>rost>ect, for as of«-.»u’l'y or. ii.fi ami approve«! rai»i«l. ti-ilu-a’, j • riuan« nt. «•«•<«m»ni- 1« >1’(r ! I X K'S- It i“ :»It>i.‘ ! I Ailuwam e* agg?«gating 2”. w« rr make themselves know n as long a« there Mr. Ridgway shtewdiv temaiks “money is any politics.” ure con-i-4« of one t»«»tt !•> made on bill* ren«h rv«i goes much further io buying land in SOI TNE'-S—Wle th--I < .1.1 !L i«l < ir r-.U' • uo .ml «.• *u wii one I m > k of ( atarrhal 8ol WILL AID C MV/FO'ID .• • - , n«| mutati “Are the local Democrats willing to Oregon than in t'alifornia." He might atpl E:i-\ i-if tli- iii -'-I 1 i ll b i 1 I r haler, ai I u rapped in fr« ’ ,-ut » t.r -r’ ■<►; ..t dl«! lirrtM Ay (tilt. have added.amt m- re average good land ' risk much tiionev un Cleveland'.'” : n a n >'?'• • L'v: Ki \r ai d dpertand \V< i k o r uw A w .1 1 « iv • WATERI’ID •< >1’— It >¡11 Tut 1 It w i>i be ieni(-tijber«'«i that < 1 m- - : • . K “There is no who itv of !k*!ii n urh. 1.« n.t inb- r Hint the i ■ .*. ibc 'Ugnr king. I i>i j ring in.uk- a ; m -ney and anv |»*r«on win» êtvùto.'d, Oregon desires Wiley ar« hut avant couriers in their ( <4.<*l* — A Jet 1’1-u k t'liat will b A LL TEK.V Zìi GIN N • ■ /• / i W- prop *ni 1»» io M-iitl out 'li /tr be »•t *.- »I j can take it. Then* i« i;i a II :<;! t< HEU . ‘ L .r.g 111 l»ctw»*tn and i-s’ K), a bos'of p po. < ’ouimereiai S» ht»lar*ìiip. P. P. PHIftt. meaii“, wh'jse natueb I a»n noi at lib- j deiitly t!ie ti nth in at Inst found out in from thei; i cNpectivt- b»« a:ities to OF FEMALES $15 in. (.’LEAN AND LIGHT WEluIIl -Not being Weighted with Tan- 1 raitm.g School ¡ ry-.r .... •-1 i - > i ; ni . Y A- I ' >t' N-.i : 1.<>it- CI'-I. \ W, erty to divulge. Thi- money uill b»* pul California analvM*. Iu<»king to th«« ♦>iabli*h ninoMaterjal“ ami Gre is.-, « > J! m« .¡I :l Stocking' ami weighs ln*u«n:lj’ r« lii \.-d t»y !'• I uticnr« a bet-t sugar hia»«ufacbtry iu Jat k*on up on Cleveland shortly and tho-e who liilLf'uiii l*i;t*l«T. h im - w u.«».*i am« • l\C«ja.WllLt, OGM., If st..in o»' Mr. li.xu,.—Tb« ui.erud cobiity. With * hgibar »»; dtbv <»ur farm Light for the Substance. wish to cover it can do so.” abb’, it - uiiiDiri«'t»u* arid iiifaliiblv •'«- t-fi-l .1 ■ l'«|-- r -«•»•!. v\iti« n,l . :<» «king ur««ii liast last, m <;i i TorK- cated an altitude of 13,r,25 feet. \V. G. V. 11 ■ ♦. i"-r i .’*t««r*. and th«« tu« *t j>« r A i:i!i”!; this figure t--o n.uch l.y altonl* &00, h's linc-l through >ut ami --I- -d «■■ imim.- imgli~h Sul. Leather, at S~ <•'•. ORDERS SOLICITED Th« libi-oi- Stiiiiln Zrihin'i, tli<* Ivad-| ---'¡mat--of th* li-ight is not exceeding «.r, pot age tr«»«'. of P<»tU r Drug ami 4 I ♦ ¡nival an eye < n thi- valiev. i probably ben'g we 1 atiapicd t- b< <-i »-.I’-mg for niakiug vi ; -.rui Nsi i ok - at - i . aw . Co. Bo««t«,n. iuu In ieiwn.leiit «ierniati |>aner of Re­ 12,500 u et. HoWt'Ver, it ,«v ives at. old I!-dli are in seven l contempt of Har­ ,the government liguies make it. 11.22.5 Í -DONE IN'• > H ••• in ntakir.g »’*pN \N'Z A. Portland, < Iri-gon. I ’ r W I m«t readily cryhtaliiz» h i* I.«- c hoice of the Republican iiaiional con­ Until jeu ajw. J. il. NE1U 1 »\<’«i Ly agrieiHiU! al t hem - f * tba’ in u.i* vention :*'bat lie is the des -“n^rnt oi t higher altil nd-- , th-o-i waa g.t.craitv t-e’.ew-l to rw- tn»- p«rfe♦»n t way fr »rn l’oi l! nd. • Io tins, be thinks, would l>e for the state f . | ini' fit a» < hat ohi !!h. Iliitioi*. was a < ■•m aiidwblhe t-old Cheap for * a*h. I'.vei - ■ •[«ratiun with the fore purch’i^inu <'!*• wb • V”! ' • ;«■*.* I’.,. 1 place wa* rich in n:- <»n hand a full line of i •rate <»f p >1 a«h. whde at Aiyarad'« ii i* from a quarter to a half an hour, now government survey is quite •-- uimon in Burg« oi . (»<• uh*» t.r«l Xiirmt n: d pr»»pn«'t« r »f tin* C'lnlp.t! t ’ 1 V»1 • .y (ree frani it At th? ( ali- subsided in thiee minutes, and l ardlv other state“.—«'r- y-.a•••••. ".m for i >•'. Ear ami N* tv «. ii »< D« s . : f«»i bin iaCtoty mix 4( h )/T o » i i».«und* of *u- one half of th prt -mt took part in it. Clothing. Boots and SLuos. JSamtur: itti !,inl»«l :«g •» t i- *. in ' putati ns ' " < ■ pr® i up and H. cured the passagi- of a bill uf ! are paid $ l pur toi H. K. HANNA, ii l.»r bert * • . . . ’ b'l the wa* ’ e *«»m»» of which, severe <»|>emtions with th«- knife due« a tremendous supply bitter feel iin|M>rtanec to niany ot the old pioneers an1 pe» n»n ATHJKNEY A COCNSEL ok a T-LAW, à i Ore«.m .« I Washington terri'ory. class Country St»ro. Refers by p»«rnii**i«»n !«• Mr. Ja«. W . W”Hth»«r- ior U m ¡,11.’ purp'i -v. Ali ■ • • ¡'na-v viel«! ings. of worry and ma iu«s-, which ¡of J AS. MOI»TON. Mm ag»«r. could not be put asi lr- in a m >n« nt" f««rd. «truggi.-'t. well-known in Salem; Mi. Frank ! u ith iuir Utt vat) iftì is 23 lon per a : ' I 'nd- : th.- donation act of IS5t> |s-..>ph- Jacksonville» Oregon. Bonanza. April lb lbaa. (iarilm r. machiniet at car-*Jn»i«8. ami <»1h»-rH .Not alone Itr.mo.-r.itbut ais > p-on - we., induce I t-> M-t'ie ti'« tioitliwe«’ | It w I’l.n adi.v la I *»’tn tbai thè Sic.! :*h- i We keep ('oil.-taiitlv *Vil! practic* in all th»» C. .irta of th« Stat-» Will meet p: tientr at i h sbinent of a la« i) bere v .» jid b • h.ghiv in«nt, leading Republicans testify that terri-i-ty. but while eti route tiierc man' (I’ficA up Rtair* in Orth’« bnek. softnietif "t J. FRALEY’S HOTEL, ASHLAND, ■ » euetii ial t«j the v Ivy. alpi w e wuul'.i *tg since the* Baltimore Iteiuocratie conven­ . died, and their widows aid cliildi--n I g»«.st that all who I ave ;i ru *i «I *ugar beets tion in 1*6'there lias not Is-r-n a more I »» ry S«»-\ - this place, together wit! calcini ’• p. • ked i less promising of victory. The conven­ ■ entitled to take land; but the depart­ • «rtlan«! < •- :<>n. ! nauiplt' « i th soil in v ATrOHNFY \N » < »1 NSELO'Î AT LYW. bi C. C. DWilillh-:> Edili h thè toetts were tion showed f.om the first the -uggestive ment has “Ust.'-n-led manv of this class , ! grown, nropvriy labc: i an«i givmg tilt ■‘Hippociata- la««,” namely, tl.«- sure and liehl th«ir till- “ fur catieellatiun on I mulhud* ■! riiitu!« . and h.‘ wili s«;e that indications of dissolution tirst estab­ tli-- ground that p. r-ons having died bc- DEALERS IN i they ar» f«»rw;»r«ie»i t«» »hr righi partir.»» for lished by Ilipp. h rates “Si'aip nose-, f..H- reaching Oregon, their widows and Will i- i "i •• 11 all »it* 4 f ■ .5 »? ■ at.i I ackson v 11 i <>s tu*til.g. for” all G »V”rn-n' nrn! D pytnM'Tit* ey. < sunk-m and dull, flattened temples, oiphaii ould not hold. The law jnet M >n?y l’»'t’io«l and ” ’H ■ ri »na made. c-ais cold and drawn together, skill on . na. 'ed .s.ntirma these titles, it quiets own K-.iuM: / »«»*«/. /<.*/»>'» I*nfht/(ir \tnnihhf l/«»f/- I the for.*l««n I tions ol the I’acifie coart. In some ca­ 1 tb’ut,’« ~■' ’P v. h :m • »Hz* I < a i(’d of i B:«»<1 intvr- ' j ■ all the '■ari' ” didicul- Nfetnorics an«l M•• <>f r.i; . .i r-l ties arising fn»m a «iisordere«! r«m »•*linglx ir«.it» I in thi* p<»pui:ir m«»ntlily every way been an energetic champion ses town sites were involved in tlie un­ Banking Ihl-lti”'-’* in a!l •■»* i’* liiirií ¡p's i. Jn«*k- tor diti««n of th” for Augii*!. The t'aniou* p >int* «»! the of the- economic ptinciplc- plainly stated certainly. The hill is now hefore the robM” NI rtt.T*. \l» »mrf of Tit'.••*. I '♦ »T! V • ■ «Il­ . i . ’ i . . < )r •• < >’Ti .• .’il t'a- i>bl i- Ì<»f Ih • k .» ■ g H«»m» I. Pl ••-«■!n j»» 1” I -•' li ».Il ..»lu r •i.n ‘ !bc:k ’;g H»»ujo, S. E »- »rn r «.f l .ird and great batti«’, the visit* paid to it by the in th« Republican platform—a protective president. LIVER AHO KIDNEYS ! b'i“t't'"* •* I !'» • n •. » »! I r?«.-» V' pr:»mpt I al fornii« «tf* t>. voimnandvr* nini by oftb vr* : ih »1 *ol«licr* of tariff for our on n labor. It is therefore- a»»- »ilion 1. • • * •* .?«»• - « '1 i ( nt ' K'l kN. llow hi Wii i if, I: -The A-hland It i* p”rf.‘r: ! . iiHTinlesH and can Ixjfli armi«’*, thv inunuinent* that n«»w no much more painful for it to say, in th**1 un «•■« «»r. o -i» » i • <' »urt H'»'!*-'. liiu* (,. i;i \ mi : s be gi\e:i u>i I.'« delirate woman mark the gr«»uml whrrv regiment* livhl accordance with th« truth, that the pai- pipers s|>e.ik as follows about the busi­ or chiiil. For *ale by h !1 druggist?. their own under withering fire ill the^e ness of a forim-r Albany gentleman : “I. VE INVITE INSPECTION (’»mie Ixfore the reader vividi) <)v» r the tv which aeknowIc-.l-jc's these sound doc­ R. PRYCE M. I».. **NT LL. HEITMIl k WíMHHKI» r«‘t<‘-N«'ire ink« * n* t«» Alpine trawl. :m«l trines does not find it«clf in such a situ­ Martin ha“ rented the pioneer store Wholesale Agent«, room as headquarters for his fruit (tack­ I’llY I AN AND -I KGE”> , will infer« *t all in a land tli.it cannot be to«» ation that victory is probable. Ì 11 I Y roKTIAND. OBL’GON well d«’* i ‘lH’d "r pi< ture«!. Th«- Spe <■ \ l’cmoc-ratic president la-loved by ing an l shipping business. He has cou- i Ì I I Y1?.li«r«t, Cr?K<*i> Trad«-«»f N«-w Y'«rk. ' i* an illu*trali"ii <4 the' different c lasse “ of the American tiacteii to buy the pea< he- from annm- Knops th»« larjieet stuck < t ( » ’ lieu ••m.iiiv a mi1 kb’ make* a miu kl« ' people i* tli" slatt'larr! bearet of the l>er of onr on hard-men and i« shipping p • I Otta n William«’ Brick Building I. p-niaire. t l ew w«ml«l *u*pv< f the am 'lint annuali) largely to F. II. Pace, of Portland. Mr. Itemocratu- party. Opp. Olili Fellow«' Buiblintí iuve*tv«i in I I k •*? trifle* ««f fit«« kitchen, «»r Martin is beginning the business in the DR. S. DANIELSON. !i«»\v th«* v.'«»rl«l i'«’in-led t«» get them. Our A FRICHTFUL SKIN DISEASE. GPHING! 1888 Sin AS REAL ESTATE AGENT I DRY AIID FANCY GOODS, (’Ll >T1 II X'« FURBISHING GOODS. HATS BOOTS and. SHOES. ROPER, GALEY & HELM, MARBLE WORKS! REM. ESIME Offll'E IN ASIII.VMI, ill!.. \.- ULANI) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR, Sneezing Catarrh. Cemetery Werk a Specialty IKPBP.TÂêT 10 STUDENTS G. B. FITZGERALD, . i i : . !;;i! by which the Paient Ctaifflcd far it are these: Gold Hi'!, Greg n •HhiS a.d WEAK* ESSES Alfalfa anl other Grass Seed and F thi I Trees irc-m the Salem Nursery at Low Prices and Warrants IbaPby THE PLACE BLACKSMITHING Protzman & DeFrance, NEW COODS, HEW PRICES Srinkerhoff System ißt Cure oi a.I KtCTAL DISEASES ««■PX INLOW à ASHPOLE General Merchandise 0. CR'IKTTill'?. ?< SONS, BEEKMAN & REAMES’ EAGLE OREGON POÏN 1 THE BEST OF EVERYTHING ENGEL BROS. Oregon Kidney Ten ! MOST REASONABLE RATES l< I“ l( Frail. Slials ífcüicdal ani. Nal frees ri i > s r \ n ASHLAND HOUSE ! I‘ Free Bridge Across Rogue River Main St., Ashland, Or -urti s -.uM.-lic.-il Pl! \ ' i C i \ N ) r «, 1.1 » N FARM ANG » i I on la” \ ’Tp.v* —t i’ Il Yfil« I AN I. or I : i ■ I. < > S PRICES "M. i \ ( B. M On.!. M D I W. Kosis*' n . M i> \r»:»’.'Tr?»**..................................... r’> t'-ll^ per l'fi 1 . i?, • Plum and Prut»? Tr??s ........ h ‘ 16 *’ (,)1»-» t i shr ibtan-y fur ’.i*1.” I r”fiflon.*hly. Send f«»r ata!«»gu”to J. If oirri’id ML i; Wo. d!.iim.0r Vi St olli lKM’y. Write f- Addr IKK''h Li:«'. I ü 'I 4 1».. puri lami, or., ur < IL . * ; MH.I !• !t A SON, K^nnts’, .Ta'-knonville Or. Y mit Will alw.ics Is*s-i| i.li-st will, tl.-- 1res' tie market aftords, serve-d in st, 1« that will pier« the ruort fastidi..il' ta-'e-. I ,'«^~ltal.‘s .sc-... ..hl-- and nitisfacrinn tan- I teed DRY GOODS CLOTHING HATS CAPS DRS. ROBINSON A CILE, PHYSI'IW- .'I'll ill'.N'- AND 1851 F. J. I.sa. H..- j”, nr Pc: and r i »ur> i<»i:v Ai m O» » »' i « *••» t. \liil ilu! 1 . in SIR’ il’ON th A 0 HIN E R Y ! m : !:• 1. BLTl.iHS I ,t IMPORTI R' /¡ h J ûhî j D PIATI GLASS !«•’• FT t « 1< ora ii • \ , M I . - all • M - » k '« n ». î‘.l ■ , - ' t . • i a g ’ !,'V”-C • n:/:iinf'». V’ . a i II Sash. Doors, Blinds DR. W. S rAWriELD. •l-tv » *j . P , n* •»•»> DR. J. H1NKJ.E J. C. CARSOLi, Jark son»l!!>. Ourpon. :\i JUAL. l : a .■» ill 1 » j IE ! «h H rdware, Tinware Crockery ■f A GH0C3BIES DHUas I Tobacco, Cigars, Etc Contrai Point, Or I iiinl'V • » ’IT i. t/ DIE i’fSERSOLL BUCK ORIL-.S ANU CMPiKSSORS I « d! VI I’EHSON\I.L\ \< QVAIN I »• V I ! li _ niai’.y of the mwt ! ’*irab'<‘ farm'- i’ .La»n ami .lot-nphi'ie count i»--«. My in« i.’.l nr.irti-r- requir»’S in»‘ to ruh' through»« circi '» •>' from o' • •.......... \ n ih *. and ! or Ul I to carry with my own team ami withe it cairim all who wiM« to pnr«’l>ai*” lamí. A ta pcr-i hi u mhing a fruit »»« icnltmnl farm, or any p»'i«-on it g a farm f. r *a'»'. will »I«» w< :¡ ’ovJl . ’my <>;n • ai « .a<».l. it” I Hlr»«ady hav»» WW) acr»’b of inq rov« »l nnl en imj«rov» d lards for .■'. H* w»‘ I’ lieti rj f”w • xp»'r * *. \’J kill'is of j»r<»- h duev takí '4 in oxci; ge and HIGHEST : allow •V" m F H. SOMMERS, N!. D., I’HYSr* IAN KUo I : By tiio Thousand ! »N \N’> V’« ' »L’lli CH .raoaiftonvillc»» Oregon. Prüf oh»nal roll* J-romptly att?n»l«ii t«»d i>»w C .’•>.nPmio • » in eitli'T E’icl’ih or G wtian. odi.'” »nd ri**id?neo on < alif«»rnia str «et. corner of I ifth street ______ '¡•HI 1 NIH KSKiM !> IS NOW ÍAKÍNG OK dor« through JacktH>n and Josephine counties for i FRUIT TREES .t SHRUBBERY. ¡ li y kind ra;-”d •: a tirat < I om Nnrwry. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Ci-. 3,1 ««‘I F. Street», PORTLAND, gt?1 lk'«m’. T“! firn;-’ OR-, 1 WHi’-tintr Tr.-»•» this 'all will d<> w”!l to give me their «»rdor» an I will guarantee satisfac­ tion. 1 warrant all my tr»*«»* if nr»»p»*rly ean*d for. Inmi* t»f p». n vi I io. Orison Aug. 1 t vU T>>eb«»l ONE DO’.!. Mi PE»* °AY HOUSE CHY BARBER SHOP in «he State. 7. -:c 3'ii?: to and fr:n tha Hotal N«» Chiné*»* «rnploy«*»! and no deviation in O bar «re». Aleni» 2’ een?8; lodwinr 2' ner‘- L, Lc^lbTOii Prvpnwtuf • iifUMim ville. Urexon. 1 HE UNDEKHION: D 18 FULLY PBFPA’iEb to do all work in his linaio hcFt mu " <1 ,’•*.« »oru'd •!” pri' Cfc îf-.niiGP s» nuMVF Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engined. OF ASHLAND, R., r .«tic*. MARKST PRICE I ill an •■' h“tie!d, a! II .ward, wiii |. ’nbabl , 3**11111»? c»;iiiTii m l of the 1> - vi* i' n nf th ! Atl i i' ■ ”• i’ll Headquarter* «t G> v»*nior s Island, N Y. In the »• ent nf ¡f»»w:ir»F* tran^t’-r. Crook will relieve him a-C mniander nf the Division of the I 1’aeitic a’l I Department of ( alifornia. Miles, at present in command of th»’ Ari- zma Department, who is tlie senior Briga­ dier -General, will no doubt be promoted to the vacant Majot-General«h1p i COR R ESPO N I » E N < ’ I'. S- ) EICIT EI ». Late of California, J. M, ARTHUR. IWr. No, 33 an! 35 NorHi Front St,. Portlanil Orcon. . a re now prepanwi to furni-h the her-’ • f :nn«ic for public or private I’a’tie-. Balls. Vie •i<--. Ac , at any innnt on th” coast. All the new popular music is played by this Orchestra. Having employ»*»! a hrgenumber of musicians we ar»1 able to furnish any rutub r of bands. Any instruments or a caller f;’.rn -he 1 toother b«n. All orders by mail or telegraph prompt- h attended to Terms always rori;»»-mi4” A<1- drct-p PltOF. GAN 1AKD. Ashland. Or. NOTHING SAVED I’.Y SENDINI FOB GOOD8 IL (H I; ! ¡Nd L C. HEIN RICHSEN t ' > Firat S»”!* Portland. Orrgon. THS LfADHJ RWiLERS OF THF HORTHWEST, t.iyics am n wh-il i requ -’ CO ’.‘C ' i estimate ot ’be v GUIDE, v ’• receipt ct 10 - ó -Al »he ? •' or n tna' - . fun- . • - I th»' BUY 1LBS* .! be rent upon - to pay ; - -« ;'■- 1 MONTGOMERY WARD &. CO. lii-lll Jiichis^u Avenue. Chicago,Ill. UNIVERSITY of OBEDON EÜGENE UTÏ »VúuL unl j u.d E--t--.il DvaL’t- u Diamuuds, Watches, Jeivelry, Clocks ! young men will lie more interested in 'in gl< Iriifl \ a« hti:i2. the iuamigeim iit "f ' til­ ing • r..it lint «>m pvr*«»u «.in with a l lilv *kill «lire«-1. in lair weather qr fi-ul MH itk- l»«'at . ' .in«»»’ x ,i w 1' « < rui*ei* rui*ci *. « n \ -k« !• h • •I H • b'K. tl. - ulpr Ipb • «•; tin« I h - m i <«f \V !du'?f«»n. mak* m ik« ' k'i.i.'B :-n .»rti-t «»f r then «»r» li miry m h i it • ( >M time La 1- I lead «Ir»'**» * an«l Mufller* ' will give je>ti<»Ti* at !» i*t t«» la«l) friend*. "Life in l\»nip»?ii " i* d» pi te«l l»\ pen ami pern ii. • >tiiking a Light "Lightning i’li»»to- graph»*«!. >tori»‘*. Adventur»* and a »-on- tinnation <»f < 1 »ren • B«»ntelh i absorbing novel, The Grave B» tw< < n Them.’’ make up of a most attractive and .*ca*unnble number t«» while away m.’.uy a plca*aut h«»ur and give t«»pi«-s «»f ■ <«nver*.i!ion Tine to Set BARGAINS!! HIS WHI.KNOW, li-USE I M>; H illt new manag'inrm wili « ••.!!:». fjr*.**l*»'.ho • I1»: EtbqV?r%mM«uf . Aj»Lq-s Ln-U^vaH>ñ7lflw-nro EjjiusUak irriiKabki Uw litc’iuJAtu-nu Fornai«» WcaKi"-** aud aJI T*iu* *nd u-* order* of tfhb Sumiacb ft*J. at h. i-ft¡ Lea HINOERCORNS. | , ; : I Next «.‘Sei n v- ike X7tb ..f tkn-teiuh'-r. Is**» Fn i M«h(»hkr*Uip* fmm «w« ry «r inty jn the Smtt». App'y t«> your comity su;,.-rinttnatanf. Fujr <' ' la.*«-i Scientific. I tn ary. at> i h -hurt English Cour*e gi w..¡. !i t.i.-y.» I L’/.r (•;«•■•!; 1'.* l ! j ilrij . Ih» I n •" J. *p Ll,Vi'U w « iJu*r » • 1 T.-d-u- i« tru or utw r Uro£ u • 1 • i sd II l . ■ J*W* I i fretideut, .1 11 am itiy. I de m dv* of death’s approac h aie vu riotiN, arid statistic* show conclusively that more j»4.,r*ons die from diseases of the 1'hroat ami Lung* than any otner. It is probable that everyone.* iflmut ex. « ; receives va*t numbers of Tubercle Germ? into the system and whet? the«? germs fall utum *uitah!«' *<;il they ’»turt into life ami «lev« I »j». nt first *!•»« Iy and ar«* *f«««u n by a «light tickling *rii'.iti‘»n in the throat ami if adhiwed t<» (-««ntiniie their ravages thev extend t«. the lun r*. pr«»«hi( irg <’»»ti- sumption ami t‘»th«‘ hva«l < -••> mg ’.'atari h Now all tliis i* daugeroux and if a m*«d to pr«>ur throat. Lung? or y«if‘.ri!»,obta':n a i»"ttl« of B'tsc’nc”’* German SyT'Jp It •/T! give yuu immediate re.id Fravmn, ltehfft üeuly^ Skhi Tötturct. ” simple apnlkatien of 8 myno’«» Ointmiut, without su ? iuturual n:»*di<£ntH. will enr»« a^y raw. of letter. ÎÛ!t UheatO, K;ncwnrnp Plies. tight way. lie has procured a largv I- tr N> Tin i ?—T eiu' quantity ot handsome laliels for his of the hea l- of the Suitliein l’a. ill. railroad M>t« ir. thinks that I! irrison . boxes, telling the purchaser where the and Morton will ’«• dotted. Is theie a fruit was gtowtt, bv wlion>,and for whom ■• u is pack' d Ea b b >x he sends out c>rj»",i’i-’oi'* ■!i, -UT-11> *!,od.. - Beeides this, lie not think an i ho|>e that Harrison and w.:l l>e lalsded thu- Morton uil! la- elected" The people will give clo»e attention to | acking, and know that Harrison an 1 Murton ar« th« will ship only first < la-s fruit, and every corporation eandnlate., an 1 they ought i peach will Is. < :n«fully wtap|>ed in pa- to know that their interest« lie in tlie i pei made es|>ecia1ly for that purpose. If same direction. How can the people all the [teaches shipped from this valley even lift theniselvea front the burdens ' this season be as carefully selected at.d which monopoly put upon them unless ' packed as those handled bv Mi Martin. they stop voting for them. Jay Gould ' we may Ire sure the reputation of -oufli- is not the people’s friend, yet he is lern Oregon a* a t>eaeh countrv will lie found giving money to the It. publican | greatly enhanced fund. Andrew Carnegie is not the peo­ H• i/nnt/ti.'’ Ih'jki ple's friend, yet he spends his money T" bell' th»- right *ido i* not old* . < in for th« support of Harrison and Morton tucii'lnbh in a geni ral )H>int»«i vu w but i* Steve Elkins an I |l,rwv Cree l Hay­ jiidi«- ' U* and nr.nh’tit w lien that I«» In i* oly in the country which íiv< i . The mo*t «.>|>le’s interests do not lie with the of the liver i* o »•»•nipani«*«! by <* oiim ipriti"» i *i< k b< a«i.«* he. fnrr»«d l«»ngiic. nau*< « «•« • .» corporations. Why, then vote for their *ional vi rtig«». an unple;t*.iid breath. v»d- candi late»? asks the Enrf l«>u ne** <»f the *kin and ball "Í the » VC 1 h« author of tin *»• *\ mptom*. lis » r « <»mplaint roiiu-d by the Bitt« r* i- accompanied b\ LutfIm, them in it* flight. I « ver .«nd ague. whi« b - ali maladie* t«i the «-arly ndief an»l final stanrr-, the u^e of which, if long contin­ cure «»f which thi* standard niedi»ine i* ued will besides giving the skin a rough adapted. Don’t u*e it By fit* and start*, and leathery appearance, ultimately pro- but *v*t» in.iti' ally. that it* full « if»*« t max diice pnraiy^is of the nerves. Tbi* >tatc- re*ult in a perfe«T restoration •♦! hcaltli. nient i« n<» ‘‘hug H-’»t>o.' but facts, well- known t » < henn-i" and physicians, bused on th»- well known physiological eflrcte of * i< h suL'tanccs wb«»-»* presence in prepar­ ation* for the complexion are indi' ateii by such outward sirti*» as before 'stated If you would use an article which will al nnce pitxluce natural activity and beauti­ ful conip!exi«»n try Wi-doiu’s |{»»bertine. which i> guaranteed under a forfeiture ol |l»a mi t<* be absolutely free from all poi sonous and injurious substances. Pro- notinced by leading ladies of society and the stage superior to anything evej pro­ duced for be i'it; fying at:d preserving (be complexion. / rnit ¡tor*». WruK’ prepare»I t<» inmi-h any 'piaiilitx oi extra-line fruit l«.xe* «if any *ty!c, bize or weight desired, at pri<< - that »lety coni- l»etiti«»t). Our 1 m > xc -^re all made of thot • Highly •^•a*»»ned ¿ugar nn bottles of :rv remedv fr<*? tranvuf Vcr^’>x — f mail ” » cent?. ■ y • Ä . ’* '»«he ui. ; d-rcA.r-" and -t»^ ce \cW% „ __ - Ulootî --------- Rraundÿ gn.nifx. aJdrerV Ropectf illy. i\VY*V\ 'n BtooU liop< A.1 »ruL. M. 0.» 1S1 I earl »•..-•et, ’ tec