t-tr* ** hat »» with oía- •u MISCELLANEOUS he limes. GENERAI KOTES AND NEW». Baker county owes $70,000. Parti«« payirc for th« T imm tn advanrealour JTow^ JKeer B.1ITIO STATES OFFIOiAL PRESS V NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! U OVER HALmiLUmisTKItílTED. * 4 4 W/lral 1V J ii FA1 for Infants and Children THE YAQUINA ROUTE ) e 9 CURES ALL HUMORS, WARNER’S SAFE PILLS XX XX<¿\\.X CONSUMPTION, Liver, Blood, and Lungs. THE LADIES Noticefor Publication. Las» Orn< » aTB >M®rao, O b . I J..I, 2. ta - J OTI» IH HLIt»'B¥ GIVi.N 1 MAI THE OTICE folio«ìng-na ne«.i «M-ftler La-- filo«! norie«* of folio« fili l’-i’-nti* ri i<» m.»k«* fi d prouf in ►Ui-p«»rt cf hibd&im, and that a-ti i pf*» ’f wiil be m t jh I ma . foirt Ite* <’lerk of tne Coiiuy Cuori <»f Jackfcon ('<».. <>•.. at Ju«’ki .. li. 2 v -i M. He i .»$ h *-, h i u • toliowiug wii’ - to prue.- fix® Con- a’ure in 18»W, for Ed* t-nii*»U4 r» .-id«*.- - • upou - t < u'• i iog u!, ►«l’I Incorporated by the L «a«/««««. ...... s»..«. ucatioiiHl and «’haritabie è-iirp«*»< s, U’id us fra.. iitiid v.z : ixiui- Itoppervitch, 1. W. K’i w « », cluse made a ¡»art ot tho preM-ut Sta’«i ' unetitu John L'-mar <*tid Divi«! Linn. all of dar Ite uli­ tiou, in tei9. by an ovrrwiielining ¡»uputei vote. vi Ile, Ja kMOii county, Ur» g «t . CH AH. W.JGHNSTON, II« goder. ItsGRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS take place a»‘ini-HUiHialiy, (Jun • and D >C’’uio.u ) and ite grand Binóte drawin : h tak«* place on vue dolici for ' ublieution .if the otte r u-n munii.«* in Ihe y« i, ai d are an drawn «n public, at the Acad« il $ of Mut ic, Me* t L-»' É < th r st Ihi-v-b .. g. l/r«< JU, { Urte.arib, La. July Ul, I“-!' ) Nui < E 18 HEREBY Gl\i \ iii\l Tth follow ing-ram. «i th*r Lus filed notice of • HV do hereby certify that u t tupernie ir t. üti<»¡. to mak'- fina! pr .<»f i t-upp. r of l.iie arrctiigementti fur utltdc Monthly ////-■ hits I. is claim, h nd that *.»id i»r< ul vJl be p.a io be­ Quarterly Drawings of The Louisiana fore life Judge. ur in Iti»ebaence !>• lut» Ci»*r k State Lottery Coinpan y, and m persun of th- < oiiutj i ourt<»t J.ickei»Ti Co.. Ur gon. at manage and control the Drawings theni- Jac , . i.vilV . Ur., «».i Monday, bept. 1 , l^.viz; f-'> Klo« k, hour rti.-a.i entry N ». ¿ for ihe E selves, and that the same are conducted u-.th H» <»f H-.‘4. b\V «-I .-*E l4. ' hi ., 14 h .1 Nt. l4 honesty, fairness, and in good faith tunam of NE ;4. swtion Ä l’p. 8. R 1 u«*t. V» M. He all parties, and we authorize the Company iiuiih * the f«»Howing v> to prove his Con­ louse this certificate, with facsimiles of cm tinuous retad» nee upon, and culliv»»ti«»n of. said land. V 2 . Ephraim Jbinie»*<»n. Frisi k '4 Parser signatures attached, in its advertiscmmtf aii<1 Jacob Joi /¡►-»n of iiold Jitll, Jas'ksun c-au.ty. Oregon, und Ralph b . De..*s Dock, 2 )0 and 202 Front St., for Corvallis and intermediate points, making close connection at Albany andCorvillas with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Notice for Publication T imbke L imi . A ct J', ail, l-.S. V;.:’ d State* Land Offv«*. R b’.ira. Or., I Julj 27, I n S>*. J I VOTI! E 1SHEREBY GIVi N IHA1 iN < <>M- Co inni t mm ion <*r« I ila’;! •• w Ith t f1-1 ol -1«•!:- < -f thè $1« f <»f t'un- gr i-s- <»f J HlH’ 3, lt'ì”, »‘¡.tlH»“l ’Alia« 1 f <»r the Mite W** the undersigned Banks and Bunkci* v. ! ay all Prixesdruwn in the Louisiana State I «.I gon. Nevata hi ><1 WariLirigton 1 • i ■ iiorj " < L^rte» t’-r»*f which ay be pr»»sf-nt«*d at our counter k Nii k«-il <»f jHckriur v il«', onntj «hicK>-.»L.’Atate R. M WALMSLEY of On gon.l.hs tLii-day tib -1 id i.ibsw»»rn Pre-, i^ouir'.anr Nations! B -ta t ¡p‘!.l *^u. . ‘or th»* purchw»«»'<«f iL»* 8 vi T. LAN EUX. 1-4 «>f .-cc*M»n N- . 33, ui towr t-hip No. 3J t?, rango Pres. State National IL. k 3 r . .¡nd wiii off» i pfiM.f tobtesvr thè and ¡KLDWIN. Rou^iit •» moro vali.uh]»- furiti» tm.l»r'r Mone N O. National Be.r b fi nn ’«»r agncultuial |>..rj>u«»H. aiid to • -t «b’iriii CARL KOHN. tiri cl.-itn luhHid tei»f tti!» otìi ’ nt hor«'bu’*t. Oi , <>n 1 ri- di$y, li»* ivtii f i ìg Butta. Jack»«-!) ( <»., Ur.. W ni M- ILcfiaid**, At the Academy of Music, New Orleius, of Mc.Uiiftvr. of Jt.s’ phi’i»* < o. < M. Tuesday, September 11, 1888 An> af.d all p» fh«nit- clanuibg •» vt-r-^-Jy ti.» abovt»-<'.' bfr’H«ed land« ar** r <$n -t-d t ■ t. *».r rltim» in ' •’* olile.-ou of tn*forc .-api Unti hi-i of Uctubcr, 1***. ... . - C1PITSL PRIZE, $300,000. 100.000 Ticket« nt Twenty Dollars each Hale sa« $10. Q i**r <-r«» nt u ?. Tenths at 3’2. Twentieth i at $i. LIST OF 1‘UIZFS 1 PRIZE OR3* •».’■«) 1** • • 1 PRIZJ- Ob 18.. 1 PRIZE OF M. o'» 1 PRIZE OF 25.0 m » ή.. 2 PRIZES OF I". »" are... 5 PRIZES OF arc... 25 PRIZES OF 1. •» HH». .. The 1-t'ani. r WM. M. HOAG will le»v. Port!-.r.d for Alhan; on Friday. July 27th, nftor which I’KIZES “F 5*“» are.. late, on account of eery low wai *r in tt e tVill.-.iu *tle river, our bants will not run until f rth- r 10U joPIUZESOF -tej arc... notice. Wt; PRIZES OF 2u0 are.. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. liK) Prize« of f’»m approximating to gJtAUWo Prize arc............... 'The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Develop­ 100 J’riZ-e of >3'M' approximating to Prize ar»*.................. ment Company’s Steamship Li’io between Yaquina and San Francisco. UO Priz**e <»f *1 •- approximating t< ju 0. & C. Trains Conne:t at Albany and Corvallis FROM YAQUINA ,f A ct . J i '. m ;3. l*7< h jam Notice. »TV.KMF.tt« 'Vll|,.I’l.'tt«‘ V Ji«A N Louisiana Stale YOU SUFFER Warner’s SAFE Pills LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS VJflMPRUVBD LAXDt: 4G acre« near Central Point. |iXX). Ko acres north of M c UG t -I M200. 120 acres southwest(»t i ■ ■ ’’ ‘ »t $2000. IN) acresS mile« eas* •• T-’S*«'' *J4o acres a few miles, so- v. ¡F.'iUuO. b \ Henry Villard arrived at Now Ynrk by the Trave last week. Twenty-two vesanls are under eng tRe- : rur RsuKY nient to load on i’uget sound f<>r foreign • ports. WKEKLIKN. TO ADVERTISERS Governor Waterman hoard seventy- Toledo W’wkly B!a«le.......................................... ‘for* r • Weekly.................................................. nine applications for par' :> at Sacra­ fioientifle Amvritan ......................................... I I,« TI VIKS I.M a ,lrnalntii>r t.lí» O mento on the Nth in«!. etruit Free Pre*«.............................................. t .. u. s.y .per V New York Star .................................................... Columbia river canners who sold for pablinlBrU brievva »ad f»e<4 new Yora World.................................................. $1.50 a dozen made nothing, while those Han Francisco Examiner................................... ul of on HliOT, l ai. »w*«irttad. ttf--- • ion«or PrwM.................................................................. hicago New»...................................................... lesa, aV ’ i dsswnstlj ateerubta. buU pl./«.- euMtfueít tn Jiuku'U, JuvepIHue nu«1 banker, is taking the waters of Hamburg sally • •' 'lAally; aapeneone a anus ol aieaguri Republican......................................... HlHMk'tlh ewuuttea. w» men in the hope of aec/ring relief from kidney ilobe Democrat ................................................ t .Ita* . -taattac after eautM. Or of "zoo» troubles. aeaa." ■anemia of ssrtmana la tea nioin- Philadelphia rim«*«........................................... ahouid lake not« «»t Ibi». teg. taM ooated. tetter or bad taste m tea Frau ci •<•<>( all............................................ Much of the Willamette valley apple ■oirtt Wte star appetite. tUalneaa, frequent Frank Le»li«’» illite!rated piper crop was damaged bv the excessive heat beate tea lanud arrotaUU “ Ooetlug speuda ’* ’• “ Germaa. ALL Ö0BT3. bate . Me eyea nervous proteratem or ex. “ flunday Magaxine ■.. of the suu some weeks since, according ban—na, mnabibiy of temper, but lluabro, ” Popular Monthly.................... alternating wite oblUy seoaaUona, sharp, •• Budget...................................... 1. L. Hurl has been granted the ex­ ; to the Statff i tn. taung tnuwSeni pam* bare aud tirera, uoU *' ’* Pleasant Hour»...................... The contract for building the railroad clusive right to ujstiatH un electric light feat, drommasa after meala, wnteefuloroa. ur MvilTlIIJM. between Yreka and Montagne has t>een dlsiurlred end anreCreel-.n» .leap, ici.iuut, dTuarRhore. Portland.Ur................................. $4 iS» plant ill Corvallis. Cami»ai{/n Hatt. todeeenbablo fbellag of dread, or of liuueud. entury, Bcribner ».............................................. .. fi Uu Billy Boone’» latest an I most promi­ lot to A. J. Gillis, brother of Hon. II. B. S imples of hats which will be worn h tog calamity y • ‘t-nior«-»t's Magaaine......... ............................ . . 4 UU G Ilia, and grading has been commenced. <^ i » at liv.ii during the CMUipaign by adher­ If you baro all or any tnualdarable number tt>ley’» l^dy B»M»k......................................... ,. 4 l«» nent venture in tho journalistic field, of tease sytnpeotna, you are suffering frum •it. Nichol»» First Assistant Postmaster General ents oi both Cleveland and Harrison, can ............... ....................... . 5 o the Sp.ii-lmg 1 tarar, aseuelaied Vmerican Ag icunarmt................................. .. . 1 to« cunibed t<> dearth of pap, and nt "gone pal «dices on the coast during tho pas- Jacksonville. They are elegant, and or wtte Pyepepata, or Indigestion. Tbe Dora tiarper’» Young People ................................ 4 un where the woodbine twineth.” d»-rs wi i be ta«tvn for the same at tliu rate eompbcaiad your diwase baa baoiiae. U m Peterson'» >luK*ziue . . 4 0» A iarmur near lndojiendence noticed week, and expresses great surprise at of 50 each. Call and see them Bier tee number aud diversity of syaite HuUMokeeprr . ....................................................... 1 fo _______________ the rapid increase of bit- ness. L No mattar what •tare It bM reechad, cj _________ will i.i be furnished al» ... Other publication« r» a strange Itxiking bird uuiung the chick­ tor. MereetataoMeu ffledlral Dlaeavery iuced pne« when ordered with the T ime ». At the convention of the statu federa- ens recently and shot it. It proved to will .nbdue IS. If taken ■cconlins to direc­ 11 MM FiUNITNu HUCsE b< a tine Malayan cockatoo, with a beau­ j tion and trades union held in Indianapo­ tions lor a roaannabM length of time. If nos Jacksuuvuiv Ur-'^oa. eur*' »MplicaUona Mutuply and Crn>umi> tiful nested head. It had no doubt e»- lis last week, composed of 265 delegates te.-i...»Lunra. Zktn Dtoreara, Haan macaón from all parts of the »fate, resolutions eajwd from its cage. Bueumatleru. KMuer Lliaeaaa. or oilier gravo JAUK80NVILLE WAIL MARKET. aialadiea ara q ilia IU ’ » I In and. suouar John Vineyard found a nest of covotes were adopted condemning Harrison and ar later, induce a fatal -rann.tlon. rccei.tlv near Tampico, and was fortu­ Morton. ( cork & a - t » d wkkkly .) Dr. Piereste Golden Med' al Bla» S na puwerfuliy upon te> aver, an I Flour, per thousand I bo........... •y t.eat, par bu»n»i ..................... toJ ten'ii.b that grant blre-d-runf. -< tug-n, them—eight in all—two ol 1 ones and six letters patent foi an instrument called ” ............... .... eteanaae tee «yatem ot all hkcid-talnts sud i.u. liariey, pups. A very valuable find, a* their I the telautograph, designed fortran-rnit- •* ....................... pur urea, troia whatarar causa »-telug. It is «Ht». | ting messages by w re by the sender in Bt-alps bring $10 apietx- beunty. equauy eG j aiaoua tu ar'-ng i a the Kid­ Kill Feed. P»rton from Biliousness, Constipation, Pile» neys and other eterei nr, errees cisuMtag. Hay, wheat or timutny. per tun The startling neYs is just bring < ircu- ' bis own hand-writing, doing away with Hick Haadanho.Soux’ ¡stomach«, Colds Strabe» 9eniu<. s—fF allu ; t' ur 4 '.roaaaa. tea &«»*. »»*r ’fu.-en ; «killed operators. Hutter, per lb. ird that one of the delegate» to the na- an apneUMng, 'x Ivo t ' I re-oinote. dtffeatlon and t. .trite..u, Ü>< / I ...ding up Pocatue», per lb. >nal Republican evuventien was a inun i The Republican state convention at Liver Troubla, Jaunhioa, Dizzinea» '* both Bash and strength, la material district», ■ ’abba*», named lv. B Haws, less Conspicuous Indianapolis on the Sth inat. nominated Bad tnst« in th« Month, «to.—Yon Shm wonderful mrvlctne has calaci I great < hooce, than even our humble Oregon unlegate« ¡Gen. Alvin P. Hovey for governor on the need Suffer no louger— orlehrliy lu ourtng Vcvcr and A -, Chilli nod ; '.eans, i ornmoal, per IT. lb« Fever, fiumi, Ague, and kindred . «ana. It to< k several days to find the fact out. (bat ballot. Ex-Guv. Porter «toadfa-tlv Dr. Piereste Uoldeu Medical Din* I Mid. per lb m tin» Ham and Hacou Inspector General of the Army. Col i refused to allow his name to l>e used un- eovary Dried Apple« per lb. Huglie«, having been over the new road | der any circumstance». *' Plume, “ Mr-. Stai'ford, the wile of the rich Sen­ will cure you. They have enred 1 en* from Sisson tn Adin, Cal , think« it •• Pean», from a commo® Blot, h, or Eruption, to U m ator fr on t'. lii rnia. has ju«t endowed of thousands. They posau»» thest much the b. ^t route lor haul ng govern- Peach»*» •* w.'ot Suretula. Rall-rbeum. “ Fever-«>re»,” pergaEon. ¡anotbe $1'1(10 tied, m t.ing eight in all, point« of «rnperioritv : sugar oeated t rent supplies to fort Bidwell, it •cal, or Houab »XIa. iu ahort. all d;waa>-» 1 4«>rtfhum CauKd », aaa hk.4 ,-w coii'i'.iun'.l by tbia ;’birken». p»»r 4uz»ei. . j in different charitable institu inns in purely vegretabla, contain no calomel con-idur.it»io shorter tl.an the Reno VtBikeya, '* ................... kii . punivuiy. invigorating rnedl- powerful, purtfrinf. u a -n .4 tart -------- _ ~ *‘ «1M. C ---- — ------ -1 rapidly heal under Golee........... .................................. Great Bating Chwra Th* wools are dive at Sisson, Cal., • Washington. Sue has endowed aliotit mercury or mineral of any kind tta twui mro __________ laSuanr __ '. _ ktooeciaily has it uiaui- ».*eemhit>«.................................... wi.h luillio laires daughters and their [ sixtv six »net. Iasi« iu California, ari l i a»............................ 6(.-«I ita poinov o cui _ jring _ Tetter. . Eczema, ___ parents, and saddle horse- are in great probably a hundred more in various do not gripe; never «ickeni easy U yalprtaa. Du«,.. C» wuclra. .ouclra, flora Bye«. Byua, Seruf- flenof- uknia .Aorwa an l ■ lluiaa, Hip-joint Hip-Joint Disease, D.aua del.land, as well as fi»h j-oies. Speckled part« of th# country. llmra. take; mila in operation; « d eciully the and Eutarfad Ulan,la. Bend ten canta m renzi, met and conquered Mr. Cassatt ’ s at every hotel'ti town, sa-« tho Yreka damp» tor a {ar»a Trwui.ne, with oulored Plau-a, nu Bkia DteMweu. or th« tame aiuuuot f IlifiU. great racehorse, The Bard, at Monmouth favorite» of womeu. Ask for for a Trent I— oa Swot utout Affeeuona» MISCELLANEOUS General Harrison wavs he is gre itlv Park, on th# 2d. The time for the mile - FOR TUI BLOOD IS THE LIFE.** annoyed by visitor». Already the f >ith- and a half, 2:34. while equaling Luke Thorough!' lv «l««n». It b. uiln< Dr. rierx.M I ful are trying to learn what size offices Blackburn's, the best on record, was su­ DiwuttrJ, anj __ *<»4 Sekkia 1 Jn.dl««l _______ ___________ ____ ___ they are going to have in case oi sii' Coss perior to the record from a weight stand­ digestimi, fair zZ^z. »kto. Zzzzzzt buoyant «pinta, __---- _ z a ^zZz ~‘z 'z. vital oftiietivaet. Politic!ma irotn all parts point, for Firenzi carried eleven pounds fUt SSn citfUt u«Ut «ad and bodily baaltb health wid wiU b. b« eatab'f mtabll^wd. ‘ * fU V a r ¡4 h p v O oi the country are docking in npon the more than did Luke P.la' kbnrn. .... • ¡cker’t B '’.v The stoi kh >ldcrs of the Brownsville Soother at • hand. Guiicr.il. W* pity General Harrison. .... It is I tho only f-afo which HS-romia orilto I.anga, is urr-wt-d ■t iunde that will r* ni«>ve all E. J. Mendenhall was in Hillslioro woolen mills have decided to close the nieiiiclno ye. . and cured by thu rrmciy. It taken In tba .¿crs. It contain** vo Opium lately, and while examining th-county mills at that place about the first infantilo di«‘>r¿ writer M»een dispatched thia season from It ia ooviing. cleansing and IfoaLng. »ni l that tlio sharua ia ll.a r-uuz. . ansi Sa> ramento to Chicago and «astern C iliiirrh ?l b aio«t «flioaewm« for thia Vdiai I II j (t»^»e Sold in th« Dead.««. win- h l.or.l Bnaeo.iafield', gaverninei.t points. These trains have averaged For Weak Luwga irltflng of WoM, BhorS- “Pond’M Extract CiOarrh Cara,” shm of lirnwth, Otrmile hranl Catarrh. Ilrmt- purchased of the eX-Kiimiive Izmail for eleven car« etch. This does not, how­ apeoialto prepared to n»eet sarivti® cases, etiiti». A.iama, Bwvcrw (..tigha and kxudrvd tom million sterling are now »tateurdMin j « mi to plaints than I that tinder the provisions of the post­ part made np of cars fil!e-l np with the ILe Extract. Pond'« 1£igar trust and call» it a Tammany p an verdict should ca «e a feeling o< shame clothing to lucouveulent. Ct campaign. To tiiis sneer the New to enter every humane E'>gli«bman’s For Broken Breast and A n cheap a» to he n<«ight any place; alm» York Hor/i/says: “Well, if all campaign bros«*. The Tory treatment of Ireland T037T A. SAÏTLZT, Pro. material is of such practical value as the is both barbaric and nnjnsf. Sore Nipples. At the Soii'hcm Pacific Company*» prosecutioi. of these monstrous and bane­ n«ei»[>atle. The Southern P icidc Company will thewnnto “Pond’« e.xtract" blown tn men. We would suggest for an emblem tn tnnfactnro as many cars at ifo nwn the gbwa. and our pk-ture trade-mark ou ABnCLB OP fur the Republican party a Chinaman's shops as can bo built there with the surrounding buff wrapper, lione vther to presu it facilities. gHnnine. Always iuatol on having Pond’« pig-’ail. Extinct. Take no other preparation. Tn Indiana t’ e Greonbackers bave an Mr. Harrison tayn “a cheap coat It is n.-’te-r m d in tr by meorwre. He ha« I m »LI eterjntore, I’rke*, &0c., fli, fl.75. makes a cheap man ” Hu _ tried ________ that old grudge against Harrison.................. Prepnre-1 enly by POWfl I XT tt ACT CO., sort of argument during his fight with be-n indecent in discussing them, calling And many other thing, too minerons to menilo, 1 hare alm. «cared lie serri.—« of a M1W TOLK AKD LONDON. "blue Jeans'' Williams iu 1876, and the them idiots, and his characterizations of -mn- plain fieople of Indiana, who have to them have added insult to ridicule They wear as cheap coats ns they can get. put are rea lv now to meet him at tho polls' FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, the kibosh on Benjamin. In this land Tbov will not run an independent ticket, Ai <1 m prto oiivut,, »if ord-ffl in tliai there is many a noble heart under a but will leave individnsl member« of the Im« m tin oo Iloard and tuition, per term..................... dered. There is a tariff of $2 per M on number of officers of th* Oregon Im­ Music.................. . ............................................ 15 * 00 H uo foreign lumber to assist the plundering. provement Company, and Captain Good- IJrawiraand PaiLting............................... all of San Francis' O. who will command Bed anti Bedding.......................................... 3 00 TOURIST SLEEPING CARS A dispatch from Cleveland, Ohio, says the new «hip. The vessel is built en­ DAY SCHOOL. O ..nd, of Fenn«. H—Hewing. Turning, for acoomn*«»dation of H-wid-Ciass Ba*-tonger« Pr- e-uting Attorney Hilling stated that tirely of steel; is 236 feet in length. 36 Primary Department................................... attached to Exprew» trains. and Hra«Y*t Work III. Ku.lie. Fúoring Allen G. Thurman wo lid not withdraw feat beam, 23 feet 6 inches depth of hold : Junior “ ................................... l eil.ng. t hin->:.lg.«t Aulii g and Moulding rm.li ................................... TheO. A C. R. IL Ferry makes connection with from the prosecu'ion of tho tally-sheet is schooner rigge l and will accommodate Preparatory “ Dvur. a d Blind, in .luck and made to outer. Senior and Graduating Department----- all the regular trai u® ou the East Side Division < ases. The trial of Allen 0 M vers for 200 first-cla«« passengers. The Coronado Pupils are received at any tun«-, ami from foot of F street. complicity in this crime was to Ince be- w ill go to San Francisco as soon as her tent ion is paid to particular stue continued. The machinery is placed. West Si le Division. ther particulars apply at the Academy. nt.m »;»..¥ piiíiri. i V i>.t • o:iv iLLIs Republican press of Ohio has rep-ateilly Al—I dreJe-s in Wall Paper. Curtain». Carpeta charged that the nomination of Mr. JHILTMIM MII.YIIH' KPI Sl NP\T. ) Oil-l-tl lie. I He—. Paint-. iLisand V »r-i-ii, tl.t DEEDS OF DARING PPev/ Pile»! Itrhinfj Filet.' dir -t line of Biri-neim and Carpir íA*t-.. I.. i i Thurman was secured l.y the “tally­ S ymptoms -Moi^tureiintenMitchingandeting- I'tiair. a h ! Ko<-k-r« e -l Itia iru-t Compii-r Mori sheet gang” in order to draw th« oid ing: most at niijht: woma by aenitehing. If al­ ef Eiir-uture top» fou 4 ui ttaau.-ro O-e.on ; Reman from the prosecution and tbits lowed to rontinue tumors form, which often Amo Oil Paintings. < hru nee. I‘iclure E ram,aand mrar.s,. ra.i. dolt (xx* (’omp»tny reser vs trie riirht to ciianae nuih • 4 «1 r e-i without not ic« .. .#1, 54 m >« >\ssv“g«T7* fr«»:n P’ tlMn.Innl all Wdb«.n-'i J » p »int- can ni-ike close c >nn«*cti«»n with the 3,134 Prix-'* anvmrting to. . tru"'*« f the YAQGIN \ ROUTE at Vhanv •>- ('. vdl - h . i if «1 »stine i to San Francisco should N- i TK— Ticket* d awing ('apital Prize r.rc not arrange to arrive at Ya juinu t tie evening b-’fo:e da*« of willing. entitled to terminal pnz**e. For club rat.-s, or any fur1 her information ap­ ply t<» rhe ur.d • Your handwriting mu>t be distinct an i Higuature plain. hl<»ro rapid r For information apply <> turn mail delivery will be ««‘«urtMl byyouren- clo-iag an Envelope b -aring your full adJr« -*i O. C. HOGUE, C. H. HASWELL, 8«Hid Nor».%. Expr rt-« M . Goa l F. A r. Az’t. O P. R. R. Co. (ien’l F. A P. Ag’t, Oregon D«*volopni»-nt i’< onbirn or N w Y«»r< Exeiiang»» in or.ir.cv -u - Corv «Bis. Oregon. Currency by Ex prone h < oh »'xp'’nHf a»idr»-.i-tti • - .. 4 M >-ii■••»men Ht.. Sin Fra-’Ci*r M. X. DAVI’illN. New Urie tijs. I«a or M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington. I). ( . Passenger and Freight Rates Always the Lowest. Unit’ d B.«-t*-!* Laud Oiii-’e, li-»-< b’irs. Or., t Auc. 3, iw-ys f VOll-.T H 1!; hi.HYGIVEN 1 . (/¡tan« «* u ii 1. 1 tie | r«*vifp»n« » f the act «4 t <«n tfH*M>tnt*w, ot < aiibrrnm.<»re. gon. Nt**h of O ’ «»to r. l—>. He u ixn •- lilt» witn«*riK»‘K H;*i vey R;«'.’.ard-j »n *uid jarueh L(ionl«*uof Etna,da«'k««»u cou«»tv. Ore- ...n. H F. Peart «nd ih»bt H. Dean uf J> ?kn.«. J.*ckf».»r. county. <»rego.i Any and all person« rlaimit gadv* r?-< .y th«* ab-ive de**rrito*d land» are r«qu<*M»d to hl ■ ih«*ir claim» in thi« office on or before »aid 2U of < >*•!<»!► r. »WM*. < HAS. A. JOHNSiUN, fttegfoter. Notion for Publication. T imbeb L and . A ct cf J un » 3. L87S MILLINERY DL^Af UVfDL'D rhat the presence of - nrjMljjLDrjn.rab Bw« iregard 1 I r , iy. wh«» are in Charge of the drawings, ie a guar- I ant»«e of abs«»lute fairneae and integrity, that ' • chances are all equal, and that no one can j-- .- hly thvine what imni»>er> w II draw a J*r REMEM3ER at ihep:O in m of h !I Pr i*<»t IKO'I.nd dV K’M t^lliiuti. BOK- New Orleans, and tn« tick-’t* are Rign-ni by «■ President of hi » Institution, who-e cb;ir!“r»-i right* arerecognu ■ 1 m t:.»• higheM Courts-: th *’* fore, beware of any imitations or a oiiymoi schemes. DISTILLERY ! Suiriuou«. In th-Gir< •; J < < urt of th«-«4 Or-gur i.»» th- cuuiiiy t,f J., knop. L'ni i* t’l■»»’!• . plaintiff, v- Ituwki:.», n:i«i i ' unki --wn fi^ire <4 him, th«» said Jan • e liawkini*. an«i any u known ¡» i «•«.:: ciaiinu g by > J;» ' •- Hi*wk ns and the above named un­ til « wii i < irv. «tc . «.« f* iteante : N HU SMik OF l*i» Hi ATE O? ORE. g«-n : iou a <• rt quit - $1 to appear in raid < <»ur< and ;n *w?r the «•oB»i’laint <>1 ««aid ptemtitt tn< d «unjust you within ten day.« from the tuu- of the aervn e <»f tt»ie ►umrv.. eh « hi you, if f-rv.-d w:iht -.1. i .’«GiMy; or, if - v 1 «’n ;.”U w.t’ t. any «»•!. r cou.ity in t - !?• *t». i..-n w.thin lw«.-.'h\ «i.'iy- from th” lnr • •! fh- m *. vice;« r. if t*vi J «»n y«»u <»-.t of t!« S m ’.- of Ur«^gon. «»r by put-hra i -n. then by tn»- 11 st d:»y of the t rm «•? thi»» c«»urt. follow oik -m h - • vi • r.z: l lie 3d day of iM-ptemb' r, A. D . te1*-. At i you ar«* hereby notifi «1 that unlike you appt-ar and nr-w-r -a d c. iup!ai t un ur before (h- firM «te\ *‘f I - • r _ u',ir term of th > ab< \ • i - titled court, to b.* b gun anil held ou thet ^t Monday in »«-|4-inb«-r, A. D , !->b, the earn !»• - li g tfie3 I day of »aid ¡nontfi. the plaintiff vi .1J take a «!• <»re»*againM you f«»r tne r•• ex«*vu:ion of a deed of c«»nv> ..acre f«>r il-.e laud embra«*«-»! in DonaU *n N«»l'ticiiti«»n I*»-, nine partici.ia* *y de­ scribed as follow*: The fractional e-mnu- t quarter tte-mg th.* oa-t I alf of ti.e sun’! w- i-t quarter and lots* 3 im«l 4.) ai.d the M.uthw»e*t quarter .»f the ooutheaet qu arter of section 23. and the fractional north ba.f of the north** r-t quarter (.ta’ing tote I au-i 2 1 and the fract .«»-ial northwest «puri-r of the n'«rt‘b-;c-t qmr.ei e. ii g 1«> J1 of b’-ction 2i», ah in town-hip 3 i ►out .t of rang-* 3 we-t. containing 1’4» I I« mi a- r— of lai d. »«j uited in Jsck-o i county . Or.: or. that on afailti: to re -x-‘cui«* ► ad deed of cui.v.-yMi.-e ►aid dexTccof tne conn be taken and heid in luu ti ereof. And i«»u are further no- itted that tins summon® iri served by publication, t j «mler of th«* Judge of said court, dated Ju y te. tete. H.K HANNA. Attorney for Plaintiff. HOSIERY ! > A Pure, Unadulterated i Zephyr Shawls BOURBON, RYE ETJ OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Corn Whisky! (View of Fence in position.) For Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns The Mt. Shasta Route MESSENGER & SMITH, A E Ai PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. tion. D strung 1)1 R A. BM CJlllCÆl». Circulars and Binali -amples of Fence sent on applica Charge!« prepaid. Address CHAS. E. WOLVERTON, l-rwuleut J. R. WRITSM AN, Vioe-Preeident. J W. CUSICK, Treasurer J. K. ELDERKIN, H«»c. and Managei Application fox’ a Patent. U. 8. Laud Ottic«4 at R«‘-*Fu’-g. Or / JOB WOPK SOLICITED CTQ CAPITAL STOCK, $600,000 By BLUE & GRAY W» cordially invite all Io cell and see ita. No trunblc to ito» goo ta. Keiu'-mto-r the place. >ra*ion, and in most caees remove« the tu­ J. is. Clarkson of the De«>Ioinos Regl»- ulc rn-• r*. At drntf^ist*. or hr mail, for 5*1 cent*. At Albani and Corvallis connect with tram» of t.r and the national Republican commit- Dr Swayne A Son. Philadelphia. MESSENCEü & SMITH, ()reg«>n Pacific. t.-c has taken a Long Branch cottage for A-..,.-uid. Urewoe. F«» f informai ion regardi» n rate», mapn. etc., »ee the season. He tells a reporter of the Com pan y’s agent at Medford New York Pre,, that tfie failure of the E. P- ROGERS R. KOEHLER. A»t. G. F. A Pa»«. Ag’t. Republicans in congress to formulate Manager. some measure of tariff revision will cost When Baby wai sick, we gave her Castoria, TUE ROGUE RIVER When sb« toh a Child. she cried for raeSoria, the party many good votes, not only in Minnesota, hut through the Northwest 55 hen she became Ml®«, »he clung to Castoria, generally. He believes that it ia their Wh**u she bad Children. »he gave them Castoria duty to lltsstrate to th» country in some AYINH RE( ently BEEN BEFITTED Will, all modem improvement», ar» now tumiDM good, practical way what the friends of out » imc-ela.*» artiule of flour, which 1» put no u> the tariff would do with it if they had barrel aacke. and every vm - x is warranted t». control of congresa. oontain 4tpound» vf flour If you •i«»n't believe THE STAFF OF UFE I STEAM FLOURING MILLS W.J.VANSCHUYVER&CO. H thi». ju-*t compare a «vtek *»t our flour with ai.j •thrr brand orferud wale >u thi» market, and note D im differvuce in weight. Floar and Mill-Feed BARLEY ROLLERS. ll%vins add-d a »et of Barley llollers to mv mill 1 hav* •»••t apart evsry Hat irdny to Roll Harley f«.< BnxtomorM. The work will b*» don« on short nottoe. "«» that oarties can renirn with their gnsi the Mtn»* day. lam preparwi io roll r>arley at al! timtM» and in th« b«*«t manner. This prove«» i* far »head of th« crusher. G. KAREW8KI We believe ior this country, where near y all hay ia stacked in long stacks or i'ka, that tire following army rule is tire l«-st we have ever seen for measur­ ing hay : Find the length, breadth and di-t»nee over; that is, by distance over, moan the distance in feet and inches Kills NTS FU: j from the ground on one side of stack up ■ over to ground to tlie other side of stack. CYRUS NO B E DISTI ERY - ibtract width oi stack from distance JOS. SCH ITZ’S BREWINC CO lover, and divide remainderbv 2. Multi ■ piv this quotient bv th© length and MILWAUKEE BOTTLED BEER . breadth, which will give ntiinhor of cubii-fei t in stack, and divide by 512, KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA which will give number of ton«. BITTERS The once world-famous clrtmpion of ■champion«. John Lawrence Sullivan of , Boston, has d-si-ende I to the lowest bar- i ri om dives and lias taken todrinking the | poorest of ls-er when he nsed to demand . nothing but the l«‘st of wine. Since his I "paid f 'r" drawn battle with Charley ' Mitchell he has dropper! lower and LI NK VI I OR | lower in the estimation of his Boston ! Irien Is. Because of his protracted sprees, I hi. nngentleinanlv conduct and hi« bra- > »ado little is now thought of the hntiser. It would not Fie surprising to see him ar­ rested for drunkenness any day and sent HWHOTFI.. IIVVIN'O HEENTHOHOrGH. to »<>me reformatory fora month to sober i'AlTl.E AND M«.liShs BKINDET» HL ON 1» r*P ir’-d and newly rurni.hed.rank- am >ng V left uip. Aiuu cari«* tirai.«fini _ ——<,n tof _____________ ♦id« ,.r hip. »1». cuti, tr ui.i.iI with » futur. 2 on rh. ‘amt in Honrhern Or..gon The bed» aae new UP .nd rlwn and the tabit. »nppll-l with the feat Ufi .id., or hip. Hi. ^r-ourlt. ,( th« «1..v Ruelcten** .4 rnlra .fare. the market utfutila. »n.n.I.atwst.nrt crop tu oft «or wd lotta crop to ST. CHARLES HOUSE,” M. E. Williams, Prop’r. HANLEY & LOVE. T rwhU Abut cotti» brwi Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poai. that Will udd tu their comfort while «tarin« hero • five rureM for Piles, or n<* t av required. It M E W1LUAMH. 1 is guaranteed to give perfect sattofacton or LinkvtH«, Or.. May 15. WK money refic >pni.-ed la tho > whi styl« and new «me» made /©«XW pocially li»bla to sudden ILL UVKHDCK NOTKS AND At'tOO.NlB o order H«»wiug-Tnn«*hme» al»o ru pa irmi and Colds, Cough«, Croup, Whooping Congh, A w nutot,, aml-reivi.-l »ust I.» •«••! d I., put in hr-t-f’n«« t>rd«»r Augu.-t I. Iwm. or th*, -.it l>. p;s,-ed n ■», Wo gnnranteu Acker’s English Prieee t«»suit thetimeeand»«1 iti •faction guaran- etc. •«» • I.«. !• ’ f».. Ixn-.n. end Remedy a positive cure. It saves wu ■ 1 ’ -» r»>Ut » mean» ju«' whui Give me a tTt«L hours ot anxiviM «votoiaDg. IfcM hr ^icAK>BvCk,Ju¡TH, It». J. 0. #tsU V G Bedford, Or, p. nBAir. I Cuy Drug VMv trifio with anv Throat or » I.ung Disease.' If you have a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Grouper Whooping Cough, uae Acker's English Remedy and prevent further troublo. It Is a positivo cure, and we guarantee it. I’rico 10 and 50c Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Three Peculiarities Hood'« Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier snd regulating medicine, Is eharactrrlsod by threo peculiarities, namely : 1st 2d 3d The combination of the various remedial agents used. Tie proportion in which the roots, herbs, barks, etc., ¡u« mixed. Tho process by which the active medicinal propertie» are secured. Tho resell 1» nmedlein, of untwtial strength ami curative power, which effects euros here­ tofore unequalled. These pecullaritic» belong exclusively to Hood'e Sarsaparilla, and are Unknown to Others Vi\ sonal adventures o»i both aid s during tne Great < ivil War. Intensely interesting ai’CfMint* of <‘X ploits of scouts and spua*. forlorn hope», hermc bravery. impri»<»nm»‘t.trt and hair-breadth es. capes, romantic incident», hand-to hand s’ mg- gl»*B. humorous and tragic events, perilous jour neys. bold dashes, brilliant success«« and mag­ nanimous actions on each side the line. »V' chap­ ter . I’KiHtsEl.T II.LlsriCATFI» to the life No other book at all like it. AGE.1TS M AMED. Outsells everything. Tune for payments allowed Agents short of fund». PLANET B’K)K <’(>.. Box WH. Philadelphia, l’a., or8t. Louis, Mo. OREGON FOR SALE. i I FARMS FOR SALE. CENTRAL HOUSE, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Boid by all druggists. «1; six for Made y a u «»« m 1 rail fence, i iier< [ One-fourth down, balance within six, twelve i®ahout»eand barn and 2U0 young fruit tree« on hrmighout and the place. It atoo lias the b«‘«l outoide range ii . an«l eighteen months. 8«‘<* map nt Railroad Depot for graded price®, NEWLY FURNISHED. the county; al«<> another xcoilent place r »ntain etc., or addrens ing 12U acrer1. D H HA8KELL. A ihnh I snmnlo room for commercial travelers For full particulars call np«»n or addre«« Town-Site Ag nt C. I’. K. R., San Francinco, Cal. has been fitted up in connection with the hotel. <>. J. VANNOY Kerbyvi 11««. Oregon , Oregon Ashland, FOR SHE OSI E1SV TERMS! THE CITY BREWERY, JACKSONVILLE, OR Choion Lunds For Salo \FB. 8HUTZ RESPECrFULLY INFORMS AL »h’> Citz-n •» Jacksouv.il" and-urroand’ng country that he is n«>w manuteoturiiig. and will «»nM-intlr keep on hand the very b”st <»f Inger beer, either in Ixittioa or k»*gs m HALE. 3019 At'KEH OF LAND ¡19 A< 111 H <»f farm hunt in th-- valley, g.e«l for fruit or grail. l‘w<> th-Hi'sanii **ix hundred ncr»*»* foot-hill and mountain-side l ind. wood for fruit, dairy.ng or stock raising. l‘hi« lr ict of I md hia <»v»*r seven inib»Hof fencing <1 welling-boase, a »lock ►h»*«i sflx’.*1 feet, and plontj of living water Cull o i or address 8. HER1UN. Ashland. Jaoxson ■ ’» 1 > • Pnbllo Notice. FARM FOR SALE. V EIT SCHUTZ PROP. F SEW BOOK of Travel. Dlwoverj asd Adventure. FROM POLE TOPOLE; TOURS ROUND THE WORLD. Wild «port» of th« jungle and plain; jonnioya in unknown hmd*; fights with «avage men «nd femcious anima!*: sublime scenery; ’be doods of hero discoverers: through the Torrid and Frigid Zor-oH; adventur<>us voyages, shipwreck® and marvelous escapes «mong theislarxls of the sea. etc., etc. Over 3><> engraving®. I iveltest Bell­ ing hiH»k ever pmduc'si. In both English and i German, ACENTS WANTED.„ . Hl AMMEL a I U.. Box «973. ECKING ro ENGAGE IN OTHFB PUB ' , . S* On». Mo .or Philsdelphis. I-S. oth e 18 hereby . tims mv-n Ag-nt» without capital co-partnorahip harptofore »’xtetina bptw’wn Iiropcrty on William® crock, Josephine coun’y. I Doctor** Pryca and Gnary of M»”4h»rf which te I mutual c<»n«Hnt. All perwona initebtod to nnid tinder fence, well watered and suaceptihle t«i cnl-I firm nm«t rr.nkp prompt «nd immodiat»» paynipnt tivation. The dwelling house an«l outbuilding® I to Dr Pryce or Dr. Geary, either of whom 1« are in good condition, bosides which there tea’ authorized to collect and receipt for «aid iridnbt- I cabinet shoii supplied with superior wau»r-p«.wer. I edneri»«. To whom a!no any account» against wiid For further particular«, onauire <»n the premise^ firm sh»>ulf 1- \p- hi pirKHi«-. Jarkwin county. Uroguii. hwF th»- «Jay ni«-i hi*- «ppIiCH* ion f«»r a pttienl for ihe Furi !► Guich ptoi«*r mining claim, to-nring «olti .1.^*. containing 14*12» am*:», eituatod in t « in»-iuAp- pl kiHtf in'll!«»: «i.-ir.ft, <-«>untr ft Jackson »nd Hitte <»f Oregon. d L> th»* ti i « '«► an>i ««th i d t»lut on li o in thi« « tii< r. a* »* luiu - b«-r 37 i;i mwiirihip 3*> ►”UTfi. «4 Tai ^«* 3 v -t <-f Willaiip ’.i' Vtoridmu. Said lol umnOvr «. b«*- ing »!• Hcrito’d a« foltou t«, to a it . U«*giniii.'K at t*o«t marked I. ►<•! iir a wou: <1 of «tone <- ii ti •• iu** between M*ctioLb 17 and Ji fiom wadi the 1-4 faction correr b>*ar® «’*;-t 3.1K) chain® : thence w •►t un H«*ctio;i Im«* (vanatioTj by improv- 1 arff- ’ilip •«■► 1* «leg* ea>t} «».■*' c -.<»!;►. fiutm- ?«:>d ext'avai ion««. 12 feet «.!“<'p, 3J f-*et Wide, to-arw north. Un .•► i a>! : W.U» vhaii<*. M‘t p<'*»< rurtjbcr 2 hi a muunU of »tone; there - ►••uti» 3i' de«;#, w-'at 3 ii chain-, mnuiig « Xi-avattom» 5' link® «•«'!, 2.00 • hair’ri w itle. 2n teet mj U th ♦!• 1 111.’ i" • »efwi. n *-.. b'dt i-t Ftvtion -.«•.•••.er , »4.1 0 « 1 line wi oi. ction» lit and u and act i‘«e-i for corner nu .¡tea <.'■ hi m« of ► ►«rtie.’i corner foaia-’i-** IhjOO Obama ; (h«*nrc eart on action line to) chaiin*. eu<»r lUH rgf x- Cuvation» f«*et deep, I k -; it» and Ni. ; 3.to: clianis. l«*ave excavation« north ii tiegs ta-st a« d ►outh 20 d-g-weM ; I .«€ chain**. >♦ t p««•! f<*r <*or- u -r i.uftib« r 7 fr in which the < orner to ►ecttona 19. 2u. 29 aud 3 bear- «*aat5.X' chaii.**. and a white JACKSONVILLE, OR «•ak H ¡nch«M in diameter i ear- wouth deca « aM l»i link-. I h«*!,.’-- j,ur ,i, 2 - tlee~ l i m ■ ut<-- «■( Having perman«mtly locai»»«! here. ] offer H 43 chain«, iutertevt li»*v briw«' n ►«-<'» 19 ai d «ervicc« to the people of Southern Oregon. 2»), m «*C corner tieara ftouth 13.52 rh«*ii. ; 4<’Xt> chain» »set pu**t for corner inimiH*r H, fr.».*n w ach House Pai-ttin». Paper Hanging an abler lu inchce in dianuter I. ir- i.«»rth ;R d’tef** w< nt 5u li;:k«*; thi'uee north ! c-- mid Frescoing, Kahomining, Etc., a «» uiinutt*® ewrit -2 5 > chain« . «rt p<»-t {¡unilw r 9, from which a Wi ite uuk I inch*-» iu 4-*i«'Kri.x- nnnute« ««n-t tO.uu c .«*•»*•. •*<•’ p«e»t previouel) done for recommendation. SaUtdac- nnnitfer h m mound of M««i.e, a pine 4 un i • « in tion guaranteed. diametm- to are north 3'» f ix-ginni» «,*. < on- receive prompt attention tairing 74.25 ucr«*« ; al«o th-* follow ng leg».J «»ub- T J. CK1 NN. 1 divi**i<>ii!«. t<> wil : 1 a«’ >•» «»I 84» i f N\» * *>f SM I.*!. W , ..f 'iUl-i oi SEI-4. the U , of F . of ht\l 4 of St 1 I. the NE1-4 «*f HF. 11 of 1, a. <1 H‘- of sh * ot l-l. ►««i i.»i 17. all ■ in town«in|> 3-* i-outa. range 4 w«-t. « oi l <;nu g 70 j acr« ►. Mating a total amour.t in karri» Gu«rh « ¡aim of 146.25 iicre» The lc»CHti«»n <»f the »nr. I v«*yeui.!> clerk’® ««thee of Jackt*«»n county, Oregon, at pag*« 15?, | HP and i9.i. vol 17. and pa^e 1U4 vol 17, mining OTAGES IJ AVI' JACKSONVILLE EVIJIY I record» lor w» <1 J. ickhou c«>u t> » r Mor day and Friday at fi o’clock a m . for W il- • A»;) atid ail rlaituing advo«*■•• y any portion of «aid r «rn« Gul. h mini, g cla>m. are inquired to dervdle return me Tuesday« and Saturday* Hu™ leave« fur Wright’« on Wednewiaj« at 1' I Lie il>«*ir adv«*»t*e c»ainn wi.h the Keg «ter of ! the Unit***! 8tate® La «1 Office ai i.o-e- o’clock a . M.. returning Thursday». j Ourg. ¡n the < canty "•* ltou».-a**. b.».’e of ; Oregon, during the «ixty !'(■- E2LR31A.» . ..OOL'i,!:: . . THE LITTLE CUPIDS! N. S. DREW WAGON MATERIAL. ( HtttebrandvHl T> and marked crop and «qiuirc ( rr.kge Tv»!* and private effects of the late nndorbit in loft »sr ar.d underelopo in rig' t: 8. 1’. liauua. This is a rare opportunity for any :hr»Mtaye«r nblw ai d upward» h»»c tho point <»f on* Wi»huig to purchase »<>me brat-ul»»»carriage material, etc. nwfit right horn »awod «aw«»d off. Range on Applegate. H otmm brwndod U cm right bi March 4, Its» B. K. HAJiNA,