EDITORIAL NOTES. iBit'ih'uiatr.ttir «finies L ikl 'T inaxt O'N eal an-1 party con­ tinue toexjier uient with the heliograph '•f *: . !■ t;-i7 tor Jari.u:t, iev-pntur a lukr I signal« fiom Mount Hood to Portland, I and are confident of ultimate eucceM. P ortland has shipped h«r Chinese Al’GVST 1«, 1*«8 r 41’ KSDAY I leper* hack to China. San Francisco is I somewhat stirred up over the statement ; th it there .1:.. 900 ’. p'-is m then Cluna- ) town. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. If. 1 I 1 FOR rtLHIIHATi Tux advance in the price of iron since the passage of the Mills bill is one of those little facte that, do not run with the Hepablican rule that tax reduction means destruction to industries. 1« a difference of two cents a hundred inthe marketprice of grain of any impor­ tance to farmers? The abolition of lb? duty on bags would mean that mix*1 more in the farmer's net rttturns. . T hose high tariff organs who f-y; great disapproval of the course oi R * Q Mills in Ilia Texas congressiony1 trict wil) derive little comfo.t ly decision of Mr. Martin, a R not to contest the district. T he Republicans inav motto “protection ' * a counterfeit and a r analyaia we find tl> classes, but not the m government by the p‘ he fatal in the end. Tun surplus profits of Mills at Waterville, Me., year .outside of the customs are said to amount to $1" company expects to broad looms ■" speaks r eauipaq To- k'l.A.'ÍATH COUNTY ITEMS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. — I Farmers are busy and gathering lurge J II alth ¡ : good everywhere. I crops. There is etiuxiderablo litigution. S. A. D. Moore ha« recovered from a Jas. Croagof Tide lake still wants a j protracted speli of sicknoes. wife. I Tlie ex|X'nscs of tin- late term of circuit We have be^'i having some warm i court were small. Lucky Josep’iine. weather. ' Mrs. J. E Weidman has opened dress- D J. Puree aiM datuhter have re­ i making i-ailors in M ilson s building at turn* - Eugene city. ' Grant’s I’ass. »oe llendr’x was in Jai'yutvllle tnis E W. Riggs is now employ, d at Scott | w»*ek on official Ini-in ■"... A Co.’s mercantile ext.ibiishmont at ' M. Chas G irlane ,;I of Linkville is 1 Grant's Pass. pav’ng Ea«t Portland,, a visit. Mr. Stackpole of Williams creek was J.T. Noel of 7 j3nkvil|e is «rent for in Jacksonville Tuesday with a load of and has brought new life and health to thousands who« weakened nerves were the cause of their many ills. It is especially valuable at this season, when feeble persons are *o liable to sunstroke, a disease which is nearly always fatal. Paine's Celery ( ompounil, by restoring perfect health, almost entirely re _ to this ________ moves the liability dread disease. If you feel the effects of summer’s heat, you can't afford to delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by tho use of this great rrwlicine. Sold Droggutg. ft.00. Sit for f5.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. BURLINGTON, I HENRY KLIPPEL, « I 1 J Id «I GELEE ÌATED VICTOR M9WRS, JACKSONVILLE, ORECON >1 Conveyancing in all its Branches. GG// property , farms , vineyards and Mining < Ialina Bought and 3old on Com- T jwn mieeiou INING PATENTS obtained at reasonable M rates and with dispatch. pHOMIT ATrF.NTION vivn to «Il burine«« 1 connected with the Land Office. Send for eight page paper, with m.uy testimonlabi. Grant > Pass made Jackson county a <»* bu-iness visit during the week. I MISCELLANEOUS. WARM WAVES VT TO THE PUBLIC. LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. f'JdiiO No 37. lWncree. lidacri«« fenced and under cultivation and two good spring*« on the place. This ih choice gram ami fruit land and ik »ituated five mile» from Ja ktionviHe. St# ¿y! 3 “ I pt*i , _____ _ No 3». 350 acres. jUV acre. I Deputy Sheriff Morris took Frank Thia body of land adjoin*« Jacksonville and is . ; Allen to Salem a few days since, where GROVER CLEVELAND level, rich grain, fruit and vineyard land, and m • ie pivot be will spend one vear in the peniten- farced in five fields. There is <»n the place a dwell« Of New York. 'tote at (iaty ink- house, apruig-nou spring-house “« wiin with fine un« rprinK« spring, barn 1 Below we give you a few of th«' many tOMtitnonidls r »gardi’)g the true merit- oi our goods inK-nouhe. ami outhuuaeM. and a good orchard Term?, «tincture I ,j. L. Scott and G. W. Riddle have and refer you to men of this vicinity, whose verdict i«juM umi their judgment i« IwiweC on prac­ FOB Tlt«.PRL»l»LNI i iialf cash, and the balance uu two. three and five- '«•oral pol-I HU1.,.t.e(;ed the firm of Scott, Jennings tical experience. year pay melds. ALLEN G. THURMAN sen*» a ! '& Co. in the mercantile business at |11.(IO N<». k). 3V2 acres. oik Life. I I Grant's Pass. Of Oto .. acreH under cultivation anti fenced into five field« which are level, rich, meadow, grain ami owing to FOB rgDilDKNIUl. HI.I.CTOB»: Look out for the A. P. Hotaling Co.'s is our motto, and make just tho machinery that is best suited to the wants of the Farmer, ami the fruit land, anti 10 acieu in alfalfa There areun t educing "dveitisetnent n- xt week. Their choice testimony of such men as we give y<»a is the beet evidence of »ncce«« we can produce. Our local ‘be place a large mid thrifty orchard twodwelling W H. EFFINGEK ... .of Multnomah. >' winter I 1 liquors can always be found at Ad. agents in this vicinity are own h . two large harnK ami 5 12 of an irrigating W. R BILYEU.............................of Linii. I Uch, carrying 310 inebea of water. E. R SKIFWORTH.............. of Umatilla. ,y *.»■, | Heluis'I'afk saloon G. C. EDDINCS, ASHLAND, LAWTON A SON, MEDFORD. MACRUD- |1DO No. 42. 2’Oacrea. •mi 'O<>^everi.J Sime very flu« specimen* of fruit of ER A. CO.,CENTkAL POINT, J. H. CRIFFIS, COLD HILL, 2>'acr »^ of unimproved land. 30 acre« of which T hs Dem «»tic national committee .uuiity is *•»,>.i'htl'erent kinds are finding their ir Itra-^iH lanti and t he bakince go«xi timber land, We are in a pHition t.» give lowest P'’''1'’'1* b1.'' ' !* 1 •** -•***-»!lr you with a full line of our have siasd upj Mr. Blaine's enUiusiasnS all gtM-*. -vnO'r- I"- '»-unlusfrom Jacksonville. f«»r Ifarriaun st4ur«’liii'ilii¿ «•l’*c*.vln're. eluded to make a contest for the State I’oihaps there won't la» anv> champion ; A telegraph . ha« boon built b«; Miss Millie Nichols of Douglas county, ’ |1500. No. 43. bl) acres. A. II. MA EGIA , Ja«kriinville, <■>»• colored pugilists after tlie Hull, judging tween Martin’s flouring mills and Bald­ of Maine. a cousin of Joe Scott, is assisting him in tWacp-H of choice grain and fruit land under from the tales of the prowess of each ot ' win A Forbes’ stote in Linkville, which fence, wifli raw d wellmg-houee and barn, and the management of his mercantile inter­ Tux teredo, the terror of wharfmen, the sluggers. water for stuck. Bituatou one mile from Gold ARTHUR CONKLIN E. SANDERSON SMITH is quite a convenience. ests at Grant’s Pass. ¡[ill depot. Also a full lino of repairs for any of our machintry. wa » the c*u«e of the giving way of a Tutt Dtmoerat says there is an old- Superintendent Fountain gives notice I). M OSBORNE A < <).. Portland, Oregon. Win. Neurath's residence at Grant's wheat warehouse on tlie Tacoma wharf line Wing in Albany, Eli Carter, who 61011». No. PT 160 aeree, T. E GODFREY, Special Agent.Jackson Co. that lie will hold the regular public ex- Pass will be one of the nicest in Jose on the 10th, which precipitated alsjut voted for Giamipa Harrison in 1340, who , Unimproved; well watered, and firebclaaa 5 amination oi applicants for teacher.»' plum* euuutv when completed. IlyzerA place to make u g<>od home. MOO bushel* of wheat into tlie Sound. TESTIMONIALS declares that he will give Cleveland | I ceitifieates on August 20th. Nickerson me ongag«*d in painting it. Abhland. Ort’gon, July 1. 1H-««. acre». M.WO No. 55 Ins ardent support. Ho says that while > Charley 1 tzwater and Miss Maggie W. H. M axwell , the murderer V>f William Henry was a g«x»d man, al J. 11. Alilf, the eriteiprising butcher, D M OSBORNE A CO.. Portland. Or. Unimproved, level, rich gras« and fruit land ; D ear S tus -Wethe und«'r.'*igii’’d having lurch tr’-i your Mowers »t «1 Reap th , tak-» pleasure i: Wood-v -n of Bo'iat zi Wt re marrie 1 late ­ Preller at St. Louis, was hanged last is building a large add'tion to his meat recommending them to the public a* being lig'nt Graft, »' i-sy motion, well made, «nnple and durable; running water: title donation claim. A great ¡»randrons of pre»i lei.ts woul-i not nec­ I 'Mirguin . 7 miles ••Ubt of (’mitral Point. ly. Their many friends wi.-li them market in Grant’» Bass. He will proba­ in fa« t they are just the machin<‘s for the farmer of Hoathcni Oregon. Sigued Friday morning, Governor .Moorehouse essarily make goo 1 presidents. heaps of happiness and prosperity. having refused to longer respite him. JOHN J. M UTil'tlY , No. 2 M<« w ». t H »«i No. iieaper bly Use it tor pork-packing. <7uU) No. 51 200 acre» M. H C it LEMAN. N« i 6 Ci»nd»iiiud »Self-iiak** Keapcr und Mower. W e have on our exchange list more I Dr. A. Franke iif Linkville accompa- though Minister West a>ked lor still A No. 1 farm. Ritur.t«d tw<* miles northeast of A pleasant lawn party was held at the J. P. WALKER. N< J> Mower than 15«.» labor |»apers. Of tbi* number Pho iiix. having a g«»od dwelling hou»«, barn and another reprieve. nie I Ward Douglas to Lakeview, having residence of Mis. N. P. Dodge of Grant’s •ut building’«, orchard w«-«»d and water supply, le«s than a dozen advocate a continu­ been appointed to aqt as medical exam­ Co’.tr il Point, Oregon, July 16, Is-'**. Pass last Friday evening, for the benefit D. M. OSBORNE A <’<)., Portland. Oregon: •tc. lbdaert’R b*nr«*d and nearly all under culti­ ,Tos«‘phiin* County«’ M h . B luse will not come to 111ÎH ance of the present tariff, while about iner for the New York Lit" Ins. Co. of the Presbyterian church. it is witii a great degree of pleasure that *I h > ii. 'ierbigxied add* his testimonial f«» the liet in favor vation, much of wli.ch lRRUbceptible to fruit cul- ure. it m lilao w«Il *ituar<*d in a Ii *althful loca­ c*'KAt in the intere»! of II irrieon and one bundled am! thirty five favor tariff of your No. 11. Steel Frame Self-Binder. 1 urn now operating one of these maclnnet» on my ranch Don't tail to call on Herrin, the expert Cha«. Kremer arrived from New Sha­ near Central Point, and purchased said machine of your local igontH Magruder & Co. T<*> muci tion pchoo’ house near by and less than two SitUHted in tlie Famous ‘•Rugiu- River X all«'}. M orlon. He intimates that if Califor­ reform. This is a fair index to the sen photographer, soon, as hi« stay will not ron, Iowa, a few days since. He is a cannot be said in it» favor, for it certainly does far better work than any of your representative mile»from a ¡ailroad d» pot. nia is uot safely Republican that it will timeiit of orgamz.-d lal«»r on the tariff belong Southern Oregon. His work gives general satis nephew oi Dr. Kremer of «.¡rant's Pass have stated that it would do. Being light draft, simple in construction, ea-ily managed anti 4oev be Useless to continue the fight. Then, issue.— /ndi'inapolit Luhor Signal. its work perfectly, 1 concede it far sujMTior to the hea). while Lake county ’ s MtTlLE BELT on the west hide of Rogue river J. Wilson, the well-known machin ­ where. ____ i i.ia n vaiiey. l‘i miles west of a R. R. depot and 3‘» No memorandum is written, but tlie is ■fstiTi tit», or $1 25 |»'r capita. Super- Rrowasboro.Oregon, July 14, 1S«8. ist, who is now employed in the S 1‘. R. '!■■>.' • |. . nileseast ofttiocounty seat. The tv ii is free, State 1'ie'ideiit slated that while it contained intuii lent Fountain * ill noon apportion ¡» ’ (/<».’« machine shops Rrs*.’-Hf>s Wear.*r.r’i in agri culture timber. U-i: th .» <1 ----- 1 Jl,,«. rung............ D M OHRORNFtYCO P.rfhn.|.Or “ gon. ... C — - ....... _____ - ____ » ut Dunsmuir, ich, black loam, all first quality of fruit m nry f*>r man m;d L-aU. Lruit .«■ « ours. Cal., has been paying his many friends pany—Ladd A Tilton—will establish proval, the great bulk of tlie work provi­ entire cattHfaction in every particular, and I .m nn»ro tl an glad t<» »tate that it i«» th<« rno»t labor ‘ ‘ . ............ “ U. ti’d tirst-clasM fences on it A gn at l>arguin and thegieat imiustri'of this >outh-rii co'irDU. *t’ W’ ’ -• H or-aaving machine 1 have ever Lad on my ranch. It iwHimph’. Hrong and durable, and in my ebti Dosenlierry’s mills at K>mo are man- in Grant's l’as* a visit. fl Hiring mills of 1000 barrels ts-r da> ded for is so important to the best inter­ will be open for only thirty days. niation is exactly the machine for tin» faniH ’ r of Maith* rn < fregon. J consider the Binder far Rupe Wiiat are the productions of our Taljey ? limos ev > ; . capacity at Tacoma, and will put on a ests of tlie country that he was unwilling iiiiictu-ing a superior article of lumber, P. McKinney, the affable landlord of nor to either tho header or r«ai»t»r. Y *u nr»« welcome to ref* r anyone conti-inplatir.g the purchase o! z*. a , . i.- « •'" <•- N 7a. ‘JOO acre®. mat«-; all the Cfreai* ai'd gra-b'* imi.g»'U<»u-to tto-*• . I winch find« a re.idv s ilo. Fifteen thoil- Simpkins' hotel at Grant's Pass,is build a machine to me. as 1 will take pjra.-rar»» in «howng them the working of my machine, now in op* r J23OO line of steamers between Tacoma, Sun th"-- ■'■•i'' .• r' ,jl , u„-r .Mostly fenced in grain LehD, meadow, pasture, p.'rfect'onaii'lri'ainar.z-an.id.vor • ; -al to obstruct it by a Veto. •an I f et were shipped to Linkville one ing a gooer satisfaction. He furnishes the best of Your» Very Truly, IL R. BROWN. ■f pur« wat»*r ; »-Uoant Mowingt!trough th« place ; CRANT’S PASS, day now turned out by their mills at lican lawyer and jurist of St. Louis, pro­ Thus. Pratt of Barnes valley has gone meals and lodgings ut reasonable rates. • r.’h’tid best variety of fruit ; large.commodious nounces the Chicago tar'll plank “the to Big Meadow«. Plum is county, Cal., tt,.c..univ-.>ri"f J..," 1 .h.n"«*..ui.: ! ' ,-t ..'i.rinripalri .1i.*a!>- t...• ».f J «•.»> in ti»« ' "1J. Portland, Salam and other points. iwe)hng-bouse, large barn ai.d numerous oiit- Hutchins A llall, who have been con­ juilding». No better loc.ition for stock ranch most atrocious party utterance winch has in resp mse to a telegram informing him ducting Itio C'linme. cial »aloon nt Grant's n Oregon Hummer ran«« inexhaustible ; iif M t«i •! ■■ k« - f B >xw r.». «. ». •• • ri thi» point. I.«»» fall Wtru California and Oregon produc­ been made in the I.¡story of American of tie- murder of Ids brother. He lost Pa-s, have dissolved partnership, Wm. t • • ■«•n miles from railroad depot nisi"--»" ui'-z' '.n-nhl'- « i|-l-l> "f »•'" « t'"wr " *>." «"/';■■ » > ne irai r* m L,< « ” <’f ing an extra quality ot wool and of Wool­ liolilics. Its sole tmrpose is to maintain his fath 'r a few weeks ago. 7V. 2D6»ere«. shout.l I. «noi s: '•"> " K.'b'J'-rn Ot-«•' t 1 I Barker succeeding II. T. Hutchins. Torn «. D ib a«'rr..fa­ A fine farm near Eagle Point. Or., all fenced, 1«|<| »qunr<. mil"», <>r I T'J, ■ en g »ode in <1 maniIt abroad at extra high law.« which the nece-sities of actual war lli! c it nid it ► J. H. Colah.in talks about moving his I Blue lias been acting as bai keep*r there i.•>> a<*r«R in cultivatii ’i. excellent house, g«K»d bly ritiiri <1 l»»i■ ■ ' . ' , prices, tins United St ites exports less created, but which now, by so-called mill to B ild butte. I>et>re •. ' . , , , ' for a short time. than naif a million dollars' worth of protection, benefit less than three mill­ Sprague river valley, says the Stir i mili-Mte. good well, living epnngs. stream of Dr J. C. Boyd of Grant's 1’ iss an A lter flowing through ami a syntein of irrigating ( o. )<»est»d here, broom factory, ma * h * - i - •■n‘* r* ui «1 *• <*i •_ , woolen goods, while England, with free ions of people, who happen to be its fa­ llis mill is not running now. having u litche« by means of winch 5o acres of land may here. Then with a biK’EU ei-na’- I nounces througil the Orsjoui'in that 11" »1 » .’x u ’ --v.* •* k - d * ■. - • wool, exports $150,000,000 woith. Tins vored recipients, only at to « expense oi »« irrigated Excellent bargain. lennR cash. and w mt a national bank and a big b*tel ; t"!' «■'•iln i* - 1,. . , • *. t.i’ic.- ita goodly supply ot lumlier on hand. I lias ♦It*)')’o bet that Harrison will be •hows that our wool tai.If has been not over fifty-two million«." lie will vote and start your bu*i nei ». We n* ««i t»ti»r> *> <-f all »■ imts ;■.*• t . . ■ ■ t \ Whether this is business or Ja« Nail, who arrived in Barnes val- elected _____ , • ..¡-I • a T"" I h »v ■ Gr*»:.t Bargain* to oil a - and it mannfatiurer.v».' can ofl.rtoycra -phi.did.pi-rtui r -•■■»*! u*-4.i only a tax on American I »nor but a pro­ for Cleveland. •> • Uy p, e à-n'H a leva short time since with’.is baml of. bluster will soon be seen, as th re are a ill P «> y« hi to keep a ’o«*f» watch th - »pace eh«*-'¡ii *1 but', r Ptetory. tannery woolen !aet.»iy. etc N» a * i-’ tection to English woolen mr.nnfa<:tur- « t ’ ”r; . » :’<«r t. <■ ti»*x: -ix ipi'iilit** for Special Bargains. 1: mgli r- Tin-sptng pt. en -ute t.» »,.- . *». T he following old patriarchs of Clack­ horses, will plac ■ them in charge of his I plenty of men eager to accept such prop­ land ft« -n .y-* an a-r.- up. 1 tuit in fmimh I witlemt img • n ar . • • ’ .»D,r » *. *--» f a . , m. .<>u ititVH any property for Rale, come and see m* amas rode in the recent Democratic bi'tiler»,Charic-and William. He will osition*«. excel!» d Huel. filli» l.uxl« oe we are sellilig at yll't..; ■ : •* • — • •• • .*«ta... i'.d I * ill do my »»ent for you. lT"C«--sion 11 the raising of the Cleve­ visit his parents in Josephine county >«• I Ollie»» on California btr«»«'t, opposite Sluver bringing from i ‘ 5 toi'J 1 *'. , Harry Chansse. who is employed in Uxo. B. M arkle Jr., paid $2«h)0 lari nd. < n ii' t »>•• ' . f f; W’r have ttie choicest City pro|».rt! «it! - .arg« ’ UoUHu. land and Thurman banner at Oregon »il»: ut» uactR of fruit ’-rd the S. 1' D. A L. Co.’s factory st Grant's week for a special train over the Oregon cuv. They voted against Win. Henry fore long. l)0o acre« in Josephine. Dongia» ami-lackhon counties. Choice ti HENRY KLIPPI L. Wm. Barrett of the Centri! d ib'es I’.i-s. had the little finger of his right garden land adjoining the town of Grant’e Pa.»«. Stiort Line and Union Pacific roads to Harrison and they will vote against had one of liis thigh« sc. i u«ly injured hand badly injured on» day last week II (’ KKSttN. W. L.CABRAN. convey himself his mother anil two SEND FOR PAMPHLET Ren: -C. H Mixmay, ag" 1’2 years ; Mr sisters to Chicago, rrl route to the bed­ Darnell, age S5 years; »lolx-rt Cault’e d, bv or.e of the horses attach'd to th" Amputation was found necessary and .Vr a-. ' ■ . ■ ' ' ' Lak .view stage hitting him on the leg D 'ctors l iitnagri and Devore |>0iform"d side oi his s ck father at H »zclton, Penn. age 84 years; John Conviile. ag ■ 7S S« rd to us for on« and the » am»’ of a : ■* eo.mit g ti ■ • '* * *' ‘ * 1 • ' • ’ ’ Ths time made to Chicago was ju*l »ears; Richard Maher, age 7«> years; while he waa trying to stop the animal the operation succes-fuilv. the* R gue River C«»uner.’ wt i Ii i-alwa..- intt r.t-tPg for strut «»- g « to « •• whui; we a.»“* »i sixty-three hours, the fastest trip on Jacob Cruder, ace 74 years; H my A fiom running away, we are «- rry to sav. J. I. A-'» um and Mrs. Ruby Ric«1 a o have a li*t of our properties. Sii imita South of Grant’« l’aae. Joaephine We t uy, !- 41 a I take <• c«»mir. > >■’ y i r.»; ert • - i : < ■ • *»i record, beating the Jarrett and Palmer Straight, age 74 years; Wm. Evans, The building formerly u»ed as a court displaying a nice stock of groceries at i» s vi’ may b* County, Oregon. All communi<‘atH»?i»*addre--.- l t«» u» will r»“.civ pr«»mpt M*c i *r- h*. 1 F.n • Court»* excursion, Guv. Winteaker and Elijah room is being transformed into a neat |x>r- the Yellow Front, in the western .svili H A < «IXE.! I .... 1 ' I .hr. < »ID.I-D- able to extend Will be clnw’rfully glV’*a. aged 72 years. Smith. and commodious store house, which will tion of «»rant's l'.iss, and offering bar- A NVMELt:«s corresjs» ndt nt in the be occupied by Judge Smith, tin* affable gains in every line. Mr. Y also sue- Ii is officially announced that the' 1 Siatrtman says, in relation to E. O. proprietoi of the Red House. Messrs. < cs-fnily c irries on a shoemaker's shop Oregon I’acitic railroad company wilt at N''«toll’s statement that be was present Cruii ksliank and Sears are doing the in th- rear p«»«ti >11 of the building once resume the work of construction ’ when Harrison wax initiated into the work. We ar«' inforincd that suit will soon be Manufacturer and Dealer in —THE l \ m > <»r Till.— on its line eastward from Albany. It 1» I Knowiiuthing lodge, that Mr. Norton N'> house «ulti care for them better; notte ttink«'; lower price 1 ii:-.'itnt«"l against the <>. A R R. Co. | does not speak the truth ; that Harrison stated that construction will be actively 1 de . wi : a / < ' nu i . v / z /. vg . ; ov the rel.itiv« - • 1 R. I.. I.. Roberts, tor evet v artici«* guarHtitee>f pushed during the summer and autumn, never was a member of that society. 1 damage« \s will bo r< membered, DHCOVERlEf? ! ! Th'' l>."U' ct.iti'- st.itecentral committee • .ung Rolieits wa« killed by an accident e«l nn«l dispatched daily ; letters of «atisfa"ti'iti alino.st without num until the rainy season, and resumed ‘ , The writer says the denial 1» nr>t mad** I ou Mr Harrtson’s statement but on the ; held a meeting at the Cleveland and Atipie. Pear. Peach. We intite comparison with any. road is com- . again in the spring. Tho ~ which occtiit.-d in t ovv creek valley la.-t her. pleted to a point sixteen miles east of i won) of others, of course interest 'd. I Thurman headquarters, J'oitlaml, on win'er. Sandy Van Buren, anotlwr rail­ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS' I Mr Norton reiterates his statement that Plum, Prune. Apricot, ' the 1st, Chairman A. Eu-h, presiding, road fireman, meeting his death at tin- Albany, « bief Engin er Eekelaon is in 1 Harrison was a member of the Know- tat P. 11. D' Arcy acting as secretary. The i charge of the survey. same time. « very b«»t Nectarine. Cherry. , nothings, and they both belonged to the purpose of the meeting was to confer re­ The grand jury empaneled for the ! same lodge.— Yolrttr. garding ttie presidential campaign, and T here is deep concern in England Almond. Chestnut. August term adj »urn ■ 1 last Thursday, j . tastl - over the destruction of crops by rain T here can be no doubt that this uppo- it was deci led to make a vigorous can- as also , Millinery, Boot- and Shoes, ( lotliing. .«, ) cold weather. Meetings of Ian l- I sition of labor men to Harrison i« well vuss. An executive committee, com­ transacted no business, but the lattei re­ Wiilnut and lords and tenants am being held to founded- llis course ou the Chinese prising ‘'."iiton Killin, A. Noltner and turned the following indictments; One Furnishing Goods, Notions, I runks and Batis, ( arpet- and Mattings, consider the situation, and the conclu­ immigration and naturalization question C. B Bellinger, ot Poit'and, A. Bush of . each against Chas. Gentner ami Frank Tin, Glass and Japan Ware, Tobaccos, Etc. sion readied is that English farm» is is quite consistent with his course to­ Salem, J. K Weatherford of Albany, Allen, for assault with a dangerous wea must abandon wheat-raising ; that tlieir waid the laborers and railroad employes and .I. W. Skelton of I'nion, wa« ap­ pon ; one each against L. Louden, Win. GRArE VINES. CLKhsKTS, ÛOOSEBER. uncertain climate, coupled with foreign a few years ago. He was a railroad at- pointed to manage th.- campaign. Re­ Orr. Chas. Gentner, 1'. Altpeter, for hies , blackbeieries . ieaspber . competitors, renders it impos«ible to tornev at the time, anns in in eon con good news to America. with the railnxid companies against the 1,1 ',l‘ r.f "j the 1 1 ,’,'r orgatezati <5.11100« 714 mid 7l«‘> J St., and 713 and 715 Oak Avenue, Sacramento. Cal. An effort is being made to establish a 1 workingmen; but these men have never |dvnining ttie R p ib 1 in ¡d.it.o tn arid Onr troMHre jcr.iwii withont irrigriion uu red i creamery at Grant's 1 ’ ass. There is no ■ ill Unii, a- il all ,.f ki.-.wn varicii-« that »'jci'e.'.l H aving failfdtocix ) si :orr my bv Tw.» Story Huililin^-. Tm sena’«'«• unu tee on military af­ for-riven Ii in, nevertheless ; tiesides, it ij can l:d.»te being < S|«*« iaily stimulating, ^letter graxing section in southern Ore- m bout hern Oregon. mess in Jaek-oiivilb . as | 1 id winked t*» tl n*>tso clear I tut the »is an o o ’ ’ .j .j ction eti.m to to 1 as it was by th" assistance of the labor so clear ut there is an Thore contemplriing fr. » piantili« will ,1,, wall 1 have conclmied to continue t * e «s'I niirwry. .-r write to us electing a railroad attorney pieaident. r*-p- r! i" bill providing for the ax- r»*r price-list Address to uh at Murphy, J oh »». where I laid in <>•’,*• of the ! .’/ a: »1 -».»« k- I state tp'k«.*t wa» el-cted two years ago. I ind'iiibtedly would increase the number au.Hto* in an authentic form of all Phine county. Oregon, or to R R. Jjtation of ail kind-<*f Firearuit», Ammunition. Cutlery. Tint high tariff press is compelled to Then, too, the sa n*' amount of energy of then stock could they be assured a Giant s Pass, Or. Hardwme and Sporting Good». « v«*r bnnuLt !«» Hu't icts connected with the claims of ! constant market for tlieir milk, such as record the fact that the wool market h is and wealth will riot 1.» squandered r.v 1 this market. Goods «<*ld at tic» lowest p «>.-ible A. II. ( ARSON X «ON California, Nev ila an I Oregon for mon­ not been prices. firm for many months. Be­ tlie Republicans as at the recent «lee- ; a ciearnery would afford. On the other eys expended during the late war and in 1 I will guarantee tl««!» Goodsfo be just what ; hand. Grant ’ s I'ass is so near t i market cause the Mills bill pas-H-rl and the in tion. Asa member lilg’ral. the same peri«sl This is an imjiortant ly bestowed. 1 would r*>j*p«'tf>iU\ -«>!i< it a ]lemocracv < an hardly expe't to win in da's, |4M,000; and Oregon's, over $300,- 1 sentiment« of pleasure. If American this state, it will no doulit ent down the Ira Phelps of th*- Advertiser ” is paying I 000. ____ manufacturers can buy u.itaxed wool ' Republican majority materially. the Wclaiuette Valley .1 visit. Where ih kept constantly on hand a complete and th"v can buy more of it. lithe foreign O r"c‘ fcr c 1 I frtr fcr 2, Ilev. .1. W. Mi lt-r wilt Ii >1 I r-ervici-s in T he tai .ff question is giving brother wool with which thev mix the American tiirt>( lass »tuck of Medford Sunday morning and evening. Lee.is an alsielit-min k I. ministerial ex- Tin: Republican party is rapidly earn- ' fleeces can be obtain.-d without tax. /9IEl l\E t he dead « alls are alive with cm us bl 1« pression of eonntenanc *, that boles ill there will be mor" foreign wool bought ing for itself the title of til" partv of MAKE SO MI-TAKE. to someone. At «.rant’s I'.iss heab-ent- and more American fleece mixed. Cloth­ blunder« The strenuous effort» to cheer irid lb" l> >ys ar»1 -aving tlieir dimes and ■ .111 ,.<’!> for tin 31st. By di.-jM'l ling th<* t'ympto'us so often mistaken min.le.lly demolished a double allow­ ing all the wliih will be cheaper to the the drooping spirits of the party foie s Il 1 011 want your property sold rpiickly, for coi,».iimption*>. S o ft A»«ie ha« brought gh d- Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery ance at the ice-cream pulors, and when extent of a tax not n«‘'■led in tho treas­ by a magnificent ovate n to Blaine on I at th« best figure«, call on M. E. Beatty, at n«*K~ to many h«»UM*h»»lds and by promptly bteak- he proffered payment for the treat the his arrival at New York had an unhap­ liis le.il-estale ollice, in .Medford. ing up tu»* cough and cold that too often develop« • into tli'd f.i’nl ,1,.,'.^,* will y«*t «ay« thousand» young la ly in attendance reverentially ury. py t»rtnmat on bucuti«" the boom was PA I NTs, 1-orsaie at a bargain—a cosy dwelling from an untim« 'y grave You make no mi-tak»* Till: August number oi the forum will pulled a coupltr of days too aeon and responded. "We don't take pay from wTi«*n I «. y ( : r.Ti merely to by k«** p ta 1 h »; i ,* of this pleasant California le-u-c not f ir from tlie center of the town them tur n min’steis, air." The erstwhile “inde- complete the filth volume; and du­ liiing aro'in 1 New York forty-eight tong, of Medford. For particulars enquire of R. « lixve them ra- remedy always in the house OILS or ATI KINDS, ■top turn »vain. I -t- !< AL CLK*. p«-nitent” editor denied the soft impeacb- ring th«' two years and a half cover.- I weary boms waiting for Blaine's -ship T. Lawtoil, reat-r-laic ag' iit • 1 hate made i ment, but would have been glad to pas­ bv these volumes both side« of every to come in. before the hero appeared ,ev. F. s. Noel of Jacksonville iu aro Msvhanics' Tools. tor a preacher when th«conductor tack subject, of great public concern iiavc Everybody was in a bid humor and FITS, EF • r place annmim es that he will receive or led him next «lay for hi« ticket, which he been treated in its pages bv leaders "f Blaine fe'i the evil influence of the hour I Or!- urdil .|u_'. _’>lh for tlie building of a FALLII CI2NESS, had absent mindedly left on the agent’s opinion. The list of contributors al­ and faller! to rise to tl.it oc.-Mion His 1 Ciitlmlic eliur*'h at tins place. À life long stclv. 1 1 v.-APR \NT my remedy to desk at Giant's Pass, Hire a l.ig.i tariff ready contain« the names of more response to the ovation bad a ciiwstnut- ¡1. niocrais should h se no time in re-or C ure the u »r-t • cl rt bava NAILS. ROPE. editor, and relieve you." conscience, than 250 of the foremost writer« in Eng­ ty flavoi that entirely failed to fire the 1 gam mg their club at this place and mak­ ÍBllfdlSnO Tf .l«O!J Í D -living a cure, land. America ami France. Beginning northern h-art. Then, too, a wealthy i ing a grand efl.irt to increase th- Denio- brother. Bend at one f r da 1’RKl liOTTL« \n«l everjthing else imaginable in thin lire. ■ rain majority given m this county last of mv I nf m i ■ • i with th« sixth volume a new feature will Pennsylvania manufacturer ha« 1.-m 1 i DY. (¡Ive Expie»» My good» are now and of the best bran >4 photographGive him a -Bit, Cittì".« Give me a call before going eleewhere. ¿ii ! ni!. : ! 'E3L C Vo ROVILLE^G > is a state which all the local organs de­ important rocen» books in tin» sever.i, Representative McMillan of Kentucky, Call J. ( . SHERIDAN • departments of thought, ami ' .'oncerning the public lan.Is. clared could not l>e carried for he Re­ great K'v. F. Mcl.vaii will h"ld services at publicans unless Alger were the nomi every writer will l»e arecogmz ■ 1 author­ th- P. estiyterian i-li ircli In this plat e Sun­ nee; and while they will now protest ity in his deparlin nt. days, both mot nn.g mid evening, except­ T he Republicans have bean waiting th it they did not iu »an wh it th -v then ing the third Sunday morning in each T hat funny journal, has a this long while for Blaine to come home i | month. he only gi arkntei d cvre fol declared, the fact remains that between ( ¡rrh. ( <>!"•<<•« *--. i* id S*.r»» b y*-«. Re- Prohibitionists and ¡.abolite«. Green­ of “European I'anper Lihor"rs on th" interest in the cmip.iign eo far has con I. I. Angle is preparing to erect a tiue to effectually cure st<*ri *. t ne -.•*■-.» or t.t.-p* an«i Knud I; removes bad v -mry r< sidetice on a iracloflatidre- hackers and the regular iteniueracv, American Workingman’s B "ad an t trod 1:1 what Blame w ni l say at N v taste atjl unph*,*- .nt hr. resulting from Ca­ < * .Uy bought from «’. Mingus Hi- fam Dyspepsia, Constipation. Sick there is a decided upheaval in a «tate tarrh. r • « i * « >w <11 r* «" i « >¡. s and a cure is wa r rant- " But the point is turned sharp­ York. It was evidently thought that 1 , v will remove to Medf iril in the tall frou. :'*Lvn"v J"!AHiniM MEDI« AL regarded as under all possible circum­ Headache, Biliousness ly againgt its |>.irty by the lad that would electrify the world and fire tl Pennsy Ivatiia (. O.Mi a NY. On vilie, ( alifornia. stances saeurely Republican. Palmer's And all diect in -Ii "i I ite built, by alt means, as it is need rwB"“ Plense give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I ant laborers until the wages of miners and lesser co-partisans, st »foments that I kl ] titeHii.l Milt.l flefth. I»os«- «■■■all. SANTA ABIE AND CAT-R-CURE Michigan. ______________ I. f -| t i iailv during the winter. \l‘ eU‘K«ik«l> mik «» .-..Hte.l m,«fl I'tsy som ■ other “protected” Workmen are : already degeimratcd into platitudes «► ■ n epared to give lowest possible pric«- , and my goods are first-class. Ml For Sale by »dl Druggú to «wallow- Sold everywhere. ’> Ii. Beatty, the wide-awake t' -il-e-ta now relatively little it any higher here I fore he mi l.> u-.-. of them and his. 1 Horr. 'tin Low, i-x-M ivor of Br.»>k- Correspondence respectfully solicited. ‘*Information for tho farm, llmioo- T: i b« •njqdied by b* « 11, H *, it, was in Jacksonville la.»t I'uesde that: n: Englaml. Having got al) th" mirers <• 1 1 like they had s'keil ivr uu »1 aid Portland. \ hol‘l, H orkrhop amt sickroom” will bo lyn. N. Y„ and th" mo“t brilliant leader XX M. (J ATES, Central Point, Or. foreign la«» u they want for sometime, and !•■ r, g ven a stale «‘gg. Blaii 0 is •i»' ..jiupanied by Mr. Wilde, first cuok 1 ornt frevon aj.plication. I tl.e Kmc*com tv Republican« ever had. the tariff chiefs ara now taking up. | now resting on the seashore, ar.rl his I 1 lie «¡rand Central Hotel. The latter» 1 over on peculiar business that wil. s 11 in tendering n s resignation as a mem a here they think they van ¡....ke any-' admirers are waiting to see wliat will I come to the surface. e ber of the First Ward Republican Asso­ thing out of it. the old Knownotliing , haiq>en when he gets rested, 'I In- Medford co: respondent of tlie ‘ ■d- ciation, remark«: ‘‘I air», unable cry, ali i are calling for new lestrictions ■ ----- - -- — . » to support the | party upon the upon immigration and citizenship. Hi SnxitseliMiiierBOcrntswIiot'.regreat- i rig. who made an insinuating com’ lent i ' r- eiitiy concerning a res|fectatde la"y ot ('or. 7th anti B Street**, platform recently ___ r..... adopted at eon»is’» ni v be “the vic-of small mind',” , ly l>'iietited by tin war tariff are natu- 'tlie Bearcreek town, seems to have .ml a Graduate* Student« in ■('liii igo. I believe in protection for the tbe pf itev tion monopolists are a virtu-! rally going over to Harrison and Moi- ivaui-hing glimp-f- of a double-barreled country as a means to an end. I glory Any person wishing to sell property will find L. _ brained . 1 set, .. . ------ — »• N. y 1 ton. an | ¡8 ,|le jov of ||ie high I -hotgun. judgmg from thecard of "retrac- one ami . big savs .1 tiie CLASSICAL, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, it to their inter«»st to call and nee um . in the results achieved under it in the protectionists thereat. Tho Republican ' non' pimli-tied m Inst week's A-liland B ’ er/d. Manufacturar of and l»*. J«-r in paper. last twenty-five years; but, to my mind, NORMAL, BUSINESS, LAW ANO l>at>ers have gotten through publishing I the signs are many that in not a few di­ B rother L eeds of the Ti'h.iij,- is an I the names of these I>em«H'tats and are H. 11. Wolters, (tie mixologist, lias re- MEDICAL COURSES. rections protection here has done its ex;iert at some kinds of editorial work, j «tarring to republish the list. It is tlieir | opened the saloon formerly kept by A. It ! Carlson, thoroughly refitting it and mak­ perfect work and is now doing harm. and we were tilled with admiration jn-t 1 "la«t straw" to show that Cleveland is ing many iniprovenicnts. He has supplied Therefore, I believe in a revision of the before the June election at the skill weak. It is sevuiai months nefore No- the liar with the tim-i wines, litpm:- amt tariff upon principles directly opp-xed to with which he wheedled many of the venitier, and in that time voter« can cigars, ami a fine billiard talite can also be Institution of learning in the northwest. the Chicago platform. I had ho)»-d tho gemd Prohibitionists of this county out learn something Tne j»eople benefited j found there. «Jive turn a call for he will ANDERSON CREEK, b i rt»i terra begin» September 3d, !•**. Addre1« SADDLES AND ROBES Republii an party wonld itself undertake of tlieir votes on tin* sjiecious plea that by the high tariff are very few compared | tre,lt will, THUS. VAN SCf refine«l sugar in Barrels, J or Kent. would gradually transfer th«1 industries | idea! idea of a party of great moral idea» : ciple is to tak«> ten-cent pieces away of the country from an artificial to a than was the Democratic party; that from the masses to give dollars to the H iking thoroughly renovated anle terms to re- for can i&ge . from Sun Fram isco to . > Jacksonville <>f ONE (1) D<>L- com s., is demanded by th- true inter- looking towards prohibition from the ilEsVB.sCRIBF.BTAKEd PLEASURE LAR . 'I'l'iisibk' parties Fur terms ap|>lv to per ONE HUNDRED (lou) LBS. in uniioiinciliK that his steam saw-mill ••ts ..f labor. The policy actually out­ Democratic party, with it» op m opposi­ !'. .1. R wm . Jacksonville. Or. is new running mi full time ami turning lin'd teems to me full of danger to the tion to sumptuary laws, while the Re-1 T ii K it .«cALruRS advertised to New out a large quantitv of lumber, lie is pre­ country The higher and tighter the publican party might possibly do some- 1 York |2«> or to St. Louis $15 ovor the I« conu’cti-d with my barn»*«* shop Having pared t" fill all order« with dispatch, and at Cnril oj Thanks AND DE M FRS IN engag* «I the • rvic « of a find -ria»** fh<»**nmk»‘r. 1 dim h mad", the great-r the destruc­ thing for them, if they would just keep ; Canadian Pacific from Portlan 1 last the most n-asonalile rates. A fine quality of am prepar -I to manufacture boot« ami ahoea of week. We tender thanks to the neighbors and tion slii'ii the tl ><>d breaks through, and on paiiently waiting for them to do it. ta** latent «tyl - promptly friends of the surrounding neighborhood 1 cannot believe that a country no large A number o: the temperance people ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, My pn s in both e quite for their kiml attention through the fatal i reusonabi** a;.*i saur-faction guaranteeii 4/troy« Krmly. as the I mted State» can tie permanent­ gave heed to bis pleadins and—the Chi- 1 sickness of our son. ini-luding the best rustic, ceiling and floor­ \V. G. ( OOPEK. One Half Gallons ly held aloof from the great trade «■ago platform calls for free whisky. We ! If you will just take the precaution to i $2 25 per dozen. Mil and M rs M W. HrsL.ii'. Medford, Or . l>ec. 1.1 ks 7. ing. furnished on short notice. movements of the outside world.” have an idea that the far away look of ' keep a bi.ttk' of Chamberlain'a Colic. ! Satisfaction guaranteed. (¿nari « 1 75 “ “ Messrs William G. Low, John L. Moff­ unrest in Bro. Leeds' eyes is caused by i Cholera and Piarrhiea Remedy on band ; B. S. SMITH. i for Salr. >A?*rr ?1 HAL LOUIS LEVIN, ACENT att, ti. P. Coggshall ami Henry B. Aver­ the consciouane«« that he can’t play you will always be ready to cure anv form ¿ Vf >. * . « ■ <«f ill follow the examp •» of ex Mayor Low. that game on tho Prohibitionists again <>f bowel complaint, it ,« piepxred e»pec- , Tue undersigned, residing in Ashland, foli»' a ■ texce>- . ■«»»• • r»..-,< ut . w vigor ninni/ FOR ALL. $%•» \ WEEK AND EX- ¡ally for that purpose, and Is a sura cure, | I 1.as f< " rale two spans of fine, large mules j -------- J «1- Uwllnia pens0’ u:i;d. Outfit w«>rth ?*» and par- of rooth. <’ n«* Un D WANTED. *25« woek.nd »k;.e. Nervous •nd will vote tor C.evelin 1 and Thur- Even an enthusiast can see through 25c. Goods* HU P rensw p i"i. Steail» «"«>'. \í bi w wt.o — Ler bottle, bold at City Drug titore . and two Pcrvberou uisres with colts bv I nuiin, cuUrT. free P. G VICKERY-Ao- IfebiHt). S-inai Iioa, l. '.t Manhcxvd«etc. A aaa. I ILLI btopln f.-ee. J. F. HJLL 4ÖO. I gvu. that kind ul pntonse didt . •nd by £nzvl Bras.. Piraeu s. JaokeonviUe lygg. ' Uwu sidw w . h , M’ muum ' ' M .1II. CARSON A SOX. I'mpiii'tws. 100,000 TREES 0 ¿ L i F 3 « ii i A JOHN MILLEIl, GIAS. 1'ISTIII.S INI) BBll'MilnN. STRICTLY ONE PRICE ! ui* hlf‘. lianiware, I’ainis, Oil Varnish. Glass, Cutlery, Etc.. Iilnstraltd Catalog Order B», E bìcìgpcs ani Samples of Goels Free Jacksonville, Oregon Î TV TD L" : llAIIIIWlllt AMI MÄHE DEM (9^rsAsTrfaVCo^s. ~ rone hit 15.'< sV JOS. C. SHERIDAN. PROPRIETOR. I.TD^ o . o ^ yille HARDWARE cal CURE Tutt’s Pills LUCKEY & CO And the Celebrated Studebaker Wagons and Vehicles. CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE. T Ashland, Oregon . Rent. Lease and Handle Real-Esfiib' on Cmiimissioii. SUGAR! COOPER & SON, A Cho'Cb Collection of City and Country Properly for sale. MEDFORD, OR SUGAR!! Jlj BUGGY,C4RRIÂGE andTEAM Oldest Lirgest and Least Expensive S. S. SMITH, Prop’r T a b : ct and shod shop CICAR MANUFACTURERS Mason’s Fruit Jars LEAF TOBACCO, Nos. IIÓ i 11/ Front St, San Francisco. r U r, Jack.Monvllie. Oregon, it , E Atva^ilMn