MISCELLANEOUS . ll.lHHlMi HATLfi WITH OTIb- ÍK PVHLUA no.XH, Parties pajirg forth* T imes in advance at our roluced cash rates will be furnished any of the following named publication» in connection with Ch is paper at the pneaa given below. It will b»> noticed tl at there is a reduction of a’ least 15 per cent, on publisher®* customary rates in every tuatauve, and ¡u some much more; WEEK LI KM. r<>l*ai«» Weekly Blade 43 •etroit Free Frees............ .. 3 uu New York Star ............ 3 UO New York \S oi Id 3 IM) San FranciM-4» Examiner . . 3 fk Foil land Oregonian I 1 Harper’* Bazar................. 5 7t I < loneer Frt«*e . 3 00 v hieago New* . 3 UO ’iiasouri Repubiicun . 3 Un Globe Democrat............... . 3 (I) 3 il) Fbiiadeiphia Timea San F ik ,.<* i ® co ( all..................................... . 3 25 trank Leslie’s illu.*«trated yu|ar............. 5 7u 5 7U “ German Sunday Magazine.......... 4 50 5 Ull Popular Muuthly.......... Budget............................... . 4 30 r!»*asant Hours............... 4 50 M<>> THLlK*. WestShore. Portland. Or............................. ...Í4 (<• l entury, Scribner .*..................................... ... 6 tld Demorest’* M.'igaxine ............................. 4 it) ilodey’a lg«d> Book............................. . ... 4 St. Nicholas .................... .......... . 5 UR Harper’s Monthly..................................... . ...5 50 3 y» Vnerican Agriculturist........................... 4 un Harper's Young Pgople ............ Peterson's Magazine.................................. 4 o» Housekeeper...................................................... ........ 3 LÄI Otner publicutious will be furnished ata re iuced price when ordered with theTlUFM. 1 1 MUs PRiN UNG HOL SI Ja cksuuvilte Oregon. Be Origins little LIVER PILLS. rciXLT VT3STABL: I miZZTJT H41MLMB 1 l amaalrd .**• a 11% f K I'ILL. I>ors aw® gripe- OAF- PSLiri A IMSAg. % SMALLEST, CHEAPEST. EASIEST TO TAKE. Brw.ireof Imitati* »is, containing Poisonous Min» rub. Aiwa)a i*k for Dr. Pierce*« Pellet«, which art? little bugar-uualed Pills, or Aula- tMlio'is Granules. Bring Purely Vegetable, Dr. lderce’s Priirta operate without dialui banco to the system, diet, or (avupation. Put up in glam % lais, hurmetjoaily «rated. Always fr*t»h and reliable. rb» v an» u »noth» laxative, or an actne purgative, according to sue of dosa. SIM HEiDiCHE. Billon« Headarke, Biaaluea«, Constipa­ tion, Indigestion, Dillons Attacks, and all de range nienls of the stomach and bowels, are promptly rvheved and permanently cur d by th.* u*e ol 4>r. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pvlh ts. In explanation of the remedial power of tte»«4j Pellets over so great a variety of disease*, it may truthfully in» said that their aotiun upon th«- system is univer­ sal. not a gland or tissue etkapnig their sana­ tive mffuenoe. Sold by druggists, for 25 vents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemk-al I a B- eratorv of Wonu> a D ihpk . jart M kph al A ssociation . No. Oi) .Main bu, Buffalo, N. Y. JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET'. (coBKrcru> wriKLX.) Flour, per thousand lbs* ................. W hvi.t, per btwhel................................ Barley. “ .......................... .... «Uta. *’ ............................ . . Mill F?»ed, per ton ............................. Ila), wheat or timothy, per ton ....... Fxga, per dozen... Hutter, per lb................ I’otrtl’M H, per lb.......... i 'abbag**. ** ...... (hllUDH, .......... . Bean®, “ ...... Cornmeal, |»er Hf 11 m .. lard. ¡>er lb in tin* Haut aiui Bacon »■ • Dried Apple» per lb... I ’• Flinns, “ Pears, Peaches ’* .... Sorghum .Moteases, per gallon, i hirk**m«. per dosen.................. i fl.ikejs. • iikk*H........................................... i uwer*km® ................................. Catarrh CH*» of » Head w hicb they cannot cure. •YWPTOY1« OF CCTAHRII.-Dull. heavy headache. obMniction of the nasal pajMiu^®. dtochargv*« falling from the h»*ad luto the throat. eotn*'Unws profuse, watery, and acrid, Rt oth* r*. thick. ten«ci<»UM, tnucout, purulent, bloody and putrid; the < ye« are weak and watery, there m ringinjr in tb« ear®, doat ae«®. Lack intr or coughing to clear t!»a throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with ®cabs from ulcer«; the voice is clanged and h.u* a “niuoil twang”; the bi"«® h offensive; nmll ami taste are im­ paired; there w a Mnaation of di/xinefw, with mental deprtwrion. a lmvkni< cough and gen­ eral debility. Only a few ot the above-named symptoms are likely to t»e present in anyone <'«we. Thousanny frcni chrouic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said f must die. My case was sueh a bad one, that «very day, towards sun­ set. my voice would becotno so hoarse 1 could barely speak above a w lns|»rr. In the morning coughing aud clearing of iny thmat would almost strangle roe. By the use of Dr. Sage « ('atarrb Remedy, In thr»»e months. I was a wed mau. and the cure has been |H*nnanenL" uConstantly Hawking and Spitting.” T homa « J. R ohsimg . F*i., fjOf pine Street, St. Louie. Mo., writes: “I was g great sufferer from viitarrh for three years. At tunes I could hardly braathc, and was constantly hawking I and spttting, and for the laat eight months could not breath*» through tho nostril«. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck­ ily. I wivi »1 vised to try Dr. Sage’s Catarrh R> .»»»xly. and I am now a well man. I Udieve it so I*» rba <»nly mire remedy for catarrh now miiaabwtured. and one has only to give it a fklr trial to experience astounding results and a permanent r»ir«.“ A complete Ti’eatia*' on Catarrh, giving vaL iia!»> » hint.4 a.A to clothing, diet, nnd other met ■* of importance, will bo mailed, po pre part «! to meet serums caeca, should b*’ applied with Pond*® Extract N m « u 1 «yring**. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No oth»«r preparation ha* curad mor® <*■*-'»•'» of tbeexlhtre^iug complaints than the Extract. P«»u«i*® Extract Plas­ ter is turaluabte in the»** «tine.-uk*®, Liun- >'«go. Fains in Back or bkte. Ar. Diphtheria, Sore Throat ■ ( the Ext «5* ct promptly. Delay 1« dangerouM. ROGUE RIVER PlIpC Bleeding or Itching. It ■ llvot N the greatest known remedy; rap­ idly curing when other medicine® har® f.Aih ti. Pond’a Extract Ointment i® of great servlc® whore tho removal of clothing ia Inconvenient. DI STILLE RY ! For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples, JOHN À. ÏÏAHLIT. Pro. utc.l Th® Extract will never b® wittt- out It. Pond’« Extract Ointment 1« th»’ beat cmolUeut that can be applied. OREGON Female Complaints. Oatoa 4 (Jirrett, Oeasrxl *pnU major­ ity of disease* the Extract eon b® ni*cd.M isw*ll known, with the greatest benefit. Full direction® accompany ®aeh ' " caution . Pond s Extract A Pure, Unadulterated thn words “Pond*® Kxtraet'* blown in the glass, «uid our picture trtuie-niark on surrounding but? wrapper. None other 1® genuine. Alwavs insist on Laving l’o«y mt1.75. Prepared ®nly ky rOADff EXTRACT CO.. NEW I0BK AND LONDON. -4MK- OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Corn Whisky! VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINES. In 'Piantiti *• b» eud and at prices that euuncal elp t<» give «aUefarh »n. O ir li»|ta >ra art» abnidaiety pure, and »uicriur o au y in thia market. TLHF.M TH>N GUARANTEED. MESSENGER & SMITH, The Mt. Shasta Route i rime la.*tw»»en Medford and San twenty-four hour»». ( Ai.rroKNi \ BxriiK*s >.Ulh, PROPRI ETOIM OF 1 L“ tv») M ' I or I L »ava d J.'» P. M Vrriv»» San F mii ■•i-.* » L-' hv »*'FJ» p . m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS i for acc<»inn;f'dHti<»n of Socond ('!«•*■* Fan-enger1 O an aioda <»f Plnnmc. Re.Hawing. rarntntf. attached to !• xtir“n« traine. acd Br.Yt k t Work Make iiuMic. FbM»nng Cwihnir. rhin-E.lkt’d Hull? « and Mouhlii The (). A < • R. IL Ferry makes connection with i Dour* and HI in-1* in ®t<>ck an»l made to order. alitile regular train« un the East Side Divisimi from foot of F street. D JOB WORK SOLICITED. Weat Si.le Division. Hl. rii i’.t.N POKt’1.4 \l» A il*«!«.™ in W h II P»pB», <’urt»in«. ( «rp-t» u 411. TRAIX« DAILY ( IX< Ell HV5D\Y. ) Oilclirtha. I'Bint«. <>|I«*I‘I V«mi-h. the flnB-4 Im» ut Brl-ruuoi »nd ¡*»rlor Met,., l.t.f \ M Leave Portland Arriveft:15 F N 4 hair« anti Kucll»m .nd 4L» m*»«t <*r»n>|>h‘t.'*t u-. No ■.ox. i> m . X'-: iv • M • ‘I I i ».':. trouble to ®how gou»M. Remember th»» piao»». ’ A’ Albany an»i (’orxaili® connect with train* of MK8SENCER A SMITH, Pacific. Ashland, Oregon. | Oregon F«»r information regarding rat w, map*, etc.. •»»« 1 t’onipany’eagent at M«'«ifor i E. P* KOGERS. • Ant. G. F. »A Paen. Ai{’t. H. KOEHLER Manager THE STAFF OF LIFE ! THE ROGVK RIVER STUM FLOURING MILLS aving kk knita hken befitted «nt WJ.VANSCHUYVER&CO Xll uicxt.m ifuirnv»ni»nt.. ar* now tnrnlin, H out > 6r.l-riiu>-* artirl« of Hour, which 1. p'lt up in ‘»barrel wk*, and -,.r» aaca ‘a wurranl-l to oantaui W p..nnd. of th»ur If ,«u don t b-h«.« this ju»t compare a sack of our Hour with any othar brand otter«»! for «al« in thia market, and n<>*< tha diAaretare in weight. Flour and Mill-Fe<-d Cunatantl» ob hand aud exchange,! for wheat BARLEtf ROLLERS. Hxvinw wld- 1 a®*t«»f Itarley Roller® to rnvmdi 1 hav® ®“t a pari every Haturday to Roll Barley for ■QfttoiDt'r*. Tb» work will be done on short »«tkN*. ®o that nartir* . an return with their gnM the ®am* 1 state l.ut Mon i.iy. Hogue Hirer Kitlley Land ¡or Sal^by ficott riftin, of Tulo. vxiMPRovED L ands : 4«. acre» near Central Point $4>)o Ni acres north of Medford ' 1 o > 120 acres southwest of E m!e I' • -.’o o. Itio acres 5 in. l.-s »■ .-t ot Polo 240 acres • miles f.-ot.; I U $■504» I. ’■tt 1 Hr a ril’KoVr.D F \ km in xt Allen \V. Thurman, son <>i ; 1J)| acres east •>! Central 1’»- He 4 i.-4—president is in San I-’.alien* bid acre: south ol Tolo, The TIÌ14.N I ihh h circuii»! iuta oí if,400 is visiting lh>* coast on pleasure. acres on railroad 3 Jo acres Ilin o mi es ’O.iHhv •< »• im £«*»! r ujaiy «*e<4 bt'htreii Fori laud hik I Keon.” Very approp iate for a candi­ .411 tip. knowing theiu-r ives indebted date w ho ia running as a son, grand on ■ to • has. Nickell, either on note or l*)<>k ac- an ! g’.-at g andson. I count, arc requested to call on him and Net Edison has at last (terfected his pho­ tlvat<»n e. The books of the T im » office, ALL SORTS. 1 under the ol( Baker city have ill- into general use as acees-jory to tl.e tele­ out. An early settlement is reqm ted. reitilv -liipp«..),ikki pounds of wool Campaign Hats. Ill thn criutitial court ill Portland I»r, t.>* a large wool business this year and Samples of bats which will be w«»rn a intend tncie isitig their facilities mr ban I- Wm Eisin was lined CI S) for causing a >?rear deal during the campaign by adher­ libelous article to be published in the ling this product next year. ents of b<»th Cleveland and H.irrison, t an Sifiinyt of April 7, litK, rellecting upon now be h 'd at the 8. F Variety Mur , "1 know that voti love me.” »die said, tho Bev. C. J. Larsen. Jauks<>nviEe. They are elegant, and or because when 1 lay my head against 50 each Call and see them your breast your heart heats so loud I i Bartley Campbell who died last week in can hear it.” “That,” gaspeil the po >r fellow, as the truth dawned upon him,— tin* Bloomingdale. N. Y., insane asylum, were taken to Pittsburg, Ins f jrmei “that is not my heart. That’s my home, for interment. I Waterbury watch.” llo Wong Chong, a Chinese laundry­ T. .1. Wel<-h of Hi tford. Conn . sold h - I lack stallion Atlantic to N Minanie man of Kansas city, has this to say of of lloiue, Italy, to-day, for $l.».00O. He the Republican party and its candidate: also sohl the hav mate Valkyr for $'J0od, "Mo likee lepubhean palty , dhnkee flee to the same patty. Atlanta s' reconi is win kee ant votee for llallison and 2.21, but in a trial heat here l.e made a Moltiui ail.'O timee." WHY do I have this drowsy, life- tulle in 2 :17. Vaikyr’s record is 2 tilt'd The flag-staff of the Palmer house at less feeling? WHY do I have Back­ "CaMorlBl.iowrllBdBptMtochlldrrathat Ca»»orto;«»ow»I!*n his daughter, aged kt years. He waived examination, and was held to answ» r la-fore the grand j try in |5,000 bonds. The Milwaukee ITuroiis/n exults that the nomination of Harrison “has fore* v<-» »lissipated the Chinese bngal, o in puli tics," ami that the "Caaforn a b» I awl- —1 a inan J. H, McKune, e.iititr :in 1 I'reti-ietor era" have been iorced t“ accept pro- of th * Long Creek Emjlr, attempteil e-.it whose pre—Chitu’se ira-ord is ’’a1 nounr-e i as that of H iw lev of Conu r.'i t- ci’l** in I’endleton by alviotiiig. Four j ient.” Hhots wen* fired, only one of which took I effect, lie now li<>»- in a very precarious Montana ■ hipp d 135,o *> mn't n ••l.eep 'condition from a buliet wound in the to the ea-t last year, and it is th right ' si I 1 mixtureon nmeacri-sof !an< 1. lie cut the he ld on the range. i r< i wi en green, as noon ns th»* barky Judge H. Clinton Cow.es, who hus was ripe, tied in .«diet>vcs, cured and .stor­ just di-'d in Empire, Col w.is faniiiiarlt ed it in the barn, and aays that he never Known in the west astir,* Frail BlaZT.” bad a better aulistitute for hay. He was a N 'W Y >rk»-r by birth aq I ’.va Th»* Senatr* committee on claims baa the pioneer “man of law” • n the linnet aullioriz d Senator .-tel»art to report the tied Territory IL» wa* the favorite Ju Ijp* [veb l .ati-d Ben Holladay claims iavm- ol tire ohl tin • lninv’sand noone thought al.ly provided the creditors would a«, gn [ of ap| ealm fiom his doei^iuns. the Mime to the widow ami clni.ir.-n. who have nootliei piojierty. This claim I ij K he» li b. lore tin.* two Houses of 4‘on gte-s foi more than twenty years, ami was always reputed favorably. Chti L Jinherr died at Myrtle Point aged 72 years. tears. M" M- Lehn Terr I July 7. , was one of the early settlers of Coes county and had long sntlered from phy­ sical infirmity. The rleatl, of bis wih Tbi* work of hauling rock and excava which occnred only a few days previutis ting tor the foundation of Horn A Jones’ greatly depressed trim and he de. Iat< d new 110,4)00 brick hotel and store at he h i l no wish to live longer. Hornbrook is und» r way. A 4'iitld* r- A Dr. Rolsrt Morris, the ¡«x-t laureate of Son have the brick cm.tract ami have Free Masonry and one of the most dis burnt a 12,000 kiln already, fhey will tmgn.-hed masons in the world, ,lied on burn 300,000 brick th -re this sea-on, tl.4* Gist ult., at bis horn» in I.a Grange. most of which will be n«e 1 in the build­ Kentucky, of paralysis. His age was ing. twenty-six years. He is the only mem­ The grain yield throughout tha Wil­ ber of the ancient order who was ever lamette valley this yeai is g".i:g to he honored by the rank and appellation of marvelous. Seventy-tiv* miles up the poet laureate of the craft. The funeral of the late Courtlandt 1’al wr st side road, through Washington. Yamlnll and Volk counties, we have not mer, th-j New York agnostic who was wrn as fimr prospects in fifteen years, the founder of the Nineti imth Century hundreds o acres standing »*. high as a Club, took place on tit-* 27th u,t. Col. man’s hfa t, beautilu'dy liea led out, and lii.tie t Ingersoll ileltvoir* 1 a most e o- very niesli containing its plu up kerm*l. qilent funeral oration over the dead olitan journals (nearly all of daughter. them) copied the fact. Now, Till says The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics if Cleveland is re-elected, he w.ll roll, reports that the total number oS immi­ tree of charge, from E l White's saloon grants arrived at the ports of the United to the crossing of the Planer ditch at States from tho principal foreign coun­ Cary's market. Ten to one that Till tries, except from the Dominion of Can will roll. ada and Mexico, during the month en­ W. C. Griswould’s Topographical Sur­ ding June 3<*, 1SSS, and the six and veying party came to A-hlaml for sup- twelve months ending the samcil ,y .com­ plies, etc., on Tues lay of last w»*ek. Toe pared witii the same periols of the pre­ party has been lining preliminary work ceding year, «as as follows. In th,- in Josephine and 4 uiry counties so far montti ending June 30, 1SS7, <2>,.’ls4, in this year. They rejmrt thu country in June, 18SH, t».s,47.j; in the six months en which they have lieen Working unusually ding June 30, 1SS7, 2s<'i.4Th; in tho six rough, the mountains fa-tween Josephine months ending June 30, ISMS, 310,211; ami <'u* ry counties I sing almost “un­ in the twelve months ending June 30, 1SS7, 4S3,llt>; in the twelve months end ci i matde.”— Tidin'./*. ingJiine.lO, 1SSS, 53ft,HIM. The number. f The Princess Wilhelmina, heiress to German immigrants was 107,614, an in­ the throne of Holland, is now seven crease over last year; the number ot years of age, ami has j 1st been betrothed English and Welch immigrants was 83,- to the Prince of .-vxe Weimar, who has 132, an increase over last year; Irish rear-lied tlm <-ompsratively mature age immigrants numbered 73,238. an in­ of twelve. Tne matrimonial combina­ crease; Swedish and Norwegians imtn tion will, if both children live, ii.-ute the 72,615, a veiy large in. reas.*, and Ital­ Countries of Holland and Saxe-Wiemar. ians counted up 'il,07 ,. an inert use ol The king of Spain will doubtless be pro­ about 4,OhO. The immigration from l’o vided with a fiancee as soon as he is land (whether Russian, Austrian iu through teething. 1'rtisaian not stated) fell oil' from last A physician thinks that a law should year. la* made to prohibit the use of galvan­ The I'jtitmhitr ¡or the ( ampaign. ized iron lemonade squ- exers. He says File S. F. ‘’Examiner" is the be«t pn, er that every time a lemon is squei zed in one of these machines the acid of the on the Pacitic coast, an 1 should be in evciy Subbcr’.|»!i».ns lemon, coming in contact with the zinc, lp»U*»* »hiring the to both th«* daily au«l weekly taken at the dissolves the same and forms a poison­ T imes office. ous salt. Zinc is a metal which is easily attacker! by the weakest acids, and no article of food or drink should ever be allowed to conn* in contact with it. When Baby was sick, we gave her (Astoria, The candidates for clerk in Umatilla When alia was a Child, she cried for Castoria, county have been having a contest. The old incumbent, although defeated by When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. three votes according to the returns, W’ucu sLe bad Children, she gave them Castoria clairnerl that accortling to one of the tal­ ly sheets in Pendleton precinct hr* was rler-ted. lie refused to turn over the iifftand a contest «4« h.i-l anil th».* votes ri-counte-l, resulting in hi* ek*c- v'.lli any Throat or tion. The r»-i t>iint showi-d that he lind VX.' k . x V trifle Lung Disease. Ifyouliavo r»-<*eivi r. Front vid Morriann Stu.. rouri.nD, W arners S afe C ure Notice. and WARNER'S SAFE PILLS your l ure in Certain. WHY do we B E(AIKE ands of grate- woiuea in all world havevol- ten us to this Fte* eteamc-r WM. M. IIOAG will leave Poritet.d f«»r Albany on Friday. July L7th, aft« r which ? date, on account of very low water in the Wiliam-tie m<*r, our boats will not run until furtte r know this ? notice. tens of theus fui men ami The alsive trains connect at AQl’INA with the Oregon l)evtd<>p- parts of the untarily writ­ ment Company’s Steamship Lino Iwtween Yaquina and San Francisco. ?*•«'! I ’ i El r««f Rrirk. Flrvt«rlaM Inali Rt*«p»»rt« TMO3. CHINEAN, Praprhtar. t VTb» *'>wB*» ’d R«*«taohi »*T«f pwrflcuhw •»» un«urp.v»«ed in Important Notice. ALL OVERDUE NOTES AJ1D A( ( OUNTH owtntf t<* tà« *nd®r®i|ined mua’ be «Mtted bj A«ir’®t L WW. ur ’b»»y will h<* pieced in an a’lor- n»’T <» hauda for forced coUMti**n. I mast hnre what t®«4ae tae. erd flu* noUcw niMWi« JaM wbat All of_ Warner’s Purely Vegetable. on honor. They They aro No New C. H. HASWELL, preparations are They are mad< are time-tried. (ien'l F. .V F. \ r’t, Or«*u«»n l> v«’lo’ it ;-»! ’ '*«» , ■'.< I M«»-i»*»«»ni»»ry S’ S«n Ei ’i: « i*-»* . < r Discovery, Fn* tried and Worthless; on the con* trary, they have stood the test—they Lave proved their superiority. They stand alone in pre eminent merit, and i J j Address Registered Letters to • * M ’ihiif:u*t>;r< is >>f tin* YOl liNOW IT. V ava \ 1 J U CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE ! : thousands pi :.f »*• sumption. <’ • . i I Acker's Enj preparation kn w;x f .• i. I j.u sold vu a pobitivo ^uaruutco For Sale at <’itv Drii^ Story It ear® JetèmYUi«, ;ra J. C WiMO. X ATI ON 11. I INK -Nrn Orleans. I. |>VL’\n> L*I> r ••»•■( ’’••• pr*-.-*'L”.* <’f 1 11 1 j JI 1 j Ji I <»r»il*- Beauregard ur:d I ar ly. wh<» are in charge of the drawings, n* a guar­ antee of abx »lute fairness nr,d integrity, that th»* • •Lan.,?’i ar»- all equal, and that no one can p<»»-i- blv 4i;vi’4’ w! »■ uiu ' m ’J k w.ll draw a i’nz . REMEMBER a’heTr m-n’ of all Friz - 1-t.l HBMi.ll in KH d GIIIIMI l’MXK> New Orlean** and the ticket* are signed by t President of an Insti’ution. chart r»ght* are r»»coguiz»*d in th»’ I igi.Mbt < «»u: ’>■; tl - fore, b’-ware of any imitation* or auODyuiour scheme®. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. MISCELLANEOUS THE LADIES MILLINERY ! L j Ladies' Furnishing Goods. (View of renceiri position.) Both Knit and Mu-lin. For Farms, Ranches, Orchards Gardens and Lawns. INFAMTS' WARDROBE, COMPLEX A r cheap a* to be bo ight any place; ate” hìlàrcn's Shirt Clothes, Under I year*» »»hi > ic a r A h«Ruf iful line of ITOSI RRY ’. I>Vli A AAI> (’HEAP ill the 1 «-un y ( ourt id the State of Cr •n f»u JuckHun < »’unty. In the mait»»r of the < i a:nil’T Mite .» 11 and A.v ma J or heir* of 11«»-* opitc »»f W»'nej C»’»»">'-»1. I\ ILRSVAN- < i KÀ <*i.’. dii OT 1H! 1 ■ 4»u:,i 4 ( iu;’. k <»n«’.»U' y. Or« uoî,. ma«io Ju y .'-i. !' •■*. 11 u'« gin’»i iruardian of th»’ mi:.«jr heir* of \\ «-bl- y Aliud. IL <»•-ceased, »ili ofl.-r bu Fule u» the hitLert b.»i»kr f- r «-arh, on i>altirfa , .»<■ f .^t 11, ISSS, at on«* o'clock J . M.,at il.»* vo'iit.hot’ft' d-><»r iß Ja< kft--i vili»-. O h a !«. i ;, ail t'.e r^-M, title a;.J in of Hie - .ni .L. ::. ’ bandit r Miti bell add Alvu.a.l. .Mi’ctit-H, nirnor®. in ai.«l to the f«»llvw- lnrftl'-fccnle’d real pn>’ • rty Lota one. two airei tbr« «- oi k - - • 1-. ’i»wn»4iìp 3r> H«mlb. rung»* n.’* w •»«’. ruii:ain»iJk» Î7 V»> acred. •>Hual*”i ii'J. <‘k-on «•. un‘y. l-H>’oa. Mi?j-. piantiti, vs Mm A. L«»ewy. HURT. Medford, Or. lai J. R. WRITSMAN, Vice Free ident. To IVui lj»>*i»y. tt.e af»«»\e-r: apj ”.tr in - it . i a »I K!i-W.T ’Je oeupiai I’ of -».»bl pi, lutiti tl.e l against you. within ten days from Hie tun ..t the b«'tvice.,f this M?n’mon* <>u you. if .»uve»! wifl.'n said county; or. if ser.ed on you ,vithr. any othet county in this Stat«», tie-n within twei.ti days from tlie time of the s » tv ice; or, if ►»•rv-»f on you < ut of th«’ S’at»* of Or gon. «»r b\ puhitr.-i. tion.thenby tin* first day of the t*init:fi<*d that unl-s-you appetir a?i.I auswer sai ! < ..ii|>i...i t tn first Buy of the regular term <’f the al».»- ntled court, to I h * begun in.,! held on tl *•’.!-■ Mond. > in Soptenila r. A !).. b*-. the sam»- t**l mg the .id «lay of said month, the phiu t ;R w il) take a dem e against you a cordir g to th»- j ra* * r of t a«d Com plat nt. winch is. that the b»md-\.f matrimony now and heretofore ♦ listit.g b» t v. e»-n plaintiff and defeuitant be * n **i-.f this suit to be ’ t> < Ì. And you an- further n«»:n..»d l.at ihisMMi^oi.n is served by pablicstton. I ; ord< i..»f th. .ludge f said court, dated July l(i l-** P. I*. PRIM. AH’r for Pi fl J. K. ELDERKIN, S» *c. nnd Mi idstin » »f Liai»» anti Silk Zephyr Shawls, ! In the Ju-t ic»’’- Court of the State of Grc^--: . for the precinct of Ja<*k?»oDvHJe <’li«*irle* Nitkeli. i .ain’t* v* ( . Jin.ptrt. de­ fendant. Acfi'Vt a* law !•» r»’,’..\cr money > < . Lt'cnp'*!’. •'<‘tit1 di’fvihi.’tnt. SlHLNiMi (») lit) SI Alt (H ORI gc ». >oU ar«- Lor» l»> ri'quin d to app»*ar and a:, rer the complaint tii»*i mt ai.-t y<»u c pteintifl in the nL »ve entitled action, within ten titled that, if y<»u fail to HiiS’Ver <-on.;»hiii.t ai> h I h 'V»* require»!, t he ptelbtltt Will apply ?o tie court for the relief demanded therein.* For a judfinent ag;nn®t you for th“ *uni f eigh­ teen doiiar*«. with ii’icn-t at th»- rate of »igat p«»r cent. perMnnam from the 7th «lay of April. A. 1>. l&u. and theco-t® and diU u wnitr.t® of thuac­ tion to b»» taxtF.M»>. RATU' PtMEs for * x utn ■ w t k* by onh r of W. J. P;y hh I«-, ■f<’X Jifk^wnvilo pi• < inct, ()j t made nr j LI i Li i ¡"H Li t I have added to my «dock the f<»ll«»wing clax?* g«MMÌe, of winch 1 have a full line: CORSETS, Guardian'» 3.n uro horeby informed th’** i ud.lltlou t<» a Inrun* and vl.'U Uil but* of Of PAID Aló 1 ’». WM ULRICH. District Agent Vl\ #«0,000.00 OREGON MtOFORD. OREGON CONDUCTED BY FOR SALE. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES TOWN LOTS I The Scholastic year of this school will com­ In the Town • >f FARMS FOR SALE. mence ab«»ut the end of August. an«l im divided in four wssion* of ten w« ek* each, I OFFER FOR SALE ON REASONABLE ’ rm <10 D<» I lone of the b»»< S’i»<*k or Dairy Farm* in South floard and tuition, per t»»rm.................. 15 <>: •»ri> Oregon, situated on I)eer < reek. .J*»-U’|»lnn* Music................. • ............................... H IMI county containing 320 acres of neb bottom land Drawing*und Painting............................. . 8 (XI <»Hp«*ctally adapted to the growth of timothy bay Bed and Bedding..................................... an cleared. There 1* a stream of wat» r running Junior “ ......................... Preparatory “ .............................. ... H <»> through t he place the year round, affording plenty Senior and Graduating Department.... .... 10 Oil of water f"i stock and some for irrigating. I'he place is all inclosed by a c<»od rail fe;i’acres J» II HASKELL. For full particulars call upon or address Town-Site Ag nt (’. P. R. R., San Francisco, ( al. (). J. VANNOY. Kerbyville. Oregon MONTAGUE FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS! CENTRAL HOUSE, Ashland, Oregon D THE BOSS BOOTS T AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S Settle Up Notice. ¡and China I’iss Fur Sale. SMOKE fOO DOW® Gws Doftar. \ 4 W OKIE T imbeu L and , A ct Jr m : 8. Ie7b. Cnil- d SUt»* L mh I Offic*. R »H.’i»ur*?. Or. > July 2». K**t ( VOI K I is HTRI 10 GIVEN 1 HAI LN < «»*:- I 1.1' w ? I..’ ¡*r *v '•*!■»! «»f tl«-* «u t <»f ( <»n- ;.’i .*.:• »»f Jun--.-, i*?**. eiititied “Ana«’t forti.- r-aia of Hinte r lai «.ft in ’!.«• 8ta’« ft <1 < abfori. ... O « - g««n, N-vada an«l Waftiiiiujton l. rrii«»ry < J.ar'»-B J ’k»- •: .State \¡< k. :i of J hc I.- ot v.lb . our ly 01 ,Lt» ■! ( >r« -i-.i a® : l »- -iL. - i; ’ 1 • 4 • . . : I \.l, . ’i.; Ü ” pur« : • > ••» !-l \ “ pN - - " 3 1 . ai d will oil« r j .< -f to *L >w I. it li?* and iM.ugbt i», mor«-valuabb’ fur it» t nib- ror ft’<'?e than for agrrculturaJ parpo*»rind to «•fthbliftlj • ii- claim to ®«ud laii’i te’for«* the !*• ,’i.*b r a* d R«-.’i*i, -r of tLi* «/th ■ at R’»*vLurg, < »1 , on kn? -lay .*!■•• ¡Vili «lay « f < »»•-«4- t . i-’j-y if’ 1 - • a& with«’*’»»’ **:t bar»»«* llora.of D v ** kií ft.Jíi«'kM»n < «».. Or., .loft ph (ò-pp’-rt ai d IhrddrUf F-r.-ckl y »f I Ik! buH«’. Jack® .’ Co.. Or.. A iu .M . „.pfim i-. id >L \Li-t» r » f J«**-« j.- . » < « - Any and »»¡1 ¡»« imh ;- cte.iniiux n vvT-o’.y ¡ « above d< scribed landa are 1 1 d U» ? !• ? • r claim»» in Pu” < -i; •« on or te*f«^re «»api L.'ll« d.’-.y *-f Uct.ote r, la--e. < HA.». »V. JOilNSl'rN, lb ; t !. Passenger and Freight Rates Always lhe Lowest. M. E. Williams, Prop’r Hood’s Sarsaparilla Notice for Publication • N ote Ti' ket* draw i;g ( hj .it.tl Prize ;»i»' e.ititl» «! t" terminal i riz«-*. F<»r club rat»*, or any fur' her infonnati< ----- -------- ap- pij (o . Hi* u:.d'”M*:n»‘»i. Your liandwriting muat b.» distinct an 1 signature plain . More rapid r - turn mail delivery will r»<- H-» ar»* ar«» ‘25 PRIZES Ob I .- bn PRIZES‘op 5u0 ar»* 2oi I'lUZLs OF 3»t) are 5D’ PRIZES OF -i«t are APPROXIMATION FRIZES lun Prize* of approximating to Prize are............... I mj Prize», of approximating to >lO,l«r Prise are ............ ft 1! Pf lZ' H of f I «> approximation to i’dt.lDU Prize are.................. TKKMINAI. l UIZKS. 1W Prizes c»f $1<«) decided by S3 Prizes are i*99 Prize» <»f íiuu decided by $1 U.fjiiu Prize are ... There is no stanl iy ease. You are either growing Willa i4«tt*» V J <'v........ : •• 24 th ........ “ 29:h Friday.. . .. w.tii:» da; .. Better or Worse. How is it with WilLitWf“ \ .11< '. 'Hu® < 'ompany rnHerve® tn“ right to ctiang»* dh’ur tl 1 »«q without notice 1OI? I’.t-s? ligers from I* »rtl tn»l un i all Will i n •" ■ V til", ¡»»mt» «’in nrik«‘eL mi* connection with tb«* 3,134 Priz«’* anvHiEtintf to........................ $1.';5| -••• Jim Westfall, th** wealthy Chinese use Acker’s English Ilcmcdy and prevent It is a positive cure, merehant ami railroa'l contractor of further trouble. I’rico 10 and 60c i Salem, returned with a bride, an aud we guarantee it. clitr-ated Chinese l.uly of Portland, WIESTS FOH married n-cenilv where they w re ........... . .. ....... Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castori CYRUS KOBE DISTI ERY , Westfall is a ne-mber of the Baptist j I—■■■. I..... church and he and his bride talk gocxl — JOS. SCH ITZ S BREWING CO , English. A reception was attended JACKSONVILLE, OK. Choice Land» For Sal«. MILWAUKEE BOTTLED BEER. with tlie usual Chinese din. The groom wore a l‘rin<-e Albert coat an-l |1 >i: SALT. Soin ACHI'.S OF l,\SI) II# A' HIS luokeil extremely happy as ho assisted KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA PROP 1 of It 43 an establiihcd fact that Hood's Sar­ VEIT SCHUTZ farm laud in the valley, good for fruit or his Chinese brethren in firing large saparilla has proven an invaluable rented, E. K. BREITMAN, Proprietor, B. SHL'l’Z RESPE* I’FULLY INFORMS BITTERS l ’ wo thon*ee riding high np- Hood s Sarsaparilla has done for other, It FARM FOR SAJLE NEWLY FURNISHED. ; on the sea ot politics. We congratulate OT14T IS IIEKEBT GIVEN THAT THE firm <>f T. L. Hull A h»r»t..f<>r<’p Id his hotel , having bkfnthobovc . il For further particular®, enquire on the r.remi®e* Gold Hill. Or.. July U. 1-W. could hardly walk, and we, confined to my ly iep»ir«d and n*w’y fwrui’hed.rank* among (ir adilr»**® G. B. CALDWELL. , bed a good deal of the time. Being rec­ Ilnrhl^n'1 Arnie" finte. th»» »e®t i Southern Or.’gun The nao i ew And all of ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I aud eitan u; d tho table« NUpptied wi'h the bent The l»e«»t salve in thè w »rid f*»r Cura PARKER'S FARM FOR SALE. the market niford*. Urti...... * >r..., l’le. r«, bali Rhrntu. F.-v. r took four bottles and am perfectly well. HAIR BALSAM 1 cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla •■■ori ". 1 <’ter. < l.npi" *1 ILtii l*.. «.'hilblaiti’, ¿b'lRMW •?»r no ; ay r«'<|uired. It world.” W----- Hair to it® Youthful Color. being under cultivation and the balance bemg D MSI VALED GOODS! may reata*mr« fc'ive porfe. t *ati«fa< t:on or rr.rf^i»cnlp rents per box house. I torn and outbuildings ar* connected with j M E WILLIAMS. For -alo bv all drilKtfi-t». place. Title perfect and term* reasonable | lhat Linkvilio, Or . May 15. Ittv. (ER SCINCERTONIC the For further particular® apply to th»? T imf - i 1M3 • for < ..ughs. Cold«, Inward Pain«. Exhaustion. office or J. H. (iRIOSBY. Pilei.' rile*.’ Hrhing Pile».’ begi Central Point P. O 4 I.L PERSONS IN DEB TED TO TIL. KHTATE S ymptom 4» - Moisture; intense itching and sting­ nie t Zl. <»l iS. P. Hanna. wi thout furti.ei dolaj . O n’ment »»top*» the itching nnd bleeding, heals i muí i fruit or farming tend si’tinted at W»l!ow H. K. HANNA. • a u H XI) ( OTTAGE FARM. ONE MILE Springs. 1 u! • ario;j. and in m'»Mt raA>« remove^ the tu­ »..a «... ------- ■. . —u. ». A. Prov*»n iron*-proof for \ ears, fit!»' Admin BtiHtur of the pstat*» of 8. 1* Hfuina 5u cent«». mor*4. At druggist*, or bv mail, for .1 »Miat of ('«nt tm I r»»int, at B**ar cr“<»k bridge, perfect. N<> bott* r fruit land in thi* county P roudfoot , letter carrier, Chicago, Ill. Dr Swayne A Son. Pldiadelphia. rhoroughbred Poland (’hina pig*-i»ndigree and Will prtaluce fine grain or alfalfa For form«, decea*»*«1. MEDFORD. OR registry shown to th »*« who wish for it. Male apply soon to Wo thill be glad to tend, free of charge B. W. DEAN. Jacksonville, Or. I r, the CLiMren. 4’hey are ea- to all vi ho may detire, a book containing many and f»»male parent hog® not conniTt'-d. R . . FIELDER ’ XH PISTOLS AND OTHER FIREARMS additienal statements of cures by J m the lies’ style and new one® made yjvWxj peciaHy liable to sudden to ora»r bewing-marhin»s also repaire»! and Colds, Coughs, Cronp, Whooping Congh, put in tir'»t-<*tN«« »j^der Settle-up Notice. Wo giiarartee Acker’s English Pru-e® toaiut the U hi .*.» H’.diea*i®faction guarau- etc. H«)W .4COOMF1J -HE1» l.v-ry *•»;• -nld ‘■•ii'cr. | It saros Bold by til druggists. |l; ilr J. r »5. Made teed Remedy a positive cure. KAKFV: IT'.’ < ■ ' » A« the nnd‘>rsignnd i® doting up his black Give me a trial. EHSIAN BLOOM, hut C.-} > .* i i> | Sold by only by C. I. HOOD & CO.. Lowell, Mass. amidi bu*ÌQiwi at J i3k*»nvili «. th«»*'.* indebfcd to ( hours of anxious watching. B. STHÄA4. tifier, Rhin Cox» -ad Ulemi.b Er.4lr;«tor ^-çau. City Drug ¡More, M*Uuri Or. fB’Â^DÂâk5w£â* it. Mrn«Æirr Lai.d < ffl,* 1’ If»»ft» bur®, < n . ( July 51.1» - a . I Nor • E IS HEREBY GIVEN 1HAI Till f«»llowinR-nani»Hi eeitb rhaft tiivd notic--of hi», intention to make n ul j.r -of i uh t <»f lilt» clanu. »'■'’! that ’- ■ni pn <•: v. .1! b - it .» !.. I.».- fore the J t.cL“. or in I.i - al»- t t..r»» t !.«•! 1» : k of th'» f ount) < oart «P •! .'k *»t < ■. Or U‘»n. ut Ja<”i».<»’ vili»‘. Or.. «•;. Mon«!.*}. I , I '-'». . z: H«*r.fA Klock. L< hij *—’» ad »T.sr N >. »•’ 2 for 1’ »• L of bl 4 SW -4 ..f SE 1. K • • OT. u H’ f Nt A • »1 NE ’••4. ft»-ction 23 Tp. 3‘i S. R •’ w» -t. \\ \|. ii" riun.eb the foRowifaJ M i'.D» to :>.< .»■ hlr* « o.1- ii;.’»n. ami < u ’. y '.’ ioij o'.-,u* vilte Jackaon county, Oregon < HAS. w. JOHNSTON. R f CAPITAL PRIZE, S300.000. N pAITLE ANDHORSFS BRANDED HL ON V !®ti h.p. Al®«' caul« branded ~ on left • ide or hip; al*>* cattle branded with a figure 2 on l®f’ »iido or hip. 1 he »»r-murkh of the aiH»v»’ te and® ai• »Lurf crop in left ear and Ion« crop in ri«ht. Ateo cattle branded with sF on left hip, and rnark*Mi crop in right ear anil' i U HI 11EBY GI\E.X ¡HAT THE rt i |\i follnw ing-ir.. at Ja< ksoi ville. Or. <>ii Thuraday, We the und*'r*igned Rank* and Bank«!* vitL August 10. v z . R'»b»-rt Enins, pr.- empi ioli pay mil Piiz**ó.’. fot th» >W ■ »-INA . i \V > teri< b which ay be prHnented at our counteib of bW l4 . S« 4’ J •, l'p. 37 H.. K 2 west. \V. M. Jle R M WALMHLEY !.ann> thè followm.* u linee—»» to piove |,is con- Pre*. IsouiHiaua National H- nk tuiuoas render,» upoa. ai.«l cu!’..’i’.<» i of, sani P. LANEUX. land, vu : l 'Li- Poppervi’rl». 1. . lin. wlcs. l’refi. Stat« .«ational Ba« k. J«»hn Damar «.nd bave! Lu.n. .ili of Jackson­ BALDWIN. ville, Ja kson coiintv, Or* ► -r Pre®. N. (). National Bank < HA8. W. J< HlNSi'ON, lEri-ter. ( AHL KOHN, Pre*. Ui.ioii Natioual Bank ache? WHY Neuralgia and Rheu­ matism? WHY does Scrofuloas taint and Erysipelas show itself? BEC.tl'SE your blood is filled with l'oison. whicly must be Com­ Than by any ether Route. pletely Eradicated before you can regain health. You must go to the First-Class Throuoh Passenger anil Freight Line front PORTLAND Academy of Music, New Orleans. root of the matter. Put the Kidneys ainl nil points in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY' to anil from .SAN At the Tuesday, August 7, 1888- —the great and only blood purifying FRANCISCO, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers: jrgans—in complete order, which is ‘‘WM. M. HOAC,” THE “N. S. BENTLEY,” THE ‘‘THREE SISTERS," complete health, and with 100,000 Tickets nt Twenty Dollars Li’.'ive Portland at 8 a . m . on Mondays, Wi’dnesdavs and Fridays from each. H.ilv»sa»SlO Q‘i.xr* ers at S-V Tenths nt $2. Twentieth . at $1. Messrs, llulman A Co.'s Dock, 2 >■) and 2'12 Front St., for Corvallis ami LIST OF PUIZ.FS interiueiliate points, making close connection at Albany andCorvillas 1 PRIZE Ol t-io».«»’» 1® 1 PRIZE OF i n.«»»» 1ft with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. 1ft I PRIZE OF 5 ojo . M WINTER Dc COfE. (IIEIl IHLrUULLIIhDlATRlBITEl). Lcuisiana Siali alìciy Conica 7 for Infant« and Children to JackMon, .hKvpbin» i.uil luiiiiti»'». tiiinitieaM i» cat ahoiild (akt ñola* ol Chaw. KI himmi I i Chicago was struck by lightning on lite niornmg of the Bist ull. >eveial bun- tlre, <»r.. at Ja.-kfobvili’’. Or.. <»n 1 ue-day. Augu*t 14. I*-*, r.z : J’-ui»— N. Mansiiel’i, r»n- <-xnpti<*n J) S. No. ’f<»r tho lots 2 Mild 3 S» <*. 3". 1 p. 3n. H , R ’2 m »-’, \V M. !!■ .tarnon the foHowiiitf wn- tij.on, rerse» to prove hi* c«»’ittnuo a I re-id« pslature in lKó-S, for Ed" and cultivation of. Hind . land. Incorporât» d by thè .. ..... v;z: Jain • BfcDun purp. •*«**. ti.d its ir-’oi oUrf’i. Jatncft Davis, I I). Hitch and M. Ko«.',ail uoational und ('barimi, St »’" < on-lit a of................. chibe mode a part <»f the pre lit ------- I do, Jackxun county. ( >r. tion, in 11'79, byan ovrrwheluiing ¡»opular vote. ort <»f the arrangements fur alltne Monthly an i Li» i’titiin. itti«! tliHf -2< ì *-»’I < •*. b(*‘»»ro f he ( l« rk of tifi* < oujjty < ‘olir! «»f J ■«•kftoTi county. <>r***r«»D, State Lottery Company, and in ¡araoti at J h <‘L*»» hv HI«’. Or . oh Kdurday, A uj . 11. manage and control the Drawing* them­ v ’z; E. M. BI» v ! h . Ii«>rn»'h!» h <1 « iitry, N<». 414 », M. of l*. 8W U of selves, and that the same arc conducted m th for ti,«« bF ’4 of N\V honesty, fairness, and in good faith loudho NE »< »».■<• > und SE •» «*f b\V ‘4. *»-c. 21. rov»'hi-* continiiou?» retudenc*" upon, and to use this certificate, with fac similes of om culti vai i«»n of. MtK i land, viz : W.8. ( «*»k. Win. signatures attached, in its advertisements. Bleck’Tt. I F. Ba**ett. J. 8. Horn, ad «f Rock Foint pnn’inct, *1 « k-on rounty. » >r» »?on. <’HAS. U . JUHNbi'ON. KegiMcr. 't r«»ulined Statu auperintendent K B. McElroy | estimates that the returns for 1R8S will dmw the schorl population of the state [ to be upwards of 60,(MX), h is increasing very rapidly, and at the rati* at which it lias 1>een increasing of late years it will soon reach 100,000. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! TO ADVERTISERS Minnie Palmer,» diamotuls ar.* by far the umst splendid an 1 valuable owned by any actress. Oni* of them i« the cel- »■hiated "Cleveland tiem,’’ which took the gold medal at the New <>i leans Ex­ position It was intended as a gift to the president. Miss Palmer pai l R0,- •Hh» for it. MISCELLANEOUS. lor) ¿a. and Catarrhal Headache. JACKSONVILLE .|1S uu V) 5.» 50 . 15 <0 flirt ikiuotratic Simes. PAINLESS CiHLDBHITH E OtBoèfertruiÄ&i«* UiABHtófS THE LITTLE CUPIDS! Summons. •KOTIVKWT77oph»«.f bodttiern <>«. Home Painting, Paper Hanging Frescoing, Ka!somining, Etc., Done in a superior manner and at pric**p t<» auu the ti;ne**. 1 refer to the job» of ¡Minting 1 iiav«- previously don»» for recommendation. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Give me s trial and judge for yourself. Orders left at Merritt’s New (’tian Htor«» wn1 receive prompt attention 1 J. < litSM. JACKSONVILLE-CRESCENT CITY MAIL ROUTE MRS. JANE REDDING, Proprietress. OTAGEH LEAVE JACKSONVILLE EVFIU »> Mo- day an and roark-di-rop and Miliar, an b'rliil in left »ar nn.l iind-ralup» in rix ’. thr.«u>nar-old» and upward* Lav» the |«unt of roitit Lorn aaw«l *>tf. Kiwuit-on Appb'unut. ll r»« branded U on right hip. X. & DBSW. c:iit(’ourt of tbi- ii*»tl<» of Or« i.«»n 1» a Hie county of Jackr>Hi, Tl.» Hr.» i |.|H||«-r, plan.tin. kr, Jlo. -H..X\|.il a ii’i’l ail uukii.-wu lt.’ir> «•: Inin, «i„. sH, j Hawkirift, and any unknown p.-«».«.u i ig by < lift,»tc , d»’f< .• »tei te : 44iE ill 1 its S1.4II-. Or' 411.E- i me raouir» »11»» nppiar in said < <-urt I and anwr tin» rrmplamt <»t »aid pJMintifl fiiwi «u’Hiiiftt you. within (■ n day® Yiotn th.-urn- of th-* svic” <«f tbi* summon«» on )oii, if t-«Tv«d ' wi’bln mk I county ; or. if ®<>rv*«*t »i. you w ittun any otter c»*u»'linn* of th«' Herric-mr. if e**»v««i on yon out of the Stat» of Or-non. or b\ j public«’ictt. II en by th»» fpM »lay of b rm of I tins c«»urt. follow.nu such •»«•rice, viz: th» 3«1 i day of S. r t«*nib« r. A. I) . I**»*. ' And you arc bervliy tf.at nri.— v< n I appear and mu wer » ..,»i «•op.p'jii , , I th first day «>f lh»’rotfubtr :i*4ni «., ii.- , ■ . r, 1 titk*1 court, to I»- lw«ui m,d ! 1 •».- t n p . h M'i-1 ... in .>«’P»«Hite i, A l»,i'*r.i ..-I. b . ’tn -d day «d *ai«i ln-’ th. t! p .» , m; ui’l tak- fl d ct••«• ak’MUiftt you for til4’ r- . x. . .:: . ..f a «i-’.’if of cot \ for li,<- »•; h|.,.’,»|n< Lhniation Notification 45'. m«»r» paitici.lmly dr- ftCnbe«! as follows: The fra«*! onal e».n?- wort 'inartT ilainir th-* east Inf of • I'i titt r and lots 3 an-l 4J n> d tl.«* »»« utliw»-*t ■ juart->r of the sdutheaM hi.«I th» fract . m I northw«*»t quarter of the nortte*a»t *4uart«»r w. ing io: i , «»f •».-rtion 20, all in t«»wn*hip 34 »oath ■ ' ' W-'. «-.., (ai !tk- ! ’ ■ | j . , f terxl. simatfxl in Jackson c««U’iiy, Or. or. that on a fai!ur<* t«> re-execute said d»»«*»t of roi.v yance *ai«i decree of the court Le taken and hcpl tn lieu thereof. And >«»u arc further notit.ed tl at tin® Runimon® 1* ®ero*d by publication, by «’r»fer of fh»'Judge of aai»l court, dated July I*», JVte. U.K HANNA Attorney for Plan tiff. Notice of Saie cfMhing S.ocks. Voll« E IS Hi Ri BY GiVl \ THAI INA. 4’.,i«Ì4e Minina m *1 Milling' ( orrifico of J a- k*»»n «’«»unty. ()r« <<»n. the < <| it.d L-’ock <;n the rutóte* in the ».am--<»f J, 1. R »h*on. 1). \V. < r«»*b> . W. G. K”i’ii»*y A. I! Huml.TMian, o h <»|«1 m from if the «nJi«*»- «»’ M*cr» tj n ” «•aid com­ pany m Jack* : , /.SV,Ç at 2 o'clock I*. M . for « a»h in liaud L ;><»►»• of pityjHKt« »- d<*h?.qut nt or . ; meut® due «m thee «pita! ®t