- I j *4 I iWfc#y*ií F"" t ’¿hi ILlUOUbUU ¿lUlvZ ♦ ÍW z / l*i;b!i»h»d every 1 nrH.laj mo xé TIMES PUBLISHING CO., >• NEW TINIES BUILD INC ♦ JACKSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. 1888 VOL. XVIII Uae copy per annum, in advance.......... «ix month»................................ three num t lui OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. miscellaneous . STATE OF OKFGON. l*.S.*mat«»r*.J. IL M;t«-h >ll. J. N. [Xdph.< »»n- gr MA.naa. B. Hermann; Governor, H. P«’ntioy»'r; Secretary of Hum*. tie»»rg»* W. McBri»ie; Staly Tr»‘i«urer. (»••<>. W. Webb; State Printer, t- * • Biker; Sapt. P'tbh • Instructi«»n. E. B. McF.ir»»y; S i pre in» Ju'ig»’*. W. P. L»rn, J«>a*phine, Lake ari'l K’a nath r >»inties; Ciri’iiit Ju !g«x L. R Webster District Attorney. W M Colvig. JU’KHON COUNTY. 8”nat.>r, A. C. Stanley; Repn-sentativ»’». J. I Bowihteh. R. A Miller, W h. Pnc»-: C<»nnt> Judge I R N»‘il;Cmimis^M’ne»“. t ’ W. (bt'lor. Win. iuy;Cle. k M Muller; Hh-nff. J. <*ne Should • »<» und S<*® th** GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION cloti J(»SF?HINK C«»rX TY. I ' 7Î r* |X :: I ng , n FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, ;; t’ i BOOTS and SHOES, TOBACCO, GROCERIES. L OCX COCM1Y « Y 1 1 » ‘IPIIII If »' (Il III! 12 (' II1 J1M k Pl Bought and Sold o»i < «miiu’.usioii i«y ROPERl, GÂLEY Sc HELM, At ti <•;, - RUM. ESTATE ilEEH'E l.\ ASHI.ANI». HR.. NEXT HOUR TO HANK. •^00 \(’R!'S jn |o’s*’«> uit p.ir. GO ?.¿31!CT10?iS VARIETY STORE ! ROPER. GALEY J •: ! » x <»f ■»-•■« r. ■ ] i U li I \ !.'■ '.S : ; hv •. f -n I : - •> t P HJV of ;.'!«• land-, amt m-»-t d- I i Fruit mid farming bm !- in tract--»J ; railroad, can lie purchased at thi« otn • A splendui St»»» k Ranch of 3'1 >0 acr»i iu j for «ale at * b!<•• ti n -' • ■ • '•> J.ackson amt Jo*'.»p!iir'’ai »1 Kl.vm »tb » »u fi n»'*h» «i; conveyancing duac; loan.' of u. most r»»u»»mabie t»»rme. We-hall al way« be pr’ptr« it»»gi\ a*«> pr»»«: -Tity >f A-hlaini at.«i Houth»'rn th« g for -al«'. STOCK I t 1 I loi* Joi it Sei stör. C. A ( » u«w< !l »>f Lak«»; ! Kepr—<♦«>•.u»«' M. P Wo-».-. ('«a«tv Jrdl. t*iident. A- H. Fisher; Asrc*«or. J. b. .McDou- ( Hid*-. Fun s-id l>.«-r Skin» Solicit orders tor ough; Stock I»>“»p«‘< t<»r. D. R. Jone« Lumber . _ _, aK.rn so or « »t. Rr*. ft * MAX MULLER, Th«*S»ipr»»m»«4’’»urt «»f Oreg« • :i n«*»*J» K« 8 i!»»ni th- rtrat M >nt! ty PtK.R.'li • • BfiMh’g. »•tbu’ t«*r»n* c<» n n»»ucir.g on in March amt Ocmbor. T..e< itviHt i’ourt fort!.« Firi si’t-* m Jickson c »untY «»n fir«t H*’pt*‘rub»r and l)i-»•»*• i»l*»r l i»n w»c«»nd M»»»i»l•»:’ in Jun«* an«l ti V»% • ti’» t la Lik«* o»vi»y o;i t in M o :«n»i th«« — •<•«•«»I M»»n»t»ty in J«»^"phi’.i«’ ct»un»y «»ii fir.«t M«»mLo I) Auw-u ■ •* for Jaftkstvironnty th.» (’»nritj . Fr »bat* ami (’«»müll’«*’i»nur* ct»ur’« m »»*l v»T.v tn»»nth. r«»m - S • I ........ >; L»r J»»«»*phin.* County, th«’fir-t d »n Hy in Ja'i'i try, \pril, July ■ »i »»»>»■ -v «» t:»t.' • «•very alternato VU'I September; t«»r l«ak»’«n» ng th« mon« h , g <» nm-’ucir.-, .... ’ t - r» » 'I ciday in January. lay in March, F«»r Kl.i nafh roanty the fir«t \V ‘ Jane He«»tHmb*»r and Nov«»ruv»vr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i »jï»»r»’!l f< r bh I? i*t fuir price» anti i ¡tear Anhlitii«!, f’i*«» b«-«t qualit) ,v <11 •’ J f... -fib’ at tin« fiiiire A ’.l.uti, a lid along the line <>f the KlarnMh cour t \ Im. ..f i K on. - f.»r I» i tag g 14 Ili'i ' r«-al ««tate in .'I h.1 can fuliv h v.» ti .'.tf«l; » butract*» fur- Bi b«>"i"'.»»r >»r fon «I f'.r thè lentier».»n Ih«» • I 1 HELM. Rea! Estate Agents CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. ANI» ( ili Noi I»>ll Al' I AW This i« tho place to g« t yuar Crr.tih P.ia*. Orcgan. in Al.lt ttnilAliur. Froul Strer». Otti e W. fJIO.^RIEON, VND < >UNSELt>R AT ATlv >'iN - i Or*“ Graut** «Ili GlS IFWFIJtY. • win m r-t fl! i « ■ kf.ll-i m » tii is-4. 1 1 rt.ritv STY I U IM'. Í M.lif ’>1« l.l•• . I-. Vlt.l l t LWV. 'll. WILLARD CRA VFORO, . :\»iï \\ > rot'vs -L< h : vr i .\ w -’n.i-Qisùiai; Gent’s \nd Medford. <)re;;<»n Vari«*’ . SkJl trsCii »' in uU court« •»! th" Stat O he • ui K riil.n n bri» k bmidinq. ap-OFur*. CHOICE ¡s ffliŒM 1)/ a Più;'« , ¡difirió lini by wincbtliß Patent u; jj rill ara Bi iti. l'ï ?.. í : íis GLiimcd far it are tiiesc: Kiil i i \ rrOKN I ’V A COU NSELOK-AT-L \ W, OfiJL» v found iu a first-clûF* Ñ»r«. A»-’ ■ - -, in.ei' oi tliis ,-t'N'k. : i P "iitiii English Wiiuki'iiphast last, e "ii tbr Harvard 1»<>\-T< k ’ bust, calf pi .:li'L Sole l.i- itlu r, at $7 00. 11 - ■ i i vv i 11!.- I" i”"di I ", il.vi :ts. ■ p..t; in uiutl or BLACKSMITHING Protzman & DeFrance, Purtlnml. Oregon. Ntli , J. R TWX2.1 %YIMRNK¥ X (WXSSLOR AT LAW. Will prado»« m all th--Court« ofth« Stat*. Of tire in i '»»art Hou« •, vt’nuu »loor on right from entronco THE LOWEST RATET loi \- i , ijh : Medford« Oregon iRNEv a ui.yt.'.ns is — !4 AT W. F. WILLIAMSON. y ri INLOW & ASHPOLE, — ANI> AT— Ja!•»t <>tii<«i» T.U’KSONVH I E. OHE'.ON. H. X HAIBU. , l toils.. < a t'OCNSBLOIt-AT-LAW, GuilIN8EL<»: AT Wr.bFORI». MOST REASONABLE RATES : ’ PHYSICIAN ANI» SI R«.i (»N for *1 o I for I. Oregon B tck R uhling I p-atair». ‘give us a triai and jinlire IN L()\V 1(1 \ N VNI> > I KG I oN, I‘ MrJfUnl, Orvaou. li.-i uh birgent st«>ck of Bperi-d att’Miiiou Mif' ii t.» • i.n nnj i>i.seh-e«. Frait, SUal? Ormaatal aad Na! Trees E. B. PICKEL, M. D., P II Y> I ‘ I A N AND > I 1 1 A I ’ i i 7 (iull- proniplif U»t> 1> 1 d to day nr night. Otfi 'O Oil B riront. DRS. ROBINSON A. GILL, UI1V'’I« IANS ANI» PRICES : -I RGEONS în-kMinrill*. O^rton. l‘ Il Y S IC I A N. 1857 I I 1881 I AND SURGEON, Manufacturer <>f A full line iti W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., PHYS!' ON.tM ll'iK >N VN.» K THE IdGEHSúLl R3CK Ú JJ ANÚ COMPRESSORS and WIRE i?GPE-SPFCIALTIES. i»l’< Ht I Ú Jaabuonvlll.-. «»; etton. nan. a -tr*<- N Proprietor and JLnnd for Sate. J --HaSED OFFEIW FOH HALF i rf'M» I hor«** : al*o several ¡»nr 'e!* .- i I-of;»nt»«d i • Jaekaunvilli». Wil- . d ('••ritrai Point precinct«. For tfiil»r» cull at thu Jacksonville Mar- J C.WHIPP. SO1.I-: Ai.I 'NT'- FOR By tha Thousand ! INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, i CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. I I J. M. ARTHUR, M wr. No. 33 anil 35 North Frint St.. Portland. Oregon. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING Any kind rai*)d m a first « law* Nursery. rho«e wanting Trees th’« 'ail will do well Io give meth ur <»r«ler» a» I will guarantee satisfac. ti«»n. I warrant all my trv«’*» if properly car*«! for. 1’errns »»f pav n •’ t »••t*'V. Pro Ince taken at mar. ke! price l’> <> I»»", of r- ach S»»ed wtnt«»d. \. S. JOHNSON. lack” *n vili»’. Oremn Aug. 1 HS3. FOR GOODS THF CNiiEHSPiNKD IS FULLY PREPARED to io all w»»rk in hi« !in*in »a* bn«t mann*rand »I r»oi«-»G »hie prices. •U.nnoF qclICMPF The Tal»h‘ DRY GOODS CLOTHING HATS CAPS IN OLK LINE Diamonds, Watclio 3, Jowelry, Clocks ! i Silver Silr»»r Plst»»4 »V ir**. S:»A« t ,«■! «8 a I ),■’ ii i! 'I •» h: v^nf« for ’h» Rockford Untlrim»! »V ’ i\) OR1KR AND Ri’PAIRFD. LIV MANUFA’T'. • X *'nr»'»l. Vnr -'t >’t • r” r »•* i l vu tn* F *f«»i* pun htLMiug »Uewfinre • P'si’kx^’M *»*ut »1» n»i»b ■» i • iid I ALL GDDDS IN THE Hardware. Tinware Crockery. TAT i L al Central Point. Or. Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. UNIVERSITY of OREGON. OF ASHLAND, Free echo I are! i ips from every county in the Stat-». App’y to your county superintendent. F »ur courses: < la-wical. Scientific. Literary, hi <1 a short English course in a Inch there no Ixitin. Greek. French or German. The English is pro-emin»‘ntlj a Rn«ine«« Course. Fur cata- |- gne« or other information aiMress J.W JOHNSON President *•, Late of California, nrenow prepared to furninh the beat of nmeic for public or private Pat ties. Ball«, Pic ir». Ac ■ at any point on the eoMt. All trie new popular mtiaic ia played by this Orchestra. Having atnploy°d a large number of musician» we ar»» able to furniah any number of band». Any inatmmentR or a caller fnrni«h»»l»ed. Or I THE LEA0IM3 JEW2LE.ÌS Or THE NORTHWEST, MTBEET Oregon. EAST L. C. HEINRICHSEN. l'ì First SfvTi*. ... Portland. Oiegon CITY BARBER SHOP. ■ -*rk*oil Wille, BARGAINS!! 1/ Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines FRUIT TREES »t«*d it tiu-i pi•«♦•'* I «k a «‘ are »»f the patro in •«• o’ thw * eti »’i. < all* attend»’»! to at any Hine I I! IN K Illi'’*». 1ÌI 1’1.. <0.. Portland, Or,, or I ".I'l *111 I.Ht A so\. Agents, Jacksonville Or. IMl’GllTfl.S \XD DEALERS IN D a Apple r.e. s.... ............................ »5 to »10 poriOO Puach .................................... I" “ »1 , Plum an«! Prun« Tr»»«*s .......... 8 “ Id Otti» .' »»n < i bf«»i n Strtut. in P J. Rja;i «»▼er Bi’l.um»r* -t»« rsiiop ¿IT i»r»> :»i»r y at’•■;»! ■ I day «>r night. DRUGGISTS, T NG APHIS OR LICE Oil TREES B. M G iij . M. Li J W. KuMsao.'», M. D RECTAL DISEASES. Main St., Ashland. Or. FARM AND VINZ3 AMD SHBÜBEEBT A|*ilf«*ril. Or» f«»n NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES |8ri,ikeilitiffSystenifi>i Cmeof all Free Bridge Across Rogue River ----- und----- EG EON . Alfalfa an-1 nthpr Grass Setti ari rrnit Trees from tue Salii Nursery at Low Prices anti Warrants II al'liy Oregon Kidney Tea I Jackson v I li«». Or R. PRYCE. M . D.. m Wilii . G C. B. FITZGERALD, ENGEL BROS.. CLOTHING, HARDWARE. DRUGS, MEDIMES, ETC. I Will f»r »-’ti»»* in all ' » ut* of th»» S' it » ami ne- f«»r*» nil Governmental l>«‘i»ytmcnP*. Money loan«»! an 1 »’olb'-Gon« made. Sneezing Catarrh. THEcBESr ÖF EVERYTHING S. S. PENTZ. (Formerly of Washington i’ity,) ATMIINEY OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR, P lits an« À’EiKNESSES TO i El YOt’R Awlilaml Orr$«»u. MARBLE WORKS! Luid FRUITS IN SEASON THE PLACE W»n pr .’•♦.»• • Ui dl the C«»ur*- • f the State <)!H»’«« m th* Court H«' i:»e, tor»t «i»»»»r t«> th«» I ft«»f»”i trance. I HE FESCHI) PLBLIC LANDS. Geld Mül, Oreg n Gool-». Ourtfoo.G ar -the b»-*; an i mx^rantfi d a* r<*p «•»litr i. Price» low. a* w « t pn»iM*eto UfHÌ»T’sohL P. P. PRIM, SOLID FuR HAR1HSOS. before the Republican party was de­ livered over to the trusts and corpora­ tions its oldtime leaders entertained S ntfsrlng, t itvnvo. H waa&i-ly r w • rather advanced ideas relative to the Bo y c<.v. rod with Sore«. Cureilb, equitable adjustment and revision of the Cut cnra-Retaedi««. tariff. When reviewed alongside of tile MyrarH. 8t"v<>r>H.t Brunnor, Monroe. N. C. De.ir Sir*, About t jto ruoiith* ago, u|»on your Chicago platform of 1888 their utterances recoolmemlMliun. T lx »light a k»ttl«* of < aticura and declarations of former years and the R<*M»lveiit, one Lox Cuticnra Halve, und uuo cak»« former platforms of the party show a »>f Cuth’ura Soap, for my non, agoti thirt»‘<*n y«»ars singular incoiisistencv ts regards tiie who lias been afflict»*! with eczoroa for a long tiui»», a id I atn pl«m»»ed to aav that 1 bnlieve the revenue policy of the party. Observe r» in,.tiit % have cured him Hi«. Buffering« were tl.ese two declarations on one subject by int«*i;« i, hi« head being nearly raw. hi» ear* being the Republican partv: gotii except the gristle, and his bc»iy wn» «-overall n. vrroBM or ISM. PLATFORM of 188< withaoH»’«. H ir condition waw frightful to be- The Republican party ------ » The protective iMiu<* bold. rhe Hor:»a have r.uw ail di any peered, hia I ’ *' to ‘ correct must b« maintained. * itst-lf in is healthy, eyea bright, clieerfu! in diRpoei plrdg»'« Cemetery Work a T IM'I >u TO P. o. HARKNESS, A CHA VELEOS POLIC F. Tha following is taken from the Hel­ ■ lames A. MH’omiick. who left here ena. Motana, lndri>enileHt: aborrt June 1st wjth S|>e< ia| Kami Agent Chin Wah Foo, a wealthy tea mer- i I»rock**nhiough, >o visit Jesse D. Carr’a chant • f San Fran<-i««-o, i* in l{ -lena on ranch !n M h I. k -. ounty, ( a) , ahJ see if a Viait to his hrother, Chang Foo. A re- i lire __ report that Mr < arr had fenced in a porter of the Independent interviewed j large lol I of government . ............... NOTARY PUBLIC, lands were true, him with thia result. Said the tea mer- returned vesterdav ■ Mr. McCormick chant: was a special agr-nt himself at . onetime, one time, ..r. ■ i ... • . .■ r.nt ■■ c «A r... 1» —». t -i;-m IU11IM.-H 1_. * Cleveland ^,1 • ai - fhaie is a large ( luneae population I but after President was cut elvct- - —— » x. .«mva war- I - m ( ahforma, as all know, but wliat few ed, c l, was -i; removed, .. ...„.rd, and ‘ returned to liia Abstracts maie of Titles to Lands. people know is our power and strength home in -' New - York ” He was engaged there. It is true that very few of mv ; D5 the fan 1 deparhiifnt to come out aud LEGAL DOCUMENTS people are naturaliced citixene and have assist Major ltrockenbrorigh in some Of ali kind* drawn up. e^pæially pertf-.initig t< a right to vote, but control more votes matters wliieh ho liu*l investigated while thesettkuuont *f «»tate» than you would imagine. Tiie Chinese in office. Mr. McCormick rejiorts that the iniqnitiee of ‘ th* ' - ' -j * * 1 > «• Republican are better fixed financially, according to t »on, and is working evory flay My iK»ighbor« * Collector of Aceonnti-—Prompt Ikinutancr» are they visited the great Carr ranch and tunn aud to reduce the1 party will effect all w itDeen a to this remarkable cure, und the surplus, not by the vic Heeded reduction»« of our nuni'iers, than the Americans, and made a careful measuiement of it, and doubt r g «»new art' n*i|iv»t»*«l to »’all or write me, Investment Securities i 3necta!.y lou« aud indiscriminate}'ho natiiim,! revenue» I am willing to wager any amount that Jackson • >r any «»f m.v n<*igbt»orr* County Scrip Bought and held prove«*of horizontal re-by repealing the tax*‘i* we contribute more generally to a cam­ found that Mr. Carr had 60,000 acre» of WM H. STEPHENSON. land inclosed at tlm north end of Clear duct ion, but by such u¡am V.iiacoo, w hich are vV i) cheater. Union county. N. I have a complete »ot of Map« of all Hurveynd inetfiouti as will relieves» annoyance and bur- paign fund than any race in the Vnited lake. He has a color of title to 15,000 Ijand« in this flouncy, a^d receive Klmtrart» .. the taxpayers with« at deu to agriculture, and States. In jour slang,‘money talks.’” Momoe, N. (’., Oct. 29, 18a7. aeies of this land and the remainder lie— monthly from Roseburg of all new er tri s made injuring the labor ur tlte the tax upon the «pint«» ! I »» Potter Drug ond ('hoiriical Co. : ’’Do you mean to any th.» Chinese ate longs to the public domain 'lhe tract great product»!»* inter-hated in the attB. • • I am th ns prepared to mak* out Hoinasreaii and G.-iAlem» n. Mr. W. S Steph» n-iou of thia Pre-emption papers, and c. -» thu* save to part i» - eataoft e country. • We favor the entire ae-esaed for campaign purposes?” is inclosed by twenty miles of atone wail county brought Lis »on to town t»»-day to ie| us th»» eipena* of a trip to RoF»‘biir ; Lan l »>fli< ¡repeal the internal “Most assuredly. Why eliouldn't and seventy-five miles of wire fence and btin, an«t t«» a!t«»w u« what Cuticqra Renie- Several fine farm« are in mi hands for «ale |tax»w rather than the they l>e? We do not wish to see anv di»»a bail dim«« for hiiu This is the ca*u roferred , rim rock, lhe nail is five feet high and -urreudor of any part of to in t ur letter to you sometime sine*. To look PROMPT HE PLY MADE TO \LL LEri’l RS one elected in­ ; five feet wide at the base, fifty Swedea Jour protectively stem. ... to . office inimical , to our -........ at tit»- bey now «me would supp«>ae that there bad ” have st rung,sturdy friend» and Chinese were employed on it for rout years ago there were “iui«|uitieH terests. V J tT“ Chartres in aceordax •* with the times He m ver b«»en anything the mutter with Lim— s«*<»me a rain I .' .a "/• ui ... .*1... _. I . ...__ ». . ut 1 - $20 . 00C . Refer», by pertniHsion, t C. Bookman. P»q. t»> I in p<-rfect healtli V, h*ve written and of the tariff” and the taxpayers needed among ’ t the ~ slope alx - the repubheftufi - I«... - *— .... who two - yearn. It cunt »/nt arrilll llliS Banker; to lion. L. K. \S •'. -'••r. Judg» of thu i.« r- will mciose wiiut l*fs f;-th»r ha« to aayabout urn nlvtiavfi tn. to be ‘ ‘ relieved. ” This year the party are alHayF ou thK *•!«*.-» t»> further utir iu extensive irv'oMire preuutg a» « c.s to nfdiria! district, art! tu < l*iui:n.‘ hi , be 1» j ',; ' " ’ ’ ’’ ’> ¿’■Hst them w;tb ».n, w) ),« ’ ,„(._ W • ifjsaoi the Cuticura Remedies tiie best iu liie our i —supply li I.’,aie. Yours truly. STEVENS A BRUNNER. luxation bho'iid be erpiahz »d and re­ it were?” “The Chinese,«heu, are Republican?”I iy down and tiie land thrown open to Druggists ami Pharmacists. duced un rapidly hm the national faith “To a man. The allegiance of the col­ the public. A son oi Mj. Carr, who was uticiira, the great skin cure, and Cntirnra will |>erimt. ored race to the Republican party is in cbatge ottlie ranch, pt utilised that lie Soap |ir-»par. d from it, .-xtoraalb, a.,d Cuticuia MESSAGE CF CHESTER AKflllK. ..va « viltoi CIl A. .4 K 1 11 L K . R»» ho 1 V'-at the U‘»vT b«ov»d punfii-r, mt irnally. are nothing compared with the love the I recommend an enlargement oi tho Chinese have for that party. It is true woul.i remove them, but people in that a ¡>. i.iivti cure for « very form of agin and tilooii disease, from puuples to scrofula. free list, so as to include within it tiie it has not done much yet for our race, section have no idea that he will. If Mr. Broekerbrough'a orders are not S> ¿d everywhere Price, Cuticura, 50.; Soap, numerous articles which yield imoii.-id- but the time will come and that shortly, «omplied with the matter will l>e laid be- *,!• . K -<'! V. >!t. .<1 Pr.-par«»d by the Potter Drug erai.le revenue, a simplification of ttie «ben we«ill all I e allowed to vote.and it I. C. \V1 I I PP. I an»l » i.' inical Co., Boston. Mass. complex and ineonsi>tent schedule of s but natural that we should reneml er I lore the I oiled States district attorney j 8 i. i ’ r "How to < m • bkm DiRcaM»’«,” fh ¡»a. duties upon certain luai.ufa<-tni< s, par- ■11.-friends and punish our rii' inies at ¡of that di.tiict. Maj. Brockcnbroitgi. I - F m i iUusf raiios« and bkHe.-'timi t'.a'tg — ............ ....... I iKi-iir w trying cases in the land t cularly tnose of cotton, iron an I steel, the ballot box. V.’- _ 1 j Wo wit! y«t Eave a say- 'offi.-e against Peter French.—Orrycnian.' PiM1 1 bb» k h»*.> it.». *vugh. (L.-«| ped ami a su istantial reduction of the duties so tn affair a. and w ill make otn puu rs tlii!.. i • >tiy Fk;.,o p.«- v .-j,t. d by ('litiiuira 8»-aj». upon sugar, muiassefi, nilk, wool a n • I fed. ’ I’AiAiLbis Win Ft s—Th? Southern' woolen g«»«jd.-. "That may lie true, but liow will you F;;< ¡tic ( oitipany Lav«* rc■” ? t :"lii< t."p th,, la lit. We “ Through our money, as 1 told you. *lee|»ei>, i nd K-vcia! ui them have been a «X n ‘ - X a . MABEL I be tiibH »•*-- ng sncfzf». sn( eze.HnoH’-«,, 4itL ar;»!, arc tüuc»! c” - ;-- L* on evety interest; blood is not 1 for one will give f.’eS.ti'K) to the Rcpulr- |4ac< d on ilie Han I laiK iKu and Port­ wat»T_- discharge», (join tn»» _ the the larger pit ni ii; iHih t'" o''.-..»., »'4.(1 it I rig to tho Uquat cRiy . v\trat'h.¿ ....... Hum —.............. - veins of liean campaign tund, and I stand ph-dg- land line, i'wo of them, the Poitlan«! | l!:»- - ■ .'l.’.g v ( ti.e mucotls liuii:/, CijUttDg c.hok- the h'1-.ly politic, but it is bound band e.l to raise lean do that eas­ 1 anil the Seattle . aim- up in regular Her- I mg »-e -v.. ;,« . :;gh. r nging i:«»iH.-a in the :)riu aii-l fool and covered all over wirn gaili- ily. That amount of money added Pa • 'lev last week. These cars have ten m i‘■Phun g headaches how fvUJ|»|»«r ar», fhes»4 jvmptoni- to thous^mk \vtlu periodically rnppers who aie allowed to suck blood what the state and national cr.rnicittees i large sections, draw ing-rrom, smoking- i"tn «'"Id- b’ ‘.« M i..-»i or it fiuenza and w! o from every vun —< ong. «,lots', April will raise, will insure a Republican vic­ room and buffet, and ate elegantly up- oi ignorar.ee of tho fuel that a «ii ¿1». 28, 18’0. tory in California. Tina money will be hol-ti red and fitted tl.ioughcut. The »*! !• i ’»Uoft of Sanford'« Radical Cure forCatari h Pronq t Attention given pull put iu doubtful districts, which will in- . H«‘;it> a:<* m hulatered in pale blue plm-h, will afford in«*a?;tRTiHous relief. I . *. GRANT, B f ici-tr-atim-.j’ in cases of simpli* ( atarTb Tax ¡¡» i 'K jis of all surfs, and iubavcoin aiire success for the ticket. <»f course, . witfi t-ilk < u:tains of a dark«*r hiia'le of g.v- - » n a faint d« a of ui.at this r«-:i. «tv will do it « » r«.- •• f.rtim*, when» th-» Lr»»atl it.g n, ob- ail its ijrnn*.— Annual mossaur, l)ec. we Chinamen must keep in the back­ ! blue and term cotta. The floors of the ground, but we will enjoy the victories , r.tr an i the apartment* are covered with -;r »■■ •••! t v chokr g. pufri»! murou« accumuliu 5, 1870. I »ion. ’¡i.. h< armg i ll •« •1. •«•m il mid «:»>» gm.»», I In readjust in the taiiff 1 that as well aS those who make speeches or ‘ t rich moquitle »arpet. Ea»4i se»*tion kl k' nt’h gf .,1 luul ’ r. , I, elf pp ' i ’ j 11 I /’P ’r 1 t • «b ln..lull <’.;,p-.u I«'.vn ‘t that tho in»ir- a careful estimate be made of the amount those in the rank and file who carry has a large d» uL!e plate-glass window, xrr i rrp < ’ fu niMhing an aimost unobstructed view v . v«.o.u.»‘ power of Huntord'.» Radi» al <4kUi|>!us revenue * * ♦ Arni that torches.” if ' nr«’ ma; i*-»*-f m in-fat.tanc-ua und gra»e. thid aurj lus l>e icduced in euc I i a man­ “You are i- sitive that C. hloim.i will • •I the country ims^ed through. The I .k j i ' 4 t J a 1 fu' IV -I I 1-.. ftuul V • fir.l „.pU..,. J ’ion. It ».« rapni, rad» al ! draw'ing-room is large aiui luxuriously econom­ ner as to allurd the greatest relief to tlifl go Republican?’’ “1 am positive for this reason: I, ¡fitted, and . has __ ___ tnarble ______ ic »1, ¿nfe. an _______ annex with greatest number.—i Ihird aim j * a I mes­ hu;-. >.»t4’ ltu«li at ('urr consists of one bottle sage. knqw enough of the inside of politics to ; wa-hst.in.I and | au-nt closet with run- "ihad < al Cur«*, one l«»x of Catarrhal Hol know that with money the floating pop- ning water. The smoking room is fin- •I AMEN t«. b« UNL. v»-. t, d or. Improv i Intialrr. all wrapped in 1 w< u:»I ^».'t the repeal of 11, e illation can I hj induced to vote for anv islied in antique oak and emlaassed b ath­ o»i<‘ •ha^.*. with *1 «atis»- ar.«i direct 101:«. a:.«i - •!" ' »¡I Irtu» t- f» r V, i;iz K s tn. j ♦ flu IROUelv. ihere wuuhi hr no j-ense chiso i. an ì < h:nv*o tn ncy will x »ir- | airy ap| car nice. The toilet aeconiti.o- in urging ¿ * the ’* ;'latioiis for ladies have Irern added too. rrfurni wrought by hi¿h < hax<> it. W’e are ail ioi Htmii«»;).” an 1 tl -e io’ g. ntlernen have l»eeii par­ license in many Mate**, if the irm I oiui I S wamp L am »«.—J. >. Ihyine tia- au -»I tially c tided I'ehind elegant jortieres. OC FEMALES government neutial.zes th* good effect making whisky within the reach of out injunctions again« a large nntnher » f 1 he buff.t ■« furnished with the usual Irw-tnntly r< !i«»\ed by the Cuticura by muking settlers now living on hi« approved •«eeoial.-ii China ami wine el.C't. and all Anti-l’atn i'Ia^ti r. a tiew. mont agr»'©. every uttu at twenty cents a gallon. swamp land, says the Harney rihb-. in-tant-.netaih and itifuV«bla ------ , vaflev ----- .. the r.eces.-a: ie4 fol Serving lunches, light w. B. Al l.ISON. pain-k.llii plaa'.T, e.p.’ciaily adai»t. to conijH'l them to stop cutting tneals, etc. All parts of the car ara in The ta.iffot 1S1G, although a tariff for j nd to r. • !> u : h ! î » Paii.fc and W»-ak" am! stacking hay thereon. Deputy Shcr- ct in num it at ion with the |«jr '< r and wait­ V>-»i rapt «ni ♦ tnî !y • uperior to revei ur only, was as , |ieifeet — a taiiff ........ as ifl Johnson has been having collie queer ers by electric l>el)s pwkbivif». ar <1 ir,•• mot»! perfect Autuiote At the time the we have ever lia.l — '-:>c. eh in the lntlmurnatton nnd W-'akne» yet com- exi’etience in serving tli»» papers, there ears Roseburg, A-hlac.d, Albany ami H"U>e, 1870. <1 ail «1racgi«t*. 1 ’ 5 CHnt» ; tive for fl; ORDERS SOLICITED Leaig a settled detet u»inati:»n among tl c Triumph vv. re built, they were the finest • r. ’.*.•»<•* tri—, <»f Putter l.’rug ar;d Ct.-mical Hili S V. U M.Htl.l 1). ( Boston. setUera that they w»»ti. 1 not !»♦» balked in evert.« •clout bv the Pullman com­ I We have eeen that one extreme school ha. mg theii rights, as tbe\ saw them. pany fii tiibie travel. Again it maybe oi econoiuists would place the price of A» gom as the paper« were served on sard tiuthfullv tl at the Shasta i< ute has al! nixnuiactuied aiticles in the hand* one man he would immediately stop the finest sleeping car serv ce in tire of foieian producers By rendering it ina- work, but no sooner would the sheriff country. BON XX’ZA. possible for our manufacturers to coin- get out of sight than another | m * i « >n pete with them, whilst the other ex­ would ap|«eat and the harvesting goon. I> k . R oiik ' s Bio L ose or Bm ai >.— i treme school, by making it inipo.44it>le That settle:a believe they have a While the Republican convention ws* Over 30,000 Cures in Siz Tearr. for the foreigner to sell his conus ting legal right to the lan«l th«»ro is no in seesion in t t.icago, I»r. lt'dir waa in wares in our rnatket.would give the peo­ doubt, knowing that it is neither swamp mortal fear tliat the nomination would PILI S. RECIAL LL» LU. FISH CRIS. 1‘RU ple no iiu amdiate che< k upon the pi ices nor overffjwed, but how it will be »’e- I* secorde! to Blaine. Ami what was Ein '4 AN' MS"» 1 AH IN ano . POLYPE# BK< IT. tn. which our manufacturers might fix for rided in the court* is a difficult question. worse Mr. S. W. Stanley kept assuring their products. I disagree with both Judge Deady has already deemed that the doctor that that would !«• the out­ I II OXTMAN. SVCCVHS Hi »Uj.t» l:\M- •I « nk»-; ‘ f i. ■ ‘ ty. Or C'ircà Without Cutting Operations these extremes. I hold that a proper the state has no tit’e until patent come of the convention. haA |»ur«-.ha«cd h lai»; • :rtd tir*’ » '. . H«.ck »»f adju-ted competition between home and ¡«sues. an»l as ths state has no patent to “I don't believe it," said the doctor. j».H»d' m hich are m»u «»’. t!.»» I»»»:ii .! : foreign products is the best gauge by this land it seems reasonable that peo­ 'The convention won't make such a fool nt.iluilll»" M»’.d Cheap for < »-d» i-> invitcd to » ali ami «•i in'.ii;»» k »»«»-I»< ht .4 p« i”«*« !• • which t<> regulate international trade. ple living thereon should have the l»est of itself.” DX. PILKINGTON. foro purchakinu eU* <;»« r««. Y«»a can a'.wiiys find Duties should be so high that our man­ right to anything that may grow upon “I'll tell you what I'll do," said the «>n haiid a full Tuie of ufacturers can fairly compete with the it. As our citizens are law-abiding, of coal merchant, “I’ll make you a nice lit­ Burgeon, Oculist and Annst Rt»d proprietor of the ir.n: for >•>»•. Ear r.nd N» tvou « l)iwasw*. foieign product, hut not so high as to course the mandat'** of- the courts w ill tle let that Blaine gets the jiersim- Clothing. Boots and ^>hoes. Sar.itai P»»rtlHn»i, Or. has been app«>iiit«Mi agent and enable them to drive out th.* for. ign ar­ be obeved.— Htrald. mon«.” physiciaf’. f»»r tlii» «yhtem for Oregon, an«i ha« in ticle, enjoy a immopoii of the trade, and “I never bet," responded the man of Grocories. Hardw. re two months m vio a number of cur»*« of ca*e», in med'eit e. “but for the fun of the thing I borne of winch, »ever* operation» with tho knife regulate the price* as they please, liiis T hf Arri i: W osm . — Per 4 ' ear ftee 4 well at the Mr. sley alropt ed into Farnsvolth sha’.l, year by year,approach mor.. n< ir Bonanza, April l4 l«aa Ganliier. ^Uuloniet at car-ahop», and oth»*re. l.-re.l the ly to the basi4 ot free trade. I»“< au* we proper time last spring are aLI • t > mar­ A lia-.-l'o-i « bakery and Will m eot patt on t» at ket goal fruit as a consequence. The i larg -t I- at of bread ever ma 1 • in Rock­ shall lie more nearly able to compete J. FRALEY S HOTEL, ASHLAND, I effect of Ixmdon imple and water, an ford “Bo'i’t lie aítaid oí lit. dough, fill with other nations on equal terms. I 1 v»»ry Srronil sunJ«) in Each Jlotilh. am for that free trade which can only lie ounce or less to a gallon, or a jarund to ' the biggest trough at 4 then throw in fifty gallons, put on at two times, once i A !>earing, feet w ide and four feat deep was taken were Ums treated, and the fruit — which | cepting neither of the extreme docti ines. I from the oven. The whole of Farns­ endeavor to establish a stable policj is now almost grown—is not only nearly 1 worth A Haselton's force were sum­ entirely clear of the |s-stifcrous worm, Natnro’p own R(*m<»»ly— I that will couinit nd itse f to all patriotic moned to carry it to the wagon and after and thoughtful people. M"dern scl. >1- hilt is free from the defonned spots that I .ouch hard work it was delivered at Dr. are due to fungu« growth. The spraying Rohr's house. Mr. Stanley says lie al­ Will »peedily relieve and perma­ I arship is on th* side of free trade. with London purple was a eu.-c. and ways pays In« bets. But Dr. Rohr wants ni :itiy cure all the variouH ilidicnl- Uli: MINNESOTA IIH A. ties uriHing from a disordered con the fruit — ¿tower has the great satisfac ­ I Ah.». b"f. That we insist upon a mate- tion of handling perfect fruit an.l o l in­ to know what hi* will Star. LIVER AND KIDNEYS ! ! I especially where it bears heavily upon There is no doubt that with prop r care Tin w ar tariff organs aie vehemently It i« p'»rf»»<’!ly h .nnhv»« and can j the nroducing and agiic.iltur.il interests, of oteliards Oregon fruit-¿rowers can denying that the woolen nianiifactmers bo given tuthte in»-t delmate woman ‘ and demand that congress shall cease have good fruit on much easier terms <»r child. For «ale by all »Iruggiist«. trifling nith their most Important sub than tlu ir California neighliors can have arc in favor of free wool. It .l.wsn't mat­ VE INVITE INSITI ITON MXFIX. IIF.ITSHI A WOOD till»- jed.— Republican Platform. Fifth Min­ it. F.xcellence eoni.-s front effort, and ter whether they are or not. The peo­ Wholesale Ag«*nts, nesota District, 42,f>!«8 Kepulrlican ma­ our fruit-growers must contend for ex­ ple of this country are in favor of cheap­ er clothing, and they are bound to get it jority at the last election. PORTLAND. OREGON cellence by unremitting effoti. rem« time. Hut the fact remains, and is The producets of the great Northwest not denied, that only three years ago the demand a lower rate of taxation upon .J im G arnek . editor of the Kansas National Association of Wool Manufac- the necessaries of life, tlian that of war T uh . x , Sam Wah. Chang Kee.Koon l.ee, i turerà “unanimously approved” and Opp. Odd Follow»’ Building. periods. We favor, therefore, as a just Wah Fov, Fob Tong, shar I.ing and Wag sent to the secretary of the treasury an and necessary lightening of their bur­ Too are the latost recruits of the repub­ ¡argument for free «nel. Thia was Now is Ycur Time to Got dens and an aid to theii prosperity, an lican party. Mr. Garner voices the sen­ I signed bv Wiliiani Whitman, president, early and judicious revision of the taiiff. timents of all t.usly : “Me likee llalli- and Thoinae |><>lan. one of the vice-pres­ with a simplification and reduction of son heap, rnuchee. Hun glot notch heap idents of tl.«- association 'It recited the HIS WELL-KNOWN BOI SE. I NI»! R THE customs duties, to which work the lie- hair on his face. Bigge man, likee C hi­ disadvantage tinier which American new management, will !»«• conrv person» »lie fr tu »I im fldyina Hight parties to hear from yet. They arc : Throat an-i I ting« than any ntln r It is DR. J. HINKLE Tn help the right side !« m»t only • - tn- Demoetatic I’aity—I'te-i Irnt Grover im nd.iLI«’ in a g« <»• -ral point «»I vi» \\ but b l»< obable that «x* ry»»r« itlmut «•«» ♦ pt ion, Clevelaml of New York ; Vief I’lesid-nl, judirmiis :m«l prmknt when that help is en­ receives v;i>t uiin»l»erH of T u ! m * fc I« <«erma Allen G. Thurman of Ohio. listed in behalf «»i th» right si«le ”f th«- I dy. into the *y«!«’i.i an i where thv-e rerin^ GROCEKIES DRUGS J i I'epubliean l’arlv —Pre-:.lent. B.-nji- just «»v»-r th»' l»»wer rib- in the region <»f the fall llpotl Fllit.'ible xoi| th« y ‘•’.«rt into life :tfr*t ?i|»»u ly end are • »town min Harrison of Indiana; Vice-Presi­ liver rhe im»st rfli- ient help i* :iff»‘ide«l b\ andd*»»lop. — lit t f-khng o-ti'-.i’i««n in the throat ll«»'tetter - . tonin' h Bitter-, an anti Mlmus by a dent, l.evi P. Morton of \.-w York and it .-.I »u«d to e<‘j!*i:>u«‘ their I »v;«ge« Prohibition Party—President, Clinton m<«lii’inc <»f in otnp.ir.ibh* »'fli ac« !iia « xlet)»l I«» tin Ini!'.’" | t <«during cun We hav* jus« r*<*<»ivnd a full »toric in the ttbove B. Fi-k of New .lersev; Vie.-Piesident. • •f the liv« r is a«•<•»»mpanied by « »»n-tipalion. ««tm|’!i»»n ami t«»th»’ head r.tUKing( atarrh TAM PERSONALLY A(Q< \ 1M 1’h ’.VI1 H tine's of co«ks of Missouri. and Josephine count if«. M.v in ••»ii«,.»l urn« tic»« hr>v byt v-ry few »*xp«ns< All kiu'l« of pro­ United l.abor Party—President, A. J. lownv-*» »»f the skin and ballot the eye. The to pro« r«-d will in lime cmiim » »h ath. Al n quir”*» uh » to rule t hromrh a circuit of from on» duce taken i’i excluiDKe and Streeter of Illinois; Vice-President, author «»f tin «e symptoms, liver complaint. the (>ul*et voti must art with promptness to i » i /lity mil«1», nml I w; 111»«1 d ' c - • f»» «'nrry wit li i r»»ut« »l bv tlm Bitter» b accompanied bv allowing a cold logo without attention » my own team aivl without charg« all w!i<> wieli Cha«. E. Cunninuliam of Arkansas. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE dangeruti» and may ‘«»se you voiir life. A5» to purchase land. Any p » t - >n wi^i'.mg a fruit ot : I oiled l.abor Party—President, Rob­ them in it- flight. Fever nnd ague. whi< h soon as you feel that something is wrox» . agricultural farm, or auj p»* .-»»n hr. \ ir g a farm always inv»»lv« s the liver. dysj*ep«ia. rheu­ nliowt d for sarai». < ‘ all and mm » for y<»r»«*lv»*» ert If. Cowdrv of Illinois; Vice-Presi ­ fur sale, wili »h> w»*ll tor. illa’ in? «»th ••• an t ar­ with your throat. Lungs ur No«triU.obtain matism, debility ami kidney troubles are JACOBY ÜKOS range with iae Mycliarg's will !»«• fn'»t»»rnic dent, W. II. T. Wakefield of Kanias all maladies to the early relief ami final Ab«’ttle uf H«»«» he« ’s Grnnan Syrup. It 1 alreat by fit« and *tart- an aorein prieo. and <*a ta»l< om «ra. Othceat ( entrul Point, Jackson county. Or Suptrior f mil ilnrrn. but *v-tvtn itD allv that its full « tb» l max President, John Colvin of Kansas J. HINKLE. M I). Woman Suffragist»—President, Belva result in a pvrte. t restoration of health Wcaru prci»;r» ’ofDpkyhj farthan any «»that in Month i .hi fMvorably with any in the Sta.H. Job 1 nnting of every imaginable deecnptioxidoneat Ha.i Francisco rates.and in a , prom pt und firat-HaR* manner. A FRIGHTFUL SKIN DISEASE. Joint Senator. W. St. Clair. RepreMentative. ( . J. HowtrJ. Comity Ju-L-. V. Colvig; < oruini*- rtimwra, J. Huiserb. P- Hvi*en; Clerk, C. K- ChuT’l »r, St iritt. r G.Patteraon. rr**a*nr«*r, J V Jo'.'im »«; P. C. R ».Tin. Hch«»«-I Super rit .’iil."’.t. \V A M h '»> •»,Surv«»yor. W. N.Hatin- »lers; < orener. Dr. Flan new gt. \'t tT‘i COUN rv. Joints ..itor. C. A. C omw ’11 »»f f.ik»*, R»*p- ••«v’i,-»ti v. S P. M•»** of Lake; C m.ity Judge. I MOCKERY, ETC. W. S \| »’.«•, c » II n -’i.Kier«, W. ’ . Cr%wf»>r«l, L B. K —»ter;' I rk, A. £*. Laavitt;Sheriff. M. D. Childers; Treasurer. < lou* Grave«: Assejwor . John Smart; School Supennteiufer.t. P. L Form- Remember, t!:•*»* 4»*U’l'* ar<* :» h * i I bouglit «ìoc<» taia; Surv<’j«»r. J. B Gnthih; Cwroiwr, J. Sie­ the war iu r»idr<*A»l rate» andare •<»Id mens Al ldEMA ING AND JOB WOBK THE TIMES JOB OFFICE H m I fm of SabMcr 1 |»t ctuwHof Cough.Weak Lung-. Arthma, lndtg»»«€ion. Inward Pain«, Exhaustion. Imaluab!«» Cur Kh«‘umaU»m, FentaJe Weakr**»«, and »11 pa»u« uud dis­ order« of the f'bomach and itoweia 6t and hept »???•• rarCX’Hi«.£'nr. ¿'2« The BUYERS’ QUID® la issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency­ clopedia of useful infor. ■nation for all who pur­ chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what Is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY. and you can make a fair estimate oi the value of the BUYERS’ GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay postage, O MONTGOMERY WARD.& CO. U1-U4 Michigan Avtffa«. Chicago, HL Of those cosmetic« which jjive to the face a ghastly (yea. ghn«tly) whiteness Such preparati«»n« »"ntain lead or some other equally injuri«»us ami dangerous sub­ stances, the n •«* of which, if long cuntin- u»,«1 will, besiifes giving the skin a rough amt leathery appearance, ultimately pro- dm e paralysis <*f the nerves. This state­ ment is n»» “!• lg-a-boo,” but facts, well- known t” chemist* and physicians, based <»n the well km»wn physiological effects of such sub'*tances jrh»»«e pretence in prepar­ ation« for the complexion are indicate«! bv such outward sign* as before stated ff you with you w«»nl«l u*e an article which will at once pr«Hluce natural activity and beauti­ ful complexion try Wisdom’s Robortine. which is guaranteed under a (»»rfeitnre of $1000 tn be ah«olutely fre«» from all poi- si»n«»u« ami iniunous substances. Pro- noumed by lea'ling ladies of society and the stage Mi!»» ri« ” t» anything ever pro- due«’d f«»r h..,f«itifving and preserving the complexion. Children Cry for Pitchir’s Castorla. T" the F.O i T ok Please inform your p<’t-ti«»n. Our b<'Xe> are all nut»le <»f th» ■ readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the «Highly H«,a-»»nod nugar and yell«>w pii aliove-nnmed disease. By its timely use lumUr. They ar« lighter, Brighter :n thous-.nds of I.OJH-Ie«« ' a‘e« have been per- strilli per than any »»tin r I h - x nia»!c <»n tl. nianentlv cured. 1 stiall be clad to send northwest <»»a«t. R* xe-- -tainp» <1 within > two bottles of mv reined« free to any of brami desired. Fri»•••*«, laid