I i* he ikiuotratk Jimes The Monarch sui»»»»n at M« «if« rd, under the management ol H H Wolter*. 1* i»r ing a popular resort. The best of every - thing in that line is kept there . Th Farqu ir, who owns a tine urchanl near Roseburg, is shi|»ping some of the finest peaches we ever ate to Portland Hi fruit always finds a ready sale. 1 ho*. Martin of Trail creek was in town Tuesday. He reports the range in the higher mountains exceedingly tine this season, ami cattle as bring wry fat. E J. Curtis of Ashland was in i«»wn this week He is looking after an elongat'd individual whom he charges with obtain- ing f io of him under false pretenses. Forty seven cent* net a l»u*hid has been uflered for good wheat at the Me«l!«»rd warehouse, which is somewhat of an ad vance. This price may improve * >«»n. Gc». A. Jjcksoiiof l’at»le Rock t»re« iii 1 brou. hi in the first watvrme «ms la-t *.ti- urd ty. ri»r\ were bug* and of cx< client tpialiiy and .-«»! . ri ;*dn\ f -i »0 cents each. C. A IL'.xie oi Wii;» ¡ms cr»ck passed through town yrstvi«lay on his way home , tr«»m A.-hland, to wh ich ¡»lace lie is rng.ig- ' ed m Ji.tilling lumber from hi lather’s tniil A considerable quantity of tiie c< lebr i I ted Yreka bi < r. from lunker - brewery, i* n »w being sold in Jacksonville It 1- goo«m county an«l un («pii! number i i Douglas county. 1’hej are U" .v ope' 1' ug in 1 aiie county. SheritT Taylor r'.* material at th«* mouth of Buck liocg tunnel, the ownership of which was in doubt until preparations were being made for the removal of the property from the county The county is f-JnO richer by reason thereof. The contra« t for buil ting Ashland’s pro- P» t ! hotel Las been let to Mr. Scott of Fortlai. apl.er is tir-(-( la-.* and be receives the » xc.ii-ivv patronage, ot Ashland and nine b if" 'i every portion of southern Ore- g««n. lie employs the best ami most pop- ular ms thud’, iiis work being after the late- sfvl« *. and guarantees to give satis- (iiye him a trial. * action A «'»!.-!.■ ijgn nment ment of blood» »! stock was re • »iv« dat East Portland, f »r R B Dixon <»t Dough.* county, direct from England, hi*l w«-« Tli.' «'oi -ignment consists of a two-'.i.ii ..I Shir«» «oil, a Cleveland bay colt ami *«»m ■ ] -»ui. *. 'The noted horse IL im I hjitv , wi.ieli wa.« al*o purchased for Mr. Dix -n. died at sea on the way out. D. <’. McCl il cn haMbii.shed his elegant nr .v hotel at lb •-.■burg, which is one of the ..t':- t and liii«--1 -oi.!h of PoiHand. It ha * ail the modern improvement* ami <-on- v« i. « m » -. i* handsomely fini-I k d an I will L. « omlrn ie«i on strictly first class prin- c pl••* Mr. an I Mr*. M. know how to “ kc« p !« ’ . w hu ii all tlm.-c who have pa­ tronize«! them will attest to. V c a know ledge receipt of the annual of in- \ .->1 State Noi n>ai > •!!(•«.I. .»tie of the best institutions of it* cla** on the northw« *t coast Each coi^n- C in tin* -i.de is entitled !«> as many free scholarships a* it -ends representatives and *« i.a or* to the state legislature. Ap­ plicant» ior tlm n kalurships should ad- -Ir» -* a r«*pi e-entative nr senator from the c.t int\ win-re th-y reside Jackson coun­ ty i* entitled to tour lrte scholarship.*. in almost every community there is Noim» p.-r*on whose life has been saved by ( i m I Diar rh.« a R me.tv orwli" ha* iwen cured of • I iiouk I .if ii •< a by it yifo-r year- <»t suf- 1 'in:’. >m h ¡ « I*- ns M m hloin lose an op­ to rvc(nt a few Louis in Jack­ av th«* printer. the week sonville yoterdav. Watermelons wiil soon be plentiful Oregon Kitlney Tea. Owen Keegan of Lake creek was in town Harry Brooke will probably r»*-open the . ^ur carpenters are kept busy and much U^tT£3 STAUS OFFICIAI P.IUS. I’rinnnn-rs are quite plentiful. yesterday. City Bakery soon itr pruvemviit is going on. Fa-nters are exceedingly busy Wm. Payne of Sam - » ’ley called on us A’ Spencer of Golden, ('al., viaited Jack- 1 Jas. Wright accompanied by D. H. Bur­ THl llspAY Will Lytle has gone to San Francisco. last Friday sonville this week. roughs were at the county-seat this week. J. W. Richards of A pi 1« gate was it» town Threshers are commencing operations. 1 bos. <’arr and J. R Boss of Foots creek I one day last week. Quite a number of the fruit-growers of M 15 JA U VAUX. made us a visit la*t week S Booth has returned from Cinnabar. Senator Stanley wa* over from S.t-n s T. K Bolton ami wife of Ashland visited ’ southern Oregon attended the meeting here Genuine bandanas at the S F. Variety Our hoUM! is ebteiitiiilly oih * of Bargain». L>w values abound la«t Saturday. valley last Friday. The l est and «*hv.i|»e*t mining blanks for Store. relatives here on Tuesday. • ’ I talc at the T imes office everywhere —in every department. Were it __ not so, . we could __ not have F. A. English has left Salem, but his ad Dr. Hew« * is gaining nn extensive prac- Judge Crawford and wife of Medford . Business is rather du’l about the court­ dress is not Known. tic«* iifcihi* place and vicinity and is curing inter«*epted and Iichl the volume of trade whi.'li we have. < <-fisid( r<»blv prospecting i* going on in house. J I w « rur ad- ington, D. (’ . laid) . <’arpentier J. Co have taken possession just now. i H. Amy and lb»bt Westrop were in 10 cents a pound at Lakeview uf P. H. Oviatt's placer iiiines in Josephine Why nut enjoy the lieuelit of it. L 8 P. Marsh and his son Sanford are Jacksonville last Saturday, as witnesses in i vantage is easily »een. A P. Talent is building a neat resilience H. 'Klock of Willow Springs precinct county. now at Enseuadav Cal. the Talbott land case. at Talent. Here are some of the X allies which we are offering. Thoae at a calledat the T ime * office Friday. 'VM learn th it H-v J. R Kennedy ha* Me-srs Cox. Ragsdale and Ellis were in This [dace lias not nr well-regulated system Fresh bread at the S F. Variety Sto e M L. McCall and F. M. Hathaway of struck «onus excellent quartz in Steamboat town «luring th«» week. every day. in the stale, but also the longest ami best A-!.lai;«l were here «luring the week. district. of shopping by mail, obtain tin* same advantages as if trading in per­ J P. True and family paid our town a Fine straw hat* at «»osi at th» S F Va- A full line of celh:loi«l collars and cufl* railroad platform Our citizens are to be Piping is still progressing at J. r l.iiy riety Store. visit a few days since complimented on their enterprise and Si .ns bon. Onlers fur the described goods should be sent «piickly as the «•an I».» f »und at the S. F. Variety Store. I«»“-* min« s in Farris gulch, with ex client ■ A Carney and tin it employe« s for the Mis* Anna Doweli of lYirtland is visiting John A. Hanley from his pro.s|»rcts. Material is now being delivered at Mon­ good work they have done. stock will doubtless soon be e.\hauste«L friends in San Francisco. tagu«* for the branch railroad to Yreka, The American Mining Code, best auth«».*- i trip to Cinnabar. E. Talbott and w »fe of Tolo were among We are enjoying cool and pleasant AofiCr. Stimson A Wright of Butte creek, the ity «»n all subjects relating to mines ami our last Saturday visitor«. s immer weather. we I known h utiters, were here not long ago. ' mining, for sale at the T im e* office. W M. H' lm» '-. und( r «heriH' «luring B. T. W. Hays ami son of Big Butte paid Trv the «‘e'ebrated Bln»» Grass W. 1 trän'* administr.ilion, i* anth« rizv«l to Mr. T aggart, brother irt-law of Jos. Mar 1 he Sterling Mining Co. is still piping, us a « all one «lay thi* week tin ot Sam's valley, i* visiting Rogue river trail-i« t business of am nature « oune< t< «j having a grunt supply of water. They will Jack*on keep* it. N if. Spencer of Gritlin creek calle«! at valley. with the |tr«-*ent management of the |)FM<>- commence cleaning up soon, however. Nature’* remedy is what they say of Ore­ the T imes office hist Friday. <) E Rose. W. J. Milis amt J. H. Hup « HATi« T imi ..-, ami to receipt for money* J W . Adams A Co., who have l»rvn en­ gon Kidney Tea. due both it and to < ha-. Nit Kell. Messrs. Little and Moore <»f Central Point pert <»l Applegate were in Jacksonville 1' me Rliudamc Silks. A firm I>u«iv, honest weave and true dye. gaged in placer mining in Eden precinct Heading i* well nn way. Threshing precinct were here hist week yesterday. during the past season, arc cleaning up wi l commence s.»on I hey have the natural brilliant lustre produce«! bv pure silk and skill- Irani* Huiittd. will» gi»o«l prospects. E L. Prather of A.‘hlan«i called at the !■ M Gilham. the well known uommer Bargains in evorv line may still be touml To hath i;» ooo feet of Inm her from Aiken's ful Weaving. T imes office on«* day last week. We have them in TWENTY-FOI’II colors, l‘ri<-e, 90 cial traveler, wa* among us again one day ♦ Shearer A Finney <»f Steamboat are en­ at Newman Fisher’s. mill on Ko/nc river to Central Point. Cash Prof. Clayton, the mining expert, ha* re­ this week. gaged in cleaning up. They fou* «1 two «-ent» per yard ; ereci art fríen«! C;«| t A i. k < ny < f .-ter I mg ville «1'1 ring F«»r good shingle«, shakes and cord-wood Jacksonville, Or. the week. siuhes, combination suits and hat trimming. All of the popular slia About Ezm tvichers will ¡ a«« through the were at the county seat recently. Numerous prospectors are hunting apply at the T imes office. lvlge* along Klamath river, on both s lc* valley this evening j r S. F. «•(»inmem rd wt r k at J ledge in Willow .'•¡«rings ¡»lecimt. from fric n«ls a visit. business and will remain a few «lav* ‘ •Examiner ’ ’ and keep posted. on i ut sda V. I h * 1 near Jack.-(»nville which sueli rich ore was recently obtu ined i J 1! Tvrrcll an«! Mr* Roht. Smith of Y<»T1GF IS HFREBY GIVI N THAT THl Something in an O.xfor«! ehoc for Gentlemen which we can rec- John F. White and (’. VV. Patter*«m re Physicians report very little seri »us si« le­ probably the first w<>rk of I he kb <1 f hi I i •■ - ai»‘ oi the delinquent stock of the t'liimiua R< « k precinct \ isit« «1 the connty- il partii« r-lup b«‘ret<»f<»r existing bet w».*«*n Will lommend. Price, §1.45, lias always sold for §2.50 It g 1<>W flit, turned from Citmabar la*t Thursday season ne*«. despite th«» w arm weather. J i« k*onvi ir Milling ..... ami Mining < «» ha* *« at yesterday. * « Jackson and 1 Lo*. T Turner, doing bu-inos at W. H. Banks of San Jo-»» and G. W. In­ Sizes, 5 to 1«». Jacksonville, Oregon, hat- I m *»- ii we <*an give an all-wool Jersey with nut rooms at Mrs. E. Kvuuev's in Ja« ksou - G. C. t’uly of Steamb »at district w i* in -on h it* at the s F Variety Store. WILL. JA< KbON 1!. B. R» e«l has * »!y a'"1 s •'’¡'/«.’»raid of fine borse* w th them. Whooping-cough is prevailing on For general. Land OfE > a at Koseburr. Orof >n. / Gul«! Hnl viaited Jacksonville during the Clarence Coulter returned from Sitki p«t creek and in the immediate vicinity uly 31,1^88. | Tin-Sisters <»f the Holy Names who have A vast quantity of choie«* past week. during tii»* week, and made «•> favorable a OIK I IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Piper H» i I f ’k ami ill other n »;»nEi~ kind* is it her being m irketed following-mimed «ettler baa filed notice of report of tl»»* Takou mine that bi* f ither, W. H. Parker ami family have been so­ been spending their vacation at Portland, There is no n»»c future *n!e ins intention t<» make final prtM»f in *upp<»rt of S .o.uel 1 ’ilk «•overe«-th rd for«- the Judge. or in hisab*<*nre t>*f<»re the Clerk Cfinn« t *e! I. kind* of stationery has just be«-n rcceiv ed ( of the dle*. Price, $2. A heavy black satin Parasol, triinnml with deep Tl;«* OWII'T* proto«»» slocking l:»e mine haulrd to the Jack« » County Court of Jackson Co.. Oregon, at W. R Porter, with Porter. Sle in-r. r A n In a’ the* Post Office ?»t<»re The firm «• f J -• - • » A Turn ai «1 erecting a ten-«.amp mi l < Eir« nee Jacksonville. Or., on Monday. Kept. I". 1**8. viz Spanish lace and lined with rich changeable -ilk. Mr. John-»u of R »g- • river, < <» . «»f > in I-ran -co. wx* in tow n prove hi* con­ ou a light grouii«!. A* Co . ha- left in. but wdl return in i particulars. re-nkneo upon, and cultivation of. *aid gon. Me-*r* P«»rter. Secbrist. Gilbert. Wilson tinuous i September. La«lics’ India gauze Vests, high neck, long or «l.ort «ler-ves at 25 v z : Ephraim Jamieson. Frank M. Par! ei T II B. Kt I il/ltiti t A» »<*.*. and l ite of San Francis« '» interviewed «tur lar.d 1 Ja*. McDon.igh .ind John Morgan ot 5Ir. ( amer«»n <»i Mi.>s»iu:i a <«»usin « i men bant* during the Week . and Jacob W Juhnsa-: of Gold Hiil. Jackson cents. cinct pa«*rd 1 Reverend* Mil hr and Hoxie will hila I’niontown precnct were here during thv « rout.;y. Oregon, anil Hal|> ‘ t F De..n of Jarkeou- < anicroti Bms.oi t niootown.is p iying this week with a load «»f him’», r I • ba*kvt-dinnvr nueting al <»o«i Hid in xt week. G < < ulv ami < ha* K nighton of Steam- vtl ' !• Jacks ' •-in,!v. (kegon sect ion a visit. Three Unlaundrie«! White -hirt« for -*1. er of Jack*-»11 ervk wu » Sabbath. • HAS W JOHNSTON. R.giM.r boat pre« in« t visited our town yesterday, All accounts due the old management of land claim there. Ben Havmond « I R Fancy Featheredge Fohling Fan« at 2-> «•< tit-. accompanied by tin ir fumili -s. I.iheral Stinday-uchool ami Ihble class the D i : mo » i:\ri< T ime * must be settled town last Friday ami p A. II. Sunderman. in«li« te«l for libeling meet* vv » tv Sund.iv at 11 o’clock \. I. at once. { Lew i- Allen i- buil ling a saw-mill in .1» ti­ a pleasant call Ward (»«»ug'.as. and \vh«» wa* Mirrenm r«- I a«, amf who the I'. M. L. Hall. Talent ny <*i« < k di.-trict.on what is known a* Fall S. Colver ha* -oi l a block of land in . by his b«»ndsm<*n. furnish • ! m v I” n I* at I. A Pruett of (' Central Point precinct creek. where Iherc* is a large area of tin* Rev. F. S. Noel is taking his summer va Phoenix to J. R Smith, who wid improve Medford Ia-t week, which prevented .4 trip ami S. H . ( ’ ook of A ¡»pl 1 -gate were in town timber. cation and there will be n<» servi«-?* at the it thi* fall. to the county scat. a short time ago. Catholic church in this place in cotise- Graduate* .Student* in T. J. Cress, the well-known painter, has Cheap w ire ¡r »tu tli ! - Rogue river pottery Mr. 1’rait.traveling h«r R■>*«,n(h:d. r> l»*r J. J. Dickens<)n, representing one of the be« n doing .-«»me excellent work on tho res- <|nenve. for sal»» at the S. F Variety Store. Jack- A < <• . of San Franci*r », wa* mur-i • i in leading St. Helena vinevar«1s, visited Jack idf-n. « s n . every - ______ ... .... Sunday morning derer is unknown, but Li' object w;»* It is reported ¡hat Jefl \\ il«on ami wife arrive«! fr«»m Klam­ < t-.x-epun^the -X third, he will hold -rrv i»rvicv- Butt»» creek ha- * »Id John Foster, Sr., of j r ir ipaliy robbery. R >« A Point ami the Applegate country NORMAL, BUSINESS, LAW ANO hi* f irm to a tierman ath county Sunday evening, ami will re at the i'irt -byterian church in Phoenix . : ; on for |2.7hO. ¿ ]•} <>f our Fall ami Winter Cat­ ex¡ ri« r.( « «I a much I m avi'T shower Ì ue*- Rev Father Noel lias rented liait of t bu­ main a short time. the thinl suml iy moaning and every Sun- tiay afiernoon than we enjoye«! in Jack­ MEDICAL COURSES. alogue. which will be ir-¿uc17 o. thi> ’ Wu ft« n; hi* Eu^gv 1 m ati«i »’> P. M. : “»••••md F:ibbath,n1 t Centri! ing the j ast few weeks. I E« R«i>rl urg lami • flic is have decide«! THUS. VAN 8COY. President. point, morning aiul evening; th rd S . . A st -wer «•! « i n '• i! her«» Ttu - l.iy even on Lis ii »«I and •mold Balem. Oregon. H<»n Theo Cameron of .................................... Cniontow n has I th» « .* • OÍ (he O A C. R R. Co. v* J«»hn hut t in! .va* renle! V bath, at M«-»lf«»rd. morning an I evening < ; ing. w h laid the dust and tr»’*hem «l the 1» gone (o *.»nth< ‘ rt) t ’ aliloroj a ,, n a v>i ’ :i*;d ' l ‘ " :,v « imr, -r n favor >»i the latter.we ar«' wa- not -cnously hurt fourth Nabbulb. at Jaek-onvi.'l»» morning i atm« *«pbere will return via P-.rtlan 1. and evening. I*. «-<-n fatnier* of Ashlaml precim t. a large force of men w.ti *0 • « ■ • >m:.u. 1: pointment.- At Antioch on the first Sun- few nstructing a new teh gr.iph Eno to I* •» < • la\ ami Satur.iay !»rf«>re. ut 11 \ M. ; at moie favotable John G. Suhm ami fanii’y, lately of Sis­ land from San Fran« i*c«». H«m. (' W. Taylor caile«! <»»i Fir Antel«»p»* Raptist chiKch on tin* secund 833. 835. K and 1026 Ninth Street« kiyou coiinti . Cal., have become rtsulents U I. IflORI» *<»l I fl > Pr«»t Mitche 1. brlio.il snpet intendrnt. -n:.«lay at 11 o clock v m . al*o the Satur- last Saturday. Hr rep vrt.s first The «now in the ”i luitv of<’. t'»»!' K-’ of Jacksonville. ty se;,t tl.i* week He will w a- at tl.e com in the Butte creek section. >Eiv vfi-rr at II m . and at Eagle Point La* disappear» d. an I the r «4 I to K'.un ith mt t-ivning, at th«» Mountain in g.»ud « on ii J. T. Lnvton ami L <’h;tp¡>el of App’c- b«* in Ja< k*ohv> i'v . n the la*t Saturday of -< .. * l-h >>:*e « n the third Surulay at. I r. requested t«> uiakc prompt payment, as the tion tor travel Many v *itors are now gate and C E (’hapiwd of Star guleh were every month. m i « ¡r:h Sunday, at the Tabb* Ro.-k rauuey i* needed. wemiing their way ihitiier. Ja«•k"»n count* ’* *bare«»i th«» state *< h•>»•! Till >P I/OS ABE • xK FEI I AND AUK at the c«»unty-seat yesterday on land bti-i *. I. I, *u-e at 11 \. m , ami at the Mult»y ne*s. fuml i* $1 ’-•’i 2'». Sup! Mil. hell will - «on 1 tt.•• t’hoicest Keeidoncv Lot? in Ashland. John F. White purchase«! a span of fine The intens*' it« hing ami -mar M. «eh»»ol-bouse at I r. r«»a«l.*ter* while in the upper Siskiyou mon to b-tter ¡in J *alt rh«- im 1.1 iav I » • a< make tlx* -«’« "ml semi annual apportion­ W. E Price and Fr^l Hansen of A*h Ihr t .low :»g are Elder M. Peterson - country last week. nio*t iu*t ihtly relieved hv ippiyi ;:ig » ham Lami « ailed at the T im ». s oflice v«sterdav. ment for this year • p* r,!ii:«-üh durmg August The first M-r.v A* tine a *t->- k of ¿-'nt'* furnishing gn .«t* berlain’s Eye and Skin <»intm •' iI’ I« «ithaker r« turned from a pr< spect Tin» former returned recently from a trq- <• »ntinib* i»u*y and improve- to th«» Willamette vallrx. I .|*«la at I! o’clock at th»- Antelope as wa* ever brought to Jacksonville can be >a«l ca*es .have b«*en cured bv it. ing t nr along the l uipqiia divide. ab«»nt uerous l»apti*t me -tiroi house, and at S «»’clock in found at Jackson’s. * the headwaters of Trail creek ami <’«»w I) It The nobb’»-t .¡nd ’¿ite*t -tvl*» Hon E fl W at** » and fumile ami Ix»«»k at the-«- lots f»»»for»* ¡>urcha«ing eli-owbore. th» • \ ii : Eagle Point: second L»»rd* ‘ r.inli ! b i* returned from l!«»ii .1 F. Watson. < f Portland, arrive I p’n ••»*. k l -t Tu< ' l'»y shirts, necktie*. •’ »liar*, cut!*. .*» a»)«l re;nend>» r t!e«y «:<• bUuatod ou Main sire»«t. Campaign bat*, badges and handker ­ 'JOHNSTON OPTICALCOS da\ ' W«»o«i\ lie ni irni'ig at* i evening, >*eburg. within '• 0 vird- «•* lb»- New D»q»«»t Hotel no*» be. c«>l!ur-bntfc»ns. etc., m souther chiefs — all kind*- at the S. T. Variety N«-w g«»od* are received on « \« ry train Tue*«!.iv morning ami will spend Hu ir v i- i « . tg mmial .-ermon uf Richar.l Store. Jacksonville. ing built. Enquire of can al way* he f »und ¡it the S. F will permitm at tin- ¡»Ince on cation in s«»uthern Orejjm. at th«- S 1 Variet* Store. Jacksonville. M \ r n the mrrnooii; third Lords- I . I MINER. Ashland H011-. i 111 >u*h ________ ___________ ______ _______ I Canned good* ««»ap*. toilet an«l w a*hing. Store. <’all and see tor vourselv»' Mr*. F. Luv. who hat br»*n afllmmd with < a a:.;-« that large an«’ «legant stock da\ • ’ • i.’ra Point in the new Baptist being di-pi iyed there •lection Several bet* ou th? presidential t tea, codee, candles, extracts, spices, crack ­ a severe attack of rheumatism for the ¡> i*t m - : u« ¡- morning anti evening; Tïotic? for Publication have been ma«!«* in J.i«‘k* »nvi le Eii h. the * ! month, is somewhat improved at thi* 'The fu.l | na eedlng* of th'- < »ulhern I . L »rd- lav a! I'm».-nix, morning and ers, etc., at Jackson’s id No I IlMI EK E\M>. ACTJ í XE 3. 1-7-. Or« 'll W. I i m* and 1 J Phipps were w riting, we are glad t »plate. evening. First class i- e, in quantities to suit, can smallest of which was lino 4 r«»unty- cat Tuesday. be obtained at rea* »liable rates at the post­ doubt ¡1 large amount of lunncv wili i» ■ wa- T hr gentleman em’nyed in revising the at I' :t I I/o.d ( itlic.' IÎ *• hare. gere«l in th;* *«4 lion on the result pea office in Jacksonville. \\ i in r.i i- • n dutv again, having ¡ insurance plat of Jack* !;v:U« last I bur* (nitri ¡¡•tiftr Ifrriaion. Julv 27. 1' Till * Ke!-«» a Goose Like <»r«*g. !;. re­ Jusli • * of the pea« » and constable* wi’! VOTB E IS III RFBY <»IX I N I HA I IN C(»M- dav and Friday w i* ,t H. Longidiurni. i . I from bis invent accident. One of . I W. Plymire ’ s sons bad a hand <>n • f . : der «ble local i'iur«-t A «k cently bough*. \\ H. Cushman - ii>q.r«». - 11 ¡«li:;- ■ •• w it ii 1 h • pre. ■ - of the act <»f < ’un- with the sc.nborn Mtp am! Publishing ti.id a complete and first-« I h *- sto; k <»f I. Oviatt wa-nt fo Grant’s Pass last \ a i * rendered last I ri- I severely in jure«! while engaged in haying nn nt* ou Trail creek and has t«k<*u p«»*- in Ja I j ( o. of San Francisco, blanks at the T ime * office which will la cre** of Jum- 4, 1-«". »»ï î'.’B-d ’Anart for th- *ale n order to dt-pu ii his trip l>) San Francisco. Tn«'tire company had adrillli*t -.Hur q.\ .»I rhe Chicag«» ' Tribune." th»* lead • »f Oregon t a* thi»da> til'd m tin* otbre hi- sworn ami John Lamar started las' Saturd.iv f«»r in< t!«>n t" restrain the au- Mieritfon Augiu-t 2 »Hi. |.n n M.i .j.-tcr, one of our broom aten f th«» west, but atab-ni-nt N««. for tl»«* purchase «»f «ho 8 A • lav t venin and the encin« in I ho*«* w. o ■ « reding w ith th« c»n*trm - tie Jasper Deiiui- * f K ain.i'h l ountx has n»t!i) I to he io good <•• •ntili'• 1. S »m-’ » 1-1 ot *.* • •«: N... 33. in towr.ahip No. 32H. range *. ha-gone iu Aiq '«‘g iti on a vi*it. caves and adjacent «•■»iintry. w'iii h i* siioutiug for tanfl reform. <• iirt-hmi-e nt M- Mimi pnrcli »■• ■1 a half inlerr*t in H. C I nr ti< ii 3 h , hi . I will où« r proof to show that the »and the pip‘* ’e.idtm; P» Hi'* cisti rn* 1* ««ut «.. •He riu. our photugrap’K :, i-mak- mor« valuabJ»» for its timber <»r alone ,i p. !-c hehl «A’h it ihe provi — pin’s ihr« -biug machine. Ii * .1. F. and IE P*. Watson, K. Kubli. “origlj I. Berger and partner.lately of ‘ hicugo. \ lb ¡order, li” vo\ vr. ami i* li« 'iig repaired. «m»i' ** trip ea*t «>f the iivmutains. but who recently |i» at«>.■-* quantities air l»e his chain '■•-.•ml laid b< fore the Register ar.« I A. l.tarned i* h;u«' / I iei H h 1 to th« , v .y < o W;l! *«»on ope i their bank j wlmre thev have purch.’w»i some Ian ! *.. n:r. wa I! <»iiiti?t»d n»r a liir»»- week’* Ke,«. i\. r «f tl ï-<4fi ;-i \ b ¡Mil »* I • >E*»J"M i- v.i’i-l l»ut ; ¡Z :: >. Im tired and -• ;•! at A. H M.ieg- a» Roeeburr. O. . on Fri­ tract of l itid h<* r«c-ni!v pur. i 1.4.*« 1 of hi .tmg trip in th« « innabar count re ¡■ii ■ w in -i '• 11 in». «• ainph» means, I of Mr Smith, wen» in lack-<»n'die o tl. •bv I mit.iti«m of the taxing p"W« r í«»r lev’s, ’lb« ’, are the best. day. hr IVtJ» jlay «4 Ovtob'-r. IsfcS. He nam»** as llenry Kappel, near J.irK* »nvihe. ml J I Moml iy pun-lia-ing *ir pii. '. i - p!irpo*e* t'» 2 mili* i* v id Sul» Mr> M I’»» Hiug» r !>.»* «-»u»- thanks for a Avitr.« ’--»-' < I».-*- ; •• D'.a. -’f I‘«-kins..Jarkfi.»n <’»».. a« ciiauic, is n »w •d , ("al Pence »»f I k creek was here last will somi vrei t a new I \ • in • i*-» t 3 r • .l.»-rpt. G« J>J.. r: ai. I TEi.ddeu* Br«»'-ki«yof ,11) hi* rea-.-ni ng Wa* that tin- g»*u Cai . ami doing ; I Evan Ib ame*. .!r.. *m*. t y« ;tr. !’. P. IE«gan, formerly of Rost burg, c»»unty « .»urt t«» provide suitable county Store, Jacksonville, at cost. taken in’ all the latest I E. W. Brady, general manager of th«» w i;ere he has < H AS. W.-JOHNSTON. Register. Prof. H. G. F.riclo. whn ha* been in the i'« l ew -♦at «»f g»»vernineiit. hmldii at ih»* ‘W -<.tt <’. C Pur-.I1 i* putting the finishing whois now a resident of that pla<«-. ha* Give him a ' Northwestern N«w* Pub. of Dawn Mvl«* ut ph '.ographv. ai. I that th»- gvm r ii intent <»f thè a» t • «»uhi touches on li * r« -;«h ime in town, which is I itecunm wealthy by l iftuimte real-estate Kl.imath « >unty return I Imiue a few port, Iowa, ma le n- a pleasant call y« «- call «lay« ago ' speculations. m»t !•»• deh i(e«l l»y a i»arti»-ular 2-iuill per a neat and substantial one. terday. He is.»n a n ur ot in*pe« tion ami Deed-, mortgage« and every description EMETER ani)'..!! limitati«»!!, whi- h wmibl prevent thè M r* McClain, mother in-law of E. (.» is well p’easfd with southern Oregon. >♦ nd th»‘ 'T ime * t«» v»ur friend* East, or i John M. indir an in- all tiie letter* you can write. i (¡mated that !>•• had “.*kipi>c«l This reco ver ir. g. forth«*’» A<'. R. R during its extension u* a « all. if von ”<*d anything iu the blank «b•!•(«•■’.m - ••;♦ r thè |'».uoo i»re-cribv«l bv th« —Tint usd or rm.— Gli il |<»r*’ brit > k building i* ne aring com- ' through southern <)regon. m i «! who made WiM blackberries will not be very plen­ ■damler is indignantly «Imi'-I by Mr. <» ’* » f «»Ih er*. i stat«- afterward, lias ret irm»d to Glendale X'.« ■i.or.l.wa* in .l.«c!j.s>r* Walton, Pbaiei . Land«|iii*t. D R Crat •• * interest in certain r«;''- ’ States for the pric«* «•( «»n- < ;»■! or - nd 1 ■ G|. I»«- tr<»iter* who think thev have *t-cn S»'<» timt "Ur t'-i-ii» :' -. k Se.ta \l»i •. i- it (Ite b«**t li !' ii i on M. E. Beatty, at hoard of equalization on«' m »iKh • irl r Hal*t< :»d. Run» ing. Bram an ami You it all h.i\»• 1«• • • ■:>• *-'le thegramleur «»f the estate hi h u-n pre mt w id be **• d ut the ¡ tjiK |*|MJ.. iit1, h»v«»r) b<»»ib* <»f th at pi a-ant <’* Jif«»rni’i i»»m«dj * the new i hi* t -al-e-iair «»‘lire, in Me»il«»rd. than usual. j c v rotund« d. Cm’.*. Giinni-om. wa«Iriv* • !!-• ■ • » 1 <»u*. Newbury who has br«m teaching a bridge m :ii G 'id ID E vi-ite.l »• ir town l.«*t ?lr.«. New. * :« i <»t .1 H. P> i: num. who >h.t-I i r .'I'«' A Yi ttraii tnurht sav*: ‘ In Messrs, ('oilman. Ha-ki :s and .1 me* •. 1 !,.-• a • •> Vshlaml and Sbak :• ■ t Sunday. «'»m.ng th. Fa ii.«- < ou-t I -et out with i have ju-t c»mp> 1«*1 a neat re-i !. m i fi r 1 iti •«•. met with ¡»’I .u < :J< i.t a 1 • v d iv* li : | another paralytic slr«»k<‘ list week, •successful term of school in (Tnmn» \ , > Rock precinct, has •'eGirnv-l home, but Work Iu»* been r- sinned <»n the railroad di»«l froni it- :! « - nor lo.ig afi« rw.ird th. int. i.: "!• : mu 1». ing surprised .it any ;H E. Autceny of St« rliiu'vi’le. 1 siat-f. itie b»att> running away am! hr» ak He board'.n : house at A-h!and. an«l it is exp»*«-- ■ Wm. F neh i . ■ Ii r «»i Mr * 1 . s. H igin- i ¡ will teach in th«* same «li-tri« ¡ *o>»n near 'ii*.* I’«* vehiviu *«»mewhat N> lartina ’ Jas R Smi ’ ii has sold his place P- rrl iml I ha t my «1» termination shaken I» Hbarn «»f thi * pEiec is paving her a visit. I , «!• li vere«! an •■'?!■*.n tticr«* on ’!.»• »il» ut , t *.l that a lound-hou-c ai d ma< him -imps Phoenix, « on-« tttig of I'» acres, to F. Pick- d;tc» » o* result« «!. I w ill be tmilt there s»K»n. Ashland i* «« r a liu I- . but in 1 • mi ng down from Portland Ttu-ir houm ; I July, w hit h is well * i "ken of. accui'i; ani' »1 . hi* i • a i\ « I. lah !y -f 1« nt.< - e« . for >I2<»»L i The corps of t< acher* of the .1 ack* hi vilie t«> *•;-:» rrup i- • ; i. • «I Io Jack­ t.ainly favored very mu« h. <’«ui*i*ling in part <»1 ! *.s in t c •’¡nty.i’al. <’ha-. Nick* Il wish» * rvciybo lv indebted : pill ii«’s< h«»"l* has not be»»n » vn * q i'v glint iiK'tiiitao - where the railway m.ik« * Attenti«»n i* ca.lv«! to the :nlvvrti.*« niei>t For sai • a’ .i bargain a co*v dwelling j Ii 1- ent- mid.' .-nt*, twi-ting in and to him, either by not • or book account. t«» for th»*,ensuing v«i ir. th-HU■» d i*de!initc- i b-.'iise no : L»r Iron; the « enter "t the town I c»)nspicuous aumn- the lea. h« rs at >a:i q | 17 Mu er. alio has a numl»«-r of CASHMERES. NUN ’ S V EI I. IN«». I’.EKi E. A I.BATROSS CL«» 1’11 I t |v s« ! tit«1 th it Prof. Watt w.ll b »r i i ’. ik I • • ; . m\ <»i.' of -ip li im | “ettle without unnecessary delay. • I Medi«» «1. !’«.r particular* enquire ot R. Francisco, ami hi* <.’hes‘«»rtieldi in man- I » h■■.<•»• te*i.lem c . 1* for sale in A*!.lan«L a* prinrip.p and he vv 11 biiug in a* . n:t GINGHAMS, SHAMBRAYS. SEERSl CKERS. CHE­ uers were called inh» r** pii ution a* a H ..fli-rs sotn-of the must desirable prop- in< 11 «!• | th th.it the j a*.“i ng» r alnio-t I«.-' - Y'»u ran al wavs g-*t the m»it»'*t job work " , T. I.iwt» it. r«»nbesT.atc agent member of the recepti»>n oiinmitt«»«* h> 1 i in looking d.»wn the di/zy h' ight*. ot ail kind« «I me a* rlmaply a* m the ca«t with him fr«»ux the »‘a t •eitv in that p!a« c at reasouubly ».»tvs <»n VIOTS. PRINTS. WHITE GOODS. EMBROID­ ! i 1. McLc a wnl hold services ul W. 11. Wi« kh .’«» ha* '»•*•- I the b’,t«-k when-one tr.iv« I - lor mile* togain a huti- at the T ime * •►tli« r. Give u* a trial. the iustar.iiient plan. Dr. Geo. H. Aik« timad* a bri« f trip th. I • • • b\ tei un « l.’.rch in thi* place Smi- ERIES. LAWNS, ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES. di I \ar. I io n.«»rning ami evening, except- Des', inn and Red Blanimt during the w< Ea F« ciu ! m ....» .mi i». willing to g.. any length to exprv4- my goes up or low!», accenting to the whims sire* to engage tne s?rvi«vx <»f a !• .1 ;< EMBROIDRIED ROBES an every function of the body. ' Roper. Galey A Helm, real-•<' 1’” . r nt- •»• 1 i \»ry ¡•'«•«sint one. Excellent at Ashlaml recently * »hl 12 a'-r - <•! B. R. ^.o» ij. n»i. l he oldest and «me of the best institu­ LADIES AND GENT S FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. «'n tin- -ltl> nit- 'nnirnor l’. tino.« v , Gold Hiil continue« to improve. Sever­ « improved land n> H »n. F. A Wat’* ««I Linn • i-. w.»* furnished bv the Jacksonville Iron liang«» < O.'s busim»!* in «’regni, i* tions <•! learning in Oieg«m is the Willam­ gr.iiit. 'l I I nloii 1 ■ Julin M « iil|L t" « a ' al lots have hern s«»i«i there lately uini « i.ii’.ly for iu’i’iil. or at tin’ r:ilf «»• i • »*• tn ring bind. ; m w ¡ cm aled in Eugene citv Hi* is a gt n- ette I niv«r>iiv whose .id* < 11lsenc nt w 1.1 < •!. 1 Jul. -.tli I« I»’ r. iii. nibi rr « building* will be » r<•< led on them *<> n. i’l,. M I.’ i I . *«rr»’sj "»i •• at o, the Ash- : tler.ian in ev« rv -en-1 ol Cu» w »r.l a id bi* tint « ulp wn« • I’ am-. Ir h «* t larce nunilv r of fr«nt trr« * V u * : . ■ ... . '• (*ri'>-n.i' j efli< iv* t management an I *’r .¡ghtEo a .«• «! be hiwnd under the hr-td of "new tl s ’««I for invivi* v.*;«r« luvin,: I h *.*, i - oi‘vl*te'l D. A I. (’o near M» Im. Jo*ephi« «• «ouir • ii it, as Well as * .»m- itii’priive.neii! we« u. ' Many eminent men in Oregon i'« . i . i • ' »s*ly . i*ul c«l a I «pialiti«»“’enable him to Iella large num <’.!«• ■»: 11.■ ■ • • ot th.* killing Ó«,... W Smith ni W11I..VV ty. when» tlieir large saw-mill is '« rated. f«>: dh k hick to llitir («« lege «lays at 4*o : ih .«nt lily of th* place ‘ Look a ; i»er of range* wherever lmgocs. southern Jrtgon i- the lave i» * ...» » • >l>riint*. I'«’.*' im t. The imr.lon wa- granivi th:* iiiuo 1 - iiy. and manv more wi I claim le« die ou I.' sonny. A i» w r«»¡-♦ - t th«- American Seltler- • I K«*»Li»ig ««-I dU< t« «1 by I’d *’ on i I k * ntliii ivit "i the pron*. ntn.g witne-*-. Louis Silbersteiu. wel-known in (h’s it a* I heir Alma Mater. 1 nv prtseut corps M r. Di iggs. Intel) from 11 «*! Portland, i* ! *«»cti<»n. was on the s<»uthl>»un«l train la.-t , f b icbt i * is larger ami m«»re eminent ,v.he t. -mii .lfalM.lyaHh.T. il . n ' Guidv. Man«(ir«i authority siti»'s of all -i ho»»l hoii*«-. .md another gentleman Ironi • his m »tner-in-law.Mrs Hymin Abraham ¡»resident List Portland is aiso erecting his future i rn»:»g i- r I m utn«- « lenirm > . » t" 1 Karewski’s mijl dues wry « fleetive work, kinds. He has !»<»en engaged in the trunk l»u*. ¡itimi I .r hi ¡ a: loti wa - bt»e»:Uly -tgm»l ’.5 re*i !«•;■.• •■ a -liort «list me»* west of Dickin ­ I <*onstantlv kept on hand. ptllli g out stue ps of considerable *iz»\ G K-ir<*w-.mp«dle«l to leave thete there on account arc There wa-» 4«mie warm weather during of r » k h 1 ih» I i> » n I t -x**>u c ■<* *K t 1. p. iriu 11. -« ntcii« < •! from .Mulinoiiuth in MAKE NO MKTIKE. H II W-»Iters. ih<» ¡ii:xo!»’i*t. has re- ofba the Wea k. The thvrmom I<*st market price. RLAMES r i»» pr ,»•• I for consumptions. Sarta Atr.e has !•:•••. gilt glad- r • u ' . i.’hlv •' fittm ' it an I male- J x rl’ent ( urdin.il or 1 ’»ab b •• 1 i 1, It w.li i*«» «.:«»• ..I thr» »: t ‘ day*. ginlt ami « videm e of g«Hwl « hara' t« r. n»“-* to maro household* ami by nr • ■ •i»‘l> break­ mg .'i mv ..a,»rov< n-mt«. He h is supplied I *ub*l4!»li ¡I buildings « I tli.-kì lit K^rry nnuf hoitl ing up t!.♦• < .»agli and cobi that ».-«• fu ndev. lupa o.n. r < mtra I n -w rc*i«!e* near Allura*. most th»» bar with the timst win« *, liquor* and into that fatai di*“-will yet ■ v t».or.* a:da M«* I "- rot;; tv, wlmre he is interest»-»! in a smith« rn Ort gon. lit nt ft o/' it ( IrrttifHum, r: .- ¡t*. and a tine billiard tabb* can also be there should be kept a bot,*’e «»!' P<»nd - Ex­ from nn untimely grave You no im-take I ’ or the be*t turnout* tor all «»<•••-. *1on* Wcwi.-h him -ucees«» in his new tract. a* it is invaluable ii«-;a*e <»f accidents, John T. .Colie «•! Gorvaili*. who wa- "i» t -aw-m; by keepinu a tM’tt'e of tina p ' Cdib»rr.ia call at the Ex...... ior livery »table in Jack* i■ nmi th'-r«*. Give him a « all for he will slight or serious, that ar- always liable to pastor of the M IE < bur h in Ja'‘k*onvill«’. undertaking. treat y »u well. * rem»«.lj always in the li«»U “ '» sonville Piy¡nal«’’s prices arc quite rea­ occur, such as cut-, l»u?ns. brumes, etc. Ey mail tic. extra, five hs and d »t;ble A plea-ant -urpri-«* party was tendered sonable ami I k * never fain* in giving satis­ dl. d Jul\ 21tll. 0! typhoid fever, aged »I Hasp. V ¡¡io \1*> ,r| .«• 4 \Votkman*hip. >*'A It i* the greatest benefit .’or lienmrrhagvs, year*. 11« wa- born in Baltimore. Mary­ \\ i I. M iie-r Eu : - • ?nrd.«y evening, hi* Illi lost. faction You will al*o «lo w. il to patron­ entbroitlered bu ■!,»'' > ' r,l with pretty I.*»’ e one neuralgia, pain' ami iidaimnation. wnile land, in the year 1*31. «ame t«» <»r«g. ii in tner«-us Iriemls bidding him farewell for ize hi* stage line running between thi* inch wiile. Sizes iff to « > Send money order N« arly two w«‘«‘k since, between the Ap- for piles, catarrh, etc., it t the l"--t known 1*37. and entered the mini-try in I- »!’. He the «> h »oi year. place and M«’df«»rd. * or ¡»ostage stamps. ph g ite store nnd the Jacksonville renie- remc'lv. A*k your «lrujgi*t t«» give v u married Mi.-* Mary T N« l*on on Jum-2», Orrin B bop <»f E |« n precinct wa* Id ch.i in bracelet. I bv finder nothing but the g« nuine. Our «»Id frimul Fuller who bn* been in terv. a IS« ii. with wh«»u» In ha-liv.'l ever -in «-. 1 town Li'» Tue*da> <>n |,u*in»»«* «•!’a 4« I; More important Still I’lv ivw.ird. d l>y Graving the «1 i g. may *ti»i h«» touml a’ h same at * ivter . I tin «»rcgfii Meib-'di-t «"iiármc. pear i • xt wr< \ PiìfK.' Itrli-Uff wan I Crrevf f*.*rm*w<’" ..Id p' st. I. * Ih ’ avc and ha* bifid the palpi: n «'«»rv.dli- n»r al»«..ut ter» thou*an i oil.«4 1 :c«e*ti r’ in S ymi t 'Ms M«»i*tur> . interfu» itchingnnd «ling, (’oiiTiiv • -urt ; »r Jack*»»«! countv / <•»* Ut ut. tiriai. he wii! never di" m i rlv thrv vear* lb- wa* a membei ol ail kind* of Men’s Women* and < b»! Irens most nt nig .I; worn»* b«, .Inrg. if al- t<> any Station on the Or<h.dd l.slg»- No l.ivii-l I»» rteUinue tmn«»r« /orni, which «>K'*e the ONLY— i-e. ‘ ’»» t iiH'-i« >.ier*‘ « -'.Hr: on the Io VO J. ; bout hini. « un. r. u. a . and is * * ie of the i.nest inxtks <-f US kind hot» I building in Ja« k.-nnvillc. I t»b - ”n'»v«,> «lo* tu­ Cut\E fOT^ Y°ttï MAIS. A I .rtic*. F' r I« rm- apply t«» WI INSTOCK, LVBlN&CO. I mor*. At Ci »»-j'.-t- . r 1,.- mail, for c.-nts. I’. J. U y w J.iel <»m die. <>r. \ugu-t *’ •’ I*’ " ai. » 400. 4«»», 404. 406, 403. 410 K Sc TCK C, Dr t A.iyt.- A s-nn. Pl.ilnd* lphia. a y A:ieu t i i ilt i SACRAMENTO, CAL. V e.itl; .1 r. .ABIETINE MED-CoVQRQVILLE CUJ Said Lumber i» being nianitfactur. d at my mill at Merlin Station >/<;/ Vrr.i* A«./, low water i 1 Hu» W Jus. P. ’.i- v r tl--. I hi- barn » t H I »V !•••' A . m Wm M llo« I’oultry Honftd. i i » i •. M viiki I . Ni.w Y«» rk (.’ri y . i i • • FREI». 11. ROWE, McAli ster. Or Portland «! ! \ »» y. t • I January 2G. IS51. i W«u. Stuart of Void ili.l will pay the nibilHi^VLH FOR FMHJH.—OFFICE Pur- tom H<' hi* <•*» n«i •! ii.av, gar*' -n .Cxi A «ha I n I cl.HHiutf and Depot <'«»nunioHary. Vancouvi’r, : ih.» R.ddimg and Fog V. I I \ « « Ù I have ¡»ecu using Bramlrelh s Pills for ■ 1 highest . easa . • price for chickens, turkeys, Harr a I'-'d ..I «..»• p. t »•• - I.. •«• I - k*.V, 1. lulj 1 Haalnd ¡» t «»|»'» ma I h . ii > H» ONLY GUAIiANTEEl) < UKE FOR .« Iu .1 K I., ai* i northbound stage was rob b-d i.ist satur th? l.i*t ten year •. Thf vare a w»m.h«rfui bin a call, if you • UiK’ks. rh?. (>ive ----------- Uipli«ut‘‘. “ubj'M t t«» thoiiHuiil contlitious. will (’ntarrh. < <.’,d in th«i H«*ad Hay Fever, In»*«* Mike May ii-1»! marly .»this h.»u*e <11 by masked 1......... 'j ------------ L - men on lop of tlirrc i* nothing equal to then» i *,a'e poultry <»i any kind fvr sale W. M. H«» hip *. who i* duly aulh »rize«l ¡day morning 1 b<» r» c» iv»’«i at tl.i«» <*t!i<»«» ar.d wt th« r»ftv*«,H <»f tin» (ol.i Catarrhal l)«‘*f.ie-ami 8<»re Eye«. K-‘- W»d ■ -dav night by a firn ir’giimting in a t» i .»llc« t oiit.'tumlbig b: .'* in fav«»r of l l»e i Buliskin hi:!, tw ntv-tive mile* from R-«1 I nit*dic:ne 4. • iu c »innuH.“i«rie*. -f enl>eiBtence at the foll<»\v- *torc*Gu* *“iis • <»f h.*t. a: l s nell; remove« had a* Blood Puriii* rs t box of a-hc* that bad been left in the Examiner Publishing Co.,wid call on those |d...„. ling. The iniil and express box were I’u! I wish I i ivr remarkably Fi>»*v nr i aide they » I,..«• | ir»g namwi p«.M*. uiihl 12 o'clock noon, on T u»*“- piste a:; I mpl’M-mt breath, resulting from ( a- state how h i n u 1i: /> house. His slumber* were disturbe«! indebted this week. Dan Dt Fore-t was driving. with cure rln umatisni. and h«nv < ...*ilv . 1 was ' d«ix. Am/, -i. IMa*. at wu c.’i titn*» and nl’»«'»» H.«*y tarrh. Follow din'etion« and a cur»* 1* warrant. . taken about midnight, and by hard umk he wd! !>«• opened in the pr«‘»-enc«* of bidder», for <»d S-■:"I for circular to ABIE. ITNE M EltU’AL 1 no passengers aboard. DLXLEit IX afn »«it riKUtnai.’iil uf the legs. My Wm (relam! i* condn< ting a beer saloon j th»» •(•‘livery on or brfoi«» Kepfiimlrer 25. IWS. of COMPANY. Oroville. California. «axed the bud ling Thr kitchen i* badiv PUTNAM _ ......... 1- WETTFKEK At the Catholic 1 • bii'in«'** 1 whoi ’ ale f.*h n telegraph comp u, . v at R«»*ebnrg, w her«» Rast's celebrate«! lager I th» ’f«» lowing amount» of flour, vit : Boi«*e Bar church in Albany, July I5tr.. byKev. Louis damaged. E-* E m . ' i* making preparations t«> sul stitutc N«>. • le "!* me r • «lamp places. I was s«j bar live cents a glass. He i* M»‘t«yer. K. E. Putnam of Brown«vill«‘ and rack-. I. T-. 34 barrel«»; Fort Klamath. Ogn , , | fill y ; I tried Baisnm«. Sar*ap.«rillat ami I S1MK DIXON - At Central Point. July-5th by . s «•k«"«'. W. T , 519 liarreD; Vancouver Bar- Tl.« »l«»uE:c minimum rate of $2 7s> per r:.< ¡. W.T . 21 ” barrel»*; Fort Wnlla Walla, W .♦»•/» »Gr l‘ti* frtiif * , and will also extend the «.upper win» that ad k-nd* 1 : tinctures, but they did me no Elder M. Peterson, John 8. Kims t;ud M im > T . I barrel»». Sample» of the flour (not 1« mh SANTA ARIL AND 0AT-B-0ÜRE. k - mao-I- « anipa gn pu »l■••ati»'ii to a«- >i»d «L:»-j»d f.»r lnt d* commute«! (•onntets Portland with tiie east« rn stat»-* •' •«'•I .«mi I wa* afraid of l»eing a cripple. I . Mary E- Dixon. ' than ten |><»urdb« ¡»r«»j»oM»«l to be furnished must I !.*»» far, . the arti*th portrait • 1 tin !*■» »•;,*: « rt: v «»r pre »tnpii«»n within rail, j through to San Fran« neo. For Sale by all Druggist«. ti ’ i' v « •u'mci"C«i u*ing Brnndreth ’ s SUTTON- FEKGUSUN-At the U S. Hotel, in t,r. ftibmiU*’'! With 1 he proposals The flour to . i;tin m mime-. Cl»*«» I. ml ami Thur r<».«d ami imicii-ni \ tin lb*. Pili*. ’ I t«»ok two every night fi»r ten Jarksonville. July :i»«th. by W. J. Plymalo J. Trade tuipnlied by Sn«*ll, H«*it«hii A Wood­ A tm ! MHiiafacturer’»» Ageat lor the n*. t «fed ............................ by bake g befr.r« acceptance. Fr*»[•<*- Henry I. White ami f imi'j’ « f R » s Every iMuiy -h<»»;l'l «•&!! and *♦»♦• that niag- -t ut our bv Mi -r- Siegel, ( ««»per ¿ 1’, Henry A. Sutton and Mi-« Ermine M. ter. nJ* f<«r «piantitie« !♦•*“ than the whole to quinal ard Portlan«!. night*, then 1 began to improve. 1 con P"int w<’.<- in town ye*t»re receivtd. The government r«*MTtre the of State um) A*iam« street«, Chieng«» 1» ii' < u’ *!• > k «»t g•»•».!* !»»‘mg !»«»w. r »•» linueii taking (!•• hi for f »rtv «lavs ami I •. man l'i*»u-r. 1W- i< barg tin* in ev •rx •t to reject ai j oral) mda. andtodiminiah, or I»« mo« rati' platform i* -hown >ur Now. whenever sick, I tiie 1« v.« r valinv on iu»-*day. which 4i«l gotentinlv we»! with th. consent of th*"' bidder to whom award ided by a wreath with ►!» Mar*, in the li’ie ar»» b« ing oflered th»-re. Which ha*« reputation to none. Al»*»» Agent for the take Brandreth’* Pills. Th«*v never tail. Public Notice. « onsidvnible danimre t«» «»p« r. gr .on *r:i m ft-, to inrr«»3e the '¡uantitie« called for. a* the /;n/rv Frank E. llo«l.rkin the well-known in • u 1 put a h mi orarv -t p to l»< ■» '¡¡._ t r <4 ta« |> of which i* the nundu r of J N H arri * • rjg« t eie* of the service may require Blank EMMERSON, TALCOTT A CO. ’S, ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. orn e ih hfhehy oiven that the suramu* agent «»t Portland wa* robbed < f Loral vote* « .isl by the | arti ular -tate proposal- and printed circular*, «tating the kind 1 he v:« iiiiiy o* R<»< k Point. co-i»«»rtn«*?*Eip heretofore exist in< between Sfuifelnr.l lle»t->r. H«y 1UX«. with »t.s«l whesb. »nil Miiwor» with rutting |wwiw «re DiPUY bi l.inktille. July 21-«. »<• Mr nod Mr». of Hour rcqmred. and giving fu I inft ruction« an than <.1 » rut« «!. The iiri« e by mail, im hiding . fil.l.UOO IhtMlttf. er enquire at th«* 1 IME* office tins otfiee. or to the A. C l «.!■•. J. i- <» ’ «g••ry h.iv W. J man. a daugi ter. Geary, »ither of whom 1« . inak" delivery--- Enve- • i to Dr. Pryce or Dr. G< THE NORWEGIAN PLOW CO.’S COODS, w ’ i it is i>ropo*ed to Timely notice i* hereby girt n that I mu-t F. ‘ T.xami»!» i or N. Y “Star. ’ th«- had­ • hi sed a m w I a«!« r «u Mr. Hub! iu d proposals bhouid to collet ’ it d receisrt for said indebt» fhould be’ marked. marked, I auffiodsed « lop. * rontamin; /■ or Sttlr of l«uba-|U<* . Iowa, known th.world Ii».*r a. th» »■ wt '-vepn'di*. ™ i K. e.- Medio rd. ai d *!:.'!♦ I upon Mr. hive a er n* r.J *etth tii « nt with inveigh ni­ ing new»! al er* “s lbc w«»r!«i 1 ••prnpoMii* f<». Flour M ----- ------ and I e .M,»i.(’.»y I !»♦•>• 1 xi «< t to « should he pre ent> d 6nr your.g ii *•: 4 Henrc hittob of .li. . i 1 i !;■' i i' rt :i -mail safe will er - All ila indebted to the und» r*ipmil ! p.d«ii* *«ed to tl;»* uuder*ign'-d. «»r to the Acting i firm ' loaJs from tt.» factor i. vision « mo to wllat r tv low pro *•* e - .lar.d .*■ frr 5 our •»!▼«• 1 WitùcM our hands thia 2D* do of July. 1 -oc. ns ti.is s-'.'-on . < ’or.'«ni*«ari»'e of8«d*ist«,a e M tho pobts U» i»e -■ - I . ure. either for cither bv note < rbook h count, are reqm -r- Butte, as wi'1 E** ‘een elsewhere, ha«.taken i a! hundred M m J i of 1! - up L, t.u. . l, ------- . < who ¡.»»proved security. BATUY-ln Jl-dfurJ Ju.» ¿V.Í., unto him ■: . !• |ii;«i:. Ui tea \*r cur child uf -upid? h C A W(X>BKV’ZF. Captain aod L. F. HUPBARD MEDFORD. ORBCON to «etile at once. K d.d hOl CuUjv JL Ubili J tut. * LQDgratulutiuu« and b«.$t wxahtt. ADpiy soou ut Ui« 1 tasa utbc« Mr. ud Mo. bjruo A. IL M a L w LY OF INTEREST TO YOU PARASOLS. NJ 11 Samples of IIRÏ (¡(NII)S mailed Free of Charge upon application. MINER S ADDITION TO ASHLAND Sacramento, Cala F. W. CLAYTON, SR AND OPTICI A Medford, Oregon. I CALIFORNIA WATCHES. CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, PLATEDWARE, ETC., ETC DISCO VIbi J r ES NEW STOCK OF SPRINC AHO SUMMER COODS I * Gent's ami Bov's Hats and Fiirnisliini Goods of hirst Slvles. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS AND CARPETS, GS G j ’A‘J S ateen C orsets Stoneware Crockery Tobacco Etc. LUMBER 44 cis. LUMBER BUILDINC LUMBER q CATARRH CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE T F HUBBARD Agricultural Implements, ZIMMEHMAN'S IKUIT LVAPJBATOE CELEBRATED NEWTON WAGON N 8. t a. A. J J