¿Iu‘i‘cuj(r»iuí iinirj, FblTORIAL NOTES. Alici T Pi llile I.AXDS. MORI-: TARIFF ROBBERY. The farmers of this coast are vainly Tin* cause, above all others, whie’i is Six< k the Republicans freely deny ; lamenting the hard fate that with each Gen Harrison's sympathy with know- at present retanlinu ttie settlement ami ïffîirhîTaper lor Jarks-inJosrphinr & Lake nothingism, it is well to state the fact of . development of the northwest is the un­ recurring harvest places them at the tender mercy of the grain-bag S|»*cula- at!iliati..n with that order in ls’>4, on certain tenures of settlers «n public lands I his within the limits uf thu unearned rail­ tor.s who. with fiendish regularity, ad- the same evening and in the same lodge ' Al Gl sr 2. lk*W THt’KShAY with E. l>. Norton, formerly of Portland ; bread ¿rants. Ilona ritle settler* on odd- van. e the piic<* of grain bags just when ' and at present residing in Salem. Nor- , ! nunifs-ied sections, since tile withdrawal, .heir exigencies compel the tillers of ton, Harrison and two others were initi- j I of »aid lands from settlement in favor of the soil to market their crops to meet ....their liabilities. Custom ami usage the railroads, have neither been given ated the same night in Indianapolis. the | have decreed that tile cereal crops of the assurance of title eventually from t Tut Republican federal judiciary of coast .»hall go to market hi sacks, and San Franciscocouhl not construe the re­ eor|H)rations nor from the government, sacks the farmers must have. Tl.e Ke- while the fees for entering have been striction act more favorably to the Chi­ , i publican war tariff enables a syndicate nese if they intended to have the almond- advanced and the price of purchase has I I of dealers, or rather a jute-bag trust, to •*v<*d celestials vote for Harrison and been doubled on the even-numbered s i add about two cent ■ per sack to the le­ Morton. Men <>f all parties are right-* «sections. Under such circumstances gitimate market price every season. Tiie eouslv indignant over the manner in i the settler on railroad section“ is deterred Mills bill propo-es to kill tiiis monopoly which the law» are evaded. The Iro- from making more improvements than by putting jute and jute bags on the I will barely suffice to “hold his claim" quis Club of San Franei-co has subscrib­ free list. Although it looks like a small ed one linndred dollars and tin* l>"il:i in the event of tin* land reverting to tl.e matter, in reality it is a most grievous Eraniinee a like amount towards defray­ ' government, well knowing that, if the tax on the farmer, amounting iu the ag­ ing the expenses of the proposed im- _ railroad companies g -t the land, iie will gregate to nearly two milli-m doll.irs per , irm-linii'iit of Judges Sabin ami Sawyer, I have to pay them for the fruits of his year iu the I'acitle eoa«t states ulone. , ow n labor in an enhanced price for his of Au >-(i* rttrpu, fame. improved property. On the other h ind, the grain raiser can make his old clothes P kksoxai rKKl.lsii ran high among the i much land in even sections that could last another season; can live on hall I i candidate« fur the Republican nomina­ , be made productive lies idle because pf rations of toh.icco, get along without tion at Chicago, and charges ol the cor­ the double-minimum price asked lor it at whisky, ami subsist on greens ami ba­ rupt use of money ami influence were ami present, the settler preferring to wait con. lie can also manage to pull through are yet indiscriminately made. It is no lor a possible reversion of the whole without much needed machinery on the marvel that Alger, Sherman, I>eje*w ami PRIMI»' > i : grant to the government ami a lestura- ranche; but he must have sacks, ami Gresham should be so utterly indifferent tiou of the lands to entry at the ir.ini- new sacks every year. The jute bag GROVER CLEVELAND to the cries of Harrison and Morton for I mum rate of *1.25 per acre. The frugal trust takes ».(vantage oi his necessities aid in the campaign. They realize fully or N« w Y«»rlc. farinei may well pause before investing ami cinches him with the insatiable that Hamsun would have been just as iua <|uurter section of w ild brush greed of all monopolists who are “protec­ roil vio:-pn»*tn»:xr: deaf to their api>eals had any one of land,which will cost not less than $10 per ted" in their robbery by the nefarious them defeated him for the nomination. Republican tai iff. Down with the law ALLEN G. THURMAN Dien, too, each of them is thoroughly | acre to bring into cultivation. It should that robs men thus! How can the far­ ( be borne in miml by the settler that a Ot Olin*. convinced that the party made a great ; I victory for the Republican party at the mers possibly support a party which pro­ I mistake in not selecting some “more ■ November election will mean, beyond a poses to continue this rank injustice? »OK t,ll».Stt>»XTUI. >:i MTOK*: . e>i for. Henley, in »ven-num tiered sections, while he —a crank who turns witlieut water or the Keputihcans h ivi* >s*eii wiping thyir who is a h*avv wool grower, merely w ill be. at tliC mercy of 'he c->r,Mirations steam—not content with the cheap no­ noses on were sold bv a firm of English annouucedVi'.at he w a« a Randall !>emo- relative to prices for lands in the old toriety he has achieved through sidt-lau tanpoiteis. Can th.* Irish vote for a Re­ crat, and said he would have voted sections. The only propositions looking datory items communicated to tint coun­ publican who would wqs* his nose on an against the Mills hili if lie had been in to a forfeiture ul these lands to the genet - ty pros in the guise of ‘correspondence,” congress, it was no doubt extreni-*lv , al government have come from Demo i now challenges the editor of the T imks American flag made by an Englishman flattering tothe d.stinguishe 1 Democratic I cratie sources, and have been strenuous- to discu s a -illy set of alleged proposi­ — Villette. ex-congressman to be told that his defec­ 1 iy opposed by Republicans. It is but rea- tions concerning the presidential candi­ Qi iv is the chairman and Fas.sett the tion from l«emocraey was worth "«fuO ' sonable to sii| pose that they will be for- dates, on the stump. An unfortunate secretary of the Republican nation» votes to the Republican party in Cal­ - feited whenever both houses of congress union of mediocre attainments and ego­ committee. There is a watery snggee- ifornia; but his published denial of any [ are under Democratic control, with an tistic vanity often causes Mr. Morris to tiveness alxiut these two names that intention to befriend his political oppo- i executive in sympathy with the people, iiiak.* an ass of himself. It is quite pos­ Which sible that, having made a failure ol his takes the mind involuntarily to thoughts nents .lashes th* hopes of the Harrison i as t'levelan 1 is known to be I wiil you (rive, settlers—t'levelan I ami other undertakings, he might prove ■■ of Salt cie k and the bunghole of a bar­ men to the ground. ' cheap puti'ie lands for the settler, oi the shining -uceet will compel J osephine corxTY item .". rison, who is now under pay as a rail­ us to decline his challenge,we would sug­ T iie river anti liarlx* bill passed the Born—To Mi. and Mrs. E. M. Beebe, road attorney, as chief executive? Du­ gest that he t ike leave to print Ins re­ xeuate on the -’ll I nit. and will become ring the past three and a hall years mill­ marks in the Tithnj’t or hire a had, and a law up..n leceivin :g the signature ul a son. ions of acres of lan t illegally held by the thus obtain,in some degree, the notoriety the president. Mr. Cleveland, it will W. M. Royal comes to the front with 1'were a pity that railroad companies ami other corjsira- his soul pines for. t>e remembered, vetoed the la«t river the first tomatoes. lions. Ian 1 grabbers \e., have been re­ such an overwcelling thirst lor glorj an.l liarlmr bill, and many think the Ciias. Neal of this county is seriously stored to the public domain. Should th« should go unqueliched Is the weather present one should .hare the same fate. ill at Smith river, Cal. present administration be cjntinmtd four . too warm f-r rail-splitting up about Watermelons are in the market, but years longer many millions more will be | Spikenard, Mr. M.? We just want to RrnoLl-il Swtc and three fellow an- o|K-ned to settlement. Should Hairis.m know, you know . archista are held in durance vile in Chi­ not in considerable numbers. Rev. G. W. Black ami wife have gone be elect«-! exactly the opposite may be | cago,under $15,000 bonds for each man, expe.-ted. The Republican nominee- I for conspiring to take the lives ot to tirant county to visit relative«. are known to b * kid glove-i aristocrats I Judges, < iary. Grinnell and John Bon­ The hop crop in this county will tw* field inspector of |s>lice. Their purpose larger ami b -tt«r than eve.- this se »«on. of extre n > monopolistic ten lencic«, ami they are being supp >rte 1 bv th .* railroads luid its anniial meeting il Salem n.-xt was to avenge the death of Spies. Par­ Eridav. A w h-eon. Jacksonville ation canno! lad t > heoi gn-at benelit to one day during the try. ______________ year. 111« |iofis-i..ii in Oregon. We trust week. tliat there wdi he a full attendane« ol KI. I Vi ili COCNI Y ITEMS J. Wimer .k Son offer for sale their T he Portland II >M was last week j iumahsts fiom all portions of thè stato, «tore budding«, stock of goods, etc., at sold to J. A. Newell Co., who have al­ l tor business ut importanee will come be- The stage lint i» well patronizeu. so bought the plant and g «id-will of the Waldo. - ioictli- meeting. A elicici* literaiy pro­ tv. Immigrants are arriving every d .A. A. Alworth, formerly of the Conn- East I'ortlan I Fi'-i'rf, which paper they grammo has b > n atranged, and il goes er, is solictor for the Portland .Vs. < and will merge iu tiie ll'wM. In their salu­ Health was never b<*tter in Kiamatli without sa;, ng that Ilio capitai city will doing well. tatory they announce that the pajier is county. i-nteit.oh tiie associatigli in becoming now owned and controlled by its propri- II Hurlburt of Jump-off Joe precinct Our merchant.* ate receiving h>-ap« of style. Governor l’enn .yer will deliver •tois, will be thoroughly I••■inoeratie was in Jaek«on county this week with a new goods. thè a I lre-s ,f welcome, ami Mayor l>e- and conducted as a business enterprise in load of brooms. lashni'itt uf I•->rtLiti I w di aleo he p.c-ent. Horace McBride has returned to tie ­ the future. We tender the right hand of W. B. Irwin of Iowa, a friend of E. W. eastern states. fellowship to the new management. Morrison. E->v, the c ir;>e!it«i. ha« return- ing lor a location. e 1 to i.inkville. R xpoht reaches us that “BuccaroJiin” Married—Iu Jum|«->if-Io.* pre.-i-i.-t, has confessed to the authorities at Can­ Fat cattle ami huge Clops arc the order yon city that ha murdered James Bright, bv Cha« I.add, J. P., Cha«. M -R.iy in tin« county. ! and Mi-s Fannie Virtres. wad that the paja-rs he took from his Cro.sen smith an I family have return­ It is reported that I), l.imUpv li is ed to Sun l iatic. body are near the fish-trap at the mouth •f tl»e Malheur river. He implicates sol 1 hi« place in Murphy precinct to lion. S. B. Cran*ton ami wife will -ta I •e-eral other Indians Jim and the new-com«isfor a neat sum. east in a lew day». other individual who killed iMpnty Slier- J. Wright of Grave creek mourn* th«» Haying is approaching a . lose ami I riff Lockwood ami escaped from jail not ¡OM of a lug to*, which h« «hot oil ab le harvest will souu commence. long sin.-e have both been captured and handling a gun rather carelessly. will no doubt get their just deserts. The thermometer almost reached bs> You can alwavs find first da«« turn outsat I. « Smith’s stables in Grant'« degree» in th • shad« lien* last week. W ill not that nice, amikble and lilr Pa«H. He never fai's to pica««. A «hoot.tig gallery ha« l>.*en opene I in eral Mr. Morton speak tip in hi.- ow n lie­ John S. Chatham i« building » neat John Friexe’s bui iingin l.-.nkville. half and try to exp! tin that nasty ipiano dwelling-house on hi* farm n“ ir Wilder- Dry weather i» pri-vail.ug, but tin* I business? It would is* a discredit to viile. What is t!»e matter now ' crops are too tar alongto he injur >1 tie r.- the country to hate judgment entered Perry Bowen ha 1 one of Ills thumb* by- by default aKwinst a vice-presidential Judge M'x.re is enlarging an 1 other­ candidate tor having abns. I his position nearly severed from the hand while at­ wise improving his r - lem-e at l. nk- .11 wan American Minister Flenipotentia- tempting to catch an ox with a rope. Notwithstanding the dull tim-s and ville. ry in order to made money out of guano A. it «’r i' .« impr >■., >g tii * ipp.*ar- by a contract with a financial organiza­ aearcitv of new-comer», a number ot tion whose record was fai from illus­ real-es{ate transactions are taking place atli-e of Ins resi l 'iicu a! I.illkvili< verv much. trious.—.V. Star. Great crops of everything will be the ll a*-th KnoirlHtj. Dr. Warren, sup«*rinteniuli an«l At Jennings «i- high sell sii. was under engagement to wine«, liquor« and cigar«. They will ted over H'tOO for timber lands in tin« ge>. lie tiiri I mativ sn-ra died popn .ir co’tgii remedies h ami >t«‘adi!\ irr«»w worse the regents of the State Cniversity. The county. treat you well. had i «lirliculty in Was reduced in floli regular meeting of the hoard w ill not lie Mr. Runyon, who talks oi opening a bn-n’hing and was unable to ! sleep. Fi C. II. Sampson has purchase*! a house held until August IPHli, in i Miss Sabin bank at I.inkville, has returneu from natlv trictl Dr. Kin ? i New l»i> v ry tor and lot in Grant ’ s Pass of Cha«. Nickell until that time will remain in the un­ (Ou-uiiiptiufr HU'i f'»un«l imtnedi.it«1 relief. San Francisco. pleasant situation of Laving accepted one and become a [> *r ti merit re«: 1 *nt of the and ab r tuin:r about a hail d«>z-n b»tt!».'.'* The Steamboat hotel a* K<*m> ha« Is-.m ft.tin 1 hinwif well and has had h«> return position without being relieved from the county-seat. At Seott, Jeunings ,t Co.'s, Grant’» rented t.y Mrs. J. Pearson, wh-. know« of th- «liM-as*». No other remedv can sh"’A one she held. There is said to t>" no in I t r«’f<>r doubt hut that th« board of regents will Pa«s, you can always find bargains in how to k-*ep hotel. I'. • ■•! v tor *' »ii'iinip*; >'i uuti.t'. release her from her engagement at th.* 111« «rest lines of general meichamli*«. There are a number of tine g ird«ns jn \ I«»«!» just what i> ciaiimd fori’. {<• university. She is one of the ablest Cail and see. Klamath county, where the b *st of veg­ i bolt' free at F. (.'. Bro’-k < Drijj teachers in the northwest coast. Wm. Nenrath'a line, new r.-idenee etables an* rai in Grant’s Pas« is nearing conilrletion. Mrs. 14. A. Brooks an I daughter of .1 Trae Star n of th* t iiieiui ! <♦»*»( H. l.’i . gln <>f 1’urt'an i. inana^-r ol H« is still m inufai'tnring tier be«t b.*<*r Port Townsend, W. T., are veiling John Harrington w t« h • luck) ih the M iy a l.i’ •• number of ii.>nr.ii»-e emup inii-*, in southern ' «regon. filends at I.inkville drawiii« i>r 1'he !,-> i.-*ÌT>iT_S:.*.tf Lott'-ry. Line b.ia written a lon^ irticlior the S un­ The M irph v creek m ils aie m iking A larg.* party fiom I.inkville paid Cra­ th" -*uhstnnti*il. in ittcr-"f fact in m that If i • ht* *l.iy l ire'jttutii n. in wbieli lie en v* rontimv- fi* ' at th»* Atlantic Minihg an excellent brand of flour, ami, tiring “Hitherto I have nniiormly vot I for the only grist mill in the county, shmild ter lake a visit, spending a week there (’<>.’* Btnmp mill Hi* ii',k“t which wa** ii ;ht in F'lt* L'»>ii*ia-.t St it« L »tt'-ry. Ih- but on this occasion, if I live till the 6’h Circuit e i'trt convenes next Mon lay. ath hasgotu* to pirticipate iu the shout­ priz • Av * »• »ll«*'’ted f<»r him by tri«* Vuinnal ot November, I prop to vote for Gru liank <»f H'»»i .riH'>n It was invi'-t»*(l by l.ttn xer Cleveland.” 11« »imply voices the The docket is not a large one; ami, a« ing tournament at Vancouver, W. T. ntoY'k of th»' ’ nl.ini“'t A Il'H'hi Mming co 11^ani nentimeiit of thotiaan.is of Voters who this ia th • b:i«v «e i- >n -I the year, those M. S. Titus, who has l>e«n a resident — I llotight»»!) ' Mich. Gaz^tt.*. Ju t»* It. have always l>eeti Republican«, but can­ intere-te 1 ar.* glad of it. oi this county for sometime, remove 1 to Chas. I>.*ek«l keeps the l«‘*t stock of the Willamette valley not long since. not support Mr. Il irri-etn and hi«re<-ord (AV A anJr* lialile'b <‘«t VJVW to j, ¡„nJ upr n. A< tier’s Blood El- n<>r the free-w h ->kv an I n.bb. r t.iritf go id« in Waldo ami s*ll< cheatwr than The county clerk a iv *r*i« *s Ith • de- anvhidy el«** th«re l»or»'t fail to give phltl'orm of the Reptibli.-tin party liveiyot h> cords ot junipet ami pine ixii* ha.» lieen prescribi 1 for y< nrs for all in*.- him a call, for h« will treat you well. 3 of the Blood. In every forruofScrof. wood. 11« will receive Imls until Sept 1st. S’ pldlitic or Mercurial diseases. It is Fu tscr has a “prole* ti *e” tai ill an>l A rush of immigrant« i s exp>cte.l alter W. O. Vaughn has returned to Fort , ..«. Forliheuniatii-ni. hasnocaiiHl. eo has Germany, hut neither of them harvest. Josephine couipy off«'s gr«a’ Ass ies a cent-of tax on impoitatio.i- of ind icements to intendi ng settler« ami Klamath from ' alifornia. lie recently niadeins old h* in in Tennessee a visit. foreign wool. They km.w from cx|s-ri- will no dotili' get lo r share of them. ewce that both the wool rai-er ami the Stage fa'** between Ager an I I ike- W. E. Bigley his ret rm-1 from a wool manufacturer are Iwnetited by ad .. 1 * ■ ■ luceii, being lla insteari mitting tlw raw material free. In each trip to southern California, which sec­ | of $18. This will ip> doubt stimulat of theee eonntris* «dieep*raising is a lu­ tion indili) and in a bad finane al condi­ travel. crative industry—a iac« that is a com­ tion, as tf.e iMHim ha« collaps.*.! there. The I.inkville school has closed for 1; .we'.« mill at Merlin, under the man­ i vacation of.>’*-veral wi’ek«, du.ing which plete answer to the argument that to put wool on the free list would be to agement ol W M. Richarls. is turning ; term Prof. Butcher will vi«it ¡sisk yon lower the price of .American wool. re sawmill« are now being operat­ 1 villi* has been moved to the level of the formerly sold, ami the tariff forbids a re­ ed in Rii» county than ever liefore, num­ i street all I John H. R«-«|Hei>l has rennin - sort to the natural remeilv for ovei-pro­ bering at least i.,i). A great quantity of I ed work there. duction, I lie foreign m.,ik>*t. stl|H*rior lumie r Is turai! ! out by them. : Wm S|«*nce, who has arrived from Mr Reynold«, a bro!her-in-!a* Mr 1 California w th a large han 1 of horse- Ir ia* little cruel t«> make s[«>rt . >A I. 1 at: J cattle, ■ itile. t ilks of starting a frantic »tmgufes **f |a*r*ui- in dire *h — Co.'» mill, died otic day last week. He • tin* vicinity of Gowan bay. »re«**, but it i.-v impos-ible to te'rain from ha I lieen in ba 1 heal'tl for sometime Cattle-buyer« h i«., t.egi’n taring ¡imtixel bv the course of the Har- pa«t. 1 but n-> .mpoit.mt sales have neon organs on the jiensiot» <|iie«ti»n. Camptiell .v. Taff« ot Grant’s Pa««, one i as yet. The pri*-.* off«, ed i- Thev have all along been .-riticizin» the president a« the enemy of the aol-liera of the leading firms in the county, an­ m -re so than it ought t > In*. Wall.K-c Newman ami V D. (‘.»rrifk for vet., ng pension bill«. Now. when nounce that on an I liter August 1-t they I th«v are confronted with the pr.iof that will-sell forca«h only. They keep a first- j have engage 1 in the b’.ai'ksmithing bu«i class sto. k of good«. ness at I.inkville. P> >tli are excellent Cleveland's mlministration has done as One of the children of Charles A. mei hanics ami deserve sucee««. much for 1'nion veterans in three years as Republican administrations r-«k fell from a gate Rev. Jo-. Hamilton holds services at twenty years, they turn about and a few day» sim*« ami broke an arm. She 1 Linkvillt every «uml.iv morning and roumlly abuse the president fi»r “truck- was taken to Grant’s i’a«*, where the evening; al«o on Wedn**«d iv evening. iing to the soldier vote.” and they go so broken member was set Sunday-school at li) o'clock v. m far as to say that he is using the public J. B. Hutch ami J. R. Jennings of Proposals for furnishing Fort Klamath Jreaaury to bribe the veteran«. Very Grant’s Pass both keep excellent places j with flour will be r*-.-«ive«»w.ler n»‘V'r viri«’« V marvel <»f puri­ 21, 1888, al noon. For further particu- ty.-’r.*n^th .■(.•.ii)t*nt*MH. Mor«« «•ror.i»ru- overdone, why did tin* Republican« vote to plea.se their Bue«ta. They are deserv­ iats see advertiseiirmt elsewhere. i< al than th»» ordinary km«!**, and cannot !»•• nold «or all tt.e (lension acts from which the ing o< a g'ssl patronage. K'amath county’s prospect» for rail­ in r<>mp*»titi«»n i’ t ? In* ma«;nitu these Ktiort wi;.'lit .al'iin «»r phoi-pliHt«* powdvrK Hold A cam|r-meeting under the auspice« road communication are good ami n>* only KeputdicM )*a«~-r» mean to say that if in can«* li"¥\i. B aking l'oWDEli (’«»., 1“. their party had l>e«. Me — rail with the outside world in a few year«. the present presidential te.m lees would D. C. Herrin, Medtord'» i-xpert pho— have been done for the veteiaus .’ The Cain an I other* will 'ar in atten lane-* to SptDJÄ® dilemma is a pretty one for our friends, ' conduct the services. No lot -k«tering t 'grapher. is in this section on busineSH. lb* t >'<>■« ti>*- t>e«t of photographs at rea­ th« enemy, and we do not care upon wiU be allowed THE Jim Mub.. n*ay I»* found at the Grant’s sonable figures :lm| never fail« iu giving wl ieh horn . fit they impale them**lves. ! i Pass post'.fnce store. Business is so satir faction. xte watiinUv, July 14th. ’be iMmncra- brisk there that ih» ter . ices vf tr.'oclerks Harvest liamls are a« scarce here as « of Indixmipolis ha*! a ratification meet­ are required. Give J. W. Howard a call 1 elsewhere in Oregon. However, there ing in houur ('leveland and rhurm.in if you need anything in the line of ar« a number of idlers who would be in which thev ri«houiiliated a little local af­ general inerehamlise. : the field ti they were not constitutionally fair. that, tak.n an index of the feel­ Accoriling to the county clerk's annu­ *>pp>s«d to work. ram.ANO-OR£GON-J ing among Ifemoeiate ttiwe, would seem al exhibit, the receipts of the county du­ Bill Barnhart, tie* swamp iami fiend, the U cwf Shore Is th*- only lUustmtrd msga to indicate that the Homdei slate will ring the past fl»ea) year were 11!'.813 1!', sine piibiisliM on the I’criBc coast, and Midi is in this section. He travels under the give theltemoeratic ticket a rousing ma­ and the expenditures ♦15,1124.77. The name of Smith and is accompanied by from lUexeel'eut Inc: ary i.-aturiw its ot.jsct is to convey information, by hotti pin s»l nenrir jority next November. Tbe ratification county debt, exclusive of interest on F. E Habersham, a civil engineer for­ ot tbe great renonrees ot thia region, and tic. « m gotten up on short notice, and yet I warrautb, is »it,344.17. progretw of their development. merly in the employ of the O. A C. R. »here were upwards of TiKKA men tn line Special tUu.traosl articles appear In each A. H.t arroti, 'he well-known nursery­ R. Co. Issue; also, several pages of notes of the pro­ and hillv ¡»,000 Democratic spectator», man, will raise !«ea»iy »'»,l)t)0 lbs. of tine gress tiemg made in »very section. Oregon, Large nimbers of San Frani-iseans. and the’ rU bandana wave! every­ Washington, l laho. Montana. Alaeka, I tab. prune« this season, the gr«-u>‘r portion where. After tiie parade the enthusias­ of which he will dry and ihspuse of. including l>. O. Mills, the millionaire, California. British I'oiumbia. and tbe Pacific have gieat. quail tities of timlwr ands on Northwest in general, are bring illustrated. tic crowd listened to able efforts by ilov. oí orerin¿ ii.i. thi* I Spencer creek, suppose,I to be in ex- The s-ihseripilnn price Is only »2 fie It ia not There is no danger „ Gray, English. McD >a*M ami Brown, only lhe cheapest iUnrtrated'tnagaztne In tbe business, as dried prunes always sell I |»*'.-tation nfilm extension of the Southern United States, but contains articles and en­ who pteilicted 15000 DemocriKicmajority readily at lOcents a pound. Pacific into Klamath county. gravings of great interest to every resident ot in Indiana. The number of i-luhs in pro­ I this region, n hich can not be found In any Conduetijj- Jamieson continui*« his reg­ cession was upwards of thirty, all local pther publication. .1 n Important Hhm-Ht. Subscribers for .sss, receive a large supple­ organizations, with memliership from 5 ) ular dalie» notwithstanding that tn* is uniler bonds to appear at Grant's Pass I < >i the »uuces< of H »otl’s Sarsaparilla is ment every month Tt,e first ou Is a beauii- to t*uo each. The «ignitii-ant feature of ful oleograph of the / Entrance to the Co turn the fact that every purchaser receives a naxt Monday, fór hitting a refractory the )*:ira le wan the railroad chib with bta River ‘ printed in nine colors, and each man on the uw hwad nvaia with wim a w coupling coupung fair ■—■ equivalent « ...... ••• L>r ■ his money. The f imi- of the other* repreernts some feature of our -J00 men in line, all workingmen. Many brakeman ;2 headhne ___ 2 ? * KV P. -ea One '? ” 8to- The«, who are h..« pnu-d MVlbat bar Pollar sublime scenery. The supplement* are alone _ cd the transparencies contained allusions pin. ’ * »va l»v i fnttirw ' I. len by tin imitator^, is nrirvinn original iviîli with lin»! an«! true worth more than tbe price of the magazine. to Harrison'» Chinese record. And yet Mr. Jamieson was hardly to blame, a« only of Iloofl’s Sarsaparilla. This can Try it for l-vvi. and after reading, send It to your fri’-nds elsewhere You will find It both thi» is the borne of Harrison, the Repnb lie liai0 No. 37. ‘ lfluacre«. liMitt ’res fenced nnci undvr cultiv.Ji«»n and two * j «» im I spring* on the place, i’liis in choice grain and fruit land aut ev idonce of su«;e«*»e we can i>r«>duce. Onr local fields which are level, rich. niea«l«'W. grain and agent* in thin vicinik are fruit land, and <0 aereK m alfalfa I her«- are nn t he p!f water. Four mil«*» from Jacksonville and can supply you with a full line of our STEEL FRAMlSELF-BINDERS, SELF-RAKE REAPERS, MOWERS AND STEEL OR WOOD WHEEL HAND ANO SELF-DUMP HAY RAKES. I $15(1.’. No. 43. ' acr«*£ tiOacrea of dioic« grain and fruit land under fence, with new dwelling-houa« and barn. and water for stock, Situated oua inilo from (»old iiill t. Also a full line of repair» for any of our machinery . T. E GODFREY. Hpecial Agent. Jackson Co. D. M OSBORNE X ( (>., Portland,Oregon. $HiX). No. 40 Unimprov«-«!; W«ll .. .. WHt.Tod. _____ and ¡»lace to make a good home. TESTIMONIALS. call i ARTHUR CONKLIN Ashland, Oregon, July 1, D M (HBt)KN : A ( O.. Portland. Or. D ear 8 irh ~Weth»» under.-iirmid having pur« h.;se«J y«nir Mowersand Beapers, take pleasure in No. 55 41») acres. re«,«>mmt*nding t »em to the public as bom«; light ■ laft. »'asj m<»ti<«n. vr- ll made, simple nn«t durald«*; $4.509 r fa* t they are j i-t the machines f<»r th»« farmer of tM»uih<*i n Or«*4on. Signed Unimprov«*«]. level, rich ____________ trass und fruit land : JOHN J. Ml BP BY. No. 2 M-weV .»- d \ - Heap, r running water; titi«i donation <*laim. A great M.H N<» rt <'«»nibim’d Svlf-Iiake lb.»per and M«. 1***. A No. 1 farm. Hituaten a«T«-H f«-u«‘edand nearly all under culti­ marOntral Point and purchaaod eaid marhin* of your h»caJ ig«*uts Magruder A, ('o Too mu«-h vation. much of which it* MifC* ptiLle to fruit cul­ cannot be said in its favor, for it certainly «loo« far better work than any of your representatives ture. It in ai*o well Hituat«*d inah.«ahhful loca­ ■ rave «stated that it w«>uld do. Being light, draft, «simple in construction, easily manag>*w using-can safely say that it is the m«»st «•conoxnical way of harvest­ ing now in use. You ar>* welcome to refer to rne ut any time, as t«» my entire satisfaction. Kigm*d iWm. No. 58. 2UUacree» EKED. T DOWNING. Choice fruit and grain land; 150 acres fenced, 60 acree i n cultivation: a living at ream of water Brownsboro,Oregon, July II. 1* m M. through th« place. improvements new anti I) M OSBORNE K O Portland.Or.'- m. tirst-cla.**; 750 fruit tree* of best variety; I , D e \R S irs -'Pt e No. 11 Steel Fram** Se|f-B:.’ur agents in EW7, has given me «*utire satisfaction tn every particular. an«i 1 am more than glad to slate that it is the most labor- miles fr«»m WuodvilUe. A great bargain. or-savnig machine 1 have ever had on rny ranch, ltissimple. strong and durable, and m my <-ti ?IU per acre. No. 76. 476 acres ruation is exactly the machine for the farmer «»f t»>iith«*rn Oregon. 1 consider th«* Binder far wap«*, Thi* splendid tract of land i«all fenc«*d and #00 riorto eith«»r the header or reamm. You are w« l<- -rm to refer anyone contemplating the purchase of a machine to nie, as 1 will take pleasure in showtig them the working of my machine, now in oper­ aciew are unrrect in «-very particular. miles «*aM of th«* county seat TheH.il jh free, Youra V«r> Truij. H. 11. BKOWN. rich, black loam, all first «piality of fruit and gram land. The place has a houwe. large barn and iiiHt-claHs fences on it A great bargain and will be open for only thirty days $3003 N 78. 2(M)acrea. Mostly fenced in grain teldn. nmadow. pastnre, orchard and garden ; all rich, black, alluvitl soil; abour 1 JU acre* of plow land ; three springs of pur«- water; t»tr»*ani flowing through th»*j>lacv: orchard b«*Ht vari»*ty of fruit; large.comni'idiout IlillO €JoitIll3’e Oregon Situated in the l'aiiioii« “Rugue River Valiev," tin' Garden Spiff <>f Southern Oregon. SOME FACTS (’Liyi me i* very h»*HltLy, even and attrnctiv'-. and w ill comirnre mor« than favornbl) with an State in the Union. < alifornia inclutled R km *» ukci '. s We ar»* rich in agriculture, timber, mmoral ami crazti u land?». In other w< id*- w can produce all that ik r .... K*ary f«»r man and 1». ie-t Fruit and Fruit ■ ultui«* jKl. Konthvrn country. a- we I i '. • a • : m.i'.e <•<»-•». «ina* •• ru. i adju-t« <1 1«» tl e ciiidition of lh«> Hi.il, ,md can produce the Lire- ki r.-id L- -t-E;r.-.»red fruiln gr< wi; in ary » <. What are the produetjon* of "Ur valley ? Al.no-1 ••vrythi;.- that i-crown in a f-«*n»i-tr« pica1 cJi niafv ; all ti e c«*nt- uated on th«* liank*« of Rogue river, which, at thin ¡»omt. l as a fall <»f ten fe< t to the ci L . aud fut- rijsli'*s an in»*x• auMible Mtippjjr of water power for manufuc»are. Tic r» ;ot • w y <»i:*i.t’s 1‘as«« bhollM h«tL«' l.ARGl ** 1 city it dbut hem Of« C c. I*, t hat it La- to Ul port itIt io « I 11 • ' ID• •'!- • •< I n «) i-quare iiii I« k . or I.’."'J’*■ acr«-. and i- Mirrouitd <1 by »-x’* it^ix ■ ? n.ner int»-r« Kt»* it i- a«’p uh bly Mtuafed, Hdvanta£*‘oiiKly ho with r> f«-i"in <•’o t tLo »M ’fad» ofava-t rogmn «-nrrom.din» it anil it ► not likely that it« i>o|.reniar) »isa <•<>: 'r <.! ; .*: bitK't «•• • < >i ’ for ’I.« t onj.ty ; » ever be ilihputed. it has «iKEVi w vn.’a I '- weil . o? r t ltrs I I < ts a laip«-ln .-rar d I.ii’;j. : Co. kx'Hted her«*, broom factory, machine i-l.<*p» '• ud rour«i hon.*eH < f ti •• <>. A < . 1 . !•’- •'’• here. 'I hen with a bracing clima,«‘ him ! Kh,»r t w ;nt«-r>. u .;i: do ulack 1 «• • hi :’alibi - U e »»» • «1 and want a national bank and a big hot*-! ; >>*•’•, won hl b>- j-ay r c iii v — ’ up •nt*, if a n?-r« L. nt, < « n.< and start your bUKinesti. W< nv d st or«*s 'fall k ir <1- a-* t' »- w hoi'* eoui • y <-t *m«'s I «re 1 < t y.- d«-. If a mautifacturor, w* can offer to you fpi» r.did ■ *j | «»rt urn' a- for a Louring* n .1, rani «•: a . j r-mi J. ch«Aesp an«i butter factory, tannery. woo!»*n fxrtory. etc Now i». f He t ane. I l ey« 1 ■ ’■• t r i <-l oom­ ing L» re This spring pries of pr«imn g land fr««m *6 an K'-re up. Fruit is ran-«*d with«mt irrig it i"b aud t ii - flax or a* «1 ta-t- • f it « an».« t «»xc«-lled Such fruit lands as we ar«* selling at $1'* aa acre, just acio.-th.«* line ir: < alifornia are bringing froir $5 * to ¿2U ML WTe fiuve th«* ch«»ic<*bt City property ard th. uirg'-t I bt of farm- c. * d. comprising'■<. iXA.i acr«»N in Josephine, Dougla-artd Jackson r< ciut i «' m . ('imicetivt ai.ti ten act. tracts of fruit aid garden laud adjoining the town of (¡rant’s I'.t--. PAMPHLET SEND FOR REDLAND NURSERY, We are publishing, giving full information about Oregon, and esp'H'tally !b . u» E»v« r Yaiby. Send to us for on«* anil th«* name of anyone cornu g tl i- way ; alK< for a «■••)<) of "iir v.< • k,y ¡ .j « r the “R'*gue River < '«»uner.*’ which is always interesting for strangers to • . in wl.iefi we aiso aluay Six miles South of Grant's Pass. Joseph ine have a list of our properties. County. Oregon. W.* buy, sell a d take or comm’-*'*'.'! ary prop**rti«'S in Oregon All coinmuniririons addr«‘-H«*d to us will receive pnimpt ar’e'.’p.r, and n’.y c. *irt ♦;♦ - we nay b** able to extend will be cli«*erfally given. SMI I II A CONKLIN. Grant's I nss. (*r« goi.. --------- ---------------------- ' -------------------- RED HOUSE 1. il. C'.ARSOS t SON. Proprietors. N>> house can care f<>r litem better; none m ike- lower price every article giiaranter represented; Initblreds of orilets ed anil disjuitched daily; letter-<>f satisfaction alido-t without num her. r. We Invite comparison with any. 100,000 TREES 1887-1888 1 i’’Acri J. S. SWEET, 1—1 nt Mathema«irv. IVycnloo an and Executive Work. K1E8. 8TBAWBEBHIE8, FIGS. MRS. LOTTIE D. WILLARD, t 7 Voi«« Culi un*. Our tree« ar»* grown without irrigation on red hill land.avd all of known varieties that succeed in Southern Or«*g«>n. Those contemplating tree planting will do well t<. visit our orcf.ani anti nurs«*ry. «»r writ»* to u** for pric«»-hst Address t«> uh at Murphy. .1 «»*<•*- phin* county. Oreg«»u. or to R R Station. Giant’s Pass, Or. A. IL (ARSON A BON M I j Fishing Tackle. Hardware. Paints, Hi!', Varnisli. Glass. Putlerv. Etc.. Engln-h Grammar, Kh«f. nc and I ait in. GItAI’E VINES, < I KKVNTH. GOOSUÎEK- 11 mi\i Manufacturer ai.d Dealer in Ashland, Jackson County, Or. Aople. Pear. Peach. ISHJ.DE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES lllnstrated Calacee, Crier Bl?.iiks. Eiiielopts acii Samples of Goods Free. I A.hire-: H. G II.MAN. R-.l Hou«.- Trade Union, 714 atiil 711‘> .1 St.. and 713 uti l 7l.’> Oak Avenue, Sacramento, (’al. I’wu Stun Building*. JOHN MILLER, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, In stock, consisting'«f Plum. Prune. Apricot Nectarine. Cherry. Almond. Chestnut. Walnut and STRICTLY ONE PRICE ! I ASHLAN 1_> Instrumental Music. AVIN’. FAILED TO ( 1.0*1 Ol T MY Bl’S- in Jacksonville, a* I had wished to d«», H 1 mess have concluded to eont inue the snnie on a larger EMMA TOLMAN lirawine arid l’auitu g All c<»rrei«jMind«‘iice cheerfully answer.-I dress th«* Pi « ritieni. AT CENTRAL POINT CELEBRATED RANDOLPHS LATEST IMPROVED Jacksonville, Oregon MRS. C. C. EDDINCS M'alt thaii ever. 1 was it Sun Francmeo recei tly whore I laid in ««■'.••of the larg -st and be*t *«o« k- Ad- <»f :«:1 kimis of F»r prices/ 1 will guarant«*e these G«M»deto I m * just what 1 f^r<*sent them to be. K ing thankful t«> my old cu*t«»m« rs for th« ir past p.itr«»nsge so I i I«< th 1 ■ h !• ■ st*>w« d, 1 would respectf«ii!y sobcit a ron- tuioancc of t!<«* sara«*. JOHN Mil ILK. COOPER & SON, Where i» kept constantly on hand a complete and fi mt «china stock of (’or. 7th and B 8tre«D MEDFORD, OR ■ » HARDWARE JL. Stoves. Tinware, Cutlery, PAI NT* t OILS OF ATI KINDS. M3vhanics' Tools. NAILS. ROPE iiittman, Empire Enclosed Mowers When »top them i turn airr.m I • I I have ina-ie t -j of can merely to i l ave them re- i( AL CL K*. FITS. II. or FALLI . O SICKNESS, A life long M ule C> ne tin- w. rst failed Is not’ * Bsnd at ".» ■ t- r of rnv I s r . and rest <>'■. trial, amI : t - H.C. ROÔ I ' 4n”. ant my remedy to • others have • • •’'ivinga euro. •I .» 1 'IE i HOTTLl Give Express • • n n*•thing for ft :• ; a. Address ' »S3 T ea l S t .N ew Y oh An.l eventhina elee imnainalile in tin« ¡¡iu>. ’•> ¿.««I. are -w a, ,1 ,,f i; ,. i,...i an«i will t.■ - .1.1 at S,e Lowest Ruling Prices. Tuffs Pills LUCKEY & CO Thia poptilitr remedy »ever fuO» to cl teef ual*y rttre Dyspepsia, Constipation. Sick Headache, Biliousness And al! "’h »’«* «if <)r«*t;on, tor Ih.'l’s.ui.t:. ' f J.trkron. Mini ’.' A L"M y. j li.'.ntifl, \ k . \\ iu A. !>•»*«*>’. «i-’f«riilunl. To Wm A. L"f v. t!.«* fcbs-v»«-: ».m««i «]«•(«•• «’;»rt: I f 1 N Till NAMi OF I Hi 1 i >1 \i I <»k <'R1 - State Treasurers Thirty-Fmirtli .Vitic Th« publicare hereh> .u.titi.-d that th. under« ..«nod w.ll for 1-| fl Notice of Sale of Mining Slocks. V’H K I IS HEREBY (ilV! \ THAI IN <(’ £1 >!.l ce wuhtl,,. I,>.!.»►„( II... .|„rku,'„ J.; Minim-1. •! Milumr i ..niiwny ..t .1^, .,u„.‘ (Irriran. Hi* rtpital Hoekun the book». Hl nanr-a <»f J. 1’. Rollon. I). \V. Croaby. W. (j d*nnry. A. H Bunderu.an, G. H. Ilowarti £J Khpp«;!. • . Ulrich and C. |»nm will Im euld front if the <>ih< »• <»f the Recrctar) of »aid com*, ¡»any u> J«ickMinviHe,()ru<«jn. <»u Is and private »‘ff’*ctH «»* the late Thu* i?H rare opjH»rt itv f«-r any on*» Wishing to parcha»-» »onv* tirst-cla»H carriage rpilE>l B*( IIIBERI A Kh.> PLEASE 1!E I material, etc. H K. H ANNA. Adinixtivtrator I 1 in imi'tUD' in/ Hi ii 'train saw-mill March K. 1R-’. js ik » w running «»n full time and turning ; .< •turdfuj, the 1st tl iii of Scpfentbc, 1883t out a I irg<- quantitv nfliimlxr. Hr is pre­ pared l" fill all orurr of tn • Roaid of Director*, ing. furnished on *ln»rt notice. Fr«*e achol irKhipK fr«»>»i uvery e»»u«i’y in the H J. DAY, Secretary. *a»i*fa< ti ni gnar.ititevd. S’a’'** Apply b> you? ratin'> *U|i‘'riut<*>id«*ht. J.e kt-onville. Or., Juno 22,18!<8. Four c hi • ’la-cdc:«!. Scientific, Literary, S. s. SMITH. and a abort Eiujliwh corn •* in w.'och. t • < t « i** no n WANTED. «25» week and ex- t-h «»- I • l' icliah h 'ljri 1 I Hi ALI $5 i \ WEEK \\’l) EX * Lat ’i b • • - - ISi 1 r '• nso-p« «L bteaii.v work. N«-wGoodi*. p- ' ♦. (>utfitjr«jrth |r» i«n«i ~— I* ¡»■'•-••ini’f i’' i t L.L.I mplt» free J . F. HILL tlCulATH; fit* r ~ Vit KLKÏ |Au- |l'«u ■ »t otiiw :: ■ ; 4 <• i »u ,jJt- „ K O. ìVO r. TN l > A Sp»riait} A Choice Collection of City and N Country Property for sale. ANDERSON CREEK Mason’s'Fruit Jars. SADDLES AND HBEOS anr flee- I arm, IfettIMf- j h « t » h ’ m of thia aanimotiM <»n you. if -• n < I v .’liui I Haul county, or. if f-ned on y u will.m a* > ltft.il, h //7. s/rop <«»»«/ SichrtH/m” ir'llbc ,N<‘3tt J Ft O/l apjel'icat eUH» <>thnr county in (la- SlaD», tl.« n within twriiy ‘ day a from the tim** of if* «■ r«i< . • r. if » on you « hi ’ <»f tl»o Stalo «»f ( h •_••!’. or l»y publica- tiiMi. th« ii By the ti bt day «»f t!.« t-rm ■•! t :» I’P.u i cour». f >H >. | i. •; t er. A !» . i • are fun«L ««u hand to |ihJ ,n ,,llt .1(, ■ . d day • f - *i ) warrante «IrH Aii on tl.<» military fun«|. • ; which I t.ikc a rd»i n t«» i I . | •. • * hav** lH*vn ii «i; - d. •'pn-t-.*: Oil |lt,j fl their interest to rail an«l see un . G. W WEBB. t '.!► Kint to be t»ix«««J. Stat«’ Tr«Mo»urer. i.wte'’r n<«ifi.,t <1,M il.i.enn m- — !» ». re-tlbi pubhcution. I.y order ,,f the Jndee of Mid court, dat.xl Jul, i„ ■'“*>*« A Rare Chance! From this date we v.ill -11 all kind- of refined sugar in Barrels, Half-Barrels and Boxes AT REFINERY FRICkS, additional charge foreaniage from San Francisco t<> Jackson«ille of ONE (1) DOL­ LAR per ONE HUNDRED t l'"'t LBS. BUGGY. CARRIAGE and TEAM A BOOT Al’D SHOE SHOP (live mo a rail bcf«>re going elsewhere J. ( . HHERIDAN And the Celebrated Studebaker Wagons and Vehicles. Mannfsetnrvr uf iei.i Bester in I J.W. JuHXbON. ?ruu«»at