¿'I. 4te»> huoti tr H l 'K ü '.SM tk V he Smottane Simes âhei»emo(ratirïimes> IHihlisb d OTsry TiiU-ata» morning by ADVERTISING A'lD JOB WORK TIMES PUBLISHING CO Î • •«-x FBofkiirregs. Jv"rtiM»ii.ci.fF wiL bo inserted intbeTlW]« >* Lh<* following rat-*» : • ‘ n Iii:« », oi.e IjiM««rt’on. ............. 12 53 each »nbtMMjaent inaction .......... 1 CO L«wxl antd ly. A fair reduction from the ab«$vc rates made t »curb and time udvertiM>re. THE TIM I Ji JOB OFFICE »a more complete by far »bun any other in South ' k0 Groffon.and ctLUfiaroa favorably with any in the State. Job Printing of every imaginable aeacription done at Sa i Francine«? rates.and in a («romptand tir»t-c!&Leiuann»r. o NEW TINIES BUILDINC Olfteu-CurwrThird and C dtrnoU Kale* iifSabntrlpUuii : One eop, per annum, in advuurv “ eia mont Un.. ” three month« 1 JACKSONVILLE,OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST VOL. XVIll OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I MISCELLANEOUS. STATE OF OHKOON. U. 8.3 ».utor”. J. II. '4i’’*h”ll. J. X.Dolph.I ifc- Xr -'.iaivi. B. Ileeiusu.i; liovwruor, S. i’.'iinoyer; Secretary of hiato. W. McHrute*. Sintu Tr«u«ar» r. tioo. W. W”bh; Stat* Printer. P. I'. Uakar; Map«. Pool:” Instruction. E. H. McElrov; Supromu Jud«»«. W. P. Lord. l'hi”f JustiC” W. W.Th*jt»r. H. S. Strah.m. riasr JCMctxt. Dianic-r. Cotnpriateic Jaettnon. J*8 Lske and Klamath founti«»: Cirrni» Judea. L. K W»hater, District Attorney, W \t Cotei*. jycxao.” i ' ooxtt . Senator, A. Stanley; Kepreaentativee. J. T. Bowdiloh, K. A Miller. W K. Price; County Jivlx«, J. K Neil;( airnmiaaionei». C. W. Taylor. Wm. Kay; Clerk. M. Muller; Sheriff. J. li. fil’d, »•y: aey; Tren». Trena.irar. »rar. B. K. R. H. Mt Moot«»; km «'; ÀMee; Stock lnepector, W. F. Bonder. JOHKPHtXB <'OU>TY. Joint Senator, W. St. (’lair; Hrpreoent»civ«s.4 » J. Howard; County Judge. Y. Coivi«; (k>mrò*- ¡ •ionera, J. Ilanwdh. P. Hausen; Clerk, C.JK. | <’hatu»lor; Sheriff. T ’>.Patter»on;Tr««ramr. XA. I JenniMK»; .Vaeenu*, P, C. Kenm;School Super- ‘ intaudenU W. A. Malaie; Survey or. W. N. Sann- der»; Coroner. Dr. Flanaw.. QOCXrt* JointSenator.C. A. Co.rswnll ef Lake, Bop. ree« m la* i ve. H P. Maa.» of I-rtkoiConnty Jud/?, W. M. M ota ; Com ¡aras ¡«»ñera. W. (' Crawford, L R. K* n I*^* Clerk. A UlfMvtU..t . rfl.'I. D. ('hildera. £rea»wr«r. ( ha* Grave*. A mmbmit John Smart; òc I mmi I Superiate wie»t. P» L. Foun- , tan.; Surveyor. J. B s wah the ile- Uu il th» aki i was raw. Bo ly c jv«»r- Ibate un tin* Mills tariff bill, which «‘.'iwith scales Ilk a spots of mo: tar. p.i-seii lhe house on Saturday, July 21 st. ami tlm most interesting feature of it Cured Ly the Cuticura Remedies. I am goitiK to toll you of th»? <*xtraordin’«ry was the speech of the author of the bill change your ( t’Tlci Rt K kmkdieh perfoniieverj, I happened tose<* an adver- people and piled up in the treasure ; it ti«»em«*nt it; th«» r;»*w>paper about your CrTIti«*’* that th«» scaly eruptiotiN gradual­ > mous amount ot money «as constantly ly dropped oft an«J dibapinutred on«» bv «»n«*. and i iowirit g prices ami piling at. enormous lii.ve been fu!ly cured. I had the draeaee thir- ' load on tabor am) increasing the bene- t«*«*n months before 1 began taking the t’lT!«T flow long ha R emedies , and in four or five weeks was en- | lit- ol the | rivileged classes, t rely cured. My disease waa eczema and pror«- wi.uid it lie in-fore stagnation would oc- a*is. | recoin nende«! the (’ uticvkk R emedies to all in my vicinity, and J know of a gr«*«t I cur and bankiuptcy and ruin flock to- many wh«» have taken them, and thank me for ! kctin-r over the land. The majority- had -• tl.e know»*d;’«*of them. C«tpeci;dh' m»»tbeft> who • ii 11*•$— | • ..J • - . u.U- sw » . <• .-Lav», r.• a w .ii« r •,]_« , • .**- in 3 w iuim »* i’■»Hi tn rcTuce this taxation ami leHb^n and bodie« 1 cannot « xpress in w«»r > th«* •th»* inflow '»f money into the treasury. thatilvH to you for what the Ct TrcaRA R>MEI;I$- havr !>• - n to me. My body was cov»*r«*«l with By a ii n Lnvnt made in the co»ninit- scales, and I was ai. awful spectacle to l»«*ho!«i i b*<* of in«* whu!e, the relative rates of Xo'A i j »kin 1- .'«- < •! • •;; r a- I i; '.<••• iih a I Mt I a V ph t\ Lad I m en placed at tW on »he GEO (’Ofl.Y Merrill, Wis Sept. 2!, 18 h 7. This npj’lviatt* bill had been met •rl »•». ! • !> 7. Iks* \t»r a frac* whatsoever of the i by a bturm oi denunciation and charac­ ■ I -.- hm * from which 1 -u!1«'r>'d ha- shown itself terized as a Ire«* trad»* measure Was since rny cur«* GEO. ( OTEY. y 1J h’J on the |100 free trade? What W«’ <• nn«»t do justice («» the esteem in which -late had a ti vc jH*r-c«:nt. rate of taxa­ » .itieura, the gr«‘ut skin curv.aiai Cutirura Soap, an exquisite skin beiiutiti«’r, prepared from it. tion? it! the majority of states it did nut rxwed fl on the |100.” hid ! I'uticuiH Ri’Molvcnt, U»e new I»1 o « m 1 puriti-r, are h«'IJ by th«? thousand.- upon thousands whos«« 11 in reply to lhe charge made by the live- have b’*«*u niiuie I Hppy by thecureof agomz- Republicans that the bill was a free- uig. humdiating. itching. sraljan«ipimplydis- ei«-<--of tl.>* bk:n. sculp, and blood, with loss of trad«! measure was well received by his hair colleagues, the galleries « onti ibuting ap­ plause frjin time to lime, despite the admonitory hammering of the speaker’s g.is ”i. EVERY NIGHT ISCR1TCHED Ï ? ? WHAT EHEE Woo/. ME AXS. The exemption of w.Hil from duti<*. meana the cutting off of n -ailv $ti,iKM,- i ti»»* !» *•: t Latti? during the cam- 1 piign. ii.’ii ai Harrison was given th«* nomination at ( hicago, his friend; dibi ,-iipLo ter- promise«l tlie Re­ NOTARY ?UBLIC. publican lead rs tin* electoral vote of the state. Since then difficulties that they had not exi»ecteyent, ex-Sen­ ator MacDonald estimate« the vote of Collector of IctonnU— frorapl RruiiUanre« the state follows: Straight Demo- Investment HeouHtie* 4 S’MKnalty- Jackson cratic, 24'»,Mh»; straight Republican, County Scrip Bought ard ! ’J 23<>,D00, and s« .lttering 25,000f composed I have a complete set of flap« of ail Surveyed <>f the labor fac’ion«, Gieenba«:kcrs and Landa in tide coun‘ d r^ooira nhui-unt« receive a B n tra - if Prohibitionists. To carry the si*te the monthly from Rnsehnr», It new entries made General mutt draw largely from the ! am thus pre|w»:v«d to n __ ___ _ __ _ out Homestead and Pre-emption pap ra,» .i | thus save to part ie« scattering vote s, but what makes Lhig the .•ijx'hse of a trin t-» it ^irg Lund Otfico Oifpbf*nifSrf^*Witti th«»so elements from Sc. »«ral HnA fa«Via* ary in^^ »-u»d$* for m »1 o I have put wool on the free list to enable which tin* vote- n.T-t chiefly l>e drawn. PbuMT-r l.r.i’liitilAilE Fu ALL L«71 I'KKH I The fact that he suggested that “pris­ the manufacturer to import foreign w.rol 1 JI JW* Chargee in acoordanre with the t ines >1 Ì! to mix with liis own an 1 thus enlarge 1 ons U* provided for all the green­ Refers, by permiK-i«»!). to C. C. !!>• >kni;«J. 1IIIÌI. 1(11111111!! th«' war in rmlr»»ad rat«»» andar;» »old his market and quicken the dernan I I >r back idiots” does not tend to make him Banker; to H«»n. L. K. Web«vr. Jud*.’« of thi«- ufdirial district, and to any busine.~M I’ oiim in LVKK COCM1Ï the consumption of his woo! while it popular with the 10,000 voters of that JackHonville SILAS J. T AY- Joi it Senator. A (’ocEwelt o’ Likt'; lightens the burden ol the taxpayers. ¡Mnsuauon ; the <»|p»n liostility he has KaprrR*»n Htivc, S. P. M«>» m »; ( uni ty J yi U*«». \V. The duty on wool now prevents nearly always riioan to tailoring men has I kcii A. Wiltshire*: (*omini**>*i«»nt»ra, IL L. Sh«‘r!«»ck. all the Is-tter classes of wools from com­ dwelt upon at length in the Star. It is Wm. Itatfiey; Clerk W T. Boyu; Sheriff. Win. Carll; I'rMMurer A. McCniien; Sch«»«»l Suj *rin ing into tin- country, when the domestic a Significant fact that not a single labor ( ’«»untry I’r*» Inc t*nd«'nt, A. H. Fiaher; Aaaeeror, J. E. McDon­ product can only supply about one half , delegation has called upon Hair ¡son to Hide*. Kura h i I ough; Stock ln*po«*tor, D. IL J«»n«*s Lumber of the amount ¡equired for home con­ pledge him th«*ir sup|»ort, and the Labor MF.KTIMG or COÜHTÜ. 11C. FhS;ipr«»:no <’•» trt of Or»»<<»n .n '»*- it Sab’in Sojioil , the r« presen’ative paper of the sumption. ’.il«v (»•rin* r.» n a’.i *in4 on rh” first Mtmdaj The woolen manufactures them-elves class in the state, states that out of its i. *i •.«* h ’id asked for free wool in tlie otli ial state 20(1 exchanges, only one supports Harri­ F r» ir till C'Hirt f'»r the Fira» Ju.li«* :» Di»*tr «•’ *' *t’« tn I .i»*k'M»n c »•«’ * y ■»>) tir «t M.»*-4 »y * in kprii. w)| || | \(’RIS in lots ! • -ait r .*■<' merit oi their national association to tlie son. about a dozen ar«* nun-committal, H“pr»*'nh t and D *r»*»»»h»’r In KI i;n*it!i • »niKy secretary of the treasury no longer ago an I tlie rest <•«•»’ er I ’ Fruit, an« 1 farming lands in tract s..f f« truth that “the Amer'i-in tnmnfai t in r. Port« r, whom th«* laboring men have al- doM-paiii « county on hrat M«»n»i i>s in March and . oflic« railroad, can be |»nri ’ !Hts«»«i at r! is \ND- to conqiete with the fabrics of ■ t . r na­ u.*vs riipp ».ted, to agrve to run fur gov- 13 J Anna t. A ••plend'd Stock Ranch «»T ;<«» «• M M:. . I III.. Ill III i TP'8'e. tions in the endless variety demanded i tno«,i'i the hop«* that he* will lie silk* F«».* J.t ’knoix u »nuty th'» Uonnty. for *••.!«• at a b .r,: d«; at t »¿s<«;H I, »’«»'n ni'«’i.»;ie“l’C'»ur‘«4 •n», ,t cv *ry Mr. Mill» tin n took up tiie bill in de­ t»y our times, must h ive tiie pow -i oi ”» » ahy Ilaiti-on tiirough. but the/.«»• ; \ rivv«o i’»l • 'o n Hi'”* w 1 .'■ neticiiu le terms. nifiirnui* :< D d *- h » «I < «»T'reniing the need.-, resource« h » «I month, c«»iu;nencinrf th«» tirat Monday in January. .lined noni $32 87 to $28 17. Die We shall alw iy* be pr'*j».ire«l U» giv* a".v Iree wool means cheap arid lietter |M.*riorm this fall, ami he had better not and will t.ik«* pleu.-irre in showing the property w«* « tier For Klamath r«»unty the tirat Wedn«’ day in March. prosi erity of Aiddand i.i.d Southern Or» -■ '|ia»er »ail: ’On eartlieiiwaie a: and clothing, ear pets and Ida ikets for the , stand in tie* clone's path. Th«* t.-ni- Juno September a::d N«»yemb«r ¡I. Ì. from i : . !- <■* teuit’irat lull , eio» ker> waie the reduction l.ad ’ieeii $7 people. It means a wider mark-t for ■ pt'iunce vote i- jc-t a- hard for the Ke- wiul" hu.» d’Wf I»» hreaili«» fr»*, t>!» j> | publicans t«> handle, Iwcau-e they ins st iifctly and n: di-turb- «i. I » ri-p r» fr»'*.h««d, i,.- d oil tiie »1110. 1 Iley call liiat Dee trade. I our manufactures, and therefore more >ir . »»Ktiu act’vr and fr>*«* from pwia or adì*-; t<» 11 $5J on th • $100 was free trade, in work for tiie oper atives and a greater de u*i a prohibit rv plank, ai*«l that Will NEXT D(MR !’»> !’• <>• k> «»wthat io poiMonotib. putrì«! matter d«-til<»> (rod's name what was protection? Su inand for the domestic product. Tne drive awav th<* German vole. th Lrotth »o «I mt-» away th«-délicat« machinery ^ar eliosed next to the largest reduction (In every - !•• to which the Indiana United States is now exporting less than .»f •;l. i.i-ti* and lu‘i.1 i!:*:; I«» fool that the $>y>- MORRIS M. HARKNESS, in tlie bill, laiger than in hemp, jute, ;n J worth oi woolen goods, while Republicaira turn they arc met with v\ i- in k up I D' 1» »i-> ' “ I that ih -ur«* to un4» ‘ r*ni.*i»* non, and in everything except aool. A'rroKSEY ANI» Ct.’tNSILOR AT I AW England, with untaxed raw mateiial,*-x d«*nc«— t th» ti p pulanty ot their can«L- Prompt Attention given to all O. di r- ;d d Mr»»1 . in I* ■ I i bb'^-iag I» y>»'i«i all oth- But the bill had laen called a seetionai I .:e. and to • fi t this, they Lav«* oaiy ports ino.e than $bsi,n st.tsr». D >rn r I inuan «■■ j »yin* nt-. T<» puri'huM» immunity Grax.t’a Faw, Orejen. lueaeure. To get six million.' of pro ­ Mich a fa’«* i*h »uld I m - tin* obj»M't of ail af- woul is cheap both hecause ot arid in whatever tee-in/ « i sta*e pride may ex- I .1 ! hit th«»-«* who have tri«d many r«*m«*- Oilier in Ahlf Building, Front Street. tection "ti . ugai the government ii.nl to spite oi the tariff. Free foreign wool fur ¡-t. a 4» 'd tn;.naged iiisi’hine, with a .» U phy-K iaiib de.-’,i . r «-f 1« li»*f oi cure. gi< up ■ ! able, un-ci upulous and ener- fort In its niovte.ons the reduction was one tlie consumption and tlieiefore better g t i no) Clli.l Il'S. m »* i «• ar.«! *• .-t»u«-tivr* Mía««-. It ui J«x a! dollar 111 a hundred. More free trade, the pri<-e of home grown «no!. money. Th-re ar * mar.v t*v:«h n«x*s al­ urrOBV.Y AND ( lUSSULOR AT L\W. )t Wl.l.uv o.i-iituiion.il. L,Main in relieving. ¡H'rma- \i rs i wiuia The ilelnsion of taxe I wool has I -r d ready t at Mr. New and his friends pro- t in • V' W' I pra«*(i**" i ill eonrt-4 of t‘«»» v* ti (’ur.*, «o box <»f ( atari hai S«»! I t > . \c< < » i. • it« A I !• i I E Im; Ci.usi: S tates . — The politni.im ­ l he next aiUcie on the free list was ready sirap*ct, that they have un«icr- ■ ln.|.!<»veh lnhal«*r. all wrappe«! in i> ahvi.vS< .ft am! the partisan piean are figuring on ,*' with tr»*atitn* and directjont* and tin plate, $3,7 i:l,iHHI. No! a pound was taken a j 4» enrii* ¡y too big fo/ them. • iüi ist». fi»r yl.tìli. pr . I'l. cd in this country. The ronniiit- the election returns of 1884, ami basing Their iuo>t strenu«»us « If’its will < nlv i < it i Dru< A ('l.cinicH! (’<» , B«»Nt«»n. •tin i Leather. In ¡.io; used lo give thte inoiiry to ti»«* their calculations upon tin- possibility ol '.*iv-t i **nii«,;i -•••ii«* t»f th* ru.:Jn v. yfc <-al i carrying tlie close stales of that vi-sr »lb’tsot indl itia, With« Ut preventing Ih«* TvToûroi’d, OiegO’J Varivty- Sture. Al-o, ti.-e 11 a le. 11 t hat w as ir e i i a n ( uli.urn Anti-I’aiu I‘Iai**«*r I’n-iMUse a lew have hap|ien-.'d since 1884. I'arty t, - I .It. 1./ il I -I t.— The le-ili- uf lhe Our e«»»»!- ar«»the t»f-t and miarann’od hh repre- r»ii«v«- l:ii* uuia*Sciftfi«-. Fiid- people weie inteiestcd in ils maiHifai- have in-i n greatly lelax-i1, and in thou­ P. P. PRIM. H(»nf-i. l’ri h»w. a» we d«» nut propoto» tu b<» eainp.U’i i- lv Mated t.y the llr- •\ d«*D. SI.atp un«i \«*rv<»UN I’aiu-. iind»*ra«»ld. ture, the committee was sands of instam e- completely sii rd.-n d. ■ .-'ligm.it¡z-il as |>ubli<-a»i cviiv.-utioii. Su pio|’U»'itloti V'Ti'HNEY .V COlTNsELOR-.Vr-L V W, The old cry that the country woul I not lr.-e trader* fur putting it onUie free list. 'I 1 V1’! ’ I'1*’1 *’N»‘W. ha* tiee'i in i Ì-- iur free trade. Tire is­ \ OT’k-’itiHl, IHrtaiitHi.i • I-, irifal lit»!»». HCKSOIfVIU:. OGN.. Burlap was not ma le in this country. I m * safe in the hands <>( the D-misTats sue is Shah there l»e it high tariff or a \ i» .iv -imi* Arfiil' f’1 I«» I’ain. IntiainniH- has lost the potency it once iia I. It had lieen placed on the free list. it i- low tariff '* .'-tiail all the jieople be bur- Will pne tine in all the Court- ' • »..• Stale <> Hee ti.»!i mu! .v.-.-ikhcN. Utt«*r!> unlik«* and vastly in rii» Court House, tirst door to the I. ft of on. -up.-r. »: S«» all «’tli'T pin-' tm . At all «DugiîiM*. Hemp and jute made up $1,7, lu- ;>rosp rity lye given at £>5 •»•»♦ ali'l a lai-e slnu1 tn.-nlc mi the llariitnl l’m\ l»»e last, calf or -bitl! th-re lierqusl jas- E. DaPEATT. I failed ' t j ------- urou . It wa» 'I;. ii,_- and n..i-t i cause if it were otli. i wise the i.i’ t w oq’d tiie fol ali'.’ shall tlm ex i-s tax on line lire Republicans bad whi-ky rid tobacco be maintained to ATTORNEY ACOl'NSELOR-AT-LAW Both are in seven different in-te p-. ti l width- to ea<-h size. Eor 2.5cts. .-nt it it- if toe ind that the direct and indirect tar­ iev.! t!., " th< ___ same argument in favor oi forms ami of the g ivern-: ■:i«*nt Then, new issues have arisen /t.-ml it that /t lOilttiid OrripHi. additional tliev will lie -ent . li e ge-j r. ¡.aid tn ¡mv address by mail or I .«ti ia'iig d. w >i tl.e siia'ai industry. Opi­ iti tax on tlie ne<-—itiei- and comfort■» uf um paid i tite.OOtl. It had lie n plae.-d to altogether change tiie compl xion ol existen.a- -hall lie reduced. -Vói“ *1» be --'»ONE !X — bV>h pranficn in nil I'.'irt» of th’ State. Otflee in I oxprt '8- I ' uh he I iree rev list. Cotton tie-and lii tetles politics. New voters have licea added abolished ni orde to make weaiing ap­ on i the tr i I Fellow's bin Mina, up Mairs. AT BON A'.’Z \. I’urtlund, t >reg<>n. t. • tin- roll- with what effect p iling day the lattei piisiueed 111 Rtl.- ia had also parel and those 1 mgs w itliout w lii. h ex alone van deteimim-. N'-wsp.ip-i- lilt- lati-nce is un-eri x;-e:i-ite? The I’em- ¿33 lieeii placed oil the fret» list.” J. R. NEIL. I ILI ’l' i AL V!. ER. FISSURES PRU //'i./ir.'x ll.if/y, the New York fin.s ocratie party and it- r*andi«Lites stand rm. wo..i.i.x s< hi . nt 1.1.. Kill S s\l 1 ••• >il LAS l\ ANO. \rrn:\'EY A counselor at law and the for a low tariff a-ug i ti-t a lugli tariff, I OLYPUS RECTI. E k -. "Di w.iol and woolen' the reduction the S/.mi friefj K t ‘ i u' n< ' J'turaal, w hich oii,dually I was $20 on the $liM), a ’ :d most of that lor redosts upon w i.i-ki and tobacco rather Will practice i l al I the ( «»ur's of tic' State. Of­ 1>I lAIAUS IS I II.IHTMiX SI ( ( 'ESSOR î» i .1. O. II\M- ftee woo) and 40 per cent, protection, or cates of the re-election of tirover Cleve­ than upiiii article- of general atm necea- I fice in Court Ho.ne, second door on right from •I • Hk«*r A ( '«». «»f B«»DH*'ZT.,K!itin ii j »• »un’v ( »••. The 1 »• mocratii 5 per cent, mole than he now gets, and land. Things have liei-ome so .hanged aarv consumption. entrance ha- purelvHMsi a lar««’ and tirai-- - io .- k of stiil they said that the bill was a free and so mixed that it is not wise to has.- party stands for reasonable economy e»«»«l-« hicli ar«» nowunth«- why fren l'<»r f ! d -I. — I« AT W. F. WILLIAMSON. and will I»«’ *•<»Id <’heap f«»r ('anii. I v • » n.l-. i- Hade tneasuie. Articles amounting to calculations U|s.n anything that lias hap- and a reduced -mplus, not for wild ex­ Ocnin t i . i d \urrat and propne',«.r«»f the invite«! to call nad >*x i ni i«’ *:-»>• i- • dì p i *• • b” S n*,' $20,o.M*.0'Xl had I cen placed on the free iiened heretofore. Towny that the final travagance which, continuing exceaeive i ' ih nselok at law . Sanitarium * I ye. Ear and N rvous Dibeaee», for«* piircb.*»-it K •*l“«*w. ’T”. V«»'i c ... a " »> • t» I result could he accurately foretold if it taxation, will dissipate th -urplua, Port'. ’! ' t (■« !»eea app«.inte«i a*rent end list, an 1 $5.30 i.Os-'i of that was wool.” on hand h full line of phy> <• a h . t’.i.- r-y>t< in for Oregon, and lias in Medford, Oregon Mr. Mills ttpm d and faced the It - were only known which way Indiana, Cleveland ami Thurman, a i.ur tariff two months :n cic a number uf cures of cases, in I U th bis voice raised to New .li-rsey ami Connecticut w ml I only ami no favorite», will win by the voice Ail burin| erafioiu« with tlie knife publican sid*s j JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Imreo-dy > p’ rtm— i «» ii t-» Mr. .Ta*. W. Weather- l»cen ills» elm f | rnduvl of this count y. tion There are very iiki-lv to Im -m I lhe Itepu'ilic. against free whisky, f.>ru-tal.11 v Every s«*r*ui4 suu>!:iy in Each Month. I.i ’ l t: KM» ¡III I’KLMhtNI — \ lulnail- it will In- mere guess work it.th the wis Will pra<**icn in all th*> *' .irt» of the State ta. iff was struck and they said, 'Yun i**tice up Mairs in Orth's brick. Adtfreaa for pamphlet on Rectal Dis«'*ases, sortllielif >.t 4» to th* eL'iy I* ; Ilbiislf«’ I 11» ll$e I’ ¡» vi’.'a!»d t» *ing p• «• etilc l to Portland. Oregon. S. S. PENTZ, that the small Republican majority of Louie Rann,rliainniti of the IL publican great country fortheir verdict. i Formerly of Washington City,) 2.1lk) in Illinois will be wiped out than Hi.it«' committee. Senator Mitchell in- WEI.I M'ltlCI i IATI ll III MSEKS. The sentence fell with dramatic effect that the Democratic one of ii,.> «) in In­ tr '«hie«* i tin* president to Mr. Darin, in ATT ö UNEY ANI» I' ll NSEI.O'Î \r LAW. W sconsin th • lattei’- political capacity. The presi- end bruuglit foith volleys of applause, diana will tie extinguished WEDFORP. OUElii»». in which the packed puli ie gallery j i n- is not to be relied upon, and Rii-’de 1- d’*nt tinn« «l pah* and wai'l in a Mippress- HEALERS IN I haif (lightened tone,—“li II How in Nature’s own Remedy ~ ed eain-stly. A few moments latci the iand is in something more th in doubt. Will practice in all ' '•» irt* of the Slate and t» » 11 >ti the other hand theie an- .it ¡.-a-t ; I.— d;d you d«» it?” “The 1>—1, 1 didn't «TlK’kslOllVÌll«», < >1’ for«« all (iovornm-ita' Depart mm t*. * .'peaker shut out another sttoiig piiot . Mo iev l«»an*d and foliations made. I Will sp'M’dib, rel’<’ve and perma­ " A g. ii «I | rodilet” lie said, ''eu i.. its, three southern states that m..v break do it, that d— J-** Simon «¡id it before 1 I nerti v cure all tiio v;.n«’Uadidi<'ul­ ■ that could not easily atfei t any lalscer awai liom the solid . st on th tat t! is-in . wa - vicrL d, darn it.’’ “Oh,” said the ti nrriiig from a i, i. t i The result in certain we-tern > at.-w is so p!C>;dei:?, “Well pas» right along, Louie, R. PRYCE. M. D.. dition « f t he rFHE CNDEHSIGNI D H \\ I. FORMED \ < <» I e. n p aced on the tree list, yet the questionable that Cleveland might win turn ’•» th-* left; there arc four hundred I partnerahip with an authoriz«'! capital of : S:» t i-r¡u-t i» «ri -Ç » • i i r i r> 11 •. 11. I’i< : iten triai and jiif cart } i:tg on a . i ’ii« i «1 nunut«*-.” l.<»u c and Mitchell did not Bunking Bu“i! in a l of P- brane; i; Jaek- f<»r v..uv.-.hi'. IM.UW .v ASIll ’ ÓI.E. i charged with t e:ng fie.* trader- Tneir It is p"rf«‘ctly liarmb'Hs and can n«’ ll«»t«l. or« £<»11 skonvil’» . < >r»‘g.iri < )!h •»• at th" '»Id -tandj'f B"»'k- •vpi’.ik Io» wv< .il niitiutoM and then Mit­ Tie; S i ate l’i sn i.x 11 mt.—Snot. < i i oppi.nFi.ts have'a I. ' If s oil w ,nt any- I»« ’ given to th« ’ mo-t .iwnine's re|»,rt for the .|iiartei end- chell >a’d (hoiightfully, “Louie didn’t or chiid. For sale by all druggist». • thing rice, lit it bi free whisky.’ '' Oiltrain Will ' if >-k Budding l’|..»tnirs. ( aliforuiH Htn^'ts. t t BEEKM \N. Scarcely had tin» words left his lips ing Juno 30th, of the condition nml ex-j you make an ejrrgiou- nn.-tiKO when sM I.I.. HF.ITMIl A WOIHHRI», I HOS G. ID.AMES. S DANIELSON, when a peifect yell went up troin the ponses of the penitential)-slums the to-' you gave Joe Smcm th»* ci«*dit ?” “Well, Whol«*sala Agent«. I»emocratie si Ie, tlie galleiies joining in tai general expenses to have lieeii sa!«i the - igacioi;- h*.id* r < I I In* yard-wide Fhy’»io-.M* 72, making the total exp*-: -e of let me »«•«*,I’ll t* il you how I’ll get even, PHYSICIAN AND > T R,02i> 83 The eaininirs yon s««e a** wjli have the-woid snatched "Tlie» taxes on > xpress comt-ani s. on I I '!• tifoni. Oreirmi. ’ fl ’¡. graph eumpaiii on all the wealth were, for the lo'indrv, «t.ssj 4 i; lward otr u- in No\emlH*i and ¡’H give .Joe K<«eps the largai stork of ! t And the of the country had been removed, hut C. S. piisoncis, $281 io; sale of stock, $15; wind blew through Mikheil’* whiskers. Opp. Olid Fellow*’ Buildiuf, moved. Wool grew on the sheep. Theie total, $5,837 55. Paid in the laundry —Sab in I oh tb . DEALER in E. B. PICKEL, M. D., had been much sympathy expressed for and workshop. $1.80-1 45. No. plikon' rs Rrirttrt SHIAS AND > I R<« F.o S . sheep. The Dem.iciatie partj sympa­ end of quarter, 2-t \ i whiteness Such his well - known house , i * c » er the wanted the duties kept so high It.at to the asylum. 1. The convicts were l»r« } .«ration- ( ntair» u«*d will. !»e-id<- giving the skin a rough c<»mf«»rta!»i«* Hl«*opin¿ apart rneiits F'.ippluri w ith r«>Ä’s Swe-’O R •' . . I'.unds. what were we going to do? H ip hospital steward, I ; hospital waiter, 1 ; an«1 leathery a| j • aranc« . ultimately pro- IL >1 Illi.I . M. I». j W. K«> bin ^» x . M. D ring!«* and doubl«» h»‘db. m«kine H a d»--.r.¡ble r \ Wood'-' lim'h Moweis; Iiemocrats propose I to let in wool il et prisoners' kitchen, t>; bakers, 2; s iap- «Juce paral\M> <>» the nerve*. This state­ »lac«* for the entertainment of both trav»*!«^ and DRS. ROBINSON A GILL, Osar, Hcotl A < o .’ h ';i'j' and let our workmen make it tip into makers, 2; butchers. 1; officers' kitch­ ment is no “bug a-boo.' but facta, well- ramiliee. en, fi; lioiler Louse, 2; yard,10; laundry. known to chemists ami physicians. t»ased tiaar, Scott A t o. s I'l.iinand Traction Engines, clothing.” PIIY-D I ANS AND SI Ri; EONS 7 ; carpenter shop, 1 , blacksniitli shop. <»n the well-known physiological effects of Coates' Lock Lever Hay Rake; also a lirerixi, mi i ARokr n. •la kMPlUllr. O«l «•(•ll. such «ub-ta:iccs uh»*-«* pres« ne6..................................... >5 b»|lfi p»»r 100. ‘ The bill was intended to l»»nefit the 1; plumber, 1; gardener, 3; care of ations for tlie < omplrxi«'U are indicated by Will always liesupplied with th«' bent the market Peach “ ................................ 10 “ IH * “ affords, served in >»yle that will please the roost condition and increase tlie wages of the stock, 3; teamsters, 2; general larm such outward -• a- as Indore Mated If Plum and Pruno Tr«Mv< . 8 “ l»i ‘ fastidle us tHs’e. labor ing |ieople. The gov >•, niuent should woi k, 12 ; sick in hospital. 3 ; unable to you would u-«* an artx 1«* whi< 1» will at ()th»T tr..... ;■’.! «■ ; i'’»', ry fur-.t-h “I lea-'inably. 5 4^"Kates eanonable and sat is fact ior gum an- Wntefiir«'.^^. .. ..................... - FBOK BIO*< ON.. CO.. Portimi'!. Or., or 8» nd f<»r t’al»»^u<* ’<» woik tenip., 5; aged, decrepit, etc . 12. not meddle with the) ..... pie; they could once produc»* iia ’ iiml activity a» «1 tieauti- teed It A SOX, Agenta. Jacksonville Or. .1. H.SETI LF.M1I K. W«M«lbnrn.Or _________________ roinpI.'Mou in V\ \\ - • ioni IL Ja-rtinr. iill compl« \i<»n try mm - * Rubcrtine. tak ■ ¡ are of themselves. Tin y wen» the Total. 208 J.J.8TIÎAH. Prop. DR. W. STANFIELD. uti.li r a f. rfe.mr, <>f whickis gimi g ;*i .-itite.'d ni*«. most intelligent and best |s»ople in th»» //« 7/»ini/ fh» tliffht Si’fe. $ji>m t » l>. 1» .:t»s<»lu al»..Iim > li..- Imi • »il poi- eclectic physician 1857 world arid could give employi lent to all ¡imi itijur injur .. i- -ni.-lm.nr l’ro T«» bel¡» th«* right -i»l«* i' i»»«t • nl\ ■ “•»» hOTr»n.* ami of tiie laboiers if ("ongie-s w . ll I «mt let •io - - l -oi n ly and Han located in A-diiand Or f»»r the practice >»f nutii.ced hy It*..-in», ni(*nd:»bl< in a general p«»inl « f >i« a . Lui i- them alone. Why sbotild v. nol have hi«* prof e-x I on Mak«»rtall rhn.inc «it— a- - •»» h th«» singe -ni»eri »r to itivtl.inir «v.i prò- pidi«'’«»u- ;«nd piaulent when that li» l¡» i> • u •A K't«‘u:nV»” n. VthmH. Piles. Kt tney Drat'a*» ««. free raw material, and liavc '.hi- opp a- fftl.« dtie«*d for Iily ¡ng Manufacturer of lis!» «I in beli.ili <»i th»* right >i«l<* <*i th* 1» » i\ I L»v«T t’o.nplanit’«. Ac., a spwi.iity. j tmiity to contest on < qu d I mis w th IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN nrat <»v«*r the i ”U< r rib- in the r« gioii <4 tin complexion. VV«> have juf»t rec«*iv«’r«*g«»n. as we a fair field and an open fight. To th i. Cntn’i. Du-*- in« di in«* <»f in- oinparab’c «*rtì« ;»cy. I na< i<»n Tlie Demociatie p.utv inten I 1> tv" hilt V"ry f»*\v expciis* p . Al! kind» <»f pro- p ai‘»e PHT8ICIAX AND SURGEON, 1>.» m 1« t in readers that I have a p--si..v« remedy »or th ed to api”*al to the vutile and intell.- <»t th«- liver i*» .i* « »impani« «I by «•«»n-lipation. ] AM EERSONALLY \l\l !> M1 ill «Ino* tak *n in exch »n*n* and ab-»(e ju ' ih -.I disc.i-r Dy «t< timely u-< -i« k heatlm he. furred tongue, nau-ca. «• • .t- Eii ;1* Oregon. 1 many of the most d»*rira!»b- f.t ill ¡f, ,J,*.r . on ge' i-. . f the ininitry.” HIGHEST MARKET PRICE -mnal vertigo, un unplea-aiit breath, v<-l- thousands «4 liopua — ra»»< s have I m vii per­ and J«>Mophine rounti«*.« Mj. m<*di- il uracricp Mr. Miils eonehnled by saving that I.s-it—I nt pii* i>t.i- - I n-kn-liars of r«*quir« H me to rid«» through n circuit of from om* lownv-- «»f the -kin an«l ball of the eye. th» manently « ur< I. I shall I m * glad to sen»' th» pMoMimre <»f th.- r rm.ii, Patte anended tu money was being |iolired into Il’S district author of th« -e -vnipt«nn-. liver complaint, two bottles of mv remedy ft««* to any o toeiL’fity mile-, and I will !>eph>t«» carry v th allow *«! for Ri’ine. l all ami so«» f»»r y«»rM*lv«*M. J A(OBY BROS at my nm» mv own tejirn m d with«»ut < hllwiiov -.!» in Texas to l«»at him for re-eleetiim to routed l»y th«* Biit«*rs is a«-<*oinpani<-d l»v vpiir readers who havecousumption if the io p ir«,*«.'.io la»*«l. Any p’*i u wi-'.ong « fru : «»r I ever and ague, which will -end me their express ami postoflic* the I i.rty-sevcntli congress, but he wan­ them in it- Hight ngricnltnnd farm, or nr,;, i. • ;.r h , vu ir a h«! in W. H. SOMMIERS, M. D., I les; »ect f u I ly. ts’ I the country to know that the |>eople alway- inv«»lv< s th«* liver, dyspep-ia. rheu- add ress. for - «h-, will d<» w 11 to «• ■!! • • ■ I ar­ A. Slocum, M. < . 1*1 l’carl »tree: range wit h me M« clinr-:«’.- a I i be «m» |«»r;.! •. PHYSD IAN St ci ’.GN \ND M l tiir«* i,t Central point, J h < kron county. Or said that it was an effort to destroy an l>ut sy-teinati* allvdthat it-full ell'«*« t ma\ »nitel . ll eilb pro Dpi The Original Abietine Ointment con y I'r ’ J. HINKLE. M D. infant industry. put up in largo t w<» «»ii»i« «• tm I m » x <*«. and r«*-ult in a p. r’«*<” f« -t«»r:iti«»n of health ( ’«MÌMlIt '»f I >.»•"» l l : ! an absolute cur«» for «»hi s«»r«»-. btirr- lie referred to tho suit of clothes pro­ g » ’.h-' tn » • ! AMI I.EM ERR IX wmtmis. chap|H-«1 l»nn«l- au-l all i duced by McKinley during the latter's Iw />/$/«! f«O»» . rom» r «»f Fifth Mr«*« î ertipli«»r.s. W ill |M»-it:vely » ure all kit famous speech, lie said that I.e .Mills Will’ of pile*. Asli for (ho Original Abicti « M li.it i- this “nervous tn»n’»!r had nothing to take back. Ho had in­ uRich mi iii.'iiiv -cein now to b<* afHirteii? Ointment. Sold l»v ad druggi- > at 25 c» . OF ASHLAND, OR quired into it and had found that a $10 If you will reineniber a few v«*:irs ago the |»er box —by mail •’/» rents. w<>r 1 M J ma was comparatively »inkii«»w n suit of clothes bad been protected to the tiii : cm » ;> is sow takinuok ♦ •> »!.«/ it is a- common as any word in amount of »103. He heard that that A.CMWi«. ilfhy, Scaly, Skin Torture*. 1 flier, tnniunb Jvk».' W1 J.—plun. o.uuti..,. j 3d jin I E Streets, The simple application of Kw;i}n«*'i< Ointn«*rt. suit was to he photographed anil used the Entriish lingua:*» : yet this word cuverf I onlv the np aiiing <4 another word u«<* I by without any internal medicinem. will cun snj LOUIS LEVIN, AGENT. in the campaign. He wanteil to photo­ our forefathers in times past. So it i- with «.-»now prppar.d to furn:«l. th. bo.t ..f ni-i.ic caw of Tetter. Kalt Rheum. Ringworm, I*ii«> for imblic <>r prirate l,».ti,«. icr. A<-, I>. >lt ri.AND. <>K.. graph in the brain of eveiy mother the nervous di-t ases. as they mid lualiuiH ar« Itch. 8or«’>. !*in ¡•I«-’». I'? i:;a. «11 Scaly, I'rhj. at any point on the coast. The BUYER8'GUIDE te fact that a $10 suit was protected to the intendeii to cover what <»ur g’-ai» k«*tpne» 1’’. • ll»-..»f p s.w lT1. ,|. can clothe you and furnish you As with the last words fell from liis lips a causing nervous troubles. M dari », lii'i<*u- and two Pert lit r«»n mares with colts In AsM-oul. Or f . .. A. S. JOHNSON \’ » Chine- • erui»h»yvd and no «ioviatiun in all the necessary and unnecessary burst of enthusiastic applause and cheer ­ Fever. etc You who ar- suffering can their side*. W. II. W ickham . •I hck - »nvili«'. Or .«r<,n Au«. 1 1ÌW3. appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, ing gieeted him from all quarteis, ex­ well appreciate a cure. We recommend 3 Vp.' I- »5 (»*nf-; l-’daine 2*1 >’ems t«. Siloentn. eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, Green’s August Fi »wer. I ts cure-are mar­ cept those of the Republicans. There K. LEWISTON Proprietor or stay at home, and in various wises, TVrA-Aoa. that are fretful, peertsF, vel« $ua all was silence fiom beginning to end. styles and quantities. Just figure out •V>x*VJ cross, or troubb-d with Wholesalea '«*tail P» i’ IS 11 Before lesiiming his seat Mr. Mills what is required to do all these things Stock and JLani for Salo. CVLIFOHMA HTREtrr Windy (Site, Teething I'ains, Ii^»«curv-1 th«*worvtcajM?i of (’ough.Weak Lung-, Afthrnn, a. Blood Elixir is tie only COMFORTABLY. and you can make a fair made t« e last motion necessary on the lndigeation. Inward Fain«, Exhaurtion. Invaluable Hr o.vou ocuo-uj V'-vA xs Blood Remedy guanui- guaran­ Stench Dl.u.tde^ can be teltev THF I \IH K8VîXn> OFU KS FOB SU.» Rheumatixm, Kenude Wcakne***, and all pains un i dis­ estimate of tho value of the BUYERS’ • H«k«.«»ii « file. fanions m* a-u««*. lie deiDande«l (lie I h.r l..-wl of «•»«( h ir». ; al-.jev^a (>•»"”• order» of the btoiaacb and Bowels, toe. at Di («¿gisU. Erun. «I once by uaog Aekera B.'-Sooth« GUIDE, which will be »ent upon 'previous quc-liuii. teed. It r isarositivecurefor • , - ' Vicari, — ,r . I„tl -vl i • 11«; Igowte f"r of I TI-I-II .nil . tn lti-l I I J»<-k»o»Tlll*. w.ll. .... ... . .. -* < It contains no Opium or Morphine, ■.D-u..H1|,..rl»L,r..d^re.St^nH.s.et;- receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, tionsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It purtfintbe low Mpnnil- m.l < • nlral Point prwinote. For THE UNDERSIGN» > h ►r’LLï P’p ”\1” "S’.'ii i "ri '' k ’1' 1’ ’ ’»‘DEB AND BLFAHOD. ti0 [ heccs La aafe. Pt’.c» Î5 cents. to.i» »n w..rk mi.,, b,,., u, lhB ¡„„t i The rafojd. v»jre<«pd best cur* fori'«’rn?,JJ-jn!cfne. City Drug More MaWoiL.. J. C.WHIPP. •ul b'unraigic pains. We g%am 111.U4 li.-M-.* CUcagu.Ul. ,VHei un ’ "' •vK.Oípvt' R» ’ H » ‘ ' i Pj SILAS 1. DAY REAL ESTATE AGENT! Abstracts mado of Titles to Lands. r ,.n n Cheta» tbi’CrtMh! ROPER, CALEY HELM, HEM. INTATE Ilffll’E IS ASHLAND. ill!.. MAI' Diluii I'll BANK. (!Oi JACKSONVILLE MARBLE WORKS! •Jj OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR, A F I M E S T O O K VARIETY STORE ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. GROCERIES P CATARRHAL DANCERS. ROPER. GALEY & HELM. R«ol Estate AK«nt«. i* « Cemetery Work a Special?/. G. B. FITZGERALD, Le.ilir ■ b Mirici by a P iùwìs skiiiarto that by which lhe Patcut iCBtan; h- i'ir ^¡iiïsClaiiacil for it arc these: Gf.r’s V 'u-.ii.jùi is Goods. ■o iihsiimaiiz Abjul Mi THE PLACE Brüßerhoff System foi Cure of all RECTAL DISEASES. BLACKSMITHING Protzman & DeFrance, . THE BEST STYLE INLOW $c ASHPOLE urei Without Cutting Operations THE LOWEST RATES. vrr<»i:sEY .v D. CROIElfliLlEil 4 SONS, D I. PlLSkUJGTOxX General Merchandise 1 •<».-« t olii «•« {i» i hli it«»' Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Hardw r» OREGON BEEKMAN & REAMES EAGLE POINT THE BEST OF EVERYTHIN ENGEL BROS. Successors tn C. C. BscKman’s Bank. Oregon Kidney Tea ! MOST REASONABLE RATES DRUGGISTS, BUY THE BEST ¿IW BE HAPPY! ,‘HOENIX, VE INVITE INSPECI ’ON WOODBURN NURSERY n I'll I 1 ASHLAND HO'JSF ! Fra? Tritile Isross Rogue Rirer 17c'.v is Tour Time to Get VIN2S AMD SH2UBBEB7 FARM AND MILL MACHINERY! BARGAINS !! Main St., Ashland, Or T NO «PHIS UR LICE ÜH TREES PRICES rri»e rr.-ii>t«‘ 1'n ! 1 . J. C. CARSON, 1S” I due oí BOOTS und SHOES. PARKE fc LACY, I j Sash. Doors, Blinds WINDOWIND PLATE GLASS sssl M DRY GOODS CLOTHING HATS CAPS Kíiri» ACHINERY! I JI iin'll IlJi 111 » H rdware. Tinware Crockery. GHOCSKIES DRUGS Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Central Point. Or. HE liGE^SOLL R3CK D anf V IRE RÜ? CICAR MANUFACTURERS SO 1.1*1 AG PINT’S FOR INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, By tuo Thousand ! Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines ( IO KR ESPONI > ENC E SOLICIT EI >. FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, J. M, ARTHUR, Iter. No. 33 and 35 M Fmt St.. Pcrtlaal Orcgou. Late of California, NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST ?rso Sus33 to and from ths Hotal. CITY BARBER SHOz'. O L. C. IIEJiNilICHSE2ff. lOTirstSraav - - - Portland. Oregon- THE LEA0IN3 JEWESS OF THE NORTHWEST, h a mouds, W atch^*?» LEAF TOBACCO, Nos. lió i II / Frulli St„ San Francisco. Je velry, Clocks ! HINDERCORNS. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I ».»fit » I $