l»Ch ILl HHljfi lAjlEs WITH OTH- JL&QKhUKEOOs. w ThOrljiM) veve© ? little LIVER PILLS. kult vunxBUi mnenr iumuki ■ ■.«■■».4 •• ■ livia rni_ m . arlvr. USB rUUT A MMK. , •MALLMT. CHEAPEST. EASIEST TO TAK». Bi'Wiireof InMtaUMia, containtn» Potaonoiia Mln.ml». Always i->r Dr. P htcw '. Pvll) ta. whu n are little 3ugur-ev*uh rate* will be furiii«h»*<1 eaf otfrn-d by the manufuctur- era of Or. Sage-» Catarrh Hemedy, for a eax- of Catarrh iu the Head which they cannut cure. ■Y1UPTO7IS OF CATARRH. — Dull, heavy headache, obatriictlon of the niiMU emmamm .-«, itbK-harw® falling from tho head Into the thrimt nometiiue® profu»e. watery, and acrid, «t other®, thick, letiacloua. tn-icuua, purulent, bloody and putrid: the eye® are weak and water?: there M ringing in tba ear*, deafney®. hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration ot oS< naive matter, toge ther with a.»ta from ulcere; th® voice I® »hanged and luia a "na»al twang”: the br»-aS M offensive; emell and taste are Im­ paired; there la a sensation ot dizzlneaa, with mental depression, a hacking couirh and gen­ eral debility. Only a few of the above-named ayinptoma are likely to bo pre®« nt in any on® cane Thousand« of » hm - s aunually. without ■MUlif-wting half of the above aymptouis, re­ sult in consuiuption. and end in the grave. No disease is so col .mon. more deceptive and dangerous, or l»-ss iind. ral.'.sl by physicians. By its mll.1. waithiiig. »nd healing propertiea. Dr. Sage s Catarrh K-nosty cur» s the worst css»-® of Catarrh. “I old In the Head,»» Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggist® everywhere: M cents. “Imold Agony from Catarrh.’* Pref. W. Ilsrs.vkn, tho famous mesmerist, of Ithaca, .V. I'.. Willes: “S».ino ten years ago I suffered untold agony front chronic nasal catarrh. My fiunily physician gave me up as incurable, und mti'l I must die. My case was such a bad on»-, lliat every day. towards sun­ set. my vokv* would bes--»n»e ®u hrante I could barely si»-ak ats.ve awliisper. In the morning my coughing aial clearing of my throat would almost strangle tne. By the use of Dr. Cage’s l atarrh Remedy, iu thr»-e monf its, I was a well man, and the cure haa been permanent.” •»Constantly Hawking and Spitllng.»* TnoMAS J. R vshixo , Esq., Wt Pine Street. St. Louis. V>„ writes: “I was a great sufferer from <-nt«rrh for three years. At times 1 could hardly breathe, und was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be if.me for me. Luck­ ily, f was advised to try Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, ami I am now a well man. 1 believe it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one h.ia only to give It a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure.” A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving val- uable hints as to clothing, diet, and other nno.-ra of importance, will 1« mailed, p<» t- p.u»l t > anv address, on receipt 0» a two-celt postage stamp. .Address. Wo.“14’* ld.,®s»ary Meliral A—eristien. No. e.<3 M*i:i Street. BUFFALO. N. 7. Elic^nuocraticïimw UNITED STATES OFFICIAL PRESS MAY 25. iw FRIDAY . TO ADVERTISERS. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. Australia is to increase the duty on Oregon htmlier. Tima the tariff invites the discrimination it impose«. The river and harbor bill an passed bv the house is (ar the largest amount ever appropriated for such purposes—$2 OOO.OtM). Owing to reported expected failure of Tll.TI.WEN I im » clrrMlwtion of >200 the wheat crop in the Western States, tu« Iwritoat snjuyrdby any nrwspnpcr w heat has taken a slight advance in tlie »•■bll.hMi ti.ls.fu Purtlnu.i mill kn, New Yoik market. Rlwff, * dl.tHur. ot ao<> lullrs. It If you want a railroad attorney and theretorc otfers the bf.l liiilii.-ei.ieuts codfish aristocrat by the name ot Dolph to sdtvrllttr.. <»nr II.I la prlurl|>Hlly in the V. S Senate, Yote for the Repub­ coaatlnod taa Jackson, Jaaaeplalaa. aaaal lican legislative ticket. Klaaaalla eoaaaatira. Baaaiaaoaa aa.ru The crop prospects in Minnesota and alaoaal.l take aiolr ut tlala. JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. (»XVRRKlTKP WrKXLI.J Flour, per thouaaud ¡1»........................ .|ls (O so Wheat, per bushel................................... 50 Hurley. “ .................................... 50 (>ats. “ .................................... . 15 (O Mill Feed, per ton ................................ ,. IUM) Hay, when or timothy, pertou......... 15 Eggs, per dozen....................................... X5 Butter, per lb........................................... . M Potatoes, per lb....................................... 014 Cabbage. . ” ..................................... uis Onions, “ ...................................... 04 Heuns, ° .................................... .. 2 (V t ornmea). per ’O' lbs. ........................ Lard per 1»> in tins................................ >0 12t»> 15 Ham and Bacon..................................... Dried Appl- f per .. ............................... .. «fl Plums, “ ----- ------- .. 10 *• Pears. ................ 10 •• Peaches .. 10 75 Sorghum Molasses, ¡»er gallon Chickens. ¡>i»r »iozen.. >2 50 to 3 00 fy to 12 uo Tur key«. il UU to 4 14» Hides......... ... IS to2BC. Dssrskins.. IS tv* Wind, Spring lieef.... sto 10 6 tu H Mutton. to 10 Fork.... Sananas. ALL SORI'S. the northwestern tier of States, in fact, are reported as very poor, owing to the extreme cold weather and rain. The Brooklyn handicap IJ4 miles was Tlie average human life is 31 years. won by The Bard, Hanover second, with Kernp beat Hanlan for the world’s Exile third. Time, 2:13. Over »100,000 rowing championship by tive lengths. , changed hands on the result of tht> race. Roseburg expects to have a woolen T. B. Merry, who was recently ap null, under the management of capitalists |>ointed commissioned to the World’s from Scotland. Ex|s>sition at Melbourne, Australia, will The energetic citizens of Smith River, leave Portland this week for that place, Cal..have opened a reading-room. A. B. accompanied by ins wife. Campbell is secretary. A 2 :1S stepper passed over the O. A C. road Tuesday in care of a groom from San Francisco, bound for Montana. News has tieen received of the death of Seth Thomas, the manufacturer of clocks, aged 71, at Kensselaerville, N. Y. Clearance Bale. Desiring to make room for ray immense j i spring stock, I have determined to offer i . special inducements for the next thirty < days. The following are some of the re­ ductions. for cash only: 5-button Foster ' kid gloves, in black only, former price $1 50, I ( now selling at fl; tine, black Milan hat«, i | former price $2, now selling at 91.5°; shade hats from 2>c to 41.25. Everything in pro­ portion. Orders by mail attemied to J promptly at Mrs. P. P. Prim’s .Millinery Store. Jacksonville. ‘ n/io la Your Hrat FrifudT Your stoiuucb. of course. Why? Be­ cause if it is out of order you are one of he most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don’t smoke in the morning. Don’t drink in the morning If you must siuoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right—if you are troubled w th heartburn, «i'zziness of the head, coming tip of the food after eating, biliousness, in­ digestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green’s Au­ gust Flower, as no person can use it with out immediate relief. The Rising Generation •uii should find you resolved to give A\vr*» Sarsaparilla a thorough trial. It w iil ck uire ..nd invigorate your blood, and restore the vital organs to their natural functions. Mr*. J. D. Cphain, 231 Shaw­ mut avenue, Boston. Masv.,writes; “ For a number of years I was troubled with In- digestion, and unable, without distress, to take solid food. After using Ayer’s Sar- napaiillaouc month 1 was follows generation, transmitting a legacy of good or ill, according to well-known physical law». To the unfortunate «-uf- erer from hereditary Scrofula, nothing cau lie more cheering than the a*«ursnee that in Ayer’* Compound Extract of San-npa- rllla is found a constitutional remedy, which eliminate« the poisonous taint, and restores to the blood the elements neces­ sary to Entirely Cured.” Life and Health. Mr*. II. M. Ttuijer, Miliun. Ma-.,., write,: “I ban- b. eu «ery luui-li troubled with torpidity <>f the liver, auil Dj.-pep-ia. -.u-urarilla has eured lie .” Mr*. J. W. Bradlee, Hyd« I’.irk. Ma—, w.i:. " 1 wa* i-reiillj l-i-diii-i d bi D im * r-i.i. and was aihi-td to take Are*’** b:ir*a- parilla. which eniirely lured me.” .Mr*. M. E. Hanibleli. 25 Lawrence street, Low ell. Ma»*., w rit-»: "I was sick two year* with stomach and liver troubles, and obtain« d no relief muil 1 look A larie Merci» r, 3 Harrison avenue. Low- ill. Mass., write,: “Mv son was weak uid debilitated, troubled with sore eyes and bcrofulous humors. Ayer’s Sarsapa­ rilla restored him to perfect health.’* Irving II. Edwards, Ithaca. N. f., writes: •• From the time I was four years old. until eighteen. 1 was subject to Scrofulous Fore throat. Many a time my neck has been s raw sore, from poultices put on to draw out the inflammation. I took four bottler of Ayer’s Sur- The Chicago Tribune claims that (irt sham will he nominated on the sec­ ond ballot. The opposition to Blaine is crystallizing in his favor, and he is pledged support from many States. is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi­ tively cure ail Blood Pisceses, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution, Remember, wo guarantee IL Smith M. Weed, the so-called “wiz­ For Sale at City Drug Store. ard of 1‘lattsburg,” who was Samuel J. The famous trotter, Dexter, died of Tilden’s confidential agent, and who is known as one of the shrewdest political old age, at thirty years, in Bonner’s agents in tli^coigitry, ba- gone to Cal- stables, New York. His record was ilornia. 217'r. Of all the funny things on earth it is The seven trotting horses and stallions to see a Republican pap- r making S|>ort burned m Senator Stanford’s stables at ot the American navy, in utter oblivion Palo Alto, Cal., lately, were valued of the fact that Republican jobbery and at »21,000. fraud lias made the navy the laughing A Georgia farmer made »100 off an stock of 11le world. acie planted in watermelons, and a The first excursion of the season to neighlioring doctor made »200 off the Mt. ."shasta, ftotn San Francisco, will same acre. come up tlx- 1st of June as far as Sisson, The Kmg of Spain is eighteen months 't-inaining over night and returning the | old, and lias a salaiy of »1,000.000, with in xt day, stopping at all the points of ' a prosj ect of a ruise as soon as the bus­ interest on the way down. iness will warrant it. In the great protected borax industry In winter doth the plumber plumb; the Republicans taik about, there is hut in summer is the iceman known; at sll one borax field in the Cnite I States, and tunes doth the bummer bum ; like death ot tire sixty men employed in working all seasons are his own. it, thirty-five are Chinese. Protection MISCELLANEOUS. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! U Prepared by Dr J. < Ayer & Co., Lowell. Mass , V. 8. A. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for For sale by all Druggists. Drive $1; six bottles for $5 Jack««>ii County. The Oregon A California Railroad Company, plaintiff. va.Marv Gord«>n, Pnacilla Puw«»rH.an‘'”.11 h Power», and all u i- known owner» of tne hereinafter describe«! la da. or of any interest therein, defend­ ant» : I N I HENXMEOF PHE STATE OF OREGON. 1 you are hereby required to appear and an- -WA»r the commpiaiut tiled agonrt you by th«» plaintiff in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date of the «er vice of thia summona upon you. if «.»tv»*«] within thin county . or if served within anj o(h.»r county lntiii- State, than within twenty »lays from the <1 ite of the »orvic« of this suminon» np on you;mid if you fail »oto answer, for want there- • >f. tne plaintiff will take jtidgm-nt against you I for the relief prayed for m the complaint hi this action. An«l jou are h»*r«-by i otified that unless you app»'-ir and anawer »aid complaint on or be. fore the first day of the regular term of the above ¡ entitled Court, to be begun und held oil the nrat A New York newspaper publishes a to tlie American workingmen with a Monday tn Septem!»er. A D. lbH*«. the sum«* being th« third day of said month, th« plaintiff will Bible verse at the head of its editorial Vengeance. tak»» judgment against you according to the prayer columns every day. Probably that is Dillon, the Irish patriot who is well- of said complaint, which is that the following fresh news to most of its readers. known throughout the world a" a “Home describe«! strip or parcel of land, namely: A strip of land 365 fe«»t in length ami 60 feet m width, Gov. I’ennoyer has appuinte 1 Mrs. Rule’’advoca'e, and who with Parnell being 30 feet wide on each side of and parallel Parnell, of Alpine, Oiegoo, a notaiy put • and others is seeking redress for the w tii tlie center line of th*» main track o’ the Than by any other Route. lie, the first instance of a woman having wirings inflicted upon his country, was < Ireton A California railroad, as located and now a * »nstructp«!, comaieticing «»n th»» north line - f lieen appointed to that office in Oregon. sentenced to six’inuntbs’ imprisonment, section sixteen, and then»’« running south to an First-Class Through Passenger ami Freight Line from PORTLAND K VEGETABLE intersection with the depot ground-, a distarte«* ami all points in the WILLAMEl’I’E VALLEY to and from SAN Washington Irving Bishop, the well- tor inciting tenants not to pay rent. of 3Ji feet, at end near i 1 ti'diff 's railroad station known mind-reader, liaa dtsapia-ate l. Willamette River Line of Steamers: Tlie second game of baseball between at Phcenixm Ro_»u»» Kiv- r Valley. :n the North­ FRANCISCO, Cal. and it is said that lie is insane and is in the Willaun-ttes, of East Portland, in 1 west quarter of tlie Northeast »waiter of -aid section sixteen, towi ship t’urt j « i*. ht “WM. M. HOAC,” THE “N. S. BENTLEY," THE ‘‘THREE SISTERS,” Honolulu. Much anxiety is felt by his the Browns, oi Seattle, was largely at south of Rang« on»» West. Willamette Meridian, friends. telided, and like the flr«t game resulted in JacK.soi county. Or -zon, be adjudred t> tie Leave Portland at 8 a . m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from None, or from any < ause ia speedily cou- A report finding considerable credence ' in a victory for the Willamette“: ti e ippr- printed to plaintiff's use for railroad pur­ Messrs. Hillman rn.nut»»s I .as , 365 leet. mor«* or b-ss. to' 2153 <>f »aid center line; tiience North 54 j In several counties in Texas a plague appointed.!. L. Collins. He has made station reg. 3>’ minute» East, and at right angles to said No other preparation has cure»! more has broken out among the cattle and a confession of the horrible crime. c -ut--r line, 25 ' f««’t; thence South 35 deg. 30 nun The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Develop­ eases ot the»« «lht reding complaints than they are dying in laige numbers. The Tire telegraph repirts exceedingly cold utes Ea«t, and parallel with said center line. 575 the Extract. Pond’» Extract Plas­ ment Company’s Steamship Line between Yaquina and Sau Francisco. f»*»-t. more or !••«». to an intersection with th« ter is invaluable in these diseases, Lum** disease attacks the throat and death re­ weather for Iowa, Minnesota and the west line of the Samuel Colver donation 1 in«! ta^ * l’aina in Back or hide. Ac. sults from choking. northwest generally. Comparisons are claim, numbered fortj-two; thence South on West txiundary of «aid claim forty-two. rtlu f.-vt. The O. A C. railway employs nine men odious. Tire idea of tin- finest weather more FROM Y\QCTNA < b FRoM six frvncihoo . SIE\MERS or l<*ss. to a point I »> fe«-t west of an«t at •Uae the Ext*act promptly. Delay is May Wth 21»t Saturday .... Monday in the machine shops at Grant’s Pass, here, in whole quarter sections,with ripe right angle«» t»> the centerline of said railroa«!; Willani'tte Valiev dangerous. 31 h ’ W»*dneef great service where the removal of Louis Webb has bis telegraph line stat ion 2153. « ontan ing 5 rtl acres, mor«* « r les-, ,ltrtir«'f th” Y\QL’IN\ Il 'HITE at Vlhanv » •' > v ill - i 11 if «1 »■»tine«! t«> .San Frai «'i»co should express. clothing h inconvenient. U. 8- Laud Utfic R«»M«burg, Oregou, l completed between his place and < i.izeile, < all iu Jackson county. Stat« of Oregon, in «»»<•- •2 i arrange to arrive at Yaquma the evening b d >< •» d »' of mailing. March 2fa, Ifart/A. ) Telegrams from Goldendale, Wash­ tion sixteen, fownshii thirty eight 8<-uth «»! >f Cal , a distance of four miles, using a i otice is id reby < hven uiatchah . Rang»» one West of the Willamette Meridian, in barlsol-wire f«'nce most of the w.iy.as a ington territory, re|>oit the almost en­ *-aid county of J «cks.m; b** adjudged to be appro­ A Buriax»*. wi »« mm |M(»h«ffiu« Mddre»« im bp-»k>Lii»* bail*, bpuxan« county. W h hn;gi«»ti For information apply o means of conducting the electric current, i tire destruction of that town last week. priated to plaintiff s us« for railroad pur¡voses as u«e»l The Extract will never be w’th- 1 -rncory. ha-» thi«*d.*> hied iu» application tor m Many of the inhabitants were absent at tiio depot grounds of ¡»laintiff s «aid railroad at C. C. HOCUE, C. H. HASWELL, ( iit it. Pond's Extract Ointment it parent fur hfreen hundred linear hret of tire 2d Kiamath county will enjoy a boom a picnic and the fire apparatus was the s’»i«i I’hirn x stati»»n; and for the cost» and dis- Gen i F. A P. Ag’t. O P. H. R. < «. tie! best emollient that can be applied. .dxt”ii"i-»u o t*re<».u ti«l»i .Mure luma or v«.n Irenr- Gen’l F. A P. \cr't. Oregon Development Co . this season that is a boom. Her natural ' first to born. The court house, Metho- hurstfin»» .Is of this action Corvelli». Oregon. 3 I Montgomery St.. San Fra ci-r. , ing with niii ta< « tfrouml nix hundred fret in And you are also furl her notified that this sum- resources will attract like magnets, and - , 1 di d atri major­ wnlili. Mtu.*t«d in Sain n t reek Mining Dmii ict. a l’rtxbvtt-rim chnrcli. Oibl Eel- m»»ns i-s served by publication, by the order of c«» : ity of J.»» X-»'» an»! Htat« of Oregon, and «1« - a wave from the tale ot immigration that |,)H> , Maoonit* and Workmen halls we-e the Judge of said Court, date«! th»» 21st day of ity <-f/• ’»oi/. diseases the Extract can be ign «t»»d t»y th« tield not«-» un«i official plat on file Used as i> well known, with the greatest has already found and will find its way I ilestroveil. Loss »175.000; insurance April A. D. ltxs. in tii«* offi ’• hm lot No 43 in 1 p 36, S of K, 3 w<*«t, Wil ALLEY, BRONAUGH A NORTH UP. benefit. 1 di directions accompany tach to this coast. I #40,000. of the A iliaiuett-- Meridian® »aid lot N«» 4 ■ t>«*uig Attorneys for Blunt iff. Thirty-five families are de-ti- bottle. tfi’-AcriI m -1 h - a foH«»Wfa. to-wit: Beginning mi k Andrew J. Bryant, naval officer at tute. bbU'fai pine 2 inche« m diameter for tn*- cen­ Sheriff ’s Sale. San Francisco under Mr. Lincoln, and ter of the »«»uth eud of «.li*! claim, and the r fell over­ Fnllt-r to be Chief Justice of the Vnited the glass, and our picture trade-mark on ly issued out of the Circuit Court of the deg*« w«*t <»u center hue of i «e lode. variMtiou if i board from the steamer Encinal re ­ surrounding buff wrapper. Noneutheris dag»* e«fat (instrument u»»*dunproved «olar idiii btatc of <>rvp»n, tor Jacksun county, on the State Supreme Court. It is expei-teil p’niiii. •. Alw iv* insist on having Pond’s p ».-s> i . h *) to a p»’»t for tna ceuter of tlie north cently, in San Francisco bay. and t(> tnv di­ ; that Edmunds and Ingalls will lead in l.»ih «lay »'i April, Kxt uri. Take no ether preparation. end of »aid claitU ; thence »ouih 76 deg«* west on rected and dclivere»i, in lav»»r of The. It i ' • r i • or hy i i San Francisco, May 20 —Louis Furor, | th” opposition. A scuiriloti* :«t f«»r corner No 1, fr«»m Sugar Pine D»M*r and Lumber Company. Sol i everywhere, I’r’te'», .«Or., $1. $1.75, which a laurel 2d incnew in diameter trenr« ««.uth a 10-year old boy living just out of the o-Hou* pamphlet has Iwen issued from Plaintiff', wh«» recovered a judgment an«i 2n-i«-gs c-»i-t 66 feet ; a biaf April, A. D. I*^, and againd the herein­ wnich a wane *» »k 24 incl»«« in diameter !»»-ar« that Miller was after had crawled into a the forlorn hope that a Republican Pres­ after described real pr»»per:y belonging to N’Mitu t»2 •ieg’*. Weal 22 feet, thenc« north irt «legs brush heap. eiu»t on «; »1 lure t»rfw»-vn hr«t an«l «ec»>nd exten- ident will t>o eleeti-d and a Republican E. B. Caton an»l Mary E. Caton, deivn 1- ants. I a.n commanded i(«ei blaze»! pine 2u »»n center ot end line, Mortgages are signed by two witnesses, cho«en for Chief Justice. VIA said property to satisfy the judgment of 366 feet excavati n beur» n»»rtiw*aat 35 feet long. the same as last year, and are folded so 27 fort wi«ie an»l Irt f»*wt deep, in rock, ti»*« fe»-t Oregon California R. R. as to tit the side-coat pocket. The back Now a certain class of ignorant Re­ said Sugar l’ine Door and Lumber Compa­ p«»Nt cor»M»r N • 3 and c»»rn»»r No 1 of hr«t ex' -n- with interest there­ publican editors are claiming that the ny for the >uin*»i 5 And Connections. aion, the 1-4 »e«:tioii corner iM.»tw««n •«ctn-ih3 taxes are combed forward and parted on failure of Coleman de Co., the San Fran­ on at wight p» r cent per annum fr»»m tliw a id ffi be » tn »«»uth 14 deg« 31» minute*, ham U421« datc aii»} the >uni »•( f >•) attorney'« Ires, and the side nearest the mortgage. In this feet, a wt-ite »«»tk l'> inrhea in diameter i enr« cisco merchants, was caused bv the t-an ldi'b ir-e- n »rtf« 3«» »leg-. w»e' W f»-et, inents. un«i the < «>'i" of an»i U)»on .«aid writ borax,«honld it become a law. Now the of execution: an«I the further **um of $7' 2 t'renev* north 14 d g-west aiorg «-a«t lM»undary. rim»» b»tW '»*n M’»df»»rd and San Francisco, the winter season. 15«*ar<« «»»utn mo «I - ltn , oure'ection will be on the 11th of June. because it made had speculations in >eptenitier. I***», at the rate of ten per cent, e.iwt |J fe«t, a black oak 4 » inch»-« in \. ie»»t p«»-t «•«•r er No I, th« place ol beginning 4:'K'p 'I I. iv ■1 *' 5 A M !• • •.*»« 51 lfor i L«ivo1 \ riv»' S in Fr • » •i-»co L“ *v • ‘V ’» 1 P M of June.— lioteburg Hfi iew. writ, I did, on the 19th »lay of April order’!* odj:eot .J tea.-* »n comity,m b>«»k 1» of | pair its value. lsss. levy on «ai»l realty a< cording t< Muling irec«»r«iN, p g« 42. Patronize home institutions. Do not law. an»I will offer i»»r «ale I«»rca«h in hand l'i»»» »»lj »rung «- i ax man t i» J. H. Pomeroy on lie bulldozed by Eastern fakes who will tire -»»»utn. g«»ld ■ om of the I■|iitv»l States at public au k4»< Absolute Cure. EXCURSION SLEEPERS hereafter swami through our country A »y and a!i oerson» claiming a«lver»tdy any turn to the highest bidder, at the court house The Original Abietine Ointment is onv p »; t »n »»f «aid 2d hxt»*u.fai«»n of tlie Gartieki lion for Secun,Li ’■<— <>n »II through train, with immense bargains in everything dw»»r in Jacksonville, m «uni County and Alii»»» <»r fa irf.v • grouu«! are required t»» tire their t RE i: OE CHARGE. put up m larjre two-oiince tin boxc'», and is State, on 1 imaginable. You can get about any- H-iv.-r»-’ <• aim4 wun th«* R--gi«ter «»f tire t s. an absolute cure for old sores, burns, 1. ui 1 • >ffi >. at R-»aet>Qrg. iu the county of i><*ug- Th®O. Jk C. IL K. I'erry tnaks» ronnection with | tiling that any one but a Hottentot wounds, chapped hands, an I all skm Saturdayf May 26, .1. I). 1SSS, ( l in . Si-ite of Grrg«»n, during the »txt> day«* ¡>»»ri«>d ■lithe r««ul»rtrain» on th« Ea-t8id» Diriaion would want right here at home, and we eruptions. Will positively cure ail kinds at 2 o’clock p . M. of said »lav, all the right, of i»uhlic.du»j h-r»*<»f, »»r tlrey will be burr »«! by from foot “t » »treot. 1 ' advise you to get it here. of piles. Ask f<»r the Original Abietine title and interest of the said E. B. Catun virtu • of tu- pr .viNi«»nn of th« Htatute. CHAS W JOHNSTON. Ilegreter. Mary E. Caton. Defendants, in an»l to Went Side Division, The coffee market afp-r a steady I),UOKV l 1.1,1*» ’ cline for months Went ui> last wa-ek from per box—bv mail 3o cents. wit : MAIL TRA IX'* DAILY (nein »UND A Y ) 135 to 50 points. There has been no 5»». ; Lots numbered niiif* (9) and ten (10) in 7:31» v M. L»» »ve Porfían»! i Arriv«»V'"p M. ; change in crop reports to warrant the | Block numbered twelve (12), in the town Application for n Patent. 12;25 p . M. \rrive Corvelli» ‘ I à * hv »- 1 :<’• I jump, but the bulls are working in the ¡of (’entrai Point, in Jackson county. Ore- u. S Land Office, Ro»«burg. Oregon, / ’ belief that the freeing of slaves in the j gon. KXPQBSSTRUX DKIT.Y 'EXCXPT fd’NUvY.) '•arch 2«, ) Given under my hand this 19tb day of Rio coffee district in Brazil will no disar ­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier Portland Ar • ' t. M N’irrit E IS HEREBY GIVEN 1HAI MANS I a I %t. ■. • April, ISSd. range tiie labor question as to result in and regulating medicine, is characterized by m r.iiH|«en,wh«-’H0 p«»«foffi «.» adiire au» PortI mih I. »:•»» p M. \rnv* M«’Mtnnville L«-iv«-5 »5 B. W. DEAN. Stir riff. Multnomah county, State »»f Oregon, ha»- th.« *iaj three peculiarities, namely: At Albany nnl Corvallis connect with trai ns of a short crop. ttl«d hi« ap. li«%Uion for a patent for fift»»en hun­ .M itchell ct M okriso N, Attys for Pit'ir>. Jim Westfall, the well-known Chinese dred (13 4)) hnnar feet of tl.« Garfield iron min»», Oregon Pariti»* F»>r information r«»ganiing rates, maps, etc., see The combination of the various ■nine «»r v«m, bearing iron ore, with aorfare contractor of Albany, is about to begin grou:>*i »IX hundred fe»»t in width, «itiu«'»ai m Company’s agent at M»*«if'u»l remedial agents used. I a suit for heavy damages against the O. E. P. ROGERS. Administrator’s Notice. 8am a Creek Mini t in Salem by W M ; ».M'i i"t Ao. 41. being d>»«<’rib»»! a» The process by which the active undersigned has b* ......Teen appointed by the conn- E. G. HURT, Medford, Or. one of the employes of the road. It is a follow«: Beginning at a po t f >r ther*’n»»*r ; tv ,nrt nf . 1.4 r k co ~ «i ’ 11 inty. it [ ty court of Jackson Oregon, sitting m medicinal properties are seemed. lineofthe outh e»nl of aael olairn. and ru*w i::g 1 rill- nt this depot that no Chinamen I Probate, administrator of the partnership prop- th»’!ic»» north on the renter liu«* of ’*a »i claim v t- f »-aid claim: north 76 »legs.-a-t <»ri in six months from the first publication of this ' [OFFER FOR SALE ON REASONABLE term» . so, hut it is a fact that it is thirteen end line; 3m lone of th»» beat StQCk or Dairy Farm» in South notice. ' years since Annie Pixley appeared on which a luanzanita 6 inch**« in diameter Bean» » ‘ in Oregon, aitunt«*<1 on I)»-er Creek. Jo«»»phine A. « ’ . STANLEY. north J» «i’ g». ea«’ 10 feet; a laurel 21» inch«»« in IIooet for r«»rn »r No 2. from of water f"i «t«»ck and some tor irrigating. The two (lays; thence he will go toC. H. Pickens’ w tirli a black oaa 13 inche« in d-am«f«r b.-ar» stouter, anil as we remember it, fher ease of the blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick CYRUS NOBLE DISTILLERY place is all incloaed by a good rail fence. I her»* place in Table Kock nrecinct, where he will •«»Uth 73«l»»gM, weat 3 f* et; a white oak 12 inch» » Voice has not lost much. Nature d«d a headache, or kidney and liver complaints, 16 a house an»i barn 1 n»i young fruit trees on be Tu»*s«lay and Wedneeday; thence to Medford, in diameter t»«ar» north 33 «leg*, eaat It feet; catarrh or rheumatism, do not tail to try the place. It also has the b«*at outeide range in remaining Thursday; thence to Phoenix, where he great «leal for Annie, and she has done JOS. SCHLITZ'S BREWINC CO thence •«•til h 7<5 d*>ra went on end line ; 215 f<»et the county; also another » xcellent place c«»ntain will be Friday and Saturday, returning to each apring branch, count»» *outhea«t ; 3 ib > f»»> t center likewise for herself. ing 120 acre» stand on the above-named days. of vi »1 line ; far; •»«t puat forcornor No , from MILWAUKEE BOTTLED BEER. For full particular« call upon or address D escription and P ei > i » irf . e .~ Young Clyde is The general committee of the national w ich a black «»ak 14 inchea in diameter bear» I recommend Rood's Sarsaparilla to all O. J. VANNOY a larg»*. well-proportion«*d horseRnd w»»ighs about aouth 2Hd-ga. w»»«t IS feet ; a white »»ak 12 in­ league of Democratic clubs fonneil yes­ KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA Kerbyvi 11«. (>reg»»n The undersigned takes pleasure in informing 1 .fill» tiounde 11»» was wired by 8. G. Keed’s cele. tuy friends as the best blood purifier on ch«» in «liann-t T tear» a»»uth £b d«g*.ea»t 27 feet; terday have issue«! a circular inviting all bratod Clydesdale stallion, the beet draft hors«» tl;o public that he has taken charge of the B»»ard- thence rn»rth <»n w- wt boundary, 1 Idi feet to inter­ ever brought to Oregon. His dam was a thor- ing-hoti««» ami Foe R. V. Beall. John Field. J. W. Smith. 1. W.Th«»m- sen«l 0 feet It comprises fill arros of land, mont of which i« Robert Potter. A. W. Clemons. Manon Woiai, »•x - iv ttiona on lo»|e dep «it, 3.) feet long by M Forman and beast, at prices to suit the tim*s. andor fenco, well watered and susceptible to cul­ Andy Potter.'1 E. Nichols. Th«»*. Chavner. J. E. representation in the convention will be ments of cures will be sent to all who desire. feet w id»» ait'15 feet feet by « f»»et »nd 4 feet de- p. all are in good condition. b»*idr* which then» is a is not necossarj to make a big blow, as the horse in ir»»n r«a*k, ta’ara «••u* h III) f»*et . 3 0 fe»»t bl.tck Grown from acclimated stocks on not more than 100 members, ami nine • ’ abinot -»hop supplied with Superior water-power. shows for himself. onk 14 inche» in diameter biased f»>r center of delegates for each club containing more 8old by all druggists. |t; six for *3. Mado For further particulars, enquire on the premises T ekms — Season, $7.»M). payable at the end there­ my own ground. north en I line ,fi»i) feet to corner No I. the place only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. ---- ASK FOR ----- ora»ldress G. B. CAI.DWELL. of; in-urance, f 10, due when mare is known to than 300 members. Clubs desiring to of !»• ginning, containing 5 acre«. WilliamsJ*. O.. Or. be with foal, or when disposed of. Die hM*.«ti»>n of tl»i» mine in ret*«»rde»l in the The best of care taken to prevent accidents, If your merchant does not keep join the league are requested to address rec •' l-r’« offi-e »»f .E«ck»on county, in book 1«. I the secietarv at once. but no responsibility assumed, should any »»rear. I FARM FOR SALE. of mining record-, page 4.). them, send for catalogue. Address For the purpose of making political JAB. F. DAVIH. Th»» adjoining claimant» are Jamea H. Pomp- Notice for Publication r«»y on the n«»rth THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE And all of capital, or with inherent love of false- Any an»l all persona claiming advyreely any his farm, situated near Bybee s ferry, ten miles h«x>d. Republican papers are spreading Land Office at Rrwpburg. Or., ? p >rtn»n of -aid from Jacksonville, containing lrtdacr«*«. 90 acres April 24 ( («i h-'I'i Ir.»- Min« «4'irfice ground, nr»» re- the libel that Gov. Pennoyer and Dr. being under cultivation and the balance being onCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WALLA WALIA. W. T • ri red tn file 1 «»r adveraa claim« with the regia, first-class timber and pasture land. A good Lane, superintendent of the Oregon In­ following-named settler Las filed notice of t r of th»» Un ted Star»*- i4an»l • Iffic« at R»»*s *b«i!g. house, barn and outbuildings are cunnectM with sane Asylum, have had a row over the his intention to make final proof in support of in the county of UmiK'la<«. Stat« r.. dur the place. Title perfect and terms reasonable latter’s discharge of one Wilkins, the his claim and thxt said proof will be made h«- mg th« -ixty day» period of publication hereof .or For further particliars apply to the TlXF.a UNRIVALED GOODS! fore the Judge or Clerk of the county they wii’ be barred by y rtu« of the provision», of office or J. 8. GRIGSBY. steward. The truth of the matter is that court of Jackson county. Or., at Jacksonville, the »tat ute Central P»»int P. O. Dr. Lane informed Gov. Pennoyer that Or., on Wednesday Jun»» 6. 1884 viz: Lotus« . CHAM. W JOHNSTON Reaiatcr Choice Lands For Sale while Wilkins was a g<««xl man he was Hill, homestead entry. No. 4171. for th»» 8‘i of NEV4 and N‘i of SEl<, section 29. tp. 36 south, I too slow, and could not keep up with bis range 1 east. VV. M He names the following or rale , sow acres of land - mg a ^ reb J. II. W biblky . J. 3. M1L1.FR. of farm land in the valley, good for fruit or work—as he himself admits—and Gov. witnesses to pr ye hie continuous residence up­ grain. TV ILL M \KE THE SEASON OF ISA# AT THE Pennoyer advised the Superintendent's on, and cnltiva*idn of, said land, viz Adolphus Two thousand six hundred acre** foot-hill and Imported and bred by G. W. Hunt, Whitenker.Or I t farm of hi« owner, th* undersigned, on Grif­ Carlton. James Kent. Martin F. Hurst and Isaac action. The relations between Dr. B. Williams, al! of Eagle Point. Jackson county. m >untain-aide land, rood for fruit, dairy ng or fin cr-*ek. thr#*e mil»*-* »»a«t of Jacksonvill»*. wL«re stockraiaing. I’hi« tracr of l *nd has over «»‘ven he will be every day in the we»«k, excepting Sat­ nUNH PISTOLS AND OTHER FIREARMS Lane am! Gov. Pennoyer are of a most Oregon. CHAS. W JOHNSTON. Register mil»*« of fencing, dwelling-house, a stockpiled urday and Sunday. \I repaired in th« b»«-»f «tyleami new one« made Description and Pedigree:-Sir Walter. Jr., is SflxOll feet. anl*»ndid traveler; is 17‘4 hands high Ashland. Jackson Co., < >r Price« toNUit tire tun«» and satisfaction guaran­ kins is of a most kindly nature, as it has and weig»isi500 pounds. Sir ”Wa ter, Jr , w s tee» 1 Land Office at Hoaeburg.Or..) Notice For Settlement. always been. aired by Str Walter, he by Marion, he by Mambri- Give m»* a trial. April 10. 1HMH. ( no Chief, he by Mambrino Payu aster, he by B. STRAIT. ILL THOSE INDEBTED TO T. .1. GOOD- I Mamhrino, h»* by Im{»ort». of H-nry Clay prog-mitor of thet’lay family <’f Rroi>es. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever th« Judge or Clerk of tFie (‘ounty Court of Jack- ■«.»tl— th“ .mH forthwith, if thev wish to rxvh an office 1U the JA8 MORTON PARKER’S trotters. Hi*» nrst dam. Sdlie Miller, by M cn- th* h i-in—». of th® «.tat® must b« wound Sores. Tetter, (’happed Hands, Chilblains, ron county. Oregon, at Jacksonville, Or . on rr—ti». Bonanza Klamath county. Or . .Tunn 1H. 1^.. I- g <7 brino. son of imported Messenger; 4n-az • fivnishad n ire-» at reauniable rate«. A* th«» *i • 1 »r«i t i i is •’<» »« • ri i'•‘»o* i to W« are an*«i agents for th* W«» albura Nursery. J<»«»*ph G* ppert, Thad B rock lev and B •gon. L Park _ but will uot bo responsible for a£jy WHITE , «vlintieaUr« free P. O. VICKERY ¿Au. “ him will confer a fav >r bv ^< ’ hn® ** er, all of Big Bntte, jHckson county. Oregon. Manon county', • Fregón. All orders in that liuu PARKER SCINGER TONIC ’pertj.b.1* DAVID CBONEM IIJAB, —1 gusta. Main«. promptly attacdud to- CHA*. W. JOHNtiTON. Bwister. 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME P ain oestroy ER Hemorrhaqes. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. Time Schedule, Except Sundays 0. & C. Trains Co meet at Alban/ ani Corvallis. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. iJ i u <»* Diphtheria, Sore Throat, For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. N Passenger aid Freight Rates Always The Lowest. (h EK 11 ILK A MILLION ÜhTBIBLTED CAPITAL PrilZE, $303,000. saparilla. Since that time I have cn- and have never Lad the disease since, In joyed excellent health.” sixteen years.” THE YAQUINA ROUTE Louisiana State -ottery Conipan/ N Notice for Publication. L as D O ffici at R »» buio ». (I k . / Aprii 14, 1W. Í N oth i is hereby given ihat the follow lng-na i a d b»-lti»T Lar* til»-«! notice <»1 his irt* ntn n to mak- ti. «d p:<«<>t in mi port of his claim. ani.. Or-, «t Jack 1« : z • I’• Hitch 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars hotrrestead en ty a «». 1227. I»»r th« Lot 1. « mthou each- Hub s af iiO. Quarters at S3. IV. Lots rt an-i 1 • I-«-ct ion 2.'. NW , «»f N L 4 • i Tenths at $2. Twentieth at $1. lz>t 1. «■ ctior 3*». tow-iahip -t-J’.•ii’ •. of r.i g 2 a .- •_ W’. M. He n un •« t .»• !■» I »wing wi:n-s- I.IST OF PRIZES to ¡«rove hi» vnrinu 'U-. n.*-i «ce up -n. hi ;«! cui- 1 PRIZE OFWUifl i® ... tiv iti»»n »»f. «a »1 land v z: Jas. \h*!«»n«»u.*‘. and 1 PRIZE OF l’T jMi .in.... I M. R w«» ot r«»i«» Jac son ( «».. <»r.-go-j. t 1 PRIZE OF . 1 las- ( APPROXIMATION PRIZES. k’iiri» I 14 IllKUD <».Vh\ ill.AI’ Illi. 1«K? Priz»“* of i’»o> api»ruximating to 3 foihiwi» >?-!iKtiJ»-«i «»-itl»»f l a*» l.b »1 not .<.f Ajoi.OKi Prize are ni« Iht.-tit:»».-. t»r H.:.k»- fif.-’l p?«»of r f-uj»i>« I* <»f l'»l Priz»*« <»f C31 «/ approximating to Jack««»!; (’<>.. Or.,at Ju. k>»»:-vill»-. Ot , »»n Satur­ Priz» are.................. day. June 16. ¡■v*. \ iz : E»iw-4t .ni »’iitry N«» 4137. t»»r U» N bi » Iu 0 Prizes of $lii) decided by S.MA.iOO of d and 1 • s »4 N V» ’■ k. »*« • i»»n J2. t«»ui *-hii> . 7 Priz»*« ar«* ............... ............. 1 r.oM Kouth, of rang»» 3 i. Wihaiaeth* M«ridian. I. lUt/.’l’riz»•« «»f iI'« d»*eid» d by fl'o.'Oi p H« I.M1H-R tli- folluun u’ w un» »*’-• i* to ¡-rove ids Prize ure................................................. l(i cont inn» »U*» r<*«i«l- i c<» ui>«in, at.-I cult iv.Aiuri of, r’tid land, viz ; 1. < > ti n .n. J--tin M» »■♦*. Alfred 3,136 Prize® amoustins to ................... ft.llSSOi « srter hi »1 W. F. Bannietur. all of Jackwor.ville. F»»r club r or any furllw*r information j . j »- J.ickaon (’o .Oregon. < HAN» W JOHNSTON. !Ugi«t«r. ply to th.* mid horned. Y<»ur hai lwriti:.».'inu*i bo tlinfinct an l signature ¡»lain. M«»re rani»! r * turn ni cil e b- ¡ring y»»ur full ail h»-- - S-:ii r«»M Al. SOrtN, Expr-Mb M T imber L and A«: t . J unes . l«7é. or»l»*r- <»rNew York Exc’ia^ge in ordi'tmy let’ -r. Curreiit y by Expr »*-a’ <»'ir <>X!» *’i« • »i l'in’-wi’tl 1 > United 8tat«-s Land Office. K--»‘bvig, Or.. < M. DAUFH1N. NRwOrle.me.La A|.ril r». < or M. A® DAUPHIN, Wa«hiugtou. D. C. NOTK’F. IS HEREBYGIVEN i li Ai iM’OM- pliance w J ii f I • | JoVln» •' « f t li»* ad oft <»n • gn ta«ifjti »»:s. i«7- m t.» »i’ An : t.v.« ri.!» Ure- of t4m(M*r i»mdi- Hl ! ie >t »l»*s oft liilt»»«’’ « a: ht» '.>n, N» »Miiiand W;:-huv ’ o: i»iTH<»ty. vi.u oRixm w.irio* %i. ita* h l>ora < f D<*«k:»n, ‘ r»i>- ty - f Jacke«»!>. f Mate ..f V cm OrleHii*. I. • Oregon, iia-- thir «l i.v til» . f .r lt timber or chances are all equal, and (hat n«> one can pos?i- M»»ne tliitn f» r rigricnknral j urp»*.-«». mid (<» es- tabbah Lis c I mhu t»> »-;tid I hi «i b* f«»re tl, R»*gi*>ter blv »livine what nu:u»»ers w 1! draw a Prize. i t iloM-tairg. Uragoa, REMEMTER mat the pay ni »nt of all Priz- - and Receiv« r<»f tl ie • ffi if June, I-sa. He tiamek on Tuesday.th*» 2’Ch » i-t.i uii a m . ii in tort< iri<»Mi. f >ekb y. F fídd» uk Bn » k- New < >rl«*an-. and the tickets are signed by t * MP hl*> W ltnesb.‘P Joii! d V. . »I. Lichardf all «»f Pr»**»iden! of an Institution, whos.« chart» not i. j.Jor- pb r gon. At J an»i ail Iterpona claimi ’ g a»iv ’ rr»*ly th • ab -Ve «!»*»•<• ril»*«d f«»re. beware of any imitations or a:.«uiyin»»..- at.dare r»que*t» d h» bl ifieir Claim« in th ,1> »d- schemes. 'tic« <»n or bef«»re «aid 26U <1 ;. » f Jui »*. i ( HAb. »LJtiHViU.V Legistcr. GRAND QUARTERLY DRAWING Address Resisti reí Letters tu Mining; Application No. GO United States Land Olli»-«*, R.weburp, Or.. ) A ¡mi 14, lwv». I (HU E IS HEREBY <¿¡Vi N 1IIA1 JOH a Miller, wh «i» (!*-;••• nd r» ►« 1« JackvoQ- ville. Or»-g *;•. h;c- ti.!.". J.« k«»»¡i creek mining di«i ri< t. c«»”H’y <>! Jackaoi. ai »i State of 1 >re¿ Mi, and désignât••ed as being ti e NU 1 4 f NE ................................................... 1 4 of bE 1-4. M2 u f NEl-4»»f SE 1-4. NI 1-4 of bb 1 4 of M. I I; S 1 2ofbE I-4 ..f SE I 4. K !-2 of S 1-2 of ...................... bW 1-4 <»1 if 8E 1-4 of S«<’ 35, tow« «hip 37 S. ranged W. and N 1-2 of Ni M Ni 1-4 o! Nh 1-4. mi «I N 1 - •• W, ui of K c. 2. and N 1-2 »»f N Í 1 2 of NW 1-4 ».f NW 1-4 of bee. 1. township ¿b S. rang«» 3 W of W illamctie nieriiiian. curtaining 1'J ¿0acre«. The Io«*ationof said nm e if record» «1 in i V«»i. 2«». pag»* 2»»2.mining record«, and th« buis o* * ».lie H'id »bred- t«» Hppll- cunt herein, at p«g»-e 21 1 an»I 2í. V ■ -;-2. record«»f mining conveyaiK ivre, and a» page 477. Vol. V. anti at ¡»age 315. Vol. ht.recoid 1 of de«-ds. al! *»f rec»»rd in the Recorder 's «officeat JacKMonvule. Jack-on county. Oregon. Ine adjoining claimants aie August Wuitt und \\ j . Heiiiff s claim« on th«» north. A» j H”d all p< r««»nsclaiming adversely an> ¡»»r- t :oi. cm said Fann«r» Elati»la • ; I e»i totlie ih» ir H’.v«r«e claim> with the itegit*t»T of tn»» Unit««! bt it»“* L»'.»i » ’in- ’ Mt i»o-«i*urg 1:; ' he State « f Oregon during the k xty day« ¡»« ri- d of of publication hereof, or tnej uiiib» Laried by virtue of tlie provi* o» - of tl « «tature. ( HAb. W. JOHNS!ON, Register. B CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE I OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA The Mt. Shasta Route Application lora Patent, To the Lane« A Duffi -I l placer gold bearing mire. Number 54 U.S Land Office at POLININ BUFFET SLEEPERS. J X E Æ r 1st 2d 3d W.J.VANSCHUYVER&CO. STItONCi N FOR SALE. THE FINE DRAFT HORSE, No. o . Unknown to Others 63 Front Street, Portland, Or. YOUNG CLYDE, Hood’s Sarsaparilla TO THE HUNGRY & WEARY Ashland Boarding-House and Feed Stable! D SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS II Hood’s Sarsaparilla IOO Doses One Dollar. THE BOSS BOOTS CEO.STARRETT The Fine Trotting Stallion, N 1«. M’ri«^irr PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, WRISLEY & MILLER SHROPSHIRE DOWN SEEEP F MEDFORD. OR. The Best Sheep for Wool anil Mutton. Forti Years is Orini. Settle Up Notice. I Town of Medfird, Jackson Coinly, Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. SIR WALTER, Jr., tuerai deposit \’< • I 1< L IS HEIiEiO GIVEN 1 H\i W. Lan< <*. biinutd H. U th Id, Wm. ' h rvd Otleu and .«iliaid Hull. «1» am » |> add re- is B<»it, Ja»*k-on county. Ori’u» t«.is day filed th . „ ............. for a |.a ir . ¡»plication th« Lance A Duffi -ld placer rnui beau sidlMtfvd. Ijitig Mild OCHig in F< >ts ( r«*ek District. < ounty of Jacks amt Stat«- *:; n.e ¡I, this "ffi ••• as .» i ■ • •- n No. inirty-svvtn (37), in t- »jjrhip t-.irty >»*v»»t: r.iug»» four i4 w.st oi Wi!.an.»lrt nn r.dian. 1 .ie rxi «rior ttoubdarit-s »f said lot or claim N»». ihntA-.-. ven (J7j !>-»oig as follows, to-wit: West ire-half of th«» uortht ast quarter, ano th«» west me half of th« southeast quarter of the wufi.«*st ¡uarier;an«i the west one halt of the norri »-ast ¡uurter. anti theeast one-halt of th« northwest quart r, at d the roitheust one-«ju .rh r of ti e northwest oiie-qtiarier of the «outhrast «»> « quar­ ter of section twenty two (22i. in towii«l ;p 37 south, ot range 4 west of the w u am«*tte meridi­ an, containing n.n.-ty acres. 'Iiu-. ciaini i- ac- coi«!ing to the legal sut>di\is u.s h«*TPin nbov«* - i;,.- .,i Oreg l . duri g th - gtj d.i.vs p«r(oti of publication heicof.or lie j will b« barred by virtue of the provision* of the rtstuto. ( HAM. W. JuilNaTON, Regis » r. For Farms, Ranches, Orchards Gardens and Lawns. Three Peculiarities N CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. Female Complaints. CAUTION. Pond’s Extract Notice for Publication. Land Office at Roseburg. Or., ) \pt u 16. !**«. Ç VOTR E IM HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE it following-mini«*«! H«»ttl«»r liH»fil»*d noti«»- of hi« intention t«» mak»* final pr«>of in »«up|»ort of hi« Hmm, mid that »-aid p~o.d a ill !«• m id tn for« til« Jini»’»»or l»»rk of th»* county court*4 J*»ck«on Co .at J.»< ksotiviil«*. Or., on W«*1 »• i.Kin«*» th«* fokowii *: with» ««»■»» t«» piov«* hi« cont nuoti» residence upon h d cultivation of. «HKÀ larul.viz: Htiiiry K. Brown, Win. M. Sta- ley John N. Thoma« and .1 w n A. (H»cnchiD all <»f Browunboro Jack-on c«»tinfv. Ores.-«»n. CHAs W.JOHN.MION. R»*g «t» r Incorporated by the Legislatur«» in lfitW, for Ed­ ucational and <'hun table purpose«, and it« ir.» - cliise made a part of the preaeut State < »institu­ Notice for Publication tion. in it ««, by an overwhelming popular vote. Ila Grand Mu«le 5uml»»*r i»rMWiu^s Land Office* s' Ro»-«’burg Or.. • will take pla,-e montidy, and the Grand Quar­ April 24. ( terly Drawing« regularly every thr»*e niuuthb otice is hereby give \ hi ai ihl (March, June, Seplember and Decembei I. fu’luwmr-named setlh-r has tib j>‘»rt of * IFe do hereby certify that u t xupervi.se hib claim, and t'iat *«ui pn»..fadl •»» .n oi« be­ Ute arrangements for alibie Monthly b53. I<»r it «’ b*i oi manage and control the Drawings them­ NW •.*. an 1 N'- of SW 4. w tp . rai.>- 2 selves, and that the same are conducted w.fh west. W. M. He naiu b the I«» lowing witn»+N- to prove hib <• >nlin i«»ti- r- -i h ue«- up ami honesty, fairness, and in good faith towaid cultivation <»L sani land, v «Z: Alien Stockland all parties, and we authorize the Company <»f Miiifoid, JackMjn <» uut\. O . B Vin«»n’. to use this certificate, with facsimiles ofoui Noaii Smith ini I S» uuei March < f Sam’s vabex. signatures attached, in its advertisements. Ja» kt-on county < >r ( HAS. W.'JOHNSTON. Register Ayer’s Sar saparilla Summons. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Application lor n Pati nt. U. 8. lanr.d Office, R'«-«burg. Oregon. Ì .Mutch z*. IKK», ( N’OTK'E IS HEREBY Giti \ « HAI JAMES 11. I’t re of Urcgni., this (lay ni»‘«i in« HppiicuUOU f«»r is p u i t !re, with tmritte»- gr»»ui. i . «aid l«»t No. 42 being ¿»• scii I h M b « follow«; Beguiling ht a blnz«d biHck oak 14 met.«»« in diaa>«-ter. tor tire JACKSONVILLE, OR center of the «outii end oj »»a»d claim. t«i.d nt the Having permanently located here, I offer my center ot th« north end<»f t»•« G hi I.«‘U ii«»n Mine, am! runt* thence math 7JS ith 75d«igM w» at. ‘-5 (« «•» i«mg U) 4 f< • t w -il», mi «I 6 t»ret (j--ep ; 5<*‘ ft- t < ut I et.tb t ' )’ :•■ Weft ; nl?.J fret the tune®. 1 refer to the job« of pHint’n*: I have «haft on the hide 4 feet by * f • t. 2«» < rt «!♦■«-p : previously done for recommendation. Satisfac­ VJ4 feet a pine 2»> lidie» in uiMtiret* i, le irg tie tion guaranteed. blazed tree d* *ci iln-d in iocati«»n i otice as th« Give m« e ’rial and judge for voiiraejf. north Center enti of t-anl claim ; thri ce i.«»i(ii 7rt Onler* left at Merritt’s New ('aeh Htore wii’ «iegfa i - hm I . or «ini Im«; Stu* feet «• t port for cor- receive prompt attention nvr N»>. 1 fr* ni whicn h biack oak 14 it ch»« in T J. CRESS. ! du»m«jter I mmis south 56deg«, west V f« ; h util« oak l'i mch in diameter bear» i orth 36 «’ega, wewl 18 f»*«t ;llie «ection Corner between mhc - ti«»ns 3 and L'. ttrar«-out h 14 »legs i-i Nrcomip «*at»t 14l2»t f»*et, tiren» r «unti. 7rt dt *.-■ w1- w< m b««un 1ar\ W.fit*rt to THE SUBSCRIBE . WOULD RESPECTFUL- jm >M. corner No. 3 and corner N«» 4 of tire (o-itiejd 1 ly infoim the public that she ha« opened mil ' claim, from which a laurei ¡2U inche« in ciame- linery end dreRRmeknur parlore at Ortral Point, ter bear» north 16 d» gn. «-Met 42 h*«*t ; a Lure! 6 and in prepared to till all order* with prompt! « -s inrhee in <,f »»xpr.-Kbly forbi l-E-n from «'r^iiting h«r o . •. accollili. I ■ **'• 11 P »7 no »! ‘b- * of I er cuti tract- D«»’.g.as. Mate of Oregon, «l.i.u •• i ,-(l *.,*■- d-rg p. r.»,d»»i puffins „n h»r ». or p - , wii U« »-.¿r. ing from and aft«r thi* d-i»e. * JOHN Ö18EMOBE red by virtu* of the provi io- »».ft; .- Maturi*. ‘ W. J(JllNfl¿(JN, Kcfeurtcr. ttaa t Valle/. 1U/ 1, 1*«.