f- I ■’R***— MISCELLANEOUS <• ’totroat Free Press..f ................................... New York Star ................................................. ... 3 OU New Ybrk World............................................... ... 3 10 San Francisco Examiner.............................. . i m. i in Portland Oregonian............... .............. . Harper'* Baxur........... ......... ......... ... 5 70 . 3 IN) Pioneer Pre»*................. ................... X'hicago New». ...^................................. ... 3 »O YiiiiMiuri Republican. ................... ... 3 (M) ... 3 (Ml Globe Democrat Philadelphia Time* . ............. ... 3(1) i a San FranciBcirCali......................................... & 70 Frank L«*he'* illu»trated pa|*‘r............... *' “ “ •* GermaM .... 5 70 4 Mi Sumlay Magazine ......... I in Popular Monthly............... Bmiget................................... .. 4 >» 4 50 J’leasant Hmir*................. ri*** trvatment of many thousands of ca.s* s . . MONTHUFS. of tboee chronio wt-akneMia and distn-saina |4 on » Went Stu W.VorflWld-« Or .• ’ • ................... ailinenta peculiar tr> femah-a. at the Invalids . fl (Ml Hotel ana Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y.. Century, Hcribner’z......................................... . 4 U0 I>emor» *t ’ * Magazine ................................... lias afforded a xaat exp* rn nre in na-ely sdapt- 4 (M) itiK and thoroughly testing remedies fur the ! (i«x!»•)'» IsHil} B«M»k....................................... 5 (li St. Nicholas . ............. .......... .. cure of woman's peculiar maladies. 5 50 ................... l»r. Pierre’« Favorite Prescription J Harper'» Monthly.. . 3 5(1 American Agr iculturist ................................ is the uuttrrowth. ur result, of this great aud 4 i* raluable experience. Thoiisanda of teetlnm- ! Harper's Young People .......................... 4 00 I Peter*4»n's Magazine ...................... niala, received from path nta and from physi­ ________ r . ............................................................ 3 II) ..................................... cians who have tested it tn the more aggra­ | Housekeeper. Other publicatioiiH will be furnished ata re- vated aii'l obstinate cams which bad kill' d tta-ir skill, prove it to be the most wonderful toced price when ordered with the'T imes . 11MEK I’lliNTING HOUSE remedy ever devinai for the relief and cure of Jacksonville Oregon. «uttering women. It ts not recommended as a "euro-au," but as a most perfect bpeclüc tor woman a peculiar ailments. JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. glic ^emotratif ïirnw. UNITEO STATES OFFICIAI PRESS ERI HAY .MAY is, 11»« TO ADVERTISERS. Fhe TI M KM lima a circulation of B2OO Ins iargewt eujoyrdby any newN|m|»rr publiahed between Portlnud and Red HlulT, (Ml,-w distance of 600 mile«. It therefore otTera the best Inducement« to advertiserw. Our lint is principally confined io Jivckaon, Jonepliiue and Klnnsalh connlfea. Rneinea« men slionld take note of title. » €lc«ru»i<5c Kale. Desiring to make room for my immense I Portland in to have a 1700,(MX) hotel on spring stock, I have determined to offer the old Villard situ near the custom­ special inducements for the next thirty house. The subsidy of »150,000 has days. The following are some of llie re­ ductions, for cash only: 5-button Foster been raised. 1 The tnacliinery for Spreckels' beet-sn- kid gloves, in black only, former price $1 .‘>o. gar plant has arrived from Germany, now selling at >1; tine, black Mihm h u- and is being put iu place by a large force former price >2, now .selling at $1.>•; >hade hats from 25c to fl. 25. Every tiling in pro of workmen at Watsonville, Cal. The portion. Orders by mail attended to cost, when the buildings are completed, promptly at Mrs. P. P. Prim’s Millinery will be half a million dollars. Store, Jacksonville. Vineyardists ami orchardists in Cali- ; Huir Mm ¡Hr. fornia are already fearing that it will be If we know all the methods of approach impossible to gather this year's fruit __ ... the better en­ crop. Agentsare in Chinatown securing adopted by an enemy we are Chinese to work on contracts. A plan abled to ward off the danger and postpone the moment when Mirrendcr becomes in­ to import negroes is meeting with favor. evitable. In iiiauy instances the mh-reut GENERAL N0TE8 AND NEWS. AYER’S VIGOR II*—tiii-i* llie color, filos*., noil jouthful Irt-hui -Kof tbebair; stiniuLile* a rich aixl liiMiriou* growth; thoroughly clcnnMte I lii" M'.ilp; |>r« vents ilaudrulT auil humors ::n-l i*t the mo-t cleanly au*l effective |ir*|iaratioii for the liair ever offered Io Hu- public. Ki v. J. W. Davcnimrl, Illinois Bend. Texas, writes: “Ayer's Hair Vigor, Used in my family for several year«, has no equal ns ■ dressing, nor for (.reventing the hair from falling out or turning pnmaturely gray. It ranks jhiionii 1h‘i first Itixutie« <»f our MISCELLANEOUS. No More Bald Heads NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER H4LF A MILLION DISTRIBLTED To produce ft new growth of hair on bald head*, in the ca*e of persons advanced in year*, i* not aluax** po*- ►Ible. When the gland* arc decayed :m«l gouv, uo stimulant rail r< More them; tint, when they are only Inactive, from the need of some excitant, the applica­ tion of Ayer’s Hair Vigor will renew their vitality, and a new growth will re­ mit. L. V. Templeton, Newlwm, N. C., writes: ‘•After a protracted illness, with fever, iny hair all rame out, h aving me entirely bald. ! procured a bottle of Ayer’* Hair Vigor, and, b«- fore I had 4i??rd al) its contents, a thick growth of hair, marly two inches lon'z, cover« <1 my head.’’ L. D. McJunkin, Perryville, ML. write*: •• Baldness-is hereditary 111 inv family. F ive years ago the hair on the top of my head was lie­ coming weak and thin. I procured Ayer’s Hair Vigor, the »¡»plication of which in- vigorated the liair roots, and sent out a new growth of young hair. T«»-day my hair Is ns thi« k and vigorous as ever, I still um * the Vigor occasionally to keep my sculp in a healthy condition.'* U CAPITAL PdlZE. 1300,00) Louisiana State Lottery Compa iy Incorporated by the Legislature in 1*'W, for Ed- acational and (’hantable purpose*, and jta fren- chi*e mail»* a part of the pre***nt State Constitu­ tion, in 1E7V. by an overwhelming ¡*»pular vote. It* Urand Kinirlr Nnmbrr Orawiitr«* LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice for Publication. Ijftn«i Office at IU»*”burg. Or., ? April l«i. IK kh . C VOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J f«dlowing-named eettler ha* lik’d notice <»f hi* intention to mak« final pr«»»«f in support of hie claim, arai thatsani p-oof will le* ma»l * te’fore the Juii«’”«»r <’lerk of th«* c*»«inty court of Jackeon Co .at Ja< knonville. Or., on Ww1u”«day. Jun«* 6, l*8h viz: Daniel Wiiaon. i.ome*t«*a!•♦ nam«*« the following wilnw**«** to pn»ve hi* •onttnuou* residence u|*»n. and cultivation of. said laud,viz: Henry R. Brown, Win. M. Stanley John N. 'Thoma* and John A. Olw ichin. all of Brown*l**ro. Jack*on county, Oregon. ( HAH W.JOIINBION Reg.»ter. Notice for Publication will take piac»’ monthly. an•*«• bur;.’. Or.. I terly Drawing* regularly every three m »nth* ( Ai rd 24. I -- oppose the tendency toward death. Many, (March, June, September and D« cemte*i). otice eh hereby gives ihai the h<»W't ve r have lost these forces to such an f<» l«>wing-naii»»*|a»rt <>t lvite H om *. In- other cases a little aid to the weakened ■' hi* claim, an«! that ►.«i«i pro »f will b • m ■.»!• ne- the arrangement# for allthe .Monthly and In the shadow* dark and dun. lungs will make all the difference between gur-o'l, Ontario, Quarterly Drawing# of lhe Douixiana i fore the Judge or Clerk «-f th” County ( «»urt of At thy feet, O king. sudden death and many years of useful Jacks-on ( < Oregon, at Jack*«».<\il!«•. Ori*.' O ffick ai R »srin iu.. O r . / President Cleveland. Preparations for tively cure all Blood I b eases, purifies the lin* ►on *, m»«1 in 1< m than twelve months April 14, lhH*. < whole system,and thoroughly builds up the the coming marriage are being quietly In their depth* 1 read their calm. produced liair a foot long. oth l 18 hereby given ihat the Holy mountain fair. following-named «-» tth r ha* filed notice «,( made ami it is no longer a secret among constitution. IteuieiUiH,-r, wo guarantee it. Aa a powerful, iuvlaoratIng tonic, FUF-rAItED BY For Sale al I'itv Drugstore. All the glory of thy peace hi* intenti» r: to make fit al proof in *u(q»ort ,•* the Delaware relatives. It Impart» strength Pi the whole system, Seemed reflected there; I l.i*claim. an«l that *.«id proof will b»- u*ad<* Vv |COKKK* TIUI WrEKLT.] and to the womb an*l Its aptandag*-» in < ommhMonci a DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, The secretary of the interior has tians- All the beauty, clearb mirrored. for ” the Judge <»r ( i«-rk «»f t> < v«untj(’ou:t «»f .............. |1M ll) particular. For ovirworkul, “worn-out,” Fl<»ur. per thoipouid lbs ......... All thy lofty grace. Ja«*k**on ('<>.. Or. ut J«M'k.*oi ville. Or. <»n ............. 50 mitted to the house a report of the al­ run-down,” debilitated t* a* bets, millill* tn. , Wh»*Ht, per bushel...................... Mass., U. S A. In thin woman'* lift^work noble, We the undernignod Bank« and Bankei* uih Satin day, May 26 viz : Maik Uatkin*,b«»in<- ............. 50 “ ........................ dressmakers, seamstresses, “»hop-girls,” hou.se- Barley, leged conspiracy of the California Red­ In thiH nun’« white face. pay all Prize*drawn in th” Loui*iana State I • 1- *tead entry .\o. 4* *3. for the \\ :<»fSV\ J4 and . ......... 50 For sale by all Druggist». ” ....................... kcepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women Oats. In tho Circuit ('ourt of the State of Oregon, for tenet which i ay be presented at our count ere wood Company to obtain the larger pait > r \ A . ' 1*1 118, KI ■■■ ■ ■ \\ M. ............. 15 IU generally. Dr. Fierce's I avertie Prescription Mill Feed, per ton........... JnekHon County. Symbol of immortal thought. R M WALMSLEY He names die following vntne**«** to prove hi* of the fine redwood forests in Humboldt l’p«» <)t«g«>n A California Railr«»ad Company, ............. 1UW) Is tho greatist earthly boon, being unequaled Hay, wheal or timothy, per ton She wna mate for thee. Pre*. ljotiiHiana National Bank continuous r<*ei«l« nce upon, and i-uhnation of. ..................... 15 as an appetising cordial end restorative tonic. Egg», |»er tlozeii... plaintiff, va. Mary Gordon, PriHcilln P«»W"i».and county. Details of this effort to be sold Though thy height was lifted up r LANEUX. *aiz : 8 Arra*mith. Jo.* n R. Haituian. ............. 3l> .*■ a «oollilng an*l strengthening Butter, per lb............................. theunkonwn heirs at law of John Thurber «1«*- Pre*. State National Ba: k. Itenrj Met'onib and P<*t(-r 1 Ives, allof Big Ap­ To eternity« 4 to a Scotch syndicate have already been nervine, •• Favorite Prescription" 1» une­ Potato«-*, jw'r lb................. ceasod. him ! other unknown owners defendant*. Her face was turning God ward, i :\ l D a VI n . plegate, Jack*'»n ( «/unty. Oregon. i di«, printed. qualed and la invaluable in allaying ami sub­ (’abbage, “ ««•’>•■ •’......... T«» Mary Gordon, Priscilla Power«, and all un- A b thine own grand p«*ak. Pre». N. O. National Bank ( HAH. W. JO!i\*»*-r. MM duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex- Onion*, " .......................... knowr. owner« of the hereinafter doH< ril»««t For the grace of God, we mortals. Minneapolis, May 1. — Light snow has ( AHL KOHN, •i baustlon. prostration, hysteria, spasms and Bean», “ ......................... la id*, or of any interest therein, U«*t. «al­ E'en aa thou, can seek Proa. Union National Bank. ............. 2 (Ml been falling since noon but. has melted < other dlatrvaaing. nervous symptoms com­ ('urnmiMil, per !•». lb*............ ante : ............. 19 monly attendant upon functional and organic Isartl. p«-r lb in tins ............... rapidly ami at midnight hardly covers l\ rilENXMKOF THE 8TATE OF OREGON, In the morn's fair light 1 Ntood divas.* of the womb, it induces refreshing Ham and Bucun Jflt«» 15 ................. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. / At thy feet, O king. the ground. The fall has been general J you are hereh/«v’quired to appear and an ............. (H sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de- Dri«d Apple«. p«-r lb.... »wer th« ronin.plaint til«*! againft you by May r. ( Where thodaylight'» cr.m*»»n hues apomlency. ............. ID throughout Minnesota,but in no place i, the plaintiff in the ateive entitled action, “ Plum*, “ ....... .......... At the Academy of Music, New Orleans. OT.t e is hereby given ihat the All thi'ir glory fling. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription ............. 10 •• Pears, " ........... . for* of (>n the earth-wail» «»Id tiavel Tin tbeiuiometer stands about vice compounded by an experienced and skillful | Sorghum Molaese«, per gallon ............. ........ 75 within thi* county ; or if »curd within any «>'! i « t liia claim, and that s «id j»r«»«»f wJi !»•* nia-Je I«. Where ti e world forgot* it* *hid«»w* physician, and adapted to woman's dedicate ! Chicken*, per <1«»z«-n....... $2 54» to 3 00 fie* zing point. county m thi-* State, then within twenty day for«* th«* Ju lof Pinkerton's armed from the «l.*te of th« service of thisf uminoi.b up composition and perfectly harmh-sa in its Hide*............................................ 100,000 Tickets at Twenty D”Uar„ Satutday. dun«» 16 1—»»/I. »r«*nz» I). Hitch, fl 00 to 4 «»n yeu;and if you fail so to answer, for want thrr«*- In the moining crimHon-"teepe<]. effects in any condition of the system. Fot men aie protecting Carnegie's sluel of. the plaintiff wdl take judgment again*» y«>u ........... 15 to 2Hc. A iaoh- Httlvr'hat SIG Qnarrers at $3. horn* stead en;F-. No. 4227, for the Lot 1. socrion Snow white mount of God. morning sleltm-sa. or nausea, from whatever A«»• I. Spimg............. .............. ......... 15 to20 enths at 82. Twentieth at 81* lv. Lot* fl and r«,si*’ti»»n 2*». NW1» of NE1.; and works ami his iui|i»ite*i labor. His f«>.- the rrlu’f prayed for in the c«*nii»l;«int in (hi* Earth’* glad voice* sang their prario cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dys- IU««f.............................................. ; action. And you are hereby i.otihrd that uni«*** - to 16 Lot 1. s*Ttior :tu. t ,v'ish:ft (*• * out’i. of rang* 2 LIST OF FR1ZFS b rom the ma and sod; Io* keil out labou rs ran till their stom­ ><»u anprar an«j answer «aid complaint on or !**- pepsta and kindred symptoms, its use, in »mall 41 .tl.»............................................ ........... <»|4»H w«*.-t. . 51. H naii'. s th f »;j >wing w nn»^-«** And their glad sweet inn*ic is ...................... . 1 PRIZE OFi3O'.0iW do—s, will prove very beneflciaL I • fa achs with the east wind ami shout for a for« the ftr*t «lay of the raggiar I'-riu of th«* above h tolo t«» prov«» hi* centenuous r l a*.» up t|l. and cul­ Made the old eFirth ring - I PRIZE OF 1.4U.UM) i*.......................... •• Favorite Prescription ” is • posi­ dam* ge................................. .............. 12‘i tivation of. aaid land viz : Ja Mcfhmo.'g)' high tariff while Carnegie revels in the entitled Court, t<» be begun and lu.l i on the nr.*t I *«* the orison of morning 1 PRIZE OF M.Mte is........................ tive cure for the most complicated and <>b> Monday in 8eptet®te*r, A - D. Ito*, the san. * t* .»;> I M. Rowe ot Vol«» Jarir.. ’’ C. O;er.un. V’1 Uuto the«, O king I PRIZE OF 25J*)»I is........................ old baioinal castle in Scotland, where th«’third day of *ain viite, 2 PRIZES OF 10. i« are........................ painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, he is to spend the summer. t«ik« judgment against yog according to the pra.xer J:,..khun < n (>i •<£««»,. 5 PRIZES OF 5.OJ) are ................... prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, sani complaiut. which is I bai the foli«»winu ( HAS W JOHNSTON It gist r 25 PRIZES Ol 1 • » are........................ Thu Roseburg lb i ** u wants the bag- of '• fi-male w.-akness, anteversion, retroversion, ALL SORTS. «loncribnl strip or uarcel of land, namely; A ’• rip 1*> PRIZES «»I 5'0 are ................... Is-armg-down sensations, chronic cong.stu.n, ■ men on the < ». & C. railroad to quit <»f lami 3»i5 feet in length aud (k) feet in width, PRIZES OF x «i are ........................ inflammation and ulceration of the wumb. In. .... z. . 1 . - I. • w-. • I, ,t I I J 4 u ts’ing ,in fret wide on each Mile of and parail«*l h ;nt?Ts ..a*.I aii'i . excursionist», All the I*, h. Associate Juntii t»« re­ I overcharging Ji») PRIZES OF ->»» are........................ llanuuation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, Than by tiny otliar lbtiiie. with the «'enter hue of the main track of th«» accompanied with " internal heat.” quested the President to lu.ike Justice for baggage, guns, «vtc. am} “knocking Oregon «Y California railroad, a* located and now Lund Office at Ilu.-;«*ta»rg. Or.. APPROXIMATION PRIZES I Aa a regulator and promoter of func­ , i * . 1- Field Chief Justice. »Jon n” the extra ca-li. Have f** ronstructwl, commencing on the north lin«* «-f ol appiuximating tu First-Class Through Passenger anil Freight Lino from i’Olli'L VNlJ 1 nj Friz«*», tional action, at that critical period of change IVOIKI: IS HEKEhï GIVEN THAI THE • •tn-«» . lYteen, and thence running south to an thru* arr^Ffcd and see how That will (300, Out) Prize are ■V • s » ! Claus Spreckels, wife and family, have from girlhood to womanhood, “ Favorite Pre­ .1 followiDg-i an.« d ►■•ttler Las hl ini|H»ser . on Kitfur- *"WNI. M HCAC, ” THE “ N. S. BENTLEY, ” THE "THREE SISTERS," The new c church to l»e built -aid r«Ttu»n bjxtpfn. t««^»i Mop tlmtj « hit TKMfnCÀl ru/F«. in.-nU Incident to that Ist.-r and most critical ! day . June 1«L is-.*, viz : Edward Man» ill» . I,«» ne- John L. Sullivan seems to have had s.,uth *f tUngrone Wr«t, U iiiai|i«*tt** Mr'ridnoi, at Salem will cost b/ftG. ¿n I will seat Prize* «»f yl'«i decided by $3(1.00f) p« rl'»l. known aa ” The Change of Life.” I -t* « I entry N«». 41.37. f«»r the N W 4 «»f s«>4 \j i4 ' Leave Portland at •*»' a . v on Monday?, Wednesdays and Fridays from No*«*, or from * m » j - « iu.*e i* speedily con­ • n inglorious ending to his Europe.in i m JarK»«»r; county. Orego i. bf a lpi InM t • ! • ♦PK) people. C. A. KotMUtr* im ¡L»i Priz«’* ar«* ..................................... 1'» .'Ml «priate.| to plaintiff’» use for railroad pur- Messrs. Hillman A’ Co.'s Dock, 2d(j and 202 Itroiit St., tor Loiytaiiu *.t;d .’(•"li Prj»”* «»f SI”''ilecid *d by $Ì tMW II«» nam«*s th» f«»J!«»wuic witne-s«*«- t«» t*rn • Id* Gold.-n M.-dical Discovery, and small laxative Pn®“ L“ I ucttaii »»4 Um 1 •.haeiifi'.. was ivared by I 1 i a «Ir« >ad ami r»*ilr«M*.| track at ’»tel near l’l.*i nx intermediate points, making close connection at Albany undCorvillaa .......................... rl,<;55 o “•»bi land. »12 E (’«»liman John M« he«« Alfred R. Reene has tumv from hi> retirement, l»oiindr«i ami de^rrib«*«! parc«*l «»f [ with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. disease«. Their combin.-d uau also removes he got so hilaiiuuxly npruiiated that the j r tt»L ivj*, <:»rt»rai i W. J. Banni* 1. all «*f Jacks«»! ville For club rate«, or any further information :«[»- land iratf»»‘ly- Beginmug . * a ,’*«»>nt on the north amj lh$< him is due the recent hand­ It is*cooHng, cleansing msm ! Il4»»liHg. bh »*.1 taints, and abolishes cancen?us and ply t«» th«* und* :*igned. Y«»ur handwriting mu-t Jacksun Co , Oregon. captain threatened to put iiiu in Hunx. i Im-' «*f tn.«'tjvn F-htrc«!,. io\*«t,ùn l«14,. «•••‘it scrofulous humor« from the system. Q of *Xl*!’*h is i 1 ■-* ctli cac ions for tin« some fine i * j the Vor them Pacific stocks ( HAS. W JOHNSTON. Ikgister. be distinct and Hignature plain. More rapid r - and was only prevented from doing *•» i I Honth «ffBapgi-«.m We»t W.llntvett« Me a^ured hyy«»uren- and Vizard sltarc» 77’» f’**'t »a»t of thoquarters«*(.lHffi cornerb -tw< « it medicine for women, sold by druggists, under *• Pon«!'» Extract Catarrh Cure,*’ t by promises of good behavior made by - ( lion* nine and sixteen, ami where the « enter j L'*a%»* kft«jui!i«....................................... »’* 3 ) a . m . , Leave Albany ................................................... H”) p m clo*ing an Envel<»pe bearing your full addr«*** a positive guarantee, from the manu- John F. Swift is to Un **im^r|ed” r!;e slogger's friends. wpecizlh prepared n» meet serious cases« i urvaliis............. »••:. , . <. I ('•»-» al 11* ....................................... 1:47 I*. M 8»*n minute# frJi P .r,3«ij feet, mor»* or l»*»s, t<» inent •Ug-krai«er of IJv| piicr, is in the and faithfully carried out for many years. i but lor John I’. Irish to cuiuu Up Io Ore- or M. A. DAUPltlN. Vit*t>Ling«mi. *o . Large hottie« jluü dures) ÿ 1.00, or sig I y n i. * t -t in ui: :i <;n iath C i\ - * ni' city. II-» s,rvs there has been n-v rain *tetion 2r»3«»f »aid c«*nter line; thence North M No other preparation han cured more j *-JD i» "just awful.” , 9-g Y0 nj.*.••♦•»•» Last, and at right an vies to sani boules lor *5.00. in Morrow vouuty iii over two months, i «•»•nt»*r Ime t&M« v«. ty.ui..- i4*‘"th 35 deg. 3o min- ’ of tbe.sedi.*trv>*ing «'ompIainL* than The above trains connect at YAQl'INA with the Oregon Develop­ For large, illustrât,-*! Treatise on Diseases of The itvújf “as paHs.-il the 4S(,,«X)0,000 C m Extract. Pond’«» Extract Plas­ gr» s*ofJu « 3.1-7- «nt 1 !« d’ An a*'t f»»r t! • m «« and th.it the country h«** i»u( ix.'en so . ut. - East au, blute uf « laiin. numbered iort> tw<«: thence bouth «»n ■ leech were poor | ... f Maid claim f<>ity«two »»Tn f«*et. ; « >r«*g«»n. ha- this tiay til» «i in tin* «»flic«* Lia *worn 111 Agent's 4 .»..tit ta l. ’ir.r ~ ’... .. . b I h*\ .MEM* »i.'i,^ ..t/tt,.5< .sc«*. -noy vKoriNs F l the Eat 1 act promptly. Delay is with the Claim King. 603 Jlaiu SL, Bl FF.1I.O, N. 1. ly frozen out. '«'lie crop will be a failure more or h*»», t«> a point i o f.*<*t wtMt of au l at ‘VilLiljvtf« V JJ« \ ••rate Beauregard ami Fat­ Maternent N*’. —f«»r th»* pui« ’ l-«' <>f the N L ’Hun«|a,J .'.Aj>ril2wrh'8«tur«f ftb-ojut- fairno.-« ami integrity, iiiat il - ta d sotig ■ II vjf is th-• greatest known remedy; iap- the qiieMion that the ronrt-house block with and Id' f»*et distant from »ai«l center h’u i m • alttabl h r- : . ■ r I he II. , .ibl prints telegrams from flu. WiIla n« ’ t'o V h !'«•>■ __ r No. .*i>. Thtireday May 31st chancre are all mpial. and lha! n<» on«* ran po — 1- i«tly eiwiis; when other medicines have -f,,t .* t *,an for agricultural j urp.s.s, ai d i.» e- 111 l'milleton may lx* sol*l ainl th** new leading wheat cetlteis of the United I lb... f j*t mo-e or !«•*», ton ¡»«»int at nvlit anvi«** 1 I i »'«»mp iti.v r«»*«‘rve» tr»« ritfhf to chmiitt* ■* lilm,’ ,| h •> without . ........ ........... bli divii ■ i here w I! draw a l’rre«-. notic«. . f .:•• p unt* run in ik« cl«-»« r »nnertion with the REMEMBER t hat th«- p iyin»*nt of k Ii Pn/- - tabi; ,h h is claim t«» -aid ta: «1 !»• fore il «• K* gì Mer c meat »«Tvice wi re the removal of -North 51 deg 30 minili«»» t «.»» * •« • t«> *ai«i ! t r P;i«sh» i and IU*ce*.ver of t lo- « fit > •! K'»s«*t>uig. Or«*g«»n. ti it* « f t tn« A<,) ( 1 N A ROU I E at \ d»m «• •» « > . it I *U*r the multipliia- Michigan, Indiana ami Illinois show a !.. depot ground» «*f ¡.lami U'4 r-aul mu. ..«<1 at out It. Pond’s Extract Ointment is I ti«'e «»n or taf«»r«' -ai l 'X»ti. «i y « Í J.irte. 1*™. patent for iift«*en humireii linear feet «»f the 2d t I tion table and al-.yavs had to carry a decrease of about one-half the usual I*.id Chuiuz station; and for the Costs and <)0,th<'ial ¡»1 »t on tile 11-d.a» i* ««-Il know n. with the greatest the rinlurton tuercenaries (S |>er day I'mted State- Land (Jib > »:*»-•• !»iir» . Or.. / ibc tariff debate continues with much ! April A. I>. lxx* in this 4>ffice as lot No 43 ui l’p S at R, .; w« *t, N ii’ tit. Full directions accompany each April H. 1 «»*.-. t He offers skilled ... ¡ahur ^¡.05 for twelve st’iii*. Jhe weight of argument and il- WH \LLEY. BKONAUt.lI A NORTH I I’. uf the A lia *. i . \ • i I N ’ ori» I. IS HEREBY (¿IVEN 1 HA’j Jo.E n hours’ work. I" w*. to-wit : Beginning at a Attorneys for I’l iniiiff His fortune amounts to i Jnstratirui is largely it; f ■ or **f tariff re- M i 11er, wh' p«»st« >H;c« .'.«I . i • i* Jacksiu« blaze»! pine 2« muhe* in «luiiueter for tin* » li­ |2ó,lhlO,(KXI, which In* ha< 1........... a* cumulate ' ‘ <1 ' form. The advocates *.,t the war tariff vil)»*. <»¡ u'-»D. i .«- thiSílay fil’’i Lis api hcó(i.»i: ter of th»* south end of rai l claim, and the vent, r f«»r a j t' ent for th” i arim-i*’E bit |»!ac«*r « Jann. under the iniquitous tai iff. at th«» north etui of the iimt rxt«*u»ion of the are remarkably feeble m their defeat*«.. bearing gold «lust. s’.lUMted in Jackaoti creek lt.eivor«!» ••Pond’« 4 xtract'’ btewn jn 1> l-'ll«'! 1 of (¡,. ! .J .., , . ‘ ■t.ind <-lo**e inve-tig ition ; ami the l ’ re- surrounding Imff *• i p. r. Non.-<>th«*r is Manufa* tmiT> <»f the dwg»» raM instrument u-*« «1 improv* «1 solar co;n. ficial plat <»n tl»- in this office a* lots r unita*r 37 g’ Uiiin«*. Ah' «' * mi- •; Im having Pond's ¡ Senator« 'fuilur and Mitchell made teetionist minority, feeling the weakness >i.itr «»I Grvgon. t«»r Ja« k*.«H < «»¡intv .,tJ ti.. pass , Ciub (o a p«»st f»»r the ceuter «»f the north and:;*. Sai«< J«»t* being descrit»»-»! a< being the Ext*»«*«. Take m* < »ii«-r prsjMratiou. «•nd «»f saul claim ; thence south 76 fiegs west «»n speeches«, in which li.ey v*-i forth the of tlu-ir |sjsition, are eml -avoring to B’.ir I »th day <«t April. I«««, mnl t«» nx
  • 1 2 of NE 1-4 «»f /r it ift'd at ar t.y *»mihne; 3 4> feet »»«t p sectional feeling. Tin- ultimate object r«< t««i and dHivcrvd. in favor iff |h. Sold every where« I'rli«**, ’«Or., • I. «1 which ft laurel 31 inches in di.uxieter lM«ar* »«»utl« >ngar I’ine D«»«»r and I umber ( «»mpanv «»fSE l-4; 8 1-2 <»f 8 1-2 .»f S\V 1-4 of SE 1-4 <»f 2i)«l»*g* F*a*t »>»!•♦•»; a l»in. t««wnshii» S. range 3 U , ami N 1-2 <*f i’i.iHititl', u h<> r« «'«»wii -l a judetm nt and I diam :»*r )>»*>*r* ■*mth 77 d*'g*. «*H**t II feet, ihf .« «* NEW kuBK ASI> LUNION. NE 1-1 o' Nl 1-1. I N I . ,,f NW 1-4 «*f Ni 1-4 II. Hosford', store al Canby, Cal., the interest of trusts cm! monopolies. • ik -I »»wi» *s m diameter l>eur» an«l again*t tin-Ip r< iti 14Ó0D. building inclusive. It is rumored week says; Owing to the general defic­ I meridian. c.»; ’ t«ining l J ncre-. I ne location of south 62 d*-g*. west 22 feet, thence north *♦* deg* said mit e if ret «»rd d ir* Vol. 2' . page LiiJ.rninu .» to have been the work of an incendiary, iency of rain, the weather of the West alter dcM-rilM .1 n .al propene lu h., *.jn*5 |(. ea*t on ent\ the judgment of injuring in coal oil to stait ths fire. mining «'«»r.v« y ni,«-« “ ami at pag<* 477. Vol.and d 20 feet wi«ie and Iff f«’»*t deep, in lock. •»«■» feet at pagi* 315. Vol. pi.riTor«! of «ie«*«te. al’ .,f r«*coi«i 'i1 post «'oruer N » ! and c«»rn»»r N«> I «»f tir-t exten­ Archbishop Jos Sadoc Alemany, for wl*aat section ami in northern poitions " lid Sugar I’ine D«»«»r an I Lumber ( "mpa re in th»' 10T«»rtler's officea1 Jackw.nvil)e. J..«-k*«>n ‘S ¡of the Gnu to Ufo«, , Frosts occurred in in fur the »uinot Aud Connection*. sion, the 1-4 seefion corner l*’tw«»en sectu»ns3 • _ï \Mth inu*re«t th« r.- many yeai« head of the Catholic church county. Oregon. Il,«* adjoining claimant»* «re ami lu b»* ar*-oath 11 «1« g* 3'» minnt’**’. • a»t III. ; I Kentucky, eastern Tennessee North i «»n at wight per «-ent per annum fr«»m thi* Augu«»( Wulff ami Win. Dcniff s « hums <»', t hr of California, is dead. A letter was re I feet, a white oak I" mete’s m diameter Lears north. u oj and upon *ai«l writ which probably injured vegetables and ' rime I, 's e,i M'.lforil and San Francisco, ed to file their adv re« claim * w ith th«* Kegi-rer of . 1 late hail died at Valencia, Spain, April 15 «« f.-<’» »et post «• »rt. r N«» I. from which*black J «»1 « xe« utiim ; ami the further Mini of ^.'>2 •J I wenty-four h<»ur*. tin* United States L'«!,«i ( iff»«at Ro M-burc in t L* fruits. Reports from Kansas, Minneso­ oak 12 niche* in diameter te-nr* *outti *i)«l*;*, I i , H, after a lingering illness. ami intercut thereon from the l'»th «lay ol State of Or»*g«»n during t Ite s xty p. n* t« f ea*t 15 feet, a black oak 15 inch«-* m diameter ta and western Missouri indicate that j <»f publication hereof. orth« y wdibebaried be < Vl.iFQRNl A E \!’«)» Tl. UN* DAILY. The commissioner of Indian affairs the weather has been favorable in those I •'«•ptemltvr. 1>*., at the rate of ten per «. nt hear» soiith 15 «l-’g-«. «*a*t 11 f> ut. then«*«» »«»nth «»> F virtu.* «-f th«* pr«»vre,on* «>f the statute. per annum, now dur upon a mortgage lield »legs west on «*n«i liu»*, .hf. i*«et center of en«l line. I- recommenda- North . _ I sent to the senate a < HAS. W. JOHNSTON |>greie. [sections, ami that farm work is well ad- I or \\ . J. \ an Srhuyvrr on *ai«l premi*« I*»«» NUinmit «»f ri L-• is*ar- north and **«mt!i. ♦»(«> | lion that the Indian appropriation bill Í Portland Arrive Í(J feet p*»st c*»rn’ r N«» I, th«' place of beginning I N E M L-ave varn-ed. The weather is reported as fa- ' which in«»rtgage is a sub*e k M V-nve Sm Fr-in • ■ • L«ave salary of »720 jH*r year could Is* employ­ suit. ami in <»ne«hence to *ai«l where plowing ami planting are in pro- thi- It. •« i i«*r » oth**«»of Jack-» »n county,in te»»»k I* of I 1 <» the Lane«* A Duth* hi plat« r mineral <1* ; m »> h ed at various Indian agencies to instruct urn. I di«L on the llffh «lay <»f April e.g li» cord*, page 42. l gress. g«>l«l bearing num*. I the sijuaws in domestic duties. lsss, levy on *ai«l realty a« cording t«» I’ll*' adjtjining claimant i* J. H. l'omeroy on I Nunite-r 5fl. L'l the south. law. ami will offer for *al«-. f«»r ca*h in haml An Absolute Cure. U. 8 Land Office at Ib reburg. Or.. I Patience used to be represented -t ■ Any ami all person* claiming »«Iversely ar.y EXCURSION SLEEPERS g«»l«l < oin of the United Slates at public am ! i The Original Abietine Ointment h ony portion of »aid 2<4 Ezteii-»i«»n of the Gr*rh«*hl lr*»n for S •< «»’id-< la— Pa-s'Png'T*on ail through train« ' passably good-looking female on a big \OT1CI 18 HEREBY»,I\1 N IHAT«.EoR«.E t v’> I” tin highe*t bidder, at the court h«»u*« i i 5liuaor »nrfar • ground are r «¡uir <1 t«» til«* their ' piece of sand stone. Now it is different. pm up io iA»ge two-ounce tin boxes, and i* d»*«»r in Jacksonville, in *ai«l countx and FICEE OF ( H \ICGE. O U. Lar.ec, 8>»niu«d H. Duibeld. Win. V.J«»r»es. aiivcr* • «claims witt* th*’ R-cister «»f the I S. an ab-oltile < tire f , old sore-, burns, bred Otten ami Millard Hull, wh »-»• j> tfice A moilern artist fixes patience up as a Slate, on I Lau«l Oth • * a» I* »- -'»«irg in » «•♦c«»unt.v <>f Dong- , Th«<>. A ( . II. II. Ferry mak s connection with wound*. < haj p«‘«l hand .«r*.i all skin, atldress is B «11. Jackson county . Oregon, have izs. Htat»» «»f (>r«*i»*»n. «iuriiig ths silty «lay* perio i i allthe regular trains *»n the East Side Division -country editor sitting on an inverted eruption«. Will positively cure all kind* Saturday, !/•/»/ -I. /L /.s'X«N, this day filed ti >r «¡»plication f«»r a patent f«»r (View of Fence iii position.) at uublicafi«»n h**r««<»f, or th«’y will b«* b irr ‘d by from foot of F street. ty|s* box wishing he had his dinner, and of I'ile*. Ask for the Original Abietine th” tamce A Duth bl placer mine bearing gold. • irtu • of the pr<»vi*u»n* «»f the statute. I wuiting for delinquents to pay up their' Ointment. .Sold by all «Iruggis a al 2o ets. at 2 (>'< k i’. M <»f *ai«l «lav. all the right, ►Hua!« I. lyi-g ami r»«*i..g in F«» »ts ( < -k Mining ( HYH W JUHNSION. R gi-ter. title ami interest of th«» |< p., West Side nivtsion. District. ( ounty of Jackson, and State of Orcg«»n, per box— by mail lucent«. an I Mary |' ( -ton. I Mei d iet*, in and i«> and kti'iwn and <1** «ig'.i t* i by the tie id :>« t - m u KIIWII5 POKll.tWX (UllVA 1.1. IM - subscriptions. «»th *ai ¡.la« on hie in this <»ffi* «• as lot or claim al! the i«»mi\yii}g descYilw«? r«*:d pmprrtv. t«» The take of salmon down the Colum­ M Ml TB Al S •- U4 B V ( I. X « F Pl HI XI» \ V J N«»S *M. V». thirty--even d . in township thirty -wn Wit : bia is reported to be improving a little, I (». ♦. range f«»ur Uj w. st of Willamette meridian. Arrive’ti 1 ; . - \ n i*■ i)• port land Lol* numlterc.l nine (>) ami ten UHi) in 1 lit* exterior boundaries ,f saiihci*. ito>«’l»iirg. Oregon. > of Central Point, inja« ks<»ii voiintv. <>rr KXPHKSSTRAIN DAILY (F.X« KIT BUNDAY.) ore-half of the Forth« as( ouarte*. ami «he March 2S. te1«*« i i says, from three to seven or ten tier boat. g«»n. on«* half of th»* *«> thuuat narter of t .* ro*th«*a-* VilTli'E IS III RF.B\ ««IVi N THAI II\N> ; It it an eftablifhrd fact that ITood’s Sar- Boritami Arrive 9 " . 'i. '. ive ! The price* paid for tisli is II, and $1 25 to «¡ii trt»'i; ami th* west one-1.aif of the north>aet Given timlcr my haml thi* 19th «lax «»f « Thi«*l*F*i■. who*«* p*«*t<»di i lilre * i* Pouter.»!. -;ti’i f M. \ * • I.* ... • r* m . AL Mi sapariU» ba» preven an invaluable remedy •quarter. ai.«i il»ereg»»n ba* th.» day qnart<»r. ami the m»rth»'..*t oue^juarter *«f the In many »CTere cases of rheumatism, effect- At All ’ -ui cui Coiv.-tlh. ronri Tt with tram«of til»*i hi* appln utioti f»»r a ¡>al»*nt f«»r hft*-en l.u;i- ermen are making Id 50 to H per day northwest <»m*-quarierof the-«»uHi.*a*t one-ouar- «lrer.hSt4o;i r.'xir'linu mb—, mat—. et*'., mh » and as soon as the fish begin to run in rum«* or vein. b»*.*ring irou «»r**, with nurfa« e iu correcting the acidity of ttio blood, which soatn. of rang«’ 4 w. -t of th** U iiihm« ite n>< r.di- earnest they will probably make 17 to gr«»un«i six hundred fe»*t in width, sifuate«! in ( ..input»'- *iK*-:.i <’ JJ—ib’t’l an. containing ninety acre/ i, ls , taim is ar- Is the cause ot Uie disease, and purifying E- I ’ . HOG EKS, bam * ('reek Mining Di*tri«*t, ('«»unty »»f Jark*on. »10. «•ordiug 1«, tn- hnui subdivisions 1.« {rtn abofn G. F. à Pass. Ag’t K. KOEHI.F.R. and State of Or«-g«»n, anil «b’*»gnated by the h«-ld aud enriching the vital fluid. deaenta’d. I be location »,f this u.me i* not of A lawyer opi>osed to the late ex-Attor- Manager U«»le*and otliemi plat on tile in this «»dice a* l«.t record. It it certainly fair to atfum* that wfiax No 4!, in t«»wn*hi|» ;i«» south, range 3 west of the ney «ieneral Brewster in a law-suit once I Any and all ¡«ereon*, clai.uingftds. r*ely any i*',r- Hood's Sarsaparilla has dono for other, It W M ; saul l«»t A". 4I- i»«*iug «I »« ti I mm I ■«- ti«»:i of said Lance X Bulk hi pta * t gold nuim had the bad taste to refer to the dis follow- B**ginnmg at a poet sei f >r thec«*nt«*r will do for you. Therefore, U you suffer or said mining gr«»ut*d na ¡t,»r«iiinta»f«»re u '>< tu *,'U. E. (i. IICRT, Medford, Or. tigureinem ui Mr. Brewster ’ s face bv line of the-**uth «’nd «»f saul »daim. ami running tho patns and aches of rheumatism, give an* req urcxi to tile their adverse rlx.un with the thenc»» n»»rih on the center line of sai«i claim va­ burns. In retort Brewster told the story ihgreterof th.* Untied Stat.-a Ig- .4(»ffi<*.*at Koee. this rotent remedy a fair trial. ried by impr»»v**«l solar c«»:npass I* «lugs 3»i mm- burg m the Htah* of Orrg*«n. during the sixty of rescuing his baby sister from fire, Ute* *»ast. I5‘) feet to spring - course south»*a»t. days period of publication hereof,or they will ta> : which m-i-uriei* when he was himself a A Positive Cure. V72 f«»»»t,'ii»M’( very shaft h»*ar* west rtf»»et. shaft .*> The undersigned takes pleasure in informing tmrred by virtu«* of th«* provisions of tlie statute feet by h) feet. 10 feet «le»’p ; 14’.*> f**et *haft on th»’ chilli, ami by which his face "was burned the public that he ha* taken charge of the Board- CHAS. W. JOHN h TUN, ItegiM.r. “ I was troubled very much with rheum.v 1« m I»’ 5 feet by I" fret, 15 feet f th« b«st Stuck «»r Dairy Farm* in 8<»uth m*r»h 2»» •!• g-. • »»*■ I" !••••» ; a ¡aurseburg. Orrg,.n, / andbeaM.M pi ,çre te flint the t iim < »••vtu»n be’w **^n » cti‘»n* .1 ami I- . bears *<»Qth OKpecially adapted to the growth of timothy hay 1 cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla Forman with bitterness, is that which gushes up .. ... . MaicIt'Jb i*s- « Give me a call for proof of what i tax. 45 M* (»»tollico addrnv* I. < h>. ti«»n* 3 and ; the |.| section corner l»«*ar* »*a.*t world.” W. F. Wool». Bloomington, 111. I clean d. Thai»- a f treani of water running i »» low*: Commencing at my stable in Willow mestic life. Pleasure may heat the heart A<1 ENTS FOB W*'K". I <-*.lliitj . M«u, nt Or....... I„„ i*. f t -. i > » i« ’i • » p«»»*f f«»r corner N>»2. from I through the place Bit» ybar ro. wr*!3f»»-t; n white oak 12 inches may delude it with golden dreams; war place i* all inc!o*»’d by a good rail fence. Phere rilh. e in Tub.«- B F precinct, when* he will i iron lui.io. min-oi r«-in. I mmih « iron ,.n* will. I in diam»’t«*r i»r.,r* north 3.1 deg*, east I- feet; I have been afflicted withThcumatlsm. Before ibahoubcand barn and 2<«i young fruit tna** on >e Tin*lay ami Wednoeaay, then«* ♦ Medford, may eradicate its line fibres and di­ -iirfio *• Sr. ni*.I * i l,in,.f„..t f. .., wxtllL.itu- the»« •»« *«»uth «’»«l»*g* west on end lin«» ; 215 fe»-t JO3. SCHLITZ'S BREWINC CO th« place. It al*o has the beat out*ide range in remaining Thursday: thenoe to I’I to nix. where lie 1«M I found no relief, but grew worse. 1 then •}'-«'n >«m - * i.*<*k Mu.in* PiOr*rt. count» of mmish its sensitiveness, l>ut it is onlv spring branch, «'«»urse M*utlieust ; ;(ix) f»*.*t center the county; also another ■ xcellent place contain- ■will be Friday and Saturday. r«-tarnmg to each I Í". t,*l”¡ “’'i 7 ‘o Or',«",'>• «»1 ■'"’■«em.uJ began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it did 4»f end im«*, •■»••• f«*et -4*t p*»*t f«»r corner No ’..from MILWAUKEE domestic love than can render it truly BOTTLED BEER. ing 120 acres. I flu tn l.l note» Hnd ort.cial ( |UI ,,n tl|,. 1M t|,io ,,f. stand on the above-named day*. whichahLtak oak 14 inch”** m diameter te*ar- me more good than all tho other medicine I And nil ot happy. For full particular* c »J 1 upon or addres* D fschiption and P f . pkjrek . Young Clyde is I 'n « "V'lth, rang** s south 2l' deg*, vst 1»» fu«*t; a whit«* oak 12 in­ ever bad." H. T. B alcom , Shirley. Mass. 0. J. VANNOY a large, well-proportioned horse and weighs als»ut w. »t of tiu* ’» .llunietttt *f. n.Jl .11 . »H: J |,,( »,,, KENNEDY S EAST INDIA ch»»» in diam«*’* r te ars ».»nth 2n d<*g-.e(*»t 27 feet; H011. Napoleon Davis, clerk of the k erbyviH*. Oregon « Irewg >l«e,tbed M. follorr,; - JACKSONVILLE, OR LtM*1 pound* He wa* sired by 8. G. Ro«4 feet to inter­ land board, has been invited to deliver braied Clydesdale Htallion, (be »»e*t draft horse 111;.¿***1 black unk II inchM-in <« imim 1er for th** sect line Is »w»*» n * ebons 3 and |o ; tho 1-1 spe- muscular rheumatism. I took Hood', Sar­ BITTERS - t brtcjudit to Qregch). Hi- «lam Was athor- H'ivins j•*»rmancnt!y located here. I offer my ventar of tue M*ari. end ot mo «I claim, an.1 at the an address on the occasion of the dedi­ ti*»n corner bea’-s **ast 1'v.i feet ; 15«» feet -et |»«»*t saparilla and am entirely cured.” J. V. A. «»ughbraj t.ojj ••rb«»tf«>m mare. imiM»rt«d from •»ervicee t«* the ¡»e«q,le of Southern ()reg«»n. center of the non b end of tt.etii.rh. .thon Mice N«» I. fr m w i. , a teur»*l t inch*'- in e»t c-«-r in the State. rnotmrooT. letter carrier, Chicago. Hl. bears south in d'-g- »’u-t on emi line ; Eg? f»*et property on WiHiam* creek. Josephine county. U*. A J Daley. Jan Wooley. J. N. Traylor. to all who may desire, abook containing many nor*h ÿ.l.ir. w.«>. J, 1.» ; |< w j,} , , tt\., M . ex«‘*4vati«»n» *»n lod»* «i«*p<»»it, 2 • f»*»*t long l«> - ; Freicoing, KaUouiuing, (u*.. have Mr. Davis present that his expenses 1 It comp»i»«s *• aera* of land. mo*t of which i* Robert Potter. A. W Clemens, Marion W«»<*l, U feet 1-eti; ■ «. feet c. t I ■ : I. „. r,|, H, „f additional statements of cures by fet’t wide ami 5 f»*«>t «l.’.’p, tears -«»nth '»(• feet . under fence, well watered and sufcoeptible t<» cul­ Andy Potter, T. E. Nichole. Tho*. Cnavner. J. E. I fwt I.* s f, -t ..,.,t % fe... tl„ , . f,.. J: were guarantee*!. As Mr. Davis isa del­ egeavations 2 f>s*t by « f'-**» ami I f»*»*t deep, all j Done in a superior manner and at pi ice* f«» *m’ of a tuuriel. b.-..» .»«t 1»* f„t. th* not..| ,»;•-,■) P »II SALE. 3019 A( KES OF L\NI) 119 \<’ll IS tivation. Th«» dwelling ho»*« and «mtbuilJing* Smith. F. M. Plymaleanri a nnmbei of other*. It the time*. 1 refer to the j*>te of painting I hav in ir»»u rock, b«-.«nisouth lik'fvet ;3»d f«»et black , Grown from acclimated stocks on egate to the Demor-ratii- national con­ m* in go«*i condition, biMid«* which there 1* a i* not naCMsaarj tn make a big blow, as the horse I <>f farm land in the valley, good for fruit or h-et long and beare north tftdrg** >« ►« ss«« oak 14 (aches m diameter blazed f«»r center «»f | previ«»Ubly done for recommendation. S--Ui*f t - vention, he is obliged to decline the in­ I cabinet *hoi> rupplieii with superior water-power. bhowb for himtslf. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Mauo gram. my own ground. -r.ft.in ,1... tod.. , feet l,; • north » ud lin«’;• f«*«-t t«» corner No 1. the place tion guaranteed. ——»— enuinr*» ------ -------- on *u th*» ------------- promis«« — vitation. Two thousand *ix hundred acre» fo'>t-hill and I For further | particnlsr*. T eumh -8«as«»n. $7.00. payable at the and there­ y_4 fia t a pila Ji n in duut.ntcr, lr n.e II, only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. of hegnining. con»aining 2D.< 5 acre*. Give me ;• »rial ami jndg«* for your*« If. (1. B. • CALDWELL. oraddrea» ....................—. bl»x.al ire.* d.M ulM.i 1U r.4|,., *1.» of: insurance, fit), ilue when mare is known to mountain-aide land, good for fruit, dairying or Th»« local u»ii at this mine is r«*eor4|ed in the Orders left at Merritt’s New Cash Store wn' 'i'U* directors of the African Associa­ WillmnmP. O.. Or. If your merchant does not keep be with foal, <»r when di*pos«»d of, stockraiaing. This tract of land ha* over »even nortl! center end ..frani Clami ; 1t.< ree i.,itl, JÄ r«’c«»n|er's «»tiic’ at Jacksou county, in lxa»k 1-, receive prompt attention tion have sent ?n Qnler to Stanl- y Falls milcaof fencing, dwelling-hoime, a *V»ck pheil Th' 1 best of care taken to prevent accidents, I *1.« I au. *.u end Ime ; a» -'fia-t »I i pwl to. cor. of mining record», page ♦ T J.tRESK. them, send for catalogue. Address to semi out a scoutmg j.aity in search of S6x!«i feet, ami plenty of living water .-j**i N». I fr. *tn which a lilack oak H ilo .» in I but no responsibility hmuidm I. should any occnr. The adjoining claimauts ar»* James H. Pome­ ('all on or addriMH J. 8. HEHklN. I dl'iineter I«.!» M.uth Utdew. weM V f.a*. a white JAB. F. DAV18. roy on the n«»rth Stanley, and to push thee^paduiOn with *..*k Hl indica in diamKcr b* an* tn.rl b .— ■ . ¿» Ashland, Jackson Co., Or. Any and all per-«»n* claiiniug adversely any I’HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOB HALF all |sjssible spee*l. Although the pro ; wet*t IS f*-i;rii<* S ecetion Corner »» tw.en *w-‘ portion of said his farm. Mitaated near Bybee s terry, ten miles Land Office at Roseburg, Or., ) »“••“’ar*, -otith II den >l lueond» *-a»t motors of the Stanley expedition declare, Garfield Iron Mina :»r Nurfare ground, are re- from Jacksonville, containing Iflnacrre. 90 acrre April 21. f WALLA WALLA. W. T. qilir»* i t«» hie the»r a«!verse claim* with the regis­ in their public utterances, that they will HE UNDERSKiNED OFFI RS FOR SALE, ««'f-. t blazed lune on center lin.- Kl .I .un.nut being under cultivation and the balance being otice is HEkkBk G iven that the ter of th«* Unite«l State* Lam! Office at Roseburg, at a !» irgain, the fa r ni known hj the Mite* «*11 first-claw* timber and ¡»ant are land. A good foltewing-namnd »«tiler has hied n«;tic«‘ of have no cause for alarm even if no news 4 EL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE in the county of I)«»ugla*. Htate of Oregon, «lur­ place, situated in M«*a«1owfl precinct, at a conv n- of ri*l_-.-laura north amt H uth Hub fart net for hnuHH, barn and outbuildings are connected wit h ! hi* intention to make linnl pro«»f in support of «A. off. L. Banna. dec«a*el, are rpque*trd to of the famous explorer reaches them for ing the -ixty «lays peri«*! «»f publication h«‘reof,«»r i*nt distance from a p<»bt«*ffi« e ami a district 1-lV.i from wl.irti a white oak 24 met.., n, the place. Title perfect and terms reasonable his claim and that *M'.<1 proof will be mwie be ­ b-ara aouri* H2 d**w**. weat 22 fc*-t ithoroe »ettle the Harö« te barred by virtue at the pr«»vision* of I three months, their tone in private is fore the Judge or Clerk of school. an«l in a very healthy locality It contains i *nani*-t**r For further particulars apply to the T imtr the county coritb. a* t he bu-inoF* of tfw 4»af^t(, jnu.t L v o jnd the statute. 21 Ml acre»» of land, eighty of which ar” under fence, «■ utti * , d.-c» wiwi on weat laiuiidar» v.kf.etto off re er J. 8. GRIGSBY. court of Jackson county. Or., at Jack*«>nville, up wi thout further delay. full of great anxiety. ; oat. corn.-r N*>. .1 and corner No. 4 of tl,* t.aiti. ld ( HAS. W JOHNSTON lUgiater whd«* most of the balance is also *usc«*i>t ibk* of Central Point P. O. Or;. on Wodimsdaj I*«* viz: Lou L«»u'* ( . vr.. weanomiay, , Jun«* June H, fl, is*.* its C. from which a laurel ,a> inch.*, in díame, H. K. HANNA. The Orruonian should not find fault ' Hill, homwMead entry, No. 4171. for the 8:i of cu tivation. The buildings are fair and there is claim, ter treara north 14 d*-|r».ea»t 42 fret ; a lrurel « Administrator of the estate of 8. P Hanna an bumiance of g^wnl water on the premises I with Cleveland for appointing Fuller, a NE'4 and N G of Sl'?4. aection 20, tp. .t»> Bouth, deceaeed. J. 8. Mn.uui. J. B. W kislky . 1 luche« in diameter ta-ars x.uth *« d.>-a w* at 25 For further particu'ari» enquire of range I east. W. M. He names the following rent ; thence nonh m deca *n.-t on luie beiwc-n comparatively unheard-of man, to the . i RICE BENSON. Spikenard. Or witnesses to pr've his continuous residence up­ I-,'d claim au*l th** tiaiheld elaiin . Itt.lfii-t |*u z position of Chief Justice, for di I not on. and cultivation of. *aid land, viz: Adolphus el I, a.-. •*; -. for c i.tnr 1 hr... and .nm>)t 1VILL M KHETHEbEAbON OF latf AT THE Grant establish the j*reeedent by his ap- , t’arlton. Janie* Kent. Martin F. Hurst and laaac **f ri IV« b-«r. mir.u r..i a -.itti ; *,u*. f,.,., to . . . Y Tilt: VNDEIKKiNllD. ONE OH TWO Imported nnd bredbyG.W. Hunt.WhiMak.r.tli ' » farm of hi* <»wn”r, the underbigned. «»n Grif­ VNH. PISTOLS AND oniEll FIKEABMS pointment of unknown IVaite? Not <.nlv j B. William*.all <>f Eagle Point. Jacknon county, j corm r N**. I and corn.-r N... 1. of the riant. Id fin cr«*»’k. thr”” mil«” ”a*t of Ja<-k*«>nviite, whore men. wh*> h’iv«« capital, to n**i*t and h«*lp Oregon. CHAS. W JOHNSTON, llegieter. r«pninMl in th« lwn*t .tyloiind new ones tnad** * Inin*, from Which a laurel a* tuche- in Imme: he will be «»very «lay in the w»»”k, excepting 8at- proMpect and develop min«*. Field of opera­ to oru*»r S«win<-machin»*« al.o repaired and was the Republican appointee lacking ; tor lu-ara a.iuth ttdegB carta fed ;a n.anïanita urilMy Hixt Sunday. tion i* on on© of th« l»««t and heaviest b dts on put in tir**t-cla**** ordwr in prominence before the country, but u nichel» in diftinotcr beare nor«h *JPd»*g«. * Dtw nut ion and Pedigre**: Sir Walter. Jr., is th« Pacific coast. To experienced prospector* a Print*« to.uit the tim**’* and -atitfantion guaran- he was hardly a front ranker in hi’s own ( l" fret ; th” ‘4 M-ctiQD corner between Hectum* 8 7 year* old, coal black, fin* f«»rm.uo<*l *i- fortun«. For further particular*, call on or ad- t ***** 1 and P tawre MHith 4-5 deg-. ea»t 67V , fret ; thence tionanda aptendid traveler; is 17% hands hurh dr.-* Kt once, J AS W. W ALTERS State, and at all events held no such «y Give inn a trial. > uurt h 7*^ d«'g* ”H*t on east boundary : 924 f«t to and weigh* 1500 pounds. Sir Walter, Jr., wp * Land Office iu Ko4s*bar^ Or. ? ! Phcenix. Or. , ¡»I hca * of beginning, containing 11¿4 «< re* position as Fuller, of whom it is said, B. STRAIT. sired by Sir Walter, he by Marion, he by Mambri- April JO. 4 ] Medford, Or ! z. J ’CHl,on r *** r< « "r‘i’ ff ’n tbc re- no Chief, he by Mambrino Pay.i aster, he by “he is the acknowledged head of the VOTK E 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE' ILL THOSE INDEBTED TO T. J. GOOD- Mambrino. he by Imi*>rted M«***er>ger. Hi* «lain < or«l-r * «.flit eof Jhi k-un county, in book lh lx following-name«! pettier hn* filed notice of j TN (HIDEII TO MEET THE GROWING DE- Ji wyn a*«' r »«pie*tf*d t-» call and *ettl«‘ the Bame was Chicago bar.” I mining r«*corde, pag<* 41. a L<»mc Inland Black Hawk mare, she being his intention to make final proof in support of inand for rval-estate property we have opened with meat once, »i* I have been ap punted assignee sired by the note«! trotter. Andrew Jackson , sire llie ivi joining r lai mnnt - are Charlea W Bur hu claim, and that «aid proof will l»e made before I rom my tlacconevaysli .I v E l , last and must mak« immediate collection». an <»ffi<*e in the U‘° nr- IvmauxH hlaniatb t'H.hf/. Or .J «inn 16. Ifl.. 1HR7. trotter* Hi* firnt dam. Sallie Miller, by Mam- The best salve in the world for Cuts Ron counter, 0»L'g«.»n, at Jacksonville. Or.. <»n JIcan.Hca and heautiflee the L ml I t . Any and all i. *r*» »n* claiming alver»»»îy any briti«». «on of imported M«*s*enger; Andrew Ja«'k- Tue*day. — — June ------ . — Li.**, ,, » ... !* William ...................... W. , Parker, ......... I r«»| filly, three years old and branded L Pon teft Promote« a j u xu riant grow th. Bruises. Sores, Clcers. Salt Rheuiu. Fever pre-”mpti«>n I) 8 No. 5235. f«>r th” 8E x< <*f NW li. shoulder. A liberal rewani will be paid f«»r th«*ir *« n by Yonng Bashaw. an«i In* by Imported Ba- TViIEREXS MY WIFE MARY 8. 818EMORE portion * f sMt.l first extension of th* (la io ld iron Never Fails to Restore drey akav.. bo Waite: Jr.’« dam is connecter! with »1 ha* without jn*t «’:ni*e left my hom*a**l tn.ne r surface gr -tind are require I to fita their 8 *, 1 j of NE *4 and NE l s< 4 of BE SE l4. <. 8***i. 21, Tp. 3*4 Sores, letter, < happed Hands, Chilblain«, .8 34 . i rec«»very. (’. <’. MorLENDON. Hair to its Youthful Color. Ute í’iydíhHbleqrgft hoitq. refu*»«« to return thereto, all parti** are hereb) e«*t, names Y 8. R 3 ea*t, W.M. He name« the following wit- Sam ’ * Valley, Jan. 20. 1H88. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, Hnd i.osi. r—-fu*« Lnit«i Cures*raii>di.« fue«and hair failing Term* For tfi” s 'hson. ^10; ici^ranc«' £15. ex|.r«*** iy f<»ri»u*d»‘,. from rn’ditinr her on nn Stat* * ljimi CMnce at R<» ebu: g, in tlw county- <»f n«*s*e* to prove hi* contention* reeidence upon, |--------------- I tive cure, for Files, or no ; av required. It '■»v nt For rnch Eusin«***. P kHtaragf* fu rii*h«’«i marea at rca-uinable rat«* a^roiujt. a*» 4 ►hfcll i-.v no urla- b’ate .If«»reBoI lun> .-the emirda). A* th« ii'ub«r»ign<>«l i* closing nn bi- black and cultivation of. *ai«i land, viz: J H. Daley, « n 1/ r FOIt ALL. $50 A WEEK AND EX isKUaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or W»’ are xi*o •• • t • f«»r th« W«« ntbu. * Nurs«*’”. • ■ !->-.«• «J I'l t-b . I. ■- ... . ;... r.,;i I . ; .... D m car«* w.ll b* L ií - h t«* pr*v *m a«’cid«nts. ing from and after ihn» <(ate. i (<> Mr-, - imi.I. Oittli' w*irtli$ä .„<1 <>ur- jutiith ’• i*i i ■ » H • ú • • ivill > w. »« ■ i nd I money refunded Price ii cents per box Jofl”ph Geppert,Thad Brocklev and R. L. Park I t* »!» irte'eispiring . is lugging around the white elephant nomination ami begging some one to relieve it of the huiden. Even Mr. Blaine does not want the responsi- bilitj of feeding this burdensome animal. " M1i” AYER’S HAIRVG0R N Notice for Publication N *™,s VIGOR. Summons. THE YAQUINA ROUTE Nutice for Publication GRAND QUARTERLY DRAWING N CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. ¡225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME 1/ „ Notice for Publication. VEGCTASLE -n P ain destroy ER, Hemorrhages. K'^;,,2.h: Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. Time Schedule, Except Sundays. Notice lor Publication. 0. &C. Trains Co ined at Albany and Corvallis. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Address Roiistercfl Letters to World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, REMEMBER PilnC Application for a Patent. For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples, N Passenger anti Freight Rates Always the Lowest. Female Complaints. Mining Application No. 60 CAUTION. Pond’s Extract Sheriff ’s Sale. L CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE ! OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ¡PT Oregon & California R. R. The Mt. Shasta Route Applicntion tor a Patent. Í PULLMAN BÜFFET SLEEPERS. ü LI u Application for a Patent. I nTÏTil For Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns. Rheumatism 'N i<: Arr ro THE HUNGRY & WEARY Ashland Boarding-Hnuse and Feed Stable! DUKABLE, ÎSirHO.XJ FOR SALE. THE FINE DRAFT HORSE, FARMS FOR SALE Application foi a Fatent The Rest Accommodations 63 Front Street, Portland, Or. YOUNG CLYDE, —ASK FOR T. J. CRESS THE BOSS BOOTS HOUSE PAINTER. FARM FOR SALE UNRIVALED GOODS! SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS I! D Choice Lands For Sale Hood’s Sarsaparilla 100 Doses Ono Dollar. FARM FOR SALE. CEO.STARRETT Notice for Publication. The Fine Trotting Stallion, Settle Up Notice. N PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, WANTED. MEDFORI). OR B G Forty Years in Oregon. Town of Medford. Jackson County, Oregon, SHROPSHIRE DOWN SHEEP The Best Sheep for Wool and Mutton. Notice for Publication 1 T r 1«. STHAIT WRISLEY & MILLER Farm For Sale. Notice For Settlement SIR WALTER. Jr., SMOKE THE LITTLE CUPIDS! STRAYED PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM F Notice. Settle-up Notice. PARKER SCINCERTONIC J