I j.tcKAOV « of vri i » i /*/ /»'M» \ I /. Wizard Crawford, Medford ; Henry Klip­ The Deniocrativ candidates f*»r legi'l MISCELLANEOUS CUXVHXTIOy. pel, Jacksonville; A C. Stanley, Table tore and < ««unty offices will s « mh comm u Rock; Thos E. Nichols, Little Butte: a thorough canvass of the count v •r Childers was in town a few days Oregon Kidney lea. k WEAK NERVES The Democratic (’ •• ity ''out Barney () Neil. Eden. , appointi! ent« are announced n pAixi'*« era ebt Coiipor kd is s Ton?« Democrats, stand by your color«. ROGUE RIVER Three rousing cheers were then given for <*r column of the T ime «. which nev'-r tail«. Containing («lery and at the court house :«. pp!e <»i Woodville visited us The roads are «piite du»ty again. Oxa. tho«e wonderful nerve •timulanta.it the ticket. UNITED STATES 3FFICIAL FRESS. Phil Steven« returned from a tw. .'»th, IKS«, ami o. / 1 i / • I ajw eddy cures ail n* rvoua d-xr Jera Iri.»h at Jacks*»nville next M*»nday On motion, the convention then ad­ trip to Josephine county lately, Hr drox th bey an I wife have removed to electing E. I? P«.- iB journed E. Di PEATT, Chairman. Groceries arejtvpt by J ack »on .t Turner. a band of loti goats. purchased of I’i v i RHEUMATISM FRI WAY MAY It. I»" reek Si I. a » J. D\v, Secretary Day secretary. Thecha. • . l'AiK>.'a ( ».ixir r ur-rMD futrfft John Johnson of Ashland wa» in town a Bricker of William» creek, to Wm. By!« I th od. It out th»j lar-t>c a< 4 wt uh I '.in B Giduii ••: !>ca I Imliau was here springs on Evans creek. timed remarks, th ink i few day» since. can** »• Kb uioatiacn. and roeU'iv« the Lk.-d- Poultry llaitttd. yt terduy on land bus:nr-1. piaking organa to a healthy rendition. Hit Deiuo« rats,stick to your party princi| I The political caul Iron i» boiling at quite for the honor c«»nfvrre«l u: tht true icrnedy for ldxeuiual^m. Mr- E lveiim y iia-. gone to Portiaiul on Stuart x B of Gold Hilt will p i ■ th< and nomiibT». The argunumt that there a lively rate ing him to that responsible highest c i'h price for chickens, turkeys i d i iv < \ e id i» to California. is no ¡•«•lui ••« in comity politics i« th** v -r- KIDNEY COMPLAINTS ii brief Jonas Justus has returned fr*»iu cf L'islM-l'fia. .. • i.*.v- H • i«- ort» business bri»k and r< a-li'y yields to attacks of disease. til! hr l.ilin ! shirts, neckties, colt irs, cut Bargain» in < v««ry I > ■ m , II Berry. J. Rodgers ami B n lla.x i.i .n i B. A DEAN. Sheri It.... 1 I > ii* »f . ’ . utte er ek, a well known Hood ' Sarsaparilla is just th»* medicine i ♦ CONSTIPATION t c.ollar-buuim *. etc., in soul at Newman Fisher’.«. < hi motion, a (-•mimittee of iix w is ap­ heede*!. It tom-'- and build» up every part »ni , 'p- in «•• »• lays in town lately P aixl ’ a C fi eat CowporwD.fe not a eaihar- J. K. NEIL. County Jud«** ... ll.in«l«otiio cn»«|iiet >t*t« for sale cheap at . can alw iv« be f »un I at the S. F tic It 1* a laxative, giving easy and natural pointed on p’T.nincnt «»rgiu -.iiim. 1 - • •I the b »r yoiirselve- action to the bowvb. lugulanty surely fob article of . HAYMOND. tin* S. F. Variety Store. from the b!.iu:J. Try it this season. J Bl V i l Iricnds i i town a visit duri»»g the wit lows ;ta use. Th«»«. Wright, \V. P. Hd.i'. Wm. Tulo’s land agent. Sc >tt Griffin, County Conun íh - ioipt « W TAYLOR. precinct > Levi Dawson <»f Table Il •« ■ URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, ltoc«.~Lueuded by professional andbueiasaa re'ditatives in every county m »’a 'torm •. Wr. k Gregory, Jas. Helms ami J. A. Wil«(>n. in i l« u- .HI M >nd:i v. I \atural Product >»]' f'uti/or h ia, i Neuralgia, Nervoua Weakness, Stomach Ä men. B< ud for book. * Ju■•:.«• » 1 t'.vfor i ami wife of Medford ()reg«'U ami Washington territory, who IL Il MOOI5E Treasurer .. ^^^^^and Liver Diseases, “ Rheumatism, Dys- Sold Price $1.00. Sold by Djugglftf. On tnoiion. a committee ot !iv*- w.i .ip- _ ; • ” ’ 5 L___rp. e 11.00. by I»fuggisti. Fr*»h ran ii«*« ar«» received at Lu »»•»•i .V ar«* thoroughly reliable and well po»t«*«l, -| -i»t -. v< ral «lav» in town during fiie p.i-i It • onlv found in Butte County, Cilifor- ’ popua.Bûd all a^cïÛ9fi> oí Ûo bídoeít, WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prcp'â ^WFpspsia.ujd aftiuw bf Uc U4 öcys . Prcp’t p*»int«*.i *» i r •'.» uti*»n .a- fol!.,-. - V ;.lml ni.i, ami in no other part of the world. We II. II. MITCHELL Turner’s evrv (*w «lav»-. School Superintendent and \\ id furnish information an*l circulars we«*k. UUKWÍGTOM. AT. Crawlurd, II. K. H.urna, H H Mil* toll. rel< r to the tree that produces the healing J.uk»on A Turner keep a ti.ie hit of Mr». ( .1. Armstron'J »f thi» prccitict is .1. M < HILDENS. genl'» furnishing good». Aaee*sor ami p«’i*H ating gum used in that pleasant A lot of prominent newspapers and vi»iun.- : e'ativrs and f* u nd in Josephine C. C. Ragsdale and ltobt. Cook - \ND— i On motion, the con ven tion took a r c« '» and < llective cure for consumption, asth- JAMI A JEEH1EÏ F.»r g >•»*! »lungi»*«. «hake- an 1 c«»r*l-w**■••! magazine« *4’ late dates ju»t received at county. Hurvejror:... until 1 o’clock i*. m . m ». hr*•nchiti«. and cough». Santa Abie. Jackson A Turner < They will keep all of apply at the ¡’IMF» «»tfice. R vn u-l' *>f Mraduw- pricim t and \FTEKNO«N SE-'I«»N. t‘c King • ! c<»n»unipii<»n. The Citv Drug mt it ritvi'E I Thrrisbi'i * »ca» »-i i« at h ind an I th*' lhe»e periodi« a> c • istantly on hand am! (’. 1 > O. in Vincent ( >r*»n«*r of Sam ■ v ilb-v were here The convention ¡uet pursuant l«»a-!j ¡urn- m.iran'* es and »ell' it for |1 (Mi a bot­ will or«l«*r mv p i »«*r you may wish to sub- yr» ter« lay. sport i< brcHnii’.g popular ment. The committee on credentia, n *' tle. «»n G. B , xv In) an* and get one of our premium» paring an argument for a new trial. Ham o any in this market. in convention at Jack-onville last \\ e-lne» The Cum mittee on credential» mil” i ’ ; f rec. Hanley A: h iv«* iw»en shipping »**ver- b« rg s case will probably go to the supreme n«»w located on Williams creek, were in following report, which was. « a m HJI day for the purpose of nominating cam! SATISFA»T1OX GUARANTEED. town thi» week. court on appeal. date» for t!.e biennial »laughter X it. al cartoads of cattle to Purtian 1. adopted. Mrs. ('has. Xickell. who has been in Langell acted a> ch unnau ami J W. Mer­ are the be»t cathartic for Averys’ Pill» I We. your committee, report Hi* The marriage of a young couple promi­ Portland fur a few weeks, returned home ritt :»s secretary. The coinmit’ee or. ere nent at E u h« P »:ni »» announced. r -gulating irregularities of the stom ich lowing gentlemen rnt.t e I t » -e«!» dentiiil- reported »evcra: pre- inrts unrep­ Gentle, yet thorough in their last Friday morning. and b »wel». When Baby was > i< k. we gave her CaHtoria, this c »n ventimi : Horace Rice «»f ibis place, wh*.» h i» been action, they line constipation, stimulate resented. ami many had out one repr- n- Applicati—John O’Brien. .1 I. W««. j Dr. V. M. Boal, who formerly practiced (pi it« ’ »irk. i» able L> hr about a/ tin. When she was a Child, slic cried for Castorio, tative, which was m 11 i <*<' I {il i I«1 i ii Mr». \V M. Par h ‘ of Table. Rick pre- strength?!} the system. the Dumorrtfic convention of the Satnn XS lien she bream«* Miss, she clung t*» < ’ustoria, J. A. Wilson, proxy. «»f Soqth Au,*»urn, Nep. « *i day before. A set of resolutions, whi* h Ashland VL J» in* ri.»r potatoes an ! onions for sale at New York a h i i home g «Id pl ue 1 cornet, in i • lias. Kahn of Portland vi-it«‘«i Jack* ’ ’hapinan. 1. W. Burri sr , J J. Murp.iv, ■» and were not well Bea.-* med with fact», were th«* S F. Variety Store. Jacks«>nville. * i in John Mav, E.......... M. Miller. J. (’ N.H. which i- the finest instrument -.•ver • ; \: I* on We.hies.lay. pa--ed in a hurry Everything was rush­ E lm -Jeff Ih II, W 1 A : libit :<>i 1 Manufacturer of and I)*ml**r m J A Fruit prospects were never bt A i ilii» «ecti >n. It was p me ! I M t>!•< ii -haiii ami family .started fur Amhrson, J ed through, as if nobody iesired t » waste •lunger of a I it»* frost lyi» ab >ut | N ni al Hockersmith. Jim« at the p«>»tolliee fora short K m lath < unty yesterday, where they any more lime than was repaired in Hie Helms mired by many people. We keep Constantly <>n Hand a Complete am I Wi ll Selected A Buv your t<»b p-co ami ci^trs o Wlli S| .•«• ii 1 the coming season. consummation of what party duly made Big Butte-. (i. W. ('olvig, night clerk of the o A ‘ ’. Fresh stock ami chi i/ i m:iri) I sui t incut of necessary. A dearth of candid ite» wa*« R \ B Soule, J . P., Win. W. Wullen* and Miss hi» empty hon-»r by acclamation, and after good» at Jack -m A' Turip’r's. J?«' < entritl t ’ oint W B A Sempl« W SAI >1 )LES ANI > ROBES J. Jack»« No. Lula May Devenney. commence i* w «i k on the ” Plain«!« airr. 10 in the June 4th he will have it o u arly d**m*»n Gregory. J. Richard-m, J. G M« I> mal !. I i*.dge F. N<«w i- t!> • tune to talk of I sni.LIXi.i.i: MILLER -At (»rant’s Paa«. Those xx h • X i-h to be ir D 'm »erat:«* -1 • i» gre strated why thi- ’r** r n »•. omit v »h » il I A Specialty. Foots ( ’ reek T' A mln - April L’tlth. by li v.J.S. Mc('ain, John Htilhu* i M U . who has been 11 me vxpi »iimlv'l in an iut« re»ting ami v---y have e.x »t**-l Plowing 1» i> a list ot rclvbr iti »n». Do j’t f »r/et In 1 The fulh»«viiig son. by R. A. (’« ger and M¡>» Ettie Miller. Day. tomi 1 nut tail to be in J a- \ >< ,f l »r ».»metune | abk* manner nominated lie the candidate» Rrpresenta ! Jacksonville- - I AL - I I ititi \ M< 'LL ’ Xii At CreRcont city, ( ’ al. I •rphim- «••»unty. Bacon. I ird ».»! Villi m-xt 'I ci lav i i’*riio«ci. v lives, Theo ( ¿imoron of l’uionb»wn, I)r. ■ Kenzie. <««<» I K i All <>f which will l»c >olr*i, W I Everybody ¡s -. ri^ to h ,lt* X( • Irish, fancy goo 1«,and o «*• of the • • f alni ri’.i<-»t •\ ii! remain a while. A ' H. I' irk* •»-. a «laughter. am prepar«*d t«» manufactnr«- boot» a:i«i efioes of I for yonrseh sup rint» ndent. E E. >i i:th *»t Central erts. leading orator 4 th«: I’arifi .* c -ast.next »rocks >t bout» au*l »!« • • in .»■»til ta«* lat«-**t etyl.-H promptly. M • ■ \ *»t Me iio-d spent a f« w IM.OW XSirVOLE. ^'1* !l P l Graut ’ » P.«'-, Xpril 21»i, to Mr. Point; commissioners., > A Carlton of the gon. Give th m a * a: a!l .md I sec «?.• f a v.m«- Mit bel’. E. II Meadow- 11. 11 My prir«k> in both « topart moni- will be . D . R »binson. - ’ Oliti ' ’ lit i ’ V .TV ho I V Farms of all »iz I 1:1.Bl i.i N”.«r ( i Hint’s Pa—. April 2-t! , t«> surveyor. J. S. Howard of Mi lford; coron- W G < DOPER. I*. HiE Pleasant Rra«i «»ur grand i iubbmg indu « m ut- 1 Mr.a«id M«il. Hulburt. e son . for sale at Luckey A- C <’entrai Point • P< It-» ii . «»or next county clerk. Ilaymoud proxy. J. W. M* df«»rd, Or . lk*c. 1. l*-'7. R .bi: 1 published tl»ewhcre. and if you want ::«v , 11 ns •< and Ashland. wa - in J i nivii:«* Wednesday. He i> T el.ow-. leading j*»urnal of southern Oregon an I the i Political .lpi>oiittm< nil. Jo» Saltmar»h of aSterii!»'vi!!e i< build­ best newspaper or pertodical in th«* Unit« I n >w interviewing the av erage voter. Little Butt« -Joseph R.l l. r. G w. • ¡.11 Hon. John M Heariu will address the ing a snb»tiutial b irn an I «.»tlp'rwi»•' im­ States i«»r th«* price of one, * all *«r »«-u 1 to-| P« »1. W J Dean, the well-known e«lu Rice, J. M. \ . J. N. i .. i Jas Put is ot Wagner creek Young. citiZ’Ti» of th«» State upon thr political is- proving his premise». the T imes office. i • d .it the I lmi . s office Wednesday • ups of the day at the following named Sterling F 8 Crump by D. J. Kanaka Ge«>rg«' and wife have returned E. W. MORRISON, W. (’. Daley of Little Butte i»r«-«- proxy. D. 8. J. Pearce. place*; from Si«kivou county, ‘ a! . after an ab- I • li ler of Sprague river valley. been aw.inlt-i th»* contract tor Ste;imb<«at 4 i. < ( ulv. A w > æan r Eugene City. Mav 12th. 2 r m . I sence of st verai years. Ai rORN! \ AND COUN8KLOH AT LAW. 1 !!i*. ith c /imt\ . is in Jackson county on th«* prop-•'•**! new brnl ••• acr«» H WE .11 Si j : i > lived a Oakland. May llth. I Pt r. m . Trail Creek—1 iios Law** m, J A i m \ j . lie will ri turn m a short time. If vou w mt to buv or «•?!! property *ail! ( reek, at the K ingel .’«»rd. I'll* pit* Roseburg, Mav llth. « P. M »trong. S. Hodge» on Luckey A (’■».. real-estate dealers. A|h- upon willi the county c unniis»i \V. I. i ’ . i I '- t .!vr.’-* nting the w«4l*known I ¡ ’ t («rant s l‘as». Tuesday. Mav 15th. 2 p . m land an«l Central Point. fable R »ck .1. G. N«»rt >n. J >lm W1 I pr.r- ; •«• in all r*»nrl» of th i -i I .. up- • ■. Dell tri A Co., inter- : W. J Ibnigers. <’. ( . (i ill. C C. ! \t 4 A-hland, W••j that Jack»on t t urner ’ « is 1 X >1 is now in Klamath coun- L ent’v removad a pi* «»f w«»od i Newp«»rt. May 17th, N r. m Uniontown W. IL Bust wie.A. Th NOTICE treat your friend» to a »m >k«. 4 ' ' - ; • i I I 'ng t » religious duties. He wid I niorton, Al< x In\ait. Corvallis. Mav 1st!», 2 r m . 1 sometime since, am Lake t idiity a vi»it bef«ire return- Notes, receipts, i her ; in give notice to the pi blk Independence. Mav lnth, 2 I*. M. Wiltow Springs —Thu». Wi-ot. j. - CASH MERES. N{ NS VEILING. BEKiE. ALBATROSS CLo Til e « I..O” thi- day given my ad«»ptcd eon, checks, in book», it «o'lSid’Tuble anm»v an ing I »alia«, May lfXh. « r m . i Dodge. C. C. Rag-dal«*. W K. I’m *• Will ami. P-«yn-. P . .. . bn* ! • timo, and • ^ive warnin*? wa» entirely >ucc« »sfnl. »ale cheap nt t!r* I' i McMinnville, May 21>t. 3 p M. ' W Ii Ile Chat» M GINGHAMS. SHAMBRAYS. SEERSl ( KERS, CHE­ ! > .hi not to board or cr«»ht him <»n in y account, a» 1 Í/' I. ifavi lt« . May 21-1. 1 i»» F M R \. Miller I ( vi din». **ar«-f i Tbirtvd T r.*.it k I I u ill not (».. o -I-*» .»ible T«»r any d»*hG h«*m «y con VIOTS. PRINTS, WHITE «.oops, EMBROID­ ¡lill»l»*»r*». Max 22 I. 2 p . m Io tl «- III Itter .«I the y..!** of R •« I P !” ItHct ahsT t the favorite br.ni I •» »«Em. WM. AÌNE. ra I: v.iri • •it' Ir.iiian pa i : i»T p «•.»: r. i m iv 2< i ;» »■ u ' w** suggest ilia! J. F R d‘s • , Sa; u’s Vi ll-v. Or , May 7. 1«^. i ’ ERIES, LAWNS. ALI.OVER EMBROIDERIES. S. F V iriotv Store I ;u d boxes . i«r»t «piality St. Helens, M «v JPh. « p M. j«;i'l Ito v.t«-- :*.h«l t’.at Ben H . i ' and musical instruun’iit.» in gci;» t I. ; il I » i:. .Tver?.! number* EMBROIDRIED RoBES .md FLOUNCES. ( ent«! .<• I to ca»t th«- • uh«*«1 1 to v«»i< Albi mi. Mav 2 »’ h, « r M. V. IV ! • • r - I . it the low - pl ' 1 . I» No! ice. Merriman families ; The rep*»rt <»t Hi- c • n nil •• •• i , Astori i. May ¿«th. s r. u. \ EI.\ El au Mi Wll I MAltY H. SLSFMOID- neut organization w.i- .utoptr-i. .i! ■ .Mar«hfiel«l. May 2!>th. « P. M. r It is reported that Frank L • vi-. th c ( KID GLOVES. HOSIERY. PARSOLS, • - u »at jii-t .• < >>.• left rny Lome hh <1 A very large numbtir of our Democratic Gervais. June 1st. H p. h . Haymond wa- r.-«-«»tiiim-iid. -4 1 r a *. f > •i • •’urn th-t ull partiet» are licreb) friends and patrons too numerous to vallis »pnnier. was in P »rtiaml list w. I secretary, as follow- We rvi -mo i; Portlami. June 21. H p. xt. iscwis •.' a eve.ily five yard -print« r a I ther*- Th** regu! ir monthly term of the county nito on the announcement that a pr«»f< il froin and aft» r thiu date. scat • A»toria am! Portland, as shown in the court w ii heel thi.» w«*<*k I The following report of lhe « onim:: • Full particulars »¡•»mil band cap wouhi be give . here nex JOHN HlSEMOItF Any person wi»hin< to - *H proper!;- w.ll ti..d Saín Valle). M; 1. 1-s». above list. A BUSII. W« . i i J. • wid ippear in t’.ie next i»»ue of the T ime ». month. ha- r. turne I from his visit order of buxines« was adopted it to their interest to call and wee us Chairman Democratic Stat«' Central Corn I.» Pi imi. with whi-'h »eet’.un he is I committee on or ler of bu -in« .-■», beg A few c*»pirA f.i th«» American Settler'’ i For the b st tfi- ’i »nt« tor all «»< ubmit the full foil »winj; »wing as «*ur i. 1 i \x 111 pr -!..il dy locate at P< »rt i to submit •Xdininistrator's Notice. Guitl«*, »tan-l ir*l authority on all land (•all at the Ex» « '-i t liv* ry s’.ible: a .<»* Importanl Hui ter. ; Co« a-. • ' I. W. 1 . ami engage in busine.-s. We it cumin nd that the nominati > matte' -, may tou ei*ii (he T imes otli. e. -onviile P'ym lie's pric«*- :ire j' :• .'«. <>f th*’ Par:n-rsJup <>f Oliver Vin- T. B. Merry of the P »rtlan-1 Mercury, ma l ’ in thi» ur«l( r. 1 Three r< pr« - . ! I I ’ rof i- nt pi incipal of the '. « h«><»l,made u- a call I ist -i ■■ i IS HER! IH G1VKN THAI THI factio'i Y >u will al» » d » well t > commissioner to represent Oregon at the thv bi«»«>d i» imparted in Hoo I’« S irsapa 1 wo commissioi;«*!' HIE ROGUE RIVER '<• .«!• • -igiosl luu*boen appotntud by thocoun. I-' H* report» «ducatiunal matter» ty jr. I •* . •> t to ize his stage I'r.e run.in. ’ bctw< ri!l i A tri il w.ll • -luvince y »u of i:» ni r- « r\ <-*.’j-r <4 .1 i<-k'*»n o«»’int) Oregon, »itting in worl-i’s exposition in Melbourne Au»!r.i : i. Comr.y treasurer, 7. S« houl »uperinti Ako a Cii-ice line <.f Family GROCERIES ami PROVISIONS "••ii -'i.: r «•■»!! i. . .i at tilo granite p'a ami Medford. its. will start for there in a few week», audit en», s. Assessor. .Assvs»«»r. I*. Surveyor. Io « Pr- • ' -i'im tii - t i’.*r of t !>•• p«rtnership prop- eon.'taiitlv kept on hand. Tli.it feilngof weariness, -. •• <»f O.iver Viti« ’ «-»*, «b«« ’ . •uscii, and Chas.O. I!»-* large*! stock ol the most elegant i*« to be hoped that Jackson county will oner, 11. Election of county central c I .! : . '.‘. 'i t Eiterestcd in Hie mittee. We recommend that th«* v* not be behind in »ending samples of her fuiilinery g • Liu »"¡iihern Oregon i» being riemwd in the spring, r -»u!ts ft.mi t-V M e «’xeliange tr «, s for all kind» of «-unntrv prodnee nt high­ All p*r • L ’ btod fo »md »-tate no. n <|ii»»*.f at AVIX«. RU EXTLY BEEN REF1T11.D with i « i- r:*i ; Ini-iiit- . with Ed-on be bv ball-4. pr<»-!uct’< fr mi her rich fields and extensive di'pla» «• I it M r- Prim’« baz lar, Jackson­ g-sh condition of th’* bloo I wh •! ■ I f'■ ' ’’ ■ tm»* in;'i!*’«hat«ily.and tho»<’ hav all m »d* fl impr«»vrmenta. are now turnuux est tnark. t priec. IL . you « «' ¡nty, Cal., was here REA MES A. WHITE, da- k-oHville. impure, dues n«»t'1‘iicken with thi forest» Xo county in the State can make ville The report of ti ■ e<»mmif’< e ”a-m. A ver » ^.tr-a :>ari !l.t. b He i» piircha-ing «Elite a ti-ms was adopted, which wa» a > I »’m'\ a more respectable »bowing than this, if r'» • i 1 i (*•: • IliK-k j rcriiH t. Jackson c »unty. ’4 barrel Kicks, and every mu k is wai r-nit«»! to Carl «s Go l.lar . ; ; :. - se ; ion. izm-r and clean »mg the bio. > 1, - t i < »r -g »’i u * li I h • prop-r voucher?* aitarli«*!, with- contain IV ( hiuiu I« <>f flour If y«»u per interest i» taken i i the matter, and (amounting to ov Y-»nr commith c on r< solution' rt »p •( and invigor at « the syst.ni. in in *ii!b-. fr<» n li.-fir»t publirn(j«»u <»f trnf* this, just coinparr a *»tck of <>nr tl«»ur with any ARTHUR CONKLIN v W i i r, wh » Ii there being no expense attached to it,there R »ck prrem ’ t » been in th»* ein- filly rep »•»rt the following E. SANDERSON SMITH notice. . i .. j ,, I other bran«! often»! for aale in this market, and is noe.x--u.se tor neglecting this opporluni­ far I”»--»* m. Rcsulv- i. That we bearli For Kale, the be»t r ndi in !!•' R ipp o! Wagner creek for so .. .. v eml « A. < ’ . STAX Id Y. n*«te the difference in weight. », | |t j ty to show the world what ran tw and i» n -til home in Germany this ami re affirm the resolutions a«l«»pt«'I hx Correspondence from every portion of valley of 530 acr* ». all lev« ’, Xd;nii!i-trab»r <»f said estate. produced in this part of the Willamette I, w’ " ll spemi several months, i the Democratic State conv« ntiou. w .. -m h<- nt-on. h<- í D i bn - V. i:»*j. M i> 11. southern Ore 1,1 is so'.i- ited. as we wish fenc' d, c^tiss-fencod. ami all under Floui* and Mill-Feed valley. Mr Merry will give faithful, in­ to make the T .. | P«-ndleti»n Or., on April 3rd. I««» a , h tion. good dwelling». 2 acres alfalfa land, wt'ii hint a pie.i» mt trip an i safe re-¡ Pendleton . ’ . id, |»» im f - is truly representative telligent attention to everything entrusted as possible. i are hereto annexed an i mítica part ut tni- hakim c iruft or grain land F »r full p tr- t Notice for Publication ('.«ne-tantly on hand und exchanged for wheat report ; to him. and it i.» to be hoped those inter- ti«ml tr- ad Ire-» S« «»tl Grithn land a rent X \ trump. ♦ e»ted will take the necessary steps for a - The Democracy« «' iln-Statt ■ t < 1.1 .1 Olfic e at !{o' *hnrg. Oregon. ( I'. !*» 1 p k • »n coiintv. Oregon. n M av b. I m SS. i [ in (•oii' <*nti«»ii a-'cribl «I. d« c!i! it- ¡ .Tty a g<»od representation, say» the ’’Siate»- the fr -ighr t BARLEY ROLLERS. V • r« - Re (nied R* im lvi»tn a dr last, ieli air ! to th«' great National orgam/a’i ..«,o V. hi ii • j >> i i is union givi » hut thi : tin bark- <»i tit <•-. on Puget S «n •d flavine added a set <»f Barley Rollers to rnr mill ftv? ••'ine'l »ettler ha» filed n«»ti<*c of one ot his le it is a part, ami a«k- th ” r *'¡ v. I u: Mo ire Mig ( o . «»f >eiUlr W I • ■ make ti. a! pr«M»f in »upport of i *rivo s*»t apart every Saturday to Boll Barley for t'ounfy Cituran.. j tion «4’ lb. pe«»ple <»f t-.* St r * t « ;• Suh»- rib»* for t! * '»a:. '• : i»e ” Ex’.ni- ti\'v «•.;.' !>*i‘i »i *i-ili. ii i. ¡tu I I ion. ar i tlrtt -.o I proof will bo made be- customer!-. The work will he done <»n short m i nv nt of nati*«BHl ami I •« a. p*. . The Democratic candidate» will addr* » I n®r au«l New Y *rk ’Star, t -,.* • • . i a- t!i .Ii. orCierkof t h»* < ’«»nnty Court <»f notice, ao that parties «-an return with their «Trial « e rl.<’anintism. ♦ !«•. R* .1 the »iiau.a I • ’ i pap«*r» published. >ub»cripti«»ns taken at nvr in which it wa- disc >\erc I Circ Ii Resolved, 1 hat wetieartdx « n i •• •I . »-. » ... lingo;:, a! JnckhnnvilJo. Or., on tlic Mime «lay. I am prepared to r««ll barley at al! the voters of Jack»on county at the io R M Kb . Ip ’ : ' Iperinr (»en- Í II <» < < >|-<‘J»'OI1 Satur i; y I o It». I---, v.z : I. .ronzo I). Hitch, time«* and in the K*st manner. This procona ic. lhe T imes office. I dent Cleveland, wh*». I>.\ n « < i¡ ¡owing times and place* (re* at E ( Brooks and • "V Drug ' O| if the H >ly N’amrs. and j and fearless honesty, ami li ! h" n -' 4 * ■ ti .\o. 4 :J7. for t he Lot 1. Hcciion far ahead of the crusher. Fri-lay. M n ISth 1’lea-ant Creek Scott <« . k" i.t'i i i ■ • g I ■' • ••• i - Ja*4c«unvi le. ‘Iregon. I 1 .«. I •» '• . 4 l I. portion 2". WV ’ .j of N|-. ’ 4 And G. KAREWSKI ' h *4 M ntreal . ( '.ma Saturday. trust rep •'<•»! in him. ba- iilu.-n-i ” I’» Ii. a monthly circu’ar of I o . iuhi to 2»Gion cop­ Situated in the Famuli? Woodville....... Rogue Kiv« r \ all< y/' tin* Garden Spot of Lot I .’■• «-ii«'" 3‘>. township 3»» south, of range 2 ('. W. I.ogan s reputation a a ieriiuc 1 ■ 1 • < R**v. Si»ier >uperi >r of , ¡ prim-ipi«- that thi- is a g »v« . ’• 21st. ies. d.•'«•rilniig farms for sale. Sen«l for ••• Monday. G*»ld Hill.... w . \V. M. II-* j am ■•* the following witn»*»»'*« pii«it«»grapher is tirst-cl;i'> and he ncri\ ■- *»• \\ : . w id ai rive in this Southern Oregon. he people, ami one pl * g* «1 to 1 •• 22d circular, free to all. Monnvillr Tuesday to pr«iv ' ii - c< •¡tiiiuous r«i»i«ience upon, and cni- ♦ the exclusive patronage, ot A-III « el ;.!••! ■ y ’ h h on a visit to St. Mary* ’ •c e«j’.ial rights to all ami give cc- tiV'.t " i of.-aal land, viz : Jas. McDonough and W< due- lay r, “ ‘J*3d Trail ( reek A large an I elegant assortment of g«mt s much lmm every portion «»f southern Ore ­ •• i Bmiy 1 he two former siste I M R w. i't T«»to. Jackson Co., Oregon, F IB ur-lay “ 21th tagle Point hat» f*»r sumui'T w»*;ir ju-t receive«! fr »m gon. He employs the best ami most pop­ ' ’ ■1 ■ la ’ - : .X 111 ’ • n t h s. j l uger-«>-i and J < . Slaifle of Jacksonville k J IJ 1 •’ ¿»th San T'rani i'< o :s being r*st(»n. th*- va ’ . ms ( »nvt-ats of the order in the j faithful and efii-lent Damocrat: • St i <* A l “ ¿sth. S. F. Variety Store. Central Point Monday, I late-t style», and guarantees to give satis­ ' a • t. ' •’■ r > :j"-iior is en route for ( ali- < i . im vtk i. rer> health}. n.iti \i,.i i.‘( : iv*. J wi.l <■■■.! j. 1:’iiioi" than favorahl. sith sn> ( HAS W. JOHNSTON. RogiM. r •’ ’J9tii Slat** 111 tf.e L mon. < aliform* im linln.1 M»i*if*.rd Tues ‘•mi u‘g n-i fa ...ng health. Ail three la-I unquaiitiediv endorse the | ■ .:■ \ «4 tariff gotica of Public Examina cn:i prodn.'.' «ll that a* lice — arj f r man a. <1 I. a«i. Fruit ai.4 Fruit t'ultur.* i. tna-onnl:« on« of • 3Ut Thursday. Ashlan I ii" h rv, itaiion both on this ■ tion thosroat in.liihtnaa.if thia .onih.-ni eou'iir}. a- I uve a . lima'" < ".".dmat- an«*?-*-flMV<»r<»i f-uit» grown tn htij country . - I in- • i.iy evonin M iy l ‘ 2 ’ h, to which a gel: ral building of toe r iad. 2*1. JacKsonville Saturday, revenue to the need» <»f the gavri’.mrnt. O ffice <» f 1 What arnth" |>r.aluciiol>..f our valloj ? Al.uoM e. -rytl.i:.-- t’.at .-.'roan in a .ouii-tro|.ical cli- • tr.i-tor». The ’’Oregonian’ i- autb«»rity for the re­ ir \ itati*»n 1 ext«*n«l •'!. Th* bt 't «4 mu-it Speaking t-> begin at I o'cl- k v. M. Tie I HL ( *•' • TY Si'Hooj SlU-IUUNTFNPF.N 1, ’ economically admini-ter I. a- •* t ! i . u mate; all the «-eroHl- an«I gra»M- indigenous* t.» ti •• •< mp-n*».* z io*. Th»* following fruit» grow to opposition candidate:* «»n the Kcpuhlie in port that 7'*»o Dem«», rat.» kindr«! in Oregon will be ftrni»hr I by Prof. S hmitCs string .1 U’KMISVILLE. May 10. lhHR. \ perf«*cf ion and attain a siz** anti ti*ivor t- pi.il to (:, .*■■ of any eoui;try Applet. p<*acli«*»«, quince«. th«* l ’ ri-'ident ’ » l.i't annua, m >.«.i<- t«« •; i \ i \ o v/ ii «. tig», pninc*. apricot»., ¡ mm .-. m. w •*. plum». Mr«wb«*rro»». all other ticket are earnestly invite i to attend and during March. No «loubt southern O: «,g«m band an I n-> pains will be .•■pane l to makt Cong re s. We believe that such i revision X’ >i Bl 15 HI 1.EBY GIVEN TH VI FOB THE -pm: st b -< Kir.i i : t \Ki>ri.i:\>ri:i: Hlmondw. the party a in »st p!ea « nt event. Dam ing take part in the discussion. got it» -bare <»i them. x» purp«»se of making an examination of’all per- L in announcing thh ' »team 'aw-mill small fruits, and graje* of («very van. ly. is «iii t.it«.* 1 by » »urn! |M?li. y, and ilia in. to begin at •» ; ’o o clock. Tickets, $1 M»t>- who may off r tlieinselvea as candidAtrs for i» n-»w running on full time ami turning neiessary taxation i.» unjust la.xatnm an*! VV«- ar«* - >rry to learn that the youngest CRAiMT S PASS, 1 - rsof thcHChool« of this county, the County .Vr»c Incorporation*. N. A. Jar »!»«,! icho »1 superintcmlcnt.wlia. oppression, and public rrvenu«’ -!»•• i i. a> t- child of Mr.au«! Mr« L»*«* Vincent of la- S. • -il Superu imidrnt t' rrrof will hold a pub- out a large «pnintiiy of lumber. He is pre­ ar us possible, be derive«! from t in - • co rd li.’ x t ninaiion u* hG office in the C«»urt H«»use pared t-» fill all order-- with di»p it« Ii, andjat the «••nintyyHeat «»f Josephm«* coui.ij i» tli>-|<:: < .¡- h I and oidy incorporatr««] city in thecnunty.on A rtirles incorporating the following com ble R'M’k pr. unct «li d a few nights ago. it seems, was the real | urcba-er of the •• Med fur« I Iran script’’ pl Hit. lrt> • ’.tipi•* I the inu»l r< a»«»nahle rat«*». A fine quality of tie’(.j. A < . R it., and is th«'' jjipir.4 pout f u iln.< st tie-• utir«* l>u>in«t>s <»f theciunty.tMMDgait- upon tin* luxuries, rath r th.« ( :i the al I r-k» »nviiL\ <»:i . panics have been filed in the >tli< e of th»* aged about 15 numths. uatci on the lianks <»f Rogue t ivi-r. whirl«, at th.■ point. La* a fail >»f ten fret to the mile, ana far- the _• «r.ine to Ashland, where h- v.il ■ r.i necessaries ul life. Secretary ot State . Siskiyou Gem Mining Supt Jacob« r’-ewli'Ti* .'-yes noti«-** that liiene«* i -Lu . - J/'t.v ''L /SS$, ninheH an inexhauslitile supply «>( w:.t» r j-« f-J4Tcny m fei,utheir. Or« »;••(’ ;s. u.at it ha- t«> Mii’p«>rt it the ent nr r««eources of < I ’ teni-uring at 12 o ’ clock m . I V . ■ w ; i • the th«! •* Valley R< I ure «4 all linearn.*«t hp.’l ra;«: I that Clav .Myer-ami Fred V. Ilo'man princi- of appfica.ni» l*»r t • a !:• rs’ ce-tJi ates on 1»'»J square mile*, or l.l.>2.'» ‘ « ’ rt« r«*-. an«i i- surr>»un exu-’.-ive t .niber intereM* ’It isadimra- ;.-i:« m*«> r i ic in p« litics am! th . the i ul»l. number will be n«»t likely that its Niipremacy Lsa_r«»i.in41.!.i Lus • -s «-ei tn ft i the « minty, and mini: g region, will ir rapidly ii principal ob'pM’t. t<> opcruto Siskiyou Gem lk l> v:' - th .• will Ao«»n expire t-hould not neg. it i i *>f Ap i ‘g ite li ivo ftT" -mi-fu« ti* n euaraRl* «-'!. Everybody »!»«»ul«l au a ever | be Uisput« d. It I.HtcihKAT WATF.u i ‘ ««»K. « *m i;» ». i i. > >. a lar^e hash, lh.or mm I Lumber latiuu. Amt we coiumeni an«i approve le. ’ /ilteudi: g tl XanUl'Htion. One («f the be- t m i!iage«i «• tabii'hnieni« num'» ' -v( n mii' -» a-^it 4 .AMilan I Butte 1 ■• iiiiiig up. and did well, S. >. SMITH ( o. bleated here, broom factory, machine-h..|* m.d r« und h« um s < f ti..* o. A C. R. K. are nitiernt -t«> 'k «»! go > 1» b«*i . 1 ».16(1 tin» b lb «lay «»: May. 1S88. ! the Presi lcnl’s measage in r« gar«! to Or«* and near "ourrv of Little Applegate river, in «outhern Ore •;.’i is the Union livery ng «•• v »idert 1. here. 1 hen with a bnicing caiuatoand »l..»rt winter- what <1.. w- lark : To < apitalisto . We need X ’ « ” A man I* : • t . (i r-- '•■« X. A J ACOBS. 1 gon wagon road grant», lately sent to Con- Iler«1 may a' • t tn Jac kson coiintv Al**» the Fir*t Cun Habit: *>t la--k» ;i nville and want a national i»Hnk and a big h*»t«4 ; h«»in would b»’ ¡»ayir.u mv«*Unentw. If a merchant, come ( 1 oui.ty ■’ •!•’• ’ ’ i i i I P» A. Stananl. J ,-,e- gr.-s S'4i«»o! Superintendent of Jackson greuational < i. ircli of AMiland Or ; inror- line arc bring «»l! *red ther«.*. be found new ami comfortable vehi*4« s 4 and »tart jour busin««ch. \\ m *1 stor«-' of nil n ii • w hole rmmty romee here to trade, lfa • oiinty, Orrg«»n . ui>i\ wiii ’i'ii ku:ght»ofthe rule The Republican < «*ntral • nmitte«* i« all kiri-i- art 1 th- f i-*r**unng*mill, cannery, {»«¡»er-mill. porator«. .1. I. Sn.itli.ti C. E i lings. M X .«:«* «m low« r Rogue river un a looking to the iiiture .»«•«•urn,» ot in*' mn cheew and batter factory, tannery. w < n den farp.ry. < •< Now is t».. tune. 1 her« ha» te« nno boom­ s m> Hartwell and I.. M. Dean, trustees , value comp » •• I of only thr« • iGcmbcr- - N. Liu Th«* proprietor. W. G. K«*iiii ìng •■’<:•( l-ti-m. ing h«‘re. I his spring piiC4«a ««f ptoj (*riy ar«- »»••• t«» l*e aiivn! «-ed We are welling fine farming try requires that the government k« p all uf property, 1‘JUDJ, object religious wor- gell of da«-k»'»hvi!le and J. (’ Tolman ari l I pains («»give his customers th«*ir m> lev s In t...• j own of land fiotn f'ti an h < t <* up. 1-nut m raised without it ri^ .t n-n un«i th«* Hat<«r and taste of it cannot lie iivtì -’ iu M : ¡nr, r e.» L-. best auth*> •- its ple«lges to the soldi« rs of lhe I nkm in \V. H. Atkins«m ot Ashland. worth fri s i -e ’1» well in giving - n ■fa ■•- 4 «•xcolled Such fruit land« a» w ar«’belling at $1.» a . .n ;t*. ,u-t a< t <»»» the him in ( alifonaa are ity oil : Il t- rcl iting to mines and | it' various war-«, ami that th pension ; »il bringing from fa to t2«M«o. D »n’t mi»« the opp »rtunity to hear one tion. Give him a calk milling, I t sale it iho r i v i - < ifHce. 1‘nOhf Sjitaki ny. «•f the Republic l»e jea!ou»ly Riiar lcd .-•- a VV«* have the riioic<*st ( it> property and the larg«-»t list «j»Ti»t... k et-* . to J. the ablest speakers on the Pacific < -»a»t. entertaining and instructive. him with a-»aulting ami abusing bi lam of a standing army, exhausting -l (a*- r« - Shearer .1 .4 will i move to Portla^d »■ will addr»*ss the l itizen» of southern Ore­ Si^kivoa Count v, ('al. E L Simon J* bn McDani«*l and other ily. He is at prr'riit hiding in tic- m in . SEND FOR PAMPHLET sources •»!’the tax payers, which ma gon in tin* intere»ts of the Democratic par­ resid« nts of Link I’» itte pr«*cit»*-t will g<> tu tain«, but will b«.» arrested so*»n. It ha- Finn« ' A c . of s nnboat «listrirt needed tor future defense tv at. the folio .ving place» and times W aro publintiiug. gi v ini: fu!l information alM.ut Or» g<.Ti. und «•«•¡»c. lally “Rogne River Valley. Sisson, ( al., in a few day», having received been «ieriued advisable to take In- chil«ir« n have an Re.-.olv« I. I hat a ire«* people. < j y Ashland. Saturday. May 12 h at H i* M. .StMid to un for <>ne and the name of anjon«* <*oiim;g this wh ) ; aleo t<>r m r«»p> <»f «>ur ww-kljr paper, away from him, ami three of th«*m *.vrr«- > «ltiiii’ it «’¡«’.Giing ut» for several weeks employment for the summer. ing the Ulessing3 of liberty in a governm«--a llth the Itogne River ( «»urier. which i» always interesting for ►îra-.gvrfe to a«*e. in which we aleo al way t» Jacksonville, Mon-lay. 1 “ .1 ’ >. ir«*r and I B. Houston have oi the pe«ip!c, we denuunv«* tin* por.<’\ uf haven lmt of <»ur properties. Send to Weinstock. Lubin I A Co., Sacra- pla«* d in charge <»I J. M. Lotfan 1, hospi­ Grant s Pa»», a *• tal conn actor, this week. -L • • • .i ptonii'ing «piartz ledge in Wo buy, wll ai 4 tak«1 «»n coinmiwion any |>ro|»erti< » in ()i«-gon ment«». Cal . for now I I llustrated Shopping the English g«»V(*rnment in ii> .-• ii;i;n -;ra Roseburg. •’ 15th. ’’ 8 *’ All coiiimunic'ifion»Mitdr>-Msi to u» wd! «•» « tv«* prompt Fttenii'»:i any eoartesiee we may be Portland ‘'New.».’’ \. gentleman w . » Hi ; ' 'li- ’ ’ > f . v,|' . ' !i seem« to be ot ()n'-f nirth down, bnt'Uiee iHthin oix. twelve • Is ‘ 'lolhing, Etc. Catalogue «»f Drv G » tion of iri -h affairs: an I that w ext.••.,-. Everybody is invited to at’eti.l v.'l nonv r i able to «-Itemi will be ch«» rfitli;. given. b.MllIJ A< OX KLIN, uraiit*» law, O regun. and eighteen month» ha» just, returned fr in -•>utli»*rn o.cg««!i ' ■ x » I r* m-e ha« a very behalf «»f the Democracy of Orc <»n our «.«r- should tail t » hear this uotf. ...... ........................ 1 orator. By . Interesting, vatua»»’«* -a i”.d free. f S*«« map nt Railroad D*-p«»t tor graded prices, .1 I fre • goal. nest -x mpatny witn Giadst in t order of the Democratic State central com I The Monar- h sal > m i at Me lford. uml -r report« tlidl an imiu o «• xv.it- r II HASKILL. mittee. A Bl SH. river to Gohl Hill. lf : - -upp «'«' I t*> i Lam! Reform for the pt*< j4c«d L Town-Site Au nt (’. P. R. Ik. Sun Fmnrieeo, Cal. uW r» ever experience«! -md ing a popular resort. The best <»i ev«*i • mining, manufacturing ami ir. j t i 11 _* • 'bt’-*|.! Resulv« d. That we imiorst* th ' w i as usual. The slight thing in that line is kept there J ( nuufy Caninui. \ V ! I i > I <»IH MJ. a X EW \ND purposes, ami perhaps to turn th«* riv* i r -* • quent falling-off*of p«» ic.y ot th • Natiu.i il aiai.n. A w 41 itn;»roye 1 and cke ip place of 117 as to mine the bc l ! *r a md«* when* it i • *f Gele rai M« r h.m- Il m A. Il >’ir m will a l Irn-H the e.ti- th- \..i' r' ipp -, ' »«• irly in the season is restricting « orp«»rati ins to the acre®, «me mil*', ( 'i» ’ of Centr.ii Point, for I ’i v ami l Jii' V (loud». supposed to be very rich. r-’U» ot |o>.*pl,i i.» <■ unity. up »n podtical i» th«* cause th* r**uf. and profit» to which they are st:ici.\ sale by Scott Griifiu. rial rotate agent. 1..... *1». Hat». Boots »uv- it tin- Í • : .wing nam 'd pia « s. K r- A Yreka paper «ay- that peopto iron« titled under the law. ■ X «-Nature is faultless and so is that Tolo. Jacksou county. Oregon t Front, Firat and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. I* > - ;. h and his associates Grocct. < igar-. Tobacco, byville, M iv I » ii , at I u’e.ock P. M ; Wai Resolved. That we art ,A Latnv part» o! the «-«»unty are inve.-tin.; in th noble discox ery. continaing on.y Na­ . a \ and Gia ■ >>v ti c. Rope. Nail». A xe». I ' 'ward com* do, Muv, 21-r. at 7.3*» r. m . , Althome. People d » not a«k longer what i« th s i Yreka branch r:i>lro i ! -lock ture’s own remedies, “The’’ Mi- . I- an«l .sympathy with the effort * •«: WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' I ' • i in I '• ! mim'T. -p crushing ore ing imi!"«’-; ;;rid wage- earners to .« •1 . in fa- I rv« rvthing to be fourni in a (Sevferth -choolhou-.e) Mav 224. at 1 r. m ; ■ Oregon 1'1 «»• 1’ : i •- to tto*y know it by I low«, of Si«son, ha- - ii ' i - *iib«4 I”.' >1‘> Ik ■ !c’ig.* i- situated not ■tin ;r «•oii’.jiii«»n and establi-h t « lid w ill »rll Wo’b-rville. Mav 2Kh at I r m . William». fit« reputation a - h'ing th.- nc-t iiver regu­ ! wo: t!i ’»! share«, ae-i G*- ». Hrniti’. !■'■.. I ll i -i ,i • • We hop« that May ¿'»th. at l r. m Wolf creek, May3o:h. lator and b|ou •no xvortn iSveryone « *>m*i-*’ th : and are in favor ot thecnact;. PFUNDE R’S at 1 r. M Jump off Joe, M iv il»t. at 1 r ■ 'ria'r.. gentlemen laws as will best protect tin ir Our can-li carpli late I r••- ar • n • v in the lidd, ami | 'In- inv«*-tment \x ill pro- a wh I i .¡? I < ¡r ludcst t xtent m ; Grant s Fa»*«, June ’J I. at 7 30 r. m ? ; < >ver f7!>.o*ni w*»rt n of «took has beet Resolved. 1 ha! we tav«>r an Dem *rit’ »h«m,«l h-.iv«- nothing undone, to the constitution of the l int« <] | Ev» rvthing took« favorable f«*r to io secure t ’ « ir « i'- uon. Thi-. ab-ive all | It is « bei <■!' . ■. -. . the humua iuc -. .1 Hood Shoiciuy. w / mono \ijriio viding for Hi«* <*le«-ti«»n ol Unite I > i . h «- i building of th ■ :o,*u. ¡other.», is a ba I y ar for -!i»><*n-: »ns. YOUTH. HEALTH. \’GOH bj t .. e of Sheriff Dean this week turned hi.» !i«t thaï, aux* «•: ter in town Senators by a direct vote oi ih*- p« <»p;<- P funder ’ dpFQON B lood Pu- iFiER i it took only one ballot to nonr.ua to < i* I. J. E. Nile» and family «• Henley, ( al , | e Quick .i. J Co mplete Cure • f u'.l I i < --es of T Resolve«!. That we favor . hi - g . ! : 1 .-. m fG- AH k im!» «>f prodime taken in ex- ci dUin-|er to the county L i'\ Gm . the live real erta agent, [of th«* Denio :ratie candidates tor otli r. the Sk*3, Kidneys. Bladder and Liver. It « b n. ! ■; *•«•■■,-at highest Piarket price«. commissioners court, showing that k-»» ¡have reim.vcd t*» Adin. Ai*-1*H' county,' i excepting the •unty elet k . for whi Ii t« n to the present railroad c«»mn»i' . ■. n . J a i:sonville \Ve«lnesday, wb«Te Mr Xil- s will take char r e of hi» in j ¿hecks Khcumatism and Malaria, relieves i., i nd < xi-niim* «»ur g«»«»«l« an«! pri« e« than fi .ono remain» unpaid. This is one «»f this * late • oilier: i:-.’ !.p *u Ito* ballots were ■c(‘»s try. Messrs \\ id.ird onstip.it i-■ . Dy • ;-rp‘¡a and Bihoic r.es - .and If. II R 'lrird -1 fornirrlv of th's pr- • the lH*»t show’ng« ma le in several year- i ’■ »min -«i*»nc: ■ po .vet t • \ el»ewh re. I I ami P* It««n • I four times, smnet hi n" > iti fr-- • i r into the system by making • now l !”' • II» Mt Wo .*|| III.|t (•.,!. The 12'h annual meeting of th • Pi«»n r ■ unku » *•.» i i i BAI L A <’(J , eithern O • gon will be he! ! at • I O I t:-.»* t. n if .iHiiot !••• I»c.;t ,t picvcnfativc «4 disease til’d one of ' I r. Win ir.l’ v re a» • . »¡.n t th«* railroa«!s wiiDin »he I ii -• I «> vi \ b.erc. a Kittle, 6 lor fv Dean ha- nu.dr a faithful, energetic «.Ti A'hl m 1 o:i Thur»my, lum- 7. l»»s, at «me • ;.n in I Mr p. • • u !l. atteu Ii j.g (hr j lb- Cv« .-I rt i»on why he o’clock r 'i > . ven *Ì<»’»!> cl er amt Vari US p »inks of . .1 should not be re-elected c«»ntost • h. « I ‘ • p o; ¡ ty »old fpiii’klv. I boa:«L » » Hi.it ih»* coui.'m*;. «■ I !>•« I . niortg • g. - till e .er ,.!••' ript! m I ito idto i: xi";.. i is - Bl (»u M i* Beatlv.at ! ty 1*1.1» he « oiiv« yeff Vs it of real-estate md .«• ./, him. * for sal«* it P.-rprcn. Line II 1 I* • i*i M •«If«.: ! * • I t«» me market «»I the w « | nor bu k : ■ in • Give , «P m * W h** t»* fl* vo l h Sam. M« < Irmi «n. wh<» 1» in char *<» of the tin* I'lMi' ot'i-’C at 1‘oitl.ni I pr. ••» have pur. h.i»r«l j pi:»i *"«- g • • • 1 u.1 n I of i, it’ll l M\KF. Illi. SgASPN \T THE mail rout** brtwe -n <« • I Hi!! ar. 1 Tab'e u» a c iil. if you nee ! anything in the ‘ ink ? or ba-r. ». o .!» I IV < •’ tm» !«» Mr hot Td. ’ i ment .ih* ;;;• a|»proj.r.a;nm.*, j : H I .tn. ■ .1 W II iv» ill iw-ntral P«»int. R« m k. ha« p’lt a t«r»t «•’ 1 - tram and light line ■ tie«, i« »'**!•" w 3 . •• m he erects | 1 ! pa" (. •( Gei- and ha. .. on \i..n-I iv .-.•¡■I Tuesday of ea« h we< k , am! N« v niui t* - m r •»..» < ie <«i th«- m »«t par«- I «nd wagon on the rmita.a» 1 • » nrrvimr pa — - t i prnding in • «mgres» th balance of the week at the »table of the gers an«! e^r»rr«< ma’ • r at re'i»nnal»lr e.»ni| !«4«' ainl best stocks of general lncr- ; < ’•>.. New Y » an 1 L • « •»> ■ OÜH33 Re*oived, lliat we demand of the gen- • ! l:n I. u • ■ • •• 1;'■> a *’.ixv iwelling Sole Agents for Or«-.. Wa hington and Northern Idaho for the ?ate» Hr Will spAre n » pain ; to g.\r «ati> «than li-e in »mibern Gr« g<»n. ami every ; name on ex -•» v xvrapper ami lab« I i erai government the speedy cum} ro il 1 >.» e-uitcr ot the t< • wn btum of A't.un” Nnif<4k wa* foaleu on the st«« k body a iib«4'H Igv' that m* c.*u:i > ’ oe un ­ Evrict ha« t. i ii- 1 •>- phV'i .♦ ■■ • (action. _______ ________ 1 the locks at the Cascmies, an I th ' >1 ; o . iii.ir» ciKpiire of R. imtne ram h - i W Blue. «•( Vmatilla count' pr. dersold. * 1 the p*’ ‘pl • «v- r I irtv y*-ar» i • ■ « t -* I .i•*«.(». I Ì diate construction of lock- at i h Dalle.'*, i i|i> 'ir. w ■ ■ d-e>taic agent * , Clyde am! bi» dam C. N««r- I’nr .v«*to. i‘ii g i ne <>f b i-i ’.»all winch will b • play­ ■ Woumls Cui . Pile«. H’-io ri i.ig«--. • ' ■ I’.elltoumler. Young Norfolk I* V» .!♦ i'. ihr mixologist, lias re- on the Columbia river, ami -.¡¡h- nt ap- I folk nn l The und* r.»igno 1 offers f »r •- -♦•verni i ed here t<*-niorrow between the Ashland ; (’«»mplaint has been made to tip* aut h*»: i- propriation« tlierefor.and that a hi Vor i lie i' a be uiC.’il «1 i*k l»r-*wn. «•( fine »tyh* aud ■ o kept by A. H pieces of nice furniture in first-class con- • ami Jacksonville boy» will mi doubt prove ¡ti«*«that the jury in the «*a»e <»f the h.'.ii , Tbc«« Machine« arc too h know n to m «-d comment. Thousands of Farinera have used rl • • th’.rougl.o refitting ¡1 an*! mak- Stale, as tar a« is in its j«»*.« r. siiall make a t ’i 17 hand* high ami w«-igh« 112” dition, at very reasonable ligure- For fur- ' interesting as both sides are confident ot | interest -xvin*llers, who were b«-ing iri« .I them and speak ot th. m m uth praise. They are th- only Harvesting Machluea *uch improvements at or around ilirse pound«. They pr He has supplied that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. ther particular» en-pnre at the residence of ; winning ..»re Judge Toohy of &u> Fran - i Ti i:M'. " ngl«1 -ervi*'e $■'»; *-ea-«»n |X;in- tint loos, m « vi —' »»♦«■ «»% i:«icrf » to v. itti 1 bar Wi’h th* iinc-t winr>. liipior» ami points as will, until the co nplrtiun of tlie Owen Keegan. Jacksonville lock«, ac«'oinodah* the « »mintree of the -u: u” • $12. Any p. r-«»n di-po'ing «»f daily l»u*u». s•«. V .» fatoGy no, Pro.xie» in the Deimx ratio convention I been tampered xvitb. (‘n«’ M IL*yni.‘iu Mi»*. W m . N axabv . , was the man inv«»lved in the matter ami country. MILLER’S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRE8HER m ir« « i ni« il - tin :r in*ur;in* c. Pa»turage the^ Mioulct be .:»«»*. ry L-..u-*e-totd. were «juite conspicuous by their abs’-'nee. 'Upon a prop«*; showing J udge Itoohy i>-;e«i R* solved. That we be!:* \’** in »!r!«‘t <’C«)n* funi lied mar« - troni a di-taiv c. I will SOLD EVEKYIVlIEliE. (Jut oi the t ghty «.»ne den-gates only live •/weAsonrit/r to Jlrti/'oril. a bench warrant for I.i« arrest. Sh««rtlv oniy in lheadministration of < ¡iniy^ilan • n-« all lilig* n v t«» prevent a * ident«. but PHŒNIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE were absent, l’nis is a noteworthy circum- ! after m .¡night he wa« discovere«! i y Ih Patronise the only wtj n tb it connect» ami h' » THE SVH* RIPER HAH A M MBF.K OF good, but r.un wi.l »o >n he needed in many instance«, tor h iving approached a « oil* ■ fown. telh tie-1 ^lowing remark ihlr story during t .e campaign to al «-ac i | in- express. Satisfaction guaranteed. It. Ul.k r.Uh ltlJlbEl« 1 ehtùcx» 1«»t» in the fiourihLing town of tin* truth • ! w I ik ii is vouched for by the nominated by this coiiventi in. En. H elms . Priver. places to insure expectations Tn*- oldest of jurors during the tri il ot Simon Hutt. ie - uc 'I March ant Sept., lv.»l«i”lH.» ‘ ■f th ■ o . vh . 1 am 73 years old. •(BUCKEYE • STEEL * FRAME * TWINE-BINDER8» inhabitant never experienced so dry a ‘ berg. I tie convention then pr«» •♦'••«le I to h y?.'.r. If is an ency- have been troubled with kidney coin plaint for candidate for county oil» -er. . •• spring season -p'jf oi useful infor- ami lameri j-- < for many years; could not loltowing result • < . II Oflttmvr in a It'fif Lucky U< ih . The feature, that dlallnsruiah lliia Twlne-Bin.ler is the l.iKlitnew*nf T>raC ornnhlned with / ; for r.ll who pur- Excellent specche- were made A. II Maegly*t Co. have just receive-! a which he off ira for aah* a» reasonable price IU Extraordinary Strength and durability. The Bind. .- iB of the Aptdehy tialc Mr Odamcr was in his cigar factory.X • «Ire nr. *** h without iirlp. X’ow I am free .ac lut.urics or the Representatives J T ItovA.i. h W K Carload of the celebrated Hain wagons, convention I.i-M >aturday by -I u 1 Here i» a favorable opportunity to inveii tn ex- tern, the only really sneceaaful on.-yet known. We have twostylea, the l>.»2 Main street To question» fr* ni the from ail pain am! lorrness. and . am able Pria F. A Miller ot Lio. We which tliev are selling at $10 less than ever ford, < -1 Bow Inch and others, ceilent town property mid “ crew lip wit!, tie ­ Elevator UindoCnnd the Platform Hinder -both excellent—botn To do all iiiv «»WII h'lip»* Work I owe my t ••X’vw»” mail in* sad; Yes. | dr. a r’. ’.t h ycu with County I’lerk—Horace i. l’elton were "well receive ! an I put the deiegaies country.” B. A. GODFREY recommended by hundreds ot patrons. before. Cail and see them. fo.tMM in T in Louisiana State Lottery ia-t i’:-in: - t«a Eb- t’ie I’, ’te; for having re unnecessary SherifY B. W. Dean Bonanza. June 17 1KS7. in a good l>umor. i Tue»dav. and 1 have been paid every cent !■ "• in' V” .lb .'ind removed completely .dance, sleep, (’«»unty Judge- J R X* il. 1 I •'.!-•■ i-e ai;u 1 iji . Try a bottle, j U c . Jacksonville was crow-lei la»t Friday of the money, I got ticket 70JT. • which 1 p;o to church, For County C«miuii»-ionvr« Be Schüttler FirmWiftom, Deere Plows, ‘ m various Fixes, (’hi- W. Taylor A first-class piano ami a small safe will night and the wh le oi S iturday with l»em- sealed up in an envelope and thought no :i!i'l Xi «t I. < Bro. k»‘ Drug store. Deere Sulky Plow«, Cook * Co.’» Car­ ocrat» from every portion oi the county. *. Ji t ilguri» cut piore about it in til I read n lb I ~PARKER’8 CINCtR TOtM^tthout 4eiJ Treasurer R. H. Moore be s..1.1 at ,i reasonable figure, either for riages, Phaeton* and Top Buggies, Pou > ’ ? aii the u ’is.-gs , A rare iii.'hcijMil tnaCrurp» wb«’ii*llelM*failn Schoo! Sup«”intendent -H H cash or note with approved security. We ne er »aw >o much iiiterc t takt n in a i lucky numb- r» ill the’ I) il .ts > Spring Mountain Wagon», Buckboa- liasrurwltL« w of Cough, Weak Luntr^. Asthma, i county c«»n venth n. ». an ma ’ .o ii lair my ticket und io? then <*i mii« ed Assessor — J.atm-s M ( hi-! ler». ^Pply soon at the T imi .» ottice hi*ard Pains, Exhaustion. Invaluable for Buskeye and Superior Drills and fortunate man. 1 ! the BUYRUB’ ■ ' indigt*»t;«-n. t Surveyor la’ii»-- Jeffrey, | Dr Stanley ql *sam M Valley ha*» been ap- i was the EL«uiua»uin. Female Weakiw»«, and all pains at.«l dia- , vudciB ot the Stomach and bbc. at Drt.gguKa. bo 3ent upon era, Corbin Disc Harrows, I pointe 1 administrator <»i the partnership man is a i ... . voung unmariitd Gern: t (b roner—-Dr R Pry e. t»'4Nr94 ., to pay poatiMie, lire* with bis mother ai.d »¡Mier. receipt cf 10 c The following co intv ee«itrj! « Hames Headers, Haish Barb’ A girl to d • g nierai bou»ework. Liberal propertv of Oliver an i Chas. o. Vincent, iu»on-«ti d with him in fie pt z a i« then p’. «dr ’; E. D t MONTGOM-»-. / WARD <& CO. The «-ftD st. rurert and beat cure for Coms. UunF>nn w gì-' will !»• plil. For fur’he- partii ir am! gives notice to that efiect in another Da L m I I'txas) XvWs. Man i Stop* ail | atn. Fufires cvmtort to the f»«et. Never thainuau ; C. C. Ragsdale. Willow . col uum of the lints. Ul-Ill Micmgan Avenue. Chicago,111. I .fl uddres* or luuuht* at the 1 rip dike fl he ïkiuotratic aime O Paine’s DISTILLERY ! Jackson County Democratic Ticket JOHN A. HANL1T, Pro.. ^mpound A Pure, Unadulterated BOURBON, HYE Corn Whisky! COOPER & SON, MEDFORD, OR IL NOW ASHPOLE General Merchandise EAGLE POINT, OREGON BUGGY, CARRIAGE and TEAM CLOTHING, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. All Kinds of Repairing Done. MOST REASONABLE RATES zz NEW THIS WEEK. TP LUCKEY & CO., IL NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER COODSI A I Ashland, Oregon, Real-Estate on Commission. A Cha'ce ColleotiM oí Oily and Conili Pioperh for sale. Gent s and Bay's Hals and FnrnisliiiH I! THE STAFF OF LIFE! of hies! Styles, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS AND CARPETS, Stcaemre Crockery Tcbbacco Etc. N STEAM FLOURING MILLS U •———. . . . . . . . . . .... - SMITH _____ & CONKLIN, REALESTATE AND INSURANCE ACT’S, I Grant’s Pass urrr i \ 11«1 SOME FACTS : S. S. SMITH. Prop’r I TOWN LOTS A NEW DEAL. MONTAGUE, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS! T. L. BALL &CO., Of jold. Hill Oregon. FAULTLESS! CHAS. H. DODD & CO Tirar HARD WARE, 1 large did I*ast Draft Stallion, YOUNG HOBFOLK, FARM • MACHINERY Malaria- Du’ub Chills, Fever end fLgne, Wind XBUCKEYE . REAPER. AND . MOWER» Colic, Bilious Attacks. Bonanza: Klamath County. Or., Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. HINDERCORNS. to cux e. 1 j v-CDU at DrugBULe. HucvX & CO.. N. Y. send fob car