■J ¿riuiKratic ¿he ikuwtüiu ¿IUU’5. JOB WOHL l*nbh»h-*ti ?v«r> Friday mun-.m« by —JtWvortieen.cnt» will be ! year 3 •• six month«. . ................................... 1 three month«.................... ............... JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 11. 1888 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICIAL DIRECTORS. Abstracts made FURNISHiNG GOODS. HATS, 300TS id SHOES. MARBLE WORKS I i. c. w i r i p i > AFINE STOCK NEXT LM'Olt TO 1’. O. Arri/ in : y \ ni > law . counselor at ! Wdl I'.ractire in a!l th»* court* of th«* St.it«. Orbe • in Ha nim’» brick building. up-»tairs. GROCERIES P. P. PRIM. ATTORNEY * Cl'NSELOK AT LAW. -ENT MCIISJMVIUE. 0G1 ;- DwPC.ATT. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. < Aad ..«rythin« n.«n»Jly founil io » tirat-claM V»ri«t> Store. Ate-. CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. PAINS and WEAKNESSES Our 4' h «!« »r«th* l> *.t »n I ■4,iar»;it***il ;u* repre- iM-nte.i. Price»l'»w. m w« do n«t pr»>po«e to te und--r.n right fr«»tn entrance I BLACKSMITHING W. F. WILLIAMSON. ATTORNEY A I'OVNSELOR AT-LAW. All biwmeM m my line will receive prompt at­ tention. H. K. HANNA THE DE Ovor 30.C00 Cures in Six Yearn. I ATTORNEY .♦ COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. the w;mr rates - I« VÎ H. M G ilí M II DRS. ROBINSON A. CULL, D. CRONEMILLEB & SONS i’HY-l' IAS- AM> <1 R'.EON- Jarkwomillr. Ogrrna. J ACKSON V IT.LE. OR EGON. I Office ««n ('alifomia Street, in Mr*, tianung’s building. valla promptly attend 'd day or night BEEKMAN & REAMES’ A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OR., DR. W. STANFIELD. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. 1 Ha» 1« »rated in Talent. Or., ft»r the practice of hi* profe**!<»H Ni kic*—* all -•hr-in-c <| i **» h *»» m , -u«"h a* IPv»ivnvi* n. \*thma. Pile« Kidney Disease*. L’ver ('omplaint*. to.. a *p-■•ialty. I i JiL<*k«s<>iiville. Or. Eis-'le Point. Oregon. < Ar! W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., «Jaukaonvill«. Origoii. Frofee«i«»nal fall«* promptly att*nd**d to day or night Conwultationa tn •itiisr English or German. OHi«-*» and r«*i.. Be-idenceoo C 8t. PilYCF. & GEARY. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, OK., 1851 J. C. CARSON. PARKE * LACY, lbM Containing 120 Ro Chiaeae empl«»yed and n<> deviation in ehargo«. Meal*25 cent*; 1<»«!*rin k 25 ’ort« t«».Virants. E. LEWISTON Propn*t«»r A Rare Chance! Th*« public are her«»hy n«»tifi»»d that th«» un«ler- i«n»xl will off«*r at private «al«’all the WAGON MATERIAL (.arr.acw Tool« and private *ff««ctR <»f *h* late 8. P- Hanna, Thi« in a rflr>* opportunity far any on« wiNhing to vurcha»e «um« hrst-cla»» carriage material, etc. H K. HANNA. Administrator March fl. IM ESMOND HOTEL, Cor. Front »nd Monte.» »I«.. •»SEUOW. Sash. Doors, Blinds MACHINERY! Dauler in WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS 1 A fut| lin.» In st. k of OhS'EKVI. lit ILI i RMO UAlr'llIM.. r.sli.aat*-« srd Prie« List on spt>licat*on Country or. 1er» a »psciahy. FACIORY Al' WEIDI.EKS MILL. Salesroom.-, cor. Third and F Sfrcots, I POllTLAND OKEirON FRUIT TREES By the Thousand ! rpHE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OK 1 dere through Jackson and Josephine counties for FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, Any kind rsissd in n hr,I < Hua Nursery. Th«,« wanting Trees this -all will do wellt« flre-pr'Nif Krkk. Flfst-cls«» in ill Rripwct* give me their ■irtiers a» I will guarani«« satisfar, TMOS. CUINEAM. Pr^rkiw. tion. I warrant all my trees if pr«t»«rly .-nr«*nnfnctur.ntf. mannfactur.ng. anti arid will nn^Hu’lv on ‘ in«! the very best of la«*r beer, either in bottle» or krgt CITY BARBER SHOP CALIFORNIA twekaawwille, u., Hardware, Tinware, Crockery. SROCERIES DRUGS. Manufacturer of ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE MH. BARGAINS!! Tiie rrnl»l<' Apple Tree«................................ I’*r 1 ? P«*ach “ ........................... ... i’2 ■ Plum an«l Prune Tr«*e* »• Other tree«H id- iniMiery • tir i',»h»1d r ,.is«»rabl> Bend for atnlogue to ........ J. H-HETTLEMIER. Wo. dbtirn.Or Rive 1’ow is Y:ur Timo to Get A) )l ) PRICES: Cor. Oil and € Street,. VEIT SCHUTZ Main St., Ashland, Or ’ )V > Wetlfttrd, Oreg«»n Office* in William*' Brick Building Up-stair*. HOKTI.4M). ASHLAND HOUSE ! Free Bridge Across Rogue T NO APHIS OBLIGE 0NTREE3. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, PORTLAND. Cenerai Merchandise T K«-*p« the target »tuck of A N O S U IK. EO N, ¡ a. ph « •». m . i»., Willi»:»*' Buildin». .V SACK 1 8 K’l 3 ! DRUGGISTS, BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY! OREGÛH PHOENIX, PHIHH 1AN.HI I1GEON AND A< < OUCHEUR P H Y SKI A N ENCEL BROS.. Oregon Kidney Tea ! AND SURGEON, Having l«»cat«»d at th s place I n*k a -hare of the patronage «»f this secti«»n. < all* attended to at any tmi« THE BEST OF EVERYTHING ACTUAL COST PRICES ! L. L WHITNEY. M. D. PHYSICIAN Brinkerhoff System for Cure of ail RECTAL DISEASES. Protzman & DeFrance, -TH Medford, Oregon. M. 1» Cemetery Work a Specialty. C. B. FITZCERALD, Will pr’ieti'*« in all the Court* f * .■' iu the ('«Hirt Hou**, £r*t d'*»r t«» t • nnee. 1. W. Sneezing Catarrh. MARBLE STONE OR GRANIT CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. Medford. Oregon Titles to Lands. ROPER, GALEY «c HELM, REDUCTIONS VARIETY STORE I A FRIGHTFUL SKIN DISEASE, REAL ESTATE AGENT! CLOTIIIXi. WILLARD CRAWFORD, MARK TWAIN'S DEBT-RAISINQ. SILAS J. DAY DRY AND FANCY GOODS, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AX APPEAl TO PIONEERS. “DM yuu ever liear Irow Mark Twain A recent isttue of the Eant Ortgouian The fifteenth annual reunion will calmly and Jispat-Hionately gives the l ike place in this city .lu.ie 15. All obi ’ lifted :i t-hureh debt?” “No; I didn’t know that that was in young voters a talk as follows pioneers throughout tiie state should tie­ I fullering Intense. Head nearly raw. We ask t!>6 young men who are to gin planning loattend. Death has made his line. When and bow did ho it?' Body covered with sore». Cured b> vote this year for the first time, or for sad havoc in the ranks during the last “It waa at the time the Rev. T. K. the Cuticura Remedies. the first time in a Presidential election, twelve months. The final summons has i Beecher was building his largo church Me*»sr«. Steven« A Bruner. Monroe, N. C. to think for themselves a little before do­ come to a greater number than ever be­ at Eltnira, where Mark was living at the NOTARY PUBLIC, 1 io.tr ■'nr* - About two m'»ntliH ago. «11 yer time. He wrote up the plan on which recomu.endation, 1 bought a bottle of Cuticnru ing so; to consider candidly the argu­ fore in the same length of time, and so Beeeher waa doing it. A church in a Ke* .it, one box ( uticura Salve, and one cake ments and reasons advanced by the it will continue as the time goes by. In • •ft. ara 80« p. for my »on. agpd 18 yean», who Democratic leaders in this country in a few years none will be left to tell the town on th« Hudson river had a debt of na* Iwum afflicted with eczema for a long time, $18,0(0, and the treasurer happened to and i ara pleaaed to *ay that 1 believe the rerae- siippott of their principles and their pol­ story of what it cost to come over from cf the East and tiossess this goodlv land for come acrosa the account of Mark. At diee cured him Hi» aufleriDga were intense, icy. hi» head being nearly raw. hi» ears lw»ing gone Four years ago ihe young voters were themselves, their posterity and human­ the next meeting of the church board he LEGAL DOCUMENTS except the griatle. und hi» body waecoventl with told that the election of a Democratic ity in general. Nothing like it can ever told the brethren of it. He said there Of idl kind, drawn up. wpMMlly i>«rtk mg i< M»rea Hia condition waa frightful to behold. President would be ctftain to ruin the occur again on this earth. Not a mo­ was no telling whether it was told for a Tiie aoree have n«»w all disappeared, his »kin i* the »»Clement •>( «Uatee healthy, eyes bright, cheerful in di»poeitiun, and country. Business would suffer; indus­ ment should be lost in making a perma­ fact or as a joke, for he always thought woikiDg every day. My neigiibora ure witneea- tries would languish ; disaster and decay lelkflor of Iffuunts— Prompt Rcmlttanw« i i* Htotiii* nent record of these experiences. Each Mark was joking when he waa telling remaraabh cure.anuthe doubting onea are requested to call or write me. or any of my would spread over the whole land. The pioneer should be impressed with the tiie truth and serious when he was jok­ Investment Setmriri«^ :■ Specialty Jackson neighbor». South would again secede; tiie rebel value of leaving behind him a record of ing. At any rate he thought it worth County Bcrip B' nght and *’i!d W. B. STEPHENSON. debt would be paid; the negroes would his life. These will be wanted as a ba­ trying. So he tent out letters to every Winchester I*. O . Union (kj.. N. C. I have a comp! h «e »et of Aape of «11 Surveyed l»e sent back into bondage, or at least sis of tiie future history of this country. member of the church to tend bitn by a Lande in thia «'ounfy. r. J receive abst.ra' t* Monroe, N. <’., Oct. ». 1W7. deprived of the right of suffrage. Much valuable-matter that might have certain date what he ot »he thought was mouUily from J' >-iebr»-a . »1! new entriee made Th»* Potter Drug and Chemical Co.: None of these things have liapi>ened. been preserved is now lost because pio­ hit- or he. portion of the debt, giving as i im thna pr< 1*3y‘ t* town to-day to ’ef n* ’• ’e Tiu existing evils we cumpl. in of are neers have not fully realised tlusir re- the f-ord had prospered them, no matter the* n, ■» Ln V . • < ■ I ; l.’cpu »!: : . < > .r,-- 'ri « «ra • „ foi' w. Irow much or bow little. They were him, fct.d to »how t'* what Cuticu u ren.« ii^'* hrui t!.-s«i‘ Several line farm* are in my hand* fur «ode vtneir nrigti- griC’. ilon1 for him. i in* •» the rase referred to in our legislation of former years, which it is them. What an amount ol history is asked io. r-» gire letter to you *oniled promptly and gen­ m h k< t, and t»h:dl do all we can to promote their more exact and even-handed justice to known that lie did. The simple story o( erously. Parties that had always given JACKSONVI1J.E the people The issue is not dilticult, as the trip hither, the early trials and hard­ s?Je. Your* truly. STEVENS A BRUNER. No attempt 1 grudgingly and meagerlv gave astonish- some people would have you tsdieve; ships is what is wanted ly large mini. When tiie date fixed ar­ Druggist» and Pharmacist». any farmer, any laboring man of usual need lie made at “fine writing.” That ('iiticitra. the great dm core, and Cuticum understanding, can grasp it at once. The is well enough for school boys, but it is rived the whole amount asked for was S«»np. p-«*pa*ed from it. externally, and Uutirura Republican |>olicy is to maintain high, not adequate nor appropriate to th*e oc­ in th« I .in i- ot th- treasurer, no one ex­ I«, R'-«ik.nt. th<-io wbliHtd purifier, internally .are cept him, the pastor and donor knew a f»osit 1 v«‘ cure fHowt«»< ir'• Skin Di*»*HKea,*’64 pa- sistance of all w hicli it hopes to regain , — Li .......... t this nut be —n forgotten. I wish ................. ........ .................... — that I to this day whether Mark Twain was in *?••». r*i illustration* and I t! testimonials. and retain |* jw er to further oppress the ! eouhl burn, as with a |ien of fire, . upon earnest or joking when he wrote about « -» I! t, 1 debt-raising.”^ ___ ________ DiMULbS. b'.a«'k-tp>ad*. i‘«l. neigh. •■haj«pe«| [*ople. The Democratic pirty pro ose- the brain of every* | ionei-r, son and rim .1 d 01 y »km pi. vutt I by Uuticura Soap. I to treat all alike; to colli i t no more «laughter, the importance of following General Contractor iti tiRr.t.N P.umt S mith ' s Fosrtxe.— taxes than are necessary to economical- out my suggestions. Tiie committee having the matter in Some weeks since suit was commenced ! v admini-ter the govemim nt ; to make I ■ a.l the necessaries of life,used chiefly by ! charge will soon convene and complete in the I'. S. circuit court against the 1'1 •• di-rriMwinK *n««-Z'*. sneeze, sneeze, the A heirs of the late Green B. Smith by his ! the poor, as cheap ami as free from tax- all arrangements tor the reunion. from ___ the eyesand whtvry tliKcharg»*« _____ , _____ nose, the |.; ii !!Î ii ! • ’ li.iiiiination »‘xteiMling to the thr«»at, ation as possible; and to impose the I grand, good time was had last year, and brother and S'«ter, living in the East, lit»* riwplling <»f t 1 mucous lining. on it this year. Hence alf pioneers ed that Green Berry in 1H50 took the Hl <1 bpllttillg I «‘H«Urbes.— how familiar th«t*e rich, at th»- same time give them no pro­ wheresoever dispersed are earnestly en­ pro| e,ty left by his brother Alexander, niptftniH ine to thmi-vinds who suffer periodic- tection by legislation in their favor. ..d colds an I who live ally from hciuL ............ or mtiuei za. . __ This is the issue. It is clearly defined. 1 treated to make June 15th and the days «ho died in the Sandwich Islands, ami in i*:.-..,;•*•:■• of th« fart tliHt aHinglr application Whatever delusive cries may le raised, i I receding and following a “previous converted it to his own use, depriving of .Sanford I .................... - R tibcal < ure ‘ for ( atarrh will afford " them of their share. this is the practical position < f the two engagement.” Respectfully, in-tan tan iNiu* relief Saturday the suit was dismissed, for But tir. • treatment in cas s of simple Catarrh parlies to day,as announced by the Pres G eo II. H imes , givr* but a fai.'.t id« a <4 wliat this remedy will mith proved that lie came into posses­ Portland, May 2, ISSfi. strur '••! by cliokmg. putrid mucousaccumula- form on one hand and hv Mr. Blaine's sion < f the pro|>erty lawfully. They tionr. , th'* he irmg aiL'Cted, smell and ta»te gone, letter, Sherman’s and Dolph's speeches, t liront il le ■ •rat’ d and bucking r >ugh gradually and the Republican platform, on the produced a will executed by Alexander cy faatPiiing it»**ll upon tie* debilitated sysb-m. r.4C( ILL.I TING /¿EPUBLII J A>. Smith at tiie Sandwich Islands in 1850, 1 hrn it i 1^ that !h<* marvelous curative power other hand. As between the two, the beqneathing all hie |>roperty to his of S.’t for I * Rad.cal < ur«* manifests itself in in- Democratic patty,while far from perfect, The failure of the Republican state ! brother Green Berry. The will was wit­ ’St' -..ita' «-'»u» roll le f. Cur (»‘gins from the first is the jreople’s party. Its policy propo­ 1 ■ ¡■i iCH’i -I!. It t 1» rapid, radical, peln-.anent; ai convention to add a prohibition or even nessed by William Stevens and ('apt. I '»ii-.i.iica! and ses to directly benefit and lighten the ii sa* e. o 4 * R.'dieal Cure c«»r.*i»rs of one Ixittle 1 unions now imposed upon all farmers1 a temperance plank to its platform was T. A. Hall, who were with Alexander a surprise to many, but not to those who of - <• I, «Led ' ur.-. . - box of Catarrhal Sol The Republican pol- I understood the inconsistencies ot the Smith when lie died. These witnesses ao -.?, wi<-h (-lands, ami ptoved the will in '.lie at the expense < i tanners and working­ eial members of the committee on plat­ county court of Washington county. men. form and resolutions wete temperance One of the w itnesses to the w ill, Mr. On which side of tiie great economic men and a few prohibitionists. During rather than politu'al question will voters the session of the committee, which was Stevens, is still living, a resident ot of h : mali > array themselves? Andrew Carnegie held in the meeting hall of the Masons, Walla Walla. He was in Pottland last week and indentified his signature to I' ’ ti.tly relieved by the Cutirugn has made twenty five million dollars in on the fourth floor of Masonic hall, two the will. Wiien tile suit was commenc­ Giti«l*flin Plant« r. a in v.. mont agre«‘- the last few years manufacturing iron, al»'»’. ■•'»tat taneoua and infallible resolutions, one favoring lo< al option pait -kiBmg pla»t' r.espoci iliv adapt, because of tins protection. That would and high license and the other a general ed it was supposed by the plaintiffs that there haa been no will. The out­ «•d to i«diw.< I rmftJe I'ain and Weak- buy halt tiie farms in Oregon. And ev­ »•rk statement in favor of teiuperam-e, were come of this suit shows that it some­ n••»>»•». Warranted va»tly »uperi«»r to ery farmer tn Oregon who has shi|>pet«, .5 cent«; tivp f(»r built a house, ot Isjught a tool, or an ar­ ■ oiithe Harvard Bo\-T<>e last, call Si ’•»: "t .po»ta^e free, of Cutter Drug and Chetn* ticle containing wool, or any drugs or opposition to the reoohitions was mani­ •inline liltgii-it S .li Leather, at »7 'H*. ORDERS SOLICITED fested. One gentlemen said til« whole ¡«•al < »., IJ«f»t«»n. Ma»». T he Bi.r.Ntuxo 1' rockss . — Several chemicals, ha- l>een taxed on an average mattei resolved itself into a question re- pstiti'l «¡'lilts Io each «ize. For 2.’>cts. ovet 4'1 | ht cent, of the pto[»'r cost of gaiding where the greatest loss of vote months since a new industry was start- •o.ó prepaid to any addre-- by mail ur th. s<- atticles to give Mr._Carnegie hi- | wovUl bw, .'.ai-’.-.-y or ri: .. If the ¡■•.t) nd in tl«> floor trade j'. Portlati-I, known a« blending different grades and kinds inillicti- This iSouiy one itdi.-i>al:ou out , favored prohibition the Republican par­ ol hundreds. Where shall the young ty would be beaten in the cities; if whis­ of flour, by which the better qualities in all are combined, and low grades d.‘Ju BON VNZA. vote Is- found—on the side of the pro- I ky, the loss would lie in the country. raised and improved. This is known as tected, enriched and rapacious million-1 < tthers thought the Republican party the blending process, and it is intro­ aires, who if allowed to have things their should s|a>ak out for prohibition, while duced in greatest variety and abund­ own way a while longer will own the | several expressed decidedly contrary ance in the different gradesoi flour, uro- whole country, or on tiie other side of views. (duced from all the different kinds of the farmer«, the mechanics, the trades- i Ciiairinan Mallory advised the com­ people, the toilers and homebuilders of ; mittee to let St. John, who was also un­ wheat, from every section of the United States, east of the Rocky mountains. the lai d'’ der discussion, severely alone. The process was introduced there by This is the issue. This is the differ- | A Clackamas county delegate relat­ Kitk, formerly a miller of St Louis. It ence. This is the main question raised. ed the request of W D. Hare, a Wash­ ! is not claimed that this is a new process Don't imagine Democrats are enemies of ington county delegate, to say nothing ■ in the sense that the patent or roller . the country. On the other ban ! they about prohibition. DR. PILKINGTON. procesa was new, but it is a new process are attempting by the policy they an- After a long discussion a motion to lay of mixing or blending flour made from Burgeon. Oculist i . th I Aun?t and proprietor of the 1 nounce to protect this country and the the lesolutions on the table was carried, 1 different kinds of wheat. Export advan- Banitaiium for Fjr. I ar aid Nervous Diswiaeh, I masses ol the people flout opposition not witiiout consideiable dis-ent.— Purl- tage for New York is claimed. Two Portland. Or. h»> twen appointenl agent and Clothing. Boots and Shoes. phj-ician for thia byhtrin for Oregon, and Imain and ultimate subjection. Think over \ la,it- IP'fcrs by ¡•♦•rmi-*n»n to Mr. Jan. W. Wrather- and m-< e»Hity of 1‘rerident Cleve­ c!a»» Country Btorc. ford. druggnn. w H-known m BalennMr. Frank Tit»'ORE««»* P acific .—N ii /. »4 stat, ■- tlotu j J AB. MORTON. Manager. A Sinos.. H int .—The following is (rr. machiniat at car-*hopa, and othcre. land's Chinese ixtliei, as exemplifie 1 in i i«, April 2‘.'th: Yesterday morning ( Bonanza, April 1» the treaty made with the Celestial taken from the Or<;/oiu«t«: “Give mo Will meet patient« at titty draught horses, belonging to con­ there is no i*<‘asea. “Not long ago a Tai om« real-eslato man 1)K. J. B PII.KINGTOS. boat down to Portland, thereto Is- for-!, the decision of the Chinese question should rest, Itecause to them it is a vital put a page advertisement in two large Portland, ()regon. warded up the Columbia to tiie new1' one, are unanimous and enthusiastic in Eastern papers, for one issue only, pay­ Walla Walla branch whiih Mr. Hunt their praise of the exclusion of Mongo­ ing therefor (2200. It is less than a has contracted to construct from Walin- j lian com|>etition. To them the Asiatic I , month since those advertisements were DEALERS IN la. This leaves the Oregon Pacific ex-; incursion is no abstract evil, but a dead­ printed, and now how many letters do torsion entirely deserted by both con­ ly danger, which they meet lace to face yon suppose he receives daily?” The tractors Bennett and Hunt, and if any; m daily conflict in which defeat would reporter thought 100 was about the size litqies exist that they might resume Is* ruin, degradation, extinction. The of the mail. "Oh, 100 is not a circum­ Will relieve and perma­ work they might as well b« laid aside. nently cure all th« varioiit* diTtienl- But there is little doubt that work will rest of the country sees just enough of stance,” he continued. "Ho receives the Mongolian spectre to induce convic­ as many letters a day as three large mail tie* arising from a disordered con hr* resumed on the ttregon Pacific ex­ ditinn of the tion that the apprehensions of our occi­ sacks will hold. That's newspaper ad­ tension. Yesterday a surveying party dental states respecting orienta1 ism are vertising. and Portland could l»e made LIVER AND KIDNEYS ! started out from Albany, and will work likely to lu- well founded, and that the known in that way.” in conjunction with two other parties in It i* perfectly harmless and can plague of the Pacific may, if unchecked, b«» i»’ven to the tn«*t delicate woman the Cascades. A gentleman down from T he 7*/olicy then under engagement with the gov­ that rates on other lines have been leads the )¡1 th* D asiij P. oosi -.’ s D eath .—The Bour­ State department untler Secretary Bay­ tunate young man. He took the risk of b«»*t and mobt popular plnrip. no painn being AT bon Ky. .V> ii x publishes some extracts ard none has been more completely in dying painfully and horribly by inches siMinni t«» give gciwral wUiafaction. If c««ntan * coinfortnbl«’ bleeping apartment* siippl;«•«! wit h iront old copies of the Paris f ',t,:(„, dated accord with the Democratic labor-re­ in order to prolong the life be had for­ Y Hingleand doubh* bo«!*, making it a olicy than Cleveland, none so feited to the majesty of the law. place for the entertainment of both travelers and notice of Daniel Boone's death, as fol­ beneficial and salutary to American in­ ♦ familit*. ‘5 lows: “As he lived, so he died, with dustry and civilization as the treaty F rioiitbxed H im . — A young East his gun in his hand. We are informed with China.— L'-is'rrn Exchange. DEALERS IN Portland married man, traveling on the by a gentleman direct from Boone's set­ Will always bo supplied with th? be.*t the market road for a Portland wholesale house, aKordH, ‘•erred i’ »’.yle that will please tin* moat tlement on the Missouri, that early last “Re­ fastidious tn*1 T iie I'hiladelphia Li'lgrr, published recently received th« dispatch : month Colonel Boon-* rode to a deer fWRatea eneonablt* and satisf.vt i<)n guar an- turn immediately. Yon are a father.” lick, seated himself with a blind raised hy George W. Chil<»g, chwiset. (ngAlIx On the eve of hi- return Ilia lady friend« teed. J. J. STRAIT. Prop. to conceal him from the game. That, to excellent effect; “But so far as the i determined to play a joke on him. They while sitting thus concealed with his prcHident’« public and pit,ate life i« procmed from the neighborhood three trusty rifle in bis hand, (Kiintel toward know n to ht'< countrymen, il emphatic­ other babies, placed all four in a row on the lick, the muzzle resting on a log, his ally refute» the statement made tty Mr. the I mh I in an adjoining ajurtment nnd IT face to the breech <>f the gift, one eye Ingalls with regard to it. Since lie !>»« been president his life has lawn full, covered them up. When he arrived be shut, his rill« cockc 1, his fingers on the not only of honors, but of usefulness. embraced his wife in great delight, and trigger, on« eye looking along the barrel We say this in full recognition of what was then led forth to behold hia first­ through the sigliti—in this po-*ition, w e have criticised as his error of Judg­ born. When the cover was raised, an without a struggle or motion, and, oi W. ■■ j i.’ rfM-«iv«d a full Morte in th« abort, course, without pain, he breathed out ment in connection with public affairs; indescribable look of surprise overspread his countenance as he exclaimed “Oh tin«« of goad», whirl, w« can wll eh'.t|«*r thun am rritHONAi.i.Y a < QUAiNirn wirn lliry '<»- >ld anj-wtirr. in «outhrrntmxon.»« wr his last so gently that when he was but. allowing for all such error, it must be conceded by fait-minded men that heavens! bring me the pistol!” • . _ ihhhj of the tm»st «t«*urable farm« in Jn<*k*on ) hat« but t.'ry f.-w nxi«-n«..r. All kind-of pro. found bv his friends next day, although I an«! ,lo-f|i!ii*w» c«»unti',H . My nv-lii’.tl iTtH-iieo Mr. Cleveland’s administration of the dnertakrn in «xchunge and stiff and cold, he looked as it alive, with : require« ni«’t<» rule f hnmcb a circuit of from executive office has been intelligent, Tut Salem Stakimnn, well-knowing toeurht} inilftt*. and I will bf»pl«‘i»ftf the great mass of his country­ wiio has Iwen elected in this Republican hypothesis being novel, we leave the so­ improved lands for »ai«‘. rantfinx from $5 to $5o men. There has l«>«n nothing in it to county a member of the legislature, city an acroin price, and can suit aTl comer». lution to the curious.” justify or excuse the ribald abuse of attorney and district attorney, and haa Office at Central Point, Ja< k»«»n countv Or I J. HINKLE. M D. j •J so honorable a record hr a public man Senator Ingalls. .................. ” Thnt Highway of \nttonn, that he will be called upon to represent Tbe broad Atlantic, is ever a stormy thor- the State as its next congresunan. To uttghfare. Yet blow the wind* ever so I.«lira Ht-waro fiercely, and ride the waves ever so loftily, Of those robinctii-« which give to the face a slightly change what Shakesjieare says on iirM.r.ns is seamen niu*t mail the g(M>d -hip*, tourists of music I cing the food of love, “if hood­ OP ASHLAND, OR., will brave the passage, and <<»mm-rcial ghastly (yea. ghostly) whiteneaa. Such lum l-e the kind of man he is give us ex­ travelers and buyers must vinit the centres preparations contain lead or some other cess of him.”— Wrlromr. of foreign trade and manufacture. That equally injurious ami dangerous sub­ atrociou* malady, sea-sickness, together stance*. the use oi which, if long contin­ Ktra^ffd, with colicky pains and much inward un­ ue« 1 will, besides giving the skin a rough Are now prepared to furnish the l»»«t of music easiness, is of’* n endured when Ho«tet­ an Ev»ry la-!» . Send «tamp BAKER KEM W .boi 14 1' ifT * N .Y, sonous ami injurious substances. Pro­ Infantile disord.-rs. It contain» no Opium Wholesalea.id Retail Dealers in PERSIAN BLOOM. Bo: ”a*. i::-.'.-.- Notice i\\ A and reliable Mdieincaare thebeet nounced by leading ladies of society and or Morplti -.'. but given tiia child ratfiral Skin Cure and I .n- ■ the stag« superior to anything ever pro- Send Htauip for trial rock A •*• . *. o ■>.- Price 25 cents. Sold itriti IS HEIIKBY GIVEN THAT AS MY VJVvX to depend upon. Acker’s Blood El­ i dared (or bcautifj ing and preserving the toot from j- . wir«. tp.l».-<-<-n Jar« Pkvn«. t,a» l«f( my ti.-nw ixir has been prescribed for years for all lm. | complexion. City King store. Silver and Silver Plate-! Ware, Spe *tarl *< . I »: »¡cal (¡<><»<)«: a«*«nti» for the Rockford U/nni/ FOR ALL. IV) a week \ nd ex and t««ir-t. I notify th n’lMit- that 1 will nette p:>-iti««of tlic Blood. In every formofScmf. IL»ilr»»a'l VV.ii ■'het*. WIIKK perMid. Outfit worth#’» Mil«! par. ..ta. ,..r a«,- < .i.t, *1,.. may contract front i bypbilitlc or Mercurial diseases, it is \LL GOODS IN THE LINE M XNl’FAi I ’ » TO ORDER AND RFPMRbD. • t V11 fl ticnlpr» !»■•• P. O VICKERY Au- Hu-dat« WM. PAYNE Si BrcniBE for tlie T ikes . ’A .• •; . ' l . -teablo.* Fcr Bhtum*iisxu, Las no equal. 1 auata Main« Bara a VLtcy. Mitch •, lâês Fick ax-»« sont «»n upidir1 • i-» «rith as btf.tis purohiuii ng elsewhere 5 3 STATE OE OREGON. U. 8.3«*nnt«»rN, J. H. Mitchell, J. N. D»»lph.(’«»n- «r »Hrtinan. B. Hermunn; G«»v»*nior. B. P«’nii«»yer; BecreUMlt of Btata, G»»«»rci» W. McBri«!«: Mt at»* TruMurer. <>♦»«•. W. W«*hb; State Printer E. C. I > Baker; Baut. Public Instruction. E. B. McElroy: HupreoM» Ju«tr*; 8ch«»«»i Superintendent. N. A. Jacob»; Survey«>r Ja». Jef­ frey; Coroner, R. Pryce. JOarpHI-NE COrNTY. Ben.ktor. H. B. Miller; H*»nre»«vnt«t:ve. S I'. Mitchell; Co.inty Jud«;«». V.Colvia; Convui»*!•>: - er», H. Me*»entfer, J M. Pavne; Clerk. K Chanslor; Sheriff. T- G. Paftcr»*<>n; »Mirer, J. W. Hovranl, Aim«»HM»r, -J. P. L-tevis; H,’h«»ol Su partnten«lent. E. F Hathaway; Surveyor. W. N. Baauders; Coroner, Dr. Kr»”i:»»r. XL AM \ Pl OOt’NTY. TOBACCO GROCERIES Joint Seuatur. C. M. Cur»wriuht of Wane e*»*«rjatt«ve.K. 5tcfri»a’.i»f \Ja:nath-County Ju-ly G. V 4.«t ,. C c-r* * KB • ’ . > c»e* ■ : A. Am mitt; Gier k. »v. >»Ui ».Sneruf. ‘4. IX I t. der*. rrtvAMurer. G. T. Btldwi’ . A««e«H«»r R. B. Hatti>n: School Hupenntender.! John Uerlin«. Surveyor, R. 8. Moor . LUCK «'OUMTV Senator. C. M. Cartwn " VII Fisher; A*»e»««»r. O. L. Stanley. ■■rri »<♦ or ooraTM. ftp . I’ountrj I’r«» 1 ir ‘ >>»H»-rhf and «»!•!;.il»o. Wool. The Supreme Court of Ore-.pi »•» n-*<»t* at Salem, Hi«!«Fur* t » ! !>• rS\ ;t* Solicit <>r«i«»rt» for reaular terms commeneina on the !ir»t M«*n«L'iy» Lumber in March and October, "WAX MULLER, <*t i.t 9 forth»* > ’ The Circuit Court Fir« ♦ li»*!icin! Di»tr !! \pnl. Building- •eta in Jni’kson c »u- y on fi.-t In Monday K ’ ini ith roun ’ y 8ept»»mh»»r and D»-*»-mber and firM V.... I. y i- on «ec«»nri Monday in June o*( t t’liol M .n.la November I” l,«k“ -«»im’y in Mav and th* S4*c«»n«i ______ Mor lij in Oct«»l»«»r In «»n fir»t M*»nd>o * m March anti J«»«e|,hine count} — Aiwn»t. For Ja- k««»n r«« »iiaty the i’«»unty. Prolmteand - \ND- C«»'n n’«.»ioner*’«' ••»urts fn**»*! *»v»»rv tn'»nth. rom- ate**cin< with ih< * first M mh lay; fur Josephine ...... ooivitjr. the first M 'c >! ’ l .vin Ji-iuary. Mini, July and S«*ptember; f«»r L ak • c-» r.'v • v-»rj alternate tnipnth. ctiinmenciinr th- rtr*'f '! »»i i iv in January. F'»r Kl'irnath county th«»tir»r W---ln*-n«hl<> pr«*Aíi ■HOUftl’ SCnUMVl Central Point, Or. Tobacco, Cigars, Etc I THE INGERSOLL ROCK DRILLS ANO COMPRESSORS anri WIRE RGPE-SPECIALTIES. -OTJs AGENTS FOR CICAR MANUFACTURERS Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines correspondence solicite . LEAF TOBACCO, Late of California, sen. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST N. S. DREW •Kx -WvsVx. PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! »7 N Children Cry for PitchePi Ça.*' '