ï ( e MISCELLANEOUS. , IWOriginti ® § little LIVER e\\exei r PI4-LS. LT mnout miKLXU i I miLT YToiTiBLi i ¡Tinm.7 tuoQwalrd a* a LITER rill. Bo«»« not «rip«*. «M PBILET A e •MALLBST. CHEAPEST. EASIEST TO TAKB. 1 U» ware of I mi tat ionA, containing PoiAonous Min» nUa. Always a«k for I)r. I,i»*ro*,| Pclh tB, which are little Sugar-coated Fiite, or Anti- bihouA Grauulea. Helug Purely Vegetable, Hr. Pierce's Pellets <>p« r»u» without diaturUuice to the system, iliet, or occupation. Put up in irlass ■ vtath. hermetically seuled. Alvars rreah and n imble. Th. v urv h irentle laxative, or an actiM puraatl.e, according to site ut doae. SICK HEIOICHE. i Billons Headache, Bluluess, Conallpa- llou, Indlgeellon, Billons Alta.-ka, and all derangeiueuts ot the slomarh and bowels, are promptly n.lu-veti and permanently —— ctin d by the tiw of Or. Pierce’s Pleasant Puraallre Pellets, tn explanation of the rem.-dial pow.-rot th<-»> Pellet« over ao gnat a variety of dises*«, it m«y truthfully be aai.l that their act ton upon the system is univer­ sal. not a aland or tissue twaning their sana­ tive mflnenoe Sold by druagtsla. for 25 cvnu a vial. Manufactured at th«- « hetalcal Lab. «•ratory of W ohlii ' s DtsetcsaxHT M koicxl AseoctxTioS, No. New York World.................................. 3 00 San Fran................... puruhut, t»l<*«x!y and putrid; the eyes are Lard, per In in tins...................... w» ak and watery, there is ringiug in the Ham ami Bacon care, «1« afneaa, hacking or coughing to clear Dne»l Apples per lb. the throat, expectoration of «»ffenaive matter. ” Plums, •’ ....... together with gcaM from ulcers; the voice Pears, .................... ifl chanaed an»! I iua u “nasal twang”; the I\*arhes •• ... . bnwW »*» offe nsive; smell and Pott«* are im­ •kyut ur> M-.la»-’. •». per gnll«»ff paired; there is a nenaation of »iizzin»*««, with ( ’hick* ns, per dozen.. mental depressi» »n. a hacking cough and g»*n- Turkeys, eml debility, only a few of the iibove-natned Hilles........................................... Bymptoms ar»» likely to be present in any one DveruklUS...................................... case. Thousan'ls of < > um * h anuually, without AA •« I Sprr ;........................ ruanif-Ming half of the ubove symptoms, re­ i sult in consumption, and end in th»* grave. No dim*.»!«* is soioLxmon, more deceptive and danger« j us, <»r l» «s umlerstood by physician«. By its mild,«»»othing. anti ht aling properties. Dr. Hrtge’s Catarrh R»»m»*dy cur, s th«* w«»rst ( pi-ws of Catarrh, u<’old In the Head,*9 Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggista everywhere; uU cents. M In to I«1 Agony from Catarrh/9 Pmf. w. HxrsjtER, th«* famous mesmerist, of /th/ini, iV. 1’.. writes: ”S»in«* ten years ago I su!T»*rt*eak at»ov«* a whis|s*r. In the morning my coughing an»l clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. By th«* use of Dr. Sag« s Catarrh l»ute. Afo., writes: ” I was a great sufferer fr»>m catarrh tor three years. At times I could It te9 cooling, cleansing and Ileuling. hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking an«i spitting, an«! for the last tight months I >«“-t efficacious for thia muk! pot breathe through the nostrils. I VtltClI lllj «h-ca.sc. Cold in the Head.&c. thought nothing oould ts> uonc for me. Luck­ •• Pond's Extract C atarrh Cure,” ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage’s Catarrh specially prepart«d t»» meet aerioua cares, Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe abould be applied with Pond'« Extract it to t»e th*» only sure reme«ly for catarrh now An »al Syringe. manufactured, an«! one h»w only to give it a fair trial to experi«*nce astuundMig results and a permanent cure.” No »»ther preparation haa cured more A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving val. caaee of there »li.-tre*»»ing complaint« than uable hints as to clothing, diet, an»! other the Kxtraet. Pond** 1st tract Plaa- matters <»f Imnortam'o, will I»«* mad» «!. p*»t- trr is invaluable in these diseares, Luiu- paiOt is the greatest known remedy; rap­ Ne. 5t>. idly curing whvn other medicine* have f illed. Pond's Kxtraet Ointment is « great rervice where the removal of U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, / clothing is inconvenient. March 2»». I're». \ Hemorrhages. K ïâxï : Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Application fox* a Patent. ih hereby given i hatchas | I / For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. i«i"rs«J2; itred The Kxtraet will never be with­ out it. Pond'« Kxtraet Ointment id tl.e best emollient that can be applied. Female Complaints. X- ity r f/*«nu/« »V25 p. M San Frcu’KC.» L • «v • «1:3«I P. M I . ' I. t v.» 'I Arrive PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. EXCURSION SLEEPERS for S . •, fl-4 las« Pas~.eng«rs on a!l through trains FREE OF « BARGE TheO. A ( . It. R. F«»rry makes connection with all the regular trains on the East bide Division from foot of F street. West Side Division. ^0. Application for a Patent. R»:rw KO 1’014 IIAXII a « (HIV A 1.1. IS M III TRAINS DAILY (EX« M”l Ml NI»AY.) I Leav *■ 12:25 r. m \rnve Portlai I Corvallis TO ADVERTISERS. The Till KS has a circulation 2 200 toe targeM enjoyed by any uewapoper p.ibiisheil between l*orllaueople. thousands suffering fivr.t A.-dlo.ia, Con- sumption. Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker’s English liemody? It is the best preparation known ior all I.ung Troubles, | : sold on a positive guarantee at 10c.. 50c. Dili Ingalhritlv.it Gettysburg As gallantly as Marshal Ney, Along the flaming brow of hell. With heart of oak. without dismay. Beneath the S'»uthvrn cannon play •» Whose guns rang out the rebel knell And shattered Longstreet's lines of gray Homer Skinner found a *5 gold piece of 1S49 «millage, while prospecting yes- | For .sale at City Drug titer* terday on Yreka Flats. Digging out coin gold is a new thing, and still no boom 1 lias Is'en create 1 in consequence. Summons. I Ar rive 6 15 P M. Leuv»* 1:30 1* M. April has brought very little rain, It is count»*«1 in the h* t of wet months, If the rains haed now by rain kt th» recent annual meeting of «he j stockholder- of the Oregon «k California Railroad Company th” following direc­ tors were electe 1 for the ensuing year; l.e'aml Stanford. <’. I' Huritington, I'ini othv Hopkins, IL It. Huntington, t'lm». ('rocker, Rn h.«rd Kix*hl.-r, Donald .Mae- leav, John McCraken, R. I’. Earhart, W. W. Bretherton and Geo. H. Andrews. The Democrats of Multnomah county have made the following nominations: Prosecuting attorney, W. W. Page; sheriff, II. II. Thompson; county clerk. G. M. Stroud; clerk of district court, C. ■I. Christie; Recorder, W. L. Curry; countv treasurer, Theo, lloelbig; asses­ sor. W. J. (¿ilinn; commissioners, John L Dunn, Elijah «»»>r«*ett; coroner. Dr. 11. llicks; surveyor, Ji. B. Whitfield. The Republican editors have been paying entirely t«»o much attention to St. John. He has returned the compli­ ment and we hear from everywhere that he ha simply carried off the scalps of ail our great editors of the opposite per­ suasion. St. John mav be a traitor ami renegade and all that, but he knows a good deal about our brethren of the ; press ami tells their sto>ies with a gieat relish. Mitchell will cotne to America witli The statement that the Fop» has is- Kilrain in .lune. He says he broke bis' sne«l a decree condemning the plan of left haiel badly in the fight w ith Sullivan, campaign in Ireland is confirmed. His anil as both of his hands are in bad ! HolinoRs says he does so because he is sha|»- Is* will leave all his fighting witli i convinced that the plan of campaign is his partner Kiliain Docs he tear that* illegal. He says he is also convinced suggestive mer ting between hinrself and ♦ hat the land courts will reduce all 11 n - Dempsey'’ Kilrain, however, will at fair rents. Another circumstance that once challenge Ashton and Sullivan. influenced him is tin* fact that funds are Coming events among the big 'uns prom- i extoited from contributor^to aid the ise to be lively. plan. He condemns boycotting as a \\ e are sorry to notice the omission in I practice contrary to justice and charit j’. the Republican state platform of all mat : ter about tire payment of the relrel debt; I Hiirlilrir.1 Arnica .Sore. | the payment for the former slaves; the i I hr best salvi* in th«* wornl fur <'uls I re-eni-lavenieiit of the colore«l people, Bruises Sores, licet', Salt Rheum, Fever and the "tlap-iloo rents per box pression if the war tax of 47 per cent, is F*>r sale by all flriur^ists. cut down to Ils per cent. Anti yet tiiat is what Dolph's party «alls '•free trade." U* ti Lan«! Office, u->e«*burg. <>r«*goa, ? March ’*>. IfinH Í ÏXl’IiMSTRUM DAILY (KX»’ETT SUNDAY.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ill AI II \N.*v xi I tn *leen,whore p»*«t«»ffi •«• ;nl«lr«» n is Portland, 4 5«i i* M. L»* tv»« Portlaml Arriv»* 9n<' m . Multnomah county. State »»f Oregon ha** this day m : ím » i* vi. Arriv» McMinr.v’Ite L *nv«» 5:45 v. M. fil«si he* application for a patent for hftren hun­ dred (l.’MW) linear f»*»*l of the Gnrh-*l»l iron min«*, At Albany arai (’orvalhs conri-*ot with trams of min»» ur vein, bearing iron ore, with Hurfacv Oregon Faci tic. ground six hundred f«*et in width, Mt anted m For information regarding rates, maps, etc., see The California Lumber Company has Satn - Creek Mining Ifintriot. County of Jackson, (’ornpaiiy’s agar.t at Sb’dford been incornoiated to acquire and sell and State »»f Oregon, and «l«»MÍgnated by th»’ fi»*!t It. KOEHI.EII. G. F. A Bass. Ag’t timber, a^rietiltnral and mineral lands N-» 41, in township :iff-»>»uth. rang«» 3 w«*st of the Manager in < »rejton and elsewhere; to make and AV M . sai»! lot N«». 41. t>»*ing dencribe»! follow*« Beginning at a p«»‘t *»-*t f >r thecenter sell lumls'r in all its branches; to en­ iin»» <»f the -«»uth »»nd «»f • n fe» t to spring - fours»« Moatheaet. and to build and o|>erate and sell vessels 972 f»»»*t.discovery shaft te*ar- west ff fe. t. shaft 5 propelletl by sail or steam, besides rail­ f»»»*l by 1«» fe»»t. 1U f«***t «leep ; It'.Mi fe. t -haft on the roads. The capital stock is $150,<»00, of bale 5 feet by 1«) fe«*t. 15 f»»et de«*p ; !*»OU fret a black »Nvk U •*••«■- hd I-« in diameter, hi iz**d for tic '.«hi< It half lias lieen Huhscrilied bv Geo. “ In the winter ot 1879 I wm attacked wltt north end of reid claim; north 7ff d«»gs,cast «>n K. Porter, Simon Bachman, Otto II, Scrofula in one of the most aggravating forms end line; 3»U !♦•••» s«*t p««et for c«»rner No 1. from lire nwald. M. Brown and I). H. Bibb At one time I had no less than thirteen large which a mamianita > recomie in diameter I m * ; iihost. ( harles in «liameter bears north 33 f«»et center Grave I>^>r<-r, Joseph .leffenion ; Second JOS. SCHLITZ’S BREWINC CO of ei «l line ; »’»oil fe«»t *<*t powt for c«»rner N«» >.frt»ni i Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced '»rare l»i|fg*‘», W. J. Florence; Rowen— whicli a black '»ak II sreonds in diameter bears ■ BOTTLED BEER 1 crania, Lawrence Hanley; Guiidenstein, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, aftei Mouth ‘Ji'l»*g-. w»*»t Iff f«s*t ; n wkitlo oak 12 rec- MILWAUKEE having taken twelve bottles, within the last ontte in diameter I wars ta.uth 2»' degs.PAMt 27 feet; Charles Harford; .Marcellus, Steele th»«nce north on w»-el temndary. Hffl fret to inter- KENNEDY S EAST INDIA twelv«- months, the scrofulous eruptions have Mackey; Bernardo, Herliert Kelly; •ect lin«» Iwtw n section* 3 and to; th»* l-l sec­ «■ntirely ceased, anil the abscesses have all Francisco. Lewis .Massen ; Priest, Harry tion corner ireirs rest 1«»»2 feet ; l*5nd feet poet disappear«-«!, except the unsightly scars, which BITTERS No I. fr-»in which a laur«*l 6 sre«>nds in «liameter Edwards; First Actor, John Lane; are «tally tiecoining ‘smelter by degrees, and brers Mouth P> »lege, w»»Bt 2-5 feet ; a laurel 2«’ *••»•- beautifully less.’ 1 do not know what it may Second Actor Robert Hi!liardjeska; «ineen. Mrs I>. p Illy case, Hood'S Sarsaparilla has proved an exeavatioi s on lode «leposif, 20 fret long by n «llective Specific indeed. As an evidence m fret and I feet d»»«*p. all | ami I am ready to verify the authenticity oi Toe scarcity of rails and ties is again fit Ir on rock. liearM m »» ui h Kllfret ;3to feet black tins cure. I.y personal correspondence with oak 14 e»aa»nds in diameter blaz»«l for ermter «*f ¡ Grown from aceliiunteil stocks on delaying progress of the Southern Paci­ any one who doubts it.” C uahles A. Ron- FHTS, liast Wilson, N. Y. JUU'*la aerth en»i line ; »lm f»*»’t t<» c«»rner No 1. the place fic's extensions. Though several sliip- my own ground. ■f »»egianing. Containing 2l).t 5 acres. loads of tra> k steel have treen delivered Tliis statement is confirmed by W. J. Hunt, The i«»cati«»n of this min»» is recorded in th»* within the last three months, still the ley,druggist, of Lockport, N. Y., who calls the recorder’«« offi. »• <>f Jackson county, in l»o»»k I-, ' If your Diorcbnnt does not keep demand exeecls the supply. The com­ cure a yrcat victory for IlrxxTs Sarsaparilla. »»f inining record*, page i L Th»» adjoining claimants are Jame-II. Pome-I them, .send for catalogue. Address pany has now hall a dozen feeders in Send for book giving statements of many cures. roy on the north in different stages of progress, and the Any and all person* churning adver»eiy any | i force of men employed in the various L>«»rf n»n of ttand <»arti»*l«l Iron Mme or surface ground, are re- capacities of track-layers, etc., is enor­ Sold by all druggists. ?1; six for <5. Made «iuir«*d to til«» their adverse claim* with the regitu mous. The unprecedented demand for only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. ter of the United States Land Office at Ro-eburg, WALLA WALLA. W. T in the county .if Dougla». State of (>r»*gon. dur ; cut lumber from Fresno and Southern nix lha sixty days pariud of publication hereuf,or I California has also caused a scarcity of they will la* barns! by virtu« of the provisions of ties, and the Pacific Improvement Com­ the statute ( HAH. W JOHNSTON Register pany is etpcriencinc considerable diffi­ culty in obtaining enough for the Fresno Land Office at Rooeburg. Or.. J. B. W kislkt . extension, work on whic * is being push­ J. S. M illes . ............... . _ ______ April 24. IM k H. ’ otice is hekehy T h ven ' that the ed more rapidly than that on any of the following.nann*d-ettler ha>. tihsi notice of other lines. hi** intention tx> make final proof in «npt»ort of hwclaim.and that «aid proof will be mad»* be f<»re the Judge or i R.rk of th.* county .1»! .Ibnofute Cure. /JINS I’ISTOLH AND OTHEK FIKEARMS court of Jaj-keon county. Or. at Jacksonville ’ ■ repaired in the I h —t style and new ones made 1’he Original Abietine Ointment is ony VJr:: *‘n W«lneHday. June 6. 1SKH V1Z (•’ to «» h I»»< Sewing-machine» also repaired and of put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, anil is Hill, homestead entry. No. H7|. for tj„. s put in first-class ori’>-l-»rr. ,|.**-tat*’pr.’p'-rf) w. ■■ ..p,«;,. I au otti«*»* tu the A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by W.J.VANSCHUYVER&CO. Slate of < tregon, f<»r Jc k -.»n « «.innv, on th ISh »lay of April and to nir j i< t»*■’ a am ni««« lu ‘ l « •1 the above .lamed co*»i\ on .¡m H h « a\ of Apr‘.I A. D. 1SKS, and ;• aitiv ih<* h»*reiii- aDer des<‘i ib< 1 real prop« . . belonging E. 1>. Cat >n and Ma * E <’aton «let» n.i ants. I a.n cominande«! > levy on and ■ ii«i pvopei tv to tai *• • ’lie jmigment »id sugar Pine Door :tn«l Lumber (’mn 11 y ‘ur ilu* »mu»»f . 1 due e*t h« •- «•11 .at «¡gut per cent per amiuni *>m li andu miisc ment«. and the cost« of and u^m *■* ii«i wr-( of execution; ami the fur hr • sum of $“<• . id int ieMt thereon . « tn he l‘i :i «lay <• s«*ptenil>er 1' •'», at Ju* rate of < 1 p»*r cent. »< . an 111m. now «hie uj>on a m< . age hd«l •y G'.J. . .1. Vail Van Sibr' S< hr’ve ver ” oil on said p emise^ v, hieh moi tga re i is s a stib.se» * tieiu girrt* 1‘la iti I iff-’ suui mortgage as <1< thi >uit, v id in « • dieHce writ, 1 did u llie 10.li uay )s, in and t > ill th»* following descrilied r< al p «»pri iv. to wit: Lot« numbered nine (9) a«id um d 19 h lay»» April. B. W. DEAN, Sn i tl M itchell A M orrison , Attys for Pit’îT*. Hood’s Sarsaparilla The Best Accommodations For man and beast, at prices to snit the times. Give rue a call for proof of what I **ay. THOH. MAYHEW AGENTS FOB —ASK FOR— I And nil of AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S LI NRIVALED GOODS! SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS 1! Hood's Sarsaparilla CEO. STARRETT. Choice Lands For Sale V »R HALE. 3019ACRES OF LAND 419 A< lll.S 1 of farm land in the valley, good for fruit or grain. Two thousand six hundred acre« foot-hill and mountain-side land, good for fruit, dairying or stocknusing. This tract of land haa over seven miles of fencing, dwelling-house, a «took shed 86x90 feet, and plenty of living water. Cal) on <»r address J. H- HEREIN. Ashland. Jackson Co., Or. 1«. STKAIT. Forty Years io Oregon. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM . V»’ < •• id 1 M Lil order» in Jteanses «nd beauttrtos th»» Lair. iTonti t, ja luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Grey Hair to its Youthful Color. ir - ’CDlni!i.*‘«.M».'»anG«ilin»»' Passenger and FreigV Rates Always rhe Lowest. Summons In the Circuit Court for the State of Oi cgon, for the County of Jacksoii Bessie L. M»*ss» »ig«*r, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Patter­ son, Defendant. T»» Fred. Patterson, the above-nsrufwi D»»fendanr : TNI HE NAME OF IHEHiAlEoF OREGON I you ar»* h« r»*by required to appear and answ»*r th'* complaint <»f th* als/ve Plaintiff in th»- al»- ve entitled court, now on hie with the Clerk of sa»<) court. within ten «lays from 11 e date «if 1 h<* vie»» <»f this Suniii!'»!!.-* upon you. if served in Jacktsm county. < Oregon; but if served ic any oth*T coun­ ty of the K:ate of Ong«»:;, then within tw*i ’y days from the dal;* of tin* s« rv,c<» of this Sum­ mons upon you ; <>r, if servisl <»n you out « f the State of Oregon. <»r by publication, then by • lrt day of the term of court brllowing such ser- vic«*, viz ; the 3 ! day of September. I n *- And \ u are hereby notihed that if you fail to ap|»ear a; d answer sai«i complaint, as hereby r< quired. li.«'“ Plainiiff will take judgment against you for die cam of $427 5Lpriiici|»aLHnd mti r«»i due uj*< • a certain promissory note made and delivered t*> you to one H C. Messenger, together w** the costs ami «iisbursc:m»nts of tins action. Publi-hed in th«» D emocratic T imes for six consecutive we«*k- by order of Hon. L R. W« )s stvr. Judge of said court, made at chamber»- on March IV, iNtv*. E. D k PEATT. Att y for Ti t!. Appiicfition fora Patent. ïi To the Lane«* xA Duffi«*id plac-*r mineral «!«*iM»it golii bearing mine. Number 5$. U.S Land Ollie«* at Roseburg. Or.. / March 3. I*»*»*, t VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI N 1 HAT (»L«>K(.i 1’ W. Lance, Samuel H. Duffield, AV in. V. J Fr»si Otten and Willard Hull, wh »■’«■ ¡Hi»-t«-iL addrew i«* Bolt. Jackson county. Oregon. Lave this day filed their application for a patent for the Lane«* A Dut!i--bl placer mine tearing ..■•;«!, situaUMi. luring and being in F««ute Creek Mi: g District, ( ounty of Jackson, and Stat«* «»f Or«. ami kn«»u . ami ’.- . <1 • »fficiai ¡-la’ >-n til«' in tins <»ffie»* a*» l-*t <f th«* south«*ast *»n«*-quar- ter of section twenty two (22'. in township 37 «»out)i. «»f range 4 w.*st of th«* Willamette merid«- an, containing ninety acres. This claim i- ac­ cording to the legal subdivisions herein above d»*«u ribe«4. The 1-aation of this mine is not <.f record. Any and all p«*rsons < laimmgadversely any por- ti«»n «>f said Lance X Duffield plm er gold nun»* or -hHi mininx XT’H^pd iu* li.-n-iiilH-foro «1.-—«-ril—*.«. an-’(-.piirtHl to til.- tfi.'ir u.U.-r-.- rlxiin witli (h< K’-k-f t’-r of the Lntto.1 8uxi> da>. <.f publication heroof.or tbi-> will !»• barr.-d by virtue of the provision, of the statute «11.MJ. W. JOHNSTON, Hegiatcr. un mn l (View <>f Fence in position.) For Farms, Ranches, Orchards Gardens and Lawns. X i<: A i" E. G. HURT, Medford, Or. FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE i OFFER FOR SALE ON REASONABLEternu l<»n«‘ »»f th«» b»’Mt Stock or Dairy Farm* in South 1 »»rn Oregon, situated on Deer (’reek. Joaephine ' county. ci’iitaming 320 acres of rich bottom, land i eNpecially adapt«*»! to the growth of timothy hay t I and clover. About one-half ih clear«*! and in j : cultivation, and most of the balance can b«* easily cleared. There is a fitreain »»f water running I through the ptecethe y«*ar round, affording plenty I »»f water fot stock anti some for irrigating. The | place ¡ h all inclosed by a g«»o«l rail f»*nco. I’her«’ ih a house am! barn and young fruit trees <»n I the place. It a I m «» has the bent outsid»* range in | (he county; also another »*xcellent placec«»ntain ' ing 120 acr»»s. I For full particulars call upon or address O. J. VANNOY Kerbyvilte. Oregon ■ Xo. Application for a Pat. nt. YOUNG CLYDE, \V1LL MAKE THEHEAHONOF I hh HAH FOI> ▼ I 1»» wk : (Commencing at my Atabte in Willow Springs precinct /April loth.where he will remain two day*»; thence he wilJ g«> to (’ H. Dicken»»’ place in Table Rock precinct, where he will r>«» Tti»*Heat «*v»*r in the State. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR H\L t A n t«» hia breo»iirig «lualittea I will refer you to hiMlfirni HI D **r cre«*R valley. J«w»*phim‘ ■ R. V. Beall, John Fi- !«!. J. AV. Smith. 1. AV. Thorn- j c«»unty, H(‘v»»!i mil' « from K»»rbyville It c<»n- nN, A J Daley. Jaa. AVootey. J. N* Trayh»r, I tain« 36ulll«»wing-mun**«l t««‘ttl»*r lifts tiled notic«* «»f his intention to mak«* final proof in support of his ciaim, claim, nini ami that will « • be nib iii.o said »»ui*» proof r '-’«»»«■ ” made before the Ju iu> lot No 42, in tow rmhip 34 f<-uth. rang- 3 services to the people of Southern Oregon. w«*t of th«’AA Hlarm-ttv M«*ndiiui ; aaid lot No. 42 ladiig dtwcnixMi mm follow* Beginning at a bla*--l black «»ak 14 re« ouda in diario ter. for th»» House Painting, Paper Hanging center of tit** reuth »» d «I <»l wa’d claim. an«l it th«» c«*nt«»r of th«* n«»rth « ndof th» (iartie d h.«,. Min» Frescoing, Ka!somiuing, Etc., and num thence noith 7 g degr»*« f « «M. on cent, r Done in a superior manner and at price« to suit lim* of the lode vmikm I 19de*m «ant by improv, d the tunes. I refer to the jol>« of paint it g I hav • aobir compare; 2’» fret cut 3 f.*« t u.-t t.«..u, previously done for recommendation. S»(i«»fac math 75d-»gH w»mt. -.’« ff. t |.. t , k by 4 !.*. t v.... mi «I 0 feet »» |e« t receive prompt attention ► haft on th«* l»»d«» 4 f«»»*t by f f.« t. 2-' I» « i de. p; 1 J. CHESS. 924 f«*»»t a pin»» 2u aecondi» in diameter, I h h ,^ tin blaze»! tree de««*r i I mm ! in location r.otic»*, eathe north c«*nter end of aaiuth 7G cor¡d»» in diame­ ter bears north iff degs, ea«t 42 fret; a laurel ff recon«!« m diameter te*ar* uth 4»< deg«*, wret 25 fe»»t; thence north 7ff «leg« eart on line belw«*«»n THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR HALE »•aid claim aiu! th»* Garfield claim ; »«o f- e< biaz- 1 at a low figure, eighty acres of good land. » m 1 black < claim, from which a laurel j »M*< <>n feet ; th«* G Motion mriUT betwren ««action® 3 C. N. GORDON. Linkv.lte. Or anil 11 t»«»an* eouth 45 deg»«. «’Hat ff79*t feet ; thence north 7'i property on Williams cre<»k. Joaephine county. *«*ttl»*the mama forthwith, if they wi«h to aave c«»HtP. a« the busineas <»f the *M»tate must be wound It compri«»* 80 acres of land, most of which 1« under fer\co, well watered and au«c»*ptibl»» to cul­ nt.wrth.’ntfurtt.PrdnU), „ R HANNA. tivation. The dw»*lling house anr further particular«, call on or a«l- from Jacksonville, containing IffOacres, 90 acres i tion and a splendid traveler; is 17*» hands high ; lr..^ at once. JAS W. WALTERS. ' ami weighs 1500 pounds. Sir Walter, Jr., was being under cultivation and the balance being Phoenix. Or. first-class timber and pasture land. A g«MMi sire»! by Sir Walter, he by M.irion. he by Marnbn- no Chief, he by Mambrinu Paymaster, he by house, barn and outbuilding«are connret»'»! with the place. Title perfect and term«* reasonabl«» Mambrino, he by Imt»«»rt»«l Mtw«»*rJgpr His »lam For further particulars apply to the T imfs ¡ was a Is»ng Island BI ick Hawk mare, she b»*ing I sired by th»* noted trotter. Andrew Jack«»»n, sir»* rom my place on evans crebf . last office or J. S. GRIGSBY. fail, one br«»wn mole, three y»»ars «'bl in th»* Central Point P. O. I of Henry Clay, progenitor of the (’lay family of ' fretter« His first dam. Hallie Miller, by Mam- spring, branded ( on right r.honlder, and one sor. brino, son of imported Messenger; Andrew Jack- rel tiliy, three years old and brandM L P on left son by Young Bashaw, and he t*y Import«<1 Ba­ shoulder. A liberal reward will Be paid for their HE UNDERSIGNED HAS A FARM OF shaw Sir Walter, Jr.’s »lain is connoted with C. (’ MoCLENDON. 16') acr s for rent at r»*asonahle figures All of recovery. 1R8H. th«*-ame is under fence an: Pre«. Unioa National Bank. otice is hereby given that the r.!i I I «■onnn'ne« «I Likin r following-naiT)«*d wttler ha»» ti)»«l notice of hi« intention to mak«* final proof in «upport of Avliich have « fluete*l :t conr-h hi« claim, ali i that «aid proof will h<* mad«* be- fon* the Judtfe or ( l»*rk »»f the County <’ourt of DIEU 11 ILE A MILLI(I> DISTRIBU ID Ja<*k««»n Co.. Oregon^ at Jacksonville. Oregon. <>n Saturday. June 2, 1«««. viz; William H. Pan- k«*y. hom»*rtead entry. No. 8853. for the fSl-j «»f NW1«, and N% of SWG. «•'<’. 2«, tp. 35 H. range 2 incorporated in 1A68 for 25 year« by the Legi« w«'«t. W. M. H»* nain»*« th»* following witnc««»* lature for Educational and ( haritable purpoet*«- to prove hi« c-»ntinuou« r« «i i«*n<*<* uj»on. and with a capital of JLiKJ.iiO—to which a reserve cultiv.'ition of. « mii I luijd, viz: A’l»*n Strickland of Medford. Jacknon county. <>•.. B Vince.it, fun«l of $55U,(NK) ha« eince I m »»* d a»lf Jnek-'m <*<»«inty. O: •• <»n terly Drawing« regularly every thr»*»* nmnth« [N PURSUANCE of AN ORDER oi 1HE (March. Jun»*, September aud Dcc- mber). A M’l.lMllK OlU’dR I I Ml 1 TO 1 County Court. iib<>v*-..a:u* J. rmtd*'N*»v .Jilw-r WIN A I’ORI I Ni:. FIRH’I GRAND s, lbM7, the und»»rsigned a« guard inn <»f Freddie Mcl>Hni»*i. James p M. Daniel, I la M* l»..;.i I. DRAWING. ( LASSE IN THI \« \DE'!Y-.•• M< - Daniel, all minor In in* «»f Jam« - I*. Ah-Da: ’.*1. ■w' 215th Monthly Drawing. decrHM 1'th dny cy No* ire— Tickets arc Ten Hollars only. Halves. .*>. at 1 o’clock 1’. M.. at the Court-Houae door in Fifths. $-j. Trntiis.il. JacksonviHo, Oregon, all of the right. titl<*nnd LIST OF PRIZES. uit’-ref-t of the naid minor heirs in and to the fol­ 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF ?!’. . «• • :15.> lowing real i»ro|M*rty. bituatod m Jacksonville. 5u*» . o Jack-on county.Oregon, t«»-wit: Commencing at i GRAND PRIZE OF J* . *>. 2 ,.*» th»» wiutheact c*»n:-r of block 44, running thence 1 (iRAND PRIZE OF LAlUiE PRIZES OF I m . imih 2 '»• northwest 75 feet. 5?a inches; thence north«*a«t I URGE PRIZES OF 5.dll . j- o. 127 feet, V inch»*«; th»-nceeaHtcrls 133 f(*et: thence Than by any other Route. 2D PRIZES OF l.GUG ... Zi'.un Mouthw»»r*t 1*9 feet to the place of latgn.ning Alto 50 on»* undivnied on<• half of th»* wat«»r-right owned First-Class Through Passenger and Freight Line from PORTLAND 1.») by -ai«l Jam«* P. Mcl>ani«*l. »iec«»a-« d. in bis life­ 21» I time bought of Georg»* W Fr« y and w ifi*. August and .ill points in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY’to and from SAN 500 1 7. 1-7G. Tin* above profwrty will bo a dd «ubj»»ct APPBOXIM ATION PBIZFR. . FRANCISCO, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers: to a mortgage ln»n upon Mini premise , cxecut»*»! Approximation Frizes of woo.. by Jam»*« P. McDann l ami ( atl««-rine. hi« wifi», 2i«>. "WNI. M. HOAC," THE “N. S. BENTLEY," THE “THREE SISTERS," to Chris. U intjen, f«»r the sum <»f .*2-r»*».(M). dated I»*» August 7. 1*76. due mx months aft»*r «iat»*. int«*re*t 1 ,M Terminal 50. Leave Pi Jami at 8 a . M. on Mondays, Wednesdays anil Fridays from 5* 1.0'41 at one per cent, per month. 1 L«* above mortgai;»* wa- a-signed by ( bus. Wintjen to Kat»* Mclian- M< -.-*s. Ht’hnan A Co.’s Dock, 200 and 202 Front St., for Corvallis and 2 179 Priz»“«. amounting to.............................S535.(f u icl Fol . 13. I1*»', for the «um <»f »225, m ; and also -ubject to th»» dow»*r rig! t of Eat.* Schultz, relict intenn«*i’.de points, making dose connection at Albany audCorvillns Application for rates t«> clubs slmuld L»* n. .<1 • of tin- said Jam» s F. McDaniel. onlj («> th« office of the < \nnpany in N»*wOri«--Tit* with tii' 'is of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Term« of sale, cash in l»anf»*'i M. A. DAUPHIN, N»*w Orleans, La IS*'F M L«* hv «* Yaquint ........................................... 6:3») K. M. , Leave Albany ......................................... or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. I 47 P. M ” ('»»rvaliii*....................................... 1 ' 3 k a . m . | “ (’orvallia. .................................. 5*1 P M Arriv«* Albany.............................................. 1:15 v. M. I Arrive Yaquma..................................... In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the ( oanty of Jackson. Mary Adlingtun, Plaintiff, vs Thonuu» L. Adling- t«»n. Defendant. ». ' To Thomae L Adlingtun, the abuve-named De­ The »-’».-ve trains comipct at YAQl'INA with the Oregon Develop- fer *l:uit : I hatthepr . ..n.*e«,f - S Illi. NAME OF TIG STATE Ol iCILGON. llFjAl I j .’I I >IJ 11 ' rals Ifcuungard ami Ear­ nb’iit Co'iip:«ny’s Steamship Line between Yaquina ami San Francisco. ly. you are hereby r- s<»lute fHirnes** and ¡rt«*grity. that tin tri»* eomplaint *»i tht ab %<• I'l .muff in tr.»- ii I m > v <*. chances are all equal, and that no < • • can possi­ «■utithsl court. now on til* unh the C l«u k of «aid court, within ten days from the date of the serv­ bly divine what numbers wdl draw a Friz«-. FftoM HKN FUANCISOO. I FROM YAQUINA.I S IdKKS. May 5th REMEMBER that th»* ¡»ay m«*nt »»f all Friz*-« ice of this Summons upon you. if served in Jack- Sundity ........... April 29thKaturday.. W.’lren ■ ■ \ H". M I» IO FOI R MIIOMI. I’.OkH f -on county. Oregon . but if served m any other May 15th Kt;I I’hura-lay .... May 16th I’uiMday .. Willa , Kt» Vs »•> .May 26th New Orleans. an«i the ticket« are sign»»d by th»- county of the State of Oregon, tiien wit Lin twenty Will?*.Tn»»ft»* Vtl’i«*\ ... Mo:-lay .May 21at Saturday.. President of an Institution, whose chartered days from the date of the s«*rviceof this Sum­ rtiurH»iay May 3lati Wil!ain»»t’»» Vai!«-. mon« lip« n you ; or. if sen* d < n you out of the rudite an* recugnised in the ( tarte; t L* ” ru’ ... lif »••'»■ - « ;g • tit ;g «la1 <* n without notice. '1 Dirt i ’«»nij’any »♦»■*.*rv»*« thi.__ P.i--«*:i4»»r- 0:14er- fr«»*H P «rt I t i-l un I ul! Will « *i n Valley points can ru ik** close connection with the for»*, beware of any imitations <»r anonymoti*- St i •• "f Or»*«on. or I y puh'ici»Uon. then by ti e btst day of the n rm <1 »»..urt following such s» r- train« of tin* YAQU INA ROU 1’E at A ib i 1 <’ »«-vallin *rnl if -I ’ Sa«i Fra’.ciaco, ah-»ul«i schein««. v ,<■■■. v ¡z : the 3d .1 .. .,f j, . rnber. L—s. And y > u date of Hailing. nrrung»* to arriv«* at Y'i<¡uinu th»* <*v«»nin« h*,b ar« hereby nut itu-d that if you fad to appearand answer sai-i complaint, as hereby required, the Plaintiff .. di take judgnie« t iigamst you for a de. cr»*e dissolving tla* Loud* of matrimony now ex- F«»r infoi nati«»!' apply to irtl ig b tW'»en II • Pl iintiff • I D- fej;d;.; t. bs C. H. HASWELL, C. C. HOCUS, will more full., appe;.; by the complain! on tiie herein, to w‘.icti r -ler*-nee is hereby made. G«-n’l F. «V I’. ' * . ()ro:«i»i D»*r»*lopmerf '’«» (ien’l F. A F. Ag’t. O F. IL H. < ’«». i’ublisli«'«! in tL<* D fm «’< kati < T imes for six niery Ht.. San Francine ('orvallis. Oregon. connect:riv«* weeks by ord»T of Hon L K. U h- -ter. Jutige of bind <’<»urt. made at chambers on March 19. Ihre. E Notice for Publication. PRACTICAL GUNSMITH To.*! of tediarti, Jackson Coicty, Oregon. We do hereby c ify that we*u/>ervo>e the arrnngrmt nt» I i atlto< Monthly and Quarterly Itraun ■ of ’I he Louieiana State Lottery Co, i>any, and ut pertion manage and control the Drawing» them- telven, and that the name are conducted w.th honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of oui •itgnatures attached, in its advertisements. Settle Up Notice. IOO Doses One Dollar. WRISLEY & MILLER CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000 The'indermgned takns nleasure in informing th*' r»’iblic that he ha- tak n charge of the Board inr-h<>u*e and Feed Stable in the eastern portion of Ashland. <»n the old stage-road, where, het* now prepared to furnish 63 Front Street, Portland, Or. I Notice for Publication. 1’0 THE HUNGRY & WEARY Ashland Boarding-Hnuse and i Feed Stable! A Great Victory i MISCELLANEOUS. Sheriff's Sale «‘«T.“^ the w<»rite **P«»n«l'* Kxtraet" blown in the glans, andmir picture tnute-mark on surrounding buff wrapp«?r. None other te c»*nuin»’. Alw.«\s insist on having Pond's Kxtrac«. T ik»• ne other pre|»aration. tl it n -r «<.,'«( in bulk or by miotun . Sold everywhtr«*. Price«, *>0r.. fl. $1.7.5. Prepare»! anly by I’OAOS EXTRACT CO.. NEW YoliK AND LONDON. rin,« • MAY 4. IWta. It is said that the employees of the In th<» ('il cuit Court of the State of Or '4»»n, for Jackson ( J» «ty. penitentiary who owed their appoint-| li e Oregon A (’aliforn i Rd’ id Company, merits to .Mr. Clow are being turned off. plaintitf, vs.Ma-v Gordon, Pr»”'* "a Powers,an»! '.hernLonwn h»* rsat law o‘ J«»ha '1 hurla-r. 1 i\ «»cilla Powers, an«’ all un­ known owners of the In reinafter deacnlted W a* I mall.* crowned at < iettysburg lire Republicans of Rlroie Island ’a ide, or of t. / intei «t therein, defend- W ith fame’s unfailing laurel vaf. have expei ieneed a substantial loss in »» its : Born»* gl«»rn»us from the con<|Uere*l tie’d, the reduction of their majority in tire leg j TN Tl E N AME ( TP STAT E OF OREGON. A t..Hion’.> pride, a peerless chiei ? ’• « • - hi 11 «■ s*i«i mi islature to the smallest since the Re- i 1 hi i ■•* he »by No' from that battle to in: brief— swer «’ co 1 np'a nt i r i you by publican pauy first carried the State. IL- w .i* n» t borne upon a shield; t‘»» p u 1 ;n the a» »ve en 1 »•■'tion, wi ' *i ten days om th*» d-«t * < " the M»r Thai n account of sickness, Win. R ; v »» «»f 'his summons upon j .» i ». r rv«« Sewall w thdrew his name as candidate : wi i ;n « county ; or if «ei v» Iwi’’ n any »»tin* i this bi «te. then within twenty »ia> for she ill' on the Republican ticket, in ctiun ALL SORTS. Multnomah county, and his competitor, i * ft i «» date of I le service of .h»«feiinmi«»! « up j c.H'id if j«»u fail so to answer, fo want t her- - l'ateiitr* have been gianterl a- loilow> : I’enmnl ra Kellv, w ■ - appointed to take «»f. -c p'ain« T will tike jjdgtn» ?*t luain j ><»u for ie i»*hef piayed for in the «»<• vplaint in tl.is Otegoti—John B. Buttencher, l’«*itlaiiii|>, Phil­ «iieggtlm secretary of the Republican i-»i ’• i h*1 ti «t day <»f tLe regular terni of th»' a‘a»v«' ’ «1 (*<»ui t, to be begun and li«)l l on the hi«t omath, .*1111111’ extractor . state Central Committee. They have ettii M > id «j m September, A. D. !“<«. the f ne being establish«*! the headquarters of the com­ th • thini «»win»: will be found in charge of the office. «les<*ub’ d sti ip «>r parcel of land, nain- ' : A «(up I 16-fo«’t ring. London prize ring or Mar wnith. | quirt ■ I Queenslti-rry rules, for ilO.DOt) a The Oregon Immigration Board de­ of land 845 feet in length anti ti'J f»*e ;,ig ’.•> feet wnle on » a h «id»* of find j raltel sires all sections of the State toeontiibute be I ■'file, Ktliaai <*r Mitchell prefetred. w«th the c»»nf»»r ,;ue of the mam trac k •»• the towarils defraying th«1 expenses or a l (Iregon A t alifor ua railr<»a .h- w»*«t ipiarter «»f the Northeast <|i»h • t«*r «»f j of jit i.IacK yai n as s. ft as lamb’s wool. The Senate e i:nmitteo on elm-at.on «ni s«»ction b»xt«s*n. towi. lop Unity ♦•» it The i re-.*lent is».**u.*d an older to-.lav and labor have ordered a favorable re- ? -u li of ICange on»» West, W' I hid it « M«*i i«iia:i, I » k -* o . county, Oi *.’«».i. be a ijad r«*d f » b.* aligning Major-General < rook to com­ port on the Senate joint resolution, p'o pr* it«*«j » phonl .ff’»> u«e for railroad ).ur- mand ot the «lepartment of the Missouri, i t> isn.g an amendment to the constitution «.a« ll « i 5’ht of wav gr«*und of plaintiff'« • I n»i«i i’,'<»a.\ i-b1;» thirty-fight < »regon annually pays a great «leal «1 •». of R ...... .. AV« , \V'1 •■•’nrt.*• Meridian, 18.87, ¡ th hteiv»*, give th»* tolio^iiig «tatis- ' f *t east o t* <»«j u«-r. •r h . .ns co»nrr b- t w rii lics: Vallie of timber rej»orte»l stolon, ni >re for the protective system than tin* oi « ni i»* « id s- a ' ■ «■ ■). C’’d where the outer |3(i 719,852; amount recovered, |478,()00; whole wool crop and theslieep herds are i it* of the ina:i o«*k of » • I Oregon A < ahfor- apjropriated for ; rotertive.service, f455,- worth. It would be a gain to have the r ii..ill«», i’-ite'a *1« «ahi mu«h line of se«tu»n Mills bill passed, even if it killed all thi- vt < ;t‘ »*a e'oll«»wnig said center line Smith 4<|U9. i tl »g. i ir nu •« Ease, :ii5 f»»et. more or less, to sheep. But, as a matter of hu t, it won't *»fHii<»'i 2’’»‘< <»f w d center ' ne; then«*»’ N«»r;h 51 No other country in the world has leg. !’ ' nvmites Ea-t. ami a. i gl.t am.lee t » »nd I such natural advantages as the Uniteii hurt the wooi indiistiv, Rut help it. • •••i:t - e, 2"» ifeet; then«»v South 35 deg. 31» nun- l ire drouth in Cuba « out lines. Large tr* « i *«t r»i»i i'iraliel with «aid <*(*nter lin»*, 5.5 States. Yet the Trust organs ask us to feet, more«- '••««, t.» en nitersection with th»* field tires are re|>orte»» t’ e Samu»*I ( «>lver donation Ian«’ i taxes whii a u«* have paid. That is, we ’ dll« ing districts. Streams and pastures «•l'imi. ni'mb«* - i forty-tw«»; then«*»* Boutn m I have got rich by fining ourselves every , are dried up, and many cattle are ;>erish- West i>«»undaty • said claim forty-» wo. till) f *et. • time w»* bought anything. ilig. Tlie decrease in the sugar product more or I- «»*, to a po'nt T ' r»»» t u«'«t <»f en.i at is Variously estimated at from 10 to 20 rrtht anglt* .<» u* eeiiter i * ih of «ai<| u11 nm'!; thenco .\«»rth £5 ih-us. 3 > ininut ■« AV» «t. pant ' :«•' The heavy t rave! t»»war«l Oregon will; per cent., as «ompared with last year. V It 11 H'lli h f**«*t .- hung for L . ' f«* *t. mor<* or l- ~**. to a p«** .t at Egh utigle- (till th«* fir«t ol September one train a «lay : to saui t»»»fore ii » h * i | mm I «1 »1 »»i 2t53; , will not be enough to ace«_>mm f • *t t • -aid ion 21.", in»» «• • r ’res. • biibin»*'«. The work of bil'.ing S-»utl<» ru | ■J7th, escaped Lorn jail there. He locked stat ill in Javkson county. St\te «d Oi. ron. i in sec­ I California with posters and ed oft' ti«»n sixteen lounshii- thirty ai K<.ulli <>f j th»* pamphlet« undertaken by th»* imtni- f his -hackles with an ax, side- a trout R.»Dg-* on»» \Ae*-t of the Wi”-mettu Mend: ' ,. ___ m f-aui ounG »»f Jac* *» i; b<»: *Jud’ . .1 » Be ap,>r< • and : s now at «rge. He is the seventh ! ¿ration boar I cannot fail to be productive ! printed t«> p’n»n. « e*» fo«- '"oad purport -, as prisoner who has e.sea|s* I in two years. J of much g»>ud. th«» r California i< I t»ui-ement« of this acliun. “Calif,’’ I h»* abbieviatiou “Cal.” on | tli- ir platform a plank favoring taking And you a • a'«o further n«» ■ mail matter is liable to »he confounded the internal revenue tax off whisky an I iimii- I*» -»er» I by pnbl ciUio-i. t»y the oui«*: the Judge of «aid Court, date! th»* 21«t <1 ... i with “Col,” which i« the abbreviation tobacco, tint said nothing about tak’ng Apr: I A. D. I' nh S. j used for Colorado. Many poisons make the tax off salt, hltnher, woolen goods WH ALE! Y. BRONAUGH A NORI Hl E Att »rneys for PI miff • “as” an«l “o’s” so much alike that |M»st- ami other nev ssaries of lite. Every masters an»l tli**ir assistant« an* apt lo * be friend of the poor man must be against such policy. puzzled as t»» whi» h is intended. PQNO'ShXTRACT !PA ined 1 stroy ER N otice UÜITE3 STATES OFFICIAL PRESS. FRIDAY.... Cleat ante Sale. Desiring to make room for my immense The report that small-pox had appear­ spring stock, I have determined to offer ed at Sisson last week is utterly false. special i’ luce men ts for the next thirty China has been visited by an earth­ days. The following are some oi the re­ ductions, for cash only: 5-button Foster quake. Several thousand of the heath­ kid gloves, in black only, former price $15». ens were killed. now selling at |1; fine, black Milan hats Binger Hermann admits that the Re­ former price $2, now selling at $1.0“; shade publican party is in danger of defeat, ha|s from 25c toll.2*5. Everything in pro portion. Orders by mail attended to and is also hard up for funds. promptly ut Mrs. 1*. I*. Bron’s Millinety The bill for the admission of South Store, ckson ville. Dakota as a State into the Union has passed the senate by a strict party vote. Who In Your llftl Erlend? Alfred Holman has severed his con­ Your stomach, of course. Why? cause if it is out of ord?r you are one of nection with the Ort'joititin, to assume hr most miserable creatures’ living. Give editorial management of the Seattle it a fair, honorable chance ami see if it is Ink lligtncrr. not the best friend you have in the end. The corner stone of a Jewish temple Don’t smoke in the morning. Don’t drink If you must smoke and «as laid with appropriate ceremonies in in the morning drink wait until your stomach is through Portland in the presence of a large crow d with breakfast. You can drink and smoke one day last week. more in the evening and it will tell on yon The State convention of the Women's less. If your food ferments and does not Christian Temperance Union wili he digest right—if yon are troubled with belli in Eugene City, in the -i— 12. M. __ E. heartburn, dizziness of the head, coming up of the food after eating, biliousness, in­ Church, commencing .May Sth. digestion, or any other trouble of the Did Ingalls bleed at Gettysburg. And was be foremost in the fray ? By <-«»uAtry hearth- do soldiers tell Thai Ingalls barred the Southern way? Oh, yes. hr fought that is to say—- Y" i you nee -ahem bit. well - lie lought a thousand miles away. i.... W Burrng-' a •>-■* ¡ • n«ldr»*NM i- Hpokam* F illtipokan»’ c«»un»y. AV'i*hing!on i Territory, has this «lay hksl his application for a patent f»»r tif’»•♦•n Lundr»*»i linear f *»*t of the 2»! ’Xt«»n*i«»n of ihetiartteld Mme min»» <>r vein bear­ ing with surfac • gr«»und six hundre«! fret in width, siruat» d Hi Sam’s ( re»*k Mining Distin»t county *»f Jack-»«»«! ami Stat*» «»f Or»*g»-n, ami«!»••*- igiuitisl by the n«»l«i note- an«! official plat «»n fib* J in this office ns lot N«» 13 m I p 36, S of R, 3 west. I of • l«e Willamette M» ri«lirin. -aid lot No I! teung I «ieMcribed as follow*». t»uw;t : Beginning at a j blaz»»»i pine 2 *»e<»«»nld Iron .Aline ami runs then«»«* north II d«»g*» went «>n center line <»f the I« n 1>*. variati«»a 19 dug* » mv ? i instrument us»sl improve»! solar com­ pare). Us®» to a post for thec’-nter of the north en»t *f ,aii| claim ; thence south 76 d«»gs west on end bn»»; 3 •> fee» set post f»»r corn■ r No 1, from which a laurel *Jn seconds in nd* in »k -‘4 **ec »n«ls m diain»*t»*r bears south 62 de»:»*, west 22 f«»»»t, th •nr»’ north 7rt «legs east <>n eml lm»» be»w-*»*n first ami n**cond exten­ sion. iM) f«*et blaz»»d pine 2b «»n renter of end line, Mt fast •xcavatten bears northeast IS tart I »ng. 20 t»*et w.«l«’ ami I»» f-«et deep, in r«»« k. ff»«» feet post corner No 3 and c«»rner N«» 1 «»f first exten «ion, the 1-4 section corner brtwren rectums 3 and 10 te’.irs south II .fi gs 3t> inmiit- s. »»aat 1412 j fret, a white ««ak 1<> seconds in r«»n inineoi surface ground are r»*«pnre»i to fi(«* their adverM* claims with th»* regmter <»f tli»’ United Slat»*» Lamí Office at Ro-eburg, in th»* c«»un*y of Douglas. State of <>r»*gon, during th»* sixty days pcn-wl of publication hereof, or they will b<* l»ar- r»»d t»y virtu»* of the provisions of the statute. CIMti. W. JUHNblUN, Router.