MISCELLANEOUS. <•<•« • UMD(. KAT Ln WITU O1H- IB 1*1 11L1CA T1O.XS. V -<• vt < r. GENERAL NOTES AND NEW8. aia uimcs. THE PLATFORM. Frederick, the new Emperor oi Ger­ 1 artie* paying forth»« T imm in advance at our many, fa in a dying condition, and can­ rtMiuoed eaah rate« will l>e furuivlied any of the not long survive Ilia illustrious father. following namwl publication« iu connection with UNITED STATES OFFICIAL PRESS. thi« pai»er at the prices given below. It will be Tiie Democrats of the Sixth Judicial noticed tliat there ie a reduction of at leant 15 per cent, on puLlwhere' customary rat»** in overy FRIDAY.... A Riti I. 27. Kss. district have nominated Hon. >V. M. instance, upd in gome much more: Ramsey of Pendiet >ti lor Circuit Judge. . WEEKLIES. Toledo Weekly Blade................................................. >3 GO Work ia going ahead favorably in all TO ADVERTISERS. Harp«*r’i* Weekly.................................... 5 70 Scicntilu* American.................................................... 5 UI) The riMEM hM a rirculation 3 2 00 the various departments of the Oregon ‘etn»it Free Frees .................................... j ... 3(1) Iron A Steel Company’s works at Oswe­ large.!-».Jo,esibì any newspaper New Y«»rk Star ................................................ 3 CD go. New York World............................................................ 3 GO ,.«ibll.l>et*ino<*rat ... .............................. 3 ID Hlnaiilh esssssstls-s. Phiiade.phia Tim»- 3 ill »>i..iil«i lake osile ot thia. San Fri, .ci.se«» Call 3 25 Frank L slie’e iUu>trate«i |*n|»**r 5 70 “ •* (ivrinaa all Sunday Magazine.. . Ptipuli.r Monthly....... A firemen’s tournament is to be held Biidtret................................... PleHMMiit Hour«................ at Portland June 21,22 ami 23. M«»N THLiEb. I WoMShorH, Portland. Or.. ........................ (’otintv division ia again a burning .. Ü Century, Scribner ?....................................... question in Umatilla countv. 4 Demon-t « Magaain»- .................... Godey’* i-idy book ... ............. . 4 The building boom has commenced at S \ . 5 flosoburg,acrurding to the Rri icw, Harper - M«>nth'\ ........................... 3 : \.’U«TK*ai: Ag iculturi-t............................... 4 I Matthew Arnold, the noted poet, Harper’*" Young P»*o| I«» . .................. Pett*r>«»n i ’ ‘ h Magazine 4 I svh» 1 ar, critic ami theologian, is dead. HoiiMfk«' -p*r.............. . 3 1 Other publient io»)»« will b«* furnished at a n ! he business men of Portland have duced pi* ■ wh»*n -red with ti»»' T imi «. pledged $14,000 as an advertising fund. 11 Ml -A PRINTING IHH SE Ja<*kr*>>uv ille Oregon. soars. T ih > treatment of many tbouian.te of caw, ot tb.ue chnmio weaknmea ami dirtr>th>n 1« the greatest earthly boon, bein« u. -iual.d as an appetizing cordial and restorative tome. A« a aoothlug and «trengtbeuln« nervlue. “Favorite 1'ieecriptlon" is une. quale*! and is Invaluable in allaying and sub- dumg nervous excitability, irritability, ex­ haustion. prostration, hysteria, spaaimi and ottier distr.wiing. nervous symptoms cm. nioniy attendant upon functional ami organic disease of the womb. It Induce« retit-slung sleep and relieve« mental anxiety aud de­ ep. mdency. Or. Pierce’« Favorite Prescription la a leffltlmate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and akllltul physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in Its composition and perfectly harmless in lu effect* in any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys- peiMia and kindred symptoms Its use, in small dome, will prove very beneficial. l.arge bottles iluu doses» $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. F ir large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of W. iuen drfu pages, pap.-r-.-overed), send ten cent« in stamps. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Isucictien, <103 YlaLu St, Bl F*F 1I.O, N. *. Ma. Û9. Application for a Paten . U.S Lund Office, K»»«rbnrg. Oregt > YUrch >. K”. f NOI’I- r IS HEREBY «.1VLN I HA Í • I \ \V Bina.' whom » postarti*»« ..ni * ftpokatu» Fill«. StMtkaun county. Wi . Territory, i» h tn.-«day til«sd his applicati . I* pH'teit for nf-oeii tiu’itir«»«! linear «»i‘ih«- ■xt»*n«i*»u of th«’Garti**k! Mine mm«» >»r v* ?1 |, r- cig wnh turfacw ground * mx hundr -u !•••* width, Mtujtfud in Sam's Creek Mining D M1 County «»f Jack”» and Stut of Or«*g*-a. and de ign »t**d«*g« vv»t M fe»*t * u biack »»ak II «**( (»¡,«1- 1 di.und try, »» ; p«»-* f<»rt orner N » 2 of tir»t •■xt»*n«: a, fr. >11 which v wnite «» ik 24 •»« mtuimì « iu . _• 20 t«a*t w»de and 16 feet »i«*r*p. in rock, »«<» f t poat <*•• "i N» 3 and c»»rner .Not ist tir.-» ext«» »ion. tho 1-4 section corner betw»jeu serto»:* • and IU ìiear»* lumut •*. ea.-t I U_ foet. a wiute oak h» secouds* in dt oueter I eui* north 3»i »leg*», w «I I« f»’«t, a bbu-kouk II «• - ou»l« in diam»*t r bear»« south >» deg*», we«* j f»*« t, thence north 14 «I g*1 w«*«t alo» g » x*«t boundary 17xi' fe«»t det p»»*»t corner N»» I, from wiul I i . I>1 . k oak 12 a. •cord’ i»i diameter bear*« ««»nth : d* g«. v*«t 15 f»««»t, a black oak 15 Heeond*» in an* . beart »»»util 15 *1 'gs. ea«t 14 feet, them*«* » diti, . tl«*gH weut on end liât». JUh feet center of enti ! ■ • X5u Buinmit of ridge bean* north and south. »«- feet p.»et cone*» \*» 1, the pla«*o »»I le „iumm magnetic v .*i >n,containing 2»> »>»> a» r»*«. Tm» li»ùi»:» »»f ihn* mine is r»s*<>r«i« ti in th* li** i 1 . s •tlu*'. *«f Jack*» >n county,in b * k ¡««».’ M:* i .g Rec*»ids, |»age 12. Too adjoining claimant is J. H. P»»ai* it»y on thw south. Any ami all persons claiming adv»*r- ly anj Dortiun of said 2d hxt<*nai«».i of the < >.irti»‘id I <». Miue or «urfao» gr »uu»l are r«*«|uired t»» ho* fir*». uui.(lin£ 1'iiY wrapper. Nom-otheris uii:*'. A! w i\« in.>i.st on having Pond's 1 At 1 ari. T»ke 11* oLher preparation. /* iJ n ' er ( (?j i th® Children. They are es- lf.»r 1 It “ «Ve «î:25 P. M Camas, was blessed on the evening of M lx* ’ ive M ’5 t her seducer, who was married to another I >3WV V p-cinliy liable to sudden c >'•■ ri *i'-' • L ' IV * •»..$ 1 P. M 7*t»> K M \rri^«î Ma’ch lt»th with triplets—girls—weigh- woman. i Colds, Conghn. Crcrap, Whooping Cough, I ing thirteen pounds and fourteen ounces. etc. Wo guarantee Acker’s English It is a significant fact that, while tho ■ I Remedy a positive cure. Th«* mother, Mrs. Bertha E Clements, It saves woolen industry languishes and the i ten months ago bore twins—boys—and i hours of anxious watching. Sold by EXCURSION SLEEPERS ii m i manufacturer, fail not only to ex|H>rt i I now triplets, making five children within 1 (Tty Drug Store f.»rS o !-< a-- Pa - en4',rs on all thr<»ugh train« 134 goods to any amount, but even to control ten months. She is a lady weighing 1... ERI E oi « HAR'iL. founds. Mother and triplets are doing a large fraction of the Home market, the The O. A < . IL R. F« rry mak»*® connection with well. J I boot and shoe ami leather industrii-H are | all th»» re.’Ular train« on the East Side Division ifi an active, bouyant state, monopolizing from foot of F street. Mrs. Ruth Condit died at the hospital the home market and exporting to aeon- I We»t Side Division. in A-toria, April Sth. Deceased would siderable extent. Wool in taxed, while' ut:ru ; iai ’ oii ! i.txiiu urn tl.Lift have l>een 84 years old on the 17th inst. hides are on the free list. Shipments of i M Ali rRKi.N* i» \ i i y I i:x< Ein mai » i y . ) I She came to Oregon in 184.'» from Mer­ boots and shoes to points outside of New I 7ffi>A. M Lt*va Portland Arrtv»* »••r, p m . cer county, Pennsylvania, with her hus- England are larger than ever before, al- j 12:25 I’. M \rriv»' Corvalli« l.eav»- I 30 p. M. 1 band, the late Alva Condit, who died in though factories are being built in other I 18s.(, aged 8." years. She Hettled in Ore- sections to supply the local demand. KXl’H’ ‘«Titus IMIÎ.Ï (EX« EFT Ht'NI>\Y.) The undersign«! tak»»a pleasure in informing eon City ami moved to Clatsop plains in the public that he I hv » taken charge of the Board­ l p m . L”»iv® E*»rtla:ic«t «alvi, in thè w >rlil for (’(ita now prepared to furnish At AlL.c.y and (’•». valli® .*.»un *«*t with trains of Oregon Take a piece of paper, and on it put in figures your age in years, dropping the months, weeks and days. Multiply it by two; then add to the result obtained the figures UTi'.S; add eight ami then di­ vide by two Subtract from the result obtained the number of your years on earth, am1 see if yon do not obtain fig­ ures that yon will not be likely to forget soon. California R. R. The Mt. Shasta Route PRACTICAL GUNSMITH M KI>I’< >H1 Î on. IL 8TRAIT. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM "’l««n‘*..M» and W an MO m the hair, rr-■ tes a luxuriant grow th. Never Fail« to Restore Grey Heir to its Youthful Color. ur* a rdlr»*.u»i*i«anJ hair tailing _______ PARI liR’S CINGER TONIC InvBtaAble Ur Cough«, c xdZ Lsward Paiiui, LxhausttM. i For Farms, Ranches, Orchards Gardens and Lawns. > EA. r The Best Accommodations I>U HAIlI.i:. KTKOXi AND CHEAP For man mid beast. at price« to «nit tho time®, (live me a call for proof of what I «ay. THOS. MAYHEW ASK FOR E. G. HURT, Medford, Or. AKIN, SELLINC & CO.'S T An exhibition of California products is to Is* maintained at Chicago as an ad- verti-im’ meriinm. The project was wo ke l up by the Southern Pacific rail­ road |., < )r ; w and - jj| :1! he F Friday rider “ ^d Saturday, return »ng to oach : stand on the abovtv-nmned days. i DeHCKirriox and 1‘ edigrf . e . — Young Clyde is ; a large, weli-pr«»p<»rtion4'«st ever in the State. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR S\L I ■ As to hi« breeding finalities I will refer yon t«» his! f itm in D ** t creek valley. Jos<»phiuc i | R. V. Beall, John Fiehi. J. W. Smith. I. W. Th«»m- countv, seven mil»*® from Kerbyviil«» It con- a«. ' A J Daley. Jas Wooley. J. N- Trsjlor, tain® 36«) acre® of land, well wat»»r«*.l. about 1IM)| ¡Robert Potter. A. W Clemens. Marion W»»< h !, acr<* of which are under f**iic>*Hi;«l in <*uh<* il ■ . ! Andy lhitter, T F. Nichols. Thoe. Chavner, J. E. throe or four acres being set ui b»*anng fruit Smith. F. M. Plytnak» and a numtier of others. It trees, and most of the balance is also aueceptible t ! is not necessary to^nake a big blow, ae the horse ...... to gram ami fruit raising There Th«ro is a mmf<»rtn- comforta­ | shows for himself. ble dwelling-hoimo on th«' place; also a good T ehmh —Season. 17.00. payable at the en<»« of th« «.tato niiwt b« wound “I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and np wi t hoot furtl.nr delay. esiring to engage in other pur . for over a year had two running sores on my II. h . 11A A.« A ■ •»nite, 1 otter for sale on reasonable t«*raui my neck. I took five bottles of Hood's Sarsapa­ Administrator of the entate of 8. P Hanna i»ro|M»rty on William® cr«*<«k. Josephine county. dereaeed- rilla. and consider myself entirely cured." tc»»mi»ri»M»® hi > acres of land, most of which is under fence, well watered and Ruaceptibl® to cul­ C. E. L ovejov , Lowell, Mass. tivation. Th«» dwelling hoiiH«» and outbuilding® •‘Hood's Sarsaparilla did me an Immense are in good condition. b«»®ide® which there is a Y THE UNDEIWIHNED. ONE OH TWO cabinet shop supplied with HUperior waier-powcr. amount of good. My whole system has been men, who hav»» ranitnl, to aM»«i«f ami help For further particular®, ®n«Juire on th»» premia®« built up and strengthened, my digestion tm. I prospect and dev»»lnp mm»’*«. Field of opera (> ­ ra»l.!ro®e (LB. UALDWELL. proved, and my head relieved of the bad feci tion is on on«» «»f th«» l»«»«t and h««.»vi*M»t Ladte on WILL M \KE THE SEASON OF 1MR AT THE William® P. O., Or. TT farm of hi« owner, the undereigned, on Grif­ Ing. I consider ft the best medicino I Iiavo i the Pacific c*»fv«t. To etp«>ri»»tic«al pro-»pect«»rs a fjrtnne. For further particulars, call <»n <»r ad- fin creek, three mile- past <>f Jacksonville where ever used, and should not know how to do | id. coal black . good (impoei- • year® old. black, . nne form fonn^gr ¡ hi« hie farm, situntwi situated u«ar Bybee'b Bybee s ferry, ten mil«* mil»* “ " i i -------- hand» — high from Jacksonville, containing lflOacrc«. MO aert»« ti<»n and a splendid traveler; ih 17‘ Sold by all druggists. |1; six for J5. Mado u being .:.... . under —1.._ cultivation ..„h..^/i ska k..in,.n« weigh« 1500 pound«, Sir Waiter, Jr., whh rind the balance beim rom my placzon iwnhckepk . last ixl i , men nired »,, by m. Hir Walter, ho by Marion, he by Mambri. firet-chu-s timlier and pasture land. A gf . _____ _____ ________ - -- J. -- GOOD- - - tiie C]yd«w!ale draft horse. 1 th« sauiH in under ione« and alx»nt Mi) acre« in cul- MOTH F IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AS MY ^I.L THOSE INDEHTKI» TO T. wyn ar«* requested to call and settle the «nine 1 Terms —For th«» « ‘ason. $10; insurance $15. tivRtiun. Tl,<* build'nin* on tl,e pine, .re very |w wife. Rubiera .lane Payne, has left my hoiu»e have Paaturago furnished mar®-« at reasonable rah»* r_. been appointed aasigne® : fair ansi everything in good order. For further «DutMNird.l notify the public that 1 will not lx* with meat once, as 1 1 mediate collection«. collection®. Due cart» will b«» taken to prevent aocidento, responsible f«*r any »lobte she may c'»n*wt from and must make irumedwitn I A Si A! I I HT I 1 bl A . ... v > • » «»<11 i\r, n -j « J. I Q f for . « — CH V iAS MORTGAi. Amignea ' I but Uii« cinta. WM. PAYNE. will viz.» not P... be — responsible any COOKSEY A OWEN. i Real Estate Agent, Central Point, Oregon Bonanza Klamath county, Of., Jtftfe IB, W. 1»B7. i Ij. R. WHITK. fiam’e Vailey. March t>, làdb Settle Up Notice. FARM FOR SALE. The Fine Trotting Stallion, D SIR WALTER, Jr., B FARM FOR SALE. STRAYED FOR RENT Notice, Guaidinn's Sale of R?al Property. In the<’«»u-ity <’«»urt of J.-»* k* »nrouz.ti ()• •.••>.*i 1 \ PI 1.'; a i»*i and B«t*m»* M *. j>aniel. all minor h«-irs of Jam«« I’. M- lRo i»*l, d.ft-i-A'ti. will oft» r t<»r sal»* to the highest bidd< r, on fhe l?lh day 0/ .V07, at I «»’clock J-. m .. al t .♦• ('«»urt-Hous»* «ioor in Jacksonvilb*. Oregon, ail <»f the right, titb aiid intt-reM t»f the «aid minor heir?* in atd to th«* fol­ lowing real prop« rly, situat»*d 11: Jacksonville, J ark >011 county, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at the soutiieaet corner of Block 44. running thence northwsbt 75 f»*vt. r»5< inches; thence north«*ast 127 fr»*t, it inches; tio-nceeasterly 133 feet; thence bouthwiW ]M9 f, et to th»* place of beginning. Also on«« ii!.divjd«»d one half of the water-rijfht own«*d !>y said James P. M<*Duni» l. decoas'-d, iu his life­ time bought of George W Fiey atai wife. Augu**t 7. 1 *»«♦>. The al»«»v«* pr«»p<-rt> will be s »Id su‘»j«*cf t->a mortgage Lcn upon said premise*-. ex«M*ut <1 by James P. M»'Dani«*l an«! < atherine, ins wife, toChns. \\ intj»*n. for the eum of iJfxi <»». dated August 7. Is7rt. due six month« after date. inl»*rest at one per cent. ¡»er month. 1 Le abort- mortgage uas H«*«Mgn**d t»j < hii> Wintjeu to K .t»* .McDa - ¡♦•1 Feo. 13. 1*-*». f*»r th»* «-.im <»f *?22’» » ; an 1 also Mihj»*ct t »tie* d«»w»*r rig t of Kat«* Schultz, relict of th»* said Jam« s P. M. Daniel. T< i ins «*f sale, ca-h in hand on day < f sale < ATHERlxE Si Hl I 1Z. Gn-miian of the Minor Heirs of Jane s P Mc­ Daniel, deceased. Summons, In the Circuit f'ourt for the State «»f Oregon. f*»r tli»- < ounty of Jackson. M.. t ; Adi;.* gton. Plaintitf. v> TLciua” L Adn.* g- t«»n. Defendant. T«»li»*»uia« L Adlitigt»*n. tt>e ab«»ve-t*ani« d De­ fendant : IN III) N.A'H OFTIil STATE OF OKI.(,ON 1 y«>u ni** k’*r» l»y d quin d to app« ar ai ti a: r th«- complaint <»f lin*Mi»<*ve J'jhiutift in tn« ai»<-v«*. »■I title«! court. n<»w «»n tih* With the ( l» ik <»f Mild court, within ten day® from th<* date of the «erv- ice of this Sumn’oT •* upon you. if served in Jack* eoneocuity. ()rego>. ; but ifaeTv«*d in any other county of the btaf< of Orogun. th«*n wit I hi twenty daj«« troin tite date of the »■• ivice of thia Sun;- ir<»ii” up«»n you ; «»r. if i vd on y«»u out of th«* St4*«*<»f Oreg. * . or L» |>ubi- ation. then by tl.** tir-f day of th«* t* r.i »-.•art f«»Jiowing ruch aer- vire. v iz : th«* 3*i tt \ >>f ; ♦♦•jnl»«*r. 1M>«, And y«*Q »1»• ftcr*-b> notiti»*«! th. j if you fail Du appear a d answer «aid o I '•aiplaint. "i; _z * requir**d, 1 as * Itvreby th»* Plaintiff willtak» jUiigment . . ‘ e .. I'l-f V u' cr®e «linHolf vingt __ ' 1- h»* Itoiidsof matrimony nowex- irting betw«*en the 1’1 iintdi ..i d Défendait. .* will mor® fully apt ar by rhe complaint on ti.e her» in. to which roferen . 7- r.s - 1-* hereby made. l’ut>li-h«n L 1». W’ *l»- »*ter. Judg«*«»f •f s«id court, mafie at charçb» r> »*n March 1'.«, ls®8. E Dr.l’F A IT. Att’j for l i ft. Summons, lnthe< ircuit Court for the State of Oiegor. f.»r the County of Jackfton B«*ssie L. Mc®i««*nger, 1’laintift. ve. Fred. Patter- »»on. Defendant. To I "• ■I P hu :*TM»n. the al>ov«<-BHm®d Def< n«lant I \ i Hi N \ ’ll i u I Hl >1 \ 1 i . I < »,. • »N I you are hereby required t«» appear and ai -w>*r th • complaint of tie* ab«>ve l’iaii.tiii in t: . al* v® «»ntiti«®! court. n»»won fi with the ( lerk *»f « d '«»urt. within t«*n ► from t.*»« date of ti....... vice of tl.i^ Summon® ujM»n you, if served in Jack- n count\. Oreg«»n; but if *«*rvud id any o(L»*r ( "ti ty«»fthe Stat«* of Or» g«»n. then within tw* : t> lays fnun the date <»f th«» service of this S.•<£. E. D e I’EAIT. Att y f«»r ri ft. L 8 &An..-l,iirc. Or.von, , I T. J. CRESS. HOUSE PAINTER JACKSONVILLE, OR Having permanently locate«! here. 1 «»fler in y services to the people of Southern Oregon. House Painting, Paper Hanging Fres?oing, Ka’.omining, Etc., Done in a superior manner and at price® fos . • the time«. I refer to the job« of piintrg I 1» previously done for recommendation. Saitsf tion tzuaranteed. (live me a trial and judge for yourself. Onion» left at Merritt’« Now Cash Store wi»‘ receive prompt attention T J. CREHM. Farm For Sale. he undersigned offers for s \ i i atabirgnin. th® fa»*m known as the Mi’c' '! place. ®itnat f school. an«l in h very haalthy l«»calit\ If c«»nt.*t , 2» m acre® of land, eighty of which nr«* u td»*r f«*i wbil«» m«»st of th«» halanc«* 1« al«o *• i.-< *i»t il»h .1 cu tivation. Th«* building® ar«* fair ana th»*r«* i- an bundanc® of good water on th«* promi«’*» For further part icu'ar« «>nquir«* «»f RK’E BENSON, Spikenard. Or T Farm for Salo. ur. UNDLRSU.NED OFFERS FOR RAI I at a l<»w figure, .»ighty acr<*> of g<»od land. uated 2‘i mi!**« esut of Linkville. on tiie F«»rt Klamath road. Fifteen acres ar- under (••• * and m cultivation. whil«»m<»nt of th • balance i*> Mn«<*>*ptibh’to tillag°. Three 1* a go«ni w»*ll <»f v »- ter and a logh «»uee on tIt«»property For furtl.’ r parti cilia th call on or aildrcn« C. N. GORDON. Lmkvtlle. Or T SMOKE F T N Xo. •*», WANTED, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Land Office at Roseburg. < )r.. / March ¡3 . IKHs. ) OTH ! IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fudowjug-Qum«'«! settler ha« tilts! notice of his int.. Or«»g«»n, at Jack»*onvitle, (JregoD, on Saturday, April 2s. ISbs. viz: Bhnn <’. God. dard. Jr., preempt "»n d. - No. 51h2 for the 8Wl< of NE 4 SE 4 .»f .NW 4. N*V» m <»f SW-4. and Nl\ of SW‘j, «♦*<■. !7, tp. 33 8, rang»* 2 ea-t. W M. He names th«- follow im. wilm *«•** toprove h>« con« tinuoua reeideuce upon, hjm I cultivation of. «aid bi id. viz: It. H !)• an Titumae 1*. Kahler and < hauni^y Ny^df- D<»«kiu«, Jackson «-ounty Or., ami M II. Gurd»*;i of Eti.;» Ja»*k««»ti c«>unty. Or. CH\S. w. JOHNSTON, liegiater Application fox* a Patent. YOUNG CLYDE, IOO Doses Th»Original Abietine Ointment i« onv put up in large twn-wum e tin boxes, ami is an ah* »lute cure fur old sores, burns, wound*, chapped bands, ami all skin ♦ ru| r.ons. Will positively pire all kinds of ; •A«k for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by all druggis t at 25 cts. per box —by tuail 3»> »-ent*. Medford. Or Brino"». Sor« ». Ch-er«. Salt Ritenni, l’ever Sore». Tettcr, ( ìiapped Haml., Chilhlai n.«, • "rii», and all Slcin Eruption». and po.i. tive enre» for l'ih'», or no pay re«piir«'d. It i»irnaranteeil to i*iv perfect »atistact'on or money refi! id«*«l Bri. «• i', cento per b >x For »aleì.y all «lruggistx. Notice for Publication. 1 <> the Lane«-A Duffi**l*ld plac er g«»lean’iful dupe will not like him quite so Ono Dollar, flood's Sarsaparilla is the only j clear«1»!. There ih n stream of water running | »1 low«; ('ommencing gt jny stable in Willow well; and there may be some hope of medicine of which this ean bo truly said; throughthe place the rear round, affording plenty Springs precinct April 15tli,where he will remain HE E1I1M OE DOUGLAS * CO.. DOING bringing her, with all her sins on her and It Is an unanswerable argument as to bugiatesi» At Ashland, Medford and Central of water f»u stock and some for irrigating. The i two * s-IhgolHtc Cure. ßUNS >*KT(>I.S \ND OTHEH URI VRMS O repair. Court of .lark«on < «».. Or»g<»n. at Jacksonville. Or., on \V«*du<*tf th»* S E ’1. N E ‘4 <»f S W bi and lots 6.7, 8 asd 1». Sr< 2’i. Tp/4. S of R. 3 West, W M. H«* name« th»* f«»llowing witn<*M»H to prove his ccntinuous ie-id»*nce upon, ai d cultivation of. said land, viz : Trank .M Parker, Jr««e D«** ul-tr«*'’i 14 complaints than the Extract. Pond’* KvtrArt Pla<- 1« r is invaluable in th»*se diseases, *Lum- Psins n Baekm M«ie. As. it . mtrait Fer ««eh bemaese. We are al» • a : .’«for the Wo nib l|wi *. « i'QAn y, Or son. Ali vrdvr promptly attend»»« tu. honesty, fenmest, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the t’ompany to use this certificate, with fac-similcs of < at signatures attached, in its adrei tisemen ‘s. Address Registered Letters to Rheumatism, Neuralgia. CEO. STARRETT. Tcwi oi lYledtard. Jackson County, Oregon Salmon,which are stop|ied by the dant Resolved, That we most earnestly and of the Oregort hatchery,are being slaugh­ tered by fishermen, and a law isdemand- unqualifiedly endorse the policy ui tantl ed which shall protect tisli within three revision and a reduction of the surplus revenue to the needs of the government, miles of the hatchery. economically administered, ns set forth i:i The Pacific Bridge Company has been the President's last annual message to awarded a contract to construct a bridge Congress. We believe that such a revision dictated by sound policy, aud that un­ over the Willamette river at Oregon l is necessary taxation is unjust taxation and City. The contract price is $23,000. oppression, and public revenue should, as Work is to commence immediately. ar as possible, be derived from taxes levied upon the luxuries, rather than upon the J. T. Gregg, of Marion county, has necessariee of life. I Isen appointed secretary of the Republi­ XT. can state committee. The committee Resolved, That we demand the forfeit will open rooms in a few days in the ure of all iiueatne»! land grants and that Pmtland Savings hank building on tiie public domain be held as a sacred tru«t for homes for our rapidly increasing popu­ Washington street. lation. Ana we cuiiunemi and upprovc It is broadly hinted that the obstruc­ the President's message in regard to Ore tion tactics, < stensibly aimed against the gun wagon road grants, lately sent to Con* direct tax bill, were really largely direct- gress V. led against the swamp-laud bill. As it Resolved, That proper public pulic. I is, the special orders ma le by the house looking to the future security of the « uuii I covering the present and last week have try requires that the guvernuiciit keep all ib piru«svs to the soldiers ui Hie Union in all been swept aside. $ i 5 o , ooü . Time Schedule, Except Sundays. SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS !! au office iu thu □ys^epsia, ¡*. Sai arilki « th rt< «I n pcrmti- saparilla u ill relieve ami cure ; on. <> a*«* ì . >• ' » g y • ;d’> az«» rm wife u as Kcmlnll, 21S Tremout »*. I n- hate found greater relief from A«»r*s ' n d i* * i*: <*! .n a: imi a- th« !»• -t nw-dicim Sarsapa: ilia thmi fro a hi \ oilier r» m »!».’* in h . for th« bi»»*Ml.” B. B.irnatd W.tir <1. < . 1 M ’ I I, 75 Aitatn»* <♦.. |,\ nil. Ma -*«., n rites ; •• }’ , a M: c s . ., xyritvs: ••In n »«»:h* r r» im«iy have many y«*m> 1 r» «I »« rrih \ fron In»; capital prize , 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME \ GENTS FOB Forty f e?rs in Oft - .1] Rheumatism, or Neuralgia, a few bottles of \ ., i * m Land Office at Roeeburg. Or.. J April 16, [ VOTH’E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ! 11 following-named settler has tiled notice <»f I his intention to make final proof in aunport of 1 hi® claim, and that sai»l proof will La* mad® before ! the Judge or ’l<*rk of the county court of Jeckaon (’«»..at Jacksonville. Or., <»n Wedneeday. June viz: Daniel Wilfton. homestead entry-No "y that we tmpC rvitt I 6. ** IFe do hereby cc 5237. for the HE S H^* 34, Tp. X'» 8.K 1 eMt.W. M. the eirranyemeHtt I" all tar Monthly ana ! lie naim*s thu following witneeee® to prove hi® Quarterly Drawing oj of 7 1 he Louisiana Loumiana cuntinuuu® residence upon, and cultivation of, land,viz; Henry 1» Brown, Win. M. Stanley, State lottery L'on my, ard tn penem I sanl N. Thoma® and J«jhn A. Obenchin. all of manage and control the Drawing» th< m- John Brownsboro Jackson county. Or«*g<»n. telve», and that the same are conducted u .th i ( HAS. W.JOHNSTON. Register. Capital Prize, $150,000. 63 Fient Street, Portland, Or, WRISLEY & MILLER of ¡.Hl¿inIf. iinlucf P' . in*i.*l i of tin' stomach. lh»T. and kidiu*'* »»-»i ►hould tak»* Ayer’« Sarcaparill*;. p uj| renew mid invigorate jour I¿a»d. and cause tho vital organs to prop*, »h |»erf*»rin their function«. 1 f you sutler from \. ith Ay» r’- S;»!-sp:inl!:i. there wed be 11« f arof I k -] IHiemnatism. N»u- r;izia. Sali Rhevn. Tetter. !>z»ni:i, < a r b, Liver tr • b e«, or any »»f the ¡•- i-* .-i-iiu’ fr.**H Scrofulous jiint*» in b'*»o riimlsen,who®»* poAtoftiee nddre « is F >. tland Multnomah o«»unty. Stet® of Oregon ha* this day til’d hi* application for a patent for tift»*en kun drud (!51Ab linear feet of the Garfield iron mine, mm«» <»r vein, te’anng irou or»», with surface Oregon I’ icific. ground *ix hu:>dr»* of J.tcks«»n. Com|»an> ' ag»*nt at M”df<»rd ami Stat® of Oregon, and d(<®ignat»*«i by the ti-h! E. P. Rr theuenti r line of the south en f»” t to-pnng c«»ur-»* «Miutheast. V72 feet.di««*» very shaft bears west6 feet, shaft .*• feet by 1» f*n»t, 10 feet deep ; I4tft)f«y«-t shaft »»n th«* |o«b 5 f»*et by io f»M’t, 15 feet deep; Cue feet u black ’ feet s- t p«»st fur corner S«* which a uiunzanitn 6 t$e«*onds in diuth 52 dege, east JV 7«a t e»s tarn b»* w - s » h -‘» ction® t ami 11». bears 4'» fuel set p »»I for c»»rn»*r N»» wn»'*h a black oak 12 sec«»iid» in «La'iiet» •«»ui d- gs, west 3 f et; a white oak l_ in 'd»*g thence moth *»n w» st l»«»itndary. I PH KENNEDY S EAST INDIA «•m t line bet ween section® 3 and l'>; ti n ct»rn”r hear» ‘*iu*t 1’62 feet ; LNKi BITTERS N»» I. fr in w ii«*h a laurel 6 t»»«?«»ud Lears soul h I'» d»*.;s, w»*-'t ‘¿5 f»*»’i , a laur»*i «»mis in diameter b<»ar* north 16 degs,»«as th»*nc«» north 76 «1« g® cant on end lu.»»; excavations on It »de i|ep»»r.it, feet wide and 5 feet dec P. be ( 1 • u. I • » J r t by s fee’ I in »r«*:» r«s*k. bears south pu ft ui k 11 ”eis i i diam*»t«*r blaz»®i i<»r » Grown from aceiitnat^l stocks ou • or tlin»*;!*'« I ■♦•! to c«»rn»* ’ .No !. t: 1113 own ground. o* >»■ g!*ii g. c«»Dtaimng 2l».‘5 acres. rhe I' Cate n «»f t.'us mine is recorded m th«» r. 'i.r b f s ..th* »* »»f J! Iron Min«* or surface ground, nr>* r»‘- «piired to file tt»» *r adverse claims with ___ f?i< i«» regia, ter «*f the L'mte«! Htat» s Land Uffict at - R«»-«fbnig. WALLA WALLA. W. T ui th»* county <»f Douglas, ... Stat»* of Oreg . _ ... *»vi«MÍ of publication -.......... h«*r»*«»f.or they will be l»arr«ii by virtu® «»f th® |»ruvi the statute < HAS. W JOHNSTON Re J. B. W rislkv Forearmed di'« » Iur!iti<»ns of the «kin ; «»r •>> .i I » ihr' Resolved. That we heartily endorse I’res- dent Cleveland, who, by bis capability and fearless honesty, and fidelity to the trust reposed in him, has illustrated the principle that this is a governmet of, by and for the people, and one pledged to guarantee equal rights to all and give spec­ ial privileges to none. ii. Resolved, That we approve the present faithful and efficient Democratic Blate Ad ministration. lit. Conductor Abner K. Colburn, the vic­ tim of last Thursday 'a accident on the Portland A Willamette valley railroad near Oswego, died at Good Samaritan hospital at Portland. Forewarned saparilla.” It instils new life into the mid mu a Well turni today.** 15c sure ;u>< The Monnt Shasta postoffict», Siskiyou county, baa been changed to Little blood, and imparts vitality and »tn-iuth. ?• t ,\»< r*. Sarsaparilla, the most thorough Shasta. Being highly concentrated, It is the mo-t mid effective blissl purifier. The bi st I ecuuuiuical blood purifier. the cheapest. 1 ive vessels are due at lMrtland with NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION’ tailroad iron, the duty on which will ag­ Prepared by Dr. J. ('. Ayer & Co., Low di, Mtwr, V. 8. A. OVER HUF A MILLION IHSTRIIRTED- gregate $200,000. For sale by all druggist». Price $1 ; sLx bottles for $5. (icorge Cogill, who»lie»i at Sisson the 7th in“t., was a comedian and character 11« various wars, and that the pension roil Hon. Hiram Smith died at Harrisburg of the Republic be jealously guarded as « actor of considerable ability. In corp« »rated in IMfX for 25 y«»an> by tbn I«* 2 •« on Thursday of last week --------------- at the age roil of oi | honor, without visiting upon tiie lature for Educational and <'haritabio purpo T1 e general land office reports that sixtyseven years. The is one e«jual to the iiiaintainunw 1 vrith a capital of to winch a n**»civ< Tl..... «ifeeased I..____ 2 1- ___ | people th» n* are 10,000,000 acres «»f Ian.I in of the proininer t men of Oregon. He of a standing army, exhausting of Hit* re­ ti‘nit'1 of inu» biac«» I m *«* d add»*«!. by an overwhelming popular vot«* 1 tn franch t-p South Idaho susceptible of cultivation. was born in Ray .tounty, Missouri. He sources oi the lax payers, winch mnv !>»• w’h*» madea part <«f th® pHtient 8tate('oL^titution tn vded fur future defense. came to Oregon in 1S o 3. adopted Dec. 2d A. D. 1B79. Powder river valley. Baker county, is vi 'The only Lottery ever vut«*d on and endorsed by still covered with a foot of snow, more Resolved, That a« a free people, enjoy­ the people of any State. It never (scale* or pot» U A gentleman writing from Florence, POTI»‘8. than we had in this \alley all winter. Italy, lately says: “1 saw Mr. Blaine ing the blessing'* of liberty in a govt rnnroiit It*» (irniKl Mugie Number of tiie people, we denounce the |M»licy of will take place monthly, and th® Gran«! Q : ti - The bill reducing postage on seeds quite often at Florence, and lie is greatly the English government in its adnnnistr i terly Drawing*« regularly every three ni »1 t .*■ bioken ill li ailli. Anyone who sees him ruttiiijs, bulbs, roots, scions.etc , to 1 tion oi Irish affairs; and that we ext« i.d «. h (March. Jun«*, September aTid D■•«•“•fiber • c»*nt per f< ui ounces, passe»l the senate. will kiiow the reason tor his withdrawal behalf of the Democracy of Oregon our ear­ A hPl.LN DID *»1*1*4»It I t N 1 I > Mt from piesidential aspirations. I fear his nest -yinpatny with Gladstone and Himel! his a iokii . m : E1L>I GRAND John Dunn was found guilty of mur- life will not be spaicd long.” DRAWING. < ’ u\SS E IN PHI V HLMY«». in th«*ir efforts to secure Home Rule am! Ml SIC. Nl A OHL! YN8 1 1 . MA dei in the first degree ami his >ent»*nce Land Reform tor the people of irelai.«!. 8, 215th Monthly Drawing. J V. Gross returned a few day» ago was passed the first Thuisdav in Jan­ vn. from Northern California where iie bad Resolved, That wt? indorse tiie salutarv uary. I ts-en to seek health at the fonntain of pu ic.v of tnu Nation it administration iii Th« death of Einfieror William, says some of Siskivous warm springs, and ob nstrictnig corporation> to the privilege- >«‘i»*v -Tick« tx are T« n hollar* only. Hahrs the St. Petersburg papers, is not less | tained a moderate amount of benefit. ami profits to which they are strictly « n Fifth«. $2. Truth«. $1. deep.y regretted in Kussia than in Ger­ Mr. Gross w ill soon begin the erection titled under the law. LIST <»F I KIZES vin. I CAPITAL PRIZE oh lr i VJ.... many. of a nice residence on. Ids beautiful prop­ Sii.Üt 0. 1 GRAND PKIZh OF Resolved, That we are in hearty accord 2t ,(OJ .. 1 GRAND prize <>r and syttii-aitiy with the efforts of the lab<.r A i-omnany is being formed to buihl a erty adjoining Albany. J ‘J»») . PHIZES of 2 LARGE masses and wage earners to ameliorate telephone line from Reno to \lturas, 5.IIKL.. I LARGE PRIZES OF The sad intelligence has been received mg Than by any other Route. M< r I«‘C Co.,Cal.. via Susanville, llav.len of the death.at Denver. Colorado, April their condition ami establish their right- » PRIZES OF ami are in favor of the enactment uf ,-ucli 5mi... Hill and Adin. ", of Geo. Il Shambrook, u na»ive of law« as will best protect their interests. TO... £i tf)... First-Class Through Passenger and Freight Line from PORTLAND IX. \ movement will he made bv some Oregon, well ami favorably known in KM... Resolved, 1 hat w«* tavor an amendment and all points in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY to and from SAN Portlamlers to secure passage of an act I many parts oi the state. He was horn in ____________ appiv » xim vnos . PHIZES. th«» constitution <»i the United Stat«*« pro- >• Approximation Prix«* of at th»* next legislature to allow a lo’tery Col,-'» valley, Douglas county, May 10, to Willamette River Line of Steamers: vhling for tin* election ot United State.« FRANCISCO, Cal. Istio. His body was embalmed and ! Senators to be run in this State. by a direct vote of the people* Im 1 “WM. M. HOAG," THE “N. S. BENTLEY,” THE “THREE SISTERS,” brought to Jefferson, Oregon. x Terminal \ special from New York savs Stilli Resolved. That we favor ananiondim nt Leave Portland at 8 a . m . on Moudays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Many Republican farmers w lm Lave, * in b.is chiillengssl Mitchell to fight for 2 17t> Prize®. amounting to to the present railroad cornniis-ion law of ; Messrs. Hulman & Co.’s Dock, *200 and *20'2 Front St., for Corvallis and Apl'lic ati<»n for rate to clubs a pii'-e of y.’iiYMI, the tight to take place for manv vein s, felt the weight of the un­ this ¡stale conferring _ upon the Board of . just tariff laws under which the rich have only to th»« <»ific»» of tin* < omp 4f-y in V-w < >r • ; - in t : iengo between now and May 3d Cumni'«r :-------- ;— - • t<» * fix and regniate intermediate points, making dose connection at Albany andCorvillas »¡oners power F«»r further Information writ«* clearly, giv. g ; been continually grow ing richer, and the rates i.»r the tr.in-p >rtation oi freight« on full add re* •». I’OSil. MITES. Lxpnt.-- Mo* ■ with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. 1 11.- I..w, r House of Congress has pass­ poor growing p>x>rer, will quietly goto the railroads within tin* State uf < )r«*g-»n. ()ni«TH, or New York Exchange in ordinary I» : » ed a bill authorizing the issuance of frac- ‘ the poll» in June and east a ballot for 14. cuirency by , Express F'.xpre*« «at ourezpens»*> addrer.-. d tiona iilver c •rtificates in the denomina John M. Oearin for CongD-s , who would M. Orleans. La r.. A. A. 1> AUPHIN. ........... N»*w ............ Resolved, That we are in favor of open­ or M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D. C. ing ami improvement of the Columbia riv­ tiuns of ten. fifteen ami twenty-the vote to relieve the poor of this burden. Leave Ya»|uina ..................................... fi:3i) A. M. i Leave Albany ............................................ liMTp M er ami various points of entry on the ««»a cents. Corvallis...................................... 1«K ca Resolved. That we demand of the gen­ I bly divine what numtier»* w.ll draw a Friz»*. ( I*. Huntington, who lately bcamepo"t. and leaves Julge ',!■ on the 1‘ortlaml |«-o|>le. used to ]«-d- Sunday ..................April sth Friday........................... April 13th the o»> Its -it the < .!'• .i-l»*>, ami the imme 1 Willamette ValL y i«Gl UM> FEB Bl FOI H > |TION il. ROks .f Gr.-sham without a delegate. dle butter to the miners in California. Wednesday .. ............. '* ISth Tm^day.................... “ 24th N»'W Orleans, and the ticket« are signed by t ■ e .illcs, Wills uette Vai »•> ■ anil it is evident that prices were as high Pr«'-ident of an Institution, whose char;» r* , ower, shall make train® »»f ttu*Y\QC!N'A ROUTE a’ Mbanv »r <* »rvdl - a-vi if d.Htined to Sau Francisco, ®h»»uld schemes. ; s to-,lay worth $C»i».(Xk».«nu». and butter from that region in the early such improvement- at or around these arrung«» to arriv«* at Yaquinu the evening b •{«•;-»• date of sailing. w ■ ikon the new court house at Cot- winter has beconm common, but hereto I points as mil. until the «ompletiun of the valli < is proi ceding with activity. The fore importation« have ceased about New 1\>;* k -_ aci'unmdate the commerce » the pv'.ik of preparin'.* the foundation has Year's. It seems rather strange that at country. F<»r information apply to Il.ru i completed * * and concrete work of this season, when the weather is delight C. H. HASWELL, C. C. HOCUE, CfrrtrMMcr ''■*- ; foundation is being prepared ready fill and ttie l ens should be doing their (ien'l F. A P. Ag’t. O P. R. R. Co, j Geii’l I*’. A I*. \g't, Or»'gon Development P»r t; •• stone masons to ccinmem e their be-t. that eggs should be shipfied here Desiring to make room for my immense I Montgomery St.. San Francis« •. ( al. ('orvalliv. Oregon. from a state 2iS»0 miles away, where the spring stork, I have deterniim-d to offer work ground is froz-n two tert deep am) A '|H'<*ial l‘hil;i'lel|.’ni.i tlispatch *aj>. where I'bii-kens must use a pick axe to *p< rial indmerneiits lor the m xt thirty day**, i hr following are some oi the re­ \* I.x-t it i.Hvttleii ti it Secretary Barar 1 get gravel. ductions. for cash otil\ 5 button I' »-tri­ is to marrv Mrs. Fol-oin, riotlier in law Mayor Bond of San Eranciseo, who kid ghivrs, in bi.r k only. ft i-liing at $!..>•; sha h- Flvt-rvthing h I ro- ly made and it is no longer a s < n t chasers of the Oregon Military wagon lint.* Irom 25c to ll ! road land grants, where roads have portion. Or»!rrs bv mail attend»’ i to an oinr the Delaware rr-lative-'. Manufacturers <>f the ! never l»i-u built bv the company, is in P' niptiy at Mr*. I*, i’. Prim s .Millinery St»-re. (ici . Howard fee's confident that he . i Washington ckinmville »» 0*11111'^1 - ’ll with 01 II III jUTS. .'iTHUHpi- his ’ lae lawyers, attempt- w:U assigned to the command of the I i»|* to prevent the forfeiture of the lands. Htttf Mm Dir. • hvisb n of the Missouri, and that < o»n. | The syndicate in which he is interested, 11 wv know all the metbo«L ( ns k will be as-igned to the command purchase«! the grant for a mere song, al- of the division of the Pacific. That ar­ m»’'!at nothing, because it was generally adopted by an t uemy we ate the I»« t to ward otf the danger and p"*t| rangement, it is understood, would be lielirved the Ian»! would be foifeited, on able»! the moment when >nrren«ler became- in accordance with their respective acceunt of no road having been built by evitable. In many HiMance* the inh rent w ishes. the company. strength of the body sul!i<*es to enable it t i ” t avorlts Prescription” Isa posi­ tive cure for the most complicated and ob. stinste eases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, lainful menstruation, unnatural «uppr. ssiona. prolapsus, or falling of the womii, weak back, * female weakness,' anteversion, retroversion, N-arina-down wnsatlons, chronic congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in. ■lamination, pain and temlero«'« In ovarits, accimpanied with ** Internal heat.'* Aa a regulator and promoter of funo- tlonal action, at that critical period or change from girlhood to womanhood, “ Favorite Pre. seriptlon" is a perfectly safe remedial ageut. ami can produce only good results. It is equally efficacious and valuable in its eff.-cu when taken for those disorders and derange­ ment« Incident to that later and most critical peri.st known a* ** The Change of Lite." ’’Favorite Prescription,” when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce’s (lol leu Me-Ueal Discovery, and «trail laxative dems of Dr. Pieroe's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pillai, cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder diseases Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. ”Favorite Prescription” Is the only rmdi.-ine for women, sold ny druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the nisnu- facturets, that it will give satisfaction ir. every case, or money trill tie refun.l.sl. Thia guaran- te-> hua been printed on the bottle-wranatr. and faithfully carried out for many years. The Democracy uf the State oi Oregon, in convention assembled, declare its fealty to the great National organization.uf which it is a part, and asks the res|>ectful atten­ tion of the people of the State to its state­ ment of national and local politics: LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. THE LITTLE CUPIDS! Notice For Settlement. Settle-up Notice. A« the undersign »d in closing up hi« black iinith businHH«* aUa ’k- ri vil 1». th«*«-» tndebt«» I (<» 4IQ1 WÜJ confer a fav m * l»y HO a« IM>»n t- mwibïû. T ha ? .i.tMiri H.l omeroy who«««» posh»ftiee nddrew. i- (N- wug. .( l.u kam.*,- county. Mate of Or««»!., 6 h . t..is (lay tih-.i I h ® apph« ar ion for a pi.tei.t for P24 liuur f.s t <»f t!.«* hr-i extension of thetiurtield * iron mine, nunc* or vein, tewriug iron ere. w ith ‘ surf«’H ground ®ix hundred f«*« t in width, vitu- at. .J m .Mii'i'» < r«*.*a Mwhig loMnct. coanty of Jackson at.d State of Oregon, and dmignated by , ti •• h»*ld note»» urxi «»fficiai plat «»n til- in thia of» tire as lot -No 42. in t<»WhM»ip3d aouth. range 3 wo®! of the Willamette Mendian ; ®aul lot No. 42 teing de®crit®*d ae follow®. Beginning at h biiut’si black <»ak U — c<»n«i® in diameter, for the cvnt«‘r oi tiie eouth emi oi sh »<1 claim, and st the center ot the north «*nd<»f theGartie'd lion Mine, and rur.® th«*n<*e noith 7*» d«*grew$ ee<*t, on center liae of the !<>«2e vari«*d 1V«1«* - • hm by improved »«»I hi coinpae® ; 2 » f* el cut 3 f«t t w« M b«*ar» north ;.‘»«i»*g® w« ®f. /* t. et long by 4 te< t wide ai d 6 !’•••! o. »*p . *>'.<'f.«I <*iit I < :.tb n r:h «¿deg® weet, 4(> f* » t by 3 f- *t a:nl 5 f«®*i deep ; 725 !«•«•( mouth of a tiiiin««l. tents « aht Its !,-»i, the tunnel i® 2SU feet long and l»;*ar® north 65 dog* W<*td ; Htk) feet btmft on th«* lod»* 4 feet by b t, 211 feet d«n*p; V24 f««et a pine 2- neond- >n diameter, being the I blaz«*«i tree d - r.t d in location notice, a® the • n«»rth center end . 2, from winch a white «mk 24 second» in diameu r tx ars «.»uih 62 degM, w«*«t 22 feet; tbeepe -<*uth «\ «1 *gs wr«i on w<«( latuiriary *. V24 f«*et to P».-t coiner .No. 3 and corner N<«.4 of the (iarfield I claim, from which a laui«d sagonds in dianis- j i» r tK*ars north 16 d»ig«.» a«t i*2 teet; a laurel 6 -•<*«»nd.- lit diam«Mer l»»*ar« south 46 d»*g«. w«*ht 25 ; feet; thence n«»rth 76d«*gs »*H«t «»n line lMjtwe««i -aid < lutm un«i th«* (iarti. hl claim ; .till f. et blag •*d bin« k oak f«»r cent, r of «*n«i hue und sun.mit of n»L’r bran» north m l ><»uth ; 6»*i fret to m»t «•«»rn.r No. • j j uf tJ|< claim, from which a ktur«*l 20 f»»*<*onua in diame- ter bear* auuth 52 degs, <«at,29fee< ;a ruai.zanitA u mto nd- in diameter bear« north 20dags. ea«t 10 ft • t ; the ‘4 i*evtion corner betw«*«*n section* 3 »u.d I l»rai- south i:, deg-, east U7V‘, f«et ; thence not'., t t d»-g- rurt <»n .-Hht boundary ; Vz4 fevt to place of b* gini.ing, containing ll.M acres 1««tin* mi-.f 1» I.» ord.d in the re- («ode. Hotlicuof JackM.n county, in book la a# mining records, page <1. ’ lh.*ud;<>u> UK < u.iuiwit» am Chari,« \y ug nw the n. rth aixl Hau. ThinlMti on ^12 *M»uth. ° An, and all ¡.. rw.n. chimin« adTmelr an, of-a.l tn.t rttrwwj «•ttbe(.a-tleldir„i. . m.ueoraurface «round are tequired to file their advene claim» with the r^i.t.-r of the Unitxi Sut.-K L.n.iOttteeat Ho etxir«, in it...... ..untirof Ih.uc.a».State of ItreKOL. durt! K the .tat, X,,, IM-rutd of pubUcatinu hereof, orthev will |U bar DAVID CBOXmiUkH _* 4