T a". •_ • * < • . H t It T .4 .V l> TH TKI. ■» 4 t * • V <* * Kt 4» X! u Ooh! Hili hs* s» v»«ral telegraph .»¡»«-r «- tor*. among whom we mention Mr« A J. Barlow, \V P. Jacoby and J. S. V««juhart. ' ' W G Cooper’“ fine stallion has hern witlillra , n troin sale, and will be :tf d • *- i «rd a»»«! Central Point »Inrimr the * Roads «:• dusty. Oregon Kidney leu Bu*ine“S is impruviiu Bead K COVJfTT comjt i o.vi: ft v ein Kt. Hammond’s French candi»«“ at Ja Bev J *i; R• 4n.ru Turner i j - L «ige orchard, fine «lw**lliiij h»»u*r ni.'i -util iihifngs. in tin- l"Ui. » I E;ml« P f«»r sni«* bv Lu»*k«-y -V »’•».< en»r :I P h :,’. Our « it:? m should er-ct a band 9tan»l in th«* court-house “«piare «»r in some other public p! i . s » that tlie Silver Cornet Band colli I : J « >; t!u«m w 'li t h««ir soul-surriiuf mu- at i . gul.ir it»»» • v.i«» I ■.birr" «V’ >1 ’■ .t I I Mensor Bros., at Jacksonville, call on ¿ill I those who are indebted to them by book «>r WINDOM-MORFY-At Grant's PM-. March 21-t. L. C Windom and Mi»« Lut Lie Morey. [ note account to settle immediately a* r^n j ■■ the;, are closing «»ut ibeir busin« here am! must have prompt *. ttleti«.« lit are now telling lh -i « » ir«* "to* • ami fancy goo«l“. «1res» good*, • clothing. hc»ots. shoes. t»»ba< co ■ etc , :tl the very !««we-t pri« e* ' fol «asi». MISCELLANEOUS 4 NERVE TONIC. .i,, —.„„ pcdlemn, are — Ncrv« Ttxiici I: ftreofU«» and qulcti the Ecrtoua jnrnem. ctxrtrg Ncrvooi WtakAOB» HyitcrU, Bleep- Paine’s 1 AN ALTERATIVE. It drive» out the poi»onous humor»of i: blood purifying tad enrich Hut it, end »0 overcoming tboee dtarves r .itlng frem Unp-iM or lmporir LL J blood. lh: f »il'j.\ing p»*o«'«»ediiigs t«»ok pla*«-in .. I p.,- A LAXATIVE. .1 B. \\ <«lch has novv «m rh«« this court at the April term thcr«»«»f Il I • l\ o • '. j • • -1 : i. « • - «*i «»1 A pp legate, Stor«> f. • in; mildlrbu! rarely on tb-cbo’-rO Portland a lire! class strain it cures habitual con«ip*tlon. and I*, the matt« r of th»* petition for 3 n w in "rm* ii* i!i t. .1 p-»-tol!i ie has beenestab- á M»ed 3b hors«« power which Io will p it I :: ok ,»regularhnbit ItMrcngth- budge ac > m Little Butte cr»»ek. near tn»* d-'.i' I a! St.-im1» .at. with W E Finm?y a* < - the stomach, and aids digestion M«*auow.s precinct H«*«*xj»<*« t" io h.»v< Knngei t«»rd. Ordered that il»»* prav» r «>f ■ po “ tm i" i«*f Sc-: vice was < oni'iu n-.r I on A LIUNETIC. • petition»»!s l»c grant«-»!, ami that the «■■•unty J .1 in running breler by Mav l*t. vv I hu Iu its composition the best and most t hr i » . - a I«- v »lay - a^«». clerk b authoriz« *! t«»adv**rti»«c for bids a«- wiil turn out a large quantity of .-ui»«!.' e tivcdiurcucsof the Materia Mcdic.i rordiiig to plum» and “çecificati «n* n< \\ A 1 H«* » i «U - \ » in -c»n -i " uu t hav ing I inibvr daily. .Mr. W. lu»s had much «x r.' mbinedscicDtificanywitbother r ■ 1 oil file 1. « < live rctnedies for a^casea of tb*s ihd ..-t t Kt- n n d Hi 11nt« t i i t men! »1 lait s p«*rictice in thi“ line, is a prompt ai.«i n C B Mu « »' In th»- tuaiUTuf th«- («elite»«) «>f H L Ineyt. It can be relied on to giv m » u nixl others for a lu< ati«»n «»! a n« w ; u ii .i \la\ .'»ih SmT'll D -.in el*r vhere re \\ edm*bday «. . k relief and s|»cedy cure. able business ntaii, am! will n » d«mi»t *m A . " F'.*/.g« 1 alu k»-« p" .« boii I i«ml -!■ K« up Jackson « reek Ur«ierr»t that Ja* ¡«»• “ t" .b interest« d ’ «» call al his «»time ami Oranges, lemoh- ami - »«la waler at Jack- al <» »!’4 «lays in a ll«»“nirr and others for the location «»f a a tif"’ <. a"- rail<»’ • ids peculiar to females, ut fbe Invalids’ The most completest«a k oit«»V" notion.-. 1 UU bubusgtu .-«. VT. • k : Ì Jacks«»n. Duugla*. Coos. Jos«« I and Surge tl Institute, Buffalo. N. Y.. I! new ro»d on Fools t r«««-k. thderrd that year to get out 52 ¡ msucn of a paper . that Na”in s r»‘«iH«il> i* wh.it th«\ say «»I ♦«'<■.. i - a!way- kept at the S. F. Variety afforded a vast ex pern ncc* in nicxdy adapt- Jan Jvfl ey l»v ap|»»»ihte«l "'irveyo’ ami D. i pl»in»' Lak.-, Klaimit Ii an I Curry « «»unties, labor. Once in a while a subscriber pays -•» j - and thoroughly t«>-»ing remedies for the Store. You van find nearly invtning Oregon Ki«lney Ten. STAGES 1.- W 1 \< KtM »Wild. 1 KVER1 N Binlsev, S. Mathis and l’has. E White land will visit ihat district suini n o of woman s peculiar malsdies. »J 11-- day and Frnlay at »1 o « lock a M. for VS H- year in advance for his puper; that s rap viewer*, to rei»«»rt at the n» xt term fir. Piercers Favorite Prescription Bargain* in ♦ v«av l.ne may “hit bt- f«»un.l there. vHl«- r«-t 111 ninii I'tod-ijn an<1 Satnnlju»- If y-i'l have a I c<»ugh, bronchitis, <»r ital. and once in a whil-* some son of a ."«-a ■I -r S'« R We*trop was grante«! Ii. cn*»' tu retail tl outgrowth, or r» Milt, <»f this grv-at and i-'.-tv»-" for \\ ng!,« " <»1. W»"i:i»-s«la\" nt !«« Messrs. Watkiii" "hot k »•aliudi, Woo .t N««wm tu Fislna * • \ j isble exp»*n«*nre. Thousands or testitno- quors f«-r six ni<>nth" a» < «-nlral Puit.t any f im «»f l.-i.g . r throat «listasi, «lo not cook uf a dead b««at takes the paper for two «»'• J u k a . m . retaining Tliur^UjN. ' received from patients and from physi- ley, Englemin and «»(her re-;d. ’ >!- of Lit ­ In th«« matter <«f a ne v « «iaiits road t-' «piite a number of improv« ment* ar«* n»«/’•« t it .vy««i - < berry Pe«.’t irai, it’ • »r three years, then skips out without pax « i. !." who have t«*t»*d it in the more aggra- Dead Indian country I N T a ker J»»hi. tle Butt«* precinct ar« in t«»*.'n a”rn*ling \ iu«d ai.-i otjetinate cases which tad Lalfi»*d being nimle in t »wn ; j i-imptly « iken. will speedily relieve and ing fur it; that's anarchy i’a\I'-r aim < (nlow appoint'd viewer" But lat r on tl r Fk.ll, pr it to be the most wonderful court. amiJa" Jeffrey “urveyor ' cur« ail ci m« nt* of thi.“ characte r ll:ii)d*«Hii«* cr«»«piet sets f«>r sale ch»«ap at 1 ..... dye .er is- •! f»r the relief and euro of justice vvill overtake the last n:»m»* l >’ In the matter <»f the ptoihou for t'»v «I» - the S F Varir’y More. Huttering w ‘ men. It la not recommended aaa Now i" thè ’.ime t » pub!i"h n*.nl —that’s hell.' M a tnobt perfect Specific fui tavhnient of a part <»f Big Butt»* voting pr« - A • »¡Tc-piui lent writ« " to the T ime » that uoiìncement. il voti arca candid woman s peculiar nihnents. DEALERS IN cinct ami aitacliiiieiit to Flounce Rock Wm. H»«vly will open a «-aluon in this I the saw mid oi Howard. Cox an«l Speer, ori An u power ful, invigor.'itlng tonic, i tic«« The colunttis of thè T ime - precinct, Petition relu*».*«!, for reaion that l»lace in the near future ri.HSffS .4 L it impaiia t’r. .-gth to the whole system, Evan"' ' reck s b»-ing put in first-class re­ to all. the time has px*sen, i nt. l to the womb end ita appendages in tack*«»»«.11««. April H, I i There i* no change in the grain market, court can act on .*u«’h matter* pair and will soon be in «»prratmn. A bar For nv« '»rk^d, u wor n-out,” Jub¡» A !.•?» • Vfhl T. H. Alle» Jr . a "pecial Noil »• IS HEICF.IW GIVEN THAT HIERE, In the matter uf the report »»f J M. L«»f- and pri«*« - r u!<* very low. •• i un-d<)wn,” debiluat« <1 tea« hers, niilhnurs, Icy era« ker Will be connected with it. ni«- fund- in t < •» i'-t> Tn-u-ury for the r»-- «gcnt.«jf Portland, who ha-» bccii d. ..<• -:»ik«*rs, R.amatrewes, **su<»p-srirls,” houso- land. p«»or house contractor R«*porl ex BOO;S. SHOES. HA.TS, ; pl'«»» of 1 !>•« f«»j i-.--, ¡i j» < <>iiîify warrant* pro- John J Murphy ot A*h'an«l pr* « inc? '■ < -rn. j ucMmr mothers, and iecble women Fur good shingles, shake* ami voi d-w uo«l "on vi ile oflen. «livd la-t w*e« •« T lii- m«»t « Ifgan' and latest styles of amine«! an«! approved. U-"b*d up iu .January Number* 72“. «Ì22, j. ' : 4.y, Dr. Pi--rce’8 Favorite Prescription X Application of F (. . Parker anti other* apply at the I'lNK“ «»tfice. ne< kt'« -, -hirt". "caris. collars cuffs, hand- in town. ■' ' mJ 73 ■ -. - *-i. »)7ß. h_y. jo.*». *,.v,. 333. .M- i., t" ’.¡'g im- 'piah-d fever. . . . ■ . • 0 ; 1‘. ; 1 ..»."I. 72? /¿I. tt-2. 7«.. Ö'.»M h’rki. f<>r the location of a n«w c unty r ad m i.: ; t'.ziiip «- rdi.d find lostorative tonic. S.» r« !t'«-f- •?ii>p»‘!id(-rs, socks, and grnt*s AusesSljI I'hinlCb P I» .1*11 v The county-seat has be»« full uf people n ag»-«i " ch 721.7.7, 7-' 7'.»'.», 72V. 7 ‘r 745, "<» >^r’ vt.'an 1 eaja thing. M..04 >ar*upu: ¡ m H Eur l-i-’t , -^»-rteinct. Ordertai that James As «» ♦i, 409’ fui iiishing goods g<«m«rally. may br found !*is utficiul «lutle^ MUiiruiA. i’iiiiiia•$» 757. »je, 7n 'The politi» al cauldron is seel long amt w id appetite, regulating n John N Young and wait \i-!t«d th " an«! giving r. i vous rn .lability, irntul»il»ty. ex- tu report at the nextu-rtu » liil».' -t oh iti - -mil« wuj «•-:»"♦ from I his «Late L .on. j ; tration. hysteria, spasms and soon be at a boiling pitch - strength. pla» ’ e yesterday. Application «it J H Dalev and other" for J.i'*1 Bi«»- .th«- enterprising merchants NE • M\N USHER. < ■ r u;-t. ¡mi, nervous symptoms com« • « ati«»n of a new county roa«l in Big Butte mmiiy uttmdunt upon functional and organk • l <• •:«! Hill, have peri» « ted arrangements I < «MUdy I reKMirt-r. Stationery ut all kinds suitable tor school * < « Mr. Engel uf Phoenix mad« - a pi« a A lim- of geni."' (urnishing g«HHh w ili l-< I pretict Or«lered that Jas. J.ftrev be ap- »1. ..ck n»-\l whereby all ••( their patrons may cross ant call on Tuesday. p and relieves mental anxiety and de- poinied surveyor and H. R. Brown, Will­ use. at Jacks'Gn A Turner’s. Sp( »udenejr. iam (.'uiuptun and VV. II Bradshaw view­ LAST NOTICE Pay your arrearages at th«* T ime * oflj«*«» | week. Als<> grocerit.--. canneti goo«l" and (’huvnerU bridge free of charge. 'They Hon. J. T. Bowditch ha« returned u »tn Dr. Pierce’s Favorlto Prescription ers. to report ut the next term. k«*» p a first class stock «if g«>ods and sell crackers. ♦ U a legitimate medicine, cur fully Pendleton and is in town. Petition of A. J. Daley am! others for lo- ami get one «»f our premium* « »n.p .md’d Ly an exficricnerd and skillful cheap. • atmn «»f a new county roa«! in Little Butte Livvrv "tabi«, withall thè nere- ary ap- u-ha-iî,«4 eit»» uLer«*,.»" w«ar»¿ (’all ami ♦ x uni;-.»« <»ur U- I; p .1 .-m-<»ui |rt’i»-'-"t»^P»'’ Kr««*s A Fi“«*h»r tl«» painter*. .:r•« k»*pt 1 ! jybi»• an, nud adapted to woman’s delicate J B Adams has rented the «»1»! Dard.i or ■ ••amz.«»ion. It is purely veg« tubk? in it> prodi*. •- tak» i. m « xeLa» pre« inet Ordere«! that Jas Jeff rv b« ap- to «I«» huhin«*»-s ami 1 h*a~ »i cmmui'T*» < < T«b. ..Uid . ni "» »it Griftin, nas rep­ pur!«-nam*c" f<«i .ile at a l»argain. < all <>n busy ami ar»* I »i'i • go >1 vv«nk nolle» place uf Thos. ('havner. •••nn‘c:n»’ w th «h»* ►«.»»*.♦ *f«M»'is ut • laj.I mark'-t. | . .< •• . V. » al • I <*•.-• HA\ S< \LI composition and perfectly harmless in ite i->inte«i "Urv«-v«»r ami A Wylaml, John A’ r« 1 li « v«-ry « «»u'i ’ y iu California, thin«-- or ad Rea! estate t.- «n".»-*ti m* are httuierou* J. P (tareratid wife of Ap;«l*g and \V.i"hii-4'«»n tcrrit»»ry who m* r ,*ng sican'ns, or nausea, from whatever oil BÄ-.' < entrili P*»ii»t * port at the next term every w!»««re in .1»« !►*»•» c«»antv o-l us the forepari of the we« k c. u."i* arising. w«*ak stomach. Indigestion, dys- Jgby r-'iibr ■ «I w?ll pu"ted. Pvtitmn «»i Win Alcu«« aid ,»th«*r- t-»r > I O J»1 ¡»’Oi i .Tsiami! kindred symptoms, its use, io small BOARD OF (OIX1Ï ARTHUR CONKLIN E. SANDERSON SMITH Harry Hull i- m»w employed at th» Tn* l«'«’ati<»n «»f a new county r«»a-l in Trail Mr«. P P ¡’rim ami Mr* < d ■ will pr«'ve very beneficial. j ' irni"h itiformati ».i and circtilurs I for » -.ii’y. Oregon, creea pre»’in«’t. Ordered that Ja* Jtffrev - iun livery stable in Ja* k.souvilh-. i a«, ut tie Prescription ” is a posl> •i.ii. I*»--, theliinefor tti«j ¡ mq . starte»! for Portland y«*"ter«lay 'I f i ve cuic for the m«»fet complicated and ob» £ ’ 8 l I i tn a; pointed "urves ot and J <’. Hannah >• !•"< lui»- bf««*n <-xt«*n>i«-«l I c i-« 8 of 1« ucorrhca. excessive flowing, A tn and*. !i.l»«*rt*, brazil*, pein it* amt i" tJi r« -fot» giv«n t<» all J R M'»rri"«»n and J A. Houston vicArr- A ‘ hale has gam i-» <' ».« i; I • lul •:,« nstruatian, unnatural suppressions, b at my «»fii< <« in Jack- h» report at the next term. walnuts al I , k*«»-: X Turm r * ; ter th«« em ploV ”f J H . M< a .-i -t l-r -laps'is, ur falling of the womb, weak lack, I ilUrt • • I ! f. ; r*tli«* la «■ 1 i«e "h«-ritl ««I Jackson counts was given Sub-«*ribc fur I If •" « 1 I • im . • I \ uni- ■ 1 male weakn««s/* antevers’on, retroversion, Uhm, ( ha*. Dora of Fi<»u»ir«- R •« k precim t has F*. D. Fou lray .«nd H ('•¿♦■mu . ■ •; » -i- r until May u rm of 1 court to return the . . .„--down F«-nsati«»ns, chronic congestion. nxr ’ ami New V.»rk >1.1 ' 1 a « be i delinquent tax list. anatiuu and ulceration of the won.b, io- irctutne«! from a it ip to Roseburg precinct were m town this wc»*k. paper" publish**«! Sub-rriptii»nM taken a 1 ; ILnnir.afion, pain and tenderness iu ovaries, 'The petition of Miles S. Wakeman and ompanied with •‘internal heat.” A ( . Speer am! wile of FA .n- Superior potato^» and onions for »ale at the T imes office. others fur change of polling place in Plea« I G M re gulator at.d promoter of funo- ant creek district was refuse«!, the tun«« the S. F Variety store Jacksonville. called at th«« T imes office Wednv" lav • • «’ n ♦i<»n. at that critical period of change R H Vren. who has been an inmate ot bavin passed in which the court «-an act in A 'ii p.«i'y <-oinplimvntai\ to Will. ft a girlhood to wornflnh<»od. “Favorite Pre- F. A. Cooper of Yreka.Cal . the thru!rn I this wattur. ription” is a perfectly safe remedial agent, Millet *♦«»•*!. ir»*sh and -lean, in pianli- the vanty ho-pital fur several months « \ in -- ’ , w ho left t »r Tacoma. W. T., The application of *W. W F.rb and oili­ uni can produce onlv good results. It le ! manager, tuade us acai! List N-t’dr.I.iv pa-t, *lie«l l:i"t We«ln»«»dav. He wa* about ties to suU, at the S F. Variety Store. • .Ios.«»phiit«» <’oiinty. 4 >«•«»»»•<»11 )•-:«. rii.ty, was giv««n at the V S. Hall finally effiea<«ious an«i valuable in its cff««cU er* for location of a new county r«»a«l in I 3» year* of age. when taken for those disorders and d«*range- \*hlAn«i precinct wa* continue«! until next B. A. Fellows and R. Carter of 1'1« «-ai.t The Silver Cornet Ban«! i“ practicing W< li.c"d:»y < v«-ning by his friends. I here S’iii«’ <>f Or i--».. Tn«aHir.‘r "Office, ¡ in -nts incident to that later and most critical •K--IU- Rivrr Ynll . ” tir G ar« bn Sput of Situate! in the I .i ii' term. Another ciMtern^liuul«! I t built al the wa- a * »d atteinlaiie««. am! all enjoyed creek paid unr town a visit last \V< «Im*- April > regularly and making much progress p*•■••!« “i. known as ” 7 be Change of Life..” \ 01 1« I is HL!;; (»ivi.N 1 HAI I Hi BL The application of Jae«»b Thotup*«»n and “ I avoritc Prescription.” when taken | junction of California and Fifth str« rts, for th» m**» \ «■" S-'iitluTB Oreg«»u. • day a ' in- "iillicie.it f i «Non hand t«» pty all out- John R.iiU"da ♦ a native of England was others I >r the location uf a new county la ronneetioa with th« use of Dr. Pierce’s the better protection of projH-lïv in that ■I i -li .if v/ .riKii ’ " drawn «»n th«* g»«ncrHl. peniten­ (F l’l**n Medical Discovery, ard small laxative roa«l in Ashland precinct was continue«! made a citizen «»f this country yesterday T. K. Hoilun ot A*hlaml, th«* p -pul r ti u>. i. i'!»' in-;«:!«« and i- m-en <*n«h»r»*et ri»*" of 11 - is -on« ; r- « <• • . ? « \ . . we hnv«» a « i 1 ln* I IMKs «»ili« .. IDVM. court. I I f.uitr fiown 1:. -*« » t. .try. iccnirers, that it will giv< ratisfactiou in every wdi’K»! b - .li-ii*' h aft»-, U*«-dal«» «»f thi* notice. ronaition <»f the-oil.-*nd « an pr«>«iu • ■ tl l and I m ---”. ti»m. v«-ry few > - ui *i« Ku«-*- twang I’1 Th»* ’ ivorabl»« weith**r ha* brought torth ! .-ijrowr. ii. u *eini-tu»pi' »1- *•<»*•. or money will he refunded. This ffuaran- un liv ’■ ! -u hall «»: the property <• w wf : bb . What ar«- the j»r»».luctm-»" <»f *"*r ? \l:n<»"t »»verythinn J. M Cuiljv!" s tier»* l edax a •«•--ink porte«! Rub! Hardman the genial toll c<»lh«« !«>r I 1 lie fo|'o«ring fro;’" grr w n. ton aivl attain a aiz - and It »vor •.. 1 to t!i-»->«- »»f a- > >ub"« 1 :l-.-f«»r Jo- I imc ". I w ill I h «pi « • nrr« I ia Jacksonville and St« I 'l- gvill«- pl'irc-. -tr’*wlM*rrio-- H o»ler lb-- «• »•«'•• ■' the ¡ate I ho- F Illg ’ l arge bottles (1'JU dust) ^1.00, or six I almond*, tig", prun—. am h oi -. J--' » tm . • • • n-. walnut", n» thi* week. < »uv«l rains fell UK*: an 1 ui-’rt ■ v’v will* news lUun t*vtr . «luring ihc pa*l week. •»nell fnnts. and draper •-Í ■ « tj u'i’t). bottl««« lor ¿5.00. ‘ t ’ 1 ' Die t »Ui l-lto-r «• B .' Tho BUYERS' OVIDE Is t ■ hoc»t cr«»p pr-»»p F«r large, hium rated Treat iso on Disease of John M Ltf re. issued March anc Sept., i A larg»* and e ant a.--i»rtmcni <»1 grnt »• d • •: ■ 1 (I GRANT'S PASS, V. • men <1(0 pages, nnp«•• ’ «!»• • mation for all who pur- f< .at«»:'- tn. ■ . »•) d n - I Warniii..' - g .•-n tbit I’otid s Lxtra« l I lately If the creek waj clear of obstruc­ I names. i uat «"I <»n tli»« I wit 1 I» m «»f I • »’’ a i. w* 1 ' * ;• ;•« : *’t. » - “ wi.o i* now located .,t Louis Belfil 1 chase the luxuries or the I S. 1*'. Variety Stor«*. Tl-e i w > (irart’e I'.«- UG3 .’’laia SC, rn 1 1 -.1,0, K. >. meh»»* an inex* ■•tii--tibl-- . «d w..«--- ; r for nianufh-- the gnat pain re.mdy i- never sol«! by necessities of life. We tion» it would be a fine fishing ground. («rant s Pass, mad«« Jacksonville a < ► tn |M»tt ll tie « I. I? I- ►« Ui« « - ' Mhouhl b»«th»- I.UH-Pb «i’J > ut • < >1 :’ ■« - h».t U I Im ln»ard «»! truste-.s did m.t h»»hl their i , The column.'* of the T imes aru st wav s in«- i“iire nor in bulk. nor in any druggists ’ can olothe you and furnish you with mil»—. <»r I./»J • .«< 1 • • 1 t m: «a a: • i» - « If »► »a'n ia 1 KiM) equate i-i' i .«•--«I t»j »-x*. last Tuesday. J. B. Welch, so rumor say-, together regul 11 muntldy - • ¡. »wing to the lark open to enniiiiunieati ms on d ib-rcut topi«’*, •*t r»-gi«»n »*u»r« undii u* it erd it * nil the necessary and unnecessary bly M ’ UHt» “ i. adv.o ’ .«e-on-::- >• w.th r- ■ 1 ’ .»truH»- «•! b«»:t!»«-. and the Pond a Extract <..'«». will . . oi j V* . »a d n '! n y T«> » ) . v -1 with his cousin M. S.4Wtkh,wiH start a of a quorum appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, n<»t likely that it« “ 1 1« ■> » 1- u « •»!■ ’ r » ’ . t vbu« b s- r< j t r , : • E. .Sandersun Smith of »«rant - l ’ a-«-. tin- ; but we are not responsible for any »•! the n »’ *p ir ■ mv.»'»' c right, infringing their a a-rg»* S h -I i , D«-«« i ut «I *,unii»*r «*ver bedi*>i»un’- and r» ui «1- Commercial and n«»ie paper, waiting tab­ : views expressed tlvrei". or stay at home, and in various sizes, rights and «ivceiving the public with base • k ? To < apital »-t* W • May 1st. The whistle of an engine has I her<>. I h«n with a br.u-r - , ni a'<- mal -h »it w inmra. what do call la“t week styles and quantities. Just figure out let". pencils, ink. « t kepi by Jackson A • t-tni«-?. «-. if •- mercia n’ 1 April .‘d’h i" tIt»« anniv« r*ary nt th»« »•*- imstati' n . an«! want a nut i«»n*;l I>n 1 .. ■■ «I ■■ b ’ • ! . t»«»t h w mid be pay i □ever be».?« echoed back by these hills. what is required to do all these things < i i • j' < • aiæ" I « r<- to ’n.d«-. underman has lx«< «nne ,t peima and st m t j <»ur bn -mnr *. V« 1 - - d i-tor« -- of all k ii , tarn - \ w»obn fn«-t»-ry. «•!<• Now t W« uro m *H h g t*Ti-frrmug Kanahwa city, West Virginia, latelv spent GUIDE, which «rill be sent upon mgh.r»* Thi""Pii!-:l — • ‘ I "J • ’ -' ar«- "i.iy to I- a. gaged in the real-estate i-umiK•*- making .qln-r improvement" about hi“ < .- « biatv-1 throughout the land. But’e • '•< ti* tr K rig«- - f«»rd, and in l flavor ai <1 Uibte <-f it mt«« • t I •• ’ land fuun an a-r»- up. I f a : i" ra -.-«I v it !. - i* irngnti -n a receipt ot 10 cents to pay rostage, several «lays here They com»* as one re­ •i a"-* th«« Ime in <’alif«»rr-* are premises. ttach fruit i ■ ae we are • t an •" ■ J Nunan’s shelves are groaning un«!« r an«»lh'r pl a--» ., Iv«-rthe. f< r i id* to build I I. Hamilton ot Medford, I* War- MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ♦ I eicellesi sult of Scott Morris* extensive correspond­ bringing from ?!» !«»* J*-'. , , , , r The weather is beautitu!—loo mu< h "U. their load, he having ju-t rrceiv« I a ver; the * urn«. 1 Id* sftn ture i* needed badly, man's |»opular assistant, ma«lc u* a pleas We have tti«« cli«>ic«-"f Ci: pr»»j"-rty »u.«! th»* »;.rr**»t Let <»! ! 111-111 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, Ill. ence. They find land much higher here ii»»» aeree in Jo*»*i'bine. Danurt i-to be commended for its I ant visit one day this week than at home and think the colony thdV in fact, as a rain storm w *uld n«»t beout «yf garden land adjoining ’.'-t- » n of Grant - I I Don l fail t«> give him a call. action in th'«matter. order in»w. H W. Shipley, H. A. Cry«!er and W J represent ^dl hardly come to Rogue river SEND FOR PAMPHLET ih ;«> pos \ l > for < anally ip » r . “ » en - F‘ «r tlx* l»-*.“t turnout* i««r .«II «N-«*as|ons \icbuis of Table Ro« k precinct hav »* been Th«»*». Martin, through Henry Kiipue! s Farms uf all sizan 1 to «uit everybody valley. Morris «x|»ect» 10») other* this I i 'J-Hl'Ib-.l uf » »dlf-HMa, ,ab. ¡«•»gw lin« r Vol' > ‘ o {«•-?»• < ' ■ i «b--ut < >r»-tf«»n. • f«»« saldai Lu«Kt?v ju « «>. • « entra! I'oint r«*al estate agency ut this place, ha* “old «•all at th».» Excel-ior livery "table in Jack- in town during |be past w e«*k s uiunier. «Hli-s« <«f < hi»»i QiuuU*ri»«M‘fr. Situ Franci««»» W» arr | u I- ii M h . v . .»r i «‘»‘py« urwícklj HU«.* - - - »•• < al.. April ! I, IS*-. S»*:il«*l pr«i|N»"al-. iutripli- s,-n<| ti > u- ♦ ■ >r < ■ -,'■ .i 4 - ami Ashland. • his farm in Table R«»ck precui* t l«> I »ir«*- s<.mvii.t- 1’lymab* > prices are «piite ren­ -, which w«* ai«*«'H.«.«J»» April 61b FA E m . dwa foi ■*■ Allen Simons, who is teaching the I n '•H»<'. -uhj'-«*t to umim I «• »nditi'.n*. will lx» r»s*»uv- thè*’R wue Rivet ' «arie sonal’l«* .i'»d he never fails in giving satis- iontown school, has been offered a position -d st; thi* «'th'*» until J‘2<»’rl»»«*k, ii«>«»ii on 1 lll- ìiav«» r I i*t of «««ir |»r«»p«-rt The weather La" bee >nie warm- almost ger*en of i alifornia for I ’»Jo» W<* » uy, m «I1 a -Ituk'««' <•"*.* t ”.-"-¡ od . > pn-p-*rti«-s m < >'■ IhriJ Got DAY. Muy II. I sm . at which tin)«*and plac«*tley faction You will well to patron­ a* principal of the Linkville school. •r. 4 any r««urto*ie- w-- ?» 4*- I h » Everybody should call ami so»* tha’ mag AH Ci'ininunirsf ¡«»ri" «• l '• •- ~'*-l <«» •* ' • 1 r- -•:« • - l,r°nipt as mud) so as that u-uaily vxperi» need a wdl i»<* <>pen«“l in pr«*-u<’e of attending bidder*, iz»« his *t.nro lit;«- running between this Gn’.t* IW U i .- p - ü . Th« con*b;nation that has been working Hi»!»« t«» ext**n«! will b»* ch»“*r*nlh eiv»-'. SM I I II A for furni" ’ mg arid delivering 3s cavalry hur*«*". m »tith later. nitieent stock ot g-»«)«ls being f Kan Owing to an .«■ ■ i»*nt imrth ul (»rant’s ¡Newman lidu-r. < ireat bargain* in »-v.-’v enterprising merchants, and 'Squire Florey F' i •»:H-t*i-o. < al. Th»- Joiiti M < > CAPTAIN G. C* !>«»»•"•" at ♦••■«' h p »««■••, than that etat»*d at>«»ve lat»* yesterday . It i ««nly a matter <•! »«*timaling D ’ i - confin- I in the penitentiary i rained an I pie .«i«*J guilty t«> the charg«* of W R. Dickenson »>f ‘H>i«» wa* in Jack­ Pn-tcr»«-:»*»« u.v• ¡1 («»arti«- ••*«»( «i<»in»*Ptir p-«*iu«*' E Ltngley wh-» i<-till in th»? employ <»f Attorimy » • vig’s maj »rity. Il • h »- tu ; It- *ia i lii'vr i»-- '«mmuh-d. IL- h i Usta r! tii vagrancy against him . but tn* d»*nie«l most sonville this week exhibiting a ime draif ti“»i • -i niaii'ifM'tur«*. <*on»hti"n* of price and I ; ili' . t»«-iiu.’ e-pial. and • ich j»r«-f» r--j.» »« given to the I’nion Hv«-ry -table a Medfor«!. wa* SO ex«-««ptiotia ly goo 1 a,i ojfi er that ne-irlv s»TVed -« vend vears. and there is cuii’lniti Uly that th»« two worthies. Schil !n»r"«« lie had import««»! from th*.’ Ba« k»*ye •i»o«*!« " <»f \*i:--» ic:«n pnatn« tn»n and matufac- , evervbmlv will v«»tc for him here yesterday. |er and Hamlin, who were urre-tetl with »ui• |-r«»flu«* *«l <»n the Pacific «‘«»a“t. to th«- » xt«-nt al in linat'mn t » r«-« -»Hinn-ml his State. of tl,«- «•'>;.-timp’i«»n r«-|Uir«-d by the public “erv A wll-impi >ve-l an I cheap pi a e •»: 117 or rather an hour or two before i.im, were The R»kpub!i«*an district convention nom­ tee th»«re Blunk* and lull ii.fm niation hr to bnl- Kcliool >uperintenu«il* tn.it thi" «»tficr, ur '«» th«« p -t qUHrtermhRfer. F'«»rt ‘•ale by Keott Griffin, real esta»»* a-cnt, to «Io with ‘ «I-M-toring” his arm with the district attorney. are now in session in «l iTcrent portion* of Bidw«-H I nv h»p •" containing prop*«-».!“"I'ould chief '.»U"ine."S points in southern Oregon. I Tolu. Jackson county. Or««gon I»»* plainly rn irk»*«i ‘ Pr«»po" il" f«»r < avalry H«»r-- plaster of pari» cast. He »aid that was A fine assortment of *le««v«« cut! and col­ It ha» ali the the rcjuiUp» of a good-sized i the county. »«" a; -- . amt nddrerM-il t<» the imder- done by a man he met at Jeffers m. and he The enterprising citiiensof Pho«*ni.\ have "ig!i«s! AU \ J PEICRY. A-*f Qr. Mr. Genl.. lar buttons ha« jii*t been re vived at the -*. manufacturing town ami the mineral re- J. A Larsen, the well-known tailor,pa.'s Ö. A., Cl.i»-f Q«iart»*r:na*t« r U had not seen him since. But the youth's decided to build a neat, commodious soiu » " of the country adjoining are vast. F. Variety Store. ♦ d thro igh the valley recently, un his way story woul In t wash. Upon the person of ' school-house. The contract has been let tu The petit jury ex opting that ¡»ortion one of th«? two men a quantity of plaster > mon Hamberg ami Wm. J’ilcher. who i to 1‘ortland from Kan Francisco, where he H. C. stock, a goo«l mechanic were »• »:.v;ct»-.| a few days ago for swindling Will l- of J ans ami cloth I ad been found, ami the engage«! in trying Z.-ra L’ahack. was dis­ I Sheriff Dean an«! hi." deputie* hav«* been 1'. M. Parker, at San Francisco, were in pur|»OMtt for win« h it was intended was i charge«! yesterday Mrs. Bicler of Dix«vn >olan-» county.< al , ’ ig paper* for the pa-t few court tube *cntencel. but a continuance Rev. Robt Enni*» w d h< »»• 1 service" at th«- ’ *n i plainly evident Schiller .in«i Hamlin were mother of M r*. Dr Sommers of this place, !, MI j «I <■>. Biindav. both , w - ‘ ks are Tl,i * " f of >ne neck was granted, as their attorney arrive«! during the week and will spend then brought in, ami. tbuogh they plead­ Presbyterian church - co trt is proving an extended • no. dc-ircd to argue his motion for a new trial. the summer here. ed not guilty, their answer* to a few ques­ morning und evening. 1 - ne» t Mrs. Prim keeps th•• most complete ami tion propuumle«! by District Attorney H irtuonica“ pocket book", purses, mem­ Kidtit y. t'utaiah when « hr«>nic, becomes very ' John II Stubbleiiehi. w ho has been at Belt soon criminate J them. an«l they were I orandum b«»ok*. « ombs an I hair brushes at , handsomest stock uf millinery in sotitln*rn offensive. It i* impos."iblr to be «jtherwisr . Medford tor sometime past, has g«me t«» ! Oregon. If the ladie* wish something real a»l; i«lg»« I guilty. Hamlin was fined IJu Jackson I I»» nl> « ». hair I- Turner’s, * healthy, and at the some time, ntfiiited I California an«l may continue bi* journey 11’ILL M \hl Till KFWNON OF IRM AT THF stylish they “liouhi call at h«*r purl«»: (a bcut the amount foumt on bis person» » » fnrtn "f ins owner, Hu- under"ign«*d. on Grif­ ( RITI l \T<»N. I.« ¿ mt :«! Agent, •.’■tgar* and toba« « «» of the ini-«st and with catarrh. This »lisagreeable disease, ■ to the Eastern States. fin rr«*««k. thr.M* mil«*- '•.«*» of .L'-i*ks«»nvili'-. whore and given 17 days in jail, while Shill *r was I Pe »pie do not :i"k any hing»1, what i 115 I ««Vf. n *-e .. X X will l-o «•««■’> «lay in thf»w«H*k, excepting 'Kun- choicest bran»!“ can always b«? had at in i'“ -u«»“i ul'stinat«* and «iangrrous forms, Rev. J. W. Sellwood oi East P«»»*tlum!..in he I given Jo «lays. - Salem statesman Ini|«ott«si Mew»eiiger Hi" dam Ch-.c Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparilla !« the only whs a I l-lniid Bl o k Hauk m ire, ah»* being tax, amounting to over $12. out), which is discovered by the jauitor, Chas. Schul'z. continue for sometime, a* “»-veral ca"es are few «lays ago. and was »he object of much i J. H Callahan’s saw mill, which he lui“ "if'-d by the noted troth r, Andrew Jackson. aire medicine - I wl.ich Mik can be truly Mid; nearly $-««mO larger than it was last y-*.ir. about half-past six o'clock next morning. not di.“po“e«l of as yet. ia’ orablr comment. He will he inthestud i conducted so efficiently. of Homy ( lay prog.-nit.»r of tl»«' lav family of I and it is an unanswerable nrrunicht as to trotter* II ■* tir-t '1', s irtai'ariUa is made I u H" tRk»*n in «-xa! an • ■ r g » -d-. •urn This i* considere«! the principal ’ t'ial walkover. His oppoimnt w’.i“ “imply ( been spending several w«*»-k* here *tar?e«l sh’iw. SirW.i’der. J r.’* dam is conn«*rt«l w*th i 1 P hr H** R«vui««r. ar»«\«»u »»wing in il"' ! '•«.**p«y, « I am n -Lug inx Tm«i'*x. blaze. Had the budding not been closed <■1 r-H ts, hcrl -i. bark». ct<-.. long and favorably .1. M S tS. I-Or sale. the best ranch in Bogue river I bom«* vesteniay evening. The best wish«** the« ¡y«k«"dai.-draft borne. ' nominate«] t) Till up th»* Republican ti *ket. c >rn county in ' )reg >n. known f r their |.'-.wer In rurifying lT.e l lnod . and the discovery been mule a .-hurt time I'crniH l-or th • H>«a»on. >1 \ in-nranr«*. $15. valley. <1 .».U’ acres, ail level, cleared, «•f his numerous friends accompany him. ! ami will be ba«lly *-acrifiee. Ja- ksoti countv. Oregon. ♦ : us a call, if you nee«I anything m tlo* blank ion territory road shops at that pla« e. fore 1 be loss is covered by insurance. preparation I ever heard of I would not be I \tuT.ti«»n i" <*.iil»?»l hi th» mivertisenicnt line Cant. Geo. H. Gamble, superinlemlent . without It rt the bou»e.” M b ». C. a M Brooke A Gi ven are painting W I • 1 1» R \\ Lite, who announces that Lis; Ih pit I'terf th It Life X <»U wm II alw iV" find tin« tre>he-l an«l lIlBB.Uil>, North Chill. N Y. ino Don* of th? Gtdilen Spike Mining Co ha* been ney " re“idenc«‘ in town, which * 1 aiid-omv tr«'ttim; stallion. Sir Walter, ! Cyriw Lee Pickens, el lest son ». L P ' nicest candies, nuts, orang»«". Icm on Gritlin creek ! I Picken* of Table R >ek precinct, tn-»«, nek headache, The Department of California desires to . day evening to look after the interests of \V1LL MAKE 1 H EKEAKON Oh It* AK F()l> F A. Hutchens h i« returne«! fr mi Jn-e deared him to .«Ii * bo knew him: bnt nr On»« “f th»? largest "ah«s that ever t«;ok Il l"W"i < nminoncitig at my stal'l»1 m Willow catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and live- purchase 3s cavalry horses, ami a»lwrti "»- Judge Webster, who was mentioned hi Kpriiitfs pr<-< in«*t \pril lótii.whcr«« h»* will rmnain furtiinat»*ly. lie Lad early become atll.cted • pinne county un«l i- MgMin •» rosi-|p.:t of p!a« e in ."«»utlicrn Oregon was consumated | connection with the Republic an mmihm* ti».» Un.«*, ttience h»« will ur" to C il. Pickens’ plaints, snd all af.oetions gauged • tor b ds to furn¡"h the same For further W«lti spiuul troubles, a!ii>U blightetl the * < bimtiey Kock precinct blood or low condilion of the »- place >n Tubi«« lh»«*k nn-rinrt, wli‘«r»* lx' will pertn-nlar* *♦*♦* ^ff*** n , « Imncr to M( “ if«»ld, -1 was severely aflllr ted pro*pre ts of the bright future liefore him it i«.-- ut lut:d in that town to Max I’racht, W. II. Runnels and Jas. tJwvns of <• i'.d where. Wr keep | n«tu «mmg Thm-"dny; ♦li»»ri«’r t«»Pl ernix. wh»«re he • Prof Merritt, Theo. Cameron and A 11 for over a year had two - We sympathize with the brr eft family 'at».ly ot S«n Fru a iMc«». for IIO.ouO; and. will be F'ridaj and Saturday, ret urn mg to each Hill were in town ye*ter«lay. also W. I Newman Fisher ha- out of the hortniont «•! stai d «»n th»« HlM)ve>'i.’«med rli« at>onl I C >1 K F. M aury has ln*en granted a chandise in southern Oregon, and <’ ' C. F.. Lovraor. ’ < Convention, to which they wer»* ele»*te«l as 1.»!•■<• pounds lb-w.i“ *ir««d bj S. (». K<•»-«Ts «-.-I.-. ! ••Uooil’s Sai M-i re s Rv. eale«l R««me. 1 flfbration. «lelcgate* from this county. f*v».«r bronvlit t<» Or« ‘ *;on. Bia dam «-¡ in n thor- ‘ ? i amount of g-» the barks «»i trees, on Puget Sound, by the A*hland I«odge No. I ». assisted by Hope which he richly deserves. dersold. * 1 Receiver Ku*bl?r am! Supt Brandt of oughl»r»-d < opp' rbottom mar«», import»**! from i built up ar Mo«>re Mtg. < ’ • . of Seattle. W. I Posi« : Kentucky an«i «»t-.e of 11.<> br*' ever intheKtat«*. RebeKah Degree L >dg»? and Pilot Rock , Vegetables am! tl iwer seeds, onion set«*, The guardian of the minor heirs »»i Jas. ’ the O. A <'. R. R. Co. pns*ed through th«« A"» dii* bn*«»i:iuf «|U.-*iit io> I will r**f» r >«»u t«» proved, ar Encampment. I. o o F . will wi» celebrate , mill'd Meed, etc , fresh and pur« fur sale P McDaniel, «leceased a* will be seen by lively cures «ly"pvp"ia, asthma, fevers, IL V. I !• -al I. lol hi Ii hl. J. \V. Stint h. I. W Tli«»m. valle.V la*t week, to m«Tf *oim ial* »if • ing. 1 a- A I D«l-«y. J.-i" ,1. \. Trajlor, lb ul the strange man- the^ïHh anniversary ot O 1n Thursday, April 2«» B** Gali I’otmr. I I Ni<’li«»l*. TIi«»". t'liavni r. J. F. ' with 1 lie I nioii livery stable at tins plac«« 1 “»•¡I th«- n- il prope rty bcl»»ngiug t*' fh»*m "U ' frv.- «at F. 1' Br«»'«k- an«i < ity Drug St«»!'' i wlmm they returned t»» Portland. Siniib. I . u . 1 ’ 1 > m d«- ;«!•. I a nu:til»«-i of ot in-rb. h There will be a public parade or iti-oi. et«* . ««ports a new "ign, th«« work of Kr -" A May 12th. | Ja« k"«»nvidv. Oreg<»n. ir> to mak«« a big blow, a- th«- I uhm » ! John Beekman ui New York broth» r <»f in not n» m I iyi WM for I:i'll-«-If. tori' se w th a grand bail in th«« evening a’ Fischer. the ♦ ?rp< rt painter-. I I he «-.»-«• oi Klamath «*»unu vs Fr»«m Wm P«im»il v,. learn Inn! the- District our iell«»w («.»wnsmau » • . Be»*kiii,. i), p.tyabb* at th«« end th««r»«- Granite H ill. Everyb«>dy i* respectfully * '/■ Sati>f:i«*îi'»:i (îiiarant» *1. Plea*»« .••n* atrial a!t i » i ings pn citiCt creek, die«! a l«-w «lay* -urn »« >h»* w «" an ' I pr» me «curt ! 1-t l u-'du\ by Judge Wat- { by I i* wife. They will make a t ur tli’uiigh Th« l> t *»f r**r<* taken to prrvriit accidents. be published next week By order of th»* Old i«-"ni«-ni <»| that *'•-■• «-m and «^’*n<«ra!iy I ! “on "1 I »-ha f o! the appellant and by j Ca if-.ruia before returning hotne. at.d Miss! - but no r«*p*»nsibihty H*>uino»i. should any » mtiit . were lit r«- .*) few day* •'Hire Committee. H. C. Mvtr, ts»*«* JAN. F. DAVIN. J iidg»- I*« im ; >r r«*"pondent. The < a>e of , ‘’arric Ifi-ekman w '• g»» with th««m. Note*, receipt t M ' ; ' »’. \ ' »-/"W < ¡1 \' r. tfiftff <;. i> John F. Miller ot Klnniatli voiinty > J. W. CUSICK f TrcHMïrrr. ; ■ . • I ¡I. mi K in math »«»»unty. J. K. ELDERKIN, was also num th. h »* p.«l. h:i*ttd th - 1» in i" • ir-. Sirayv«i from Phoenix. S:tfurd.iv. Ap-o sal»- cheap at th«* Ti.vti> *-di ■»•. tarried tn town list Tuesday, while on his .1!gu« i a le a «lays .1^ ». \ 7tb. m .-mab bav mar» , ibout i-4 hau I" high. bv We make a pt< iahy<»f Imr*«« and |ai k game and i«x»ty «»ay mar«« Alta way home from the Willamette valley lie • . W Logan > reputation a“ a scientific 3 years «»hl. no brand, small star in f«»re- bills, being will *upplie«i with all kinds <»l Aitammit, from Captain J i’ Apprrmn. has lieen chosen as a delegate to flip Itam- I n 111'*<’»»'.-it.\ ( «»art »»f J.i»-k" »n «*«»n:i(v. O-»-4»<«n pin-t »griiplu«r is tir.-t 1 la-" and he receives iieadaml white sp >t on left it ink. slightly I mattriui fur work in that line. Oregon city. ocratic National convention, which meets N II IK I AN.T OF AN ORBEIt OF THF I tl*»« exclusive patronage, of A “ hlaml and lame iu right L»r« fo »t. Last seen on the hit St. Louis in June, and wid start about Co n ly <’uurt. ab<_»v»*-*iM.iipd, ruad-* Nov?n»b«*r John L. McKee, arrested here last fall, Geo E. Junes J. G. Norton. R«»bert An­ mu. a‘ from » \» rv portion ot southern Ore. “.IS*., lh»* i*. il •r-'i.'rt! H" - htií «-I. gon. He emp'oys the best and most pop­ bay borae with halter on i Ell;. '!• I» «¡¡«-I. I »id.- M«*l>;» i«*l and B--"!«• Mr wa*» sent to the Multnomah county jail for cinct visite«! u* a few days »ir.ee. Bev. Fill her Noel deiivcicil his ti*>i >er I D mi .- 1. all nu:n». In im of J sdk * s I’. MrDaniel. ular imth«»d" hi* work Iwiijg after the Any inf«>rm tti m le 1 ling to her re ov»«rv a termot “ix months, died in that institu­ , rhv“t hi give satis­ I mon a! the Catholic church in this n'at «• i on will be suitably rewar«!e"•. They have en«l gentleman has lately been ordaiim«|. Fatroniz the only wagoath it »•onne-1> .lark"onvili.». Or^r. all «'f th«« ri«ht. Uth-an.l Trea*urer F i*her el“« where gives n«»tn e th* ir at rearagvs will l»e presentr I with a intere-t of »li<- Mini minor J.eir* in anil to th»* f«.| with every train run or shine, and carrie» that he ha* funds on hand tu rv«kem a been reduced to fll.os» since then, ami by * and this is the first parish he has tieni year’s ¡i'"«ripti<»i) to the ’’Farm ami low nu r«*«.l |>i«»tM*rt). "ituM.-d in Ja<’k*rmnll? the l.*t ot May the great r portion oi thi- I placed in charge °f- He i- nevertheless a the I S. mail an I Wells. Fargo A Co.'s large number «»f «-»unty warrants. jH« k"«>n« Mi'itj ,Ore« HiL'f- Driver «nrhl-M; r:,. « tht*nc<* All tho«r kn«»wing them ehe* indebtei mouthly at Springfield. Ohio also Do«*tor gospel, and has nu«t • a lir jc n«imb»>roi 1*J7 there will be un abundant « of everything, i n«»;;; h a .-"t I-if et t»» tp¡H« »• of I m -« zp nin¡4 A’»*«» ' Crien»is ahea«ly. to H«*nry M «n*or. «loing hu*iiie*“ at Woo«l K»«ml t'.l $ A tf ’ ebraU ! treatl"»* on the horse, «i .d vi i»».J-. ¡p-l.,.;? «.f th«* wntpr-nunt ow m-«! ! unless the lute tT«»*t" again interfere —-------- «------------ by "Hid .I'.iii - I’. M'dh««.''-i