fiujjnnocratkiiimes. d.u .-ii i aprì tuf JilOnHI, lOMTpülll«' i Lake APKl!. 13. K»*v >a C->>kttNi> oi N.-w Yotk, the * i* 111 d .!>.’• : o *t:er N » i.*;U ot loan nuiu.natim John M. Guarnì i*uul»i have I kch ni^«ie. is able, hon» -t and eneigetic ju*t the 11 re«j i»»itue »I a h» *4‘d is■» conare.ssinan. l j:i> '1 ilo\ < «EAKIN, <>»ir next ( OU’ >n van'\us> t ie g* t T.iiirin, Will iu l»eh«iH A Ihv Democracy, ami we hu|>e that eveiybody will hear him. He i« one speaker* in the '»tale, who of tiic gU’. i au iivncvN wiierewr he will dru* g’h’J*. In- l'f.’id- iit’* luri-a.e oli thè (arili ha* |>r">e l tue ikm ! ducument )«>pilla. lioiu the pc.i of a pili.1!, man l'or luany years. The Dem<> limt ha- eiuanated 1 copies oí era'.* wnl diali ilmie l.UUO.OOO il in Rie WrM alone • 'luring the next - unpaigu. • vt* Lake uuUHiy has been Humiliated hy I K*mu«*nu:y el Ji i * oe < Cri»'k, Lake a;. fur joint eeihilor. and WiH i > doubt tn elect- t*»i. II * ia well »|Uuliiic»i fur the ¡»late uud wm I .nuke a valuable uiviu:»er of the lull.* B ik .' iv m lot uuiy a better laayei UiunJwqe Luni, but would aisu make a better supreme judge than lie, fur he baa been tried and nut iuuud waul­ ing. Ui» tecurd uu the bench i- a filai- claa* otic and tbe pe-'pii- would do weil tu place .Hi. Buiiiett there again i'uK lesullM u! tuo luüiiicip.d enxttons Uiu hi Aie ali vety la voi unir, c«pcc- laily I ìhjsc «il M-v. New York an«! N w Jvr- In Aii»unv, N V , thè iMnuciwl* ic uiaj mty i» thv i«uge»t vvvr kuown» L uliiliig W-’iiLs « u-L Uicli s;i^d«>vvs bel HC tliciii. < «u\ krnv A L’ lnnuilk has written a let­ ter lu Waahingluu drchniJ.g tu make a rigid lui the U. J*. >uuulur»bip. He will accept the DcuiueraUc caucus no Qu lu .; at on, il tendered him. as also will A. Bu-h, L. t. Urovrr ami several othci piuuiu.vnt ami capabla men that wo i*uui»l iiaioe. vvnliuu, w ululi l’urllatid turi al tasi Uadi.cs lay, renominated Luiuire-.iiiaii Hcriuaunand .lud^- Lord, ine l>e:u'>- t Ue vliliy tue crals It tv,- g eat II".*) iurmcr, as lia lia» made .< very puoi rec­ ord and they bave p.i.e-t a strung iua>i against lum. T mk bamv vi E. 1*. l' ut Labi« Rock pie» invi I» piuminentn meliti med i.i culmcctiuii wilh thè p?sd.oa ol K.-pie- w* he only T li" Kximath county. lhe tirsi lawyer, tlie •econd a niel- Mr. ■ taut, ami Hie latter a pteacher. ii -. i Conveyancing in ail ils Branches Six months treatment tl. •l.tU. M 1 ilk Democracy ot Oregon were never in u loBitieu to make as good a showing in an election an at this tnne. Harmony aud vjiitideuce pervade* our rank», and every Democrat seem* di»|>oeed to do what ia in his power to maine the perpet­ uation of the national administration which has already done so much for the good of th.couutry, and promises to do a great deal more. F ittskx mo . stus ot Democratic admin­ Aurtion tu the amount ui increased work. For Bale by all Druggist«. sway in Oregon. had so much Misses Kitty Thornton and Mollie Dowell have openeil dressmaking pal­ lors at Grant's l’ass. Our State never was belter managed than now, and Governor Penuoyer and Treasurer Webb are en­ t.yrn.n. .ire tiiat uu«i to .•mocratic u. JOHN MILLER, Manufacturer »nJ Idealer in W omen . Jacksonville, Oregon So. Vi Unimproved; wdl ___ WM'tut'd. ____ place to make a ¿» mm ! horn . Favorite Prescription AVIMi EXILED TO (LOSE OCT MY BVH- No. 55. acre*. it the result of thi» vast experience. uietiN in JacicHonvillf*. hr I had wished to do, IL5U0 1 have cone 1 uut buildings, orchard, wood and water supply, anleveralon, retroversion, bearing, I represent them t«» l»e. Being thaifkfui to mj etc 16») acres fenced and nearly all under culti­ annuation«, cliroiiie conge«, old customers f«»r their past j>atronagv wo hl>«Tal- vation. much of which is susceptible to fruit cul­ down tlou, iutlummailon and ulceration ly bestow«»»!, I would r**j»ectfully solicit a con­ ture. It is also well situated in ah.«aJthful loca­ of the womb, inflammation, pain tinuance of the same. JOHN MU LER. tion school house near by and less than two and tenderne»« in ovarii-«, tiiierual heat, and »'female weakne»».” miles from a railroad depot. H It promptly rrlK-vcs and cure« Nnn»en LUGKEY & GO., No. 56. JUOacre». and wi-iiknca« of Stomach. Indlgea. Choice fruit an« 1 grain land. 15»; acres fenced. I tton, Hlonlliir, Nervoua ¡■roMratlon, 60 acres in cultivation; a living stream of water and Slecpleaaueae, iu either acx. through the place. Improvements new and first-class; 75U fniit trees of b«*t variety; l‘? miles from Woodvillle A great bargain. PRICE $1.00, ?5 k 6 Sold by nrugglata cvrrj-where. Send i<9 per acre. No. 76 470 acres v Dr. 1’i. n-e's Inrgu This bpl«»nzziu».% < oiiMipa» cion. I .id I gcftti ont «nd lliiioi « AJiarli% « •< - . • < ’ I Or. Pier - r-S PnrgH'ive Pello:». 2ó vente â X îal. by Drigglits J2U0U Ne. 1*. 10» a.-res. Mostly fei eed in grain field-. m»*a-l«»u. pasture. ' orchard ami garden ; all rich. blm k. ailuvmJ soil; about 1 ” acres of plow land . three , «•f j ur. wafer . ►trearn fl-'WingCirough the< .• orchard beet variety of fruit . large. <'**mxuodioufe i îles ANI» hohes A Specially MRS. C. C. EDOINCS, In 8tock. consisting of Instrumental Mûrir. Aople. Pear. Peach. Plum, Prune. Apricot Nectarine. Cherry. Almond. Chestnut. W alnut and A BOOT AND SHOE SHOT 1- coun-’cteii with my I uiuih ** kh<»p Having tmgag»*»! th«» s.<»rvic.’M of a tirM -<•!»-»» ik-T. I am prepared to manufacture bu«»ts and m I io -» h of tae ial»-t etyl»*» promptly. My pne»”» m t>«th tiejNiilmcnt» will br .pule reaeonabl » and b»ti*faction guarante»»«!. W _HL ON V loft hip. AI bo caHie brand»*! . ___ on left wide <»r hip; also cattle lirand«»»! with a figure - on l»»ft eido or hip. Lhe ear-marks of the above brands ar»» short crop in left ear and long crop in right. Al»<> cattl»» brand«»ck of al? kind» and dimon- Hionb of I have a complete eet of Map« of all Survey*»! Land* in thin county, nrd rx'vivo alwtra-t» monthly from Roeebiirg of all n«»w entr»»»»» made I am thna prepare»! to make »»at Hoineetea»! an«i Pro-eruption papera, and can thus sav»» to par’ i»*- theoxpenae of a trip to Roaeburg Io»mi ()ffi< •» Several tin** farinn are in my hands for aal«» Ptr/.vr poza rr«s. V Chargee in accordance with the tim»»H t FRUIT of either bt or pine timlier. All order- and lull- tilled with pr.unptn'*** ix.d dispst'-h. No comment is nccesHary on the sups riority of the quality of our tir timber. HAIIKI8 .1 CO. Tlo re i(!*< )!l> t u ttrin»;!» with- Gut ordering it 7 C. B. FITZCERALD, u 1 MO .* .Detroit.Mich They produce regular, natural evac­ uation«. never fjrip«? or ¿nierfere with daily l>itnine *ol• t».n ol t rin... IMn. In tlx. Hvk. u,,^ w HUNT’S REMEDY STEAM FLOURING MILLS «’■re, Int. inperwicr, X«rrow B.«^. (a ,x-ml IMdlity, Femal. Wrokaron, and Ex-roro. < . with all nic, Jaundice, Sour BUgua» h, Djsptpaia, <.un«>Upatiu;i n and Hie* HUNT’S REMEDY BARLEY ROLLERS. when I «;>; ( rnr 1 ..( mean merely to •top them 1-r a ti . ml then have them ro­ turn attain Inn \ KAI i K'AL CL'BC. a | 1 have made ti , , a. e id FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXTCG SICKNESS, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS! ORDERS SOLICITED I n acbaxt my remedy to Ci-RR the w.»r.t r? r..-oause other, bavo falledtsno reason ■( no--, rereiving a euro. Bend at «'lice f..r . . e and al-'RCrBoTTUI of my Ixi ai i.n.'.i IS mexv . Give ErproM and Post <>f.b it c- you nothing tor B trial, audit will c ro 1<*| ’ Addrea, Ono-fourth down, balance within aix. twelve ami eighteen months. See map at Railroad Depot for graded ¡»ncea. etc. or addreaa D H HASKELL. Town-Site Ag *nt ( . P. R. R., San Franciaco, (al. H. C. ROOT. M. C. IS3 Ptait ST .NnrYlK A GRAND t* PAmcEirs eiNCM ToAio^^^'t rdicuuil compound that curni when all vine fails. I ah cured the worst ca*»* of Cough, W eelc Lung’ Asthma, Indigestion. Inward 1‘alna. ExhiusUon. Invaluable for Rheumatism, Female Weak new. and al! pains am! d»*- orderi ui lhe btotnach and Bowels. He. at L i-t.ggtsU» HINDERCORNS. The •afeFt. «urert and best cure forCorrm. Bunionr, AxJ. Stops all paJn Etumree comfort to the fret. Never taijg to cure, li veaU st Drugguta. RxacuX ± CO., N. Y. > PAINLESS ClIXLPBïP/i i; it. i . m 1 choice lota iu the ttnurirLing town cd » OR . ; Bonanza, Klamath County, tir., JmjMir ••»! a««l ■ ’ *1 by G. W. Hunt. Win leaker .(>« SOI 1> |. lam nreparwi to n>U barley at all tin-e. and tn ths Item manner. This prove». ¡, farahaad <»f the cniRher. G. KAKEWHK1 ACTS AT ONCE on th. K Idnt,■«. I.Rer. CENTRAL HOUSE, A life long study Drop,., Gravel, and Diabetes, an- cured b) Flour and Mill-Ford CuaUll»s ■> Y xklltv. ■ jSuxMlay). |7 he ' me;-w. . . .6 00 IM v, six iritis, , , «00 . on* j -ear, . , IM) AT Hardware, Tinware, Crockery. Gold Hill, Oregon. ptova! uabletoall It isa benefit to the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH. HEALTH. VIGOR by the use of Quick and Complete Cure of all Diseases o( toe Skin, Kidneys. Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation. Dysnepsia and Biliousness,and outs fresh energy into the system by making \«’u . ICh li Blond. Take it m time, right now, as it cannot be heat as a preventative nt disease. Sold and used everywhere fi a bottle, 6 for i» V-C/ . »»'V, BOXES *e uQsurrswed. Its lit-TArv fc .’. .i - The H v c’.xl ar. J Murkel Reviews are unuaual’y full «nd complete. BARGAINS!! CONDUCTED BY AT SEASONABLE PBICES. r.!tv»d tobe th'» it ¿v*'euí«man r ino world. D Y í i-TRYtCO’S Illiftra'Hi. ftr-Bcrlp- Ilvw .»'I 1 rlrwl <^-Nature is faultless and so is that noble disco\ery, continaing oniy Na tura’a own remedies, “The" TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, Coiling. nd Surfaced Lumber ’.FERRYaCd. ■ I Haxe open»’«! an offic»» for the transaction of h general real-estate biieir.»‘M». and are now prepar- • ■rnii»Hion, m «?. ou. ------- L. H. Webkter. Judg* of G un Garden, Fl >w»»r anti Fi«ld Clover G hmm *- Ranker; to ll(i_. any busine*« honsein ee Alfalfa,Onion 8*»t», etc., etc., mall varieties nfdicial district, and to Jackttonville SILAS J-r AY» and lot« to suit. Dirgeet and m»M*t complete *»tu«*k m th»* North­ west . Marchants, farmin» and gardnere are requested to write for j ,- (ir.ii.oi.LE whi . eii hue . FAULTLESS! Now is Your time to Get CENTRAL POINT. OH.. Having placed tha thj**»4 double Planer and The Scholastic y«'ar of this school will com­ Matcher to bo found in th»» Rogu»» River Valley mence about the end of August, aud is divided in in our mill, wo will furniah all gradea of four s»Misions of ten w»*eks each. and tuition, per t»»rm............................. |40 00 n Millie Drawing and Painting 3 B»»d and Bedding............................................. DAY’ SCHOOL. OU Primary Department..................................... (Nl Junior “ ..................................... no Preparatory “ ..................................... 00 Senior mid Graduating Department. ... Pupils «re receive»! at any time, and si tent ion is paid to particular studies in I W« ar»» k I m » vreiNirtxl to tank»* couUMct« tur any • hilfiivn who havr but » limited time, ther particulars Hpply at the Aca:<■• eont.iinsall th«nev,of the ¿ay I» »8.«7» ■ i «^ I ea «by retir • ' *'» • »•«;«>.' ¡«.L» aud Dublin, ba cc'ni’rrno’ ie fea’urs. At vv i* .¡nr: n, A I ui.j an ¡ oth*r n*»i centers, tbs ablest c - -G tt- retailed ly lai ?T a * turn1-’ t’ ■ I :« hy telegraph. RIES. BLK’KBERKIKS. KA8PBFR RIES. STRAWBERRIES. FIGS DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. ONE Clubs of L* r t ■'«atr a P. 0. address, with &Q s’ ’ •••-! ' rganir-r©fclub, . . 110.00 FOR THREE r.< . vTHS. on trial, 25 cents Special irrtttw and fxfraordlnnry Indue«» BMMitN i<> uir.-n»* nod canvassers. f»vn4¡ fur < li a uiars. In quantitiee to mit and at p’fli-at < h«lp to give satisfaction. Our liquors are >ibsolnt»»ly pm •• hi »1 *v| • r> o any in this market. SATISFACTION Gt ARAN Ir.I.D. 1 («KAI I. VINES, (TRRINTK GOOSEBER­ vl-*’ TER VS Of THE V.EEXLY STAR TO SVBSC2IBERS. Fiee • ' |- I. ■.•; •. iu o;;.«» v x i c ay Corn Whisky! \11?V 1 » by diatiogulated AiuerlcgA and -s of fir lion. \N1) IV. A. OWEN G WJOOKSFA ARTICLE Of BOURBON, RYE EMMA TOLMAN, All c»»rres|M»ndt*nce ch»»erfnlly an-were»I dr»»ss the Pr«*sid»mt. Intrrcsil«« ”1 ’I'. T i tbe direction of trained r ’!■ 1 ,hc’t abiwiy J’ f c Jutnn« will i - .*»;•• g >vd t!n;.¿s frotu tef xtiing ta Voice Culture. 100,000 TREES nnd Agricultural Market, Fashion, Household, Financial and Commercial. Politics! Poetical, Hu. -.orcus and Editorial Oatou à Garrett. General Agents. C. F. NESSE» imrs. bclsht PAMILY _PAHtK. - • OREGON Il e».¡-.ains tbe la'.eil news. 4owa lo th» hour of f-‘.»< 14 pro». r'»niuanship and Executive Wot k. HAH clean, < JACKSONVILLE - JULIA M. COODYEAR, BUGGY,CARRIAGE and TEü ú and Sunday Editions, An Cight-pngo Newspaper. Issued every Wednesday. I ng!i-h Grammar. Rheb tic and Latin. Manufacturer uf ir I liviih-r m * :i - it THE WEEKLY STAR, DISTILLERY ! J. S. SWEET, President Matljeinatp*-. Psychology and Sch • 106, 112. 123. 124 126. 4, 122, 13". Vi VvX to depend upon. Acker’s Blood El­ ! 13<>, 137, 138. Ul. 62, <>. 115, 171, 183, ixir has been prescribed for years for all Im- j 1*4 1*.’> 1*6. 18?. 1*8, 1*9. 190, 191, 219, pi.ritiesof’.lieBIood. In every fermof Scrof- 246. 247, 2'.4, 213. 17*, 238, 277. 279, 280, i u ... SrpLUitic or Mercurialdiseascs, iti» ' luvaiaaLleTTar BLeutpaUsui. Lasooeqaal. 12:3. ¿90, JI.', ITU. JXJ, illP V “invalid»» Guide Book,” which ffiv« all partim lata. Nervona Debility, Im po­ I. r.-....-- tency, Nocturnal Nociurnai s.o. $6;' p» r acr»». No Is. 35») acron. UEL1CATE andail Morbid Condlil and ail Plorbid Condltlona VLUuam caused by Woulhrul Thia body of landadjoiiiH Jackeoaville aud in lfouthtul ■ >ol. -- —“’-loua Boll, l»»vel, rich grain, fruit and vineyard land, aud is llUtltrt llc' Bn’ - 1 Ferntci U i . l B o L v . tairjr t«ry Vracticee >«ra< tiers a at"^»pH*i^ fenced in five fields. There is on the place a dwell- ; ■■■■■■■■■■■■and permanently cun-d by oui ing-houK«, epring hou-e with fine spring, barn and outbuuHeM. and a good orchard. Terms, Specialists. Book, post-paid. 10 cte. in stampa nrr*ar*h. half cash, anti the balance on two. thr»»e anti five- Kupluro, or Breach, radi» radi­ year payments. cally cured, without the kntfa. without dependence upon flOJOO No. k). .*?.< acres. i trusses, and with very httlo 2g!) acres under cultivation and fenced into five pain. Buck eent fur ten oe-uta fields which are level, rich, meadow, grain and in staini»s fruYt land, and 1U acres m alfalfa There areon PILE TVMOns »n< j inchtw of water Street, fcuffiUo, N. V. ’ $11 »• No. 42. ’Jrt’acrta. The treatnx ::t of many JiM acres of unimproved land. 3<) acres of winch r ..... . thousand» < f < use« of lliow is prairie land and r lio balance good timber land, UlSElSLS OF d.**** peculiar to all good frud and grain land, with tw»» living spnngsof water. Four miles from Jacksonville. WOMEN nt the Invalids* Hotel and >15(1). No. U. 80 scree, —-s--------------------- Surgical Institute, ba« af­ AO acres of choice grain and fruit land under forded largo ©xperieau© iu auapUBg rciuelifli fence, with n» w » j dwelling-hotiM» and barn, and for their cure, Bud water for stock. Situated oue mile from Gold Hill deput. DR. PiriXCE’S Ashland, Jackson Ccunty, Or l»r. J. Hinkle was at the county seat one Many miners are cleaning up, but day this week.- He has a large quantity of I those having good water-rights are st'll and efficient eHulls in behall of the pub­ I excellent property lor sale and is dispos­ busily engaged in piping. ing of considerable of it. lic. Cro|*< are growing finely and fruit pros- We are glad to learn that the health ot pecta are good, but a little rain wotibl G. W. Coos’ey Is improving, and hope to Tin. Republicans of Jackson county not be amiss just now '» divided into thrue classes, via : Those i chrouicle his complete restoration to Dr Kremer and J. A. Jennings, who health iu the near future. »> to eee Judge Webster placed Htteixk-d the Iiemueratie convention at The May day party, for the purpose of >ic me trench, those who Pendleton, have returned home, well raising fund» to furnish the new -cbool- i pleased with the ticket nominated. * have done enough for house with appropriate furniture, will no '>ose in favor of plac- j Remember the Democratic primaries, doubt be very well aUanded and a great which will be held on lhe 14t!i mat., to ­ t prominently be- success. Everybody should attend and morrow. The convention will lie held a two named last I week later, and will no doubt nominate lend a helping hand. * an end to oui lhe Mining ticket. /t is a Curiottf b'uct ; at least for Smith A Conklin, Grant’s Pass lead­ t hat the body is nuur more susceptible to I ing real-estate agent», are doing a good benetit from medicine than at any other business and effecting quite a number season -Hence the importance of taking oi PttifB. sales They are '4»iiir quite fiifigmc energetic ami i Hood's »Sarsaparilla now. when it will do ui i iif v »ir you the most good. It is really wondertul wonderful | thoroughly reliable. for purifying ami enriching the blood. creating an appetite, and giving a healthy The Republican ticket, nominated at tone to the whole system Be sure to get Grant'* Pass last Saturday, is not con­ i Hood's barsapanliB. which is peculiar io sidered a strong one. and will 1-e easily itself. defeated if the Democrat* put up till- IB with or without e- mg the peti< nt. Come ana a*** us, or e-h'l ton certs in rtatnpf fur otir ROGUE RIVER titled to much credit for their untiring right kind of candidate*. I No 37. l&i acres, fenced and under cultivation ai d two good spring- on the i lir.». This is choice cram and fruit land and is Mituafe aii bu*-:u»*ss LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. ___ , Country Property for sale. Cur town is rapidly gaining in popula­ tion ami wraith C. M. Stites and M. M. Davison have returned from Sisson, Cal., but will go back soon. much better for the jieople to be gov­ erned by those in sympathy with them have rompt attention reaäombl»» P connected with tin* Land Office LUMBER. A Choice Collection of City and barbershop here. For sale at a b.trg vn a cosy dwelling JOSEI'HINK COUNTY .VA'II*. house not (ar from the center of the town Health i» good everywhere. ot Medford. For particulars enquire of II. • Immigrants are numerous and real- r. Lawton, real-estate agent A 8 Jacobs lias sold In» half interest in estate transfer* ditto. Mr. McCallister oi Applegate has gone the Riddle hotel building to a gentleman from Portland named Druck. for to I’rineviiie, Cruuk county. We are informed that A H Nun«lerman J. 1». Hays ha* resigned his position at I negotiated the sale. the l’ost Office Store in Grant's Pass. 1 ins place has been exercised consider- Rev. Father Noel of Jacksonville will ably over a libel case that has found its soon pay his tiuck in this county a visit. way into the courts and in which a num- Louis Sisson of Josephine county, a lier of our citixens will figure as witnea es l»-n.*ioner, has been granted an increase. or otherwise istration in Oregon iias proved tiiat it is winch INING PATENTS obtained at ratœ and with dinpateh By Mall, CRONEMILLER 1> cumx . iw\ PUOI’l.ltrV »AHM«. V1NE1AKÜB aud Miuuig (daini» Boaght and Sold on ( om- miiMion SANTA ABIE AND OAT-R-OURE. ¿T hose A ches M ean BUFFALO, ZT. '5T- r J i Best Class CRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., Invalids’HcteliSurgîcal Institute guaranteed cure for ’TI a ' li . c S odds Double and Single | n*ni3VUQ( Mr Lean is the only one who can cope with any ot their heiuocralic opponent.* JACKSONVIL Catarrh, Cold in the Head Hay Fever, R om »« Cold Catarrhal Oeafuew, and Bore Eyee. Re- •toree the eentie of taeto and «nielI; removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, reeulting from Ca­ tarrh. Easy and pleasant to use Follow direc­ tions and a cure is warrant«*!. Send for circular V» ABIETINE MEDICAL COMPANY. Oroville California- owners of the only Abietine Grove and Distillery in the world- F arm , M ill and D airy M achinery Farm and Spring Wagons, Carriages, Carts, leuismtureA-- uuUi la.rea than the old ear|iuiatious, one is the attempt ul a • here and is doing a good business. y' iu I uur, and ti* •<».uue-ra< . liant» tlrM’i la.** I llemuQat:c aduiinisfiationLi redeec )l 1.» I E Ru--, lately fruiu Mi Minn- > ikdges and one is the atti-uipt ut a .ui- vtlte, hw* o|..i,*u>pti, Especial pains should be I pass our power over tu thieve». Aixl tin- place on Suixtay. both morning taken lu nominate good men lor repre- i Dolph wants you to »end hiiu buck tu evening. MMrtativw and no effuita *pare>i to I elect the Senate. Ward P >ug:a* i-» at Grant’. Pa<-. where the ilumine«-», no matter who they he ir writing a large numb» r of lift- n -ur- SgNaruK Mirciisi.L ha» introduced a may be. an< e poli» ie». bill, making it unlawful fur the pusl- Medford now lia» two p.iperi, but W k wuuoi nut be surprise«! H -John M. master-geueral tu annul a euutract winch I expected Ills’one of them will .u-nend in Ovarm i.v Civclv»i l»j s’»(ivce»-«l Binger Her­ had tieeii made tur carrying mail until a short time. mann ."»o «awhicii lui'» tht' | ublic desire the contract bail expired, unless tbe ser­ Mr. Sears spent Wednesday al the cumi­ involti» tu .vieti un»? Ah>.» knuws how to vice is tu lie expedited in a d.lleieut i tv seat." This place seem* to have ni any elio l aulii’ rahilary »«• ji.-mUoii and does manner hum that provided under cun- attraction» for him. not vuwiine l»iv rttorla alone tu iutiuduc* tiact. lhe toll is intended tu protect Business is better her* now than ing bihr*. Tbrxv » m nobody in Oregon contractors who make contracts with the been for a king lime past, and <>ur who in better equipi v»l fur cungresemian government fur carrying mail for four chaeta are generally doing well. I years aluug routes w here the service bus than Nir. <«. It you want your property sold -luickly, largely been increased by the growth of at the best figures, call on M. E. Beatty, at Tm KrpublK wii civctoial ticket i* a the country. The bill contemplates bis real-estate office, iti Medford. very weak one, and cousista of these tnat person* who have a euutract where M. 8. Damon, who has been selected as gentlemen C. W. Fulton oi Astoria, lhe service is increased fruri cue to four school clerk for this district, and com- Wui Kapil* "i i • rtland and Kubt. Mc­ tunes a week, ur three tu six time* a menceti to discharge hi» duties last Week land rings CAT-R - CURE. F rank B rothers I mplement C o „ is a gentleman ol abihty ami g'-od J'big- nau BETTER THAN GOLD ABIETINE MEDICAL Company, Newcomers are numerous u:i.l :1 k ) arc have not had lor twenty years. And bow constantly becoming more s«» much i-ii aier ami brighter tlx-y are when Mrs. J. S. Howard paid her mail) friends meul, having ha 1 cuimcieiaolc experl- we lay them side by side with the cheat­ in Jacksonville a visit this week. eiK'u m pul»i»c matieis, and wou.d do ing clause in Dolph's bill, ’ saving and J H. Howard went to Portland to attend tu.» oecUun creiht iigme legislature. preserving the rights ot the corpuialien. ’ i the Republican State convention. E. .1. SiuiBie has opened a variety store lilt ap|*xtiuniueut ui.xle hv the laut Gue bill is tor the people, one is fur the un lite Deistvcralic ticket, "i HENRY KLIPPEL, GREEN’S our Aa Wv eX|*s'l.'ik, Hie- Keputrlican cun- Lean MISCELLANEOUS Pleasing to the Palate and Death to a Congh. NOTBS. ... J . • K V r < irault Court A. T. shoetnake formerly of Williams The 1«»Rowing proceedings have tnken I creek, ha« located at Langlois, Currv place in this e»»urt Mnw our last report: G es . S pkuhe , the manufacturing ■Co. Jas. Hvlnr v- Talent .1 Hopkins, cun- king of Rhode Islind, has announced At the Republican county convention : tirmation. bheiitrs sale confirmed. i himself in favor of Democratic ad I the following ticket wa» pumrnated. For I.Cril Tuiniiiii v •. J. ft Howard and (.'. ! delegate* to the state convention-, If. B. Magruder; tu recover money. Dmunsued ministration, retrenchment and reform. LUNG RESTORER. SANTA ABIE, j Miller, J. A. Wilson, Chafles Decker un motion oi pl.iiniifi’s attorney. i J. B. Cosui ►, the well-known harness and C. O. Bigelow ; rej resentative, C. J. ; Slat»* vs. K t’ouk; rcoygnitam • !»i"- KING OF CONSUMPTION, manufacturer and dealer, died at Port­ j Howard ; commissioners, S. Messenger missed. The original and only genuine scientific com State v>. Henry liu^lir* an i A » L«1 i and Jacob Hanset h ; elerk, H. L. Ben ­ pound of Abietine Gum and Yerba Santa, land Saturday night, lie was taken moimon; violating game law. Flea of fur <'ought, ('elds. Lung and Bron­ son ; sheriff, J. C. Moss; school super­ guilty entered. with malarial fever the Sunday before, chial Troubles, etc., etc. Massie; assessor, T. intendent, W. A. ; ( •has. Dora wa* admitted to citizeiKhi p. but got up the next day. On Tuesday F. Croxton ; treasurer, T. 1*. Judson; Paul t-irac. a. F. oi A. Ciioi mietuti. V-, K. M oral. Cu recover money. Vt 1 r 1x1 i r |10 50. B eware or I mitations None genuine unless to arise again. His condition was not Topping. Slate vs. J . P’las; indictment for the words "Lung Restorer.” “SantaMne, ’ areon convention A l*emocratic county 18 larceny the Labels of each buttle Not a secret com­ considered alarming until Friday night. bound f dui V pound. For »Mile by all druggists, wholesale and 1 called to convene at Wilderville, un Stale vs A 11 sunder man. indictment his said that Huntington's visit to retail, Saturday, 21, at 1 o’clock r. *• tor libel, (’untinued. ________ .. April . A. S. Johnson vs. Catharine B >>«-hey ; to ! Portland will be fruitful of good results for the purpose of nominating the follow TRY SANTA ABIE AND CAT-B-CURE- recover money Verdict lor defendant. m the service on the Californiaortiuu of the county convention, will by held in the ” DEAL-3R3 XIST world. It has also been treated to a several precinct* at e. M.. OH 1 complete new dress of type, and the . April 14, 1888. E. T. Harcitw tv, stereutype process is now employed C. 1>. S extom , .- Committee. there. The <'r<'/u/iiun is pre-emmently J. A. J eskiso ’, I -Vup D«|/ Hull, the newspaper of the northwest tonal, I The following is a list of letter» re- the undt r?igne«i will give a social party , "TJOT-IL. ; 5’JBBEYS, ETC. and has few su|H?nors tins side of the i niaining in the Grant’s Pass postoffice at his hall up»’ on Tuesday, May r*’ Vv V~ q f 7**^ ’ ** ’ Rocky mountains. Its enterprise is de- March 31, 1888: -I. P. Adams, J. Artn- 1st, to which everybodi’ is invited. The ! strong, S. G. Allen, Mrs. Bell, M. A. best of music and supper will be provided. serving of the fullest success. ' Brentaiio. Mrs. Catharine Barrows, Miss Tickets, including supper and horse feed, X A sruosu effort is being made to secure 1 Emma Crane, John Currin, Wm. David- >2W. U. E. R» m « e . < Congressional legislation for the preser­ I -on, Frank Dawson, 3, II. S. Davenport, I Miss Lulu Deveney, Col. Ferry, Miss -VutAers VVzfiX? vr AND . vation ol the Y'ellowstone National Park. . Lydia Galbreath, W. B. Griffith, Gillam The pruprivtors ol Santa Abie have au­ Hie turtfl ami Stre i»t (No. 40 l’aik A Chapman, Mrs. Ella flouzer, W. S. i-i* ■ i v/:’-rraD^d ! thorized the Drug Stores to refund your Row, New York,; is taking active and | Hyde, Orin ifowe, 2, Carl lieruth, II. money if. after giving this California king j Harvey, M. II. Johnson, 2, Mrs. M. E. of cough cures a fur trial a» directed, it energetic measures to have such a law 'jure». K. E Jackson, John Leader, fails .o give satisfaciion lor the cure of Wo havo on hand nt all tims.* a Complete Line cf passed. Hie editors have piepared a Mr. Mareiu. M iss Julia Murphy. II. F. coughs, croup, whooping cough ami a>l LaBelle anil Rushford IVa -o; . V.’n!» • », tVottl* lìivrtt't*. isititiuu, winch is sent out to anyone * Musgrove, John D. McDonald, Mi*.* throat and lung truublv*- When the disease uflects the head, and usbuaiv-» ibt* form of w ho will secure signatures to it and for­ Lucy Owens, Kobt. Oliver, Frank Oli­ Catarrh,^iothing is ^t» ftlectue as Califor­ Buford’s Gang, Sulky and ’1 uve;* ani! Bintifi’s. ver, Miss Susie Right, C. C. Ragsrlule, nia Cat-K Cure, t’h«•.»»«’• Ax/lr’flflg.o»*/. pclitun, in order to show the extent of Simpkins.G. F. Wheeler,Rev. .* White, I A. J. Wilcox. In celling for the above You cannot alf >r l to w astc time in exper­ Havana Press Drill*. A <1. Cooper .V <’ •-’* Sa" Sil’s the public inteieat in the matter. I please say advertised. imenting wiien your lungs are in danger an I Eirrincs. McSherry Drag or Shoe Drill. CuhaumpliuiJ always seems at first only a I. W. H ow - arp , 1’. M. to the Nsw York Tioirs, cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose McSherry Seeders and Drills. Star Witt i .Htl’sA. Force Pentp*. Roscoe Conkling hM given Cleveland a upon you will» some cheap imitation ot Dr. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. King s New Discovery tor consumption, send off considerably glorious. The re­ coughs and cuhls, but be sure y«m get the Thomas Hay Rake < linrii'. Representative Hermann has filed a tired Senator is credited with saying; Because he can make more pro­ I l*-tition with the postmaster-general ask­ genuine. » iiicr Vi!!.. Royal Self-Hump fit lie may tell you he has something just “Fresideut Cleveland’s last message was Hay and l’ont ing fur mail service through the newly as good, or just the same. Don't be de­ Hay Kake the wisest, boldest and most patriot­ settled country from Ketio, on Klamath ceive«!, but insi-t upon getting Dr. King's Cutlers, Victor Grinding New Discovery, wnich is guaranteed to ic evidences of stalesmauahip of recent lake, to Mount Shasta. Siskiyou county, I’-aiiei. Jr., t.ur­ Mill!. give relief in al! throat, lung and chest years.” Nur is Uns all he said of the California, U|>on which line he ha* se­ atlect.ons. Trial bottles free at E. C. li.-a Drill-i and Zig-Zag Harrow* cured the establishment of postoffices at Brooks' Drug store Large bottles $1. same soi t, according to the same paper. < -il:ivafor*. the ranches of l’icard Ball and others. (all steel). Imagine this Republican Stalwart of the ! I Dlitinolld Tooth Hollow Tooth County Treasurer Baldwin givesnotice I days of Grant saying . ‘ Ii the next pres­ ( althator*, Ac. that he ha* funds on hand to pay the fol­ Harrow*. idential campaign is fought on the tariff lowing warrants, protested prior to Jan. 1265, ....... 1302, . 1324, ....... ............... issue, between Blame and Cleveland, 1 I, 1887: 1297, Our Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue me.iJed free to any address. 1333, am prepaied to take the stumnfor Cleve­ 1288, 1289, 1264. 13Ô3, 1343, 1371, 1369, 1358, 1263, 1347, land, believing that the Republican par­ 13M, 1361. 1364, 1197, 1158, 68^nd 60 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. ty cannut without violating its pledges 1308, 1320, 1294, 1301, l’.W. 1335. and bringing reproach upon its name, 1291. 1290. 13117, 1321. 1317, 1326, refuse tv reduce the taxes which weigh 1330, 1338, 1334, 1309, 1319. 1330, 1298, lutili, 1171, r.-As, 1389, so heavily in>oii producers and consum­ 14’tO, 1402, 1405, 1287. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA ers.” • OR KINDRED ILLS ig ./ ifosj » sor r/M M' kakivu ui tile I'reHideut'a message BETTER HAVE on the wagun-road grants the Prineville .AL Hoskin'« of Albany talks of opening a SDITOKIAI. whi -h h- ofl-r. fxr »,1. a, n-rounslili. H-'n-1» s UvorHlu.. upix.rt.» ¡r, p illvM, * , c. 11.-nr tnw-i pmpertf »r.u-vr.-V u,. wi„ oi-ontn. n < (pi'iF rv 1 Bccaua. Jtu.6 17,18S7 * r 11» l-.tirot iyed ti .n nxi.rud I, A—1rrr*i. ( .1 LOHD&mrA nene*. «1 -t ? »CO. Pr. A*« • •H F» • ¡I«’ S’ -;d ■' u-.i/., ■■¿u-. ^cu-awx ,i,t iUntèhTiSERS'