H K K K .1 .V/> Z // E K t . ruRaoXAL Mtyriu.y Now i> tbe time to publish y.our an Realties A White have oue of the finest F K l 1 r G R O If /: K.V M L L TJX G. I I nouncement, if y«»u ure a candidate for of­ an.I be«t selected stock of goods, consisting I Ward Douglas of Medford was here Paul Boulon. yes- 1 The following are the proceedings of the fice l’he columns of lhe T imes are open of general merchandise, crockery, grocer­ ' fruit gr.jwers’ meeting held in M«.dford un tenlay, i to all. J. H. WBTBLEf. J. ti. Mai n. Beautiful weather. ies, etc., tb it can be fotin I in southern UNITED STITES OFFICIAL PRESS, : 11. D. Kilbli am! \ f A:-;«;»-gat<* were ! Sat inlay. March 31, 1 isÄTBCmiRT Coirror st » is s Merre Oregon kidney Ten A nice line of fresh camlies, cucoanuts. Oregon L »ok out f «r their a«!vertiseinent, MMi MV« r U.1S Coutmninf Cd«i The meeting was called to order by Pres­ in town this week — O ma . wond- rful nerv« atin.uh Wait for Paul Boulon ¡oranges, lemons, tigs, dates, nuts, etc . bus which will appear in t ie T imes next week, W W ■ speedily cures ud nervous AIM * ( riFBT G-:i" t-xn purifie Remember Paul Boulon | imnuits of the pit viuii- nueting, which III i a-'.d. Scott Griffin, the Tolu real estate . came frightened o i Wednesday la-t oil gent. J. M Hurst of lower <'aliforiiia. wh«> ■ ■ ■ ww cauf« » Rb* uniat.M».. a»» t rertnrw» the tlyo-1 I wt re approved. Don’t forget Paul B>til »n n.ak ng «. rKki.r to a healthy » « l t.uuu. It a ; was here in early days, is in this section entering the Uni »u I.¡very S»abie an«l took made us a rail this week. An invitation w.t- then given to those lht Uu« i .¿uuJy iur X«.I»< wu.uLexu. Circuit court still in session. ( A Democratic Convention for Jackson county, with a view of entering in business >»f s one a lively •in through the bam ami into the John R. * teams of Ashlam! made us a w h.i dc.-irvd to be« «»me members of the As­ Oretfon, ift h«»reby called to be heid at tbe Cour! Some rain ami wind this week. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS back yaid. where No th« y were stopped, I kind. pleasant cal! a few days since. House m Jacksonville on sociation an«l E C. Phelps came for­ pAixr*f Cri sat C om pot vn quickly rc*tor»-s A little frost Wednesday night. tbelivrrand kj«tu«-}» t jerfe. t health. Tb;« Saturday, May 3, 1SSS, TN ORDER TO MEET THE GROWING DE Tommy McKenzie is now acting in the damage resulted, though the passengers, M E. Beatty of Medford paid this pla<« ward and signed the roil. curativ« |-« w».r. cuiibai« d u'.th ite oerxo 1 m ”’•* f«»r ’•.«al-etjiat»« pr<»p»»i tj w * have <>j, ar hl o’clock A M.. for the purp«»so of nomina­ tonic»», n^ken it the Ust rux*tdy for nJ Fruit prospects are still excellent. capacity oi messenger boy fur the W U T. who were still in the wagon, were quite a business visit Wednesday. ili? -ubject of trade Work was then an office in tbe Midi.*-» C.-U.J .aims. ting candi«latre o|»erat«»r. ennsidcre«! by gentlemen win»ar? informed Madrayof Portland, is in the valley. The pic i«ic season is 11 *ar at hau l. deleen’e eech an«! one delegate additional f«»r er. I'AisfH Cranny C oMPorxD Mr*nirth«-iMi th« is un •VanacU. and uniet* Ut* n»-rTCA ci the dijrea* ery 2ft vot*»s an«! fraction of 2ft votes caet for N* L. on the subject. >«'..t- a.e now «»a -ale ut the l«i?graph throat. >1 til N«-ck. P«»n«i's Extr.i» t tivt «rirai.a. Thin U why it cure» even Ui« French candies at Jack-on A i’urm r > E H. Autenrieth, formerly oi tills place, Butler for con - P« r < Nur-« ry, P aixf * r«-i!«» . All onl*-r- in t . 4 line Chimney Rock .................. 41 action to the bo^ .a ltcffulanty surely XuF promptly att««nd«*«i t«». What you nee«! is a ¡ucilicine which is . MX Iowa iu m>e. Ed«*n ................................... .. ............ pnazi-- intl'ieiicr. Pond ’ s Extract is sold ' this week. Horace Pelton of Saut’a valley and G M ing and «lupi i ng of fruit to distant markets, HOSSA AHIH.FÏ. ■ URES Nervous Prostration, Nervou« Headache. Eecon-iiieiided by nrofeaainnal acdbna.DtM Evans Creek .................................. » pure, efficient, reliable 8m h is Hum! .- everywhe e Av«»i«l imitations. Willard made us a pleasant call during the as great injur}’ i- done in this way Foote Creek ...................... IX i Geo R. Justus was in Jacksonville la-t : W""" Neuralgia, Nervoue Weakness, Storna ti men. K n«l for txx'k. Sarsaparilla It p«»-s«*jjses peculiar curative Fl«»anre K«»ck ............... 13 Liver Diseasea, Rheumatism, Dys- , ________ __ Price $1.00. Sold by Drugtlsti. Mr. Pei :z explained very clearly the Mo »re .- R' \ealr«l Remedy is m i«le ir«»m week. j Tues«lay. ; powers. Jacksonville.................... . . 227 p»i«,u4 all ostcuoa» el tbo tidtty«. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop'» Little Butte ¡•«• «•s-ji v >t« p- tube pursue«! in securing a ...» ........ 76 th«- bark- oi t trc«'s. ree! <»n Puget Sound, by the W. I Clemmons, the Galice creek imr Imp«»rte«l and domestic cigar* at Jackson ■ BVKU50TQX. VI. - ............... U4 A line of gents’ furnishing g<»«»«ls will be Medford.......................................... < ' »., of >e.itt!e W. I . trade mark. II«* says, first.elm »se a name ; M«»««r«* Mfg < ’ >«*attlc Posi ­ chart, has been spending several «lays in ............... XX Ontral Point.................... .. urner’s. * added to Jackson A Turner’s sto« k next Meadow«................................... ........... 19 3<-r«»n«|iv. draft a diagram <»f a proper de­ tively cures • dyspepsia, asthma. a.-tbma, fevers, town. » ............. S¿ Plenennt Creek Th»* Yreka pa|*ers speak well of the Boll - j week. Also groceriej, canne«l g«»«>ls ami sign, an 1 senti to the secretary of state, rheumatism, etc. <■. Remi R« the strange man- 3 * ‘ ........ Si) Rook Point................. Gen. John 1.. Ross was in town this week crackers. ♦ Hterling ................................ ............... X 3 Ion troupe. and if si.ch a «me is nut already on record. I nrr in which it was • , li-covered. Circulars His health is much improved. w<* arc gia«l ............... 5 Steamboat (’has. Prim has been looking alter Henry trr«* at E. •'. Br-» «ks* 4 and City Drug Stur» Oranges, lemon- and so«ia water at Jack- it « aii at once !»■• « stitbli-died. 2 Table tha'k ............... 1»»7 « ARTHUR CONKLIN to say. E. SANDERSON SMITH Kfippei’s real-estate business «luring the Jacksonville, Oregon. • Trail Creek................................... ............... in ft s,»n A Turner's. A motion to adopt a trade mark was car- , Uniontown .............................. ............... 31 3 Mrs Behj. Haymond r»t Kock Pomt ha- AU -ubsx'ribcrs (-» the 1 win) pay riel. ifiSWI LI,-KNOWN HOLM . I NDEK THE As we went to pre» the grand jury was . latter's absence t«a the Democratic >tate Willow springs ............. 5X 4 new management, will be co’Kliu’t.'d <»n th? their arrearages will be presented with a . been visiting in Jacksonville f«»r several | convention. Mr. \\ human tlo*n made a moti«)n to up- j still in session. | bc-f and most popular plans, no yain- bl«4 h> «U, making it n d«‘1qritblt» tion will be hei«l at the usual place« «»f voting on ville. April 7th. I’»> r« «jiie-i of Mr l’«'iitz a inolion was plac«* fur 11««« <-ut«»rtainnumt of l»«»tli t rav-I'T» and est “Altamont" colts w«» have ever seen. st >« kr.u-( r ami house! ‘hobl. publis!l»-tl spin i- I tion a visit this week, lie hirri d in JacK- Saturday. April 2S, l&tf, at 1 o’clock P. M. Nature * remedy i* what they say of • familiee monthly at Sprin-ztiehl. Ohio; also Doetor I sonviile awhile. All persons who fav«»r the perpetuation of varrie«! r« piiring a!i nembers to sele« I a He is a beauty. Democratic principle and design *up( orting Oregon Kidney Tea. Kemiail' cel«'!ir.it-.1 tr«‘ itlseon the horse. L. B. Cox and J N. Teal . a 11 •»r m' y s f i o m «1« -ign i«»r it tra i • murk l«» pr«--«-nt to S. S. the Democratic n«»!etneea at the appr,»aching The Paul B«»ulun Come«ly t’o., have the standard authority on the subject elections, are cordially invited to participate in Bargains in every line may still be found I’rii!zi»f Me if'«- I or < ' B. Mi.ierut (¡old Will h I wh J'M )»•' s’lJ»J»li*‘d with lb" b«*-t th»* Ilin» k»*t only Ladies’ Brass Band ami orchestra in One of th«» be-t manag«* I estabii-lnnents ' Portland, have been in town this week on th«* primaries. at Newman Fisher’s t Kfl«»r «*> > tlail will plea»««' t' • most lillà b«*ti»re the •» xt m< « ting. By order of the D«*nu»cratio ('«». Committee. the State. Look out f<»r them at Ja< k-«»n- in s-.iitlierii Oregon is th»» Union livery ; legal business. fttHtidioaM tas* H K. HANNA. < tairman. I In -ul < ! pinning was «»pene»! by B. Carlisle oi Medford paid the county­ ville on April 7tb. LW*Rat<*M e.iKiiiiabl«» and mu isfartion K'iaian- stable <»( J.i.-ktiunville Here m.iv always | L. A. Simons, an excellent teacher, is in J. E Pcu-«‘. He * ¡y- after several tetd. seat a vi-it yesterday. Dolph's bill, granting the State of Oregon be foun t m tv an ! c » nfurtable vehicles «>f ! charge of the Uniontown school. He al- Suicide. v«-.t ? s ’ of exp. j i nc« -in pruning the orchards Situati «’ in tin* l ainons ••lingue Hiver \ nllvv.” th»* (ìardrn Sp<4 <»f Handsome croquet sets for sale cheap at live townships in Oregon, including tbe ail kinds am! the fastest an I safest teams 1 ways gives satisfaction. The quietness of Jacksonville was terri­ of Oregon, I i. tice tbe habit of cutting off ’ Southern Oregon. the 8. F. Variety Store. i ’ lie pi-»pri« t«»r, W. G. K« ’ uney, spires no famous Crater lake, for u public park, has bly sh<»cked last^vening by tbe report that Miss Lollie Cardwell expect-» to leave for large limbs ba- be« n i»rac ice«l to«j much for ' pains togive his customers their nioncv’s i Portland in a few days, where she will Superior babbitt-metal, in quantities to passed the Senate. David L. Hopkins had committed suicide re- the good of our new on hard-. He «ays worth an I sn reel-* well in giving satisfac­ in hit room at the V. S hotel by hanging suit, at the T imes office. ; main during the summer. * that large limb- will not heal over readily, Subscribe for IbeSan Francis«-«» ’’Exami­ tion. Give him a call. himself. He was discovered by Tom Cur­ The best an«l cheapest mining blanks for ner and New York “Star,” the tw«> best i IMATF. • r«‘ry healtliy. er*»n «m«l attraet’V' , an«i will <*.<>mi«re more t»*an favnrably wnh any V. Cook, of Portland, who has been at cons« (juently hav ing a portion of unpro­ 11« ¡ What are you thiiikingabout Mag- 8tat“ in tho Unum. < aliforma include«! ley. an »mployee of the hocse. who liad tale at the T ime - otli« ? tected w«.<»«i vxp<»-«‘d to the elements is an papers published. Subscriptions taken at gie”’ ICfcs « ì ik i> -Weare ridi in utfrirnitiin fiujtor. minorai ami grazimi land»* In «»tber word*, w* Sh<*—’ Oh, I v\a* only thinking t th«* Sterling mine, in which he is interested gone t«» his room to ascertain if he wishe«i «•an pnxiurt >1 ’ Hat i«* neci-s:tij f»»r ni u» ami !»• -.•<-! E’ruu hmi Fruit :'alture n» tiecoming ona of injury to th«* trees. Though admitting the For g'h»xl -Lingle-, «hakes ami «• »r«i w > »1 tii? T ime - off.ee. wht th« r some your r mai. w i- going to a-k returne«! home yesterday. DEALERS IN thegieat iii'lii'-fies «>f thin Huuth«-rn c«»u,iiry. we Lave h d unite <■<».< j.'duiat e and adjasted to ths ail) tiling to eat for supper, ami on tinduig apply at the T imes «»¡!i-'e. fre«- use of th«* knife to be oi .»««vantage on <*<>udition <>f 11<" m » ì I, 4iid can prinliice (i:>-I tr^«**• ntinei” <4 . <: ’ The me to go to U s H a’i n«*x* Saturda ,tu -ee tbe «loor locked went to the window where Wnat are th;-:>• «dadi«»!)** <>f <>ur vali'*} ? \! n > t »»vf-ythi. 4 thit ìsgrxn in a »emi-tropical rii. f r.iü.'iiv- . th • -j ".¡k«-r thought best -m dl < ’ • ■ r \\ het her I would i charge of the st bool on Th«»iupsuii « rc«*k • Several ' «»mmum • iii«»»»- ..re crowded out B lion Coim '.y < ». gave ail «•nt«*rtain- the B-»u’< » « • mate : all ! c •r»*--*!-* ami gia-r « indie« non- t > tm» t««inp -i :<* 7. - sight. The d< ed was c«»m- to ba p itnin « f C. water sprouts ¡rf»rf(»<*tiu*1tr.i : Apple»., peachee, uuiimrt, of this i--m- «»f the T ime -. .«he will go. as the which opens n«*x» Monday ment, pure, refined and elegant. At have l«i stay I mitted while in a delirious state *11«» doubt, ahno'idi», ti.:-, prmw*». aunc« :*. ¡•••arw. < h rri . .v.Jnm*. i • • • .ipiar, j>!u ».**. •tr’iwbwriftt», all otber It!»« Hit h» r« < uî l. i- the tops of en purchasing ru-erved young man •»muli fruii- an f crajm- <»f < v.-ry lari »r. W. 8. Kmg will buihl a house an I barn Jacksonville, April 7th. Harry Bi'»«»k- and N. F. Gre«*ii u t en as he was suffering from a severe attack of the -uiie.- !!«• th'iik- the prop» r s< a** hi for seats at th«- i ph Variety Store this tral Point, t wo excellent puiutcr*. are do­ Dr. B M. (i.li this week rect ivcd a p.i I niea-lc-. and was done by throwing a long in Foot’s creek precinct. GRANT S PASS Ip tl»A' most p; lining *u morning. ing some good w >rk in Jacksonv ill«» h»Wei over the transom of hi- d»x»r ami Staliom rv of all kinds,-uit.ibb» f«»r sclmul a/«» of sugar-beet -eeds from < ¡an-Spreck­ readily, thus giving nui’ne a < ii.aiict!. to the C<»U«it y-> . fl«»--; da»-cr»«m'> is t!i • .>- .• h -' i . 1 -»-j > hîA.1 r ¡y in ’i A • “ »» « I - t: • - . iu« ni !»• »! i* f »r « n »■«’ • . • •• t r • 1.1- «-f t i«* •• •»unt> bema sit- ♦ J Nunan this week r«‘.-cive«l a portion of op» rat«* ...«.-I ♦ ilei tua \ uaitsi on th«- I». K- >»f !{».' < • - • X w » «:•• j. ». . t f..;. .• f H■•« t t■> tn** in¡1 -. au«I ff goods he purchase-! Mr. Whitman ina«!«* s«»me Herman Hein - Is making some improve­ •ithht*»* an i: -. iu-tihl«' - .¡»pi » •»< w »• p.« k *r »r 'n.»- •■. »ir»‘. fu it-t-ot w.i> Grant’* Pa** the morning, will «I » well i<» keep -h-«u'«l b".. i . a KGF. si .-•« y tri S »1’!:'- .! 1’ it I. « «-e p «ri it t h«* crc u«* r«-»-<»U’r*- «•< unfortunate man was lying on the tloor, ments on bis fine residence. while at Qan Francisco not long since. ti> :.s in • •■.' tr«i t < f « -18 ami I. B. Williams of Antelope called on us 1-"«, f-piar«« m."-. «»r 1 1’«i." » i-r—. :«.• I i- - « : .i . I • I !»;. -x’ • i-o . :n licere»’s It i- »«liuira- «»ut for tlm bran new c««met which is now­ proving that it was a deliberate case of sui­ Henry Pape, Sr., has been confirmed a- p«»><* oi a:» » pi«*v « ;»t th«'!n fr bly ►>' ua’»-«l iv 4'4agM»u«.!y m .. w th r»*f»-•»«.•i?»-• j i « • tra L* »f tv« . • » h ». i •»urrotridiaif n and if »» Pay your arrearage* at the T ime - office i this week. His fine Percheron stallion coining north at the rate of a degree a day. i not likely • . «t m *> »• tpr- .nncy <-•- a <•«»• •*-.].' r_ 'in*:! - - . • n ’ :< f««r u.«- « «-'«iity. Mini nuuinff r»*Kinr, will cide and that he died of strangulation. will make the coming sea.-«»n at «liffcrent po«trnaster of Jacksonville He will prob • «»ur ••rchai«i-. Bv hi- rv«|U»-.-t pamphlets ami get one «»f our premiums. •■ v « t I»«* «li-pii* «I h I«..- gi : e \ i w \ fF.c !•:»<».•<. «».*’’E\ I HE.s •-¡i« h-, h I »r.*«-S.i-'i. D«»-»r and Luml»er 1 It is rep rte«l to possess a very brilliant Coroner Pryce of Medford was at once I j ably assume the office about May l«d containing importaul p »r!.<»ns of law- of place- in the valley («. I«»cst»*d h»*r»-, liiiKim factory, ma ' m«-si «»p and roun«i-h«-ur»-»* of tl.-- O. A R. R. are Call ami se-» that tine stock of -hoe- ju*t I nuch*u- ami a ’ail as straight a- a crowbar. here. Th".- w.' . a t»rieirux rtima’«« »,,1 - » »rt a iui «r-, vr ut «in w-xu«*k ? Io < auitalifct*« : We n*M»d summoned, and after holding an inquest < ';» 1 ornia on this - . j-- •» nere re t I to the There has been some frost lately, but not 11 was «Ii-.- «veit I at (’ape Town 11st month John white, who has been cuniined t . and wai t a national bxnk an«l a b: r ■■ -ml . •«.»• »i w »n!«i le» ; «. i”_’ tnv«—trn<»:it-. If a iu»-rchsn’. rom« ’ »»ver the body the jury brought in a verdict received at Reames A White. and start y>tir t«.i ne-s. W ■ n«-«* !-u» • .fall i.«l «• t xh »!•• co inty ctuu-s h<»re to trade. If a enough t«» «lu much damage tn fruit plus- I .m l ri-« s earlier <'vrrv m »ruing, ami will his room with an attack of measles, is able a-‘ « iati-rn. Almonds. fi!l»erts, brazils, peanuts ami maimfactur •* . w«* ran oft-r <»j«»n -¡«•»-.i l;d •p|««»:t .: . fura floarnig uiil!, raneen. paper-mill. in aemrdance with the above facts The seirc’.iry w..- ¡ii-tiiicttd t«> corre- pect.«. Some blossoms on the tree- Lave I in a few «lays be vi-it>!e t<» all who stay tit» | I«» be abt»ut again, we are please-1 to n«»t«* «iealli at his own hand«. walnuts at Jackson A Turner’s. spoud with «4her a-> - i «’ioli- ( ngaged in ingltere Th --pritig •»:• '«•» «4 ! » i • »< -ut«* t . !«< .|\,. «~l Wetirr -e'hi:*: fit;-* fanning been killed, however. [ late en at :h or get up early enough. | A I Barlow. Jae«»hy Bros , W. S Fitz land fi«»iii .*'> « • a- r • up. F ru ’ ta i v. ’ • r ¡»-riz < i • . iu t t'i- fi iv«»r a <1 ta-t.» "f »t «-nnnot he Mr Hopkin« was born >n New Brunswick, Superior potato?- an ! onions for sale at fruitgr ».v ing. for ti .« ; urpohv <»f g’ving excelled >¡i - fruit lare!- a- - • . • «-lli.-»' it -i'i- .f. . the line in Cali fon« ia ara School clerks who wish t«> make an as- gerahi, Wm. Stuart. C N. Lambert. J»«hn »ni««rn..i . -:r«ig’l».u n.krchang- garden land ; lj nninc Hi«- m w < f Grant’« P.« that Judge l\»oh.v <>!' San Francisco deli\- Our rates i»rv r«*;i-«»n t ' le. Judge DePeatt and Commissioners II ¡v- ber of the same j ear and arrived in the val­ ing idea-. Owing t t!'.< ab-ence uf j-evcral er«'d when he sentenced Walter Neustadt, Wat« h out for the graml parade by Bou­ SEND FOR PAMPHLET II. E Ai-keny of Mi »it ■ i ity has re­ who v, i h'‘.m »ii Hamberg and W. J. Pil ley in the winter of K m »51. He was a man tnond ami Carlton were at the county sent -pc. kers a! th:.- mt ; « f: t .• : lo ir names will I Ion’s Lil lies' Briss B in | on April 7i!i lt. Wear* pu LI i -L h h . kb • < full ti form; l««-n *«’•• i.t D. . «-. im«i • -p • h 1;> !l«»*rue Riv^r Valley.' moved to Sterling, when* he will reside. eher - wind I E M Parker, «»f Jackson thi«« week attending the regular monthly .«gu n appear on 1 thè ¡r< grani me for dis- well-known in this section ami was 61 Send to 11-f««r on«» and th«* nnme <»f \«•••ii;v p t’.i-w .» . • f- r h * ««¡-j ««f ««or w»*ekly pap inkr -c p •: for r«- »* r- to •*»•«• in w hich ww alao always ’ WINTER DE-00TE. Turner -. have« Ji».t <»f otir ¡»roperti«*. I ai»«l h .useh’ild fixtures the time <»f his death was a member of Ihr ; am can m» fuuml at Jackson r. . ;< motion it w i • !»•« i-h* 1 t<» hohl tbe b\ . Ii 1! :nh :« -t / »iiu- .1 .«I sale of prop­ J I »Iman. Jr., ami Jesse H'-uck «»f We t uy, t-.dl a d take on c«»inmission .«r.. pmpprto in ih*K<».! Sever,»; line d velli ig ¡1 »u-e- an 1 < »1« in Southern On--»»n Pioneer '-«»eivly ai • enti . 1 l*«.int un Apri! 23. All <••».•! . riii-»fi«insad lr«---f«d to u* will • -i"-» :«■■• lr-’ .•*’’•‘•1' - • '«•, ! tnj court.-«-¡es wa m^Y be There being no more opposition. the erty . l«» w ’»'.•’.. v ha I :i « lirh» After re­ Asldumi were here thi« week -’i^lxu ijo*-- hex’ ?ii‘ ctr al»l<» to «*x’> -.4 wd* be ch'*erfully i”v n. SMITH \ <’ON LLJ'L Grant’*» Pass. Or«<«>n. Central Point for sale at Luckey A Co.’s. | sax <» : u :.« ii « rting was ad- .« •! W. U* T. Co. have again raise 1 the rates ferring !•» Neu-t.t«ii - i lim «-!\ in which c«uine< te«i with the circuit c«»urt. T!.«*y re Í’VITLF. AND HORSIS BRANDI I» HL ON .1 Furtu nuir Aecidant. J I *ft hip. .M b » c-i’fli* braii'l'ti <••) l*»ft t i» Mj’’i e Se. retar}’. j mined Call ami -ee those elegant new goods at for ten-word messages to Medford from he perjured Lim-e.I. Judge looby -aid turned home Wetlnwlav. wide «»r tiip; al-«» ratîl»« br.ia I« «! •« f h .. ii -r. « - «»r On Friday B. R Willits, whois the fore­ the S F. Variety Stare. It will pay you fifteen to twenty-li\e cents It <»niv rema is now lor the court to pro- left sido or h:p. ih«’ e.ir-m.irk»» «»f ’ »* tb >ve Mrs. Geo. S. Howanl. wh«> lias been re- > man in charge of the construction of the ¡{•tniMf-t to Satt ln % brands ai«-ehort vr««n i-i l-e : -ar ;• i ! « r<«p in nounce judgment, and before doing well. ♦ right. Also rattle br«ti:d«il with SP ■: I ft Lip Chilcolt house which C. W. Ayers is build­ 1 he edit««r of the T imes , being very busi- occa-ion 1-ink« n t«» remark that our pres­ : riously ill, is much improved at this writ­ Mr. ai Mi- ' A <'.aikc. who several •ui«i mai ked crop in ri^iit «-arand hole ioni -¡»lit A new telegraph «nil 'e has been opened iy engaged in other important matters this ent «■«»de pr »vi.lt s no adequate penilty for ing, we are pleased to state. Mrs. W G ing on spring street, Lad a terrible tall and ; months .-ii.« «• ha-<n Comedy Co., play at U.S. Phelps having iss ied the first number of y«*t larceny in general is accoinph-hv«! . ers of blank books, records, e^.. has been that !.< «111 perform hi-duties a- agricul* without any <»t the m inilol I devices «»f ras- 2xt nailed on the roof and broke the descent. Hall. the Advertiser" in an enlarged form this caiity with which you so a«lr »itly effected 1 in the valley «luring the week •rural <1. r of tin* Oregonian a- well in E. J. BOWEN, From there he turned over once, and six­ the p nii ler «»I Parker - .'i»7.Ml The means week. We wish it success A > Whiting, who has creditably filte«i .«ah iu a- in P'»rt»H*i I. though his proence The I iMr- will be sent from now until af­ which y-i 1 and y mr . :as-j«»f pretemied real- teen f« et lower his arm caught on one of ter election for 25 cents. Send in your the p »siti«»:i of superintendent of the nin- then 1 gfcat part of the tine will of course Medford was visited by a heavy gale of «•- .t’v tic.ih*r-employ to ieccive, cheat and tbe ’•look-outs" of the scaffolding. This names. . clianic’s fair at Portland for several year- be • e«■v--ary. Wm I < larke, who has wind a few days since, which tore down a entr .p thr unwary, arc more nefarious 1' uiiereg'>n an softened the fall that when he struck <•»:< ductor !><•: w ■•« u P«»rt!an fan i Pa.-co, via i i Henry Klippel, the enterprising real- large this year, if the lnt<* frosts do not in- front of the business houses. ing. but the crime of a - windier is too base the ground on his hip he was only badly lo be callv«i c«»war«llv. terfere. . estate agent of this place ba< returne«! from t be-wil< hb.i« •<, l.a- Le. n appointed t«) a Everybody should call an«! see that mag­ broken up, sprained and bruise«!, instead fi.e offense «»f which you are guilty ought Pendleton, where he has been in attendance perm invnt position a« « «»nductor. hi- run I Commercial ami note paper, writing tab ­ nificent stock of goods !»eing «ii-played by to be «ie l.uc i a l«*L»iiy ; but -inee it of killed, as he would in all probability OUlj ■ on the State convention.and wase1e« to«l as l> iu? bctw»'t ii Port’aml and '’T«’k:in<‘ Falls. . Stu'v-;uam Garden. El ;«• r i.nd Ei'*ld 8?» >1 . i ']•»*♦ • ; ir.*»-». have been, bad he not fortunately struck lets, pencils, ink, etc. , kept bv Jackson J» Newman Fisher. Great bargains in cverv a misdemeanor, your puni-innert cannot I ' one of the delegates t«» the National con be ina h eitu r - iifi •..■nt or severe, The •»* Alfalfa. Onion Sett, etc., etc . mall vari t;»-? • line are being offered there. ’ I the extending piece of timber He ha« Turner’s. keenest yuffert r hi ail this infamous work vention. and lota to suit. 1 Lout Son II auleti Largest and m«>-4 CTnph'tv »>1 : d the North Immigrants are arriving «lady in the val­ been laid up fur a few «lays, but will be at For sal? at a bargain—a cosy dwelling of y«»urs is your pillaged «lupe, F. M Par- \nv | »'i . who p!ay here oti Dr Pryce wa- at the county seat last I. riven worth . Kan sel to mi. iy of the l ite D The t ill >« iii4 i. a tut of tbe grand mrur. A line, young bor-. well b Work thought of tix«; rcstiiuti ni or i i v part of < Jakland. Cui. Hopkins, wh«> committed suicide. the week ami the term will »»ceupy several «inpaiiele 1 f.r tlie April term of the cir­ your -poll to them. A- well might a bleat­ orride, is ufler»-1 <» sale.it a rea sufi a b!e Rev. Father Leonard, who Las been occu »lay« more. It lias been rumored that the time table ing la..ib expect m«*r v from a wolf, as cuit court: W. R Jone«, foreman, S , pvinir the pulpit in the Catholic church in figure. 1 »r furilo > peti u ir* e i juire at NI oii ’ m : iu <1 Parxcr to vx.Tct an hone-t or gener«»us act R R. will shortly be changed Rev. J. W. Miller will hold services at of tbe O. xk tbe T imi :- ulti» v. Farlow. Frank Amy. R. J Cameron, W. irom y >u h is the j 1 iginent «»f the court , this place for sometime past, starte-i lor m . and ar­ lleeejn, flio*. Martin, Jas McDonough. Central Point next Sunday, both forenoon leaving Pirtlan 1 at X »’clock and -•ntviK r«»i 1 aw that you be confined in ! Montreal, Cana«la Thursday, and will be Electric Hittrro riving at that place at 6 o'clock r m . the county jail tor the period of one year, succeeded by a new priest at once, He ASD U1 \l F.ES 1 X The following iiKlictmenta were returned: and evening. 1 i s reiue special men­ product»* tak n in < xchn i;-e f« r *¿«»« m I-. in a dwelling liuu,e; one afuinst Zera Da- elsewhere A copy of the T ime - sent regu­ Oregon Bh>od Purifier, for they know it by tional «lay tor each dollar of the unpaid ' Trottier. tion. All whohave used I. •■«•trie Bitters i YT" II- « 1er. are you owe -4 me : if - «. p’e - ¡.ay, n_- I a:n n«-« lire nij money . I sing the -atne xong «if praise. A purer hack for an assault with a dangerous larly. Try it. I J. SISAN. its reputation as being the best liver regu­ portion of tine. medic Ä.1 dots not < xi«t an i it i- guaranteed wea| on . one against A. II bunderitian fur Circuit Court Proceed I ny . The late rains have been of much benefit lator and blood cleanser in existence I Electric Bitt« r*» • Mttsquti Hall. libel, one against tach of A. C. Edtnonsun The following proceedings have taken to «I«» all that is < ..jini»*«i to both farmers and miner*, though more will cure ill discus s of the Liver and Ki 1 - Wrisley A Miller, real estate agents at flit event of the season at Medford was place in the circuit court up to the T ime - nevs. will remove Pimples. Boils, Halt ami — Hughes, for violating game law. is yet needed. LOUIS LEVIN, ACENT Medford, have sold II C. Fh ming’s place the Brass Band .- masque ball which took ' Rheum and «»ihrr a fleet i«»n- caused by im­ went to press; in Little Butte creek to a new-comer Easter Oboe rr ducei. ( Farms of all siz an 1 to suit everybo«ly pure bloo«l Will drive Malaria from the place « hi the 2*4(11 uit H«»ward's Hall was It was ordered that Frank Gall«»way. W. I for sale at Luckey A Co. Easter Sunday was appropriately observ­ Central Point named Bell for $3k>», making a g«»od sale. 1 crowded t » its utm >.d, ami the sport was t I>. Finnerty. G. E. Billings. C. U. McClen- MV-teni and prevent as well as cure all Ma­ DEALERS IN larial fevers. For cure of Headache, Con­ \ GHANI) ed in Jacksonville in b«»th the Catholic and Ashland. • < «»litinm i until a late hour. Everybody en- I lhe Los Angeles “Herald" says: “Th® ' don J T. Layton. A. R. Moomau. R. C. stipation ami Indigestion try Electric Bit­ un«i Presbyterian churches. At the for­ Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or Reaiues A White have the must complete Paul Boulon Comedy Co. is undoubtedly ‘joyed themselves and went home well j I Craddock and W. Harj»er be excused ters mer high mass was celebrated an! a splen­ and finest stock of shoes of all kinds in money refunded Price .’»n cts. and $1 m' the finest company of its kind on the pleased, and with a good wor 1 for liie man­ from serving a« jurors. per buttle at E. 1 . Brooks* Drug Store. did sermon wa« delivered by Father Leon’ southern Oregon lii following is a list of lhe Coast.” See them at U.S. Hall April 7th. agement. J. 1'. McCully ami Owen Keegan were ard. while the singing was excellent. At person- ami the characteRi they sustained: appointed bailiffs for tbe term “Are you going far this evening? ’ ‘ No,” A an l reliable Medic :ne.i arc the best Deed«, mortgage« ami every «lescription I the latter church the services, which were Ray Young, «lomino; Miss Cunnyngbam 1 Ulia«. Niekett vs. C. Lempert; action to VJVVV to dep(.nd up(>n. Acker's Blood El­ only to reserve me a < »uple of seats for the of real-estate and legal blanks for sale at con Iliete* I by R»v. R Ennis. were al«<» un­ Bullion (’oiyedy Co. a:iiMr- 1 A Harri-, jockey-; G <’un- i recover money Judgment for $93 59 and ixir has been prescribed for vcars for allim- the riMF.- office at Portland price« Give usually interesting Both these places of prritiesof the Blood. In every formof Servi­ nyiigh.im, M iry < u : hi \ ago tm and (»ra< e costs. TUESDAY EVENING. ¿UY l-t Harmonicas, pocket book-, purges, mem ­ us a «-all. it you need anything iu the bliiiik worship were handsomely decorated for n' ,,, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is FusU-r, d-»:niii'. -: Jas. Daw-ou. F«»re- Jas. 1. Morton vs. s. A. Mort«»n .divorce I mvaluable.' For Rheumatism, LasnoeauaL 0X11» MUSK %NDM ITER WILL Bl. PKD- the occasion and attracted large congrega­ orandum b-M»k-. combs ami hair brushes at line paugh’s circus; Cecil Young, sister of . Default entered. I vifhnl. ri- k« ’-, including ov«»r>thi'><', sj Jackson A Turner’s, * tions. Newman Fisher has one of the most charity E.ma Young, knight; J«, nine Wil­ M ART HL EST. W. A. Eaton vs J. (’. ami H E. Atkins; Cigars and tobacco of the latest and complete and best stocks of general mer­ cox, day and night; Jessie Slocum, fancy W U kcC|» < < >il*t:i!ltlv "il II i : i .| it Í mph !<■ nini Well Selected A»' IC puhlirdH County Convention. I to recover money. Judgment fur $91 00 choicest brands can al wavs be h ad at chandise in s »uthern Oregon, and every­ dress; Mary Wiicox. good luck, Mattie I.a>t Wednesday was the day set for the and costs. sort ment <»f Jackson A Turner’«. ♦ body acknowledges that he cannot be un- Uuutiynghain. tl igof the union ; AliceGr.f- Republican county convention, which met J. H Oatman vs. A <». Epp-, M andai? Persons having any dramas which belong dersold. I ■ Bn Nature is faultless and so is that in the T. S. Hall in Jacksonville fur the i'lil. «»bl ’ '■iliiiibi .t ; Bile Butcher, Top-y ; j from supreme court entered noble discovery, continaing only Na­ AND SEEDS las. Hamlin vs. Frank Kas-lnafvr. Same I ' A. I». Seal, tin* clever re,»re«entative of Emma Ju«tus. sailor Millie Riddle, morn- purpose of electing seven delegates to at­ to Henry Pape, Jr . will confer a favor by ture's own remedies, “The ' Are acknowledged the bent- being hardii A. S< hilling (’•». «»f San Francisco. < .11.. ingami nt*lnlnf ouly th« beat rarteCe«, frw oo a|yll- Tlir folloa ing gentlemen were elected W. l,m A Co., at Ashlan«l ami Central Point. , Mr. S. and family are n -.v residents of Al and Wiley Uunnyngham, clowns; Miss ! confirmation of sherifl’*» N ile. C »ufirrnv«i. eatton. WEITK FOB IT. *!>. I-. MA-Y &> OO., bany. Or. I. It. Dawson vs. M. E. Pogue and Cha«. H Leeds, J. C Tolman, and W. II Atkin calle«! on u« Wednesday Dy;ir. morning -tar, Mr.-. West. T illy; No- ! ifoNEYA LIVER REGULATOR • h» m Vidci*«>£»-oii THE BEST OF EVERYTHING SOME FACTS ENGEL BROS.. DRUGGISTS OREGON MOENIX, I iE INVITE INSÎ’Ei HON. a > ’ W W - HANLEY ó¿ LOVE. J.NUNAN’S 1888 SEEDS!! SPRING PURCHASE 65 From St. Portland, Or CIGAR MANUFACTURERS SEBASTOPOL AND ASSABET WOOL SUITINGS, PLAIDS, FRENCH CASHMERES, HUH S VEILINC IN COLORS, FICURED ORGAN­ DIES, COLORED CHAMBRYS, CAMBRICS, PIQUAS, NAINSOOKS, VICTORIA LAWN, COLORED PER­ CALE, ORIENTAL AND LINEN LACE, Embroidery and Insertimi. .Ml over Embroideries, Renfrew. Lancaster and Miioskeas. Staple Ginrhams. and nice Patterns in Calico. ''VoiitlChi (J otlkiu^*, TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES HAND-BAGS, SATCHELS, ETC., ETC. I LEAF TOBACCO Nus. II.Ï 4 II? Front St.. San Francis™. INLOW * ASHPOLE, MAY-DAY BALL! General Merchandise Little Butte Precinct, I tlli lilill«*- 1’of-t oili«M' EAGLE POINT, FAULTLESS! NORTHERN GROWN PUNTS CLOTHINC, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. ’ •CHEEHim < ¡ son of Ashland, J. W Merritt and A H Maegly. Jack'««nville, J. S. Howard. Med ford; Theo. Cameron, Uniontown. Thr Lnit. Some 13 stages and 35 horses, belonging to the late '' ilif.irnia ami Oreg »n stage line, were brought here from Siskiyou mountain la*t wr -k, in • ¡arge of Division Agent W I. ^mith, where they have been kept all winter, for ulid« s or breaks dur­ ing the winter storms. The horses were taken on down to Calistoga, and the stages will be stored here for the present.— Yrtka Journal. I .i rrrtfrtl. Two I h . vs by the name of Caldwell, aged 17 and 14 year«, who live in the Gold Hili district, were arrested one day this week on a charge of threatening the life of Max Jacoby of that place. They h ive been lodg­ ed i” the county j nl their c.» m » s now being l»ef«»re the grand i’lrv F.um all accounts they are rather bard « ax— ami should l e dealt with a<•<-»>rdiugly. Runatray. \V I. Web.ter’’ team run away on Tues’ day iortutin;. ! v they d: l no fur. Iher tb:m te wi-> ’ • down a p met of felice in 1- nt <■! Mr i'urner - residence <»i> They I».»*- i tn* frightened while .»Ih Street at thè .team grist mill and ran down 3.| ,tre«t to C street and wm stopp«*«! on Mb Street. reraunnt. We have bad the ple^.ureof meeting lie, father F. S. Novel. wl... has just arrived Mrs. R. i Nickell; tn recover money. On trial. McCrary, ! Jacoby Bros, vs <’. W Cornelius; t«> re­ Scotch la'>n Will, derri ii in. Irishman; i cover money. Dismissed. A H. Maegly vs. E. Talbott: to recover Nf i-. <»•* IL*'t«» i.¡J 'd itiie IL»gue, school ; I money. Same as above P ' ! • - - ' . . A II: clown; Minnie Ri«l I ••, mikado down;' Cha«. Nickell v>. G. E J«> 1 •.x 1 id J. W. M«»rt. I'.»iter, sailor boy; J. II. i-tilhbie- Cunnyngha.ii; to recover nionrv. Motion tie'd. Irish b..« kc , Bert. Wiutm.i»i, «iai ncy; to quash summons overruled ami judgment John Turner, peasant girl. C.i>s»c Hoag- | for $411 t'». attorney’s fees and costs or- Jones wa« laud. Folly ; D W. Crosliv. «illy ; Mrs. Geo. dered against Cunnnyngham allowed until April 4th to plead further Langley, kidght : Mi-s L mgley, lady. Fleckenstein .v nothing Watson. Hume cUtunns arc well tilled \ stranger in Eugene write- :<» the with local ii«lvxTti-cmunt- tlicy j tig.- the •«» iard’ as follows, and the railroad («111 busiiies- mm i • I»»» wideawake ami enter- pri'i- : Th \\ .1 i r i iy t • c jme to -ipdi a panv s!i ml I give it notice; \V t y .A‘ . r«»a«l thus enabling them to see I came next over because they k.n»w tii.it this has baeli the thi- beautiful country’. practice befoi'- »f aii . »•.^» ih«*.i I an«l pro- the N. P It. It , went direct to I'acuuia. ppointed in not seeing nnv gr« >-.\ P»w ii-, while a d'.ili town is kept and being d wer seeds, onion sets, j Why. where you goin’ in such a hurry ? millet see«!, etc., fresh ami pure, for sale ' ”<>11. only to the Telegraph Variety Store to reserve me some seats for the Boulon at the 8. F. Variety Store. * Comedy C«>.. who play here April 7th. A Chinese peddler from Portland pawl The overland train from t'alif 'rni i li.i I Jacksonville a visit this week. He did a 112 pa-«png<*rs aboard one iu »ruing Uri* limited amount of business. week. This is the largest train th Il l- Several persons from Ashland were in passed over the r«»a I since it cumplvl ion. town Wednesday, being in attendance on | Travel bids fair toinerra.-e from now on. the Republican convention. Fir-: Ail tit- *toppe«l free by Dr Kline’ Jacksonville charges a ped Iler license of Great Nerve R —t«»rer No fits after first $5. which has a tendency to cause their • lav • um *. Marvelous cures. Treatise visits to be short It is right. and two trial bottles free to fit cases. S»*ml Notes, receipts, due-bills, orders ami to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch street. Philadelphia. checks, in books, in «juantities to -nit, for I‘«»r the lust turnouts for all o« «'as!ons ! sale cheap at the T ime .'- office. cal! at th«* E.\< «,l-i«»r livery stable in .la« k- Wante«! authority to paint al 1 h” houses sonviile 1*1 ymah'\ price- are «juit»’rea­ in Jacksonville urn! vicinity—by Ct a sonable and lie never t ii1- in giving -.itis- i Fischer, the scientific painter-. f.u lion Y««»l will al-«» «) » w»*ll to patron- I It you wan; y«»ur property sol«l «¡uickly. iz.«* Ins -i.ier lit.»* running l>«- we»’n this * at theb«-.-t ligur»-, « all «»11 M. E. Be.i’fv.at place ami Medfor«! for sale at the T imes office. Steve 1» »otli ,i irr«»w4y «•-<•.ipr«| .-» -erions * A l.irg«1 ami elegant I in«.* «»f novelties and a« « !n j la*t evening while driving a -pan oi «•< ':>. notion-» <»i many kimls have just been re­ l'li«-\ l»<‘rirni«- ii ii.rmagf »>»!•• ami re. into ceive«! at th«* S F Variety 8tore. * Dii-v er« « k •» i <"alif«»rnia-trert.v. here th«-\ Iav’.<-«»n A iurner of the ielcgrapb ’ st<»pp«-«l No damage wa-* done. \anety >t«»r«- thi- week receive«! a ¡»eanut I.iitle cherub “Pa. I ain only Iff years roaster, which is a n jvel machine If you want to enjoy two hours of good i ol«J, ain’t I ?’ Pa “Yes, why doyou ask .’" solid fun, don’t fail t«» see the Boulon Com­ ¡he. - “Oh, nothing, only I can g«» to see | the Bunion Comedy Co. for only 25 cents, edy Co at Jacksonville April 7th. his ival-c-tate «»tlb’e. in Medford. The trains from b«»th the north and i -•»nth have been late at «litre!ent times dur­ ing the past week, owing to storm«. from Portland, and who »ill take i-barg. of the so itliern «»r.-^on Mission, lie will bold his first service# in the < itholic A few <-op - . i the American Settlers’ church in thi» plaee nett Sunday morning Guide, tarn! ir l authority on all land and evenin,:. | matter-, may be f«»uml at th? T imes office. Milton Maule, the popular painter of Med- f«'T«l called on us on«» day this week, as al- Strived fn mthe undersigned at Jackson­ i s • did Horace Nichols«»n oi the same place. ville. a dark red cow. half Jersey, —about A nice line of novelties has just been re­ four years <»ld, no marks or brands; lost ceived by Newman Fisher; also a first-class shell from left h >rn. am! clean ne.it head (»ive him a Was in good order. A suitable reward will assortment of new go«xls call. be paid for any information leading to her R» a«l our grand clubbing inducements recuvrev. J. N vmax . published elsewhere, un i if you want the leading journal of southern Oregon an«! the Wanted. A girl to do general house-work is want­ be«t newspaper or peri«xlical in the United ed at once by Dr. Will Ji;s>i Wages States f«»r the price of over ticket, for which the Co. charged me |5 extra to take the local train to Eugene City ami >» e the Willamette valley by day­ light. I had heard of Tacoma and tbe Sound but bad scarcely heard of the Willamette, L’mp'jita ami R »gue river valley«, and tllought it scarcely worth while to waste a I i : i I i and S lcd » men , All of wllicli will 1>.> H»ld at the S t . P aul , M inn . MOST REASONABLE RATES MgTQ STOPPED FREE L I ■ W ir- f.. u » r • ’ >. >:i!¡~í i •'i • : < iirir.tiitc I t‘»r your*. Ut*. I’lea* • ¿fi.e i;* •« trial an •» > Stre ft-e / »• A f 7 t. «i. } . J ... t.'e. I nf a i in;- • t ■ a. «’’?-• A / - .»<.-/•»• iS 1 IOO Doses One Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparilla I« the only medicine of which »his can be truly said; and 14 is an unanswerable argument a, to the strength and positive tconomy ot tlm great medicine. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is made pf roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably known for their power in purifying the blood ; and in combination, proportion, and process. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is jxruHaz to itwlf. “ For economy and comfort we use Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” M bs . C. B rewster , Buffalo. “Hood’s Sarsaparilla takes less time and quantify to show its effect than any other preparation I ever heard of. 1 would not be without it in the house.” M rs . C. A. M. IIVUBARD, North Chili, N’. Y. 100 Doses One Dollar Hoort's Sarsaparilla otires scrofula, »alt rbeum, all humors, boil«, pimples, general do- bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com­ plaints, and all affections caused by Impure blood or low condition of the system. Try It. “ I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and for over a year had two running sores on my neck. I took five bottles of Hood'« Sarsapa­ rilla. and consider myself entirely cured." C. E. LovE.rov, Lowell, Mass. “Hood'« Sarsaparilla did mo an immense amount of good. My whole system has beer, built up and strengthened, my digestion tm. proved, and my head relieved of the bad feel ing. I consider it the best medicine I havo ever used, and should not know how to do without it." Many L. IT blf , Salem. Mass. To the E ditor : Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the ah •Vc-nanivi disease By its timely use and if I was older I would have to pay 5«) thou- m l- ui hope!« -s « a->e.s have been per­ cent.«. manently curd I «hall be glad t > send Almost miraculous are some of the cures two i»«»ttles ui my remedy free to any of your rentiers who haveconsumption if they accomplished by the u«e «»f Ayer’s Sarsapa­ will -en.| me their express and postottice «lav on them, so you may imagine my sur­ rilla. In thecaseof R I. King, Riclinion«!. a« 1« 1 r< ss. I les pect i ully. prise when I found it the most beautiful i \ - . 'I '’ i-i Pearl street, country it has been my good fortune to see. Va . who suffered f.»r 47 years with an ag­ New York. I am ii« > longer disappointed with the north­ gravate I form of scrofula. Ayer’s Sarsapa­ west. I inrst go home.but will return and rilla effected astonishing results /«< I onxHinption Incurable, Sold by all druggists, fl; six for>5. Made bring a few friends with me. Read (hr following: Mr. U. H. Morris Lost.— I don’t know where. I « an t tell only by C. I. Hixil» & 01, Lowell, Mass ’ Wasdown with Ab* when, I don’t see how—something of great Newark. Ark., «ay- To be Appealed. scess of Luiig-. ati«l friends ami physicians value t«) me, and fur the return of which I i The • a^e of Ge«j M. Love v«. < L bs . pronoum t d me an im urable consumptive. shall be truly thankful, viz. a g«>o«l appe- Began taking Dr King’s New Discovery i Nickell, decided in favor of tbe plaintiff tite.” l«»r <’onsumpuon, am m»w on my third but- jin the circuit court this week, will be ap- Found.— ‘Health ami strength, pure tic, and able tu «»versee the work on my i pealeii to the supreme court where tbe farm. 11 is the finest medicine ever ni ide.' ’ ' defendant is confident of reversing tLe I Newipapor Advertising Bureau (10 Sprues blood, an appetite lik- that of a wolf, reg­ 'fitreett. where adver. IfAfllV Jrs-e Middiewart. Decatur, Ohio, says: tislnireonti Ktsmay MfaMf XIIMX ular digestion, all by taking that popular “Had it not been f >r Dr. King’s New Dis­ judgment of the lower court. bo uuulu lor U llEaW 8 UHIWa covery fur Consumption 1 would have died and peculiar medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla. For Sale. I want everybo !v t«> try it this sea««»n.' of Lung troubles. Was given up by doc- Ehe undersigned oilers his entire band of , H T | H WANTED. •25aweeksn»l ex- t<»r>. Am now in best of health." Try it. It is sol«! bv ail druggists Ou? hundred Sample butties free at E C. Brooks Drug cattle for sale at rensotuble figure*. . H LLl ¡e ii -‘ h pauj. StR»ny w«»rk. NewGovd»». tíxniplci ÛM. J. F-JLILÜÀ < V-i ¿Our». djses oa« dollar. 0. O ümysi^. WiUúcus '-Yeck. 1 rJWWiTúrs: IOO Doses One Dollar. THIS PAPERE,?, t F lorist « It is a benefit tu the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH. HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of P funder 9 O regon B lood P urifier Quick and Complete Cure of all Diseases of the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rt^umatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness,and puts trebl; energy into the system by making >«•«%. Hi« ti Bl«»«»14 .< .4 used e\\ r\where, fi a bottle, 6 fur K Hood’s Sarsaparilla Strayed or Stolen. OREGON ^■Fitv»*' - receive,!. ■I «Mi ted to I« See Druggiïts. ..! X -.-.■is?- t le I te -» -re*«. !. .r/f •*". w'lcn 1 « » ' , I ex-.-r- ..'.-r . < ( t Ar ' -f. i" 1 r. u/ ........... /.V/Z, “,\. FOR RENT HE UNDERSIGN! !» \ ! M M OF I 1’V a«-r h f »r r«",t .a r a-o ml.! • Ml «T the Hll'T!«« I- lll’d'T f ‘I’ I :.'.«II|. ■ tn tivKti >n. Ti««* bu.hl ng« •■• ti»<* j. • r»»r> fair and »-V« rj iliing in •• • » I ..r«l r I «r r«i rt l»**r parti« ular- pu piim «»f C(M»KK| V 4 i >\\ i : X. li«,al E-t ' k • it - . « ’ ' ll - . Po, . :;f. < )r cnn. T F3R GASH ONLY FOR 30 DAYS, HORSES LOST Ml lt\YI »L I BOM PHH Nl\. <»N MAR( II |jth, O » «e-» bin ili. i»a> mar»*«, M mm I all Hr<»und. One of them Lat» but .»n»- n> «I u»*iih«T ha- nay brMn«k I ‘ «' umbTMcnt «1 will pay a lib- ral re. ward foi their return M. L WHITSETT Pl.œaix. N. S. DREW. I atti«-branded I )p an<*ar-«»l«ls aril upwards ha»o the ¡»oint <»f rirht i.orn haw -I >»tf. Ram¿>*on Api»!«-^ ,t -. Hoocabrand d on ti_ht bi«» N. S DREW to SELL (U K ENTIRE STOCK of Dry and Faii.-v <>.... I-. <’1«>tliintr. ii.H.ts ami Shoes. Dr«’-" Goo.li-, Gents’ Fnr- tiir-liing G< h >tir good- and learn our prices, we extend to xou, one and all. an invitation t«> and examine ti e sntn.- and be your own judge* r«-gardiiig quality and price» of go<>.|>. Rwinbr this Sah» hnliiiiirs Imi Thirty • Dau and fur Cash Univ I I ! » FOR COUNTY CLERK. IH R! BY ANNOtM EMYNl I I AS \ < \N- didafe f.»r th»» «itiir»» <»f i\ i <•( Jack* non co inly, subject to tt.-‘ ti«»it. t«» Ge |H«hI f«»r th«.- par (> o » m ‘ «>f nominatili;: court y otti«*« t -. N A..JACOBS. I Notice For Settlement ILL THOSE INDEBTED io I. J. GOOD. * 1 wjn ar<* requested to «'all and thn Kime with meat o!i«'»*.asl lmv»»beenMpp«iint»»r~ J. R. WRITSMAN, V^rrwudrot J. W. CUSICK, T J. K. ELDERKIN, ^«x*. and Mana an « »s-.M«, • . . v nnd rigor 1 ; N>J »0— I>n«:pT 2i. - -.I .■ -r.. I •• - |. «t" A pow»;rf’»l arr. ■« :«v r;. ,,r ,,n ¡ r «,*•.: «i< p..r«i<5. al^rnfren. BAhkK KEM. (XI.. Box I -1. builuio. b. Y. l«miei»lnPli||Bart#hla ------- ipef ar.vgr If tiio “ N*-.»cr GsÄHR Arrjic Qi /r\irÄtfdfö 11*. $60,000.00 ALBANY, OREGON IWM. ULRICH, Oistiict Agftirt. MEDFORD, OREGON